#Corporate Gathering
spanielonthemoon · 2 years
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The epitome of sophistication and elegance, concierge services in Paris, France redefines personalized assistance. Discover a world where every business need is met with unparalleled precision. Crafts an experience that goes beyond expectations, ensuring that your business endeavors are seamless and extraordinary.
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ovaruling · 1 year
on the subject of individual actions, they do matter, which is why men flip out when the measured birth rate stagnates/doesn’t increase or drops. they worry and they get upset and they cry and they scream and they publish articles about how men are in a crisis and it’s all our fault because we are making selfish individual choices that don’t benefit their collective. it adds up. you may not think your individual impact is much, but men as a group, especially men in high places, usually pay a whole lot more attention to the individual choices of women than you might think. and they react. that’s all i’m saying
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disgruntledexplainer · 4 months
boy, but i do love watching companies burn because of their own greed, callousness, disassociation from reality, and short-sighted decisions. It's delicious.
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jimmyfury · 1 year
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voidedjuice · 1 year
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digitalfossils · 7 months
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talenlee · 7 months
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beauzos · 2 months
the pre-timeskip Yado Inn really is one of my favorite locations in any video game ever. it's so cozy and it really does feel like a central part of Tazmily, a home away from home for literally everyone. it's like a gathering place, a town hall, versatile, because none of them even really need an inn, they all live in the same town and they're the only ones who live on Nowhere. but it's home, and it's clearly a place the villagers all feel comfortable visiting and hanging out in.
and then god, it becomes so sanitized, unwelcoming, and cold after the timeskip. random people you don't know are always staying there. no one wants to chat. there's no communal space to spend time together, not even a bar anymore. the Yado is no longer a gathering place, it's just another way to make money and that's it. Jackie spends his time asking the main characters to get out so they don't "ruin" his reputation by daring exist in the same space as everyone else.
there is no longer any sense of community in Tazmily post-timeskip. the Pigmasks use the Happy Boxes to get everyone in line, to create an in-group to pressure the out-group, but Tazmily becomes so profoundly and paradoxically individualist that there is no community at all, just people who aren't "us." there's no real place for anyone to even gather as a community in Tazmily anymore. the for-profit nature of everyone's businesses and hobbies has removed any sense of togetherness. spending money isn't bonding, after all.
everyone's more splintered than ever. i know it's probably not that deep, but the loss of the Yado as a gathering space feels like one of the biggest indications of the loss of togetherness that Tazmily experiences, and of how empty and selfish people inevitably become when their bonds are broken by capitalism and by the compulsive need to own and to spend money. people spend money to fill the hole, only to find it wider than ever. they don't even have a place to chat or spend time together anymore. do they even want to anymore?
the Yado was probably one of the first places to go down this path, and it's sad.
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dantelionwishes · 1 year
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yuelun · 11 months
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/takes a little breath amidst a quiet dash. Starter call!
Though I have threads/asks to get to, I'm curious if one of these would catch anyone's attention. I know sending in sentence starters isn't always up everyone's alley and it's a little harder when it comes to interacting with a character who's canonically dead in present day, like mine. Although (I need to write up the details for the first iteration of it) I do have her resurrected in a present timeline (see tags). If you're interested in me either coming to you, or fishing up something with a bit of a red line, give this a like and I'll see what I can do! Trust me when I say, if we're mutuals, I'm interested in writing with you. See this as a little cheat to grab my attention if you want it!
#[ so i've simply been dying to get her in a modern setting /without/ changing the course of events. ]#[ so while i need to refine the details and the circumstances may differ down the line-- it won't affect interact with most of you-- ]#[ as i heavily tie guizhong to the moon/night due to too many references to it in her attire and symbolisms alike... ]#[ and also to the chasm and its origins-- that's a whole other hc. ]#[ i've decided the first iteration of resurrecting her to simply be based within the concept that the gods never quite die... ]#[ because the elements that they're tied to never do either. they're not 'personifications' by any means-- but they're a part of. ]#[ they can manifest into a corporeal form and in the same way; that form can be broken and destroyed. ]#[ and it weakens them immensely; a much more severe form of osial being 'restrained'/locked away for thousands of years. ]#[ i envision that they can't simply reform. but they could over-time. or at least when 'stars align' of sorts. ]#[ when their element is at its strongest and can gather elemental energy from /somewhere/. ]#[ so /after/ the events of the game thus far-- during moonchase; on the night when the moon is at its fullest... ]#[ and at its apex. it's shining less brightly than it normally is-- and it's because it's being used as a battery of sorts. ]#[ you know all of the dust above cuejiue slope? that cloud of dust moves towards the cliff by the harbor-- by that sole glaze lily. ]#[ and dust from across liyue and possibly even teyvat-- slowly gathers. it would look like a shadow from afar. ]#[ and it gathers and along with the energy that the moon supplies that night; when everything falls into place... ]#[ it allows her to regain her corporeal form as it existed prior. ]#[ this is after 'rex lapis' has stepped down and retreats from his position as archon of liyue. ]#[ she doesn't step in by any means whatsoever-- her re-manifestation is actually (in my verse) witnessed by him from afar. ]#[ and then witnesses it up close as she finally forms after a long time of this process. ]#[ she wouldn't go by 'guizhong' except by adepti who remember; but she might go by haagentus. at least initially. ]#[ /breathes. hi. hello. i'm sae and i'm a mess of an individual-- pls come here and don't leave me despite it. ]#[ ooc. ] wherever her spirit may be among the countless grains of sand and specks of dust between the harbor and the mountains…
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awakefor48hours · 2 months
I’m gonna be a little controversial and say Wish was actually a good movie.
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rescuefield-arch1 · 2 months
by the time they're allowed to step on the field, claire's expression has already turned all shades of annoyed. she knows better than to burst at anyone - one wrong move and the press will be all over her talking about how she didn't do her job right. it takes so much patience really, to have such a responsibility and still remaining grounded enough to make sure everybody is in position and treating survivors with the care and dignity they deserve.
"gabe i can't see the whole quarantine zone from here, can you fly the drone a little higher please?" she requests through the comms, cheerful roger that! paired with the drone lifting up. "thank you." she counters as gaze drops on her tablet. a sigh pushes past lips, tired smile offered to pedro and inez walking by. and in all this claire still has no idea where the hell ark and neil are - one she can imagine, already on the field after their briefing on the way here ( though switching up comms would be appreciated ), while the other... well, she's stopped trying to understand anything neil does these days.
@deadaim : you sound like oprah, except mean.
when head tilts up, leon is standing by the tent entrance, greeting her with his usual cool guy demeanor that makes claire's heart flutter even though she would never admit it out loud. "i sound mean because you kept making me wait," she remarks, tablet left on the table along with her notes. "you guys took forever to give us the clear." frustration in her tone is hardto miss - sure her organisation is meant to deal with the aftermath of an operation, but it sure would be nice to have some more cooperation.
"is there anything else i need to know before letting everyone in?" she knows leon would never let her walk in a dangerous situation, but then again asking again to be sure can't hurt anyone. slender fingers idly play with the zip of his leather jacket as gaze sets on his features - an implicit way to ask him if he's fine, even though if everything goes as smooth as it's supposed to, she'll swing by his hotel room in between waiting for their respective flights to depart.
"good luck you might pass on your favourite girl too, perhaps?" blue hues study her surroundings for a moment, surprised about the absolute silence in the tent. hand reaching for his and bringing it close to her lips to press a kiss on its knuckles. she notes it's all scarred, dirty and bloody - whether his or someone else's she's not sure. "i'd clean you up myself but i still need to find ark before getting in the facility." or more like what's left of it. "see you later? and please tell gina if you're coming or not next week, she needs the exact number to move onto the catering situation."
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theflann · 1 year
I wanted to thank you again for participating in my little random survey!
I already posted a conclusion but I'm gonna update it whenever I get new data. I would also tag you as participant if you don't mind but if you don't want to be mentioned in the post, than that's also fine :)
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Again, thank you a lot for participating and charing your experience! :D
oh im so down, feel free to tag me my guy!
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quarklynx · 8 months
God, if Tumblr goes down for real I don't even know where I'll go. Twitter is an active dumpster fire, Instagram and TikTok are algorithm-riddled nightmares, and it's just plain depressing trying to pick one of the hundreds of alternative sites that are vying for the userbases of these massive social media platforms that have been hyper-monetized into their death throes
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
btw, for anyone who isn’t aware, you’ll probably be seeing another influx of twitter users very soon unfortunately. twitter’s for you page is being removed for non-verified accounts and voting in polls will also be taken away from regular users/non verified accounts.
tumblr on the other hand has a free for you page, accessible to everyone, and free voting in polls, also accessible to everyone.
mind you, clown face’s excuse for this is “we have to stop the bots!” but tumblr has just as many if not more bots and they clearly don’t see that as a problem related to those features.
basic, everyday features are being taken away from the average twitter user and progressing into being an explicitly pay-to-even-use-this-fucking-website situation, so... yeah. expect to see more of the twitter discourse and its discourse obsessed nutcases to end up here.
also, be sure to welcome all the upset innocent people affected by this fuckass update by the clown who thinks he’s still the richest person in the world but isn’t (hint: it’s bernard arnault).
considering twitter is becoming a place for only companies, brands, etc to advertise and promote shit (in other words it’s slowly becoming a corporate usage website and not meant for an average internet user, as many of us likely predicated the moment clown face took over as its ceo), it’s pretty likely a lot of people will end up here again like the last influx. please welcome the unfortunate people affected by this but also please punch the discourse lovers in the face and teach them how we operate here at tumblrville (that includes the goddamn tagging system).
that last part is a joke. mostly. halfway. kinda. a little bit.
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