#Crab Week
This crab day thing has gotten so frustrating so fast. The person who suggested it is an anti-abortion anti-feminist right wing christian transphobe. Many of the people spreading additional posts and info are ALSO anti-abortion right wing christian transphobes. Seriously. Start clicking their blogs when you see these posts. Search "abortion" and "feminism" and "trans" and "gender" and "groomer." This is really easy to confirm. But people don't give a shit because "crabs fun." okay.
And its not like people aren't aware of it at this point. Search "crab day" on tumblr and a good chunk of the results are asks saying "hey btw crab day was started by a transphobe/right wing christian." and most of those people have responded with something along the lines of "Um okay but like its a good idea though??? You guys can't even collaborate with conservatives for like a second to achieve a political goal? UGH this is why nothing ever gets done 馃檮." or "Um okay but like that post had nothing to do with their political beliefs. so like its fine lol. Crab fun." Or "oh no omg im so sorry thats so gross i deleted the post but im still gonna keep reblogging all the other posts by the conservative transphobic anti abortion right wing christians whos blogs i wont check because we need to save tumblr!!!!"
Let me make this really fucking clear for those who don't get it: it doesn't matter if the post is not about their political beliefs. You and all your mutuals are reblogging them. You are making it easier for them to network and find each other. You are bringing them new followers, a bigger audience, a bigger platform and a bigger pool of people who will spread their oh so relatable non-political posts. Which will bring in more followers. And some of those new followers are going to be young dumbasses who are going to see all their posts about "groomers" and "mutilation" and the evils of porn and the horrors of abortion and how feminism actually harms women and do i need to tell you how that story ends?
You are showing that "crab fun" is way more important to you than the safety of trans tumblr users. You are giving them a bigger platform and a wider net with which to potentially harm trans people. By saying that you're not going to let their political beliefs ruin your fun, you're making it very clear that trans people are less important than your fun. And you're making it VERY fucking clear that you'd RATHER tumblr become a safe and welcoming place for anti-feminist anti-abortion right wing transphobes than give up fun crab.
You are showing that your need to throw money at a corporation is more important to you than trans tumblr users. I get where you are coming from. I do. You want tumblr to keep existing. I want tumblr to keep existing. I also want the other trans people who use this fucking platform to keep existing because frankly, they are the only reason i'm here. and if they aren't safe here and if you will throw us away just to keep tumblr shambling along a little longer then I have no fucking interest in tumblr.
"Okay but we need to save tumblr uwu!!!!" Look I'm just some dumbass and I don't know shit (and to be PERFECTLY honest, so are you), but I think this is a little more complicated than "if we raise enough money we can save the school/family farm/community centre/(insert cozy heartwarming thing that needs to be saved)!" As other smarter people have said, tumblr is operating at a yearly $30 million deficit. Thats $30 million just to break even. For one year. not become profitable. Its not a bail them out once and its all good forever situation. Tumblr is not a small message board run by volunteers who actually use donations to stay afloat. They are not a non-profit. They are not running a pledge drive. Throwing money at a corporation does not a nonprofit make. It makes you a consumer.
Your response to "tumblr making bad changes" is "give them money for making the bad changes to show that we don't like bad changes!! A reverse boycott'll show 'em!!" You sure about that??? (And some of you are calling this """""unionizing?"""" Put that word back on the shelf.) You don't know what you're doing and you're not listening to the smarter people who have tried to explain it to you. And once again, you're showing that this half baked scheme is more important to you than trans tumblr users. because crab fun.
And @everyone whos clambering over each other to "collaborate with conservatives for a good cause," we already fucking know that you love to do this shit. You are the same people who will say "yeah but theres bad people on both sides!!!" and who wont give up your Harry Potter or your Chick-Fil-A. You will throw us under the bus the SECOND it gets you something you want. Even something as stupid and small as pickle brine or a shitty videogame or fucking "crab day." And guess what. The second all your "shared goals" are accomplished and the conservatives get what they want FROM YOU??? You're going straight under that bus too.
And also, isn't it maybe a little hmmmm. SUSPICIOUS that CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS want to throw money at the site that we've been bitching and screaming at for how unfairly it censors any display of queer sexuality????? They don't have the same problems with tumblr that you do. You think that collaborating with THEM is gonna stop that? Gonna get the porn ban reversed? Gonna turn tumblr into a co-op? Gonna "unionize this bitch?" Hello????
If you must. MUST participate in this because crab oh so fun and tumblr is oh so in need of saving then for the LOVE of FUCK make your OWN POST and STOP PLATFORMING THESE PEOPLE. i don't want to hear "Oh but its a good idea it doesn't matter if a bad person came up with it separate art from the artist lol" if you're not MAKING AN ACTUAL EFFORT TO EXCLUDE THEM FROM THIS. BLOCK THEM. CHECK THEIR BLOGS. BLACKLIST THEIR URLS. ITS EASY.
and then maybe go give your $3 to an actual non-profit. or to an actual leftist independent organization. Or wikipedia. Or inaturalist. Or to one of the many hyperspecific message boards out there who are struggling along on donations from like 5 people. Or maybe, maybe, give your fucking $3 to an abortion fund or to a trans person's go fund me so they can buy food. Or to a womens shelter or a fucking homeless person or to any of the other people who anti-abotion anti-feminist right wing christian transphobes want to stop existing.
My partner is afraid to leave the house alone because people with these exact same political beliefs are in power. People are getting their HRT ripped away from them because people with these exact same political beliefs are in power. People are being forced to give birth because people with these exact same political beliefs are in power. Every day I'm ready to get the news that the state my partner is in is no longer safe and we have to figure out an escape plan. These people do REAL HARM in the REAL WORLD and their beliefs are, tbh, way more fucking insidious and mainstream and tolerated than those of TERFs.
But fun crabs are more important. okay.
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omg-snakes 1 year
Thoughts on Crab Day
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I support this idea and I'll be participating on July 29th.
I see a lot of folks saying things to the effect of, "don't reward Tumblr for making things worse/not listening to their userbase/not adding features I need-want-like." I also see a lot of posts saying that the organizers of Crab Day are TERFs, neo-Nazis, and/or ultraconservatives.
While I agree that TERFs and Nazis (neo and paleo) need to be yote into the sun, whoever started this idea was not wrong about the site needing money to continue operating. Tumblr is a business. That's how businesses work.
Now, they can get money from advertisers and monetization partners, or they can get it from users. If they get it from advertisers/investors, those parties have the opportunity to weigh in on features they think will generate more revenue... like Tumblr Live... which is objectively trash. Tumblr Live is powered by LiveBox, an add-on service provider that enables sites to host live streaming content to generate revenue. Tumblr is also trying to attract users from the X-Twitter exodus by making the interface more familiar to these users. Was this a bad idea? Yes. It's a desperate attempt to attract more users so as to increase ad views and generate more revenue. But, remember, Tumblr is a business. That's how businesses work.
For YOU (and me!), Tumblr is a community. It's a platform for our art. It's a meeting place for friends and like-minded individuals. It's a safe space for self-expression. It's the last mostly-unmonetized bastion of social media in a landscape dominated by influencers, hustlers, and data-miners. For TUMBLR STAFF, Tumblr is a service that they are trying to sell so that they can obtain money that they can then exchange for food, housing, repayment of student loans, etc. If they can't afford those things by selling you their services, then they will literally go do something else. Yes, Tumblr is indeed a business and not just a passion project. That's how businesses work.
So by buying things directly from Tumblr, like a $3 crab-summoning gift, and especially as part of a coordinated effort like Crab Day and/or Crab Week, you are telling Tumblr Staff that YOU are a CUSTOMER, not just a monetizable data point. We are, in a very distant sense, establishing ourselves as a body of influence. If Tumblr sees that we can and will do this en masse, they are more likely to treat us as contributors and potentially shareholders who need to be kept happy. We each have a vested interest in the continuation of this site, and we have a rare opportunity to show the specific value of that interest.
Also, for those who want more accessibility tools, this is a great way to get those implemented. Accessibility for web applications is a big, big business and toolkits and training for accessibility standards tend to cost quite a lot. Training for a single accessibility plug-in toolkit can cost around $2000 per user*. That's about 667 crabs. By participating in Crab Day, even just a little bit or even just spreading the word about it or even just allowing others to participate as they please without pitching a ragequit tanty about it, you can tell Tumblr staff that you're here as a customer, your voice needs to be heard, and your needs are important.
If this doesn't work, and Tumblr doesn't take their userbase seriously after we make a concerted effort to support them, then please by all means go back to whatever version of complaining makes you feel most satisfied. But just for now, let's try something new!
*based on actual costs of a web accessibility training program offered by the agency for which I work
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marlynnofmany 1 year
Hey, fun fact about the Tumblr Crabs: if you leave a tab open from the crab time and forget about it ... you can still have crab friends several days later.
Behold my illicit crabs:
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(Sorry to the one I captured accidentally. It appeared right under my cursor as I was clicking.)
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forumkedis 1 year
~*Friendly reminder*~
July 29th, 2023 is unofficially Official Murkoph is Ssael Day, and July 29-August 4 Murkoph is Ssael Week. You can celebrate with memes and theory defense posts about how Murkoph is Ssael or by interacting with and responding to memes and posts about how Murkoph is Ssael. You can also, of course, always send your questions and observations about Murkoph being Ssael to @unsoundedcomic , for additional festivity!
see you there! 馃
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samarajethwa 1 year
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Carcinisation of crown
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greater-than-the-sword 2 months
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Thank you! I'm not sure whose crabs I just activated but it might be yours
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ridleyytheriddler 1 year
completely forgot it was crab day
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justepilepsy 1 year
Once again I would like to offer a collaborative approach in improving the UX to make the site safer and more approachable to people with photosensitivities (migraine, seizures, strokes, vertigo, autism...)
Yes people are upset.
But also I think people want to keep their communities. Improving accessibility will make tumblr stand out in a positive way and will make people more willing to pay and donate towards this site.
My emails/dms/asks are open.
There are many great ways to create accessibility and to also still display ads or even market ad free to those who can afford it.
I like that you seek other means to create revenue opposing selling user data. I want to support it. Financially.
I can not do so if there are no efforts seen in the areas of accessibility.
@photomatt @staff
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not-spiders 1 year
Do Not Do Crab Day.
GUYS DON鈥橳 DO CRAB DAY! it isn鈥檛 our responsibility as users of the site to fund tumblr and keep it afloat. collectively giving them money as they make changes that we are AGAINST isn鈥檛 doing anything other than to show them that we DO support these changes - write feedback through all possible avenues and if/when they backpedal on the changes THEN AND ONLY THEN we should do crab day. funding shows nothing but support.
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wolfjackle 1 year
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I hate the new position of the "summon crabs" button. I used to be able to summon 200 without accidentally clicking on any. Now 130 seems to be the limit. RIP the two I captured. I'm so sorry.
Now, to spend the next 20 minutes making all of these crabs love me.
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melna904-blog 1 year
This is the best!!!
This is the best thing that has happened to me this week!
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aceofstars16 1 year
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I was looking through my stuffed animals and look what I found! I forgot about this dude! But I found him again鈥N THE LAST DAY OF CRAB WEEK!!! 馃馃馃馃馃馃
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forumkedis 1 year
Is there a difference between Murkoph is Ssael and Ssael is Murkoph?
You know, that's a really excellent philosophical question. I think probably it would be best to ask Glass, but in the meantime I think there is definitely a lively debate to be had!
I guess we can really look to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time to get a leg up on this debate's philosophical stucture. Anon, are you team Sheik is Zelda in drag, or team Sheik and Zelda are different people and Zelda is harboured inside him to hide her? I lived with a hardcore Zelda fan who was on the opposing side from me, so I can argue either position. I presume, though, that your position on this matter will closely align with your position on Sheik/Zelda
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The final day of crab week is upon us!!
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The best crabs are surely those that come from friends that one adores馃グ. Thank you, love!
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