#Core 3 Brewery
churchofsatannews · 1 year
The Official Party for THE WEDDING FUNERAL's "GIVE MISERY A HOME" Kickstarter
An event by The Wedding Funeral and Core3Brewery for the Give Misery A Home Kickstarter. August 5th, 7pm, at Core 3 Brewery. Live performances by: THE WEDDING FUNERAL (Haunting gothic-americana from the NJ pines) Opening act: YOUR BEST NIGHTMARE (Quirky, sharp-tongued ukulele) Event FaceBook page.
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stra-tek · 11 months
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Where it all began. So much so, that they never quite nailed down what anything in engineering was. We know the thing in the middle was a "matter/antimatter integrator" and it had a dilithium crystal in it. But it didn't appear until later on, the floor was originally empty. There were also large transformer-ish things that moved about as the plot demanded. The big thing behind the mesh? That's the pipe cathedral. Maybe it was an impulse engine (as per the old Star Trek Blueprints by Franz Joseph) or perhaps it was part of the warp drive. Originally the idea was that the warp nacelles generated their own power. But that would change soon...
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The Animated Series gave us something very similar to the TOS engine room, with the pipe cathedral and one BIG transformer, but instead of the matter/antimatter integrator we got a glass tube with what looked like measurements on it. Maybe it's a proto-warp core a la TMP, especially since it's in a similar spot to Strange New Worlds'. Or maybe it's a coolant pipe like the 2009 movie. Who knows? We also saw inside the "antimatter nacelle" in one episode, which is generally assumed to mean inside one of the warp engines themselves but it's all a bit vague.
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The Motion Picture gave us the original Big Blue Lava Lamp, the physical set was 3 stories high but augmented with forced-perspective, in the form of a painting at the bottom of the shaft and a truncated horizontal intermix chamber crewed by children at the end of the main level. The engineering crew on the main deck now wear radiation suits, adding to the idea this big blue thing isn't your friend.
This was also the Big Retcon, making the intermix chamber the power source for the warp nacelles. Every Trek regardless of era would follow this route.
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In Wrath of Khan, they'd add a very important side room with dilithium crystals in for Spock to self-sacrifice in. I always found it very amusing this room, where the most important part of the engineering machinery was, was in no way physically connected to the intermix chamber. Nor did it exist in the previous movie.
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The Next Generation gave us a pot-bellied stove, with neon segments glowing one-by-one up and down to give the impression of pulses of energy colliding in the middle then being fed to the nacelles. No more radiation suits needed, and the room has a nice carpet. This was also the first time "warp core" was used, a phrase that would retroactively be applied to all the prior ones.
The Enterprise-E and DS9's Defiant would have bigger and smaller warp cores that were variations on the same theme as TNG.
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Voyager brought back the classic Motion Picture big blue lava lamp, just without the horizontal tube this time. It does the nifty swirly thing too. Q Junior makes it do club lighting one time.
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NX-01 Enterprise is just kind of this big industrial tank with some glowy bits. It's weird that in the classic movies they needed radiation suits to work in engineering, but in the series set 100 years earlier they didn't.
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The 2009 reboot filmed engineering in a thinly disguised Budweiser brewery, which made the area look enourmous and extremely complex, but lost all the high tech clean room vibes prior shows had. What in real life were giant brewing tanks housed the intermix chambers which made up the warp core, which were ejected through a hatch in the roof at the end. This look was extremely controversial with some, but personally I loved it.
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In Into Darkness the warp core looks like an almighty piece of kit, and that's because they shot on location at the Lawrence Livermore National Ignition Facility. It's a real-life fusion reactor. And then you can climb inside it and it turns out that inside is one very important laser thing, some dilithium crystals you barely see and lots of deadly radiation. At least the self sacrificing happens inside the core itself and not a weird separate side chamber this time. The brewery from the last movie was still there, implying this was all along even if we didn't visit it. But that complicates things because the bits they called the warp core are very different. Perhaps the intermix chambers ejected last movie and core seen here are all part of the same huge warp core system.
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Strange New Worlds reboots the original... sort of. They put a vertical intermix chamber in there and instead of a mesh and forced perspective they've got an AR wall with an enourmous array of high tech pipes. But weirdly, the writers guide says the big AR wall with the updated pipe cathedral is the deflector dish machinery not the warp core. I guess the confusion makes it more authentic TOS.
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thatsmytrunks · 9 months
Fred's Games of the Year 2023 List
This year I kept a list of every game I played
Games I finished in 2024
Super Mario 64
This was the year I got back into speedrunning Super Mario 64. I went to a local brewery with some friends and saw they had a Nintendo 64 hooked up with a copy of Super Mario 64, so I told my friends I could beat it in under 30 minutes. With some beer in me, it took around 35. I decided to take some time this year to get that under 30, and I succeeded. It was fun to get back to playing on original hardware, and I even set up a whole streaming station using an old PVM.
Super Mario 64 CoOp
sm64ex-coop is a branched modification of the Super Mario 64 decompilation project that allows you to use online netplay to play Super Mario 64 with friends, cooperatively. It’s a blast, and every time I played it with a different group of friends, we’d play until we got to 16 stars, and then I’d inevitably try to beat the game there. Totally worth looking into as it’s real easy to get up and running.
Destiny 2: Lightfall
Lightfall’s campaign is a wild low point for the franchise. After last year’s Witch Queen campaign knocked it completely out of the park, and where Season of the Seraph left the world narratively, hopes and expectations for Lightfall were in the stratsophere.
Lightfall was fun but the narrative was a trash fire. I’ve spent 8 years up to this point playing Destiny, getting invested in the characters and world, and Destiny’s world is coming to a fever pitch in the opening of Lightfall, with the biggest bad knocking on our door. But Lightfall treats this situation, which has earned the severity of its weight and the right to be taken seriously over these last 8 years, as an 80’s action comedy with montages and quips all throughout. Couple this with the introduction of The Veil without any explanation of what it is or why it’s important with the ending that we have failed, and you get a recipe that makes your playerbase so soured that it’s no wonder they missed 45% of their projections.
All of this is sad to see, but at the same time, Destiny’s in the best state it’s ever been. The core loop is still a blast, grinding has been minimized, and they’ve streamlined a little more of the onboarding process for new players by bringing back some of the previously vaulted campaign missions with some slight tweaks to make them fresh.
All told, I’m still excited for The Final Shape next year. The future of Destiny has yet to be written.
Chaos;Head NoaH
Chaos;Head NoaH is another entry in the Science Adventure series, which I have a lot of love for since playing Steins;Gate. I wish I’d played Chaos;Head NoaH before playing Chaos;Child, but that’s not how they released in the west. I think that really soured my time with the game since I knew a lot of what was going on behind the scenes. I don’t have a lot to say about NoaH, but it was pretty alright.
I can’t say too much about myhouse.wad without spoiling myhouse.wad. It’s a small experience built off of Doom II that does some really creative things in that engine. If you haven’t heard about it, grab gzDoom and Doom II and go download the game from this forum thread.
There’s so many videos of the game and about the game out there, but I would really encourage you to play it for yourself first. I think the absolute best way to play myhouse.wad is over a Discord call while some friends who have already played it watch you experience it. It’s a really wonderful communal experience.
Vampire Survivors (100%)
Vampire Survivors kicks ass, y’all. I 100%’d it early in the year, and was excited to do so again when it released on Nintendo Switch. Not a lot more to say about the game than what has been said by many before, but it’s a wonderful way to make time disappear while the numbers get bigger.
Mother 3
I’ve talked a lot about Mother 3 this year, but more importantly, I finally finished it. It’s a very difficult game that has a story that is warm and sad, and is absolutely inspirational. Here’s my thoughts from when I finished it:
I finally finished my years-in-the-making playthrough of MOTHER 3 last night. I usually gush about the games that I love and have tons to say, but I don't really have much to talk about after having finished this one.
The game's a masterpiece, tells a great story, has so many wonderful moments, is wildly huge and varied, and has a hell of a surprise at the 11th hour. I'd recommend it to most anyone, though with the caveat that I think the game's incredibly challenging. Maybe throw on a cheat or two for a couple of the very hard encounters.
I started this attempted (and successful!) playthrough in the beginning of 2022, after finally having finished EarthBound. I got to the end of Chapter 3 and set it down. A few months later, I lost my mom to lung cancer. I'm still messed up from it, which I think is pretty normal. When I started up Chapter 4 earlier this month, I got hit like a sack of bricks. The game had a time skip between the chapters, where I'd taken a break. The main character for the chapter, Lucas, is reminded of his mother constantly, with occasional flashbacks to the times when she was alive. It hit me like a ton of bricks, and I almost put the game back down, but ultimately I'm really glad I didn't.
One last, unexpected thing. Finishing MOTHER 3 has given me a different context for other works I've enjoyed, almost like learning a new language for appreciating them. For example, Undertale and Deltarune have some references that completely flew over my head before, and now I fully get them, and get to appreciate them all over again.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Tears of the Kingdom might be the perfect adventure game. I’ve never had a game that has made me want to explore it so thoroughly, creating small quests for myself to go and climb this thing, go map that thing, go craft this ridiculous machine, etc etc. It is without question the best Zelda game ever made, and I loved it in its entirety. That story was so affecting, and the ending was incredibly satisfying. I only wish it ran at a smooth framerate at a higher resolution. Maybe on the next release of Nintendo Hardware.
Toby Fox asked me, “did you ever play OFF?” 
I said “No, should I?”
He said “Yeah probably.”
So over the course of the week, sketches scribbled across sticky notes and scratch paper, I played the 2008 French RPG Maker horror game, OFF. It was an incredibly satisfying experience to beat the game without guides. I’ve had the horrifying soundtrack on my phone ever since and listen to it any time I want to be put in a very weird mood. I’d recommend playing it, and there’s a free English translation, so grab that.
Final Fantasy XVI
Final Fantasy XVI is the only game in memory that I’ve played a demo, then went to the store and immediately picked up the game. I was so blown away by the game’s bombastic visuals and presentation that I just wanted to see more and more of it. The combat was so much fun, Ben Starr’s voice for Clive was so sonically soothing, and the story had just enough curiosity to it to drive me to buy my first $70 video game at retail price.
The joy of that game continued for the first 2/3rds, then the sheen fell all the way off. The fetch quests became boring, the story became convoluted, and at some point I just wished it would be over. And when it was, I was so throroughly unsatisfied with its conclusion that it soured the previous 60 hours.
I’ll revisit FFXVI some day if they put out some satisfying story DLC with a PC port, but for now I’m going to look at it as the game that almost had something to say.
If you have played the game, I’d really recommend listing to this episode of Abnormal Mapping with Austin Walker, as he put into words all the feelings I had and so much more.
Sonic Origins Plus
For years I’ve asked for Sonic 1/2/3K/CD on modern platforms in the Retro Engine, and finally we have that. After the Plus expansion and the last round of bug fixes, I think Sonic Origins Plus is now the best Official way to play these games. I played through all four games 100% while on my trip to Japan in July this year, halfway through picking up a 6-Button Sega Mega Drive controller from the Nintendo Store (weird times we live in). I’d never gotten all the time stones in Sonic CD, but thanks to the retry function they added and the removal of lives, that game became a delight to wander and explore. It’s a shame they don’t give you an option to disable the timer, which is the only problem left with Sonic CD’s focus on discovery.
If you can pick up Sonic Origins Plus for less than $30, I can’t recommend it enough. If you’re on PC or have modified hardware, maybe check out the decompilation projects of Sonic 1 & 2, and Sonic CD, and download Sonic 3 AIR.
Super Mario RPG
Weirdly enough, I’ve never finished Super Mario RPG. I’ve been trying to take more time to fill out my video game lexicon and play games that I’d never gotten around to, and this was the year for Super Mario RPG for the Super Nintendo. 
I love how much this game did to tell a warm story with such expressive characters with the hardware of the era. It’s amazing just how many sprites they used and the way they made them act. Keeping Mario as a silent protagonist who has to tell stories to people through miming it out is so charming.
The battle system is fun and satisfying, the characters are hilarious, the music is wonderful, and best of all, it’s short. I’m excited to give the Nintendo Switch version a run through next year.
Anonymous;Code is, as the semicolon gives it away, another game in the SciAdv series, this one being the latest at the time of publication. It follows a hacker who discovers they have the ability to literally save and load the world, enabling an incredibly fascinating method of time travel. There’s not a ton I can say about the game without giving too much away, but it’s a real 10/10 and the shortest visual novel I think I’ve ever played, clocking in my 100% playthrough at about 17 hours. It’s also a visual treat with their implementation of Live2D. If you’ve never played a SciAdv game I’d certainly recommend the original Steins;Gate first, but this game stands on its own beautifully.
The Police Mystery
The Police Mystery is a thinly veiled fetish game about giant women. It’s not good but it sure was fun to play with Xalavier Nelson Jr on stream. Wouldn’t recommend playing it or watching it. I probably shouldn’t even bring it up.
Also there’s no mystery.
Muv-Luv Extra, Muv-Luv Unlimited, & Muv-Luv Alternative
I started playing Muv-Luv on a whim and fell down a rabbit hole and I think I want out.
Muv-Luv Extra is a pretty rout Dating Sim about a jerk of a main character who has a bunch of girls fawning over him for some reason. I got multiple endings at the recommendation of various forums before continuing, and at the time I was confused as to why anyone would ever recommend this game.
Muv-Luv Unlimited starts on the same day that Extra starts, but when the player leaves their bedroom, they discover the world has been ravaged by Aliens that invaded the Earth 28 years prior, while retaining all memories of their previous life. Almost all of the same characters are there, but now they’re soldiers at a UN base that was formerly the school Extra took place. It’s a hell of a twist and I liked it. I have to spoil it to talk about Unlimited, so suffice to say that at the end of the game, Humanity loses.
Muv-Luv Alternative starts on the same day in the same war torn world, but the player character remembers most of what took place in both Extra and Unlimited. While events all start the same, things start to go very differently. It’s a pretty good twist with some really great moments but there are two unforgiveable things the game does to characters that make it impossible to recommend to anyone.
I’m now watching the Anime Adaptation of Alternative and I hate this ride and I want off. But also to detox, I’m playing Muv-Luv Photon Melodies, which is a happy ending to all of it. Again, can’t recommend it. Don’t go down this rabbit hole.
Sonic Superstars
Sonic Superstars is the game I’ve wanted forever by the people who I wanted to make it, but half baked. It’s a classic style 2D Sonic game with absolutely phenomenal 3D graphics, treating the original Sonic designs with love and respect, and the gameplay feels almost exactly like the Sega Genesis games I grew up with. Unfortunately, half of the music is atrocious, some of the levels are frustrating and boring, some have mechanics that make them terribly unfun, and some of the bosses are infuriating. The final boss of the main game sapped away almost all good will I had for the game. Some day I’ll finish it and see the true ending, but I might wait for more fan mods to fix some of the odds and ends to make it more enjoyable.
I think that if Naoto Oshima and his team at Arzest got a chance to make another game in this vein, it could be a huge success. This really felt like it was most of the way there.
Risk of Rain Returns 
The Bancast’s game of the year all years returns with a gorgeous coat of new paint, all sorts of lessons learned from Risk of Rain 2, and functional netcode. Risk of Rain is my favorite roguelike in which you defeat enemies, get gold and xp, find chests to get augmenting items, and then loop the game over and over again while it gets more and more challening.
Lethal Company
Lethal Company has become the new favorite game to play with all sorts of friend groups, taking the spot that something like Among Us was in 2020/2021. It’s a simple scavenging and resource management game that you play with friends, but the fun lies in proximity voice chat for communications, and the horrible realization that you’re not alone. The hilarity and fear that comes out of this game every session is some of the most fun I’ve had with video games.
Like a Dragon Gaiden
Like a Dragon Gaiden is Yakuza 7b. While I technically didn’t finish the game until January 3rd of 2024, I’m including it on this list.
Yakuza 6 ended with (spoilers) Kazuma Kiryu sacrificing himself for his loved ones. But of course, he didn’t die, because no one in Yakuza games are ever truly dead. Instead, Kiryu has gone into hiding, working for a big mysterious government organization to keep their secret safe, and to keep his loved ones safer. I initially thought it was time to give Kiryu the rest he deserved and let Ichiban and other new characters carry this series forward, but after finishing Gaiden I am relieved and surprised with how much I agree with the move to bring Kiryu back. Upon finishing the game I very excitedly started trying to figure out where to pre-order Like a Dragon 8: Infinite Wealth.
Games I Played in 2023
Bujingai The Forsaken City
A weird and enjoyable 3D Action game for the PlayStation 2 featuring Gackt. It’s worth emulating.
Crab Champions
It’s risk of rain with crabs and really fast movement. I’ll come back to it sometime.
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog
I wish I finished this game, but them deciding to make a murder mystery game about Sonic the Hedgehog and giving it to a team with a lot of love and respect for the genre was such a cool move.
Like a Dragon: Ishin
I can’t believe they gave Yakuza Ishin, a 2014 PS3 Yakuza spin-off game about feudal Japan, a full remake in 2023. I have not finished the game solely because other things grabbed my attention, but everything about the game was great and I look forward to going back to it.
Lost Judgment
The Judgment series got PC ports last year, and I finally got around to finishing Judgment and had an unsurprisingly fantastic time with it. Lost Judgment’s story dragged a bit too much, and I put it down for a bit. I’ve heard that it gets to be pretty amazing, so I’ll pick it back up very soon.
Picross E9
Picross E9 is a Picross game for the 3DS that never got released in the west, and thank goodness someone made a fan translation. I love Picross.
I only touched Celeste on a live stream for a bit, but it was an incredibly valuable experience. That game has such great fluidity to it, and I learned that it wasn’t just a single screen platformer like I thought it was. I’ll probably go back to it sometime.
Lies of P
Lies of P, or Piss Fibs as one of my friends called it, is too fucking hard and I’m never going back. I’m a fake gamer and I don’t care what anyone says about me.
Titanfall 2 Northstar
I only played a few nights of Titanfall 2 Northstar with some friends, but man, Titanfall 2 is good as hell. They should make another one of those.
Super Mario Wonder
Super Mario Wonder came out the same week as Sonic Superstars, and I seem to have maybe focused on the wrong game that week. Wonder is a hell of a game filled with creativity and originality. I’ll go back to it at some point.
Cocoon is good as hell and is probably a game of the year contender, but I didn’t have the time for it when it droppped. I will go back this year. Jeppe Carlsen made THOTH. Dude doesn’t know how to make a bad video game.
Baldur's Gate 3
Baldur’s Gate 3 is easily one of the most impressive video games ever made. I put about 18 hours into the game and enjoyed getting to know other characters, do some particularly ridiculous Tabletop RPG shenanigans, and had a pretty good time. But the world didn’t grab me and I just wasn’t that into the story. Maybe I’ll try again sometime.
Logiart Grimoire
Logiart Grimoire is an early access Picross game from Jupiter, the folks who have made all of the good Picross games. There’s an overarching storyline that is mostly uninteresting and a little bit of light puzzle work before you get to do a Picross puzzle, but it’s a Steam release of Picross from the folks who made Picross. You can’t go wrong with it.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 (Steam)
The kind folks at Activision Blizard King Xbox sent me a review code for Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2 on Steam, and I’m delighted to share that 2020’s game of the year is still just as good in 2023 on a platform that everyone uses.
Call of Duty MW3 2023
The kind folks at Activision Blizard King Xbox sent me a review code for 2023’s Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 on PC and it wasn’t very fun. I really liked the part of the game that everyone else hated where you’re in big open area places taken from Warzone where you do a couple of nonsense missions. The game looks as expensive as always.
Street Fighter VI
I excitedly purchased Street Fighter VI the same way I pick up every hot new fighting game: with the knowledge that I’m not gonna spend that much time with it. I really enjoyed creating a character and the World Warrior mode as it was the right amount of silly for me. I never got around to playing any multiplayer, but maybe when a character pack goes on sale I’ll grab that and play with some friends.
Armored Core VI
Armored Core VI sure is good, huh? I had a real good time customizing the hell out of a gorgeous looking mech. I played a bunch of levels, beat a few bosses, and had a blast. Not enough to finish the game, but enough to say “Yeah this game sure is good, huh.” 
Live Service Games of 2023
Halo MCC
2023 was the year that Halo The Master Chief Collection was finally completed. Only took 9 years, but now there’s a masterpiece collection of Halo games available on XBox and PC with a huge collection of improvements and mod tools for a thriving community to build new and exciting experiences to be played over Steam. 
Halo Infinite
I played a lot of Halo Infinite in 2023. Forge really saved this game in a big way, from new levels for matchmaking, new mini games for custom games, and into Forgeable AI allowing for unique Firefight experiences and fully custom campaign style levels. The seasonal model finally works, and the mini seasons they started doing at the end of the year have been super fun too. I find that it’s never hard to get into a game, and I frequently see my friends still playing. Halo’s back, baby.
I’m still so surprised by how much fun I’ve been having with Fortnite. I’ve been buying and completing most of the season passes, buying characters like John Cena and dances like Gangnam Style, and playing both incredibly sweatily and equally ridiculously. Fornite’s become a great space to jump in, find a thing to do for a bit, either alone or with some of my friends, and just have a good time.
Lego Fortnite
Lego Fortnite kinda came out of nowhere, but I’ve really enjoyed this very pretty free to play Valheim knock off. It’s still pretty early days, but I’m having fun with it.
Team Fortress 2
I played Team Fortress 2 with a bunch of friends when Valve put out the surprise update, and I was really struck by how good TF2 still is in 2023. There’s some rough edges, but that game has aged like wine.
Counter-Strike 2
Speaking of surprise Valve updates, Counter-Strike 2 has been a delight. I’ve had a small group of friends who like to play a few matches a week, and having to take my gameplay seriously in CS2 has actually demonstrably made me better at other First Person Shooters. Sure half of the games we play are ruined by an absolute idiot of a rando or devastated by cheaters on the other team, but the half of games that aren’t feel fantastic. It’s wild how good CS2 is.
And now, my ranking of 2024's games:
10.) Sonic Superstars
9.) Final Fantasy XVI
8.) Sonic Origins Plus
7.) Anonymous;Code
6.) Like a Dragon Gaiden
5.) Lethal Company
4.) Counter-Strike 2
3.) myhouse.wad
2.) Risk of Rain Returns
1.) Tears of the Kingdom
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ultravanillaserver · 1 year
UltraVanilla: 1.20 Minecraft SMP
UltraVanilla is a small-scale community Minecraft server with minimal enhancements to the core game, founded in January 2019 with the same world it has today (no resets!). 30 player slots is a sweet-spot for a server that is not crowded, promoting a tight-knit community feel. Community projects and events are suggested and discussed in the discord, everyone is welcome to contribute!
Address: play.ultravanilla.world
Version: 1.20.1 Java
Discord: https://discord.gg/t2X4Xre
What are we? TL;DR:
Extremely friendly community 🌈
Old-school Minecraft server vibes ⛏️
Minimal enhancements to the core game that are available for everyone, no pay-to-win bullshit!
5 to 20 people online most of the time
Discord Server with cool channels like #projects-and-events, #market-and-trade, #compsci-tech, #art, #sports, #music, #gaming, and more
No map resets ever, we have 1.13 to 1.20 chunks. Perfect server to start a long-term town!
/sethome, /home, /home bed, /outpost /spawn, /oldspawn for basic fast travel
A variety of vanilla-friendly events and competitions (organize your own, too!)
Most players participate in a diamond-based economy, similar to Hermitcraft
Time-based ranks, plus custom ranks for those who do legendary things
Active staff to help with just about anything (under the umbrella of maintaining survival mode purism). All staff are mature adults
keepInventory = true (use /keepinv off if you don't want keepInventory)
Tool-friendly, litematica easy place works
We also have a tool-friendly creative server, with huge 641x641 plots (must join the SMP for at least 10 days to access it)
Farms are allowed
Primed TNT entity duping is allowed as long as you're not using it to mine diamonds or ancient debris
Automatic 3 hour archival off-site backup, and a rollback tool for griefing and theft
A commitment to stability and security. All our staff have two-factor authentication enabled, and we patch crashes and vulnerabilities quickly. If the server glitches out, we will repair your farms
No griefing
No stealing
No PVP without consent
No spam
No hacks or exploits (see specifics)
No graphic/gross NSFW
No AFK alt accounts
Be respectful and be respectable (swearing yes, fighting words no, hate speech absolutely no)
Having in-game text chat enabled is required (voice chat is not required)
As per Discord ToS, you must be above the digital age of consent in your country
Read the full rules here
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nwbeerguide · 2 years
Maui Brewing Company teams up with United Distributors of Georgia to distribute the beers throughout the "Peach State".
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Press Release
Kihei, Hawaii (March 10, 2023) – Maui Brewing Company will broaden its distribution footprint to 26 states, partnering with United Distributors of Georgia beginning this month.
MBC fans in Georgia will be able to purchase Maui’s core craft beverages including Bikini Blonde Lager, Big Swell IPA, Coconut Hiwa Porter, Pineapple Mana Wheat, and Sunshine Girl Golden Ale as they are distributed to restaurants and retailers in both draft and cans.
“After successful launches in the border states of Tennessee and Alabama in 2022 and countless requests from our fans in Georgia, we felt the time was right to bring Aloha to the Peach State!” stated Mike Schaa, Division Director - East for Craft ‘Ohana.
While discussing the new market launch with various craft brewing friends, Maui Brewing collaborated with New Realm Brewing of Atlanta on Mahalo Y’All Berliner Weisse, brewed with sweet tea, peach, and mango. Mahalo Y’All is available on draft only with limited distribution.
Look for Maui Brewing craft beverages to hit retailers including, but not limited to, select Kroger stores, Total Wine & More, local independent liquor stores, bars, and restaurants in the area.
For more information, visit MauiBrewing.com or follow @MauiBrewingCo on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
About Maui Brewing Company
Founded in 2005, Maui Brewing Company is Hawaii’s largest craft brewery. MBC is based on Maui, with its grid-independent production brewery, restaurant and tasting room in Kihei, as well as restaurants in Lahaina (Maui), Kailua (Oahu), and Waikiki (Oahu). Maui Brewing Company is available in 26 states, 1 district, and 3 international countries with more areas to follow.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
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When you're selling bulk each beer can be as cheap as $0.25 and they sell it for like a dollar because they don't have to break the thing he said 75 cents is perfect because you just leave the tip and they like that a lot. That's what I saw them doing too a lot of and he says he can get us so much beer it'll be like 10 cents a beer but really they'll just be big tippers$0.30. Now I think I'm gonna try and have them brewed I got some of the breweries and I hear that they do a good job and have people testing and tasting it and it works it worked a lot this weekend lots of hamburgers hot dog sausage I like those Italian grinders with a sausage in the peppers and the onions and the German mustard yeah they're not Italian. Those are good he loves those i've seen him eat a lot of those and it's fascinating to him how good it tastes still steak and cheese too employee was having a good time and hungry howie's with his dumb invention they made a lot of money on that and Jesus Christ they don't give him a dime this is so bad. iam starting to experience it
- This beer tastes great and it doesn't fill you up like that much and you can drink like crazy and it is a fun beer it tastes better than Budweiser and it doesn't have a strong after taste like cores it's more like a Miller and it's a bit lighter but not watery and yeah miller has more like a pretty thick beer taste. It is a very nice room it is from Germany. I like to do his that idea and his keg idea and he says that on the keg you can have it painted or even ingrained and then you put a label or two or more then you come in like 5 packs and you pull it off and you can put it on your refrigerator and they're pretty big like 3 or 4 inches high and they go all over the world I mean this is a great idea he's got great ideas and the barrel comes back in and the sales people come by and they put it on there and it goes out and then people stick it on their fridge I mean it to this an awesome idea and we'll give coasters to eateries I'm getting into this this is gonna be fun And there are sports bars that have our stuff in it and he wants me to try and sell it there and said it's a instant hit. And also as a side note I would be making a lot of money. And I would probably try and get him stuff it's not a bad idea and when he gets bigger he needs workout stuff and I have a clothing line and it's kind of secret things that's pretty cool and he says if I have a superhero character he'd help try and start superhero bar then we have several in my pier would be something that would put there I have a couple characters and they're kinda zany but they do make the comic books and they're trying to rat on me which is great it's negative advertising.start wht us and teh morolock will try to flow in and ut in thier stuff not ours. we see it andhas hapeend in werstling we held our own msotly no lost half and now gain it back and yeh ok we do it nd i start it the chain. my alley. and great ideas names of food drinks andmore and memorablelia and you can buy the copies there clothing boots and acciessories. tons of fun ok. himtoo he says. and if he ever gets moeny baine stuff and yeh long e this is it we see. and these might help no way ok
Hulk Hogan
we see it now they are meaner no but ok we do see.
bg and i am in. if you do it i am there have characters lol and no n dont you do it caa
ahahahahah from kick ass the movie for your viewing engjoyment the skinny kid mclovin villain black fog or sothing
Zues Hera
and if you can get him to i accept
Hulk Hogan
no no how about Wolverine
better ok good kid i see it
Hulk Hogan and he laughs no you dont lol hahahaha mean on them no way
Olympus print gosh darn it hahahaha
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joinremax · 4 months
5 Reasons to Invest in Harbourwalk Condos at Lakeview Village Community
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In the heart of Mississauga's revitalized waterfront, an extraordinary new mixed-use community is taking shape that offers an unbeatable urban lakeside lifestyle. Harbourwalk Condos, located within the innovative Lakeview Village development, provides an enviable list of reasons for GTA homebuyers and investors to take notice.
1. Stunning Waterfront Living
Let's start with the obvious wow-factor - this prime location puts you mere steps from the beautiful shores of Lake Ontario. Residents will enjoy a newly revitalized 600-meter boardwalk and pier, the longest on the Canadian Great Lakes, providing endless opportunities to admire breathtaking waterfront vistas.
You'll be living that coveted lake lifestyle with beaches and aquatic activities at your doorstep. Yet you're still just a half-hour away from downtown Toronto's urban core when you need it.
2. An Interconnected Pedestrian Village
One of the biggest draws of Lakeview Village is its walkable community design centered around green spaces, parks, trails, and pedestrian-friendly promenades connecting all corners of the development.
45+ acres of parks & natural spaces on-site
Nearby 64-acre Jim Tovey Lakeview Conservation Area  
450 acres of surrounding parklands to explore
Bike paths will seamlessly blend into the village's pedestrian-centric streets. This interconnected layout means you can truly embrace outdoor living while having key amenities within strolling distance.
3. Sustainable Living for a Greener Future
In a highly sustainable and eco-friendly community, the residences at Harbourwalk Condos will incorporate world-leading green building standards and technologies. This provides a healthier living environment while reducing your environmental impact.
The development's focus on sustainability ensures you'll be part of a future-focused neighborhood. In fact, Lakeview Village will even have its 20-acre innovation district fostering research, learning, and cutting-edge employment opportunities.
4. Vibrant Urban Amenities at Your Doorstep
While embracing outdoor living, you'll still have the conveniences and amenities of an urban village right outside your door at Harbourwalk Condos:
Boutique retail & dining 
Local cafes & craft breweries
Rooftop patios with stunning lake views
Easy access to major big box shopping nearby
Lakeview Village is planned to offer an exciting mix of retail, office space, entertainment, arts, and cultural events providing 9,000 new employment opportunities in the future. You can live, work, and play all in one vibrant neighbourhood.
5. Stellar Transit Connectivity
With its prime Mississauga location along Lakeshore Road, Harbourwalk Condos provides seamless transit connectivity in the GTA:
Regional bus routes at your doorstep
Quick access to Port Credit & Long Branch GO stations 
Easy connections to TTC streetcar routes in Toronto
This allows for a comfortable commute whether you're heading into downtown Toronto's core, throughout Mississauga, or across the GTA and 905 regions.
An Unrivaled Opportunity on Mississauga's Waterfront
The groundbreaking Lakeview Village community represents a rare opportunity to embrace lakefront living. It is still having all the amenities of an urban village right at your doorstep. With its future-focused design principles, integrated greenspaces, and stellar amenities, Harbourwalk Condos checks every box.
For GTA buyers seeking that perfect balance of waterfront tranquility and urban convenience in a sustainable environment, this jewel along Mississauga's revitalized shoreline is truly tough to top.
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church-capital · 4 months
Guerilla Marketing Agencies in North Carolina
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Unleashing Creativity: Guerilla Marketing Agencies in North Carolina
In the heart of the American South, North Carolina emerges as a melting pot of culture, innovation, and creativity. Amidst the bustling cities and scenic landscapes, guerilla marketing agencies in North Carolina thrive, pushing the boundaries of traditional advertising and captivating audiences with unconventional campaigns. In this blog article, we'll delve into the dynamic world of guerilla marketing agencies in North Carolina, exploring their strategic approaches, innovative tactics, and the significant impact they have on businesses across the Tar Heel State.
The Rise of Guerilla Marketing Agencies in North Carolina:
Guerilla marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to break through the clutter and connect with consumers in unique and memorable ways. In North Carolina, guerilla marketing agencies have capitalized on this trend, leveraging creativity, innovation, and strategic thinking to create campaigns that leave a lasting impression. From viral stunts and interactive experiences to guerrilla projections and street art, these agencies are redefining the boundaries of traditional advertising and sparking conversations that resonate with audiences.
Key Characteristics of Guerilla Marketing Agencies in North Carolina:
1. Creativity: Creativity is at the core of guerilla marketing, and agencies in North Carolina are renowned for their ability to think outside the box and deliver campaigns that capture attention and spark curiosity. Whether it's transforming everyday objects into works of art or staging flash mobs in unexpected locations, these agencies infuse their work with creativity and innovation to create memorable experiences for consumers.
2. Strategic Thinking: While guerilla marketing may seem spontaneous and unconventional, it is often underpinned by careful strategic planning. Guerilla marketing agencies in North Carolina take the time to understand their clients' goals, target audiences, and competitive landscape, allowing them to develop campaigns that are not only creative but also strategically aligned with business objectives.
3. Resourcefulness: Guerilla marketing often involves working with limited budgets and resources, requiring agencies to be resourceful and adaptable in their approach. Whether it's leveraging social media to amplify campaign reach or collaborating with local businesses and influencers to maximize impact, guerilla marketing agencies in North Carolina excel at making the most of what they have to create impactful campaigns.
4. Boldness: Guerilla marketing is all about taking risks and pushing boundaries, and agencies in North Carolina are not afraid to think outside the box and challenge the status quo. From staging attention-grabbing stunts to creating provocative installations, these agencies embrace boldness and creativity to create campaigns that stand out in a crowded marketplace.
Success Stories:
To illustrate the impact of guerilla marketing agencies in North Carolina, let's explore a few success stories:
- Local Brewery Goes Viral: A guerilla marketing agency in Charlotte partnered with a local craft brewery to create a viral marketing campaign that generated buzz and excitement among beer enthusiasts. The campaign involved guerrilla projections onto iconic landmarks, interactive social media challenges, and pop-up events at popular bars and restaurants, resulting in increased brand awareness and foot traffic to the brewery.
- Fashion Brand Creates Street Art Installation: A guerilla marketing agency in Raleigh collaborated with a fashion brand to create a street art installation that turned heads and sparked conversation. The installation, which featured a larger-than-life mural showcasing the brand's latest collection, became a social media sensation, generating thousands of shares and likes and driving traffic to the brand's website and retail stores.
The Future of Guerilla Marketing Agencies in North Carolina:
As we look to the future, guerilla marketing agencies in North Carolina are poised to continue pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation, creating campaigns that captivate audiences and drive results. With a focus on creativity, strategic thinking, resourcefulness, and boldness, these agencies will continue to redefine the advertising landscape and help businesses connect with consumers in meaningful and memorable ways.
In conclusion, guerilla marketing agencies in North Carolina are dynamic, innovative, and essential contributors to the state's vibrant business community. With their creativity, strategic thinking, resourcefulness, and boldness, these agencies play a crucial role in helping businesses break through the clutter and create impactful campaigns that resonate with audiences. As the advertising landscape continues to evolve, guerilla marketing agencies in North Carolina will remain at the forefront of innovation, shaping the future of marketing and advertising in the Tar Heel State and beyond.
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hannahsheppardsblog · 5 months
Defining the brand:
brand background:
Belgium&Blues bar is located in Southampton, where they sell Belgian and craft beer and brasserie alongside artisan wines and spirits, beer cocktails and food. throughout the week, there are live blues performances and vinyl djs at the weekend.
Blegium&Blues are looking to release their own series of Belgian beers as this summer they are attending beer festivals like Craft Beer South and New Forest beer festival and want to draw more people in to their blues bar in Southampton as well as their new location in Bournemouth. They are also going to be hosting pop-up day blues festivals along the south coast this summer to boost the sales of their new series of beers- each of which will be inspired by a different category of blues music.
brand logo:
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main goals:
to launch and promote the sale of their new series of beers
to create an experience from drinking Belgian beers
to spread the love about the uniqueness of Belgian beers
brand personality:
rustic and quirky
self confident
fun and inclusive
brand narrative:
Belgium&Blues was founded on the love for Belgian beer but from the hearts of 3 friends who wanted to get more out of a beer bar. So Belgium&Blues comes from a place close to the heart and has been nurtured into embracing anyone who wants to enjoy beer and music
This means it would make sense for the bar to partner with local breweries as a celebration of local talent, like they do with live music and comedy nights
By Belgium&Blues having their own series of beers, they will be able to craft their own beer experience for customers to experience which will be tailored around their brand core values and support the music they play to enhance their experience. This will be a unique selling point and allow them to stand out against other brands.
touch points:
range of 4 beers with different flavours and packaging
advertising assets: posters/social media posts
user flow:
discovery of the brand through advertisement assets on social media and billboards
research: find out more information on their social media and website
purchase: attending the beer festivals/ pop-ups/ bar and buying the product
consumption: experience the loving craft of the Belgian beer in relation to different genres of blues music
Urban blues and Tarot D'Or:
blonde ale in a 25cl bottle and 8% alcohol
high fermentation, lambic and miture of exotic fruits flavour and aroma (mango, lime, honey melon) with a fruity aroma and characterful after taste
this mimics the urban blues because there is typically lots of instruments with a complex harmony (represented by the range of fruits and characterful after taste)
Delta Blues and Rosee:
25cl bottle
amber in colour with a full and creamy head. Flavour somes from a unique mixture of fruits and the addition of different spices to match the fruity aroma. advised to be served at 3 degrees
this matches delta blues well because they would sing about failed relationships and romance which is mimicked in the sophisticated flavours and spices in this beer.
Rhythm and Blues and pecheresse:
25cl bottle
blonde in colour and full and creamy head, which has a period of maturity where the peach flavour is added later then left to mature for months to allow the flavour to develop
this fits rhythm and blues well because the audience for this category developed and matured as the style did and ended up having a more mature aged audience which is mimicked in how the beer is brewed and the minimalistic and sophisticated peach flavour
Country blues and Rouge:
33cl bottle
dark red/brown colour with a redish head. strong aroma of cherries and light sour, dry and light bitter with undertones of barley, malt and wheat
this suits country blues well because it is the original style of blues and this is a more typical style of Belgian Beer which suits the fact they would sing day-to-day music, which is more classic, like the flavour of beer.
target audience:
People who already drink beer and have a love for it
People who want to know and experience beers better
30-60 year olds male and female
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Discover the Hidden Gems of Oakland Park, Florida: Your Ultimate Vacation Paradise
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Oakland Park, Florida, often referred to as the “Urban Oasis,” is an exquisite gem tucked away in the heart of the Sunshine State. If you’re planning a vacation, look no further, because this charming town has everything you need for an unforgettable getaway.
1. Stunning Beaches: Oakland Park is conveniently located near some of Florida’s most breathtaking beaches. Whether you’re into sunbathing, swimming, or water sports, the sandy shores of Fort Lauderdale Beach and Pompano Beach are just a short drive away.
2. Cultural Delights: Explore the town’s vibrant art scene at the Funky Buddha Brewery or catch a live performance at the African-American Research Library and Cultural Center. Oakland Park offers a rich cultural experience for those seeking a deeper connection to the community.
3. Culinary Paradise: Foodies will be in heaven here. The town boasts a diverse range of dining options, from delectable seafood at Catfish Deweys to mouthwatering Cuban cuisine at Café La Buca. Oakland Park’s culinary scene will tantalize your taste buds.
4. Natural Beauty: Immerse yourself in nature at Royal Palm Park and Jaco Pastorius Park. These green havens provide a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
5. Water Adventures: Oakland Park’s proximity to the Intracoastal Waterway offers fantastic opportunities for boating, fishing, and water sports. You can even rent a kayak or paddleboard to explore the waterways at your own pace.
Oakland Park, Florida, is a hidden treasure trove of experiences waiting to be discovered. Whether you’re seeking relaxation on the beach, culinary adventures, or cultural exploration, this town has it all. Make your vacation unforgettable by choosing Oakland Park as your next destination.
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As one of the leading cybersecurity companies, KB Technologies Managed IT offers robust cybersecurity solutions to protect your business from evolving cyber threats. From advanced threat detection to comprehensive data encryption, your sensitive information is in safe hands.
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In an era where cybersecurity is paramount, KB Technologies Managed IT stands out among managed IT companies. Their commitment to excellence, advanced access control systems, VOIP solutions, and comprehensive support make them the ideal partner to protect and optimize your business.
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KB Technologies Managed IT
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draftwarehouse · 1 year
Choose the right beer tap system.
There is extensive selection of beer taps to cater to various dispensing traditions' requirements worldwide. Commercial beer tap system designed to dispense the ideal pint of draught beer is now real industry cornerstones in the draught beer dispensing equipment market.
In order to satisfy the needs of most international markets, they provide one of the broadest selections of draught beer towers, cooling systems, and beer spigot faucets. A clever, recognizable shape distinguishes the entire line of beer spouts. The materials used, design, technology, and manufacturing method are of the highest calibre in the beverage business.
These draught installations enhance the skill of pouring, which is a source of pride and inspiration for bartenders. By creating draught drinks, beer tap spouts enhance the intake point and increase the customer experience through barman professionalism. Additionally, branding and customization of beer faucets elevate the brand's personality and transform them into symbols of fashion and utility.
Dispenser and drip pan
All draught systems aim to reduce environmental effects while maintaining the quality and freshness of the beer by using sustainable and energy-efficient parts and beer dispensers. In actuality, the quality of dispensed drinks is better than those in cans or bottles, and the entire drinking experience is improved. Their beverage dispensing systems guarantee that drinks are dispensed at the right temperature and under precisely balanced pressure, enhancing their sensory qualities.
The showpiece of any bar, a draught beer tower dispenser is not only necessary for pouring a perfect mug of draught beer. It should enhance any area's aesthetics and perform flawlessly as a dispenser tower. They offer a variety of draught beer tower designs, ranging from single or double faucets to 48-tap systems.
Their draught beer towers are manufactured from premium materials and come in various designs, including Stainless Steel Drip Pan with a traditional look, brewery pipe styling, and modern, clean aesthetics. On request, they can also create bespoke draught beer towers.
Usually, small and house bars use air-cooled column beer towers with one to three faucets. Their air-cooled box T and pass-through towers have 4 taps at the lowest end and 16 faucets at the highest. Breweries and modern clubs love their brewery pipe beer towers, constructed from 3" or 4" pipes. The direct draw box or a location close to a walk-in cooler is the best place to put these air-cooled towers. Similarly, a wall-mounted beer tap dispenser can be mounted inside the wall of the walk-in refrigerator.
Importance of Glycol system
A long-draw glycol-cooled system works best for most commercial installations. The best options are box T towers, double pedestal towers, or pipe towers with glycol cooling. Systems up to 48 faucets are available from us, but any size can be made to request. All glycol-cooled towers are chilled with copper lines that transport glycol across installed cold blocks and have stainless steel beer lines. Glycol System Beer provides full core insulation to prevent a sweating tower and guarantees uniform cooling for all the lines.
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menuandprice · 2 years
Waikiki Brewing Company South Side – Wailea, Maui, HI
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Happy Hour at Waikiki Brewing Company South Side – Wailea, Maui, HI
Updated 2/16/2023 by the Maui Happy Hours team
Happy Hour at Waikiki Brewing Wailea from 2pm-5pm Daily
Happy Hour Food Specials at Waikiki Brewing - 15% off Select Share Plates Happy Hour Drink Specials at Waikiki Brewing - $5.50 Core Nine Drafts (see list below) - $6 Well Drinks - $8 House Wines - $7 Mai Tais - $7 Pina Coladas - $12 Core Nine Growler Fills Waikiki Brewing Core Nine Draft Beer Menu - Aloha Spirit Blonde Ale - Jalapeno Mouth - Craft Light - 808 Pale Ale - Eee Pah IPA - Hana Hou Hefe - Black Strap Molasses Porter - English Brown Ale - Skinny Jeans IPA —————————— Address: 3750 Wailea Alanui Dr B-25, Kihei, HI 96753 Phone: (808) 868-0935 Website
About Waikiki Brewing Company Maui (South Side)
Waikiki Brewing Company, Hawaii’s 2nd largest 100% Hawaiian brewery, has expanded to Wailea, Maui with its newest location at The Shops at Wailea, Waikiki Brewing Company South Side. Waikiki Brewing Company South Side features lush garden views, delicious local beers, handcrafted cocktails, tasty food, and easy access to world-class shopping at The Shops at Wailea. The convenient location is within walking distance to the nearby resorts (Wailea Beach Resort – Marriott Maui, The Grand Wailea, Andaz Maui, The Four Seasons, etc). Their beer has won numerous national awards including medals at the Great American Beer Festival, the US Open Beer Championship, and the Denver International Beer Competition. Selections include the Black Strap Molasses Porter, Hana Hou Hefer, Jalapeno Mouth, Skinny Jeans IPA, and more (see list above). Guests can choose from a small sample, a full glass, or a growler. Popular food items at Waikiki Brewing South Side include their Grilled Marlin, Baby Back Ribs, Smoked Pulled Pork, and Ahi Salad.
According to these Waikiki Brewing Company South Side patrons
“Decent place for beer, with a good selection. Relatively cheap, especially compared to my hotel prices. Happy hour makes it even cheaper. Basically it’s about the best/most affordable place for a drink this part of the island.” James S., January 2023 “Happy hour here is awesome! We came to wakiki brewing co. for happy hour 3 times while we’re in Maui. They also have many delicious snack and food options. This is a convenient location at the shops at wailea, walking distance from many of the wailea resorts.” Miranda S., January 2023 “Best service in Wailea! We ate here twice during our vacation, and we were blown away with how great the experience was. Food was delicious, beers were outstanding, and the Mai Thai’s were perfect! The service was the best part though. Brittany served us the first time, she was out of this world, could easily talk with her four hours. She recommended the beer flights so we could taste everything they brew. Great recommendation! Rachel served us the second time, and she was wonder. Very personable, offered some good food recommendations. Thank you Waikiki Brewing! We’ll be back!” Dustin E., September 2021 “Sooooo good. We stopped in the other day and came back today. I had the brew hour burger the first time, and the brisket sandwich the next. We also had an order of wings today. First, let’s talk about the beer. The blonde was superb. As it’s in Maui, it was 80+ degrees. Nice lighter side beer, very refreshing, not heavy, and just great on the palette. The wings were really, really good. The smoke was on point and not overwhelming, but was predominant enough to be noticed. So much flavor, fantastic rub and were just great! This will be a must-stop from now on! Very good!” Ken L., August 2021 Fans of Waikiki Brewing Company Wailea will also want to check out happy hour at Waikiki Brewing Company Lahaina. Happy Hour at Waikiki Brewing South Side is from 2pm-5pm daily and features discounted draft beers, growlers, well drinks, wine, craft cocktails, and tacos.
Want to make a comment or ask a question? Are you a fan of Waikiki Brewing Company South Side? Tell us in the comments below.
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lifewithoutmeds · 2 years
February 20, 2023
life is so random. life throws a couple easy lobs, then suddenly zings in with .... i don’t know, insert sports/baseball analogy. flyball? out of the court. and the whole game changes.
things were bad for a few days after getting those texts, seeing lorena leave. i drank a ton that night, starting from when she started packing, and much whiskey was gone by the morning. fortunately/serendipitously, grace and vicky came by after work for a pre-planned dinner, and it was helpful to have company while i wept bitterly.
friday morning, face swollen from drinking and crying, i met up my mom to go shopping for some much needed work clothes, and was quite successful, and ended up getting like three tops and four pants, all of which i could wear immediately. friday afternoon i went to meet arnulfo and his family plus linda for drinks at the local golden road brewery, but i was so out of it and so sad that i couldn’t really do/say much and it was a fairly joyless event and i bounced out at 8.
saturday at lunch i was supposed to meet up with grace and esther to plan our ireland trip, but grace wasn’t feeling too good so we postponed, and i slept in until 3 or 4 before getting up to go to amir’s engagement party in san dimas which i had written on my calendar as starting at 6 but in actuality had started at 3, whoops. had an ok time but was feeling very exhausted and fat from all the pasta, pizza, and tacos and just very tired. however, immediately prior to that, i had a really good conversation with lorena in which we cleared up a few misunderstandings. she had thought that when i had been telling her to go to florida to go see her dog that i was sort of prematurely kicking her out, and that she had this nagging core belief that her staying at my place was a burden/inconvenience, and she had enjoyed feeling like she had a place of her own at her aunt’s, and how sad she had been because she felt like she was losing me as a friend when she considered me to be her best, and at times, only friend. i told her how i felt she was cutting me out and we both concluded that somehow we had been projecting our own insecurities of being abandoned/cut out, and decided that that’s what the other was doing, when we really we were good friends who would keep in touch despite not living together.
so i felt much better, extremely relieved by the end of our conversation, and went with a slightly lighter heart to amir’s engagement where i was too full and didn’t drink enough and was just kinda feeling out of it. i ended up staying til about midnight and getting home around 1 or 1:30.
sunday morning woke up pretty groggy but then headed out to malibu where i went hiking to escondido falls with rhiannon, then we hit up el pescador state beach where i managed to catch one decent sized perch before leaving, taking care of a couple things, then heading out go to see CD, with some lasagna and beers in hand. we chatted, caught up a bit, and watched old episodes of Hell’s Kitchen while drinking beer and eating pasta and i headed out at around 8pm.
today’s been lots of chores. dish-washing, vacuuming, two loads of laundry, taking out trash, recycling. then i got hit with another bombshell. messaged lorena, who informed me that she was going back to florida to help out with her mom, whose breast cancer came back. one-way ticket, and it might be a few months before she came back. devastation once again. we’ll be hanging out one last time tomorrow (a tuesday), in which she promised lunch, and drinks after work. she’s trying to spend as much time as she can with reyna, as they’re both devastated, seemingly and possibly even more devastated than i am.
it’s crazy. the universe/God is letting me down, cutting her out of my life, in the tiniest, slowest and most bearable way i can imagine. first 45 miles away, then a few thousand, in just small enough doses that i don’t completely and utterly lose it. the thought of it would have sent me spiraling months ago, but once the notion was introduced, it was slowly realized, bit by bit, in just the most barely digestable ways. i love her so much, so ... possibly unhealthily, and there was no way i was going to voluntarily remove her from my life, and it’s almost like the universe is picking her off for me, for my good, if that’s believable.
for once i think i’ll be able to live and bear it. tuesday will likely be the last time i will see her in a while, but i’ve already started to have to consider life without her when i thought she was moving to rancho, so i’ve already been primed in some respects. gosh i’ll miss her. gosh i love her. but i think. i’ll live. i think i’ll push through. as much as it hurts right now.
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lex-drinks-blood · 2 years
idk what's life at the moment bc i go back to school on monday and i'm definitely not ready to go back and cry in the school's theapist office again
SOO, arthur with a very stressed/anxious and kinda depressed bf request? if that's cool w you of course (i'm also aware that in the 1800 mental health was treated with not very gentle medical methods and no one talked abt it so idk how this is gonna go 😭)
anyways, have a cat
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love this idea. I also go back to school monday and I am... not excited. very much the opposite. so hopefully this fic can give us both a bit of comfort yea? let's see!
Arthur Havisham x Male Reader: pure fluff! arthur notices reader is a bit spacey and anxious so he tries to take care of him
Warning(s): none that I'm aware of, correct me if I'm wrong!
Notes: running on 3 hours of sleep and wrote this after work, I did not proofread, this is a fic purely written with vibes at this point. but I kinda like it I think. idk. I'm very tired. I hope you like it tho!! I'm sorry if my sleep deprived state made this too skegwjagajab :(
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Arthur had been watching you intently from a distance for the past few days now, noticing ever-so-slight changes in your behavior that had slowly began to worry him. You were still the man he loved, nothing would ever change that, but he noticed a glazed over look in your eyes, a jumpy and startled reaction to things lately, a general lack of motivation in things that you had once took pride in, and it scared him. It shook him to his core, the thought that his darling boy could possibly be feeling unwell and battling that alone. This thought, and this thought alone, was enough to cause him to beckon his sister and request the next few days of work with the brewery off. Amelia, thankfully, was a woman who respected her brother's wishes and asked very little questions. Arthur was to be home to tend to his darling, and that mattered much more than the brewery.
When you awoke, you noticed that Arthur had not yet left your shared bed as he normally did in preparation for the day ahead of him.
You rolled into his arms that were already around your shoulders and under your neck, attempting to get impossibly closer to the warmth of the male beside you, "You're still here," you murmured, nuzzling your cheek into the part of his chest that was left revealed by the buttons of the shirt he had chosen to leave opened.
He kissed the top of your head, tussling your hair a bit as he spoke, "Wanted to be with you," he kissed you again.
You pressed your lips to his chest gently, planting the whisper of a kiss to his skin, "Miss you," you sighed.
"Shhhhh," the blonde Havisham cooed as he stroked your hair with love, "'m right here, my love. Not going anywhere," he planted another kiss to your head."
Tears had begun to well up in your eyes at this point, you could only cling on the billowy nightshirt around the pale man's body as you choked out a reply, "Promise?"
Arthur could sense the unwellness that shook you in your shaking voice and the grip he felt on his clothes. He gently pushed his body to a sitting position against the headboard of the bed, bringing you to sit up with him.
"Darling boy," he cooed, "I beg of you, tell me what's plagues you," a gentle hand placed on your cheek as he wiped your tears that began to spill.
You felt his deep brown eyes reaching for you but you couldn't bring yourself to meet his gaze. Not in this state.
"I don't..." you stifled a sob as you dried a tear with your hand, "I don't know, Arthur."
That was when you broke. Every feeling that you had been bottling up finally spilled as you collapsed back into the arms of Arthur Havisham and sobbed into his clothes. You felt the sweet timber of his voice reach your ears but couldn't quite make out the meaning of his words. Felt the gentle touch of his hands on your body, making soothing circles on your head, petting your hair in the most calming way. He was always so perfect. And yet, nothing seemed to calm you.
And so like that you stayed. Crying into the arms of the man with whom you shared a bed. And not once did he complain. Not once did he make a snide comment to be a man. Not once did he mumble under his breath that you should be able to handle yourself. He didn't complain that his day free from the brewery was spent tending to a blubbering infant, instead he continued to whisper such kind and gentle words. Words that hit your heart in such a way that made your it do backflips.
Through your sniffles and sobs you occasionally heard him whisper, "I'm not leaving, promise," "I'm right here," "You're so strong darling, you can be weak just this once", etc.
When you were finally able to catch your breath, you looked up at Arthur with sorrowful eyes. The sound of his heart breaking as he looked upon the love of his life in such distress was almost audible, but he composed himself and kept a strong face.
"Oh Arthur," you cried weakly, "I'm so sorry," tears began to wel up in the corners of your eyes again, and you feared that the unstoppable waterworks were soon to come again.
Arthur stared at you for a moment, taking in the splotchy, red hue of your tear stained cheeks that he held in his hands before bringing his face down to meet yours and connecting your lips in a gentle kiss.
This kiss was much softer than the other times you had been marked by the Havisham. You had learned quickly that Arthur was not at all aggressive, but very much in need. He needed the world to know that you were taken, even if they couldn't know that you were explicitly his. While you couldn't declare your love for one another in public, Arthur took it upon himself to make it obvious that you were off the market by staining your neck with purple marks of his love and tugging at your lips between his teeth.
But this kiss was different. The pillows of his lips just barely met yours, as if asking for permission to touch you in this fragile state. When you leaned into his touch, giving him the permission he required, he kept his hand on your cheek to rub circles on your skin as he placed gentle kisses on your lips. Once. Twice. Thrice.
He noticed that you seemed to be visibly calmer now, but still in need of comfort. He pulled you from your half sitting-half laying position and onto his lap so that you were sitting on top of his legs, facing the wall to the left of him, legs dangling off of the bed. He placed a gentle kiss on your cheek as he wrapped his hands around your waist.
He pressed his forehead to the side of your face, "You are so strong y/n. Do you know that?"
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nwbeerguide · 2 years
15 years in, Everybody's Brewing undergoes a refresh with new labels, a new logo, and several new releases.
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Press Release
[White Salmon, WA, March 6th, 2023]. Everybody’s Brewing, a mid-size brewery out of White Salmon, Washington, announced today that it has completed a major rebranding, first unveiled at their pub in White Salmon, WA on March 4th, 2023. 
Everybody’s Brewing was founded in 2008, on the principles of creating the highest quality craft beer, in a space where everyone would feel welcome. While this ethos remains the same, they wanted to elevate their visual presence to match the quality of their product. The full overhaul of their visual identity will be rolled out across all facets of the business, including packaged products, interior design, and online presence. The launch of the rebrand coincides with the release of four new year-round 12oz cans, and two new seasonal 16oz cans. 
“We’ll still be the same Everybody’s,” said Everybody’s Co-Owner Doug Ellenberger, “but we recognize the importance of keeping our branding fun and relevant. The market has changed a lot in the 14 years since we opened, and we’re keeping up with those changes. We feel the new branding will appeal both to our day-one customers, and folks that haven’t yet thought to give us a try.” Says Ellenberger, “We take a lot of pride in the quality of our beer, and we are also really proud of our new look.”
The former branding, designed in 2008, featured a logo of people standing together with beers in hand – a very literal interpretation of “Everybody’s”. Over the years, the logo remained the same while aspects of artwork on their cans slowly, continuously evolved. This slow evolution allowed the company to grow, but they found the products becoming less cohesive over time. The new branding is not only an effort to tighten up their look, but a chance for the company to define and re-iterate who “Everybody’s Brewing” is, and what they stand for.
“We kicked off this project by exploring the mission and voice of our company, which was a really exciting aspect of the process for us.” Says Co-Owner Christine Ellenberger, “It was a chance to sit down and say ‘Okay, we know who we are, but how do we better define that share it with people?’ In the end, the most important thing was that we stay true to our core values: inclusivity, quality, fun, and community.”
The new branding has a clean, but retro feel, and maintains the playful aspect that Everybody’s is known for. This can be exemplified by 12oz cans of their new “Co-Pilot Pilsner”, featuring a joyful, animated dog hanging out the side of a classic pickup truck window.
Their new logo is a flag with an emblazoned “E”, and new slogan boldly states, “Beer For All.”
Ellenberger noted it’s importance, “The flag was kind of an ironic play; traditionally, they’re used to stake claim or ownership someone or something specific, but our flag stakes claim for everybody. We truly believe that craft beer is a community staple, one that everyone should be able to enjoy. Our new slogan drives that home. We make beer for everybody.”
Everybody’s will continue the celebration of their rollout, and your first chance to buy the new cans, at the following events: 
PDX: 3/9 – Belmont Station
Vancouver: 3/10 Ben’s Bottle Shop
Tacoma: 3/14 – Peaks and Pints
Visit Everybodysbrewing.com to further explore the new branding and their new lineup of cans.
About Everybody’s Brewing: Founded in 2008, Everybody’s Brewing sits perfectly nestled on the cliffs of White Salmon, WA, overlooking the beautiful Columbia River Gorge. Inspired by the region’s premium hop and malt production, their beer offerings reflect the ever-changing trends and innovation within the brewing industry. The brewery’s pub features globally-inspired fare with great attention paid to high-quality ingredients and customer experience, with jaw-dropping views of its volcanic neighbor to the south: Mt. Hood. 
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/3SQrSa1
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admiringlove · 4 years
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愛してる: 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏.
— we invite you to celebrate the brewery’s first valentines’ day, with freshly brewed sweet drinks, to honor the day dedicated to love. click for valentines’ day special menu!
↳ 青葉城西高校 — seijoh. presenting: oikawa tōru, iwaizumi hajime, mattsukawa issei.
credits for image @ roarzoro on twitter.
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oikawa tōru
oikawa tōru is the sun. he is the center of all beings, and he feels as if the world revolves around him. the fangirls are the planets, circling him whenever they see him. the whole school knows oikawa, because he is the core of attention at any given time. 
but you? you don't seem interested in the sun one bit. you like the ocean instead—finding the vast depths of the sea more intriguing than the deep, blue sky. 
and what does oikawa want? the one thing he can't have. you. 
you start noticing him more. he greets you every morning(the fangirls stare at you creepily, but you just ignore them), talks to you during lunch, and even sometimes asks you to come watch his volleyball practice. 
but his expression just becomes distasteful when you decline him. why was oikawa interested in you? he had hoards of boys and girls who yearned for him more than anything else, so why you?
you notice him more—honestly, you don't mind him flying around you mindlessly like a bee. it just annoys you at how attractive he is. you don't know what his intentions are(after all, they can be ill), and you're scared. 
but he doesn't give you a reason to be today. 
"oikawa," you huff, "stop following me, you creep."
"b-but [y/n]-chan!!" he pouts, shoving his hands inside his pockets as he catches up to you. you roll your eyes, grunting as you say, "that was the fakest stutter ever. why do all those people in our school like your dumbass, anyway, trashykawa?"
"you sound just like iwa-chan," he murmurs under his breath as you turn a sharp right, walking into a coffee shop to do your homework. he smiles victoriously when you choose a two-seat table instead of the barstool that was free, sitting in front of you almost immediately.
"well, iwa and i share a very mutual hate for you," you joke as you give your order to the waiter who comes by. oikawa winks at the girl, giving her his order as well, "one milk-bread and chocolate milkshake please."
"and may i ask why you followed me into a coffee shop you've never been to before?" you questioned, pulling out your physics textbook as he smiles at you saying, "i like being around you, [y/n]-chan. you just never talk to me about anything."
"fine, what do you want to talk about?"
"you," he smirks, "tell me about yourself, for real this time. no jokes."
you sigh, placing your pencil down to look at his face for the first time today. this time, you actually pay attention to his features. his soft chocolate brown eyes, his slender long nose, and those pink lips. you shook yourself off when he said, "hobbies, [y/n]-chan?"
"reading," you mumble, "i like reading."
the waiter comes back with your coffee and his drink and snack, placing it in front of you as oikawa thanks her. he turns back to you, grinning from ear-to-ear.
"remind me to write down 'library date' the next time we go out," he says, leaning his elbow on the table and placing his knuckles on his cheek. you scoff, "you follow me around and call it a date. you're basically a stalker, trashykawa."
"okay, okay, fine! what if i ask you out on an actual date? we can talk about books, maybe get coffee, and- ooh! what about the movies? we can even go to tokyo if you'd like! it's not that far by train, you know," he daydreams. you scoff for the second time in that coffee shop, your eyes narrowed as you ask, "and what makes you think you can ask me out on an actual date?"
"if you haven't noticed, [y/n]-chan," oikawa shrugs, taking a sip of his chocolate milk, "i like you very much. and not as friends, god no, i wanna take you out and make you happy."
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iwaizumi hajime
iwaizumi is closed off—according to oikawa, but you don't believe that one bit. 
"oh come on, [y/n]-chan, he likes you, i swear!"
but you know better than to assume things about hajime, so you shrug oikawa off, leaving the gym to go home. you see hajime waiting for you, and you wave at him happily. he smiles, bringing a hand up awkwardly, but he puts it down as soon as he hears oikawa's voice behind you. 
"iwa-chan!! guess what, [y/n]-chan's walking home with us tonight!"
hajime sighs, looking away(because this boy is as clueless as you). he shrugs, telling you two that he has something to attend to. but you know that he's probably going to overthink when he's by himself. 
you and oikawa share a knowing look, as he says, "tell me everything through text when you reach home."
"haji!" you yell, running up to the boy walking ahead. his hands are stuffed into his track pants, and he turns back half-way. he gives you a half-smile, slowing his pace(but not stopping).
"haji, stop!" you grab his wrist, turning him around. he's raising an eyebrow at you, looking at you impatiently as you say, "why're you going home alone, iwa? do you not want to come with me and stupidkawa?"
"i told you to go with him, didn't i? why are you followin' me around?" he scoffs, looking away and continuing walking at his normal pace. you furrow your eyebrows, your lips slightly parted as you say, "hey, what is that supposed to mean?"
"you're always circling around him. can't you go home with him too?" he grunts. you blink rapidly, the information processing in your head as you begin to laugh.
iwaizumi looks back, his eyes narrowed and lips twisted into a scowl, "why are you laughing like a maniac?"
"because, you dumbass, you think i like that loser," you huff, walking up to him as you pant(your stomach is hurting from laughing at this point). you ruffle the ace's hair, chuckling, "i can't believe you haven't figured it out already. everyone thought i was being obvious."
"if you're implying what i think you are, i feel the same way, you know."
"is that why you were jealous of trashykawa?"
"aight, we're never talking about that ever again."
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mattsukawa issei
mattsun isn't really that... interested in things. he picks something up, fiddles with it for sometime, and then throws it away. 
but with his love life, everything is different. he rarely ever dates. and it's never too serious. so when his feelings for you start waltzing in, it's a first. 
he hasn't felt this kind of high before. it's scary, because mattsukawa issei has never yearned for someone as much as he yearns for you. his eyes are always looking for you. and when they do land on you, an instant smile creeps onto his face. 
oikawa and hanamaki always tease him, but he's learned to push past that at this point. he's brushing them off constantly, learning to ignore the "eyy" that makki lets out whenever you walk into the room. 
mattsun learns to love you bit by bit. his love is the awkward stares, the panic rising in his throat as he feels that he's been smiling for way too long, the shaking his thoughts off when you snap your fingers in front of his face, or the coincidental nightly trips that he always finds himself looking forward to.
the same thing happens tonight as well. 
"why do i always find you outside this convenience store at 10 pm on a saturday night?" mattsukawa chuckles, sitting down next to you on the curb. you take a spoonful of the ice-cream you're eating, and you throw him a smile, "i have a routine. you show up around the same time too, so you can't exactly ask me that question, issei."
"i know," he sits down, opening the soda bottle and gulping down its contents rather quickly.
"woah, calm down or you'll choke," you chuckle, throwing your small ice-cream cup into the trash a couple feet away. you triumphantly smile when the cup falls into the can, and turn back to face issei.
issei, who's only a couple of inches away from your face. issei, who's been in love with you ever since he can recall. issei, whom you love back with just as much intensity—if not, more.
"issei, i'm gonna do something. please don't hate me, okay?" you whisper. he nods, smiling, as he begins, "i could never hate you, baby."
you lean in, pressing your lips on his softly as he kisses you back. he's scared too, that's why he isn't holding onto you tightly or is placing too much pressure into it.
and just like that, the night of february thirteenth forever becomes embedded into your lives.
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