#Courtland Jones
companionjones · 1 year
We’ll Always Have Cuba
Pairing: Sierra Six/Courtland Gentry x Reader
Fandom: The Gray Man (Netflix)
Summary: After the events of The Gray Man, Claire and Six run off to Cuba because it doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the USA. There, they meet you. You are staying in the same apartment building as them for the summer. Over that summer, Six falls for you.
Warnings: None that I can think of, I skip over the smut
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    “You’re staring again.”
    Claire’s voice snapped Six out of the trance he was in as he gazed out the living room window. “Am not,” he childishly defended.
    “Are too.” Claire plopped down on the couch with her newest record folder in her lap. It was currently playing. Claire’s eyes scanned the words of the folder. “Is Y/n home?”
    Six turned away from the window. He glanced at the young girl as he headed for the front door. “Maybe,” he vaguely informed.
    “You’re a stalker!” she called after him as the door shut.
    He was far from that, he thought as he descended the stairs of the five-story apartment building. To be a stalker, one must follow a person places, and Six hadn’t done that in a couple months.
    Yes, he knew that sounded bad, but he was only checking to make sure you hadn’t been sent by the CIA to hurt him or Claire. His mental alarms were set off when you didn’t bat an eye at his code name, which Claire had presented to you as his real name. You just kept the same sweet (and beautiful) smile on your face and thanked them for welcoming you to the building.
    Six tried not to trust you after that. He followed you to stores and to the beach, looking for any sign that you weren’t the kind, gentle, and loving person that Six came to know you to be. He found nothing to contest what his instincts were saying about you. So, Six stopped following you, and consigned to only keeping a close eye on you while you were at the apartment building. Maybe too close an eye for what you warranted.
    “Oh, you’re a life-saver,” you smiled at Six as he started to help you with your bags. “One thing I won’t miss about this place: the five-floor walk-up.”
    He smirked at you. “It’s not so bad when you’ve got someone to talk to. That’s why I’m here.”
    You tried to hide a smile from Six, and that made his heart skip a beat. Because of that, the bags he was carrying seemed light as air.
    “You know, this was my last grocery trip here,” you pointed out as you and Six walked into the apartment you were staying at.
    Six’s brow furrowed when he felt his heart drop slightly. “You’re leaving at the end of next week, right?”
    “Yep.” You put the milk away, and opened the next bag. “I think the owner of this place told me that I’ve been at this Airbnb the longest out of his customer. A whole summer...And I really want to thank you and Claire for helping me feel more at home.”
    “No problem.” Six glanced at the ground to hide the sincerity behind his words. “Well, if that’s all you need...”
    Your eyes grew wide. “Oh! Yeah, you can go. I’ve got it from here. Thank you again!”
    “No problem,” Six repeated under his breath. He felt he needed to get out of there, or else he would end up saying something he would regret.
    “Hey, Six?”
    He turned around at the sound of your voice just in time to duck his head out of the way of a box. Of course, Six caught it. He read the English words on the box.
    Hubba Bubba Bubble Gum
    Six smiled.
    “I, um...found that at the store for you...I hope you like--”
    “I love it,” he interrupted you to say. “Thank you.”
    That put a smile on your face as well.
    Six popped one of the pieces into his mouth, and exited your apartment.
    “You’ve got it bad...” Claire teased as soon as Six came back into their living quarters.
    He snapped his fingers and pointed at her, “No, I don’t,” before moving to the kitchen to put away the gum.
    “Oh really? Then what’s that?” Claire leaned over the back of the couch as she referenced the present you had gotten Six.
    “None of your business,” Six warned with no real malice.
    Claire rolled her eyes. “Come on, Six. That’s just proof they’ve got it bad for you too. Why don’t you do something about it?”
    Six leaned on the counter and sighed. “You know why I can’t.”
    “Why? Because they’re leaving? That’s more of a reason to take the jump now, before you never see them again. And who knows, maybe they’ll--”
    “Not with the life we lead, Claire,” reminded Six.
    At that, Claire just shook her head. “You can’t let that hold you back forever, especially from stuff like this.”
    “Somewhere between getting kidnapped and running away to Cuba,” she shrugged.
    Six stood at the counter, contemplating for a moment more. Then, he figured he should go now before he talks himself out of it. Six marched toward the door, and yanked it open.
    And there you were.
    Both you and Six were shocked into silence.
    You were the first to speak. “Um, I know I have a couple weeks left, but I was wondering if you and Claire would like to come over for dinner, so I can properly thank you for all you’ve done for me.”
    Before Six said anything in return, Claire was off the couch and heading for her room. She gave a fake yawn. “I’m actually pretty tired. I think I’ll head to bed early tonight. You two kids have fun, though!” Her bedroom door shut behind her.
    “What was that about?” you said over a laugh.
    “Trust me, you don’t want to know,” Six smiled, hiding his embarrassed. “You sure you want to make dinner?”
    You answered as if it were obvious. “Of course I’m sure. Plus, I’m going to miss you-guys,” you clarified. “Why not start the goodbye now?”
    Six could feel his heart clench in his chest, but he hid it well. He closed his front door behind him, and followed you to your apartment.
    A couple of hours later, Six couldn’t remember ever being as relaxed as he was right then. There was just something about you that put him at ease.
    “What are you thinking about?” you asked as you sat down next to him on the sofa, two refilled glasses of wine in hand.
    Six couldn’t find it within himself to lie to you. “You,” he answered sincerely.
    You blinking, obviously taken off guard by the response. You tried to hide your nervousness. “What about me?”
    He smiled as he elaborated, “You brought me here to thank me, but I’m pretty sure I should be thanking you.”
    “For what?”
    “For being you.” Six informed, “You showed me...that life can be normal.”
    “Can you tell me what you mean by that?”
    Six hesitated. “My life, my whole life...has always been...less than normal.”
    You smiled, “I know, Six. I’ve always known when it comes to you.”
    That threw him off guard. It even scared him a little. “What do you mean?”
    “Well, I can’t guess the details, but I always figured you and Claire have lead less than easy lives. It’s in how you carry yourselves, and how you treat each other. I mean, come on, your name is Six.”
    He chuckled. His worries were somehow put at ease by you somewhat understanding his past.
    “I’ve lived a life, too,” you admitted, “Let’s just say there’s a reason behind why I ran away to Cuba for a summer.”
    Six’s interest was peaked, but he wasn’t going to ask about it if you didn’t want to know about his past for the moment.
    You took a drawn-out sip of your wine. “I really don’t want to go back. This summer has just been so amazing. Plus, there’s you and Claire.”
    A part of Six wanted to ask what else was keeping you from going back, but he surprised both you and himself by what he said next. “Stay.”
    Your brow furrowed a little as your soft voice questioned, “What?”
    Six put his glass down on the coffee table. “Stay with me, with Claire.” He took your glass from you and put it next to his Six took your hands in his. “Please, sweetheart. I don’t want you to go.”
    “Where is this coming from?” came your worried question.
    “It’s coming from what I’ve felt since the moment I laid eyes on you. I’m sorry, I just can’t keep this inside anymore--mmhh.”
    You had cut him off with a kiss.
    Six relaxed against you, but he tensed up again when a thought crossed his mind. He broke the kiss. “I’ve killed people.” He bluntly stated. He couldn’t let the night go on without you knowing.
    “I know.”
    He realized you had guessed as much as you caressed his face between your hands.
    “That don’t change anything for me.” You pulled him in to kiss you again, and this time, Six accepted it wholeheartedly.
    Hours later, you and Six were curled up in your bed together, with you in his arms.
    He kissed the top of your head. “You know, my real name is Courtland Gentry. Court.”
    You smiled, “That’s a nice name.”
    He went on. “I actually prefer Six.”
    “Why’s that?”
    He shrugged. “Because, for the longest time, it was tied to my purpose in life, the CIA. The name Six helps me kill bad guys and help good guys. And it doesn’t help that my abusive dad gave me the name Court.”
    “But?” You had guessed correctly that that word was coming.
    He smiled, “But...I don’t know. I’m not a part of the CIA anymore, my dad’s long dead, and I got a new purpose in life now.”
    “Taking care of Claire?”
    “And you, if you’ll let me.”
    You bit your lip and nodded, cuddling closer to him. “I think I like Court. Courtland Gentry.” You tested the name out.
    Court smirked. “I definitely liked the way you said that.” He put a hand on your cheek and guided you back to his lips.
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, I have more stories over on my page, you should check it out. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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reasoningdaily · 10 months
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The portraits of Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, and Frederick Douglass hang on the walls of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African American History and Culture on September 24, 2016, in Washington, DC
In August 1619, the first ship with “20 and odd” enslaved Africans arrived on the shores of Virginia. Four hundred years later, we look back at this moment as the start of an enduring relationship between the founding of the United States and the unconscionable exploitation of the enslaved.
In a sweeping project published by the New York Times Magazine in August 2019 exploring the legacy of slavery, Nikole Hannah-Jones wrote, “[The enslaved] and their descendants transformed the lands to which they’d been brought into some of the most successful colonies in the British Empire. ... But it would be historically inaccurate to reduce the contributions of black people to the vast material wealth created by our bondage. Black Americans have also been, and continue to be, foundational to the idea of American freedom.”
Yet centuries later, the lasting impact of slavery continues to be minimized and myths continue to flourish. For instance, there’s the erasure of the many slave revolts and rebellions that happened throughout the nation, perpetuating the lie that the enslaved were docile or satisfied with their conditions. There’s also the persistent idea that black labor exploitation is over, when mass incarceration still keeps millions of black Americans behind bars and often working for “wages” that amount to less than $1 an hour. Then there’s the idea that our understanding of slavery is accurate based on what we learned in history textbooks, when in reality, misinformation continues to be taught in our public schools about slavery’s legacy.
To unpack what often gets mistold or misunderstood, we asked five historians to debunk the biggest myths about slavery. Here’s what they said, in their own words.
1) The myth that slaves never rebelled
Miseducation surrounding slavery in the US has led to an elaborate mythology of half truths and missing information. One key piece of missing history concerns slave revolts: Few history books or popular media portrayals of the trans-Atlantic slave trade discuss the many slave rebellions that occurred throughout America’s early history.
C.L.R. James’s A History of Pan African Revolt describes many small rebellions such as the Stono Plantation insurgence of September 1739 in the South Carolina colony, where a small group of enslaved Africans first killed two guards. Others joined them as they moved to nearby plantations, setting them afire and killing about two dozen enslavers, especially violent overseers. Nat Turner’s August 1831 uprising in Southampton, Virginia, where some 55 to 65 enslavers were killed and their plantations burned, serves as another example.
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 A country road follows the trail of Nat Turner’s 1831 slave rebellion in rural southeastern Virginia, June 5, 2010. On either side, farms were burned and slavers murdered as Nat Turner and his followers marched toward the town of Jerusalem, now renamed Courtland. Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images 
Enslaved Africans resisted and rebelled against individual slave holders and the system of slavery as a whole. Some slipped away secretly to learn to read. Many simply escaped. Others joined the abolitionist movements, wrote books, and gave lectures to the public about their experiences in captivity. And others led or participated in open combat against their captors.
Omitting or minimizing these stories of rebellion helps hide the violent and traumatic experiences enslaved Africans endured at the hands of enslavers, which prompted such revolts. If we are unaware of resistance, it is easier for us to believe the enslaved were happy, docile, or that their conditions were not inhumane. It then becomes easier to dismiss economic and epigenetic legacies of the transatlantic slave system.
Dale Allender is an associate professor at California State University, Sacramento.
2) The myth that house slaves had it better than field slaves
While physical labor in the fields was excruciating for the enslaved — clearing land, planting, and harvesting that often destroyed their bodies — that didn’t negate the physical and emotional violence enslaved women, and sometimes men and children, suffered at the hands of enslavers in their homes.
In fact, rape of black women by white enslavers was so prevalent that a 2016 study revealed 16.7 percent of African Americans’ ancestors can be traced back to Europe. One of the study’s authors concludes that the first African Americans to leave the South were those genetically related to the men who raped their mothers, grandmothers, and/or great-grandmothers. These were the enslaved African Americans within the closest proximity to and who spent the longest durations with white men: the ones who toiled in the houses of slave owners.
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 An unidentified woman poses with a book in her hands, circa 1850. The original caption identifies her only as a “freed slave.” Transcendental Graphics/Getty Images 
A 2015 study determined that 50 percent of rape survivors develop PTSD. It is hard to imagine that enslaved and freedom-seeking African American survivors of rape — female, male, old, young, no matter their physical or mental abilities — did not experience further anxiety, fear, and shame associated with a condition they could not control in a situation out of control. Those African Americans with the most European ancestry, those tormented mentally, physically, emotionally, and genetically in the house, knew they had to get out. In fact, they fled the farthest — Southern whites are more closely related to blacks now living in the North than the South.
Jason Allen is a public historian and dialogue facilitator working at nonprofits, hospitals, and businesses in New York, New Jersey, and Philadelphia.
3) The myth that abolition was the end of racism
A common myth about American slavery is that when it ended, white supremacy or racism in America also ended.
Recently, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell offered a familiar variant of this myth when he said he opposed reparations “for something that happened 150 years ago.” To the Kentucky Republican, a descendant of enslavers, slavery simply was, and then it just wasn’t, as though the battlefield had leveled the playing field when it came to race.
But the truth is that long after the Civil War, white Americans continue to carry the same set of white supremacist beliefs that governed their thoughts and actions during slavery and into the post-emancipation era.
In the South, especially, whites retained an enslaver’s mentality. They embraced sharecropping and convict leasing to control black labor in late 19th century, enacted Jim Crow laws to regulate black behavior in the early 20th century, and use racial terror to police the color line to this day.
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 In this undated photo, two men use segregated drinking fountains in the American South. Getty Images 
In the North, whites also rejected racial equality. After emancipation, they refused to make abandoned and confiscated land available to freedmen because they believed that African Americans would not work without white supervision. And when African Americans began fleeing Dixie during the Great Migration, white Northerners instituted their own brand of Jim Crow, segregating neighborhoods and refusing to hire black workers on a nondiscriminatory basis.
Slavery’s legacy is white supremacy. The ideology, which rationalized bondage for 250 years, has justified the discriminatory treatment of African Americans for the 150 years since the war ended. The belief that black people are less than white people has made segregated schools acceptable, mass incarceration possible, and police violence permissible.
This makes the myth that slavery had no lasting impact extremely consequential — denying the persistence and existence of white supremacy obscures the root causes of the problems that continue to plague African Americans. As a result, policymakers fixate on fixing black people instead of trying to undo the discriminatory systems and structures that have resulted in separate and unequal education, voter suppression, health disparities, and a wealth gap.
Something did “happen” 150 years ago: Slavery ended. But the institution’s influence on American racism and its continued impact on African Americans is still felt today.
Hasan Kwame Jeffries is an associate professor at Ohio State University.
4) The myth that history class taught us everything we needed to know about slavery
Many of us first learned about slavery in our middle or high school history classes, but some of us learned much earlier — in elementary school, through children’s books, or even Black History Month curriculum and programs. Unfortunately, we don’t always learn the entire story.
Most of us only learned partial truths about slavery in the United States. After the Civil War and Reconstruction, many in the North and South wanted to put an end to continuing tensions. But this wasn’t done just through the Compromise of 1877, when the federal government pulled the last troops out of the South; it was also done by suppressing the rights of black Americans and elevating the so-called “Lost Cause” of the enslavers.
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 The Tennessee-based group “New Confederate State of America” held a protest in support of retaining a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee located on Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia, September 16, 2017. Win McNamee/Getty Images 
The Lost Cause is a distorted version of Civil War history. In the decades after the war, a number of Southern historians began to write that slaveholders were noble and had the right to secede from the Union when the North wished to interfere with their way of life. Due to efforts by a group of Southern socialites known as the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Lost Cause ideology influenced history textbooks as well as books for children and adults. The accomplishments of black Americans involved in the abolition movement, such as Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, Maria W. Stewart, Henry Highland Garnet, and William Still, were downplayed. Union generals like Ulysses S. Grant were denigrated, as were anti-racist whites from John Brown to William Lloyd Garrison. Generations later, there are still many people around the country who believe the Civil War was about states’ rights and that slaves who had good masters were treated well.
Even an accurate historical curriculum emphasizes progress, triumph, and optimism for the country as a whole, without taking into account how slavery continues to affect black Americans and influence present-day domestic policy from urban planning to health care. It does not emphasize that 12 of the first 18 presidents were enslavers, that enslaved Africans from particular cultures were prized for their skills from rice cultivation to metallurgy, and that enslaved people used every tool at their disposal to resist bondage and seek freedom. From slavery to Jim Crow to civil rights to the first black president, the black American story is forced into the story of the unassailable American dream — even when the truth is more complicated.
Given what we learn about slavery, when we learn it, and how, it is clear that everyone still has much more to learn. Teaching Tolerance and Teaching for Change are two organizations that have been wrestling with how we introduce this topic to our young. And what they’re learning is that the way forward is to unlearn.
Ebony Elizabeth Thomas is an associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
5) The myth that slavery doesn’t exist today
One of the greatest myths about slavery is that it ended. In fact, it evolved into its modern form: mass incarceration.
The United States has the highest prison population in the world. More than 2.2 million Americans are incarcerated; 4.5 million are on probation or parole. African Americans make up roughly 13 percent of the general population. But black men, women, and youth have outsize representation in the criminal justice system, where they make up 34 percent of the 6.8 million people who are under its control. Their labor is used to produce goods and services for businesses that profit from prison labor.
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 Prisoners at the Ferguson Unit, a large prison along the Trinity River in Texas, actively work the farm the prison runs, which includes planting and harvesting an annual cotton crop, 1997. The prison is located on a former cotton slave plantation. Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images 
For those of us who study the early history of mass incarceration in America, these statistics are not surprising. From the late 1860s through the 1920s, over 90 percent of the prison and jail populations of the South were black. Thousands of incarcerated men, women, and children were hired out by the state to private factories and farms for a fee. From sunup to sundown, they worked under the watchful eye of brutal “whipping bosses” who flogged, mauled, and murdered them. They earned nothing for their toil. Today, labor exploitation, the denial of human dignity and the right to citizenship, family separation, and violent punishment define our criminal justice system in ways that mirror slavery.
Hundreds of thousands of incarcerated people work. According to a 2017 report published by the Prison Policy Initiative, “the average of the minimum daily wages paid to incarcerated workers for non-industry prison jobs is now 86 cents.” Those assigned to work for state-owned businesses (correctional industries) earn between 33 cents and $1.41 per hour. In 2018, incarcerated Americans held a nationwide strike to end “prison slavery.” In a list of demands, striking individuals called for “all persons imprisoned in any place of detention under United States jurisdiction” to be “paid the prevailing wage in their state or territory for their labor.”
This is a year to remember slavery’s origins. It is also an opportunity to critique its legacies. Let’s not get so caught up in our efforts to commemorate slavery’s beginning that we fail to advocate for its end.
Talitha LeFlouria is the Lisa Smith Discovery Associate Professor at the University of Virginia.
Correction: An earlier version misstated the range of presidents who were enslavers. It was 12 of the first 18 presidents, not 12 of the first 16.
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come-along-pond · 2 years
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⇨ Ainsley Garner {YOU}
face claim: Willa Holland
nickname/s: Ains
allegiance/s: N/A
love interest: N/A
fic title: N/A
ainsley garner: you oc
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⇨ Angela Baker {The Gray Man}
face claim: Emilia Clarke
nickname/s: Angie
allegiance/s: MI5 (Previously), The Fitzroy family
love interest: Sierra Six (Courtland Gentry)
fic title: N/A
angela baker: the gray man oc angie x six
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⇨ Christina King {Midnight Mass}
face claim: Elizabeth Lail
nickname/s: Chris
allegiance/s: N/A
love interest: Shabazz Hassan +  John Pruitt
fic title: N/A
christina king: midnight mass oc christina x shabazz christina x john
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⇨ Julia Morningstar {Lucifer}
face claim: Kate Winslet
nickname/s: Jules
allegiance/s: Lucifer
love interest: Lucifer Morningstar
fic title: N/A
julia morningstar: lucifer oc julia x lucifer
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⇨ Sophie Rival {Riverdale}
face claim:  Aimee Lou Wood
alias/es: N/A
nickname/s: Soph
love interest: Jughead Jones
fic title: N/A
sophie rival: riverdale oc sophie x jughead
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⇨ Amelia Rowe {Criminal Minds}
face claim: Amanda Seyfried
nickname/s: Amy, Pretty Girl
allegiance/s: The BAU, The FBI
love interest: Spencer Reid
fic title: N/A
amelia rowe: criminal minds oc amelia x spencer
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⇨ Hazel Conner {White Collar}
face claim: N/A
alias/es: Helen Carbon, Hazel Copper, Jennifer Holden
nickname/s: H
allegiance/s: N/A
love interest: Neal Caffery
fic title: N/A
hazel conner: white collar oc hazel x neal
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⇨ Hazel Sheridan {Mamma Mia}
face claim: Margot Robbie
alias/es: N/A
nickname/s: N/A
allegiance/s: N/A
love interest: Many undecided ocs
fic title: N/A
hazel sheridan: mamma mia oc
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⇨ Rapunzel {Once Upon A Time}
face claim: Taylor Swift
alias/es:  Hope Regal,The Forest’s Hope
nickname/s: Rap
allegiance/s: Snow White
love interest: Jefferson / The Mad Hatter
fic title: Everything Has Changed
hope regal/rapunzel: ouat oc hope/jefferson rapunzel/jefferson rapunzel & grace
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⇨ Viviana {Good Omens}
face claim:  Karen Gillan
alias/es: Viviana Blossom
nickname/s: Viv, Anna
love interest: N/A
fic title: Life Itself
viviana: good omens oc
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⇨ Elizabeth Anderson {Friday Night Dinner}
face claim:  Florence Pugh
nickname/s: Lizzie
love interest: Jonny Goodman
fic title: Saturday Mornings
lizzie anderson: friday night dinner oc lizzie x jonny
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⇨ Taylor Green {Brooklyn Nine-Nine}
face claim:  Sophie Turner
alias/es: N/A
nickname/s: Tay Tay
allegiance/s: The nine-nine
love interest: Jake Peralta
fic title: My Life Would Suck
taylor green: brooklyn nine-nine oc taylor x jake
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witch-pxnk · 1 year
N.B: these are written in order of my preference of writing for them. i’m not necessarily opposed to writing for ones not listed, but it will depend entirely on whether the request inspires me/my mood. also, any character with an asterix is one who’s media/book i haven’t finished. i’ll still write for them, but it might not be as accurate.
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(all movies/Netflix shows, since i haven’t read the comics)
MCU: Pietro Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker
Daredevil: Matt Murdock
The Punisher: Frank Castle
X-Men: Alex Summers, Charles Xavier, Logan Howlett,
The Amazing Spider-Man: Peter Parker
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(also only movies/shows)
Supergirl: Winn Schott, Mon-El
The Sandman: Dream of the Endless
DC: Barry Allen, Cavill!Clark Kent, Bale!Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd
Titans: Dick Grayson, Garfield Logan
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Star Trek: Bones McCoy, Jim Kirk,
Star Wars: Poe Dameron, Hans Solo, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Din Djarin
Firefly/Serenity: Malcolm Reynolds, Simon Tam
Doctor Who: 10th Doctor
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The Witcher Netflix: Jaskier, Geralt
Lord of the Rings: Legolas, Eomer
Narnia: Prince/King Caspian
Merlin: Gwaine, Merlin, Arthur
*Once Upon A Time: Killian Jones
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Bridgerton: Benedict Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton
*Peaky Blinders: Thomas Shelby
Gilmore Girls: Jess Mariano
Teen Wolf: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale
Supernatural: Dean Winchester
Julie and the Phantoms: Reggie Peters
B99: Jake Peralta
CAoS: Nicholas Scratch
*Stranger Things: Steve Harrington
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Kingsman: Eggsy Unwin, Agent Whiskey
6 Underground: 4/Billy
The Grey Man: Sierra Six/Courtland Gentry
Sky High: Warren Peace
HTTYD: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third
Howl’s Moving Castle: Howl Pendragon
Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones
Pacific Rim: Raleigh Beckett
Anastasia: Dmitri
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Marauders: Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin
RiordanVerse: Percy Jackson, Jason Grace
ACOTAR: Cassian
The Hunger Games: Finnick Odair
*Grishaverse: Nikolai Lantsov, Matthias Helvar
The Darkest Minds: Liam Stewart
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Fantasy Football Draft Rankings, Consensus Draft Rankings, Overall Cheat Sheets | FantasyPros. RK, Player Name, POS, BYE, SOS. Here's a collection of downloadable, printable cheat sheets for the fantasy football season, including PPR, non-PPR and dynasty/keeper. Fantasy Rankings Top cheat sheet for standard fantasy football drafts ; 10, Ja'Marr Chase, Bengals, WR ; 11, Alvin Kamara, Saints, RB. PFN's fantasy football cheat sheet is here to help you with your tough Week 4 decisions and also to provide you with Underdog Pick'em advice. NFL Fantasy Football Draft cheat sheet for standard scoring format · 1. Justin Jefferson · 2. Cooper Kupp · 3. Ja'Marr Chase · 4. Tyreek Hill. Up to date Fantasy cheat sheet for standard scoring. No need to prepare your Draft, whether you're a beginner or experienced player, just use this list and you'll be set. In Standard Scoring Leagues you don't get points for receptions, so you will have to prioritize touchdown-heavy players. In this format, running backs are going to be a priority, so they have a slight edge over wide receiver. However, a receiving running back is also important because you have double the chance to score. If your league allows it, I would start three RBs every week. These will get you the most touchdowns besides a quarterback. So, remember to do after those red zone threats. In the end, they will make the difference when it comes to Standard Scoring formats. Josh Allen 2. Patrick Mahomes 3. Justin Herbert 4. Joe Burrow 5. Lamar Jackson 6. Jalen Hurts 7. Matthew Stafford 8. Kyler Murray 9. Russell Wilson Dak Prescott Derek Carr Tom Brady Aaron Rodgers Trey Lance Kirk Cousins Tua Tagovailoa Trevor Lawrence Jameis Winston Matt Ryan Ryan Tannehill Deshaun Watson Jared Goff Zach Wilson Daniel Jones Carson Wentz Justin Fields Baker Mayfield Marcus Mariota Mac Jones Mitch Trubisky Jimmy Garoppolo Drew Lock Davis Mills Kenny Pickett Sam Darnold Desmond Ridder Jacoby Brissett Gardner Minshew Teddy Bridgewater Andy Dalton. Jonathan Taylor 2. Najee Harris 3. Joe Mixon 4. Derrick Henry 5. Austin Ekeler 6. Christian McCaffrey 7. Dalvin Cook 8. Javonte Williams 9. Nick Chubb Cam Akers D'Andre Swift Alvin Kamara Aaron Jones Saquon Barkley Josh Jacobs Ezekiel Elliott Elijah Mitchell Breece Hall James Conner Leonard Fournette David Montgomery Damien Harris Dobbins AJ Dillon Miles Sanders Antonio Gibson Devin Singletary Travis Etienne Kareem Hunt James Cook Chase Edmonds Clyde Edwards-Helaire Ken Walker James Robinson Dameon Pierce Melvin Gordon Tony Pollard Raheem Mostert Rhamondre Stevenson Ronald Jones Isaiah Spiller Michael Carter Rashaad Penny Alexander Mattison Jamaal Williams Marlon Mack Chuba Hubbard Cordarrelle Patterson D'Onta Foreman Damien Williams Tyler Allgeier Kenyan Drake McKissic Nyheim Hines Darrell Henderson Tyrion Davis-Price Rachaad White Gus Edwards Khalil Herbert Keaontay Ingram Zamir White Mark Ingram Sony Michel Hassan Haskins Samaje Perine Zack Moss Kenneth Gainwell Pierre Strong Giovani Bernard Duke Johnson Boston Scott Kene Nwangwu Myles Gaskin Benny Snell D'Ernest Johnson Jeff Wilson Kyren Williams Rex Burkhead Ke'Shawn Vaughn Matt Breida Joshua Kelley Eno Benjamin Jaret Patterson Snoop Conner Tevin Coleman Anthony McFarland Ryquell Armstead Craig Reynolds Darrynton Evans Mike Boone Dontrell Hilliard Tony Jones DeeJay Dallas Jermar Jefferson Trey Sermon Chris Evans Jerome Ford Justin Jefferson 2. Cooper Kupp 3. Ja'Marr Chase 4. Tyreek Hill 5. Davante Adams 6. Deebo Samuel 7. Stefon Diggs 8. Terry McLaurin 9. Mike Evans CeeDee Lamb Brown Keenan Allen Michael Pittman Courtland Sutton Mike Williams DK Metcalf DJ Moore Amari Cooper Diontae Johnson Tee Higgins Brandin Cooks JuJu Smith-Schuster Michael Thomas Chris Godwin Allen Robinson Amon-Ra St. Jerry Jeudy Chase Claypool Brandon Aiyuk Gabriel Davis Adam Thielen Mecole Hardman Jaylen Waddle DeAndre Hopkins Kenny Golladay Darnell Mooney DeVonta Smith Treylon Burks Allen Lazard Rashod Bateman Marquise Brown Jarvis Landry Christian Kirk Drake London Tyler Lockett Elijah Moore Michael Gallup Chris Olave Robert Woods Hunter Renfrow Christian Watson DeVante Parker Tyler Boyd Skyy Moore DJ Chark Corey Davis Alec Pierce Marvin Jones Marquez Valdes-Scantling Garrett Wilson Green Terrace Marshall Randall Cobb Jameson Williams Robbie Anderson Jamison Crowder Jakobi Meyers Jahan Dotson David Bell Kadarius Toney Nico Collins Russell Gage Sammy Watkins Van Jefferson Byron Pringle Bryan Edwards Zay Jones Odell Beckham Jr. Parris Campbell Jalen Tolbert Kendrick Bourne Rondale Moore Joshua Palmer Devon Allen Sterling Shepard Donovan Peoples-Jones Julio Jones Curtis Samuel John Metchie George Pickens Marquez Callaway Cedrick Wilson Darius Slayton Nelson Agholor James Washington Romeo Doubs Tyquan Thornton Josh Reynolds Tre'Quan Smith. Travis Kelce 2. Mark Andrews 3. Kyle Pitts 4. George Kittle 5. Darren Waller 6. Zack Ertz 7. Dallas Goedert 8. Dalton Schultz 9. Hunter Henry Hockenson Pat Freiermuth Mike Gesicki Dawson Knox Gerald Everett Albert Okwuegbunam Noah Fant Logan Thomas Cole Kmet Austin Hooper David Njoku Robert Tonyan Tyler Higbee Evan Engram Cameron Brate Mo Alie-Cox Uzomah Jelani Woods Irv Smith Hayden Hurst Adam Trautman Howard Jonnu Smith Harrison Bryant Ricky Seals-Jones Donald Parham Trey McBride Will Dissly Dan Arnold Tommy Tremble Tyler Conklin Brevin Jordan Foster Moreau Blake Bell Isaiah Likely Drew Sample John Bates Greg Dulcich. Justin Tucker 2. Daniel Carlson 3. Matt Gay 4. Harrison Butker 5. Tyler Bass 6. Evan McPherson 7. Younghoe Koo 8. Ryan Succop 9. Matt Prater Brandon McManus Rodrigo Blankenship Jason Sanders Dustin Hopkins Greg Zuerlein Robbie Gould Jake Elliott. Buffalo Bills 2. San Francisco 49ers 3. Indianapolis Colts 4. New England Patriots 5. Tampa Bay Buccaneers 6. Los Angeles Rams 7. Denver Broncos 8. New Orleans Saints 9. Miami Dolphins Kansas City Chiefs Los Angeles Chargers Dallas Cowboys Cleveland Browns Green Bay Packers Pittsburgh Steelers Baltimore Ravens. Fantasy Football.
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hitchell-mope · 8 months
Hypothetical titles for season twenty of 88
A Fifth Avenue funeral. Season premiere. Part one. The Five Families gather together to say goodbye to two of their own when a minor disaster strikes.
Where’s the corpse? Season premiere. art two. Deucalion and Jacob try to come to terms with their new roles as Kimberly and Thornton look for Lionel’s coffin. Final appearances of Jeff Bridges as Minos Wilkins and Lou Diamond Phillips as Lionel Spratt.
Puttanesca. The team takes a case involving an Italian restaurant that shares property with an Italian brothel.
There are no red lights in a car chase. Drummond gets stalked by an unknown assailant. Unfortunately for him. He’s in the car with David who’s still on probation and doesn’t have a valid drivers license.
Somebody to lean on. It’s Jacob and Deucalion’s first council meeting as the head of their families. Findlay locum’s for an otherwise indisposed Jones and meets Clyde’s abusive mother Noreen (Debra Messing) in the process.
Expert witness. Mary and Joseph Carpenter’s suit against Godfrey begins in earnest. Matters aren’t helped when Jacob’s old law school rival States Attorney Kenny Palmerston (Neve Campbell) makes it even more personal than it already was when she brings in one of Godfrey’s other children to testify against him. Also guest starring Levi Miller as Gabriel Christensen.
The sit in. Findlay and Delaney antagonise a store owner at Mulligan Mall when they decide to keep a group of teenagers from getting kicked out for sitting on a bench.
Motherly wiles. Macy unsuccessfully tries to pull a parent trap on Adam and Lilith.
Dichotomy. Jonah learns the meaning of damned if you do and damned if you don’t when he gets interviewed for a teen magazine.
Vigilante. Findlay and Jacob help a young man with aspirations of being a superhero navigate a lawsuit. Guest starring Caleb McLaughlin as Virgil Jenson
Ill met by moonlight. A message has been sent throughout the world. Only four words. But it is feared by all those who recognise history. It. Will. Happen. Again. Guest starring Maxwell Jenkins and Toby Stephens as Robin Goodfellow.
Violent delights. Midseason finale. Part one. The heirs to two rival car manufacturing companies go missing on Christmas Eve. And the investigation brings Lucia face to face with her former stepson after nearly sixty years. Guest starring Charlie Heaton as Roland Morris, Natalia Dyer as Julia Cowan and Bryan Cranston as Chester Morris.
Violent ends. Midseason premiere. Part two. A week and a half after they go missing. The team finally track down Roland and Julia with tragic results. Meanwhile Lucia passed ches things up with Chester. Guest starring Mariska Hargitay as Coraline “Courtland” Cowan, Jensen Ackles as Mick Morris and Laura Benanti as Maura Morris.
Family unity. The Wilkins’s grieving process is interrupted when Deucalion’s biological mother and his ex stepmother both turn up on the same day. Guest starring Olga Merediz as Fernanda “Fern” Marquez and Sigourney Weaver as Natalia Clifton.
Hypochondria. A visit to Dr Corsica after Theo swallows some postage stamps turns into Die Hard for Oswald when a psychopath holds the hospital hostage.
Like mother like daughter. Palmerston’s daughter represents Roxas Winchesters wife in a lawsuit against Drummond for getting him arrested for Lysander’s paralysis. And she definitely learned at her mother’s knee. Guest starring Kieran Shipka as Hallie Palmerston and Zendaya as Kylie Winchester.
Urquhart. Fern and Natalia have two unwelcome surprises for Deucalion. One. They’re together. Two. Fern is running for mayor of New York City.
Status and tactics. Findlay is called to the stand in the Carpenters lawsuit against Godfrey and wastes no time in giving her honest opinion on the situation
Pheasant crumble. Arlene tries, and fails, to keep Findlay away from Van Buren University when the finance manager comes to review the school’s expenditures.
A spoonful of sugar. Sidney comes to the rescue when Theo refuses to go back to Dr Corsica’s clinic for a tetanus booster after the hostage situation two months ago.
Husband or idol decision. Findlay achieves a personal dream of hers when she’s put on the judges panel for the Mr Fanservice completion. Which soon turns into a personal nightmare when the two finalist’s turn out to be Sidney and Emerson Davenport (recurring guest star Chris Pratt).
Cartography of scars. Jacob enlists Maybelle Archer’s help to unravel Hallie Palmerston’s case against the Wilkins family.
Dots. Season finale. Part one. Lucia recruits Sidney, Jacob, Gideon and Solaris’s help in tracking down both Jesse’s birth certificate and the woman who encouraged Mary to sue Godfrey in the first place. Meanwhile. Findlay has to talk Barnaby and Jonah out of an embarrassing situation of their own devising.
Jesus wept. Season finale. Part two. Jesse finally has enough of his mother’s insanity and demands that she drop the suit under threat of disownment. Final appearance of Winslow Fegley as Barnaby Sullivan and Walker Scobell as Jonah Sullivan.
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hawkvalley · 1 year
Denver Broncos Regular Season Game 17
Hawk Valley Regular Season Week 18 January 8, 2023
Denver Broncos vs Chargers
Quick Review
The Broncos lost to the Chiefs, 27-24. It’s another moral victory for the Broncos. The changes made by the interim head coach Jerry Rosburg seemed to work out. It was nice to see players back on the field that had entered Hacket’s dog house. Russell appears to have given up on his dream of cooking and becoming a pocket passer.
A longer review
This game took place in Kansas City on New Years day at 11 AM MST.
On the first play of the game and it’s obvious interim head coach Jerry Rosburg has made changes. Back to return the kickoff is running back Marlon Mack #37. Hackett had picked Montrell Washington #12 for return duties. Mack returned the ball to the seventeen yard line. On the first play of the game by the offense, Latavius Murray #28 ran up the middle for four yards. On second down, Russell Wilson #3 pitched the ball back to Murray and he ran to the right for one yard. On third down, Russell threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. Corliss Waitman #17 punted on fourth down with 13:23 to go in the first quarter.
The Chiefs first drive of the day started from the 35 yard line. On first down, Isiah Pacheco #10 ran up the middle for a two yard gain. On second down, Patrick Mahomes #15 found Marquez Valdes-Scantling #11 on the right sideline for a six yard gain. On third down, Mahomes connected with Travis Kelce #87 near the first down marker on the left side for a four yard gain. On first down, Ronald Jones #2 ran up the middle for three yards. On second down, Mahomes completed a pass to himself for a six yard gain. On third down, Jerick McKinnon #1 was stuffed for no gain. On fourth and one, with 9:45 left, Mahomes found Kelce near the left side numbers for a ten yard gain. On first down, Mahomes connected with McKinnon over the left side for an eleven yard gain. On first down, the Chiefs ran a screen to the right and Skyy Moore #24 turned the play into an eighteen yard gain. On first and five, from the Denver five yard line, Pacheco ran up the middle and into the end zone for a Kansas City touchdown. The Chiefs point after touchdown play failed, the holder Tommy Townsend #5 turned the play into a two point conversion attempt that also failed.
This time around, Kendall Hinton #9 was back to return kickoffs. The second Bronco drive of the day started from the 25 yard line. On first down, Russell rolled to the right and found Courtland Sutton #14 on the right side for a gain of seven yards. On second down, Murray ran up the middle for four yards. On first down, Russell’s pass hit Billy Turner #57 in the helmet and fell to the ground, IN-COM-PLETE. On second down, Russell scrambled to the right for five yards. On third down, Russell threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass, but there was a flag on the play. Cameron Fleming #73 was flagged for holding. The Chiefs declined the penalty and Waitman punted on four down with 5:30 left in the quarter.
On first down from the nine yard line, Mahomes rolled to the right before dumping the ball off to Kelce for a three yard gain. On second down, Mahomes found Pacheco camping on the left sideline for a nine yard gain. With four minutes left, Mahomes connected with Kelce near the left side numbers for a six yard gain. On second down, Pacheco ran over the left side for three yard gain. On third and one, Mahomes connected with Kelce over the middle, but the refs changed their minds and ruled the pass was incomplete, without a challenge flag being thrown. On fourth and one, with 2:42 left in the quarter, Townsend punted.
Hinton was back on the field for punt return duty and he returned the ball from the 10 to the 21 yard line. On first down, Murray ran to the right for two yards. On second down, Russell hit Andrew Beck #83 on the left side, just short of the first down marker for a six yard gain. On third down, Jerry Jeudy #10 motioned from the left to the ride side and Russell hit him for a four yard gain. On first down, Murray ran up the middle for two yards. On second down, with 20 seconds left, Russell connected with Chase Edmonds #19 over the middle for an eleven yard gain. That play brought the first quarter to an end.
At 11:33 am MST, the first quarter in Kansas City ended. Chiefs 6, Denver 0.
When play resumed, the Broncos were on the 46 yard line. On first down, Edmonds ran to the right for five yards. On second down, Russell connected with Jeudy for a three yard gain over the right side. On third down, Murray ran up the middle for a one yard gain. On fourth and one, Russell called his own number and the quarterback sneak worked for a two yard gain. On third down, the Broncos ran the tight end screen and Beck gained four yards and then he fumbled the football. Beck was ruled down, no fumble. On second down, with 11:45 left in the half, Russell threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass, but there was a flag on the play. Jaylen Watson #35 was flagged for holding, automatic first down for Denver. On first down, Edmonds ran up the middle for four yards. On second down, Russell rolled to the right and threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On third down, Russell rolled to the right again and then threw another IN-COM-PLETE pass. With 10:51 left in the half, Brandon McManus #8 kicked a 49 yard field goal.
Kansas City started their first drive of the second quarter from the 25 yard line. On first down Pacheco ran up the middle for six yards. On second down, Mahomes found Moore on the right side for a nine yard gain. With 9:30 left until halftime, Mahomes connected with Kadarius Toney #19 over the right side for a thirty-eight yard gain. On first down, Mahomes shoveled the ball to Kelce for a twelve yard gain. Damarri Mathis #27 appeared to be injured on the play. On first and goal from the Denver 10 yard line, Mahomes threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On second down, Mahomes threw another IN-COM-PLETE pass. On third down, with 7:57 left in the half, the Broncos came with an all out blitz and Mahomes was picked by Justin Simmons #31.
The Broncos started their drive from the 20 yard line. On first down, Russell completed a pass to Jeudy for a three yard gain. On second down, Russell was sacked by Carlos Dunlap #8 and George Karlaftis #56 for a three yard loss. On third down, Russell connected with Sutton on the left hash for a gain of eighteen yards. On first down, Russell threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On second down, Edmonds ran to the left for a three yard gain. On third and six, Russell’s pass was tipped by Nick Bolton #32 and the ball fell to the ground. IN-COM-PLETE. On fourth down, Waitman punted, and the Kansas City punt returner Toney fumbled. Eric Saubert #82 recovered the ball for Denver at the Kansas City 16 yard line.
On first down, with 4:45 left in the half, Russell Wilson scrambled to the left for a Denver Broncos touchdown.
The Chiefs second drive of the quarter started at the 25 yard line. On first down, Mahomes connected with Toney over the right side for a gain of 27 yards. On first down, Pacheco ran to the right side for a one yard gain, but there was a flag on the play. Trey Smith #65 was flagged for holding. On first and twenty, the Chiefs ran a screen to the left side and Noah Gray #83 gained twelve yards. On second down, Mahomes connected with McKinnon for a 28 yard gain. With 2:20 left in the half, Mahomes pitched the ball to Toney running to the left for a three yard gain. That play brought us to the two minute warning.
When play resumed, Mahomes threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On third down, Mahomes threw another IN-COM-PLETE pass, but there was a flag on the play. Essang Bassey #34 was flagged for holding. On first and goal, from the ten yard line, the Chiefs ran a screen play to the left and McKinnon gained four yards. On second down, with 80 seconds left, the Broncos came at Mahomes with a full blitz, but he completed a pass to McKinnon for a six yard gain and a Kansas City touchdown.
Denver started their drive from the 25 yard line. The Chiefs blitzed from the right side and Russell hit Edmonds on the right side for a one yard gain. With 57 seconds left in the half, Russell threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On third down, Russell connected with Edmonds over the middle for a gain of 27 yards. Denver called a timeout. With 43 seconds left, Russell found Sutton on the left sideline for an eight yard gain. Denver called another timeout. With 36 seconds left, Russell hit Sutton over the right side for an eleven yard gain. With 19 seconds left, Russell was sacked for a twelve yard loss and he fumbled. The fumble was recovered by Karlaftis. The play was reviewed and the ruling upheld.
With 11 seconds left, from the Kansas City 40 yard line, Mahomes connected with Justin Watson #84 over the right side for a gain of 27 yards. With 5 seconds left in the half, Harrison Butker #7 attempted a 51 yard field goal, the attempt was blocked by Eyioma Uwazurike #96.
Halftime arrived at 12:30 pm MST and the Chiefs led the Broncos 13-10.
Kansas City started off the second half from the 25 yard line. On first down, Pacheco ran to the left for two yards. On second down, Mahomes threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On third down, threw another IN-COM-PLETE pass. On fourth down, Townsend punted.
Denver started their first of the second half from the 24 yard line. On first down, Russell rolled to the right and found Saubert near the right hash for a 24 yard gain. On first down, Edmonds swept to the right and he gained four yards, but there was a flag on the play. Saubert was flagged for holding. On the second first down, Russell completed a pass to Murray for no gain. On second and 16, Russell had all day to throw and he threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On third and 16, Russell dumped the ball off to Murray for a one yard gain. On fourth down, with 11:35 left, Waitman punted.
On first and second down, Mahomes completed two passes to the turf. IN-COM-PLETE. On third and 10, Mahomes scrambled to the right for four yards. On fourth down, Townsend punted.
On first down from the 35 yard line, Murray ran to the left for five yards. Dalton Risner #66 injured his elbow on the play. On second down, Murray ran up the middle for seven yards. On first down, Russell rolled to the right and completed a pass to Saubert for a two yard loss. On second down, Murray ran up the middle for nineteen yards. On first down, with 7:55 left, Murray ran to the right for five yards. On second down, Chris Jones #95 was flagged for a neutral zone infraction. On second and inches, Russell connected with Albert “the Big O” Okwuegbunam for 25 yards and a Denver Bronco touchdown.
On first down from the 25 yard line, Mahomes threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. There was a flag on the play, but the refs picked it up. With 6:30 left, Mahomes was almost picked by Josey Jewell #47. IN-COM-PLETE. On third down, Mahomes scrambled to the right for two yards. On fourth down, Townsend punted.
The Broncos started this drive from the 17 yard line. On first down, Murray lost one yard. On second down, Hinton took the handoff and ran to the right for no gain. On third and eleven, Russell connected with Sutton for a 44 yard gain over the right side, but there was a flag on the play. Sutton was flagged for offensive pass interference. On third and nineteen from the Denver 8 yard line, Edmonds ran up the middle for ten yards. On fourth down, with 3 minutes left in the quarter, Waitman punted.
Kansas City started this drive from the 35 yard line. On first down, Mahomes completed a pass to Moore in the left flat for a six yard gain. With 2:30 left, Pacheco ran to the right for six yards. On first down, Mahomes scrambled to the left for three yards. On second down, Mahomes found JuJu Smith-Schuster #9 near the first down marker on the right side for an eleven yard gain. On first down, Mahomes connected with Valdes-Scantling on the left sideline for a gain of twenty-two yards. That catch was outside the view of the camera covering the play. That play ended the third quarter.
After three quarters in Kansas City, Denver led the Chiefs, 17-13.
When play resumed in the fourth quarter, Mahomes connected with Blake Bell #81 over the middle for seventeen yards and a Kansas City touchdown.
Denver’s first drive of the fourth quarter started on the 25 yard line. On first down, Russell’s pass was intercepted by L’Jarius Sneed #38. Russell had to adjust this throw to avoid the defender in his face. You could actually see Russell extend his hand upward as he made the throw.
Kansas City took over at the Denver 17 yard line with 14:31 left in the fourth quarter. On first down, Mahomes tossed the ball to Pacheco over the left side for a nine yard gain. On second down, Pacheco ran up the middle for two yards. On first and goal. The Chiefs tried a wide receiver screen to the right and Mahomes hit Toney for a gain of three yards over the right side. On second down, Mahomes connected with McKinnon for three yards over the left side and a Kansas City touchdown.
Denver started this drive from the 25 yard line with 12:40 left in the game. On first down, Murray ran up the middle for eleven yards. On first down, Russell threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On second down, Russell dumped the ball off to “the Big O” for a four yard gain. On third down, Russell threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass, but there was a flag on the play. Joshua Williams #23 was flagged for pass interference. On first down, completed a pass to Jeudy on the right side for a ten yard gain. On first down, Murray ran to the right for a three yard gain. On second down, Russell was sacked by Khalen Saunders #99 for an eight yard loss. On third and fifteen, Russell had all day to throw and he decided to dump the ball off to Murray in the right flat for a gain of eight yards. On fourth and seven with 8:10 left in the game, Russell was almost sacked and then he threw an interception. Russell’s pass was intercepted by Bolton, but there was a flag on the play. Williams was flagged for illegal use of hands to the face. On first down, from the Kansas City 33, Russell found Jeudy in the right flat for a seven yard gain. On second down, Russell connected with Saubert near the left side numbers for an eight yard gain. On first down, Russell threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On second down, Russell connected with “the Big O” for a sixteen yard gain over the right side. On first and goal with 6:20 left in the game, Russell scrambled to the right for four yards and a Denver Bronco touchdown.
Kansas City started this drive from the 25 yard line with 6:14 on the clock. On first down, McKinnon ran to the left for four yards. On second and six, Mahomes completed a pass to Smith-Schuster near the first down marker on the right side for a ten yard gain. With 5 minutes left in the game, Mahomes dumped the ball to Kelce for a two yard gain over the right side. On second down, Mahomes threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On third down, Mahomes threw another IN-COM-PLETE pass. On fourth and eight, with 4:03 left, Townsend punted.
On first down, from the 26 yard line, Russell connected with Jeudy for an eleven yard gain over the left side. On first down, Edmonds ran up the middle or five yards on an inside handoff. On second and five, with 2:30 left, Russell dumped the ball off to Jeudy for no gain. That play took us down to the two minute warning.
When play resumed, on third and five, Edmonds ran to the right for three yards. On fourth and two with 80 seconds left in the game, Russell was sacked by Jones for a nine yard loss. Russell threw up a prayer before he was sacked that Murray caught but he fumbled and Kansas City picked up the ball and ran into the end zone for a Kansas City touchdown, BUT Russell was ruled down.
Kansas City took over with 76 seconds left in the game, entered victory formation and successfully ran out the clock.
The game ended at 2:06 PM. The final score: Kansas City 27, Denver 24.
Roster moves
Bronco players that that are out: LT Calvin Anderson #76, WR Kendall Hinton #9, NT D.J. Jones. #97
The Broncos that are questionable: RCB Darmarri Mathis #27, TE Eric Saubert #82, TE Eric Tomlinson #87, RT Billy Turner #57, SLB Jonathan Kongbo #90.
The Broncos have signed CB Ja'Quan McMillian #35 and OL Will Sherman #78 to the active roster.
The Broncos have signed OL Hunter Thedford #68 and OL George Moore #71 to the practice squad.
The Broncos have placed LG Dalton Risner #66 and RB Marlon Mack #37 on injured reserve.
Will the Broncos end the season 0-6 in the AFC west? The Chargers are in the playoffs so they might rest players. The Broncos lost to the Chargers by a field goal the last time they played, but the offense is playing “better” now. Maybe the Broncos will end the season with a win.
Game Time
Sunday, January 8 @ 2:25 PM MST
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okpow · 2 years
NFL Picks Against the Evil Las Vegas Point Spread Week 11 2022 - Incoming Blizzard Edition
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(above: Even I can’t hate on this photo)
The Titans are probably the one team that can manage to get away with being average and find ways to win. Always a solid roster. But they should still be the Oilers. They could go on a Cinderella run if Burks pans out some more....
Browns vs Bills from Buffalo Detroit - Bills by 8.5
The Bills D looks banged up but playing in a dome vs a blizzard probably benefits Josh Allen, who will be super fucking pissed because the Vikings didn’t really deserve to win last week. But 8.5 is a lot especially on a neutral field - Amari Cooper goes off but so does Steff Diggs but this line should be closer to 6.5 imo. Browns cover.
Eagles at Clots - Iggies by a manly road 7
Loins at Lil’ Giants - Giants by 3.5
I will take the Over on 45 points in a game where it’s Daniel Jones who runs wild although Saquon still kinda runs wild but not as wild as you think. The Lions are fun but wheels off.
Jets at Patriots - Patriots by 3.5 
This could be the Defensive Smash Spot of the Year Sweet Jesus. For the Patriots, if that wasn’t already obvious. The Jets have put together some good games but are still the fucking Jets and most importantly THE PATRIOTS ARE COMING OFF A BYE WEEK AND IT’S BELICHICK AT HOME TO ZACH WILSON. Patriots cover and over on 38 points. Meanwhile in the press box, Robert Kraft demands more eye contact from his masseuses.
Panthers at Ravens - Ravens by 13
Speaking of coming off a bye week with plans of doing some fucked up shit at home to bad teams, LAMAR JACKSON IS YOUR FANTASY QB OF THE WEEK TO WATCH AND AVOID PLAYING AGAINST. Vegas sees this as a 27-13ish kinda game and that seems fair. Ravens stunt all over these Charlotte hoes.
Rams at Taints in New Orleans- Over/Under 39 points
There is some sneaky upside / shootout potential here me thinks. Olave, Kamara, Higbee, all Rams WRs, et al. are all great fantasy plays. Over on an obscenely low 39 points.
Raiders at Broncos at Hile Migh Stadium - Broncos by 3
As a Russ Wilson truther and denier of praise it pains me to say he’s in a really good spot here and Courtland Sutton is a GREAT wide receiver play this week. Broncs cover at 2.5.
Cowboys at Vikings - Cowboys Oddly Favored by 1.5 points
Le heckin gamerino of the heckin week here. Unless you count Washington vs. Houston but we aren’t acknowledging that game this week. I will happily take the Vikings as a home favorite to Dallas AND the Under on 47 points in a Double Play Lock of the Week. Zeke looks worse than Pollard, Pollard doesn’t get touches, Dalvin Cook gets lots of touches, wash rinse repeat.
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kicksaddictny · 2 years
FedEx driver accused of stealing $96,000 worth of Footlocker
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According to Fox 2 Detroit
A report that a FedEx driver was stealing merchandise instead of delivering it to an Eastpointe Footlocker store led police to about $96,000 worth of stolen goods.
Police were called to the Footlocker on Eight Mile Road on Monday about the alleged thefts, prompting an investigation. They searched 40-year-old Morris Jones' home in the 23000 block of Courtland in Eastpointe, and found the merchandise, as well as other evidence.
He is now facing embezzlement and receiving and concealing stolen property charges. He was issued a $25,000 personal bond and must wear a GPS tether while out of jail.Morris was arrested without incident.
Police said they are also seeking a warrant for a female accomplice.
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wideouts4life · 2 years
NFL Week 3
Week 3 is officially in the books and I’m ecstatic at the plays the wideouts made. None of the preseason top-10 cracked 100 yards receiving and that’s ok. But we did have Devonta Smith of the Philadelphia Eagles gain 169 yards on 8 catches and one hell of a Moss play that got it his team the ball at the one yard line. It was good watching the 3rd year pro and former Heisman Trophy Winner from the University of Alabama have a break out game. Especially after a week one performance that left Smith without a catch on four targets (two of which) I thought were catchable balls by wideouts standard. But reassurance from Eagles offensive coordinator (Shane Steichen) to involve Smith has paid off. Over the past two weeks Devonta has 15 catches on 19 targets for 249 yards and 1 touchdown. His big day catapulted him to number 11 in yards. If this was fantasy football he most certainly would have a green upward arrow…trending.
A.J. Brown and Stefon Diggs were the closest to have 100 yards and neither cracked top-20 in yards this week. And I don’t expect Brown to crack the list every week considering he plays with this weeks WOW (wideoutoftheweek). But he did manage 85 yards with a touchdown and caught an impressive streak over Kendall Fuller (Commanders) for a 38 yard gain. Diggs on the other hand settled for a decent day with 7 catches for 74 yards. The Miami Defense played him tough with cornerback Xavien Howard bringing an extra dose of physicality to the matchup. The two got involved in an altercation that drew a personal foul after Diggs confronted Howard for slamming him after the whistle. This lead the effervescent corner to pushing Diggs resulting in a 15-yard penalty. 
Life for Davante Adams continues to be difficult after reuniting with his college quarterback Derek Carr. Over the summer after Adams was traded to the Raiders, he made comments saying he and Carr could become the next Jerry Rice and Joe Montana. Some of the stupidest shit I have ever heard. Yes Davante has been considered a top-5 if not top wideout by journalists the past few seasons. But Derek Carr has not been considered a top anything. And his play is trash. Adams got paid what he wanted to take a hit in production. And I’m sure he understands that without stats comparable to the top 5 after next season the Raiders will ask him to take a pay cut or trade him. GreenBay who has not won Super Bowl since the 2010-2011 season but always has a chance to play in the NFC championship with Aaron Rodgers at the helm. The great thing going for Adams is he knows how to run routes and can get open wherever he’s at. The sad part is not many in the league can get him the ball like A-Rod once did. 
Next week I’m going to put it out my tentative top-10 list. Four games is not the sample size I need to help with my list, but it gives me enough plays to dissect each player’s game as I would when I coached my players. There are some bright spots to point out. The way Amari Cooper has resurrected in Cleveland has Dallas fans giving the side eye to Jerry Jones. Especially when you compare what Ceedee Lamb is failing to do. The rookie out of Ohio State Chris Olave and how he’s contributing to a Jekell and Hyde quarterback Jameis Winston. And how fifth year pro Courtland Sutton has made plays to have him currently 5th in yards with his new General Russell Wilson at the helm.
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fantasyfootball1 · 2 years
Fantasy Football Week 3 Predictions
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(image by SN/Getty)
Whenever you are 2-0, 1-1, or 0-2 here are some people that you should start/sit.
Injuries continue to mount for fantasy owners, with Justin Herbert (ribs), Jerry Jeudy (ribs), Dalton Schultz (knee), Damien Harris (knee), and James Conner (ankle) joining the likes of JK Dobbins (knee), Keenan Allen (hamstring), Alvin Kamara (ribs), Gabriel Davis (ankle), George Kittle (groin), Chris Godwin (calf), and Michael Pittman (quad) on the injury report. Mike Evans also went and got himself suspended, so plenty of fantasy squads will be shorthanded. Chances are, more players will pop up on the injury report as the week goes on, so you never know how deep you'll have to go to fill out your starting lineup.
Navigating through a wide array of potential starting options, here are our must-starts and start/sit recommendations for Week 3:
QB must-starts
Josh Allen, Bills (at MIA)
Jalen Hurts, Eagles (at WAS)
Justin Herbert, Chargers (if he plays, vs. JAX)
Patrick Mahomes, Chiefs (at IND)
Lamar Jackson, Ravens (at NE)
Joe Burrow, Bengals (at NYJ)
Kyler Murray, Cardinals (vs. LAR)
Stronger starts
Kirk Cousins, Vikings (vs. DET). 
Matthew Stafford, Rams (at ARI).
Derek Carr, Raiders (at TEN).
Carson Wentz, Commanders (vs. PHI).
Jared Goff, Lions (at MIN).
Justin Fields, Bears (vs. HOU).
Marcus Mariota, Falcons (at SEA).
Weaker starts
Russell Wilson, Broncos (vs. SF).
Tom Brady, Buccaneers (vs. GB).
Aaron Rodgers, Packers (at TB).
Tua Tagovailoa, Dolphins (vs. BUF).
Jameis Winston, Saints (at CAR).
Trevor Lawrence, Jaguars (at LAC).
Jimmy Garoppolo, 49ers (at DEN).
Fantasy Football Week 3 Start 'Em: Running backs
RB must-starts
Jonathan Taylor, Colts (vs. KC)
Dalvin Cook, Vikings (vs. DET)
Nick Chubb, Browns (vs. PIT)
Joe Mixon, Bengals (at NYJ)
Derrick Henry, Titans (vs. LV)
Austin Ekeler, Chargers (vs. JAX)
Saquon Barkley, Giants (vs. DAL)
Christian McCaffrey, Panthers (vs. NO)
D'Andre Swift, Lions (at MIN)
Leonard Fournette, Buccaneers (vs. GB)
Najee Harris, Steelers (at CLE)
Antonio Gibson, Commanders (vs. PHI)
Aaron Jones, Packers (at TB)
Alvin Kamara, Saints (if he returns, at CAR)
James Conner, Cardinals (if he plays, vs. LAR)
Javonte Williams, Broncos (vs. SF)
James Robinson, Jaguars (at LAC)
David Montgomery, Bears (vs. HOU
Kareem Hunt, Browns (vs. PIT)
AJ Dillon, Packers (at TB)
Stronger starts
Clyde Edwards-Helaire, Chiefs (at IND).
Cordarrelle Patterson, Falcons (at SEA). 
Jeff Wilson Jr., 49ers (at DEN). 
Miles Sanders, Eagles (vs. WAS).
Ezekiel Elliott and Tony Pollard, Cowboys (at NYG).
Dameon Pierce, Texans (at CHI).
Breece Hall, Jets (vs. CIN). 
Darrell Henderson Jr., Rams (at ARI).
Travis Etienne Jr., Jaguars (at LAC). 
Weaker starts
Josh Jacobs, Raiders (at TEN).
Damien Harris and Rhamondre Stevenson, Patriots (vs. BAL). 
Devin Singletary, Bills (at MIA).
Melvin Gordon, Broncos (vs. SF). 
Cam Akers, Rams (at ARI). 
Chase Edmonds and Raheem Mostert, Dolphins (vs. BUF).
Nyheim Hines, Colts (vs. KC). 
All Ravens (vs. NE). 
Fantasy Football Week 3 Start 'Em: Wide receivers
WR must-starts
Cooper Kupp, Rams (at ARI)
Justin Jefferson, Vikings (vs. DET)
Stefon Diggs, Bills (vs. TEN)
Davante Adams, Raiders (vs. ARI)
Ja'Marr Chase, Bengals (at NYJ)
A.J. Brown, Eagles (vs. WAS)
Tyreek Hill, Dolphins (vs. BUF)
Deebo Samuel, 49ers (at DEN)
Amon-Ra St. Brown, Lions (vs. WAS)
Mike Williams, Chargers (vs. JAX)
Courtland Sutton, Broncos (vs. SF)
Jaylen Waddle, Dolphins (at BUF)
Michael Pittman Jr., Colts (if he returns, vs. KC)
Michael Thomas, Saints (at CAR)
Tee Higgins, Bengals (at NYJ)
Keenan Allen, Chargers (if he returns, vs. JAX)
Rashod Bateman, Ravens (at NE)
Gabriel Davis, Bills (if he returns, vs. TEN)
Christian Kirk, Jaguars (vs. LAC)
Terry McLaurin, Commanders (vs. PHI)
D.J. Moore, Panthers (vs. NO)
Brandin Cooks, Texans (at CHI)
CeeDee Lamb, Cowboys (at NYG)
Diontae Johnson, Steelers (at CLE)
Stronger starts
Drake London, Falcons (at SEA).
Brandon Aiyuk, 49ers (at DEN).
Allen Robinson, Rams (at ARI).
Curtis Samuel and Jahan Dotson, Commanders (vs. PHI).
Amari Cooper, Browns (vs. PIT).
Hunter Renfrow, Raiders (if he plays, at TEN).
DeVonta Smith, Eagles (at WAS).
Garrett Wilson, Jets (vs. CIN).
Treylon Burks, Titans (vs. LV).
Russell Gage, Buccaneers (vs. GB).
Allen Lazard, Packers (at TB).
Jakobi Meyers, Patriots (at BAL).
Weaker starts
Marquise Brown, Cardinals (vs. LAR).
DK Metcalf, Seahawks (vs. ATL).
JuJu Smith-Schuster, Chiefs (at IND).
Jerry Jeudy, Broncos (vs. SF).
Jarvis Landry, Saints (vs. NO). 
Adam Thielen, Vikings (vs. DET).
Elijah Moore, Jets (vs. CIN). 
Tyler Boyd, Bengals (at NYJ). 
Chase Claypool and George Pickens, Steelers (at CLE).
Robbie Anderson, Panthers (at NO).
These are my predictions for Week 3.
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chrisnaustin · 2 years
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If only I were she!
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milliondollarbaby87 · 2 years
CODA (2021) Review
Ruby Rossi is a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) and the only person of hearing in her deaf family, when the family business is threatened she finds herself torn between them and chasing her dream of studying music at college. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (more…)
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badgaymovies · 3 years
CODA (2021)
CODA by #SianHeder starring #MarleeMatlin and #EmiliaJones, "the emotional aspects of the story land in the exactly the right place in your slowly breaking heart", Today's review on MyOldAddiction.com
SIAN HEDER Bil’s rating (out of 5): BBBB USA/France/Canada, 2021. Vendome Pictures, Pathé Films, Picture Perfect Federation. Screenplay by Sian Heder, based on the film La Famille Belier by Victoria Bedos, Stanislas Carré de Malberg, Eric Lartigau, Thomas Bidegain. Cinematography by Paula Huidobro. Produced by Fabrice Gianfermi, Philippe Rousselet, Jerome Seydoux, Patrick Wachsberger. Music by…
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hawkvalley · 2 years
Denver Broncos Regular Season Game 7
Hawk Valley Regular Season Week 7 October 23, 2022
Denver Broncos vs Jets
Quick Review
The Broncos lost to the Los Angeles Chargers 19-16.
After the game, it seemed as though the Broncos were on the lookout for disgruntled players. It was noted that Gordon and Jeudy were seen talking together after Gordon was benched. Later in the week the Broncos claim they were receiving trade offers for Gordon, Jeudy, Chubb and the “Big O”. It could set the Broncos back a decade if they get rid of players that are not happy with a losing record and keep players that are. Notice that Gordon gets the start this week at running back (to increase his value to other teams).
A longer review
This game took place on Monday, October 17 at 6:15 pm MST in Los Angeles.
The first drive of the day honors went to the Chargers. They started from their 25 yard line. Justin Herbert #10 looked to pass on first down and he locked onto the receiver running a go route near the left sideline. His pass was incomplete, put there was a flag on the play. Damarri Mathis #27 was flagged for pass interference on the first play of the game. In the blink of an eye, the Chargers had gained 30 yards. On first down, Austin Ekeler #30 cut to the left side and gained eight yards. On second and two, Herbert rolled to the right in what I would call a naked bootleg, and then threw an incomplete pass. Dre’Mont Jones #93 and K’Waun Williams #21 were chasing Herbert on the play. On third down, Herbert threw another incomplete pass. On fourth and two, after only 50 seconds of action, the Chargers decided to go for it. Herbert’s pass to the left of middle was tipped by Matt Henningsen #91 and caught by Michael Bandy #23 for a four yard gain. On first down, Ekeler lost one yard. On second down, after a fake draw up the middle, Herbert threw an incomplete pass. Herbert was pressured by Jonathon Cooper #53. On third down, there was a flag on the play. Foster Sarell #73 was flagged for a false start. On third down, Herbert failed to complete a pass. On fourth and 16, J.K. Scott #16 punted the ball 18 yards.
The Broncos first drive of the game started from the Denver 21 yard line. On first down, Lloyd Cushenberry #79 was flagged for holding. On first and 20, Melvin Gordon #25 ran over the right side for two yards. On second down, Russell Wilson #3 found Courtland Sutton #14 for a nine yard gain. On third down, Cameron Fleming #73 was flagged for a false start. On third and 14, Russell threw an incomplete pass, but there was a flag on the play. J.C Jackson #27 was flagged for pass interference and the Broncos gained 21 yards. On first down, Russell found Kendall Hinton #9 over the middle for an eight yard gain. On second down, Russell rolled to the right and connected with Eric Tomlinson #87 for a sixteen yard gain on the right sideline. On first down, Russell threw a quick pass to Andrew Beck #83 and he gained seven yards over the left side. On second down, Gordon ran up the middle for one yard. On third down, Russell was sacked by Khalil Mack #52 for a four yard loss. With 7:20 left in the quarter, Brandon McManus #8 kicked a 51 yard field goal.
The second drive of the day for the Chargers started off with Zion Johnson #77 being flagged for holding. On first and 20, Ekeler caught a screen pass to the left for a nine yard gain. On second and eleven with 6:28 left in the quarter, the Chargers had their play of the game. Herbert threw a pass that hit the center in the back of the helmet. The ball then bounced backwards and hit Herbert in the face mask. The ball then fell to the ground through Herbert’s outstretched hands, incomplete. On third down, Herbert threw a swing pass to Ekeler over the right side for a six yard gain. On fourth down, Scott punted and Montrell Washington #12 muffed the catch and recovered the fumble.
The Broncos started their second drive of the day from the sixteen yard line. On first down Russell found Latavius Murray #28 for a two yard loss. On second down, Murray ran up the middle for eight yards. On third down, Russell found Greg Dulcich #80 on the left sideline near the first down marker and he gained five yards. On first down, Russell threw a quick pass to Washington on the right side for no gain. On second down, Russell threw a quick pass to K.J. Hamler #1 for a three yard loss over the left side. With 2:40 left in the quarter, Russell escaped a sack and then rolled right before connecting with Jerry Jeudy #10 for a gain of 37 yards. On first down from the 39 yard line, Russell Wilson connected with a wide open Dulcich for a Denver touchdown.
The Charger drive started with 1:45 left in the first quarter. On first down, Sony Michel #20 caught a pass for a three yard gain. With 60 seconds left, Michel caught a pass over the left side for eight yards. On third down, Herbert connected with a wide open Donald Parham #89 for a gain of 24 yards. That play ended the quarter.
The first quarter ended at 6:52 pm. The score: Denver 10, Los Angeles 0.
When play resumed, Ekeler ran a sweep to the left for two yards. On second down, Herbert called his own number and he gained four yards over the left side. On third and four, Herbert found Josh Palmer #5 for a six yard gain. On first down, Herbert threw an incomplete pass. On second down, Gerald Everett #7 gained five yards on a wide receiver screen to the right. On third down, Herbert threw a quick pass to Everett and he gained six yards. On first down from the Denver 24, Michel carried the ball for no gain. On second down, Herbert found DeAndre Carter #1 for a five yard gain. On second and five, Herbert connected with Everett near the first down marker. On first down, Ekeler ran up the middle for no gain. On second down, Herbert fired off a pass to Mike Williams #81 for an eight yard gain. On third and two, Ekeler followed Johnson up the middle for a touchdown.
On first down, Russell faked a hand off and then scrambled to the right for a one yard gain. On second down, the Broncos ran a trap play to the right and Gordon picked up four yards. With 7:50 left in the half, the Chargers launched a bull rush at Russell, he got the ball away, but it was tipped up into the air by Mack. Luckily nobody caught it. On fourth down, Corliss Waitman #17 punted.
On first down, Herbert backpedaled and then hit Ekeler for a three yard gain. On second down, Herbert threw a quick pass to Palmer for a six yard gain over the right side. On third down, the Chargers lined up in the I-formation and Michel ran over the right side for a four yard gain. On first down, Michel started to run towards the left side but cut up behind the right tackle for a four yard gain. On second down, Herbert was sacked by Matt Henningsen #91 for a seven yard loss. On third and 13 with 4:18 left, Mathis was flagged for pass interference again and the Chargers gained 36 yards. On first down, Johnson was flagged for holding. On first and 20, Herbert backpedaled and then slid to the left before hitting Parham down the right sideline for a gain of seventeen yards. On second and three, Ekeler picked up one yard running over the right side. On third down, Mathis was flagged for pass interference… The Chargers gained eleven yards. On first down, Herbert found Palmer for five yards over the left side. That play brought us down to the two minute warning.
When play resumed, Michel ran up the middle for two yards. Denver used a timeout. On third down, Ekeler ran over the left side for four yards. On first down, the Chargers tried a wide receiver screen that gained no yards. Denver then used their second timeout. With 66 seconds left in the half, Herbert was sacked by Baron Browning #56 for a seven yard loss. Denver then used their final timeout. On third and seventeen, Herbert threw an incomplete pass. On fourth down, Dustin Hopkins #6 kicked a 37 yard field goal.
With 53 seconds on the clock, the Broncos started this drive from the 25 yard line. On first down, Russell threw an incomplete pass, but Jeudy fell down. On second down, Russell connected with Hamler for a 47 yard gain. On first down, Russell connected with Jeudy for ten yards. The Chargers then called a timeout with 22 seconds left. On first down, Morgon Fox #56 was flagged for roughing the passer. The Broncos gained nine yards. With 12 seconds left, from the Charger 9 yard line, Russell threw an incomplete pass. Russell then threw two more incomplete passes. With five seconds left, McManus kicked a 27 yard field goal to end the half.
Halftime arrived at 7:36 pm. The score was Denver 13, Los Angeles 10.
Denver’s first drive of the second half did not inspire confidence. On first down, Murray ran over the left guard for seven yards. On second and three, the Broncos ran the same play, but Murray gained only one yard. On third down, Russell threw an incomplete pass. Waitman punted on fourth down.
The Chargers first drive of the second half involved Ekeler running behind Johnson and Trey Pipkins #79 for an eleven yard gain up the middle. On first down, Palmer caught a pass for five yards. On second down, Tre’ McKitty #88 was flagged for holding. On second and fifteen, Herbert rolled to the right and hit Palmer for a gain of fourteen yards. On third and one, Ekeler ran up the middle for a two yard gain. On first and 10, Herbert threw an incomplete pass, but there was a flag on the play. Bradley Chubb #55 was flagged for roughing the passer. The Chargers gained 15 yards. On first down, Herbert faked the hand off and then threw a quick pass to Palmer for a gain of fourteen yards. From the Denver 21 yard line, Michel ran to the right side for a gain of six yards. Then Michel ran up the middle and picked up three yards. On third down, Herbert threw an incomplete pass. On fourth down, Hopkins kicked a 31 yard field goal.
On first down, Russell threw a pass that was almost intercepted by Nasir Adderley #24. On second down, Murray ran to the right for five yards. On third down, Russell connected with Sutton for a five yard gain. On first down, Murray ran to the left for seven yards. On second down, Murray ran to the left and then turned up field for a four yard gain. On first down, Murray ran up the middle for one yard. On second down, Russell threw an incomplete pass. On third down, Russell rolled left and into a sack by Derwin James #3 for an eleven yard loss. With 5:20 left in the quarter, Waitman punted.
On first down from the Charger 30 yard line, Herbert threw a pass that could have been a pick 6 by Williams, but the ball fell to the ground incomplete. On second down, Herbert found Michel for a gain of five yards. On third down, Browning was flagged for a neutral zone infraction. On third and one, Michel ran up the middle for two yards. On first down, Herbert completed a pass to Parham for twelve yards. On first down, Ekeler ran tot the right for three yards. On second down, Herbert fired off an incomplete pass. On third down, Herbert found Carter over the middle for seven yards. With 51 seconds left in the quarter, Herbert threw a quick pass to Palmer for a gain of two yards. On second down, Herbert was pressured by D.J. Jones #97 and he threw an incomplete pass. On third and eight, Michel caught a pass for a six yard gain. That play ended the third quarter.
The third quarter ended at 8:22 pm and the score was tied at 13.
To start the fourth quarter off, the Chargers decided to go for it on fourth and two. Herbert threw an incomplete pass.
On first down, Murray ran up the middle for four yards. On second and six, Russell connected with Jeudy for a seven yard gain. On first down, Russell threw an incomplete pass. On second down, Russell scrambled to the left for nine yards. On third down, faked the hand off to Murray, then scrambled to the left for ten yards. On first down, Murray lost one yard. On second down, Russell scrambled to the left for three yards. On third down, Russell tried a shovel pass during a scramble, but the pass was incomplete. On fourth down, Waitman punted. The punt was twenty-two yards.
On first down, with 10:41 left in the game Herbert’s pass was intercepted by Browning. Browning was stripped by Palmer, but Browning recovered his own fumble.
On first down, Mike Boone #26 ran up the middle for one yard. On second down, Russell connected with Boone on a screen to the left for a three yard gain. On third down, Russell was sacked by Drue Tranquill #49 for a four yard loss. On fourth down, McManus kicked a 48 yard field goal.
On first down, Jones was flagged for a face mask. The Chargers gained 15 yards. On first down, Everett caught a pass and gained nine yards. On second down, Ekeler was stuffed for no gain. On third and inches, Michel ran to the left for seven yards, but there was a flag on the play. Mike Purcell #98 was flagged for unnecessary roughness. The Chargers gained 15 yards. On first down, Ekeler lost three yards. On second down, Herbert scrambled for five yards. On third and eight with five minutes remaining, Herbert threw an incomplete pass, but there was a flag on the play. Mathis was flagged for pass interference again. The Chargers gained ten yards. On first down from the fifteen yard line, Ekeler ran up the middle for twelve yards, but there was a flag on the play. Brenden Jaimes #64 was flagged for holding. On first and 20, Herbert connected with Ekeler for a gain of eight yards. Herbert then threw two straight incomplete passes. On fourth down, Hopkins kicked a 35 yard field goal.
From the 25 yard line, Murray gained 14 yards over the left side. On first down, Murray tried the middle and gained four yards. On second down, Russell threw an incomplete pass. On third and six, with 2:31 remaining in the game, Russell was bull rushed and sacked for a nine yard loss by Tranquill. On fourth down, Waitman punted and that play took us beyond the two minute warning.
Herbert completed a pass to Ekeler for no gain. On second down, Herbert went back to Ekeler for a five yard gain. The Chargers ran the same play on third down for a gain of five more yards. On first down, Herbert found Palmer for five yards. On second down, Herbert connected with Everett for a gain of four yards. Then Denver used their final timeout. On third and one, Herbert completed a pass to Zander Horvath #40 for no gain. The Chargers called a time out with one second left on the clock. Herbert’s hail merry was incomplete.
At 9:13 pm overtime started with the teams tied at 16 points apiece. The Broncos won the coins toss and McManus decided to start overtime on offense.
On first down, Murray ran to the left for five yards. On second down, Murray ran up the middle for four yards. On third and one, Russell threw an incomplete pass. The Chargers called a timeout. On fourth down, Waitman punted.
On first down, Johnson was flagged for holding. On the second first down, Herbert found Carter for five yards. Herbert then threw two straight incomplete passes from the Charger 15 yard line. On fourth down, Scott punted from his five yard line with 7:20 remaining in overtime.
On first down, Murray picked up two yards. On second down, Murray picked up one yard running up the middle. On third down, Russell threw an incomplete pass. Waitman punted with 5:44 left.
Herbert threw two straight incomplete passes from the Charger 19 yard line. On third and 10, Jamaree Salyer #68 was flagged for a false start. On third and 15 with five minutes remaining, Herbert hit Ekeler for a six yard gain. On fourth and 9, Scott punted. Washington muffed the punt and Deane Leonard #33 recovered the ball at the Denver 28 yard line.
Ekeler ran to the left and lost a yard on first down with 4:45 left in overtime. On second down, Ekeler ran the previous play and lost another yard. On third and 12, Herbert completed a pass to Mike Williams #81 for nine yards. Then Denver called a timeout. On fourth down, with 2:43 left in overtime, Hopkins kicked a 39 yard field goal to win the game.
The final score from Los Angeles, Broncos 16, Chargers 19. The game lasted three hours and twenty minutes.
Roster moves
The Broncos have signed WR Brandon Johnson #89 to the practice squad.
The Broncos have elevated QB Josh Johnson #11 and LS Mitchell Fraboni #48 from the practice squad
Bronco players that are out: LCB Essang Bassey #34, QB Russell Wilson #3.
Bronco players that that are listed as questionable include: RG Quinn Meinerz #77, ILB Josey Jewell #47, NT D.J. Jones 97, SS Caden Sterns #30, DE Deshawn Williams #99.
The Broncos have released TE Dalton Keene #86 from the practice squad.
This is the third conference game of the year for the Denver Broncos. The Broncos are 500 in conference play with a +4 in net points. The Jets have played four conference games this year. They also have a 500 record. In their conference wins, the Jets have 28 points per game with an average net of +2.5. Those games have also been away games. In their conference loses, they have averaged 11 points per game with a net of -15.
Strength of schedule favors the Jets, but just barely. The teams the Broncos have played so far have won 44.12% of their games. The teams the Jets have played have won 44.44% of their games.
The Broncos have improved this season, but not as much as the Jets. During the first three weeks of the season the Broncos averaged 14 points per game. In weeks 4-6 the Broncos averaged 16 points per game. The Jets averaged 17 points per game to start the season, just a field goal of difference between the teams. In weeks 4-6, the Jets averaged 30 points per game. A massive improvement!
Brett Rypien gets the start, but to be honest, he didn't look good in the preseason. Here's to hoping a change at quarterback will bring in better results.
Next week the Broncos play in London. The game starts before you wake up on Sunday… 7:30 am MST.
Game Time
Sunday, October 23 @ 2:05 PM MDT
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thecomicsnexus · 4 years
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