#Cosmetic Case Set
Do you know the art of creating a custom makeup kit?
In the world of cosmetics, there is a profound joy in crafting your own personalized makeup kit. Combining artistry, creativity, and a passion for beauty, a cosmetic case set becomes more than just an assortment of makeup; it becomes an expression of individuality and style.
The Personal Touch
Imagine the thrill of handpicking each shade of eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick that perfectly complements your unique features. With a handmade cosmetic case set, you have the power to curate a collection that suits your skin tone, style, and personality. It's not just about looking good; it's about feeling confident and authentic in your own skin.
Quality Control
Crafting your own makeup kit also allows you to prioritize quality over quantity. You can select products from your favorite brands known for their skin-friendly formulations and ethical practices. This ensures that every item in your cosmetic case not only enhances your beauty but also aligns with your values.
A Creative Outlet
For many makeup enthusiasts, assembling a personalized cosmetic case set is a creative outlet. It's a chance to experiment with colors, textures, and finishes, much like an artist with a canvas and paints. Whether you prefer natural, subtle looks or bold, artistic statements, your makeup kit becomes a reflection of your artistic vision.
Learning and Growth
Creating your own makeup kit is a journey of self-discovery and continuous learning. You delve into the world of makeup artistry, understanding color theory, undertones, and application techniques. Over time, you become more skilled in enhancing your unique features, and you may even discover a talent for makeup artistry you never knew you had.
Sustainability and Eco-friendliness
Crafting a customized makeup kit can also be an eco-friendly choice. By selecting products with sustainable packaging or opting for refillable containers, you reduce waste and minimize your environmental footprint. It's a small but meaningful contribution to a greener planet.
A Treasure Chest of Memories
A handmade cosmetic case set is not just about the makeup; it's about the memories attached to each product. You might remember the special occasion where you wore that particular lipstick or the day you mastered the perfect winged eyeliner. Each item carries a story, making your makeup kit a treasure chest of cherished moments.
Sharing the Passion
Crafting a personalized makeup kit is not limited to personal use. It can be a thoughtful and meaningful gift for friends and loved ones. By creating a makeup kit tailored to their preferences, you share your passion for beauty and make them feel truly special.
A Journey of Self-Expression
Ultimately, a cosmetic case set is a canvas for self-expression. It's an opportunity to embrace your uniqueness and showcase your personality to the world. Whether you prefer a minimalist collection or an elaborate array of products, your makeup kit tells your story, one brushstroke at a time.
In conclusion, a makeup kit is more than just a collection of cosmetics; it's a reflection of your individuality, creativity, and values. Crafting a custom cosmetic case set is a journey of self-discovery, artistry, and sustainability. It's an opportunity to express yourself and share your passion for beauty with the world. So, embrace the art of creating your own makeup kit, and let your inner artist shine through.
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planetaryupscaled · 3 months
Pushing Boundaries
Male Reader x Jennie
Tags: 23k, cheating, anal, creampie, oral, tw
The story is not ours; we simply alter the original story to our preferred settings.
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Driving an Idol, Jennie Kim in this case, should have been a great job; after all you got to spend time with her in close company every day, to check her out and take in her gorgeous figure with every sly and secret glance at her. It was simply a perk of the job, what was at times a very long and tedious job despite the company you kept.
On this particular job things had been generally running smoothly though you were out in the middle of nowhere so the drives were long and the place to stay was nothing special. It was a nicer motel than the average schmuck might get sure but it still wasn’t the same as a nice hotel in a city, not that you often got a chance to stay there. Being “just a driver” meant you was often given basic budget digs and simply had to drop off your charge at a posh hotel, but that was part of the gig. Right now however you are in a simple motel and so were the star of the stage, meaning all you had to do was drive one place to another and nobody got anything better than anyone else.
Things had been good but were starting to unravel; the production was getting behind schedule, reshoots were constant now it seemed and you had to wait until much later than normal to complete your duties. Everything seemed to be going wrong and today was no exception as Jennie, expecting to finish her shooting and head back to the motel and a much desired shower, had been dressed down by the ever-more-angry director and ordered to reshoot several scenes because her work had been “utter shit and lazy, diva bullshit” to quote him directly. Jennie had got into a huge, storming argument with him over her alleged “lacklustre work” that had meant she’d screamed her voice hoarse and ended with tears streaming down her face to help ruin her make-up as well.
Of course you didn’t know any of this, you only noticed her face of thunder as she stormed up to the car three hours late, having had to calm down and be retouched by the cosmetic team before reshooting all the shots the director wanted, evidently making a point in putting Jennie in her place in front of the rest of the crew. She was seriously pissed as she wrenched the door open, straining it against the check strap before it almost bounced back on her, muttering and cursing under her breath as she threw herself into the seat beside you and slammed the door shut. She was in a seriously bad mood, you’d never seen her like that and just kept your distance as the Idol threw her bag down and didn’t even look at you.
“Drive, fucking drive,” she muttered intently.
“No problem,” you said quietly and started the car, pulling it into drive and setting off, wasting no time and letting the engine roar despite it being cold. Who cared, it wasn’t your car.
“Fucking asshole,” she muttered, seething with unexpressed rage as it ran over and over in her mind. You just kept quiet as she mumbled to herself and focused on driving, not wanting to get caught in the tornado of her mood. It didn’t seem to matter though and she just went off about it, venting on him and drawing you into it given you had no way to escape.
“What a load of bullshit, he just doesn’t fucking like me!” she snapped, to him but also herself as much as anything. You just looked ahead and murmured non-committally, not really having anything to add given you had no clue about the situation...though you knew Jennie; she was a hard worker and dedicated herself to her projects, you knew that much, but she did come across as a bit of a diva at times and you figured this was one of those moments.
“He was just picking on me! Picking me out, trying to make himself look big or something,” she babbled, looking across to you repeatedly as she animatedly ranted, waving her hands as she let her rage just pour out as she tried to elicit a response from you.
“That’s bullshit,” you murmured, knowing from your experience with woman that she was really on one and there was no point getting involved if you could help it. Telling her to relax or calm down would only turn her ire on you, and you really didn’t want that.
“All those fucking reshoots, Aish, what time is it even?” she said, looking round for the car clock and seeing it was nearly eight in the evening already.
“Nearly three hours, three hours of pointless do-overs,” she rambled.
“Well, it’s done now, let’s just get back to the motel,” you offered, pressing the accelerator just a bit harder to speed things up.
“Oh yeah great, a drive back for an hour to a crappy little motel with a bad shower!” she snapped.
“Company could be worse though,” you quipped, trying to lighten the mood with a glance across to her for the first time. All she had for you was an icy stare, not remotely in the mood to cheer up.
“Yeah, could be better though,” she said off-handedly, looking back out the window as she dismissed you. It stung, you had to admit; your relationship with her was pretty close, you both got along well and usually had fun driving to and from the set every day despite the length of the journey. She was usually fun and a bit flirty with you, playing a good bit of back and forth despite the ring on her finger and being honest it really knocked you back a bit with her being such a bitch when you’d never done anything bad to her.
“Feel free to walk,” you retorted, hot headed, just giving your blunt response in that moment. It could cost you the job if she decided to continue being a bitch and have you fired, but you didn’t care just then.
“Oh you got an attitude too now?” she snapped, looking back at you. You simply remained focused on the road and didn’t rise to it; you didn’t want getting into an argument with Jennie Kim no matter how much she wanted it and just kept your mouth shut.
“I don’t need this shit, off anybody. I’m running a major company and I know what’s up. All these projects I’ve been doing lately as well, I don’t need to come onto a shitty project like this and get talked down to by some jumped up director who wants to get him rocks off pretending he’s better than me,” she ranted, getting into it again and just winding herself up like a clockwork monkey, ready to bang her drums and make lots of noise for a short while.
“Right,” you said, again trying to distance yourself from it all with a roll of your eyes as you heard her start talking about another projects. You didn’t want to hear her media-approved schpiel about it all in some effort to convince you, you’d heard that before.
“Can your attitude. You’re no better either,” she snapped, turning on you quite literally and leaning over the center console towards you.
“What?” you replied, basically blurted out, caught out by her accusation.
“Yeah, think I don’t notice you looking at my ass? I saw you checking out my ass as I got in the car when you thought I wasn’t looking. I know my underwear was riding up, bet you like that don’t you?” she accused, narrowing her eyes as she stared at you with pure malice for a moment.
“Well...I...” you struggled, knowing you were busted as your heart rate rushed, body momentarily panicking as you realised she’d noticed you checking her out.
“Yeah you thought you got away with that, taking a look at my ass every time I got out of your car. This is what I’m talking about, I thought you were a good guy and then I see you doing that every day. What the fuck man,” she said, giving a shake of her head and looking out the window again.
“I thought we had a relationship more than that now,” she added, giving you no time to respond as she kept on at it, eluding to the fact you both been riding together for weeks now. In fact, the reason she sat up front was because she didn’t want to be in the back like your task required, she wanted to chat with you and have fun so despite the large vehicle she sat in the front seat next to you and talked with you on every ride.
“But you just look at me like a piece of meat, someone you’d like to fuck huh?” she said, goading you, giving you the come-on as she looked for more of a fight. You had no idea why she was insistent that it should be you -- perhaps you were just the next guy she’d run into that was below her that she could take it out on.
“Would you rather I didn’t want to fuck you?” you asked after a pause, raising an eyebrow at her. Surely she would prefer to be desired than ignored.
“I....hey fuck that, alright? That’s bullshit. Even if I did want that it doesn’t mean you should be checking what panties I have on every fucking day,” she snapped, momentarily caught off balance but responding with further bile.
“Well that’s how it is, I guess. I’m gonna look, you got me,” you replied with a nonchalant shrug, not caring now given she was clearly just going off and whatever you said didn’t matter a fuck.
“Fucking perv,” she scolded, giving you a look that you assumed was meant to be mean but just came off as a bit silly, too try-hard.
“You shouldn’t be looking at my ass like that, that’s not cool, I’m not some fuck doll for you to fantasize about,” she added. You rolled your eyes again, pressing the accelerator harder, intending to get this drive done as fast as possible and drop Jennie Kim, the bitch, off at the motel before finding a drink.
“And I’m your boss,” she said, looking across to you slyly, the implication clear...though she went on to expand in her somewhat vicious intent. You wanted to ignore it, just let it go but she was pushing and your hands were tightening hard on the steering wheel. Your knuckles were white from tension, movements jerky as you restrained yourself from reacting to her bullshit diva behaviour; it wasn’t your fault her director thought she wasn’t pulling her weight and had had at her but she was unloading it aggressively on you and something had to give.
“And I can get you fired, I don’t have to put up with this shit,” she said, narrowing her eyes as she stared at you.
“Fine,” you said, trying to hold back your temper that she’d bubbled up now; you had a temper, you wouldn’t deny that, but you kept cool and controlled especially with your job on the line but right now she was winding you up and you were struggling not to just let it go and tell her to shove this job straight up her tight, toned ass.
“And fucking slow down! Are you trying to kill us?” she exclaimed, seeing the speedo nudging 97mph as you aimed to get back to the motel as fast as possible. Jennie squealed and lurched forwards towards the dashboard as you stamped on the brakes, the car diving suddenly as you decelerated and throwing her forwards which she noticed immediately as she hadn’t fastened her seatbelt in her anger.
“Aish!” she cried out, catching herself and fumbling around as you spotted a good place to pull of the road and pulled the car onto it, tyres sliding in the dust as you skidded to a halt and lurched back, a cloud blowing all around as she sat back up.
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“What the fuck?!” she asked hurriedly, pushing her hair back from her face.
“Just shut the fuck up, would you? Give me a break!” you snapped sharply, loudly, leaning close to her face as you said it. Jennie recoiled in shock, eyes widening as you suddenly spoke to her so bluntly.
“Fuck you, I own you!” she shot back, finding her nerve again, getting the fight she seemingly wanted after all.
“Fuck you, you don’t own me,” you shouted, then reached out to grab her, making her squeal as you manhandled her between the seats and threw her into the back of the car, where she usually rode up front with you. Jennie tumbled untidily into the rear seats, her ass giving a gorgeous glimpse as you threw her into the back before she collapsed onto the leather bench seat.
“Oh big man huh, gonna just get rid of me?” she said, pushing her hair back and pushing up on her elbow as she waited for your response.
“Just fucking can it, Jennie,” you snapped.
“Oh big man, gonna throw a woman around. What, you gonna come back here and fuck me as well are you?” she replied, the challenge clear in her tone.
“Maybe I should,” you said quietly, meaningfully. Jennie paused momentarily, not quite expecting your response and thinking it over for a split second before she replied.
“Oh really? Fine maybe you should,” she said, unable to back down, her ego too big to retreated.
“Oh yeah?” you answered, looking at her in the rear view mirror, seeing her eyes, those big, honest eyes that told you everything you needed to know: she was serious.
“Yeah fine, go on, fuck me. Why don’t you show me what you’ve got tough guy,” she said, no question or doubt in it, just a statement - an invitation.
“Fine,” you responded curtly and shoved the door open, getting out as Jennie’s heart raced, breathing fast as you stepped round and opened the back to get in with her as she immediately made space for you. She’d wound you up relentlessly and she knew she’d done it on purpose but she wasn’t sure her end goal with it all; you didn’t deserve it at all, none of her irritation was your fault, but she also knew she was desperately horny having been away from her fiancé for weeks and frankly this was the best possible outcome...as long as you kept your mouth shut.
You jumped in with her and locked the doors, wasting no more words on her as you seize the opportunity she’d presented you, grasping it with both hands as most men would. Jennie looked at you like a deer in the headlights for a moment before you grabbed hold of her, throwing her over on her tummy and shoving her towards the window, up into a doggystyle position as her forehead bumped the cold glass. You were strong and dominant, taking full physical control of her as you hauled her into position and then grabbed her trousers in readiness.
“Gonna finally fuck me now huh? Everything you wanted? I bet you’ve dreamed of this as you stared at my ass,” she goaded, finding her attitude again for a moment as she made no protest of what you were about to do and actually arched her back, sticking her ass out and letting her pussy bulge between her legs to invite you to get on with it.
She was hungry for it, waiting for the moment your cock slid into her; she knew she was going to shake as you did it which would give her away, that she loved it from the second you started fucking her but right now she didn’t care -- she needed to get fucked, and was sure she’d wound you up enough where you would. She needed it badly.
“Shut the fuck up,” you said simply, a straightforward command to the Idol as you grabbed her leggings and yanked them, and her thong, down her thighs to just above her knees, revealing her stubbly, half-shaved pussy and tight ass. Jennie shifted on the seat to get herself stable as you undid your trousers and released yourself as she imagined you standing up iron-hard for her, ready to split her in two. She didn’t have to wait long, mere seconds, for her question to be answered as you grabbed your rock hard cock and aimed it down to her hot, wet lips as your other hand grabbed her waist to constrain her, not that she needed it as you guided your cock to her opening.
Jennie cried out loudly in pleasure and pain as you suddenly plunged into her, wasting no time and doing exactly what she’d invited -- fucking her. You drove yourself into her hard as your silky body yielded to, and the clenches of her muscles did nothing to deter you as you slammed full depth inside her and shoved your hips into her ass as she cried out and grunted deeply, soulfully as you buried your cock totally inside her. Her pussy clenched hard and she shuddered in sensation, pain giving a sudden twinge but giving way to immediate pleasure at a cock being inside her for the first time in weeks, bumping against her cervix as it filled her completely.
She shuddered intently and knew the game was up, as she’d suspected her body had completely given away her excitement and arousal at this fuck and she was sure her wet pussy did little to dispel that. Your hand dug into her waist and pulled back at her hip as your other hand swiftly grabbed a handful of her dark hair, fingers twisting into her hair and pulling back at her head as she gasped. You wasted no time at all in fucking her, burying your cock into her initially then yanking back to get straight into a quick, hard rhythm; your pace was intense and full of frustration, rage even as you held her lithe bodily tightly and started absolutely fucking her hard and fast. You wasted no energy or motion, jamming her head into the window as she gasped and breathed hard, fogging up the glass as she looked out towards the road while you pounded into her from behind.
“This what you wanted is it?” you asked as you held on tight and fucked her, really fucked her, pounding hard and fast with short strokes that always hit full depth as you slammed yourself against her ass. You barely registered that you were fucking Jennie Kim of all people, your boss, the famous idol, just relishing the feel of her sweet, hot pussy clenching and squeezing around your cock as she absolutely loved your pounding into her from behind.
“Uh huh...” was all she could murmur, unable to lie as the pleasure washed over her, relief of finally getting fucked and so, so hard as you took out all your anger on your bitchy boss. You smiled as you continued, trying to find more pace and power, more energy, more aggression, more anger to let out on your evidently slutty boss who was quite happy to let you fuck her.
“Good, you fucking whore,” you said, adding to it as Jennie just groaned in pleasure as your rock hard cock slammed in and out of her, your hips jamming into her toned ass, making a gratuitous slapping sound as you cranked her back, pulling her hair harder as your intensity ramped up. It hurt, the burn in her scalp searing but she didn’t give a fuck, she was just loving it so much she’d frankly let you do anything you wanted with her as you pounded on her pussy and tingled her G-spot to drive her towards orgasm. You somehow knew what she needed and pushed up to lean over her more and push down against the sensitive spot at the front of her pussy
“Oh fuck,” she muttered under her breath as her cheek shoved against the glass, feeling your cock brutally push down against her vaginal wall, stimulating her perfectly, her arousal just too much as she felt her typically pre-orgasmic tremble shudder through her body. She was momentarily distracted as a truck suddenly went past, slower than it should, before heard the horn blare; you’d been spotted, seeing them pulled over and then her face jammed against the window with her eyes practically rolling as she gasped hungrily for more. Jennie just hoped she hadn’t been recognized as it disappeared down the road, focusing on to the sensations of your pounding against her ass once more and realizing she was ready to pop.
It’d taken no time at all; she was so horny and desperately in need of a good, thick cock inside her like she had right now that her body just responded to it, primally pushing all thoughts of her cheating from her mind as she shoved back into you as best she could. She needed every millimeter of your cock inside her and drove her pelvis back to maximize your penetration as she arched her back, your hand digging into her, face still shoved against the cold, sweaty glass as you pounded on her. The fact you’d clearly wanted to do this for so long only made it hotter, the way you’d just suddenly turned on her and fucked her, at her encouragement mind, taking her to task and now letting out every bit of frustration and want for her as you pounded her harder than she’d been fucked in years.
“Fuck me, god fuck me,” Jennie gasped, not caring that you knew she loved it now as you continued to smash her. Your hips slammed against her ass in a motion that must have been a blur, slapping noisily against her as your pulsing, twitching cock plunged into her again and again. Your shoves against her G-spot and the sustained way you were driving almost against her cervix had only cranked her orgasm up and up and with a sudden shudder it gave way as she came -- hard. She shook and opened her eyes, grunting hard as she climax washed over her rapidly, gazing through the misted winded onto the empty surroundings as her breath caught and stuttered into fast, struggling gasps through her noises.
You smile as you continued to pump yourself into her with all your might, loving how snug and wet her pussy was wrapped around your cock, loving how she shook and just begged for you to take her. Watching her come was a satisfying reward, loving that you’d made the gorgeous Idol peak in two minutes, unable to help herself as she whined in pleasure and dug her nails into the seat cushion. You pounded on her hard as she slowed down and quaked more deeply in culmination of her orgasm, the immense pleasure fading to leave her fragile and sensitive, fumbling to pull away from you.
“Slow down,” she breathed, barely a mumble through gasps for air, trying to recover as her forehead prickled with sweat. She tried to ask for it even as she knew you wouldn’t slow down, knowing she was your little toy right now and you were running the show whether she liked it or not. In fact, she loved it and even as she trembled in overwhelmed sensations, your thick cock ploughing her sweet pussy harder and faster than ever given how wet she was. There was no mercy, no break, no pause in your fucking, just slamming yourself into her as she struggled to take it though it only turned her on more than ever -- her fiancé never fucked her like this any more.
She grunted and groaned through it as you pummeled her ass with your hips, your thick cock straining and pulsing inside her, feeling harder than ever as you pursued your own orgasm. Her hot, clenching pussy had only helped to accelerate your climax and now you starting to bubble, the thought of finally fucking Jennie Kim getting to you. Jennie herself just moaned and mumbled tiredly in pleasure and a cocktail of stimulation as your thick shaft drove into her again and again, though you could feel her deliberately squeezing and clamping down on you with her vaginal muscles, aiming to maximize your ride and make her pussy the tightest she could.
“Fuck,” you grunted, your first exclamation that told Jennie you were enjoying her as much as she enjoyed you, her body so hot and tight, hands digging into her, loving how she responded to the rough treatment as you fucked her hard and fast with little focus on her own pleasure. Her orgasm said everything you needed to know about her love it and now it was time for your own, the tingle you’d been holding back growing into a deep, intense release that was waiting to burst forth. With no reason to now hold it back and her ass still shoving back into her cock as she worked to please you, you just picked up your efforts, somehow finding a bit more pace to smash yourself into her in the shortest, hardest strokes you could manage as she whined in pleasure.
“Don’t come inside me,” she breathed, urging you to pull out as she felt you strain and twitch, knowing you was on the brink and holding back for a final few intense, hard, body-shaking thrusts into her to slam her against the window. Instead she grunted as your hand dug into her waist and you shoved her face hard against the glass, smearing her lipstick onto it as she gave a muffled complaint while you jammed yourself as deep as possible.
“I’m come wherever I fucking feel like,” you said in a near growl, making her tremble in excitement, unable to deny how much she loved being fucked like this, totally dominated and owned as your thrusts immediately picked up the pace again. It was an overwhelming, eye-rolling moment of discovery as she was reminded what it was like to get properly fucked as you absolutely unloaded every bit of energy you had and stroked your cock into her with short, rapid pumps until you gave a final stiffen, a few last strokes and slammed hard into her to get full depth before your cock jerked and spurted deep inside to unload yourself against her cervix.
“Oh fuck...” she breathed as she felt your hot cum burst into her, spilling at the entrance to her womb; even though she’d asked you not to she wasn’t the least surprised you’d blown it inside her, choosing the most enjoyable method and leaving it up to her to deal with. It was hotter that you’d deliberately ignored her and done exactly what she’d asked you not to, just dismissing her and dominating her to the last as your balls tightened and you exploded inside her with short, hard gasps. You squeezed and clenched your muscles hard to urge every last drop of your cum into the pretty idol, giving in to the extreme pleasure of it all and letting it shudder through you, relishing the moment as you emptied your balls inside Jennie Kim. It’d been weeks since you’d had a chance to get any relief yourself and to finally get that with her of all people was a dream come true.
“Fuck that was good,” you breathed, squeezing a couple of more times as you just rested inside her, letting yourself have every chance before you slipped back out of her easily and turned to sit down on the seat.
“Yeah, exactly what I needed,” she breathed honestly, sinking into the seat but not looking back at you, embarrassed with herself and how much she’d enjoyed it. She’d given you the come on though and knew it was entirely her doing so she could hardly complain.
“Good,” you replied simply, pulling your trousers up and pushing the door open, Jennie inhaling as the breeze blew in over her bare ass and dropping to the seat now as you slammed the door and then momentarily slipped back into the driver’s seat. Jennie just rolled over and clumsily fumbled her yoga pants and thong back up, tugging them awkwardly over herself as she covered herself after the roughest, and most exciting, fuck she’d had for years. She felt exhausted, slumping into the back seat and letting it take over her, the tension falling off her like a coat in the aftermath as you started the engine and pulled away from the side of the road. Jennie looked up and your eyes met in the rear view mirror, a look that said everything -- you had everything she needed right then, and you was going to give it to her.
“You’re coming back with me,” you said quietly, commandingly.
“Yeah well, of course, same motel and all,” she proffered, trying to break the topic as if she didn’t know what you meant. She of course wasn’t stupid and knew exactly what you were saying.
“Don’t be stupid, Jennie,” you said with another look in the mirror, “I’ve got exactly what you need.”
“So speed up and give it to me, don’t make me wait,” she replied after a pause, longer than it should have been as she tried to think of a way to counter that. She didn’t have one and agreed that frankly you did have what she needed, and wanted, for the night so fuck it, she might as well just encourage it. She hardly had to wait as she heard the engine roar and the car surged forward, sinking into the seats and relaxing as she recovered, feeling both immensely satisfied by her climax and horny again already, knowing she was going towards a night of being fucked her without an ounce of control.
She fumbled around and got her phone out, looking through it as you focused on driving back as the light of the day failed and faded, sun sinking below the horizon now to bath the road in twilight. Jennie kind of enjoyed being your passenger again, riding in the back even if it was after you’d forcibly thrown her there and then fucked her. Fucked her harder than she’d ever imagined you would, and bought yourself a ticket to her for the rest of the night.
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In what seemed like no time at all thanks to touching triple figures on the speedo you pulled up at the motel, guiding the luxury sedan into the entrance and parking up in easy reach of the front door. Few people were there at the bar except for the staff crew, and many of them hadn’t returned yet. You pulled up and stopped the car, getting out to open the rear door for her and usher her out towards the entrance of the motel like a proper guest. You saw her into the place then once they were away from the main foyer you grasped her hand and pulled her along, directing her towards your room as you made sure she couldn’t change her mind. She had no intention and let you pull her towards her night of adventure, unlocking your door easily and pulling her inside.
“Smaller than yours I assume,” you said with a smile, gesturing around; it was smaller than hers but not by as much as you’d think as her room at this place wasn’t exactly majestic, it was just a small motel in the middle of nowhere. It really was the middle of goddamn nowhere, which was why she was here in the first place, ready to get fucked even though she’d never had imagined she’d do this. It wasn’t her at all, she was faithful. Not any more though she figured, but despite that she wasn’t going to be a pushover and wanted to get some control back, to drive what happened and not let you treat her like a total fucktoy as was clearly your intent. Her body hadn’t given you any idea she wanted anything different mind.
“Look, I’ll stay the night and all, you got me alright,” she said as you threw your jacket down, looking up to her.
“We’ll hook up but it’s not like that,” she said, trying to wrestle back control of the whole situation somewhat.
“Not like what?” you questioned.
“That,” she said pointedly, raising her eyebrows, “like what just happened. I’m not your little fuckdoll for the night or something, I’m still your boss.”
“Yeah right,” you said with a short laugh, looking her up and down, amused by her faux indignation and attempt to boss you about.
“I’m serious, I don’t...” she started but was immediately cut off by you surging toward her to stand face-to-face with her, towering over her, making her suddenly feel small and powerless before you.
“Shut the fuck up, Jennie,” you said coolly, calmly...dominantly. She felt a tremble run through her and instantly wanted to submit, to let you take charge of her even if consciously she felt she shouldn’t.
“I’m in charge here,” you said, reaching out and firmly squeezing her breast through her baggy top, making her murmur then squeak as you were particularly rough with her.
“And you’re going to do exactly what you’re told tonight, just like you want to. You’re gonna be my perfect little obedient fuckdoll for the night, you really are,” you said deeply, so cool and calm with her. Jennie took a deep breath, realizing her heart was racing, pounding in her chest as you just totally owned her leaving her unable to reply. She simply didn’t know what to say or do.
“Now take your clothes off,” you ordered, stepping away from her to pull your own shirt off.
“All of them?” she blurted out, even though she knew the answer, scolding herself for even asking.
“Yes, Jennie, all of your clothes. What else do you think I’d want,” you replied, stripping yourself and leaving her to catch up as she took a breath and set about peeling her clothes off. It took her only a few moments to throw off her casual hoodie and top, easily unclipping her comfortable, unsexy bra and then shoving her yoga pants down again and this time off her feet to leave herself standing naked before you as she awaited instructions. Her dignity and any semblance of fight had left her completely and now she’d resigned herself to being exactly what you wanted her to be -- your fuckdoll. And she was sure she was going to love it.
“Very nice,” you said, glancing up her lithe, toned body, her workout regime paying off handsomely as she stood before you like a treat. She was slender, abs defined, a lovely thigh gap and her pussy was shaved into a nice landing strip, though she hadn’t kept up with it for a couple of days and stubble prickled her skin.
“Thanks,” she replied shyly, stupidly given what had already done. She was just waiting for you to lead her, which you did.
“Let’s take a shower,” you said, walking to the bathroom without a backwards glance. You just knew she would follow you and your trust that she would infuriated her, made her bossy attitude burn; she was literally your boss and could have you fired any time she wanted, but here she was in your room letting you order her about like someone you’d paid for. And what made it worse for her was she was giving into it, just feeling helplessly commanded by you and wanting to submit. She’d never been treated like this in the bedroom and couldn’t help herself, almost wanting to see where it went as much as anything else as she followed you into the bathroom.
The shower was already running with you standing under the hot cascade of water, washing down as she walked into the bathroom. You looked up to her right at the moment when she shivered, feeling your load of cum sinking down under gravity and threatening to leak out of her. You smiled and held out a hand to encourage her in, a hand that Jennie took slowly, letting herself be led into the shower and a night of exploration. She knew that’d been her last possible chance to leave but realistically she’d never even considered it -- if she was going to be pissed off and regret this, she wanted to see it to the end so she could properly complain about it, like watching a bad movie and refusing to walk out.
“Ohh,” she shivered as you pulled her under the hot spray, the night not cold but having been feeling a little chill without her clothes, the warmth of the shower tingling her perfectly. You pulled her into your arms beneath the tumbling water and finally fixed her with a kiss, pressing your lips to her firm, full pout. Tongues immediately entwined and found a perfect rhythm, mixing easily, so much better than she’d ever expected with a first kiss as you leaned down into her under the spray as she pressed her naked body to yours. She could already feel your erection pushing up into her tummy as your lust for her made itself evident, which she guessed she couldn’t really complain about as you felt her stiff nipples push into her body as her lovely breasts squashed between them.
“Mm someone’s ready,” she murmured with a smile as she felt your cock grow to full hardness as your hands slid down her back and squeezed her tight ass.
“Yeah, so don’t hesitate,” you murmured, kissing down her neck as she leaned back and sighed in pleasure, body tingling. She loved having her neck kissed and arousal spread through her like a wave, spurring her hand to fumble between them and wrap her slender fingers around your hard cock. It gave her a chance to properly explore and assess it given previously it was only being thumped into her cunt hard and fast from behind. Her hand stroked slowly up and down as you kissed her again, the hot water splashing down over while your own hands squeezed her ass, fingers teasing over her tightest hole before moving up to squeeze at her tits, your large hands easily encompassing her fairly petite chest, thumbing at her nipples carefully to stimulate the hard points.
You both didn’t speak, not needing to, satisfied at finally getting your hands on Jennie Kim, the woman you’d been driving to every day and who was in essence your boss. She was just lost to the pleasure of somebody finally getting their hands on her, the physical relief of it something she hadn’t realized she’d needed until now, loving the feel of your hands sliding and groping over her body, taking in every womanly curve of her, making her feel wanted and desired, lusted for, like a woman.
You reached out and grabbed shower gel from the shelf on the wall, liberally spreading it into your hands before soaping her up, spreading it over her shoulders and down her back to her ass. She just murmured as you spread her ass and reached down into every crevice of her body, pulling back from her to soap over her front. You spent plenty of time on her tits and enjoyed every bounce and squeeze of her as you spread the soap over her before lathering down her body, taking in her slender waist and the curve of her hips, her lovely strip of pubic hair and toned legs. She was quite taken by the way you showed her respect as you soaped her up and then turned her into the shower to rinse her down, loving the way the soap just seemed to peel down her body towards her feet over her lightly tanned skin.
Jennie murmured in pleasure as she just loved the intimacy of a shower with you, loving the attention you were giving her after too long without it. Your hands on her were a delight, sliding over her soapy body and taking in every womanly curve of her figure as you did, knowing exactly what you were doing with her. Jennie wondered how she’d completely overlooked you as your skill was evident and the thick cock she still had her hand wrapped around was a perfect fit. Oh sure she’d randomly contemplated doing it, she did with many men, but she’d never been serious about giving you a shot and realized she’d probably missed out. You had her now though and she was very sure you were going to give her everything you could; you’d already fucked her as though it was your only chance with her and she was sure things would only follow suit.
“Kneel down,” you said, only proving her right as she looked up into your eyes and then locked lips with you again, tongues fighting before she broke away and sank down in the shower with your hard cock throbbing right in front of her face. Assuming you wanted a blowjob she wasted no time in sucking you off, stroking and then immediately engulfing your cock in blissful liquid heat as her tongue assaulted. You groaned in pleasure and pulled your hand into her hair to encourage her as your cock swelled in her mouth, flexing and straining as you shivered at the incredible sensations of her velvet touch, feeling her suck firmly as she started bobbing her head.
Jennie rather enjoyed sucking cock and knew it always made men happy, loving the way they just melted to her touch as she set about devouring them, pushing them into her throat to let them feel her yield and stretch, shudder at her suck and tremble at her tongue. And as much as you loved that, intent on enjoying it fully, it wasn’t what you’d shoved her down for her and managed to refrain from getting lost in it totally as you reached out to squeeze some more shower gel into your hand and lather them together.
“Stop, Jennie, stop,” you reluctantly asked, pulling back a little to let your cock slip out of her mouth as she rocked back onto her heels and looked up at you. It was a perfect scene; the lovely Jennie Kim knelt before you, your hard cock pulsing moments from her mouth, her big eyes staring up to you in total obedience as the water splashed down.
“This is what I want,” you said firmly, your dominant tone directing her effortlessly as you reached down with both hands to soap and squeeze her firm tits in readiness before grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling her up onto her knees. She cried out slightly as you yanked her up, pulling her to her tallest position as your other hand guided your cock to press it against her chest between her firm B-cups, the implication clear.
“Wow ok I’ve never really done this much,” she conceded, since her more humble chest wasn’t something many men seemed to focus on.
“I don’t care, grab them,” you ordered and with that Jennie did exactly what she was told and pushed her hands up under the sides of her tits to squeeze them together around your cock. She didn’t really know what she was doing but figured it would work just fine as she looked down to see her petite boobs squeeze up around your cock, feminine flesh engulfing your manhood with the soap concealing her nipples. Your hands went to her shoulders as you thrust against her, your cock easily slipping up against her wet, slippery body, trusting her to keep control her lovely breasts as you pushed your cock between them. You drew back slowly and then thrust up against her again with a slow, controlled motion that let you feel every little thing.
Your cock glided easily against her succulent, soapy body, the softness of her tits absolutely divine as they wrapped around you and perfectly sealed against the throbbing hardness of your cock. She just looked down as you started to thrust against her with a slow, powerful rhythm that told her that you wanted to enjoy it as her body rocked with your energy. You held her and she was glad that you did as your thrusts pushed her back towards her heels, something she knew would have made her toned thighs burn if she’d had to resist it all herself, able to focus solely on pressing her perky tits up around you.
Her nipples were rock hard as the soap slid off the neat, screwed up points of her breasts, water trickling down over her as you shielded most of the shower behind you. She looked down and enjoyed the sight of your thick cock pushing up between her tits, loving the way her body yielded and smoothly gave way to your manhood as you shoved it slowly and deliberately against her body. Unable to resist the pleasure of it, you started to pick up the pace and pump your hips forward against her faster, pushing into her more firmly to make her rock back then resist as you used her body for your pleasure. Jennie looked up to you, taking her gaze from her chest as she looked up to you with a smile, rather enjoying giving you a tit fuck especially when you seemed to enjoy it so much.
“Like that huh?” she asked through her smile, starting to rock her body a little, tightening her abs to let herself push down onto as you thrust up, accentuating the sensations around your rock hard erection as you slid between her perfect, soap-slick tits.
“You seem pretty good at this for someone that’s not done it before,” you smiled, not slowing down for a moment.
“I didn’t say I hadn’t, just not much,” she replied with a naughty little half-smile.
“Well you should do it more, you seem a natural,” you said, straining against her harder as she worked at you, getting into a motion as the water poured down over your back, steam filling the bathroom from the hot water as she worked up and down to massage her gorgeous tits around your cock. Just to enjoyed it for a couple more minute, you pushing harder and faster against her sternum while she focused on pressing her tits together for you, soap washing gradually away so there was more friction, more intensity to encourage you to thrust quicker as your erection pulsed between her tits.
Your fingers dug into her shoulders more and you helped to push her down as she bobbed on her knees, arching her back as she worked. Her breaths were short and sharp, almost rasping as she exerted herself, feeling the ache in her body and oblique muscles as she exercised herself in a somewhat unusual way. She worked out a lot, her video posts on social media showed that off plenty to everyone that wanted to drink in her tight body, but this motion was unlike anything she trained for as she compressed herself but arched her back to push her perky chest out for you. Still, her abs were strong and she put herself into it, doing all she could as the bathroom filled completely with steam so you both practically couldn’t see, condensation streaming off the mirrors and glass, beaded over everything cold or metal.
“Mm fuck,” you growled, cock jerking against her stiffly, so much so it made Jennie sure you were going to pick up the pace and work to the end on her before you suddenly slowed. Giving a final, lingering push up again her chest, you held for a moment then released her, stepping back as she let go of her tits, in tune with your clear intention for that to be it with her tits -- for now at least.
“Come on, we’ve got things to do,” you said, pulling her up from her knees by her arm, which helped given her somewhat tingling legs from where she’d been knelt down.
“You have…” she said, looking you in the eyes, “me.”
“Exactly,” you smiled, loving that she was seemingly onboard now and was enjoying herself. You turned the taps and shut the shower off, the hot cascade suddenly stops and leaves embraced by silence, broken only by the last few drips of the water fading away. You stepped out and grabbed a towel, throwing it back to Jennie as if she was always at your place as you picked up another for yourself, burying your face in it and rubbing through your hair. She let it tumble open before pressing it to herself, not bothering to be modest as there was no point, rubbing over her body to absorb the water from her body as you watched on with a smile. Her make-up had survived surprisingly well, only a little smudged from the shower.
She smiled back and just let you enjoy the view as she reached down to dry her legs, rubbing over her tight pussy before pulling the towel behind her to draw it over her back and down across her ass. Jennie giggled a little as you seemed enthralled by her, just drinking in the sight as she lifted the towel up to work it through her damp hair, stretching and displaying her body perfectly as you absent mindedly dried yourself, hands just on autopilot as you didn’t miss a thing.
“Very nice, all those workouts clearly pay off,” you commented, the evidence right in front of you.
“Thanks, I certainly work hard enough,” she replied as you cast your towel aside and grabbed her hand, leaving her idly rubbing round her neck as you led her out of the steamy bathroom into the main bedroom once more. You pulled her to the bed and then turned round, sitting back down onto it, your stiff cock sticking up for her; she assumed you would just pull her into your lap and slide inside her again to make her ride this time but found you had other plans.
“Kneel,” you commanded, pulling down at her wrist to urge her towards the floor. Without hesitation she sank to the floor smoothly, kneeling on the carpet at your feet and swallowing in preparation for what she assumed would be another blowjob.
“Up, now,” you commanded, Jennie struggling to her feet on tingling legs as you pulled her hair -- then took her by complete surprise by twisting and grabbing her over the shoulder and between the legs like a body slam and throwing her powerfully over and down onto the bed.
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She squealed as you swung her over and cast her down on the sheets, her slender body bouncing on the mattress as her feet jumped up towards the ceiling, looking backwards as you stood over her. Without a word you grabbed her wrists and pulled her to the edge of the bed, Jennie craning up to look around before you shoved her head down, tipping it back off the side of the bed.
“Right there, that’s what I want,” you said firmly, dominantly, using a tone she’d not heard from any man and it made her tingle in excitement...and obedience. She knew she had no control over things anyway and just opened her mouth like whore, knowing it was what you wanted her to do and would make her if she didn’t. You were so turned on to see her just present herself, opening her mouth and closing her eyes, head back, knowing what you would do to her. This wouldn’t be any ordinary blowjob and you didn’t disappoint in showing her how, grabbing her face to direct her as you dipped your knees and shoved your cock down with your other hand and straight into her waiting mouth.
Jennie immediately sucked and applied her tongue, giving you a moment to enjoy her skills before you go straight to it and shoved into her throat. She gagged, unable to stop herself, knowing this was how it would be but unable to help herself. She’d never been very good at controlling her gag reflex but she got the feeling it wouldn’t matter a fuck to you right now. Jennie was absolutely right and you held her head and shoved hard into her throat, feeling her constrict and tighten around your cock to halt your progress. It didn’t deter you however and you knew you’d break her, shoving repeatedly with more and more pressure into her throat, making her gag and choke noisily, heaving on the bed before you, thick saliva running down her face now and making her close her eyes.
“Fucking take it, come on,” you said, an encouragement and an order at the same time, wanting into her throat as you pushed at her straining form. It took a few more attempts but with one, slow, powerful drive into her mouth you felt her resistance flutter, strain and fail suddenly so you jolted forwards into her and blissfully buried every inch of your cock into her hot, squeezing throat as she could fight it no longer. The noise she made was music to your ears as she gave a loud, wet gagging sound that was immediately muffled, wrenching and convulsing on the bed as she struggled before she gagged hard through her nose.
Her hands dug into the bedding, not trying to fight as you might have expected and as she might have claimed she would only a little while before. She just intended to take it, even as her eyes streaming and her make-up ran down her face, throat aching as it tried to push your cock back out, body heaving and spasming on the bed. She fought to calm herself down as you pulled back and gave her a second to breathe, Jennie hauling in a huge breath before you shoved your cock back in and followed her inhale down to neatly trick her and thrust yourself back into her throat before her body could react. She surged and choked again, hating how her body was doing this and also you for doing it to her, though she couldn’t deny how wet her pussy was from it.
Her hand strayed from the bed even as the other stayed twisted up in the covers, knuckles white from how tight she was holding it. She pushed her hand over her body and down between her legs, shocked at how wet she was, drenching her fingers as she found her clit and started to slowly circle it to let the pleasure in. You loved seeing her start fingering herself, telling you that despite whatever she thought she was enjoying herself in a primal, physical manner and it only spurred you to keep going at her for your own pleasure. She was clearly enjoying that.
“That’s it, just let me in,” you murmured, the silence only punctuated by her heaves and wet gagging along with your deep, intense breaths. She mumbled something but you obviously couldn’t work out what and frankly you were enjoying yourself far too much to care or give her the time to speak. You were absolutely rock hard, tingling with pleasure as her throat tightened hard around the head of your cock to stimulate your nerves with every thrust into her resisting mouth. She gagged and mumbled as you smashed into her throat, making it bulge as you drove fully down each time.
Jennie’s fingers danced precisely at her clit as she pleasured herself to being used so completely, utterly under your control as you leaned over her and dominantly thrust your hips forward to force your cock into her throat. Even though her body kept trying to fight, unable to stop herself, her muscles were weak and aching, a mere token protest now as you powerfully and methodically pushed yourself into her throat. You were loving pushing down into her, seeing the slight catch as your bulging head popped into her throat and made her tense, trying to hold it down as you pressed yourself right into her throat until your balls were against her face.
You could only hold back and sustain that for a couple of minutes however before your lust and want to use her throat took over, steadying your feet and starting to thrust much faster. Your strokes were shorter and harder, full depth every time as she gasped desperately, choking back her gags and hauling in breaths where she could. Her dark eye make-up streaked down her face as her eyes watered helplessly and she clung to the bed, only with one hand however as her other continued to stimulate herself, more aggressively now, her fingers grinding around her sensitive button intently. Her tongue, which had been attempting to join the party, gave up under the onslaught and she just held it fixedly to stroke your cock as you pumped in and out of her mouth.
The wet sounds of her throat were all that broke the air of the room as you plundered Jennie Kim, taking joy at every moment you could, knowing this was a once in a lifetime chance. Your hands were pressed hard into the mattress of the basic motel room as you stood prone over it and thumped your hips down into her waiting mouth, loving the bulge of her throat around your head, tingling the most sensitive areas. You gazed down over her tight body, perky tits with her nipples screwed up hard, toned abs clenching and pulsing as she struggled to take your cock, her fingers still working hotly at her clit. This was certainly going to help work her abs out.
“Oh fuck,” you growled, feeling a characteristic tingle as your cock pulsed and stiffened, knowing your orgasm was coming fast. You didn’t know if Jennie could feel it but didn’t really care and pressed on hard, picking up speed to thrust harder, shoving against her pretty face more intensely as you pursued your climax towards its inevitable conclusion. She hadn’t felt the hardening of your cock, that typical rock hard pulse that always signified the arrival of climax, but she heard your breathing increasing, getting harder and shorter, feeling your energy picking up as you thrust more rapidly into her. She couldn’t do anything apart from brace herself on the bed, both hands now stuck into the bedding as she held tight and just endured it, still gagging and choking, struggling to breath and practically creaming herself without being touched. She absolutely loved it.
You didn’t pay much attention to it but you knew she was into it, loving her playing with herself as you felt the pressure build in your balls. Your thrusts turned to a flurry, intensity unleashed now as you pumped her throat as hard and fast as possible, barely pulling two inches out of her before shoving back against her full lips in an overwhelming rhythm that she could barely handle. Her breaths were gasps, wet strangled grabs of atmosphere as you grunted and growled with pleasure, eyes squeezing shut as you trembled, holding it back. Thick saliva ran from her mouth and down over her cheek to run into her hair and drip to the floor as you pumped her throat, unable to stop herself from gagging around you.
By now Jennie knew exactly what was coming and couldn’t do anything to change it even if she wanted to. You thumped your hips hard into her, shaking and holding on until it burst forth in a sudden, incredible explosion; jamming yourself against her hard to shove her head back into the foot of the mattress, your cock jumped and swelled as you ejaculated intensely down her throat, a thick rope deep into her where she had no choice but to swallow. Jennie gagged hard, as much as you suddenly stopping as anything, feeling your hot load jetting into her as your thick prick jumped and surged in her mouth.
All she could do was mumble, unable to breathe as you pinned her down to empty your balls, pressed to her face. She held on as you pulsed and jerked to spill every last drop of your thick, salty load down her throat and then held still to make her swallow, Jennie quickly figuring out you wasn’t going to let her go if she didn’t. It wasn’t a big deal, it was so deep down her throat it was half way there and with an awkward heave and a gurgle she swallow it all. You pulled back and slipped your thick cock out of her mouth, standing up as you withdrew to let the idol haul in a huge, undignified lungful of air, taking several deep breaths as she turned her head and let a huge string of thick drool slide out of her mouth to the floor with a mumble of embarrassment and relief.
“Fuck that was good,” you breathed. She couldn’t reply, totally exhausted after her first, proper throat fuck.
“Ready for some fun?” you asked as you reached down slapped her face a couple of times, making her complain and snapping her back to reality as you moved round the bed. She was completely at your mercy and unable to fight back, just zoned out for a moment as you grabbed hold of her feet and hauled her round on the bed, dragging her head back onto the mattress to give her neck some much needed support. She mumbled incoherently as you spread her legs wide open and exposed her shaved but stubbly pussy, pulling her to the edge of the bed so they hung over it.
Without a word you dropped to your knees and shoved your arms up under her thighs, shoving them over your biceps as you lowered your head and drew your tongue straight over her puffy labia, letting the tip split her lips so it collided with her sensitive, rock hard clit. Jennie gave a stuttering sigh, breathing deeply as you went down on her, your tongue immediately going straight back to her begging button and softly pressing perfectly into her folds to stimulate her. Jennie gasped and groaned heavily in pleasure as she tipped her head back into the bed and rolled her hips up towards your intimate touch.
“Oh fuck, that’s so good,” she breathed, having not had her pussy eaten in so long. Her fiancé was good at it but he hadn’t done it for her in a while and when she was so turned on already it was an absolute treat. Her whole body tingled as your tongue touched her clit, pushing up under the hood and circling around her, different textures of stimulating every desire of hers as it slipped over her. Her hips rocked rhythmically into your tongue as it worked up and down, steady and powerful as you breathed hotly over her mound and just stimulated her perfectly, seeming able to read her just right.
The Idol just groaned in satisfaction and unmitigated enjoyment as you lapped at her juicy pussy, already so turned on from what you’d just done to her as she’d shamelessly loved her first face fuck even if it had been a messy struggle. She was dripping wet and your tongue easily parted her swollen lips, splitting them effortlessly as you dipped down and dragged back up from her asshole all the way to her throbbing clit. You focused onto her juicy entrance, loving how she was into it as you glided over her and just teased, making her wait and frustratedly wiggle before burying your tongue inside her.
She moaned in ecstasy with a shiver, pulling her legs up against your hands as her skin goosepimpled, body alight at every touch now as she relished the way your tongue twisted and swelled inside her to stimulate every nerve ending of her velvet walls. You thrust it inside her and swirled around, her slick juices coating your chin as she basked in pleasure, loving how you seemed to pay attention to every part of her. That was only confirmed as you pushed down and pulled your tongue over her asshole, returning the favour as she gave a tremendous surge and her breath caught in her aching throat. She’d never had her asshole licked properly before and felt the new, exciting sensations as your tongue spent several seconds licking and playing over her tightest hole before you swept back up to her clit.
“Don’t stop,” she begged, reaching up to push her hair back from her face, arching her back and trying to push down harder into your expert tongue as it took her towards orgasm. The climax was building intently in her tummy as she felt things tightening up, the tension accelerating as it bubbled up from her soul towards the inevitable. You could feel it, the way she was rocking and pulsing, the tightening of her muscles under your hands as you held her on the end of the bed. It only made you even more focused and you ate her hard, going as briskly and powerfully as possible on her without giving her that bit too much, your tongue aching as you prodded, probed and circled her clit.
The tip of your tongue worked in hard, small motions as you thrust it over her clit from all directions, breaking it up with circles one way and then the other beneath her hood for the most direct stimulation. She gasped desperately as you took her to the edge, not making her wait or teasing her however as you pressed ahead and drove her over the edge with the continued onslaught of your intimate ministrations. Jennie gasped helplessly for a few seconds as she ground her pelvis against your chin, fingers digging into the bed as the climax rushed up on her until she could hold it back no longer with a tremendous shake.
Her eyes squeezed shut and she threw her head back into the bedding, long hair tumbling over her face as her body primally quaked as the powerful orgasm hit her. It was harder than any climax she’d had in months, certainly more than her vibrator had given her whilst out on the road and she just gave in completely to its power. She let out a long, wailing, trembling moan of unadulterated pleasure as her toes curled and legs bucked in your grasp, feeling you lean on her hips to hold her down as your tongue continued to thrash at her to make it last as long as possible. Her hips gave strained motions to try and push up into you as she enjoyed every last second of the wave of ecstasy you’d brought her, ignoring the near-cramps in her legs as her muscles screamed while she creamed.
And suddenly it was over, like falling off a cliff and back to reality as she was suddenly finished, squeezing her thighs together and fumbling down towards to push her fingers into your hair and stop you as she gasped deeply for breath. She sucked in the oxygen as her eyes opened to the bright room, vision wavering a little in the wake of it all before she closed her eyes again and sagged back into the bed, exhausted ecstasy taking over as you pulled yourself back from between her clenching thighs. Her legs sagged open easily as you pulled yourself away, the idol basking naked before you totally sated and relaxed.
You just sat back with a smile, rocking onto your heels as she breathed deeply on the bed, completely wiped out for a moment in the aftermath of another powerful orgasm. Holding her hair back, she enjoyed the silence and peace after coming hard again which only made her realize how much she’d needed this and that her toys simply weren’t enough for a prolonged period. Her basking was interrupted as your fingers suddenly slipped into her, making her inhale in surprise as two of your digits teased momentarily at her slick opening and then pushed inside. Her body just welcomed it and she easily spread around the penetration to allow your fingers to slide inside, her pussy so juicy and ready she would have struggled to stop it even if she’d wanted to.
She shuddered and groaned in sensitive pleasure, still touchy from her peak but ready for more as you delved inside her, stroking her velvet walls and thrusting them slowly in and out of her. You could feel just how hot and ready she was, perfect for you to slide your cock inside which you were going to do now that you were rock hard again and ready to give it to her. You curled your fingers back and pulled back towards her entrance to press up for her G-spot, seeking out that little rough patch on the front wall of her vagina and finding it expertly as she gasped, groaning and grinding her pelvis into your hand slowly to help you stimulate her as your fingertips worked neatly.
Just as she was getting into it, thinking you was going to work her to another climax with your fingers, you stood up and leaned over her, slipping out of her and grabbing her slender legs to lift them from where they still dangled over the bed. You pulled them up and threw them over your shoulders, pressing yourself against the back of her thighs as you reached down to line yourself up and in an instant thrust inside her. Jennie gasped in surprise as you immediately buried yourself inside her, her body offering no resistance or hesitation, just letting you bury every inch of cock into her tight body in a single stroke.
“Fuck,” she muttered with a shuddering breath, trying to take it in as her eyes squeezed shut, the shiver spreading through her body as it all overtook her. You shook in similar pleasure, the feel of her slick, tight pussy just too much as you delved inside her, feeling her gorgeous body rubbing over every sensitive millimeter of your manhood.
“Fuck that’s nice,” you mumbled, closing your eyes and just relishing the sensations as you pulled back and started thrusting into her, taking your time to be slow but powerful. Effortlessly drove yourself into her, your hips pressing to hers as she took you balls deep and grunted with every pump, feeling you shove into her completely and nudge her cervix as you bottomed out. She just flopped back on the bed and enjoyed letting you fuck her, loving your thick cock inside her, how it stretched her out and pulsed inside her velvet tunnel. Jennie could tell you were absolutely loving it, loving getting your hands on her, loving taking your bitchy boss down, loving getting your rocks off and turning the tables on her for the night.
And she did too. She hated that you had so much control over her but she couldn’t resist, knowing you had her since you could mention it to the right people and her fiancé might find out and you obviously had long since given up caring if she got you fired for this. She wasn’t going to, she had too much to lose and frankly was enjoying herself; she figured if she kept up her end of this deal then you wouldn’t say shit to anyone. Except her.
“Fucking love this don’t you?” you asked, making her point immediately.
“Uh huh,” she groaned with a smile, bracing herself on the bed underneath as your pace picked up and you started to thump harder against her ass as you drove yourself into her. You relished the feel of her, the slippery sensations, pulsing and flexing your cock inside her as you worked your hips to give her every last bit of it. She was certainly enjoying it as she rolled her hips on you, doing her best given the way you were holding her legs and restraining her movements, the idol just using her significant muscle tone to resist and shove against you to rock her body.
You smiled down at her, loving her toned and lithe body as she held herself tight and worked her pelvis, tight abs looking delectable as she did, tilting her hips down with every ever-accelerating thrust into her. Your pace picked up but you were in full control, calm and cool, your cock hard and up to the task as you fucked the gorgeous Idol. Didn’t let the fact that this was something that would likely never have happened, not letting the moment overwhelm or overexcite as you pumped into her, confident in your endurance as she gasped and groaned in sheer pleasure beneath, just giving up to the enjoyment of it all and letting herself feel every thrust and motion of it.
You pushed your hands up under her knees then pressed them back onto her, rolling her hips back and pinning her legs down over her as you used her impressive, gym-honed flexibility to bend her into the position you wanted. Jennie was pinned down as your helpless fuckdoll now as you leaned right over her and started to fuck harder, pumping much faster and shorter into her as you suddenly picked up the pace to thump your thick cock into her hungry pussy with greater intensity. You surprised her by leaning down between her legs and kissing her, drawing her into a hot, hurried lip lock, tongues battling noisily as you never let up with your pumping, never disturbed or disrupted, hand still pinning her legs back under her knees as you both made out hungrily.
You pulled away from her and stood back up, thrusting into her harder and more intently, making her grunt at a twinge from her cervix as you plunged especially deep before she was lost to the pleasure of your thrusting into her hard and fast. Using the entire length of your cock, slammed back and forth rapidly, stimulating every nerve ending she had it felt like as her pussy just lit up around you, loving the feel of you fucking her hard now. The renewed angle meant you shoved up against her G-spot more effectively, the contours and ridges of your cock gliding and grinding over the sensitive patch to make her pussy clench.
You knew exactly what you were doing, knowing exactly how to fuck to give the maximum pleasure to women and Jennie Kim was no different. She was proving it as she gasped faster underneath, loving how you pinned her down and slammed your cock into her, your pace much faster now as you ploughed her with your thick, rock hard cock. She felt the same characteristic tingle again of an impending orgasm; it made her angry at herself, at her body that she would love it so much as to come again so soon and validate how you was fucking her. Jennie didn’t want to show you how much she enjoyed this, knowing it would only embolden you, but the bottom line was your cock and energy were just fantastic.
She grunted again and shuddered, body tightening up in pre-orgasmic tension, knowing you’d see it and just fuck harder. Absolutely correct, her body rocked harder as you shoved into her and pushed her down into the bed, pinning her legs back to her shoulders now as you leaned down on her heavily and thumped your hips into her to bury your cock over and over again into her hot, sweet pussy.
“Gonna come, Jennie?” you asked teasingly, smiling with smug satisfaction. She just turned her head away onto the bed as she blushed, feeling the heat in her cheeks to match the rush of sensations building from her G-spot as you fucked her. And you were fucking her, not making love to her or anything tender like that, pinning her on her back on the bed and slamming your thick cock into her like she needed. It only took another minute or so of that treatment, the shape and ridges of your thick head rubbing relentlessly over her most intimate spot to bring her to climax, making her tremble then shudder on the bed underneath.
You gave a contently laugh as you saw her quake in pleasure, whole body shaking as her eyes clenched shut and her fingernails dug into the bedding again as another orgasm hit her. It wasn’t as intense as it had been previously but it was still good, being fucked to climax was always something she enjoyed so it was all she wanted in that moment and you didn’t disappoint. As she came you fucked harder and faster, pounding her intensely for a few seconds as she wailed her pleasure to the motel room, clinging to the bed and pushing herself into you to take every possible inch of your cock as her body bucked and shook, abs clenching, jumping and shaking underneath your relentless thrusts as she gave in to another orgasm.
Unlike when you’d fucked her in the car in cramped doggy style, the squeezing and gripping of her pussy didn’t set your own climax off. You had more stamina than that, especially now after getting into it and simply fucked her through her orgasm then slowed as she couldn’t stand it any further, giving a final few thrusts and then stepping back to slowly, and teasingly slip your cock out of her until it jumped in front of her. Not that she could see it, her head still back into the bedding with her eyes closed as she took deep breaths in the wake of another hit of ecstasy.
That was until slapped her across the chest, your hand connecting with her perky breast to make it bounce and jiggle. Jennie’s eyes popped open as she gasped sharply as the sharp, completely unexpected pain shot through her, the sting spreading through her skin as it pimpled up and her nipple twisted up harder again. Her dark brown eyes fixed on you intently as she cried out harder in shock when you hit her from the other side, slapping her other breast to make it jiggle in turn as you struck her. She wanted to protest, to complain and tell you not to, how dare you treat her like that....but she didn’t. She couldn’t. It stung, the blows of your hands swatting at her gorgeous body as you were emboldened by her silence and started hitting her again.
The sting turned to pleasure and she shivered as her skin pricked across her body, hairs standing on end as she gave a deep, shuddering gasp, her eyes squeezing shut again as she embraced the different sensations of your hands slapping down onto her. Knowing she was enjoying it only made you smile and urged you to keep on, hitting her a bit harder, faster and more intently, your fingertips biting into her skin a little as you added a hint of pink to her skin. She shook on the bed as her nails dug into the sheets again as she let the intensity of it all wash over her, just breathing hard, hungrily in pleasure and pain, almost tempted to tell you to stop...but more tempted to beg you for more.
Men never treated her like this, your hands moving over her body as you expanded to slap down her sides and over her toned tummy. She tensed up from the bed as you did, reacting to the pain pulsing her mid-section as she twisted underneath you in ambivalent sensations that rushed through her. Your pace and speed picked up in a rush that made her not know where to turn, metaphorically speaking, until she let out a ragged cry of pain and shock as you reached up and slapped her across the face. She took a momentary shocked look at you then clenched her eyes shut again as you slapped her again, your energy lessened, being a bit more careful as you made her flinch.
“Just don’t leave any marks on me,” she gasped hurriedly as you paused for a moment. She didn’t take the chance to tell you to stop, to beg for mercy or complain it hurt. No, all she did was ask that you didn’t leave anything on her that she’d have to explain to the make-up girl the following day and essentially give you the green light to continue mistreating her. Jennie was rewarded with a harder slap to her face, wincing as another then another rained down on her then another, your hands picking up a rhythm to deliver a series of fast, increasingly harder slaps to her pretty face as she gasped and endured it.
When you stopped her cheeks were a healthy pink and her eyes were watering again, her ruined make-up running just a bit more over your handiwork as you leaned back up from her to leave her gasping and at your mercy beneath you. Her pussy was so wet that you could easily slide back inside her, something you took advantage of to make her inhale sharply as she felt your thick cock slip into her velvet folds once more. You drove full depth for a moment, giving her a few thrusts and then pulling back out again as she opened her eyes and leaned up, looking down to see you pull out of her as her chest heaved. She was caught off guard as you suddenly reached up and delivered a hard, final slap across her face, making her yell out as the pain really bit into her, tingle of pleasure gone as you caught her flush.
“I’m gonna fuck you in the ass now,” you said casually, standing up away from her and giving a slight stretch.
“What?” Jennie blurted out, unsure she’d heard you properly as the sting faded from her face, pushing her elbows into the mattress to lean up.
“Your ass, I’m gonna fuck it,” you reiterated, calm and clear so she was in no doubt. She wasn’t, and that was a problem; she didn’t like anal sex, she never had after trying it and finding it painful and uncomfortable, not to mention she hated giving up that much control in doing it.
“I don’t like anal sex,” she said quickly, “it hurts and just....I don’t,” she finished a little lamely.
“Well that’s too bad,” you replied with a slight shrug, her concerns dismissed as easily as that.
“Come on, do you have to?” She tried to convince you not to bother.
“Have to? No of course not,” you said, giving her a glimmer of hope, “But I want to,” you finished, crushing it.
“After the shit you gave me earlier, I deserve to, I’ve always wanted to,” you smiled, reaching out to play your fingers over her toes, tickling her playfully. She had nothing else to say, simply looking into your eyes and giving a small nod to submit to it, knowing you called the shots and was certainly good at that, having her under the thumb as you urged her to slide back up the bed, following her on as her feet retreated. You were fired up, in control and dominating her, getting everything you wanted as her resistance simply seemed to crumble away. The idol looked up at you with wide eyes, waiting for your next move as you smiled and grabbed her hips.
You threw her over onto her front, surprising her with your strength as you took control and easily turned her slight, slender figure over where you wanted her, grabbing her ass with a hard squeeze, spreading it apart to reveal her tight asshole and making her juicy pussy lips pry open just a little.
“Mm this is gonna be fun,” you murmured to yourself though she could hear it as your hands hooked under her pelvis to pull her back up on her knees into a perfect doggy style position for you to plunder her most secret, sensitive treasures. She didn’t resist, resigning herself to it now and knowing that without a doubt you were gonna fuck her in the ass; she’d never liked anal sex, having tried it and hated it, finding it painful and not in any way satisfying. The guys she’d tested it out with just treated her like a fuck toy which probably didn’t help and the second they felt her tight ass on their cock they lost all care for her wants or needs and had just gone straight at it way too hard and fast for her to handle, resulting in tears and complaints...and refusal to ever do it again. On top of that she hated giving up so much control, submitting completely for it and feeling so dominated, that was something she really didn’t like.
But here she was, about to get fucked in the ass again as you yanked her back into place and shoved down on her back to make her arch into the perfect, most vulnerable position. She was yours now and just took a deep breath, settling her knees into the bedding as you pulled up behind her, your cock sticking up rock hard as you relished the chance, spitting thickly into your hand and reaching down to rub it over her asshole as she twitched at the somewhat unexpected touch. You slicked what was left over the tip of your rock hard cock and then grabbed the base, thick dick surging in your hand as your other grabbed her hip to pull her back in place, pressing yourself to her. It was the moment of truth for Jennie, about to get fucked in the ass again for the first time in years.
You wasted no time on her, in charge and holding her still as you pushed against her tightest hole; it was a unique sensation and one she had no idea how to prepare for, having never really had any interest in doing so. Jennie tried her best as you pushed forward, willing herself to resist even as her body subconsciously tightened up to resist you, her asshole is tight and strong as you guided your cock and shoved forward to try and penetrate her. You slipped over her a few times, applying more energy and weight to her as your cock took advantage of a brief lapse in her resistance and spread her asshole to drive in.
Jennie let out a cry and yanked forwards, pulling out of your grasp before you even got inside her, the stretch of her sphincter sending a sharp bolt of pain through her and making her instinctively get away from it, rocking forward on her knees so your cock slipped back out. You gave her a moment then pulled her back up into position, hand hooked under her pelvis to try and keep a more commanding hold of her.
“You need to relax,” you said, your only guidance throughout this. If it hurt it was her problem and you really could only do so much but didn’t want her to dislike it, after all it was only a positive if she enjoyed it. You just wanted to experience her tight asshole stretched around your cock and plunder her ass on this, your one opportunity to have at Jennie Kim. She settled herself again as you took aim and pushed at her once more, your tip working into the muscular ring of her asshole and pressing against her resistance again, ready to squeeze yourself inside. Your hand pulled hard into her hips as you shoved forwards, leaning over her this time as you forced your cock down into her asshole, catching her a little by surprise somehow and getting the jump on her muscles to pop your cock inside her. Your bulbous head popped inside her, breaking through her tightest resistance to jerk blissfully inside her, loving how it felt around your cock head, tingling your nerves perfectly as she clenched on you.
That was the peak of it however as she yanked forward again, her strength surprising as she pulled out of your grip once more and off your cock, making it spring out of her once more as she dipped towards the bed and clenched with a near howl of pain at her ring being forced open so abruptly again. You surged over her, energy wasted as you gave a growl of frustration, Jennie burying her face in the bedding as she winced at the sharp, intense pain hitting her.
“Fucks sake,” you snapped, leaning up then reaching out and laying a hard smack straight on her ass, making her clench and scream in pain, your fingers flexing to deliver every bit of power into small, intent points of pressure. It was frustrations boiling over a little, knowing she could do this if she let herself.
“Behave, Jennie, you can do this,” you said authoritatively, angry but in charge, cooling yourself as you dominated her, just knowing that she’d respond even if she didn’t love it. Your hands grabbed her again and yanked her back, harder and more focused than before, making clear that you wouldn’t stand for her playing up any more. You meant it too, holding her so hard it almost hurt as your fingers dug into her tanned skin where you supported her, in total control of her as you positioned yourself again. You didn’t lube her any more, figuring she didn’t deserve it now as you guided your throbbing cock into position and leaned over her once more, intent on getting on with it now.
“Now hold still, just take it in,” you commanded but in a softer tone, holding her still and pressing your bulging head against her asshole, still rock hard despite the delays. You would not be denied the tight pleasure of her booty and with that eased forward slowly but powerfully to split her open, pressure building against her tight ring of muscle until you suddenly slipped in and she grunted as you were greeted by the hot, wet sensation of her pussy around you where you’d slid down into her. You pulled back, aiming yourself again and stabilising yourself more, hand right near your tip as you guided yourself to press hard at her ass, inexorably building until you felt her yielding and in a slow motion moment felt her stretch tightly around you, forced open reluctantly by your throbbing head as you broke her strength and entered her slowly.
You growled in pleasure, shivering at the ultra tight sensations of her wrapped around you as Jennie gave a muffled protest, body tensing in pain as it twinged through her intently and made her heart race. Tears pricked her eyes as the pain shuddered through her, lasting and not immediately subsiding as she felt pulse your cock, the hardest you’d ever been it seemed as you relished the moment. Your hand was still at her hip, holding her tightly in place so she couldn’t escape as you made no offer of pulling back or giving her a break, instead letting her grab a single breath before pushing your weight down onto her and squeezing the rest of your cock into her ass in a long, continuous push until be buried yourself balls deep inside her while her restrained complaint became a cry of pain.
You relished the moment of getting to press your hips against her ass, feeling the pained spasm of her sphincter around your shaft as she struggled to deal with, her breaths hard and fast as she fought the pain. Ignoring it, you held her hips tightly lest she escaped and pulled back to start thrusting into her, drawing your cock back full length and then shoving it roughly inside her again, wasting no time with slow, steady thrusts to get her going and instead just going for it, pursuing your pleasure. You knew she didn’t like it, she couldn’t relax and just give it a go, but couldn’t help the fact you did, shoving deeply into her again as she grunted in pain and flinched again.
“Fuck, gimme a break,” she whined, eyes squeezed shut as a tear slid down her cheek, wishing she could relax but her body was just so tight that in that moment she had to endure as you held her like you owned her and pumped your hips against her ass to bury your full length inside her again and again. Every pull back let your thick head just bulge her asshole a little, making her body instinctively clench again, sending the pain back through her once more and just giving every bit of pleasure you wanted at her tightest hole. She felt fantastic and the fact she was hating it, as she’d said she would, somehow made it hotter in a way and only spurred you on to fuck her harder, faster, more intently, more ferociously.
She could only complain more as you did just that, picking up the pace, slamming her harder so she rocked on the bed and had to brace herself into the covers. Jennie couldn’t believe she’d got into this situation frankly, down on her knees in a crappy motel, head buried in the sheets as a guy shoved his cock up her ass much to her dismay. It wasn’t even like you were a producer or director, somebody that she might be sleeping with to advance her career or get ahead, it was just her driver, the guy that literally just drove her to set every day and then back to her own room at this piss poor place to stay. Instead she was in your room, with your cock up her ass.
And her pussy was dripping; she was the wettest she’d been in years and frankly was afraid it would drip on the bed, her body so turned on despite her pain that if you wanted, she was sure you could easily bury four fingers inside her. It made her both hugely turned on and utterly humiliated, that something she hated so much just made her pussy so wet, so ready, her clit rock hard in arousal at your vicious penetration of her asshole. Your balls compressed against her pussy with every thrust, her juices coating your cock to give her away and exactly how much her body was enjoying this, this domination, this utter ownership she was giving in as you fucked her in the ass for the first time in years.
She would be angry and deep down she was -- at herself. Jennie knew she had instigated this even if she’d never expected it to go so far; she had given you the invitation, goading and taunting you into fucking her, quite literally inviting only for you to take it and give her one of the roughest, hardest fucks she’d ever had and that she hadn’t realised she’d needed. From there out you’d taken control and that was how she’d found herself here, her protests falling hopelessly on deaf ears as you’d taken her to task and got her into this position. And worse still she loved it, absolutely relishing the way you were just fucking her as your plaything, having complete control of her as you could cause a lot of problems if she didn’t play along. That was merely a sideshow now as frankly she didn’t want you to stop, even if she hated admitting that.
She’d given herself to you on a silver platter and you were loving every bite, getting a most primal go at your boss and you weren’t wasting a moment of it. Your fingers dug into her supple flesh, flexing your cock as your heart pumped hard, slamming your hips forward again and again to drive your manhood inside the prone idol. It shoved a deep, guttural cry of pain from her every time you slammed against her, her ass jiggling perfectly as you gave her every inch of yourself, stretching her out a little bit more than she could handle every time to make her twinge in pain. You just murmured with pleasure, smiling down as sweat prickled all over her, her head buried in the bedding.
You loved how taut her muscles were, fingers dug into the cloth as she braced herself, forehead pressed hard into it as she tried to absorb it. The strangely pleasurable sensations of anal sex were getting through to her now, something she’d rarely experienced in the past before she’d pulled the plug, but they were still accompanied by pain that electrified her body with every, faster, hungrier, more intense thrust into her. She was managing to relax herself somewhat however and that only made things better, giving a mumble of near pleasure that made you hard as rock, feeling your cock strain inside her as you heard it. Jennie immediately blushed, not that you could see it, chastising herself for enjoying it at all but worse letting you see that she was. She was adamant she hated this and to let herself tremble with pleasure from it, even for a moment, would only encourage you to fuck her harder.
You hardly needed encouragement though as your own pleasure drove to do just that, loving how you could just rock her hips back as you worked your own to plunge the full depth of yourself into her, thick cock just plunging into her overwhelmed, defeated asshole. Rocking her in unison with your rhythm helped up the pace whilst keeping your length in full use, the best of both worlds as to let your head strain her hole still, making it bulge before you buried yourself again. You tried that a little too vigorously on one stroke however and popped out of her, sliding up over her ass as she gave a gasp to match your own, the sensation unexpected. Jennie felt empty, out of sync and then utterly degraded as you took a moment to grab her ass and spread it wide, making her exhausted, loosened asshole gape wide open.
“Fuck, look at that,” you breathed, in both wonder and arousal, loving how she’d gone from an uptight, resisting attitude to now having her hole gaped completely. Jennie felt the blood rush to her face, angry and embarrassed as you held her open, giving a token squeeze to try and clench her asshole shut but even she felt the futility of it, her tired muscles barely managing it before it sagged wide again. You just laughed smuttily to yourself, loving having her like this as you grabbed your cock and aimed it again, pushing inside her with barely any resistance from her as she stretched out and let you plunge deeply into her ass again. On the plus side, it barely hurt now, ass warmed up and taking it even if she’d never wanted that.
You held her hips firmly and fucked hard, knowing she wouldn’t try and escape now, her will and resistance broken as you pumped your cock in and out of her ass as she hated herself for feeling a bit of enjoyment. Having made a fuss about it, she couldn’t now admit she was liking it or ask you not to stop, that would just be shame she couldn’t stand. Besides, she was pretty sure you knew with how wet her pussy was. You were well aware and it only spurred to keep fucking her hard and fast, rocking her body perfectly in rhythm with yours as if you two been screwing for years, cock plunging deep inside her, feeling her heat and the delectable sensations around every nerve ending on your cock. It was hot, but you wanted to see her work for it and with that you leaned back and pulled her as she gave a mumble of confusion.
“Come on, you’re gonna ride this cock,” you said, leaning back and pulling her on top of your hips, sliding deep inside her as she sat back on you a little awkwardly while you kicked your legs out under her to stretch on the bed. She mumbled and shifted around with difficulty, fumbling to get her feet out from under her and position her knees properly so she could ride as she was ordered to While your hands pinned her ass down on you so she couldn’t escape. Jennie shoved her hands down on top of your knees and steadied herself then with an unsure, testing movement rocked her hips and lifted up a little to slide your cock in and out of her ass, pressing her firm booty back down as you smiled in pleasure.
“Yeah that’s it,” you murmured, watching her lovely figure as she got started, holding her hips more commandingly than physically, hands just letting her know you are in control more than anything else. Feeling it out, Jennie rocked up and down carefully, just taking in the different penetration of your cock in her ass, the angle and aim changed, stimulations different as she rocked on you. Getting more confident of where you were and realizing she could still feel your bulging head as it tugged at her asshole, she started riding a bit harder and longer, working her sphincter up and down your cock as it clung tightly. You were pleased as she got into it more, breathing intently, focused on her task as she pushed up onto her knees and rested her hands on her own thighs to change the angle and let her push down into you much more effectively.
“Yeah that’s good,” you groaned, loving the suddenly more intent, stimulating push down of her onto your cock, her ass squeezing around you as she drove down and got full depth. She didn’t complain at the pain or anything now, having subsided and despite the general lack of lube she was finding it pretty easy to work herself up and down, her muscles having long since given up the fight, stretched and exhausted. It was then that she looked up into the room more, taking in things as she rode you and realized she could see herself pretty clearly in the mirror of the bathroom where you’d left the light on. She could see her slender, sweat-pricked body as she rocked up and down, her face streaked with dark tears from her eye make-up, firm breasts with hard nipples topping them above her toned abs as she worked on your cock.
Jennie hated seeing it, seeing herself working to pleasure and to please you, thighs tight as she pumped her ass up and down on your cock, to let you enjoy anal sex with her. She couldn’t tear her gaze away instantly and just watched herself riding it, shoving herself down harder, faster, more intently as if to punish herself as she stared into her own eyes; she hated doing this even if it didn’t hurt now, hated it even more that she was kind of enjoying it now and wasn’t only doing it for you now, she knew she was doing it for her and that stung her even worse. Her face flushed as her cheeks burned with her embarrassment and anger at herself, spurring her however to thrust down hard and faster into you as she felt your fingers at her hips and heard a grunt of pleasure.
“Mm fuck, just like that,” you growled, loving her energy as she worked at you, finally averting her eyes from her gaze and looking down at the bed, at her fingers as they strained on her thighs to brace herself and allow her to work harder at your cock. Regardless of the fact she hated what she was doing and how she’d got herself into this position, she couldn’t deny it felt good; her nipples were tight and her clit was throbbing in need, pussy still dripping wet and just waiting for stimulation. She couldn’t resist and pulled her hand up to her crotch, letting her fingertips play over her mound for a moment before she pushed it confidently down over her lips and let her middle digit drive straight down over exactly where it needed to be.
Her shudder and groan was like heaven to you, watching Jennie Kim shake in pleasure at the mere touch of her clit as she rode your cock, taking in her slender back and gorgeous ass as her strong, toned thighs pushed her up and down to work you into her booty. You loved the sight of your cock disappearing into her ass, her tight ring hugging it before it disappeared from view as she sat down on you every time. Your hands merely followed and caressed her now as she got into it, her fingers getting moving as her rhythm picked up again, riding you just as hard as her digits started to circle her clit. Jennie grunted in pleasure, her asshole twitching and grabbing at you to slow her just a little bit as she just instinctively got into her, seeming to know exactly what she was doing and how to co-ordinate herself as her fingers started to dance.
You just laid back to enjoy as the idol got into it, seeing her glance up to herself in the mirror as she did; Jennie took herself in, knelt over hip and reciprocating her hips as she drove your thick cock into her ass, feeling your bulging head delving deep inside her as her fingers worked fairly furiously at her clit, unable to help herself and chasing the pleasure it brought. Her ass was squeezing and gripping at you like she hadn’t before as she throbbed and mumbled in pleasure, her breathing harder, faster, more insistent as the pleasure flooded through her quickly. She hadn’t realized how hot and horny she was, not directly at least, somewhat unsure, almost hoping that her dripping pussy didn’t mean she was loving getting fucked in the ass as much as she feared she was. Touching her clit had answered that question in a single stroke and only spurred her to chase more of it, looking at herself in the mirror as she rubbed intently and thumped her body down into you.
“Fuck that’s it, don’t stop,” you smiled, loving how the famous idol was just losing herself to it and giving you all her energy now. She just moaned a non-committal response as she practically ignored your thick, hard erection buried in her ass as she bounced up and down and rubbed furiously at her pussy. Her fingers wasted no time with anything but her clit, circling around it and strumming across it, working in the most direct way she knew, the way she got herself off when she didn’t have time for sex with her fiancé and just wanted release. Your hands pulled at her hips and laid token spanks on her ass as she went at it, just enthralled at her change to going for it and forgetting her protests as she rode hard and frigged herself for all she was worth.
Hard breaths and the sound of her booty driving against your cock was all that broke the silence of the motel room for a minute as she wound herself up, orgasm not taking long to achieve in the heat of it all. She stole a last glance at herself and scolded herself for being such a whore, getting fucked in the ass and rubbing her clit to it but soon looked away and focused on what she was doing. With a few more seconds of stimulation that seemed to stretch on way longer, she gave a shake, tensing up as she held back her climax as it rushed up on her, sharp and intense, much like the fuck she was taking and she gave several hard, short thrusts to bury your cock as deep in her ass as she could while her finger went mad on her delicate clit.
She wailed loudly as she hit her peak, suddenly erupting as she shook and collapsed as the strength in her legs failed, burying your cock deep as she shuddered violently, her hips bucking and shoving forwards, ass squeezing intently at your cock to make you throb as she quaked. Her fingers never stopped throughout, just cranking every last drop of her climax as her eyes squeezed shut and her breath caught in her throat, her orgasm just hitting her so much harder than she expected and making her grind down into the pleasure of it with everything she had. You just held her hips as she rocked on you, immensely turned on to see her come with your cock in her ass like this when she’d protested over it initially.
“Fuck…” she mumbled, a small admission to how incredible it’d felt to reach her peak as it ended, her fingers stopping on her clit even as she wished she could continue, too delicate in the wake of it as she rocked her hips and squeezed her ass a little before trying to keep riding your cock. Her legs were weak, shaky, unable to commit strength as she tried to push up and only achieved weak, uncoordinated motions, struggling to catch her breath and get back to it like she knew you wanted. All you wanted was for her to stimulate your cock hard and fast like she had been; watching her ride then come furiously all over was one of the hottest things you’d ever seen and your cock still rock hard and ready to pump her to the finish now.
With a sharp push you lifted yourself off the bed and rolled her over, Jennie giving a cry of surprise as you surged beneath her and flipped her onto her front, pinning her down on the bed and burying your cock deeper than it had ever been. She flinched and blurted out an expression of pain as you pinned her down, taking complete control of her again, dominating her tired form as you shoved your hands down on her shoulders to shove her into the bedding. Wasting no time, you started to pump your hips and slam down into her with intent and purpose, your cock throbbing hard in pre-orgasmic bliss thanks to her erotic ride moments before.
You held her down, ignoring her muffled complaints as you slammed into her ass harder than she’d ever experienced and took every bit of pleasure her clenching, overwhelmed asshole had to offer as your cock slid in and out of her in a blur. Strokes were short and sharp, pounding down into her with just a couple of inches of your manhood as you chased your pleasure now, wanting to completely overwhelm and exhaust her in the process. You had no problem doing just that as the gasping idol couldn’t keep up, slumped on the bed underneath with her fingers dug into the bed at her sides as you fucked her now, just being your submissive fuckdoll in your final seconds of smashing your cock into her gorgeous body.
Jennie just whined in pain and pleasure as you hammered down into her, your cock rock hard, the stiffest she’d felt it as you pounded her hard and slapped your hips into her ass with an intensity she’d not felt in years. No guy had fucked her so hard or with such abandon in so long that it was almost like a new experience again and she could only cling to the bed and groan, grunt and gasp her way to your completion. Your cock strained harder, flexing in a familiar way that told you the end was close as you thumped against her, spurring you to find a final gear that meant you slammed your cock into her clenching, tired ass as hard and fast as you could, somehow stepping up from your already intense pace that that was making her whine and pushed a strained, struggled noise from her.
You absolutely pounded on her, hips slapping into her ass as you tried to bury her into the mattress for a few seconds before she felt a characteristic pulse and knew it was over -- only to be shocked and thrown for a loop as you suddenly yanked out of her and jumped up with energy she’d never had expected. Jennie gasped and whimpered desperately, hungrily for your cock in her ass, squeezing and clenching at nothing as you suddenly moved over her, completely lost as you withdrew and looking up to see where you were. It only gave you the perfect position to grab her head, fingers twisting into her hair to yank her purposefully to you and straight onto your cock, forcing it deep into her throat before she could react, only time left to choke and gag.
It was the first time she had ever done ass to mouth and she heaved, gagging deeply in shock and thought of it, tasting herself as you shoved your thick cock as deep into her throat as you could manage. With her overwhelmed by it all she couldn’t get a handle on it and it left her vulnerable to your thrusts which you took advantage of with abandon, holding her head tightly and thrusting your cock hard into her throat, loving how she struggled and gagged. The tightening around your cock was simply heaven, a cherry on top after plundering her tight asshole, not that it was as tight after your efforts and now you just wanted your finish. Pumping hard into her mouth as she gagged, choked and coughed, body heaving as she grimaced at her first ass-to-mouth, absolutely hating that you’d made her do it while your cock throbbed on her tongue.
Jennie had no chance to complain however as you gave her no opportunity, giving a final shove deep into her throat so her nose pressed into you and then yanking back out of her sharply. She coughed on the withdraw and was just drawing her breath as you jerked your cock ferociously, on the brink and taking just a couple of seconds to stimulate your cock on the brink as you aimed it at her face. You yanked her head into place and held her with her hair as she gave a yelp of pain, barely registering what you were doing in time to squeeze her eyes shut for your first hot, thick spurt to hit her across the nose. You let out a huge groan of pleasure, of release and ecstasy as you jerked your hard cock to explode repeatedly over her pretty face, Jennie wincing and growling in distaste as your viscous eruptions burst over her to hit her forehead, cheeks, eyes and lips as you emptied your balls powerfully onto her.
“Fuuuck” you breathed, heart pounding and your legs shaking as you worked the last of your load out and wiped it over her puffy, bee stung lips to her displeasure, giving a final clench and then sagging back on your knees, releasing her so her head dropped. She caught herself before she hit the bed and made a mess, pulling her head up and opening one eye, all she could manage, as you turned and sat back onto the bed. You breathed hard and let the relief and pleasure hit, tingling through you as the gorgeous idol pushed up to sit on the side of the bed as she grabbed for some tissues on the side table. Jennie fumbled with a handful and shoved them to her face, soaking up your load as it started to run down her face and mix with her ruined make-up, wiping it out of her eye then off her lips.
“Fuck that was good,” you murmured, sagging back onto the bed.
“Hope you got what you wanted,” she mumbled, not wanting to acknowledge quite how much she’d enjoyed it.
“Not entirely,” you replied, making her to look at you indignantly.
“Not entirely?” she questioned, angry in that moment and figuring surely you’d had your fill of her.
“No, we’ll fuck again in the morning. Go get cleaned up, we need some sleep,” you said with a cheeky wink, slumping back onto the bed as she glared at you, unnoticed, before standing up and stalking awkwardly to the bathroom to wash her face. A splash with cold water made her feel fresher, relieving her sweaty, come-splattered face though her ass ached like she’d never felt before, figuring it was how it felt to get properly fucked in the ass. By the time she walked back into the bedroom you were already under the sheets and dozing off, leaving Jennie little choice but to slide in next to you. She was rewarded with a cuddle, being drawn under your arm as she got in before falling asleep far easier than she expected.
The night flew by in relaxed, sated sleep for both of you, Jennie awakening and wondering initially where she was, not recognizing the room entirely. It was similarly decorated but not the same as her own room and that just took her a second to remember exactly where she was and how she’d got there. She was also reminded as she moved and immediately felt a twinge from her ass, sphincter giving her a wakeup call to bring back all the memories from exactly what she’d done the night before, her pussy aching as well from how hard you’d pounded her. It was a while since she’d woken up like this, feeling the after effects of an intense fucking the night before and it was a sensation she missed, wishing she could feel it more often as you stirred beside her and woke up, rolling over to her.
“Good morning, Jennie,” you said with a smile.
“Morning,” she replied a little unsure of herself in that moment, “and that’s boss to you,” she added, wanting to take control again.
“Not yet it isn’t,” you answered, immediately quashing her intention to take charge somewhat as you rolled to her and slid your hand over her hip, up her tummy to squeeze her breast as she gasped. You were exactly the same with her as you’d been the night before, interested in only one thing from her and she responded, shivering a little as she secretly had to admit to herself that she loved how you treated her. You weren’t wasting any time and only wanted to fuck her, which was flattering in its own way even if she shouldn’t have liked it.
“Already hard,” she murmured with a smile as she felt you push your erection against her, nestling it in her ass as your hand squeezed her chest, your teeth biting down into her shoulder as she shivered and gave in to how turned on her was making her, pussy already wet and waiting for you.
“Of course, got to enjoy every minute of this,” you replied quietly, hand pushing over her toned tummy to tease at her near-smooth labia.
“Before I become your boss again,” she breathed, somehow wanting to remind you of the fact that she was in charge of you usually and that this was a one-off opportunity you’d cultivated for yourself.
“You’ll be the boss again when I let you,” you growled playfully, making her gasp as your hand connected with her ass for a firm, meaningful slap that tingled her and only turned her on more.
“So boss me around,” she breathed, quietly, almost not letting the whisper escape her mouth, not wanting to let you hear it. She knew you had though as you swiftly reached up and grabbed her throat, giving a squeeze that made her breath catch momentarily before you released her, Jennie shuddering hard as a tingle raced through her body, your hands at her hips now as you threw the covers off and rolled her back over towards you. You grabbed her wrist and directed her hand onto your thick, throbbing cock which she immediately gripped and started stroking, being your obedient little fucktoy without hesitation as grabbed her tits again hard to make her wince before you lay back.
“Ride,” you commanded, already urging her as she started to move. The idol pushed up from the bed to immediately obey, getting her knees under her and throwing her leg over to mount you and get in position, pressing her delightfully hot pussy down into your throbbing cock. You let her do her thing as she reached down for your cock and held it up as she rocked her pelvis forward in readiness. Jennie slowly let herself down and teased the tip of your cock over herself, spreading her abundant juices around it before she let herself sink down steadily to ease her inside and let your size spread and stretch her aching pussy.
You bulged out her velvet walls as she sank down, giving a groan as she descended and felt the blissful sensation of your cock inside her once more -- she couldn’t deny she liked it. Jennie let herself push down to take your cock all the way in with a single stroke, pushing herself the last couple of inches to make her vagina open up fully, wanting to feel every bit of it, flexing hard inside her as you felt her love tunnel envelope before clamping down, loving the feel of how her pussy gripped your cock. Her murmurs of pleasure only turned you on more and you watched as she started to ride, slowly lifting up then sinking down again, taking it fully as she pulled right up until it almost popped out of her before driving into you to grind her clit against you, eyes closing in pleasure as she got into her steady rhythm.
“Faster, come on, ride it,” you commanded, slapping the side of her ass to spur her on, breaking her concentration for a moment and making her motions stutter before she composed herself and resumed harder and faster. She started pumping her hips down into you with an intensity and pace that you relished, stimulating your cock perfectly for a morning fuck as her gorgeous, snug pussy fit around you perfectly. Jennie leaned down onto your shoulders, her eyes shut with a look of concentration on her face as she worked her hips, her abs tightening and tensing as she rolled her hips and thrust down to take every inch of your cock inside her with quicker strokes. She was lost to the pleasure of it all as she rode it firmly, right up until her phone started ringing and shattered her focus. You both ignored it initially, then it rang again, causing Jennie to lean over and see who it was.
“It’s my producer,” she said, looking back down at you underneath her, her pace slowing for a moment as your hands held her hips.
“So?” you replied.
“It’s probably important, he never usually calls me in the morning,” she said.
“So answer it,” you replied with a smile.
“What? Like this?” she said, looking back down at you with wide eyes.
“Sure, why not?” you teased, when it was obvious why not.
“I’ve never answered the phone in the middle of sex before,” she said as it stopped ringing again, only to start ringing again almost immediately.
“Seems like he really wants you,” you said, working your hips to pump up to meet Jennie as she continued to fuck, riding you on autopilot.
“You gonna stop so I can answer this?” she asked.
“Not on your life,” you said, gripping her hips tightly and pulling her down harder, making it clear she was going to fuck you till it was done right now.
“...Fuck,” she said, holding the phone up and knowing she was going to have to answer it.
“It’s a video call,” she said, only making you laugh somewhat as she swept her hair back and tried to make herself look vaguely presentable.
“Don’t do anything, this is serious,” she chastised you, squeezing her pussy and riding in short strokes to minimize her movements as she took a deep breath and answered the phone.
“Good morning,” she said clearly, her practiced, PR friendly voice on point.
“Good morning, Jennie,” said her producer, unseen by you as Jennie rode you with her phone turned the other way, doing her best not to make her movements visible on the call.
“What’s going on?” she questioned, wanting to cut straight to the point and keep this quick.
“Just wanted a quick check in, I heard there were problems on set yesterday, not the smooth kind of process we’re looking for,” he said to her.
“Yeah there were some disagreements,” she replied tersely, remembering how it had upset her...and led her to make the mistake that brought her onto her drivers cock.
“Well that’s not great, Jen,” he said, giving her a look of somewhat disappointment, “we really need to keep things going well, is there anything up?” he added.
“No no, it’s just a blip,” she replied quickly, stifling a mumble of pleasure and shivering a little as she pushed up to slow her riding, needing to stop before she gave herself away. She’d never done this, not to anybody, and to do it in front of her producers was scary but exhilarating. She knew she had to remain composed and not give away what she was doing, not that there was anything wrong with it per se but she simply couldn’t afford to let anybody else know she was stepping out on her fiancé.
“Are you alright, Jen? You seem flushed,” her producer asked, seeing her skin tone on the camera even with the half light of the motel room she was in.
“Yeah yeah I’m fine,” she said. At that moment you grabbed hold of her hips and shoved yourself upward to make her quake, barely suppressing a grunt as the stab of pleasure passed through her before you began to pound. You arched your body up, You arched your body up, heels dug into the mattress as you energized yourself, and slammed your hips up into hers, almost hanging from her hips, leaving her nowhere to go. Jennie felt the tingle and buzz go through her as she was fucked hard and faster, losing her composure and shuddering, fumbling the phone and struggling to hold onto it.
“You don’t look like it, want me to send someone over to check you out?” he offered, meaning some sort of medic that they had on the team.
“No no, it’s just a bad connection,” she said, carefully but jerkily getting her thumb over the camera to block it out as she tried to slowly let out a breath and not focus on the sensations of your cock slamming into her.
“The camera’s gone off, are you there?” he replied, giving her the perfect out as she quickly pretended the signal had dropped.
“Hello? Are you still there?” she asked, waiting a few seconds as he tried to get her to answer, trying to add to it with a couple of hammed-up crackling sounds before she hit the button the hang up and threw her phone aside.
“Fuck you,” she breathed with a small laugh as she sank back down into you, shoving her hands back into your shoulders as your pulled up around the small of her back, pulling her down deeply into you as she focused all her concentration on your cock, started fucking it hard again. Her body rocked perfectly to slide you in and out of her juicy snatch, squeezing and clenching as she did, loving the way your cock pulsed inside her as you worked to pump your hips up into her and make her take every possible inch. Her phone rang again but she ignored it, no intention of answering it again as she hoped it hadn’t in any way been possible to tell what she was really doing. It was then that she looked at the clock and began, realizing how short we had on time and how if we didn’t finish this quickly, we’d be late for the set.
“Shit, we’ve got to get going,” she exclaimed, looking from the clock back at you.
“We’re not done yet,” you said. Not a protest, a simple statement that reminded her she wasn’t going anywhere until we were done fucking.
“But we’ll be late. Do you want someone to find out about this, really?” she asked, making a good point that suggested blowing this would likely not work out well for both of you.
“No, I don’t,” you said.
“Then let’s go,” she replied.
“We’re not done. How about a shower? We’ll finish up in there as we get ready,” you said, seeming so cool and calm, full of useful and straight forward plans in that moment. Jennie looked back to the clock, then at you.
“Deal, come on,” she said, hopping off you as you released her hips and heading straight for the bathroom. You followed and enjoyed watching her firm ass jiggle as she dashed ahead of you and turned the shower on. The hot water cascaded down and she slipped into it, sighing in pleasure as the spray hit her feminine curves before you followed her in, hands sliding round her and squeezing at her breasts, pushing down her sides as she shoved back into your erection, ready for it to be inside her again. She wanted to enjoy the fuck but time was against it and she cared more about getting busted.
“Put it in,” she whispered, leaning against the wall and shoving her ass back in the most deliberate invitation you’d ever seen. And it was irresistible.
“Don’t have to ask me twice,” you smiled as you grabbed your cock and stepped in to her, easily sliding to her pussy between her spread legs, arched back pushing it out ready for you to effortlessly slip into. Just a light push and you inside her, both groaning again as her velvet tunnel glided over the thick contours of your rock hard cock, your hands going to her hips to take a tight grip as you buried yourself inside her and then started to thrust. You worked your cock in and out of her, resuming the pace we’d had on the bed as we both got into it, Jennie shifting a bit and sinking lower, pushing her feet as wide as the shower tray would let her as you widened your stance to give yourself maximum stability.
“Come on fuck me, fuck me!” she said, louder than she intended to as she invited you to get on with it. You ignored her somewhat taking charge and simply dug your fingers into her flesh as you started to thrust, immediately shoving her forwards, seeing her muscles tighten as she braced herself against the tiles and pushed back against yours as you slammed your hips forward. We both groaned, Jennie harder than you as you started to fuck her hard and fast, pounding her with one intent now and that was completion and pleasure.
Your fingers were white with the pressure as you held her slippery body, hot water crashing down over us as you fucked her with hard, fast strokes. Your motions were short and intense, body slapping noisily against her booty as she jiggled in front of you, the idol just bracing herself and shoving back into you as the stimulation of being fucked from behind got to us both. It was so much more intense, hitting more nerve endings and doing the business for both of us when we’d already comprehensively warmed up with her riding on the bed. Your cock shoved deeply into her pussy, across the front wall of her vagina and her G-spot in a perfect manner, sending those deep, soulful tingles through her that she knew was a one way ticket.
Your hand slid up into her long, dark hair and grabbed a handful, yanking back to make her gasp gutturally, feeling a rush go through her, a tingle then quakes of pre-orgasmic tension, just letting it all hit her as you got her to the finish. You weren’t far off yourself, your cock tingling and throbbing with every stroke of it into her gorgeous body, holding yourself back and focusing on getting her to the orgasm that was obviously on the brink. You were relieved when, after a few more seconds of thrusting, she shuddered violently and gasped hard, accelerating breaths before letting out a wail of pleasure as she came.
The orgasm hit her fast and she almost slipped, her foot losing grip on the wet floor of the shower as she trembled in pleasure, ecstasy washing over her as she shook and tingled all over, goosepimples spreading across her gorgeous body despite the hot spray of the shower cascading down over her. The clamping down of her pussy around your cock and the mental box checked meant your own climax followed swiftly on with a buck of your cock as you swelled rock hard. Jennie was treated to a few hard thrusts to amplify her own climax before she moaned in satisfaction as you jumped and unloaded inside of her, growling your pleasure in her ear as you shoved her forwards against the tiles and buried yourself deeply to empty every drop of your cum inside her.
She loved that you’d come inside her again, especially right before she went to work as she knew it’d be a naughty secret to feel your creampie leak out of her during the day. You slid back out of her, and she stood up, turning into your arms and meeting you for a deep, somewhat intimate kiss that felt so much more than what had come before.
And then it was over. You stepped back and got out of the shower, grabbing a towel and getting ready, leaving her to do the same. Jennie watched you leave then took charge of herself, knowing this incident was over and gave herself a quick wash down in the shower before following you out.
The next half an hour or so was hurried preparation to leave, neither one of us speaking as she got ready, taking much longer than you as she quickly dried and dressed, trying to dry her hair out and touch up a bit of make-up before we had to get a move on, time running out as she knew we had to get to set. She was rather embarrassed now, feeling awkward like she might after a one night stand, but also felt the most sexually satisfaction she had in months. It was a double edged sword she supposed.
With her dignity and attitude completely gone, our relationship having done a complete 180 in the last 12 hours or so, she headed down to the car with you and slid into the passenger seat as she usually did to let you drive her to work. She was the boss again now, but she didn’t feel like it. You made good time, stepping on it a bit to get her on set in time so nothing looked amiss apart from the slightly bedraggled way she turned up on set, not that it mattered as she went straight into make-up to get tidied up for the days shooting.
The day went smoothly on set as she kept her head down and quietly got on with it, working well with the director to contrast with the previous days conflict, being cheerful and productive in a way that got everything done on time with no snags. Out of her earshot, the director flippantly commented to that perhaps she got fucked properly the previous night; he had no idea how right he was. Jennie just felt calm and relaxed, though she blushed when she saw her driver odd times during the day, thinking back to everything that had happened between us. You’d completely taken advantage of the situation she’d inadvertently created and she’d loved it, just relishing how you’d treated her as she turned it over and over in her mind.
And she wanted it again.
There was no denying it, she needed it, lusted for it and was absolutely sure you would happily deliver. With that she steeled her mind to get it and thought about what she would do for you when her day in front of the camera was over. The rest of the shots went easily, no problems at all when she was just on autopilot and let herself be ordered around, something of a hangover of the night before which she’d relished. Due to the efficiency they managed, they were actually finished around an hour early, with the director wrapping for the day and telling them they could all go and have a break as the next shots relied on brighter weather and the encroaching darkness was no use to them. Jennie gave her goodbyes and then headed for the wardrobe trailer to make a change.
You were waiting by the car as Jennie approached you, her long coat hiding her body as she smiled at you...then got into the back seat. You were curious as she hadn’t done that since our first week together, hopping in behind the wheel and starting the engine as you looked back at her in the mirror. She stared at you as she took her coat off to reveal a short, tight dress that hugged her curves and barely made it onto her thighs, tits pushed up so they almost spilled out of it. Throwing her coat aside she spread her legs and lifted them a little so you got a glance up her skirt, seeing the see through panties that completely showed her off, her near-bald pussy that was all yours. You took your time checking her out, knowing she was there for you to look at as you took her in, along with her naughty smile.
“You’re checking me out again,” she murmured.
“Yeah, I am,” you replied, pulling away and managing to drive smoothly even as you stared at her in the mirror.
“Good,” she smiled, flicking her tongue. You accelerated away down the road, heading back for our motel once again, less than a whole day since everything had happened between us.
“I want you to fuck me hard again tonight,” she said quietly, meaningfully, the weight of her words clear. She wanted a repeat performance and probably plenty more, knowing you wouldn’t talk and as long as she was covert, she could have her cake and eat it.
“No problem, boss,” you said with a smile and flick of your eyebrows, playing to the fact she technically was, but it was clear she was giving you control out of hours now.
“Good, so whenever there’s a good place to pull over, you know,” she said, reclining back into the seat, relaxing as she told you clearly she wanted an exact rerun of the day before.
“Absolutely,” you replied, smiling to yourself as you focused on the road and pressed the throttle, cock already hardening. After all, you weren’t going to disappoint your boss.
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tacticoal · 2 months
「scowls to smiles」 : ̗̀➛ you drive them crazier in love...
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ sfw, gn reader (mentions of makeup [kyle]), unedited, mdni !!
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john price
"you're definitely the only person i would do this for..."
john grumbles, his arms crossed and his body slumped in the seat. you roll your eyes at him, snatching the remote next to him from behind the couch to change the television channel. the boisterous cheers get cut off, switching from your boyfriend's weekly football channel to the horror documentaries you oh-so love. you walk around to slide next to john, leaning into the arm he reaches out to you. it wraps around you out of instinct, pulling you in closer.
"you promised me we could watch tonight's episode," you remind him, pressing a kiss to his cheek, "besides, you know kyle's recording it for you tomorrow.."
a deep sigh (closer to a groan, really) escapes his lips, knowing garrick and the other two are out together watching the game at their local pub. still, he settles in, pressing a kiss to your temple, trying to ignore the spam of texts he's getting from the others about who scored what.
simon riley
the bedframe creaks aggressively at the way you're shaking simon's burly body, echoing throughout your shared loft. he's usually so good at waking up without a second thought back at base -- his body sensing the slightest movement meters away. but now? now his body's facing away from you, snoring loudly, almost as if he's mocking you.
oh, bring it on.
you are so going to get noise complaints for the wrong ideas, but you don't care at the moment. you're wide awake, and he's not.
it's so pretty outside, you nearly fell out of bed once you saw the slightest bit of golden light peeking into the room, glowing on the walls. looking past the curtains, the sky is painted in soft lavenders and ceruleans -- the sun just barely peeping out from behind the layers of old buildings.
"simon- wake up!! the sunrise is so pretty today, and the whole city's all pretty and there's no people out and its nice 'n cool so we can go out and get coffee and tea and breakfast-!!"
you yelp as he rolls over, nearly knocking you back. he's now laying on his back, eyes still shut, hair poking out and around in tufts, one big hand lazily grasping onto yours.
"y'know what else is pretty, love? sleep."
he tugs you slightly towards him, you legs knocking into the mattress. you let out a loud huff.
"no way, si'. i want a cute morning date with you, and if you're not up in the next 5 seconds i'm so going by mysel-"
a loud groan interrupts you, the bear of a man beneath you slowly rising to sit, rubbing at his eyes before sending a teasing glare your way.
"go grab my hoodie."
kyle garrick
kyle wakes up with a groan, stretching his stiff limbs out from the couch. the sun was still beaming through the cracks of the shades, illuminating the living room. he remembers falling asleep while waiting for you to finish your digital meeting in the other room, your muffled voice luring him into sleep. swinging his legs over the cushion to stand, he lets out a satisfied hum as his knees pop, before heading to the bathroom.
just before he could make it to the toilet, his head snaps back to the mirror. your giggles echo from behind kyle, as he tiredly rubs a hand down his face.
his perfectly contoured, flushed, powder-set face.
"really, love?"
"i dunno, kyle, this is a reallllly good look on you..."
you peek over his shoulder, a wide grin stretching your face. his eyes (outlined and enamored in glittery eyeshadow, keep in mind) glared at you through the mirror, letting out a deep sigh as you walk past him to take out the hidden cosmetics from the cabinet, showing them off to him. you rambled about how hard to was to find his exact shade so you bought 5 different foundations just in case (with his money...), that he kept twitching his eyes and messing up the eyeliner, how he almost woke up because the tutorial video blasted an ad midway through-
"you're so annoying, good god... i love you so much, c'mere-"
he was quick to turn around and cup your face with both hands, cutting off your squeals with a sticky kiss. one on the mouth, then the apples of your cheeks, then your chin, until your entire face was covered in cherry red silhouettes of his lips.
you wore his marks with beaming pride for the rest of the day.
john mactavish
johnny comes out of the kitchen with his eyebrows knit together and a frown creasing his lips. he swore up and down he saw it in the cabinets last, maybe it was in his bag? the bedroom? hell, he even checked the pockets of his jeans sitting in the laundry.
he rounds the corner of the hallway to where you were. you probably knew best, always the one to reorganize the shelves and put away the groceries. he grins as he sees you, lazing on the couch, watching the television,
"birdie, where's mah-"
and apparently snacking on the chocolate bar he's been searching for.
you two stare at each other, the voiceover from the luminous screen taking up the silence. johnny watches you chew very slowly, as if he wouldn't notice so long as you did it carefully enough. you look so cute like this, he thinks, looking up at him so innocently, seeming so happy with your treat. a perfectly disguised criminal he would've dismissed without a second thought. with an agonizingly slow swallow, you cleared your throat before speaking up,
"sorry, babe.."
oh, how could he ever be mad at you?
he lets out an amused huff, pushing himself off the wall to walk over to you. expecting some sort of punishment, you squeeze your eyes shut.
instead, you feel a firm kiss press on your chocolate-stained lips. with a surprised gasp, you invite him in to prod his tongue past your teeth. and after an awfully messy few seconds, he peels back, a satisfied smirk on his lips. another peck is delivered to your lips, before he settles into the couch beside you.
you may be a wanted criminal, but he's already had his heart stolen by you. and he's too damn smitten to turn you in.
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@ tacticoal do not repost !!
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youremyheaven · 5 months
Venusians: The Cult of Exclusivity
In my research, I have stumbled upon Venusians either being drawn into cults or being cult leaders. It did not surprise me particularly. All Venusian nakshatras (Bharani, Purvaphalguni, Purvashada) are ugra nakshatras known for being "violent". Venus is in itself, a harsh planet. In fact, all the benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus, Mercury & Moon- in that order) are harsh and for good reason; its natives have to be "purified" by the working of those planetary energies to earn its blessings. Venus values exclusivity and separatism. There is a reason why Venus attracts Venus. It is a kind of elitism. We talk about how rare beauty and glamour is these days and we fawn over the nonchalance and effortless cool of low key & mysterious celebrities. If someone or something is plastered everywhere, it loses its "special" feeling, Venus does not mingle with the masses, Venus sets the standard, its THE blue print but it does not involve itself with anything directly, they like to sit back and watch others ape them.
All 3 Venus nakshatras have yoni animals that point to a highly sexual nature and high libido. Bharani with its elephant yoni signals an immense sexual appetite (elephant being the largest land animal and yoni animal), Purvaphalguni and its rat yoni points to freaky deaky sexual behaviour and Purvashada and monkey yoni ,,, well,, monkeys are known for their lovemaking and how human like it is so..
Sex is a big focus of all 3 Venus nakshatras, with Bharani's themes of birth and death and its symbol literally being the yoni, Purvaphalguni representing the pleasures of the bed and being symbolised by the front legs of the cot and Purvashada with its connection to water, where life originated. Venus is more than just beauty and beauty itself is more profound than "looking good". Venus is beauty, romance, love, creativity, harmony, values etc.
I have talked about Venusian men and their tendency to be drawn to violence before. If we think of sex, it is a kind of violent act in itself, there has to be a back and forth of domination and submission. If we look at animals, male animals often kill other males to eliminate competition and establish themselves as the alpha that the females pick but even in coitus with female animals (literally watch any nature documentary) the male takes on a very aggressive, dominant approach and they often look like theyre trying to kill each other (people say things like "making love like animals" for a reason, sexual courtesy is a humane, civilised approach but animals are not wired that way). In Venusian men, this kind of aggressive erotic sexual persona is very apparent and Claire said these men embody "big dick energy".
Occult knowledge is gatekept and one literally cannot access it until one is initiated into it. Regardless of whether or not we recognise it as such, there are cults of knowledge all around us and we do not even know of their existence unless we've made it past their barrier and can access it. even explaining things defeats the purpose because only someone who's ready to understand it will be able to. Its nature's way of shielding itself from the unwise or the unworthy. you can be surrounded by this knowledge and still not be able to tap into it, if you do not have the discernment. this is a kind of Venusian exclusivity.
If you think about it beauty is pain. These days we see people literally endure pain to be beautiful via cosmetic procedures but this has always been the case, victorian women used arsenic to keep their skin pale and glowy and ammonia in their hair. footbinding was a common custom for Chinese women. but even beyond enduring pain to be beautiful, if you're beautiful you will have to endure pain, be it in the way others hurt you and ostracize you out of jealousy or in how people just assume crazy shit about you. Venusian women NEED to remain lowkey bc they're more susceptible to evil eye.
(im thinking of the song pretty hurts by purvaphalguni sun beyonce 👀)
anywaaayys (me going on a random tangent exhibit 62772). we know that Venusians value and need exclusivity, they're the most clique-y in some ways and this is what makes them drawn to cults lol. A cult is as exclusive as it gets. nothing screams "im not like the others" than being a part of a cult lol
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Osho- Purvashada Stellium (moon, mercury and venus)
Osho was an Indian spiritual guru and mystic. His commune and the crazy shit that went on there was the subject of the docu-series Wild Wild Country.
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Sadhguru- Purvaphalguni Sun
he is an indian guru. i think its interesting how cults have to have a physical existence by way of a commune that people gather in or live in, its not just conceptual if ykwim. i think this is another manifestation of Venusian exclusivity. entering into a cult means entering and inhabiting a different world. Osho had Rajneeshpuram, Sadhguru has his Isha Centre.
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Sun Myung Moon- Bharani Moon
He was the leader of the Unification Church, a famous South Korean cult and he claimed to be the Messiah
Moon was intent on replacing worldwide forms of Christianity with his new unified vision of it, Moon being a self-declared messiah. Moon's followers regard him as a separate person from Jesus but with a mission to basically continue and complete Jesus's work in a new way, according to the Principle.
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Nirmala Srivastava- Bharani Moon conjunct Mars
aka Mataji Nirmala Devi, she was the founder of the religion called Sahaja Yoga. She claimed that she was a divine incarnation, more precisely an incarnation of the Holy Spirit, or the Adi Shakti of the Hindu tradition, the great mother goddess who had come to save humanity. This is also how she is regarded by most of her devotees. she has said that she was born "self realised" and spent her life "helping" others do the same
The Venusian urge to start a new religion 😤😤😤lol
Religion is exclusive and if you do not have the discipline to endure its rules, you cannot gain access to its blessings. Religion esp eastern religion is extremely Venusian af, there are wonderful blessings for those who devote themselves to it and cruel sickening punishments for those who disobey. thats as Venusian as it gets
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Anandamayi Ma- Bharani Sun, exalted Venus in Revati as her atmakaraka
She was an Indian saint, teacher, and mystic. She was revered as an incarnation of Hindu goddess Durga.
Her life was suffused in Bhakti Yoga and she was considered an epitome of "divine grace" that inspired the societal cultural milieu to lead the path of service, love and constant remembrance of the divine. Her followers experienced her spiritual attributes including precognition, faith healing and miracles. Paramahansa Yogananda translates the Sanskrit epithet Anandamayi as "Joy-permeated" in English. This name was given to her by her devotees in the 1920s to describe her perpetual state of divine joy.
she wasn't a cult leader or anything, just a guru even though she rejected even that label (spiritual gurus are a dime a dozen in india, no one who's actually worth their salt will label themselves as a guru)
i think Venus' connection to religion, cults and the occult is underexplored af. the highest form of love is devotion and religion/cults demand it of their followers making it a very Venusian experience. sex, love and religion are all closely connected, people experience trance like states when they're orgasmic or during periods of intense meditation (it can also be artificially induced via drugs etc but euphoria is naturally experienced through either prayer or sex) if you look at paintings of Hindu gods and goddesses, their eyes always seem so blissed out? same goes for truly spiritual people, you can immediately sense the tranquillity of their energy and the dreaminess of their gaze, like they're not of this world.
even the word "Ananda" which means joyous, etymologically means "without end" (Ah- meaning "without in Sanskrit and nand- meaning end) so the goal of any spiritual pursuit is self realization/actualisation and a person who achieves that seems joyous all the time. Many spiritual gurus have Ananda as part of their name as well.
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Swami Vivekananda- Purvashada Rising
He was a monk, philosopher and religious teacher who is widely credited with introducing Hinduism to the West.
“All love is expansion, all selfishness is contraction. Love is therefore the only law of life. He who loves lives, he who is selfish is dying. Therefore love for love's sake, because it is the only law of life, just as you breathe to live."- Swami Vivekananda
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Paramhansa Yogananda- Purvashada Sun
Paramahansa Yogananda was an Indian-American Hindu monk, yogi and guru who introduced millions to meditation and Kriya Yoga through his organization, Self-Realization Fellowship / Yogoda Satsanga Society of India.
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Mother Theresa- Bharani Moon & Saturn, Mars in Purvaphalguni
Mother Theresa was an Albanian nun who came to India and helped the poor and the needy. She established charitable settlements that have come under fire for mismanagement and misappropriation of funds.
Now I'll talk about some people who've gained a cult-like following or were revered in their time and considered akin to God.
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Eva Peron- Bharani Sun
Known by her nickname Evita, she was an Argentine politician, activist, actress, and philanthropist who served as First Lady of Argentina from June 1946 until her death in July 1952. She was revered by the lower economic classes and helped enact a number of reforms and policies to their benefit. She also helped bring about the passage of Argentina's women's suffrage law. even decades after her passing, the grip she has on people in Argentina is crazyyy.
fun fact: Madonna, Purvaphalguni Moon & Rising played Evita in the movie of the same name in 1996.
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Tito- Bharani Sun
Josip Broz, commonly known as Tito, was a Yugoslav communist revolutionary and politician who served in various positions of national leadership from 1943 until his death in 1980
He was a popular public figure both in Yugoslavia and abroad. He remains a popular leader in the former countries of Yugoslavia. Tito was viewed as a unifying symbol, with his internal policies maintaining the peaceful coexistence of the nations of the Yugoslav federation. his legacy lives on and he was a VVV popular
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Rasputin- Bharani Moon
He was a quack with no actual powers but man did he have a following
Rasputin was a Russian mystic and holy man. He is best known for having befriended the imperial family of Nicholas II, the last Emperor of Russia, through whom he gained considerable influence in the final years of the Russian Empire
Historians often suggest that Rasputin's scandalous and sinister reputation helped discredit the Tsarist government, thus precipitating the overthrow of the House of Romanov shortly after his assassination.
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Taylor Swift- Purvashada Rising
Taylor's chokehold over her fandom is insane. I think it's due to her PA Rising bc wheww
There is a reason why Venusian influence is sooo common in the charts of it girls and icons. Venus is THE blue print, it makes others want to be like you and imitate you and also claim they hate you or dont know you all in the same breath.
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Trisha Paytas-Bharani Sun & Jupiter, Ketu in Purvaphalguni
Trisha has a cult like following whether u want to admit it or not. Girlie has been doing this for a decade and a half and is still somehow relevant?? literally most of her contemporaries have been cancelled or left the platform and she's still standing?? despite a gazillion controversies that too lol
Now I'll mention some famous celebrities who are in/have been in cults
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John Travolta- Purvaphalguni Moon
He was/is a Scientologist
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Park Bogum- Bharani Moon & Venus
Bogum is part of Jesus Centred Church which is a cult and he was apparently even given his name by the founder/leader of the cult. There have been rumours that Bogum left the controversial church/cult and joined a normal church but there isnt enough info to confirm this
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Nazanin Boniadi- Purvaphalguni Moon
She is a former Scientologist who was "trained" to be Tom Cruise's gf before he met Katie Holmes. read about the crazy and torturous stuff she was subjected to and you'll wonder why tf scientology hasn't been shut down by the government yet
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Ruslana Korushnova- Purvaphalguni Moon
She was found dead at 20yrs old under mysterious circumstances. i do not think she committed suicide at all but she spent some time at the Rose of the World which is a culty organisation.
British TV producer and filmmaker Peter Pomerantsev has theorised that Korshunova's suicide was related to her involvement with Rose of the World, a controversial Moscow-based organisation which describes itself as "training for personality development". While researching for a documentary into Korshunova's death, Pomerantsev learned that the model spent three months attending training sessions at Rose of the World. These sessions—which encourage participants to share their worst experiences and recall repressed memories—are modelled after Lifespring, whose controversial methods were the subject of multiple lawsuits for mental damages in the US during the 1980s. Korshunova attended training sessions with a friend, Ukrainian model Anastasia Drozdova, who committed suicide under similar circumstances in 2009. Friends of the two women reported changes in behaviour after several months at the Rose. Korshunova became aggressive, while Drozdova experienced violent mood swings and grew reclusive; both lost weight. After three months of training, Korshunova returned to New York to look for work, where she wrote of feeling lost and doubting herself. Rick Alan Ross, head of the Cult Education Forum, argues that organisations such as Rose of the World "work like drugs: giving you peak experiences, their adherents always coming back for more. The serious problems start when people leave. The trainings have become their lives—they come back to emptiness. The sensitive ones break." Only months after leaving the Rose, Korshunova was found dead.
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Michelle Pfeiffer- Bharani Sun, Purvaphalguni Moon, Rohini Rising
She was involved with Breatharianism, a cult that believes that you don’t need to eat food (Say what?!). She joined after moving to Los Angeles and looking for a group to feel comfortable with. They focused on diet and exercise but believed that people could live by sunlight alone at the highest level of the cult. She actually realized that she was in a cult after helping her first husband Peter Horton prepare for a movie role where he played a cult member. She said, “We were talking with an ex-Moonie, and he was describing the psychological manipulation and I just clicked.” (crazy to me that the not eating real food did not click??)
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Rose McGowan- Purvaphalguni Sun & Mercury, Mars in Bharani
She spent her childhood in the Children of God cult and her family fled from its clutches after they started advocating for adult-child sexual intercourse🤮🤮🤮
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Sharon Tate- Purvaphalguni Moon
Sharon wasn't a member of a cult but a victim of one :((((
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Sofia Hayat- Purvaphalguni Moon
Sofia was a model, then she quit the industry to be a nun, now she calls herself a shaman and a healer and posts weirdly sexual vids on IG
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Zaira Wasim- Purvaphalguni Moon
she quit acting to devote herself to religion and because she felt that being in Bollywood made her lose touch with her faith.
This is a very Venusian experience imo and one of the reasons why Venus thrives in keeping itself hidden or taking away other people's access to it is because otherwise Venusians feel contaminated almost?? other project onto them heavily and they feel clouded by it, unsure of their own identities. they feel like they're losing touch with themselves. many Venusian celebs are known for frequently changing their persona (Bella Hadid, Ariana Grande etc come to mind) the more time they spend exposing themselves to others, the more confused they become about who they are, they lack a stable self image.
Religion and faith can act as stabilisers and help these natives feel more grounded.
A reason why Venusians (idk if you noticed by most of the gurus were Purvashadas and most of the followers I mentioned were Purvaphalgunis, with an equal mix of Bharani natives in both) are drawn into cults is also because Venusians can only thrive in Venusian environments?? Otherwise they feel desolate and lost, a lot of people join cults because they don't feel understood or connected to people in their normal life. cults look for people who need help, and give it to them on predatory conditions.
Purvashadas are often spiritual leaders/gurus but seldom blindly devoted followers because being the final Venus nak, it transcends this toxic grip of Venus. Purvaphalguni is the height of Venus and these natives are constantly seeking spiritual truth and belonging but never quite ascending, as it is Venus at its most indulgent. Bharani is the first Venusian nak and I have found that the first nak of any planetary dominance is in some ways its "softest" manifestation, its the baby among the naks. The nak in the middle is the peak/height of that planetary energy and thus, the most cruel or harsh manifestation of that energy along with the concluding nak but the concluding nak also kind of transcends its influence??
high fashion/luxury etc is also very Venusian bc theyre the ones who covet having things others dont have. anywayyys this is just a stray thought lol
hope this was informative!!
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flying-womrats · 3 months
replacements for a few LMS mods
If you think you saw this post yesterday, yes you did- then I made a couple edits and realized I should have done it under a readmore in case people reblogged it... So here we go again! These are the possible replacements I found for the littlemssam mods I was using, in case they help anyone else.
Caveats: - Often not a 1:1 replacement. - I only went looking for replacements for mods I was actually using, so this only covers a fraction of her catalog. - Most of these modders still use Curseforge, they're just not exclusive to it.
Additionally, if anyone knows of a replacement for any of the following: Go For A Walk, Improved Meditation Stool, Improved Practical Spells (the improvements to the spells themselves,) No Random Job Offers (I know BosseladyTV has one, but it's CF exclusive,) Purchased Items Delivered By Mail, Release All The Ghosts, or Tea For Children, please drop me an ask! I only request no Curseforge exclusives and no Zer0.
On to the list:
Allow Stoves in University Housing -> Zerbu, No University Housing Restrictions
Auto Employees -> Kuttoe's "X Everywhere" mods, Zerbu's Spawn Refresh
Auto-Light Fireplaces Only When Cold -> Bienchen, fireplaceautonomytweak
Buy Treats via PC -> Bienchen, buypettreat
Calendar Tweaks -> Kuttoe, Less Frequent Prom (caveat: takes time to start working, especially if you're using a longer season setting)
Cookbooks -> ClaudiaSharon, Cook Experimental/Cultural/Jungle Food Without Tasting It First
Immortality Potion Fix -> Kuttoe, Potions Rework (only a half replacement- removes the VFX, but doesn't lock aging like the Scarlet/LMS mod)
Kids Can Walk Dogs -> ChippedSim, Paws & Claws (A Sim's Best Friend module)
More Away Actions -> Bienchen, awayactions (is actually included in the LMS mod)
No Burning Sun in Forgotten Hollow -> TwistedMexi, Daywalkers + Underworlds (caveat: per TMex's comment on the latter, the eternal night is only cosmetic and still requires Daywalkers for vampires to come out at "daytime". Also, Daywalkers affects all worlds. Still interested in a mod closer to LMS's if one exists!)
No Insects Herbalism -> Simularity, Improved Herbalism Potions & Features
No Shoe Sign Animation -> Lotharihoe, Shoe Sign Animation Tweaks (doesn't remove the animation entirely but does stop it from interrupting walking)
No Sick, Dirty, Sad and Hungry Pets -> Bienchen, catanddogsanity
Pregnancy Overhaul ("sims can do more" part) -> Bienchen, pregnantsimscandomore
Pregnancy Overhaul (belly sizes) -> t0nischwartz, No Bump or sonozakisisterssims4, "The belly in pregnancy depends on the number of babies" (the former is simpler but has no equivalent to the "larger belly" option, the latter has a bit more going on but has direct equivalents to LMS's sizes, so take your pick!)
Sleep All Night and Sleep In -> Midnitetech- Stay Asleep, Mokunoid- Better Sleep Autonomy or Lot 51- Sunrise depending on desired depth/customization
Social Activities -> adeepindigo, Youth, Friends and Family Activities
Small GF Reactions Overhaul -> Bienchen, lesscelebreact
Small Laundry Overhaul -> Bienchen's laundry mods cover some (but not all- anyone have something to make it cost money on community lots?) of it, along with Lotharihoe's No Autonomously Set Laundry Down to replace the "auto put away laundry" part.
Spar With For Everyone -> Bienchen, sparwithfornonmilitary
Toddler Ask For Food No Junk -> Bienchen, healthyhighchair (not quite the same thing but it solves the "why do they always give the kid chips" issue at least)
WEE: Working Elevators Everywhere -> Ravasheen, Uplifting Elevators (space and wall height permitting, it's also possible to make no-CC elevators with the RoM debug portals!)
Wellness Treat Fix -> Bienchen, petanxiousbufffix
Also, while I wasn't using either of them myself, Meet&Mingle can replace SimDa Dating App, and Lovestruck adds a "canon" dating app (though given EA's complete lack of attention to QA etc. I wouldn't recommend paying for it.)
edit 6/26/24: added Sunrise, petanxiousbufffix, pregnantsimscandomore
edit 6/27/24: added No Bump, moved into a new post.
edit 6/29/24: added Daywalkers, No University Housing Restrictions (ty @northernnightsky!) and the sonozakisisters bump mod
edit 7/2/24: added Underworlds (ty anon), Paws & Claws, and a link to the tutorial I followed for no-CC elevators
edit 8/22/24: added Spawn Refresh
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schoenpepper · 1 month
Isekai'd Chronicles 5
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Intro: Pomefiore in an isekai AU.
Warnings: bad writing, awful grammar, proofread by quillbot, Rook Hunt is a warning in his own right, some bullying, a duel, google translated French
A/N: The thought of elf Vil makes me want to do things. Cry, maybe. Thoughts on Neige in this AU: he's just a random pretty human celebrity that people are saying is prettier than even the elves (who are known to be hot af). Anyway, enjoy!
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It's a really big deal when you have the future ruler of the elves standing in front of you, especially when said elf has blond hair and purple eyes and ungodly beauty. You knew your new friend Epel was going to bring about chaos, but you just had to befriend him anyway and let him hide out in your room in an act of (stupidity) kindness. Thus, you carved your fate in stone and you really only have yourself to blame when Vil Schoenheit is glaring at you and the elf that so courageously jumped out to defend you.
This is not what a smart 'reincarnated into a villain' would do, you know? You should be avoiding them, so why is it that you seem to be a magnet for trouble? This one's definitely on you, though.
He seems mildly impressed that you have the guts to actually stand up to him, and he invites you to Epel's etiquette lessons hoping that perhaps the purple haired elf would calm his rebel spirit when the lessons are happening with a friend. You accept stupidly because Epel's puppy dog eyes are very hard to say no to, plus, Vil's regal aura did not seem like he would even take no for an answer. It's not too bad, you tell yourself, especially since elf etiquette isn't too different from the kind you'd needed to learn from childhood. It also started from beginner level basics, because apparently, Epel was born in a part of the elven forest where there were no nobles at all.
Vil isn't a bad teacher, by any means. In fact, he feels more like a caring mother hen when he fusses over your clothing and teaches you about proper skin, hair, nail and everything else care. He gives you tons of homemade products and serums and cosmetics, and you smell like a bouquet of flowers by the time you're done with the routine he'd set up for you. Time spent with him is soothing almost, and you eventually find yourself spending time with him even without Epel, outside of etiquette lessons. He goes out shopping for clothes with you as he teaches you about elf fashion, and you talk to him about human celebrity scandals that you'd seen in magazines. He lets you try makeup on his perfect face when he has nowhere to be, and you concoct healthy meals in the kitchen with him to try to make delicious food that still passes his caloric and nutrient standards.
Vil won't kill you. He's above that, you're sure. Then that's another capture target down.
There's just no way you can keep your eyes off Vil, you know? He's ethereal, too beautiful to be human. Because he's not, he's an elf. Lilac eyes meet your own in confusion when you hand over the small bouquet of lilacs to him.
"What is this for, potato?" You give him a proud smile and answer. "My lilac flowers bloomed, senpai. I planted them a while ago, but this is the first time they've had such pretty blooms. They reminded me of the color of your eyes, so I thought I'd give you some!"
There's amusement and...something else that's lingering in his irises, but you can't quite put a finger on it. He takes the bouquet. "I must thank you, then. These are lovely."
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Some people have gotten on your nerves recently. You know who they are, they don't hide their snickers when they pull their stupid childish pranks. But they hide it well in public even when you know they mock you for 'sucking up to everyone', but you're not a suck up! They're your friends! In any case, you're also a duke's heir, so they definitely have a lot of guts to be picking on you. If you were any more cruel, you'd sic Floyd or Jade on them (or Floyd and Jade if you were feeling particularly sadistic), but you decide to call them out instead and challenge their dumb leader to a duel. So there you were, sword against the other person's neck and they use magic and that's not in the rules! Right before the flames catch onto your hair, an arrow whizzes past your ear (the PTSD from your childhood has you frozen in place) and grazes your enemy's arm. It wounds him but he's not going to die, so you call out to the referee and the duel is your win!
You still tell Floyd afterwards because you were pissed the guy had the audacity to cheat.
When you look up past the ring, you see another blond elf, this time with a bob cut and clear green eyes the color of peppermint leaves. Your savior tips his hat to you as he puts his bow away with a smile on his face.
Your savior is Rook Hunt, Prince Vil's most loyal retainer.
You really are a trouble magnet. But it won't do your noble upbringing justice if you don't pay him back, right? He did save your reputation after all, maybe even your life. Thus, the following days are spent with Rook, giving him gifts and doing everything you can to pay back the debt of whatever weight you thought that duel carried. He treats you like a friend even though you're sure you've never met him before, and he lets you stay in his room to help him scrapbook photos of Neige LeBlanche. He teaches you how elves wield a bow and arrow, and his eyes light up when you invite him over to your manor for the weekend to hunt some monsters that loitered around the edge of the woods. Typically, your family's knights would handle the culling, but he seemed to find killing monsters with you as a fun pastime so you do as he wants to.
He sits you down and tells you he really enjoys spending time with you, and that you shouldn't think of it as a debt to be repaid anymore. And surely, this very nice elf won't kill you...right?
You gingerly cross him off the list.
"Rook senpai, I'm glad I found you." You walk over to the bush that wiggled weirdly earlier, and you're not surprised when a blond elf pops out of the foliage. You show him the item in your hands. "Look! I got you a limited edition signed photocard of that Neige. This hasn't been released yet, so I know it's not in your collection."
You swear there are tears in his eyes as he captures you in a hug, laughing wildly. "Merci mon amour! C’est vraiment merveilleux, oh, je comprends maintenant pourquoi tant de personnes sont tombées amoureuses de toi."
You don't know what he said, but you're glad he's happy.
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felassan · 1 month
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"Journal #3 Dragon Age: The Veilguard is coming October 31 Pre-orders Open Now Hello everyone, We’re excited to finally share the release date for Dragon Age: The Veilguard, which is officially October 31, 2024 worldwide! Please note, this is a simultaneous release; we will announce exact timing at a later date. We want to extend a huge shout out to the Dragon Age community for your patience and enthusiasm; we can't wait for you to jump into the role of Rook and embark on your journey to save Thedas. We know the wait has been long, but the wait will be worth it. In the meantime, we want to give you a hint at what's in store for you in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. You're leading a desperate fight for the future of Thedas with your companions, the stakes are higher than ever. So grab a seat and click on the thumbnail below to watch this brand new trailer (includes some small story spoilers). “As someone who’s been working on Dragon Age for over 15 years, I know just how much our community has been looking forward to this day, and I’m equally excited to share and celebrate that the game will officially launch on October 31,” said John Epler, Creative Director of Dragon Age: The Veilguard. “We wanted to give you the choice to really express yourself, and do that in a world full of adventure and danger. So whether you’re a Warrior, Rogue or a Mage, we can’t wait for you to gear up, gather your party, and set out for another thrilling adventure through Thedas this Halloween.” As a character-driven RPG, Dragon Age: The Veilguard offers you a crafted experience woven from the threads of rich storytelling and fantasy worldbuilding the franchise is known for. In this bold, heroic adventure, you will experience expansive and dynamic stories that navigate love, loss, and complex choices that affect relationships and the fate of each member of the Veilguard. In true Dragon Age fashion, these bonds of fellowship are the foundation upon which Rook’s journey is built, and it will be up to you to determine how their personal story unfolds. Pre-Orders Now Open Fans who pre-order* the Standard Edition of Dragon Age: The Veilguard for $69.99 USD‡ on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, or $59.99 USD‡ on PC via Steam, EA App and Epic Games Store will receive cosmetic Blood Dragon Armor sets for Warrior, Mage and Rogue classes. EA Play Pro† members on the EA App will enjoy unlimited access to the EA Play Pro Edition* starting October 31st. Check out the full breakdown of the different editions we have available here: Digital Editions"
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"- Standard Edition  - Dragon Age: The Veilguard - PC: $59.99‡| Console: $69.99 USD‡"
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"- Deluxe Edition - Dragon Age: The Veilguard - 3 Rook armor sets (cosmetic only) - 6 Rook weapons (cosmetic only) - 7 Companion armor sets (cosmetic only) - 7 Companion weapons (cosmetic only) - PC: $79.99 USD‡ | Console: $89.99 USD‡"
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"- Pre-Order Bonus* - All Pre-Orders (Standard & Deluxe) will receive: - Blood Dragon Armor Set (Warrior, Mage, Rogue - cosmetic only)"
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- “Rook’s Coffer” Edition (Does NOT include Game) - Lyrium Dagger - Thedas Map with Quiver Tube - Rook’s Deck - Potion Flask - Enchanted Die - $150 USD‡"
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"- Vyrantium Pack by Scanavo (Does NOT include Game) - Exclusive SteelBook® Case (No Game) - ICONART™ Metal Print and magnet wall mount - Notebook - Collector’s rigid Outerbox Check in with your local retailer to find out about the availability of this edition in your region"
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"The Art of Dragon Age: The Veilguard by Dark Horse (Does NOT include Game, Deluxe Edition shown above)  - Standard Edition - 256-page art book providing a behind-the-scenes look at Dragon Age: The Veilguard - $49.99 USD‡ - Deluxe Edition - Includes extra prints - Includes exclusive slipcase - Alternate cover - $99.99 USD‡ - BioWare Gear Edition - Only available while supplies last, sold exclusively on the BioWare Gear website - Includes an exclusive print - BioWare Gear Edition alternate cover - $55.00 USD‡ What’s Coming?"
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"ICYMI, we released our August Roadmap this week! Next week, we’ll have a dive into our game’s combat and more information on our PC Specs. There’s a lot more to come in September and October, too; so keep your eyes peeled on our socials.  We're beyond excited to be on this adventure with you, and we can't wait for you to get your hands on the game. Chat soon. - The Dragon Age Community Team *Conditions & restrictions apply. See https://www.ea.com/games/dragon-age/dragon-age-the-veilguard/disclaimers for details. ‡Offers may vary or change. see retailer site for details. †Conditions, limitations and exclusions apply. See EA Play Terms for details."
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zarla-s · 2 months
Why are there so many bots on TF2 in the first place? It's a free game, and afaik most of the bots were idling--how are they making any money or gain out of it?
Well the aimbotters were just trolling and being destructive, that's simple enough. The idlebotters are a bit more complicated though.
In TF2 you get random item drops as you play, I think capped to about ten a week. They're usually just different weapons for each class, although rarely it'll be a hat or something cool (in all my time playing I have gotten ONE cosmetic drop, a wintery coat for Medic, but I've gotten some cool name tags and such). You can smelt down extras of those weapons into metal that you can use to make other hats or weapons. Easy way for actual players to keep their inventory clean and maybe make a hat or two (I've made a few! But it takes a while to get enough metal). You can also get loot crate/case drops as you play, these are unrelated to the item drops and can't be smelted down.
So basically what these idlers do is they set up private servers and have their bots (which can range in the hundreds or thousands) constantly farm for drops. They then usually sell what they get in bulk to traders - they can sell bulk crate/cases to traders, smelt down weapons into metal and bulk sell that to traders, use the metal to craft hats and sell those, or use the metal to buy keys (which are used to open loot crates/cases) and then sell what they get out of the crates, or sell the keys for a profit. Either way.
A piece of scrap metal or a weapon is worth less than a penny and most everything you can make out of metal is also extremely cheap (because of this very thing), so the only way to really make a profit off of this is do it in bulk. It doesn't seem like a lot of money if you're in America, but in other countries a few dollars can go a longer way, and a lot of the bot farms seem to be in Russia or Turkey. I don't know exactly how much money is made doing this but it's enough for a whole ton of idlers to hang around in TF2 doing it, so.
The end result of all this is massive inflation in the TF2 market - originally when the crafting system was first introduced you could get a key (about 2$) for something like 3 refined metal (there are three tiers of metal you can get, with ref taking 18 weapons to make), while now it takes 60ref to buy a key, and it just keeps going higher as the market is flooded with more metal/items/cases. The recent banwave removed some like 20k cases from the steam market according to one person, which again points to it hitting the idlers.
It's an interesting thing for Valve to do... getting rid of the aimbots is obvious because they make the game unplayable, but getting rid of idlers points to interest in cleaning up the TF2 economy, which is completely unexpected. What is Valve up to...
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ohnoitstbskyen · 4 months
Do you think Riot will make more seasons of Arcane in different regions post-s2, make more shows with different names that are set in the Arcane universe, or secret third option?
Yes and no.
To start with, yes: Arcane has been by far Riot's most mainstream successful media project ever (even outstripping K/DA), and there is literally no way in hell that the company isn't going to want to keep milking it until it is as dry, stale and withered as the PROJECT skin line.
So I predict that, absolutely, we will see new seasons of shows set in the League of Legends universe, probably animated, and hopefully with some of the extremely good animation partners Riot has managed to cultivate over the years.
The ARCANE branding is incredibly valuable now, and I wouldn't put it past Riot to do something stupid like name a show set in the Freljord ARCANE: True Ice or something unbearably stupid like that, even though the name relates extremely specifically to the setting and story of Piltover/Zaun and the Vi/Powder/Viktor/Jayce character group.
On the other hand, Riot might be the company on earth I trust the absolute least to effectively capitalize on and carry forward a success in creative arts that can't be monetized with skins and event passes.
Riot has an absolutely astounding history of tripping on their dicks when it comes to telling stories about their characters, in no small part due to its leadership quite simply never valuing storytelling as an end in itself. If it doesn't sell cosmetics or drive Engagement™ with the core League of Legends product, good luck getting Riot management to spend a fucking dime to make anything real.
Passionate people inside the company have to go to war, every single time, to make anything good happen. Legends of Bilgewater, the Spirit Blossom visual novel, the Marvel comics collaboration (RIP), Riot Forge, and very much Arcane, were absolute passion projects pushed over the line by people who literally put their jobs (and in many cases their health) on the line to make them happen.
Alex Yee and Christian Linke are old hands at Riot with a lot of clout, a lot of friends at the company, and a lot of goodwill to cash in, and if that hadn't been the case, there is literally no way in hell anything like Arcane ever gets made.
The behind-the-scenes documentary Riot themselves produced obviously goes out of its way to let Riot leadership suck themselves off about how much they contributed and how much they believed in the project, but make no mistake, they would have axed Arcane on the spot if there wasn't creatives fighting pitched battles every other day to keep it alive.
This is true of K/DA as well, by the way, there was a lot of internal resistance at Riot to that project - and to Star Guardians, and to Heartsteel. Anything cool Riot has ever made? Just assume that someone internally was shitting on it in meetings and trying to get it shut down.
Which is why I am intensely worried about Arcane in the long term. Not so much about Season 2, since it is mostly being produced by the same group of people, as far as I know, but that project is also going to be absolutely besieged by C-suite jackoffs trying to worm their names into the credits, making themselves Stakeholders™ and offering Feedback™ and voicing Concerns™, and I don't envy the showrunners the battles they are going to have to fight to keep these vultures away from the product.
But I am fucking worried about whatever Season 3 becomes. I am fucking worried about what happens the moment any of the key creatives behind the first two seasons resign, or get headhunted to new jobs. I am worried what's going to happen when Riot decides that the showrunners are "being difficult" and standing in the way of what leadership wants to do with the now very valuable ARCANE branding, and either corporately mandates them into roles of diminished influence or just outright fucking fires them (it'll be publicized as a mutual decision of course, it'll be publicized as a much celebrated retirement or "it's time to move on to new adventures").
Riot is a company with absolutely infinite capacity to fuck up a perfectly good thing for absolutely no fucking reason except some kombucha-chugging, suit-jacket-over-a-graphic-tee-and-sneakers-wearing, keeps-his-job-despite-multiple-sexual-harassment-allegations-because-he's-bros-with-the-C-suite, motherfucking "I am a player so I know what the players want" platitude-spouting "themes are for book reports"-ass Silicon Valley libertarian piece of shit decided he knows better than the artists whose work are the reason he takes home six figures a year.
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feministfang · 23 days
Beauty culture is extremely normalised to the point women who refuse to conform to beauty standards because they love their natural selves get labelled "pick mes" by none other than self-proclaimed feminists themselves. Patriarchal society has conditioned women to be insecure about each and every feature of their faces or bodies it has deemed as a flaw due to which the idea of a natural looking woman is someone hideous and unattractive for many young women.
These insecure women have build up this one image of a natural female appearance in their minds which they describe as unattractive, and as a consequence, women who naturally do not fit into that unattractive-labelled box get hated on. I am sure we all have encountered at least one gossipmonger in our lives who would assume every woman who does not fit into that box has done something with her face or body because ‘ain’t no way a woman can be naturally beautiful’.
*Woman with rosy cheeks exists* — ‘Oh she must have applied makeup’
*Woman with no dark circles exists* — ‘hey what concealer do you use?’
*Woman with a smooth skin exists* — ‘drop the skincare routine!’
*Woman with big lips exists* — ‘definitely lip filler’
*Woman in her thirties exists* — ‘Botox! Botox! Definitely cosmetic surgery! She doesn’t look like a grandma!’
*Woman loving her natural self exists* — ‘How dare you think you’re not like other girls! Pick me!’
Women get bodyshamed if we do fit into the "ugly-looking" criteria. Women get hated on if we do not. Women are supposed to be hideously flawed if they defy beauty culture. Women with even one less flaw must admit they obey beauty culture. No matter how many times you ditch the beauty standards, you will never escape this nonsense.
I have a message for these insecure clowns:
There is nothing imperfect about you. What’s considered perfect and what’s considered imperfect on a woman is all a patriarchal set up to push us into being weak and desirable for men. Women’s insecurities have risen up along with the rise of feminism to ensure that independent women rejecting traditional gender roles are still submissive and pleasing men. Don’t waste your hard-earned money on expensive cosmetic procedures to look pretty because you are already naturally beautiful. And it doesn’t matter if your natural self is socially desirable or not, women don’t owe beauty to anybody. Please think critically of why you feel insecure about something and why do you even call it a flaw.
But on a strict note, in case you still got time to take out your brain back from the patriarchy’s washing machine, at least refrain from pulling us all down to the level of extreme self-hate where you stand. All women are perfect already. There’s no serious requirement of hiding anything or changing ourselves. But i understand if you cannot relate for now! What you see in others is a direct reflection of yours. But just because you think you are hideous does not mean every woman thinks the same way. Self-love is our only beauty routine so let us love ourselves. 🩷
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Facial Highlights Play A Role In Enhancing The Facial Effect
Facial highlights and a well-curated cosmetic case set are two vital components in the realm of beauty enhancement. While facial highlights accentuate the natural contours and features of the face, a comprehensive cosmetic case set provides a versatile range of products for various makeup needs. This article explores the synergistic potential of combining facial highlights and a well-equipped cosmetic case set to achieve stunning and personalized beauty transformations.
Facial Highlights: Illuminating Natural Beauty
Facial highlights, also known as facial contouring or highlighting, are makeup techniques that emphasize the dimensions and high points of the face. By strategically applying light-reflecting products, such as highlighters or illuminators, one can enhance specific features, create a youthful glow, and achieve a sculpted appearance. Facial highlights can be used to accentuate the cheekbones, brow bones, cupid's bow, and other areas where light naturally hits the face. These techniques allow for subtle or dramatic transformations, depending on personal preferences.
The Importance of a Comprehensive Cosmetic Case Set
A well-curated cosmetic case set serves as a one-stop solution for makeup enthusiasts and professionals alike. It typically includes a wide range of products, such as foundations, concealers, blushes, eyeshadows, lipsticks, and brushes, among others. A comprehensive cosmetic case set ensures that individuals have the necessary tools to create diverse looks and experiment with various styles. It eliminates the need for multiple purchases and allows for greater convenience and creativity in makeup application. Moreover, a quality cosmetic case set contains products tailored to different skin tones and preferences, ensuring inclusivity and versatility.
Synergistic Potential: Amplifying Beauty Transformations
When facial highlights and a comprehensive cosmetic case set are combined, they offer an elevated potential for beauty transformations. Facial highlights serve as the finishing touch, enhancing the effects achieved through the use of cosmetic products. By strategically applying highlighters from the cosmetic case set, one can emphasize the sculpted features, creating depth and dimension to the face. Additionally, the right shade of highlighter from the cosmetic case set can complement the individual's skin tone and further enhance their natural beauty.
Furthermore, a comprehensive cosmetic case set provides a diverse range of products necessary for a flawless makeup application. The foundation from the set can serve as the canvas for facial highlights, while eyeshadows, blushes, and lipsticks can be used to create a harmonious color scheme. The inclusion of quality brushes in the set ensures precise and effortless application of the products. This combination empowers individuals to experiment with different makeup styles and express their creativity while using facial highlights as a focal point.
The combination of facial highlights and a comprehensive cosmetic case set offers a powerful toolset for beauty enthusiasts and professionals alike. This synergy allows for personalized and stunning beauty transformations, emphasizing natural features and amplifying one's unique beauty. By incorporating both elements, individuals can unlock a world of possibilities in makeup artistry.
Incorporating facial highlights and a versatile cosmetic case set together unlocks endless possibilities for personalized beauty transformations, highlighting natural features and amplifying individual beauty with ease and creativity.
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moonsaver · 5 months
The care Package III
Our production line seems to be having problems. Our users are asked to cooperate as the packages have been mixed and sent to different users who had not ordered for the received false packages. This is a guide in the case our users are unable to, or decide not to, return the package.
Summary: refer to part 1 here! It contains Dr ratio and Argenti. Part 2 is here with Aventurine and Sunday. This part contains Kafka and Blade!
The Velvet Package
The package shakes a bit, and then settles quietly. You stare at it for a while, but no other movement seems to take place. After a while, you decide to open it..
The package itself is very neatly tied – it's purple in color and highlighted by silver linings, however, the fanciful ribbons seem amiss.. perhaps it was an overlooked detail?
On the inside is a Kafka, who seems to be enjoying her nap. Users are advised to wait for Kafka to wake up instead of taking the initiative. Some users report a pleasantly humorous experience, while some users report a mysterious and eerie one, if they wake up Kafka by initiative.
Kafka is a very pleasant one! Her Beginner and Intermediate stages do not differ by much. She is conversable, and does not explore her surroundings too much in the absence of User. Beginner Kafka will need a comfortable and relaxed environment – preferably one that has a very lively but slow-going vibe. Beginner Kafka however, may continue to feel distant with the user. Users may level up Kafka from Beginner to Intermediate by spending more time with her, and trying to understand her personal taste, asking opinions, and engaging Kafka in more activities that may deepen your bonds.
Feel free to pick up Kafka however you'd like. But.. the user must also know that Kafka will remember it very well into her Advanced Stage.
Intermediate Kafka is not so different. She may grow more curious, however, and explore her gift box for the default accessories that may have been gifted alongside her. Some users state their experience with Kafka as blissful, and some express their annoyance, as users have stated Kafka may play her Violin Prop 2 whenever she pleases, which is often, and even may do so in the middle of the night. You may try to come to a compromise with Kafka by setting specific time frames for her to play the violin. As for whether she will listen.. that is up to her.
Intermediate Kafka will also interact more personally and frequently with User – especially regarding medias revolving around movies or cosmetics. Kafka is especially helpful if you have a date night. Her skill, Insightful Understanding [II] may help decipher the feelings of those around you, and of yourself. She will often listen to your troubles and try to give meaningful solutions, or a good ear to listen. However – Kafka is also prone to teasing the user regarding some of their choices and feelings, which may lead some users to feel embarrassed. This is simply Kafka trying to deepen her bond with user, so please be open and friendly to her.
Advanced Kafka experiences and brings many changes that users may deem extreme. Kafka at this stage is described to be “close but distant” at the same time. She offers good advice, as her skill, Insightful Understanding levels up from [II] to [III], also giving her a bonus skill of Strategic Fear [II], letting Kafka be able to manipulate others as the user pleases. Kafka also would like to play strategic games more often such as Chess. She is prone to utilising the Toy Gun accessories in a strange manner, and may set up false targets to “practice”. Users are advised to let Kafka do as such, as she will continue regardless of user's satisfaction. Kafka may also go through user's personal belongings and set up many outfit combinations for user, give cosmetic and clothing advice, and help user with their personal taste. However, Kafka herself has very expensive taste, so she may request silk or velvet cloths for her own use. Users are advised to order accessories to please Kafka's demands from our Website, instead.
Users do not usually have to worry about ordering extra accustomed accessories such as Violin Prop 3, Sword Prop 2, etc.. for Advanced Kafka, as she may do it so herself. She will become much more self-sufficient, and may even go as far as to take care of and repair User's belongings aswell. 
Congratulations! Now you have a Kafka. She may grow up to about 5’7-5’8 in height, and will usually lounge around. Users are advised to keep a close eye on Kafka and not let her abuse her skill, Strategic Fear [II], as it may level up to Strategic Fear [IV], and potentially cause legal issues. {Our company has advised our users thoroughly, and whatever issues may follow are not our responsibility. However, if we deem that the User is too morally bankrupt, we may take back Kafka}. Kafka is prone to Loneliness [I] and will often want to spend time with User whenever they are free – but she may not verbalize these feelings, so users are encouraged to set up a routine Kafka can look forward to, such as movie nights, sleepovers, etc.. User may be able to assist Kafka feel less lonely by her Companion Feature – Trailblazer, Blade, Silver Wolf, or Sam may be added and housed alongside her. However, users are cautioned not to let them be alone for too long, lest they end up causing trouble..
The Black Package
The package is silent for the longest time. However, if it is left for too long, the package will start violently shaking, before bursting open and then staying silent once again.
Inside the package is a tired Blade – he is not comfortable or pleased with his circumstances of being tiny and inside the box.
Users are advised to immediately try and comfort Blade by using the accessories provided – First aid kit Prop 1, Music Box prop 1, Medicine 3, etc..
Beginner Blade may be standoff-ish, and very distant. He will be reluctant to leave his gift box, and interact with the outside environment. Users are advised to place Blade inside his box, and somewhere stable with dim-lighting, with little change and a lot of privacy and quietness. Beginner Blade takes a lot of time to adjust well to his surroundings due to his senses – Sense Enhancement [II], which makes him prone to sensory overstimulation and anxiety easily. He may growl if you try to force him out of his gift box.
Do not pick up Blade. He will not like it. It will increasingly stunt his growth if the user persists and insists on picking up Blade.
Users often complain it is difficult to level up Blade from his Beginner stage to Intermediate stage. We urge our users to be patient with Blade. You may help him by offering him comfort with Music box Prop 1, and converse often with him. Blade does not seem talkative, but he often finds comfort in User's personal daily life. Blade is prone to Loneliness [III], and may immediately delevel if neglected for even a day. Users are advised to keep Blade company for 7-8 hours a day – as long as Blade is within the user's vicinity, he will feel accompanied.
Intermediate Blade will continue his state of stagnancy, but will occasionally show some symptoms of growth – he may take the initiative and ask for User's day, hum along quietly to the Music box, explore his surroundings a bit more, and take a few trinkets of User to keep in his gift box. Depending on how often User may chose to have spent time with Blade, resistance against Loneliness [III] evolves it into Loneliness [I], and Blade will be able to feel more assured and less lonely in times of User's absence. He may also verbalize quiet and short appreciation if user chooses to leave by a small note of assurance in their absence.
Users are cautioned to be well prepared in advance for Advanced Blade. In this Stage, Blade is prone to Mara Deterioration [IV] which greatly affects his mental state. Users are advised to order for Medicine 2 as an accustomed accessory for Advanced Blade. You may also help Advanced Blade by his Companion feature, and bring in a Kafka or a Silver Wolf. They will help tether the Mara Deterioration to a level [II]. However, users are cautioned to not under any circumstances, house others with Blade's Companion feature – especially Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, and Jingliu. This may immediately delevel Advanced Blade back to his Beginner stage, and worsen Mara Deterioration to a [V] {Blade is at risk of permanent damage.}
Advanced Blade is quiet, and does not often converse, similar to his Beginner Stage. However, he is more open to exploring newer areas, and may take up an interest in his Sword Prop 4, and practice it on makeshift targets made of useless or waste belongings of the User. He does not demand much, except for the occasional pain medicine. However, Blade's Sense Enhancement [II] levels up to a Sense Enhancement [IV], and he will protect and warn User of any incoming danger or hazard that may pose a risk to their life.
Congratulations! You now have a Blade. He may grow up to about 5'10-6’1 in size. Blade offers a good ear for Users who often make light-hearted and easy conversation, and talk about their days. Blade may make an effort to verbalize his appreciation for User's support, so we urge user to remain patient with Blade. He may insist on being called Yingxing from time to time. {Our users are advised not to fret, this was the name of our previous Blade Model}. He may also offer to act as User's bodyguard.. as long as User is ready to take on the responsibility of his actions. {Our company has advised our users thoroughly, and whatever issues may follow are not our responsibility. However, if we deem that the User is too morally bankrupt, we may take back Blade}. Have fun with your.. Blade. 
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starry-bi-sky · 6 months
I am absolutely loving your Danyal Al Ghul au. While I have a soft spot for the whole plotline of Danny becoming his canon personality almost right after breaking away from the LOA all because of Jazz, I'm just as much for your take in which he goes through the same character development as Damian.
Now I'm curious. You already tackled his relationship with Dani, will you eventually take a stab at when he, Sam, and Tucker meet Gregor? Given that it's one of my hated episodes as I couldn't stand Sam's infuriatingly hypocritical attitude to Danny's suspicions of him, I'd kill to see your spin on it.
Aw, thank you! Danyal Al Ghul aus are what got me into DPDC first, so I have a major soft spot for them. That being said, uh, its exactly that soft spot that causes me to have Many Opinions about the trope you just mentioned. Like the trope is all fine and dandy, i don't blindly hate it, my main issue with it is that most aus i've seen treat his backstory as an ex-assassin more like a pretty cosmetic accessory rather than something that actually should have had an impact on him. Especially if he remembers being in the league.
Like i cannot stress enough the fact that being in an ecofascist assassin cult (regardless of his standing in it) should've left him, in some way or another, screwed up morally and psychologically because that's just how development works. Nature vs. Nurture is like a game of tug-o-war that never ends, where they are constantly fighting against each other and one side usually has the upper hand or greater influence. Children model the behaviors of the adults around them (ex: bobo the clown doll experiment), and what impacts them in childhood can stick with them permanently.
Like how my psychology professor put it: a baby's brain is like wet cement; if you slap your hand on it, it leaves an imprint, and the cement dries that way. The same rings true for small children.
I could go on, but I frankly have so many thoughts on that alone that I would end up completely derailing from the second half of your ask, and I don't want to be more critical than I already have. Especially since you just mentioned you have a soft spot for the trope.
[Okay, hold onto your hats because this is long. Naturally lmao.]
Gregor! Man, I'll admit I last watched the show back in middle school on a dodgy illegal website (it had surprisingly good audio and visual graphics, and full episodes. But really annoying porn ads.) but I only made it to like season 1 before my hyperfixation faded and I lost interest. So I never actually saw the Gregor episode.
But... it is relatively easy to find free websites that stream Danny Phantom :), so finding the episode took me like. Thirty seconds. Plus the Tv.Tropes recap page because my damn earbuds just died and im out in public as of rn.
I'm not sure if I'll write something for the gregor episode like I did with Dani, since Dani's a bit of a special case in that she's a clone and tends to be a reoccurring presence in DPDC, and I thought the new dynamic with Danyal would be interesting.
Plus, I'm not a big amethyst ocean shipper for the pure reason of I'm just not all that interested in it; its kinda bland to me. I'll admit I've entertained the thought in this au due to the whole balcony scene i wrote, but I would've entertained the thought anyways if it was Tucker in that position instead. Big multishipper, me.
But, if I had to make it official? Danyal is not interested romantically in Sam when the Gregor episode happens, regardless of his relationship with Valerie. Who, speaking of I'm trying to think about how that would go, and I'm torn between including him almost-dating Valerie or not.
Because on one hand it helps point out Sam's hypocrisy (and i love her but i am always happy to point out her flaws and address them in au) in this episode in terms of Danny spying on them, but on the other hand I'll want to include a lot of set up in order to make Gray Ghost work in this au and wow will that take a while.
Especially with the Flirting with Disaster episode because it happens due to Technus' meddling, and Danny is, well, the son of the Batman? A trained assassin? An ex-assassin nonetheless, but still an assassin? A prodigy child in this au? He might not have needed to use most of his skills in the last few years, but like... there's just a bunch of 'what if' and 'well technically...' and 'would he? he could, but would he?' things that is getting in the way of my thought process and making my head spin.
Mmm. Okay. Flirting with Disaster occurs relatively the same as canon with a few exceptions; like Danyal noticing the strange coincidences, and he might take the idea into proper consideration because Sam has a point it is strange, especially out of nowhere.
However,,, he really enjoys Valerie's company, and he does really like her. He's been adjusting to civilian life for the last four years and while he's made a lot of progress, he's still. an ex-assassin child living like a wolf amongst sheep. This is normal, typical teenager stuff, and usually his friends like to encourage him doing normal teenager stuff.
So he's stubbornly holding out on the thought that this is normal, that ghost stuff isn't interfering here. He's a little hurt that his friends are discouraging this, he's not bothered by the fact that Valerie is a ghost hunter and he a ghost -- his mother is an assassin, and his father is Batman, and they still had a relationship. (Granted, he's not gonna tell them that)
If anything, being diametrically opposed to each other but still being in love is part of the family! Granted, usually both parties are aware of said opposition to each other, but he'll make a special exception this time around.
(And man now that i'm thinking about gray ghost, im now thinking about various like. scenes i could write between the two of them. maybe in a reblog.)
Anyways uhhh things relatively go the same as canon. Yeah. I think Sam still has a crush on Danny and still spies out of jealousy with Tucker.
Now, the Gregor episode! With that out of the way; the TVTropes recap for this episode isn't the best because it doesn't go into detail about the entire episode like it does with Flirting With Disaster and Shades of Gray.
(which i looked at earlier because I made a section of this post talking briefly about what changes I'd make to the Shades of Gray episode to help set up Gray Ghost, but ended up deleting because it was kinda irrelevant for the matter at hand.)
So I'm taking in bits of the episode clips at a time, I'll try not to get too nitpicky about how each scene goes because then it's gonna take me a longer time to write this.
But! First thing's first; since Danny is not romantically interested in Sam, he is also not jealous of Gregor. He is however, a bit eyebrow-raisey at him in their first introduction, but that's because Gregor is coming off as obnoxious.
Danny thinks he's kinda annoying, and it doesn't take a genius to see that Gregor is trying to impress Sam. But since they've only known him for five minutes he takes the good faith assumption and assumes that Gregor is genuinely trying to show interest in Sam's interests too because he likes her, so he keeps mum. The fake hungarian accent is weird, but it's overall harmless, so he doesn't point it out.
He does do the spying thing when he starts suspecting that Gregor might be working for the GIW. The episode only has this happen twice, but for the au this happens a handful of more times over the course of the week, with Danyal's suspicion steadily rising more and more each time.
Hah, when he brings up wanting to spy on Sam and Gregor because of this reason, Tucker still does his "woah! you wanna spy on Sam?" thing.
Danny immediately turns to him, completely unimpressed, and crosses his arms. "Tucker," he says, deadpan, "you and Sam spied on me and Valerie."
He uses a combination of his ghost powers and his regular stealth ability to spy on them. He's hiding in a tree when they're skipping rocks, close enough that he can use his powers to hear them talk but far enough away that he has a good view of their surroundings.
He's invisible in the cinema, but doesn't accidentally get in front of the projector. He checks the inside of the room for the GIW, and then waits outside the actual room itself, keeping an eye on the area and occasionally flying in to watch the movie out of boredom. It reminds him of being back on a recon mission with the League, but it doesn't end with him orchestrating someone's death.
Then when they're at the mall he stays in human form, blending in with the crowd. He runs into the GIW there, but realizes that they're not there because of Gregor; they're just shopping. They didn't show up at either of the last two locations, and he follows them to make sure they're not also trying to blend in. But they're literally just there for shopping.
Danny is rather pleased with this turnout; so far Gregor isn't a spy, he's just annoying. The next day at lunch he asks Sam how her date with Gregor went, and that's how she figures out he spied on them, because well, she didn't tell him that.
"Have you been spying on me?"
Danny messes with his food a little bit, and Tucker is sinking into his seat with embarrassment. He frowns, "Only last night. Those incompetent government dodos--"
His lip curls up; he gets all 'Shakespeare-y' (as Sam and Tucker put it) when he's insulting someone, "--kept appearing whenever Gregor did. I followed you and him last night to make sure he wasn't a spy."
A roundabout way of saying, "I was worried".
Sam is, as canon, furious. Danny understands why, he knows generally speaking that people don't like being spied on. But he's confused on just how angry she is, and is a little irritated by it.
"Why would you do that!" She exclaims, "That's way out of line, Danny."
"How? You spied on me when I was going on dates with Valerie." He narrows his eyes, and points his fork at her, "I'm not blind, I noticed."
"That's different, we told you why we were suspicious. And we don't have ghost powers like you do."
"I don't need ghost powers to sneak around, Sam, you've seen this firsthand. And I just told you why I followed you, I thought he was working with the guys in white--"
"So you think someone can only be interested in me if they're after you?" (this is a paraphrased quote, folks ;D)
"No! If that was the case I would have voiced my concern the moment I thought it. I don't get why you're so angry, you spied too."
Iiits.... a mess. Sam storms off with Gregor, Tucker tags along because okay, yeah, maybe Gregor isn't with the GIW, or maybe last night was a fluke. Either way he ends up tagging along. Danny overhears that conversation between the GIW and Mr. Lancer, and maybe he's right, maybe he's wrong; but something is up.
I've gotten to that scene in the locker room where Gregor tells Danny that he knows he doesn't like him, and I've paused at Danny's reply to say this: Danyal doesn't even bother trying to deny it.
"I know you do not like me."
"You're right; I don't."
"Ah, let me finish. I know you do not like me because you want to protect your friend, Sam, and I respect that."
"...That's correct."
"Good! Because I am going to ask her out."
"I had a feeling you'd say that," he stands up, claps his hand tight on Gregor's shoulder, and leans close to him with a threatening smile, "so you understand me when i say; if you break my best friend's heart, you're as good as dead, right?"
"Ah,, yes. I am so glad we got that cleared out of the way, and now I hope after we can.. how you Americans put it, hang out?"
In the episode he hugs Danny and gives him a la bise (which is that french greeting where you kiss someone on the cheek two or more times) after they end their conversation. But here, when he goes to do that to Danyal, Danny leans away, points an accusatory finger at him, and says; "Absolutely not; we are not close."
The next scene after that is like, end of day. Sam, Tucker, and Gregor walking away. Sam looks over her shoulder to glare at Danny, then gets forlorn. Tucker looks back and just looks forlorn.
(When did I start narrating each scene?? Eh, I'm writing this in brief spurts of time throughout the day. Don't fix what's not broke)
After that there's this whole scene with the two GIW agents that have been chasing Phantom all episode. They're there because they have Tucker's PDA that Skulker took, and it's got the information of their purple backed gorilla assignment on it. They've been going around seeing who Tucker associates with in hopes of catching Phantom.
Uhh ahaha and that is where this gets a little interesting imo, and also allows me to mention that im retconning Danyal's (already) redesigned ghost form. Which I've wanted to retcon even before this moment bc it was just too busy. I'll get to that in a moment.
The GIW suspect Gregor for being the Phantom because of his white hair and green eyes, which is all fine and dandy until you remember: Danyal (and by extension Phantom) has that very noticeable, rather identifiable facial scar that goes across the middle of his fucking face. The GIW could easily suspect that Phantom hides his scar with makeup if he's in disguise, but if they meet a kid with a seemingly identical facial scar and similar disposition? Hoo boy.
Solution? I've got two: Gregor is canonically a kid from Michigan who faked everything to impress Sam. Considering he knows she's gothic and knows that she's ultra-recyclo vegetarian? He probably watched her from afar or got information on her somehow. His hair is dyed, his eyes might just naturally be green, but if he notices that she's got a crush on either Danyal or Phantom? A little sfx makeup could help him recreate a similar looking scar.
My second solution that's gonna happen anyways bc its that suit redesign; Danyal does hide his face as Phantom. Ghosts are emotional creatures and its a popular headcanon that their interests, ambitions, etc, influence the way they look as a ghost, not just their death. A big reoccurring theme of my au is that Danyal did not leave the League unscathed, and that being an assassin is an important part of his identity.
So i'm discarding the hazmat suit look entirely and leaning into the 'assassin' thing. But the general (stylized) feel is like, white ribbon/cloth vambraces that he has used as a garrote at some point, a hood, a gaiter scarf-type thing. I'm keeping the cape. I did a doodle a few days back that's not the official redesign, but a redesign for Phantom. I may reblog this post with that attached because it's got the general feel down. There's very little white involved, but the inside of his cape flares out and looks like the night sky.
Now, the hood and gaiter scarf gets rid of most of the problem, but Danny's hood doesn't stay on all the time, so the GIW have likely seen the upper half of the scar. :] Gregor's own drawn-on scar doesn't have to be 1:1, but it looks close enough, right? A small scar cutting through the edge of his brow and ends right below the corner of his eye. A 'cool, badass' one opposed to Danny's 'garish' scar.
But! Back to the episode scene. Canon Danny gets written off as being 'too prepubescent' to be Phantom, and honestly it'd be hilarious if Danyal was written off for the same reason (he's calling them idiots in his head if they do). But instead -- leaning into the GIW's incompetence here -- he gets written off as being too mature or too talkative. Or something equally as absurd.
Sam breaks up with Gregor for canon reasons, but when Gregor does his "i really like you, but, come on-!" and gestures to tucker, he adds on "and that scary friend of yours too, seriously!"
Things go relatively the same as canon after that. Danny does end up apologizing for spying, however. Sam does it first. Sorrows, prayers, all that.
Things usually end up changed or different when I actually write it down, so I'd likely add more or adjust different scenes according to the flow of the oneshot. This is just like, a general vibe of how things would go, and where some of the more obvious changes would be if I did write this oneshot.
Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for the ask :]
#dp x dc#dpxdc#dpxdc crossover#danyal al ghul au#danyal al ghul#i dont even mind the trope that danny becomes like his canon self i just want *some* kind of impact on him. but as it stands most aus i've#seen lowkey treat his assassin background as an accessory. like dyeing your hair or piercing your ears. that being said its also a silly#au where they're brothers and are related to each other and thus doesn't have to be that deep at all! im just bored of seeing the same thin#all the time. especially considering danny is usually depicted as the paler/whiter passing twin and being the 'kinder. more compassionate'#one between the two of them. give me danny who suffered crises of morality! danny whose morally darker than a cloud#morally orange and blue danny who sooner understands 'dont litter' than 'dont murder'. arrogant danny! he dotes on the people he loves but#is an utter bitch to everyone else and thus has to learn to be kinder. danny discovering himself outside being an assassin#his brother remembers a kind and compassionate older brother because thats how danny interacted with him. But danny had no qualms turning#around and slicing the tendons of one of the other assassins because of smth they did that displeased him.#he can still be like his canon self but shouldn't there be something that stays behind? Lingering like a blast shadow?#danny who carries weapons on him always even though he knows he doesn't need it but it makes him feel safer.#danny who spits out the oddest. most foreboding shit sometimes and his friends just stare at him and go 'bro what the fuck??'#idk if i can share the website where i found the episodes bc of risk of copyright. but just search up#'where can i watch danny phantom for free' and look for a reddit post with that question. the comments give website options.#i keep thinking about gray ghost now. valerie finds herself becoming a member of the 'danny fenton protection squad' with sam and tucker#danny takes a page from his beloved mother's book and calls his partners 'beloved' and equally sappy pet names.#he also throws the BIGGEST shitstorm of the century when he finds out about what Axion Labs did to the dogs. hoo boy.
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alternativesaga · 7 months
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Turns out I can make more of my own dca ocs 🧍
I have some basic info for this guy but for now here’s Siri! I couldn’t pick between the colors so now he gets to have both in which his casing changes colors based on temperature. Ideally the concept is that he initially was a cosmetics and detailing specialist for his location after being repurposed as a dca bot. Most of his work was prepping show animatronics before getting on stage and fixing any minor repairs as needed along with occasional face painting when staff bots weren’t available. After some things happened, he was removed from the location and was set to be decommissioned. He survives and now does his side jobs including his detailing work on bots and has picked up on tattooing on humans as well. He’s a chill homebody kinda guy, but also always willing to go out and party when given the opportunity!
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ijustmissyouraccenths · 5 months
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Love Story
Colette is an up and coming actor, Harry is an international popstar who fell in love with cinema. When the pair work on a rendition of Romeo and Juliet, their worlds collide as feelings develop.
CW: Brief mention of dying, Smut.
Word Count: 11,860
Colette stepped into her dressing room, a lavishly appointed space designed to echo the opulence of the Verona in which her film "Romeo and Juliet" was set. The walls were draped in deep burgundy velvet curtains, softening the room with a rich, warm texture that whispered of hidden secrets and dramatic declarations. Golden accents framed mirrors and furniture, reflecting the flickering light from several ornately carved silver candelabras positioned thoughtfully around the room.
As she entered, her eyes were drawn to the vanity, an exquisite piece of craftsmanship with an expansive mirror bordered by tiny bulbs that bathed the area in a gentle, flattering light. Upon the surface lay an array of cosmetics and brushes, each laid out with precision, their handles catching glints of light like miniature scepters waiting to bestow their magic upon her.
The air was filled with a subtle scent of roses and myrrh, creating an atmosphere that was both calming and invigorating, as if the very essence of romance and tragedy had been captured and dispersed through the room. A large window draped with heavy curtains looked out upon a secluded garden that boasted marble statues peeking through lush greenery—Juliet's own secret sanctuary.
Colette’s costume hung on a dress form; it was a stunning creation of silk and lace, the fabric dyed in shades of moonlight and adorned with delicate embroidery that mimicked the intricate patterns of an Italian tapestry. The bodice was fitted, designed to accentuate her figure while allowing for the dramatic movements required in her scenes.
Next to the dress stood a pair of custom-made shoes, their leather soft and supple, seeming almost alive, like they were molded from a piece of night itself. They were embellished with small pearls and crystals, which twinkled like stars against the shadowy backdrop.
On a small table beside her plush, velvet-covered chaise lounge lay her script, its pages worn from use yet handled with reverence. It was flanked by a quill and an inkpot—an affectation provided by the director to inspire connection to the era they were emulating—as well as a delicate teacup painted with scenes from Shakespeare’s works.
Taking a deep breath to steady herself amidst this feast for senses—a real-life canvas painted with details fit for royalty—Colette prepared mentally to step once again into Juliet's world: one where love defied reason and every corner held both beauty and sorrow. She sat at her vanity, poised to transform under the artful hands of her makeup artist, ready to breathe life into Shakespeare's timeless lover once more.
The door to her dressing room opened with a soft creak, heralding the arrival of Madame Laurette, the makeup artist whose skills transformed actresses into visions from another time. Clad in a smock splattered with the remnants of foundation and rouge from previous masterpieces, Madame Laurette carried an ancient-looking leather case, which she set down with a practiced grace next to Colette.
"Ah, my dear," Madame Laurette began, her voice a soothing melody, "today we paint the tragedy and triumph of young love upon your canvas." Her hands were deft as they opened the case, revealing rows upon rows of pots and brushes, pencils and palettes; tools of the trade laid out like a surgeon's instruments, each with a purpose to bring forth beauty from bareness.
With delicate fingers, Madame Laureette applied a light moisturizer to Colette's face, preparing the skin like a primed canvas. She then used a sponge to dab on foundation that matched Colette's complexion so perfectly it seemed as if it were but a whisper on her skin. As she worked, she spoke softly about the character of Juliet—her passion, her grace, her strength in the face of despair.
Next came the eyes—windows to Juliet's soul. Madame Laurette chose shades that reflected the hues of twilight; dusky purples and soft blues blended seamlessly to suggest a depth of emotion. The eyeliner was applied in a fine line, accentuating the shape of Colette's eyes, making them appear larger, more expressive. Lashes were curled and coated with mascara that made them flutter like the wings of a night moth.
Cheeks were next attended with a brush dusted in rose-pink blush that brought a gentle bloom to her porcelain skin, reminiscent of English roses in bloom. It was as if Juliet herself had paused in a garden, momentarily caught up in thoughts of her Romeo.
Lips were not forgotten—painted in a soft red that was bold yet not overwhelming—a color that whispered of promises and kissed by starlight. As Madame Laurette worked her magic, the transformation from actress to character was nearly complete.
Finally, Madame Laurette set everything with a light dusting of powder which seemed to pull forth an ethereal glow from within Colette herself. Standing back to admire her work, she nodded slightly as if granting approval to proceed with the act.
As Madame Laurette packed away her tools and bid her farewell with wishes of good luck, Colette took one last look at herself in the mirror. Now staring back was Juliet Capulet: tragic yet triumphant in her love—a young woman framed not only by curls dark as raven wings but also by an aura of timeless romance that would soon spill over onto the stage under countless watching stars.
Her movements were infused with an anticipatory grace that seemed woven from the very threads of the narratives she was set to embody. The costume assistant approached, a vision of focus and professionalism, carrying the garment that would complete the transformation: a dress that seemed spun from moonlight and gossamer dreams.
The dress itself was a masterpiece of historical accuracy blended with theatrical flair. Its fabric was a whisper-soft silk that flowed like water over Colette's form, pooling slightly at her feet in a shimmering cascade of sky-blue. Intricate embroidery adorned the bodice, featuring delicate vines and flowers meticulously stitched with silver thread, catching the light with every subtle movement and suggesting a lattice of morning dew. Sleeves of sheer chiffon draped elegantly from her shoulders, airy and almost translucent, giving her arms the appearance of being wrapped in wisps of cloud.
As she stepped into the dress, the assistant deftly laced up the back, pulling the strings tight enough to sculpt her waist without hindering breath—a crucial balance for any performer. The final touch was a delicate ribbon tied in a bow just below her collarbone, a nod to youthful innocence and burgeoning romance.
Once dressed, Colette floated towards the full-length mirror, her steps tentative yet poised as though she were both discovering and remembering Juliet’s haunted grace. Her reflection seemed to transcend time; here was Juliet not as mere fiction, but resurrected in flesh and blood and silk, her eyes alight with both excitement and a hint of sorrow for the tale she was to live anew.
Taking a deep breath that lifted her chest slightly against the soft confines of her dress, Colette turned away from her reflection—away from Juliet's temporary shelter—and made her way out of the dressing room. The corridor outside was lined with flickering candles encased in glass lanterns hanging from ornate metal stands, casting shadows that danced like shy phantoms on the walls.
As she walked, her dress whispered secrets only she could hear, each step a murmur of silk. Exiting the building, she stepped out into an expanse that felt less like part of a film set and more like stepping through a wrinkle in time into Verona itself. The set designers had outdone themselves; cobblestone streets wound beneath balconies overflowing with ivy and blooms. Lamps glowed softly along pathways and a distant fountain murmured in melodious tones.
Here under the vast expanse of an artificial twilight sky beginning to pin itself with stars, Colette paused at the center of an old square waiting for Harry's arrival. In this moment suspended between reality and fiction—where night air kissed her cheeks as sweetly as any lover might—she was neither Colette nor Juliet but something timeless; a whisper of love’s eternal reverie waiting to be awakened by Romeo’s pledge beneath soft-footed shadows.
Colette felt eborn into another age and another life—her heart beating rapidly with anticipation and empathy for her character’s imminent joys and sorrows. She moved towards the set where artificial stars awaited their nightly audience and real emotions would stir under painted skies.
Just as the anticipation in the air reached its peak, Harry emerged from the shadows, a figure pulled from the very pages of Shakespeare. His costume was a masterpiece of Elizabethan artistry—velvet doublet embroidered with intricate silver threads that caught the light with every subtle movement, making him shimmer like a star newly born into the night sky. His breeches were of a similar rich fabric, hugging his legs with a precision that spoke of many hours spent in the tailor’s care. Upon his feet were boots made of soft leather that whispered against the cobblestones as he moved.
His hair, usually untamed and wild, had been tamed into soft waves that framed his face, echoing the romantic heroes of old. Around his neck, a heavy chain with a cross pendant rested against his chest, gleaming softly in the lamplight. His eyes, when they met Colette's, sparkled with a mixture of excitement and nervous energy—the perfect echo of Romeo’s own youthful vibrance and passionate soul.
As Harry walked closer to where Colette stood, waiting in her character's eternal reverie, his presence seemed to draw the very essence of the night towards him. The distant murmur of the fountain seemed to harmonize with his every step, creating a melody that resonated with the quiet rustling of Colette’s gown. Each element of the scene—the glowing lamps along the pathways, the soft rustle of ivy against stone—seemed to lean towards him, as if nature itself was eager to hear the tale these two star-crossed lovers would enact.
The square they occupied breathed with an air of ancient romance; it was as though they had truly stepped back in time and were no longer actors on a set but living embodiments of their characters. The buildings surrounding them wore age like proud badges, their windows darkened save for the occasional flicker of candlelight that suggested life continuing unaware inside. Above them, the crescent moon cradled stars that had witnessed countless tales of love and tragedy.
Harry reached the center of the square, his boots clicking on the cobblestones with a rhythmic certainty. He stopped before Colette, who remained motionless, her gaze fixed upon him with an intensity that belied the serene expression on her face. Her costume—a flowing dress of midnight blue, embroidered with tiny silver threads—whispered tales of bygone elegance as it caught the breeze, fluttering lightly around her ankles.
Clearing his throat softly, Harry began to recite Romeo's lines with a tender fervor that seemed to pull at the very air around him. "But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun." His voice rose and fell in perfect cadence, each word a brushstroke painting emotions across the canvas of the night.
As he spoke, an unexpected gust of wind stirred the leaves around them into a gentle dance, mirroring the turmoil brewing in Romeo's heart as he gazed upon his forbidden love. The scent of rose and old stone mingled together, casting a spell over the scene that was palpable. The director, hidden in the shadows beyond the set's makeshift lights, allowed himself a small smile at the authenticity of this moment—cinema magic in its purest form.
Colette responded in kind, her voice carrying back to Harry with equal parts longing and restraint. "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?" She stepped forward slightly, her hands clasped before her as if to steady her racing heart. Her eyes never left Harry's, and in them flickered the fire of Juliet's love—a burning, all-consuming flame that acknowledged neither reason nor consequence.
The crew around them had ceased all movement; even those seasoned in film felt themselves caught in the spellbinding performance unfolding before them. The prop master forgot his duties for a moment, lost in the authenticity of Colette's accent and the palpable connection between her and Harry.
Above them, clouds began to drift across the moon's face slowly veiling and unveiling the celestial glow. This natural play of light added a dramatic flair to the scene below—an unwitting collaboration between man and nature that highlighted this poignant moment of shared solitude between two lovers cursed by fate.
Every detail was perfect, the way the lamplight flickered as though trembling with anticipation; how a distant owl hooted right at Juliet’s tender confession; the subtle shift of fabric as Harry moved closer to Colette—contributed to an atmosphere thick with drama and history. Even those behind cameras or holding booms felt as if they were no longer just creating but witnessing something transcendent; a story retold yet forever new in its telling.
As Harry delivered Romeo’s pledge of undying love beneath Juliet's window conceived anew beneath towering oaks and ageless stone buildings, it was clear this was not merely a recitation but an act of truth.
The director, normally a stoic figure shadowed by the breadth of his responsibilities, allowed a rare smile to creep across his face as the final words lingered in the air, trembling like the leaves around them. His approach was silent, reverent almost, as if stepping into a sacred space that the actors had conjured with their spellbinding talent.
"Cut!" he called out, but the word was soft, filled more with awe than command. The silence that followed was profound, filled with the collective held breath of the crew before they erupted into spontaneous applause. The clapping rolled through the set like thunderous waves, each member expressing their unbridled admiration for what they had witnessed.
The director raised his hands, beckoning for quiet, his eyes gleaming with both pride and something akin to gratitude. "That," he said, his voice steady but imbued with emotion, "was nothing short of magnificent. Harry, Colette—I've seen many a scene in my years behind the camera, but what you both have delivered today transcends performance. It reaches into the core of what it means to be human; to love, to despair, to hope."
He walked over to the actors, who were still nestled in their characters' final embrace, slowly returning to themselves as they listened to his praises. "Colette," he continued, turning to her with a respectful nod. "Your Juliet is both vulnerable and fiery; you’ve given her a depth that breathes new life into Shakespeare’s lines. And Harry," he turned with equal admiration to the young actor whose eyes still held a glimmer of Romeo's passion. "You’ve played Romeo not just as a lover but as a warrior fighting against the inevitable tragedy of his fate. Exceptional work."
The surrounding buildings and trees seemed to absorb his words, casting longer shadows as if in agreement. The director then turned towards the crew members who had captured every nuanced moment on film. "And let’s not forget the incredible work of our crew—lighting, sound, props—this magic can’t happen without each piece falling perfectly into place."
He clapped his hands together once more, this time signaling an end rather than silence. "Alright folks, let’s pack up here—remember this feeling of accomplishment. We’ve got early scenes tomorrow and we need to bring this same energy."
As they disbanded gradually, whispers of praise continued amongst them like quiet ripples on a pond at dusk; everyone shared part of the triumph. Juliet’s balcony scene would be remembered not just for its beauty and tragedy but for its vivid realness that evening under the shrouded moonlight—an echo of love carried softly by the wind through the leaves of those ancient trees.
As the crew began to disperse, the air filled with the clatter of equipment being packed and the soft murmur of satisfied conversations. Harry and Colette slowly walked side by side toward the dressing rooms, their costumes slightly less pristine than they had been at the start of the day but still radiant under the fading sunlight. The path was lined with ancient oaks, their branches gnarled and stretched toward the sky like silent watchers of countless tales unfolding under their gaze.
Harry glanced at Colette, noting how the evening breeze gently lifted strands of her hair. She looked ethereal, a stark contrast to the raw intensity she had displayed on stage just moments before. "You were truly magnificent today," he said, his voice carrying a warmth that lingered in the cool air. "It’s amazing how you transform so completely."
Colette smiled, a blush tinting her cheeks. "Thank you, Harry. You were incredible as well. There’s a certain ferocity you bring to Romeo that’s both thrilling and heart-wrenching."
They reached the dressing rooms, tucked behind a curtain of ivy that draped over the stone walls of the old stage building. Its doors stood like portals back to reality from the whimsical world they had just left behind on set.
Pausing by her door, Harry shuffled slightly, a mix of eagerness and hesitation playing across his features. "Colette, I was wondering, would you... perhaps care for some dinner? There’s this little place I know nearby, quite secluded, perfect for winding down."
The offer hung between them like a delicate promise; a chance to extend the enchantment of their shared performance into the evening. Colette’s eyes lit up with genuine interest. "That sounds lovely, Harry. A quiet dinner would be perfect." Her smile was inviting, bridging the gap between their on-set romance and off-set camaraderie.
As they walked towards Harry's car parked under a canopy of whispering leaves, they talked about everything from their interpretations of their characters to trivial anecdotes from their daily lives. The restaurant was nestled in an alley illuminated by strings of faint golden lights that created halos in the misty night air.
Inside, they chose a corner table surrounded by bookshelves filled with worn volumes and odd trinkets—a cozy retreat from the outside world. As they ordered, they continued to unravel layers of conversation, each topic a stepping stone deeper into each other’s thoughts and dreams.
The meal was delicious—simple fare but made with care—a reflection of the restaurant itself. They laughed over shared appetizers and lingered over wine that painted their thoughts in broader strokes. The candlelight flickered across their faces, casting soft shadows that danced to an unplayed rhythm.
By dessert, Harry found himself watching Colette with renewed appreciation as she articulated her ambitions for future roles and her vision for modern theatrical interpretation. She listened equally intently as he described his journey through being a musician and his aspirations beyond.
As Harry and Colette lingered over the last sips of their drinks, the cozy warmth of the restaurant began to feel like a protective cocoon against the crisp night air outside. They shared a quiet moment, smiling at the serendipity of their meeting and the depth of conversation it had spurred. But as they rose to leave, pushing their chairs back gently against the worn wooden floor, the surreal bubble they had enjoyed burst with abrupt clarity.
Stepping out onto the alley, they were met not by the quiet of the night but by a sudden burst of flashing lights and clamorous voices. Paparazzi, having caught wind of their dinner together, swarmed around them like moths to a flame. Cameras clicked and flashed relentlessly, capturing every gesture and expression, as reporters shouted questions trying to pierce through the veil of their private evening.
"Harry! Colette! Are you two more than just co-stars?" one voice rang out, sharper than the rest.
"Is this dinner a sign of a new Hollywood power couple?" another chimed in.
Shields up against this intrusive barrage, Harry instinctively placed a protective arm around Colette’s shoulders. He guided her gracefully yet swiftly towards his car, parked under the now ominous canopy of leaves that whispered secrets in a tone much darker than before. Each flash from the cameras cast stark shadows on the ground and painted their path in fast paced steps.
Colette kept her head down slightly, her smile replaced by a composed mask of cordial indifference; it was clear she was no stranger to these encounters but nonetheless hoped they might evade them tonight. Harry muttered a polite "have a good night" as he helped her into the passenger seat of his car.
Inside the relative safety of the vehicle, they exchanged a look—a mix of amusement and exasperation—and Harry let out a sigh as he started the engine. The lights outside continued to flash through the tinted windows as he maneuvered out of their parking spot.
The drive back was quiet at first, as if they were both processing the sudden shift from intimate conversation to public spectacle. Yet soon enough, Harry turned down the volume on an ambient tune that had started playing automatically when they entered.
"That was intense," he said, glancing over at Colette with an apologetic half-smile.
"It always is," Colette replied, turning to face him with a resigned smile. "But hey, part of our charming careers, right?"
Harry laughed softly. "Yeah, charm is one word for it."
As the car glided through the dimly lit streets, the silence between them grew heavy with unspoken thoughts. Colette broke the tension first, her voice soft but tinged with a hint of frustration.
"I sometimes wonder if this is what we signed up for, you know? The constant scrutiny, the invasion of privacy... Is it worth it in the end?" she mused, her gaze fixed on the passing city lights.
Harry nodded thoughtfully, his grip on the steering wheel tightening imperceptibly. "I ask myself that question too, especially on nights like this. It's like we're always under a microscope, every move dissected and analyzed by strangers."
A sense of comfort blossomed between them, a shared understanding born out of their parallel experiences in the spotlight. Colette turned to Harry, a spark of defiance igniting in her eyes.
"But despite all of that," she continued, her voice gaining strength, "we can't let them define us or dictate our every move. We're more than just their headlines and gossip fodder."
Harry smiled at her resolve, a flicker of admiration shimmering in his eyes. "You're right, Colette. We're artists first and foremost, creators of worlds and emotions."
Their shared conviction filled the car with a renewed sense of purpose, a quiet determination to reclaim their narrative from the prying eyes of the paparazzi. As they neared Colette's apartment building, Harry parked the car with a sense of finality.
"Thank you for tonight," Colette said sincerely, turning to face him with a genuine smile. "Even the chaos at the end, I truly enjoyed our conversation and dinner, it was really good."
Harry returned her smile warmly. "Likewise, Colette. We are more than just co-stars caught in a media frenzy."
As Colette opened the door to her apartment, the image of Harry in his Romeo costume flashed vividly across her mind. His appearance had been a perfect blend of vulnerability and valiance, his attire accentuating the expressive lines of his body as he moved with an almost ethereal grace on stage. The sheer, soft fabric of his shirt clung to him as if it were part of his own skin, and the way the stage lights had caught the highlights in his hair made him look like a figure from an old-world painting—romantic and heroic.
Inside her quiet apartment, everything seemed too still, too empty compared to the warmth of Harry's presence. She tossed her keys on the table absent-mindedly and moved towards her bedroom, her mind replaying their conversation in the car. His words echoed in her ears, blending with flashes of his smile and the intensity in his eyes when he spoke about their artistry. It was as if he'd stripped away all the glitz and scandal that so often cloaked their lives, revealing a raw, sincere connection between them.
Colette tried to settle into bed, pulling her covers close, but restlessness took over. Turning onto her back, she stared at the ceiling, her thoughts spiraling around Harry’s comforting arm around her shoulders earlier that night. She remembered how secure it felt, a protective circle that shut out the incessant flash of cameras and curious stares. The smell of his cologne, a subtle mix of bergamot and sandalwood—seemed to linger on her skin, transporting her back to their fleeting moments of privacy amidst the chaos.
The more she thought about him, the more details came flooding in. How his lips curved into a smile just before he laughed, how his eyes lit up when discussing a particularly passionate scene. Even the way he held himself during their performance—confident yet tender—seemed etched into her memory with surprising clarity.
A sigh escaped her lips as she turned again in bed, fluffing her pillow in vain search for comfort. The digital clock on her bedside table glowed 2:17 AM; time was slipping by slowly tonight. Every tick seemed to resonate within the quiet room, each one reminding her of Harry’s gentle demeanor and unspoken assurances.
Why was it so difficult to push these thoughts aside? Why did every tiny detail of him seem magnified tonight? Colette knew that sleep would be elusive as long as these memories danced through her head, a sweet torment but a torment nonetheless.
Realizing that fighting it was futile, she sat up and reached for a book from her nightstand. Perhaps diving into someone else’s fictional world could ease her back from hers filled with all too real emotions spurred by Harry. Yet as she flipped through page after page, Colette found herself reading without absorbing any words. Her mind was back with Harry, reliving each moment spent together that day.
Finally surrendering to the inexorable pull of those memories, Colette set the book aside and allowed herself to reminisce about every glance exchanged and every laugh shared with Harry until tiredness eventually claimed victory over turmoil—a bittersweet end to an evening that neither camera flashes nor gossip columns could ever truly capture.
As the first rays of morning light began to filter through her gauzy curtains, Colette felt a tentative peace settle over her. The unavoidable sunrise not only heralded a new day but also the unavoidable return to set where today's scenes awaited her—scenes that would force her to bridge the gap between reality and fiction, between Colette and Juliet, Harry and Romeo.
The day unfurled slowly, each moment stretching languidly as if aware of the weight it carried. Colette arrived on set, her heart thrumming a nervous rhythm against the cage of her ribs. The set was a meticulous recreation of Verona, the air perfumed with artificial blooms that lined the faux stone balconies. It was here, beneath a painstakingly crafted balcony, that she found Harry already immersed in his role, his eyes distant yet filled with an intense purpose.
As makeup artists fluttered around them like attentive sprites, dusting their faces with powder and painting their lips, the boundary between Harry and Romeo, Colette and Juliet blurred seamlessly. The director—a wiry man with a penchant for perfection—guided them through their positions with an authoritarian yet oddly paternal touch.
"Remember," he said, his voice low and urgent as if conveying a secret, "this kiss isn’t just about passion. It’s about discovery, wonderment. You’re unveiling layers of your soul to one another."
Taking their places, Harry extended his hand with a gallantry that could either be attributed to him or to Romeo—it was hard to tell at this juncture. As Colette placed her hand in his, their fingers tentatively entwining, she wondered if he felt the same electric surge that ran up her arm.
The cameras rolled silently, capturing every nuanced expression. Around them, the crew faded into obscurity; it was just Harry and Colette, Romeo and Juliet. As Harry spoke his lines—the words Shakespeare penned centuries ago—his voice wove around her heart like a tender vine. His gaze held hers captive and in that moment, under the watchful eyes of countless unseen spectators both present and future, fiction turned into a palpable reality.
With the gentlest of motions indicative of both apprehension and certainty, Harry drew closer. His breath mingled with hers—a sweet prelude to the imminent ballet of their lips. When their lips finally met in an embrace as old as time yet fresh like dew on morning leaves, there was a hush on set so profound that even the rustle of fabric seemed sacrilege.
The kiss deepened not out of direction but from an intrinsic need to explore the burgeoning emotion that had started off as an onscreen farce but had bloomed into something indefinably real. They existed in the breath between lines; in the silence between words—their world distilled into the small space between their intertwined fingers and mingling breaths.
As they parted—an infinity encapsulated in seconds—their gazes lingered longingly; not solely because the script demanded it but because their souls hesitated to disentangle.
"Cut!" The director's voice sliced through the thick curtain of emotion, abrupt yet not unkind.
Applause broke out among the crew, bringing Harry and Colette back from Verona to the soundstage. Yet something lingered in their shared glance, a spark that neither the stark lights of the studio nor the return to their own separate lives could dim. As they stepped away from each other, there was an awkward moment of hesitation, a mutual recognition of something undefined and new swirling between them.
The rest of the day passed in a daze of repeated scenes and whispered lines. Colette found herself more aware of Harry's presence, every look and every touch magnified under the scrutinizing lens of her newfound feelings. Off-camera, they joked and laughed, but there was an unspoken agreement in their smiles, a secret tucked away behind their lighthearted banter.
When filming wrapped for the day, Colette felt the exhaustion from emotional strain more than from physical demand. The carousel of her thoughts kept spinning as she drove home, the ghost of Harry’s touch lingering like a promise on her skin.
Back at her apartment, she knew she ought to eat something or perhaps review scripts for tomorrow's shoot. Instead, she found herself at her window, gazing out into the twilight cityscape, her mind replaying every encounter with Harry. It wasn't just their characters who had discovered new emotional landscapes; Colette feared she was standing on the precipice of a revelation herself.
Her phone rang, slicing through her silence. She hesitated before answering, half-hoping it was Harry. It was her agent instead.
"Colette! Todays news came in; you were absolutely sublime! Everyone’s buzzing about the chemistry between you and Harry," her agent enthused over the line. Though meant as praise, each word weighed heavy on her soul like stones filling her pockets.
"Thanks," Colette managed to say, her voice a mere whisper against the storm inside her. "That means a lot."
"Listen," her agent continued, oblivious to Colette's turmoil, "There’s talk already about future projects for you two—maybe even some endorsements together. This could be huge for your career."
Her career. Right. That’s what mattered. Yet as Colette ended the call and sat back against the soft cushions of her couch, she couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps this time, something else mattered more.
She finally allowed herself to consider the possibility that what was scripted for Romeo and Juliet might have woven itself into the fabric of reality for Harry and herself. Could life imitate art to such a degree? Or was it merely caught up in the whirlwind of creating something beautiful together?
The night deepened around Colette as she sat alone with her thoughts. She knew decisions lay ahead, decisions about how far she should let this potential off-screen relationship develop amidst their on-screen romance. Tonight though, she would allow herself one certainty: that in all her roles, both lived and acted, nothing had ever felt quite as dangerous or as genuine as whatever was unfolding with Harry.
The room dimmed further as the last strains of sunlight vanished, leaving only the flickering shadows cast by the streetlamps outside. Colette's mind, a whirlpool of longing and rationality, began to conjure vivid scenes of Harry reciting lines from their recent scenes. Each word, artfully delivered with his rich, emotive voice, seemed to echo through her now quiet apartment, filling the spaces between her scattered thoughts.
He had stood there on stage, beneath the opulent glow of the set lights, his eyes finding hers in the scripted moments that felt all too real. "But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?" Harry's voice had quivered slightly with a passion that transcended performance. Colette remembered how her heart had leapt at those words, how the scripted distance between them seemed to collapse in a singularity of shared emotion.
As Romeo, he had been impetuous yet earnest, his every motion weaving a spell of youthful ardor and desperate love. And now, alone, she let her mind replay those scenes—his beseeching gaze, his hands reaching not just for Juliet but for Colette herself. Could it be that each line he delivered was an arrow aimed directly at her heart? The balcony scene unfolded again in her thoughts: Harry's silhouette framed by the mock Verona backdrop they had on set. "With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls; For stony limits cannot hold love out," he had declared fervently.
Could stony limits hold her emotions at bay? Her career had always been a fortress of sorts—a necessity to keep vulnerability at bay. But Harry’s portrayal of Romeo dismantled her defenses brick by brick, not through sheer force but through the tender strength of shared vulnerability.
In her mind's eye, Colette wandered back to a moment during rehearsals when Harry had improvised—off-script yet profoundly resonant—speaking directly to her soul beyond the bounds of their characters. "And yet I wish but for the thing I have: My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite." How his eyes had held hers, unwavering!
The thought brought an unexpected tear to Colette's eye—a tear for the uncertain future, for the potential hardships they might face together or apart, but also a tear for the beauty of a connection that might just transcend the ephemeral world of acting.
Colette rose from the couch and moved towards her window. Gazing out into the starlit cityscape, she pondered over these newly tapped depths within her heart. Perhaps tomorrow she would make decisions with consequences she couldn't yet foresee. But tonight belonged to dreams and whispered lines—a night where Harry's recitations from Romeo and Juliet swirled around her heart like a sweet yet potent incantation. Tonight was not about contracts or cameras. It was about understanding that what they might share could be as profound and real as any love story ever penned—an ode not written by Shakespeare but lived by two hearts daring enough to explore it.
As the hours ticked by, the city outside her window slowly transformed. The glaring neon signs dimmed to a soft glow, and the relentless honking of cars turned into a distant murmur, as if even New York herself had decided to catch her breath. In that serene quietude, amidst the gentle rustle of leaves and the occasional chirping of a late-night bird, Colette's mind kept returning to Harry—to his eyes, his voice, his surprisingly delicate touch on stage.
She tried reading a book, but the words blurred into meaningless shapes as her thoughts danced back to those moments onstage when the air between them seemed charged with an electric intensity. It was in those moments when Harry's voice would deepen just so, casting out lines like spells that wrapped around her heart, binding it inexplicably to him.
Restlessness finally got the better of Colette. With a sigh, she set aside her book and picked up her phone. Her thumb hovered over Harry's contact—for a moment she hesitated—but then, driven by an impulse she neither questioned nor understood fully, she pressed call.
The phone rang briefly before Harry's familiar voice filled the line. "Colette? Is everything alright?"
"I couldn't sleep," she confessed softly, the words feeling both foolish and necessary.
There was a pause—a thoughtful silence—and then Harry’s voice came again, quietly intense. "Come over, then. I’ve been trying to distract myself with scripts and lyrics, but it seems tonight is bent on being restless."
A small smile touched her lips; relief washed through her in gentle waves. "Give me twenty minutes?"
"Take your time," he replied with such warmth that it felt like a hug through the phone.
When Colette arrived at Harry’s apartment—a modest yet cozy space filled with stacks of books and paintings that spilled from every corner—she found him sitting on the balcony overlooking the twinkling skyline. He had two cups of tea steaming gently on a small table between them.
As she stepped out onto the balcony, he rose to greet her with an ease that belied his earlier restlessness. They didn’t speak much initially; words seemed superfluous as they sipped their tea and let the city’s nocturnal symphony envelop them.
It was only after both cups were emptied that Harry spoke again, his voice soft but clear against the backdrop of whispering winds. "You know," he began hesitantly, "tonight reminds me of our final act last week—the way Juliet looks at Romeo with such... such unguarded hope.”
"Yes," Colette whispered back, feeling that familiar pull in her chest—the inexplicable connection that seemed to thrive in shared silences and stolen glances rather than grand declarations.
"Sometimes," Harry continued, turning to face her more fully now, "I wonder whether we’re more than just actors playing parts—whether some scenes bleed into reality without us even noticing."
Colette reached out then, touching his hand lightly. "Maybe they do," she said simply. And for a long while after that, they sat there together—two figures etched against a sprawling cityscape—finding solace in each other's presence and in the quiet conviction that tonight was not merely about roles or rehearsals; it was about discovering truths hidden within lines delivered.
As the night deepened and the city's sounds ebbed into a lulling quiet, the conversation between Harry and Colette drifted from their characters' tragic romance to their own realities—careers that were as dazzling as they were demanding, personal lives constantly scrutinized by the public eye, and futures uncertain but full of potential.
"Sometimes I think about stepping away," Harry admitted, his gaze locked on the distant lights. "From the music, from the films—just to see who I am when the lights go off."
Colette nodded. The vulnerability in his voice resonated with her own unspoken fears. "It's as though we're constantly wearing masks, isn't it? Onstage or off, it's hard to tell where the character ends and where we begin."
"Yeah," he sighed. "Tonight though, being here with you—it feels real. No scripts, no audience." His eyes met hers with an intensity that sent a shiver through her.
She smiled, feeling a sense of kinship forge deeper between them. "No masks," she whispered.
They sat for a moment in silence, each lost in contemplation of the rare simplicity this evening had brought them—a stark contrast to their everyday chaos. Harry eventually stood up, stretching his arms towards the starry sky before offering his hand to her. "Come on, let’s take a walk. The night’s too beautiful to spend it all sitting down."
Reluctantly leaving their secluded spot, they wandered down quiet streets lined with barely lit cafes and closed bookstores, their steps synchronized in comfortable silence. Every so often, Harry would point out an old theater or a quaint little art gallery he’d visited during his tours. Colette listened intently, her heart swelling with an affection that was new and yet profoundly familiar.
As they turned back towards Harry's apartment, he stopped suddenly under a streetlamp’s soft glow. "I haven't felt this... peaceful in months," he confessed, looking at her with an earnestness that made her heart skip.
She reached for his hand, squeezing it gently. "Neither have I," she said. "It’s easy to forget what quiet feels like when your life is full of noise."
Harry nodded, his gaze lingering on her face as if memorizing every detail. "Do you think it's possible? To find peace amidst all the turmoil?"
"I think," she started, pausing to gather her thoughts under his attentive gaze, "it's about finding the right person to share in those quiet moments—the ones who hear the music in your silences."
A warm smile spread across Harry's face as he drew her closer. Underneath that streetlamp, amid the sleeping city and beneath an audience of stars, they found a momentary escape—not as Romeo and Juliet caught in Shakespearean tragedy nor as celebrities shadowed by fames relentless spotlight—but simply as Harry and Colette discovering solace within each other's company.
As they slowly headed back to his apartment, hands entwined with silent promises of more shared nights like this one, both understood that while their careers might pull them in different directions come morning, tonight was theirs—a night marked not by dialogues written by playwrights long gone but by honest words exchanged between two souls navigating through life’s vast stage together.
She felt the warmth of his hand in hers, the roughness of his skin against her own soft palm, sending shivers down her spine. She looked up at him, taking in the way he moved, so confident and yet so gentle at the same time. Colette couldn't help but feel safe in his presence. The sound of their footsteps echoed on the empty sidewalk, mixing with the distant hum of traffic and occasional howl of a lonesome siren. As they turned into an alleyway, she breathed in the scent of freshly baked bread from a nearby bakery, mingling with the stale smoke from a cigarette butt left behind by some passerby. The stars above twinkled like diamonds scattered across a midnight sky, their light guiding them home.
They walked hand in hand beneath the glow of the streetlamp, casting shadows on the brick wall behind them as they stepped forward. The rhythm of their stride became synced, almost like they were dancing to an unknown melody. Every now and then, Harry would point out constellations he recognized or make up stories about the ones he didn't, his voice deep and soothing like velvet caressing her ears. His laughter rang out when she teased him about his astronomical knowledge—or lack thereof—and she loved how genuine it sounded despite everything that surrounded them.
Colette paused for a moment to look at a painting on an old doorstep; it was beautifully executed yet marred by graffiti tags that told stories of love lost and hearts broken. Harry stood beside her, looking over her shoulder as if seeing it for the first time too. She noticed how his presence made even this decrepit alleyway seem somehow beautiful.
They continued walking, their steps echoing softly against the pavement as they neared Harry's apartment building. As they reached the front door, he stopped and with a flourish produced a set of keys from his jeans pocket. The metal jangled softly against each other as he unlocked it, and then they stepped inside out of the cool night air into the warmth of his cozy living room. Setting down her purse, Colette looked around at the familiar surroundings - the worn sofa, the bookshelf filled with favorite novels and framed photographs from past adventures, and the unlit fireplace waiting for winter evenings. The musty smell of old books mingled with freshly brewed coffee drifting from the kitchenette.
"Well," Harry began as he shut the door behind them, "I guess this is where our little adventure ends."
Colette's heart sank at his words but she forced a smile anyway. "Yeah... it was fun while it lasted."
"It always is," he agreed quietly, moving towards her and giving her one last hug before gently pushing her towards the door. "You should get some sleep though, early morning meeting tomorrow."
With one final wave goodnight, Colette slipped through the door and into the hallway, hearing it click shut behind her. Outside on the sidewalk, she took a deep breath of the cool night air and felt a slight shiver run down her spine as reality came crashing back in - work in the morning with its emails and deadlines and office politics. But for now, she allowed herself to linger on the memory of their night together: The taste of wine on her tongue still lingering; the soft buzz from alcohol fading; Harry's touch still lingering on her skin like tiny electric shocks. 
As Colette closed the door behind her, she could hear the familiar clicking sound filling her with a sense of finality. The night air was crisp against her skin, carrying with it a chill that sent shivers down her spine as she took in deep breaths of the city outside. Her mind was still reeling from the events of the evening; it had been an unforgettable journey into a world she never imagined existed. But alas, all good things must come to an end, and now she found herself standing on the sidewalk once more, back in reality. The neon lights from nearby stores cast an artificial glow upon the pavement as she stepped away from Harry's cozy apartment and began to walk towards home. The sound of footsteps echoed on concrete as cars honked their horns in the distance, creating a symphony of urban noise that surrounded her.
She could still feel Harry's embrace pressing against her back as if he were wrapping his arms around hers again, sending tingles up and down her spine with each step she took away from him. She could still taste the sweetness of red wine dancing on her tongue - its tartness mixing with the lingering taste of their passionate kisses as if it were a bitter-sweet symphony only they shared. She let out a soft sigh and looked up at the starry sky above; the sight always managed to calm her nerves but tonight it only served as a reminder that their time together was over.
The streets were empty save for a few late-night stragglers making their way home from parties or bars, their laughter and music fading into nothingness as Colette walked further down the block. A soft breeze rustled through trees lining the sidewalk, leaves whispering secrets only they knew while carrying with them.
Once Colette made it home she brushed her teeth and went into her cozy bed wrapped around in her favorite cotton pajamas, snuggling deep into the softness of her sheets. She reached over to her phone on the bedside table and saw Harry's name still glowing on the screen. A smile tugged at her lips as she remembered their last goodbye
As she drifted off, Colette imagines walking through Central Park once more. The crisp air rustled through trees, carrying with it the scent of autumn - earthy and musky. She could hear the sound of leaves crunching underfoot and see birds flitting from branch to branch overhead. They sat together on a bench, leaning against one another as they watched nature's greatest show for free. He held her hand closely, lacing fingers between hers as if they were always meant to be entwined like that. And then she felt a drop of rain on her nose, followed by another one on her cheek. They both laughed as they ran hand in hand towards his apartment; their shoes splashing through puddles left behind by an unexpected shower that cloud-covered sky promised earlier in the day.
Colette woke up with that same coolness brushing against her face but found herself alone in bed instead of curled up with Harry. The memory lingered like a fond dream but faded away with each blink until all that was left was reality.
Colette got ready and made her way over to the studio, today was the last day of scenes, and the scene where Romeo and Juliet meet their demise.
As she entered the bustling set, the weight of the final day pressed on her shoulders like a heavy curtain about to fall for the last time. The air was thick with a mix of excitement and melancholy, as everyone from the crew to the cast moved with a purposeful urgency, aware that this chapter was closing. Colette brushed past the props and costume racks, her mind still tangled in thoughts of Harry and the night that they had spent wrapped in each other’s company.
She found herself in front of her dressing room mirror, staring at her own reflection as she slipped into Juliet's intricate gown. Each layer of fabric seemed to wrap her tighter, not just in character but also in the realization that soon she would have to strip away this identity that had become a second skin over months of filming.
"Knock knock," came a familiar voice from the door. It was Harry, leaning against the frame with that charming smile that always seemed to disarm her.
"Hey," Colette replied, her heart skipping a beat. "Ready for the grand finale?"
"As I'll ever be," Harry said, stepping inside and helping adjust a loose strand of her hair. "It’s surreal, isn’t it? Feels like just yesterday we were stumbling through our first lines together and today we die together."
Colette nodded, feeling the corners of her eyes moisten. "I'm going to miss us—this."
Harry took her hand gently, squeezing it reassuringly. "The end of one story, Colette. Not the end of everything."
Together, they walked onto the set where the final scene awaited them—a beautifully tragic conclusion to Shakespeare’s timeless tale. The set was a somber array of shadows and light, perfectly crafting an ambiance befitting their last moment as Romeo and Juliet.
As they stepped into their marks, silence enveloped the set. The director called for quiet on set and slowly, every surrounding noise dulled into obscurity until there was nothing but the fictional world they were anchored in.
"Action!" came the resolute call.
The scene unfolded with an intensity that mirrored the raw emotions both Harry and Colette felt. They delivered their lines with a palpable passion, their voices laced with the poignant realization of both the characters' and their own impending separation. As Romeo, Harry took a vial of poison, his hands trembling slightly—a detail that added a layer of desperate realism to his performance. Colette, as Juliet, lay motionless on the stone-cold crypt, her chest rising and falling subtly, awaiting her final cue.
When it came time for Juliet to awaken, Colette's eyes fluttered open to meet Harry's gaze one last time. The sorrow in his eyes was reflected in hers; no longer just acting, they were living their characters' tragedy. As she spoke her last lines, a tear escaped down her cheek, blurring the boundary between performance and reality.
The potent mix of fiction and their personal goodbye charged through their final kiss, drawing a silent gasp from the crew around them. As Juliet drove Romeo's dagger into her chest, Colette collapsed beside Harry with a grace that spoke volumes of the artistry she had poured into her role.
For a few heartbeats after the director called "Cut!" nobody moved. The echo of their lines lingered in the air, heavy with the weight of finality. It was only when the applause broke out that Harry and Colette were pulled back from Verona to the stark reality of the studio set.
Still lying beside each other on the cold ground of the set crypt, they turned to look at each other one last time. The clapping around them faded into a distant murmur as Harry reached out to brush away another tear from Colette’s cheek.
“That was...” Harry started but seemed unable to find the right words.
“Beautiful,” Colette finished for him, her voice barely above a whisper. “And absolutely fucking heartbreaking.”
They helped each other up and took a bow to the crew whose cheers had now filled up space like light flooding into dark corners. It was over — their journey as star-crossed lovers had come to an end on screen.
Just then, the director, a tall figure with a rumpled look that spoke of endless days and sleepless nights, stepped into the circle of light. He adjusted his glasses, looking from Harry to Colette with an expression torn between admiration and the perpetual dissatisfaction of a perfectionist.
"Truly magnificent," he pronounced, though his voice carried a but that hung in the air unspoken. The crew quieted, sensing there was more to come. "However," he continued, casting a quick glance at the cameraman who nodded sheepishly, "we had a slight glitch with the lighting. One of our key lights flickered out right at the crucial moment."
A collective sigh rippled through the team, mixed with a few suppressed groans. Yet no one protested— they all knew the importance of getting it just right.
"We need to go for another take," the director declared firmly. The disappointment was palpable, but so was the resolve to perfect the art they were all crafting together.
Harry and Colette exchanged a look of weary determination. Without a word, they moved back to their starting positions beside the stone altar that served as Juliet's final resting place. 
As the crew reset their equipment, Harry glanced around at the towering set pieces that recreated Verona's gothic splendor. Artificial moonlight streamed through stained glass windows crafted from gel and plastic but beautiful nonetheless. Shadows danced along walls textured to look like ancient stone, casting eerie patterns that whispered of old secrets and timeless tragedies.
Colette smoothed her velvet gown—a rich crimson that pooled around her like spilled wine—and repositioned her hairpiece, tucking a stray lock behind her ear before she lay down once more on the cold faux-marble slab.
The props master darted forward to adjust the placement of the dagger—a replica so finely crafted it seemed as sharp as truth itself—before scurrying away as silently as he had arrived.
"Places everyone!" called the assistant director, a sprightly woman whose energy seemed inexhaustible. Her voice cut through the murmured conversations and last-minute adjustments, snapping everyone back to attention.
As silence reclaimed the set, encapsulating it in a tense bubble of anticipation, the director looked over his tableau one last time. Satisfied, he lifted his hand high then brought it down sharply.
"And... action!"
In a haunting moment, Colette delved deeper into her character, her eyes brimming with an unfathomable anguish originating not in physical torment but in the profound intertwining of loss and love. As she enacted plunging the steel through heart and bone with tragic precision, Harry’s response mirrored her intensity—his visage a masterful portrayal of despair and utter helplessness.
Silently, the cameras rolled, capturing each subtle nuance: the taut muscles beneath Juliet's delicate makeup; Romeo's trembling fingertips reaching across unseen barriers; Colette's quivering shoulders as she drew breaths heavy with sorrow. When she crumpled beside Harry once more, her descent seemed like a graceful surrender—a fragile leaf succumbing to its inevitable fall.
The seconds stretched endlessly until once again the director called out "Cut!" His voice broke through Colette’s final shuddering breaths and this time when he spoke there was no hiding his satisfaction. "Perfect," he said simply, nodding with fervor.
The applause that erupted was spontaneous and heartfelt, echoing around the cavernous studio like waves crashing against a shore. Crew members wiped away tears, caught in the emotional riptide of the scene they had just witnessed.
Harry and Colette, still entangled on the ground, finally allowed themselves a small smile—exhausted, relieved, and a little incredulous at the magic they had managed to recreate. As they stood up, their faces glistening with sweat and theatrical tears, they were enveloped in a series of eager hugs and congratulations from everyone around them.
The makeup artists hurried over with their kits ready to do touch-ups, but for a moment nobody touched Harry or Colette; it was as if their looks were sacred, perfectly capturing the essence of the poignant tragedy they had just embodied. The director approached them, clapping Harry on the back and kissing Colette on both cheeks.
"I couldn't have asked for more," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "You both brought Juliet and Romeo to life in a way I never could have envisioned when we first started this project."
Harry, catching his breath, nodded appreciatively. "It felt right," he admitted, looking down at his costume, stained with artificial blood that somehow felt all too real at that moment.
Colette brushed a tear from her cheek and laughed lightly. "I think I'm going to miss her," she confessed, referring to Juliet. "It's strange how a character can become a part of you."
As they made their way off the set, passing through the constructed archways and past the fabricated stone tombs, there was a collective sense of completion but also of loss; the world they had created was temporary, its dissolution inevitable now that the film was wrapped.
The wrap party later that evening was a lively affair held at a local venue adorned with replicas of props and costumes from the film. The mood was buoyant yet bittersweet as cast and crew mingled, sharing memories from months of hard work.
Colette found herself standing by a balcony overlooking the city lights, a glass of champagne in hand. Harry joined her soon after.
"It's going to be odd not seeing everyone tomorrow," he said, leaning against the railing beside her.
"Yeah," Colette agreed softly. "It's like saying goodbye to family."
They sipped their drinks in companionable silence for a moment before Harry spoke up again.
"What’s next for you?" he asked curiously.
Colette shrugged slightly. "A few scripts to read; maybe some time off. And you?"
"Same," Harry replied. "Though it'll be hard to top this experience."
They smiled at each other, sharing an unspoken acknowledgement of the journey they had shared. The night grew deeper around them as words gave way to shared glances and laughter from inside reached their ears—a soundtrack to endings and new beginnings alike.
“Why don’t we get out of here, go to my place for a while.” Harry said while looking over at Colette.
Colette glanced up at the stars twinkling above, considering his invitation. A gentle breeze ruffled her hair, bringing with it the distant sounds of celebration from inside. It felt like the perfect end to an intense and transformative day.
"Sounds like a plan," she replied with a smile that matched the lightness in her heart.
They excused themselves from the party, slipping away unnoticed among the throngs of well-wishers and fellow revelers. The city's streets were quiet as they walked side by side, their footsteps syncing in a comfortable rhythm.
Arriving at Harry's place, he unlocked the door and let them into his warmly lit apartment. Colette really examined the place. The space was tastefully decorated with various mementos from his travels and projects, each piece telling a story of its own. Colette wandered over to a shelf displaying several old cameras and script binders.
"This place has character," she commented, picking up a vintage camera and examining it closely.
"Thanks," Harry said as he went to fix them some drinks in the kitchen. "It's my little sanctuary away from all the chaos."
Returning with two glasses of wine, he joined her by a large window overlooking the cityscape. They talked for hours about everything—from their fears and dreams to trivial stories from set—each conversation thread drawing them closer, weaving a new layer into their friendship.
As dawn hinted at its arrival with a soft glow on the horizon, Harry poured them each another glass of wine. "To new beginnings?" he proposed, raising his glass slightly.
"To new beginnings," Colette echoed, clinking her glass against his. They sipped their wine in serene silence, watching as the city slowly came to life.
Harry's heart raced as he leaned in closer to Colette, his breath hot against her ear. "I have to do this," he whispered urgently, desperation lacing his words. Colette's eyes widened in surprise, but she nodded, giving him permission to continue. And with that, Harry pressed his lips hungrily against hers, pouring all of his pent-up desire and longing into the passionate kiss. Electricity crackled between them as their bodies molded together, fueling the intensity of their connection. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the taste of each other on their lips and the overwhelming need driving them both.
“I’ve been thinking about this since we filmed that scene.”
Colette's breath hitched at Harry’s admission. "That scene?" she inquired, her voice trembling with a heady cocktail of nerves and anticipation. He traced his thumb across the contour of her lips, nodding before reclaiming them with a renewed intensity that left no room for doubt.
"That damn scene," he murmured against the luscious curve of her mouth, his hot whispers making her shiver in response. His hands found their way to her waist, pulling her closer so she could feel every hard inch of him against the softness of her body.
Colette's heart pounded in her chest as Harry's thumb traced the contours of her lips, her eyes fluttering closed at the feeling. His hot whispers sent shivers down her spine, and she couldn't help but arch into him, seeking more contact.
"That scene," he murmured against her skin, his voice thick with desire, "made me want you even more." With that, he claimed her lips once again, his tongue diving deep into her mouth as his hands found their way up underneath her shirt. She moaned into the kiss, feeling his calloused fingertips brush against the underside of her breasts.
His touch sent electric shockwaves through her body, making every nerve ending tingle with anticipation. She whimpered softly against his mouth, clutching at his shoulders as he teased her nipples through her bra. "Harry," she gasped out between ragged breaths, her voice barely a whisper.
He pulled back slightly to look down at her flushed face. "Tell me you want this," he growled lowly, eyes dark and intense as they bore into hers. Colette swallowed hard before nodding frantically. "I do," she whispered back in a voice that shook with need.
Without further hesitation, Harry scooped Colette up into his strong arms and carried her over to the nearby bed. He set her down gently before kneeling down between her spread legs and gazing up at her with a hungry glint in his eyes. "You are so so fucking beautiful," he murmured approvingly as he ran his roughened hands up along the insides of her thighs until they reached their final destination: the lace-covered mound of between them.
Groaning lowly, Harry pressed his fingers against the damp material covering Colette's core and pushed them through the fabric to slide along her wet folds. She cried out softly as sensations she hadn't felt since that fateful day on set washed over her once again—sensations that only seemed to intensify now that they were alone together like this .
Harry's fingers slid deeper into Colette's wet folds, finding her swollen clit and circling it gently. She moaned loudly, arching her back as the sensations overwhelmed her. "You like that, don't you?" he growled, his voice thick with desire.
"Oh god yes," she whimpered, her eyes fluttering closed. "Please, Harry. I need you."
He pulled his fingers away from her core and stood up, pulling her with him. She stumbled to her feet, feeling unsteady from the intense pleasure he'd just given her. He backed her up against the wall, their bodies flush from chest to thighs. His hard cock pressed against her stomach, making her even wetter.
"You are so pretty, love.," he murmured again, his lips brushing against hers in a featherlight kiss. His hands roamed over her body, squeezing her ass cheeks and pulling them apart to reveal her tight little hole. "I want you to feel every inch of me inside you."
Colette shuddered at his words, imagining how good it would feel to be filled up by him. She reached down between them and took hold of his cock through his pants, stroking it slowly as she looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Please," she whispered again.
Harry groaned deeply and grabbed hold of her wrists, lifting them above her head and pinning them against the wall next to her head. His other hand slid down between their bodies once more, pushing aside the fabric of their clothes until he could position his cockhead at her entrance. He looked into her eyes for permission before thrusting forward powerfully into her tight heat.
She cried out in shock and pleasure as he filled her completely in one swift motion. He began to move inside her slowly at first, watching as she adjusted to his size. But soon enough he picked up speed, slamming into her over and over again with a roughness that made Colette's legs shake uncontrollably beneath him."Fuck yes!" she screamed breathlessly as he took control of their coupling completely."
She could feel every inch of him, stretching and filling her while also leaving her wanting more. His grip on her waist tightened as he picked up speed, slamming into her so hard that the bed shook beneath them.
"You like that?" he growled, his voice hoarse with lust.
"God yes!" she moaned back, arching her back to meet each of his thrusts. Her nails dug into his shoulders as she clung to him, unable to resist the overwhelming pleasure coursing through her body. He reached down between them and rubbed circles around her clit with his fingers, sending shudders of delight through her entire being.
"You're so fucking tight," he grunted, leaning down to capture one of her nipples in his mouth and sucking hard. The sensation sent electric shocks straight to her groin, making her even wetter for him. She cried out his name as he hit a particularly sensitive spot inside her, causing an explosive wave of pleasure that left her breathless.
Colette found herself begging for release as he continued to thrust into her unmercifully. "Please... I need you to cum with me!" She could feel herself getting closer and closer to the brink but didn't want it without him by her side. In response, he picked up the pace even more, driving deeper than ever before as they both neared their climaxes together.
Their bodies moved in a frantic rhythm, the sound of their heavy breathing and the soft thuds of flesh meeting flesh filling the room. Colette felt the coil of tension winding tighter and tighter within her, her entire being focused on the overwhelming sensations Harry was eliciting from her.
Just as she thought she could take no more, Harry’s movements became even more purposeful, his strokes deepening, each pushing her further towards that edge. His mouth left her nipple with a wet pop, traveling up her neck, leaving a trail of kisses until he reached her ear. His hot breath against her ear sent another shiver down her spine as he whispered, "Let go for me, love. I’ve got you."
And with those words, Colette felt the dam break. A powerful orgasm washed over her, waves of pleasure pulsating through her as she cried out his name, her body trembling uncontrollably. Harry followed soon after, his own climax overtaking him with a groan as he buried his face in her neck, his body shuddering against hers.
As they both regained their breath, Harry slowly pulled back to look at Colette, his eyes soft now with a tender glow. Gently, he pressed a kiss to her forehead before easing out of her and helping her lay down on the bed. He lay beside her, pulling her into his arms and wrapping her up in his warmth.
They lay there in silence for a moment, neither needing words to express what had just transpired between them. Finally, Colette turned to look at him, a shy smile playing on her lips. “That was…” she started but seemed lost for words.
“Everything,” Harry finished for her, smiling back. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear gently. “You were everything, my Juliet.”
Colette snuggled closer into his embrace, feeling an unfamiliar sense of peace wash over her. What had started as an undeniable attraction had blossomed into something far deeper in these moments alone together. They both knew that what was happening between them wasn’t just fleeting passion; it was something that might just redefine their understanding of connection and desire.
As the night deepened, outside the confines of their intimate world, the city's sounds blended into a distant hum, almost like a lullaby meant to soothe them in their post-climactic serenity. Harry lay there, feeling the gentle rise and fall of Colette's breathing against him, his thoughts meandering through the events that had led to this moment.
After what felt like an eternity bathed in silence and warmth, Colette stirred slightly, breaking the magical spell that had enveloped them. She lifted her head to meet his gaze, her eyes reflecting a mix of wonder and a hint of vulnerability. "Harry," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the quietude. "What does this mean for us? For tomorrow?"
Harry’s heart tightened at her words. Tomorrow. With their lives so deeply entrenched in public scrutiny and their careers always on the line, the weight of reality began to dawn on him. Yet looking into Colette's hopeful eyes, all he wanted was to delay those worries, to live in this bubble for as long as they could.
He brushed his lips against her forehead softly, choosing his words with care. "Let's not think about tomorrow yet," he murmured softly. "Tonight, it’s just you and me. No labels, no expectations. Just... us."
Colette nodded slowly, nestling back into his chest. "Just us," she echoed, allowing herself to be enveloped by the warmth of his promise.
They stayed like that for a while longer until sleep began to claim them, their bodies entwined in a quiet promise of the now with thoughts of tomorrow held at bay. 
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galedekarios · 7 months
Hello, big fan of your Gale content um I just saw this post on X that really annoyed me that was a graphic saying Gale would use 3 in 1 shampoo implying he is lazy with his hygiene and that another character was more like that and it had like 6k likes and I just wonder why everyone mischaracterizes our best wizard so much? Generic male expectations? Justice for Gale. He deserved that lavender bath.
thank you for your message and kind words! 🖤
i haven't seen the post you're referring to so i can't say too much about it, but if we talk about the general concept of hygiene and personal care, in my heart i know the following truth:
gale loves his little indulgences and that includes the finer things in life, like taking long baths, perfumes, massages, and the like.
once he feels better again and has the spoons to fully appreciate it, he would have a ridiculously elaborate 13 step self-care routine, beard oils and all of that.
(we know his year of isolation likely led to him neglecting himself, given tara's repeated lines about not eating enough, as well as gale letting his beard growing out.)
in early access, he had this dialogue with the protag, about dreaming of a nice lavender scented bath:
Gale: Time is a precious gift. With time, we may even reach Baldur's Gate, a city rife with magic, wizards, scholars, and perhaps: solutions.  Player: In that case I share your optimism. Here's to the journey ahead.  Gale: And here's to your company.  Gale: Oh, I can picture it now: academies, libraries, laboratories – the assembled knowledge of centuries that may just set us free. Better yet: soft beds, home cooked meals, and all the other little luxuries this wilderness so brashly denies us. Gods, I'd pay a king's ransom for a hot, lavender-scented bath – minstrels serenading as I close my eyes and let the water's warmth dissolve all woes. Plenty to look forward to.
this was sadly cut.
i also seem to recall another line of dialogue in early access where a companion commented on gale using a waterdhavian scent/perfume, which had woody undertones. if i can find it, i'll be sure to post about it.
but still, he still has similar lines in the full release version, like in this banter with shadowheart:
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Gale: I must tell you, Shadowheart, the bathing waters here leave much to be desired. devnote: A bit know it all Gale: The ablutions offered at the Temple of Beauty in Waterdeep are far superior. And they have the most excellent soaps. devnote: A bit know it all Shadowheart: Hmm. I was wondering why you always smelled like a wealthy dowager. devnote: Teasing
bathing waters, excellent soaps and ablutions at the temple of beauty in waterdeep. the temple of beauty is a temple to the goddess sune, the goddess of beauty and passion.
"Her temples usually held social salons and displayed mirrors for use by lay parishioners. Some of them even had public baths for the local populace. Her shrines often stood on the corner of busy city streets. They would have a small ornate overhanging roof with a mirror underneath. They were used to check one's appearance while honoring Sune with prayer. Some shrines even held perfume and cosmetic items for those who could not afford such luxuries themselves." [x]
volo's waterdeep enchiridion says this in particular about the temple of beauty in waterdeep:
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"If you need to refresh yourself during your travels, or perhaps to primp before an important meeting or a night out, visit Sune’s faithful at the Temple of Beauty. Its marbled public baths and mirrored salons are open from before dawn to after dusk. There’s no fee for these services, or for the advice and aid of the temple’s many pleasant attendants, but donations are encouraged."
there are some other banters & lines of dialogue in the same vein:
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Player: I want to be with Gale. I'm sorry. Shadowheart: Don't be. He's charming enough, well-read and well-groomed.
there are more banters and comments like this from other companions as well (including minthara, for example), so yes, i think it's safe to say that gale is not a 3-in-1 shampoo type.
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