#Corrupted Chara
clobertina · 4 months
Finally done… JEEZ lol.
Truthfully, idk how to feel about the new design… but hey at least it’s done now lol
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And at least it’s better than the original design lol
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talltale-lore · 9 months
Tw body horror
Gaster has hallucinations of Chara after the incident, each variant looks different to the other with their own sets of creepy details and attributes. This here are some concepts for his Corrupted Chara hallucination specifically… I’m not good at horror but I’m trying my best here lol
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howlsofbloodhounds · 3 months
TW: Kidnapping and involuntary servitude. Dehumanization, both of Killer and Murder (who is dehumanized by both Nightmare and Killer, despite how Killer isn’t aware of/doesn’t much care how he comes off, even if that’s not the intention.)
Hunting, predator/unwilling prey dynamics that is encouraged. Pet/master as well.
Also past hints to previous hunts, starvation as punishment, abuse.
Was thinking about how canon Murder was said to never want to willingly join Nightmare and wouldn’t have any interest in other AUs or ATs outside of his own, and I was thinking about how there’s a canonical Something New timeline where Nightmare just straight up yoinked up Killer and took him into involuntary servitude.
And then I was thinking about these two facts with a Bad Sans Gang AU, and my first thought was “flight risk Murder” and predator/prey dynamics with Murder and Killer (they’re both prey and predator bc Murder is very good at setting traps) and owner/pet dynamics with Nightmare and Killer.
Like, NM is old and ancient and spent some time away from most mortals for quite awhile and Killer didn’t really fight back or attempt to escape him as he yoinked him up, so he assumes it’ll just be the same with Murder.
Only, nope. First mission out and the guy’s making an immediate run for it. Killer has to track him down and drag him back, which presented a surprisingly good challenge because this guy is fast and light on his feet and good at thinking quickly (like Killer). He set up so many various traps or made impromptu ones, he kept Killer on his toes.
This becomes a bit of a routine (no one uses that word around Stage 2 Killer, because then it becomes something to avoid).
Nightmare sends them out, Murder tries to run if he has the energy and Determination, Killer hunts him down with something bordering on amusement and glee.
He’s never hunted another version of himself down quite like this before, and unsurprisingly this leads to moments of squabbling and vicious fighting between Murder and Killer who gets closer and closer to Stage 3 with every hunt. He’s having fun, falling into habit, the thrill of the chase.
They always both come back bloody, beaten, injured, and exhausted, Killer either carrying Murder bridal style or by the scruff of his hoodie, but Killer is uncharacteristically pleased and almost happy to be hunting someone down. (“You fell back into form easy enough, huh. Just like old times, right, partner?”)
Murder is always beyond exhausted and pissed, something bordering on realizing how powerless he actually is when compared to Nightmare (worried he might not ever be able to stop his human because he’ll never get free), and Nightmare is just…endlessly amused.
It’s like watching the cat drag in a mouse to its owner, so he will of course give Killer his well deserved praise and treats. This new behavior is something he hadn’t observed in his weapon yet, and he is admittedly curious.
You’re allowed to rest more today, eat more today. Just make sure to take care of Murder, have him up and ready for the next time. (This is what you’re supposed to do with mortals you don’t want dying on you just yet, right? It seems so tedious..maybe just this one time, just to see what happens.)
Feeling Murder’s anger at Killer, his disgust and discomfort around him (Murder’s embarrassment and humiliation at being wrangled and treated like a pet, even though Killer always takes care of his injuries well just like he does for the cats he adores so much), is like a nice side dish for Nightmare. He can feel Murder’s slowly, ever slowly, dwindling hope; and he assumes it’ll eventually be just like Killer.
That Murder will accept his place, and then will make the best of it, and they’ll all move on from this. Or maybe they’ll keep going but now both his pets will enjoy playing out in the woods or something.
But, no. Murder’s escape attempts begin losing its previous zeal. He’s just doing it because it’s habit now, and not because he thinks he’ll actually get free this time. He causally wanders off, and he spots Killer leaning against a tree like, “so..you come here often?”
He immediately turns around and goes back.
Killer is getting bored and apathetic again, Nightmare can tell. The tingle of “something new” has worn off, Murder is no longer novel. He’s boring and lame now.
But Killer knows he isn’t broken yet. Murder isn’t like him, he can see the spark of defiance and life in those dim eyes. It’s so different from what Killer sees when he dares to catch a glimpse of the reflection in the blade of his knife.
If Murder isn’t broken yet, then he’s just biding time. And Killer can’t wait to see what he does next.
(Who knows. Maybe Killer even does things to attempt to keep Murder’s hope up. Because he wouldn’t be fun if he were just like Killer.) (He doesn’t want anyone becoming like him)
(..of course things would get difficult if Killer starts thinking that Murder could genuinely start escaping him. Hunting someone down brings back memories, feelings, consequences of failure..
Stage 3 will not let this prey get away because no prey means no food means more pain means upset-angry-stomach-body. Pain to stomach and pain to head and pain to bones and soul and disappointment means becoming prey.)
(..eventually, though, it all comes to a head. Maybe Killer finally triggered into Stage 3 and kills Murder in the fight, before it can bring in the prey for observation, proof of having done well.
And maybe this is how Nightmare becomes aware of Stage 3, and is..deeply intrigued about this new side of his weapon. Perhaps this explains why Killer had been behaving oddly, outside of the thrill of something new. Perhaps this wasn’t as new for his killer as Nightmare had thought it was.
The next one they get will be more willing, somehow, someway. “I will get you another friend to play with,” he reassures his killer.)
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stellocchia · 5 days
The idea of Killer's Stage 3 being the exact opposite of Stage 4 has been bouncing around in my brain for a while.
Stage 3 is the one we know the least about in terms of canon, so I will say that my interpretation of it is just a headcanon. To me, Stage 3 takes on a protector role toward the others. Stage 3 is also the most in tune with the body's instincts. The reason why it's so violent is that, due to Something New Chara's, Something New Player's, and Nightmare's abuse, it registers everyone around it as an immediate threat to its life.
Now, Stage 4 is the end result of what Chara and the Player wanted. Completely obedient, violent, and something entirely separate from Sans (though that last one is not entirely correct, all three of them are convinced of it). It is almost entirely detached from its instincts. It only acts based on the orders it has been given by whoever it recognizes as its owner. It's so violent exclusively because that's how it was conditioned to be by its owners.
Already from that, it's obvious that they're diametrically opposed, but to me, the most interesting facet of it is their relationship with those they consider to have a certain level of authority over them.
Stage 3 is full of spite and rage and will maul whoever has authority over it. And that's not because it's a beast incapable of thinking or anything of the sort. It's because, out of all the Stages, Stage 3 is the only one who is not in denial about the abuse they suffered. Stage 3 recognizes that those with authority over them have always misused that authority to hurt them all. And it sees no point in downplaying that like Stage 1 or 2 would, either out of fear and self-loathing (I have no doubt that Stage 1 often feels as if he deserved all of that) or out of a dislike of being perceived as weak.
For Stage 3, all the issues are external and should be dealt with appropriately.
Stage 4 is full of reverence for those above it. They're the closest thing to a God it will ever worship. This too is a defence mechanism. It helps keep it detached from itself, as everything that would usually cross its moral boundaries and cause it guilt can be reasoned away to be the will of the Players and the will of the Owners (those two are distinct categories as the Players are above the Owners in importance and power). They're beings of unfathomable power with control over the very fabric of existence, so of course displeasing them would be unthinkable, let alone defying them.
Stage 4 is trapped thinking that, wherever it goes, the Players will follow and watch its every move. It is never free and, therefore, can never step out of line.
If they could interact with each other I don't know how it would end, but Stage 4's mind would be blown by the fact that Stage 3 has never actually been punished for its defiant behavior...
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passive-nightmaresans · 2 months
AU AU AU!!!!!! >:D
Multiverse where it's in some type nuclear explosion then they all live in the aftermath. Ink may or may not have taken part in the explosion and has been missing since. First big change I have is basically you can freely leave and enter any au and most aus are empty and have been raided for any supplies left. Bad guys first because they're my favorite. Horror went back to his au and has been missing ever since. Dust has gone solo and doing surprising good but I wouldn't approach him as he's now being feral honestly lol. Killer who in this au had been swapped so instead of Killer it's Chara and now instead of Chara being a ghost it's Killer! But the same pitch black drippy eyes and soul thingy stay the same (and their design is different but idk how yet lol-) but they still work with Nightmare. And Nightmare who is slightly in his passive form. Almost half his skull is broken from the apple incident and negativity drips from it a lot and quite often. He still has his tendrils but they are weak and goopy and often drip. The corruption is barely there and the only thing keeping him alive currently so he cannot experience positive emotions because positivity = no corruption and no corruption = death. So he mostly relies on Killer/Chara to do his dirty work still while Chara treats him like the old grandpa he is. And I'll figure out the stars and Error later because this is already so long
You like friends??????? I might not post a lot today so I hope this'll keep you entertained!! Hehehehe this is still just a rough draft of the concept plus I just really wanted to do Killer/Chara and Nightmare! Create theories on how the explosion happened >:3
Part 2 <-
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by Saeed Farhangian
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makotafi · 3 months
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A little wip
Idk how to feel about this[aka I don't like it lol] so I'm throwing it to the Tumblr void lol
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zomthezom · 11 months
I deeply respect those whom consider the Bad Sanses the following:
Nightmare, Murder(canon), Killer, and Horror.
People who put cross in are slightly less respected but it may be forgivable. People who put Error in though…
Error is a NEUTRAL UNIT. He destroys universe. He’s ABOVE all these other anomalies and their idiotic teams. He is chaotic neutral but also on the lawful evil side. He doesn’t have the time to join a team when he could just be destroying things. He’s that one kid that would rather break peoples sandcastles and lego sets rather than play twister.
Cross only joined to get his AU back. He was desperate. Nightmare sensed this desperation and negativity, and grabbed it and took advantage. The underverse XEvent was broken. Even more broken than 0.7 part two Cross. The ONLY way Cross would remain in the bad sanses is if the events of 0.4 occurred differently, and stayed with XChara. He would have left soon after either way, as his ulterior motive is to regain his timeline and in season two to defeat XGaster.
this isn’t a hate post it’s just my reasoning why the ‘murder time trio’ are the only servants under nightmare.
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anotherrosesthatfell · 2 months
I still haven't write children of sinners, I need to write this two first 💀
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✦➳ Destiny of sun descendant
✧➳ sins of the Virtues
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This, is my take on (Pacifist route, never murdered anyone) Frisk, or at least my take on them as a teenager.
They're nonbinary (AFAB), Filipino, they don’t remember their true last name (Bulalacao) due to traumatic memory loss, so they comically like to only go by as just 'Frisk' even if they're adopted by Toriel and Asgore.
I basically created their personality from the narration of their actions in the Pacifist Route and ended up with a very goofy, flirty, weird kid with a heart of gold. (Think also of Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket, except they can't cook!)
After using this version of them all through out my fanfics and fanart, I early on realized that I really love them but also realized that they also falsely became 'cannon' in my head, and it unfortunately sometimes makes running into other fan's interpretations of Frisk difficult for me to get used to if they're too different from mine (it's bad, I know, I've been hiding in my AU corner for too long!)
But don't worry, I made that realization a long time ago and fully recognize my version of Frisk is basically an OC, and so are everyone else's interpretations, it's what makes all these Undertale and Deltarune alternate universes so fun.
I remember the first moment I had experiencing a vastly different Frisk than mine was years ago when I saw a bushy bearded masculine Frisk and I was like ":O??!!!"
But yeah, I'm much better about it now and fully accept all the different Frisks.
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qqivvee · 1 year
Хеей! Вы помните, что Хгастер из Террарии? Это точно не я придумала переиграв в Террарию и пересморев Андерверс !
Ayo? Do y'all remember that Xgaster is from Terraria? And this is defenetly not made up by me, after playing too much Terraria and watching Underverse!
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Давайте притворимся, что Чара и Фриск никогда не видели других ау и не знают что фиолетовый только Икстейл . Помоему тут все понятно и без перевода так что я не стала делать второй вариант на англ.
Кстати ,все персонажи нарисованы по памяти если что
Это комикс за одно тренировка упрощённого стиля , который в 100 раз легче, привыкайте лол
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clobertina · 3 months
Done. “Goodbye to a World”
Btw, the thing behind them is a symbolic broken halo
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Version without some of the blur
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The drawing is based specifically on this slower version of the song:
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talltale-lore · 7 months
Both Frisk and Chara narratively are supposed to parallel eachother, making the final battle more impactful for the characters.
Throughout the Pacifist route Frisk (along with everything else they learn through their character development) will very slowly realize how similar both they and Chara are to eachother (not to mention how the route affects Chara as well) Only in CC’s Final Form’s battle does the full realization hit Frisk… and it hits them hard.
In the end, Frisk becomes the first person to be able to truly understand/empathize with Chara and all the mental turmoil they’ve been going through for such a long time… Because Frisk themselves knew what it was like... They knew what it was like to be failed by everyone, to have a voice in your head dictating your every move, to become bitter and cold, to be mistreated, to feel like a mistake, to want everyone to hurt like you have because of everything… This is ultimately what ends up saving Chara during their battle in Pacifist. By the time Frisk enters Chara’s battle, Frisk saves Chara because they WANT to, not because they have to… reassuring Chara that they aren’t alone or a lost cause and that it isn’t too late for them to change and to be happy… Like how it wasn’t too late for Frisk.
Through this empathy, Frisk as able to open Chara’s eyes up to the truth… the truth that their family did indeed love them and would never abandon them.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 3 months
I like to think st2 Killer has a huge staring problem, especially if someone catches his attention or he finds something about that person fascinating.
And he’ll just watch them, wide unblinking eyes and frozen grin and all, tilting his head to the side at most like he’s drawn doing in his canon. His grin is a little less sharp when he’s just watching and observing and not really planning to do too much with what he sees and learns. Those rare moments when having his interest doesn’t have the chance of being something aggravating, painful, or otherwise dangerous.
I like to think he imitates people he finds interesting and at least somewhat respects, Chara, Nightmare, Color. Picks up their habits and attempts to mirror them. He learns a lot by observation, including how to appear more like a person.
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in3rdy · 1 year
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passive-nightmaresans · 2 months
Here's some sketches for the au! (Fun fact Nightmare's vision is awful!)
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He refuses to wear glasses so here's him with a monocle lol- and don't mind my awful handwriting it's hard to write digitally-
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