#Consistent monitoring
Home healthcare providers play a vital role in the healthcare landscape by delivering personalized medical and non-medical services to individuals in the comfort of their homes. If you would like to gain a more in-depth understanding of the ins and outs, we at BZED Home Healthcare and Staffing, people’s first choice for home healthcare in Baltimore, Maryland, are here to help out!
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fadinggardenercolor · 10 months
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demigods-posts · 2 days
we already have the percy whose scalp is always somewhat damp because he wants to feel the moisture on his skin. the percy who takes bubble baths twice a week soley so he can nap underwater when he's away from the beach. the percy who once drank four gallons of water in two hours and felt like he was king of the world for a week straight. but give me the percy who gets overstimulated from being in the water too much. the percy who spent his three-day weekend putting a stop to a war between the fish of the pacific and atlantic ocean. the percy who returned home with his hair dry as a bone. the percy who locked himself in his room and refused to touch water unless he was nearly dying of thirst. the percy who damn-near asked his father to disown him for a few days because being directly linked to water made him want to cry.
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year
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“If there are feelings that are too hard to put into words...Then put them into action.”
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mcyt-cats · 8 months
some day I'm gonna be both a big MC streamer and have a herd of cats
and then maybe I will be featured on this cute cat blog as well, among other cool things that come with being a big MC streamer and having a herd of cats
I will be waiting for that day :)
In the meantime, I do accept cats belonging to small streamers! I may not keep up with them as well, but that's where you guys come in. I will try to post things when I receive them in my inbox. Please include your name/name of the streamer and, if it is different, the channel name. I like to link the channels on the post for visibility for smaller creators.
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gender-trash · 9 months
OH YEAH i forgot to post abt this yesterday but
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made it to the mountain FINALLY!! and i'm mostly recovered from Being Sick! AND i switched cell phone providers since the last time i was up here (from at&t to us mobile (which is rebranded verizon)) so i have four (4!!) WHOLE bars of cell signal up at the disintegrating trailer that passes for living space up here!
(but if anyone from work sends me slack messages im still going to pretend i don't.)
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mosspapi · 3 months
Semi-related but not really. Why the fuck was my heartrate 163 at 9:30 this morning. I hadn't even left the house yet and I'd only been out of bed for like. 10 minutes max.
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lurkiestvoid · 2 months
I couldn't sleep but I have Shit To Do Today that I can't risk missing so I am mainlining caffeine. it's 10:30am and my chest is full of hummingbirds. This is maybe fine
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suncaptor · 7 months
makes me feel a bit insane that Britta is seen as being insane and selfish for being upset her parents who she's spent her life trying to get away from are using her friends to stalk her just because she's suffering financially and needs help.
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yazumo · 8 months
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this is my beautiful vampire hunk that im gonna be playing on a minecraft roleplay server :3
and heres some silly doodles
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feat. hubert, my other roleplay character who im still doing a drawing for lol
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fwizard · 9 months
sorry all my posts have been along the lines of ‘wee health problem!’ lately, it’s just that i had a doctor believe me and do something about it for the first time and i’m still riding that high
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rohirric-hunter · 1 year
LotRO + Screenshots of Despair Part 3
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(Screenshots of despair sources: 1 2 3 4 5)
Part 1 | Part 2
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distortsverity · 1 year
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❝ The children yearn for the mines. ❞ At least in Sinnoh they do.
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vamptastic · 7 months
my voice started changing SO fast on T like the first changes i noticed were around three weeks and now it's been like six-ish weeks on 0.3 (a pretty low dose) and my voice is noticably deeper and cracking when i try to pitch it too high. really wasn't expecting this to happen for like a year im really pleased :)
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 3 months
nothing makes you crazier than swimming with your friend and your both lifeguards and seeing the lifeguard on deck be on their phone the whole time
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gayboyrocklee · 1 year
Have to evacuate the autism from my body so I can be normal tomorrow. Can someone perform an autism exorcism on me or smth?
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