musingmedia · 1 year
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I've been sent by my employer to invite you to his world famous amusement park, Spooky Island!
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flange5 · 27 days
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lulublack90 · 8 months
Prompt 21 - Cowardly
@wolfstarmicrofic January 21, word count 226
Opposite - Brave
He was hiding in a broom cupboard. They’d all gotten spilt up. Remus had heard someone coming, and they had all run in opposite directions. 
They’d gotten cocky and neglected to keep checking the map. He still had it in his hands. He scanned it for the other Marauders. James and Peter were both nearly back to Gryffindor Tower. He kept looking for Sirius’s name. He found it right next to Professor McGonagall’s marker. His stomach dropped. He should go and save him, shouldn’t he? Do the brave thing.
“You’re a werewolf, for crying out loud, not a cowardly lion.” He told himself under his breath. He took a moment to calm himself down. 
He left the safety of his cupboard head held high and ran full pelt towards them. “It’s my fault, Professor! Sirius didn’t even want to come. It was all my idea.” Sirius groaned at him. Remus felt like he’d put his foot in it. Oops. 
He felt the blood drain from his face as Minerva McGonagall turned her stare on him. 
He took his punishment gladly. It wasn’t that bad. Then, just as they were about to escape the suit of armour blew up with a loud bang. 
McGonagall’s head whipped around at them, her eyes like daggers. Oh yeah, he thought, as he shrunk under her stare, definitely a cowardly lion. 
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hapalopus · 6 months
If I die someday I hope it's at the hands of a bloodoak or rotsucker or edge wraith or woodwolf or blood-red glister or wig-wig or hover worm or skullpelt or one of the billions of other things in Edgeworld that seems designed to kill people
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howifeltabouthim · 2 months
My bravery had dried up and fallen off, a husk.
Rachel Khong, from Real Americans
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monivyle · 10 months
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it's a touhou
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denerturee · 3 days
Tyler and Noah are such cowards 🤣🤣🤣
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marigoidz · 7 months
New poll since my current one's about to end
By scary procedure I mean one that would be scary to you personally, for whatever reason
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petrichorium · 1 year
Men r so lame I’ve been subjected to so many comments for a month straight about how thick topaz’s thighs are and meanwhile she literally has like a three inch thigh gap 😒 get real
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allthehentaiart · 3 months
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I think St. Trina is in the wrong Shadow Lands guys.
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chiarrara · 5 months
I have been betrayed by the CherryMaho drama
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musingmedia · 1 year
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I read what happened to your last camerman. The guy got gutted! First of all, he wasn't gutted. I made that up—his throat was slashed.
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The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly.
Robert Anton Wilson
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brionysea · 8 months
i hate the unathletic mike agenda when taken literally because he can be fast when he needs to be, he's outrun/kept up with max and nancy before who have BOTH outrun vecna, but the unathletic mike agenda taken to mean that he hates running metaphorically because he would rather fight a monster than run away even when trying to fight instead of taking the strategic retreat will get him killed?? perfection
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Revelation 21:8 (ESV) - But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”
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howifeltabouthim · 2 days
'Leave all those people behind you. Maybe you can hide from your enemies if you abandon your friends.'
Jenn Lyons, from The Ruin of Kings
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