#miruko from bnha is also like this for me
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epickiya722 · 5 months ago
Something that I learned about myself is that I will find characters that people deem "boring" and "not interesting" because there's not a lot of information or maybe involvement in a story from them a lot more interesting than those who do.
It's like when there's too much of a character, while I will still like them, they don't give me that excitement to want to see them as much as a character who there is little of.
A character with just little bit of facts about them actually gets me thinking and motivated to be creative in writing and analyzing about them because it's like "the endless possibilities I can conjure up". That character is like fresh clay to me compared to a character who is an already painted vase.
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theloganator101 · 6 months ago
The Great BNHA Review: Characters or Check Lists?
Oh Characters...
The bread and butter to all stories.
The thing that gets a story from Point A to Point B, the thing that allows us to connect with the story and helps it feel alive. You can pretty much make any character for your story, from the gentle and kindhearted to the more rough around the edges... to making them likable or unlikable. There are many ways to write a character and how they can make your story come to life.
And by bringing this up you know where this is headed... that BNHA utterly failed at expanding their characters into being people we're supposed to care about.
I could make a long fucking list of how BNHA failed every single one of it's characters it introduced but to keep that from happening, I'm just going to either list certain characters or just group them together since some of them share one common thing that's holding them back from being good.
Starting off with!
Shota Aizawa:
He was supposed to a hardass with a hidden heart of gold for his students, but what he ENDED up as was a walking hypocrite who hated Izuku for no other than he was associated with All Might and couldn't control his quirk... and then CONTINUED to give Izuku a hard time and labeled him as the "problem child" like... I don't even have the energy to get mad here, I'm saving THAT for another time in this review.
Oh and then there's him holding up this ridiculously high standard for his students to reach or else he fails them... which is exactly what happened when he failed Sero in the finals but allowed Bakugou to pass for doing the same.
Which again his hypocrisy gets in the way of that!
And not once does he ever get called out or punished for his blantant abuse in power and instead gets complimented and praised for his methods as if he's the next Einstein.
Fucking end me.
The Todoroki Family:
Oh how Hori totally fucked you guys over in the end... Natsu I'd give a pass since he ended on a more believable note, but sadly I can't say the same for Rei and Fuyumi.
As they were never allowed to think bad of the guy that made their lives hell and were instead to jump on the forgiveness train and take Endeavor's side so they can be a "Happy family" again. Which... no, that's literally stockholm syndrome.
Class 1-A:
... (Sighs)
Oh my babies... oh my favorites... look how that monster Hori ruined you all...
He tried to have this found family dynamic for them all, only for it all to fall apart since... you know, they barely interacted at all and got any screentime.
And it also didn't help that Hori had all of them as bystanders to Izuku's suffering, make fun of his interests, and follow Bakugou when he led them to beat him into coming back. So it really doesn't work when you have these things on your mind and fails to convince you that they give a shit about Izuku and his wellbeing.
And the worst part is that they ALL look like they have stories waiting to be told, but we don't get any of that. At most they're only used to fight against the minions while the Cash Cow Triplets fight the big hero.
Every Female Character in this Series:
Oh boy what even is there to talk about? Since they barely have any personality of their own and are only made to be fanservice for the pervs that likes watching anime girls in bikinis. They definitely deserves much better and to be in a story that'll treat them with respect and dignity.
ESPECIALLY to those like Hagakure and Miruko.
All Might:
Oh All Might, how the story did you dirty.
If there's anyone in this story that I feel sorry for the most (That isn't Izuku) It's All Might.
All because of how he started off at the beginning, people clung to the idea that he's a quirkest asshole who Izuku needs to steer clear from... even though he's literally the one to save Izuku from literally living in misery.
All Might deserves to be an actual mentor and father figure for Izuku, not fucking Aizawa who openly expressed his hatred for the boy.
The League of Villains:
I already made a post on how the narrative did them dirty and I don't feel like repeating myself, so I'm just gonna leave a link here while adding this.
What was even the point of building them up to be forgiven by their foils if they were just gonna die in the end? It was all just a big time waster.
And of course, we can't talk about characters and how the author failed them without talking about...
Izuku Midoriya:
Oh Izuku... the most tragic and wasted main character I've ever seen in an anime series.
He started off so strong only to get worse as the series went on. He should've been the shining definition of what a hero SHOULD be! He should've been the one to realize how fucked their world was and strive to change it for the better and to prevent others like him from suffering like he did.
But... we didn't get any of that.
We don't get acknowledgment of his past, we don't get him rising from his pain and become something more. Instead we get a watered down version of him at the beginning who has NO reaction or introspection to anything whatsoever, not to the world they live in, to the way things are handled, and even to him losing OFA.
For some odd fucking reason, Izuku is never allowed to grow out "I'm worthless" mindset or realization that everyone in his life has failed him in one way or another. He just praises it all like the fanboy he is and just stays where he is.
And then there's the fact that he just flat out refuses to ever acknowledge his past in any meaningful way, as whenever he DOES bring it up, he talks about his past self as if he's a different person from him. To which I can kinda see how this could be symbolic of something... But it just doesn't work as it only makes him look horrible for forgetting his roots and just wanting to fit in with the other people with quirks. To which it somewhat feels like "Fuck the quirkless they're useless so why even focus on them?"
He's a hollow version of the idea of his character, just blankly reacting to things in front of him and praising Bakugou for being the best thing to come around. He honestly deserves better and deserves to be with a writer that won't bully him and give him the depth and development he needs.
Now who else am I missing...?
Oh yeah!
Katsuki Bakugou is still trash.
Look forward to the next part.
(Roundabout starts playing)
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bakugo-softski · 6 months ago
Bnha as my personal interpretations of their zodiac sign from people i know irl
Hitoshi Shinso, Cancer: “I care more about my special interest than any of you fucks. Sorry.” Mostly normal, except implying he has a special interest. Would like to know Shinso’s special interest
Izuku Midoriya, Cancer: 👆AYO???
Katsuki Bakugo, Taurus: “I’m suave af and know it. I make ppl wanna slap the shit out of me. It’s part of my charm. My voice does things to ppl. I had a girlfriend for 8 months without confiding in my closest friends abt it. Secret romantic but ppl can tell” I’m gonna commit a fucking larceny
Mei Hatsume, Aries: “experimentation is fun af. Also, I’m gonna go disappear for 9 days and forget you exist. See you MAYBE next next Tuesday.” Real tbh
Shoto Todoroki, Capricorn: “Inner peace? Joy? What’s that? I have more unhealthy coping skills than you could imagine.”
Miruko, Pisces: “i would murder you for one bite of that kitkat. Wym bullying isn’t affection? I said i ain’t doing it. YOU LOVE MEEEEEE AH AH” LMAO slaps
Tomura Shigaraki, Aries: “WE’RE HAVING FUN GODDAMNIT. LEMME BLAST UR ASS WITH THIS ROMAN CANDLE. wyM we can’t tussle in this shopping center. “For the bit” physical altercation is not an adequate substitute for the love your parents never gave you. Yes, even if it works
Toga Himiko, Leo: “I’m a backstabbing bitch. Teehee”
Shota Aizawa, Scorpio: A cutthroat bitch. Has been through some shit. Always tired. “if you saw me in public, no you didn’t.” Ahh bitch
In conclusion:
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redphlox · 8 months ago
Do you think it's possible that we may see the new Todoroki house in the end? I really hope so, although I have a small fear that Hori may have tossed that idea out.
That was one of the very few aspects of Endeavor's atonement arc I actually enjoyed. Him building a new home for them to live in without all the horrible memories from the old home. It would have been a place for them to heal and be a family together. It felt like it was foreshadowing the family being together and whole again. I always loved and look forward to seeing the new Todoroki home in the end, especially since it seemed like it heavily foreshadowed a healthy ending for the Todoroki family.
Although, with what we have currently in canon, I am a little afraid Horikoshi may have flip-flopped a little too much and forgot about the new Todoroki home.
As it stands now, Endeavor can't live alone in the old home because he's going to need a caretaker. Chapter 426 it looks like Rei is going to be his caretaker now. Touya will need to stay in the hospital due to his condition.
I do think it's still possible we'll see the new Todoroki family house in the end. After all, Endeavor had it built with the idea that the family could be together and heal apart from him, and he's still of this mindset. The house imagery has been a common motif throughout the story - look at Tenko and Toga's backstories. Tenko's home is destroyed, Toga's home is destroyed, and their families are gone because they either died and can't come back or don't want anything to do with their kid. But here sits this new, shiny, trauma-free house for the Todorokis who haven't abandoned their villain son Touya and WANT him in their lives despite the hell of it all. The new Todoroki house is there for a reason, narratively. As for Rei being a caretaker - there are many cultural elements at play regarding forgiveness, disability, and the duty of caring for a spouse. However, I personally, absolutely loathe the idea of Rei having to care for her abuser on multiple levels - morally, in terms of justice for abuse survivors, gender roles and stereotypes, and through a disability perspective. It's appalling that she lost ten years of being with her children, only to have to care for the person who took her away from them, especially since one of their children doesn't want to be near Endeavor. Also, not to mention the fact that the caretaker doesn't HAVE to be Rei. Expecting her to be his caretaker negates the guilt he feels about pushing her into a psychosis. "Hey, sorry about abusing you to the point that you threw scalding water on our son because he reminded you of me. Now you have to be my 24-hour helper and look at me all the time, though." It falls flat. He could hire someone. But above all else, if we're talking realistically, I disagree that Endeavor can't live alone and that he'd need a caregiver. My career is literally just this - rehabilitating people from injury and illness, etc. If Endeavor were my patient, I'd say he would be a great candidate for prosthetics and could learn different adaptations, techniques, and skills to become independent. He could even still be independent at wheelchair level, and would require less help than what other manga readers are imagining. There's even an example of this through Miruko, who also has two amputations, just like Endeavor, but now has prosthetics. And even if he needed help (which is completely fine - no one is morally obligated to become independent), he could hire someone to help. Lol. I want to type a much longer, more nuanced discussion about how BNHA frames disability, but that's for another post. This discussion is a lot more complex than what I just stated and I want to touch on many aspects, including how disability is portrayed in the general media and specifics in BNHA. Anyway… I went on a little tangent - but yes, I think the Todoroki house could come up again. I'm hopeful. Hori set these things up for a reason and I'm expecting he follows through. Endeavor and Dabi losing their arms also has set up to bring back a certain gag from the Stain arc.
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villainsandvictimsalliance · 11 months ago
This may seem silly (sorry, please ignore me if you want), but something about the way I keep getting more and more TikToks talking about "how ugly Dabi is" gets on my nerves.
It just sounds ableist to me, like come on, the only reason they find him "ugly" is because he's full of burn scars if he only had a subtle one like Shoto they wouldn't be talking about it.
One of my oldest hit posts here on this blog talks about how even when these characters were fictional, you could still read all the ableism in the fandom from the way they talked about some of the LOV members.
I remember when jokes about Dabi being sooooo stinky were everywhere. When the fandom used to make fun of Tomura's unhygienic look. It's still so obvious when you think about how traditionally pretty heteromorphic characters are popular while massively important heteromorphic characters are just now getting the recognition they deserve.
Don't get me wrong, I think Hawk and Miruko are there exactly to be popular by their looks. They're drawn and written like that. It's nothing bad to love or admire them, okay? Nothing wrong with them being your favorites.
It's just that then people would ignore Spinner or Shoji. I'm happy that Shoji is more popular now and that Spinner is finally getting celebrated, but c'mon...
When it comes to Dabi, it's funny 'cause Horikoshi wants the readers to perceive him as handsome. You know it by the poses and certain highlights. He's also meant to look "creepy" because he's a villain! He should be scary, even uncomfortable to look at. Unnerving in the way your brain knows he should be falling apart, right?
But ugly???
We could have a conversation about real life beauty standards or bnha beauty standards, you know. I don't think it's necessary tho, since we all pretty much know that scars are portrayed as "attractive" as long as they are placed to please the eye and not depicted as something that is gonna make you uncomfortable because they are past wounds after all.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, I guess, but it also bothers me when people would so easily joke about a character's beauty just to reinforce beauty stereotypes... It doesn't surprise me, when certain sides of TikTok are full of narrow-minded people...
Ugliness is 100% subjective and based on what people find attractive or not, anyway. I just hope you never see the "ugh Dabi is so gross looking" side of those arguments.
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husbandograveyard · 1 year ago
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Proudly I present to you, a mini-event: Awkward pillow talk.
As I dive into slightly more adult content on this blog without writing full on smut I found these prompts which seemed to be right up my alley. They are from @creativepromptsforwriting, check them out! They have SO MANY great writing prompts and tips!
Here's the rules for this event:
All my normal rules apply
Since sex is implied: all characters involved have to be 18+ and all askers have to be too. That also means NO ANON requests for this round.
Since I won't be writing smut itself, I will keep the readers genderneutral for this event too. If bodyparts are referred to, they will be ambiguous and tagged up top. I want everyone to be able to enjoy these writings.
Event is open for limited fandoms (ANIME ONLY) ➺ Bleach (old anime only) ➺ One Piece closed ➺ Demon Slayer ➺ Jujutsu Kaisen (new! all anime & movie charas are fine, I will be fully caught up soon) ➺ Hero Academia ➺ Black Clover
I may close a fandom as requests proceed, with the exception of JJK, since that is on my mind now, and I would like to get into writing it proper!
If you want to request but stay anonymous, you can just DM me and you won't be named in publishing the request.
these will be written and published after Spooktober! They will be shorter(ish) writings.
How to formulate a request:
Send me a character and 3 prompts, I want to be able to be a little picky and see who fits what prompt best. I am also going to be picky with characters this round, and only do the ones I have inspiration for! -> I will update the list with what's been taken regularly.
Prompts under the cut!
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“Wanna watch a movie?” “Yeah, sure.” ->
“Should I…? I can just… leave.” -> Usopp | One Piece
“Well, thank you for that. It was fun.” -> Hawks | BNHA
“Sorry for the cuddling. I’m usually not that clingy.” -> Nanami | Jujutsu Kaisen
“Wow. I never thought that was something I would like.” -> Sukuna | Jujutsu Kaisen
“So… that was…” “It was good.” “Yeah, it was great.” -> Drake | One Piece
“Do you… want to stay? We could order food.” -> Gojo | Jujutsu Kaisen
“Have you seen my socks? I think I’ve lost at least one of them somewhere.” -> Nanami | Jujutsu Kaisen
“Well, that happened.” “Yep.” ->
“I’m awful at pillow talk, so… can I interest you in some food?” -> Sanji | One Piece
“It’s only awkward if we make it awkward.” “Agreed.” “That sounded awkward.” “I know.” -> Shuhei | Bleach
“Sorry for laughing, but your hair…” “Oh no, those knots will be hard to get out. You owe me dinner.” -> Geto | Jujutsu Kaisen
“I’m so embarrassed I didn’t ask before, but what’s your name?” -> Kid | One Piece
“Does it also feel awkward for you now?” “A little bit.” -> Ieiri Shoko | Jujutsu Kaisen
“That was great. We should totally do that again.” “Totally.” -> Miruko | BNHA
“Well, it was really nice getting to know you.” -> Hawks | BNHA
“I’m still wearing half of my clothes, is it weird if I remove them now?” -> Bartolomeo | One Piece
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starkid325 · 2 years ago
I have a request :] If you can do lesbian content then I would like a yandere!miruko(from bnha) x oblivious!reader?
Basically, reader is a pro hero and they meet one day. They start getting closer and miruko gets closer to her goal of loving you forever and never letting you go. They are both very affectionate with each other but reader thinks it's normal while miruko thinks she's successfully courting the reader. (Also idk how her name is spelled but it's that one bunny girl prohero, just in case her name is wrong)
I assume you're talking about Rumi, right? Okay then. Here you go! My first request by the way!
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Content warning:yandere, girlxgirl, jealousy, unhealthy mindset, manipulation, possessive behavior, reader is pretty naive.
Yandere Miruko x fem! Reader-Oblivious
You had become a pro hero after years of hard work and training. Your hero name was h/n (hero name). You were quickly becoming very popular among the public.
One day, while stopping a robbery, you encountered another pro-hero around your age. It was Miruko, the rabbit hero.
"Haha, this will be fun!"She screamed, a smile on her face.
You watched as she stopped the robber singlehandedly using her quirk, restraining him until the police arrived to arrest the robber.
"Woah! That was amazing!" You said to her.
'Mirko's not going down!" She replied enthusiastically.
"Can I get your number?" You asked.
"Sure sweet bun!"
"Hey, how about we have lunch together tomorrow? We could try that new seafood place that just opened and get to know each other better! We could become good friends and team up to fight villains" You suggested.
"Sure! Anything to spend time with you sweet bunny!" She said hugging you.
Deep down she was seething. She wanted to become something more with you. She wanted you to be her girlfriend. She did not show her anger though.
Over time, you girls became closer and closer with one another. Miruko loved you more than a friend. You too would cuddle a lot with each other and were very affectionate. Miruko would get rather jealous when you spend time with other people and interrupt your conversations with other friends you had. One day you had plans to go to a party for one of your other friends.
"Hey Miruko, I'm going to my friend's birthday party. I'll be back in town in a few hours." You said calmly.
"I don't want you to leave me! I get so lonely when you're not around! Plus, I don't want you getting hurt,"She said, grabbing onto your arm and giving you puppy dog eyes.
"Okay then! I'll cancel going to the party!" You said, smiling.
Miruko couldn't believe how oblivious you were to her unhealthy behavior. You brushed off her behavior as a sign of her value as a friend and partner.
How oblivious you are, my dear. But not for much longer. Soon you'll realize my feelings, whether you want to or not, Miruko thought to herself.
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karkaday · 6 months ago
Thank you for tagging me! (I'm @bearywarm but I'm using my fandom account)
1. How did you get into reading/writing/drawing femslash?
For a couple of months in early 2020 I was like 10k miles and 8 timezones away from home in a kinda isolated place and a handful of hours of free time a day. I was very bored and on my Instagram explore page i came across some accounts making up fake social medias aus for characters from BNHA
Some of them paired Momo with Jirou mostly as a way to "make space" for the main M/M pairings. Frustrated I went like "there must be some better way to enjoy something like this" and that's when I started reading fanfics on ao3
2. What are your favorite femslash ships?
Momo/Jirou will always have a place in my heart but Fuyumi/Miruko has quickly become one of my favorites
3. Which F/F rarepair(s) do you wish got more love and why?
Most F/F are basically rarepairs and i want all of them to receive more attention but I would love to read more Inko/Midnight and Inko/Rei as a way to explore the various interpretations of Inko
4. What is your favorite thing about drawing/writing femslash?
Femslash allows a much better exploration of female characters while giving them their own agency and complexity without reducing them to one-dimemsional characters
(basically it boils down to the fact that generally speaking female characters are much better written in F/F fics)
5. What is your greatest challenge when drawing/writing femslash?
I'm a very slow writer (maybe because English isn't my first language) so my biggest challenge is finding the time/mental space to sit down and write. I also had lots of real life stuff to get through before i could really write.
A more fandom related challenge is that I'm disappointed about how some of the themes in the ending of bnha were handled. It made the whole manga less enjoyable as a whole. It also coincide with stuff IRL and i couldn't manage to write much. Hopefully I'll soon get back into the groove
Another big challenge both in bnha and one piece (my main fandoms) is the lack of meaningful canon interactions between female characters
6. Do you prefer reading/writing femslash one-shots or longfics?
I usually prefer longfics but there are lots of good one-shots
7. What is your favorite/most underrated F/F fic you have written or F/F thing you've drawn?
I mostly write for the fun of it so i dont really care about numbers. I'm genuinely surprised people read my stories at all!
My least read fic is a short one-shot with a f/f pairing so rare that no other fics have it as a tag on ao3
A fic that i enjoyed writing was Dancing Bears Painted Wings, a momo/jirou fic with the classic amnesia trope. Stats-wise is in the middle for my fics which is quite good for a two-shot!
8. What sort of background pairings do you like to see in fics with F/F as a main pairing?
Generally speaking I don't care about the type of background pairings as long as the f/f ship is the main one but i have a couple of ships that i tend to avoid
9. What are your favorite tropes in F/F fics?
Love me some mutual pinning and getting together but also some classic temporary amnesia or soulmates aus
10. What tone or vibes do you prefer in femslash fics? Crack? Angst? Fluff? A bit of everything?
I'm a big Fluff and Action enjoyer but i like longfics so some angst is often needed to create tension
11. Are there any specific fics or other forms of media that inspired you to write/draw for a specific ship?
Mild-Mannered School Teacher/Adrenaline-Junkie Vigilante by JajaLala got me completely hooked on Fuyumi/Miruko when i first read it and it became one of my favorite pairings ever!
12. Are there any specific F/F WIPs you are working on or ideas you’ve cooked up that you’re especially excited about?
At the moment I'm re-reading one of my old fics because i want to continue that series
13. Any fic recs?
Mild-Mannered School Teacher/Adrenaline-Junkie Vigilante by JajaLala is still one of my favorites (bnha, teen, 136k). Vigilante!Fuyumi. Fuyumi/Miruko with a focus on fuyumi and the todoroki family.
fs in the chat and other forms of emotional support by crossroadswrite (bnha, mature, 4k). Momo/Jirou. Crack. Fun Chatfic with a lot of sexual humor
I know there are others if like to recommend but right now i can't find them, sorry
Not tagging anyone but if you read this and you want to do it, consider yourself tagged
femslash writer/artist interview
I’m trying to get back into interviewer mode for one of my jobs and classes, so I decided to make a (hopefully) fun little game. Feel free to reblog, tag ppl and answer as few or as many of the questions as u want. And feel free to tailor the questions to make them more applicable to u
How did you get into reading/writing/drawing femslash?
What are your favorite femslash ships?
Which F/F rarepair(s) do you wish got more love and why?
What is your favorite thing about drawing/writing femslash?
What is your greatest challenge when drawing/writing femslash?
Do you prefer reading/writing femslash one-shots or longfics?
What is your favorite/most underrated F/F fic you have written or F/F thing you've drawn?
What sort of background pairings do you like to see in fics with F/F as a main pairing?
What are your favorite tropes in F/F fics?
What tone or vibes do you prefer in femslash fics? Crack? Angst? Fluff? A bit of everything?
Are there any specific fics or other forms of media that inspired you to write/draw for a specific ship?
Are there any specific F/F WIPs you are working on or ideas you’ve cooked up that you’re especially excited about?
Any fic recs?
@pianogav1n @jajalala @vriska @linkyychan @thisisej
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lemongogo · 5 years ago
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the-nysh · 5 years ago
I am now prepared to kill, maul and maim for a MNHA/OPM crossover where Garou decides to become a hero and ends up being tutored by Miruko Usagiyama, the only person on Earth with a physique as impressive and mannerisms as unhinged as his. They go on patrol and the crime rate instantly drops to 0% because WHO would even dare provoke them?? Not anyone who wants to keep their spines functional that's for sure.
Wha— H-HELLO!?! 👀 This feral, unhinged bunny girl is also a lone wolf of sorts! Ahaha, together that’d be…Wolf Boy and Bunny Girl omg (and then the readers’ collective thirst explodes off the charts). With one specializing in martial arts hand maneuvers and the other…ruthless kick moves. Unless…she shows him how to behead monsters with his thighs too (Murata would likely be totally into that!) ‘No one who wants to keep their spines functional’ ahaha GOSH (I understand that ref!)
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spidergutz-writes · 2 years ago
HI BESTIEEEEEE!!! soo i was wondering if you could do some hcs for me, specifically i was wondering if you could do which bnha characters would like a fem s/o (not female, just feminine) for me 🥺 like a s/o who likes do their makeup and hair and dress super girly or stuff like that
Now, I am a firm believer that Mirio would be absolutely head over heals for you. He loves how cute you always look, and he just thinks that pink goes so well with you!
10/10 he would spoil you with so many gifts. He’s always buying you Make-up. He also loves watching you do your Make-up
100% brags to others about you. Always showing you off, I mean, why wouldn’t he? He’s just so happy that your his!
”your just so pretty! How could I not stare at you?” feels like not staring at you is a crime.
shinsou is always enamored by your style. He thinks your an angel, sent from the heavens solely for him.
will find nice pink flowers to leave on your desk, or kitchen table.
Definitely calls you princess, no matter your gender. He just thinks it fits!
Sometimes, he’ll help you pick out your outfits, giving a small nod or grunt of approval when you show him your outfits
“you can’t like them all the same! I really need you to help me pick!”
“but they all look so nice on you, princess.. :(“
Toga would love you so much. She likes that you two can match!
definitely goes on shopping stealing sprees with you.
I think she’d try to get everyone else to join in on your guy’s style, but shiggy will very quickly shut it down. Jin might join in
When toga runs out of clothes, or ruins them she always steals from you, so expect to come home with her in your skirts and tank tops.
“your clothes are soooo much cuter than mine! It’s only fair that you share!”
Fatgum doesn’t understand how you can be so gosh darned CUTE?
Seriously, your going to give this poor man an aneurism. Yknow that moment when you think something’s so cute ya wanna squeeze it reaaaaalll hard? Yeah that’s how he feels. Always looking for a reason to complement you.
he loves how girly you are. It’s just so cute to him.
calls you cutie all the time. It’s basically your new name.
“Well, I think it’s only right that I give you a fitting nickname, my cutie 🥰 “
you can’t convince me that miruko wouldn’t love your style to an absolute.
she’s always complementing you, telling you how much she loves your style.
will pick you up randomly just to mumble how cute you look in your all pink outfit <3
she Carry’s you a lot, she doesn’t want your pretty outfit to get messed up! :(
definitely likes that you wear pink. She thinks it complements her hero costume colors.
will do your makeup for you <3 she has such a steady hand.
“my sweet bunny, I’d love to help with anything<3”
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epickiya722 · 5 months ago
If anyone should win the poll and get a special movie, it should be Miruko. She's so overworked and lost HOW MANY LIMBS?!
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gentrychild · 2 years ago
Hi! I'm not exactly a fan of BNHA and most of my knowledge about it came from fics and your blog. Curiosity about Bakugo's "death" led me to read the last 3 chapters, and the newest one confused me. I'm hoping you could shed some light on it?
Why is it important to the heroes that Bakugo lives? To the point an older, more experienced hero is prepared to sacrifice himself to revive Bakugo? Does he have some kind of secret weapon the heroes can use? What makes him /that/ important and vital to the current crisis?
Thanks for the help. I hope you have a fabulous day! (。・ω・。)ノ♡
I think you already know the answer to your question.
More seriously, I have waited quite a while before answering this ask because I wanted to see what the next chapters would deliver and also so I was sure not to be instantly proven wrong after unleashing a vast quantity of salt. But I don't want to wait longer so here are the usual warnings: this is going to be a salt post, this is my opinion and not some absolute truth, and I accept the risk of being disproved.
Bakugou's death and everything that happened afterwards was pointless and cheap.
I personally found Bakugou's "death" very underwhelming because, especially for such a popular character, there are far better ways to bring one incredible death scene. The manga tried to show us that he went Plus Ultra and how much he had changed but the way it was brought made it underwhelming. His death could have brought more damage to Shigaraki. Or, one could have gone in the opposite direction and shown that yes, he didn't stand a chance against ShigarAFO but put more emotion into it to show that he fought for every additional second. Or he could have "died" protecting someone, which would nicely tie-in with his character arc of learning to be a hero who saves people.
Instead, the result was lukewarm. And the fact that pretty much everyone knows he isn't really dead doesn't bother me. But the last chapters did, especially when Bakugou already got seemingly killed by ShigarAFO during the war arc (and got away with only a couple of cool scars).
But what was a "Ah! That happened! Pretty cool quirk application moment and I like the change we see in Bakugou once he is waiting in purgatory with Flame Might!" moment because a clusterfuck of epic proportion with what is done to try to bring Bakugou back.
The asspulls of all asspulls. The most "WTF" moment of the entire manga and I am saying that while fully aware that Mirio twerked in front of Shigaraki one chapter later.
Edgeshot decides to kill himself on the off chance of bringing Bakugou back to life. He intends to fold himself à la Plus Ultra to become Bakugou's new heart, performing one of the most WTF open-heart surgeries ever on the middle of the battlefield while ShigarAFO is stomping on the remaining members of the Dream team.
How does he know how to do that? Is that how one of his parents die? Why is he doing that? Because his generation failed Bakugou's so he must atone and as an adult, he must save the kid.
The sheer troll logic one must attain to decide something like that is beyond my comprehension.
Edgeshot isn't dying at the time. It's not a "At least, my death might save him" moment. No, this is a top hero, who decided that he had to die to save one kid while the Big Three are fighting for their lives. In the time it took him to pull that not-so-life-saving procedure, Miruko has now lost all of her limbs, now channeling the Dark Knight of Monthy Python but hey, at least, she is certainly doing a better job than Edgeshot at trying to stop Shigaraki from killing them all and destroying UA, which is, in case I need to remind someone, FULL OF PEOPLE WORKING TO KEEP THAT THING IN THE AIR.
To answer your question, not only was "saving" (because, again, Edgeshot doesn't even know if it will work) Bakugou detrimental to the whole operation because they sacrificed a top hero during a situation where all hands on deck were required but it might have been for absolutely nothing.
Even if Bakugou, now part jeans and part ninja, starts breathing again, no one sane of mind would expect to get back to his feet and to fight again. 
Now, I will hazard a guess as to why this so-called death was necessary. I could be wrong. But I feel that this was a desperate attempt for Bakugou’s character to have an excuse not to do anything while Izuku is fighting Shigaraki.
Because there has been kind of an elephant in the room for several arcs now.
The manga doesn’t want to outright say that by now, Izuku is stronger than Bakugou. Not just stronger, as in “in a fight, Deku would win”. I am talking about Izuku being in a league on his own by now.
Because here is the thing: you have Bakugou who is a really popular character, who rose to the rank of deuteragonist, and who is defined by two things: he never stops fighting and he never loses. And now that he is fighting the big bad (well, one of them), it’s a problem because if Bakugou wins, that means the entire hero society is incompetent, so is the villain (since he got beaten by a first year) and the MC and OFA is useless. But if he loses or just shown not to be able to keep up with ShigarAFO and Deku and has to stay on the sideline, it’s almost out of character for him because one of the things he keeps repeating to Izuku is “Don’t try to do things alone.” (The Jakku battle and the solo arc, in case you’re wondering.)
I disgress but that’s another thing the solo arc could have been useful for. Really setting up the fact that Izuku can fight with Shigaraki on his own and that he was now in a different power category than his classmates. Instead, we got the “This is the story of how we all become heroes” and the plot must now bend over backwards to justify it.
Also, there is a 75% chance that Bakugou wakes up at some point, with Edgeshot’s quirk, and helps finish ShigarAFO.
So, to answer your question, no, there was no reason for Edgeshot to kill himself over the possibility of reviving Bakugou. Bakugou and Edgeshot had no prior interaction that could justify this. And if Izuku arrived ten seconds later, this sacrifice would have been for nothing.
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justoneacatperson · 3 years ago
Scary dog privilege
I'm just listing characters that I think are the definition of scary dog privilege.
Bakugou Katsuki:
I don't think there's anyone reading this and Katsuki didn't come first to their mind as a scary dog. Although we have seen many memes and jokes about him being Pomeranian, we can all agree that when he is angry he is capable of looking like a scary Doberman or Rottweiler.
Bakugou would be protective over you when you are in a public place. He would growl at anyone who bothers you. Just make a slight facial expression of discomfort and he will immediately jump. He will always hold your hand in his, not letting you move away from him.
Listen to me first, then comment on anything!
Izuku is my favorite bnha character and I'm less or more tired of hearing that he's like a puppy, a cute bunny, constantly crying and blah, blah, blah... and suddenly everyone forgets that this motherfucker has kicked so many villain asses! He is a respectful man who is shy, but if you are his target he will destroy you.
I think we can all agree that he is very caring and protective of his s/o. He doesn't find you weak or that you wouldn't be able to cope on your own without him, but it makes him feel useful and calm by keeping an eye on you, knowing that he can protect you if is necessary.
Izuku would rarely raise his voice or use force against someone, usually he is very understanding, but I would say that he will always intervene if someone bothers you. And I don't think anyone would fight a man who could kill them with just one finger.
Mezo Shoji:
Although he is one of the calmest and most collected people in class 1-A, his appearance radiates a scary dog vibe.
Which I like, but it also makes me sad, because we all know that he is insecure because of his appearance. He wears a mask for this, because he has scared a little girl in his hometown and does not want to scare more people.
On the other hand, it is easy for him to protect you and make sure you are well. You are the person who loves him unconditionally and likes his appearance, so he no longer cares what other people think about his appearance.
I can imagine a scene in which he walks with his s/o and people just make way for him when they see him walking next to you, moving away from you two so as not to bother you.
Rumi Usagiyama (Miruko):
Even if she is 159cm (5'2) she is able to lift a whole elephant!
She also has a pretty wild personality and is protective over you, especially as the No.5 hero she always worries about you and your safety.
Due to her status as a hero in the top 10, many people have witnessed or watched videos seen what she is capable of, so I would imagine the big opportunity for people to move a few meters away from her when she is in a public place with her s/o so that she does not consider anyone a danger to you.
Enji Todoroki (Endeavor):
Do I need to explain?
I think his fans themselves would run out of his way if they saw him walk up to them with you by his side.
Although he is not one of the most physical people in love, he would hold your hand in his, giving sharp glances to the people around him not to get too close.
His face screams "be away"
Nana Shimura:
I think every OFA guard is from a muscular giant to an even more muscular and big giant.
(off topic, I just want to share that I want to be crushed between her biceps or thighs)
I would run out of her way if I saw her walking towards me, even if she was my wife. I think this gives you an idea of what a scary dog she can be.
btw, can anyone give me ideas for fics with Shimura Nana? she is an underrated goddess!
These are the people on my list, if you think there are other bnha characters who are the definition of scary dog privilege I would be happy if you share it with me. :)
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bisexual-queenie · 3 years ago
No one asked for these, but here is my general BNHA headcanons:
- Class 1A likes to watch RuPauls Drag Race together as well as Trixie Mattel and Katya’s show on YouTube. They even like to joke that Aizawa and Mic are literally just Trixie and Katya respectively (unbeknownst to them, both Aizawa and Mic are avid Drag Race watchers themselves and fully accepted that they embody the two drag queens)
- Sero and Uraraka are besties I don’t make the rules. They speak Spanish in front of each other (this becomes relevant later)
- Present Mic can and will sing Brittney Spears at any chance he gets. If they’re listening to music, they’re lip syncing. If they are at karaoke, they’re most definitely singing “Kill the Lights” or “Piece of Me” I don’t make the rules.
- (Ok this is kinda an AU but it might as well be cannon if a certain death didn’t happen) All Might, Nighteye, and Dave are also besties. Anytime Dave comes to Japan, All Might and Nighteye take him to many places so that Dave can experience Japanese culture. They even host parties so that Dave can interact with the other pro heroes. Lmao it’s at these parties that the heroes learn about staples of American culture such as the Cha Cha Slide, the Cupid Shuffle, and the Macarena.
- I have a lot of head cannons about the nationalities/backgrounds of certain characters, so to list a few:
Present Mic is Japanese-Italian (Mom is Italian). They are fluent in Italian because they totally would know more than just Japanese and English I feel it in my bones.
Sero is Colombian-Japanese (Mom is Colombian). In my head, Sero was born in Colombia then immigrated to Japan after his Mom passed away when he was like 13.
Uraraka is Japanese-Mexican I can feel it in my bones again. Her dad is Mexican, but took his wife’s last name when they got married.
Satō is Greek. I have no real reason for this I just saw someone else have this hc and it has been in my head rent free ever since.
Nighteye is Vietnamese-Japanese, born in Vietnam and is fluent in both languages. It just resonates with me.
Edgeshot is Thai-Japanese. It also just resonates with me. He was born in Thailand and is fluent in both languages.
Tamaki is Japanese-Hawaiian, born in Japan to a Japanese father and a Hawaiian mother.
- Every pro hero came to Aizawa and Mic’s wedding. Even Endeavor, who was forced to attend for good publicity or something idk. Aizawa wore a tux and Mic wore a wedding dress that had a mermaid cut at the bottom and lace sleeves that went off the shoulder (can you tell I thought long and hard for this one hc lmao). Everyone cried, including Aizawa and Mic’s parents. Years after the wedding, Aizawa is the one to show Class 1A the wedding pictures after some pestering from them after he lets it slip that they are together.
- This one is random as hell, but Mic, Aizawa, Midnight, All Might, Nighteye, Jeanist, Edgeshot, Hawks, and Miruko all meet up for game night occasionally. A lot of inside jokes get created as a result. (Such a random ass group but I saw it in a dream once and couldn’t stop thinking about it).
That’s all for now! Hopefully when more come to my brain all make a part two :)
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thesofgengar · 2 years ago
in BNHA, wasn’t there a hero who’s quirk relied on eating? Would they be friends with Mikey too?
I don't know which one you're talking about, but there are several!!
To set the stage, in this AU, Mikey is in the current Class 1A, the one that Izuku, Katsuki, and all the classmates we know right now. Adhering to the age order set by ROTTMNT (that is, being a year older than the last), Leo and Donnie are 2nd years, and Raph is a 3rd year, all being in Class A of that grade level.
There are two students in Class 1A whose quirks are directly supplemented by eating (three if you count Iida, who drinks orange juice to fuel his engines, but I don't) First is Yaoyorozu Momo, who needs to eat a lot, because her creations are produced from her fat. The other is Sato Rikido; his quirk relies on consuming a lot of sugar, which lets him increase his strength. In my opinion, Mikey would try to be friends with everyone in class! But of course, he would gravitate to those he could bond with over food, especially Sato, who loves to bake. (There are also classmates he could also bond with when it comes to cooking, especially when they start living in the dorms together, like Izuku and Tsuyu. Theoretically, also Katsuki, but they're kind of similar in a lot of ways, so I think Mikey and Katsuki would be more inclined to fight for dominion over the kitchen)
Another memorable character whose quirk is related to eating is Amajiki Tamaki! His quirk lets him manifest features of anything he's eaten, so long as they're still in his system. Though he is their senpai, he is in class 3A, which means he's friends/classmates with Raph, so it wouldn't be too weird if Mikey had already met him before.
There are also two pro heroes I can think of when related to food/eating.
One of them is Lunch Rush, who works at UA; he's able to increase strength through eating. It's kind of vague since that just sounds like eating in general but there's probably some greater effect at play. Someone pointed it out in the notes of this post I made that Mikey would probably be a fan of his and yeah, somehow it didn't really occur to me. I think Lunch Rush would be a celebrity chef in the same way that Present Mic is a radio host concurrent to being a pro hero if that makes sense.
Finally, there's Fatgum! His quirk lets him make anything adhere to his body and sink into his fat, and his fat is also able to store kinetic energy. I'm also not sure why Mikey being a fan of Fatgum didn't occur to me (in the post I mentioned above, I said I didn't really have any other ideas for Pro Heros Mikey would be a fan of, because him being a fan of Miruko was just clearest to me) Other than being someone that appreciates food a lot, Fatgum is just a lot of fun!! He's so round and cute and smiley, and he wears orange!
I know you just asked about heroes Mikey would be friends with, but I couldn't help myself with the heroes he might be a fan of too!
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