#Conjunctivitis diet
banglakhobor · 1 year
কনজাংটিভাইটিসে কষ্ট পাচ্ছেন? এই খাবারগুলি খান, দ্রুত সারবে সংক্রমণ
Conjunctivitis Diet: ডাক্তারের পরামর্শমতো আইড্রপ ব্যবহার করতে হবে। ডাক্তারের সব নির্দেশ পালন করতে হবে। পাশাপাশি নজর দিতে হবে ডায়েটের দিকেও। Source link
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dr2bthincom · 9 days
Guide to Phentermine Prescription: Achieving Successful Weight Loss through Medical Consultation
Guide to Phentermine Prescription: Achieving Successful Weight Loss through Medical Consultation
In this comprehensive guide on obtaining a Phentermine prescription for effective weight loss under medical supervision, you will discover the vital steps to achieving successful results. By consulting with a healthcare professional, you can receive personalized advice and guidance on how to best incorporate Phentermine into your weight loss journey. This medication, when used in conjunction with a balanced diet and regular exercise, has been shown to significantly aid in shedding excess pounds and improving overall health.
Moreover, through medical consultation, individuals can address any underlying health conditions that may impact their weight loss progress. It is essential to understand the importance of monitoring your progress and adjusting the dosage of Phentermine as needed to ensure optimal results. By following the guidance of a healthcare provider and staying committed to your weight loss goals, you can experience the transformative benefits of Phentermine in a safe and effective manner.
Tags: cc prescription, weight loss consultation, medical supervision, personalized advice, balanced diet, regular exercise, health improvement, dosage adjustment, weight loss progress, healthcare provider.
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johannestevans · 8 months
alien is like "what are these numbers?"
"oh those are calories."
"what do they represent?"
"well, theoretically, the amount of energy a meal or snack will give you."
"do they?"
"god no. they make up the numbers based on how the food would burn in a lab."
"oh. does the calorie number tell you how nutritious the food is?"
"how beneficial for your body?"
"so, what are they for?"
"for companies to make money out of giving people less, worse tasting food in the hope they'll lose weight."
"will they lose weight if they eat lower calorie things?"
"no. generally weight and body type are decided by several factors, primarily genetics, hormonal make-up, past trauma and injury, etc in conjunction with exercise they might do far more than people's daily diet."
"so why do they do it?"
"well, people are convinced that fatness only exists because fat people don't try hard to lose weight enough despite, apart from every study showing otherwise, the fact that fat people continue to exist"
"is being fat bad for you?"
"well, sure, theres health concerns that are made worse by being fat. theres also loads that are made worse by being thin or by being muscular. it turns out being alive is bad for you. but the most dangerous thing for fat people's health is medical negligence."
"doctors won't treat fat people?"
"they just tell them to lose weight instead of actually listening to health concerns, so fat people die at higher rates for everything from asthma and allergies to cancer."
"but you just said weight loss--"
"uh huh, i know."
and then the alien goes. well thats fucked up
and i go. yeah.
and then they leave earth forever and go somewhere better
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sensualnoiree · 5 months
astro notes: taurus season focus
Taurus season begins with the sun entering Taurus as Jupiter and Uranus align, promising an auspicious start. After a period of eclipses and Mercury retrograde, there's a chance to cultivate peace and presence. Venus in Aries before April 30 adds urgency to desires, but when it moves into Taurus, a sweeter, more attuned phase begins. The sun's crossing of Jupiter and Uranus' alignment on May 11/12 suggests reactivation of opportunities from the conjunction, potentially leading to confidence-building breakthroughs.
🔥Aries Rising (Taurus 2nd House): Focus on finances and material possessions. It's a good time to review your budget and financial goals. You may feel a stronger need for security and comfort, leading to practical spending and saving habits.
🌱Taurus Rising (Taurus 1st House): This transit highlights your self-image and personal goals. It's a great time for self-care and setting new intentions. You may feel more confident and grounded, attracting positive attention from others.
🌬Gemini Rising (Taurus 12th House): A period of introspection and reflection. You may feel more inclined to spend time alone or engage in spiritual practices. Pay attention to your dreams and subconscious thoughts, as they may reveal important insights.
🦀Cancer Rising (Taurus 11th House): Focus on your social life and connections. You may feel more drawn to spending time with friends and participating in group activities. This is a good time to network and collaborate with others towards common goals.
🦁Leo Rising (Taurus 10th House): Career and public image take the spotlight. You may receive recognition for your hard work or feel motivated to pursue new career opportunities. Focus on long-term goals and how you can achieve them.
🌾Virgo Rising (Taurus 9th House): This transit highlights education, travel, and philosophical pursuits. You may feel a strong desire to expand your horizons through learning or exploring new cultures. It's a good time to plan a trip or enroll in a course.
⚖️Libra Rising (Taurus 8th House): Focus on shared resources and deep transformations. You may need to review your finances, particularly those shared with others. This is also a good time to delve into your psyche and address any emotional issues.
🦂Scorpio Rising (Taurus 7th House): Relationships and partnerships come into focus. You may feel more committed to your existing relationships or seek to establish new ones. It's a good time to work on communication and compromise in your relationships.
🏹Sagittarius Rising (Taurus 6th House): Health and daily routines take center stage. You may feel motivated to improve your physical well-being through diet, exercise, or other health practices. Focus on creating a balanced and sustainable routine.
🐐Capricorn Rising (Taurus 5th House): This transit highlights creativity, romance, and self-expression. You may feel more inspired to pursue artistic or creative projects. It's also a good time to enjoy leisure activities and spend time with loved ones.
⚡️Aquarius Rising (Taurus 4th House): Focus on home, family, and emotional security. You may feel a stronger need to create a peaceful and comfortable environment at home. This is a good time to connect with your family and address any domestic issues.
🐠Pisces Rising (Taurus 3rd House): This transit highlights communication, learning, and short trips. You may feel more inclined to engage in conversations and share your ideas with others. It's a good time to expand your knowledge through reading or attending workshops.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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themedialmercurial · 5 months
Asteroid Glo (3267) and How you Shine🐚
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This asteroid and its placements point towards the ways in which an individual naturally shines. By taking awareness of this, one can level up their life in a more naturally-occurring way, tending to their innate strengths. With dedication, it can even lead to fame ⭐️
I'm finally back with a new post! Thank you for both your patience and your kindness on this platform. I'm so glad to have joined such a kind and accepting community on here 🫶🏽
As always, do share your own placements and how you believe it has played out in your life thus far! Of course, asteroids are not as important as the natal chart itself, though it can be fun to explore, because why not? Enough chatter, more about the content:
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You shine for your authenticity, your natural beauty and personality. This kind of person reminds me of someone who simply wakes and is considered to be radiant. All face. Great skin.
Your personal possessions are something of interest of others, perhaps being literally shiny and even of great quality. You are perceived to be of high status as a result.
Your mind is highlighted with this placement. There is something so magnetic about the way you think and communicate with others. Perhaps your learning style is innovative and an emphasis on your early education days.
☆ of the family vibes? Either way, your family is a very important factor in your life and even moreso, when it comes to your mother.
Your mind is highlighted, this time in terms of your creativity. Your children, pets and romantic relationships can be a source of light for your life. Also, there is an emphasis on talent.
Your work ethic is likely the talk of the town, perhaps for your disciplined nature. Also, the way in which you tend to your body (diet, exercise, hygiene) can be admired.
Your long-term relationships (marriage) are something that naturally draw attention. On the other hand, careful with open enemies and envy on others behalf.
Your ability to transform and resilience throughout your life are truly one of a kind. Perhaps your spiritual practices draw a lot of attention.
This placement points towards a life plentiful in travel experiences, upper education opportunities (college, university) and overall incessant learning in life, particular language learning and of other cultures. These qualities do not go unseen by others.
Your career and your status draw in attention naturally, regardless of what it is that you do. You can be admired for your authority-like presence.
Friend magnet position. You also can be a hopeful and wishful person, thus attracting even more abundance, which makes you glow even further.
Your energy is unforgettable. Despite this placement being more reclusive and desiring time alone, your spiritual practices are often highlighted. Also, some of your secrets and fears may to more apparent due to the illuminating nature of this asteroid
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How can you express and optimize your natural gifts?
Through your shameless and enthusiastic nature
Through your patient and artistic nature
Through your inquisitive, communicative and adaptable nature
Through your emotional, nurturing nature
Through your creative and fun-loving nature
Through your attention to detail, precision and helpful nature
Through your peace-loving, diplomatic and charming nature
Through your magnetic, persevering and passionate nature
Through your optimistic and honest nature
Through your ambitious and efficient nature
Through your independent, unique nature
Through your empathetic, responsive, escapist nature
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Glo-Sun benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
You shine in your self-expression and identity. You know that you shine though it isn't an ego show, you know how to acknowledge the confidence you have in yourself
Glo-Sun malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Surplus of ego, cockiness that may not be well-received. On the other hand, this may manifest as insecurity and lack of sense of self and esteem.
Glo-Moon benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
You have a knack for expressing your feelings that others resonate with, people can feel understood when you open up (youtubers who share their intimate mental health struggles come to mind).
Glo-Moon malefic aspects (opposition, square)
May manifest as emotional outbursts if not careful (breakdowns, surges of anger) that are not well-received but are perceivable to the public eye.
Glo-Mercury benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Your communication style, whether that be through writing or speaking draw people in.
Glo-Mercury malefic aspects (opposition, square)
You may be prone to overthinking and communicating in a way that is difficult to follow as a result. On the other hand, this can point towards a fast speaker that engages their audience (a rapper perhaps).
Glo-Venus benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
You have a natural beauty that you too know how to accentuate. Whether it be through clothes, makeup, art or all the above, you capture others attention as a result.
Glo-Venus malefic aspects (opposition, square)
You may not see your beauty as easily as others, which may lead others to think you're searching for validation. On the other hand, this placement may lead to vanity, constant appearance checks and being unable to stop thinking about how one looks (overindulgence).
Glo-Saturn benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
You are a naturally hard-working person ("started from the bottom now we here" vibes) and your discipline does not go uncelebrated by the masses.
Glo-Saturn malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Despite well intent, you may be prone to overworking, something that generates concern for your well-being. On the other hand, perhaps you do not see the point of hard work and lack discipline.
Glo-Mars benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
You are likely a trailblazer in whichever career you choose. What comes to mind is a fitness instructor for example, who creates new exercises that can be done from the comfort of one's home. This creates competition in the best possible way.
Glo-Mars malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Despite your potential trailblazing capabilities, perhaps it wasn't always in the best interest of others. Remember not to step on others just to reach the top, not only is it not well-received, it also will not go unpunished (the fiery mars energy). Remember, competitiveness is healthy, in small doses.
Glo-Jupiter benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
You are perceived as a lucky person, particularly when it comes to all your life experiences. This is someone who likely finds luck through their travels and emerging themself in new cultures. Not to mention, higher education opportunities are abundant, something that does not go unnoticed. These blessings strengthen the individual.
Glo-Jupiter malefic aspects (opposition, square)
This can lead to either a blockage in opportunities, causing despair to the person or a surplus of opportunities, leading the individual to feel overwhelmed and unable to choose. In particular, this makes me think of someone who wants to do many things with their life though is unable to choose one venture. In the public eye, this person can be perceived as scattered or restless as a result.
Glo-Uranus benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
You shine through your uniqueness, your ability to tap into your original ideas. In particular, unconventional YouTube videos come to mind like storytimes with several plot twists or even "Staying in My Freezer for 24 Hours", idk. You have a great ability to entertain.
Glo-Uranus malefic aspects (opposition, square)
This can manifest as sudden, undesired changes. Using the previous YouTube example, perhaps things go wrong seemingly out of nowhere or that you venture into more dangerous video ideas.
Glo-Chiron benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
When you are aware of your natural ability to shine and you own it, this placement in turn shines again for their ability to share their teachings and past hurt to others.
Glo-Chiron malefic aspects (opposition, square)
This placement indicates a person who is not able to work through their shame associated with their natural shine, who shies away from what they know they are good at, in the guise of humility. They dwell on the undesired parts of themself rather than foster and nurture their strengths.
Glo-Neptune benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Your imagination, and artistic ability take you far in life. Sharing these gifts with others provides both parties with a healthy escape from the daily routine of life.
Glo-Neptune malefic aspects (opposition, square)
This placement may lead to an excess in escapist tendencies, and mental sensitivity, thus leading the person to retreat more into themself and not share their gift.
Glo-Pluto benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
This persons' transformative nature is incredible. This can be perceived as having many different "phases" (emo, edgy, girly, hairstyles, clothing, etc) depending on what it is that they've gone through in their life. This is admired by many.
Glo-Pluto malefic aspects (opposition, square)
This may manifest as someone who is in the spotlight for their inability to adjust to the constant changes in their life, who is famous for unfavourable transformations as a result.
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Forgive me for not mentioning the exact source but I've seen a person on TikTok hypothesize that when we feel insecure, we tend to embody the negative traits of the sister sign of the placement in question when we feel lesser than.
Let's use myself as an example. Natally I have asteroid Glo in Libra 1H. According to this, I shine for simply being myself. In times of insecurity, it can be said that may appear self-centered and arrogant (negative aries traits) and perhaps seek external validation through romantic relationships in attempt to remedy this (7H). With this awareness, I can learn to pour more into myself and become more attuned to my needs.
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This year (2023-july 2024), I have Glo in Cancer 11H trine saturn and squaring neptune. I've found myself slowly opening up more and literally crying (cancer) to my friends (11H) and noticing that it does help with the emotional burden, as someone who usually doesn't. Also, I find that those closest to me occasional make remarks about how hard-working I am (saturn) and this in turn has led me to in more into their perspective of me (8H) and lean more into discipline (capricorn) daily routine, diet and healthy regiment (6H). On the other hand, I have been trying to balance my mental sensitivity (neptune) through my formal education alongside more spiritual practices such as tarot, crystals and astrology (9H). As a result, this year has led me to take a more caring and gentle approach (pisces) to my mental health and explore the inner workings of my mind through guides such as tarot and astrology (8H) though I do require more alone time.
As for this upcoming year (july 2024-2025), I'll have Glo in Virgo 12H sextile the moon and venus, as well as trine uranus and opposing chiron (wow). I foresee myself taking a more analytical view (virgo) when it comes to the inner workings of my mind, analyzing my spiritual beliefs, sleeping routine and hidden fears (12H). With this placement sextile moon, I suspect that emotional expression may come with more ease (moon) and that freeing myself from emotional turmoil may lead me to more career opportunities, and a greater reputation (10H). With a venus sextile as well, this placement is indicative of an improved fashion sense and general understanding of what natural suits me through an intuitive and emotional connected approach, nurturing my needs (cancer), in particular when it comes to finding success in career and social standing (10H), which mirrors my exact natal placement. With a uranus trine, embracing my innovative ideas (uranus) will allow me to flourish in matters related to fear as a general concept, conquering it and transform for the greater good as a result, becoming more spiritually attuned to myself perhaps (8H). This success should be approached in a patient, practical way as lasting success is not immediate (taurus). Now, with Glo opposing chiron, this upcoming year may be one where I must actively fight against my limiting beliefs, perhaps even those that others project onto me (chiron). In particular, challenges associated with potential romantic pursuits are at the forefront, if I do not acknowledge my strengths and hide away instead (7H). I must not waver in my faith and tap into the true courageous, leader-like energy that I know I have inside (aries). This last part shouldn't be as daunting seeing as I have Glo square chiron natally, both in cardinal signs.
Dividers from source!
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botanicalsword · 8 months
Solar Returns Chart • relationship observations over past years
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Sun in 6H - I had a highly disciplined lifestyle, strictly following a challenging diet and workout schedule. I was completely committed to their health and fitness goals and followed a meticulously crafted plan with dedication. I have set a fitness goal for myself, aiming to improve my physique and strength through training. I am determined to reach this goal, and I am willing to explore and employ various methods to achieve it. It was executed with unwavering discipline and intensity.
>> Other Solar Returns placement ⇦⇦
Venus in 7H - I feel incredibly grateful to have found myself in a new community where I have had the opportunity to meet new friends. The connections I have formed with these individuals are important to me, we primarily gather within a larger group setting and the level of compatibility and harmony we share greatly depends on the synastry between us.
8th House ruler in 2H -I had a strong desire to earn money and have been actively involved in running my own business.
Moon conjunct MC - Towards the end of the year, I had a sudden realization that I could put my talents to good use by embarking on some charity-focused projects. It struck me that instead of solely focusing on making money, I could leverage my skills and resources to make a positive impact on the community.
Venus conjunct Juno in 7H - I think I have encountered a person who has the potential to be both a romantic partner and a close friend. In our synastry, it indicates a harmonious connection between us. But there are challenges related to being vulnerability and publicity of our relationship, likely because of the influence of the 8th house and Lilith synastry.
>> explicit: Solar Returns • placement about love ♡̆̈♥♡̆̈♥
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Moon square Juno - Marriage can make me question what it means to me and how it might affect my life's purpose. I was worrying that getting married may limit my freedom and hinder personal goals.
6H and 7H ruler in 9H - I enrolled in a course that not only provided me with valuable knowledge but also allowed me to form connections with like-minded individuals who shared similar interests and a desire for personal growth. Through this course, I had the opportunity to expand my community and make friends who were also passionate about acquiring greater knowledge. I also had the chance to travel to a new place that provided an enhanced learning experience, taking my pursuit of knowledge to the next level.
11H ruler in 6H - I have noticed that my friend's presence has had a big impact on our community - we shared 6H synastry. Thanks to our strong 6H synastry, he introduced me to this group of people, and though without him, we actually are not close-knit. He played a key role in bringing us together and creating a sense of camaraderie among us.
Chart ruler is Venus - This year, my main focus is on developing my personal value and refining my aesthetic taste. I am open to making changes in my style and appearance that may differ from what I've done in the past. I believe it's important to align my style choices with the image I want to present to the world. It’s also the possibility of starting a new relationship with a new romantic partner.
Chart ruler in 7H - this places a strong emphasis on building meaningful 1-on-1 relationships and fostering genuine friendships. Despite experiencing betrayal in the past, which has left me carrying a certain level of distrust towards others, I deeply cherish the connections I have made with each of them. This past betrayal has taught me the value of appreciating the genuine relationships in my life. I’m also recognizing the importance of opening myself up to new connections and allowing myself to appreciate the authenticity and sincerity of those who have proven themselves trustworthy.
Vertex in 9H - I feel a strong connection to nature and spirituality, and I have a desire to learn more about philosophical truths. It helps me think and understand myself better.
Uranus in 7H - I'm having trouble building the kind of relationship I want with the person I'm interested in. It's more than just a sexual or friendly relationship, but it doesn’t seem to head in the right direction.
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8H & 12H ruler in 7H - I developed feelings for my friend, but I couldn't confide in anyone about it because I lacked trust in anyone with whom I could share this deep affection.
Moon conjunct Neptune / 8H ruler Neptune in 8H - I ended up in this totally forbidden relationship, and I had no clue about all the messed-up stuff going on. It was a crazy mix of getting physical, constant lying, tangled finances, other people meddling, a secret love affair.
Neptune in 5H - I'm trying to determine whether my feelings are genuine love or if they stem from an obsession, and I'm contemplating whether these emotions might be a delusion. (I’m Neptune dominance in Natal Chart) It seems that I am more captivated by the concept of love itself rather than the specific person I have feelings for. Even when we are apart, I don't experience a strong sense of longing or missing them. My focus seems to be more on the idea and idealization of love rather than the individual involved.
Venus conjunct Uranus - As the year comes to a close, I am bursting with new and artistic ideas. I am ready to take daring risks to explore and bring these ideas to fruition. I'm excited to step outside my comfort zone and see where these ventures lead me. >> Astrology Transits of New changes ☆★☆
❥❥❥ More: >> Solar Returns • Sun placement • Part I >> Solar Returns • Sun placement • Part II
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lua-magic · 7 months
Rahu and how your desires would manifest.
Rahu is your past life desires, obsessions and also your illusions in life.
If your Rahu is afflicted in chart then avoid Blue colour at home and don't take any electronic equipments as gifts from others, instead give electronic equipments as gifts.
If rahu becomes too strong in chart then it becomes hard for natives to remain in real World.
In animals Rahu is snake, hence, in many ancient cultures and civilization, natives worship snake and it is forbidden to kill snakes
Saturn is crow, best remedy of Saturn is to feed crows. Crows also represents ancestors in vedic astrology, hence feeding crows are extremely auspicious.
Another best remedy of Saturn is to massage your body especially feet area with black sesame oil..
Rahu is smoke, hence it makes you obsessed for someone or something.
Rahu in first house 🏠
Your desires would manifest when you involve yourself in "higher learning" either through guru or teacher or desires would manifest through your father.
You need to involve yourself more in counselling and guiding others.
Rahu in second house 🏠
Your desires would manifest when you focus only on your career, reputation, and duties.
More hard work you do to achieve professional success more easily your desires would come to you
Rahu in third house 🏠
Your desires would manifest through your social networks, friends, or elder brother.
You need to focus on your desires here, more focused you are more easily you attract it
Rahu in fourth house 🏠
Your desires will come to you, when you involve yourself in spirituality, yoga and meditation and charity.
You have to leave your birth place inorder to get your desires.
Rahu in fifth house 🏠
It is also ancestral curse and you need to do rituals and pray for your departed ancestors so they get peace.
Your desires would manifest when you work on yourself, more you improve yourself more easily your desires will come to you.
You need to take care of your physical body and involve in some kind routine exercise.
Rahu in sixth house
It is exalted, your desires will come to you, when work with your family or for your family . Family would play and important role in manifesting your desires.
Keep your diet good and pay attention to your spoken words, don't use hurtful words
Rahu in seventh 🏠.
Your desires will come you when put efforts to manifest your desires, your younger siblings could play an important role in manifesting your desires.
You need to continually work on your skills and keep yourself updated skill wise
Rahu in eight House 🏠
Your desires will come to you when you work on your mental attitude, and mental peaceful.
Your House environment also plays an important role in manifesting your desires.
Rahu in ninth house.
Your desires will come to you, when you work on your knowledge, more you read and study more easily your desires would manifest.
Your children could also play and important role in manifesting your desires.
Rahu in tenth house 🏠
Your desires would come to you when you involve yourself in some kind of social services or volunteering.
If you want to manifest your desires, then don't get into lust, greed and especially competition. Compete with yourself and not with your eniemies.
Work on your physical body. Take Care of it.
Rahu in eleventh house 🏠
Your manifestation will come to through your life partner or through your business.
You need to respect your partner, and take care of your image in the public.
Rahu in Twelfth house 🏠
You manifestation will come to you, when you learn Astrology and occult.
You need to work on triggers and traumas of your life..
Venus and your blessings
Venus conjunct Ancendent
When Venus is with your ancendent Lord then you should always work on yourself, and dedicate yourself to self development.
Venus with Mercury
You should always maintain a good relationship with friends circle, your network will help you to succeed. They should keep learning new skills.
Venus with Mercury conjunction natives most of the time get exposed to porn or sexually explicit content at early age hence, later it causes them problems in married life
Venus Mars native should have good relationship with brothers or siblings and take care of their physical body.
Venus Mars natives gets sexually attracted to opposite sex quite often, and that causes problems in their love life. They need to control their sexual urges, or try to be celibate if possible.
They should have good relationship with their gurus or teachers, and always read religious books.
Native should learn to balance both physical world and spirituality, because Jupiter causes intimacy issues, and person looses intrest in sexual Pleasures.
Venus Saturn
Native should always focus on their work and respect females in their life.
Native should learn to balance work and personal life as this conjunction makes native workholic.
Venus -Sun
Native should stay close to their father and respect their father and the higher authorities.
Native should avoid ego clashes with anyone, and should keep themselves grounded.
Native should stay close to their mother and need to balance their sexual fantasies.
Native should be careful, as this conjunction person faces lot of blames in his/her life time.
Venus Rahu Conjunction
Native should stay close to their or maintain good relationship with their paternal grandparents.
Native should settle outside their motherland and should focus more on providing value to the society in whatever work they do
Venus ketu conjunction
Native should have good relationship with their maternal grandparents, ketu is roots, so person should never forget their own roots and culture and should always follow it.
Native if staying far from maternal grandparents then native should try to visit them often, if native can't visit them should atleast visit the place often and spend few days there.
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starrysunbeam · 2 months
asteroid sweet (11727)⋆。‧˚ʚ🍬ɞ˚‧。⋆
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asteroid sweet (11727) represents sweetness, innocent charm, and "cute" energy. when you think of america's sweethearts, they probably have this asteroid somewhere important. marilyn monroe and judy garland both have theirs in their midheaven, for example.
note: you may not resonate with an asteroid's energy unless it's prominent in your chart (ex. conjunct your sun, moon and/or rising). i'm still including a description for each house, so hopefully it resonates for you!
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sweet in the 1st house ~
no matter how old you are, you have a youthful glow about you. you also have a welcome presence, so you get along with most people. people might get protective over you because of how pure you are, like an apple not meant to be poisoned. you’re very precious.
sweet in the 2nd house ~
people might like to treat you because they just feel that you deserve it! you also like to treat yourself, and do a lot of self-care. scent and taste are important to you, you want to smell good and definitely have a sweet tooth.
sweet in the 3rd house ~
well aren't you a sweet talker? you can get out of a lot just because of your endearing nature. if you have siblings, maybe you were the favored child, or your parents always believed you over others. if you like to sing, your voice may sound almost childlike, kind of like beabadoobee.
sweet in the 4th house ~
your family most likely doted over you as you grew up. this placement reminds me of someone who'd want a cute vintage home, maybe a victorian cottage. perhaps you like gifting homemade baked goods to loved ones.
sweet in the 5th house ~
you probably like the cutecore aesthetic and colors like pink and peach. you remind me of someone who’d like sanrio, strawberry shortcake, things like that. you probably experience baby fever often (or puppy/kitten fever).
sweet in the 6th house ~
you have a soft, kind approach when it comes to taking care of others. you might prefer sweet to savory in your diet. gratitude is a healing practice for you.
sweet in the 7th house ~
you love to be around people who you deem as sweet. you’re drawn to more feminine, lighthearted energy. you show your sweet side more in your relationships than on a normal basis.
sweet in the 8th house ~
when you act all cute and sweet, it turns people on. it’s giving pillow princess vibes. you might not always feel like you can personify this energy a lot, but it comes out in your intimate relationships.
sweet in the 9th house ~
you probably think young people have the best view on the world, full of possibilities and kind of guarded from the harsher realities. the world is like an ice cream shop and you have yet to try all the flavors!
sweet in the 10th house ~
america’s sweetheart energy. your charm is effortless. you might get frustrated at times because people treat you younger than you are, or act like you’re inexperienced, especially at work. i imagine you’d be the good face of a company, whether a ceo or receptionist or model, because no one can deny that smile.
sweet in the 11th house ~
you remind me of the kind of person who’d befriend the outcast at school, you’re just really nice. it’s not that you take pity, you just see the good in everyone. you might be involved in charity or volunteer work.
sweet in the 12th house ~
you might feel like your kindness has been weaponized too many times, so your patience with people has run thin. since the 12th house can indicate hidden enemies, be wary of those who are sweet to your face but something else behind your back. you need to be gentle with yourself, healing your inner child is of importance here.
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astrobiscuits · 10 months
Solar Return obs 1
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Before we start...
For the best results, always ALWAYS compare your Solar Return chart with your Natal chart. For pinpointing the exact timing when something will happen in your love life, look up at your upcoming Venus Return chart. When does it start? Now compare it with your next Solar Return. If you have planets in your 7th house in Solar Return, notice if they are proeminent in your current Venus Return chart. Bingo! You've just found out when these planets are going to get activated (around the date of the Venus Return chart)
Without further do, let's roll the SR observations!💗
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🦩 Jupiter in 4th house indicates moving abroad that year
🦩 While Uranus in 4th house brings sudden, unexpected changes in your home life. Moving to another house? You bet. Redecorating your whole house because you just woke up with the urge to do so? Could be another possibility
🦩 Jupiter trine Venus in SR brings an easiness to manifesting everything you want that year. If Jupiter/Venus is in 2nd house trining the other planet, then you might also get lots of gifts
🦩 Venus in 2nd house also indicates spending more than usual on material possesions that year (compulsive shopping much)
🦩 Sun conjunct Saturn and Venus in 6th house = becoming "that girl". Your main focus will be on building a solid, stable routine for yourself, that also looks aesthetically pleasing
🦩 Stellium in 10th house/11th house = high chance of becoming (internet) famous. Bonus points is Jupiter is involved (i started my blog while my current SR has a 10th house stellium and i have to thank you guys for showing such big support for this blog🥹 thank you)
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🦩 Jupiter in 9th house can indicate travelling abroad for the purpose of experimenting different lifestyles (For ex. you visit Guatemala because you want to experience what is like to be a Guatemalian - you want to try all their traditional dishes, learn their traditional dances and open up your mind to a different culture)
🦩 Another meaning of Jupiter in 9th house is that you might go abroad for college or if you start college in your homecountry, then you're probably going to major in foreign languages, philosophy or religion
🦩 Pluto in 4th house could mean uncovering a family secret. Don't be surprised if you find out that you're adopted or you have family members alive that you didn't know about👀
🦩 Moon in 4th house means that you'll feel much more nostalgic that year. You might spend more time with your mother than usual, reminescence on your childhood memories or look through old photos of you and your family
🦩 If you're in a relationship and you've got Neptune in 7th house in your next SR, then i'm sorry to disappoint you, but expect a year where you might question your partner's loyalty. I'm not saying your partner is going to cheat, but for some reason you might feel more suspicious of them than usual
🦩 Mars in 8th house = expect more sex than usual lol
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🦩 If Pluto squares Mars and one of these planets is in the 4th house/5th house/7th house/10th house/11thouse, beware of power plays and toxic dynamics in your family/friendships/relationship (for 4th,5th,7th or 11th house) or at your workplace (for 10th house)
🦩 Moon in 12th house indicates that you're going to be more secretive with your emotions. You won't tell people how you feel and at times you might be confused about your own emotions, because you'll have the tendency to surpress them
🦩 With Jupiter conjuncting Ascendant (doesn't matter if it's in the 12th house or 1st house), expect to be constantly blessed by the Universe without doing anything. One of the most luckiest placements you could have in your SR
🦩 Neptune trine Mercury indicates a high chance of coming up with a creative masterpiece that year (it can be in any domain: arts, music, writing, acting, u name it)
🦩 Saturn in 2nd house can indicate going on a diet that year
🦩 Mars in 3rd house indicates being more argumentative that year than usual. You might speak at a faster pace or speak before thinking twice
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🦩 Indicators in SR for meeting your future spouse:
SR Juno conjuncts SR Sun/Moon/Venus
SR Juno conjuncts SR Descendant
SR Juno conjuncts one of your natal, personal planets
Natal Juno conjuncts one of your SR planets
If the 5th house/7th house is involved, then you'll also start dating them/be in a relationship with them that year!!
🦩 If you've been struggling with fear of dying, Sun in 12th house indicates a year when you'll probably overcome this fear. During this year, you're more prone to dive deeper into what happens after death, which will naturally ease your anxiety
🦩 I had Capricorn rising with Pluto and Saturn in 1st house this year and it was ROUGH. Capricorn risings sets the theme for the year as a year with hardships, obstacles and difficulties in achieving happiness. Saturn in 1st house brings a lower than usual sense of self-esteem, while Pluto in 1st house tells us about a major change when it comes to how others perceive us. This change isn't as sudden as the changes Uranus brings, more like something that has been boiling for a while in the dark and now it finally comes up to the surface. This year i decided to pursue astrology as my (future) career and i've also told people in my life about it. I felt like i was truly reborn compared to where i was last year
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seriallover · 1 month
Shatabhisha- Stuck in a loop!?⭕️
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Ruled by Rahu and situated in a sign governed by Saturn, Shatabhisha Nakshatra intertwines the themes of Rahu and Saturn.
Rahu represents obsession, addiction, perfectionism, illusion, desires, and the material world. Saturn, on the other hand, symbolizes restriction, ambition, delays, and discipline. This nakshatra is intriguing to observe because Saturn is often seen as the only planet capable of controlling and restricting Rahu. Addiction is a recurring theme for those heavily influenced by Shatabhisha Nakshatra.
Rahu, symbolizing the insatiable head/mouth, constantly seeks satisfaction. People with strong Shatabhisha influence may struggle with feeling perpetually unfulfilled.
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The main symbol of Shatabhisha is an empty closed circle, representing restriction, karma, and limits. ⭕️
This reminds me of a snake eating its own tail, a metaphor for self-destruction often seen in these natives. They may feel stuck in a loop, constantly desiring more than they have, feel, or can access. This symbol illustrates their urge to break free from patterns and limitations.
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Shatabhisha also embodies the power to heal, represented by the 100 physicians and healers. Individuals influenced by this nakshatra often have a strong desire for self-improvement, healing, and spiritual growth. They are driven to push boundaries and explore their limits, often oscillating between extremes—addiction to unhealthy behaviors or a "perfect" lifestyle.
Lewis Hamilton is an excellent example of someone who effectively harnesses the energy of Shatabisha. His ascendant lord, Venus, is in Shatabhisha, conjunct his Mars in the 5th house. His Rahu is in Krittika of Taurus, with Venus as the dispositor. Lewis follows a plant-based diet and is very strict with his fitness regimen, as even a small weight gain can affect his racing performance.
This year, he launched a non-alcoholic Blue Agave Spirit, Almave, produced in Mexico.🥃
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Krittika, associated with the deity Agni, the god of fire, governs cooking, drinks, and digestion. Agni has the power to burn/purify, reflecting his disciplined approach to diet and lifestyle.🔥
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Another example, she’s Shatabhisha Moon.
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Another example that comes to mind is Emily Blunt, who has her Sun in Shatabhisha, fittingly playing a role in “Edge of Tomorrow” that mirrors the themes of this nakshatra, as well.
In the film, her character, Sergeant Rita Vrataski, helps Major William Cage (Tom Cruise) break free from a time loop by repeatedly facing and overcoming challenges. Rita’s journey in the movie reflects the Shatabhisha themes of perseverance, healing and ultimately, breaking the cycle to achieve a greater purpose.
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Dealing with Rahu's influence can lead to excess, a desire to experience, feel everything or nothing.
However, understanding one's restrictions and seeing the bigger picture can bring freedom. Recognizing and accepting personal limitations allows one to channel obsessive desires into sustaining something meaningful in the material world.
By acknowledging and respecting these restrictions, individuals can transform Rahu's chaotic energy into focused ambition and disciplined action, leading to significant achievements and personal growth.
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banglakhobor · 1 year
কনজাংটিভাইটিসের ভয়ে কাঁপছে দেশ! KGMU-এর নির্দেশিকা জারি, সুরক্ষিত থাকুন এভাবে
কিং জর্জ মেডিক্যাল ইউনিভার্সিটি কনজাংটিভাইটিস বিষয়ে একটি নির্দেশিকা জারি করেছে যা লখনউ-সহ সারা দেশে দ্রুত ছড়িয়ে পড়ছে। কেজিএমইউয়ের নির্দেশিকা অনুসারে, কনজাংটিভাইটিস বা চোখের ফ্লু প্রতিরোধের ক্ষেত্রে প্রতিবার কমপক্ষে ২০ সেকেন্ডের জন্য সাবান এবং গরম জল দিয়ে হাত ধোওয়া উচিত। রোগীদের সংক্রামিত চোখ পরিষ্কার করার আগে এবং চোখের ড্রপ প্রয়োগ করার আগে বিশেষ করে হাত ভাল ভাবে ধুয়ে নেওয়া উচিত। যদি সাবান…
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vivmaek · 8 months
Have you done sun conjunct venus yet?
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These fun-loving people are a favorite amongst everyone. They are incredibly charming and affectionate towards whoever may cross their path. Their warm dispositions and radiate sense of inner beauty attracts a lot of attention. They have many admirers and attract people with ease. Developing relationships, both romantic and platonic, is a natural process that requires little effort on their part. People just like them for who they are. People with this aspect pay a lot of attention to their physical appearance and it plays an important role within their life. They have to look good everywhere they go, you won’t catch them wearing pajamas outside of the bedroom. Maintaining a healthy diet and proper exercise are habits that come naturally to them. They also have a natural inclination for the arts and will showcase some sort of talent within that area. 
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sussyscurryscorpio · 2 years
Random Astrological Observations (Mars Edition) Part-8
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(this picture does not belong to me in any fashion) (Please take only what resonates)
~Sagittarius Mars people. You all are, well, argumentative. Don't deny it. It is a good thing. You all defend your beliefs or the things you feel are right, according to you, very firmly. Be it your religious beliefs or political ideas, if someone doesn't agree with you, you make sure they do after a conversation with them.
They ain't the people to say, "Well, everybody has their own ideas." It's either "high way or my way" for them. Also, it's either black or white for you. You don't believe in greys. Like, if someone holds a different opinion than you, they're wrong. Ain't nobody changing your mind, Sagittarius mars.
But, you always listen to what the other is saying. Regardless of anything, you'll listen to their side of the argument and then pull up your fact list and counter it well. The fire sign drive is very evident.
My Libra Mars to you be like: 😍
~Mars, as y'all know, is exalted in Capricorn. Well, I'd like to salute to these people. You and your will power and grit🫡 You people are BORN LEADERS. Courageous. Disciplined. Practical. Like, if you have this placement, there's a great chance of you going into the Armed Forces or Police, or even an Entrepreneur.
Business Leaders.
Just keep in mind, though, to not get too much in your head. This placement shows a lot of ego due to the success you may achieve. There's no pride in a success without humility.
And if you guys ever find yourself in a position to help others, which you will, please do. Leaders lead and this placement loves to lead too at times, so find people to help and lead them to success because you can.
~All this can be affected by other placements too. Like if you have Venus sitting in here with Mars, or even Moon in the same house, it can make a person go soft where he has to be headstrong (work decisions) and make a person go harsh where he has to be gentle. (like love affairs)
Venus and Moon are soft planets. They cushion the Martian harshness (which it doesn't need), making a person end up being conflicted in what emotions to feel at what time.
Repressed anger, feeling choked up by intense emotions or arguments, unable to hold back tears when given a reality check. This often happens with Venus-Mars or Moon-Mars conjunctions.
~This also happens a lot with Cancer Mars, Libra Mars and Taurus Mars. These mars placements have a tough time communicating their anger. Either they suppress it and let it consume them or they burst out at their loved ones. (Might be a tad bit better for Taurus Mars since they are a little grounded... or maybe not)
Especially Cardinal Mars. You aren't supposed to anger a Cardinal Mars intentionally! They may hurt you besides hurting themselves by lashing out on you. The more they get angry, the more they feel guilty afterwards.
~Virgo Mars have an urge to ransack everywhere for flaws. They hate hate HATE flaws. They even see flaws as failures, even if they may not show it outwardly. Very detail oriented people.
Mars here is more into on paper or communicative passion or drive. They devote their everything into things which are on paper- contracts, agreements, deeds. This placements makes great advocates or attorneys.
In 3rd house let's say, Virgo Mars people could have a thing for arguments. Vocally aggressive. Might find a feeling of being 'alive' in arguments.
In 6th, they may be obsessed with their body image. Perfect diet, perfect body, perfect routine. (TW: may be Hypochondriacs)
In 7th house, these people may go and find flaws in their partners. Their habits or hygiene or lifestyle.
In 11th, they may obsess over their social image on Instagram, Tiktok, etc. How people perceive them.
~Leo Mars beauties. Muah Muah Muah❤️ Queen B energy, guysss! Or is it IT girl energy? I'll leave that to you to decide.
They get the spotlight, that y'all know. What may differ is whether or not they like the spotlight they are in. Often, they would just be minding their business, they enter the room and BAM, all the heads turn at them.
These people have a command on attention. When they enter, everybody knows they are here. Leo Mars people, many, might even hate it. Like if they have a Capricorn ascendant (Scorpio in 11th), they maybe like "Tf is with everyone knowing my business OR not letting me stay lowkey? Stfu y'all and go back to whatever you were doing, shoo."
(just an example please y'all😭)
~Had to cover base on a Air or Water Mars, but I've already talked about a Saturnian Mars, Mercurial Mars, Venusian Mars, Jupiter Mars...
Sooooooo, let's go Martian Mars.
Mars in Scorpio and V for Vendetta. I admire this placement. I really do. They are so tactical with almost everything. They are the people who are most probable to have Plans A to Z for a Zombie Apocalypse.
If I may, I'd say 'The Professor' from 'Money Heist' was a Scorpio Mars. The character I mean. Just what I feel.
These natives give me that undercover FBI agent vibes y'know. Or if you've seen that anime 'Spy X Family', the Agent Twilight gives me Scorpio Mars energy. The dark, siren, clever energy. Just my observation lol.
They could even be the most childlike person you've ever met. Other placements and aspects change everything.
So, it's better if you take everything I say with a pile of rock salt. lol.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
what's a solar return?
any time the sun transits and becomes exactly conjunct your natal sun (it is in the exact sign and degree it was in when you were born), you undergo a solar return. solar returns happen every year on your birthday. my solar return is coming up this october, so i thought "why not?let's continue my thoughts about the return charts."
but what can a solar return chart show you?
literally everything about your year ahead. you just have to look at it and know what you are looking at/for. so let's break it down some of the basics...
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energy/aura, attention you receive this year, leadership opportunities, creativity, pride/ego/dignity, how generous you are, individuality, personal development, self-awareness, what makes you happy, celebrations, and self-expression.
emotions / emotional responses, self-care, comfort zone / safe space, femininity, mothers / matriarchal / maternal instincts, family, nostalgia, pregnancy/fertility, baking/cooking, adaptability, menstruation, and habits/routines.
communication/gossiping, mindset / reasoning skills, perception, writing, social media / cellphone use, short trips, ground transportation, and mannerisms.
romance, beauty/aestheticism, pleasure(s), art/entertainment, self-love, harmony, femininity, sentimentality, how you compromise, parties/celebrations, and possessions.
passions/desires, self-confidence, ambition, anger/aggression, competitiveness, athletics / physical energy, impulsivity, courage/bravery, tasks, masculinity, assertiveness, sexuality, and violence.
luck, abundance, wealth, success, opportunity, popularity, wisdom, air travel, ease, higher education (college/university), optimism, justice/retribution, law, and fulfillment.
work, achievement/mastery, challenges, karma, fathers / patriarchy / paternal instincts, fears, guilt, delays/limitations, discipline, responsibility, past issues that are prevalent this year, practicality, stability, endurance, maturity, and grudges.
friends/fans/followers, technology, fluctuation/change, rebellion, independence, originality, unexpected things / surprises, and chaos.
creativity, selflessness, escapism, intuition, hidden things, deception/lies/delusion, confusion, inspiration, and addiction/fascination.
change/transformation, power, sex/seduction, death, intensity/magnetism, obsessions, manipulation, and purging.
identity, approach/mindset this year, physical appearance, mannerisms, and your presence.
money/finances this year, material possessions, self worth, what you are giving/receiving, and resources.
communication/gossip, mind / method of thinking, sibling relationship(s), interests, ideas/information, ground transportation, social media / cellphone use, publishing, and short trips.
homes/houses, family matters, parents (mainly maternal figures), inner child work you do this year, inheritance, traditions you practice this year, self-care you do this year, and femininity.
children, talents / hobbies / entertainment / creative pursuits, drama, short-term romances, pleasures/gifts, fertility, and joy/delight/jubilation
daily routine, health/fitness/diet, work/duties, self-improvement / shadow work, hygiene, and pet(s).
long-term relationships / marriage / partnerships, how you care for others (if you care for others), minor legal pursuits, contracts/negotiations, known enemies, close associates / business partners, and equality/harmony/sharing (how you promote it and how (if) you receive it).
changes (external and internal), death (internal and external), shared finances, what you invest in, stocks/taxes/inheritance/loans/assets, intimacy (intellectual and physical), secrets/mystery, mental health / trauma you experience, and possible surgery/operations.
wisdom you gain, major legal pursuits, new beliefs/ethics/philosophy milestones, college/university, and air travel / travel abroad.
career, public image / status / reputation in society, responsibilities towards society/others, authority, paternal figures, and your professional aspirations (the progress you make towards them this year).
friends/companions/allies/groups, ideals/desires, how your different this year as opposed to years past, technology, networking/socializing, and parties (formal and informal).
how you heal this year from you past / mental health journey, karma, sleeping habits, your experience with solitude/isolation this year, unknown enemies, illusions/delusions you have about your situation, fears / self-limitation, losses, and what you secretly/subconsciously want most this year.
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reinen5astro · 1 year
Your Income Indicators According to Your Natal Birth Chart
One of the indicators of income is your 2nd house, particularly your 2nd house ruler.
For Part 2: [Career/Legacy Indicators according to your 10th House Ruler] - go here
~ First find the sign your 2nd house is in by pulling up your birth chart
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As you can see their 2nd House is in Pisces [I circled it + pointed to the line that indicates what sign it's in]. If you don't feel like pulling up your birth chart right now, you can just think of the sign after your rising sign. For example, a Sagittarius rising has their 2nd house in Capricorn [the sign after Sagittarius], while an Aries rising has their 2nd house in Taurus.
~ Next, look at the ruler of that sign. This is the ruler of your second house. I've written them down below
Aries: Mars
Taurus: Venus
Gemini: Mercury
Cancer: Moon
Leo: Sun
Virgo: Mercury
Libra: Venus
Scorpio: Mars and Pluto
Sagittarius: Jupiter
Capricorn: Saturn
Aquarius: Uranus and Saturn
Pisces: Neptune and Jupiter
~ Lastly, find what sign your ruler/rulers are in. My interpretations are down below.
2nd House Ruler In The...
1st House:
You are the prime creator of your own wealth. If you don't work for it, you're not going to get it. So have confidence and work hard ;). Also, your profession/the way you earn income may be related to the expression of your talents or the utilization of your own body.
2nd House:
Rapid acquisition of wealth awaits you. It will be incredibly easy for you to gain wealth. You can earn money through your own industry/business and your practical and realistic sense will aid you in your professional activity. This is also an indicator of a wealthy marriage as well.
3rd House:
Your income may be derived from a job/career that involves verbal as well as written communication, studies, travel, and also by working with a brother or sister if you have any, or another close relative. You also may work in teaching, particularly early education. Your peers, community, and siblings will aid you/earn you income. This is also an indicator of an inheritance from a sibling.
4th House:
FAMILY!! Your family could be a prime source of income for you [including your ancestors [especially your father or paternal side]]. Your income is related to your home, the city where you reside, and also to real estate in general. You may work at home or in professions such as interior decorator, gardener, farmer, or real estate ventures. You may also earn income from serving your country, such as working in government affairs or in the military. This is also an indicator of an inheritance from family members.
5th House:
Your income is related to creative endeavors, publications, entertainment, sports or arts, investments that imply certain risk or speculation, education, or children. You are likely to earn money through some pursuit that will offer satisfaction and pleasure. Your children may even aid you in your business ventures. You may work in fertility, Obgyn matters or in surrogacy. Consider turning your hobbies into a business because you will earn considerable income from them. However, I don't recommend gambling or doing investments that imply risk or speculation if the 2nd house ruler is Mars or is conjunct/opposite/square to Mars, it will have an adverse effect.
6th House:
Your income is related to the fields of sanitation, diet, health, hygiene, and nursing. Or occupying a subordinate position and organization in important companies. You may earn income from work in animal care or as a life coach or fitness coach as well. Your coworkers, associates, and employees will aid you in your quest for financial security :). This is also an indicator of an inheritance from an uncle or aunt.
7th House:
MARRIAGE period. This is a great indicator of financial security through marriage. If not, then your income may be related to an activity related to the public, such as commercials. You could also earn money involving legal affairs, such as contracts and agreements. Also, a great indicator of earning income from one-on-one partnerships/friendships. This is also an indicator of an inheritance from a spouse.
8th House:
Your income is related to the administration of other people’s resources, joint investments, banking, brokerage, insurance, or politics. There is a possibility of receiving an inheritance after a death. This position also favors profit by marriage. Or it could be fortune after an emotionally inharmonious marriage [take this with a grain of salt]. You also may work in the occult, such as an astrologer ;). You may work in investigative fields as well; you'd do amazing as a detective! You also may work in the sex or death industry.
9th House:
You can earn money in foreign trade, import and export, travel, tourism, or a liberal profession, science, philosophy or religion, or teaching in a university. Indicator of earning money from a degree too. You will have very profitable voyages [long term travel], so travel the world dearie! You may earn income from blogging too! [I have this placement as well and I truly want to go to college no matter how much it costs because I feel like I won't regret it [Pisces moon tings; my intuition is on point]. I'm even adamant on studying abroad as well. AND I want to work a professor too.]
10th House:
It's your choice :). Your income is related to any career or profession that you choose. Thanks to your daily effort, you will be able to establish a sense of achievement. This position enables you to earn money in some government capacity or politics or to acquire a profession of great social status. You will have a comfortable worldly position and will rapidly acquire wealth.
11th House:
You will have MANY influential acquaintances and their support will help you improve your income. Your income is closely linked with those of friends, your relationships, or activities that you perform in certain social groups. There is a possibility of earning money through administrative or political positions in social organizations. It would be a good idea to join/participate in social groups/activities/organizations as it will bring you income. You may also work in humanitarian activities, such as in the environment or the United Nations.
12th House:
Your income is related to some kind of service in connection with healing and welfare or helping the less fortunate. You may have difficulties evaluating your self-worth, which will impinge on your level of income. Evaluating your natural talents would bring even better financial opportunities [so get on that ;)]. This influence could bring confidential financial support but also may lead to clandestine or illegal business. Avoid any easy business that may imply some risk or commitment. There may be numerous difficulties in establishing the position [doesn't mean that it won't happen; with astrology nothing is impossible, it's just an obstacle]. However, if the ruler is Venus/Jupiter you will gain through farming and leases and will avoid these difficulties.
Alrighty, I hope you enjoyed!!
For Part 2: [Career/Legacy Indicators according to your 10th House Ruler] - go here
Anyways bye bye ;)
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seemycee · 10 months
ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ ≠ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇꜱ ≠ ᴀꜱᴘᴇᴄᴛꜱ
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i’m so sorry to be the fun police but it really grinds my gears when people associate placements with houses and aspects. having a 7h sun is not the same as having a libra sun and having sun conjunct venus won’t make you one either. these are 3 completely different things cause ——->
1. the signs these planets fall in
2. the signs on the house cusp
3. house meanings ≠ sign meanings
ex: the 6h placements ≠ virgo placements
is every virgo placement gonna be a gym rat who has 100 million pets and follows strict diets. no because these are topics reserved for the 6h and not the sign of virgo.
im not innocent cause i used to think the same thing until i did my own research outside of tumblr and also compared myself to my friend who is a virgo rising like me with a stellium in the 1st house including her chart ruler + sun and moon. she is literally nothing that i listed above vs. me who actually has mercury in the 6h and is all the things listed above.
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