#if they look innocent enough for long enough
councilofcastamere · 3 days
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a b r i d g e m e n t : With tensions rising, your elder half-sister Rhaenyra arranges for you to seek asylum in the freezing land of the North. And fortunately for you, Cregan is there to show you how Northmen operate.
TW: penetration, loss of virginity, breeding kink, mentions gender roles but in a sexy way, sexual tension, sibling jealousy, childhood neglect, mentions of death by birth, shitty character development
A/N: I know the girly portrayed is Visenya but her body is tea in this so maybe I do know best…
The second daughter. The oh-so passed over maiden. Not belonging to anything, nor belonging to nothing. Not the first, and not the last. An ever enduring memory to a passed over era. Nothing significant. Never anything significant.
That’s what you were. Insignificance. A beautiful insignificance, if you could see beauty in tragedy. Beauty in all the ways of life. All the little horrible things that make up a big, beautiful, picture. People shan’t look close, you’d assure yourself.
But you were you. Born to the everlasting way of royal life. To the peaceful Viserys, and his second wife, a woman whose name is not all that important. Another maiden from a noble house that perished to childbirth. Lost her life, giving life.
And as it did not to many maidens, the Gods did not grant you the chance to grow up with your mother. The blood that dripped down her thighs had covered you from head to toe as you came into existence, and she had naught of you in her arms before a deep and long slumber overcame her. The stranger had come for her, and he did not slow down on its way. He’d taken her as quick as she’d given you to the world. A quick exchange, you’d suppose.
Now and then you think about her. What she might have looked like, what she might have liked, what she might have been had she survived the wretched burden of your existence. You’d often wonder if infants who survived childbirth ever felt as deep a burden as she did. To have your very first breath of life tainted with the death of an innocent. Tainted with tragedy.
Growing up in King’s Landing hadn’t been all that as it sounded. You’d never really been that happy, as ungracious as it sounded.
You had an older sister - Rhaenyra - who’d occasionally humoured you. You’d never seen much of her, really. Perhaps it was your own fault as well. For not actively seeking her out. For not being the younger sister one was supposed to be. Some people - as close to you as they may be - are just unattainable in your mind. Your kin aren’t your kin until you allow it.
You have better companions than her, you figured. You had your lady-in-waitings. Lady Vievenne of house Swann. Lady Laycie of house Oldflowers. Lady Claere of house Ambrose. Lady Evelyne of house Hightower, who was, by all accounts, a gift from your newest stepmother, Alicent of the house Hightower.
What you also had was younger siblings. Such as Aegon. Though he is naught but a skirt enthusiast, swimming along the sea of young maidens at his whim. But he cares not whether they are, does he?
And oh, do not get yourself started on the one-eyed prince and that smug little smile on his sharp-featured face. Nonetheless, he was gentle. Oh so gentle with his touch. And oh so sinister in the way that made you feel important enough to be in his good graces.
However, you chose to distance yourself from all parties involved as fate made it clear what it had in store. A great slap to the great Targaryen dynasty. A dark cloud looming over the already curse-clad clan.
For even you knew that the only thing that could tear down the House of the Dragon, was itself.
“Sister.” you greeted one late evening, having taken flight to Dragonstone on your she-dragon, Starfyre. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”
“…y/n.” the elder sister called out, a small smile on her lips. “I… am glad for your visit.”
“…I’m certain you are,” you say, trying with all your might to contain a frown.
You eyed her awkwardly as she wiped her sweaty hands off her dress, letting out a sigh as the elder royal wasn’t quite certain how to approach the topic.
“I… understand… things quite haven’t been… that active, in our kinship,” Rhaenyra speaks up, taking a step closer. “And for that, I apologise.”
You could only nod, a small smile gracing your lips at the heartwarming confession of absent love.
“I apologise, also.” you smiled, your hands finding each other behind your back. “I suppose I should have been the one to seek your company and counsel as well.”
“Good.” Rhaenyra smiled awkwardly, a silence engulfing the echo-ridden chambers. “The reason, as to why I called you, might be surprising.”
You froze slightly, heart pounding as the possibilities of implications travelled through your mind. The goosebumps on your arms grew more prominent as a cold breeze passed through.
“Oh?” you answered, cocking a brow. “And what might that be, sister?”
“I ask of you to travel to the North,” Rhaenyra admits, a tone of seriousness overshadowing the warm moment. “I have already sent a raven to Lord Cregan Stark, and he has agreed to host you. If it pleases you, of course.”
No answer came out of your lips, save for your a mere breath. You felt a pang in your heart, consuming your every emotion, making certain you cannot detect how you feel about the news.
A dragon in the north? What a jest. You’d do better in Dorne, surrounded by sun-kissed squires and stable boys than laddish lordlings and Northern butchers.
“And… why should I?” you asked, respect in your tone. “Pardon me, my sister, but why have you made this decision for me?”
“Tensions are rising, y/n. You know that as well as I do.” Rhaenyra sighs, her body language giving up on its tense posture. “And I am aware of your… complex feelings on it. But to the North you must. I’m sending Rhaena to the Va-”
“Yes, because Rhaena gets to be hosted by a relative of yours, in safety. Meanwhile you sent me off to some Northern stranger!”
“Y/n.” Rhaenyra warned, raising a brow. She took a step closer as you composed your words. “You are my sister, and I will have you safe in the North. The Northmen are honourable men, and in time you’ll know.”
And so you were, clad in thick fur, lady Vivenne and lady Evelyne at both sides of yourself. Across from you sat three servants, and somewhere else sat your sworn shield.
“It will be splendid.” Evelyne beamed, properly adjusting her hair, tied up in a bun, similar to the ones the older maidens wear. “We shall meet every dusk, and speak about our day. In front of the fire.”
“Not if I can help it.” you sighed softly. “Apologies, my ladies, but I’ll let you two get at it. I’d love to explore the North in solitude.”
“Right…” Vivenne nodded, looking through the small peep holes as the carriage slowed down, just outside the gates of Winterfell. “We’ve arrived, I suppose. You’ll have to greet Lord Stark. If he’s anything we’ve heard of and more, I wish you luck.”
You only nodded, watching as your ladies exited the carriage, standing at the side of the door. Their faces are cast down, as if in mourning. Perhaps they’re mourning the life of luxury provided at King’s Landing.
You could not blame them for it, really. From growing up in their own house, to growing up in the Royal house, to trade it again to live to see the snowy winters of Winterfell.
You shook slightly, the cold air hitting your face in an instant as you slightly lifted your dress, taking a step out of the three provided for the carriage.
You looked ahead of you, eyes locking on the noblemen and women, standing straight and proud. The women bore clothes of low quality, so obviously sewn to fit any class. The men wore dark furs, contrasting to the blue clothing of the opposite sex.
And in the midst of it, stood Cregan Stark, accompanied by a mere little boy of just two years of age. Your eyes locked upon his stormy-grey ones, his face etched into a stern expression, eyes focused on yours.
You maintained the eye contact, taking each step closer to him.
“Princess Y/N.” Cregan greeted formally, taking your soft hand in his. “Welcome to Winterfell. I am Lord Cregan Stark.”
“Thank you, Lord Stark.” you smile, curtsying in a fashionable manner. Your eyes stood glued on his as his lips brushed against the palm of your hand. “I’m truly honoured to be here.”
“…I’m certain you are.” Cregan answered, eyeing you skeptically.
Hearing false compliments wasn’t out of the ordinary for the wolf of Winterfell. He knew well enough that you weren’t suited for the North. You were a Southern lady, used to the life of feasts, luxury, and sparkly dresses.
“Let us go inside, shall we?” you smiled charmingly, looking up at the tall castle with dread in your eyes.
“Aye, so we shall.” Cregan nodded, his broad shoulders most notable as he sauntered into the opened gates.
The first night went unfamiliar to you, the harsh blows of the cold weather creating a prominent presence looming over the already melancholic times.
You sat in your chambers, sitting at the stony window sill as you watched Cregan from above.
The lord was overlooking young squires on the courtyard, engaged in conversation with the knight in charge of guiding the young to-be-knights.
All dressed in fur, shoulders looking as if they were padded. Cregan’s hair was tied up, with two front strands escaping and hanging loose. His grey-blue eyes stood glued at watching the young squire’s techniques, and you could only sigh as you got lost in his appearance.
Ever since stepping foot into the North of Westeros, you’d developed a strange sense of interest in the beauty of Northern men. How they all dressed so grimly, but intimidating. How they’re oh-so honourable and hard working. How they always seemed so clean shaven but rugged all at once.
And you could not help but wonder what it would be like had you wedded one of them.
Being completely honest, you’d never really been the sort of maiden to stay inside of her chambers, waiting for her husband to return from his duty, deprived of affection.
With any Southern lord, being a doting unappreciated wife would never cross your mind.
But with Northern men, however, you had the feeling your efforts wouldn’t go unnoticed.
Before you could continue your vulgarly confusing thoughts, you saw Cregan’s eyes shift to yours, finding your gaze.
You could only lean against the window, a hand on the stony side as you gazed back at him. Your hair was loose, and you were dressed in your creamy beige nightdress.
You held his gaze for a moment, until ultimately turning away, leaving the implications of that gaze to his imagination.
By the third day, you’d been reading in the old library belonging to House Stark. You’d sat on a plush seat, the dusty book on your lap as your gentle fingers flipped through the pages.
But you weren’t alone.
Cregan Stark sat near you, his knees in almost touching proximity to yours.
“Aye, the North is cold, but it’s honest.” he tells you, gently shutting his own book. “The snow doesn’t lie about its intention. No courtly games like they play in the South.”
“Oh, please.” you smiled, shutting your book as well. your body shifted so it was facing his, resting your head on one hand. “The courtly games are what makes it so fun.”
“Now, riddle me this.” You smiled, noting his full attention on you. His body language exuded calmness, and you felt secure in the knowledge that his comfort lies with you. “How do you not like courtly games? Personally, it makes my life all the more amusing.”
“I suppose it’s all jesting for you, princess.” Cregan said, his eyes resting on yours. “Amusement or not, I’d rather know where I stand…”
“With you, however…” His eyes trailed down to your bare shoulder, the white nightdress you’re wearing very much a sight of sore eyes. “I think I know.”
“Oh, do you?” you teased, cocking a brow. “And how so, pray tell?”
“Well…” he grunted, shifting in his seat to tighten the proximity around you two. “You’d do well not to cross any Northern man. They don’t take well to… courtly games.”
You only smiled at that, your upper body instinctively leaning in, albeit torturously slow.
“And, uh, suppose I… marry a Northern lord.” you teased quite coquettishly, a hand moving to rest on the thick fur coating his body. “What am I in for.”
You watched as his smirk only widened, gently taking the hand that rested on his fur, and taking it in his.
“Marry a Northern lord like me, and have your nights warmed under the thick fur of blankets.” he says, his thumb rubbing against your knuckles. “Northern loyalty runs deep, princess. That’s what you’d be in for.”
You nodded slowly, and you could not help but notice those coloured eyes of his descending onto your perky breasts.
Great, this was all going well so far. “I’d imagine… do you think he’d gift me a pup? I’ve always wanted a tiny pet, to keep.”
“Yeah?” The lord licked his lips, a hand resting on your waist. “You think you’d handle a wolf properly?”
“Well, I would.” you smiled, nodding in agreement. “I’m a dragon… and dragons do not surrender that easily.”
You smiled, shifting in your seat again as Cregan amusedly indulged you in your silly thoughts. “Just imagine it, my lord. I’d be holding that pup every night trying to get it to warm to me.”
Your hand slowly, but surely, trickled down to his clothed thigh, trying to maintain a sense of quiet intimacy.
“You’ll have your work cut out for you, then.” his voice lowered, bordering on husky. “Wolves aren’t so easily tamed, not even by someone with…”
He paused for a moment, a hand gently taking the one you placed on his thigh.
“…your charms.”
You’d have a cheeky comeback on the tip of your tongue, had it not been for Cregan’s lips descending upon yours, clashing together like Blackwoods and Brackens.
You let out a soft breath as you eased into the kiss, feeling his large hands grip your waists as if his life depended on it.
Your hands moved from his shoulders, to his neck, and then to his armoured chest. The armour he carried felt cold to your hands, yet it made it all the more sinful.
“Did you have this in mind?” you murmured against his lips, tongue circling his as you so sloppily attempted to kiss him. “Seducing me?”
The silence engulfed you two for a moment, only being overshadowed by the sound of soft breaths.
“You have it wrong, princess.” he breathed, firmly planting you upon his lap, your back pressing against his chest. “Do you take me for a halfwit?”
You smiled, looking over your shoulder as you attempted to chase his lips with yours again.
“No, but I certainly did not take you for a man so easily seduced.” you teased, guiding his hands to your clothed breasts. “You don’t seem the type to give in that easily.”
“Because it’s untrue.” he spoke up, lips brushing to against your neck. “But do you honestly think nothing would be done about the way you saunter around, looking as you do?”
His hands slowly tugged against your nightdress, pressing a hard kiss to your achy jaw before pulling away.
“Lay yourself down on the carpet.” he commanded, hands shifting to peel off his fur coat, along with his armour and tunic.
All you could do was nod and watch on as his armour went discarded on the floor, the metal material cranking against the stone ground.
His bare chest was now visible, the defining abs illuminated by the glowing fire. His hair messed up when he threw his tunic over his head.
“Cregan, I-"
And in one moment, you felt his large body overshadow yours, clashing lips again. Cregan lifted his body as to not crush you, hands on either side of your head.
You only permitted yourself to breathe unevenly, stead of moan. Your hands found his shoulders, desiring to pull him closer than possible.
“Ever since you’ve arrived you’d been nothing but trouble.” Cregan murmured, lips finding your throat. “Sauntering around with your ladies, endlessly teasing me.”
Your legs only shifted to wrap around his waist, back slowly arching at the kisses.
He took notice, and let one of his hands pin you down, lips descending towards your perky breasts.
“Gods, you’re wrong for this.” he grunted, swirling his tongue around the nipple. “For provoking me, as you did yesterday, and the day before that.”
“For thinking you have the authority to do this to a lord.” he breathed, your small breast fitting into his large palm.
“For…” he continued, kissing down your stomach, before ultimately glancing back at you “…thinking you’d get away with this.”
“I did not think I’d get away with this.” you tease, watching as he moves face-to-face again. “Which is why I did it.”
Your hands find his muscled arms, squeezing it gently. “I want to know how Northern men do it.”
You’d think you were jesting, but were you truly?
You’d have opened your mouth to say anything else, looking up at him, if it weren’t for the Northern lord himself roughly flipping you to your stomach.
“You wish to know, my princess?” he murmurs, unlatching his breeches. “You’d have your first time be with a Northman?”
You nodded, cheek resting on the carpet fabric without surrender. “Yes. Gods yes.”
He hiked your skirt around your waist, your plump ass visible to his peering eyes.
“You’ll be ruined for other men, aye.” He grunted, his hand wrapping around his rock hard cock.
“That’s good, because I desire no one save you.” you smiled, allowing him to lift your hips up and arch your back.
“Yeah?” he smirked, the tip of his cock rubbing against your damp hole. “You’ll have me make you my wife?”
You nodded, impatiently moving your hips. “I wouldn’t be opposed to it.”
“You’d be a good wife, wouldn’t you?” he grunted once again, head finally pushing into your unloosened clit. “No Southern games, no poignant looks of yours.”
“You like that about me.” you painfully breathed, feeling the uncomfortable ache of his cock in your newly penetrated cunt.
His head descended, placing gentle kisses upon your shoulders. “A maiden. Perhaps you aren’t as well-equipped to handle a wolf as you said you were.”
“I am.” you protested, pushing your hips back. “Move your hips. I wish to prove myself.”
He only speeded up his thrusts, and as you allowed the moans to fill your lips, his hands found a way to push your head down.
“You’d carry my pups?” he asked, thrusting into you aggressively, pumping his cock in and out. “Wait on my cock every night?”
You only moaned incredulously, asscheeks clapping along with every snap of his hips.
“Yes.” you breathed, gasp and claps filling the room. “Fuck, put a babe inside of me. I want your children.”
“We’ll have to wed sooner, before the babe gets born in wedlock.” he grunted, hands gripping your hips, pushing you back onto his thick length. “But that’s what you wanted all along, was it?”
You gripped the fabric of the carpet, cheeks burning as it rubbed against the irritating carpet.
“For a thick cock such as this.” he teased, tugging at your hair.
“Yes.” you moaned pathetically, cheeks flushed as you felt a knot forming into your stomach.
Your lips parted, your eyes rolling above-ways.
“Yes, yes!” you moaned loudly, feeling his hands grope your breasts. “Fuck, you’re moving fast.”
“Never fast enough.” he murmurs, member sliding against your wet slit.
He could feel your tight walls clenching around him, milking his cock for all it is worth. His grip on you tightened as he thrust down to meet your upward motion.
And with one sharp thrusts, you felt the knot loosen and the cream dripping out your twitching clit.
Yet, he didn’t stop, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he rode you through your orgasm.
The feeling of your walls clenching around his cock was enough to send him reeling as well, burying himself deep inside of you.
Hot spurts of cum dripping out of your hole, you completely got yourself spent, closing your eyes and deciding you could just fall asleep on this carpet.
“No sleeping in the library.” he scolded lightly, putting on his fur coat, covering his naked physique. “Come here.”
You exhaustedly crawled over to him again, and snuck yourself into his coat, the clothing covering both of your naked bodies.
“I’m taking you to your chambers.” he sighs, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. “And for the next time, do not attempt to get so exhausted. I went easy on you this time.”
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emmyrosee · 1 day
Im begging for some Akaashi moments PLEASEE😭😭😨😭
“Okay, keiji, pay attention.”
“Why are my keys-“
Immediately, Keiji closes his mouth, looking at you curiously, blue eyes flicking between you and the three clear cups before him on the table. Under the left cup, are his car keys, trapped under the glass. The small cat keychain you got him smiles back innocently up at him, and he makes a move to open the cup and free the tiny friend from its confines. You gently bat his hand to still his movements, which he does. “Okay. Keep going,” he says patiently.
“Under these three cups, are your car keys,” you begin to explain, and instinctively, keiji’s eyes flick to the cup containing his keys; he says nothing, waiting for you to continue to explain. “I’m going to turn around, and when I do, I want you to mix up the cups a bunch of times. If I can find the cup with your keys under it, we go get a sweet treat.”
Finally, Keiji smiles in realization, chuckling and shaking his head at your antics. “Can’t I just go get you a sweet treat?” He asks.
You shrug, “I wanted to leave it up to the universe.”
He looks back down at the crystal clear cups, “the universe seems to be rigged.”
“The universe will provide for your spouse if it desires.” You press a kiss to his cheek and spin around, “okay! Mix them up.”
Keiji looks down at the cups in front of him, and there’s a though, just a thought, of taking the keys from under the cup and hiding them, but the idea of you pouting has his heart squeezing. Even if you do deserve to be messed with a little.
He grabs the left cup and slides it to the middle, moving the middle to the left. “Okay. Mixed them.”
“You mixed them enough?” You ask. “I didn’t hear a lot of shuffling.”
“You’ll just have to pick a cup and see,” he assures.
You spin back around and hum in thought, mockingly patting your chin as if to truly be thinking about which crystal clear cup his keys are under. Your hand hovers over one of the empty glasses, then the other one, before curiously grabbing the key-glass. You cheer happily and clap, and Keiji chuckles and claps with you.
“How ever did you figure it out?” He asks.
“You have a genius living under your roof,” you sigh dramatically. “You’re welcome. I’ll be sure to use my big brain for good, rather than evil.”
“Sounds good,” he hums. “Go get shoes on, you’ve earned a sweet treat, I suppose.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice as you barrel down the hallway, leaving him to scrub his face with his hands, looking to the sky in amusement.
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juniperdugong · 2 days
Confess - Satoru Gojo
WC: 840 || Genre: Fluff || Gojo x GN!reader (established relationship)
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"SATORU GOJO!" Your scream reverberates across all walls and furniture like a gong to Toru's ears as you enter your shared bedroom.
"Uh oh..." He's digging himself into the sheets as fast as he can, the sound of your footsteps feeling like a literal horror movie, he nearly suffocates himself by wrapping the blanket over his head.
"Yeah. Uh oh." You loom over the cacoon he's created for himself. You can feel him shiver as you gently tap at his protection. A slight giggle from you and suddenly the blanket inflates like a balloon. "Satoru... you did not." the annoyance in your voice is evident.
"Don't know what you're talking about lovebug." You can practically hear the jittery nervous smile he's faking for himself under all this mess.
"Yeah? So you didn't just put your infinity up so I can't reach you?"
"Would never dream of doing that in your presence..."
You rip the sheets off and sure enough your hand faces an invisible wall. "Wouldn't dream of it, right?" Sarcasm drips from your words as you meet his face, a completely fake expression of happiness and innocence adorning him like a mask.
You flop yourself over the barrier like a sea lion, allowing yourself to drape over the nothingness and everything separating the two of you. To anyone else's eyes, this looks like a magic trick and you would be impressed too if this little charade weren't getting on your nerves. Your face droops into a pout as you wiggle yourself to stay on top. Toru's breath hits your cheek and you can just barely see how he mimics your pout in response.
You let out an exaggerated and heavy sigh knowing which strings to pull, "Don't do this to me, baby!" His pout turns sad and his voice gets whiny.
"I'm not the one doing anything." Each of your words is punctuated with a poke to, what would be his body, but instead is infinite space. You turn so you're at an angle where he can't see the smirk on your face, consider his strings pulled at this point!
Another heavy sigh is all that it takes before you feel yourself drop and your body thud heavily onto the man beneath you with a pained groan. You quickly try and move your body but your efforts are thwarted as Satoru squeezes you with all of his limps. Wiggling does nothing as he just gets tighter with every sudden move. Eventually, you have to concede because the heat of the friction you're causing is making you sweat and you go limp atop him.
"Gojo Satoru." Your voice is muffled as your face is smothered in Toru's chest.
"Oh, not the full name baby!"
You finagle your head so you can look up at him, your expression obviously upset and angry. "Confess your crimes."
"Crimes? What crimes? I don't see any crimes here sweetness." He looks around the room pretending to be oblivious but you're just too cute with your little pout, how can he resist such charms?
Like a man confessing to god he tilts his head back and towards the sky, putting on a fake look of sadness he lets out a sigh, "I, Gojo Satoru, confess to the crime of..." he pauses.
"Of?" You look at him expectantly.
"...Of eating all of y/n's snacks while they were away on a business trip." He bites his bottom lip looking down at you with puppy dog eyes.
"And... for not replacing said snacks before they got home."
"And." You grit your teeth as you say the word.
"And... for waiting till they noticed and got all showered and comfortable after such a long and strenuous trip to mention anything..." His entire body suffocates you, squeezing you impossibly tighter as he finishes his confession, "Please don't hit me when I let go, honey..."
"Hmph" you gruff in response, you make no such promises in this situation.
He slowly releases you from his grip and tenses bracing for impact. Not feeling the weight of your palm against his face he opens an eye curiously.
He's thrusted backward as you slap him hard in the chest, the surprise elicits multiple fake coughs from Satoru - you know he can take much more than a few of your measly punches but violence from you was always gonna do more damage to his heart than any curse could.
"cough cough ...you promised" he squeaks.
"I didn't actually. You're the one who promised not to touch my snacks... so???" Satisfied you leave him in his state of disarray, traipsing out of the room.
He lets his head hit the pillow, eyes following you in amusement as you walk away. He chuckles to himself completely amazed at your conviction and head over heals even for your little tantrums.
He knows you'll forgive him once he finishes placing all the orders for everything that he ate... maybe you'll even forgive him enough to let him have some if he asks nicely...
Nah, probably not.
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A/N: A little something something for the jjk side of things... I definitely did not write this while completely exhausted at 4am... hope y'all enjoy though! First Satoru fic! Not proofread if you couldn't tell lol
Please Reblog and Comment if you enjoyed! (They act as power-ups for me)
Taglist (OPEN): @iluvmattyb
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dovesdreaming · 1 day
Catching you
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Summary: when you get injured while play fighting with Logan he won’t hear that your fine when your bleeding.
Warnings: blood
It started out innocently enough. A typical lazy afternoon in the cabin Logan had taken you to, his way of escaping the world for a while, away from the noise and chaos of cities and battles. The air was crisp with the scent of pine, and the afternoon sun filtered through the trees, casting a warm glow over the wooden floor of the cozy living room. You were sprawled out on the couch, teasing Logan from across the room as he sharpened his claws, something he did when he needed to keep his hands busy. He had that gruff look on his face, like always, but you knew him well enough by now to see the flicker of amusement in his eyes. “Those things are dull by now, right?” you joked, eyeing the adamantium claws as they caught the light. He snorted, rolling his eyes. “They ain’t toys, darlin’. You keep runnin’ your mouth, you might find out firsthand”. You raised a brow, a smirk tugging at your lips. “Oh, is that a challenge?”.
Logan glanced up at you, the corner of his mouth twitching into a half-smile. “You sure you wanna go down that road?”. Without missing a beat, you hopped off the couch, lunging playfully at him. You weren’t afraid of Logan, not anymore. Sure, he was all rough edges and tough talk, but you’d long since figured out that beneath that exterior, he was gentle with you in ways no one else ever got to see. You aimed for his midsection, a teasing jab, but Logan caught your wrist effortlessly, his strength always a bit shocking despite his casual stance. “Not bad” he said, holding your arm in place, “but you gotta do better than that”. “Oh, I will” you shot back, wriggling free and circling around him, your playful energy sparking off his calm demeanor.
For the next few moments, it was all in good fun a back-and-forth dance of dodging and light grappling, with you laughing every time he effortlessly blocked your attempts to catch him off guard. His smirk was infuriating, but also endearing. That was, until it happened. In one swift motion, you tried to tackle him again, but your foot caught the edge of the rug, sending you stumbling forward faster than expected. Before either of you could react, you collided hard with the coffee table, the sharp edge catching the side of your head.
The moment you hit the floor, the playfulness in Logan’s eyes vanished. His claws retracted instantly as he knelt beside you, hands already searching for the source of your pain. “Shit” Logan muttered, his voice tight with concern. “You okay?”. You winced, clutching your head. The sting was sharp, and when you reached a hand upwards your hand came back into view with a trickle of blood on your fingers. Your head spun as you said “I’m fine” trying to wave him off with a laugh that came out more strained than you intended. “Just... underestimated the furniture”. But Logan wasn’t having it. His brow furrowed deeply as he gently brushed your hand aside to inspect the wound. It wasn’t deep, but it was enough to have him worried, and Logan didn’t like seeing you hurt. Not ever. “Let me see” he said, his tone soft but insistent, one of his large hands steady on your shoulder as he examined the cut. “It’s not bad, but you’re bleedin’”. You tried to shrug it off, but Logan was already in caretaker mode. He stood up, grabbing a nearby towel and pressing it gently against the cut on your head, his eyes never leaving you as he worked.
“Logan, really, it’s nothing” you protested, though the warmth of his touch and the concern in his gaze was enough to make your heart skip a beat. “You sayin’ I shouldn’t care?” he muttered, his voice rough but low, the gravelly edge of it somehow soothing as he sat down beside you. “You’re hurt, and that’s enough for me to care”. You met his eyes, his expression a mixture of irritation and worry. The guilt in his gaze made your chest tighten, knowing that he blamed himself for something as small as a cut. “You didn’t hurt me, Logan. It was my fault. I got careless”. He shook his head, sighing as he pressed the towel against your side, holding it there with a tenderness that still surprised you sometimes. “Doesn’t matter. You’re still hurt. And I don’t like seein’ that”. You reached up, your hand brushing against his stubbled jaw. “You’re way too hard on yourself, you know that?”. He scoffed, but the tension in his shoulders eased a little as he leaned into your touch. “Yeah, well.. somebody’s gotta be”.
After a moment, he helped you sit up, still holding the towel to your head. His hand found the back of your neck, his fingers threading gently through your hair as he pulled you close, his forehead resting against yours on the non injured side. The warmth of his breath mingled with yours, and for a moment, the world outside didn’t exist. “You scare me sometimes, you know that?” he murmured, his voice gruff and low. “Not cause you’re reckless, but.. cause I don’t know what I’d do if somethin’ happened to you”. Your heart swelled at his words, and you leaned into him, wrapping your arms around his waist. “Nothing’s going to happen to me, Logan. I’ve got you to look after me, remember?”. He huffed a soft laugh, his arms tightening around you as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Damn right you do”.
For a while, the two of you stayed like that—wrapped in each other, the worry and tension melting away with the comfort of his embrace. You felt the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your cheek, and the familiar scent of him; Leather, whiskey, and the faint scent of pine grounded you. “Guess I should be more careful next time we spar” you murmured after a while, a teasing lilt in your voice. Logan pulled back just enough to meet your gaze, his expression softening in that way only you ever got to see. “Next time, maybe don’t fight dirty” he said with a smirk, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “Or I’ll start winnin’”. You grinned, your fingers tracing over his hand where it rested on your side. “Oh, please. Like you ever let me win”. He leaned down, his lips brushing yours in a soft, lingering kiss before he murmured, “I always let you win, darlin’”. You smiled against his lips, feeling safe, cared for, and more loved than you’d ever thought possible. Logan may have been rough around the edges, but with you, he was all warmth and tenderness, always ready to catch you even when you stumbled on your own. And in moments like this, it was all the proof you needed that you were exactly where you were meant to be.
Thank you for reading!!
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starsjulia · 1 day
casual // leah williamson
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a/n : a long angsty one based of this request
warnings : angst with a happy ending (ish?), fwb
The rain always seemed to hit harder on nights like this, when you were alone in your apartment, the silence weighing heavy around you. Your phone was lying on the coffee table, screen dark, as you tried your best not to stare at it. Not to pick it up. Not to send the message you swore you wouldn’t send this time.
But the temptation was always there. Leah was always there. Somewhere in the back of your mind.
It had been two years since this thing between you had started—this complicated mess of blurred lines and unspoken rules. It had begun like most bad ideas do: with too much wine and one reckless decision. A kiss that turned into something more, with promises of “this is just for fun” whispered between sheets. You were friends, after all. Close friends, nothing more, nothing less. And that night, it had been easy to believe that you could keep it that way.
But nothing had been simple since then.
You sat there now, curled up on the couch, blanket pulled tight around you as you stared at the empty space beside you. Two years of stolen moments. Late-night texts. Meeting up when the loneliness felt too heavy to carry. Always on her terms, though. Always when she had time. You had told yourself it was enough, that you were fine with the arrangement. After all, Leah had been honest from the start. She didn’t want a relationship. She didn’t have time for one, with her football career and all the responsibilities that came with it.
And you were fine with that. Or, at least, you pretended to be.
Because the truth was, you weren’t fine. You hadn’t been fine in months.
The problem with pretending not to care was that it became harder and harder to keep up the act. You were good at pretending, though. Pretending not to feel the sting of her absence when weeks went by without a word. Pretending not to notice how she never stayed the night, always slipping out of your bed before dawn with some excuse about training or early mornings. Pretending that this arrangement, this friends-with-benefits setup, was still just casual fun for you.
The truth was, it hadn’t been casual in a long time.
Your phone buzzed on the table, breaking through the quiet tension in the room. You stared at it for a moment, hesitant, before reaching for it. The name on the screen made your heart do that stupid, traitorous leap in your chest.
Leah : You home? x
Three words. So simple. So innocent. Yet they carried so much weight.
You typed back quickly, your fingers shaking slightly.
Yeah. Why? x
It wasn’t long before her response came in.
can i come over? x
It was always like this. These late-night texts, her asking to come over, to slip back into your life for a few hours before disappearing again. And you always said yes. No matter how many times you told yourself you wouldn’t. No matter how many times you swore this time would be different.
Sure, doors unlocked x
You sat there for a moment, staring at the words on the screen, regretting them as soon as you sent them. But it was too late. You couldn’t take them back now.
Fifteen minutes later, Leah was at your door.
She walked in like she always did—confident, with an easy smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. She looked tired. Exhausted, even. You knew the demands of her career were catching up to her, that she had been under more pressure than ever lately. The national team, her club, the media—all of it was taking a toll. You could see it in the way her shoulders slumped slightly, in the faint shadows under her eyes.
But she didn’t say anything about it. She never did. Instead, she just collapsed onto your couch, exhaling deeply.
“Rough day?” you asked softly, sitting down beside her but keeping a bit of space between you. You had learned to do that, to create some distance even when she was right there next to you.
Leah shrugged, running a hand through her hair. “Just tired. Training’s been brutal lately.”
You nodded, unsure what to say. This was how it always was—small talk that never led anywhere. You were friends, but there was always this wall between you, this unspoken rule that you never crossed into anything deeper.
But tonight, something about it felt heavier than usual. Maybe it was the rain outside, or maybe it was just the weight of everything that had been building between you. The things you hadn’t said. The things you couldn’t say.
Leah glanced over at you, her eyes searching your face for something you weren’t sure you could give. “You okay?” she asked, her voice quieter now, more tentative.
You forced a smile. “Yeah. I’m fine.”
It was a lie, of course. But she didn’t press you on it. She never did.
Instead, Leah leaned in, her hand finding your thigh in that familiar way that always made your heart skip. Her touch was soft, but there was a tension in the air that hadn’t been there before. Like she could feel that something was off.
You looked at her, trying to keep your expression neutral. “Is this what you came here for?” you asked, your voice coming out sharper than you intended.
Leah blinked, pulling back slightly, her hand falling from your leg. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, is this what it is for you? Just… this.” You gestured between the two of you, your frustration finally bubbling over. “Is that all I am to you, Leah? A convenience? Something you can come back to when it’s easy for you?”
Her eyes widened slightly, taken aback by your words. “Where’s this coming from?”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair, your chest tightening as the words you had been holding in for so long finally began to spill out. “It’s been two years, Leah. Two years of this—of you showing up when you feel like it, of you acting like we’re just friends, but then turning around and…” You trailed off, gesturing vaguely, unable to find the right words.
Leah stared at you, her expression unreadable. “I didn’t know you felt like this.”
You let out a bitter laugh, shaking your head. “Of course you didn’t. I’ve been too busy pretending everything’s fine. But it’s not, Leah. I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep pretending that I’m okay with being whatever this is.”
Leah looked down, her jaw clenching slightly. “We agreed it would be casual. That’s what we said from the start.”
“I know that!” you snapped, your frustration finally breaking through. “I know we said it would be casual. But it’s not casual for me anymore. It hasn’t been for a long time.”
The room fell into a tense silence, the sound of rain hitting the windows the only thing breaking it. Leah didn’t say anything for a long time, just stared at the floor, her expression distant.
Finally, she spoke, her voice low. “I didn’t ask for this to be more.”
Her words hit you like a punch to the gut, the bluntness of them slicing through you. You felt your throat tighten as you tried to keep your emotions in check, but it was too late. Everything was spilling out now, all the hurt and frustration you had been bottling up for months.
“I know you didn’t,” you said, your voice trembling slightly. “But it *is* more for me. I can’t help that. And I can’t keep doing this if you don’t feel the same way.”
Leah’s eyes flicked up to meet yours, and for a moment, you thought you saw something in them—regret, maybe. Or sadness. But it was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by that same guarded look she always wore when things got too close, too real.
“I’m not good at this,” she said quietly. “I don’t know how to do relationships. Football… it’s everything to me. I don’t have room for anything else.”
Your chest ached at her words, even though you had known them to be true all along. “I’m not asking you to choose between me and football, Leah. I would never ask that. I just want to know where I stand. I want to know if I mean anything to you beyond being someone you can sleep with when it’s convenient.”
Leah exhaled sharply, running a hand over her face. “You mean something to me. Of course you do.”
“Then why don’t you show it?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper now. “Why do I feel like I’m the only one who cares? Like I’m always waiting for you to decide when I matter?”
She didn’t answer, and that silence said more than any words ever could.
You stood up, wrapping your arms around yourself as you tried to steady your breathing. “I can’t do this anymore, Leah. I can’t keep being your… your in-between. If this is all you can give, then I need to walk away.”
Leah looked up at you, and for the first time, you saw real panic in her eyes. She stood up, taking a step toward you. “Wait. Please.”
You shook your head, tears threatening to spill over as you stepped back. “I’m sorry.”
For a moment, it looked like she was going to say something more, that she might finally open up, finally give you what you had been aching for all this time. But then she stopped, her expression hardening, and you knew. She wasn’t going to give you anything more. She couldn’t.
The door clicked softly behind you as you walked out into the rain, your heart breaking with each step. You had spent two years convincing yourself that you were okay with the way things were, that you didn’t need more than what Leah was willing to give.
But now, soaked and alone, you knew the truth.
You had always wanted more. And Leah was never going to give it to you.
Days passed. Then weeks.
You tried to move on. You threw yourself into work, into spending time with friends, anything to keep your mind off of Leah. But she was always there, in the back of your mind, haunting you like a ghost.
You hadn’t heard from her since that night. Part of you had expected her to reach out, to try and fix things, but deep down, you knew better. Leah wasn’t the kind of person who fought for things like this. She didn’t know how.
Still, the silence hurt more than you thought it would.
One night, weeks later, as you were sitting alone in your apartment again, your phone buzzed on the table. You ignored it at first, assuming it was one of your friends checking in, but when it buzzed again, you glanced at the screen.
Leah: Are you home?
Your heart clenched at the sight of her name. You stared at the message for a long time, torn between replying and throwing your phone across the room.
But before you could stop yourself, you typed back.
yeah. why.
There was a long pause, and for a moment, you wondered if she would respond at all. But then your phone buzzed again.
Leah: Can I come over?
You stared at the screen, your mind racing. You knew you should say no. You knew that letting her back in would only lead to more heartache. But it was Leah. And despite everything, despite all the hurt, you still cared. Too much, probably.
It didn’t take long for her to show up. When she walked in, she looked just as exhausted as the last time you had seen her, but there was something different in her eyes this time. Something softer. Vulnerable, almost.
You stood awkwardly in the living room, not sure what to say, not sure why she was here. Leah seemed just as uncertain, her hands shoved in her pockets as she looked at you.
“I missed you,” she said quietly, her voice raw.
Your heart clenched at her words, but you didn’t let yourself get too hopeful. “You missed me, or you missed the convenience?”
Leah flinched slightly at your words, but she didn’t look away. “I missed you,” she repeated, her voice firmer this time.
You swallowed hard, trying to keep your emotions in check. “Leah, I can’t keep doing this. You know that.”
“I know,” she said, taking a hesitant step toward you. “I know I’ve been shit. I know I haven’t given you what you deserve. But I…” She trailed off, struggling to find the right words. “I’m scared.”
You frowned, confused. “Scared of what?”
“Of losing you,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. “Of letting you in too much and screwing everything up. I’m scared that if I let myself care, I’ll get distracted, and I can’t afford that.”
You stared at her, your heart aching at the vulnerability in her voice. You had never heard her talk like this before, never seen her let her walls down like this.
“I’m not asking you to give up your career, Leah,” you said softly. “I’m not asking you to make me your whole world. I just want to know that I matter to you. That I’m not just something you come back to when it’s convenient.”
“You matter,” she said quickly, stepping closer now. “You matter more than you know. I just didn’t realize how much until you walked away.”
You felt tears prick at your eyes, but you blinked them back, not wanting to break down in front of her. “Then why didn’t you fight for this sooner?”
Leah took another step toward you, reaching out to gently take your hand. “Because I’m an idiot,” she said softly. “And I’m sorry. I don’t want to lose you.”
You looked down at her hand in yours, your chest tight with a mixture of emotions. “I don’t want to lose you either,” you whispered.
Leah gently tugged you closer, her other hand cupping your cheek as she looked into your eyes. “Let me try. Please. I can’t promise I’ll be perfect, but I want to try. For you.”
You closed your eyes, leaning into her touch, letting yourself feel the warmth of her skin against yours. It wasn’t a perfect resolution. It wasn’t everything you had been hoping for. But it was something.
And maybe, for now, that was enough.
The road ahead wouldn’t be easy. But as Leah pulled you into her arms, holding you tightly for the first time in what felt like forever, you knew that this was a start. A messy, complicated start—but a start nonetheless.
And maybe that was all you needed. For now.
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witchesverse · 13 hours
run away, toy.
pairing: dark!wandanat x fem!reader
summary: you don't know how long they've kept you as their toy, but you decided it was time to escape again. what a big mistake.
content: dark/abusive themes, choking with magic, being kept in a cage, stockholm syndrome, kidnapping, chasing, hair pulling, heavy manipulation, dubcon, strap-on sex, anal, overstim.
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You cringed at the loud slaps your bare feet made against the wet concrete. You were trying to be subtle, but obviously were failing at that. Your breathing was ragged, and your legs were burning. You wanted to slow down but you knew that if you did, Wanda and Natasha would be on you immediately.
You turned a corner and felt your heart drop. You ran into a fucking alley way. A dead end.
No, no, no.
You turned around, hoping you had enough time to escape but you didn’t.
Her red eyes shone in the dark.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You couldn’t see where the assassin was, but you knew she was near. It honestly surprised you Natasha didn’t get to you first. She has the proper training for hunting.
“Wan- “
You felt your throat constrict and you gasped for air. Your clawed at your throat and your knees buckled. Your vision started to fade.
Wanda silently stalked towards you, with each step, her boots echoed in the empty alley way. She stood over you with a disappointed look on her face.
Then everything went black.
You woke with a gasp, immediately sitting upwards and hitting your head on something metal. You look upwards and sigh. You’re in your cage again.
“Of course, I’m sure.”
You shudder at the sound of the familiar voice. Carol Danvers.
The blackout blanket around your cage makes it impossible to see anything, but you recognise her voice.
You mean, how could you forget?
The blackout blanket is suddenly ripped off your cage, and you’re left squinting and blinking as your eyes adjust to the bright lights. Wanda and Carol were sitting around a table, holding no doubt, coffee in their hands. Natasha stood in front of you, unlocking the cage before grabbing you by the hair and pulling you out.
You huffed as your lifted to your feet and shoved towards Wanda. You awkwardly stood in front of Wanda with your hands behind your back, just how she likes it.
Carol took this as her cue to leave.
“I’ll see both of you soon.” She smiled at Wanda and Natasha “I’ve left Valkyrie alone for too long.”
Wanda didn’t look away from you nor did she respond to Carol. Natasha did for her, wishing her a safe travel.
The moment you heard the door click and lock, you moved backwards.
You don’t get far before Natasha wraps her arm around your chest, constricting your arms and holding you to her chest.
Wanda stood, her emotionless face finally breaking.
“Do you even know what you caused?” Wanda hissed “Running around the city naked like some idiot. People saw you, and Carol had to kill them. Do you enjoy knowing that innocent people are dead because of your foolishness?”
You shook your head, already feeling the tears forming in your eyes. You wanted to believe Wanda was lying, but she doesn’t lie.
“This wouldn’t have happened if you- “
“Don’t fucking speak!”
You flinched.
“We give you a perfect life here, yet you still decide to be selfish.” Wanda was close enough to your face that you could feel her breath fanning across your lips.
Natasha's grip tightened as you tried to wiggle away.
“Should we just throw you away? Go find another toy to love?” Wanda questioned.
You shook your head, biting your lip hard enough to draw blood. You don’t understand why you disagreed with her. You had just escaped home to get away from Wanda and Natasha, and now that they were offering you another escape, you denied it.
“I’m done with you,” She scoffed “Natasha deal with her and come see me when you’re done.”
That’s when the tears fall. Rejection.
Wanda walked out of the room, leaving you alone with Natasha.
Natasha shoved you into the couch. Positioning your face to be buried in pillows and your ass in the air. She pressed down on your back, forcing you to form into the perfect arch.
“Nat,” You sniffled.
She doesn’t respond.
“Please, say something.”
You heard the zipping of her pants and something cold press against your ass.
Your sniffles slowly turned into soft cries as you felt the tip of her lubed strap press into you. The stretch burned and she didn’t let you adjust before she pushed her full length into you.
Her hands pulled your hips into her tummy, keeping you secure. She lent down and you moaned at the movement.
“Beg for me not to fuck you.”
You whimpered.
She's such a sick fuck.
“Please, don’t. I don’t want it today, please.”
Natasha slowly thrusted into you, forcing your hips to slam back down. It hurt so fucking bad, and you loved it.
All that could be heard were your loud moans and the wet noises of Natasha’s strap drilling into you.
The pain subsided and bursts of pleasure shot through your body. You swore you could feel Natasha in your stomach from how deep she was. It was almost overwhelming.
Natasha dug her nails into your hips, creating crescent-moon marks. She occasionally slapped your thighs, knowing that’s where it hurt the most.
It didn’t take long for you to get close, and Natasha knew it. She basically knew your body like it was the back of her hand.
Her fingers reached down and rubbed your clit in tight, small circles, electing a loud moan from you. She used her spare hand to grab onto your hair, pulling you upwards so your back was against her chest.
The sudden change in positions forced you over the edge. Your vision speckled white and your back arched.
You cried out in pleasure and pain as overstimulation quickly took place. You tried pushing Natasha away from you, but she didn’t move. She continued to pound into you and rub your clit.
“Stop, stop. Please, it’s gonna hurt.”
She refused. It didn’t take long for your second, third, and finally fourth orgasm to be pulled from you.
Natasha let you slump into the couch, pulling her strap from your arse. Tears continued to fall down your face from the overstimulation and regret.
“Is Wanda mad at me?” You whispered, staring at the wall behind Natasha.
Natasha rolled her eyes, “That’s a stupid question.”
You sniffled and watched Natasha leave the room. You were cold but too tired to find a blanket to wrap around your body. You wanted to sleep and pretend that today didn’t happen.
You thought it had been around five months since your last attempt to escape. You weren’t sure, though; time is different with Wanda and Natasha. They removed the clocks from the apartment and refused to tell you the date or time.
You knew Wanda was mad at you, Natasha too. You figured you would have to make it up to them, but you didn’t know how. You had never seen Wanda so angry before.
You had to find a way to make her forgive you.
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sadhours · 2 days
the diner - part one
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billy hargrove x fem!reader
cw: 18+ minors dni, stalking, murder, toxic relationship, trauma, hallucinations, flayed!billy, peeping Tom, masturbation briefly mentioned, horror
He survived. Somehow— someway. Billy survived. Took care of what he should have so long ago. But that monster lingers, still alive within him.
You’re an innocent girl who works next door to him and he can’t help himself. Could you help him or is he too sick?
read on ao3
part two
Rain slips down, leaving clean streaks across the scum splattered front window of the shop. It’s deep into the evening, town’s asleep except for the truck stop directly next door. Bright lights illuminating the gas pumps, convenience store and the 50’s style diner. The one you work at.
And in the darkness of Route One Garage, Billy stands at the window. Watching. Eyes following as your hair bobs up and down with your steps as you run around the diner. Taking orders, filling coffee cups, carrying hot plates of greasy food made on grills cleaned less often than the health department wants. He’s eaten there, knows you can taste the filth in the food. But it’s the only place to get food this late for miles. The place is full of truckers, different faces but they might as well be the same copy of a person. In and out all day long. Billy’s seen the way they talk to you, been witness to it and just sat there with his blood boiling. Didn’t do anything about it because he’s a pussy and also, because you don’t know him. Sure, he comes in semi-regularly but he doesn’t really talk to you. He can’t for some reason. But before he moved to this teeny, shithole of a place, Billy wasn’t like this. He could talk to any woman. You didn’t look at him like most women did, though.
He watches you like this almost every night. Every night you’re there. Fantasizes about the things he wants to do to you. Sometimes those things are questionable, violent even but sometimes they’re just fantasies of talking to you— making you fall in love.
But he did something that woke up these dark demons deep in him. Well, two things.
Billy still has visions of the shape shifting monster. Haunts his dreams. Recalls each time he led an innocent person to the monster. Regretted not leading his father to the monster. So when he crawled out of the slimy, pulsing portal. He found his dad. Did what he’d always been too weak to do. Billy wonders if that monster still possesses him. If there’s still some of those black, gunky slugs in his stomach. Puked them up for weeks, it felt like.
But he’s thousands of miles from Hawkins. Though it feels like part of him is still contaminated. Made him reclusive, awkward, scarred up. Maybe that’s why he’s scared to talk to you. He knows he doesn’t look like he used to. His hair’s longer, his eyes are darker, his body has starfish shaped scars patterned all over. That charm has been evacuated. He’s not as suave.
Obsessive. That’s how he is now and he knows it but he can’t stop himself.
Billy knows where you work, he knows what you drive and he knows where you live. He has the name of your boss, your parents and your ex boyfriend. He’s followed you to the dive bar in town, walked around the general store and kept his eye on you and the things you buy. He’s full blown stalking you. It’s not his fault, though. That monster gave him this sickness and this town gave him loneliness. A recipe for disaster.
And you’re just so fucking pretty. The way your face lights up when you smile stains his eyes when he closes them. If he focuses hard enough he can hear your voice. Same script over and over.
“Hey, how’s it going?”
“Shop busy, today?”
“Usual tonight?”
“Coffee, eggs over easy, hash browns , extra bacon and sausage, right?”
“Want some more coffee?”
“Anything else tonight? Maybe some apple pie?”
“Ya sure? It’s really good apple pie, I promise.”
“I’ll just get your check, then.”
Sometimes Billy can finish when he’s thinking about those words. Which is sick and he knows that but he feels like he can’t help himself. Wonders what you think of him. You’re not a bitch or anything but you don’t ever look at him like girls used to look at him. Nothing like the moms laid out by the pool. Not like you think he’s good looking but like he’s any other face you see. Which infuriates him but makes him sad about himself more than anything. Occasionally he looks at himself in the mirror until he feels sick. Until he sees his dad. Tells himself he needs a haircut, needs to shave the mustache. Sleep more so he can lose the bags under his eyes. Maybe you’d look at him differently.
The lights flicker, buzz loud enough he can hear it in the shop. He leaves. Locks up the place and his boots take him to the diner. To the same booth he always sits in. Lights up a smoke and meets your eyes from across the place. You don’t flush the way girls used to. In fact, Billy can’t register any kind of reaction on your face. So he flicks his ash on the floor because you’ll have to sweep it up and it feels like he won. Won what? He doesn’t really know, but he wants you to clean up his mess. Gives him some kind of satisfaction.
The script starts when you walk up. A variation of it.
“Late tonight,” you say, filling up his coffee cup without asking. “Must be busy.”
“Sure,” he says. Always keeps it short because you don’t meet his eyes and he can’t meet yours. Instead he stares at your hands, pretty fingers wrapped around the carafe’s handle.
You walk away. To put the coffee away he guesses. Stares at the mug, wraps his own fingers around it and takes a careful sip. His eyes find you behind the counter, giving a look of disdain to your coworker who said something and then you grin. Laugh at whatever she said to you. Then you’re back at his booth and his eyes fall to the table as the script resumes.
“Eggs over easy, hash browns, extra bacon and sausage,” you recite from memory and Billy gets a bit of satisfaction from it. Proud of you for some reason.
“You remember,” he says, low and steady.
You scoff and chuckle, the sound makes his thighs tighten and you say, “Kind of hard to forget it. You’ve never changed it.”
Bold for some reason, he replies, “Maybe I should.”
“We do have a whole six pages on that menu. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you open it, though,” you offer and this is new. It’s off script. Both you and him.
Billy smirks, flips open the menu and peers down at the first page. It’s greasy, a stain of sticky jam at the top left corner and he immediately catches a typo. He purses his lips and continues to flick through it. You pull the notepad from your apron but he’s too nervous to look up at your face. He flips another page and then, finally, looks up at your face.
“What do you like?”
You look shocked. He likes that.
“Uh,” you laugh, a soft little sound and Billy’s skin is hot. “Our patty melt is pretty damn good.”
He closes the menu, slides to the end of the table as he replies, “I’ll have that then.”
“Wow, you’re full of surprises tonight,” you quip, “Fries or potato salad.”
“Why don’t you give me a surprise,” Billy says and then looks away because you’re too fucking gorgeous and he’s on a roll. Kind of feels like his old self right now and looking at you would fuck that up.
You pick up the menu and laugh again, “Sure thing.”
You walk away and he takes a hit of his neglected cigarette, ash falling to the table as he does so. Another mess of his for you to clean. Makes his whole body tingle at the thought. You don’t check on him before his food is done. But Billy keeps checking on you, eyes bouncing up to follow you as you work. Finishes his cigarette and coffee. Takes in the uniform you’re in. The big, bold name on the pin clasped into your blouse.
When you bring his food, you ask, “Got anymore surprises for me tonight?” and his mind runs wild. Sick fantasies. Ideas that make him feel guilty and the charm he’d felt after years slips far, far away.
But you say, “Good. Don’t wanna overwhelm me too much.”
You fill his coffee again and walk away. Then he eats and the script resumes as normal. He pays. Sits in his car until all the lights in the diner shut off. Watches you walk to your car, waits a beat after you drive off before he starts his car and follows you. To your house. Keeps waiting until you go inside to park behind your car on the street and watch the numerous lights flick on and off. Aiding in him as he imagines exactly how your night plays out. He thinks you go into the kitchen first. Maybe you get a drink, perhaps a beer. When he’s followed you to the bar, he’s seen you drink beer. Then that lights flicks off and the TV turns on. Can see the variety of brightness and colors through the window. He thinks of what you might watch. Imagines sitting on the couch with you, cuddled up. His thoughts get perverted quickly and before he knows it, he’s staring at your window with his dick in his hand with the fantasy of your mouth on him.
After he finishes, he’s still watching. Until the changing lights of the TV go black and a different light turns on. Bathroom. That window is small. You brush your teeth, maybe wash your face. He takes this time to get out of his car, walk to the window on the side of the house, crouch down and peer through the broken blinds. Your bedroom. You turn the light on, back to the bathroom to turn that light off and return. Close your door and undress. You sleep nude but you keep a robe next to your bed. You flick off the light. Sink into bed and Billy stays for a while. Until he knows you’re asleep. He thinks about sneaking inside but he hasn’t gathered the gusto to do so yet. The whole watching you through the window is new enough. But he’ll escalate soon. Won’t be able to help himself.
Then Billy goes home. Back to his shady little apartment. Falls asleep on the couch with infomercials playing on the TV. He’ll wake up and do the same thing again tomorrow.
Dark tendrils wrap around his wrists and ankles. Pull him in opposite directions. His eyes are wide open but his body feels paralyzed. He tries to scream but it’s gargled and there’s a monster limb attaching to his mouth, pulsing down his throat. Fills his belly with baby slugs. The sticky limb retreats him and the constraints on his ankles and wrists unravel and he’s shaking. Thrashing. Screaming. Crying. Pleading.
Then Billy’s awake, sits up straight and pants. Looks around his room and there’s nothing there. Just him and the mess of his belongings. He cries. Then he showers. Makes himself vomit and he sees no slugs. No sludge. Just the dinner and foamy beers he had. Billy showers, water so hot it burns— turns his skin patchy red and tingly. He vomits again. Watches the sick circle the drain. Cries some more. Feels the loneliest he’s ever been. Wonders why he can’t kill himself. Why he doesn’t have the strength to do that.
He’s up too early. Doesn’t work for another three hours. Billy paces his apartment. Chain smokes and pounds coffee. He briefly thinks of Maxine. Stalks over to his freezer and reaches in it for the bottle of vodka he keeps in there and guzzles some of it down. Drowns out Max. Maybe he should make sure you get to work safe. He has to do something. Anything.
The drive to your house is routine, but he doesn’t often do it in daylight. Can’t risk you seeing him, so Billy parks a couple houses down. Chain smokes while he waits and soon enough, you’re walking to your car.
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divine-misfortune · 2 days
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911 I’m being threatened -
This is all manipulative and gross so it’ll go below the cut so big cw. Very dubious.
Also @0-miles-away to make sure you get to see this too-
Phantom’s cute and Dew cant get enough of him. There’s this spark of pure innocence in those eyes, he almost feels guilty just looking at him sometimes. And I’m sure Dew tried to curb his appetite for him, did his damndest to be satisfied with those little touches and chaste kisses because he does truly enjoy Phantom’s affections but at the end of the day…Dew is a demon, it is in his nature to sin. Lust and greed come to him so easily. An intoxicating mix that is too good not to get drunk off of.
There are lines he toes, ones that he pushes against, and other’s he likes to blur entirely because Phantom just doesn’t know right from wrong yet - and Dew was keen on teaching him that lesson before anyone else had the chance to paint a perfectly blank canvas.
Pecks turn to real kisses, and kisses deepen gradually until Phantom lets Dew’s tongue into his mouth without any little sounds of protest like he had in the past. It almost seems to make the little quint weak in the knees to be kissed so hungrily and unfortunately for him it only spurs him and his devious nature on. When Phantom starts to fold, it’s easier to convince Phantom to lay down and let himself be kissed dizzy on more than one occasion and surely it’s accidental that Dew’s knee finds itself pressed between his thighs a couple times. The little gasps and surprised mewls Phantom makes, trapped against his lips, oh it could drive the holiest of men to sin.
Dew wants more, and he’ll get more.
He takes to dry humping immediately and he gets so wet so fast. He smells like raw temptation. It only takes a little coaxing after that for Phantom to be willing to lose his clothes piece by piece but gives absolutely no protest to Dew touching him. Phantom even pleads a little for Dew to keep sucking on his nipples while he drags his bare cunt against his denim clad thigh.
It’s a good long while before Phantom lets Dew touch him there. Weeks of white lies and small amounts of pressure to feel the tight velvety grip of his cunt wrapped around his fingers. Phantom winces and grabs his wrist and tells him that it hurts but Dew is known to be convincing, and Phantom is known for blindly trusting him. The only real resistance he’s met with is when he goes for his own zipper, open thighs pulling shut, head shaking, Phantom is saying he’s not ready for that. He doesn’t want to lose his virginity yet, and despite Dew’s prior successful manipulation he can’t get him to budge an inch.
But his naivety is easily twisted and Phantom believes him when he proposes a workaround. It’s not technically losing his virginity if Dew never fucks him. Can’t argue with that logic.
Phantom trembles for him, knees pulled up to his chest, holding himself open so Dew can pour generous amounts of lube directly into his twitching hole before he starts working the blunt and awkward silicone inside of him. He squirms and whimpers and keeps begging Dew to wait, it hurts, don’t push it in anymore, but it’s okay starlight, just a bit more. Dew is practically shaking with excitement and anticipation when he sees the silicone jutting out of his pussy, he can’t help but touch the toy. Plays with it as if it were Phantom’s cunt. Not as warm or wet as he is, but Dew’s poor cock is aching to slip inside.
The vision of Phantom spread out for him like that is burned into his mind for the rest of eternity, jaw gone slack, face gone flush. Stretched to what felt like the limit to accommodate both flashlight and Dew. And now that he has him, Dew can’t hold himself back anymore. Restraint reaching its end. He pins him to the bed, knees pushed up past his shoulders, he just has to immediately jackhammer into his cunt while mindlessly babbling that he can’t wait to fuck him raw. Promises Phantom is gonna love having a cock in him too much to ever be empty again.
Pulls out and cums on his belly, paints the entire little trail of hair on his stomach white and drags his fingers through it to smear across Phantom’s tdick. Make it messy as he jerks him off.
“When you really let me put it in - ‘s gonna be right there. Gonna empty my balls that deep inside your cunt, look at how deep you’re gonna feel me. Know you’ll love how my load feels in you.”
And I truly don't think Dew would be willing to share, not till he gets to take his prize. Can't risk anyone getting the chance now can he? We all know that people like Swiss and Rain and Cirrus would chomp at the bit if they knew.
Makes Phantom promise to keep this their little secret, and he does, because he's a good boy that listens to Dew, and Dew only wants what's best for him doesn't he?
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heartofpride · 2 days
The name slipped from her lips, cool as rain off thorny vines.
His back remained turned. His body poised and rigid like the marble statues surrounding them, those blind witnesses to Pride's sole weakness.
"Solas." She said again, the two syllables she had long refused to utter daggers in her heart each time she uttered them. "Look at me."
Look what you've done to me. She wanted to scream at him, batter him with her rage, but that inferno had long since winked out.
Fen'harel turned.
His full lips were turned down, his nose scrunched in that expression she had so often teased him for in the days of her blissful unaware innocence.
When it had been so simple.
When she had taken their time for granted.
Their gazes collided, the pain between them almost palpable enough to take shape. He looked haggard; it gave the back of her mind some form of vindictive pleasure to see he was suffering just as much as she. That nasty little feeling was quick to be overtaken by the old ache of grief and longing, the emotions she had developed kinship with over the aching years.
His voice broke around the old familiar word.
The term of his love rang in her ears, in the yawning chasm between them.
Her mouth twisted into a snarling grimace. "Do not name me by that lie."
"It is in many ways the truest part of me." Solas murmured; his eyes soft as they ever were when resting on her visage.
The tortured expression on his wan face giving her pause, begging her to understand.
A long quiet fell between them. The time unmeasured as each stood gazing at the other, drinking in equal parts love and loss.
She lifted her arm, her one remaining hand reached for him almost of its own accord. Until the day it killed her, she would remain unable to condemn her love for him. The need to be with him, that consumed her.
Solas took her hand.
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mammomlette · 2 days
"𝙸 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝚋𝚞𝚛𝚗
𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝙸'𝚖 𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚎𝚛."
-'𝙵𝚎𝚛𝚗' 𝚋𝚢 𝙰𝚕𝚎𝚔𝚜𝚒𝚊𝚑
Synopsis: Satan’s world used to be burnt by hatred, but recently he can’t seem to stop the warmth he feels when around the human exchange student.
Genre: Fluff?? None? (Romantic)
Warnings: One of the last paragraphs is a littleeee bit suggestive, not proofread
Notes: Satan x MC, I made this at midnight as I do most things so I blame low quality stuff in that🧍‍♀️also I haven’t wrote in ages ok so give me mercy, MC is referred to with they/them pronouns!! ‘Her’ is used in the title because that’s the song lyrics, but MC is gender neutral :)
Word count: 754
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For a long time, all Satan saw was the flames burning through the Devildom. Looking out of the civilised areas and into the land past the denizens and watching as the natural flames of the Devildom overtook trees and small animals, growing higher and higher and killing more and more.
Or even if he looked within the walls of the city and into the halls of RAD, even within the perimeter of his own home, there was the omnipresent chaos that comes with a demons nature. Fires, all around, some extinguished and some fed, but fires none the less.
There were the screams. The damned souls or the unfortunate lower demons stupid enough to venture out of the safety of the more civilised Devildom. The shrieks of pain and agony, cries for their long gone family and careless friends to try and save themselves from their own self-inflicted wounds and shenanigans.
All of it was the norm to Satan. He was a demon, and unlike his housemates, he wasn’t turned into one. He was made as one. It was in his very blood since the moment of his very creation to feed on the cacophonous screams of terror and to admire the bright flickering lights in the distance, to bask in its attack and glory.
The burning hurt, but it was part of a demons nature to touch fire.
Never did he long to seek out the daylight his brothers described from their celestial days nor did he yearn for peace and tranquility that the celestial realm presents.
So why now was it that he spent so long yearning for a human?
Horrible choirs of unwilling participants being replaced by the sweet harmonies of their laughter, the fires causing chaos in the distance being replaced by the flush on your cheeks when he gets to close or says something in that’s hushed manner, disrupting his heart instead of those of the innocent.
Never had he felt so in tune with his brothers. He has always been different to them, knowing they have different origins, knowing they have different powers, knowing they have different thoughts and feelings- However now, he finally understood them. The way they, among other demons, would turn their heads as you walk past and the way people would whisper about how sweet you seemed (In what way, he wondered)
He, liked the rest of the crowd, followed you around helplessly after you slowly made your way into his heart and combined your souls into a beautiful pact mark on your skin.
The way you would stop and look at him, for even a second, when with someone else while they were talking. The way you would turn to him and stifle a laugh whenever someone was making too much of a fool of themselves at an important meeting or during a lesson, biting your lip or hiding your face while your shoulders shook. The way you would always ask what he wanted whenever you were going up to buy something, even though you both knew he had more money than you and wouldn’t mind queueing on his own if he wanted something so badly.
The little things showing you cared.
The way you would spray yourself in human body sprays to create such an artificially sweet smell or the way you licked around your lips after chugging a drink or shoving too much food down your mouth was utterly tantalising. Did you even know?
Did you know how he wanted to eat you up, give in to his demonic nature and devour you in so many ways, like a cannibal? Know how badly he wanted to taste your food on your tongue and smell your body spray from his head planted right in your neck?
Did you even know how badly he wanted to put you on a pedestal, high above everyone else for the three worlds to see, and did you know how much that thought fought with his urge to keep you to himself like a collectable, delicate and gorgeous and all his?
His yearning was indescribable, but he would never stop pining after you even if he could. Because the way you look back at him and offer your hand with the slightest shake in your smile and the smallest blush on your cheeks gives him the slightest flicker of hope that you might just yearn for for him like he yearns for you. And a little flicker is always capable enough to turn into a flame.
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In Love and War (8)
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Summary: The aftermath of all her family secrets might be more chaotic than Reader bargained for when her powers suddenly start to flare. Good thing her Warlord has more than a few ideas how to help navigate it ;)
Content Warnings: Depressive thoughts, Reader mentions wanting to die; Suggestiveness, Slight SMUT; Canon Typical Violence
Author's Note: To make up for the last chapter being so short, please enjoy that flirty little bastard being a menace! ;)
Chapter 7/Masterlist
I don’t sleep at all that night. I lay there, Rhysand sleeping soundly beside me, exhausted from the events of the last couple of days. He’d barely kept his eyes open long enough to eat. I’d barely managed to choke down a few bites myself. The guilt has my stomach in a perpetual knot. I’ve dedicated so much of my life to hating this male, only to be wrong about all of it, and now I’m in too deep to even do anything about it.  I can’t go home. There is no home to go back to. My family slaughtered an innocent mother and daughter. Rhys received their heads in boxes like some sort of twisted gift. They were supposed to be allies and my father betrayed them in the worst possible way. He paid for it with his life, with my mother’s life; it should have been the end of it. Tamlin was given a mercy and he should have taken it. He should have abandoned my father’s teachings and become a better lord, a better man. Instead, he perpetuated the cycle of abuse and suffering. He encouraged me to hate these people, to covet everything they had as if they were undeserving of it. All these years I loathed our miserable existence thinking the Mother hated us and was being unjust in giving these people all these things that we were never allowed. But we deserved it! We were the bad guys all along.
I roll over onto my side to look at him. He still sleeps in his armor, knife still strapped to his thigh, sword resting against the tent pole only a foot away. He’s ready to be up and fighting in a moment's notice. Our father’s were so similar, and yet, he turned out to be merciful and kind and somehow, so startlingly gentle that I often forget he’s still capable of intense prowess. He is the only male I’ve ever truly felt comfortable with, because that gentleness came as a response to the violence he’d seen, not because that violence was never there. He’d felt the cold sting of it, and chose to be something gentle instead of returning it.
And here I am, with all that righteous anger that had kept me warm on my coldest days, choosing to return all the violence that had been inflicted on me onto others. Just as Tamlin did. Just as my father did. 
And looking at it I don’t want to be him. He ruined my mother! He took something good and kind and locked it away and used her for his own ends! I don’t even know if he ever really loved her. Why would you keep the things you love in a cage?
I sit up abruptly. Maybe he was as scared of being alone as I am. 
I can’t sit in this tent anymore! I can’t-
Rhysand jolts awake as soon as I move, hand twitching for his knife, shadows swirling off his body in response to what his sleep muddled mind thinks is a threat. “What’s wrong?”
I put a hand on his chest, spinning onto my knees so I can kiss his forehead. “Nothing, I just need to relieve myself.”
He lets me push him down onto the mat, body relaxing and pliant beneath my touch. “You sure?”
“Positive.” If he tried to follow me out now I think I really might explode. My stomach feels like it's ripping itself apart. My bones ache, my skin feels like it's stretched too tight over them. There is too much nervous energy bound inside my body. I just need to get out and stretch my legs; get some fresh air and clear my head. I will be fine if I can clear my head.
“Take your knife,” he says, eyes already drifting shut again. 
I strap it to my thigh as I slip from the tent, gulping down lungfuls of crisp, mountain air as I go. I just need to clear my head. Is finding a way to survive this fucked up world really me acting like my father? I’ve never killed innocent people. I’ve never withheld necessities or lorded my power over people. I’m just not being honest about my intentions. It’s shitty. I’m using a mating bond I’m still not wholly sure is real as a means to getting food and shelter and, hopefully, a decent helping of mind blowing sex.
Cauldron that sounds really, really fucked up.
But how am I supposed to tell him? Hey, I know that you really don’t like my family and they’ve done nothing but screw you over but I also accepted your offer to try and ruin your life and take all of your land and kinda only just changed my mind about it yesterday. And it would be really super cool if you just let that slide because I have nowhere else to go.
That would go over soooooo well. He’d be totally fine with it! 
I ground my palms into my eyes as I walk behind a couple trees to at least make it look like I really did need to go pee. There are men on guard duty, no doubt someone is going to see me wandering around camp.
My brain feels like it’s being squeezed by my skull. There has to be a way to go about this that doesn’t get me tossed out into the coming snow, while also not lying so deeply about it. I do care about him. It was a lie at first but now…
I put my back against the tree and slide down until I’m sitting on the rocky ground, head still in my hands. I don’t know if he’s my mate. There’s something there, I feel it pulling at me, even now, but I can’t give it a name. And I want to be here. Not just because of the story he’d told yesterday. When Lucien tried to get me to leave, I really didn’t want to go back with him. But how am I supposed to live with the truth? How am I supposed to look at him and see that he wants this so much more than I do, despite everything?
Actually, why does he want this, despite everything? He’d asked me why I stayed. I never asked him why he brought me here. There’s certainly enough bad blood between our families to make even a mate hesitate to bring me in.
I lean back against the tree, the rough scrape of the bark against my aching skin a relief. My body feels so strange, being around Rhysand’s magic has made it feel like there’s something beneath my skin.
Tomorrow, in the morning, I will ask him why he still brought me back. Then I will decide what to do. 
He certainly doesn’t make asking him easy. Rhys wakes me up with his lips on my throat, along the fading marks he’d left a couple days before,  trailing them down as his hands hike up my sweater. The heat of him against the early morning chill has my resolve slipping, all my plans slipping through my fingers as he runs his tongue over my peaked nipples.
I can’t think past the roaring in my ears; the ache in my body for more, more, more. There is nothing and no one but him as he trails lower, each kiss more forceful than the last as he heads for the waistband of my pants.
“Rhys,” I moan, voice still thick with sleep, even as my body arches under him. I want him everywhere. I need him everywhere. The stirring feeling beneath my skin is worse today, only quelled by the trail of his hands on my body. For once, my racing thoughts are quiet. If only we could stay like this. 
“Hmmm,” he hums into my stomach, just beneath my navel. There’s a bit of stubble along his jaw, the scrape of it against my oversensitive skin makes my eyes roll back into my head. “Did you want something, mate?”
“You,” I groan, hand reaching out to tangle in his hair to try and move him where I need him. 
He grins, I can feel the upturn of his lips against my stomach, but he refuses to budge. Just nips at the skin visible above my waistline. “You have me.”
Bastard! My whole body trembles beneath him. I can’t get a breath down fast enough. I need him everywhere all at once. “Need you inside me,” I bite out.
He simply hums again, hands tugging at my waistband with an inhumane slowness that makes me feel like I’m going to burst out of my skin. I use the hand not in his hair to grip the mat, trying to ground myself, trying to find some semblance of control again. I’m gripping so tight my bones ache, fingers feeling like they’re breaking. There’s a tearing sound, a pricking sensation in my palm and then a gush of something wet across my hand. 
Even he looks up at that, and when I turn to look, I’m more than a little surprised to find that I’ve grown claws, and I’ve just tore them right through my hand!
“Shit!” He’s gone from between my legs in an instant, all the heat in my body leaving with him. 
I can’t unfurl my hand. Can’t retract the claws, they’re stuck through my palm with my fist closed around it. I’ve only ever grown them in anger, how the hell had I done it now?
Rhysand comes back with a towel as I manage to sit up. “I thought you smelled different this morning,” he muses.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I hiss.
“Our magic can be protective. It can hide itself if it doesn’t feel safe. I don’t think you were born with too little, I think you were born with too much.” His fingers massage my wrist, trying to find the right pressure points to help me unclench my fist. “I think that it buried itself inside you to keep you safe. And I think, now that you’re here, it’s manifesting, and like the wards, it has its own scent.”
“Well I’d like it to un-manifest,” I hiss. “I was doing just fine without it!” There’s blood dripping through the towel, if anything it feels like my claws are burrowing deeper into my palm. I can practically feel them trying to tear right through the back of my hand.
He can’t seem to find the right spot and trying to pry my fingers out of my palm is a no go. He frowns, lifting the towel for a better look. “I’m gonna try something.”
I’m prepared for a blow from his own magic, some form of glittering starlight or shadowy darkness, I am not prepared for him to kiss me again. The sound I make in surprise is somewhere between a growl and a gasp because what the hell is he doing? But even though my head is struggling to catch up, my body is not. On instinct, I lean back to allow him better access, his tongue slipping behind my teeth. The rolling feeling beneath my skin lessens, the tightness in my palm slowly releasing. I thread my functioning hand through his hair as my body gives what I can only describe as a sigh of relief. A moment later, the claws retract and I can finally unfurl my fist.
“Flair ups can be heavily tied to your emotions,” he says, lips barely off mine. “Probably wasn’t the best idea to tease you in the middle of one.” 
It takes him all of thirty seconds to find some rags and tie up my hand, even though the blood flow is already lessening. All I can do is stare at it while he does it. This is certainly a new and unwelcome development to this whole mess.
“Is that going to keep happening?”
Azriel pops his head into our tent, unannounced as usual. “Are you two done in here or what? I, personally, cannot live with Cassian if he beats us around the mountain.”
“We’ll be right there,” Rhysand huffs.
“I’m seeing a trend with him,” I mutter. 
He smirks, “It’s one of Azriel’s many charms.” 
He helps me to my feet, holding onto me like he thinks something else might just burst out of my skin. Truth be told, I can still feel something shifting around, a prowling animal begging to be released from its cage. I’d thought it was my unease this whole time, but maybe it’s worse than that. 
“We don’t know how deep your power well is,” Rhysand says. “And if it’s never fully manifested…” He blows out a breath. “When mine first started manifesting, I shredded a whole section of camp with starlight. There was a whole twenty-four hour period where my shadows blocked out the sun. And you’re my equal so, yes I think that will keep happening.”
Cauldron boil me!
“As long as you remain calm, it shouldn’t be too bad.”
“I should think you would know better than to tell a female to be calm, Rhysand.”
He grins, “Well you can also spend the day making out with me, since that seems to be such a lovely little distraction with you.”
I go to hiss an insult at him but the only thing that comes out is an actual, animal-like growl. I clamp a hand over my mouth in embarrassment while he bursts out laughing. 
“This is going to be fun!” He declares.
I am not at all inclined to agree.
I only manage to ride with him for an hour or two before the pull of his magic makes my skin start to itch. He was right about magic having a scent. Half way through the hour I suddenly become very aware of the jasmine scent of him. It’s everywhere. In every breath. Every brush of his chest against my back, every movement of his hands along the reins. My body is hyper aware of every place we do and don’t touch.
“Getting all worked up again, aren’t we?” He purrs in my ear.
My jaw feels like it’s snapping as a set of fangs tear through my gums, spurting blood into my mouth. Somehow his magic is the catalyst for my transformation and the balm all in one. I can’t be near him and I can’t be away from him, as I soon learn. When I jump off the horse and declare I’m going to walk beside him, my claws return, in both hands this time. At least they shoot out my nail beds and not my knuckles like Tamlin’s.
The thought of him makes another growl rumble through my chest and something that feels suspiciously like fur sprouts from the back of my neck.
“Wouldn’t recommend,” Rhysand warns.
The itchiness of my skin is even worse on the ground. I feel the wards tugging at me like I’ve been tied to the glittering magic that builds them with a string.  The jasmine and overripe fruit scent of them is enough to make my nose crinkle. Apparently the transformation heightens my senses as well.
“I’m gonna tear off my skin,” I snarl, fidgeting with my collar. Why is it so itchy? Is it supposed to be like this?
He slows his mount to keep pace with me and I do not miss the grumbled complaints of the males behind us. My ears twitch every time one of them speaks, the sound sometimes like a shout and others like a far off echo.
“Breathe,” he says gently. “The more worked up you get, the worse it will be until we can find a way to safely expel it.”
I draw a shaky breath, then another. 
“Good girl.”
A shiver works its way up my spine at that.
“Now come here,” he leans so far out of the saddle he’s only holding on with his thighs, and my first thought is how we can get this little caravan to pause so I can be the one beneath him. He gets an arm around my waist and hauls me back up onto the horse and damn if that’s not the hottest thing I’ve ever seen a male do!
“Let’s get these wards up-” I’m hyper-aware how every word rumbles through his chest, the way his body shifts on the horse. “-And we’ll find a place to camp soon enough, then you and I can work on this.”
“Make it stop,” I gently beg. “I don’t want it!” The itch beneath my skin is becoming unbearable! My claws scratch up my arms, tearing up my sweater. 
His free hand covers mine, intertwining our fingers, even as the horse begins to move. “Focus on me.”
I focus my attention on the way his body molds against mine. The way the leather of his glove slides over the back of my hand. I let my eyes drift shut, focusing on the brush of his chest against mine, the swaying motion of his hips as the horse moves over the rocky terrain. It’s not enough. Not like the feel of his lips on mine had been this morning. As if he knows it, he drops his head against my shoulder, nose brushing over the exposed skin of my throat. 
“I’m right here,” he continues. “Focus on me, just like you did this morning.”
This morning there had been a lot less clothes between us. 
“Breathe for me.”
It is a physical effort to draw a deep enough breath in; another to pull my claws away from my itching skin. He settles our joined hands against my stomach. 
I manage to do what I am told, just barely. 
“Good. Just like that.” His voice makes a shiver run down my spine as my mind spins with all the other things I want him to talk me through. I think I could do just about anything if he explained it to me in that rich, husky voice he was using in my ear. “Part of learning to control it is finding your center. Find a safe mental space to retreat to.”
“Like what?” There are few places in the world I have ever felt safe. Thinking about how I used to sit in the rocking chair with my mother and listen to her stories only fills me with pain now. Or perhaps a couple weeks ago I might have thought about all those summers I spent at the creek with Lucien, but now it only makes the thing beneath my skin rumble and shake like there’s some sort of animal that lives caged beneath my ribs and is trying desperately to break free. What makes me feel safe?
“A good memory, a happy time,” he lists. 
I have nothing. My eyes start to water and my throat starts to close, talons growing longer and sharper at my fingertips. I feel the give of my leather chest-piece beneath them. Everything good in my life has been a lie! Everyone that was supposed to protect me only ever hurt me in the end. None of it was ever real.
And this, this thing that could be something, that could be real, I had ruined it. I have to lie to keep it. I have to pretend that I had every right to hurt him, when it was really the other way around. The only person who had ever told me the truth, who could see me for what I was, and I had ruined any chance of it being real before it had even had the chance to start.
A sob slips out of me and with it, the tree we pass erupts in a flurry of leaves and twisting, screaming bark that makes the horse rear. The earth rumbles, random cracks splitting in the rock face, gnarled vines crawling out of them like tentacled monsters. The itching in my skin won’t stop! The more I try to trap it the more the world around us screams in protest. 
“Breathe, Y/N,” Rhysand orders in my ear. “You have to breathe.”
“I can’t!” I choke out. 
He slides his hand out of mine and brings it up against the side of my temple. It feels like a shadow unfurling from his fingertips, but the brush of it is not against my face, but inside my skull. Darkness clouds my vision from the inside out. It feels as if my brain is being emptied, piece by piece with shadows until there is nothing inside my mind but him. 
“Breathe,” he commands, the voice of a Warlord. “Now.”
I choke on each breath. 
“You are safe, Y/N,” he says, gentler. There is nothing in the world but the two of us in this dark little bubble. Nothing but the press of night chilled jasmine and calming, all consuming night. From somewhere far off, I hear music on the wind, the swell of stringed instruments pulling my attention away from the itch running beneath my skin.
“Why is this happening?” My body feels so impossibly small, yet like it’s being stretched beyond its capacity, my bones trying to tear through the confines of my skin all the same.
“Our powers can very easily get tangled with our emotions,” he explains, the hand on my temple drawing shapes into my skin. Somehow, after looking at the stitches in the tent walls, I know he’s spelling something out in Illyrian, but I’ll never know what. “The last twenty-four hours have been a lot for you, I’m sure.”
There is no room to think about it in this headspace, no twisted memories to plague me, only the music and the faint twinkle of stars for company. I let myself fall into it, let it swallow me and fill me until I feel disconnected from the pulling of my skin.
“I don’t want this power,” I whisper into the darkness.
The darkness caresses me, wraps itself around me as surely as his arm around my waist. “I know, but we don’t get a say in what we’re given, only what we do with it.”
When have I ever truly had a say in anything?
“What if I hurt somebody?” What if I am just as bad as my father in both intentions and power? If I am capable of plotting to ruin someone’s life based on a lie, how much more capable am I of turning these claws on someone else? Maybe power is passed from my mother, but that will never change the fact that I now carry the same weapons that were used to scar me, and Rhys, and probably his mother and sister. 
“You won’t,” he assures. “I’ll be right here to teach you. You can control it.”
He has far more faith in me than he should.
Once we’ve stopped for the night and camp is set up, Rhysand takes me by the hand and leads me out into the empty, grassy plains beneath the mountain. The knee-high yellow blades are brittle this time of year, cracking under our boots as we walk until only the smoke from the campfires pinpoints where we left the others. We’re far enough away that I won’t hurt anyone if I lose control again.
Shame flushes my cheeks. I’ve always prided myself on being the calm one of the family; always able to keep my emotions shoved deep down beneath the surface to keep them from getting the better of me. I thought I was good at it. I was wrong. It’s only been the constant brush of Rhysand’s shadows against my mind all afternoon that have kept me from tearing everything I touch to shreds. Even now, my hands ache from often my new claws have sprung and retracted from my fingertips.
I must feel about as awful as Rhysand looks. The circles under his eyes have not lessened in the slightest, and every once in a while I’ll see him start to sway, like it’s an effort to stay on his feet. The scent of his magic has lessened, the night blooming jasmine fading behind the citrus and salty scent of him. He shouldn’t be out here with me, he should be resting, recharging his own magic so he can be prepared for more warding tomorrow. According to Azriel and the scouts’ reports, we should meet up with Cassian and Mor’s group by this time tomorrow and Rhysand will need all his energy to ensure both ends of the wards are fully meshed together. 
We stop once we’re cushioned between two large hills, nothing but the chirp of crickets and the stars to keep us company. The Mountain looms dark and shadowy beneath the small sliver of the moon. 
“This looks like a good place,” he says as he finally releases my hand.
I keep my lower lip between my teeth, hands shaking at my sides. I don’t want to do this! Entertaining the idea that I have powers to train and use is foolish. I don’t need to learn to use them; I need to learn to shove them back down into the darkest parts of me where they can’t hurt anybody. 
“Let’s start with something simple,” he suggests. “Tell me where you feel your power the most.”
My hand comes up to poke between my rib cage, where the stirring and itchy feeling is the most concentrated. “Feels like something is trying to break out of my skin,” I say softly.
“The claws and the fangs could be a beast form,” he muses. “Or it could just be some shape-shifting powers you inherited from your father?”
The mention of that bastard makes the stirring in my chest feel like a tidal wave, raw energy crackling so hard and fast through my veins that I feel it crest out my fingertips. The grass around me withers and dies, the ground beneath it crackling and rumbling with what feels like the early stages of an earthquake. I can’t have powers like my fathers!
There is no shortage of pity in those violet eyes and I press my palms into my eyes with a groan. I can’t do this! It needs to stop! I need to bury it now before it runs away with me; while I still have some control over it. Because if it goes any further than this…
Maybe Tamlin was right to send me away. Maybe he did know about my powers and that was why he got rid of me. I couldn’t hurt anybody if I was alone in the woods.
Rhysands shadows drift along the floor until they can slither up my calves, rubbing affectionately against me in a way that reminds me of a cat. “It’s ok,” he soothes.
Tears stream down my cheeks. “Make it stop!” I beg. “Show me how to bury it again.”
His shadows trail higher, winding over my hips and waist, even as he steps closer, leaving barely a breath between us. “Y/N…” he shakes his head, trying to find the right words and I feel a strange pang beneath the movement in my chest.
“Please,” I whimper. “I’ll do anything! Just make it stop.”
He cups my cheek and I give myself the briefest moment to fall into the warmth of his touch.  “I know it’s scary, and that it hurts, but this is good. It has to be released. You will die if you don’t.”
Then let me. The words freeze on my tongue when a tendril of his power flicks over his shoulder, down his wrist, to brush against my cheek, but that doesn’t stop the spiraling of my thoughts. Let me be free of this pain. Let me go out before I become a monster like my father. Let that awful bastard be right; let me be useless and worthless and incapable of doing anything he could be proud of. 
As if spurred on by my thoughts, the grass around me continues to wither, until there’s a whole circle of dead earth surrounding me. The harder I try to draw it in, the wider the circle becomes. Power sizzle through my nerve endings, a fire that digs itself into my veins and when I curl my hands into fists to try and stop it, I pull weeds through the cracks in the earth, the gnarled, leafy branches reaching up like skeletal hands that wrap around my, and Rhysand’s ankles.
“Focus on that spot,” his free hand taps gently against my ribs. “Focus until it feels like you’re holding it.”
I try to imagine the power like a bowl filled with sloshing, dark liquid. I imagine myself reaching for the lip of the bowl, the cracked edges and rough wood a mirror to the one that used to sit on our kitchen table, full of apples I’d sneak when no one was looking. If I make it familiar, it feels easier to focus on. I imagine every crack in the bowl, every worn edge, focusing until I get a mental hold around the edges. Now all I need to do is tip the bowl over. If I spill out its contents, there will be nothing left inside me to unleash… right?
“Once you can hold it, focus on containing it. Imagine it like a bottle, get all that energy into the bottle, and put a lid on the top,” Rhys says like he can hear my plans.
The liquid inside the bowl bubbles and hisses as my conflicted feelings run circles through my head. He hasn’t been wrong this far, I should do as he says, but I can’t help but feel like indulging this is a mistake. I can hear my father’s voice inside my head, telling me that this is not how females are supposed to behave. 
I can feel the weeds I’d summoned dying around me. Can feel every blade of grass as if it was somehow attached to my skin. The longer I hold that imaginary bowl, the more aware of this power I become, but it doesn’t feel like control. It just feels like more things pulling at me, trying to move me in directions I’ve never decided I want to go in. 
The ground rumbles beneath my boots again as my mental grip slips, and when I open my eyes the weeds, dead as they are now, have slithered all the way up my chest, reaching for my throat like some decrypt hand. 
The air leaves my lungs in a rush and with it, the dead vegetation crumbles and turns to dust on the wind.
Rhysand should be looking at me like I’m a monster. He should be stepping away, shadows swirling, that giant sword in hand. We are supposed to be enemies and he should be looking at me like I am one. But he’s not. He reaches out and brushes some of the ruined plant off my shoulder instead.
“It’s ok,” he assures. “No one gets it on their first try. Not even me.”
That compassion and understanding makes my chest ache worse than any restless power ever has. I don’t deserve it. I wish he would treat me like the horrible creature I am. He would be better off if he tossed me out into the woods like Tam.
He stiffens and I can’t help but wonder if I accidentally said that out loud because his eyes darken as he closes the gap between us and takes my face in his hands. “Maybe I’m taking the wrong approach.” His voice is clipped, husky. 
Good, maybe he can finally see me for what I really am.
I am wholly unprepared for him to crash his lips against mine. My brain short circuits, the agitation I feel morphing into that desperate, needy thing I had felt this morning. Just as I tilt my head back, lips parting to let him in, he pulls back. 
“Let’s play a game.”
The power in my chest feels like it’s going to rip out of my skin again. 
“Match what I do and you’ll get a reward,” he explains. “If you can’t…” He takes a step back and it is an effort not to chase after him, but the message is clear enough: Matching his efforts means his hands, his lips, his body is on me again, fail to do so, and he puts space between us. It shouldn’t work. It shouldn’t make me want to try, but I do. Gods I do! 
“Ok,” my voice shakes a little. In the back of my mind I still think it’s a bad idea. Maybe I will regret it in the end, but this thing between us is the only thing that makes sense. There is nothing between us when his lips are on mine. I need that distraction tonight.
He holds out a hand and a ball of shadows emerge, the tendrils of darkness crawling out from beneath his skin to form the swirling shape. “Find that spot in your chest and push it into your hand. It’s a part of you, it answers to you. Make it answer to you.”
I hold out my hand, matching his position and then close my eyes, reaching for that bowl of darkness again. Hesitantly, I tip it sideways, sloshing some of the dark liquid over the edge and imagine pulling it through my limbs. It makes my muscles spasm, my claws shooting out of my nail beds in defense.
“Breathe through it, you’ll pass out if you hold your breath.” 
Selfishly, I want to impress him. Want to show him I can. I want the reward of his lips on mine again. Want to not have to think about whether I should be doing this or that, the only thought in my head him and how good he feels. I do as he says, drawing in a breath as I keep pushing that bit of darkness in the direction I want it. It makes my head hurt, trying to focus so intently, but I’m nothing if not persistent. 
I feel the rumble of movement beneath my palm, and just when I’m starting to think that maybe I’m more capable than I thought, the tiniest, most wilted looking dandelion grows from my palm. And then immediately turns to ash. It’s the saddest excuse for power I’ve ever seen and I growl out a complaint like a literal beast as even the thing in my chest shows its disappointment.
Rhysand snorts out a laugh too, which makes it worse.
So much for powerful. 
He clears his throat as he steps back into my space. “It was a good attempt.”
“Don’t patronize me,” I hiss. “That was embarrassing.” 
He wraps his hand around my wrist and places his lips against my palm anyway, never mind that my claws are still out and drifting over his temple as he kisses right where my powers flared. “You still tried.”
I shiver at the contact of his plush lips against my skin, his breath warm against my palm. My senses are still incredibly heightened and even that bit of contact makes my skin buzz with excitement. 
He quirks a dark brow as he looks at me from where my hand is still pressed against his lips. “Try again for me?”
I nod, not trusting my voice when he’s looking at me like he wants to devour me. His pupils are blown wide, barely a ring of violet left to see. He keeps his lower lip between his perfect teeth as he watches me with an intensity that makes my thighs clench. 
Just like before, I imagine myself holding that bowl, this time, I draw a breath and tip it over, letting more of that strange darkness spill into the abyss that is my soul. It is strange to see it like this, to have some parts of it so clear and yet the rest of it is shrouded in fathomless depths. There might be anything living within the confines of my skin. I’d never bothered to look until now. 
I push it towards my fingertips, just as before. The same spasm in my muscles returns, a knot forming in my bicep that I do my best to ignore as I keep pushing my power towards my hand. I remind myself to breathe when it flares in my wrist, making my claws retract and pop back out. 
“Just like that,” Rhysand coaxes.
Cauldron his voice makes my insides feel like jelly. 
Crawling vines emerge one by one from beneath my palms, twining around my fingertips like tiny snakes. In the center sprouts another dandelion, a little taller than the last. I manage to hold it for all of five seconds before the knot in my bicep and wrist become too much and the vines and flower die together. My bones ache. How does he do this so easily?
“Better,” Rhysand praises as he places the next kiss on the inside of my wrist, his fingers massaging the knot forming there. 
“Is it supposed to hurt?” I grumble.
“It’s a process,” he murmurs into my skin, lips trailing higher, causing a shiver to run down my spine. “Think of it like building a muscle. The first couple days of using that muscle will hurt. You’ll be sore. But the more you build it, the stronger it becomes, and the less it hurts. Eventually, you’ll be able to perform bigger and bigger feats with less and less discomfort.” 
That sounds exhausting! 
I’m going to have to do this for the rest of my life? The thought sours my mood, once again turning my thoughts away from this lovely little distraction he’s been offering and back into the darkness that’s been threatening to overtake me all afternoon. 
I swear he can hear the thoughts spinning through my head as he suddenly nips at the tender flesh of the inside of my wrist. “You think you can give me one more?”
I have a headache just thinking about doing it again, but he keeps looking at me through those long lashes, the intensity in his gaze making all rational thought fly out the window. 
“I’ll make it worth your while,” he promises, lips trailing higher. He’s so warm and intoxicating, I think he might be capable of making me do anything, as long as his lips remain on my skin.
I focus on that spot, paying extra attention to breathe as I reach for that imaginary bowl a third time. Maybe if I let myself relax, lean a little heavier into the warmth of his touch, and stop trying so hard to hold on so tight, it won't hurt so bad. It has been like fighting a tide all this time; if I relax, go with the wave, will that make it easier?
I imagine that darkness spilling from the bowl like water instead, letting it flow like a river. The path from my chest to my fingertips is kind of like a stream, right? The water bubbling and rushing through me. There must be something to that thought process, because, when I open my eyes, there are more vines twining around my fingers and wrist, but this time, tiny yellow and pink flowers bloom from them. There is nothing dead or angry crawling out from beneath my skin, but something beautiful and alive. My claws retract as the vines spin around my fingers.
I can’t help but grin as I look to Rhys for his approval. “I did it!”
He grins right back, the sight so dazzling I think I might just stand here for hours summoning flower after flower to see it again. “That’s my girl!”
Instinctively, spurred by the excitement rushing through my veins, I stretch up on my toes and place a quick kiss on his lips. “You’re a good teacher,” and I mean it. Whatever this is between us, I am grateful for him, even if this is all we have. “Thank you.”
He slides a hand in my hair and kisses me back. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”
I don’t know what it is I feel about it. It still feels wrong, or maybe it just feels different. Everything feels different these days, I’d rather not think too long about it. “Feels like I can breathe a little easier.” 
“Good.” He kisses me again. “We’ll practice some more tomorrow.”
I slide my hand into the silky strands of his hair, nails scraping lightly over his scalp as he rests his forehead on mine. I won’t let myself think about tomorrow, or about these new powers. There can only be this moment.
“Just promise me,” he continues, “that you’ll keep trying?”
“I might need some convincing,” I return, clinging to this distraction with every last bit of willpower I possess.
He grins at the challenge. This is the best I can give him today; the closest to the truth I can admit without laying everything bare. 
“I can be very persuasive,” he purrs and the next thing I know I am on my back in what’s left of the grass, the solid weight of him on top of me. “Maybe we should work on some self-defense while we’re at it. That was alarmingly easy.”
“The words every girl wants to hear when she’s beneath a man,” I retort.
“I just want you to be safe, is all,” he says as he kisses the tip of my nose. 
I reach up a hand and brush some of the hair that’s falling over his forehead into his eyes out of the way. He is breathtakingly beautiful under the moonlight. I wish I could paint or sketch, immortalize every glorious sharp edge of him in ink and paper. “I’m with you, how can I not be safe?”
Cauldron boil me, I mean that too.
It’s not until later that night, long after I’d fallen apart on his tongue in that field and then tumbled back into camp, nearly asleep on my feet to nestle down against his warm body that I remembered I’d meant to ask him this morning why he’d still let me in after everything between us. By now I’m too exhausted to care; maybe I’ll find the courage to ask in the morning.
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Thank you all for being so patient with this update! As always, let me know if you want to be added to the taglist :)
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formulawolff · 3 hours
jealousy, jealousy - t.w.
pairing: fem!reader x dbf! toto wolff
word count: 2.1k
warnings: age gap, smut (oral - male receiving!), questionable power dynamics, cursing, vague toxic vibes from toto, allusions to sex, slight choking, poorly translated german, dominating vibes from toto for sure, writer has no idea how university in europe works, dad's best friend! trope, reader is lowkey a little brat, dirty talk, yadayadayada
a/n: here is the highly anticipated second part of sunbathing! and yes, it is loosely based off of jealousy, jealousy by olivia rodrigo. i hope y’all enjoy this just as much as the first part! <3
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‧₊ ˚ ⊹ ࣭ ⭑ . ₊ ⊹ .₊๋‧₊ ˚ ⊹ ࣭ ⭑ . ₊ ⊹ .₊๋‧₊ ˚ ⊹ ࣭ ⭑ . ₊ ⊹ .₊๋‧₊ ˚ ⊹ ࣭ ⭑ . ₊ ⊹ .₊๋‧₊ ˚ ⊹ ࣭ ⭑ . ₊ ⊹ .₊๋‧₊ ˚
no matter how hard you tried to shake it, it lingered.
it was always present, nagging away, gnawing at you. nearly consuming you whole.
it kept you awake at night as you tossed and turned, your mind wandering, wondering what could have been.
‧₊ ˚ ⊹ ࣭ ⭑ . ₊ ⊹ .₊๋‧₊ ˚ ⊹ ࣭ ⭑ . ₊ ⊹ .₊๋‧₊ ˚ ⊹ ࣭ ⭑ . ₊ ⊹ .₊๋‧₊ ˚ ⊹ ࣭ ⭑ . ₊ ⊹ .₊๋‧₊ ˚ ⊹ ࣭ ⭑ . ₊ ⊹ .₊๋‧₊ ˚
what could have happened if the two of you were alone that day. how he could have made you feel. how he could have fulfilled every single one of your sleazy, dirty, downright sinful fantasies.
how he could have fucked you like the whore you were for him, aching for some sort of relief from the fiery desire burning within.
you were desperate. desperate to replicate the way he touched you that day. desperate to hear that sickeningly sweet lust dripping in his words. desperate to squirm under his intense gaze, his mocha depths picking you apart.
no toy in your nightstand drawer even came close. there was no porno that could even recreate the memory. there was nothing that could satisfy the craving.
the craving to feel toto wolff spread you open and tear you apart.
ever since that summer afternoon, you maintained your distance. you stayed as far away as possible, ensuring that you remained upstairs whenever he came over for a couple drinks. you would purposefully only pop into your dad's office if you knew toto was out. there was one morning where you fibbed that you had an upset stomach, just so that you didn't have to tag along for another dinner on his luxurious yacht.
of course, you didn't want to avoid him. but you knew you had to.
simply because the mere sight of him was enough to bring you to your knees.
although, missing numerous grand prixes did have it repercussions.
while your dad was in the garage, you would be at home in bed, scrolling endlessly through social media. in turn, a nasty, unsettling feeling began to bloom, only growing with each passing weekend.
and that feeling was jealousy.
to put it simply, you were envious of the girls. how they were able to prance around the paddocks every weekend, donning the latest designer clothing and sipping on the finest champagne. giggling among one another as their boyfriends zoomed past. gossiping about everything and anything, from their sex lives to which one of their manicurists perfected the glazed donut look.
you longed to be with them, to join their elite status as a formula one wag. you ached to be that it girl, strutting into the garage, unbothered as tik tok pages buzzed and tabloids raved.
yet, with the man you had in mind, you knew it wasn't attainable.
not in the slighest.
there was no world in which you would be toto wolff's girlfriend.
it simply was never going to happen.
and facing that fact? fuck, did it have you spiraling.
it left you dejected and defeated, wanting nothing to do with anything and everything related to formula one. the sport you once loved was now a stark reminder of what you could not have.
an innocent dream crushed by the harsh weight of reality.
however, your withdrawn nature did not go unnoticed. by the third or fourth weekend spent home alone, your father decided it was time to "go out and socialize!" and "keep your mom company while he was at work."
you couldn't fight it any longer, either.
you had to attend the hungarian grand prix.
whether you liked it or not.
of course, your father was oblivious. he teased you, wondering if it had something to do with that "verstappen boy" or "that chuck leclerc fellow." although he did not press, you knew that he was aware it had something to do with a boy.
well, not just any boy.
a man. a fifty-two year old man.
his best friend and boss, at that.
so, here you were, using your mother as a shield as the two of you hung out in the garage. with carmen mundt and lewis hamilton's mom, nonetheless.
"so, how is university going?"
a delicate voice floods your right ear. blinking, you realize that it was carmen trying to speak, heat flushing into your cheeks as she giggles, your mom chiming in.
"she's been a little spacey today, so you might wanna make sure her antennas are adjusted correctly."
"mom!" you hiss, eyes narrowing into slits. however, you suck in a breath, turning to carmen, "i haven't started yet, but i am excited about this semester! i have a lot of classes online, so i can work while i travel."
"that's great!" carmen gushes, her lips forming a radiant grin, "i understand how difficult working on the go can be at times, but i have full faith that you'll have another great semester. your dad informed me that you were quite the scholar."
"oh please," you scoff, rolling your eyes, "i'm not that-"
"guten tag miene damen. i hope hospitality has been treating you well!"
your breath hitches in your throat as that brassy voice fills the air, his thick accent seeping into every word.
"toto!" your mom rises to her feet, wrapping the team principal up in a tight embrace, "it's nice to see you!"
"wie ich sehe, hast du den kleinen mitgebracht," the team principal shoots you a wink, folding his arms across his chest, "it's nice to see you, again. i don't think i've spoken to you since-"
"the afternoon we went out on your yacht," you finish, heart thudding against your rib-cage as he nods, "i've been a bit busy."
"is that so?" toto arches a brow, his tongue swiping along his lower lip, "busy with school or?"
"preparing for the semester to begin," you respond, a shiver running down your spine as he maintains eye contact, "i begin my last year of university in a few months."
"very good," the team principal clicks his tongue. tilting his head ever so slightly, he shifts to your mom, "would you mind if i stole her for a few minutes? i don't think she's gotten to see the upgrades we've made to the car."
"oh please," you mom waves a hand, "you know i don't mind!"
"well," his attention floats back to you, his elbow extending, "would you like to see the car?"
"sure," you mumble, your knees nearly buckling as you stand, "as long as i'm back before the first session."
"i'll have you back in no time," giving one last wave to the women, you hesitantly accept his gesture, linking your arm with his, "you better make this quick."
"is that right?" he counters, "you can relax, you know. you don't have to be so tense."
exhaling, your shoulder droops, "sorry. just a little nervous."
"you of all people know i don't bite," as the two of you weave through the garage, he chirps greetings to members of the crew.
as he strolls through a door, you realize that you were not looking at the new cars. in fact, the cars were in various pieces, the engineers tinkering away as you passed by them minutes ago. he was leading you in the opposite direction of the garage, deep into the paddock, far away from your parents.
"the cars were in the garage you know."
toto clicks his tongue, his gaze directed toward the sprawling labyrinth of hallways and doors. his pace picks up, and for a moment, you find it a bit difficult to keep up with his lengthy strides.
yet, he doesn't speak, eventually coming to a halt in front of an office space. he pauses, shoving a hand into his pocket. fishing out a lanyard, he flashes a badge in front of a black square. at the top of the device, a light beams green, the lock turning.
his hand wraps around the handle, pushing the door open. he draws the blinds, taking a brief moment to scan his surroundings, ensuring that the two of you were completely concealed.
swallowing thickly, you shift in place. the air is still, thick with tension as toto turns on his heel, coming face-to-face with you.
in that moment, you swear there's a crackle, as if there was some sort of electricity. a hand cups the back of your skull, bringing you in close.
"where have you been?"
his inquiry is harsh, almost as if he was scolding you.
"home," your lip trembles as he studies you, taking in every little mole, every little scar, and the way your eyes glimmer in the dim light, "i've been at home."
"avoiding me or avoiding the what ifs?"
"both," you sputter out, the word thready as he leans in even further, your mouths only millimeters apart, "i was scared if we saw one another again, i would put you in some sort of fucked-"
"you're adorable," the team principal coos, tilting your head back, "absolutely precious."
"why do you say that?"
the tip of his nose brushes against yours, his voice merely a whisper.
"because no matter how badly i want to fuck you right now, i still have some sense of control."
"then what are you going to do?"
"feel those pretty little lips around my cock. get on your knees."
"t-toto," you stammer, fighting a moan as his mouth drifts down your jawline, planting sloppy kisses down your neck, "i-i don't know if we should-"
"just say the word and i'll walk you right back to mommy and daddy."
adrenaline courses through your veins, your mind scrambling to form a response as his fingertips glide along the waistband of your jeans, tenderly stroking along your heated skin.
the angel on your shoulder was telling you to walk away, to end it right now before it grew into something more.
yet, the devil was a little bastard, reminding you that you finally had him alone. the filthy fantasies that clouded your dreams at night could finally be fulfilled.
and who knew how long it would be before an opportunity like this arose.
it was now or never.
licking your lips, you lower to your knees, the coolness of the concrete littering your limbs with goosebumps. toto dips his head, prompting you to proceed.
"show me how much of a good girl you really are."
bringing your hands to his slacks, you hastily undo the buckle of his belt. hooking the waistband of his boxers, you slide them down, eyes widening at the sight before you.
his hardened cock, far larger than your fantasies, was before you, stiff as the blood pumped through it. his tip was a rosy pink, tinged with the glow of lust. there were several veins prominent, wrapping around his length.
sticking your tongue out, you swirl around his tip, humming as his legs shake momentarily, pleasure crashing over him like a tidal wave. his chest rises and falls, breathing ragged as you begin to take him in your mouth, lashes fluttering as one hand wraps around the base.
"that's it," he pants, fingers tugging at your roots while your cheeks hollow out, "you take it so well. good girl."
spit begins to dribble from your lip as you begin to bob your head, your hand pumping along his length. with each stroke, you can feel him tense, his jaw clamped tight.
you can feel the bruises forming as obscene noises bounce off the walls, the team principal's grip loosening by the second. you're soaking wet, the juices pooling between your thighs as his head falls back.
fuck, did you like this.
no, you loved it as he shuddered against you, his voice breathy, barely audible.
"y-you're going to make me cum. f-fuck you're going to make me cum."
seconds later, you feel it.
threads of cum spill down your throat, his hips bucking against you, "good girl. get every last drop."
pulling away, you swallow, the team principals' hands finding yours. fingers intertwine together, helping you to your feet.
"come here."
mouths mold together, the kiss blazing with passion. a tongue slides along your lower lip, delving in. it's pure bliss, breathing life into your lungs as he brings you in closer than you ever thought possible.
the tender moment is brief, leaving a tingling sensation that buzzes all the way down to your toes.
"we will finish this," eyes interlock, a finger sweeping along your jaw, "i promise."
"when?" the inquiry tumbles out, "when will we see each other again?"
"as soon as possible," he murmurs, "promise me something though, schatzi."
"that is?" you arch a brow, wondering what could possibly come next.
"promise me that you won't let another man near you until i get to finish what i started."
‧₊ ˚ ⊹ ࣭ ⭑ . ₊ ⊹ .₊๋‧₊ ˚ ⊹ ࣭ ⭑ . ₊ ⊹ .₊๋‧₊ ˚ ⊹ ࣭ ⭑ . ₊ ⊹ .₊๋‧₊ ˚ ⊹ ࣭ ⭑ . ₊ ⊹ .₊๋‧₊ ˚ ⊹ ࣭ ⭑ . ₊ ⊹ .₊๋‧₊ ˚
master taglist: @ts1m1kas @joalslibrary @bxuzi @swifth0lic @dounib67 @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie @invictax @pretzelsarenice @lizxoxeth @marknolee @f1kenzzz @statuewoman @jeannealicette @chuxk-lerclerk @manianoola @lokideservesahug @noooway555 @vimayxo @p3rcyp1g
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yandere-paramour · 3 days
How do your yanderes do with someone with no experience? Like they haven’t had their first kiss yet level
Noelle is literally vibrating, this is EXACTLY what she wants. Her Darling is pure, untouched by the horrors of the world, and only she can properly protect your innocence. This way, she can ease you into intimacy yourself, and she will be the only one you ever touch. Noelle is a virgin, but with all the stuff she reads, watches, owns, or otherwise is into, she might as well not be. She says she can wait as long as you need to but she is subtly manipulating you into wanting her, needing her. Every movement is calculated and even though you think you are in charge of the situation and Noelle is being very patient and kind to you, she is controlling everything and dominating you. You find yourself seeing Noelle's perfectly kissable lips everywhere and wondering what her breasts look like. By the time you can't think because of the fire in your core and you're begging her to help you, she will gladly lay you back and satisfy you, saving you from yourself. Congratulations, you've fallen right into her trap warm embrace.
Atalanta likes this too. You're a virgin like her. It makes her happy that you both are the same and you can learn each other's bodies together. She has put in 27 years of being a blushing virgin (almost enough to get her magic powers), she can handle more. In the meantime, she wants you to be able to explore yourself. She will buy you as many sex toys as you need, and she won't even ask you how you found them, only if you need more or a different kind. While you are learning yourself, she gives you your privacy even if she really really wants to know. She will wait for you to come to her, even if you're shy, just drop a little hint, she's watching and she will see it and know what you want. Once you give her a little bit of permission, she will move very slowly, giving you enough time to get comfortable with each new step before she moves onto the next one. Remember, she's learning too.
Vivien is already good friends with his right hand, but this is killing him. He lost his virginity when he was 16 and he has tons of experience; it is absolutely baffling to him how you got to your early 20's without any intimacy. But Vivien will be patient with you. He lets you control the pace, lets you take your time and use his body to explore and learn. He is happy to help, take as much time as you need. You both can use sex toys on your own or together, whatever you need to feel comfortable. He will suggest lots of things you can do to learn about yourself or learn about him, and you two become actually a lot closer. If you try to do something like kiss him and chicken out, he will give you a hug and reassure you that it's okay if you're not ready yet and he can wait because he loves you, all while he is carefully adjusting a throw pillow over his crotch. He can jerk it after you leave, he needs to be a good boyfriend right now.
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veritasangel · 8 hours
Golden Sanctity
Ft. John 'Soap' MacTavish
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sum: if you asked anyone from 141 MC where their road captain so often disappeared to, they'd never guess the church.
warnings: sfw, fempov, mentions of church
a/n: this has not been proofread yet wc: 1.4k
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Soap, Road Captain of 141 MC. The name carried weight from bar fights to street races and the infamously brutal manner in which the club's rules were enforced. Anyone who knew his name made it a point to get out of the way when he was around. It was as if there was a perpetual amount of danger etched within him.
The leather vest with the 141 patch an ever-present reminder of who he was and the world he survived in. Still, for weeks now, Soap had found himself chasing after something-or rather, someone-he had no business even looking at.
The pretty church girl from the local town, a world separate from the chaos and violence that Soap was used to. You were the one thing he couldn't have, couldn't even think about having. Pure, untouched by the mess of the life he led. He had first seen you that Sunday morning, walking out of the church with a group of friends, laughing in that carefree way people who hadn't seen the darker side of life did.
Soap had been leaning against his bike, watching from across the street with a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. His usual bravado faltered for a second as he took you in-all innocence and light, the kind of person he didn't deserve to be near. He had no right to look, let alone want anything more, but something about you tugged at him-an impossible temptation.
Now, every time he rode into town, his eyes strayed to that place outside the church, his heart hoping to catch a glimpse of you. It was reckless, and he knew it.
You were the kind of girl whose family would despise everything he represented. They'd hate the ink crawling up his arms, the rough edges of his life, the bike roaring down the quiet streets.
And the 141? They'd never take it seriously, either. His brothers lived for the rush, the freedom of the club—they wouldn't understand his obsession with a girl so far removed from their world.
Yet, he couldn’t stay away.
He had no business being outside the church late at night, waiting for you like he often did. He was a man of danger, living a life full of chaos and recklessness that clashed sharply with everything you stood for. Yet, despite the rules, the lines, and the stark differences between your worlds, there he was-again.
That first night you spoke, where he found you in quiet repose on the church steps, lost in thought. You hadn't screamed or ran, even when you knew who he was. Instead, you'd stayed. He'd started talking and you listened.
He used to call it "confessing," his face a mock-serious mask, and the things he said to you were anything but sacred. Soap didn't talk about prayers and salvation; he talked about his life-fights and rides, the messes he'd gotten himself into. It was as if he tried at times to freak you out, telling stories of the darkness he lived in, testing to see if you'll finally tell him to leave.
But you never did, and so Soap kept coming back.
Tonight, he was waiting by a bench near the church, the moonlight casting a silver glow over the empty streets. His bike was parked a little ways down, the low hum of the engine long gone as he watched the flicker of light from inside the church.
His eyes scanned the surroundings-a place that represented peace and purity, everything he was not. And yet, this place had bound itself to you, and that alone was enough for him to continue appearing.
You emerged from the side door, the soft creak of the wood in the still night air. He saw you there in that soft, flowing dress, looking as innocent as ever, and Soap's heart thumped in a way he didn't want to admit.
You looked at him with a half-smile, something warm but cautious-like you still didn't quite know what to make of him. And maybe you didn't. Maybe you shouldn't.
"Johnny," you said softly, your words a cool balm to the riot in his mind.
"Lass," he returned, that smirk so damn familiar tugging at his lips. "You've been waitin' on me?"
"I was finishing up some work for the church. Didn't expect to see you again this week."
He let out a low chuckle, scratching the back of his neck, "Cannae stay away, can I? Thought I'd drop by and confess my sins again," he teased, his eyes softening as they caught yours.
You rolled your eyes, though a slight tugging at the corner of your lips insisted on a small smile. "And what sins are you bringing to the table tonight?"
Soap grinned, pretending to ponder, "Ah, the usual. Too many fights, too many bad decisions, and of course… thinking 'bout you more than I should.".
That caught you off guard, making you pause, your eyes widening, but you didn't back away. You never did. It was one of those things that had kept him coming back, the way that you didn't flinch from him, didn't see him as a monster, even when that's how he felt most of the time.
“Johnny, we've talked about this,” you said calmly, your tone firm. “We are different, too different. You know this.”
Soap exhaled slowly, his smirk faltering for a moment. He got up, moved closer, but kept a respectful distance, knowing just how innocent you were-how untouched by the world he was so deeply entrenched in.
"I know, lass. Believe me, I know. But that doesnae stop me from wantin' ya. Or from thinkin' about how much I'd give to be close to you."
Your gaze softened. You cared about him; he knew that. You were scared, though-scared of what it could mean for you, for your family, for anything that was important to you to give yourself to someone like him.
"You don't belong in my world," you whispered, almost as though trying to convince yourself as much as him. "My family. they'd hate you. The things that you're involved in-they'd never understand."
He nodded, the weight of your words hanging heavy between you. "Aye, I know they would. And I don't blame 'em. Hell, sometimes I hate the things I do, too. But you… " His voice trailed off, falling into something softer, something almost fragile. "You make me want to be better.
You had looked at him then, really looked at him, as if seeing past the rough exterior, past the leather and tattoos. Just a moment, you and him alone, in the silent darkness, worlds apart yet somehow held together.
“I don't know if I can be what you need, Johnny," you said in the tiniest voice. Again, you doubted that your words could be meant, "I'm not from your world, and you need someone who is able to handle that lifestyle.”
Soap exhaled sharply and moved in closer, his hand grazing lightly against your arm. "Maybe what I need isn't anyone who can handle my world; maybe it's someone like you to pull me out of it."
Your heart fluttered at his words, but even then, such a decision weighed heavily upon your mind. This man-this dangerous, wild man-wanted you in a way that thrilled and terrified you. He was everything your family had warned you about, everything you'd always been told to stay away from. But he was more than that, too. There was a softness in him that no one else ever saw, a side of him that he only showed when it was just the two of you.
Soap watched the fight in your eyes diminish a little, his face softening. "I won't push, lass. Not for more than you're ready to give. But I'll stick around, as long as you'll let me.".
You looked down, your fingers tentatively grazing his, before glancing back up at him with a small tentative smile. "Just talking?" you whispered, your voice barely above a breath.
"Just talking," Soap agreed, his smile relaxing as he settled back against the wall, happy to stand beside you in the night's quiet. And for that moment, it was enough.
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༄ MC 141 m.list // general m.list
© veritasangel ↣ do not copy or translate any of my works.
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paradise — xiangli yao x reader
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Imagine kissing XIANGLI YAO.
A clumsy grip on his robotic shoulder, his hesitant hands on your waist. You’ve never felt more at home than the way you were in his lap, comfortably nestled in his arms. Warm, soft lips on yours, the slight tremble in his breath when he tilts sideways, deepening the kiss.
You don’t remember how or what happened. All you can think about is how warm he is—careless hands lightly trailing from his broad shoulder, your thumb along his clavicle. You find the bob of his Adam’s apple, every rumble and vibration felt like thunder, an echo underneath your fingertips straight to your own thundering heart. You gasp for air in between your kiss, but never quite pulling away, the tremble of his lips still present on yours.
“Rover,” Xiangli Yao speaks, voice husky that it rumbles in your ear, “[Y/N],”
He says your name with reverence you mistake it for a prayer—it takes your breath away.
“Mm, yes,” you lull, high and heavy in the small space he encloses you in, “‘m sorry, is it…is it too much?”
Xiangli Yao holds you closer, your legs now wrapped around his torso, your arms wrapped around his shoulders, bodies touching too intimately. To prove his point, he dips you lower, making you open your eyes. One hand holds the small of your back, the other reaching out to touch your cheeks, his fingertips purposely grazing your skin.
“No, no,” He breathes a plea in between your lips, begging, “Never. You are never too much.”
You’ve long believed first kisses are the flutter of butterflies on flowers, the shy kiss of the autumn air on your cheeks. But your kiss with Xiangli Yao is more than that: the loud crash of the waves on the shore, the confident sunshine dancing on your skin in the summer—Xiangli Yao kisses you, although his first time, fervently, passionately, devotedly on your lips, an exploration that he is unafraid to take.
He leans forward to capture your lips once more. Unlike the sweet taste of innocence from the first time you’ve kissed, it is hungrier, it is raw—evident in the way the hand on your back dangerously treading uncharted waters that slips lower, and the other one cautiously cupping the nape of your neck.
“Xiangli Yao,” you pull away slightly, unable to go from the warmth of his lips, “Breathe, I need to–”
“Warm, you are overflowing with warmth, [Y/N].” He says, “I can never get enough.”
You open your eyes to find shimmering amethyst irises with orange-hued tints looking back at you. His lips curve into a small smile, urging you to act on your mind.
What were once trembling hands found confidence in the way you held onto his shoulder blades, caressing every skin you could touch, tenderly cupping his cheeks. Xiangli Yao leans to the heat of your hands, his lips leaving butterfly kisses on your palm.
Every action leaves thunder in your hammering heart, every pulse a reverberation that mirrors both of you. In the heat of the blind room with the sunshine your only light, you mutter words only meant for Xiangli Yao, only those that represent your affections for him.
“I adore you,” you say back, “Xiangli Yao, I adore you.”
With your confession, Xiangli Yao smiles. Amidst his lust-shaded eyes, they reflect the same feeling as yours.
“I adore you, too, [Y/N].” He nuzzles closer to you, leaving light kisses on your jaw, “I adore you, far more than you could imagine.”
Imagine kissing XIANGLI YAO, who captivates your heart, on one summer afternoon.
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I am down bad for him (hes nearly fully built)
— starry
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daydaydayrk420 · 3 days
can you do one wear steve and bucky are fighting over the reader and the reader finds out abt their crush and so he decides to fuck them both. it could be something like when one is sucking the readers dick the other one is upset until we tell them that they’re is no reason to be fighting bc we can handle the both of them. dom top reader and sub bucky and sub steve.
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Fucking is better than fighting
Steven Rogers X Male reader X Bucky Barnes
⚠️sub Steve, sub Bucky, top reader, arguing ⚠️
🚨 Minors and girls do not interact 🚨
It's a boring Sunday at the compound. So Y/n decides to go training.
Y/n gets changed into his training sweats and heads downstairs into the Avengers training room. He sees Steve and Bucky having fun as they playfully spare on one of the mats in the large room.
"Hey, boys." Y/n calls out with a smile as he walks towards one of the benches to set his stuff down. Steve and Bucky immediately stop in their tracks and look at the younger man. "Hey y/n." They said at the same time.
Y/n puts on his headphones and starts wrapping his fists for boxing. The supersoldiers try to go back to sparing but their attention is always going back to the shirtless man boxing a few feet away.
Y/n can feel their eyes on him but it's been happening every time he's around them so he's used to it. In fact, he gives them a show. He makes sure to flex his muscles whenever he can and when he drinks he purposefully lets some of the water drip down his chin.
Steve and Bucky watch with desire. They suddenly realize that they feel the same way and are filled with strong jealousy. They look at each other. Both of their eyes are filled with challenge.
They start to duel again. But this time they're not holding their punches back. Y/n notices the gange in their grunts and looks towards them. He raised his eyebrows once he saw that they were fighting and not sparing.
"Boys" Y/n cuts in with concern. They stop instantly at the tone that makes their hearts clench. They look at him.
"What are you doing?" The younger man asked with concern. The both of them look down in shame and shrug. "We got lost in the moment..." Bucky mumbled and Steve only nodded in agreement. Y/n sighs and shakes his head. "Be careful next time."
They weren't.
Since they both realized they both liked y/n they became competitive.
Constantly bickering. Fighting instead of sparing. Helping y/n whenever possible. Flattering y/n whenever possible. Just anything to win the fight and get the younger man for themselves.
Today the three of them arrived at a hotel. They're staying in Romania for a mission. It was originally supposed to be just y/n and Steve but Bucky insisted he comes along. Definitely not because he's jealous and doesn't want the two of them alone in one room. No of course not. It's because he's the only one of them who speaks Romanian. They need him for translation. That's definitely why he tagged along.
Y/n is laying shirtless on his bed. He's mindlessly scrolling through his phone. Bucky is taking a shower and Steve is out shopping. Y/n is so deep in though that he doesn't notice Bucky watching him from the doorway wearing only a towel around his hips. Bucky stands there debating whether he should go and claim y/n as his or if he should wait for Steve to come back.
Fuck it.
Bucky makes his way towards y/n's bed. Thanks to his quiet footsteps and Y/n being too busy watching cat videos he successfully makes it to the end of y/n's bed. He crawls towards y/n and tug's at his sweatpants. Which finally gets his attention. "Hey- buck? What are you doing?" Y/n sets his phone down and leans on his elbows. Bucky just looks up at him innocently and keeps pulling the pants down.
It doesn't take long before y/n gives in and leans against the headboard. He lifts his hips so Bucky can remove the pants low enough to pull his prize out. The former assassin licks his lips and grabs the younger man's still soft dick. Y/n moans and leans his head back. James licks the tip. He moans as he tastes the salty precum. Y/n runs his fingers through Bucky's hair.
He watches as Bucky takes him in his mouth all the way to the brim with ease. "Good boy." Y/n praised and caressed the older man's hair. Bucky hums and closes his eyes. He slowly pulls off and then back until his nose hits the bush of hair at the base. He uses his free hand to massage y/n'd balls and licks around the shaft. Y/n moans and watches the way the soft pink lips glisten with saliva the move he bops his head.
"Oh for christs sake." Steve grumbled as he made his way through the unreasonably busy store. He's trying to find all of the ingredients he needs for carbonara but it's almost like this store is sold out of everything he needs as a joke. He would call y/n and Bucky for suggestions of any other food they'd like but he forgot his phone at the hotel.
Steve eventually just got tired of it and grabbed three cups of instant carbonara and made his way to the cash register.
"That's it. Just like that." Y/n moans as Bucky bops his head. The tip of y/n's dick keeps hitting the back of the former assassin's throat but he doesn't gag a single time. Y/n has a tight grip on James' hair as he fights his urge to thrust up into his throat.
"Hello." Steve greets an elderly couple that's standing in the elevator of their hotel. They smile and greet back. They don't recognise him of course because he's wearing a hat and sunglasses. He presses the fifth floor and waits. The small plastic bag carrying the three cups of carbonara hangs off of Steve's wrist.
The elevator finally stops and the door opens. Steve heads out. There are moans coming from the room closest to the elevator. Steve panicked when he realises it's his room. He doesn't know if he's panicking because of the way the elderly couple is looking at him because he's walking towards the room or if he's panicking because Bucky is doing something with y/n. And he can't have that. He can't let Bucky win.
"Oh fuck fuck fuck" Y/N groans as he reaches his climax. Bucky is ready to swallow every drop but the door slamming shut snaps both of them out of their daze. Bucky pulls off as y/n sits up with panic. They both look towards the door where very mad Steve is standing. Bucky fights his smirk. Y/n grunts and falls back in the bed once he realises it's just Steve.
He rubs his face and groans with frustration. Ruined climax is his least favourite thing.
"What the fuck." Steve cursed. Y/n looks up surprised. Steve rarely cursed. He looks between him and Bucky. "Wait a minute. Are you guys fighting over me?" He asks in disbelief and a bit of disappointment. Both super soldiers drop their heads the moment they hear the disappointment. They feel ashamed.
"Why? You can just come and talk to me. Not fight each other. I would've taken both of you." Y/n scold the older men. The ruined orgasm and mix of emotions frustrate him to the level that his voice may sound harsher than he wants it to be.
"Christ sake guys. You're over 100 years old and you both act like kids." He scolds yet again. But the older men are still stuck on the fact that he said he'd take them both. Are they really that blind by jealousy that they never considered that fact?
"You'd take us both?" Bucky whispers in disbelief. "Yes! Of course I would. What makes you think otherwise?"
They both watch in silence . Their mind races as they realise how dumb their fighting was.
"So... About your ruined orgasm..." Bucky started. Y/n laughs and lays back down. "You better fix it." He said with a smirk. Bucky grins and gets back to his previous position and gives the younger man's cock kitten licks.
Y/n looks at Steve. "You're not going to Join?" He asks with a smirk. Steve makes his way to the bed instantly. He joins Bucky in between y/n's legs and also gives kitten licks to the base of the younger man's cock. Y/n moans and lays his head back. He's already sensitive from his previous ruined climax so it won't take much to get him to cum.
Bucky already had his fun sucking the younger man's soul through his dick so he talks Steve through it. "Lick the tip and take your time with it." He orders Steve. The blond man doesn't know whether he should be happy Bucky talks him through it or If he should be angry that Bucky already knows the tricks that make y/n weak.
But the moment he feels y/n's fingers in his hair he obeys and does as Bucky says. In the meantime Bucky uses his mouth on the younger man's balls.
Y/n throws his head back with a high moan. "oh fuuuck" he groans as Steve takes him in. Said blond man has started to get bolder and moved on his own. He follows his gut and does what feels right. Bucky watches with a smirk as he massages y/n's ball and sucking the other one.
Y/n looks at them. His heart leaps the moment he sees both of their eyes watching him the moment he moves. Lips puffy and slick. Steve's eyes are watery as he takes him past his limit. Y/n caresses his hair. "No need to hurt yourself cap." Steve only huffed as much as he could in response.
Instead of pulling off he took more in. He fought his gag. But in the end it was worth it because of the way he felt y/n twitch in his mouth made it all worth it.
"Fuck fuck fuck Steve I'm going to-" he groans as a warning. He doesn't want Steve to choke. But Steve doesn't budge. He only hollows his cheeks and practically sucks y/n's soul of out his dick. Bucky watches with a smirk and kisses Steve's shoulder. He praised Steve for being a good boy and how well he's doing.
Y/n spills into Steve's throat with no control and let's out multiple high pitched moans. Steve gags at the unexpected feeling but snaps out of it and swallows as much as he can. Y/n tries to praise Steve but he can barely talk.
Once y/n's hand falls from Steve's head Steve pulls off and licks his lips. Bucky gets in his place to clean y/n up. He also wants a taste. The blond man crawls up and lays next to the younger man and lays his head on his chest. Y/n weakly wraps his arm around Steve. He's still sensitive and the way Bucky is cleaning him up doesn't help.
Once Bucky is done he also crawls up and lays on the smaller man's free side. Y/n yet again wraps his other arm weakly around Bucky and hums in satisfaction. "Good job." He praised them both. "Next time you guys want the same thing talk it out not fight. Okay?" He mumbles tiredly. The super soldiers nod and snuggle closer to y/n. "We'll try." Steve mumbles and James nods in response.
"Alright then. Good night boys." Y/n said before he dozed off. Steve and Bucky stay up. Quietly watching and talking together.
They have a hell of a ride ahead of them. They're not sure if their old bones will handle it but fuck do they want to hop on it.
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