#Comparative Marketing
pooinfotech-turk · 3 months
Digital Marketing And Traditional Marketing: 10 Comprehensive Key Insights
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In today’s fast-paced world, choosing between digital marketing and traditional marketing has become an essential part of any business strategy. With so many different methods and platforms, it can be difficult to decide which approach to use. Should you go digital, stick to traditional methods, or use a combination of both? This blog will explain both digital marketing and traditional marketing, their benefits and effective It is intended to help you understand how to use it. Dive into and explore the world of marketing in an easy-to-understand and practical way tailored to your business needs. 
What is traditional marketing?
Traditional marketing refers to techniques that have been used for decades to reach consumers. These are techniques that you’re probably familiar with because they’ve been around for a long time. Let’s look at some common forms of traditional marketing:
1. Print Advertising:
2. Radio Advertising:
3. Direct Mail:
4. Outdoor advertising:
5. Telemarketing
What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing, on the other hand, uses the Internet and electronic devices to reach consumers. This is a new form of marketing, but it has quickly become essential for businesses of all sizes. Given below are some common types of digital marketing.
1. Social Media Marketing :
2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
3. Content Marketing
4. Email Marketing
5. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
6. Affiliate Marketing
Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing : This blog post dives deeper into the topic. Read the full article here: https://pooinfotech.com/digital-marketing-and-traditional-marketing/
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blueskittlesart · 7 months
imposter syndrome exiting my body every time i enter sequential art class
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autisticvampireclub · 9 months
I think being a tiny borrower size vampire would be So Good. Like in some media vampires can become giant human-sized bats so what if they can also do the reverse (tiny bat-sized human.) Itty bitty bitey person… you’d never have to worry about hurting someone when you drink their blood bcuz your so small!! They’d probably barely even be able to feel your fangs. You could use a mint tin as a coffin… Imagine…..
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front-facing-pokemon · 4 months
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thegreatyin · 4 months
it bothers me so much when people describe indie rpgs as being "undertale-like" because. do you actually mean it's like undertale in the real and interesting way (deceptively well-written rpg with a lot of genuine heart at its core, plus a metanarrative that explores player agency and choice in video games) or do you just mean it's like undertale in the bland surface level engagement way (hashtag quirky rpg with goofy humor!!!!!!!!!!! woah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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mercymaker · 3 months
the key to surviving this like/reblog ratio and content quality drop crisis is to make things you enjoy, right? right????
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dailybotany · 3 months
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Rhodiola rosea - roseroot
Found on cliffs, ledges, and sea-beaches in Arctic and sub-Arctic/boreal regions, this plant is threatened in several countries and is listed by CITES in Appendix II (not necessarily threatened/endangered, but requiring trade regulation to avoid "utilization incompatible with their survival).
In recent years, populations have shrunk dramatically as the herbal medicine market has increased demand for Rhodiola rosea to "treat" a wide variety of ailments, despite the fact that mild anti-anxiety/stress effects are the only effects that have received any support from peer-reviewed studies (source). Supply for this market is entirely sourced through wild harvest and is the greatest threat this species currently faces.
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femmeidiot · 2 months
I am literally safe nowhere on the internet I'm losing my fucking mind
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queenofmalkier · 2 months
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Day 11: Moghedien
Softly, softly in the shadows.
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kivaember · 4 months
Do you think Walter ever recieved augmentation surgery? Also, given how he sees it as part of the "carnival of horrors" his father created, do you think that he would've been against Michigan getting it?
(It's never directly stated, but I'd assume Michigan is augmented because he ranks directly behind Freud in the arena, so it would kind of make Freud less of an anomaly for being so good despite never recieving the surgery.)
okay i went on a long ramble by accident so cut it is!
In APV, Walter and Michigan are baseline humans! In fact, Michigan briefly considered getting augmentations when the "safer" Gen Seven augmentations came out after ironing out all the fatal flaws in the previous two generations, but Walter went on an anti-augmentation screed so intense that Michigan was just like "whoa fuck okay fine I won't get them."
(Later, Michigan was genuinely grateful Walter talked him out of it, because he realised that the augmentations didn't really give much benefits to a pilot's capability. Yeah, it gave them faster reflexes and better synergy with their AC, but that didn't trump good old experience and skill, which Michigan has in bucketloads. He found a lot of vindictive delight in trashing Arquebus pilots who had the most "modern" augmentations when he remained as a baseline human).
but as for a serious answer/ramble: AC6 is pretty upfront with who has augmentations in their arena profiles, so really it's just up to personal headcanons for those where it's not explicitly said (Michigan, Flatwell, etc). But usually I assume that if the arena profile doesn't say anything about augmentations, I consider them a baseline human... unless they're Flatwell and I augmented him for plot reasons in apv dhdshdf
like, it's my personal hc that late Gen augmentations are overhyped, likely due to aggressive corporate marketing to conceal how the late Gens are inferior to the Coral-augmentations. The hint to this was with Swinburne's arena profile, where it stated that the Gen Sevens didn't give the "usual" drawbacks to its user... but also gave negligible benefits ("This granted him enhanced aptitude as a pilot without the usual complications—but with no obvious indication of either efficacy or potential side effects, Swinburne's fears and doubts turned into an overpowering paranoia.") - and also V.VIII Pater's low ranking in the Arena.
Pater's a Gen Ten, the most modern augmentation that's commonly practiced by AC6 time, and Pater is... a painfully average pilot amongst the other named characters. He's sits at 16/C, where Chatty, Carla and Honest Brute rank higher than him, and they're not career mercenaries. In fact, quite a lot of augmented humans rank low in the arena comparatively to other pilots who don't have augmentations - Thumb Dolmayan doesn't have them, even, he's just a Doser who gained enlightenment by huffing so much Coral he accidentally made Contact, and he's 4/A.
tl;dr Freud is probably a notable figure for being a baseline human in the Vespers, because Walter introduced the Vespers as Arquebus's "in-house augmented human AC squad". The fact that V.I is a baseline human probably throws people for a loop, since the group is commonly known as a group of augmented humans - no doubt to showcase Arquebus's augmentations.
The corporations probably do a lot of barking about how augmentations make the AC pilot, because it's a marketing thing. But when you step outside of the neat lines of corporate warfare, it becomes more apparent that augmentations mean nothing if you don't have the experience or skill to back it up. A Gen Ten pilot used to conducting harassing operations against poorly armed union workers would find themselves floundering against n independent mercenary who's a baseline human that's cut their teeth against various opponents across the galaxy.
Oh hm this turned into a pretty big ramble but... this topic interests me, tbh! It's fun to think that the corporations make a big thing about their super special augmented humans, but it turns out that unless you put in the effort to properly train them or give them experience, they don't measure up against an ex-Doser running around in a souped up BASHO. The fact that people commonly think that augmented humans are superior pilots is because it's a shortcut to a boost in capability, and because the corporations are aggressive in their marketing and publishing successful results to ensure there's a demand for it.
anyway i hope all that rambling made sense sdhffh im very sleepy right now...
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joelletwo · 10 days
Just want to read a thread that mentions phones fitting in pockets to see if other ppl are actually living lifestyles w their giant ass phones u can only find nowadays or if everyones lying to me <- was pissing me off phone shopping again. Find out its reddit party line to go um women dont actually want clothes w pockets if they did theyd just Buy Them smh women be wanting their asses to look too good its all they care about 🙄 hey can i kill you?
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youssefguedira · 3 months
if i really wanted to i could contrast the old guard 2020 and diabolik 2021 as comic book adaptations and the different ways they approach both adapting their source material i.e. diabolik as an adaptation is both paying homage to its source material constantly and regularly reminding you that it is a comic book adaptation whereas the old guard is more trying to make a regular action movie based on a comic book, drawing occasional visual parallels that won't be recognisable unless the viewer is familiar with the source material. both are also adapting the story in some way for film, but diabolik stays much more strictly to the book it's adapting while the old guard makes a lot of changes (afaik there's almost nothing from the comics verbatim) but keeps the core of the story and essential scenes in. something interesting there about diabolik reminding us of the series' origin as comics probably due to a) its long-running history and b) cultural icon status (source: me and my powerpoint) vs the old guard falling into what i might call the current style of comic book adaptation where the focus is on appealing to a wide audience, comics fans or not, to the point where you might not even know it's based on a comic outside of marketing. but also essentially i think a comic book adaptation should match the tone of its original, which they both do: the old guard is a darker, more serious, more "adult" comic, and so it follows that the adaptation largely follows that tone (save for one or two parts that to me feel very recognisably comic book style), whereas diabolik is, albeit technically also for adults, a different genre / tone. and then there's something else to be said there in the evolution of comics considered adult, e.g. diabolik considered adult in the context of its first publishing because it contained crime and killing but generally becoming considered one of the more tame examples of the subgenre it spawned, vs the old guard being adult in terms of current standards via depicting sex / nudity / swearing / violence far beyond the scope of diabolik, which is pretty much unchanged. anyway these two things are not really connected beyond "both being comic book movie adaptations released in the 2020s featuring notable italian luca marinelli in a somewhat major role as a character who says vaguely ominous things and largely emotes through microexpressions" but it's fun to think about sometimes
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crow-n-tell · 1 year
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I missed you
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I miss you too! Sorry one of my classes is straight GARBAGE. They are teaching me valuable stuff but it all sounds like pig Latin to me so I’m dying lol
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ash-and-starlight · 8 months
i would like you to know that i bought swbts today. don't let anyone tell you propaganda doesn't work
i'm staring at you with big blodshoot deranged eyes vibrating at a frequency not perceived by the human eye gripping your shoulders so tightly kissing you on the mouth etc Blease bestie beloved feel free to scream at me when/if the insanity hits
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gayofthefae · 7 months
edit: oh my god they used the rain fight clip too
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two-tyred-problems · 2 months
guys did you see that the weird AXP Performance whatever team for the f1 movie has social media accounts with fake race results lmao
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