#Concealed GI Boxes
clariannt · 11 days
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Discover how Clariannt Omega Modular Metal Conceal Boxes enhance the safety and aesthetics of your electrical installations. Learn about their durability, compatibility, and key features that make them essential for both residential and commercial projects.
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power-n-pack · 2 years
Types of MCB Box - 
• Single Door MCB Box • Double Door MCB Box • MCB Window Hood protection and MCB Enclosures • GI conceal Box for Modular Plates • Single Phase MCB DB Box • Three Phase MCB DB Box • Horizontal MCB Box • Vertical DB Box • Busbar chambers with tpn copper strip aluminum • FRP pole box and meter box
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Updated: September 29, 2024
Reworked Character #5: Trevor Spacey
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to child abuse, neglect, suicide, death, crime, and drug addiction.
Real name: Yeong-Gi Kwak
Alias: Chill Blade of Security
Occupation: Sergeant of the P.F. Squad
Retirement plans: Become a security programmer
Special skills: Proficiency in security programming and computer hacking, repurposing stolen enemy technology, psychological manipulation, taekwondo, and knifemanship
Hobbies: Helping Marco with technological issues and computer programming, doing graffiti on abandoned buildings, creating anti-virus programs, hacking into people’s accounts to see what they’re up to, and playing darts and video games
Likes: Marco’s heroism and superior computer skills, tinkering with security software while listening to music that has grabbed his attention, the nunchucks that once belonged to a former friend named Haneul, his two combat knives, and Nadia (his best friend)
Dislikes: Being called “Trevor Spicy” and “old” due to the frequent misspelling of his last name and his bleached hair, laughing so much to the point he’s coughing and wheezing, people making fun of his graffiti art, faulty security software, and boredom
Favourite food: Samgyeopsal
Favourite drink: Slushies
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Male
Age: 13 (in 2022), 19 (in 2028), 21 (in 2030), 23 (in 2032), 25 (in 2034), 32 (in 2041), 34 (in 2043), 35 (in 2044), and 38 (in 2047)
Blood type: AB-
Weight: 148 lbs. (67 kg)
Design: He's a 5' 9" (175.26 cm) Korean ectomorph with a lanky build, a weak musculature, sloping shoulders, warm ivory skin, dark brown eyes, nails painted a silver-grey, and a black mole beneath the left corner of his lip. He has a jet-black undercut hairstyle, featuring icy blonde hair on top with nearly middle-parted bangs that fall over his left eye, covering it partially. On his back, he has a large tattoo depicting a fiery Jindo dog chasing a golden pheasant in orbit around the moon. His lower right leg was amputated due to gangrene caused by the use of the opioid Krokodil, and has since been replaced with a bronze-hued prosthetic. He bears several scars: a curved scar on his left cheek; an X-shaped pair on his chest; a jagged stab wound on the top of his right hand; a long scar running down the length of his left upper arm; and a series of parallel scars on his right forearm.
Trevor's military gear consists of a metal dog tag necklace with his name, a scarlet bandana worn around his neck, bronze-plated goggles with orange-tinted lenses, and glaucous fingerless gloves. He wears a ruddy blue sweater with two deep pockets, cerulean wool lining, a bronze zipper, silver-striped cuffs, and an embroidered logo of the P.F. Squad on the back, which he occasionally ties around his waist. He wears baggy Cambridge blue army cargo pants, tucked into his Russian violet paratrooper boots, which have hidden knives and are held up by a glaucous belt. He also wears a sleeveless reddish-black shirt with a mock neck and a bust mesh panel, sheathes for his two combat knives, and a gun holster for his handgun.
He carries around a bag of THC-infused red box gummies, flavoured like raspberry, a gift from Ralf after their victorious battle against the Invaders, symbolising their newfound friendship. The pockets of Trevor's sweater carry a gourd-shaped jade charm necklace believed to capture fortune and health, and a photograph of him and Nadia. He also carries around a metallic pink-purple lighter and a plastic bag that contains six weed joints. A claw hammer is concealed in the right pocket of his cargo pants, while the left pocket is occupied by a sound-cancelling, bluetooth headset and his black cellphone with a metallic blue case.
Over his shirt, he wears a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) with a MultiCam pattern, which carries his walkie-talkie and ammo for other firearms. A black bandolier is wrapped above his belt, holding onto the ammunition for his handgun. He carries a Cambridge blue load-bearing backpack containing camping equipment, tactical explosives, portable ammo boxes, a canteen full of water, seven cans of spray paint in different colours, a wide range of hacking tools such as the Flipper Zero and O.MG cables, and nunchucks. He has a collection of piercings, including: sapphire wire hook earrings; black industrial piercings; dark blue tragus piercings; a shiny silver barbell nose bridge piercing; a bold black horizontal eyebrow piercing on his left side; a metallic purple frog eyes tongue piercing; and a dainty gold hoop vertical labret piercing.
Personality: He's a stoic, assertive existentialist who focuses on what he can control, accepts what lies beyond his grasp, and believes in the power of individual free will to shape the course of one's life. He's a highly intelligent, cunning, and resourceful man who’s confident in his knife skills and computer knowledge, but can come across as overconfident at times. Despite Trevor’s easy-going demeanour and calm smile, he’s watchful, and his jovial nature often serves as a facade to conceal his underlying anxiety. He's easily amazed and intrigued by the wonders of nature, unexpected revelations, explosions, and impressive feats performed by his friends and comrades such as effortlessly hacking into an entire military mainframe. When discussing his interests or sharing fascinating experiences, he becomes quite talkative.
Trevor is an ambivert capable of being ruthless, intensely serious, and unsettling when the situation demands it. He's a skilled manipulator, able to turn enemies into allies in desperate situations by exploiting their morals and convincing them they're in the wrong. When manipulating others, he also instills fear through physical and psychological torment, such as breaking their fingers with a hammer or threatening to kill a loved one in front of them. However, he's unexpectedly stubborn when it comes to protecting those he cares about and the lives of innocent people. He holds immense respect for Marco, whom he regards as a role model for excellence in computer science, and enjoys assisting him with investigations and tech projects. He enjoys tagging along with Tarma, Marco, Eri, and Ralf because he regards them as role models, skilled fighters, and experts in their respective fields of expertise.
He has a playful and mischievous streak, evident in his habit of licking his combat knives and taunting those he considers “morally weak” and “blindly stupid”. Unlike most people, he's willing to forgive his enemies when he realises they're suffering and have an opportunity to redeem themselves. Trevor is surprisingly internet savvy and enjoys using internet slang in both his online and offline conversations with most of his friends, often finding humour in it. Whenever someone he admires, like Marco, calls him "old”, he feels a pang of emptiness inside and becomes noticeably melancholic. On the other hand, when people jokingly refer to him as "Trevor Spicy”, he seems unimpressed, responding with either the silent treatment or a blunt "bug off" accompanied by a deadpan expression. However, he's perplexed by his popularity among women, who admire his physique and exceptional computer skills.
He occasionally participates in Nadia's antics, adding a touch of dramatic flair to them, but will draw the line when her schemes exceed his comfort zone. He’s often disappointed and shocked by Nadia's actions and words, frequently expressing his distaste and uncertainty. When he's extremely bored, he becomes lethargic and sleepy, making it challenging for him to muster interest in anything until the feeling passes. Trevor cherishes Nadia's friendship, admiring her confidence, optimism, understated intelligence, and playful humour, which helps him unwind and find gratitude in his life. He's driven to protect and understand Nadia, fearing that losing her would leave her confused and hurt. Nadia's charm has captivated him, but he's uncertain whether his feelings are rooted in platonic affection or romance as he's still grappling with the complexities of true love.
He holds an extreme disdain for illegal substances and champions the responsible and lawful use of substances. If he notices that one of his friends or comrades is struggling with a drug addiction, he'll go out of his way to provide them with comfort and try to help them break away from that addiction. Due to his upbringing, he struggles with golden child syndrome, but he has made significant progress in overcoming its challenges, thanks in large part to the support of friends like Fio. He's struggling to come to terms with the loss of Haneul, his first true friend, who not only taught him essential survival skills but also introduced him to the world of graffiti art and fostered his passion for security programming and hacking. He's extremely allergic to felines, so he regards domestic cats as “diabolical little buggers” and makes every effort to avoid them. He hates how Perifa often likes to bug him for cuddles and how Marco is a "cat magnet", which attracts cats that exacerbate his allergies.
Backstory: Yeong-Gi Kwak was born on June 25, 2009 in Seogwipo, Jeju Island, South Korea. He is the eldest of four siblings: his twin sister, Eun-Gyeong; his younger brother, Il-Seong; and his youngest brother, Seok-Jin. His father is a businessman who owns a computer software company, and his mother is a medical engineer. His parents, who were workaholics, put a lot of pressure on him and his siblings to be high achievers, believing that more effort and hard work would lead to a successful career. However, they were quick to forgive the faults of Yeong-Gi and Eun-Gyeong, allowing them to get away with more than their two younger brothers. As the oldest children in the family, his parents put a lot of pressure on him and his twin sister to set a good example and be proper role models for their two younger brothers.
This parenting style fed into Yeong-Gi's and Eun-Gyeong's need to consistently achieve, satisfying their perfectionistic and people-pleasing tendencies. Nevertheless, it also stirred an inflated sense of self in both, with Eun-Gyeong exhibiting signs of narcissistic personality disorder and Yeong-Gi experiencing a great deal of guilt on behalf of his two younger brothers. In contrast, Il-Seong was often scapegoated, frequently blamed for things he didn't do and severely punished by his parents, who would often lock him in the basement for hours. Meanwhile, Seok-Jin was neglected, retreating from his dysfunctional family by spending time alone in his room drawing or going to the park to play by himself. Yeong-Gi made a concerted effort to support Il-Seong and Seok-Jin, which undoubtedly brought some comfort and solace into their lives.
At the age of 3, Yeong-Gi received his first computer from his parents as a gift of appreciation. By the time he turned 7 years old, he had already developed a comprehensive understanding of binary codes and computer languages. During his summer breaks from school, he spent most of his time creating anti-virus programs, which often served as his homework assignments.
However, his dedication to his work left him with little time to spend with his two younger brothers, Il-Seong and Seok-Jin; however, he did manage to sneak in some time to read books on psychology, listen to K-pop, and play video games with Eun-Gyeong. His parents heavily encouraged his efforts, as he strove to make a positive impact on his school. Ultimately, his hard work paid off, as the school he formerly attended continued to utilise his sophisticated anti-virus programs to combat growing threats from the Internet.
By the time he enrolled in secondary school, his twin sister, Eun-Gyeong, mysteriously vanished. She was last seen with her friends near a shopping mall. Although their relationship was complicated due to her narcissistic tendencies and disrespect towards their younger brothers, Yeong-Gi still cared deeply for her. He had often tried to help her, teaching her the value of humility and assisting her with homework she struggled to understand. He was utterly devastated when his parents announced her disappearance, and it made headlines in the news. A part of him felt lost that day, and the family's desperate search efforts ultimately proved futile. Despite their best efforts, Eun-Gyeong was never found by the authorities and remains missing to this day.
Despite the tragic disappearance of his sister, Yeong-Gi continued to excel in all his classes, but the pressure on him to become successful and be a role model intensified. As he finished grade 10 and summer break began, tragedy struck again when Il-Seong took his own life, sending Yeong-Gi spiralling into an identity crisis. He ran away from home and sought solace with Feodosiy, a Russian transfer student he had befriended in grade 9.
Feodosiy introduced him to his street gang and offered him his first dose of the opioid Krokodil, which Yeong-Gi accepted without hesitation. He became a delinquent, rebelling against his parents and their mistreatment of him and his siblings, but at the cost of becoming addicted to Krokodil. He bleached his hair to an icy blonde, adopted the alias Trevor Spacey, acquired multiple piercings, and got a tattoo from Haneul, Feodosiy's trusted right-hand man.
For three months, he lived with Feodosiy and his street gang, surviving by stealing essentials and inhabiting a rundown apartment. During this time, he engaged in various criminal activities, including theft, mugging, drug dealing, extortion, and arson. With Haneul's guidance, he honed his knifemanship skills and mastered the art of taekwondo. However, his Krokodil addiction spiralled out of control, leading to a near-fatal overdose, which led to the subsequent amputation of his lower right leg. This traumatic experience forever deterred him from using street drugs.
After being discharged from the hospital with Feodosiy's gang members' help, he returned to a life of crime, although at a reduced level, as he adjusted to his prosthetic leg. He eventually abandoned his delinquency after accidentally killing a junkie behind a restaurant. Haunted by the incident, he remembered gazing at his reflection in a seedy restaurant's mirror, realising he had gone too far. The deep-seated fear of arrest drove him to the brink of madness, and he decided to eliminate Feodosiy, who had dragged him into crime.
After orchestrating the demise of Feodosiy and his cohorts, he scrubbed himself clean in the bathroom of the rundown apartment where Feodosiy had been staying. He then returned home, where his parents, relieved to see him, sensed the guilt and shame etched on his face for mistreating their children. Seok-Jin was also relieved to see him come home, fearing that he would never return. He confessed to them about his experiences, but kept his murders and certain crimes a secret.
He returned to high school, completing his remaining years successfully, embracing his new identity. Upon coming home from his graduation ceremony, he noticed a flyer seeking recruits for the Regular Army. He expressed interest to his parents, who were initially hesitant but eventually agreed with Seok-Jin's support. Leveraging his expertise in psychological manipulation, knifemanship, and computer languages, he joined as a military scout in the Regular Army.
After enlisting, he befriended Nadia, a scientist and soldier for the Amadeus Syndicate, and thwarted a computer virus that Marco had inadvertently released. After being off street drugs for a long time, he discovered marijuana was legal in Canada and decided to try it. This led to him developing a mild marijuana habit, which helped calm his nerves and cope with past trauma. During a mission to counter a cyber attack on European governmental forces, he earned Marco's respect due to his exceptional computer skills in hacking and security programming. As a result, he was invited to join the prestigious Peregrine Falcons Squad, where he rose to the rank of Sergeant.
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northpen · 10 months
i finished writing chapter 1 of my new fic (i'm going to write it to completion before uploading it) so here is a sneak peek of the introduction!! (warning for needles and a character being sedated)
1. LLOYD — 07:22 AM
Nobody likes Lloyd Garmadon. And they especially don’t like him the day after a Garmadon attack on Ninjago City. 
It hurts, but Lloyd can’t bring himself to blame them. His father’s attacks hurt people. They level buildings. They destroy lives. They make people angry, and angry people need a target for their aggression. Since Lord Garmadon is good at hiding, they turn to the next best thing: his son. 
This makes going outside pretty dangerous. On normal days, it isn’t uncommon for strangers to yell at him, or attack him, or even try to follow him home from school. If a Garmadon attack is particularly destructive, Lloyd doesn’t bother leaving his apartment at all—people have the tendency to get a little stabby when the damage is bad enough. It just isn’t safe for him. 
Last night was the worst attack they’d seen all year. Lloyd would need to have an actual death wish to risk showing his face on the street. 
It’s a good thing he doesn't plan on being outside for more than ten minutes. 
After getting dressed, Lloyd reaches below his sheets and sticks his hand into a slit in the mattress. He pulls out a small satchel of electronics. Now, these aren’t just any electronics—they’re gifts from Blue, resident tech designer of the Secret Ninja Force. Among the goodies are a stun gun, smoke pellets, by-pass keys, and a number of other devices he could use for self-defence. Their presence in his mattress has always made him feel a little safer at home. 
Lloyd upends the bag over the floor. He pushes the smoke pellets out of the way, then crushes each device underfoot. Once they’re reduced to small enough pieces, he sweeps them up and dumps them in the toilet. He tosses in the smoke pellets and flushes them away. 
Before returning home last night, he ditched his ninja communicator in a pile of rubble. His gi is stored under bricks somewhere else in the city. There is absolutely nothing in his apartment or on his person that could connect him to the Green Ninja. 
You see, Lloyd doesn’t plan on being safe today. But he doesn’t plan on dying, either. 
He’s going to be abducted instead. 
08:10 AM
If this were a normal school day, Lloyd would leave his apartment building through the fire escape and make his way to school through Ninjago City’s alleyways. He would move with his hood up and head down to conceal his face. He would hide behind dumpsters and boxes if he heard anyone else in the alleyway. He would take different routes to make it impossible for someone to trace his path back to his apartment building. No one knows where he lives, and Lloyd intends to keep it that way—it’s the only place where he can be himself without facing danger. 
Today, he leaves his building not via the fire escape, but through the front entrance. He walks along a main road, hood down and chin up to give anyone passing by a clear view of his face. If anyone is looking for Lloyd Garmadon this morning, they’ll find him. And he knows people are looking for him. 
A few blocks ahead of him, a couple of men stand beside an idling van with tinted windows. While crossing a busy intersection, he sees another van waiting on an adjacent road. One of the men posted outside is conducting a sweep of the area. When he sees Lloyd, he puts a handheld radio to his mouth and starts speaking. 
Lloyd steps onto the same block as the first van. His heart beats quicker with anticipation. As he moves to pass the van, one of the men steps directly into his line of sight. Lloyd crashes head first into his chest. 
It’s a little hard to act annoyed, but he does his best.  “Ugh, watch it,” he grumbles. He tries to step around the enforcer, but he moves to block his path once more. 
The enforcer opens his jacket, giving Lloyd a peak at the long blade strapped to his chest. With a smile, he asks, “Did you need a lift to school today, Garmadon?”
Before Lloyd can respond, the enforcer grabs him by his shirt and pulls him towards the van. Lloyd puts up a pretend struggle, pulling at his arms and kicking his knees, but refrains from using one of the many tricks he knows that could be used to get out of his grasp. Another enforcer opens the van’s back doors and helps drag Lloyd inside the rest of the way. 
The doors are shut behind them. A thick bag is pulled over Lloyd’s head, robbing him of his vision. Someone binds his wrists behind his back with scratchy rope. Once they're done, they use their weight to pin him to the van’s floor. As the van pulls away, the rumbling engine rattles his skull painfully. 
“Ow,” he mumbles. He makes a half-hearted attempt to throw off the person on top of him. They punish him by pulling back his head and slamming it against the floor. 
“Shut up!” they command. “If you keep talking, we’ll gag you.” 
That isn’t threatening enough to silence him. “What do you want from me? 
Another voice—the enforcer from outside—speaks up. “We want your father. We want him gone. You’re going to help us do that.” 
Lloyd opens his mouth to protest, but falls short of speaking when he feels something prick his arm. The effect is immediate. Within seconds, his body feels heavy as lead and he can barely think at all. 
Sedation. Of course. 
“Just sit tight, kid,” the enforcer says. “This will be over before you know it.” 
With sick satisfaction, Lloyd smiles at how wrong they are. All of his kidnappers are wrong. 
They want to use him as bait for Lord Garmadon. Unfortunately for them, Lloyd’s father doesn’t care for him at all—he won’t exchange peace for Lloyd’s life. This whole plan of theirs is going to end up as yet another fruitless attempt to save the city from Garmadon’s attacks. 
That doesn’t mean it won’t save him. As long as he doesn’t die in the process, Lloyd will leave this kidnapping an innocent man. The world will finally realize that Lloyd has nothing to do with his father and leave him alone. 
Okay, so maybe this isn’t the smartest way to prove his innocence. But Lloyd has tried every other trick in the book, and sixteen long years of isolation and undeserved hostility are starting to make him a little desperate. This is a huge gamble, but it’s one he’s willing to take. It’s one he has to take. 
Nobody likes Lloyd Garmadon. This abduction is going to change that for good. 
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waylethal · 11 months
through the treeline into the clearing is a big field, gray foggy dawn, and a quaint little farmhouse. unassuming by all accounts... if there wasn't a federal demon hunter and a mystical superhuman ambling toward it.
"base is below, there's an entry point in one of the interior walls," riley debriefs as they climb the porch stairs. some things the initiative had right: keeping their sprawling labs concealed behind everyday facades. frat house has been duly swapped for know-nothin' farm land. there's a hokey framed portrait of a stag hung on the outside wall beside the door, he lifts it to reveal a number pad. makes no move to hide it's five digit code from faith. several rows of bar-locks can be heard sliding free from within the door, the place is definitely reinforced in a big gi joe way.
riley pauses before he crosses the threshold, looks back at her. "i'm staying here, up top. i have men out tracking and i need to be on call." in other words, he's not asking her to follow him down into the belly of the new initiative. even smaller between those lines there's eggshells he's trying not to crack. riley can't ignore his sheer, dumb luck of stumbling over a slayer out here and he'd be lying if he said he didn't wanna snatch the opportunity, but he's aware of faith's unpredictability and it feels a little like not trying to scare off a stray. on the other hand, she didn't come all this way for nothin'. "come in, stay out here...," he looks off into the fields stretched out around them, "whatever you gotta do. but i gotta patch up, so..." in he goes, the homestead as plain inside as any other, to snag a medical box.
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I have somehow a) avoided infection for three separate bites and b) managed to give Mimi three pills in a row without getting mauled. Long may this streak continue. Or at least long enough for the six remaining morning-and-evening pills.
My friends with dogs are like "can't you just dip it in peanut butter?" No. No I cannot. Cats don't work that way. A dog eats the whole thing and adores you afterwards. A cat eats the treat, spits out the pill, looks at you with heart-rending betrayal, and never eats that treat again either. Believe me when I say I have exhausted all treat-concealment options, and just made a fussy cat who's off her food even more so. £20 bacon paste endorsed by Jackson Galaxy? Wouldn't go near it even before I put the pill in.
So now I just prep the pill and the Lick-e-Lix chaser beforehand, grab her, sit her up on my lap, wrap a towel around her, and try to complete the mouth-open-pill-in-mouth-closed-rub-throat sequence as quickly as possible. When I think she's swallowed it she gets a Lick-e-Lix chaser to make sure. I try to ignore all the hissing and blood-curdling howls.
She's not keen on all three of the digestive-care wet foods I got her. She thinks Royal Canin Digestive Care dry food is a delicious treat thank god. Not happy about giving a potentially-dehydrated cat only dry food though. I'm also trying single-source-of-protein wet foods. So far she's ambivalent about Blink but went for Applaws like the antidote was in there, and I've got some Untamed on order. Applaws isn't nutritionally complete, but neither is refusing to eat while having litter box disasters and losing half a kg, so fuck it, calories first and worry about everything else later. Anyway the dry food she's eating is.
I also need to explore the weird and obscure GI diets available on Zooplus in the hope of finding something she'll eat that's actually good for her.
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galaxyedging · 2 years
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Product Testing
Marcus Pike/unnamed female.
The unassuming brown box sat on the table. The dull packaging was in stark contrast to the thrilling present concealed inside. Picking up her phone she sent Marcus a quick text.
"I got your package."
"Wait, it is...you?"
"Yeah. I bought a kit to make it."
The grin that had been almost splitting her face in two since she opened the box threatened to finish the job. Her phone quickly discarded in favour of getting a closer look at Marcus's gift. At first she had wondered why he had bought her such a large one. Maybe it was because she had confessed to a massive dry spell. Maybe he thought that's what women wanted. That fact that it was neither of those thing and it was just a preview of what he had promised to give her once they finally met made her pussy ache. This year had been crazy. First there had been her random promotion, a better job, in DC, which meant relocating. Fortunately, the person she was taking over from was leaving the country. Leaving a very nice apartment vacant. Trying to be proactive, she had join a dating app to chat to single professionals in the area she was moving to. They're were a few creeps, a promising few flirty messages with one guy before he ghosted. A woman that was happy to chat long distance but wasn't ready to met up in real life. Then there was Marcus. Marcus, who from the first day had made her cold, lonely heart flutter. Marcus who showed so much potential as a romantic partner. The two of them arranged a date for her first Friday in DC. A new job, a new home, a potential new boyfriend. Things were looking up. Until Covid hit.
Being vulnerable, her doctor recommended not leaving her home. Everything was put on hold. Her job went remote. Compared to some, she knew she was lucky but missing her date with Marcus was a bigger hit than she thought it would be. At that point they spoke every day. They texted and talked for hours. Her heart broke when she realised it might be months before she could actual met him. Being a complete sweetheart, Marcus had suggested a 'Zoom date' to make up for the one they missed. They became a regular thing. They ate together, watched movies together, shared their days with each other. It was almost as if they were in a relationship apart from one aspect that they had both been missing.
It had started innocently enough. "God, I wish I could kiss you." Marcus had commented. She had been sitting on her balcony, bathed in sunlight. Head tossed back laughing at his joke. A deep pink blush crept over her cheeks as she responded with "Me too." Kissing emojis appeared more frequently in Marcus's texts.
One night they decided to go dancing, this entailed taking turns choosing a song on Zoom while they danced around their living rooms like lunatics aided by a fair amount of alcohol. She had chosen Paradise City. Marcus had struggled to keep his jaw off the floor and his tongue in his mouth as she rolled her hips to the intro. When she caught him staring, the alcohol spoke for her. "Like what you see?" He nodded breathlessly. She carrying on undulating her hips for a moment before turning her back to him. He was transfixed as she slowly pulled her t-shirt over her head, exposing inch after inch of bare skin to him. Flashing a beguiling smile over her shoulder, she removed her bra. Marcus's breath hitched in his throat as she began to turn towards him. His eyes darted away for a moment, deciding if looking was the decent thing to do. His lust for her won out as he looked up again the side of her breast covered by her arm came into view. Just as she was about to turn completely, she threw her shirt over the camera with a giggle. "It's 10 bucks a minute after the first 30 seconds."
"I'll give you my credit card number. My car. My house. You can have it all." He sighed.
When she appeared on the screen again her bra was back in place and she was slipping her shirt on. "You can keep your money. Maybe you can give me something else?" And that is how she ended up with a very out of focus, badly framed dick pic from an FBI Agent. She'd asked on impulse. She'd never received one and he'd never sent one. Within ten minutes he'd sent it to her. It was exciting and stupid and fun and surprisingly hot. That man was just beautiful all over, it seemed.
The next morning, the more sober version of her asked him if she wanted him to delete it. He sheepishly told her no. It was a dumb thing to do in hindsight but he didn't mind her having it. Not sure where to go from there she asked if there was anything she could give him in return. He politely declined, telling her it was just fun to do something so stupid. But Marcus did want something from her. He wanted to know if she liked what she saw. Did it turn her on? Would she touch herself to the thought of him? It took a full week of it bubbling under his skin for him to ask her about it one sleepless night.
It was 2am when he looked to see if she was up, she'd messaged someone a few minutes ago. A pang of jealousy stabbed at his chest. He brushed it away as he no right to it. She could text who she wanted at 2am. Just because he was texting with one thing on his mind doesn't mean she was.
What are you doing up?
Can't sleep. Same for you?
Yeah, thinking too much.
Oh yeah? What about me?
How easily you got me to send that picture.
What picture? I have no clue what you mean.
Yes you do.
Oh, you mean the picture that I usually look at when I can't sleep? When I need to unwind?
And that helps you to unwind?
It does when I touch myself while looking at it.
You're going to be the death of me. Have you really touched yourself while thinking of me?
Yes. Have you?
Yes. I couldn't help myself after seeing you dance and that little strip tease.
Am glad you liked it. Do you like to be teased?
I do when you do it.
The next message from her was a picture of her fingers dipping below the waist band of her panties.
You're so fucking naughty.
Language! It that how an FBI agent should talk?
Don't act all innocent. I should arrest you for torture. That's illegal you know.
Would you use your handcuffs and frisk me? I might go steal a car right now.
Sorry not my jurisdiction.
How about if I drive it into an art gallery?
Well in that case. I'd bend you over the hood to cuff you before frisking you.
If you bent me over the hood, you wouldn't need the cuffs. I'd stay right there for you.
Really? You'd be a good girl for me?
For you? Always. Unless you wanted me to be naughty. Tell me what you want Marcus.
I want you to be my naughty girl.
Your naughty girl with her fingers in her panties wishing they were yours?
What do you wish they were doing?
I wish they were deep inside of me. Stroking that spot I struggle to reach. I bet your long fingers would have no problem.
Sorry, they're a little busy right now. You've got me so hard I had to wrap them around my cock.
Fuck. Who's the tease now? Are you stroking yourself?
Yes. Wish it was you.
My hand? Or my mouth.
Your mouth is so pretty. I think about those lips all the time.
I'd love to wrap them around your cock.
Shit. Are you touching yourself? Tell me how.
Am rubbing circles on my clit.
Is that enough for you?
I can come like that. You've got me so worked up I'd usually add something else. My fingers in my pussy. Playing with my tits.
Why don't you do that?
Can't. Texting.
Let me call you? I want to hear you.
Instead of a reply her name appeared on his caller ID. He willed himself to be cool. "Hey."
"Are you really touching yourself for me?"
"Yeah. I do most nights lately."
"That's so hot. I wish I'd have known. I would have called you sooner."
"Oh yeah? You like a little phone sex Agent?"
"I don't know. I've never done it before. I like you though."
"I like you too Marcus." She took a breath to let the sentiment sink in. "Enough that you have me dripping over my fingers. Am thinking about those eyes of yours and those full lips."
A shuddered sigh left her as she pushed a finger inside herself. Shuffling down the bed, she let her legs fall open and tilted her hips up, searching for that spot that she wanted Marcus to find. Finding it, she couldn't help but moan his name.
"Fuck, Baby, am here. Where are your hands now?"
"Am still circling my clit. Now I've got one, oh god, two fingers in my pussy." She could hear Marcus's movements speed up. "A-are you stroking yourself faster?"
"Yes. Fuck, I need to. You got me so turned on I feel like am going to burn up if I don't come."
She felt her pussy clench around her fingers at his words. Pulling them out of it's grip, she began to pump them in and out furiously, wishing it was Marcus's cock sliding through her slick, feeling the tight clutch her pussy. She told him as much.
"Me too. Wish I could see that pretty face contoured in ecstasy as I give you my cock."
Who knew her sweet, romantic, art loving Agent had a mouth on him? "How would you give your cock Marcus?"
"Right now, I'd bend you over, like a naughty car thief. I'd line up with your entrance and slide all the way home. From the sounds of it you could take me no problem."
The soft squelch of her pussy gushing around her fingers had been threatened to push Marcus over the edge for the last few minutes. He'd had to stop and grip the base of his dick.
"Yes." Was all that she could get out.
The way she moaned it had him twitching in his hand. He absently massaged his balls as continued. "Then I'd pull almost all the way out before slamming back into you. Naughty Girls don't get treated nicely. I'd fuck you like that until I came, hard, filling you up." His own words had him pumping his length again.
"Fuck, Marcus. Am close. I'd let you do all of that. I'd push that pussy back on you. Letting you fill me so deeply. I'd touch myself until I came all over you. My pussy milking your cock until your come dripped down my thighs."
Marcus let out a drawn out groan, he name was mixed in there. In that rich, deep voice, it was the sexiest thing she'd ever heard.
"Oh god Marcus am going to come for you."
"Yes, baby. Please let me hear you. I think about making you moan my name so much. Want to make you scream it when you come over my face."
That visual was enough to have her scream it as her peak hit her. As it ebbed away she repeated it until it became a sigh on her lips.
Neither of them spoke while they caught their breath. After a moment Marcus wondered if she was embarrassed now the hormones had worn off. He had to admit, he was a little. He worried about what she thought about him pounding into his fist as he listened to her get herself off. He was a little embarrassed at how fast he had come too. Reaching over to his nightstand he grabbed some tissues to clean up some of his come for now. He was definitely going to need a shower. He'd come so hard he could even feel some in his stubble.
To his relief she spoke first. "That was amazing Marcus."
"Yeah?" She could practically hear him blushing.
"Yeah. We're definitely doing that again. I want to know more about what Naughty Girls get."
He blushed. Horny Marcus and regular Marcus were two different guys. Regular Marcus still wants to do all those things but he can't help but get a little flustered.
"You are very naughty, letting me listen to you touching yourself. Am glad you did though."
It was her turn to blush. "Really? No regrets?"
"No, as long as you're okay with it."
They wished each other goodnight before falling into a peaceful sleep. Phone sex then became part of their new routine. She introduced Marcus to her sex toys. She even bought him one of him own. That all lead to the brown box sitting on her kitchen table. "Do I want to know how you made this?"
"If you want to find me sexy, no. If you want a good laugh, yes. How about you give it a go first? You can give me a review while I tell you all about watching porn with my penis in a tube."
Marcus's product got a five star review. So did the real thing a few months later. As well as the man himself.
Tags @kirsteng42 @babydarkstar @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @misspearly1
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alectoperdita · 3 years
Kinktober 2021 - Day 4
prompt: knifeplay fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters pairing: Jounouchi Katsuya/Kaiba Seto rating: M warnings: mild sexual content, light masochism, name-calling, degradation, knifeplay, mild bloodplay a/n: Lure continuity, unsurprisingly, probably before Whipping boy? From @the-purity-pen‘s Kinktober 2021 prompts
A forceful tug dislodged Jounouchi's waistband from his waist. He reflexively lifted his hips to allow Kaiba to remove his pants. His erect cock sprang out and slapped against his pelvis, unleashing a soft moan at the same time. Fabric rustled as his trousers dragged against the sensitive skin of his legs. He still wasn't completely used to having shaved legs, and the sensation continued to catch him off-guard. Jounouchi laid prone, flat on the bed, legs splayed and twitching as he waited for Kaiba to finally peel him out of his shirt.
He heard his pants hit the floor, but Kaiba's hands didn't return. What gives?
Jounouchi lifted his head to investigate just as Kaiba spoke.
"What's this?" The quiet tick-tick-tick of a box cutter unsheathing followed.
"A box cutter," he said irritably. God, they were just getting to the good part.
Kaiba's dark blue eyes pierced through him. "Why are you carrying it around?"
"For protection."
"From?" Kaiba's voice was deadly calm. The look in his eyes was deadlier than any conventional weaponry.
"From Hirutani and the other guys," Jounouchi snapped, both his patience and arousal now dead in the water. "Remember? The crew I used to run with before you shot Hiru and put me on their shit list? I ran into some of 'em last week. Surprise surprise! They didn't forget!"
Kaiba clicked his tongue and re-sheathed the blade before walking away with it. Groaning, Jounouchi collapsed flat onto the bed again and glared at the ceiling. Why the hell did Kaiba have to ruin everything? Did he really just confiscate Jounouchi's cheap-ass box cutter? It wasn't as if Jounouchi tried to stab him, which he would've deserved. Now the bastard was rummaging through his desk for some reason. After a few more seconds, Jounouchi sat up and reached for his discarded pants at the foot of the bed.
A drawer slammed shut. He looked up at the sound.
Kaiba soon came striding back, having exchanged the bright orange box cutter for something slim and silver. Once their eyes met, Kaiba smirked and flicked his wrist, splitting the silver bar into two to reveal the single-edged blade concealed between them. Jounouchi tensed, clutching his trousers and underwear to his lap. He recognized the butterfly knife from their second meeting. Sometimes had nightmares of its tip running across his exposed skin. His skin crawled at the very sight.
Kaiba loomed, a nasty smile fixed in place. "There are better choices when it comes to 'protection.' Preferably something that can do real damage."
Jounouchi glared. "I know that. But the school'll expel me on the spot if they find something like that on me."
He could make excuses for the box cutter. The school administration and the cops may not believe him, but plausible deniability and all that crap.
When he tried to rise from the bed, Kaiba gripped one shoulder and lowered himself onto his lap. Jounouchi hissed, feeling the zipper teeth dig into his thigh because of Kaiba's added weight. Kaiba's long fingers skated across his collar, up the side of his neck, to clasp his chin, forcing his head back. Jounouchi's gaze flicked between Kaiba's face and the blade hovering right on the edge of his vision, though never forgotten.
"I didn't say you could leave," Kaiba said matter-of-factly.
"Dude, you were the one who left me high and dry first," he snarled. His hackles raised from a mix of sexual frustration and the threat of a nearby weapon.
Kaiba shifted and threw aside the fabric covering Jounouchi's crotch to expose his flaccid penis. His nimble hand fondled Jounouchi roughly, stroking his shaft and squeezing his testicles. Even though Jounouchi wished he didn't, a spike of renewed interest perked him. He dropped his gaze, eyeing the prominent bulge in Kaiba's pants before focusing on how Kaiba touched him. Similar to his legs, having a shaved crotch often heightened the sensation, especially when he was being caressed and massaged so deliberately and thoroughly.
"And now?" Kaiba followed the question with a nipping bite at his throat.
Jounouchi groaned and arched into Kaiba's ministrations, but feeling something cold press to his collar gave him pause.
That stupid knife.
"You should put that away," he panted.
Kaiba hummed wordlessly in response. Much like that time at the warehouse, he hooked the blade under the collar of Jounouchi's shirt and sliced the fabric clean down the middle. Knowing what he knew now—having done what he did with Kaiba, it gave that memory an entirely new context.
Kaiba had eyed him like prey since that very moment.
Jounouchi's body flushed with heat again. He wanted to buck the other boy off, but the tip now circled his navel and belly button. One wrong move and it'd be his guts spilling over Kaiba's sheets. He parted his lips to reason with Kaiba again, but it transferred into a strangled moan when Kaiba twisted his grip oh so deliciously around his dick.
"My, my, you've become quite the obedient bitch. You don't even need the threat of a weapon to roll over for me."
A cold, blunt edge pressed a straight line into the flesh under his nipple. It flicked up and down until the bud tightened and hardened. The sensation sent a thrill through his whole body.
Don't move. Don't move. He repeated to himself almost hysterically.
"Or perhaps this excites you."
This time, the sharp edge cut into space high on his ribcage. It stung, burning as most shallow cuts did. A trickle of something wet slid down his belly, probably blood. But the pain was soon drowned out by Kaiba rubbing his leaking slit and smearing the pre-cum over his cock head.
Jounouchi took several deep gulps before opening his eyelids to fall into the deep recesses of Kaiba's dark gaze. His heart pounded like he'd run a marathon, and his head was swimming, making everything simultaneously too sluggish and too dizzyingly fast. Blood was rushing everywhere: to his heart, to his head, and to his rock-hard dick being jerked off by Kaiba.
It was the adrenaline. It had to be.
"If you wanted to kill me, you would've done it by now," he muttered.
Kaiba considered him at length, bringing the knife to rest against Jounouchi's collar bone again. He tapped it twice with the blunt edge. "Not that you could stop me."
Jounouchi shook his head in agreement. Probably not.
"My dog enjoys living life on the edge," Kaiba chuckled, amused by his own pun. "Why don't we see how far we can push this?"
Another nick sprouted on his bicep, wetness immediately welling from the broken skin. Kaiba's saliva, when the kumicho lapped at it, burned a hundred times worse than the cut. Jounouchi considered cracking a joke about vampires, but Kaiba wouldn't appreciate it. Nor would it stop him. It'd take many, many more incisions to bleed Jounouchi dry this way. Death by a thousand cuts.
Meanwhile, Kaiba's hand in his erect dick drifted lower, grazing his scrotum, causing Jounouchi to try spreading his legs wider for better access.
Jounouchi surrendered, body going limp when Kaiba pushed him down to the mattress. Kaiba's weight kept him securely pinned, but it was his hands that made Jounouchi want to stay. He shivered when he felt the flat of the knife pass against and again over his abdomen. Unable to move the rest of his body, he bared his neck instead.
Whether or not he wanted it, his life had been in Kaiba's hand since the day they met.
"Now that's a good boy."
Later, with Kaiba's cock moving in and out of him, Jounouchi's eyes kept wandering back to the knife impaled in the headboard. He hadn't noticed it until now, but the handle was rather intricate-looking, decorated with engraved dragons winding around the silver. Expensive-looking, like everything else Kaiba owned. For half a second, a thought passed his mind to dig the blade out of the wood and turn it on Kaiba. To carve tallies of red marks into Kaiba's pale, porcelain skin.
But it was more an intrusive thought, not motivated by any true malice or intention. The same sort of idle daydream where he wondered about stepping off the edge of the school roof or what'd happen if he set a fire in the boy's restroom and walked away.
His fixation did not escape Kaiba's notice, though.
"Don't let yourself get distracted by useless fantasies," he hissed in Jounouchi's ear. "You can't escape me."
When Kaiba yanked on his hair, the unmoored thoughts dissolved, washed away by the combined pain-pleasure of Kaiba stabbing into him with his thick cock. Jounouchi came, enraptured by the memory of the chilled steel against his skin and the danger and thrill shrieking through his nerves.
They collapsed onto the bed in a tangled, sweaty heap after Kaiba reached his peak. The other boy burned hotter than a furnace every time they finished. Eventually, Kaiba pushed up on his elbows and slowly unwound himself from Jounouchi.
Jounouchi groaned, limbs heavy and aching, before sluggishly flopping over to peer at the other boy still caging to the mattress. Unfortunately, his eyes also gravitated toward the blade still buried in the headboard.
Kaiba yanked it free from the wood. Before Jounouchi could react, Kaiba pressed the handle to his palm and helped wrap Jounouchi's fingers around it, one digit at a time. For several beats, he held Jounouchi's trembling fist, sharp knife tucked between them, before releasing it. Kaiba's dark, unreadable gaze studied him.
Jounouchi stared dumbly. The knife felt hefty in his hand. He waited for the urge to stab Kaiba to return, but it never came. A tremor shook his hands, though.
"What the hell?" he finally managed to breathe.
"I'll trade you," Kaiba drawled. He sat up and even turned his back on Jounouchi.
Trade what? For that damn box cutter?
Baffled, Jounouchi followed his example, planting his back against the headboard and clutching the weapon to his chest. The gouge in the wood dug into his spine. Still no real desire to plunge the knife into Kaiba's unguarded shoulders and stain his shirt crimson red. It'd be so easy, too. What the fucking hell?
"You're giving this to me?" Suspicion bled through his question clearly.
Kaiba pivoted and swooped back into his personal bubble. Long fingers captured both Jounouchi's chin and his wrist, restraining him. "The window of opportunity to attack me has passed," he remarked calmly, as if he was discussing the weather.
Jounouchi narrowed his eyes. "Ya testing me or sumthin'?"
"I'm stating facts. You wanted protection, so use that. I'll be quite crossed if you can't even fend off Hirutani's pathetic gang." Kaiba smirked. "It'd mean you're not a very good guard dog."
Kaiba squeezed his wrist until he winced and almost dropped the knife from the pain. Was that a warning? Either way, when Kaiba released him and climbed out of bed, Jounouchi tucked the blade back between the closed handle. He rubbed his thumb against the hilt's engraving as he contemplated thanking Kaiba.
No. That was a bridge too far.
The moment passed. Opportunity evaporated. Kaiba resumed ignoring him as he readied to go bathe. Biting his lip, Jounouchi quietly dressed and left the bedroom, the sheathed blade bouncing in his pocket as he left. 
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jungshookz · 5 years
the one where agust d makes a comeback
Tumblr media
↳ pairing: min yoongi x reader  
↳ genre: ceo!yoongiverse, smut, more smut, and even mORE smut! NSFW!!! lower the brightness on ur device or else the cops will come for u  
↳ summary: yoongi finds out you faked an orgasm and he’s going to gi-give it to you in more ways than one. 
↳ wordcount: 6.5k 
↳ note: this was surprisingly highly hiGHLY requested / a lot of you wanted a ceo!yoongi x agust d collab but more specifically an agust d x y/N (lucky girl!) collab and it would be a crime for me to noT grant that wish in form of a smutty drabble so here you go!!! this is my second attempt at writing a smutty drabble so take it easy on me pleathe!! i know my smut is clumSY but i really reaLLY wanted to make this happen (nobody’s allowed to talk about fishnets or else i’m suing) anyways ENJOY p.s. i told u i would be back before u knew it >:-) 
(gif isn’t mine!)
                                ⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
“jesus, that was good…” yoongi rolls off of you and flops down on his side of the bed
he rests his arm above his head on the soft pillow before pulling in deep breaths of air
he was on fiRE tonight
the bedroom’s been tainted with the smell of sex between the two of you
“mm, yeah.” you hum in agreement as you chew on the inside of your cheek anxiously
a moment of silence goes by and you wait for another second to pass before giving yourself the green light to go ahead and get some clothes on
also you’re kind of sticky so you should probably go and take anoTher shower  
yoongi’s brows knit together as he stares up at the ceiling
something seemed… off tonight
but he can’t quite seem to put his finger on it
he replays the sequence of events that took place
he got home from work
gave hwayoung a bath
ate dinner and watched some tv with you
helped you with the dishes (and by helped he means he wrapped his arms around you from behind and pressed kisses down your neck whiLe you were washing the dishes)
ended up making out with you for a little while before you guys went to the bedroom for a little more privacy
and baM
here he is now in a post-sex daze
everything seems like they went swimmingly so he doesn’t know why he feELs like something was off-
oh!!!!! he knows!!!!!!
he knows exacTly what was off tonight!!!!
you didn’t do that thing
that little nose scrunch that usually happens before you’re about to-
yoongi pales
oh my god
“…did you fake your orgasm?” yoongi props himself up on his elbows when the realisation that you totally just faked your orgasm hits him like a train
you freeze in the middle of slipping your t-shirt back on before clearing your throat and glancing at yoongi over your shoulder
“what… makes you say that?”
yoongi pokes his tongue into his cheek “…you didn’t say no.”
you were hoping you would be a good enough actress to pull it off but it looks like you’re not going to be winning any oscars anytime soon for your performance
sometimes you forget that your husband is a very observant man
the two of you have had sex many, manY times which means he’s seen you have an orgasm many, mANY times so of course he’s going to be able to notice when you’re not as enthusiastic as you usually are
it’s just that today was an off day!!!!
you woke up feeling kinda gross and bloaTed
and not to mention!
lately you’ve been waking up super early because hwayoung is going through a ‘i’m going to wake up at 5:30 on the dot every single morning and scream until u come and cuddle with me’ phase
and usually you’re 100% down to fool around with yoongi after hwayoung goes down for the night but tonight you just felt bLeugh
you weren’t really in the mood to do anything besides sleep but yoongi was obviously in the mood and since you’re a very caring wife you figured it’d be good for you to help your husband unwind after a tiring day at work
yoongi purses his lips in thought before turning to lie on his side
he doesn’t want to be that guy but oUCH
what a shot to his self-esteem!!!!
is he not good at sex anymore??  
you faked an orgasm!!! one of his jobs as your husband is to make you feel good and he thought he was pulling out all the right tricks but apparently they weren’t working tonight because you had to pretend like he was making you feel good-
“yoongi, it’s really not a big deal…” you trail off sheepishly “and it’s not your fault!!!”
you know for a fact that he’s overthinking this and you feel awful
you should’ve just told him you didn’t want to do anything instead of going through with it and faking it
“yoongi…” you curl up next to him and prop your chin up on his bicep “i just wasn’t into it today, alright? it’s a me thing, it’s not a you thing… i promise! how about we go take a shower and try again-”
you jump in surprise when yoongi suddenly sits straIght up before turning to gawk at you because anotHer realisation just hit him
“you-“ he points at you- “you yawned! you yawned halfway through and you tried to play it off as a moan!!!”
you immediately wince
oh friCK
jesus christ
you knew you should’ve gone hands and knees tonight instead of missionary
at least it would’ve been easier to conceal a damn yAWN you complete AMATEUR
“you know, i don’t see it as a yawn…” you shrug “i think you should view it as a… slow, sleepy, sexy-“
“do noT even try to-“
“hey, i got up at 5:30 this morning, can you blame me??”
yoongi huffs and tosses the blanket aside before crawling off the bed
he’s just frustrated now
not with you, specifically
more with himself!
this is all his fault
he’s been suPEr busy for the last month and a bit with work (you guys have skipped date night three consecutive times and jimin is starting to get antsy because he hasn’t seen hwayoung in literally three weeKS)
he’s always leaving early in the morning and coming back late
is your guys’ sex life nonexistent now?
is he a bad husband???
an awful lover?????
do you not find him attractive anymore?
he hasn’t gone to the gym a lot since hwayoung was born but maybe he should take this as a hint to get his ass to the gym and lift some weights
maybe try to get his six pack back because it’s starting to fade
looking at his stomach now it’s actually baREly there
it’s all that frozen yogurt he’s eating!
anyways the point is: you’re stuCk with him for the next like 60 years so it wouldn’t be good if you weren’t attracted to him!!
“yoongi,” you groan quietly, “don’t be like that, come on-“
“i’m fine, i’m fine.” he grumbles as he shimmies back into his sweatpants “i’m going to check on hwayoung, i think i heard something through the monitor.” he gestures to the little walkie-talkie sitting on his bedside dresser
you let out a sigh and glance over at the monitor before looking back at yoongi  
“are you sure you’re fine? i can go and check on-“ yoongi swoops down to give you a reassuring kiss before pinching your cheek
“i’m fine. you had an off day, right? it’s just an off day.” he pinches your cheek again
“right, exactly!” you chirp before getting up on your knees so that you’re almost eye level with yoongi “you are so understanding…”
the mattress dips underneath where your knees are as you shuffle closer to the edge
“-i just wasn’t in the mood, and it’s definitely not your fault.” you hum and give yoongi a kiss on the cheek
that’s all it is
you just weren’t in the mood and it’s definitely not his fault
yoongi lets out a sigh as he shuts the bedroom door behind him before reaching over to turn the hallway light on
he scratches at his bare arm as he makes his way down the hallway to hwayoung’s room
maybe he is overthinking this
after all, he has his off days too
he’s not saying that he’s ever faked an oRgasm like some people but he understands what it’s like to feel burnt out and not in the mood to do anything
it’s fine
it’s a one time thing
he’s stiLL the man
yoongi peeps into hwayoung’s bedroom and smiles softly when he sees her snoozing away drooling over that dumb cookie plushie you bought for her the other day
you joked that it kind of looks like him and that’s why she likes it so much but honestly he can’t see the resemblance
he takes a second to just glance around her bedroom
as per usual there are a couple of toys on the floor
it looks like you left a half-empty milk bottle on the dresser
he might as well bring it to the kitchen before the milk gets all gross and curdled
yoongi snorts quietly when he sees one of the framed photos sitting next to the bottle
it’s from that box you found with all his college stuff
it’s a polaroid picture of agust d chowing down on a little cup of tteokbokki
the picture was taken in the middle of the shoot for his stupid music video and he still remembers how good that tteokbokki was-
yoongi freezes and his lips part
💡l i g h t b u l b ! 💡
“i hate to break it to you, but people - especially guys - don’t just let go of something like that so easily! we have very fragile egos!!!” jimin exclaims and you can’t help but roll your eyes as you cross the street “no wonder he was so moody the other morning!!”
it’s been about a week since the incident but thankfully it seems like things have been smoothed over now
yoongi finally had the night off tonight and you obviously had to take advantage of that so you sent hwayoung off on her merry way with her little tote bag
jimin was moRe than excited to take care of her for the night
jungkook might’ve been even more excited because he hasn’t hung out with his favourite friend in a while and he even brought her a little takeout cup of steamed milk when they came to pick her up earlier
he even split his sandwich with her and he was having the time of his liFe watching her nibble on the soft bread
“i think i know my husband, thank you very much. i explained it to him and he was totally fine! sure, he was kinda hurt at first, but after i told him that i was sleepy and tired and not in the mood-“
“it doesn’t matter, y/n!” jimin exasperates “i guarantee he’s still thinking about it-“
“well, it’ll be fine, alright?” you grumble, “i’m bringing dinner to the office now, and then we’re going to get ice cream, and then i’m gonna surprise him with a brand new set of lingerie that was kind of expensive but it’s okay because-“ you’re cut off when you hear a familiar little squeal in the background accompanied with another familiar but slightly lower squeal “-everything okay over there?”
“yeah, everything’s great-“
“-last one to crawl to the sofa’s a rotten egg-“
“-jungkook, i didn’t baby proof the coffee table, be careful- hey, look, i’ll talk to you later, alright? good luck!”
“okay, i’ll-“ before you get the chance to say goodbye the line goes dead
as far as jimin is concerned: hwayoung > y/n
you slip your phone back into your purse before pushing the glass door open
your sneakers squeak against the marble as you make your way to the elevators
you were going to dress a little nicer because it is date night after all but since it’s just you and yoongi in the office for dinner you’re sure it’s not a big deal that you’re not dressed suPer super fancy
your outfit is still super cute though!!
it’s this blue-ish plaid mini dress with a square neckline and spaghetti straps (you paired it with a pair of nike air force 1s and ur feeling very Young and Hip)
you’re obviously wearing the diamond necklace yoongi bought for you (with the matching diamond studs in your ears)
but yes
this dress
the pattern kind of reminds you of a school uniform
school uniform,.,.. but make it sexy
it’s definitely on the sexier side because it ends like mid-thigh and there are two little slits on either side of the dress
you will admit that when you slipped into this little thing you felt a little siLLy just because you haven’t worn something like this in a long time and you don’t want to seem like a try-hard or one of those Cool Moms Who Aren’t Actually As Cool As They Think Are
but at the end of the day
who the freAk cares because ur still young and this dress is cute and you worked hard to tone ur body after giving birth to hwayoung and you’re going to show your body off if you want to gosh darn it!!!
you hum to yourself as the elevator starts going up and you adjust your grip on the takeout bag
you picked up yoongi’s favourite!!!! you were going to get burgers because you were in the mood for burgers but let’s be real
you stiLL feel kind of bad about what happened the other night even though you’re pretty sure yoongi’s over it
but yes
a dragon roll for him and a spicy salmon roll for yourself
you even got a little tub of edamame and a seaweed salad to share between the two of you
you’re surprised when the elevator doors open to reveal complete darkness
well, not really, but like.,.., kinda
all the main lights are switched off
it’s about 7 o’clock now so it makes sense for the office to be empty but you expected a couple of people to be working overtime
you always had to work overtime!!!!
but that probably had to do with the fact that yoongi had a big fat cruSh on you and didn’t know how else to spend time with you so he forced you to stay behind and organise files
the office is completely empty
which is actually kind of creepy now that you think about it
you start heading down the hallway towards yoongi’s office and you smile lightly at the little station by of his doors
that’s where you used to sit!!!!
and now jimin sits there
it’s fine
just a couple more months and then you get to come back
there’s a picture of him and hwayoung sitting on his desk which is cute
it’s of them and they’re wearing their matching teddy jackets
you’re going to have to talk to jimin about getting a picture of yOU and him on his desk
you push yoongi’s office door open as you rifle through your purse for some loose change
“yoongs, you wanna come with me to the vending machine? i’m in the mood for some cookies-“
oh what the heck
you immediately feel a wave of anxiety wash over you when you look around and realise that this isn’t yoongi’s office
are you in the right room??
are you on the right floor????
are you even in the right building?????
where are you???
your brows knit together in confusion as your eyes flicker around
this is definitely yoongi’s office because you recognise the mark on the wall from jungkook’s sneakers
this looks like yoongi’s office but it also doEsn’t look like yoongi’s office
and sure, you haven’t been here in a while but you don’t remember yoongi having… a monitor and two big speakers on his desk
and that keyboard deFinitely wasn’t here either
there’s a pair of chunky headphones slung over the top of the monitor and you can just make out the sound of a beat
(if you weren’t so focused on finding loose change in your purse you would’ve noticed that yoongi’s name plaque on the front door was replaced with ‘genius lab’ instead)
“what in the hell…?” you mutter to yourself as you stand behind yoongi’s desk to take a look at the monitor screens
you have no idea what any of this is but it obviously has something to do with music
the last time you had to produce a song was…
…well, never
“can i help you?”
you reach down to brush your fingers over the cool light-up keyboard
“hey, i think someone robbed you and then replaced your things with fancy music equip-“ you look up from the desk and-
your jaw drops straiGht to the deepest pits of hell when yoongi steps into the room
but this isn’t your yoongi
no no nO
not at all
this isn’t your yoongi with his pressed suits and his hermes cufflinks and his silky raven hair with not a strand out of place
this is-
oh my god
you never thought you’d live to see this day
you never thought you’d live to see this legend standing right in front of your eyes but here he is
here he is
this isn’t min yoongi
this is agust d.
“oh… my god.” your eyes are as wide as saucers as you take in the view
and whAT a view this is
yoongi shuts the door behind him and starts pacing towards you and you feel like your feet are glued to the ground
what the HELL
there are chunky silver rings decorating his fingers and thin gold chains hanging around his wrists and his neck
as the kids would say.,,..
… he drippin’
ok yuck you’re never going to waste time trying to learn cool slang ever again
his pressed dressed pants have been replaced with a pair of distressed skinny jeans and his crisp button-up has been replaced with a loose white tee
he’s wearing a plain black hoodie over it and you don’t remember the last time you saw yoongi in a plain black hoodie
his polished loafers? gone and replaced with a pair of chunky black boots
and his hair
oh, his hair
the coal black strands you’ve come to know and love have been bleached to a shade of blindingly white silvery-bloNDe
honestly his hair kind of looks like he just rolled out of bed but he’s really pulling it off
you don’t even-
you don’t know what to-
when did he find the time to-
his hair-!
the clothes??
what??? what is-
you’re not complaining or anything you’re just-
*sound of distress*
“again… can i help you?” yoongi raises a brow as he stands at the side of his desk
he crosses his arms before veRy obviously checking you out
your brain is still trying to process what in the heck is going on here
you plop your purse and the takeout bags down on his chair behind you before putting your hands on your hips
“i… i don’t know! can you help me? because quite frankly i am dazed and confu-“
“you in first year?” yoongi cuts you off cooly and you tilt your head in question
what is he talking about
yoongi gives you a veRy unimpressed look and for some reason you suddenly feel a teensy bit intimidated
you’re getting flashbackS
when he first started working here he always gave you that specific look to let you know that you were being a moron
like that one time you came to him because the stapler wasn’t working and you were convinced that it was broken beyOnd repair but it turned out there just weren’t any staples in it
that look
“are you… a first year student?” yoongi repeats a little more slowly as if trying to hint something to you
and then it hits you
you and yoongi haven’t really dabbled in the world of role play very extensively but honestly,.,.,
you’re intrigued
and you’re always open to experimentation!
you’re open minded!  
at the same time you can’t help but wonder why he even bothered doing all of this
obviously you knOW a part of it is because of the incident that the two of you are tip-toeing around but even before that happened he said he was never going to resurrect agust d out of pure mortification yet here he is
agust d
right in front of your eyes
another reason as to why he could be doing this might be  because of the comment you made when you first found the agust d box!!!!
you know
about 18 year old y/n and how thirsty she would’ve been over 20 year old yoongi
how big of a crush she would’ve had on third year student music producer rapper bad boy min yoongi
those were your exact words by the way
(that riled yoongi up fAr more than he expected it to)  
you can play along
you can definitely play along
you clear your throat “yes, i’m a first year student.” you cross your arms “are you?”
tonight was definitely the right night to wear this dress if you’re going to be playing the role of 18 year old y/n because she would probably describe your outfit as so ca-yUte*! (*cute)
“third year.” yoongi hums and offers you a smirk “what’s your name?”
“y/n what?”
“min- i mean, y/l/n. y/n y/l/n.”
you haven’t introduced yourself as y/n y/l/n in a while lol
“well, y/n y/l/n, can i ask why you’re in my office?” yoongi asks uninterestedly as he swipes a finger along the top of his desk
“i don’t know, can you?”
yoongi scoffs before poking his tongue into his cheek “kitten has claws, i see…”
oh boy
he’s really not playing around tonight
yoongi steps over so that he’s standing right next to you
“so-“ he nudges you aside gently before hitting the spacebar so that the beat stops playing through his headphones “answer the question, y/n.”
you feel your mouth go dry when you notice how hot yoongi’s hands look when he’s wearing all those rings
not that his hands aren’t usually attractive when he’s not wearing any rings but it’s like,,.
you’ve never seen his hands like this before
you pout a little when you notice he’s not wearing his wedding ring
you know he has to play the part or whAtever but STILL
“i guess i just… i guess i-i just… lost my way…?” you stumble over your words a bit when yoongi shuffles a little closer to you
god he smells good
he’s not wearing his usual expensive smelling cologne but he still smells good
his arm is pressed right up against yours and you can’t help but let out a shaky breath
“what’s the matter? do i make you n-n-nervous?” yoongi mocks playfully and nudges your side before pulling away
yES he makes you n-n-nERVOUS
you don’t know how he did it but in five minutes flat yoongi managed to revert you back to the slightly awkward fresh-faced-wide-eyed freshman you were at the beginning of university
you suppose that’s just the power of agust d
“n-no.” you clear your throat and keep your eyes glued on the blinking cursor in front of you “i don’t know. maybe. yes.”
although you can’t see yoongi, you can certainly feel his presence behind you
a chill tingles up your spine
…you sense danger
it’ll be fine
just focus on the screen and play it cool-
a gasp of surprise slips past your lips when all of a sudden yoongi flips you around and cages you in between his arms
he nudges you back gently til your bum bumps up against the desk and you instinctively reach backwards to grip onto the edge of the table
“you’re a cute little thing, aren’t you?” yoongi chuckles darkly and nudges his nose against your cheek when you turn your mouth away from his
you don’t remember the last time you felt this hot and bothered and quite franKly you’re a little flustered
you can’t help but wonder if maybe you can get yoongi feeling the same way
it’s always him getting your cheeks hot and rosy
“hey- you okay?” yoongi snaps out of his bAd bOy persona for a second to check on you when he notices you space out for a second
the last thing he wants to do is make u feel uncomfortable
he honestly didn’t know how well this roleplaying thing was going to work out but if it makes u uncomfortable he’s deFinitely going to quit it
he hooks a finger underneath your chin and turns your head so that you can look at him
“yeah, i’m good…” you nod timidly before sitting up onto the desk “i just… um… i should probably tell you something before we get started…”
yoongi’s brows knit together in confusion
you trail a finger down his clothed chest before leaning forward to nudge your nose against his
your lips barely brush over his and he finds himself chasing after your mouth a little
he can almost taste that strawberry chapstick you’re always wearing
“you see, yoongi- yoongi, is it?” you pull away before he gets the chance to kiss you and yoongi nods quickly
it looks like the roleplaying thing is still happening
you’re a pretty good actress
“i just thought it’d be good for you to know that i’ve never had sex before…” you flutter your lashes at him “so i’m awfully sorry if i’m a little… tight…”
…o god
yoongi swallows thickly and he feels himself twitch in his pants
you are playing a veRy dangerous game here
“yeah, baby?” yoongi hums and gives your hips a squeeze “i’ll take it easy on you…” he presses a light kiss to the corner of your mouth and a smirk twitches at his mouth when he feels you shiver
yoongi nudges your head to the side so that he can plant gentle kisses down your neck
and then
you say it
“what if i don’t want you to take it easy on me?”
he freezes immediately
yoongi’s mouth closes over yours in a searing kiss and you yank him closer by the collar of his jacket
so much for taking it easy on you
it almost seems like a competition between the two of you to see how quickly you can undress each other although you’re boTh losing because yoongi decides he’s happy with bunching your dress up around your waist and you decide you’re happy with just shoving his pants and briefs down mid-thigh
yoongi steps in between your legs and places a gentle hand of warning on your hip before he’s pushing himself into you
the two of you make sounds of disbelieving awe at the intimate contact and your back immediately arches as your fingers wrap tightly around his bicep
you don’t know why but it just feels different this time around
yoongi’s barely moved and he’s already making your head spin
yoongi isn’t doing so hot himself
you’re so unbelievably tight and warm and wet and-
“jesus, yoongi-” you fight the instinct to roll your eyes to the back of your head when yoongi slides himself in further
you can feel your toes curling in your sneakers
and just when you think you’ve got all of him he pulls back a teeny bit before surging all the way in
a shout of surprise slips past your lips and you immediately tighten around him
“fuck, baby, don’t-“ yoongi groans and digs his blunt nails into the flesh of your hips instinctively
“m-move, you can move-“ you whimper and wrap your legs around his waist in an attempt to pull him closer even though he’s already fully pressed up against you
the realisation that you can be as loud as you want hits you and you let out a particularly enthusiastic yEs-! when yoongi gives you a particularly forceful thrust
it doesn’t seem like yoongi has half a mind to keep you quiet
the two of you have the entire office to yourselves, after all
he’s basking in the sounds that he hasn’t been able to hear in a while
sue him!!!!  
the two of you usually have to keep it down a little because of obvious reasons, but now?
the circumstances have changed
“god, look at you…“ yoongi growls as he begins to pick up the pace
your nails dig into his jacket while you gasp his name with watery eyes and tighten your thighs around him
you cry out faintly when he hits that spot and your eyes nearly cross as he continues to roll his hips against yours again and again and again
o god
you’re falling apART
“does that feel good, hm?” you practically go limp underneath yoongi as he begins to hammer into you at a consistent rhythm
the table starts to creak underneath the two of you but it’s fairly obvious that the damn table is the last thing on your minds
“i asked you a question, miss y/l/n-“ yoongi grits his teeth and he grunts when he gets a good look at you  
the straps of your dress are hanging off your shoulder
your cheeks and your chest are flushed and your lips are swollen from how often you’ve been biting and sucking at them
your eyes are glazed over and yoongi can’t help but feel a sense of pride when he notices a single tear prickling at the corner of your eye
“yes, yes-! y-yes, it feels good, feels s-so good-“ you’re babbling from how overwhelmed you are and your head lolls back in pleasure “nnGh, yoongi-!”
yoongi keeps hitting that same spot within you and it’s making your limbs and muscles tingly and wobbly at the same time
your legs are hiked onto yoongi’s hips and you lean forward to circle your arms around his neck
you want to prolong this for as long as possible and the only thing you can think of to distract yourself is by kissing yoongi for some kind of leverage
yoongi licks into your mouth as he kisses you and he gives your bottom lip a playful nip before he’s looping an arm around your waist and pulling you towards him so that you’re practically on the edge of the desk
your eyes squeeze shut on his next harsh thrust
the shirt he has on underneath his jacket is starting to cling to his skin and he feels droplets of sweat beginning to collect at the back of his head but there’s no way he’s going to stop now
his next few thrusts are slightly slower but rougher and reaching far deeper
your legs tighten on reflex and your mouth falls open when he grinds up
your hand slams down onto the desk and your fingers curl around the edge of it as yoongi continues to reduce you into a whimpering mess
oh god
you’re close
you’re like really close
“yoongi-“ you squirm underneath him and you feel your head starting to spin
“not yet-” he grunts out as his fingers dig into the soft flesh of your thigh
if you weren’t so distracted by the fact that you’re about to explode you’d probably notice that yoongi’s looking at you like he wants to completely devour you
his hand leaves your hip to slip in between your legs and you let out a needy whine
it’s too much but at the same time you want more
“not. yet.” yoongi groans out through gritted teeth
come on
just a little bit more
yoongi’s ego inflates tenfold when he sees your nose twitch ever so slightly
that’s all he wanted to see
that’s all he needed to see
now he knows for sure that he’s still the man
“oh my god, yoongi-“ you whine pitifully “please, please let me cum-“ yoongi pushes up again and you let out a sharp, wordless cry when your orgasm suddenly hits you like a brick wall
your back arches against yoongi’s chest as your eyes roll to the back of your head and you’re panting like you just ran a marathon
you’re seeing stars
you’re seeing the entire galaxy
“fuck, that’s my girl…” yoongi groans his praise
his jaw clenches as you tighten around him through your orgasm and before he knows it he starts to feel the knot in his own stomach becoming undone
“w-want you to cum inside-“ your fingers wrap around the nape of yoongi’s neck as you pull him towards you and nudge your nose against his “give it to me-“
yoongi swears he could die a happy man right then and there because you totally just quoted one of his songs (probably unintentional but stiLL) but that is completely irrelevant because he’s about to cum and-
“christ, you’re killing me-“ yoongi groans and buries his face into the crook of your neck
and then it happens
yoongi nearly bites his bottom lip off when he feels himself release inside of you
his grip loosens around the underside of your thigh as his thrusts start to weaken
he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck and your head lolls back lazily as your eyes flutter shut
you are spEnt
“…i can’t wait to tell my friends i hooked up with a third year student.” you joke lightly as you peel one eye open and yoongi snorts in response
he hums as you run your fingers through his silky-ish hair  
silky-ish is a reach
his hair is fried
all it’d take is a gentle breeze and his strands of hair will probably blow away like the florets of a dandelion
“you don’t like it?” yoongi presses a kiss to your collarbone
you give him a gentle tug because you’re scared that you’re going to riP the three strands of hair on top of his head out if you’re too rough
“i like it, but i miss my husband.” you hum as he pulls away from you and reaches over to grab the tissue box “and, you know, for the record… the only reason why i faked my orgasm was honestly because i was about to fall asleep-“
“wha-“ yoongi tosses the soiled tissue into the bin “-why are we going over this again??”
“-nO, what i’m saying is that you didn’t do anything wrong!” you cup his face in your hands and squish his cheeks together “-you don’t have to bleach your hair and shred up your jeans and wear like twenty rings on your fingers to seduce me or whatever, alright? i like- i love you and your natural hair and your pressed suits and shiny cufflinks and the only ring i want to see on your hand is your wedding ring, dummy.” you grab his left hand and inspect all the rings on his fingers “-not a scary skull ring with angry red eyes.”
you don’t even know where the heck he would’ve gotten a ring like that
“unless you’re broadening your horizons in terms of fashion and you wanna start bleaching your hair and wearing ripped jeans in which i will be very supportive-“
“y/n, relax.” yoongi laughs lightly and wiggles his fingers before reaching over to pinch your nose “i get it. it was an off day. i have them too!”
you freeze
“wait a minute, you whA-“
“-i just figured it wouldn’t hurt to try something new, you know?” yoongi changes the subject quickly and you give him a look that tells him the two of you are going to pick up this conversation again sometime in the near future
now you can’t help but wonder when yoongi’s ever faked an orgasm with you
if you faked one and he faked one then they cancel each other out
ok that’s fair
“i wouldn’t… mind if agust d makes an appearance from time to time, by the way…” you smile slyly as yoongi helps you off the desk
every muscle in your leg is trembling
thank god you didn’t wear your heels
yoongi sighs and runs a hand through his hair “you think you can accept an agust d with black hair? because if i have to keep bleaching my hair, i’m going to be bald by the time hwayoung turns one.”  
(yoongi and y/n spend the rest of the night hanging out in the genius lab and y/n has to keep reminding herself to be gentle with yoongi’s hair when he has his face buried in between her legs. it’s proving to be a challenge.)
((hwayoung refuses to leave jimin’s arms because she’s a little scared of the man in her house who looks like her father but also definitely doesn’t look like her father.))
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mamabearcatfanfics · 4 years
This little ficlet doesn’t really have a name. It’s set in the world of The Importance of Ramen and occurs sometime between Chapter One and Two. Not quite angst I don’t think, but not very happy either. Because not everyone gets their happy ending. It was just something I needed to write today. The image below is of Yanaka Cemetery in Tokyo.
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“This really cannot continue Higurashi-san”, droned the school Principal’s voice over the phone. “I understand you have concerns about your daughter’s health, but we can no longer accept phone calls and sick notes signed by you for her absences. Unless you start providing medical certificates, signed by a medical professional, we will have to alert the proper authorities. She may even face expulsion over her non-attendance, and we wouldn’t want that now, would we?”
The man’s tone was critical, condescending, his disbelief regarding Kagome’s illnesses barely concealed, and Mama swallowed the sharp retort that wanted to slip past her teeth. Deep breath. She needed to stay calm.
“No, of course not, Yamato-san”, she said, enunciating clearly, her voice dripping with feigned politeness. “Thank you for taking the time to speak to me today. We all have Kagome’s best interests at heart.”
“I hope we will not have to repeat this conversation again, Higurashi-san. Good day.”
Mama placed down the receiver on the phone with a deep sigh. She really couldn’t blame the man for his skepticism though. It had been a mistake on her part to ask ojiichan to provide the excuses for Kagome’s constant absences from school. Varicose veins for a sixteen year old? She had recently taken over, providing much more credible excuses, much to Kagome’s relief. She had to admit though, it was hard to keep up the constant pretense of Kagome’s illness, although she had no problems in playing the role of concerned mother. That wasn’t an act.
She’d bid a cheerful goodbye to Kagome and Inuyasha early this morning after they’d eaten breakfast, waiting for the flash of light that signalled their disappearance down the well to let the fake smile fall from her face.
Every time her daughter left, she had to swallow the panic that rose up, imagining all the gruesome and horrific ways it was possible to die in that time period, even without the addition of battling the supernatural. Every time she said goodbye, she worried it would be the last. She’d taken to reading medical books in the evenings when Kagome was away, just in case the knowledge might be needed someday.
She sometimes wondered if Inuyasha could sense her fear – he’d been looking at with a very serious expression this morning before they departed. But her Toshi had always said that fear was something that should be faced, that it was something that should not stop you living life the way that you wished to, and she was doing her best to support Kagome in what the fates had chosen for her. Her daughter was working so hard to train and learn and keep up with her school work. She was inordinately proud of her. But it was hard.
Eri’s mother had called yesterday, wanting to know if she could assist in any way with Kagome’s health. She had clucked sympathetically over the phone, but Mama had immediately recognised the call for what it was. Questions must be circulating again about Kagome’s continual absences through the parent’s grape vine, and Eri’s mother was fishing for gossip. The line being cast became even more obvious when she’d commented on Kagome’s ‘boyfriend’, a topic Mama refused to either confirm or deny. She’d managed to fob her off this time with a vague excuse saying they were waiting for results from a clinic, but that woman was persistent, the thin edge of a very large wedge of parents who were all ready to judge at the slightest sign of weakness.
After making ojiichan his lunch, she decided the monthly accounts could be put off no longer. She sat at her desk, the hot cup of tea she’d made herself neglected until it turned cold and bitter while she struggled to make the figures stretch as far as she needed them to. The government allowance for keeping the shrine running was not huge. The Sunset Shrine was only small, visited by faithful locals, rather than large crowds of city dwellers and tourists ready to spend money on omamori and fortunes that the more popular shrines attracted. She would have to think about ways to bring in extra money. Ojiichan was getting older, and she wanted to be able to look after him and provide all the comforts he deserved in his old age. And then there was schooling for Kagome and Souta.
She was startled out of her calculations when Souta burst in through the back door like a whirlwind, kicking off his shoes and dropping his bag with a thump in the genkan. School was over already?
“Hi Mama! Can’t stay, I’ve got kendo practice! Sensei said last week that my gi is getting too small and I need a new one. And the competition fees for next weekend are overdue! I gotta go get changed or I’ll be late!”
“Souta! Your bag does not belong in the entryway where everyone will trip over it young man!” Mama called out, but he’d already flung himself up the stairs. She looked over the figures again worriedly. Maybe they might have to sell some of the family ‘treasures’ out in the shrine store room. If she could pry them out of ojiichan’s reluctant fingers that is.
Her head was thumping, and the figures seemed to be making even less sense than they did when she’d first sat down more than an hour ago. She finally gave up, shuffling the paperwork back together to file it away in her desk, then reached up to the small box that sat on the top of the fridge filled with more regularly used medications, to get herself some paracetamol. But the box was empty. Kagome had obviously raided it again, taking all the paracetomol and ibruprofen to restock her medical kit. Right. She took a slow deep breath in, rubbing her forehead in exasperation. It wasn’t that she minded Kagome taking them, they were obviously needed, but she could at least inform her that they needed to be replaced.
There was a hollow feeling in her chest. An empty ache. All day long, there had been a nagging feeling that she was forgetting something important. It was dragging at her memory, wanting her to concentrate on it, but everyone seemed to need something different from her, and she’d not been able to concentrate. Maybe it was a shrine anniversary of some sort? She checked the calendar, and her heart dropped into her shoes.
Oh Toshi. It was their wedding anniversary. She’d got through more than half of the day without even thinking about him on a day which had once been so important. Her throat felt thick, and she bit her lip hard, trying to force back the tears that wanted to spring to her eyes. Don’t cry. You can’t cry when Souta is home. She pinched hard on the inside of her wrist, a trick she’d learned over the years to help push back the grief when it surfaced at inappropriate times. Deep breath. She heard Souta’s heavy steps as he thundered back down the steps, wearing his gi and hakama with his kendo gear bag over his shoulder. She was ready to greet her son with a bright smile as he headed out the door.
“Straight back home after practice okay? I’m making curry, seeing Inuyasha-kun isn’t here!”
“Okay Mama. See you later!”
The door slammed as he took off, and Grandpa grumbled as he re-appeared in the kitchen carrying his empty plate, complaining about the noise.
“He’s just young, ojiichan – he didn’t mean any disrespect. How is your back feeling?”
“Not too bad. At least Inuyasha-kun didn’t break anything this time”, he said, rubbing down low on his spine. He’d been taking an inventory yesterday, and had made Inuyasha help him with the heavier boxes.
“He’s actually a very helpful boy you know, when you let him get on with things, and don’t hover over him with sutras”, Mama remarked, teasing him a little. Grandpa snorted.
“That ‘boy’ is probably older than you and me put together”, he huffed. “Plenty of time to have learned the good sense he doesn’t display that often. The kitchen has never been the same since he took a swing at that cockroach with his sword.” He looked carefully at his daughter-in-law, taking in her overly bright smile. “Are you okay Kaori-chan?”
“I’m fine”, she smiled. He gave her a hard stare and her smile faltered. “Alright, I will be fine. But I might go and to the family haka by myself for a little while, if that’s okay ojiichan? I promise I will be back in time to make dinner.”
The old man reached out and took one of his daughter in law’s hands in his, the look on his face sombre but understanding.
“I probably don’t say this enough Kaori-chan, but my son chose well. I could not have asked for a better daughter.”
“Thank you ojiichan”, she smiled, patting his hand. “I feel the same way about you.” She dropped a kiss onto the old man’s balding head, then went to genkan to put on her jacket and shoes., letting her mind wander as she walked down the steep shrine steps to the bus stop, waiting for the familiar bus that would take her to the family plot at the cemetery.
Her own family had turned their back on her when she’d refused a marriage offer by an older, much wealthier man to marry Toshinori, her high school sweetheart. Her parents had not spoken to her since she’d left home, but thankfully Toshi’s family had welcomed her with open arms as the daughter they’d never had.
She loved Toshi’s parents, and had come to think of them as her own. She’d been there for Toshi’s mother Hana, nursing her at home when she was diagnosed with cancer. She’d done her best to ease her growing pain with all the love and care she could until she’d died a year later, surrounded by family. Then Kagome was born, a few weeks after Hana’s death. It had helped to have a baby to focus on, even though it was a hard time. Kagome had been the apple of her grandfather’s eye, she still was, and he had spoilt her rotten.
After years of trying, when Kagome was nearly eight, she’d become pregnant again, a boy this time. Toshi had been overjoyed. They were so happy, so in love. It didn’t seem fair that not everyone could have a life like theirs, and she pitied those whose marriages were not a true meeting of hearts like hers was. They knew each other inside and out. Teased each other constantly, laughed at ridiculous things, loved their baby daughter with all that they had. And now they would have a son too. It felt like the kami were smiling down on their little family. Right up until that night that the police came to the door, to inform her about the car accident.
Toshi had never woken from his coma. She had been the one to make the decision to turn off his life support, with ojiichan’s blessing. Toshi had been a man full of life, full of joy, and she knew that he would not have wanted to continue in the state that he was. She had wept beside him, gripping his hand and repeating ‘I love you’ constantly, as if trying to complete the next forty years of being unable to say it to him in person into the short time left. And then she had left the room, knowing she would never see him again. If it had not been for Kagome waiting for her at home with ojiichan, and their son still growing in her womb, she would have left the hospital and gladly walked straight into the oncoming traffic so she wouldn’t have to live in a world without him in it.
The sound of the bus pulling up alongside her stop startled her out of her thoughts, and the bus driver nodded politely at her when she mounted the steps – he’d been driving this route for many years, and knew where she was going.
“It’s a little later in the day than you usually go Higurashi-san”, he remarked as she tapped her bus pass. “Make sure you don’t miss the last bus back.”
Mama smiled politely. “I’ll remember. Thank you.” She made sure to keep the mask of politeness set on her face as she moved to her seat. Being part of a shrine family meant being recognised on sight by everyone in the area. Expectations must be upheld.
It was a twenty minute trip to the cemetery, which she spent silently, her eyes gazing out the window but focused internally on the many happy memories replaying in her mind. She paused to buy a bunch of rust coloured chrysanthemums from the flower stall at the gate, then followed the path down through the maze of family graves, the tall markers reaching up towards the sky like a well ordered stone forest. Finally she arrived at the Higurashi marker.
Kneeling down, she washed her hands, then arranged the flowers carefully in the vase, straightening bent stalks. She lit the sandalwood incense stick, watching the swirling ribbons of smoke disippate through the crisp breeze, then clapped her hands.
‘Hello Toshi. I’m sorry I’m late dear heart. Happy Anniversary.” She leaned forwards, pulling out a stray weed that had grown up through the pebbles around the marble. “Were you waiting for me? I can’t stay very long this time. I promised Souta I would make curry for dinner this evening; he always works up such an appetite after kendo practice. And he’s a growing boy, your son. His kendo hakama and gi are getting too small for him.”
Her fingers traced over the graceful incisions in the marble that marked her husband’s name, the gold inlay glinting in the afternoon sunlight. The thought of Souta’s hakama sparked a memory.
“Do you remember all those photos we had to sit through, after the ceremony?” she smiled. “We kept giggling, and your mother scolded us, because she wanted some serious photos. You looked so handsome in those traditional striped hakama. Our wedding day was one of the happiest days of my life.”
Without warning, her bottom lip trembled, and the hot tears that she’d put aside earlier in the day returned with a vengeance, falling thick and fast. “Why did you have to go my Toshi? I miss you. I still miss you. You were such a good good man, how could all that disappear in an instant? Why did you have to leave?” she sobbed, her fists clenched in her lap, gripping the fabric of her skirt tightly as she bent forward to rest her forehead against the cool stone. It took her a moment to calm her sobs, breathing deeply, letting the coolness of the stone soothe her aching head.
“I’m sorry for the tears on what should be a happy day”, she whispered, “I’m just so tired Toshi, so very tired. I’m always worried about Kagome. She works so very hard, trying to do her best for everyone. I know Inuyasha is there to protect her, but I’m her mother. I’m always wondering if I’m doing the right thing, letting her do this. Your father was against her going through the well at first, but you always told me to trust what my heart said, and my heart says this is right, even though my head is terrified.” A small breeze swirled around her, lifting the chrysanthemum petals and wafting the incense towards the grave in a steady stream. She smiled a small teary smile. “I’m glad you think so too. I’m still not quite sure what to do about her schooling, but I will figure it out, I’m sure.”
She spent the next half hour sitting silently, listening to the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the muted sounds of Tokyo traffic. It was such a peaceful place. A place where she could sit quietly and regroup, try and regain her strength. She checked her watch, and realised that it was time to leave, if she were to make the next bus.
“Thank you for letting me ramble on koishii. I will come again, as soon as I can. I might bring your father with me next time. I’m sure he would love to visit with you and obaachan.” She got to her feet slowly, hissing a little as the blood rushed back into cramped feet.  
It was a slow walk back to the bus stop, then a winding route back, but she didn’t mind. It was nice to be alone with her own thoughts once in a while, without the constant needs of others crowding in. By the time she’d climbed back up the steep stone steps and walked back into the kitchen to cook dinner, she was ready to tackle the world again. For a while at least.
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beatnicksellar · 3 years
Marda Loophole: TPB: Issues #7-12
Issue #7 – The Exodus Then: Mada opened her eyes to the inhuman sights and sounds of war Half-men strewn about Bramshott the RCAMC tent soaked in red gore Through the horror she saw her scarecrow the one she treated before Minus a leg he was alive and that was enough to lift her off of the floor Now: Mada opens her eyes to the fuzzy sight of 4 purple children overhead Siphoning energy from a radiant boulder their chant stirs her from the dead A tingle in her toes and sour taste in her mouth the Hole is as Dennis said He labours nearby as the kids stitch Mada together with amethyst thread With the dulling drone done the rock bathes everyone in its immortal hue The old wendigo’s cell unlocks in the uproar allowing her to slip through Before Mada’s blurry eyes the frailest child’s torn from the circuit and slew She can hear the rapacious wendigo sob as she reluctantly continues to chew The plaster walls of the outbuilding begin to buckle from the stone’s potency Suddenly Pope enters the Hole and descends the staircase with much urgency The doctor’s met mid-way by the limping wendigo who embraces him completely Mesmerising him with her wildfire eyes she gladly detaches his loins from his body Dennis returns to find the Hole in shambles with Dot eaten and Dr. Pope screaming He disconnects the kids and requests that Mada give the boys’ lives a new meaning One of the boys grabs a ledger while the other two grip Mada and they begin fleeing Dennis and the wendigo clash by the emitting mound soon buried under the ceiling South Calgary is silent for the first time since the 33 soldiers were secretly dosed But without the hum to calm them they thrashed 33 Avenue like a whipping post Possessed troops overturned the streetcar and chard the theater like it was toast Stiff pedestrians and sate scavengers guide Mada back to her husband Marc’s ghost She mourns over his blood-spattered prosthesis as one boy reads a shard of glass His brothers study the ledger as he peers into the sliver to see what’ll comes to pass ‘We’ll return when the streetcar does’ the scrying boy points to the upturned mass With crazed GIs loose Mada and her boys depart while a curious crow tails her ass… Issue #8 – The Wild Boys ♬♪♩♬♪♩♫♪♩♫♩♬♪♩♫♬♪♩♬♩♫♪♩♫♩♬♪♬♪♩♬♪♩ A gayageum plays notes from the concerto called Dorothea The ribbon of rhythm writhes on the airstreams over Korea Baroque tones stir the ancient visage which inspired its idea Eddying over the ocean to hover above a 33rd avenue pizzeria ♬♪♩♬♪♩♫♪♩♫♩♬♪♩♫♬♪♩♬♩♫♪♩♫♩♬♪♬♪♩♬♪♩♫ The melody meanders up 20th street pausing at its composer Three long-haired boys that look 10 but are very much older Standing before Currie Barracks Condo they are of one mourner The unrelated triplets commiserate over their deceased sister ‘I cannot feel her in there’ John the empath of the family confirms ‘I cannot reach her’ Robert retorts ‘all I hear is Dennis and worms’ Scryer James perceives future events but cannot grasp their terms ‘All I see is that the stone has been scattering its ill will like germs’ Treating the condo as if a gravestone they pay respect to her spirit With unkempt heads down the trinity are subdued for a moment Each recalls Dot, the Hole, the old woman then all begin to fidget John pulls a music sheet out of his shorts and whistles a snippet ♬♪♩♬♪♩♫♪♩♫♩♬♪♩♫♬♪♩♬♩♫♪♩♫♩♬♪♬♪♩♬♪♩♫♪♬ James and Robert join him in his performance of Dorothea No. 4 When done John tosses the concerto down onto the sewer floor As they skate through the Loop Mada’s name hangs in every store Coffee shops hum with anticipation over the 70-year-old folklore Around the corner of 35th avenue is where a hungry entity stalks A hefty shadow cast from a vacant lot that limps wherever it walks The boys are too distracted to notice the relic from Pandora’s Box Because a fireball is about to knock’em out of their graphic socksIssue #9 – The Vacant LotYellow barricades protect the rich soil within the vacant lotThough ideal for growth it’s contaminated by junkyard rot Comparable to the toxin that comprises Hausis’ blood clot An
inherit gift from her father and the affects it has wrought Over a century old she has been scarred twice by the stoneAs well Hausis has been forced out of more than one homeFrom her log cabin to that school and finally the catacomb A hole she fled full of a plum, revenge and astral syndrome Dark energy leached into her, those boys and the headless one Wendigo mixed with indigo and once again she was on the run But on the Rez her spirits calmed; she even adopted a grandson It was the last time she felt love as the Sixties Scoop had begun Hungry and hateful she hid her mercy and fed on colonial fears Hitchhiking Highway 16 in the 1970s she traded entrails for tears Retribution for her surrogate sisters who had began to disappear When the stone summoned her home she returned with souvenirs She settled in South Calgary and became a landlord to tasty tenants Bones buried in the vacant lot next-door while lying to their parents A cane sword to assist her limp and cutback on the slaying minutes Serrated steel dentures to masticate and absorb her preys’ essence A century old entity at last content with her damned life up until TONIGHT When her plums return assured and still ripe enough to enjoy a quick biteWhen her bone yard is deemed aseptic and police investigation is in sightHausis lunges at the wild boys only to be repelled by a nimbus of starlight… Issue #10 – The Above People CREEEAK! The tactless teenager forcefully opens the oxidized attic door In search of a white wig for her cosplay getup she stomps across the floor Rummaging through containers she finds something unusual in a drawer A thirteen-year-old letter that when opened clarifies exactly who it is for ‘Aline: It’s with regret and sadness that I write this letter to my daughter’ ‘I had to go to a dangerous place so I left you to be raised by your father’ ‘I never stopped loving you or dreaming of the day we would be together’ ‘When you are ready to meet amass juniper twigs and a magpie feather’ Elated to see her mislaid mother Aline flees the loft in her space-opera costume She sprints across 35 Avenue towards a vacant lot shrouded by juniper in bloom Ripping off a bouquet Aline is unaware that just beyond bodies are being exhumed She spots a pudgy magpie perched on the yellow barricade and plucks at its plume Clutching the vital items the Big Dipper shaped beauty marks on her right arm glows FWOOOOM! A blinding white light descends from overhead lifting her off of her toes Aline suddenly finds herself in a melancholy landscape of stars, clouds and shadows Before her sit 2 enormous Above People who enquire as to her odd-looking clothes ‘It’s for Comic-con’ she roars removing the wig ‘who’re you and where’s my mom’ Sun God laughs as Moon Goddess speaks: ‘We see that you were raise with aplomb’ The electric entities sizzle and pop as they struggle to alleviate Aline’s many qualms ‘Your father fell in love with our granddaughter: the Morning Star he wished upon’ ‘But she had to return to Sky-Country to rid it of the evil her mother had let loose’ Mother Moon details how Feather Woman disobeyed and iniquity was introduced ‘She moved the giant turnip that which protects our portal because she was obtuse’ Mother Moon adds she encased the dummy in indigo stone and made her vamoose That is the past but the portal remains open for dark matter to infest Sky-Country The same stuff brought down with the stone when it crashed in the 19th century Aline accuses her great-grandparents of killing her kin and for spreading villainy The Gods giggle at the allegation clarifying Feather Woman merely has an injury More gen is traded and a deal is struck: if Aline fixes the portal all will be forgiven Above People will help find the Morning Star and teach Aline of her nuclear fusion KRA-KOOM! A fiery comet crashes and Aline emerges from impact like a magician Gazing at the wild boys she states ‘You dudes are my gran and we have a mission’… Issue #11 – The Penultimate Sequential squares spread over an infinitude of glittering stars Panels parted by gutters spanning
centuries between the bars A billboard advertises Marc and Mada’s forthcoming memoirs Christened Marda; Loop denotes the superannuated streetcar Inset in the ad is a shot of Magpie gnawing on a decayed thumb bone Balanced on the sign she spots a bird below who was once well known Magpie cries: ‘Ain’t seen you since you left with THAT there veiled crone’ Alit next to Magpie Crow recalls his ghastly exploits beyond the stone ‘It was Hell’ he croaks ‘The screaming, the silence, the suicide attempts’ ‘It took HER forever to bond with THOSE boys and get over her regrets’ ‘Once she did’ Crow pauses ‘she spearheaded some tantalizing events’ Led by the ledger and scryed images they tracked the fiery GIs’ contempt While 7 indigo infected ones enlisted for Korea 26 settled in Forest City An innocuous epithet for somewhere death stalked the streets regularly Enclosed by thickets it’s where butchers would conceal a mutilated body ‘The Serial Killer Capital’ Crow yelps ‘We lured them out during the 1960s’ Crow clarifies that when the GIs moved there each become a major player: Mad Slasher, Bedroom Strangler, Balcony Killer + the Chambermaid Slayer Mada the bait, Crow the lookout, and 3 wild boys unified became the healer ‘In the forest we’d draw out the purple poison leaving the mortals tamer’ Mada’s nursing background afforded them a home and a baby-grand piano She worked while under pseudonyms the boys penned novels & concertos ‘Forest City was safe and we had obtained almost all of that fugitive indigo’ ‘Almost’ Crow echoed ‘We left for Korea in ‘81 on a plane from Toronto’ Magpie squawks sceptically: ‘And then miraculously back for the 70th Anniversary’ {Had it been that long?} the crone ponders {Why did they whitewash my tragedy?} The veiled woman below the advert grimaces then utters anachronistic profanity Stalwart in stance she shudders when the #7 rolls by renewed for the pageantry… Issue #12 – Giant-Size Finale The fixed indigo stone pulsates expelling the remnants of its space toxin Pumped into the faucets of 22 occupants of the new condo atop its coffin Dragging fingers thru mauve hair they’re rapt by the stone’s dim doctrine They riot inside the structure while outside Mada and her wild boys lock in ‘Try it again’ the costumed Aline guides from inside the infinite sealed loop She has juniper and feather in hand yet something is off within their group ‘That thing’s teeing me off’ Mada breaks from the ring and sits on the stoop The rebuilt #7 streetcar gleams in the parking lot next to an effigy of troops Suddenly…a service door opens and the old wendigo limps out of the edifice ‘You’ Hausis growls at Aline ‘You’re relations with that Metis bastard Dennis’ Mada perks up at the name of the man who inadvertently made her endless ‘Are you?’ Mada asks ‘She sure is’ Hausis sniffs ‘and it’s making me ravenous’ Incensed Mada bares the jagged indigo scar spanning the length of her collar ‘Dennis did this’ she states ‘and orchestrated the 1950 South Calgary slaughter’ Aline has entirely no clue as to what occurred because of her great-grandfather And before Mada can educate her the group is spotted by a police helicopter ‘Freeze Ms. Cranmer’ a voice booms as a squad car pulls up with guns drawn Hausis has been hiding since police uncovered the bodies she had feasted on Clotheslined and cuffed the 145-year-old Cree woman is beaten with a baton Aline, Mada and wild boys watch in horror as Hausis is tenderized like carrion The wild child named Robert tugs at Aline’s skirt pointing at the departing cop car ‘Dot’ the 80-year-old kid chirps ‘The hungry lady has carried our sister’s soul so far’ Mada is not their 4th because it is the frail child Hausis mauled like a chocolate bar ‘We need that granny back’ Aline barks at Mada who turns away rubbing her scar Aline suggests they take the idle #7 and propel it with a trick she has just learned ‘Can I borrow a feather from your crow?’ she asks of Mada who still feels scorned Crow leaves Magpie atop the streetlamp landing beside Aline his feathers formed ‘I am not getting on that ’
Mada repeats just as the crazed tenants emerge armed KRA-KOOM! The refurbished #7 streetcar rockets down 20th street like a fireball Crow and Magpie try to slow the tenants’ progress to the 33rd avenue mini-mall Meanwhile the #7 zips down the parade route until it hits the cruiser then a wall Everyone on the #7 is unscathed and so too is Hausis who’s eating a cop’s eyeball Magpie and Crow flutter in to warn everyone of the approaching horde of tenants The wild boys jump into action with a hand out for Hausis who sees it as penance ‘Doesn’t make me a plum’ she gripes grasping John’s hand as if she is pregnant As the 4 siblings unite clouds appear and a powerful deluge forms within minutes The first drop hits as the vicious throng reaches Marda Loop then the sky cries The drenched tenants lose their momentum as the mauve washes over their eyes The rain relents as does the horde but Mada’s inner ire cannot be overemphasized The wild boys embrace Hausis and in turn Dot whose soul has now been reprisedOnlookers have gathered at the site sad to see there’s no anniversary to reminisce Crow and Magpie peck at the injured police officers as Aline stares into the abyss She apologizes to Mada for her relative’s actions but asks for her not to be remiss ‘We cannot change the past’ she points out ‘But if you help us now we can fix this’The wendigo, the crone, the wild boys, the star-child and the scavengers all return Loitering outside of the Currie Barracks condo building hashing out their concerns Hausis has subsisted with the stone while in exile so she knows where it’s interned In the bowels of the sub-basement they find the ancient rock fading in a slow burn John, James and Robert the perpetual 10-year-olds encircle Aline and embrace her Hausis jeers as the boys kiss their kin then whisper in Mada’s ear: Goodbye Mother The siblings start siphoning the stone’s essence back; Aline waves Magpie’s feather Hausis and the boys convert to stardust they swirl around the stone and then enter Aline and Mada escape the building as the boulder flies backwards thru the nexus Its trajectory bearing straight for Sky-Country where it will rid the land of sepsis The portal is sealed and The Above People welcome Feather Woman and Hausis Back in South Calgary Mada stands in the quiet rubble no longer feeling headless ‘Wanna meet my dad?’ Aline asks of her lithe friend who nods producing a smile Mada calls Crow but he and Magpie are stardust in a constellation of their profile Unveiled Mada and neophyte Aline walk towards a rainbow after their long trial As both fade over the hill stardust diffuses and floats to somewhere worthwhile An End
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squirrelly831 · 5 years
Confessions [Mark and Jaebum]
Hope you like it~
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Addison and Mark had been best friends since elementary school. When Mark debut in Got7, Addison flew out to South Korea just to attend their debut stage. Their relationship was nothing more than a brother sister like relationship most of the time. However, it was Addison who noticed her feelings weren’t as sisterly as they had started out. She wanted more than being the kid sister. She tried to keep her feelings in a box, but when Mark asked her to be his pretend girlfriend for a week, she found it harder to keep control over them.
The day of their fake date, Addison could not keep her heart or emotions in check. Each time he took her hand into his, her cheeks burned as her pulse escalated. When he brushed her hair out of her face, his fingertips grazed her cheek and only made her crave his touch more. As they went on through the date, posting pictures on her Instagram, she found herself daydreaming of his lips on hers.
Her dazed expression didn’t go unnoticed either. Mark felt their fake date become a little more real a little more than he anticipated. He had blamed himself for the shift as he let his emotions fuel his actions on more than one occasion.
“Hey, look! There’s a festival” Addison pointed at the park. Booths set up on each side of the walk way that lead to the water fountain. People swarmed the area as a performance began near the fountain.
Mark watched how Addison’s eyes lit up, “You wanna check it out?” She nodded as she raced off. Mark fixed his hoodie as he followed after her into the swarm. Addison’s eyes went everywhere. Handmade art pieces were being sold at each booth. She stopped in front of one that had mini zodiac cartoon key chains, “Pretty.”
The artist noticed her admire the key chains, “Would you like to buy one?”
She stared at the rooster, “Do you take cards?” The artist shook her head sadly and Addison looked down dejectedly.
“Can I get the dog and rooster key chain?” Mark interrupted as he held out two 10 won. The artist handed him the two key chains and the left over money. He took it and put the money back in his wallet. “Come on” he took her hand with his free one and guided her away. “Just so you don’t get lost.” When he first took her hand in his, he watched his hand smoother hers. When had her hands become so small? The need to protect those small hands and the girl who owned those hands grew in him. He felt unsatisfied until he laced his fingers through hers. He lead her to a bench further from the crowds and let out an exasperated sigh. He looked at the two key chains before he held out the rooster, “I want to keep this one. You can have my zodiac, okay?”
She took the rooster key chain, “Thank you. This was the one I wanted. It’s your zodiac after all.”
Her words caused his lips to curve. She went to pulled her hand from his, but he pulled back and tightened his grip on her hand. She looked at him, her eyes sought some kind of answer to his action. He said nothing as he brushed the stray hair from her cheek. His eyes fluttered to her lips. Were they as soft as her hand felt? Were they as warm? He leaned down and took her first kiss. 
She was too stunned to break the kiss, but, with eyes shut tightly, she soon found herself kiss him back.
After the kiss, Addison avoided Mark as often as she could. Every call and text he sent her went ignored. Mark grew concerned. Had he pushed her? Did she not have the same feelings for him? Though she didn’t see him, Addison continued to stop by JYP and deliver food for Mark and the others. She met up with Yugyeom, as he was the youngest and wouldn’t tell her no when she needed something done.
Sick of the avoidance, Mark waited inside the building for her and on cue, she showed up. Yugyeom took the food and exchanged words with her just as Mark exited the building, “Addy.” She tensed, but didn’t meet his gaze. She muttered a quick apology before she fled. Mark ran after her, took her wrist, and pulled her out of the open public area. He pressed her against the brick building, his arm and leg trapped her. “Why are you avoiding me?” His eyes refused to let her look away. He held her gaze and she could see his pain. “If it was about the kiss I’m sorry. Just forget about it. I cornered you.”
Addison bit her lip as she tried to muster the courage to speak. She knew she couldn’t keep her secret any longer. “I don’t want to forget about it…. I jus–” Her eyes watered, “I knew it was just to keep with the fake date feelings, but I wanted you to kiss me.” She reached up and wiped the tears before they fell, “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have taken it to heart, but I can’t help it. I fell in love with my best friend and I didn’t know how to handle it.” She confessed.
Mark slumped on the wall beside her. His chest rose and fell as he took in her words. His eyes blinked unnaturally before he laughed. He doubled over and held his head in hand. “We’re stupid” he said in between words. Mark calmed himself and straightened up to face Addison’s confused face. He pulled her against his chest and held her tightly to prevent her from escaping, “I love you too.”
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How the guys ever got Jackson’s little sister, Taylor, to agree to join their game of truth or dare was beyond Jaebum.
She was the polar opposite of Jackson. Where he shined in the spotlight prepared to do whatever it took to get attention, Taylor would make a beeline from it to stay hidden in the shadows where the light would not touch her. Jackson was the expressive in his words and dance whereas Taylor used her drawing as her expression and would barely speak over a whisper. However, no matter how quiet she spoke, Jaebum made sure to listen even if no one else did. Even if he had to strain himself, he listened. She was shrouded in mystery and maybe that was what attracted Jaebum to her, at least at first. As the group grew closed, so did their relationship with Taylor even though Jaebum and Jackson were closest to her.
As Jaebum analyzed his friends, he tried to figure them out. No matter how much pleading they did, Taylor would never agree to play a game like truth or dare. He was their leader, he knew them like the back of his hand. They were up to something. Jaebum was sure that the others begged and pleaded excessively for Taylor to play. Her squirming about and constant scratch on the back of her neck only furthered his suspicions.
She was trapped between her brother and BamBam, much to Jaebum’s dislike. Bambam looked up at Jaebum, the flash of mischief reflected in his eyes, as he gave Jaebum the most innocent smile he could muster. Jaebum’s eyes narrowed. He felt the need to protect Taylor from his members; he just knew they were up to something. The members knew of Jaebum’s attraction for Taylor. Though he’d deny it until he was blue in the face, Jaebum had feelings for Jackson’s little sister.
Throughout the game, when Taylor was picked, she’d ask for truth each time much to the member’s disappointment. However, Jaebum made up for it in turn as he only chose dare which the members took full advantage of each time. He didn’t care as long as they didn’t try to get her to do something she didn’t want to do with a dare.
It was Yugyeom’s turn. He exchanged a look with Jackson and Jackson gave him a nodded. Yugyeom grazed each face with his index rhythmically tapping against his chin. His eyes rested on Jaebum, “Hyung, truth or dare?”
Jaebum could see the deviousness in Yugyeom’s eyes, “Dare.” He challenged.
The corner of Yugyeom’s mouth twitched, but he let out a fake cough to conceal it, “I dare you to not smile for two turns. If you do, you have to do our laundry for a month.”
Jaebum grimaced at the thought, but her nodded with a solemn look. He earned a few laughs as he had already had a hard time with the dare. He heard a soft sweet giggle. His eyes flipped up to Taylor who had used her hoodie cuff to conceal her own smile. He inwardly cursed as he resisted the urge to smile. Her shy smile was contagious, but he didn’t give in even though it killed him not to.
Jackson pressed the side of his body against Taylor’s side. “Oh, little sister~” he sang. The smile Taylor desperately tried to hide fell the instant her brother spoke to her. “Truth or dare.”
Taylor craned her neck to get a better look at Jackson. She stared him down, her eyes narrowed as if to pry into his soul, “Truth.”
Jackson clicked his teeth as he dramatically put his hand to his forehead, “Well” he sighed, “if you insist.” The way he stretched out his words made Taylor sigh out an unpleasant word. She knew her brother had something planned and she stepped right into it. “Oh, language” he teased. “It’s a simple question, who do you have a crush on?”
The color drained from Taylor’s face. Her face looked as white as a ghost. Her stomach turned violently as her heart punched her chest repeatedly. Her throat went raw as she looked up at her brother with a silent plea to change the question, but he refused to budge. She looked around the room to see them all stare at her. She grabbed her hood and threw it over her head as she pulled her legs closer to protect herself. She could feel the tips of her ears burn as the color returned to her flesh.  
Those are the only words any of them caught. Not even Jaebum could make out her words.
Jackson cupped his ear with his hand, “Sorry? Could you repeat that?”
Taylor shot him a murderous glare, “I said Jaebum.” She snapped loud enough for anyone who was out of the room could hear her. She buried her face in her knees as her face felt like it was on fire.
“HAH!” BamBam jumped from where he sat. “HYUNG LOST!”
All eyes, including Taylor’s, fell on Jaebum who tried to hide his growing smile behind his jacket. His eyes didn’t leave Taylor’s. He didn’t care if he had to do laundry for a month because he lost his dare, he just really wanted to hear Taylor say she liked him again. Just without the audience.
Part II || Part III
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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krinsbez · 4 years
GI Joe: Remixed, the Stygians
Another set of OCs by the brilliant Night_stalker, this time of the Baroness’ elite personal black ops goon squad, the Stygians:
Team leader:
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Name: Waylon Calthrope Codename: Obelisk DoB: Classified Orientation: Homosexual Former Affiliation: Force Research Unit Bio: Waylon comes from a long line of military men, so when he was picked for the FRU, eyebrows were raised. Yet, the hardened NCO had been chosen, so he went into it eyes open. Needless to say, by the time he was transferred out, he had picked up quite a few unsettling habits. Needless to say, these habits weren't what Her Majesty's Armed Forces particularly liked, so he was sent down to Gibraltar, in order to cool off. Alas, he was involved in Operation Flavius, which was the final straw for many of the brass. Come 1990, he was handed his kit in a box, told to leave, and politely reminded of the Official Secrets Act while on his way out the door. Naturally, he did what anyone would do in such a time, and went off to join ArmorGroup, a PMC, where he actually was doing very well for himself. Well, nobody doubted his skills, stories are still circulating throughout their barracks of his daring deeds, the problem was, stories were circulating. Including one or two that showed he hadn't quite lost those habits that had gotten his discharge papers in the first place. In an attempt to avoid losing such a highly valued member, AG just had him rotated into a training position, figuring that he could be far less harmful there then in the field. A reasonable argument, it failed to consider one possibility. Namely, that he would occasionally be called up as a Floater (Guard used to fill temp holes in schedules), which was exploited once the people in charge of staffing realized the potential gold mine they had on tap. Then the company was acquired by G4S, and one of the changes they made was letting go of personnel who they deemed to be unfit to have under their umbrella. Waylon was one such person, but this time, he had done some prep work. As he walked out the door of his old office, a worn cardboard box with the few personal belongings he had inside it, he pulled out a business card, and dialed it. The phone rang twice, before a woman with a Eastern European accent picked up the phone. "Baroness? This is Waylon, are you still looking for another member of that outfit you're setting up?" Hobbies: Knife Throwing, Weightlifting, Fantasy Football, and Homebrewing.
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Name: Matsui Yunosuke Codename: Goryō DoB: June 19th, 1979 Former Affiliation: Inagawa-kai Specialty: Close In Protection Orientation: Het, Married to Console (see below) Bio: Born into a Yakuza family, Matsui grew up with the ethos of the movement as his nursery rhymes. However, he didn't seem to fit quite in. Despite his best efforts, the only things he seemed to be good at were keeping silent, and when keeping silent wasn't enough, cracking skulls. As one would imagine, while it makes him a great bodyguard and enforcer, when it comes to stuff that requires a bit more of a business mind, he didn't fit in. The local boss, seeking to capitalize on his talents, assigned him to guard his beloved sister, who was responsible for handling the books side of the business. However, even he couldn't protect her from an full sized hit squad sent by a angry rival. While in hospital, his boss tried to silence him, which failed horrifically. Once he was done recovering from some torn stitches, he was contacted by one of the Athenes, and made a very appealing offer..... Revenge for service, in essence. Stricken with rage, he agreed, and the boss was soon killed in what was described as "A gangland deal gone wrong", and what was described by a police offical off record as "The single biggest bloodbath he'd seen in his career". Hobbies: Kendo, Spider keeping, listening to punk rock, and watching trashy romance anime.
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Name: Balbina Krajewska Codename: Baba Yaga DoB: Classified Former Affiliation: Medi-Vipers, before that, [REDACTED] Orientation: Asexual. Specialty: Medical/Interrogation Bio: Much of Balbina's life before Cobra is left blank. Mostly as she comes from the Medi-Vipers, and that stuff is kept classified as hell, and also because well, nobody wants to look too deep into the Abyss. That said, it is known that she's a combat medic par none, winning several commendations for her life saving methods, as well as managing to uncover a organ theft ring. Totally unrelated, according to her. That said, she did ruffle some feathers, as well as other parts of their bodies, so a sideways transfer was in order. Hobbies: Cosplaying, Ballet, Medical experimentation, and Medical Cosplaying (Don't ask. Seriously.).
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Name: [REDACTED] Codename: Console DoB: Unknown Former Affiliation: Cyber-Vipers, before that, Unknown Orientation: Het, married to Goryo Specialty: Heavy Weapons/Cyberwarfare Bio: While little is known about Console's previous life, given the usual Cyber-Viper "Welcome Basket", what is known is that she's got a fondness for heavy weapons, in particular DShK's, a hatred for GI Joe that seems rather intense, implying a personal connection to them, and finally, some very interesting tattoos on her body. Or at least, the remains of some tattoos, implying the Cybers laser removed them before her conversion occurred. Hobbies: World of Tanks, Knitting, Trolling forums, and deadlifting weights.
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Name: Romeo Moretti Codename: Gaucho DoB: Unknown Former Affiliation: None Orientation: Single Target Sexuality, believed to be Baroness Specialty: Long Range Threat Neutralization Bio: Growing up in the Atacama Desert on the compound of a former Argentinian military sharpshooter and his wives, Romeo's childhood wasn't really the best. Between the daily marches to toughen them up for the impending apocolaypse, the hard shooting conditions, tight rations, and the annual tradition of being dumped someplace to find their way back, well, the fact that it took Romeo until his 16th birthday before he finally put a bullet through his father's skull could be taken as a sign of how patient he was. Or how long before he was allowed live rounds and some trigger time. Fleeing the compound with a old Mosin-Nagant rifle on his back, a canteen of water, and his favorite horse, it wasn't expected he'd show up anytime soon. Yet he survived in the wilderness, becoming a poacher, and on occasion when hunting was lean, a hitman. His natural charm and skill with a rifle somewhat impressed the locals, a fact which he started exploiting, trading animal pelts and teeth for ammo and other nescessities. However, soon the heat became too much for him, both figuratively and literally, so he started looking for a way out. As luck would have it, Baroness had heard rumors about this daring man's skills, and made him a offer. It's rumored he accepted as soon as he saw a photo of his new boss, but there probably isn't any truth to them. Hobbies: Horseback riding, hunting, meditation, collecting stuff for his secret shrine to Baroness. 
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Name: Goktas Muhiddin Codename: Askari DoB: March 5, 1983 Former Affiliation: Special Forces Command, Turkey Orientation: Het Specality: General Combat Bio: [REDACTED] Hobbies: Wargaming, Baccarat, playing Overwatch (Reaper Main), and cross country running. 
BONUS: The leader of Athene, The Baroness’ personal paramilitary unit (because her boyfriend has the Iron Grenadiers and she can’t stand not being having an army of her own)
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Name: Moira Burns Codename: Lozen DoB: December 19th, 1980 Former Affiliation: 1st Marine Battalion, A Company Orientation: Gay, currently engaged to a Track-Viper and a Rock-Viper at the same time. Bio: Why Moira left the Marines is a matter of some debate amongst her new command. Some claim that she was forced out before Don't Ask was repealed, and held a grudge over the matter. Others make the argument that the "Apricot Incident" was the last straw for her military career. And then we just have people who think she joined out of true love. The answer may never be known, as all parties involve remain silent. What is known is that she left the Marines with a bit of ax to grind against them, which made her rather appealing to the Baroness. Why she picked Moira for the Athene unit's lead isn't as concealed. According to Baroness: "Moira's professionalism and aggressive leadership style made her a perfect fit for the Athene Unit", which has been accepted as the gospel truth. Or at least nobody feels a desire to really push matters much further past that. Hobbies: Burning down Apricot trees, movie reviews, dog breeding, and weight lifting.
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following-the-drum · 6 years
Torts, Gavels, and Sleighbells
A Harlots Holiday Fic for Harlots Week at the beginning of September... well when the muse hits you! 
Characters involved: Idk um like two characters... Violet Cross and Josiah Hunt
Parings: I recommend a nice brandy (If you are of age) or a tea 
Ratings: Well surprisingly not much to give it any higher than a teen for language!  
Warnings: Don’t read this fic and drive at the same time. Uh use protection? Um the writer (me) is insane? This is my first Fanfic of this variety? Also American so attempting at remembering what traditions British people use to celebrate Christmas.... so will definitely get things wrong... I apologize in advance so here it is without further ado this Cracktastic-spastic-fanfic-introduction is in no way relevant to the actual fic in tone...
Snow fell in that wet manner, not at all like the movies the waiting room seemed to have on repeat. Josiah Hunt never paid much mind to any of the holiday traditions keeping rather secular, not that his profession allowed much time to be otherwise. Pulling his glasses from his face while he rubbed the bridge of his nose, the paperwork spinning in his mind. He reached forward and tapped the speaker button, “Miss Cross?” Silence from the other end. He sighed and attempted again, “Miss Cross?” 
His door opened and Violet popped her head in, “Yes Mister Hunt.” The opening of the door allowed one to hear they lobby movie, the singers crooning about snow, snow, snow. 
“How is your girlfriend Miss Scanwell fairing?” He asked looking up, he ought to visit the young woman, a recent near fatal car crash involving a Lord Fallon or some other. This being the same young woman he had nearly asked out on a date not long before. After all  the young Miss Scanwell attended his church, he had learned that the two were dating and now maintained some distance. The girl was now a subject of a case he would soon be part of overseeing. “I was thinking of paying her a visit to wish her well this holiday. Offer my best and all.”
“Dressed as you are she’s likely to think your the grim reaper not a well wishing visitor.” Miss Cross had entered his office and now stood arms crossed over stacks of files. She was wearing a cheery red suit with a Rudolf-the-red-nosed-reindeer pin on the left lapel. A pair of flashing light bulb earrings flickered festively from each ear. 
This only further proved her point as he caught sight of his reflection in the standing mirror of his small closet containing his robe and wig, it was important to maintain a professional appearance, one knew someone in ten steps he reminded himself. A dark crisp business suit not one color in his wardrobe, not even his tie was to be a splash of color against the black and white. “W-w,” He took a moment to steady himself. “-what would you recommend?” 
“Perhaps a jumper? You won’t be on the clock or the Queen’s salary even if you are you could use some cheer yourself. S’also cold outside might keep your” She stopped herself as if catching the word before it escaped her mind out her mouth, “-self-” clearly not the original word. “-from freezing.”
Hunt raised an eyebrow at her, “And where at this hour would I find such a jumper?” It was late enough in the evening and with the weather. 
“Well you might want to try opening the gift I gave you,” Violet gestured to the now buried under mail package. 
Hunt looked over and felt embarrassment creep up reddening  his face. “Miss Cross, I didn’t expect. Th-that is I didn’t get you anything.” 
“You could give me the holiday’s off, I’d like to spend time with my friends.” Violet looked at him. “Perhaps have my monitoring anklet removed?”
Josiah looked at her, “I’ll think about it.”
“ ‘course you will.” A look of disappointment mixed with what others would note as resentment. 
“Miss Cross, I must remind you, when you took this opportunity you agreed to the terms.” He had pulled his hands together almost like he was going to start praying. “Probation is not meant to be a permanent punishment, your freer than a cell.” He added. 
“Yes Sir,” Violet barely concealed the eye roll as she opened the door of his office. 
“And Miss Cross one more thing, if you could bring me a cup of tea that would be lovely. My office is rather cold today.”
“Or maybe it’s your heart,” She muttered under her breath.
“Wh-what was that?” He asked.
“Yes Sir.” She left his office giving him a forced smile. 
He sat at his desk and waited for a moment before going over to the package. Paper sporting holographic snowflakes on a green background, it was clearly wrapped with care topped with a bow with a candy cane pattern, now squashed. He was careful to unwrap the package folding the paper setting it aside he opened the box pulling back the tissue paper and felt a soft smile break over his face. Despite the short time of her working for him she had noted that he enjoyed reading and while he stayed to scripture mostly he did occasionally delve into fantasy literature. Upon a black background of cashmere was a Santa residing upon a throne of candy canes holding before him a candy cane like a sword stabbed into the ground. It was clearly a parody of Game of Thrones a book series, he hoped would be finished soon given the age of the author. 
Dark lense filtered eyes fell on the calendar, Miss Cross had been working for him in a form of internship rather than spending time in prison. An odd program he might turn into something bigger should it work well for her. He wasn’t completely heartless, she had worked hard and more than often proven herself to be much more reliable than initially thought. There was little he could do for the anklet being removed and he wasn’t certain that she was ready for that. His eyes drifted to the jumper still resting in the box in front of him, it was rather cold in his office. 
After some time he went out of his office as the day was coming to a close, perhaps she had gotten distracted and forgotten about his tea. That was fine, he didn’t need it now. The lobby movie had been shut off and the lights out. “Miss Cross?” He saw her getting ready to leave a warm hat pulled over her head. 
“Yes?” She looked up at him clearly tired or annoyed, with her the expressions seemed to be intertwined. 
“About the holidays, I suppose it wouldn’t be so har-hard to give you the day off or two, after all it is Christmas and perhaps allow for your anklet to be given a broader radius during those two days. I expect you to be back in your usual radius by the day a-after-” He had looked away from her as he continued holding out the letter bearing his signature and permission. 
Violet looked at him then spied the jumper pulled over his shirt neatly under his coat and a smile broke out, “Seems you aren’t such a Scrooge after all.” She took the letter then handed him a lukewarm mug of tea. “Sorry I forgot your tea Mr. Hunt.”
He allowed a soft tug of his own lips to turn up slightly though his lips were still rather tight-lined. Taking the mug of very over brewed tea.  “It’s alright Miss Cross, I can only imagine I’ve been a bit of a-”
“Git?” She blurted out then chuckled.
Hunt nodded, “That’s one way of putting it.” He was warmer now due to her gift. “Thank you for the Jumper, no one has given me such a thoughtful gi-gift in years.” 
“Thought you could use some color,” Violet smirked. “See you after the Holiday and Merry Christmas Mr. Hunt.” She nodded and left to finish up.
“Merry Christmas, Miss Cross,” Hunt smiled as he went back into his office. 
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architectnews · 4 years
The Box Plymouth Cultural Centre
The Box Plymouth Cultural Centre Building, St Luke’s Church Renovation Images, Devon
The Box and St Luke’s Church, Plymouth
28 Sep 2020
The Box, Plymouth
Architects: Atkins
Location: Plymouth, Devon, South West England, UK
Project Overview:
The Box is a £46m project to transform Plymouth’s Grade II listed museum, library and adjacent church into a cutting-edge facility, boasting interactive collections housed in an exhibition space three times greater than the site’s original size.
The aim of the project was to bring together disparate heritage collections, contemporary arts and the archive into a single entity – a unique proposition in the UK.
Atkins multi-disciplinary design team provided the creative and technical expertise to enable the realisation of this transformational construction project for Plymouth City Council. The scheme comprised the alteration, refurbishment and extension to three Grade II listed buildings to incorporate museum exhibition halls, GIS compliant art galleries and specialist PD 5454 archival stores, while externally a new piazza has been created to unify the heritage and arts complex.
The Box provides a heart to the new Cultural Quarter of the city, and its 2020 opening aligns with the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower sailing to America.
Key Facts:
A £40m project to transform Plymouth’s Grade II listed museum, library and adjacent church into a cutting-edge facility boasting 7 galleries and 6 exhibition areas, in a space three times the original site’s size.
The weightiest component of the building – the archive – sits on the top floor of the new museum and, thanks to the redesign of the lower floors, boasts a double cantilever; overhanging 8m to the east and 2m to the south, 10m above the ground.
The archive, which will house 24,000 boxes, has been designed to maintain stable temperature and humidity conditions with minimum reliance on mechanical controls.
A 55m² lobbied frozen store has been incorporated into the basement below the main space, formed from 300mm thick concrete to provide four-hour fire compartmentation.
A new piazza links the buildings and is framed by pleached trees and a grid of American Elm trees, representative of the state tree of Massachusetts. In addition to providing enhanced biodiversity on site, the trees nod to Plymouth’s historic links with North America.
A live, shared model was created during the design process, exceeding the requirements of BIM Level 2. The model enabled rapid assessment of the area and an understanding of the form and scale of the site’s new design. It has been reused by the wider consultant team and the client’s exhibition designers.
Museum and Library
The original museum and library buildings were completed in the early 20th century. Though built four years apart, the unifying appearance of the Edwardian facades gave the impression of a single building.
Working in collaboration with exhibition designers, Atkins’ design has seen the existing buildings converted into interactive exhibition spaces, home to a giant mammoth gallery, a flotilla of 14 original naval ship figureheads, the oldest ‘coat’ in Europe and interactive maps. Leader of Plymouth City Council, Tudor Evans stated:
“The concepts look incredibly exciting. Atkins has come up with a really striking building and some of the interior spaces will be jaw-dropping.”
The Box has a national collection, with the most valuable artefacts arranged in a secure public room, which also doubles as the study room for the whole collection. Paying homage to William Cotton III, who donated a substantial collection to museum in 1816, the room is based on an Edwardian gentleman’s living room.
Capping off the space is the ‘archive in the sky’, the façade of which is made up of 149 panes of glass. The archive houses the most valuable artefacts in the collection in a closely controlled environment. It spans beyond the perimeter of the building, overhanging the entrance and terrace area in a contradiction that sees the heaviest part of the building floating 10m above the street. The movement of the archive into a top floor ‘box’ was a key component in Atkins’ design. Internally, moving the records has afforded visitors greater movement around the rest of the site and its exhibitions. From an external perspective, the archive peeks above the surrounding buildings to signpost its presence and highlight the site’s main entrance.
A new atrium has also been built, adjacent to the original site – connected via a glazed slot providing a visual separation of the old and the new. It is home to the reception area, a café and shop, as well as a new study space on the first floor.
St Luke’s Church
Built in 1828, St Luke’s Church has been sympathetically restored to showcase its classical façade of tetrastyle Tuscan pillars, while a new chancel window has been created by international glass artist Leonor Antunes. Inside, the GIS-compliant space has seen the original pews removed and an exhibition space created on the new mezzanine.
Originally ‘crowd funded’ and built by the people of Plymouth, the church is now returned to the city for cultural use.
The piazza – the first public square to be built in Plymouth since 2004 – encompasses the former Tavistock Place Road and the demolished garaging to the side of St Luke’s Church. The area forms the link between the two buildings of the complex and is fully serviced to support external events, exhibitions and food outlets. The piazza is framed by pleached trees to the north boundary and a grid of American elm trees, representative of the state tree of Massachusetts. In addition to bringing biodiversity to the area, the trees give a nod to the city’s historic links with North America.
Integrated Conservation Management Plan – Conservation Management Plans (CMP) were required by the Heritage Lottery Fund for both the listed buildings and for the collection. Conservation specialists from Atkins and Faithful+Gould worked proactively with the collection managers to establish and create the combined CMP.
Live model – A 3D working model of the site was created to showcase the design to the client team. It enabled rapid assessment of proposed ideas and assisted in visualising the form and scale of The Box, both internally and externally. The model has also been used productively by exhibition designers and interior visualisers. By offering a variety of viewpoints from around the city, Atkins was able to demonstrate to the planning authority, Historic England and the Victorian and Edwardian Society as to why the height of The Box is architecturally optimised.
The gravity defying structure – Atkins’ architectural concept for the site included a four-sided box to house the archive, which would sit atop The Box and be supported on a double row of 10m high square columns, split by the first-floor mezzanine. The redesign of building access on the lower floors meant that an external double cantilever was required for the archive, spanning 8m to the east and 2m to the south. The height of the perimeter walls together with the provision of internal cross walls was used to achieve this cantilever, and a row of unbroken 10m columns on the external façade provided further support beyond the stair cores to the north and south.
Suspension of historic figureheads – During the construction works, 14 historic naval ship figureheads benefited from comprehensive conservation treatment and are now suspended within the entrance space of the new extension.
A specialist team of conservation consultants analysed the figureheads and, in consultation with Atkins, devised a method of support that could be fixed to the soffit of the completed archive without compromising the structural integrity or the four-hour fire compartmentation.
GIS in the church – In order to operate as an exhibition space, the church had to meet the requirements of the Government Indemnity Scheme (GIS). Stable internal conditions and security were essential components to be addressed. Atkins was tasked with solving these challenges in a manner that did not detract from the original quality of the space in the church. The outer walls of the main church building were lined with a deep exhibition wall concealing extensive air-conditioning equipment, this wall provided the robust support structure for fixing of the indemnified art works, and the linings contained reinforcement at window positions to protect against intrusion.
Leaded glass lightboxes – The external windows in the church were in poor condition. The lead and the bronze reinforcing bars had corroded and were no longer water-tight; the painted and stained glass was incomplete; and the leaded panes were bowing under their own weight. The windows were removed and taken to a specialist conservation studio for repair and replacement of the lead. However, natural light from the windows was deemed detrimental to the public gallery proposed to be housing within the church. Atkins’ solution involved creating permanent display walls inside, within which a deep, top-lit lining was provided so that when viewed from outside the church appeared to still possess internally lit stained-glass windows. These tall shards of light now animate the north wall of the church.
Controlled environment – The archive has been designed to maintain a stable temperature and humidity, with a minimum reliance on mechanical controls. The external walls, roof and floor provide thermal and hygroscopic mass to prevent internal fluctuations that could be harmful to the collection.
This is achieved via the 300mm thick concrete shell. Apertures opening directly into the archive are avoided as these would form weak points; every entrance is lobbied, smoke vents are via a secondary space, and pressure vents are avoided as a gaseous fire suppression system is not required. Mechanical ventilation is provided for regular public tours and is electrically powered via the solar panels concealed behind the parapet of the archive box.
Services Provided
(RIBA Stage 1 – 7 inclusive with selective CDPs)
– Architecture
– Conservation Architecture
– Landscape Architecture
– Conservation Surveyor (Faithful+Gould)
– Structural Engineering
– Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Engineers
– Civil Engineering
– Highways Engineering
– Interior Design and Space Planning
– Heritage Consultant
– Principal Designer
– Cost Consultancy (Faithful+Gould)
– Planning Consultancy
– Access Consultant (Faithful+Gould)
– Acoustician
– BREEAM Consultancy
The Box and St Luke’s Church Plymouth – Building Information
Sub-consultancy appointment for Project Management – Ward Williams, Contract Administration – Ward Williams, and Clerk of Works – Gage Tupper.
Main Contractor – Willmott Dixon
MEP Contractor – T Clarke
The project was completed in partnership with main contractor Willmott Dixon and an extensive sub-contract team, almost 80% of whom were from the local PL postcode area.
Start date: November 2014
Completion Date: February 2020
Key Contacts:
James Harrison, Project Design Director, Atkins
“Working closely with Plymouth City Council over the past few years, this project has been a great opportunity to demonstrate our multi-disciplinary expertise to deliver a project that will benefit the local region for decades to come. The sympathetic transformation of the Grade II listed buildings into a cutting-edge interactive centre is a great demonstration of how the old and the new can so beautifully blend together. It’s great to see the doors open and the public able to experience all that The Box has to offer.”
Kevin Presland, Senior Architect, Atkins
“The Box has been a rewarding project for Atkins, drawing upon the broad skillset of our multi-disciplinary team, while personally it has been a great opportunity to make a positive contribution to my student city through the creation of a vibrant new public space that provides improved public access, showcases six of the UK’s national collections and ties together the area’s heritage with modernity in the city’s new cultural quarter.
“The play of light and reflection in The Box’s design is one of my favourite features; the ever-changing appearance and colour of the cladding reflecting the weather; the passage of the morning sun across the South Hall defined by the curtain walling mullions and the figureheads; and the afternoon sun reflected onto St Luke’s from the glazed façade.”
Councillor Tudor Evans, Leader of Plymouth City Council
“We have an epic history and some incredible archives – from an Elizabethan document dating from 1587 that gave Sir Francis Drake permission to be a privateer, to the city’s Bomb Book and of course, the original pasty recipe.
“For too long, we haven’t been able to show them off. Part of The Box’s vision was to create a dramatic and suitable new home for Plymouth’s treasured collections and now we have one. This is cultural regeneration at its best.”
Caroline Cozens, Programme Manager for The Box, Plymouth City Council
“We wanted to put our incredible archives front and centre of The Box and where these precious documents should be stored formed a key part of the design. Rather than being in a warehouse or in a basement we wanted them to reflect how important they are by creating something bold and striking. The Box is on a dense inner-city site and the only way to build was up.”
Robert Woolcock, Director, Willmott Dixon
“The Box is so much more than a construction project – it’s an opportunity to bring Plymouth’s past into the present and create a legacy for the future. We are very proud to have been involved in this landmark project that supports and preserves Plymouth’s history and culture for new generations as well as providing an iconic attraction for visitors.”
Previously on e-architect:
The Box in Plymouth
Architects: Atkins
Location: Plymouth, Devon, South West England, UK
The Box and St Luke’s Church Cultural Centre in Plymouth
Architects: Atkins
Photography: The Box Museum Plymouth – Wayne Perry
The Box and St Luke’s Church Cultural Centre in Plymouth images / information received 050220 from Atkins
Location: Plymouth, Devon, England, UK
Plymouth Architecture
Plymouth Buildings
The House in Plymouth Design: Burwell Deakins Architects photograph © Christopher Heaney Plymouth University Building
Pavilions Arena Plymouth Design: BDP picture from architects Pavilions Arena Plymouth
Plymouth Theatre Royal Design: Ian Ritchie Architects Plymouth Theatre Royal : Stirling Prize nominee 2003
University of Plymouth – Roland Levinsky building Design: BDP + Henning Larsen University of Plymouth Building
Bircham Park masterplan, Derriford, North Plymouth Design: S333 Architecture + Urbanism Plymouth Masterplan
Liveable Exeter Design: LDA Design image courtesy of architectural office Liveable Exeter Devon housing
Devon Architecture
Somerset Buildings
Eden Project, Cornwall Design: Grimshaw Architects
Devon Architects
Comments / photos for The Box Plymouth Cultural Centre page welcome
Website : Plymouth
The post The Box Plymouth Cultural Centre appeared first on e-architect.
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