#Cozy socks and overalls no shirt
rorywritesjunk · 2 months
(Day 5. Outfit Swap. Sunny and Buggy. Post-Croc marriage. Gets a bit suggestive at the end but nothing happens. Sunny is pregnant. The two like to jump each other whenever possible. I asked @hey-august the important question of if Buggy would wear a sweater or dress and they suggested sweater dress. Best of both worlds!)
It just wasn't fair.
Buggy may dress flashy and spectacular, turning heads whenever he walked around outside of his tent, but Sunny dressed comfortably. Overalls, t-shirts, fuzzy socks. When she came to Buggy with nothing but the clothes she was wearing, Alvida took her shopping to get a new wardrobe on Buggy's dime. For the first time since she was a teenager Sunny was allowed to pick all of her own clothes.
The amount of cozy sweaters, dresses, even sweater dresses, she had now was astonishing, and once she found out she was pregnant the clothes were even more comfortable for her.
She spent most of her days in the flowy knit dresses with one of her cardigans thrown over for a layer, or sometimes the sweater dress would do. She made the mistake once of not wearing any top underneath her overalls and Buggy couldn't help himself. From that moment she decided to just wear dresses. It just made things easier for everyone.
Buggy, however, was a little jealous of her clothes. They just looked so damn comfortable. He may have the big red onesie to wear but Sunny's clothes were soft and comfy and she always looked so happy in them then... Maybe she wouldn't mind if Buggy tried one on.
He made sure she was out of the tent. She still helped Mihawk with his garden, insisting she needed to move around while pregnant, which was fine with Buggy. He wanted her to have that freedom. And since she was gone currently, she wouldn't know if he tried on one of those sweater dresses she was wearing the day before.
She had a blue one she purchased that she felt matched Buggy's hair nicely. It wasn't very eye catching but he figured that would be a good one to try. He stripped down to his boxers, looked around to make sure he was really alone, and he hastily pulled it over his head, briefly fighting with it to find where the sleeves and opening for his head was. He refused to acknowledge how long it took him to get it on.
Once his head popped out and he pulled his hair up, he smoothed the dress down and looked himself over. It was soft. He could see why Sunny wore these. The fit on him was a little loose in the chest and stomach area, but the sleeves were a little short, going up his wrist just a bit. That was fine. He pushed them up past his elbows before moving to the mirror to get a good look at himself.
It... It looked good. And it felt good. He couldn't resist rubbing his arms, grinning at the soft wool against his skin. The dress had a bit of a stretch to it, letting him take a large step forward, only riding up his legs a little bit but giving him the freedom of movement. He also couldn't help but sniff it. It smelled like Sunny. She had started using his soap with a lotion Alvida gave her, mixing together a smooth and spicy scent.
It was heavenly.
"Hey, Buggy, can you-"
He spun around, eyes wide with alarm and Sunny stood in the doorway, her own eyes wide at the sight before her. Oh, she was going to think this was weird and leave him, wasn't she? Was there anything he could say to keep her? Maybe he could say he was drunk and thought it was his own outfit or something-
She seemed to find her words because she looked him up and down, letting out a low whistle and nod of approval. "You'd look good in the orange one I bought. It kind of makes me look like a pumpkin right now so I'll wear it after the baby's born."
"Babe, I can explain-"
"-why you look amazing in my dress?" She grinned as she walked over to him. "I think it's only fair one of us gets to wear the other's clothes, y'know. I just didn't think you'd look so good in mine."
He thought she'd be mad at him but going by how her hands were on his hips, gripping them as she pulled him closer with a look in her eyes that had Buggy swallowing heavily as he anticipated what was going to happen next.
"Listen, Sunny, babe-" He started to say as she leaned up to kiss him. "I can take it off-"
"Keep it on." She interrupted. "Please?"
Oh, oh, well, he didn't want to deny her anything when she looked up at him with big, sparkling eyes as she grinned devilishly at him. He just wondered how easy the wool would be to clean.
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greenbirdtrash · 1 year
"LORAX: THE MUSICAL": Once-ler guide
Decided to make a quick comparison chart for those who are still confused about multiple versions of the same stageplay, it's actually very easy to tell them apart, because only two of them have very noticeable visual differences. Hope this will be useful. As for now, there's three versions of the same musical: 2015-2017 (The OG, starring Simon Paisley Day), 2018-2019 (Starring Steven Epp) and 2021 (aka Covid version, aka electric boogaloo, starring Jamael Westman). Let's take a look on their pre-fame eras:
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2015-17: - dark green hat - fluffy long hair
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2018-19: - bright green hat - shorter, less fluffy hair (also seem to be a slightly different tone of green?) - bright green pants
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2021: - no hat - short curly hair - cozy, "casual" outfit style
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Not that complicated, right? Now that we got aquainted with the main trio, i'm gonna talk more about the 2015-17 and 2021 versions, because 2015-17 and 2018-19 are absolutely the same in their axe-hacker and fame era clothing, except the tiny details i already mentioned above. So..
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Most of the photos and videos that i post (or the ones you could possibly find on the internet) are featuring him. He was the first one, after all. Also, the OG blorbo had dark pants at some point, which was for test and promotional purposes, i guess. His "default" pre-fame look includes dark emerald tailcoat (the same one which is used for 2018-19 version), bright green neckerchief, brown striped suspenders, some kind of a vintage fedora and long striped fingerless gloves.
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During his character development he switches to round glasses and striped jacket (in the end of the first act and in the axe-hacker scene), and then into a full green pinstripe suit with a tie and vest underneath. Also, in his "fame era" he switches to a different, more "formal" hairstyle.
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Now that everything is clear with the OG one, let's switch to 2021 version.
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Oh boy, things are very different here. I still can't figure out the weird casual/formal outfit mix he has on during his early business days (he switches to a green jacket and differnet pants, but keeps his hoodie underneath for some reason), but unlike 2015-17 version, he seems to change into that kind of outfit after his family arrives to the valley, while OG Once-ler only switches his tailcoat to jacket during the lorax park and axe-hacker scenes. Later on, during his top fame era, he can be spotted in full-formal style, wearing dark blue (or black?) jacket with green stripes, green gloves (probably the same ones that 2015-2019 versions have on during their fame phase), bright green shirt and a striped green tie. He gets a different pair of shoes and aviator glasses (for the thneed 2.0 scene) as well. It seems like with the 2021 version, designers decided to give him something more "modern-looking" in all eras. Well, good for him. Good for him.
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Despite all the differences, they still have some things in common, which are: fingerless gloves, watch and pocket square on the left side (present in all versions), striped socks and green hair..Obviously, the overall "green" aesthetic as well.
Thanks for reading//
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vmpkai · 9 months
this is how i see the revolutionary set and co dressing
hamilton: wears either black, grey or green hoodies and jeans all the time. he probably would hiss at you if you put him in anything else ( just like lin, he'd wear jeans and a shirt to the mf whitehouse and you cannot convince me otherwise )
laurens: overall just dresses really casual. he doesn't overdress since that takes energy. his outfits are simple and they work perfectly for him.
lafayette: he is one of two things; either extremely well dressed, like fashion model type shit, or has no fucking dress sense at all, like he gets dressed in the dark. and yet he always makes it look good. ( he's also definitely alt in some way but i can't tell what )
mulligan: basically just wears baggy ass pants and a tank top on the regular ( he seems like the type of person who would wear shorts in winter on some elsa "the cold never bothered me anyways" type beat )
angelica: she's a dark academia girlie and they all slay. i have nothing more to say
eliza: she's just very casual, very cozy. they might be simple but they're stunning each time.
peggy: she wears anything imo and she makes it all work. also something tells me that she is a queen at accessorizing and everyone comes to her for tips and advice ( except for thomas. he's just stuck up )
jefferson: runway model. designer everything. his outfit alone will call you a broke bitch.
maddison: sweaters sweaters sweaters. well, he's always sick so he gotta dress all warm and snuggly and shit
burr: he's always in some form of suit. casual? unless that casual has a business in front of it, that ain't him. he the type to carry a briefcase with nothing in it, or like a singular pen inside
washington: dad. need i say more? ( he once showed up in socks and sandals and everyone fucking exploded. ofc he didn't know why and thought they were overreacting )
king george: he's flamboyant stylish bitch energy. he's also colorful as all hell too. i can really think of much from him aside from everything is as dramatic as he is
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brown-little-robin · 10 months
47: How To Get Breakfast
part one | previous | next | masterlist | ao3 version
Thad wakes up being pressed into a soft surface by a thick blanket, and it’s so incomprehensibly cozy that he forgets it’s unfamiliar for the five whole minutes it takes him to fully wake up.
He stretches luxuriously. Rubs the last remnants of sleep out of his eyes. He’s in the Plum Room, and morning light is coming in through the window.
Thad feels… good? He feels good. He feels not exhausted. He feels "good".
Thad Free remembers the questions and anxieties and energy of last night and can’t fully summon up the urgency to care that much about it. Not that he's apathetic to the questions of his existence, but right now that's just background stress, overall goals to be worked toward slowly. The highest priority right now is how, in this house, he can get some breakfast.
He gets dressed in pants and a t-shirt and, after some deliberation, adds his black jacket, more to cover his bare arms than to add warmth; the chill that pervaded Max’s house, making Thad want to curl up and freeze, just doesn’t exist here. The carpet is warm. The air is warm.
Thad exits his room and creeps downstairs, on the alert for Adeline or the maid he’s heard of but not yet seen.
He finds Joseph in a chair in the study downstairs, feet propped up on a footstool. Thad stands in the doorway of the study and smiles helplessly.
There is something so stupidly domestic about Joseph’s feet in yellow socks up on that footstool. Like something he’d see in a documentary about American life. And this from a man capable of possessing people! A man with such mastery of martial arts that he’s capable of being on a team of metahumans. A man with scars all over him, from the matching marks of the impalement wound through his back and chest to the pale scar visible above the neckline of Joseph’s loose sweater. It just makes Thad smile, is all.
Joseph looks up and smiles at Thad. He puts the book down and signs, “Good morning!”
“Good morning,” Thad says back, and clears his throat. His voice is still scratchy from sleep. “How does a person eat in this household?”
Joseph blinks at him. “Eat? You? You want to eat?”
“Yes, but what are the rules?”
“Just… the usual ones…” Joseph signs, clearly trying to understand what That is asking and not quite getting it. “You can eat when you’re hungry… eat in the kitchen, but if you eat in another room, clean up after yourself…?”
“Okay.” Thad comes and stands closer to Joseph’s chair, not close enough for Joseph to touch him but a more friendly distance. “That’s all I needed to know, I think. I just…”
Joseph waits. Thad’s not even sure where his hesitation is coming from, other than the fact that he’s not used to feeling this comfortable with sharing things that could be used against him. And he is comfortable with Joseph. It’s… strange.
“I don’t know,” Thad says, and shrugs. “I’m not used to… being one of the people that the rules apply to. I feel like I’m going to mess something up.”
Joseph’s mouth silently forms the word ahh. He nods.
And now Thad feels awkward standing here. And he’s hungry. He says, “I’m going to get breakfast, then.”
Joseph stands up decisively. Uh. What is he doing?
“No, I’ll make breakfast.”
Thad follows Joseph to the kitchen. Adeline is in the Great Room, working on her laptop. She looks up as Joseph and Thad come in, and Thad flinches when her sharp gaze flicks to him.
He can’t help it. She’s—she’s in charge. She’s Joseph’s mother. She could probably convince Joseph to abandon Thad if she really tried. Thad knows Joseph promised that he’d stick with Thad no matter what, but still, Adeline has known Joseph longer. She surely must matter more to him, have more influence on him. Thad is just a new project to Joseph, a charity case, something like a pet, at best. Adeline is his mother.
She’s like President Thawne.
Thaddeus suddenly realizes that if Adeline is like President Thawne, who is technically his grandfather, that makes Joseph the equivalent of Meloni Thawne, technically Thaddeus’s mother, although Thaddeus never met her. He’s a clone, after all; she didn’t even give birth to him. Ugh, this line of thought is making him feel weird. He tugs the sleeves of his jacket down further over his arms and sticks his hands in his pockets.
“Morning,” Adeline calls.
Joseph waves cheerily.
Thad hurries to get closer to Joseph and sticks close to him as they go into the kitchen.
Once they’re out of eyeshot of Adeline, Joseph turns and ruffles Thad’s hair. Thad shudders at the weird sensation, but doesn’t pull away. It's nice to be… well. Loved might be too strong a word.
Joseph asks, “What do you want for breakfast?”
“What do you like?” Joseph amends.
It is such a relief to be asked a question he can answer. “Sweet things. I like all foods,” he adds hastily, mindful of not asking more than Joseph can give. “But sweet things are my favorites.”
“Okay, sweet thing,” Joseph signs playfully, grinning.
What—that’s not—Thad feels his cheeks flush and he looks away, shoving his hands further into his jacket pockets. That’s not—he’s not—is he—?—Joseph thinks he’s—
The familiar little pop of Joseph snapping his fingers for Thad’s attention interrupts, uh, whatever that was.
“Pancakes?” Joseph asks.
“Sure.” Oh wait. Thad should be polite. He’s too comfortable with Joseph. “Yes, please.”
Joseph smiles at him, wrinkling up his nose in what looks like amusement. He signs, “Don’t worry, I like making food. I’m taking advantage of my time off work. Every other day, you’ll have to make your own breakfast.” He grimaces apologetically. “I work Monday through Saturday. Monday-Wednesday-Friday, I help with programs and planning at the community center. Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday I teach during the mornings at the community center.”
Thad nods. He repeats that information to himself in his head until he’s sure he has it memorized.
Joseph asks, “Will you be okay on your own, when I’m working?”
“…Yes?” What else can Thad say? No? That he’ll break down and kill people while Joseph is gone?
Thad and Joseph stare at each other for a minute. Joseph looks like he’s realizing how much of an unhelpful question that was.
Thad asks, “What do you mean by ‘okay’?”
“Okay to get yourself breakfast?”
“Oh! Yes. Yes, I can get myself breakfast. I’ll figure it out.”
Joseph visibly hesitates, then asks, “Do you know how cereal works?”
Thad breaks down and laughs. “Yes, I know how cereal works.”
Joseph laughs as well, silently, eyes gleaming. “I had to ask.”
“I know.” Thad’s grinning so hard it hurts his face. It’s been a while since he's had so much fun with the fact that he’s a clone. With Max, talking about being a clone is always agonizing. With Joseph, sometimes it’s just funny. “I grew up in a tube, I know you had to ask. But yes, I know how cereal works. I know how the world works, theoretically. It’s just the applied aspects I don’t have experience with.”
Joseph ruffles his hair again. Thad allows it, and then shakes his head hard when Joseph takes his hand away. His hair swishes around. It's strange, having long hair like he's pretending to be Bart, like he's not inside CRAYDL anymore. It's even stranger to not really mind.
Joseph said it wasn't wrong to want long hair. He said it didn't have to be about Bart. Thad thinks maybe, maybe that could be true. Maybe someday not everything about him will come back around to being Inertia.
Someday soon.
He’s hungry. He could freeze time while Joseph blinked and eat something out of the pantry without Joseph ever knowing, but he has more self-control than Bart, thank you very much. He waits, letting his stomach growl, while Joseph moves purposefully around the kitchen, gathering ingredients and whisking them into a bowl. Thad watches from his position on a high stool next to the marble-topped “island”.
The butter sizzles as it hits the pan.
As Joseph pours the first dollop of batter onto the pan, Thad stretches himself across the marble countertop and lets it dig into his stomach. He reaches toward the stove like a zombie.
“It smells so good,” Thad groans. “This is a form of torture.”
Joseph turns around and grins at him. “Too slow for you, speedy?”
“Ugh, don’t call me that.” Thad isn’t serious. He’s mostly not serious. It reminds him of Bart, which hurts, actually. But he wants to keep joking around with Joseph, so he doesn’t let it show. “I’m not speedy, I’m normal speed. It’s the rest of the world that’s slow.”
Joseph crinkles his eyes at Thad. “They’ll be ready in a few minutes. Want a snack?”
“Yes please!”
Joseph kneels below the counter, disappearing from Thad’s view. There’s a clunk sound. Thad climbs up on the countertop and looks down at what Joseph’s doing. There’s a cupboard built into the island; Joseph has it open and is spinning a little rack with stuff in it.
Joseph looks up at Thad and shakes his head, smiling. He signs, “Monkey. Clean that.”
Thad blinks. “What?”
“The countertop. You got your feet all over it, you’re going to clean it up.” Joseph smiles to show that he’s not angry, which Thad appreciates in the part of his mind that’s not stinging from being reprimanded. ASL is a blunt language; there’s no way to get around all possible statements being incredibly direct. But Joseph is good at making things less hurtful.
Thad gets down from the island and starts looking around for cleaning supplies. Joseph taps him on the shoulder, and he startles and turns around. Joseph offers him a crinkly bag of… chocolate chips…?
“Sweet things,” Joseph signs, grinning. “Don’t eat all of them, they’re for the pancakes. You can clean up after breakfast.”
Thad carries the bag of chocolate chips back to the countertop island. Joseph flips the pancakes, then flips them again and serves them up for Thad on a slightly chipped china plate.
They fall into a comfortable rhythm. Joseph watches the pancakes, leaning on the counter. Joseph pours, watches, flips, watches, and then gives them to Thad, who places the chocolate chips on top of them at evenly spaced intervals. He eats the finished pancakes at a moderate pace, pacing himself against how fast the pancakes are baking as if it’s a game. The smell of butter and chocolate fills the room.
At some point, Joseph asks, “How are you?”
Thad considers.
“Good,” he says, still surprised to hear himself say it. “I’m good.”
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riptide-if · 6 months
What are the fashion senses of the ROs? What do they wear on a day to day basis?
ANON. im seriously so glad u asked u dont understand.im actually going to attatch the long descs i wrote of their everyday outfit (like in a vn..) also theres more fashion/makeup inspo on their boards on my pinterest! there's also boards for bg charas on there:33 so if u r interested in lee's band or aria there u go;p
HILO: an orange tank top with a ruffle trim paired with an off white maxi skirt. A pair of dark brown double strap sandals are on their feet. A gold ring with an infinity symbol is on the pointer finger on their right hand, accompanied by two thick threaded bracelets; the first one being yellow and orange, and the other [MC fave color] and orange. They have long almond shaped acrylic nails; colors varying. They tend to get a new set every three weeks. They wear a pair of orange bead earrings with a gold moon charm on the left ear and a gold star charm on the right ear. A pair of gold hoop earrings goes through their upper lobes in both ears.
LEE: a black shirt that’s cropped just above their stomach, with a graphic of a black skull outlined with white. A black zip-up hoodie is either halfway zipped up, tied around their waist, or discarded. A black and grey striped fingerless glove is covering one hand the other is covered in an assortments of rings including a silver skull ring and a silver ring with a red garnet stone, gifted to them by MC on their one year anniversary. Elijah wears short black cargo shorts while Elaine wears a black cargo miniskirt. They both have (optional) distressed tights underneath them. They wear two black earrings on each upper ear, a pair of silver skull earrings, two black rings on their lips, silver eyebrow stud piercing, silver septum piercing, and a silver star shaped tongue ring.
NOEMIA/NIKITA: a white long sleeved compression shirt is worn underneath a yellow, purple, and white color block windbreaker; either unzipped or balled up and put in their bag. A pair of black athletic shorts with a white adidas logos in the corner is covering their legs. They normally carry a yellow crossbody bag with an assortment of different pins on it (bisexual flag, mang, surfboard, bmo, spiderman, no pain no gain, shark, pufferfish, wave). They wear a pair of green pair of star skate shoes over a pair of colored socks; always mismatched. An anklet with white beads is around their right leg, a similar one with teal beads underneath it. A gold ring with a white teardrop shaped opal ring given to them by their grandma sits on a leather chain around their neck. Two to three hair ties are always around their wrists.
ARLO: an untucked white short sleeved t-shirt is usually worn under his rotation of lightly colored button ups, sweater vests and cardigans. A pair of light denim overalls is over it; with some barely visible paint stains here and there. He wears a pair of black oxford shoes with this. On his wrists are a few braided leather bracelets. He wears a gold vintage coin necklace around his neck along with matching small gold hoop earrings. A thing elastic headband is sometimes holding back his bangs while he works.
as for key words in my notes i have; hilo is whimsical, lee is emo (lol), n is sporty, and arlo is cozy!
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himalia-aesthetics · 2 years
Downtown Girl Aesthetic
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The downtown girl aesthetic is effortlessly cool and comfortable. This aesthetic is based on fashion trends found in downtown New York City, espcially during autumn. This aesthetic is most notably similar to that of Rory Gilmore on Gilmore Girls. If you enjoy autumn weather, listeing to music, reading books, and staying cozy this may be the aesthetic for you!
Visuals -
Rainy City Streets
Vintage Book / Record Stores
Cozy Knit Blankets
Well Worn Doc Martens 
Thrift Store
Autumn Leaves 
Travel Cups of Coffee / Tea
Canvas Tote Bags
City Lights Against the Night Sky 
Record Players
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Colors -
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Clothing -
Tops -
Vintage Band Tees 
Graphic Tees
Long Sleeve Tees
Tank Tops (Under Outerwear)
Crew Neck Sweatshirt
Hooded Sweatshirt
Bottoms - 
Denim Jeans
Mini Skirts 
Baggy Pants 
Tight Pants ( With Baggy Top)
One Pieces -
Short Dresses
Outerwear -
Leather Jackets
Corduroy Jackets
Zipper Hoodie Jackets
Baggy Flannel Shirts
Shoes - 
Doc Martens 
Combat Boots
Chelsea Boots
Platform Shoes
Accessories -
Hair Claw Clips
Big Scrunchies
Tote Bags
Pony Tail Holders
Headphones / Earbuds
Vintage Necklaces
Tall Socks
Black Sheer Tights
Vintage Rings
Beauty -
Nail Polish 
Light Makeup 
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Media / Music -
Movies -
Mean Girls 
10 Things I Hate About You
The Corpse Bride
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Goonies
Television Shows -
Gilmore Girls 
Gossip Girl 
Anne with an E 
Derry Girls 
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Gravity Falls 
Over the Garden Wall
Authors - 
J.R.R Tolkien 
H.P. Lovecraft
Oscar Wilde 
Charles Dickens 
Edgar Allan Poe 
Emily Dickinson
J.K. Rowling
Jules Verne
Playlists -
Downtown Girl by maisey !
Downtown Girl (Main Character) by rosie
An Autumn Playlist for Downtown Girls by emilie (taylor’s version)
YouTube -
downtown girl aesthetic: fashion history, inspo + styling looks by Hali’s Room
trying out the downtown girl aesthetic ✭ by sydney lee
How To Rock The Downtown Girl Aesthetic ★🎸 A Fashion Guide by THE SOPHIA JONES
a guide to Downtown Girl ♥ by Lilumultipas
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Hobbies / Activities -
Listening to Music 
Thrift Shopping 
Researching Conspiracy Theories
Making Playlists 
Coloring / Drawing / Painting
Playing an Instrument
Reading Fanfiction 
 Going to the Cinema 
Walks at Night with Friends
Binge Watching Television Shows 
Eating at Cafe
Related Aesthetics -
Uptown Girl
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Sources -
Downtown Girl 
Build A Fit: How To Look Like A Downtown Girl
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* Feel free to add additional suggestions, idea, links, ect. in the comments or tags *
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residentdormouse · 7 months
OC Asks:
Character Design Edition
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Thank you for the tag @mrsmungus!!
You made me realize I did not have a piccrew for Faith, and I had to search one out to remedy this. So that said, here is a cartoon rep of the main protagonist of my original story, Faith Lochren.
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Hot mess of a woman...
That said, I had picked a face claim of Jennifer Carpenter, specifically in a Debra Morgan capacity, for reference sake. Very... Eloquent with her words, and always said with such tact. And by that, I mean, she does neither of those things.
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Full questions and answers below for length sake.
No pressure tagging: @cxttlefishcxller @thebejeweledwatercat @darknightfrombeyond and OPEN TAG for anybody who would want to jump in!!
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Gance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
In general, the overall disheveled state of her would most likely draw attention first. She has no fucks left to give. Pair that with her recent tendency to live life in a drunken stupor, and you get a mess of unkempt hair falling wherever it wants, buttons that don't quite match up with their intended button holes, and whatever loose socks are closest to the bed, matching be damned...
Face: Describe your OC's face. What's their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
Smiles are beautiful, but tainted by the fact that it's almost guaranteed to be accompanied by a fair amount of shit. Hazel eyes that can change based on their surroundings are now dulled and dark, usually hidden by heavy lids. While there are some people that can be said to bring a light to the room; Faith brings a storm.
Stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
With a slender build and average height, Faith would have no problem turning heads if she put her mind to it. And, she did put more effort into it once upon a time. But now the clothes hang where the fall, and she isn't bothering to make any attempts.
Motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Faith was active once. Fairly swift, decently coordinated. But now with about three shots in her bloodstream at any given time, she's lost a good deal of that. Clothing is just another obstacle to work around.
Stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
In her past, Faith did have issues with anxiety. Self consciousness that would eat at her. But now, it's just a dull voice in the back of her head. A voice that takes a back seat to the cynicism, and is drowned out with drinks. Smoking numbs the urge to fight, and swirling the booze around the glass fills any lingering urge. Clothing still hangs where it falls.
Canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
There's nothing that truly separates her in this respect. When she was a kid, her ears were pierced, but she hates the weight of wearing anything. By the end of the day after wearing earrings, her ears hurt, and why the fuck would she want to keep doing that.
Night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
Preference used to be underwear only. Sometimes and oversized T-shirt to go with. Now, it's whatever she finds herself in when she's tired. Sometimes sleep calls before the desire to strip down hits, and she's face down passed out in bed with a button down and jeans. She usually manages to ditch the coat and shoes beforehand. Usually.
Day: What does your OC wear on a normal day? Why do they default to those clothes? Do they wear similar things, or do they change it up?
Faith doesn't have a shortage of button down shirts and cozy sweaters. Jeans are preferred, although she has held a few jobs that require dress pants. Shirts would also be acceptable, but fuck that noise. Pants or bust. She'll throw on a blazer to dress it up as well, although anymore, it's haphazard at best.
Formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
Dressing up is not one of Faith's strong points. Put her in high heels, and you might as well be looking at a baby deer staggering about. Good chance that ends with an ace bandage and crutches. Blazers about as good as your getting, and she'd be more apt to throw on a tie than a dress. If she needs to, she'll through on a dress here or there, but flat shoes only.
Informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
Jeans are a staple. She could throw on some sweatpants or fuzzy PJ bottoms if they're there, but it doesn't really feel any different. T- shirt. Sweaters. Whatever is clean and easy is the best for her. Lazy day and all; that means no work in thinking about what she's wearing.
Outerwear: What's your OC's outerwear situation? Jacket, sweater, cloak? What sort of weather do they deal with most and how do they protect themselves?
Faith is definitely in an area that will encompass all four seasons. Sometimes within the same week. Hoodies, blazers, or jackets for spring/fall days or summer nights. Heavier pea coats and puffy winter jackets for the colder days. Sweaters for all times, cause sometimes, you're just cold. And fingerless gloves are just about perfect anytime.
Footwear: What does your OC wear on their feet?
Never heels. Never. Platforms are Shakey at best. Sneakers, boots, sandles, perfectly fine, but she is not twisting another ankle, thank you very much.
Road: What does your OC wear while traveling? Do they have high-quality equipment, or are they making do? What does their gear look like?
Faith was never really prepared for outdoors. She loves it, but it was never a big thing until Paul came into her life. The most she has is what could easily be seen from a magazine image as staple items. Hiking boots and flannel, that's what people wear, right? So that's what she has. Thankfully, the hiking boots and button ups are nice enough to fit into everyday rotation. Not that she's really concerned with acceptable in the first place.
Armor: What kind of armor does your OC wear? Is it well kept? Bonus: where does it come from? Is there a story behind it?
No armor for Faith, unless you count the emotional kind. And that shit has some sizable splits that need attention.
Arms: Does your OC have any weapons? What weapons do they carry, and how do they wear them when they're not fighting?
Faith doesn't really carry weapons. She has mace, but also has a bad habit of forgetting to take it anywhere. It lives in the end table drawer for the most part. She can wield a fine frying pan when push comes to shove. Baseball bats can do some damage too. She's resourceful.
Roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
She's a bit of a chaotic blend of grunge and noir. On put together days, she could pull a stylish detective vibe, but anymore, it's leaning way more grunge with the lack of maintenance and care.
Texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
There's not much of a no-go for Faith unless it's scratchy. Nobody should have to put up with scratchy fabric, and she sure as shit won't be dealing with it. Soft fabrics are welcome, especially in sweater form. She's been known to frequent thrift shops back in the day, and loves a good broken in feel that sometimes comes with those finds.
Wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
Threadbare. Adds character. She has attempted to sew a few of the larger holes, but has a tendency to just use whatever thread is around, regardless of the fabric color. If you see sandy thread holding together a black sweater, no the fuck you didn't. She tried.
Bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
She has a simple rose gold engagement ring that Paul gave her. She will not be taking it off. Ever. And if you try, you better pray she's dead. And you better be prepared to be haunted for the trouble, if that's the case.
Hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
Even before her life fell apart, Faith didn't put much effort into her hair. One cut every other year. Let it ride until it gets too long and then it gets hacked away. She's donated it a few times. There's not much meaning to it; she just really doesn't care that much. It's only gotten worse now, and is known to be a tangled unkempt mess.
Makeup: Does your OC wear makeup? How often? What kind? Why do they wear makeup, and do they like it?
On special occasions, she would, but not frequently. Just another pain in the ass thing to deal with. And scrubbing off the scary eyes after the eyeliner and mascara run in the shower is the fucking worst.
Favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
The "bling" item is just about it. Everything else is a matter of convenience.
Change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
Hair really is her biggest swing. She's tried color as well as length changes, but it's just more upkeep that she hates commiting to. She's not a big fan of change. At all. And with the threadbare mentality for clothing, she's just been tacking on items here and there for rotation for years.
Alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
Well, I've been playing a shit ton of Diablo lately, so I guess I could see her as a rogue or sorcerer. She's quick and resourceful. And I'm sure she would love to throw some flames at quite a few people. Please fuck with her now. Try it. But she'd also get herself into trouble fast.
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grizzcore · 2 months
you and your husband are absolute fashion goals /gen. Any advice for a fellow butch who is attempting to develop a masculine cottagecore wardrobe?
This is so sweet, thank you so much!
We do a lot of our shopping at thrift stores , I collect grandpa and grandma sweaters, I usually get ones a few sizes too big for me which is easier to find AND is extra cozy. I like to wear them over a button up !
I wear a lot of trousers and slacks and my partner wears a lot of black jeans !
I also love overalls, especially green and brown ones.
Thrift stores are your friends!
I also am obsessed with fall themed socks and matching my socks to my shirts/ sweaters 😂 especially thick boot socks!
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sharpth1ng · 2 years
Scream Wardrobe Hcs PT 4- Sidney Prescott
This is mostly based on her aesthetic in scream 1, it changes quite a lot after that (this is how I'm picturing her in debaser at least).
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Mom Jeans
I'm not roasting her here, mid/high rise boot cut jeans were popular at the time and she looks hot in them
I'm thinking she goes for the levis 550 or 560
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2. Overalls
I know for a fact that she has at least 2 pairs of these, she's a lesbian come on. Bonus, later in life she'll wear them with a bandana.
Also fml imagine how cute she would be in the oversize dickies ones (to the left) I can't
also idk why but these seem like final girl threads
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3. A collection of cozy swearters from places like GAP, FILA and Tommy Hilfiger
Sid and Billy both have a GAP sweater that they pull down over their hands because thats what you do when you're closeted apparently
She mostly goes for lighter blues, purples and pinks
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4. 90's girl brands like dELiA's (yes thats how the brand capitalized their name??) and Limited Too
She definitely used to go through the dELiA's catalogue with her mom to pick out back to school clothes every year (ok I made myself sad)
She wears a lot of high neck t-shirts and tank tops, plus some of those matching shirt+cardigan combos they used to sell
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5. Corduroy and Denim Jackets
She hasn't upgraded to her final girl leather yet but omg look how cute the corduroy is
She always has chaptick and a little pack of tissues in the pockets and she will offer you some tissues if she sees you crying/sniffling
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6. Hand me-downs from Tatum
Tatum likes to dress her up for parties and then decides she likes her clothing better on Sid so she just gives it to her
Every time this happens Sid is equally as embarrassed and flattered and constantly ends up doing that little look down/hair tuck thing she does
Sid would never have picked these out for herself but they do make her feel cool
Also these are both from dELiA's
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7. Classic White Adidas & Leather boots
Pretty sure the boots are the Steve Maddens she wears in the movie and tbh I'm obsessed, she's ready to kick shit already, she's a beautiful butterfly waiting to emerge from her cocoon and kill her ex.
I like to imagine that she wasn't sure about buying them but Tatum hyped her up and they're her confidence boots now
But also my girl loves a white trainer, I think she's been wearing these forever and just always buys a new pair when they wear out. They're comfy but also cute and she's a practical girl.
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8. Inexplicable grandma nightwear
sorry Sid, Billy was a gay bitch and he shouldn't have negged you like that but also WHAT IS THIS
Tatum thinks it's cute though
Why did I choose to pick out their underwear, I did it once so now I feel like I have to:
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Sid is wearing fruit of the Loom briefs with her crisp white ankle socks and her grandma nightie and she will fucking kill you if you mess with her
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trashcatsnark · 2 years
Some Cyberpunk NPC Fashion Headcanons: Misty, Judy, and Panam
Okay, so this has been burning in the back of my brain for five thousand years- as an unfashionable fatass loser who loves the idea of clothes and style in theory, I project this love onto fictional characters. Mostly my oc, but also canon characters. So, of course in game characters wear one outfit but I've developed kind of my own idea of what their style would be based both off those canon outfits and the vibes I get~
If you disagree, that's your business- but I'm having fun with the barbie dolls rn.
Misty- Cozy quirky goth gf
dresses in quirky goth fashion or like a victorian ghost, no in between
eclectic as fuck
cozy sweaters are always a favorite though
dresses with peter pan collars, i have no explanation, i just feel it
those kitschy chunky earrings that are like little raisin boxes or like weird clown babydolls
general kitsch touches, she likes things a little weird, keeps life interesting
definitely has a purse or bag with thousand of weird little pins and keychains- she sees the value of minimalism but she just loves weird cute little things
fishnets and different patterned tights
weird chunky boots
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Judy- Punk contrast techie
shorts and overalls obviously, always with a strap undone for the aesthetic~
idk why but i just get the vibe she loves asymmetry- one shoulder, asymmetrical cut out, fuck yeah
and like contrasting patterns and stuff, like shorts and pants with mismatching legs
i see her in bright plaid punk pants, it just fits the vibe, don't ask me why
crop tops more often than not- likes showing off her tattoos
bushido merch
not a big jewelry gal but she likes a fun belt
has to have pockets- do not get her on the topic of non-functional pockets
feel like she probably has tattooed on eyeliner, not her full eyeliner look is tattooed- but like a base layer of it is
has band merch shirts and clothes too for sure, she's passionate about her interests and will wear them with pride
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Panam- Nomad tomboy gremlin
fashion isn't exactly a huge priority in the nomad world, but Panam still has her taste- notably her love of bodysuits
also does love the off the shoulder look- but finding bras that work with it and her tits is the bane of her existence
Bras are generally the bane of her existence- you wanna hear a rant ask this woman about having the underwire snap in her last good bra and stabbing her in the tit when she's 4 hours into a 12 hour drive and miles away from civilization
cargo pants, torn jeans, and ratty shorts
so many of her clothes are torn
tattered old crop tops and tanks
almost always has her aldecaldo jacket thrown over whatever she's wearing- even if it clashes
also not a big jewelry person, just not super practical- her and a friend in the clan tried to piece their own ears when they were kids and all they did was earn themselves some nasty infections
this girl has camo pants, idk if that's my brain associating her with 6th street from that one gig or the connection between aldecaldos and vets- this girl has camo pants
more of her clothes are stolen from other aldecaldos than she'd care to admit
Examples (ignore the jewelry in some of these):
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Bonus Round:
My V (Aidan Becker)- crouching punk hidden pastel
leather jacket 9 times out of 10 (definitely stole it off a corpse)
black crop tops, stomach almost always showing
ripped pants and shorts, often with fishnets beneath
subtle hidden touches of cute stuff, like she'll take off her combat boots and have pink heart socks on beneath
skirts when she's feeling fancy or slutty
flannels for pops of colors occasionally
if she's not one arm raise away from flashing her tits- whats the point?
only wears bras if they're meant to be seen
bright blue nail polish always
teddy bear hoodie when she's home alone and vibing- very few have seen it, embarrassed by it- but it's very cozy
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My Collection
(if I was an AG doll)
I’ve done this post before using preexisting items AG has made, but this time I’m using actual things I wear and own, so it’s different.
Meet Outfit
(And accessories)
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**I don’t completely support the views of the organization on the bag, but it was free. Eventually it will be covered in pins**
Meet Outfit: Dark green peasant tunic, mustard yellow leggings, black lace-up boots, and green dino earrings, light blue glasses (not pictured)
Meet Accessories: Cream and burlap book bag, two library books, dark purple ear defenders, heirloom necklace, keys with library card (not pictured)
School Outfit
(and cozy winter accessories)
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School Outfit: Hot pink puff sleeve shirt, dark blue, floral maxi dress, white lace-up boots, light pink rose studs
Cozy Winter Accessories: Pink knit poncho, oil drop fidget, gold and purple nail polish
Winter Coat
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Winter Coat: Embroidered, wool pea coat; flowers and vines wool mittens and hat
Holiday Outfit
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Holiday Outfit: Brown sweater dress, cream and orange floral blouse, brown floral flats, gold flower earrings, gold squirrel broach
Cozy Winter Outfit
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Cozy Winter Outfit: Baggy, blue overalls, ribbed, cream shirt with purple and orange flowers, white lace up boots, dainty gold necklace
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Pajamas: Black graphic hoodie, funky green pajama pants, black printed socks, striped scrunchie
Casual Spring Outfit
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Casual Spring Outfit: Purple graphic tee, funky plaid shorts, plaid headband, gold star earrings, mint green sneakers
Dressy Spring Outfit
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Dressy Spring Outfit: Blue, plaid collared tank, artsy skirt, cute black loafers, and glittery tube
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shivaniboutique · 9 months
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Christmas party with a fun and festive outfit theme can add an extra layer of excitement to the celebration.
Here are some creative Christmas party outfit themes to consider:
Ugly Christmas Sweater Party:
Encourage guests to wear the most outrageous and tacky Christmas sweaters they can find or create.
Christmas Pajama Jam:
Have everyone come in their coziest and most festive holiday-themed pajamas. It's perfect for a casual and comfortable gathering.
Santa's Workshop:
Guests can dress as Santa, elves, reindeer, or even as toys. This theme allows for a wide range of creative and festive costumes.
Winter Wonderland White Party:
Ask guests to wear all-white outfits to create a winter wonderland atmosphere. It's elegant and ties in with the snowy holiday season.
Christmas Movie Character Costume Party:
Have guests come dressed as their favorite Christmas movie characters, whether it's Buddy the Elf, Clark Griswold, or characters from classic holiday films.
Holiday Glam:
Set a more formal tone with a glamorous holiday party where guests dress in their most stylish and sophisticated Christmas attire.
Candy Cane Lane:
Encourage red and white attire to resemble candy canes. This theme can be playful and visually appealing.
Tacky Christmas Accessories:
Instead of full outfits, focus on quirky accessories like Christmas hats, socks, and jewelry. It allows for a touch of holiday spirit without requiring an entire themed outfit.
DIY Ornament Decorating Party:
Have guests come in outfits they've decorated themselves with homemade or personalized ornaments. It's a hands-on, creative theme.
Festive Flannel Fiesta:
Invite guests to wear their favorite festive flannel shirts. This theme is both cozy and casual.
Nutcracker Ballet:
Encourage guests to dress in outfits inspired by the characters from the Nutcracker ballet, such as toy soldiers, sugar plum fairies, and the Nutcracker himself.
Christmas Colors Extravaganza:
Assign each guest a specific Christmas color (red, green, gold, silver) and have them dress head-to-toe in that color for a vibrant and coordinated look.
Remember to consider the preferences of your guests and the overall atmosphere you want to create when choosing a theme. Whatever theme you choose, make sure it aligns with the style and tone of your Christmas party.
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narutardad · 1 year
The next morning, Loch woke up to sunlight barely peeking through the curtains of her bedroom window. She groaned as her bedroom door was flung open, and a little girl with chestnut brown curl came running into the bedroom with a squeal disguised as a giggle. She was about eight years old, with blue eyes like a great ocean. Loch groaned loudly as the child clambered onto the twin bed and dumped her weight on Loch, who was trying to hide under her covers.
            “Morgan... Morgan… uuugh, go bother mom. It’s so eeearly.”
            “Lyn! Happy’s here! Uncle Happy came to visit! Get up! Get up already!” Morgan pulled at the blanket, exposing the rat’s nest of ginger hair that was Lochlyn.
            “Morgan, stop… What are you talking about? Happy is in…” Lochlyn sat up, trying to shove her younger sister off her chest as she yawned widely, “…Happy is supposed to be in Queens, with Peter… yanno… he’s dating his aunt or somethin’…”
            “Noo! He’s here! He’s here! And he’s with one of daddy’s work friends.” Morgan pulled the blankets back wall the way before sliding off the bed and running out the door giggling, “Happy’s here!”
            Loch took her time getting dressed and brushing the knots out of her hair. She could hear her mother and Morgan in the kitchen and the voices of two men, Happy and Sam. She wiped the sleep from her eyes with a warm wash cloth before pulling on a pair of denim overalls and an orange long sleeved shirt. She pulled on her lace-less converse over her mixed and matched socks before exiting her room and closing the bedroom door behind her to prevent Morgan and her sticky fingers from playing with Lochlyn’s action figurines.
            Wandering into the kitchen, she was met with a plate of eggs and sausage with one thick Texas slice of toast, slathered in butter. A cup of black coffee accompanied it. Loch smiled tiredly at the two men. Happy sat backwards on a chair, resting his arms on the back of the chair. Sam stood, full flagged uniform to the doorway of the house. Loch’s mother, Pepper was pouring a bowl of cereal for Morgan, who happily sipped on a box of orange juice.
            “Morning…” Loch mumbled as she stabbed her fork into the runny egg yolk and dipped a corner of her toast in it.
            “Good morning, Loch.” Happy said in his rough but cheerful voice. Sam nodded his acknowledgement, but remained silent.
Loch took a moment to appreciate the familiar comfort of the scene before her. The clinking of cutlery, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and the subtle sounds of morning chatter created a cozy atmosphere. Happy's infectious cheerfulness, Sam's stoic presence, and her mother's nurturing demeanor blended together seamlessly. It was almost as if Sam didn’t have a bombshell to drop in a few minutes time.
Pepper looked up from her task and smiled at Loch. "Sleep well, sweetheart?", there was something in her voice that just didn’t sound right. Loch shrugged lazily in response… Last night she had spent the better half of an hour chewing off Bucky’s ear for dropping Loch off five minutes past ten thirty. And then she finished that hour on the porch (as to not wake Morgan), lecturing Loch about being responsible. ‘Just because you’re an Avenger now, doesn’t mean you’re an adult. You live under my roof; you live by my rules.’ Loch could feel her words smashing around the inside of her brain like an infinite rubber ball that was stuck in perpetual motion.
            “I hope you’re well rested because you and I have a plane to catch.” Happy smiled and jabbed his thumb back towards Sam, “And him and you b-”
            Loch and Sam shook their heads aggressively while pepper had her attention drawn away. Happy rethought his statement and continued.
            “Sam and Barnes are tagging along too. Apparently, there’s been a disturbance up where our northern neighbors reside... The CIC wants S.H.I.E.L.D to look into it. Something about… a dude picking fights with civilians.”
            “Can’t the RCMP handle that? I mean, that’s like the Canadian version of a state trooper, right? If a dude is just tussling with civilians, does it really call for the Avengers?” Loch said through a mouthful of sausage. She raised the mug of coffee to her lips, the bitter scent nearly causing her nose to wrinkle.
            “We think this guy might be… a little more than the Canadian’s can handle. Afterall, we are Earth’s mightiest heroes, not America’s. Plus, it’s a political thing. We save their asses a few times, they give us a few extra gallons of oil. It’s a win, win relationship.” Sam said in his always so comedic tone.
Loch chuckled, setting her mug down and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Ah, the geopolitics of superheroism. Who would've thought? So, we're off to play peacemakers in the Great White North. What's the plan?"
Sam, looking contemplative, leaned back against the wall "First, we'll need to assess the situation. If it's just a rogue metahuman causing trouble, we might be able to handle it without much fuss. But if there's something more sinister at play, we'll have to be cautious."
“Metahuman? Is that what we’re called now? Sounds… fancy.” Loch rolled her eyes and shoveled another forkful of eggs into her mouth. She looked at her plate, absentmindedly wondering if Bucky was even going to eat breakfast today…
“It’s what the government wants us to call them. ‘Mutant’ seems to scare people, so for now, you’re a ‘metahuman’.” Happy tried to sympathize as Pepper slid a mug of coffee in front of him. He nodded his thanks.
“So? I guess you’re here to kidnap me for this mission. Do I even have time to pack?”
“Everything has been provided. You will be staying in separate safe house, so you don’t catch much attention. The Canadian government might want our help, but they don’t want to make people panic. Which means-”
“Absolutely no powers unless completely necessary. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The same fucking speech-”
Pepper shot her daughter a nasty look when the cuss word came from her and Loch winced.
“Sorry… But yeah, I get it… No powers.” She mumbled, finishing up her plate. There was an awkward silence. Sam clapped his hands, making everyone jump.
“So, it’s settled. We leave as soon as you’re done.”
“Well… hold on. Let her actually get ready.” Happy interjected, trying to give Loch some time to gather herself. She appreciated it greatly since she needed to use the bathroom anyways. Loch got up from her seat and carried her plate and mug of finished coffee to the sink. She leaned over to her mother, who was already filling the sink with soap and water.
“Mum? Could you… make me a to-go burrito? Eggs and sausage? Please?” she asked gently, hoping her mother wasn’t still mad about her dropping the F bomb in front of her little sister. Pepper stopped what she was doing and leaned against the sink, staring her daughter up and down.
“Mhm? Really?”
Loch’s stomach dropped as her mother smiled, and crossed her arms.
            “And lemme guess? You’re gonna give it to that… guy, right?”
            “Mom, stop. He’s a teammate. We gotta look out for each other, you know?” Lochlyn shrugged, trying to play it off. Pepper wasn’t biting. She adjusted her posture, and Loch felt her grip on the conversation slipping.
            “He’s a 104 year old man. You are a 25 year old-”
            “Is this because of dad? You don’t like him because of… some stupid thing that happened years ago? Really?”
            “Tony would not have approved of this and you know it, Lochlyn. That man murdered your grandparents. How can you feel anything for him?”
            Loch looked at her mother with a tight, form stare. She couldn’t believe this. She knew that Pepper disapproved of Bucky, but to bring up her father to justify her own bias… it infuriated her.
            “You know what mom? Forget it.” She hissed before turning her back and walking away. A pit of guilt and anger in her stomach swirling like snakes. She stomped her way right into the bathroom to do her business.
After a good seven and a half minutes, she exited the bathroom. Sam had vacated the kitchen and Happy was talking quietly to Pepper. Morgan was contently eating her cereal as Loch walked around the table and towards the door. As she did, she kissed Morgan on the top of her head, bidding her goodbye and promising to bring her back a moose. She giggled with delight.
As Loch grasped the doorhandle to step onto the porch, Happy quickly shuffled over to the door, stopping her.
“Look kid… you don’t wanna leave on a note like that. Trust me… go make good with your mom.” He sighed, patting her on the shoulder as he exited the house. Loch stared at the door for a second before sighing and turning back. She walked over to her mom.
“Sorry mom. I didn’t mean to like… be a bitch before. I get it… Dad and Bucky have beef… I’m so-”
Loch stopped mid-sentence when Pepper handed her a tinfoil wrapped to go burrito. It was warm, and pretty decently sized. She looked down at the food before turning her gaze back to her mother. Pepper was smiling, but it was more of a ‘Just take it’ smile. Loch took it and smiled before giving her a big hug.
“Just be safe, okay? Call me when you guys’ land in Canada.” Pepper sighed and Loch promised. She then turned on her heels and happily skipped out the door, ready for the trip. Outside the modest lakeside house, was a sleek black car. Happy stood by the back seat door, holding it open. Sam was waiting by the driver’s door. Loch didn’t want to make them wait any longer so she hurried to the door.
“Thanks… sorry about that.”
“Don’t worry. Just get in.” Happy smiled, and Loch did as she was told.
Slipping into the back seat, it wasn’t hard to address the elephant in the room. The snoring elephant… Bucky was passed out in the seat next to her, his face squashed up against an airplane pillow he was resting against the window. Happy shut the door behind her and Loch smiled, admiring how… peaceful Bucky’s face looked when he was sleeping.
“He’s been out like that since we hit the countryside.” Sam said as he slipped into the driver’s seat and slammed the door. The loud sound, accompanied by the shaking of the car seemed to jolt Bucky awake. His eyes shot open and he looked around fast like a deer observing it’s surroundings. When he realized he was safe, his eyelids dropped and he yawned, resting his head back against the pillow, but not before mumbling a ‘goodmorning, Loch…’ under his breath.
She couldn’t help but chuckle at Bucky’s drowsy greeting. She reached over to pull his t-shirt down over his side, as it had hiked up on him during his slumber.
"Good morning, Bucky. You sleep through earthquakes too, or just road trips?”
Bucky smirked, his eyes still half-closed. He inhaled heavily before nuzzling his face into the pillow. "Depends on who's driving."
The car hummed to life, and Sam pulled out onto the road. Loch glanced out the window, watching the scenery pass by in a blur. “So, what's the deal with this Canadian troublemaker anyway?"
“Calls himself… Jack Scratch… or… The Guiding Star. Came out of nowhere, started taking down criminals up in Ontario.” Happy sighed, handing over a file to Loch, who rested it in her lap and began to comb through it.
“Okay, so? A Canadian superhero? What’s the problem?”
“He’s not just taking down criminals. Two weeks ago, he lasered an entire family in half.”
Loch almost choked on her own spit as she looked up fast. What the hell did Happy just say?
“He’s… what? He lasered a family? Like… Like superman?”
 "Yeah, like Superman, but without the moral compass.” Happy sighed, “We’re not even sure if he has any powers or if it's some advanced tech. But we do know one thing - he's dangerous. We need to either talk to him, or take him in… And from his recent… escapades it seems like he isn’t one for civil conversation.”
Loch stayed silent, gazing through the file. The file photos were of a tall, fit man with blue eyes and blonde hair. He reminded Loch of Steve Rogers but… there was something wrong. In his eyes. In the way he smiled. Like it wasn’t genuine.
The trip back to the Avengers compound was short, but so was the time they had before they got on the Quinjet. Loch, Bucky and Sam were all ushered into the jet alongside two standard field agents who were standing by as security. Loch watched as the ground slowly drifted away the higher, they got. The hum of the engines dulled to a light buzz as Loch’s mind was overthrown by the possibilities of what awaited them in Canada. She admitted, Loch was nervous. Most of the missions she was sent on were basic search and rescue. Maybe a few take downs of a group called The Flag Smashers, but aside from that, it was standard work. This was Lochlyn’s first actual mission dealing with… well… super villains.
As they settled into their seats, Bucky leaned over to her. He held the half-unwrapped breakfast burrito in his hand, some egg stuck to his face. "Don't worry too much, Loch. We've got your back. And if things get hairy, just remember, you're with the Avengers. We handle punks like these like it's Tuesday brunch."
The man took another large bite of his burrito. He seemed to be enjoying it immensely before continuing,
“And don’t worry about that ‘no powers’ shit. You are our greatest asset. It’s the whole reason Fury allowed you to come on this mission to begin with. He thinks your…” Bucky wiggled his fingers around foolishly, “magic finger shit will come in handy.”
Loch smiled, rolling her eyes. Bucky always treated her abilities like some kind of parlor trick. Even Loch didn’t understand her own powers. Things got… weird when she was angry or upset. Things happened. Sometimes, her dreams felt so real that she would have physical memoirs of what happened in her mind. S.H.I.E.L.D always feared the capabilities of this. They always made sure Lochlyn never used her abilities because they didn’t understand them. The closest thing they had to compare was Wanda Maximoff but… she was… well.
“Cheer up, Loch.” Bucky tried again, elbowing Lochlyn in the arm gently.
“Oh stop, I’m not scared.” She smiled and laughed. “I’m just thinking about the best way to kick this guy’s ass. What he did was fucked up. I can’t believe he actually… a whole family? For what? What did they do? What kind of fucking superhero does that?”
Loch found herself raising her voice, feeling the full force of her emotions come out. Hot, boiling anger coursed through her veins as she tried to rationalize what was going on. She studied psychology and she just didn’t get it.
“Does it matter why he does it?” Sam spoke up, leaning back.
“Yes! It does, Sam. I don’t think you quite understand how much it matters.” Loch barked at him. At the same time, they all braced themselves as the plane rattled violently in the air before returning to a normal turbulence. Both Sam and Bucky looked at Lochlyn with disapproving and disappointed glares.
“What? What are you looking at me for? You’re the one asking stupid questions, Captain America.” Loch mocked Sam, pouting in her seat with her arms and legs crossed defensively.
“You need to relax.” Bucky spoke up, his voice firm and dangerous. Loch felt her chest ache for a moment as an icy dagger formed in her throat and plunged into her stomach at the severity in his tone. Usually, Bucky spoke so softly to her. He’d never even raised his voice at her once… but he did this time. She sighed, uncrossing her arms and legs and hung her head in shame.
“I’m sorry… You’re both right. It won’t happen again.”
The rest of the ride was silent. Lochlyn wished it wasn’t, so she didn’t have to sit there and be left with her thoughts. She was worried that if she tried to make conversation… that they would just shut her down. Was Bucky actually angry with her? He’d been angry with her in the past, but not for things like this. Petty arguments that held no actual merit. No matter how much Loch tried to convince herself, it wasn’t about the argument.
The plane… shaking. That was her. She had let her anger get the best of her. But why was Sam so stupid sometimes? That ‘shoot first ask questions later’ mentality was sickening to Loch. She knew he wasn’t like this all the time, but she didn’t know why he couldn’t see it this time? ‘Why is it important why they do it?” What a silly question. Even guys who… laser entire families have to have a reason for why they do it… right? Even psychopaths have a reason…
Lochlyn was so relieved when Bucky nudged her in the shoulder. It was being pulled out of the depths of despair. She looked over at him, almost worried to see disappointment in his eyes. But she was wrong. He held out his hand, and in his palm, were several small plastic wrapped candies. They were an assortment of colors from red to yellow to bright green, and the packaging was clear and twisted on each end.
“What is it?” Loch inquired, posing a finger to pick one.
“Just try it.” He said, but his voice was calm and kind. Loch picked a yellow one and untwisted the wrapper before popping the little circular candy in her mouth. Bucky chose a red one for himself, and offered one to Sam, who took his chances with an orange.
“So? You just carry candy around now? Is that your thing?” Sam asked, obviously poking fun at the man for carrying a handful of what Loch discovered to be sour candy. Sam’s reaction was just as immediate. Her lips puckered and so did Sam’s. Both of them wincing at the intensity of the citric acid that coated the candy. Lochlyn regretted choosing her favorite color, as it was obviously lemon.
Bucky however was as stoic as ever, staring at Sam with a slowly growing smile as he watched his friend suffer. He had chosen a red candy, which Loch would assume was cherry. It didn’t seem to bother the super soldier, but Loch didn’t really expect any less from him. Loch could have sworn he saw the man’s shoulders shrug as if he was suppressing a laugh as Sam tried to stick it out, but his eyes were watering like faucets.
“You…. Dick.” Sam managed to say through a clenched jaw.
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asixteenthrosecc · 2 years
December CC Haul Links 📃🔗
I have gathered all the links for everything I downloaded in December! 
Time to ✨S H O P ✨ 👀⬇️
💻 watch here
Head Shape Set
fable presets
6 nose presets
eye preset dump
female lip presets n1-3
Lip presets
body presets 1 + 2
lunar body preset
Saturnine Skinblend
SCULPT contour collection
Silence Eyes N65
Heterochromia Comet Eyes
- female
Aamira Hair
Aither Hair
Alice Hair
Andrea Hair
Anna Hairstyle
Bella Hair
Chloe Hair
Ciara Hair
Clark Hair
Cleo Hair
Da-Eun Hair
Daydream hair
Diablera Hair
Ellen Curls
Fern Hair
Frau Hair
Hazel Hair
Hecate Hair
Iris Hair
Kali Hair
Karol Hairs
Kenny Hair
Luma hair 
Maxine Hair
Megan Hair
Mila hair
Naveah Hair 1
Nevaeh Hair 2
Rei Hair
Riley Hair 1
Riley Hair 2
Rockstar Hair
Rose Hair
Rose Hairstyle
Ruka Hair
Sakura Hair
Scooby Set
Serena Hair
Sharon Hair
Snow Hairstyle
Tess Hair
Yara Hairstyle
Yasmin Hair
afro collection
bonisha braids v1-v2
braelynn braid bun
braelynn braids
jort hair
katara hair
kelani braids set
locs collection
maggie hair
north hair
panea puff
prue hair
pyrisha puff
rio's cornrows
twyla hair
- male 
Messy Locs
Mike Hair
Southern Sun
jae hair
Alvaro Hair
kids hair dump #1
kids hair dump #4
kids hair dump #6
kids hair dump #19
kids hair dump #21
kids hair dump #41
Chloe Hair
Little Ballerina Hair
Riley Hair
Chloe Hair
-facial hair
Beard Set
Spice lip kit
the aspen palette
eyeliner ultimate collection
lipstick ultimate collection
summer blush part 1
Prism Makeup Set
Mirage makeup set
pumpkin frost palette
Liner Set
- female tops
Rib Knit Crop Top
Racer Top
Ripped Sweater
Bear top
Wool hoodie
halloween cropped jumper
Boyfriend Jacket V1
Halloween Oversized Jumper
Yoga Bra (Fitness Collection)
Loose Tee
short sleeved t-shirt
Tico & Teco Tops
Himesh Jacket + bag
cozy sweatshirt
clothes set top
Vintage Blouse
- male tops
Elliot Shirt
Sleepover Set
- children tops
Wool hoodie
Himesh Jacket + Bag
xersei cardigan
- toddler tops
Himesh Jacket + Bag
- female bottoms
Yoga Pants (Fitness Collection)
Cargo Jeans
Zane Jeans
High Rise Mom Jeans
Boss Pants
Ruffle Waist Jeans
bianca belted jeans
Cargo Joggers
Taylor Jeans
Two Tone Ankle Jeans
Basic Pants IV
Mayli Tights
Anna Pant
clothes set skirt
- male bottoms
Sleepover Set
- children bottoms
palazzo pants
- female full body
Mandy Dress
Ribbed Bikini
Sweater overall dress
Monroe Dress
Monroe Underwears
sleeping gown
raven dress
Knitted Long Dress
Maid Dress
Kenzie Matching Set
Yareli Dress
Moka Dress
Josephine Outfit
- unisex full body
Festive Flannels
Monroe Jewellery
Epiphany Headpiece
Mermaid Piercings
3D Belly Button Ring
toasty toes socks
earring set
Chaotic Clothes Overlays
Seira Necklace
midsommar eyes
Stockings 7
AirPods Max
Starsign Necklace Set
Pearl earrings
knitted socks
Flower Charm Jewelry Set
Lace Socks 01
Divinity Earrings
- female
Riley Platform Heels
Essential Pumps Collection
Hesper Pumps
Blackout Chunky Heeled Loafers
Patent leather ankle boots 01
Rhinestone Jewel Embellished Boots
Shearling-lined Suede Knee Boots 01
Butterfly Leather Heels 01
Glittered Leather Sneakers 01
Leather Sandals 02
Crystal Satin Sandals 01
Crystal Leather Sandals 01
Platforms Leather Sandals 01
Embellished Leather Slides
Lace Up Sandals 01
Leather Sandals 04
Embellished Pearl White Satin Sandals
Leather Sandals 05
Pearl Wedding Sandals
Tall Rain Boots 02
Leather Loafers 01
Leather Sandals 06
Satin Pumps 02
Leather Pumps 01
Satin Sandals With Bows 01
Embellished Leather Sandals 01
Leather Pumps With Bow 02
Suede Ankle Boots 01
Suede Ankle Boots 02
Lace Up Sandals 02
- unisex
alive sneakers
Club C85 Sneakers
Tall Rain Boots 01
Adidas superstar
Child of Nature Tattoos
Betty full body tattoo
Lowkey Tattoos
Homemade Tattoos
Random Tattoos
Leaf Chest Tattoo
floral chest tattoo
QICC November 2022 Collection
Comfy Collection Redux
Simblreen Set
komfy collection
sienna collection
November 2022 CC Set
QICC May 2021 Collection
Red Carpet Set
October 2022 Collection
Mellow III
QICC February 2022 Collection
Mini CAS set No.1
Secret Santa 2022
Fiona Clothes Set
October 2021 Collection
Sentate X Trillyke 2020 part 1
Trillyke X Sentate 2020 part 2
Reprobate Romance CC Collection
Explorer set
Autumn City
November 2022 Collection
The Timeless Collection part 1
The Timeless Collection part 2
Jacquebazz Collection 001
Year of the Rabbit Collection Year of the Rabbit Collection pt 2
Glitter Collection part 1
Glitter Collection part 2
Slay Belles Set part 1 Slay Belles Set part 2
Autumn/Winter 2022 Collection
December 2022 Collection
default bra + panty
ridgeport archive - becky boots mesh
Thank you so much for watching! Disclaimer: I do NOT claim or own any CC mentioned! 🖤
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
Ooh, another ootd for (yet another day) of work/study!
- white long sleeved t shirt
- flowery black overalls
- Nancy Drew themed socks (a homage)
- white filas
- cozy pullover sweater for drafty libraries
- venti coffee in hand
Have an amazing weekend!
i am also about to head into another day of work/study and I wish you luck on your endeavors, friend!
YES to the overalls and the pullover combo??? (sidebar, my library is also cold as fuck WHY)
the filas.
the coffee
after my own heart.
love love love <3
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littlecollars · 1 month
Adorable Baby Boy Outfits for Every Occasion
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Dressing little ones is one of the joys of parenting, especially when it comes to finding the perfect Adorable Baby Boy Outfits for Every Occasion. Beautiful children's sets add charm and comfort to every moment, from play days to special parties. Here's a look at some cute options for dressing your little boy for various occasions:
Casual play areas and everyday comfort
Comfort is key for everyday wear and play areas. Choose soft cotton pants or sweaters decorated with playful prints or cute animal motifs. These clothes not only keep your child comfortable, but also allow them to move easily as they explore their surroundings. Pair them with comfy socks or boots to complete the look.
Formal events and family parties
When it's time to dress up for special occasions like family gatherings or parties, boys can look more stylish in miniature formal wear. A stylish shirt with suspenders and trousers or a stylish polo shirt and shorts exude charm and elegance. Don't forget adorable accessories like a bow tie or baseball cap to add sophistication.
Outdoor Adventures and Playtime
For outdoor adventures and playtime, choose practical yet stylish clothing that offers protection and comfort. Choose pants or overalls made from durable fabrics like denim or khaki, perfect for crawling and exploring. Add a sun hat and sunglasses for those sunny days, ensuring your little one stays cool and protected while enjoying the outdoors.
Nightwear and comfortable nightgowns
Comfortable nightgowns are essential for a baby boy to sleep well. Soft pajamas or sleeping bags made from breathable fabric will help keep them nice and cozy all night long. Look for beautiful designs or soothing colors that promote relaxation and create a comfortable bedtime routine. Shop Adorable Baby Boy Outfits for Every Occasion only from Little Collars.
Seasonal styles for all weather conditions
Adapting a little boy's wardrobe to the seasons ensures they stay comfortable and stylish all year round. In the colder months, choose cozy sweaters, cardigans and fleece pants to keep them warm and cozy. In hot weather, light pants, shorts and shirts made from breathable fabrics like cotton will help keep them cool and comfortable.
Choosing Adorable Baby Boy Outfits for Every Occasion for your son allows you to express your personal style while keeping him comfortable and ready for any occasion. Whether it's dressing him up for a special occasion or keeping him comfortable while playing, clothes for boys ensure that there's something perfect for every moment. Enjoy dressing up your little one and create lasting memories with each adorable ensemble! Shop now.
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