#Cosmic blueprint
julienelson · 1 year
New Moon Solar Eclipse eclipse in Aries
This very powerful eclipse will have an impact through to 2024 due to Pluto stepping back into Capricorn then forward into Aquarius again will continue to activate the energy of this eclipse.
Pluto - building energy, new beginnings, breaking down of systems, TRANSFORMATION…
This solar eclipse will initiate change, BIG changes.
Right now Pluto is causing disruption - death and rebirth of old systems that no longer serve us.
Aries energy is go, go, go. It is fiery and there is no going back! Enough is Enough.
Know that the New is coming for the good. Be mindful of your own choices and decisions. You may feel out of control…come back to YOU, your core essence to stay on path.
Aries has been busy, very busy with a New Moon just before the Autumn equinox and another new moon in Aries on the solar eclipse…Hold on to your broomsticks witches!
This new moon is in the last degree of Aries!!! You are receiving a huge boost of energy to make shift happen.
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Eris is also sitting in Aries and I will share more on her in another post. I LOVE her energy!
Through the rest of April and half of May there will be a volatile turbulent energy…be prepared so that you can move through this with understanding and perhaps ease.
Change is afoot!
To see what area of your life this will play out, have a look at where Aries at 29 degrees will be sitting.
New Moons are the best time to set new intentions to conjure your desires. With the Solar eclipse involved this is big energy so be sure to catch it!
With this New Moon and eclipse at the end of Aries season I invite you to reflect on how much you have grown, changed, evolved especially this past months even the last 3 years or so…When I stop and reflect I can say this past 3 months have been out of this world challenging for me where I felt hopelessness, great sadness, I couldn’t see the light. I knew that I needed to go deep to create powerful transformation from within myself and I have done it!
The shift began a week ago and at the end of my Shamanic healing yesterday, which was cleansing and realigning my whole chakra system, I felt an white light energy move out of my crown chakra. Immediately I felt lighter, brighter and fucking excited!
If you recognise any self growth acknowledge and celebrate this. If you haven’t it is important to reflect on what has been playing out in your life. I believe you will recognise a shift of some sort.
Now is the time to step into and own yourself, your unique individuality. BE YOU!
Look at where this eclipse is happening in your chart. This is where a shift will happen.
We also have the New Moon conjunct the North Node meaning another aspect of your chart is being influenced by this energy.
I love working with North Node as it is about mastering our Soul purpose.
New Beginnings are here for you to embody! Step in to your NEW EVOLUTION for self and collectively.
There is soooo much Astrologically occurring, be aware, be prepared. Nourish and Nurture yourself. Be the leader of your life.
Think Kindness, Compassion, Justice, Harmony, Balance for the collective to create a new way of being a new world. Be open to the new way of being because we are coming back to our true self and way of being.
Book your reading here - https://www.julienelson.com.au/soul-astrology
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"Unlocking Destiny's Numbers: The Transformative Power of Numerology and Its Life-Enhancing Benefits"
“Deciphering Life’s Code: The Mystical Journey of Numerology and its Role in Shaping Personal Destiny” explores the time-honoured tradition of numerology, which probes into the profound influence of numbers on our life narratives and fates, especially those numbers associated with our birth year.  This ancient method goes beyond mere number-crunching, suggesting that our destinies may be…
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bestworstcase · 1 year
i do think the key to how things will fall out regarding death on remnant is the jabberwalker, bc like
the brothers created death by creating him
the god of light, fearing they had disrupted the balance, tried to get rid of him. the god of darkness refused to countenance this, and they fought about it.
they leave the ever after. jabber remains, implying one of three possibilities: 1. dark ‘won’ the argument and both brothers agreed to let jabber live, 2. dark recreated jabber one last time in secret before they left, or 3. jabber came back later a la modern humans. given light’s general inflexibility my inclination is 2 or 3.
in any case the tree seems to accept jabber as part of the ever after and the presence of his figurine on the blacksmith’s worktable implies that he will continue to exist in some form.
during the creation of remnant, the brothers agree that death will be permanent. their reasons are not yet fully clear, but light was the only one concerned about enforcing this rule; i think it is almost certainly a rule that originated with the god of light.
“but balance cannot be restored by force or calculation; true balance finds its own equilibrium”
force = destroying jabber. calculation = creating a new world with permadeath.
the god of light conceives of balance as a fragile order that must be meticulously maintained or else fall apart: his purpose, as he sees it, is to maintain order. everything he does comes from this. he cannot tolerate change because he lives in abject fear of ‘disrupting the balance’ again—as he believes they have already done once, by creating jabber.
so there is a certain narrative equivalency being drawn here between removing jabber and making death permanent for remnant. both decisions are predicated on a fundamental misunderstanding of what balance is.
thus the problem of death is not that it exists, per se. the problem is that death is the locus of light’s anxiety about change.
he first attempts to fix the ‘problem’ by getting rid of jabber, eliminating death. but he can’t, because dark won’t let him. so plan b is to leave the ever after and create a new world where death is part of the design—which isn’t contradictory at all if the intention is to prevent disruption of the existing order.
and something to keep in mind here is that 1. the cat and the jabberwalker were both deathless and unable to ascend, and 2. the brothers created death by mistake. for light these are crucial factors that must be accounted for in the new design. the only way to ensure that the disruptive introduction of death can never happen again is to include death from the start, transforming the accident into a deliberate choice.
which is all well and good except for one teeny, tiny wrinkle: for humans, death is not actually annihilative. they don’t simply cease to exist when they die.
i think it’s extremely likely that wasn’t supposed to happen. in a system where death is final and forever, spiritually immortal humans pose an obvious risk of disruption—and the ‘afterlife’ is evidently just permanent unconscious stasis, so it doesn’t seem like human souls were preserved for any purpose.
if your aim is to design an orderly system that can be maintained exactly as-is forever, and one of your core building blocks is that death is permanent, no exceptions, then why would you ever create beings capable of rising from the dead? you wouldn’t!
but once humans with immortal souls exist you’re sort of stuck with them, aren’t you? and i think that dilemma makes the most sense of why light’s afterlife is… like that. the souls of the dead ‘resting’ in everlasting oblivion in another realm that living humans cannot enter is the same in practice as annihilative death as long as every being capable of reaching the afterlife follows the stated rules.
the instant dark decides to make an exception, the whole system collapses. it reveals to salem that death isn’t inherently final or forever—that this is an arbitrary rule that the brothers decided, and one of them is open to the idea of changing those rules. then the gods make her immortal and light reprimands her for failing to understand how important his rules are (rules his brother just broke with no consequence except that light got mad), but ultimately what she learns is that the brothers are fallible and their rules can be changed. her rebellion is underpinned by this revelation.
the divine order suffers one small disruption and almost immediately, catastrophically fails, just as the god of light feared.
but that failure did not happen because of the disruption; the system failed because it was artificial. the brothers designed it a certain way and then light focused all of his efforts to keeping it that way, unchanging, forever—because their world wasn’t an ecosystem so much as it was a lawn in arizona. that lawn can only exist for as long as someone is doing the work to keep it on life support.
anyway the point i’m getting to is that remnant still isn’t in stable equilibrium, largely because of salem’s immortality and ozma’s reincarnations but also in the more general sense: the people of remnant are spiritually immortal but made to spend the vast majority of their existence essentially comatose because One God is afraid of change.
you can’t bring remnant into equilibrium by eliminating death: killing the jabberwalker isn’t the right answer. and you can’t restore balance by restoring the old system of divine rule and rigid adherence to the original design, because that system was a spindly papier-mâché machine that imploded the second somebody breathed on it wrong. and you can’t just yank the dead back to ameliorate your grief because that isn’t your choice to make, that’s an ethical position the narrative has made very clear.
which… really leaves changing the nature of the afterlife as the likeliest direction. death isn’t the problem, the afterlife of eternal stasis is. death isn’t the problem, light’s refusal to allow beings with immortal souls to keep going after their first life ends because the rules say death is final is the problem. because that finality is just… not reality. a person’s soul persists after death, ipso facto death isn’t the end.
but the reverse idea that death shouldn’t happen at all is not reality either. salem can’t die and her immortality is isolating and endlessly painful. ozma can’t stay dead and it’s eroded him down to a miserable shell of who he used to be. afterans choose to leave their memories behind when they ascend—nothing can happen to you in the tree except what you want to happen. without destruction, creation stagnates. death is part of life, not its enemy.
i doubt very much that the endgame here is for afteran ascension to be directly ported over into remnant—these are different worlds, different peoples, different systems, and while people from remnant can spiritually connect with the tree they are still fundamentally not part of it. afterans are emanations of the tree; humans and faunus are not. when afterans ascend they return to the roots of the tree and flow upward to blossom again from its crown, and that is, to put it mildly, not a system of reincarnation that physically makes sense for remnant, where things reproduce and have babies instead of new lives budding from the cosmic tree. if reincarnation brings equilibrium to remnant then it will presumably happen in a manner more natural to remnant’s people, and may not even involve passage through the tree at all.
it’s also not the only possibility: for example, there’s no reason that remnant’s afterlife has to be eternal sleep. it could just be… a new realm, a new world to live in after your life on remnant is ended. the brothers’ departure from the ever after into the boundless potential of the unknown is as likely a model as ascension. maybe remnant’s dead can’t return except by an act of god, but “gone from remnant forever” can coexist with the afterlife being… alive, as opposed to cold storage for inconveniently immortal souls.
basically the narrative setup isn’t toward rejecting death, it’s toward rejecting the state of affairs where you die and then millions of years later a god wakes you up and you have no awareness or memory of your existence since the moment of your death because you were kept unconscious until that god needed a servant. the point is that death isn’t the natural end of existence (because souls are immortal, on remnant as in the ever after) and remnant’s dead shouldn’t be held in stillness by light’s futile effort to make the facts of reality conform to his intended design.
the jabberwalker has existed for eons without bringing the ever after to ruin; the balance shifted, things changed a little, and life went on. remnant is existentially threatened by the factual reality of life-after-death only because light is so convinced of this danger that he is determined to prohibit it by any means necessary, including “demolish everything and start over from scratch.”
even a god can tilt at windmills.
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duubsite · 1 hour
Slime Mold's Cosmic Blueprint: A New Era in Universe Mapping
The universe, with its intricate web of galaxies and dark matter, has always been a topic of enormous fascination and relentless study for astrophysicists. Recently, a peculiar ally from the biological world has offered unprecedented insights into the cosmic web’s structure: the slime mold Physarum polycephalum. Leveraging this organism’s unique behavior, scientists have crafted an algorithm that…
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relationshipsafecute · 9 months
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🌌 "Unlock the Mysteries of Cancer Zodiac Astrology Charts: Dive into Your Cosmic Blueprint!" ♋️
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thecosmicangel · 2 months
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As the god of your reality, you know you are the operant power & you get to decide what the 3D will conform too. The 3D is always going to conform to what you say. Your affirmations/ assumptions are the rules the 3D follows, and it has to be obedient to you. So when you say your affirmations say them with conviction, know that it will & has to follow your orders. You are the captain of the ship, everyone & everything must follow your orders. If it seems like they aren’t listening well maybe because you aren’t acting like the leader & captain of the ship, You aren’t sure of your role as the god of your reality. You really haven’t decided that what you want is yours, someway you are blocking it from happening. At the end of the day there is no one or anything else outside of you giving you your manifestation. There is no divine timing, the universe is not creating your manifestation(it actually works for you), there is no magical man in the sky deciding if to give you something or not, astrological timing/ transits are not manifesting anything & you aren’t stuck on a script ran by astrology ( yes it is a blueprint of what you are born with but all transits can give you infinite possibilities it’s all about the perspective you look at if from). It’s all you and what role/ meaning you give everything!! Stop thinking of the idea that if it’s meant to be it’ll be, YOU get to decide if it’s meant to be or not. If you want it then decide it is meant to be and it is yours. The universe is waiting on your command, which will then conspire in your favor to make things happen and will move whatever needs to move for you. All you gotta do is decide what you want & everything else will conform for you. Manifesting isn’t new for you, you have always been doing it, manifesting is what we do everyday, our subconscious is projecting out your life everyday based on patterns & programing. Manifesting by definition means to “appear, make evident, display or show," so everything you see with your eyes is manifesting based on your assumptions ( based on programing & pattern recognition).
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-xoxo, the cosmic angel
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punkpandapatrixk · 3 months
[PPA Masterlist] [corresponding PAC]
🧝🏻‍♀️Mystical Glow-Up Secrets ★ Concept Affirmations
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🧝🏻‍♀️manifesting from the Spirit🧝🏻‍♀️
I manifest a spiritual glow-up of the highest Divine Order. I now manifest a spiritually perfect self-concept. I recall at this moment my True Divine Form. I infuse my physical Body with attributes of my True Divine Form in Spirit. My eyes reflect the beauty of my Soul. My skin is radiant with Light and with information from my Cosmic Ancestral Lineage. My hair is encoded with my True Spiritual Blueprint. I unlock the codes to my True Spiritual Blueprint. Every aspect of my physical Body is made beautiful by the spiritual thoughts I maintain every day. I infuse my psychology and mentality with thoughts of the highest Spiritual Order.
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🧝🏻‍♀️SYNK in with MY AE🧝🏻‍♀️
Everything I see in the physical world is mere metaphor for aenergy. I manipulate this physical Reality by synchronising with my ae. My Spirit; my ae; my chi; my inner prana; my orgone; my state of perpetual meditation. I SYNK in with my ae now and remember my True Form. I bring back memories of my True Form to my physical avatar. I encode my Mind and Body with superior genes from my Cosmic Ancestral Heritage. I unveil right here what’s been hidden from me. I expand in Consciousness. I alter the way I am represented in the physical world to better reflect who I am at the core of my spiritual Essence. I recall all fragments of my True Spiritual Beauty in all formats back to me. Back to me. All the good that I am on the inside and outside, all back to me.
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🧝🏻‍♀️breaking the fourth wall🧝🏻‍♀️
I am a Spiritual Being having a Human Experience. I acknowledge my participation in this Grand Experiment. I am having fun. I am learning. And most importantly, I am winning. I reclaim my True Spiritual Essence. I reclaim right here and right now the highest, purest form of my Soul Expression available for expression in a Physical Human Form. I reclaim the goodest goods. I reclaim my God/Goddess Ancestry. I unlock the secrets of my History and Heritage. I now rise up to my glow-up of the highest Divine Order. I rise above the imprisonment of the false Matrix. My glow-up defies logic. My glow-up breaks the fourth wall. I erase inferior genes and add superior genes. My glow-up ignores the Laws of Physicality. I magically transform into the most magnetic being to walk on Earth. I am the most beautiful person in accordance to my own highest standards.
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☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
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acosmicventure · 1 year
Scars of Your Survival Instinct in Birth Chart
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Survival instinct is a natural response to imminent danger, where your body responds by triggering a fight, flight, or freeze response to keep you safe.
The fight response involves confronting the threat head-on, the flight response involves escaping or avoiding the threat, and the freeze response involves hoping that the threat will pass.
However, being in this state for prolonged periods due to trauma can have damaging effects on our physical and mental health.
When faced with difficult upbringing and authority figures, a child often learns to build a wall to protect him/herself from the world.
This protection mechanism acts as a behaviour of emotional unavailability, anger issues, passive aggression and depression.
Slowly, your body starts keeping count of your trauma which leads to major health issues like high blood pressure, heart illness, diabetes and more.
It can lead to a highly complex ego where you seek external validation through superficial status, short-lived relationships and a running away mentality. Also, an extremist mentality.
It can lead to a high inferiority complex where you people please or are hyper-independent, focus too much on external beauty and couldn't assert yourself. Also, a victimhood mentality.
Your ancestors survived many calamities so that you can break the patterns of the sufferings you are carrying within. These patterns can manifest as...
Whichever house Aries and Mars are located in, that house shapes the way you survive the most challenging battles and bullying.
This house shapes the way you transform yourself after going through ego death. Shadow work here brings immense healing to your ancestry.
Whichever house Cap and Saturn are located in, that house shapes the way you learn karmic lessons and channel ancestral gifts to achieve legacy.
This aspect makes you learn lessons about your identity, soul and heal inner criticism.
This aspect makes you learn lessons about your assertiveness and how you show up. A prominent survival instinct that needs nurturing and stability.
This aspect makes you close your heart space due to difficult childhood. Your healing begins when you prioritise self-care and emotional consciousness.
This aspect makes you learn lessons about your emotional boundaries, home life and ancestry. Here, you heal by redefining what home/ family is.
This aspect makes you hyper-aware of the energies around you. Trusting your intuition is needed here.
This aspect makes you isolated from partnerships (business or love). This is also an indication to not repeat parental patterns within your relationship.
This aspect asks you to heal patterns around power struggles, abuse, finance, ancestry and intimacy.
This aspect makes you learn about the importance of boundaries and not justifying destructive habits, especially within partnerships.
Practice cognitive reframing by challenging negative thoughts and replacing them with more positive and realistic ones. Set realistic goals.
Engage in activities that promote relaxation and stress reduction. This can include deep breathing exercises, therapy or mindfulness techniques.
Be gentle with yourself throughout the healing process. Understand that it takes time to recover from a prolonged state of survival instinct
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animentality · 5 months
Do you think Gortash would still love Durge even after their bad ending (you know when they betray Bhaal and choose to surrender themselves to prison at the end) and they’ve gone mad?
For example, let’s say in an alternate scenario where Gortash survives at the end of the game. All the other companions have abandoned Durge, do you think Gortash would step in and try to help them? Do anything?
I've wracked my brain at night thinking about it.
On the one hand, the part of me that looks exclusively at in game Gortash says that Gortash wouldn't love them without power and without reason.
Because the more canon aligned Gortash is more pragmatic than emotional and although I do think his feelings verged into the impractical, he still fundamentally needs balance.
He's a domineering kind of guy, he gets along with Durge because they refused to be cowed in any way by him, and he dared not pity them or treat them with anything less than the utmost respect.
He can't sweep them under his tidal wave of personality, he crashes upon their shore, and they chip away at each other, grain by grain, in a tumultuous but steady balance.
they had a tango, you know. two partners working together. sex and love stemmed from something other than practicality, but it was practicality that brought them together initially.
He loves the Dark Urge for their power and reason, and without those two things... maybe he wouldn't seek them out.
especially not after they betrayed him.
and I don't know. the more assholish Gortash would see their alliance as having reached its inevitable conclusion. the more... emotional but distant Gortash would say, goodbye, old friend.
I wish you could've escaped your master, as I escaped mine.
and he wouldn't see them again.
but canon aligned Gortash is underwritten anyway.
so I'll do Larian's job for them and say...
it could go either way.
I can see Gortash abandoning them because he is literally unable to look upon his former love, completely without freewill, and not feel soul crushing, life ending despair.
I could see it being too painful to see them when he knows he can't help them and they can't be helped by anyone, and they're gone, and he has to accept that.
but I can also see...
a determined Gortash.
who has nothing now, except perhaps a desire for revenge against Durge. but as they are, mad and alone and insatiable, why even bother, right?
Bhaal has tortured them more than Gortash ever could.
maybe he keeps them locked in a basement somewhere, and at first it's just to lord it over them. mock their failure, their inability to prevent themselves from becoming like this.
in the beginning, he's still bitter about his plan failing and he blames them. to him, maybe it's a cosmic justice...
he says you could've ruled the world with me at your side and Bhaal and Bane at our backs.
but you chose this instead.
but as time goes on, his heart softens and he starts wondering if they're in there somewhere.
the only person who could understand him.
whom he could understand truly.
and maybe they're down there somewhere, trying to be understood again.
so he shows them things he hopes they remember about the life they shared together for a brief but important time. maybe books they talked about. blueprints he showed them of his future inventions. their notebooks, left behind. their old clothing, left over after long nights spend fucking and arguing.
maybe he tries to find a cure. he has some medical expertise, right? from dissecting people. maybe he tries to find a solution, some way to bring them back. maybe he pours himself into studies of bhaalspawn and deeper magic, trying to find some way to bring back a person whose mind has been ravaged into nothing.
but worst case scenario ...
he has to give up on all that... and give them the death he knows they would've asked for, had they been conscious.
anon. I've thought of it.
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enchanted-moura · 7 months
Ultimately you are the god of your own life. You have a cosmic blueprint but ultimately you choose your steps. What matters is that you lived, you learned, you loved. I hope you live according to your true self and your heart desires🪬💗
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Metatron's Cube: A Symbol of Cosmic Geometry and Modern Art
Historical Origins
The origins of Metatron's Cube can be traced back to ancient texts and beliefs. The name "Metatron" is derived from the Hebrew Bible, where Metatron is described as an angelic scribe and intermediary between God and humans. The cube itself is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional shape known as a "Metatron's Cube" or "Metatron's Cube Octahedron." It is composed of 13 circles (nodes) interconnected by straight lines, forming a symmetrical and harmonious pattern.
One of the earliest known references to Metatron's Cube is found in the Kabbalah, a Jewish mystical tradition. In the Kabbalah, it is believed that Metatron's Cube represents the structure of the universe and the divine blueprint of creation. Each of the 13 circles within the cube is associated with an archangel, and the lines connecting them symbolize the paths that these angels use to communicate with one another and with the divine.
Mathematics and Sacred Geometry
Metatron's Cube is not only a symbol of spirituality but also a masterpiece of sacred geometry. It embodies several mathematical principles, including the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio. The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones (e.g., 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...), and the Golden Ratio (approximately 1.61803398875) is a mathematical constant that appears in various aspects of nature and art.
This geometric masterpiece is not limited to any single religion or culture. It transcends boundaries and is embraced by individuals from different spiritual backgrounds and worldviews. Metatron's Cube is a testament to the universal appeal of geometry and its ability to inspire awe and wonder.
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julienelson · 1 year
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New Moon in Gemini coming up on the 18th in the Southern Hemisphere
If you live in the Northern Hemisphere is the 17th June
This is a few days before the solstice. During the solstices the earth’s energy is more potent as she is activated with the dance of the solar and cosmic energies at play.
Gemini New Moon, Gemini Sun what we have is this airy sign kicking up its heels with spontaneity and excitement, learning and unlearning to support our personal growth.
In our Southern Hemisphere Winter is normally a time for slowing down and hibernating…Gemini’s charming and creative energy is encouraging you to lean into your curiosities. New beginnings, opportunities and offering you new experiences, to look at things differently and not limit yourself.
With Mercury in Gemini this is a good time to be mindul with your communication. Also mind how you communicate with yourself, be aware of your thoughts and feelings as Gemini can be a very busy star sign.
Mars and Neptune are also dancing with the Moon giving the energies of passion (Mars) and expansion (Neptune).
This is a time to stay in an optimistic and positive mindset. Allow your Imagination to be in creative flow.
Sometimes Gemini energy can cause us to over think and make choices too quickly. Use your breath (Air) to calm and centre yourself. If you are feeling a bit unearthed, bring some Vetiver inhalations into your day. There is nothing ethereal about Vetiver and she will help to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground.
Journaling can be wonderful during this time. Remember New Moons are a perfect time to dream big and call in your desires!
Try this New Moon aromatique Blend to align, centre, ground, focus and reflect:
Vetiver - Spearmint - Black Pepper - Rose
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blackblooms · 1 month
irredeamable development retrospective. Part 1.5: capitalism IN SPACE This one part will tackles an alternate setting for the Specter game we spoke of last time. It may even have come first in the development timeline, through it can be a bit difficult to determine exactly how and when ideas shifted so lets not worry about what actually came first. Much like shadow and light, this game was about a specter, possessing people, but just as the title says, the setting was more of a space-faring adventure where you would visit multiple planets.
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It features much of the same races as shadows and light, though their exact appearance has shifted a bit, as everything would in a different setting.
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Depicted here, we have Mars, a frozen desert planet with large scale mining operations and a bit of a western vibe. Humans and mitons are the main races here and were given stout figures and thick coat to fit the cold yet dry weather. Venus is now overgrown with a rich, volcanic jungle where countless comic plant are being grown and harvested. This planet is mainly occupied by goblin employees who take the place of the succubus from last game. Mercury was hollowed out and turned into a giant energy powerplant, with a massive solar panel attached to one side. Earth ...well i dont think i ever did figure out what to do with it. Its kind of just another mining planet. and finally we have the alien mothership. The home base of a group of invading alien corporations from the Alpha Centauri system. ....yes i know what it looks like, but its actually supposed to be based on their system having 3 stars (2 large and 1 small)
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Aniway, the Centaurian species consists of long-lived and hyper-intelligent giant squid. Their technology is very advanced, especially in domains of communication, space travel and artificial life. Many of their servants (which i think included the goblins) are bioweapons that were specifically crafted to integrate into local populations and perform whichever jobs were needed for the growth of the company. There was never much of an actual story, so all i really got left are some blueprints of the solar system, now converted into some kind of space construct for the Centaurians to exploit.
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Aniway, thats it for today, but next time we`ll be leaving all those specters behind and move into yet another setting. One that is not quite so cosmic, but instead rather....toweresque... To be continued in part 2: Ascending the Godlands
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saylessastrology · 6 months
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Unfolding the Mysteries of Amor: Navigating Love Through Astrology
Astrology, the cosmic map of possibilities, provides us with unique insights into the complexities of human relationships. Among the various celestial bodies, the asteroid Amor (asteroid 1221) holds an intriguing place. This article will delve into the profound significance of Amor in your natal chart, laying down the conditions for understanding love.
1. The Role of Amor in Astrology
Amor, named after the Roman god of love, is the embodiment of the conditions we place on unconditional love. It is the celestial beacon guiding us to understand the essence of love, the barriers that obstruct it, and the dilemmas we face in maintaining love.
1.1 Understanding Love Through Amor
Amor helps us to explore the question, "Can we remain loving, and should we?" It defines the boundaries of what we allow under the guise of love, providing us with a unique blueprint for deciphering the dynamics of our relationships.
1.2 The Significance of Amor's Placement
The placement of Amor in a particular sign indicates the type of conditions we place on ideal love. The house that Amor occupies in your natal chart signifies where you believe you can express this highest form of love.
2. Challenges Associated With Amor
If Amor is afflicted in your chart, you may feel incapable of achieving your ideal love or unworthy of receiving it. This affliction can lead to self-sabotage, preventing you from experiencing love in its most authentic form.
3. The Activation of Amor
Like all asteroids, the expression of Amor is best highlighted in aspects, either natally or in synastry with another person's planet or asteroid. These aspects reveal the deeper dynamics at play in your relationships.
3.1 Aspects in a Soul Mate Relationship
In a soul mate relationship, the aspects to Amor become crucial. They can reveal the complexities of love, from attraction and compatibility to conflicts and resolutions.
4. Impact of Planetary Aspects on Amor
The relationships of Amor with other planets can greatly influence your love life. These aspects can bring about desirable outcomes or introduce elements of conflict and complication.
4.1 Squares and Oppositions
Planets forming squares or oppositions to Amor can represent desires that are preferred over love. This can lead to a conflict of interests, affecting the balance of love in your life.
4.2 Conjunctions
When one person's Amor forms a conjunction with a planet in another's chart, it can evoke feelings of love. However, if that person also has a natal planet forming a hard aspect to Amor, it can result in a volatile state of love and hate.
4.3 Opposition to Love Asteroids
Oppositions between Amor and other love asteroids can create a situation where opposites attract. The loved one may function as a devil’s advocate or embody aspects of your own shadow.
4.4 Hard Aspects
Hard aspects can link you up with individuals who have a vastly different concept of love and sharing. This can result in distortions of love, such as manipulation, domination, and submission scenarios.
Amor in the Signs
Amor's placement in different zodiac signs can reveal the specific requirements and expectations we have of our partners. Let's explore how each sign influences the manifestation of Amor.
5.1 Amor in Aries
When Amor is in Aries, it demands a challenging lover and values autonomy and self-determination in a relationship.
5.2 Amor in Taurus
Amor in Taurus seeks a lover who will cater to all sensual demands, in and out of the bedroom.
5.3 Amor in Gemini
In Gemini, Amor desires a carefree lover, valuing wit, communication, and intellect.
5.4 Amor in Cancer
Amor in Cancer seeks excessive nurturing and protection from their lovers, demanding emotional security to experience love.
5.5 Amor in Leo
In Leo, Amor craves constant adulation and assurance, viewing oneself as a wonderful lover.
5.6 Amor in Virgo
Amor in Virgo demands perfection, competence, and self-discipline from a lover, unable to maintain love if the partner doesn’t meet their high standards.
5.7 Amor in Libra
In Libra, Amor seeks equality, harmony, and balance from a lover in a relationship.
5.8 Amor in Scorpio
Amor in Scorpio demands sexual intensity and the full spectrum of human emotional experience from a lover.
5.9 Amor in Sagittarius
In Sagittarius, Amor seeks freedom to expand and explore, valuing a lover who searches for meaning and purpose.
5.10 Amor in Capricorn
Amor in Capricorn demands respect and is focused on responsibility, discipline, perseverance, and personal achievement.
5.11 Amor in Aquarius
In Aquarius, Amor seeks friendship, mental camaraderie, and freedom to experience unconditional love.
5.12 Amor in Pisces
Amor in Pisces requires an element of suffering to experience pure love. This placement can attract experiences of victimization and exploitation, as well as compassion, empathy, and secrecy in connection with love.
Amor in the Houses - https://www.patreon.com/SaylessAstrology?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator
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roguelov · 2 years
Green-Eyed Monster
Summary: While Morpheus takes care of the Dreaming, you find yourself enjoying a past time of yours: finding and cuddling cats of the Dreaming. It was a fun and innocent game. Or it was. One day, Morpheus spots you with a cat in your lap and strangely becomes jealous. So, how will he solve this? By becoming a cat himself, of course.
Word Count: ~2.6k
Reader: Gender Neutral (not explicit)
Warning: Some minor jealousy, mostly fluff, light teasing and suggestive hints in the end
Requested by the amazing @dreamstatednightmare
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Morpheus - the sole provider of the Dreaming and all of its residents - was obviously a busy man. His attention constantly pulled in every direction from ensuring dreams and nightmares were doing their duties, to aiding whoever asked, and to keeping the Dreaming afloat and in perfect order. For the Dreaming was a cog in the cosmic wheel which was of utmost importance, its effects rippled out to all realms.
You understood this greatly, Morpheus had responsibilities that came first, and that never bothered you. In fact, because of such reasons, whenever you visited the Dreaming you created a game for yourself. There were many wondrous, unimaginable things to see and do in the Dreaming, but strangely you noted all the mundane things. Things you could easily see in the Waking, things such as the occasional house cat trotting around the palace.
Did Morpheus have an affinity for cats? Or did cats have an affinity for Dream of the Endless?
You supposed it didn’t matter.
When Morpheus had business to attend to, you would go ‘hunt’ for cats. You would stroll throughout the palace, and its grounds - sometimes even venturing into Fiddler’s Green - to find a cat. To your surprise, it was quite easy. In minutes, you would find yourself tucked under a tree, or on a bench, with a cat in your lap and possibly another walking around. You would sit for what seemed to be hours mindlessly petting it, listening to its calming purring, or coo at the furry stray. You would even tell stories to them, be it fictional or from your own life.
You enjoyed this little game of yours.
So, when you visited the Dreaming tonight, you found yourself in a portion of the palace's lustrous gardens - the rose garden. The rose bushes stretched tall and wide as a thick wall, forming an extravagant labyrinth to get lost in. Roses of all colors bloomed from a pure innocent white to a dark red dripping with a passion. Yet, you sat on the outer edges under a tree; the tree had iridescent green leaves and glass like flowers hidden in the foliage. The sunlight always shined above, sending prisms of splintering rainbows all over. But, despite such beauties, you were here for a simpler reason. You smiled as you spotted a shadow again up ahead in the rose bushes. A distinct shadow you came to know well - a feline shadow.
You gently called out, “Come on out, I promise I won’t hurt you.”
Pale green eyes - almost yellow in the sunlight - peered out from behind the leaves. Its eyes nearly blended into the mess of various greens.
You smiled kindly, extending out your hand towards it.
A reddish brown nose poked out.
Back in the palace, specifically in the royal library, Morpheus rose from a chair away from the long thin table. “If there is nothing else, Lucienne, I would like to take my leave for the day,” he said.
Lucienne closed her journal, which now had a completed checklist written inside, and looked up at her lord. “Everything has been accounted for and addressed, sire.”
“Good. I will be leaving, but if anything arises do call.”
“Of course, my lord.” She nodded and began tidying up all the documents scattered over the table top. With new dreams and nightmares being created, space for them was now needed. The Dreaming was under minor maintenance and readjustments.
Morpheus scanned over the documents and blueprints, feeling satisfied with the solutions. His eyes flickered to Lucienne as she piled up the papers. “And do rest, Lucienne, you deserve it.”
Lucienne blinked then smiled softly. “I will, thank you.”
Morphues nodded, then strolled out of the library. The second the door clicked behind him, his thoughts instantly went to you. Where could you have run off to this time? He wished he could offer more of his time to you. His heart ached, knowing you were alone. You swore it never bothered you. However, it bothered him. Immensely. Surely, the Dreaming would take care of you; you could find entertainment anywhere and never grow bored.
But, he wanted to be there. He wanted to show you wonders. In the end, however, he could not divide his attention so easily.
He sighed to himself, walking out to the grounds of the palace. You said you wouldn’t stray too far.
“Oh, look how lovely you are.”
Morpheus’s footsteps faltered. He twisted around to locate your voice. Under one of the trees bathed in rainbows, there you were. You sat cross-legged on the soft patch of grass with your back pressed against the trunk of the tree.
He moved to call out to you, almost believing you were speaking to him, when a cat - a brown tabby cat - slowly walked towards you.
You cooed as the cat reached you and you began scratching behind her ears.
Morpheus oddly felt himself deflate.
The cat purred, leaning into your touch. Smiling, you whispered praises. You ran a finger over the dark stripes, softly tracing over the somewhat misshapen ‘M’ on her forehead. The cat closed her eyes, tilting her head back loving every second.
You chuckled. “Do you like that?”
At the sound of your laughter, such a sweet sound, a dark cloud began to form over the King of Dreams’ head.
You scratched the tabby’s cream colored chin, and your smile widened as her purring grew louder. The cat pushed her head into your hand, grateful for every ounce of affection you were giving. When her pale green eyes opened, she seemed as if she was smiling up at you. Her eyes twinkled. Then, without warning, she hopped into your lap, curling into a ball.
“God, you are adorable,” you whispered, giddily.
She rolled onto her back, peering up at you. You wiggled your fingers in front of her face and she meowed and batted at them. You laughed, loud and wholeheartedly.
Morpheus’s jaw clenched.
Why? Why did anger worm into his heart over such a small insignificant creature?
His eyes locked onto you. You peered down at the feline. Your fingers carefully caressed over her head and down her back. So delicate, so loving. A sickly green clouded his vision. He craved your attention after such a grueling day, and to see a cat be the prize of such affection? Jealousy and disgust filled him. How dare this creature tread on what was his?
He did not think twice.
He stepped forward.
His mortal figure withered away into a cloud of glimmering yellow sand. Each drop quietly scattered across the ground, like hushed bells. As the cloud shrunk, a black long hair cat strolled out. His gaze landed on you, or more accurately the stray in your lap. With his head held high, he walked over while his tail flickered side to side.
The tabby cat perked up her head, noticing Morphues first.
Morpheus, with his unnaturally bright blue eyes, locked eyes with the cat. Disgust and hatred written plainly in his eyes. The cat pinned her ears back and swiftly leapt out of your lap, sprinting off back into the rose bushes.
“Well, what got into her?” You asked, confused.
You glanced over to where the cat was looking earlier, before her grand escape, only to spot a new cat. The gorgeous all black cat had a regal air about him as he approached you. You shrugged off the other cat’s peculiar behavior. Smiling at the black cat, you stretched out your hand in a welcoming gesture. “Hello there, little one.”
The cat sniffed your hand only once before pushing his head into your hand. Your smile widened. He seemed to like you more than any other cat you met. The cat purred and instantly jumped into your lap.
You laughed. “Okay, make yourself at home.”
The cat looked up at you with such beautiful blue - and somehow familiar - eyes. You started scratching the top of his head, and he sunk down into your lap. His tail happily swished back and forth.
Morpheus could not deny how heavenly this all felt.
“You are truly a beautiful cat,” you hummed. “And so soft too.”
Your fingers carded through his fluffy, cotton candy like fur. You wanted to bury your face in his fur. Oh, it was so warm too, like a gentle hug, soothing and welcoming. Another sense of familiarity tickled in the back of your mind. The texture, to some extent, but the color reminded you of -
It clicked.
You huffed through your nose, amused. You continued to scratch behind his ears. He snuggled deeper into your lap, purring constantly and nonstop.
“I know it’s you, love,” you whispered. The cat jerked his head up, staring up at you with those endless oceanic eyes. You ran a finger from his nose over his forehead. You bent down kissing the top of his head, over the smoothed out fur. “So, now I am left wondering why you have taken the form of a cat? Care to explain, Morpheus.”
Morpheus stared, silently. Does he dare say the reasoning? Does he keep up the charade?
You scratched under his chin. He immediately closed his eyes, and began purring once again.
You snickered. “Is that why you are like this? To be scratched? To be pampered?”
Morpheus’s eyes shot open. He huffed, partially annoyed; be it at you for the accuracy of your questions or himself for acting this way, he did not know why.
“Or to be cooed at?” You teased. “My sweet, adorable Morpheus.”
Morpheus turned his head, holding it up high. Now, that was ridiculous.
“Oh come on, you came to me like this.” Your hand ran down his back through his midnight fur. “You clearly wanted this.”
Morpheus peered out of the corner of his eye to you.
A smile graced your lips. Brilliant and beautiful.
His heart skipped.
Maybe, this was enough. The charade was clearly over.
He leapt out of your lap. In mid air, a tornado of shadows and golden sand swirled tightly around Morpheus’s tiny feline figure. It grew bigger and wider in the air. In a span of a few seconds, black boots landed firmly on the ground. The sand wisped away twinkling like distant stars, and Morpheus stood above you back in his mortal form.
“Aw, did you have enough already?” You tossed him a cheeky smile.
Morpheus rolled his eyes as he tried to hide an amused smile. Despite your teasing, he could not help but smile when you smiled. Even if the reasoning was at his own expense.
“So?” You hummed.
Morpheus raised an eyebrow.
“Care you explain why you greeted me as a cat?”
Morpheus’s lips thinned. Apparently, anger was still heavy on his chest. Anger and embarrassment. He glanced away, avoiding your gaze. He looked to where the other cat scampered off, luckily she had not shown her face again. He was thankful for that.
You stared at him, silently dissecting him. Morpheus was always one to close himself off to negative, unsavory emotions. Yet, despite his efforts, you could read him fairly well. Your eyes followed his gaze towards the rose bushes, to the exact spot the tabby cat darted into.
“Was it the cat?” You asked, starting to pull at the thread.
Morpheus tensed. He slowly turned his attention back to you. His silence was your answer.
You snorted. “Morpheus, were you jealous of a cat?”
“No,” he quickly answered. Far too quickly, it only confirmed your suspicions.
You laughed. Standing up, you leaned in towards Morpheus. “You were jealous of a measly little cat.”
Morpheus huffed.
“Now, why would you be jealous? It is only a cat, Morpheus.”
“A cat which has garnered all of your affection.” He fired back.
You blinked then shook your head, still smiling. “It is a cat, it has not ‘garnered all of my affection’.”
Morpheus grumbled. “Then why shower it with any affection at all? Why not seek out my company instead?”
Your smile softened. Here is the true problem. You reached up with one hand and cupped his face. “Because, you are busy and I do not want to disturb you.”
He placed his hand on top of yours. “I know, but I wish you would. You do not have to be out here finding entertainment in strays.”
“But, I like it.”
He frowned.
“It is just a game, Morpheus. An innocent game of finding cats while I wait for you.” You stroked his cheek with your thumb. “It’s honestly relaxing and a bit fun, you should join me sometime.”
Morpheus frown deepened. That was possibly the last thing he wished to do.
“Oh, don’t be like that. A few cats cannot steal my heart, okay? And you know why?”
Morpheus stared. You silently prompted him to ask, to play along. He shook his head, but his lips slowly tugged back into a smile. “Why?”
“Because you already have it.”
He blinked. Your eyes shone with adoration, such beautiful eyes. He sighed, leaning into your touch. What a fool I am, he thought. His hand curled around your wrist, wishing to stay like this. “Apologies, love,” he muttered, “it seems I have let my emotions get the best of me.”
Not the first time, you jokingly thought. “It’s okay.”
He turned his head, kissing the inside of your wrist. “I think I may have a solution for our limited time apart.”
“Would it be inappropriate to ask you to join me occasionally while I work? It could also provide an opportunity to show you all of the Dreaming.”
You smiled. “I would be honored.”
He returned the smile. “I hope you do not grow bored during such frivolous tasks.”
“I don’t think I will, and maybe I can help you. It could speed up the process.”
With your free hand, you brushed back strands of his messy raven hair. “I just want you to know if you want my attention,” you leaned in pecking his lips, “just ask for it.”
Morpheus’s hands skimmed down your body, wrapping around you. “Is that so?” He whispered, playfully.
“It is.” You smirked, “You don’t have to go through crazy shenanigans like turning into a cat.”
He laughed once. “I suppose not.”
“But,” you began. Morpheus cocked his head curiously. Your arms fell over his shoulders as your fingers started to play with the edges of his hair. Your smirk grew, and your eyes twinkled with mischief. “But, you may not get any work done with me around.”
“Oh, really?” He leaned in, matching your smirk.
You hummed. “I may want all your attention to myself, I may become a distraction.”
Morpheus’s lips brushed over yours. “A welcoming distraction if ever.”
You chuckled. “How about we take this elsewhere? Maybe inside before another cat comes prancing in to ‘garner’ my affection.”
Morpheus had to suppress a groan. “I will not love this down, will I?”
“No, you will not. You were quite cute as a cat.” You kissed him - fleeting, but oh so loving. “But not as cute as you are now.”
He shook his head, but still smiled.
You took his hands, guiding him towards the palace. “If you want my affection, then let me show you how much you mean to me, my sweet king.”
Smiling, he tugged you back towards him, pressing you firmly up against him. His lips brushed over the shell of your ear. “Only if I get to return the favor, my love.”
You laughed as Morpheus quickly took the lead. He nearly rushed back inside, now knowing he will have your fullest attention - the thing he always craves.
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relationshipsafecute · 9 months
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🌌 "Unlock the Mysteries of Cancer Zodiac Astrology Charts: Dive into Your Cosmic Blueprint!" ♋️
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