#Jared Voss
watcherwiki · 3 months
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New Watcher Intro! featured on Mystery Files 2x08
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theighthhorcrux · 3 months
A Thousand Yards notes:
- It being Jackie’s 60th birthday made me google Paula Newsome, and she’s apparently 62 (how??!), also I could swear she was meant to be a few years younger than Vance (born in ‘63)
- I thought of Lee Wuan Kai when Vance collapsed- something about it seemed like her
- Air Force One!!! Our very first episode
- I love these recent seasons’ Curtis Hubley resurgence, and we got a ‘probie’ mention
- Jared’s agent behavior was very sweet
- Kasie got to namedrop the title!
- Sniper on a rooftop? Oof
- Morrow family crypt, Dr. Kate’s sister mention, Chucky(!) mention, and poor Fornell- his garage is his office (also Knight needs to brush up on her history)
- How hard would it have been to get a NOLA cast member?
- McGee putting his foot in his mouth! Also McDirector returns
- Vance looking to Parker for advice like he would Gibbs was just ❤️
- I appreciated Parker’s stance on billionaires- a nice change from ‘Left Unsaid’, using the name ‘Voss’ was a risky move, considering the plot of ‘Dead Man Talking’ (also the actor was in ‘One Shot, One Kill’)
- Somebody not being able to get into MTAC- fun times
- Jared being manipulated online? Come on, seriously?
- Bringing drinks to the lab- nice Abby reference
- They missed an opportunity for the Adams House
- Everybody giving Lindsey Wexler death stares was great
- Fornell and a couch? Hmm
- Well, the conspiracy theory about Jackie was right
- Rule 39! One of my favorites
- Camera-clicking in a ball cap and another Gibbs reference!
- Gaslit? Facepalm but a GREMLIN MENTION makes up for it
- His name was Leonard Rush, writers :/, also I knew Lindsey would be the daughter of someone from the early days, but I didn’t guess him
- Threat to Air Force One- full-circle moment!
- William Baer Jr. was a relatively-obscure reference, I approve
- Driving through the gates- a very Gibbs move, more approval
- They did a great job making Vance look younger, and we got a flashback montage right back to ‘Hung Out To Dry’, although I wish they’d included Reeves, Abby, and Jenny
- Bringing up how they never get credit omg
Overall, this was a great episode that took us right back to the beginning. Here’s to all those to come
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ncisfranchise-source · 3 months
CBS NCIS on Monday night delivered the franchise’s 1,000th total episode, including any and all spinoffs. What Easter eggs did writer Christopher J. Waild scatter throughout the hour, for longtime fans to find?
The milestone episode, “A Thousand Yards,” took its wink-wink title from Kasie’s finding that the sniper who shot Vance at his late wife’s grave site in the cold open was that far a distance away.
The first callback to the first NCIS episode, that I noticed at least, was McGee geeking out over the specs for a new Air Force One jet, seeing as “Yankee White” revolved around a Marine’s mysterious death aboard POTUS’ plane. Then, a series of explosions that came not long after Vance’s shooting were found to have targeted the Morrow family crypt (as in former NCIS Director Tom Morrow)…. Dr. Rachel Cranston, sister of the late Caitlin Todd… and former FBI agent Tobias Fornell. Morrow, Kate and Tobias all appeared in “Yankee White,” and recurring player Joe Spano’s Fornell was also on hand for “A Thousand Yards.”
This 1,000th franchise episode took a moment to fold in two spinoff characters — NCIS: LA‘s Kensi Blye-Deeks and NCIS: Hawai’i‘s Jane Tennant, both of whom teased Torres during an MTAC call. We got a mention of at least one Gibbs rule (“There is no such thing as coincidence”). And it was revealed that the young woman whom Vance’s son Jared had met online, had been groomed by Bandium founder Fletcher Voss (Bones vet T.J. Thyne) to shoot Vance, and who’d planted a virus on Voss’ phone, was in fact the daughter of the “patriot” who attempted to assassinate President George W. Bush in “Yankee White.” And here, she, too, aimed to use Air Force One as part of her plan.
Any number of you may have spotted a tinier callback, and I’ll be most curious to read your comments, but the stealthiest one that I spotted was the name of the Secret Service agent that Kasie reached out to during the antepenultimate scene, urging him to ground Air Force One’s imminent flight. That was Agent William Baer, Jr. — as in the son of Caitlin Todd’s boss in “Yankee White.”
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brokentreeonline · 8 months
We're All Going To Die from Stefan Hunt on Vimeo.
We’re All Going To Die takes on the simple task of exploring the meaning of life. Through colour, imagination, humour and fart jokes, Director Stefan Hunt asks you to look at the what ifs, the why nots and the oh wells that might flash before your eyes when paid a surprise visit by Death. With your internal monologue played by Jared Jekyll and Death played by Hugo Weaving (The Matrix, Lord of the Rings), you’re prompted to get existential whilst grinning from ear to ear during this independent short film of fantastical weirdness.
The film is an adaptation from Stefan Hunt's illustrated book 'Were All Going To Die' and part of a multimedia extravaganza of that same name that was launched in October 2017. The project uses death and art to empower its audience to fear less & live more. "Years ago I was crippled by fear. Reminding myself that I'm going to die has changed my approach to life. It's the most powerful force to live by." says Hunt, who independently funded this project alongside a successful Kickstarter campaign.
A huge thank you to everyone who has been part of the journey. Let's keep kicking fear in the balls.
For more information visit - wereallgoingto.com Official book available here - wereallgoingto.com/book
Director - Stefan Hunt Producer - Yingna Lu Director of Photography - Campbell Brown Editor - Stefan Hunt Man - Jared Jekyll Death - Hugo Weaving Production Designer -Ian Kanik Art Director - Mohini Herse Art Director - Courtney Covey Costume Designer - Christina Bouzios Costume Designer - Rosa Spring Voss Hair and Make Up - Katy Clucas Hair and Make Up - Lisa Mangion Sound Composer - Jonny Higgins Casting Director - Felicity Byrne Unit Production Manager - Maren Smith Unit Production Manager - Nicole Hofstädter 1st Assistant Director - Stuart Beedie Stunt Coordinator - Mark Duncan (TwinStar Stunts) Stunt Rigger - Neal Horton Production Assistant - Olivia Carolan Production Assistant - Yasmin Blake Production Assistant/Reader Emele Ugavule 1st Assistant Camera - Joel Eames 1st Assistant Camera - Sid Tinney 1st Assistant Camera - Tim Keith 2nd Assistant Camera - Luke Tysoe 2nd Assistant Camera - Chris Moore 2nd Assistant Camera - Rhavin Banda BTS Jack Shepherd Wardrobe Assist - Amber Theron Gaffer - Mat Wilson (Focus Film Lighting) Gaffer - Steve Schofield (Lumen Arty) Best Boy - Nathan Grant Best Boy - Richard Hawkins Best Boy - Charles Gray Key Grip - Chris Davies Sound Recordist & Boom Operator - Martin Demian Stills Photographer - Sam Shepherd Locations Services - Emelie Fagerman and Alex Intihar from Search Party Locations Online Editor / Colourist - Matt Fezz VFX Supervisor - Matt Fezz VFX Supervisor - Matt Campbell Storyboard Artist - Amber Theron Graphic Designer - Sam Shepherd Designer - Hui Ying Kao Designer - Courtney Brookes Animator - Andrew Khosravani Animator - Michael Chen Post Sound Supervisor - Jonny Higgins Voice Over Recordist - Rob Hughes Voice Over Recordist - Simon Lister VO recorded at Nylon Studios Special Thanks to; Paper Moose Crater Studios Mrs Nina Tattoli Vanessa Marian Helena Rosebery Southern Cross Cameras Australia Stef Smith Matt Pike Whitney Oliver Alexandra Kent Adam Benton Liam Riley Ant Pawley Kei Yokokawa Williams Management Andrew Wilkinson (Sydney Prop Specialists) Alt.vfx
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hyperfixationspam · 3 years
tma voice actors rated on how well they would play the character in live action
Jonathan Sims as The Archivist: 3/10. He just doesnt look pathetic enough. Its the poor little meow meow factor. He gets some points for looking like he might be just a little bit insane tho. Also, fun fact, when I started the podcast I was having trouble picturing Jon so I looked at a picture of Jonny and immediately went "...no. he doesnt look like that"
Alexander J Newall as Martin Blackwood: 0/10. Alex is an evil little man and you can tell by looking at him. Even without the suit, there's malice in those eyes. He is neither gentle nor a giant. Just an all around unpleasant experience, not a Martin!!
Alexander J Newall as Jared Hopworth: -10000/10. No explanation needed
Mike LeBeau as Tim Stoker: 9/10. Im pretty sure he is actually s1 Tim. He's very charming and good looking and just generally has the right personality. Season 3 is harder but I bet he has the range physically too!
Lottie Broomhall as Sasha James: 7/10. She looks very sweet and nerdy! Shed be a good fit. Not like shes around for long anyway...
Evelyn Hewett as Not-Sasha: 5/10. She also looks very sweet!!! Which is the problem!!! I dont think shes creepy enough... but that might actually make it more creepy?? Idk man, take a half rating
Ben Meredith as Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus: 4/10. Hes just not scary! Not to mention too young. However he gets points because it would be absolutely hilarious
Lydia Nicholas as Melanie King: 8/10. Something in their face just says "Im a nice person but I could kill you if I wanted to." I think she would really pull off the woman slowly losing her mind look
Hannah Brankin as Jane Prentiss: 7/10. I mean. Shes gonna be covered in worms anyway. Anyone will look terrifying with good enough sfx
Hannah Brankin as Rosie Zampano: 4/10. She looks very sweet but I feel like Rosie has this very specific vibe of well concealed yet visible rage that Hannah just doesnt have. Plus I imagine her being a bit older
Frank Voss as Basira Hussain: 5/10. Theyre too sweet! Basira is very serious and I just dont think I could be intimidated by Frank. They could definitely do the more emotional moments but they just dont look like they would hold someone at gunpoint!
Imogen Harris as Helen Richardson: 4/10. Similar situation to Not-Sasha. She doesnt look unhinged at all but the lack of unhinged energy might actually be creepier? -1 point for not having ringlets. Idk why I just cant imagine Helen without ringlets
Luke Booys as Michael Shelley: 15/10. Just put a wig on him and tip to toe that is a Michael! He has the perfect energy. Theres just something in those eyes that says "I have seen madness beyond your comprehension and I have become a part of that madness." I think hes an avatar of the Spiral irl based solely on his face. He doesnt even fit the canon description but hes just so perfect you cant cast anyone else
Fay Roberts as Daisy Tonner: 10/10. Ze looks very graceful and gentle yet also like ze can and will kill you which is the exact energy I get from Daisy. And their hair is so perfect for her too!! Like yeah thats Daisy!!
Carrie Cohen as Mary Keay: 10/10. Shes got the unhinged old woman energy down to a SCIENCE!! She is TERRIFYING!! Good for her!!
Sasha Sienna as Georgie Barker: 6/10. He looks very sweet, very strong cat mom energy but the problem is they just look too innocent. No offense but I just dont see death in her eyes
Guy Kelly as Mike Crew: 8/10. He looks pretty much exactly how I imagined Mike but I dont think hes tiny enough. Hes gotta be a real short king
Jessica Law as Nikola Orsinov: 11/10. Youre not allowed to cast anyone else!! Shes perfect!! Like Nikola doesnt even have a face but if she did thats what it would look like. There is a reason she gets typecast as a sentient human shaped object and its because she slays it both vocally and physically!!
Lowri Ann Davies as Lynne Hammond/Celia: 8/10. Im just enjoying imagining her in a cult
Francesca Renee Reid as Julia Montauk: 10/10. My only justification for this is that I am gay for both of them
Ian Hayles as Trevor Herbert: 8/10. Needs a little more chaotic bastard energy but nothing a little makeup cant help. Give him a more fucked up beard and put some dirt and blood on him. Thats Trevor!
Jon Gracey as Gerard Keay: 2/10. Hes Not Even Goth. Like I know you could just dress him up goth but its just not the same! We need an authentic goth actor for accurate goth representation! Points for being a weird nerd tho
Alasdair Stuart as Peter Lukas: 7/10. Alasdair is way too wholesome for Peter and I dont think I could be intimidated by him or see him as pathetic. HOWEVER I am giving him a bunch of extra points because I simply thinks he deserves to play Peter in live action. Alasdair is the OG Peter kinnie and who am I to deny him that right?
Russell A. Smith as Oliver Banks: 9/10. He looks so nice and handsome! Yet also a little depressed at the same time! Give him some dark circles under his eyes, and yep, he's Oliver!
Helen Gould as Laverne: 10/10. Theyre such a comforting presence. She could totally be a therapist. I would tell him all of my problems
Layla Mannings as Manuela Dominguez: 5/10. Shes too adorable! She doesnt look like someone who would try to extinguish the sun!
John Henry Falle as Arthur Nolan: 2/10. He definitely looks insane but not in a landlord kinda way ya know? He looks like he would commit arson but not like he would be a class traitor
Karim Kronfli as Simon Fairchild: 0/10. Hes like 50 tops. Simon is like 500 and appears 100. We need a man whos fucking decaying
Richard Soames as Eric Delano: 1/10. This Dude Is Like Thirty
Chioma Nwalioba as Annabelle Cane: 9/10. Shes adorable!! And I think Annabelle is adorable too!! She would look great in some vintage clothes. I would tell her all of my secrets I dont care if she would use them against me <3 I cant imagine her as a giant spider tho but Im sure she has the range
Ray Chong Nee as Mikaele Salesa: 10/10. He really does look like he would sell people cursed shit, he just has that eccentric vibe. Seems like hes a big dude too. Definitely the kind of guy to dramatically play the piano to reveal he was alive all along
Mabel Syrup as Dr. Jane Doe: 10/10. Looked at her instagram for ten seconds and nearly went insane. My brain cant process any of this. Thats the kind of vibes we need. Good for her
Anil Godigamuwe as Arun: 10/10. I literally just imagined him as Anil the entire time. I cant separate the actor from the character
Tim Ledsam as Jordan Kennedy: 10/10 but only if he wears the Gunpowder Tim getup and this is never addressed
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jamieroxxartist · 3 years
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✔ Mark Your Calendars: Monday June 7, on 🎨#JamieRoxx’s Pop Roxx Radio 🎙️#TalkShow and #Podcast with Featured Guest:
Jared Bankens, #Actor (#WeAllThinkWereSpecial, #Film | #Drama, #Thriller)
☎ Lines will be open (347) 850.8598 Call in with your Questions and Comments Live on the Air.
● Click here for Guest Details and to Set a Reminder: http://tobtr.com/11949921
Pop Art Painter Jamie #Roxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) welcomes Jared Bankens, Actor (We All Think We’re Special, Film | Drama, Thriller) to the Show!
● IMDB: www.imdb.com/title/tt10849722 ● Instagram: @watws_official ● Amazon: www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B095XMQW3L/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_r
#JaredBankens ● IMDB: www.imdb.com/name/nm4983834 ● Instagram: @mr_bankens ● Twitter: @JaredBankens
Director Kirby Voss’s We All Think We’re Special, featuring Jared Bankens (Bill and Ted Face the Music, Venom, “Looking for Alaska”) in an acclaimed performance, premieres on digital this June. In this haunting drama, a night of reckless drinking compels a car mechanic to forcibly detox his best friend -- whatever the cost. ​ ● Media Inquiries for the Film, We All Think We’re Special October Coast www.octobercoastpr.com
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ia-wrestle · 3 years
41st North/South All-Star Dual Matchups
41st North/South All-Star Dual Matchups for Tonight in Charles City.
Saturday, April 10th 6:00pm at Charles City High School 182: Jared Voss (WEST DELAWARE) 182 : Elijah Wagner (LAKE MILLS) 195A: Spencer Mooberry (OSAGE) 195A: Luke Walker (W-SR) 195B: Taner Harvey (BOONE) 195B: Jacob Reicks (NHTV) 106: Nathaniel Bigalk (CRESTON) 106: Cael Long (CEDAR RAPIDS KENNEDY) 113: Kaden Karns (WATERLOO WEST) 113: Aime Mukiza (HOOVER) 126: Brooks Meyer (DENVER) 126:…
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auroracalisto · 4 years
Hetalia Names
These are the names that I use.  In no particular order.  It’s alright if you don’t use the same names, but if you need a quick name recommendation, I’m so glad to help!  Lol.  Also, what is the whole thing around these characters and the name Louise?  Please give some recommendations to me so I can change them because where are so many Louise/Luise/Luvise’s that I literally can’t even
America: 1P, Alfred F. Jones 2P, Allen F. Jones NYO, Amelia E. Jones NYO 2P, Emily F. Jones
Canada: 1P, Matthew Williams 2P, James Williams NYO, Marguerite Williams NYO 2P, Maddeline ‘Maddie’ Williams
England: 1P, Arthur Kirkland 2P, Oliver Kirkland NYO, Alice Kirkland NYO 2P, Olivia Elizabeth Kirkland
France: 1P, Francis Bonnefoy 2P, François Bonnefoy NYO, Catherine Bonnefoy NYO 2P, Francine Bonnefoy
Spain: 1P, Antonio Fernandez Carriedo 2P, Andres Fernandez Carriedo NYO, Isabel Fernandez Carriedo NYO 2P, Araceli Carriedo
Italy: 1P, Feliciano Vargas 2P, Luciano Vargas NYO, Margherita Vargas NYO 2P, Mariella Vargas
Romano: 1P, Lovino Vargas 2P, Flavio Vargas NYO, Lucilla Vargas NYO 2P, Angelica Vargas
Germany: 1P, Ludwig Beilschmidt 2P, Lutz Beilschmidt NYO, Monika Beilschmidt NYO 2P, Louise Beilschmidt
Prussia: 1P, Gilbert Beilschmidt 2P, Gilen Beilschmidt NYO, Julchen Maria Beilschmidt NYO 2P, Viktoria Beilschmidt
Hungary: 1P, Elizabeta Hedervary 2P, Erzsebet Hedervary NYO, Daniel Hedervary NYO 2P, Darryl Hedervary
Austria: 1P, Roderich Edelstein 2P, Roland Edelstein NYO, Anneliese Edelstein NYO 2P, Therese Edelstein
Switzerland: 1P, Vash Zwingli 2P, Voss Zwingli NYO, Adelheid ‘Heidi’ Zwingli NYO 2P, Adelaid Zwingli
Liechtenstein: 1P, Lillia ‘Lilli’ Vogel 2P, Luise Vogel NYO, Noah Vogel NYO 2P, Nico Vogel
Romania: 1P, Vladimir Popescu 2P, Vasska Popescu NYO, Viorica Popescu NYO 2P, Alina Popescu
Greece: 1P, Heracles Karpusi 2P, Hermes Karpusi NYO, Helice Karpusi NYO 2P, Hestia Karpusi
Belgium: 1P, Bella Maes 2P, Beatrice Maes NYO, Beau Maes NYO 2P, Anouk de Vris
Netherlands: 1P, Abel Maes 2P, Henry Maes NYO, Karina Maes NYO 2P, Klara de Vris
Poland: 1P, Feliks Łukasiewicz 2P, Franciszek Łukasiewicz NYO, Florentyna Łukasiewicz NYO 2P, Anka Łukasiewicz
Lithuania: 1P, Toris Laurinaitis 2P, Tomas Lorinaitis NYO, Tatjana Lorinaityte NYO 2P, Morta Lorinaitis
Latvia: 1P, Raivis Galante 2P, Ruslan Galante NYO, Rebeka Galanta NYO 2P, Rota Galante
Estonia: 1P, Eduard von Bock 2P, Egor von Bock NYO, Edith von Bock NYO 2P, Loviise von Bock
Finland: 1P, Tino Väinämöinen 2P, Thurston Väinämöinen NYO, Tiina Väinämöinen NYO 2P, Lora Väinämöinen
Sweden: 1P, Berwald Oxenstierna 2P, Bernard Oxenstierna NYO, Belinda Oxenstierna NYO 2P, Freja Oxenstierna
Norway: 1P, Lukas Bondevik 2P, Lokki Bondevik NYO, Lovise Bondevik NYO 2P, Lucia Bondevik
Denmark: 1P, Matthias Køhler 2P, Markell Køhler NYO, Mette Køhler NYO 2P, Milena Køhler
Iceland: 1P, Emil Steillson 2P, Egil Steillson NYO, Emi Steillson NYO 2P, Elsa Steillson
Russia: 1P, Ivan Braginski 2P, Viktor Braginski NYO, Anya Braginskaya NYO 2P, Roksana Braginski
Ukraine: 1P, Yekaterina ‘Katyusha’ Braginskaya 2P, Katya Braginskaya NYO, Dmitri Braginski NYO 2P, Mykola Chernenko
Belarus: 1P, Natalia Arlovskaya 2P, Natasha Arlovskaya NYO, Nikolai Arlovski NYO 2P, Cyril Arlovsky
Japan: 1P, Kiku Honda 2P, Kuro Honda NYO, Sakura Honda NYO 2P, Hana Honda
China: 1P, Yao Wang 2P, Xiao Wang NYO, Chun-Yan Wang NYO 2P, Chen-Lien Wang
Australia: 1P, Jett Kirkland 2P, Jared Kirkland NYO, Jillian ‘Jilli’ Kirkland NYO 2P, Danielle Kirkland
Scotland: 1P, Allistor Kirkland 2P, Gavin Kirkland NYO, Annabel Kirkland NYO 2P, Eileen Kirkland
Ireland: 1P, Alroy Kirkland 2P, Alaric Kirkland NYO, Alonna Kirkland NYO 2P, Aimee Kirkland
Wales: 1P, Reuben Kirkland 2P, William Kirkland NYO, Rowena Kirkland NYO 2P, Ceri Kirkland
Rome: 1P, Romulus Vargas 2P, Lucius Vargas NYO, Rosetta Vargas NYO 2P, Cinzia Vargas
Germania: 1P, Gauthier Weillschmidt 2P, Sigmund Beilschmidt NYO, Gitte Weillschmidt NYO 2P, Hildegarde Weillschmidt
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equalseleventhirds · 4 years
@greyhighlighter replied to your post “it’s frustrating that the only poc in the main cast is also a. a cop...”
Just out of curiosity, are you saying that the thing Jared Hopworth said about Melanie (calling her "the skinny one") means Basira is canonically fat? Seems fairly flimsy, given that he only specified the three people there, (Melanie, Martin, and Basira) as "skinny", "weak", and "cop" respectively. I mean, we have far more evidence for Martin being a big dude than for Basira being anything other than average. Obviously, you can headcanon whatever, but to say it's /canon/ that she's fat seems a bit of a reach.
i mean if you read what i said, i in fact said that it’s canon that basira is fat or at least not skinny. various other people have taken this to mean the same thing, and this has been a discussion point in fandom for A While, but your personal reading is up to you, i guess. i’m not sure what ‘far more evidence’ you have that martin is big, given that we p much have the exact same ‘not skinny’ scenario plus him saying that he’s ‘not the smallest guy in the world’, which is one (1) more not-very-clear comment.
i’m also gonna go ahead and say that given that frank voss is fat, fandom’s interaction with basira is, again, gonna be heavily influenced by their perception of her voice actor, which is a fairly large part of how some of the more upsetting comments from fans become upsetting. so she’s about as canonically fat as she is canonically a poc, which is to say, not but we can infer.
i’m also gonna go right ahead and say that this comment from you was weirdly passive-aggressive! like, a lot! you may have noticed that i replied in kind!
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stevedavismarketing · 4 years
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ICYMI: The Chris Voss Show Podcast – American Rule: How a Nation Conquered the World but Failed Its People by Jared Yates Sexton http://dlvr.it/RhhWDJ
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Dean/Merit List Recipients
Alvin Community College recognized students for making the Fall 2017 Dean’s and Merit Lists during a reception on February 20.
To be eligible for the Dean’s list students must earn at least a 3.5 grade point average for 12 or more credit hours in a semester and no course with a grade lower than a C. To be eligible for the Merit List, a student must have 7 – 11 college-level semester hours during a semester with a minimum 3.5 GPA with no F or incomplete. College-level courses exclude credit-by-exam, nontraditional, transfer, or developmental courses.
The full Dean’s List recipients are: Crystal Bailey, Maria Barron, Noah Bartley, Cassidy Bell, Chelsea Biles, Madison Bochard, Paul Boddy, Sarah Bowman, Stephanie Burge, Scott Carpenter, Sydney Charbula, Katherine Chaviers, Mikayla Childs, Karalyn Clark, William Dahlstrom, Justin Davis, Diana Deleon, Egla Delrioaguillon, Stephen Franks, Sielo Garcia, Soledad Garcia Vasquez, Paul Garza, Travis Gonzales, Jose Gonzalez, Brittney Green, Christopher Guyton, Chandra Hardin, William Hart, Erik Hernandez, Valerie Hinds, Michael Hollis, Andrea Laws, Blake Ledoux, Andrea Leija, Jackson Loy, Samantha Maddox, Charles Manuel, Michael McCasland, Jonathan Medrano, Casaundra Mejia, Paola Merino, Christina Morgan, Christy Myers, Mason Myers, Phuong Nguyen, Brittany Nolen, Kayla Palmer, Andrew Pier, Tyler Ponder, Kenton Ritter, Gustavo Ruiz, Abigail Russell, Ricardo Sagredo, Justin Schissel, Rucha Thakar, Sharath Thomas, Ashley Vaughn, Ashley Villanueva, Marisah Villarreal, Celeste Villarreal, Ceydy Villasenor, Mikael Walden, Kylie White, Deborah Wilson, Andrew Wood, Rosalinda Arredondo, Denise Aviles, Margret Choate, JoLee Galetka, Cinthia Mendez, Jaime Weisel, Destiny Casey, Savannah Krenek, Christopher Martin, Eloy Phillips, Hunter Roberts, Patrick Dawson, Gabriel Garza, Kody Martinez, Rosaura Orozco, Luke Black, Brandon Carlin, Ronald Carpenter, Cameron Christeson, Brittnee Garner, Tyler Grisham, Haden Holtje, Jean Lanning, Anh Le, Trevor Mertel, Trung Nguyen, Robert Ornelas, Alyssa Van Vooren, Logan Varner, Kaysie Wilson, John Obrien, Brittney Surber, Matty Sullivan, Adam Thompson, Ryan Wilcox, Sarah Proulx, Alex Aste, Katelyn Cao, Thao Do, Tina Egbulem, Hector Garza, Ashley Hall, Roland Henderson, Erika Hoarau, Benjamin Jensen, Jeffrey Pope, Paul Porche, Fiza Prasla, Sally Turcios, Darnesha Randall, Amy Smith, Su-Hui Wu, Morgan Gilbert, Christopher Amend, Maggie Barry, Sahista Bhanji, Alyssa Broussard, Suzannah Gilbert, Victor Hernandez, Alejandra Hernandez, Alyssa Hughes, Samuel Jasek, Michael Jensen, Kylie Levett, Clarissa Respondek, Tyler Zarella, Stephen Smith, Alondra Bautista Lopez, Marlaina Grimland, Emily Gutierrez, Stephanie Justice, Pauline Smith, Hannah Whatley, Claire Wiedemann, Jonathan Franks, Dawndi Morrell, Ruth Nyoro, Mary Olubuogu, Erlbert Hernandez, Jared Donnelly, Brenda Rico, Fernando Campos, Andrew Alex, Rachelle Allen, Connor Allensworth, Thalia Nicole Rose Aruj, Ryan Barton, Victoria Bitner, Alyssa Burns, Micaela Campos, Kelly Childers, Chase Clark, Ryan Desbiens, Madison Everett, Brendon Farmer, David Feil, Jonathan Garcia, Salvador Gonzalez, Shannon Griffith, Ivana Hagos, Blake Hardy, Martina Herrera, Iscelle Init, Timothy Josef Joya, Makenzy Leonard, Gang Li, Maranatha Liga, Diego Lopez, Orian Mars, Shannon McReynolds, Madison Moncrief, Bianca Montemayor, Harinee Morkonda, Skye Mosk, Alyssa Mae Ocampo, Brandon Oelfke, Chiamaka Onumajuru, Camdyn Perkins, Brigette Pitts, August Reyes, Steven Reyes, Vanessa Rodriguez, Arturo Sanchez, Chelsea Vynce Saya Ang, Mauro Serna, Shayla Smith, Jason Sosa, Christina Standridge, Christina Thai, Morgan Thompson, Dustin Todd, Belen Torres, Michael Ulery, Miranda Voss, Samuel Werner, Emily Wright, Tristan Yap, Clayton Yates, Nicole Young, Rachel Abbott, Anayeli Salinas, Maria Theresa Louise Bautista, Russoviodoni Borneo, Esther Christodoss, Emily Demarco, Rany Duong, Katelynne Hall, Megan Hunter, David Maranon, Erika Martinez, Garret Page, Thaddeaus Phipps, Noemi Pulido, Conner Radler, Sarai Ramales, Rebecca Rubio, Oluwaseun Sonola, John Syzdek, Saxanh Thach, Jose Padilla, Noah De la Rosa, Dylan Anderson, Gabriel Degner, Kyleigh Holm, Colton Johnson, Clayton Lackey, Hannah Longoria, Akata Patel, Stephenie Rogers, Matthew Snipe, Melanie Walker, Joseph Castro, Serena Khakwani, Roberta Gimenes, Matthew Hromadka, Khawaja Raza, Rodman Villela, and Adeline Terry.
   The full Merit List recipients are: Ashley Strain, Deena Aguilar, Anthony Aprile, Kelsey Barba, Eva Bartley, Samantha Blaine, Joseph Boddy, Kyrsten Breaux, Austin Britt, Taylor Broussard, Autumn Burge, Bridget Byrd, Alexa Camacho, Connor Creedon, Johnny Davis, Cody Dewar, Raul Diaz, Katherine Dixon, Veronica Dudek, Michael Durham, Fritz Eixman, Purelily Ekpo, Megan Ercums, Kaitlyn Espinosa, Jennifer Fakharizadeh, Monica Flores, Tiffany Forgy, Erick Franco-Herrera, Samantha Garcia, Ashley Garcia, Erica Garcia, Servando Garcia Ramires, Desiree Garrison, Karen Gonzalez, Ariana Green, Allieann Greenwood, Erin Gutierrez, Tristan Habenicht, Creed Hall, Sara Hayes, Janina Hillyer, Kathryn Hoelter, Steven Holmes, Chase Horsfall, Cameron Hubbard, James Hutson, Sarah Jackson, Guadalupe Juarez, Sean Kinel, Collin Landis, Sharline Law, Emma Lee, Barbara Lomeli, Jehu Lopez, Shawn Lowery, Teresa Lozano, Tricia Lute, Traci Martin, Jessica Martinez, Yolanda Mena, Natalie Miller, Samuel Mitchell, Hayden Myers, Tran Nguyen, Timmie Olison, Michelle Orduna, Brandon Perdue, Christopher Perez, Darryl Perry, Sara Persons, Cole Pletka, Jacob Porter, Jose Ramirez, Andrea Ramirez, Kelly Ramsey, Morgan Revels, Erika Riggs, Britney Rodriguez, Sienna Rodriguez, Courtney Roeckel, Linzy Sandoval, Tamra Sanson, Taylor Savedra, Anthony Schmaltz, Brittany Schonert, Michelle Smith, Paige Snowden, Anisa Solis, Patricia Stasky, Cagney Steffen, Richard Stillman, James Thompson, Madison Troxlar, Waqas Uddin, Joseph Villarreal, Christopher Villarreal, Julia Wagener, Alexis Wilhoite, Matthew Wyers, Emily Wyhs, Roie Yehezkel, Katherine Yuchnewicz, Ayana Brereton, Matthew Cannon, Jordyn Cooper, Brittany Dahl, Kristan Drummond, Cindy Ha, Conner Hammonds, Mackenna Mcintyre, Juan Morales, Ashley Vasut, Jorge Moreno Pacheco, Dorcas Starcke, Jaecen Foytik, Jacqulynn Kendrick, Michael Priddy, Amber Rushing, Uzma Chaudhry, Chase Ivey, Cassidy Bodden, Adan Hernandez Flores, Daniel Molina, Joaquin Phillips, Meagan Ripple, Alexis Townsend, Lana Townsend, Daisy Alvarado, Tasheda Johnson, Gabrielle Metcalf, Sayjah Davis, Emily Drilling, Agustin Encinia, Kimberly Anton, Christina Blanton, Kennedi Carpentieri, Ashlee Chappell, Lee Cravens, Nicole Gonzales, Jessica Jensen, Mai Le, Stephanie Leblanc, Trace Mertel, Julia Miles, Keith Parrish, Lauren Rangel, Catherin Reed, Cristine Tran, Brieanna Thomas, Cody Jenkins, Ayana Meadows, Jessica Willis, Raquel Rooney, Bonnie Gage, Jennifer Baehre, Kirlice Carr-Lett, Ashley Collins-George, Nathan Fuchs, Amie Gallant, Erin Gunn, Zoee Huskey, Sharon Labauve, Julia Martinez, Tommy Patrick, Roberto Pena, James Ronk, Brice Stettler, Placid Tankie, Laryssa Thompson, Emmaculator Ugochukwu, Shani Ulmer, Alexis Wells, Layla Wolken, Brian Smith, Jacklyn Kendall, Carrie Watkins, Elizabeth Cornwell, Kayla Byers, Rachel Lovell, Thanh Nguyen, Danny Taylor, Sara Brown, Esther Erfan, Shelbie Hannah, Annette Jacobs, Cynthia Poehl, Brandon Presley, Vanessa Putnik, Rafaelle Tkac, Adam Alexander, Samuel Green, Bryanna Hardy, Alison Henderson, Lorren Munson, Joshua Avina, Christine Burton, Mariana Castillo, Brenda Davis, Joshua Deleon, Aubrey Dowdy, Shelby Foland, James Freitag, Adam Groce, Garrett Heidrich, Zhigang Ji, Claire Jones, Myrisa Keller, Hannah Knight, Cody Lloyd, Lovie Luckie, Joshua MacLeod, Ryan McGraw, Yejide Olutimehin, Elizabeth Omojola, Molly Page, Kaysie Perkins, Shannon Puliyampallil, Christopher Rangel, Jessie Robinson, Mercedeez Serna, Savannah Serrato, Kaylee Shelton, Kathryn Simmons, Sandra Simmons, Katherine Singleton, Nicolas Sudderth, Amanda Wurster, Taylor Yoakum, Jameson Young, Barrett Day, Julia Meah, Tessa Williams, Cassandra Solis, Krystal Aguilar, Eric Dinwiddie, Kevin Jackson, Juan Parkin, Kayla Smith, Raven Solomon, Kaitlyn Welsh, Mary Zvonek, Mejesh John, Loretta Garza, Sheila Agim, Chintua Amajor, Sheikinna Ang, Kaylah Angel, Saron Bahlbi, Kamya Bates, John Beach, Jenny Beaty, Lauren Beck, Savon Blanchard, Kayla Bordelon, Chloe Bradley, Tiffany Brown, Jessica Butts, Vicente Castellanos, Korinne Cathey, Devdeep Chandra, Farah Chokshi, Gina Daugherty, Camille Davidson, Cameron Davidson, Alexander De Jesus-Colon, Maria Rousseanne De Vera, Daniel Doud, Lauren Duke, Bruce Dumlao, Alyssa Esma, Noemy Espitia, Brandi Estis, Esther Fernandas, Preston Fillipi, Karishma Flores, Christian Fontenot, Robyne Foster, Cira Frias, Andrew Frick, Falon Garcia, Elijah Garcia, Jeffrey Garrison, Danielle Garza, Jara Go, Mikelcey Green, Lauren Guthrie, Alexa Hall, Andrew Hampton, Shawn Hemingway, Hannah Hendricks, Ariana Hernandez, Jonathan Hoang, Nicole Hopkins, Nicolas Horton, Jenny Horton, Travis Hudson, Abigail Husain, Adrian Jasso, Clarence Johnson, Lauren Jones, Hanikka Phoebe Jugo, Akunnaya Kalunta, Abby Khanh Ai Vu, Emily Lapoint, Madison Lloyd, Lindsey MacPhail, Hannah Mccreary, Mark Mejia, Christian Miller, Amanda Mills, Amber Molidor, Jackson Mortenson, Lindsey Munoz, Matthew Myers, Xavier Navarrete, Anh Nguyen, Justin Nguyen, Jude Nixon, Naomi Noyola, Glydel Marie Obate, Gwyneth Obediente, Oalyssa Oconer, Ogechi Onu, Charles Ortiz, Alyssa Osorio, Freia Rossi Pamintuan, Hailey Paulk, Emily Pepper, Veronica Perez, Dana Perkins, Tamia Peters, Nathan Pham, Michelle Pham, Marion Quidilig, Karolyn Raj, Kassia Raj, Doran Reyes, Jessica Richardson, Malik Rodgers, Laura Roman, Yashua Justine Saguin, Caitlyn Salmons, Aubry Scully, Karoline Sellers, Britney Shen, Aylen Sosa, William Stanaland, Jared Streeter, Camille Surima, Thu Tang, Halle Thompson, Mary Joy Tolentino, Nelly Ann Uy, Hima Vadakekara, Delores Vanhoose, Kayla Vero, Tarren Vielma, Ivan Vinev, Lovita Vinod, Jared Weaver, Kathryn Willenborg, Sarah Williams, Shayna Williams, Timothy Wood, Sara Yan, Shatrine Zachary, Noah Stowers, Adebisi George, Madison McDonald, Nicole Jocelin Alfonso, Timothy Allen, Mohammad Alom, Darryl Archer, Yesenia Arenas, Alyssa Arredondo, Matthew Atteberry, Lilian Avila, Jessica Balmaceda, Victoria Bermea, Rebecca Buckalew, Brittany Cephus, Tarza Do, Thomas Gallagher, John Garzon-Vasquez, Ailia Gould, Veronica Guajardo, Kelly Hejtmancik, Lori Ivy, Jeniece Julius, Alec Koecher, Brianne Menzies, Adeline Nzeribe, Alexis Ocana, Sandra Ortiz, Timothy Richert, Olivia Roberts, Jocelyn Romero, Brenda Sanchez, Zurisadai Sosa-Montes, Gerald Williams, Kathryn Bell, Tenea' Cannon, Chelsea Catching, Victoria Cole, Kristina Hagerman, Mark Jones, Hiral Patel, Haley Perkins, Shannon Simmons, Rebecca Thumann, Stacy Zinante, River Alford, William Clifford, Darrien Jones, William Blalock, Alison Flythe, Ashley Molina, Ashley Mcbride, Sarah Blasdell, Nareemon Kasmai, Mahboubeh Oufi, Hannah Crochet, Norman Gallardo, Victoria Martinez, Melanie Baccus, Ashley Durham and Aryn Rodriguez.
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phillipenover · 5 years
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“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss 📚🤗 My top 2019 book list. These were some amazong reads / audibles. Looking forward to some good reads in 2020. Happy new year everyone! Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku. Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil Degrasse Tyson. Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman. Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss. America before by Graham Hancock. The Red Queen by Matt Ridley. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. Civilized to Death by Christopher Ryan Empire of the Summer Moon by S.C. Gwynne. A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson. Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker. Guns Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond. https://www.instagram.com/p/B6voyyWp-EK/?igshid=1y17upwwqosuy
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emmegoeswriting · 5 years
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→ STATUS - closed for plotting
Soft-spoken and easy going, Danielle was closest to her father, Harry, while she was growing up until her parents split – the cause of which was a longstanding affair that her father had been having over the course of a number of years. While Danielle was unaware, her older sister had known for over two years and was distant with their father as a result. Though the girls stayed with their mother after the divorce, Becca and Danielle clung to each other and helped the other make it through the shift in their familial dynamics while their mother, for the first time since she was twenty, began to explore the world as a single woman and enjoy everything that would entail and regularly neglected to foster a relationship with her daughters.
By the time that Danielle graduated high school, she was no longer speaking to her father and on barely friendly terms with her mother due to her more flighty tendencies and relied heavily on her older sister during her first year at university for emotional support. Still idealistic that if a relationship was right, then it would work, Danielle was devastated when her fiancee eventually left her during her senior year of university for a job across the country and their engagement ended. Instead of seeking out another long-term relationship, Danielle threw herself into her schooling and eventually into her career in journalism, quickly becoming a formidable writer within the gossip community within a few years and focusing on only reporting on something that could be confirmed.
While it lead her to meet her eventual boyfriend and husband, Cole Voss, their relationship (if you could call it that) was rocky at the start and downright explosive in the middle due to his manipulation of her when they first started sleeping together in an attempt to get her to stop writing about his escapades and his career. The two would eventually repair their relationship and end up on solid ground with both of their feet firmly planted in keeping an open door between the two of them and no more secrets, particularly when it came to their relationship.
→ TAGS - muse | writing → PARTNER - @graceof1x1 → PAIRING TAG - Cole Voss (X)
FULL NAME: Danielle Hailey Jackobson
AGE: 25 years old
BIRTHDAY: September 23rd
OCCUPATION(S): Journalist, gossip column
ROLEPLAY: not applicable
APPLICABLE VERSE(S): not applicable
FACECLAIM: Alycia Debnam-Carey
EYE COLOR(S): blue
HAIR COLOR(S): blondish-brown
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: small scar on shoulder from when she broke her collarbone and ended up with the bone breaking through the skin slightly during her junior year of high school
HOMETOWN: San Louis Obispo, California
FINANCIAL STATUS: lower middle class
EDUCATION LEVEL: Bachelor’s Degree
BIRTH ORDER: Middle child
SIBLINGS: sister, Rebecca “Becca” Jackobson, 27 years old and currently working as a surgical nurse in Los Angeles, California; brother, Jared Jackobson, 8 years old and currently attending elementary school
FAMILY: father, Harold Jackobson, and mother, Mary Jackobson-Wright
SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S): high school boyfriend, Jason Matthews. Former fiancee, Hunter Davids, engaged during junior year of university and separated in her senior year, breaking the engagement
SIGNIFICANT RELATIONSHIPS: best friend, Rebecca Jackobson, and is easily her closest confidant in her life and the one that she goes to for advice and information on what direction she should go in about any situation. Cole Voss, doubling as a significant other and a close friend, ends up being on and off in her life for a number of months as more of a casual sex partner as their friendship develops into more than that as well.
POSITIVE TRAITS: compassionate, smart, driven
NEGATIVE TRAITS: soft spoken, easily manipulated, empathetic
LIKES: coffee with too much sugar, dark chocolate, lasagna, sand between her toes, mountain breezes, the way that the air smells after it rains, early mornings and easy breezes
DISLIKES: milk chocolate, black coffee, being underestimated, political moves, sour candies, the way that cigarette smoke smells a day later, coming home to a silent house, the smell of hospitals
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artwalktv · 6 years
We’re All Going To Die takes on the simple task of exploring the meaning of life. Through colour, imagination, humour and fart jokes, Director Stefan Hunt asks you to look at the what ifs, the why nots and the oh wells that might flash before your eyes when paid a surprise visit by Death. With your internal monologue played by Jared Jekyll and Death played by Hugo Weaving (The Matrix, Lord of the Rings), you’re prompted to get existential whilst grinning from ear to ear during this independent short film of fantastical weirdness. The film is an adaptation from Stefan Hunt's illustrated book 'Were All Going To Die' and part of a multimedia extravaganza of that same name that was launched in October 2017. The project uses death and art to empower its audience to fear less & live more. "Years ago I was crippled by fear. Reminding myself that I'm going to die has changed my approach to life. It's the most powerful force to live by." says Hunt, who independently funded this project alongside a successful Kickstarter campaign. A huge thank you to everyone who has been part of the journey. Let's keep kicking fear in the balls. For more information visit - http://bit.ly/2QrNqIo Official book available here - http://bit.ly/2xY9svK Director - Stefan Hunt Producer - Yingna Lu Director of Photography - Campbell Brown Editor - Stefan Hunt Man - Jared Jekyll Death - Hugo Weaving Production Designer -Ian Kanik Art Director - Mohini Herse Art Director - Courtney Covey Costume Designer - Christina Bouzios Costume Designer - Rosa Spring Voss Hair and Make Up - Katy Clucas Hair and Make Up - Lisa Mangion Sound Composer - Jonny Higgins Casting Director - Felicity Byrne Unit Production Manager - Maren Smith Unit Production Manager - Nicole Hofstädter 1st Assistant Director - Stuart Beedie Stunt Coordinator - Mark Duncan (TwinStar Stunts) Stunt Rigger - Neal Horton Production Assistant - Olivia Carolan Production Assistant - Yasmin Blake Production Assistant/Reader Emele Ugavule 1st Assistant Camera - Joel Eames 1st Assistant Camera - Sid Tinney 1st Assistant Camera - Tim Keith 2nd Assistant Camera - Luke Tysoe 2nd Assistant Camera - Chris Moore 2nd Assistant Camera - Rhavin Banda BTS Jack Shepherd Wardrobe Assist - Amber Theron Gaffer - Mat Wilson (Focus Film Lighting) Gaffer - Steve Schofield (Lumen Arty) Best Boy - Nathan Grant Best Boy - Richard Hawkins Best Boy - Charles Gray Key Grip - Chris Davies Sound Recordist & Boom Operator - Martin Demian Stills Photographer - Sam Shepherd Locations Services - Emelie Fagerman and Alex Intihar from Search Party Locations Online Editor / Colourist - Matt Fezz VFX Supervisor - Matt Fezz VFX Supervisor - Matt Campbell Storyboard Artist - Amber Theron Graphic Designer - Sam Shepherd Designer - Hui Ying Kao Designer - Courtney Brookes Animator - Andrew Khosravani Animator - Michael Chen Post Sound Supervisor - Jonny Higgins Voice Over Recordist - Rob Hughes Voice Over Recordist - Simon Lister VO recorded at Nylon Studios Special Thanks to; Paper Moose Crater Studios Mrs Nina Tattoli Vanessa Marian Helena Rosebery Southern Cross Cameras Australia Stef Smith Matt Pike Whitney Oliver Alexandra Kent Adam Benton Liam Riley Ant Pawley Kei Yokokawa Williams Management Andrew Wilkinson (Sydney Prop Specialists) Alt.vfx
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jamieroxxartist · 3 years
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Today's Episode #1114 of 🎨#JamieRoxx’s Pop Roxx Radio 🎙️#TalkShow and #Podcast with Featured Guest:
Jared Bankens, #Actor (#WeAllThinkWereSpecial, #Film | #Drama, #Thriller)
has now been converted to a PODCAST and is now archived (for FREE) at: ✔ www.PopRoxxRadio.com ✔ VIP Ad FREE on Patreon: www.patreon.com/JamieRoxx ✔ BlogTalkRadio: http://tobtr.com/11949921 ✔ Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/hjdpqb6 ✔ iHeartRadio: https://tinyurl.com/yylvjl65 ✔ TuneIn: https://tinyurl.com/y34agloq ✔ Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/yynbdbky ✔ Pandora: https://tinyurl.com/yygddano ✔ Google Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/yazcmb88
Pop Art Painter Jamie #Roxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) welcomes #JaredBankens, Actor (We All Think We’re Special, Film | Drama, Thriller) to the Show!
● IMDB: www.imdb.com/title/tt10849722 ● Instagram: @watws_official ● Amazon: www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B095XMQW3L/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_r
Jared Bankens ● IMDB: www.imdb.com/name/nm4983834 ● Instagram: @mr_bankens ● Twitter: @JaredBankens
Director Kirby Voss’s We All Think We’re Special, featuring Jared Bankens (Bill and Ted Face the Music, Venom, “Looking for Alaska”) in an acclaimed performance, premieres on digital this June. In this haunting drama, a night of reckless drinking compels a car mechanic to forcibly detox his best friend -- whatever the cost.
● Media Inquiries for the Film, We All Think We’re Special @OctoberCoastPR www.octobercoastpr.com
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ia-wrestle · 5 years
Jared Voss earns a big upset over #2 Spencer Mooberry at South Winn #IAhswr Match Video: 170: Jared Voss (West Delaware) 6-2, Jr. over Spencer Mooberry (Osage) 5-1, Jr. (Dec 4-2)
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