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thelastd0mino · 26 days ago
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fox and the corries for @sillywizardvoice !!
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coalmonger · 10 months ago
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Fox: Um.. Whatcha got there?
Thorn: Rations
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omaano · 4 months ago
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Thorn is completely fine - hugs and kisses are the ultimate magic cure for all injuries.
I'm already working on something for J3 with a more Mandalorian flavor, so I took a different pose with a similar spirit B1). I hope you don't mind @wolviecat ^^
Polyamorous/platonic poses
and the other drawings I’ve made for them
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motherofoompaloompas · 3 months ago
The idea of people finding out angsty Fox stuff and the GAR is horrified, but the Corrie’s are just like, “insane lore drop, sir”
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stealthetrees · 10 months ago
So this is more of an AU of the fandom AU where the Coruscant Guard live in a shitty run down building that’s falling apart. But Commander Fox finds this unacceptable so he clears out a warehouse used for storage and builds a shiny new headquarters. The original building they fix up, but only the lobby, a couple offices, and the med bay so troopers on senate duty can stay there due to its proximity to the senate building. Their new building they can go nuts with, adding all sorts of stuff that they arnt allowed to have.
An entire room is filled with tv monitors so they can slice into security cameras around the planet and see everything. They get a nice rec room, an area for the engineers to play around with ideas, even an office for the medics to make you talk about your feelings. A server room is dedicated solely to storing and orgonizing blackmail collected on pretty much everyone worth mentioning on Coruscant.
But after one secret building, what’s another? Areas of strategic importance are carefully chosen and a new headquarters is established nearby. They are each given code names. The original building is still Headquarters, the new main building is the Barracks. The Office is where they run intelligence and investigations from. IT Department is next to the industrial district. The Kennals are much lower than some of their other buildings, a small station set up to monitor the rancor infestation (Thorn moves down there to become a cowboy after he “dies” on Scipio). The Lobby is set in the lower civilian levels as a way to help the people who arnt rich enough to bribe politicians into getting what they want. The Med Bay started as just somewhere for big surgeries, physical therapy and prosthetics, but which the “generous donations” they acquire it grows into a hospital for civilians as well, completely free, and they start hiring nat born doctors, surgeons and nurses while paying them well and proving a great work environment. Adding a therapist office helped a lot of troopers as well.
The system takes a long time to build and works perfectly. Until Fox figures out Palpatine is a Sith. It’s not actually world shattering news, but it does give him a panic attack after realizing Palpatine though Fox already knew, because he had threatened the chancellor with a slug thrower instead of a blaster. Through questions to his batch mates with Jedi generals he learns that Sith can influence people’s minds and decides that in order for the clone rights bill to pass Palpatine needs to die.
And die he does. The rest of the conservative senators are swayed by a mix of blackmail, bribes, and bomb threats. The bill does pass, and most of them are instantly arrested for sentient rights violations, assault, and various other crimes because government property can’t serve as a witness in a civilian court of law.
The timing of all this could not be worse, as two of Fox’s batch mates where on planet, Cody and Wolffe, and they loved to stick their noses in his business. Which means when a lot of Corries are injured in the fight with the senate guards and private security while trying to make arrests, Cody and Wolffe help get them back to Headquarters, because it’s much closer than the Barracks. But Headquarters has a very small med bay because so few troopers use it. So they are over crowded and run out of bacta.
Also Cody gets turned around in the hallway and discovers how bad the rest of the building is. So Fox has a choice to make. He grabs Cody and Wolffe and drags them outside and back to the GAR barracks while texting Thire and telling him he has an hour and a half to make Headquarters look lived in. Then Fox opens a one way comm line with every Corrie so they can keep the story straight as he answers his brothers questions.
Fox commits to the bit so hard they believe the Guard is suffering horribly from abuse and budget cuts while in reality they just steal money from what ever rich person they have the freshest blackmail from. He could just tell them all the illegal things he’s been up to, but Fox would rather die than tell someone more than they needed to know.
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anstarwar · 2 years ago
Meanwhile at 79s…
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…Fox is making friends…
sorry for posting so much this week, I’ve been on “staycation” and had a spike of drawing energy
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cc-tens · 4 months ago
Explaining my specific hyperfixation to my friends that barely know anything about Star Wars or The Clone Wars is so embarrassing cause I'll be like
"So the Coruscant Guard are extremely tragic characters no matter how you spin them. Some people view them as emotionless, callous puppets of the Senate, forsaking their bonds of brotherhood with those who are fighting and dying on the front lines and instead heeding the beck and call of those who puppeteer the war. Some people believe that they are the "perfect" example of Kaminoan engineering, as they're the perfect soldiers willing to risk life and limb for the overall safety of the Republic with little thought of themselves or anyone else. Other people like myself view them as extremely tragic in the sense of them being examples of people scraping by, not the ones forsaking their brothers on the other side but are instead the ones who are forsaken by them. They scrape by for food and supplies, living in a hostile environment with people who view them as nothing more than government property; and yet they're the ones seen as safe and secure and a division ripples through the GAR who cannot see their brothers suffering not behind enemy lines but behind allied lines. How they must balance duty with also the oath of loyalty and love sworn by Clones as is coded in their very DNA; and yet they must march on, they must make the killing shots and the hard decisions and it is orchestrated all by those who have power over them and all that we know and yet they're the blame. No matter what they are they are tools."
And my friends are like "wow, they sound cool, can you show me the things that make people think this way about them?" And I have to say "no sorry, they have like 15 speaking lines and 30 minutes of screen time and this is all made up."
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cats-and-reclaiming-my-life · 7 months ago
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Such a clever smirk, Commander…
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muyru-iru · 7 months ago
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Smol little fox on action!
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crashlanding-skywalker · 9 months ago
[The command batch chilling after a training session]
Rex: I wish I could control wasps and bees to sting my enemies.
Wolffe: Arent you too young to have enemies?
Rex: You don’t even know.
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gars-weaponeer · 2 months ago
Incorrect Clone Wars quote #6
Stone: Commander Fox only receives orders from the Chancellor and The Maker.
Thorn: ... and we are not sure he listens to Palpatine.
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coalmonger · 5 months ago
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Thire: Why is this one so fat?
Thorn: He's just well loved
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leenathegreengirl · 4 months ago
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Commander Fox, as requested by @bad4amficideas 🥰💚💕
(Thank you so much for commissioning me!!💚💕)
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stealthetrees · 11 months ago
Commander Fox has so much Big Brother energy he would do anything that could be cool and all the shines try to copy him. He puts five shots of expresso and and two shots of vodka in his caff and several troopers end up in the med bay with heart palpitations. He jumps off a roof and they all try parkour. He lies to a senator and now they’re all lying to politicians.
Fox is a horrible influence but he’s just such a cool guy to look up to. Shines follow him around like ducklings. On Coruscant you are no longer considered a shiny when you try to bully Fox into taking better care of himself.
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tesalicious2 · 9 months ago
We need more of the Commanders do the Coruscant Guard corrupting the shinies.
They Shinies come in with expectations which are quickly shattered. They’re sad and scared so their big brothers come in and help them live in the hell hole of Coruscant.
So what if they blackmail and embezzle money? They get fluffy pillows and blankets.
Oh, the commanders have the Hutts and bounty hunters in their pockets? Well, prove it.
These shinies love and adore their big brothers. They aren’t afraid to stand up to anyone for them, be it captain, ARC, Alpha, or General
Brought to you by the song ‘Evil like me’ from Descendants
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