#Cops in schools
star-wrld · 7 months
gorgug should autocrit on all future popularity rolls for his time at augefort because you can not tell me this school filled with teenage anarchists would see that video of him oinking at a cop and not think he's the coolest guy alive
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totally-here · 1 month
dpxdc twins au except it's no-pulse flavored
Bart’s new roommate looks a lot like Tim. 
Like, suspiciously like Tim. 
Danny’s the same height, has the same shape of nose, same shade of hair, and even frowns like him. He would have been a perfect copy if he acted more like Tim, but Danny definitely holds himself looser than Bart’s ever seen Tim. 
But he still has his face. So, obviously, Bart has to investigate. Maybe he’s a clone, or a shapeshifter, or maybe one of the Gotham rogues decided to get facial reconstruction surgery to look like him, and this was all a ploy. 
Okay, probably not that last one. Bart doesn’t think Tim’s enemies know his identity. 
Anyway, investigation! Bart’ll figure this out himself, and deal with it if Danny needs to be dealt with. And the investigation will start right after he comes up with an excuse as to why he’s back in their third floor apartment when he passed Danny in the hallway a few seconds before. 
Danny stares at him, and Bart stares back. 
“Must’ve been a doppelganger!” Bart blurts out. 
Danny’s silent for a second before nodding enthusiastically and noting that everyone's supposed to have like seven in the world anyway and wow what a wild coincidence that there’s one in their building. 
Bart extends the same courtesy when a week later he walks in on Danny with an iced over pan on the stove. Danny says they should really get their freezer checked out and Bart agrees and asks if he can use the ice for a painting study. 
(They never get their freezer checked.)
Bart finds that Danny’s great at setting up fun things for him to draw, whether he knows it or not. Like the ice, or his collection of rocks, his astronomy textbooks with the pretty covers, his gestures as he rants about his classes, the excited glint in his eyes when he’s talking about his next repair project and how his eyes almost look like they glow in the right light. 
Hm. A good portion of his sketchbook is drawings of Danny, and yet he’s still having trouble with getting the right blue for his eyes. At first glance they’re Tim’s shade of blue, but when he keeps looking they seem to get lighter. Maybe greener?
He should probably stop staring into his friend’s eyes. 
Well, maybe not. Danny doesn’t seem to mind. 
Just like he doesn’t mind when they started regularly sitting very close on the couch, or falling asleep together, or Bart borrowing some of his jackets, or-
Okay, Bart’s kinda seeing a pattern. He and Danny should really have a conversation about if this is platonic behavior or not. 
But not right now, because Bart brought Danny across the river to raid Wally’s board game closet in Keystone. 
And Wally, who’s used to this, just passes by them with a, “Hey Bart, hey Tim.”
“Danny, not Tim,” Danny replies almost absent mindedly, then looks back at Wally, who’s also staring at him now. “Wait, you know Tim?”
“OhmyGod I was supposed to investigate!” Bart says, face palming. It just slipped his mind! And Danny was distracting him with his pretty face that he totally wears better than Tim!
“You know him too?” Danny asks. But he doesn’t look suspicious of them, more amused. 
“How do you know him?” Wally squints at Danny, eyes briefly catching Bart’s in question. 
“He’s my twin,” Danny answers easily. “The Drakes only wanted one kid, so they gave me to their friends the Fentons, who wanted a second one.” He shrugs and goes back to digging around the closet. “Tim and I were always in contact, though. Letters and phone calls and texting, you know?” 
He says it all so casually while Wally and Bart are sharing increasingly concerned looks behind his back. 
Do the Waynes know about Danny? Has Tim never brought him up? Why? Does Danny know about Red Robin? Does Tim-
“Holy shit does this mean Tim has ice powers too!?” 
Or: Tim and Danny are twins. Through a series of coincidences, the first people to find out that aren’t Fentons or Drakes are the flashes.
(This post was brought to you by me recently finishing the 1995 Impulse run, and wanting an excuse to share this panel:
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Look they both got called twinks clearly they're soulmates)
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demanding a series in the same vein (heh, vein) as Dexter/Hannibal wherein a prolific serial killer plays cat & mouse with the police--except the serial killer in question is a preteen schoolgirl. this would make for compelling television due to the fact that middle school frequently causes girls to become deranged, and more media should reflect this
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aropride · 2 years
or multiple cops
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archaalen · 2 years
AP News: Nevada officer slams student recording police, kneels on him
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mischas · 4 months
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The O.C. 1.02 The Model Home
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fortycumber · 3 months
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the sounds of muffled screaming is me fangirling into my pillow with a big sheepish grin on my face.
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crippledanarchy · 2 years
If you're in the US and you're concerned about Palestine, leave US Jews alone, and start asking your local evangelist how much money their christian church sends annually to support the genocide being committed by the state of israel.
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Guess who got a trophy (ticket) for being so cool (front window is tinted too dark) on their way to Cool World (picking up my kid from school)?
If you wanna help me pay it, it's $145.
We don't have $145 and are in fact behind on rent, so anything is appreciated, especially a reblog ❤️
Cashapp: CEOofAntifa
PayPal: click here
Venmo: CEOofAntifa
/ $145
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swamplamp · 1 month
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You think that affected her life in any way?
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The Vancouver School Board (VSB) may be prepared to “welcome” police officers back into schools next week, but it’s not a sentiment that’s shared by all.
On Thursday, the VSB held a press conference to reiterate its commitment to creating “safe, welcoming and inclusive spaces” for its learners, and said the new “reimagined” school liaison officer (SLO) program will advance school safety.
It also presented a new look for the SLOs that includes casual polo shirts, unmarked police vehicles and more discreet firearms.
Even with the lighter visual touch, however, the decision to bring police back into schools has been vigorously opposed by members of the Vancouver Police Department’s African Descent Advisory Committee. Members Sadie Kuehn and Parker Johnson said they’re concerned about potential harm to Black, Indigenous, racialized, queer, and disabled students.
“The (new look) doesn’t address the core issues of having young people — all young people — feel safe,” Kuehn, a former school trustee, told Global News on Friday.
Full article
This is exactly the problem with the white centrist approach to dealing with the problems around police. Putting them in new clothes in new cars with "discreet firearms" doesn't do a damn thing to protect people from the violent, oppressive force that is the police.
None of these changes address racial profiling, police brutality, or the fact that marginalized people (rightfully) feel unsafe around cops.
These changes are useless. Abolish the police.
(Commentary from Samira, @politicsofcanada )
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hijinxinprogress · 4 months
The JL keeps trying to stop Captain Marvel from talking to the media (and it’s not working)
The jl held a meeting about marvel’s conduct with cops bc he got a little too excited and suplexed a cop completely fucking forgetting he’s a 7ft buff ass man (the video goes viral for months) and the press is having a fucking field day with this bc ‘Captain Marvel Hates The Government!’ ‘Justice League Member, Captain Marvel, Shows His True Colors…?’ ‘Fawcett Superhero Attacks Civilian!’ ‘Captain Marvel Sends Police Officer to ICU!’ ‘Philadelphia Hero Puts Public Servant In Coma’ and shit like that is on the front page of every newspaper, magazine, and tabloid for the next eight months at least
so they’re like ‘hey you gotta say something! The people think you hate the us government esp the police!’ and he’s just sitting there confused before he says very slowly and clearly ‘But I do…I fucking despise them’
Barry and Hal are fucking losing it bc this is the guy that says ‘darn!’ in the heat of battle and has said on multiple occasions ‘Well, that’s not very nice, now is it?’ to opponents that destroy worlds for fun
like this guy still tries very hard not to make faces at the broccoli on his plate in front of the jl (and fails)
this guy hears a yj member or even the very adult titans cussing and going on the longest rant bc ‘I’ve not heard such foul language in all my years-!’ and what’s this ‘‘I’m an adult’ nonsense?? I’m older than Ravens grandfather 🤨 When you get to be my age-’
they’re all so pissed when they hear him cussing like a sailor playing video games on cyborgs phone the next day and he’s playing fucking temple run at that
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artiststarme · 5 months
Officer Phil Callahan wasn’t often seen in a positive light. Most people viewed him as immature, impulsive, condescending, and a poor excuse for a poor excuse of a police officer. However, no one could accuse him of being a bad brother. He prided himself on always being there for his little bro and his brother knew he could count on him too for anything. As such, Phil was the first person he went to after receiving the beating of all beatings.
So, when Phil opened his front door to see his baby bro leaning against the doorframe for support with his bruised face bearing more resemblance to a blueberry, he dropped everything to help him.
“Holy goddamn shit, Steve! What the hell happened to your face?!” He ushered Steve inside and settled him on the well-worn couch adorning his small living room.
Phil didn’t know what had happened to his brother and he didn’t know who had tried to pulverize his face but he did know whomever had committed this atrocity would pay. He didn’t care if he had to arrest Jonathan Byers again or face off against the powerful Hagan parents to cuff Tommy H in public, he was going to make someone suffer.
His rage only grew as he watched Steve dry heave and vomit for hours on end. Phil aspired to return the beating to the perpetrator that gave Steve the headache of all headaches and physical damage to boot. He took care of Steve through the night by waking him up every four hours, rubbing his back through the dry heaves, and giving him water to keep him hydrated. As soon as he seemed stable enough to be left alone though, Phil was badgering him for the name of the attacker.
He waited just long enough to hear, “Billy Hargrove, but don’t-“ before he was off.
Dressed in his Sheriff’s Deputy uniform with his gun on his hip, he set off to find the sack of shit that hurt his brother. Would this look bad in front of the townspeople? Definitely. Could it hurt his job and his position in the department? Most probably. But he would do what he had to do and probably beat the shit out of that dirtbag in revenge.
As expected, the Californian hippie delinquent was standing by his Camaro in front of the school with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. Phil pulled the patrol care right up to his bumper before storming up to him and shoving him against his own drivers side door. Billy’s cigarette dropped ashes against Phil’s forearm but the rage inside of him burned even more than the fluttering ash. The eyes of nearly the entire student body rested on him but he didn’t let it phase him.
“You roughed up Steve yesterday,” Phil growled.
“You’re crazy. Who the fuck-“
“You’re gonna shut up and listen, buttercup. If you even think about touching Steve again, you kinky shit, I will make your life a living hell. Stay away from my brother.”
“Whatever, man. Did Steve go running home to mommy-“
He didn’t even register his just flying until Billy’s head whipped to the side followed by a pain in his hand. Shit, he just hit a kid. A bitchy one, but a kid nonetheless. “I’m sorr-“
“Is that all you got? I guess you and Stevie-boy both hit like the pansies you are.” Billy sneered at him with blood coating his teeth.
This little prick. Phil wasn’t going to let some high school bully get away with this. First he tries to kill his brother and then he starts talking shit about the both of them? Nope, no siree. Phil pauses but a minute before pulling a pair of handcuffs from his belt and latching them around a struggling Hargove’s wrists. “Okay, you little shit. You’re under arrest for felony assault, attempted murder, and anything else I can throw at you. No school for you today, now get in my car.”
“Are you fucking serious?!” He yelled, bloody spittle spitting from his lips.
“Yep, just like that concussion you gave my brother. Now shut up and stop resisting before I have to shoot you.” He wouldn’t actually shoot this kid but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
Phil knew the charges probably wouldn’t stick but he still felt lighter, relieved, that he had gotten at least a little bit of justice for Steve. And if the increasingly panicked murmurings in the backseat brought a smile to his face? Well, no one was any the wiser.
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mysterycitrus · 9 months
examining jason todd’s personal ideology from the perspective of “he cares about gotham and wants to improve life for everyone 🥺” is very unserious because that falls apart about four seconds after u start thinking about it. my man is not interested in propagating tangible societal change. he is larping scarface.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
I was trying to figure out how the high school and the middle school in my gay ass dream town were simultaneously across the street from each other (both buildings facing the road) and connected by a little courtyard in the back. I spent so long trying to find an answer that my parents called the cops because they thought I went missing. To top it all off, I was inexplicably wearing a wedding dress.
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princexes · 5 months
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mawage...that bwessed awangement or whatever. anyway this is my fifteenth draft of this exact situation so i was going to have to post one eventually. bwide.
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