#Corrupted Nightmare sans
howlsofbloodhounds · 3 days
sometimes out of the blue i remember the fact that murder time trio and bad sans gang isn’t at all canon, and it’s in fact actually just killer alone with his trafficker.
the most nonviolent contact he has with anyone at all is his cats. any nonviolent interaction with nightmare is steeped in yet another mind game, just a different type of game.
he doesn’t trust anyone who attempts to interact peacefully with him so much that he throws around his LV levels to attempt to make them leave him alone via intimidation and plays along if that doesn’t work, as if he doesn’t realize he can just leave the situation or remove himself from it, just waiting for it to escalate into violence.
and if it doesn’t he escalates it to violence himself and takes it as proof that thats always how it was going to end when they of course try to defend themselves against him and react with hostility to him hurting them or their loved ones.
because he’s so busy anticipating when someone is going to try to kill him or fight him or hurt him to appreciate let alone trust that anyone wont, and if they claim they won’t, then he finds it hard to believe they don’t want to. especially if they keep insisting on interacting with him even after he’s shown that he is a threat and doesn’t want to interact with them.
as if every single interaction he ever has is just eventually going to end with one person dying or hurting, and anything before that is all just an act, and he’d really appreciate it if they just stop boring him with the frivolous pointless games and get right to it—at least then it’d be more entertaining.
anyway I was thinking about the killer vs swap comics again if you couldn’t tell.
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someverygaymoth · 2 days
Love the idea of NM never falling asleep in front of the boys, and when he finally does, they're all absolutely intrigued by it. He's just asleep on the couch where he was reading a book, but they all gather round and stare like it's a rip in the fabric of space itself, lmao. Dust is shocked that he actually sleeps, Killer is commenting on how calm and cute he looks, and Horror is telling them to be quiet and leave him alone because he obviously needs the rest if he fell asleep out here...
But maybe, before they walk away, his face scrunches up, and he starts muttering. In a language none of them can identify... Which is pretty weird, with three or four languages between them all. He starts speaking more clearly, and his tendrils start thrashing, wrapping around him almost like a hug. They all get worried, and Killer is the only one dumb enough to try and wake him up. So, armed with a pillow for protection, he walks to Nightmare's side and gently rubs his shoulder, elevating into shaking him lightly, until Nightmare is blinking awake.
His tentacles lash out, and he says something harsh to them, still in some language they can't identify.
Killer: ya fell asleep boss.
Dust: we can't understand what you're saying.
Nightmare: Úbi sum?
Horror: still don't know what yer sayin.
N: ... मैं नहीं हूँ...
K: boss.
N: أنا آسف
K: لا بأس، كل شيء على ما يرام. لقد كان لديكحلم سيء.
D: uh, translate please??
K: just telling him it was a bad dream.
N: something like that...
H: what were those languages?
N: there's not a word for it in yours... It's long dead. Only one other would still speak it.
K: oh.
N: I'm sorry you had to see that.
D: don't be. Are you... Good?
N: I've been better.
H: want me ta make s'm comfort food?
N: that'd be nice...
K: yeah, we can put on some movies!
D: and make a pillow fort?
N, smiling: yes, I like that idea.
K: how many languages do you speak anyway?
N: more than you know exist, mortal.
K: right, right, my bad, your highness.
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brokenramunebottle · 2 days
When you made your version of nightmare a little too nice in his past so you gotta get him to make killer kill, cook and eat his own cat
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stellocchia · 2 days
I've already seen the take that Killer and Nightmare both contribute equally to making their relationship toxic and I'm begging people to understand that that's not a great take to have in an abuser/victim scenario. Doubly so when said victim is kept in the relationship by force and most likely didn't even wanna be there in the first place.
I also see these kinds of takes rather often when toxic relationships are involved. Usually, it's because no victim is the perfect victim so people tend to push a lot of the blame on them.
And Killer definitely is very very far from the perfect victim. He's violent, he's mentally ill (which increases the likelihood of the person falling victim to domestic violence, but people tend to see it as a scary thing. Especially for stuff that's more stigmatized like, in his case, the kinda implied DID that comes with the multiple Stages), and he can be quite the bastard when he wants to. It also doesn't help that people look at especially Stage 2 and think "Oh, he's entirely emotionless" and they don't go any further than that with that train of thought.
Anyway, my point here is that just because Killer's coping mechanisms aren't healthy or palatable for some people, that doesn't mean that he's not Nightmare's victim. Just like it doesn't mean that he wasn't Chara's or the Player's. And he's not "contributing equally to the toxicity" he's surviving. And he's taking what few Ws he can while he's at it. Creeping out Nightmare here and there doesn't put him on the same level as the guy who either straight-up kidnapped him or at the very least preyed on him when he was at his most vulnerable (literally planning on killing himself) and then continuously abused him
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analexthatexists · 2 days
hey, just... just wondering...
nightmare apparently ate the entire tree's worth of apples or something, right?
yeah uh
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mochatai · 6 months
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Have a a nightmare and his cats in these trying times
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vixpunix · 3 months
slaps a gold star on you
keep up the good work dude!! and for a request, if you can and you're not too busy because like you gotta take care of yourself <3, uhh nightmare? anyway, have a good day.
Ty!! nightmare gladly granted + a bonus
Nightmare Sans (ft. Passive & Dream)
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felt evil today
Nightmare & Dream by joku
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lenainris · 3 months
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I did that. :D Also my first time participating in a DTIYS. It was fun.
Passive Nightmare and Corrupt Nightmare belongs to Jokublog
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swiftmitsu · 3 months
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eueuheuheuh small doodle ;) totally not a hint to something im working on for the past month
wink wonk
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kevinzhechair · 3 months
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Drew this for a DTIYS by @itsxroxannex. I like how it turned out a lot
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 days
Imagine if Dream had this ring. Passive Nightmare gifted it to him way before corruption
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That’s adorable, I love it. Imagine if he had to steal it because he has no many for it and can’t make his own gifts for dream, and like maybe he paid for it later, but at least dream was happy with the gift.
{ @awa-the-skeleton }
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someverygaymoth · 1 day
Love the idea of Nightmare sleepily speaking to the boys in some ancient language, completely unaware of himself. Especially in the mornings, when he's sleep hazed and caught up in whatever dream he had. Occasionally they get lucky and it's just something like Spanish, and most of the team speaks at least a little of that, but sometimes it's some obscure dead language that none of them have any hope of decoding. Usually they just laugh a little awkwardly and start making him some coffee.
NM stubbing his toe and immediately loudly cursing in some ancient variation of Latin, not even thinking about it.
Knowing so many languages, having been there to see them borne and gone, he has to think about translation frequently. Sometimes he'll prattle off about something and get distracted, only for one of the boys to sheepishly tell him they have no clue what he's saying. It happens during meetings a lot. When he's droning on about a plan.
Sometimes he mixes up words that other languages have for English words. He'll add something completely in the wrong language to an English sentence and someone will go "boss that isn't a word. There's no way that's English." And NM has to pull out the dictionary to figure out whether he's speaking English or not.
Ohhh and a drunk NM is not a very english-capable NM. He can understand the others just fine, it's the problem of him getting out anything they can understand. He keeps switching through languages, huffing dramatically when he realizes they can't understand him again. Sometimes it doesn't even occur to him that he's saying something they can't understand. Lmao
Dream is the only person who can really understand what he's saying most of the time, but there's about a 100 year gap in Dream's language skills. Pff- NM has to be careful to use only languages known in the century Dream was gone if he doesn't want him to know something, and careful to avoid them if he wants Dream to hear his shit-talking, lmao.
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westaysilly · 6 months
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weeheehee happy birthday to my stupid silly blog!!!! i still cant believe its been a year ohh my god!!! and what better way to celebrate it w a dtiys and a redraw of my first post!!!
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^side by side comparision
more info about the dtiys + other versions of the drawing under the cut!!!
> you can change the pose/angle, change nightmare's clothes, change his expression and even add more characters!
> stolen art will not be accepted (tracing and AI "art" count as stolen artwork)
> dont change the color palette too drastically
> pleeease tag me (@westaysilly) and add the #1sillyyeardtiys hashtag so i can see your submission !!!!
> artworks submitted after the deadline will not be accepted
1st place: fully redered drawing
2nd place: colored sketch
3rd place: sketch
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^ other versions (i love messin w filters)
thank you all so much for sticking with me for so long wahaha! some of you are new to the blog, some follow me since my first post, but regardless of how long you know me i appreciate your love very very much <3 seriously means a lot to me ahaha !!
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stellocchia · 2 days
I'm thinking about Stage 3 yet again (to no one's surprise)...
Anyway, I've been thinking specifically that, with how much the fandom and, like, I'm assuming most people in their actual multiverse (including Killer's other Stages) treat it as just an animal, it'd be a big shock to hear him speak.
Personally, I don't think he'd be a big talker. A lot of that is superfluous for someone who's so in touch with its instincts. I already think Killer in general would be great at reading body language, but Stage 3 would most likely be on a league of its own.
But still, sometimes it does. Once someone has been deemed no longer a threat so eliminating them is no longer its priority.
I can imagine the first time Color heard it speak he literally just froze thinking "I didn't know it could do that".
Nightmare and Chara never heard it speak. To the very end they were convinced it couldn't. Truthfully, it just really dislikes them in particular and just wants to bite their faces off any time it sees them. (Stage 3's never-ending beef with Killer's 'owners' will forever be one of my favorite headcanons).
But the funniest thought for me as well as what sparked this whole post to begin with, was the idea that the very first person Stage 3 ever talked to was Delta. And when asked why it just grinned and went "Nobody will believe you".
It is a natural instinct for every single Stage to mess with the orange man. And Stage 3 is right. For the longest time nobody believed Delta at all. Poor guy
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elizakai · 8 months
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Careful who you pledge your soul to.
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mochatai · 8 months
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