#nana shimura headcanons
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champion-prism · 11 months ago
my secret slightly ooc headcanon for prime all might is that he smokes.
it starts because of gran torino, who would smoke in the agency around nana. strong, brave, basically broken nana, who knows she can't afford to take on vices, not after giving up her baby to fight off that monster AfO. but smoking isnt the same as drinking. it won't make her faculties take leave of her. it won't...incapacitate her. and at the end of the day, sometimes, she just needs something to take the edge off so badly.
so when torino holds out a cigarette, she takes it.
she basically stops when toshinori becomes part of the picture. but sometimes- just sometimes, he'll get a whiff of smoke from her on a bad day. same smell that around torino and the agency.
and when nana dies, and torino smokes a pack a day because it hurts his heart and there isn't a damn thing he can do except training her boy the only way he knows, he can't even be mad when he finds toshinori, sixteen, grieving, aching, unlit cigarette between his fingers as he stares at it.
torino can only be grateful it isn't anything worse, so he tosses toshinori a lighter and tells him to say no to drugs and alcohol.
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spinji · 1 year ago
How old is AFO and OFA
[Mile long post incoming]
Long story short this is a theory/headcanon/thought exercise to keep my brain busy while I'm bored at work. I wanted to figure out a more precise estimate for how old All for One is since his birth is essentially the earliest moment of quirk society emerging and so his life spans the entire timeline of this story which I find interesting. And then the whole thing spiraled into a full One for All timeline of headcanons, so enjoy that.
To start though, it would be easy to guess that he's 120-and-some-change because of Garaki. Mic claimed Garaki would be about 120 (and we're just assuming he's exactly right instead of guesstimating for the sake of things) and Garaki confirms that his quirk allows him to live longer than a regular human lifespan, and when they met, All for One was given a copy so he could also live absurdly long. But I want to try a more exact method to ensure that his generations of adversaries could have actually reasonably worked time-wise. So, we can use Garaki's age to check our work but, reasonably, All for One should fall somewhere in the 120-150 range.
Right off the bat, we do have a frustrating lack of information regarding ages and time passing but there are a few things we can establish. Firstly, we know AFO and Yoichi are twins, so when determining age we can start both AFO individually and the OFA users as a collective at the same point. Secondly, Yoichi and AFO are shown to be the first people to have developed a quirk in the way we see in current time. There were vaguely quirk like mutations in people before that (like with their mother) but quirks as we know them are presented to us as originating from these two twins.
I bring this up because while Yoichi, Kudou, and Bruce are all in the same vague realm of "adult" at the same point in time, Yoichi has to be the oldest of the three. Even if it is only by a few years, Yoichi and AFO preceed any characters with a quirk. And while we're on the topic of Kudou and Bruce, we can safely say Kudou is the older one of the duo. He's confirmed to be the head leader of the resistance group against AFO and Bruce is second in command, so, frankly it would just be bizarre if Bruce was older in age but lower in rank. That being said, I don't think their difference in age would be significant.
Exact ages is where things get vague and headcanon-y. There isn't really any hard evidence I can point to other than "that sounds about right" and "I guess they look about that age" in an animation style that is notorious for just slapping a, borderline arbitrary, age on any design regardless of logic. So, rather than trying to justify it too much, my personal choices for their ages are, at Yoichi's time of death, Yoichi is 39, Kudou is 30, and Bruce is 27. At this point in the story AFO has been amassing power and followers for a while now, long enough for a resistance force to rise up against him but not long enough that he's considered it more than a nuisance for other people to handle until now. Late thirties seems pretty reasonable, possibly a bit too young but this man has also been killing people since he was 0.
For Kudou and Bruce I aimed for the older side of military age. Old enough to lead an operation like this but still young enough that AFO's rise to power was during most of their lifetime. Also, there's the issue of the age ceiling. Thanks to Shinomori (who I will get to), users 2 through 7 cannot have lived to be over 40 years old. That is a hard, non-negotiable cap on their ages as the strain of OFA alongside a different biological quirk drastically shortens a person's natural lifespan.
Anyway, back to AFO's age. If Yoichi dies at 39, this would also make him 39 (duh) and given the climate of the world at this point, I think Kudou lasted the shortest with OFA, personally. He receives the quirk immediately upon Yoichi's death after getting his blood in his mouth (Yoichi probably thought of him in his dying moments aww) and likely a week or two later is when Kudou and Bruce find out about it. The chapter frames Kudou finding out Yoichi carried on into him at the same time AFO has the same epiphany so, generously?? I give Kudou a year. Max.
All for One is now filled with seething hatred for Kudou specifically after Yoichi's death, so everything has been put on the back burner so he can both take the quirk from Kudou to get his "possession" back (ew) and to kill Kudou along with everyone he ever knew, loved, spoke to, looked at, or had any genetic lineage with. Even for a guy this powerful that is going to take a bit. A year gives AFO time to find information and strike down the entire resistance and time for Kudou and Bruce to think of a counter strategy and gain an understanding for how OFA works. So, Bruce takes the quirk at 28, Kudou dies at 31, and All for One kills him at 40.
After Kudou's death is a very big blank spot where I need to unfortunately just blindly headcanon again, so bare with me. Kudou and Bruce's plan was for Bruce to take the quirk and slip away from the massacre of the resistance to build OFA stronger and come back to finish the job. I believe that Bruce met Shinomori while he was lying low. Judging by the one image we have of Bruce confronting AFO, he did seemingly attempt to rally people together to defeat him, which would have taken a bit longer than when Kudou was leading an established resistance, since he didn't already have people under him. But he clearly thought to pass the quirk on again as a backup in case he lost, which is why he chose Shinomori to take it. With time needed to plan this attack and also get AFO's sights off him, I'd give it about five years between AFO's fight with Kudou and his fight with Bruce. It's estabished that Shinomori takes the quirk at 22 so, Bruce dies at 33, and All for One kills him at 45.
Shinomori is actually a very clear-cut piece of the timeline. He takes the quirk at 22 and dies at 40, having passed the quirk to the next user shortly before that because he realized his health was rapidly declining. He keeps the quirk for a total of 18 years, making All for One 63 at the time of his death. Judging by how the flashback panels are structured, AFO has received Garaki's quirk by this point.
Also, we have reached the point where every following user of OFA has been a professional hero, so I think it's safe to assume that each link in the chain met through either being colleagues or possibly through a sidekick internship. I doubt All Might was the first one to think of scouting hero students for successors. I'm going to assume that users 5, 6, and 7 were somewhere in the 16-24 range when they received the quirk for that very reason.
Moving on though, Banjo is the next user. I do think Banjo knew Shinomori for a somewhat significant time before his death. Banjo clearly knows about Shinomori's reclusive nature in some level of detail based on how they interact as vestiges and while it is possible for the already deceased OFA users to peer into the thoughts and memories of the current user, it doesn't appear to be the same retroactively, unless it's something the vestiges want to show the current user. All this to say I came to conclusion that Banjo was already likely a pro hero when he recieved the quirk from Shinomori. Shinomori realized what was happening and reached out to one of the few trusted friends he had to carry on the burden because he knew he could handle it. So I'm going to peg Banjo at being about 22 when he took the power as well. Old enough to be experienced as a pro with enough time to have actually met Shinomori before he died. Just like all the others, Banjo died to All for One after being trapped under rubble and gave the power to En just before he croaked. Given his bordering-on-middle-aged appearance, I'm going to put forward Banjo dying at 37 and All for One killing him at 78.
En also has very little information on him but since we only have speculation to work with, might as well stop apologizing for it. En appears to be significantly younger than Banjo, so I suspect he was an internship student to Banjo while he was a pro. Putting En at 17 when he recieved the power is both enough time for them to meet and get to know each other with En having to take the mantle from him sooner than either of them anticipated. En's appearance is still quite young, but he was confirmed to be a pro hero for a time, so he didn't have as short a run as Kudou. Nana was also already some level of hero (whether student or pro is unclear) at the time she recieved the power. Rather than mentor and student I believe they were fledgling colleagues, since Gran Torino fills the role as Nana's older pro mentor. All of this makes me vaguely place En dying at 25 and All for One killing him at 86.
I already mentioned Nana potentially being colleagues with En as their way of meeting. I still think she may have been younger than him at the time but not significantly so. En is another user that is shown passing on the power while at death's door and the following panel that shows Nana accepting it doesn't make her look significantly younger than how she does in any given scene in the series. So I don't think she was a child when she took the quirk but I'm going to set my guess at 20. But! While Nana is another character without a listed age, surprisingly, we can figure it out a good guess with actual evidence this time. Her son Kotaro, grandson Tomura, and pupil All Might all have stated, confirmed ages that we can use to make a feasible timeline for Nana.
Currently, All Might is 57 and Tomura is 21, meaning All Might was 36 when Tomura was born. Kotaro was killed at 32, when Tomura was 5, making him 27 when Yagi was 36. Nana died when All Might was in his last year at UA, making him 18, meaning Kotaro was 9 at the time. Nana gave All Might OFA when he was in middle school, judging by his uniform, so we'll assume he was 14 and Kotaro was 5. When Nana and All Might first meet, Nana states that her family is all dead, in a cold and distant manner. But that wouldn't be true if Kotaro was still in her life. This would mean that she met Yagi after the death of her husband and after Kotaro was sent away. And I'd wager to bet it was very soon after. Assuming Nana gave birth to Kotaro at around 25 years old (perfectly reasonable) then she would have passed the quirk to All Might at 30 and died at 34 after having the quirk for 14 years, making All for One 100 at the time of the transfer. Gran Torino also states that AFO is over 100 at the time Nana died, which makes this whole thing perfectly plausible.
From here things get a lot less speculative. All Might is listed as 55 at the beginning of the manga, adding on Izuku's last year of middle school and first year of high school puts him at 57. We already established he received the quirk at 14, meaning he held the power for 42 years + 1 year quirkless before All for One was finally killed at the grand age of 143. Which would mean that quirks have existed for just shy of one and a half centuries now and we fit comfortably inside our estimate goal!
Now, I'm one of those bad at math gays so if you have other thoughts on this, feel free to speak up. And you're more than welcome to adopt these age headcanons if you want. Later.
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garvi-oddis · 10 months ago
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I have this headcanon that when Nana was younger she used to be a brute who would pick fights with anyone who goes against her moral values (such as bullies beating up others) for the sake of justice.
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jeathewonderer · 2 years ago
At the point, I'm going to have to start believing in Dad for One after the amount of family relationships the bnha fandom has gotten right. Like we got "Dabi is a todoroki" (which wasn't really hidden) and now "Geten is dabi's cousin/related to rei" like...i know both of those are todoroki-centric but at this point, I'm like i have to jump on the Dad for One and Inko is a Shimura bandwagon🤣🤣
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mad-hatter0908 · 4 months ago
I love this song SO much chat it’s not even funny, I love edits of the OFA users to this
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legitimatesatanspawn · 1 year ago
Sudden question popped in my head: "How old is Gran Torino?"
Dude looks like he's supposed to be 80 or 90 yet he's spry even for anime fighting heavy setting old people.
Note a lot of this is gonna be riddled with a few assumptions based on character design and general character tropes as related to demeanor. The rest is applying math to known or estimated ages.
Also some minor spoilers due to some flashback sequence images used for reference but nothing major.
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Now since this is anime and across many many MANY different anime and manga the original artist or artist team tend to make character visual ages weird. I joke semi-often that kids look like teenagers, teenagers look like adults, young adults look like grizzled 40/50 year olds, and anyone past that look like they're in their 90s... unless you have a character who looks like a child. There's also even odds of the "child" being just that or actually being secretly immortal or 200+ years old.
So its possible that Torino's actually younger than he seems (shit ages you and we know he went through it). It'd also play in to his little prank/joke that he's a senile old man. I know people who look older than they really are due to one reason or another (usually stress) and I know some people in my mother's side of the family tend to look younger for whatever reason. (Some of us joke about having a portrait in the attic.)
But first: All Might is like what, 50? 60? We know he has an active career that's lasted long enough to make everyone else feel like he'll always be there. We also know he got OFA, attended U.A. (and presumably graduated), and then Toshinori got shipped off to America for his safety and to put a whole ocean between him and All Might. And since Gran Torino looked very tall at that time that means that we have a fully grown adult there (adding in to that "old people shrink in the wash" height joke thing).
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All Might was dressed in a middle school uniform when he first met Nana so that means he would've been between 12 and 15 when Nana was shown talking about him to Sorahiko after Kid Toshi's dream and drive won her over. Now he's TALL but that doesn't mean anything since I remember a couple boys in 4th grade towering over our teachers so he could be a very gangly one. But to make the Izuku parallels more strong we can say that the first meeting he had with Nana was when he was around 14 or 15.
But the only thing we can really know is that Torino would have to be at least 20-ish to have a pro hero license. Dude has the attitude of someone who's been around the block a bit so let's add in another 5 years for experience as that would be long enough to know the field. That said the characters we know best from canon with similar attitudes are in their early 30s or late 30s.
So that'd make him 30-something to Kid Toshi's 14.
But there's another character I can use as a benchmark for his age: Nana's son Kotaro. 32 when he died, when Tenko (at the time) was around 5-6. Tomura is 20 by canon's start, where All Might would presumably be in his 50s. Now I always assumed Kotaro was around 5 when Nana gave him up for his safety as that is generally the age when things go start to shit for characters in the setting. It'd also give Kotaro stronger memories of Nana and better awareness of who she was (a hero) and why his kids wanting to be heroes like her set him off (not that he seemed to need a reason with his apparent temper).
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So if Kotaro is 32 when Tenko was 5/6, the man would have been 47 by the time Tomura appeared in canon. All Might - assuming he's in his 50s - would've met Nana when Kotaro was... well, if All Might is 59 at the series start then Kotaro would've been 3, if All Might is 55 then 7, if he's 51 then 11.
You know what? All Might at 55 sounds fair. Kotaro being 7 at that time also means the loss would've been still fairly fresh, explain a lot about how the letter was phrased, and possibly be part of why Torino was a bit leery of Nana picking a kid. All this without it being too close to her unintentionally replacing her son with another around his age.
Series Start Ages: All Might, 55. Kotaro, 45/46. Tomura, 18/19. Izuku, 14-ish/15-ish.
1-A Start ages: All Might, 56/57. Kotaro, 47. Tomura, 20. Izuku, 16.
So assuming all this... Torino could be around 72 to 77 by the time All Might first meets Izuku.
... you can see how crazy I'm making myself trying to make sense of the timeline.
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nerdranttheories · 1 year ago
Small Theory!
I think Toshinori was younger than Izuku was when they met their respective mentors. It would explain why Toshi went from a little poof of a guy to the big boy we see when he’s compared to Izuku at what we can assume are the same age.
It also would explain why he had less difficulty accepting One for All, as he would have had more time to train and bulk up before accepting it. Of course, it could always just be a continuity error but I love looking in between the lines!
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year ago
I mean, En was crying when he gave Nana OFA, so there had to be some relationship there.
And I'd like to think that since you headcanon him being close in age to Izuku when he died, that's why he's more able to get on his level and easily instruct him than the other users would (no knock on anyone except Kudo).
He really hits that sweetspot of firm but not overly harsh, as well as sweet and kind.
Hi @nutzgunray-lvt 👋,
I could see this 100%.
Also because I love this idea have a further development of this headcanon, just like Naruto heroes in this time period are meant to take on three students to personally mentor.
Nana, En and Gran Torino were all taken on and mentored by Diagoro Banjo, Fifth.
Gran mirrors Aizawa here in that he doesn't speak of the tragedies he went through and develops unhealthy coping mechanisms (kicking the shit out of young!Toshi) to take out the loss his two closest friends and his Mentor.
En mirrors Oboro in dying tragically young and being best friends of both Nana and Gran.
And Nana mirrors Mic in trying to keep a positive face in such tragedy.
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sasukeuzumaki-uchiha · 11 months ago
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Tenko Shimura x Nana Shimura
AU: Nana survived All For One
FLUFF, small fanfic
Nana came home after being in the hospital after the battle with All For One.
Nao and Tenko were outside when they noticed her.
Nao: "Who-... OH!! Tenko, it's your grandma!"
Tenko: "But mom, grandma is inside the house?"
Nao: "Your other grandma! You never saw her but she was a hero."
Tenko: "REALLY?!!!"
Without listening to his mom, ran outside the gate towards the woman
He threw himself on Nana to hug her
Nana: "Hello Tenko, it's nice to meet you finally!!"
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bibibbon · 4 months ago
Need to get something off my chest
People in the fandom blaming Nana for causing Shigaraki to be abused and all the suffering the Shimura family went through as well as calling her decision to abandon Kotaro stupid is if someone blamed all the abuse and horrible actions of Enji that the Todoroki family had to suffer through on Enji's deceased father.
Specifically people appear to zone in on Nana's call to not have All Might or Gran Torino check in with her family when it makes sense. She knows AFO has eyes and ears everywhere and will use that to kill those closest to her and those around her as we know since Nana's husband is dead by the time Kotaro is given up for adoption and All Might leaves Japan for the US in order to avoid AFO for that same reason. There is also no way for Nana to know that her successor would wind up as the strongest wielder of One For All and would be the first person to take down All For One.
I'm not sure if you were in the mha critical side of tumblr, but this is a very common opinion here. Nana deserved better, and none of the nana hate honestly made sense.
People shouldn't blame nana for doing what she could to protect her child. She explicitly said that she had done it to protect him, and she didn't willingly want to give up her child. The act wasn't done out of malice but was done out of love. Her husband was dead, and all for one was on her tail. She had to train all Might, and there was no safe choice to keep kotaro. It was a hundred times safer to make a distance between her and kotaro so he could live without the burden of his mother's duties on top of him caring or threatening to cause him constant harm.
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Nana tried her best as a mother, and we didn't talk enough about it. She, at the beginning, was probably the breadwinner of the family, her job making it so that she had limited time with her son, yet from the flashbacks we see that kotaro loved his mother dearly. He loved her that child him simply cried and cried when she was about to leave, he loved her to the point that he kept her picture acknowledging that she was his mother yet despising that she left him all alone. His hatred of nana stems mainly from feelings of sadness and betrayal, which only exist because he loved his mother and felt safe when she was near.
I suppose we don't talk about the fact that after nana's husband died and she became a widow she had to juggle all the responsibilities of being a weirder of OFA, a mother who had to be constantly active in her child's life and a hero who had to save others while also ensuring that she earned enough money to keep her son comfortable.
I headcanon that at the time nana was never a good cook and that it was her husband that usually cooked for the family but when he died she had to take on the cooking duties which was a struggle but we see her actively trying even including her son in the process.
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Giving up kotaro was the most logical circumstance, and I stand by that. I think to a certain extent, kotaro realises that too, and it's exactly why he doesn't blame his mother but blames her job he blames the hero, not his mother. To me, it evidently seems like kotaro separates nana into two different versions : the hero and his mother.
If we follow that belief, it's exactly why the only photo that kotaro has with his mother is so painful. Every time he sees that photo he in a way, is forced to acknowledge that both versions of nana are his mother. The photo shows his mother, but it shows her in her hero attire she is the 7th weirder of ofa in that picture not his mother but the mannerisms, the way she smiles and looks at him is that of a mother's look.
A haunting picture for kotaro. A picture of a mother's love.
Comparisons between enji and nana fall on deaf ears especially when you look at the circumstances and situations that both characters are faced with.
Enji DOESN'T love his children, his actions were out of malice, greed and desire to be great. He sacrificed family for greatness.
Nana LOVED her child. Her actions had a desire to protect, love, and care for her only family, her only offspring. A beautiful light in the world that she doesn't want destroyed by AFO. She had no choosing as I bet if she truly had the choice. She would do anything to love, protect, and be with her child. In a dreadful situation, nana chose the only way to guarantee kotaros safety.
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mettywiththenotes · 5 months ago
Headcanon that Tomura is canonically pretty because of the Shimura Genes and those who knew Nana are aware of this. All Might and Izuku see it in him. Gran Torino would rather die than admit it but he sees it as well
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pocketramblr · 10 months ago
5 headcanons for an AU where:
All for One realizes the sheer amount of quirks he has actually makes him dumber
1- so, while AfO-The-Quirk does grant the user the ability to safely hold more quirks than other people can without straining the body and mind, it's far from capable of allowing the user to have an infinite number of quirks with no strain at all. You could probably stretch the initial limit of about twenty or so quirks, if you did it slowly over time to let the quirk get stronger... But AfO the Guy does not do slow and steady.
2- he steals more and more quirks, and his brain is so busy running all of those, it really makes it harder to think rationally or long term, especially in the aftermath of adjusting to a new glut of quirks. He stole a lot of the rebellion's quirks before killing Yoichi. But the pattern of his thoughts and behavior changing with more quirks stolen, and the lack of that when he's giving out or exchanging them, is noticed by both AfO and the Doctor, though it takes them nearly until the end of Shinomori's life to do so.
3- AfO is actually the one to accept that the more quirks makes him less smart, because then he can blame actions like Yoichi's death on the treacherous quirk ghosts in his head slowing down his brilliance and killing his brother. Still, it takes a while for the Doctor to convince him that giving up quirks would help him think clearly- and it doesn't need to be permanent, he can just store his quirks outside of his body and take the ones he needs when he needs them- at this point, with so much strain and overuse, he can only hold about ten quirks without it affecting his mind, and since he's got to keep the longevity, that means he only has nine slots. Huh wonder if nine is going to turn out to be an important number.
4- the Doctor still has to work to make nomu as functional quirk storage units, and AfO has to train to rely on a small number of different quirks. This becomes difficult as AfO wants very specific quirks then, so the doctor has to figure out how to edit them in such a way. And of course, this whole time they're trying to capture OfA users- to limited effect. AfO did manage a plan to take En alive in their third encounter, but he'd already passed on the quirk at that time, so OfA still isn't his. But this means Nana was killed far less spectacularly than getting nuked, since that would have taken a lot of quirks. Toshinori is trained for many, many contingencies.
5- AfO is distracted working to edit nine specific quirks to what he wants them to be, and on testing to see if he could edit OfA in a user, to change it genetically so it can be stolen, and using the kidnapped Shimura relatives as lab rats to do so, when All Might finds him and breaks his face. Only the doctor and All Might make it out of that one alive, barely. AfO's body is unrecoverable like many others, but Ujiko hopes that with his gene and quirk editing technology, he can make a clone.
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all-encompassing-hero · 2 months ago
MHA fic promts/fics I want to see more of
Some of the members of 1-A (or any of the other classes) asking Shinsou to use his quirk on them for more mundane things in order to help him see that his quirk isn't villainous. (I mostly want this for Shinsou development, but also, I really enjoy seeing the kids use their quirks for mundane stuff.)
Class 1-A finds out Hagakure's costume is just gloves and boots and does something about it. (I've read a few fics with this premise, and I really want more. I love it when 1-A bands together to help eachother.)
Yaoyorozu and Todoroki as eachothers beards. (Or really any two characters acting as a fake partner for their friend to help them hide their actual partner.)
One for All with similar properties as the Avatar state. (Ok, this one is kinda vague, and also not the best description of what I'm going for, so let me be a little more specific. First, past OFA users appear as ghosts that only Midoriya can see. They just kinda hang around and comment on things while talking to him. And second, when Midoriya is under duress, the past users can possess him and act through him as one entity. Creepy OFA is so interesting to me. Also, I think it would be really cool if Nana Shimura could talk to All Might through Midoriya.)
Bakugo can be soft when he needs to be. (I have this headcanon that post series Bakugo uses his aggressive personality more like a mask that he can drop if he needs to. If something actually serious [ex. Someone having a panic attack or mental breakdown] is going on, he'll drop the rude persona to help the situation.)
(This one is definitely more crackfic, but also, it's funny to me, so) Every student at UA is attracted to Midoriya, Ururaka, or both. Even the couples have a hall pass (I think that's the word) for one or both of them. Nothing ever comes of this its just something all the students talk about with each other. Eventually, they all forget about it after they all graduate until years later, at a high school reunion party, someone gets a little drunk and reminds everyone about it. Which also causes Midoriya and Ururaka to spend the entire night going "wait you too" at literally everyone in the room. (Like I said, this is pure crackfic, but I also think it would be really funny.)
Bakugo babysitting Eri and just being the absolute worst influence. Like that girl is gonna kill someone. (Girldad Bakugo)
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deusvervewrites · 1 year ago
So, I personally headcanon that Shimura Nana is the grandmother of Izuku, because it is sweet and the timing could work for Inko to have been born shortly before the 40 year period used to refer to All Might (either 40 years as a pro or 40 years having OFA), but there's another thematic reason that ot works: horikoshi uses star wars as a LOT of inspiration, and in star wars, Yoda tells Luke that "there is another", referencing Luke being vader's child. Well, since the Vader "I am your father" moment refers to shigi being shimura's grandson, what would the "there is another" moment refer to? Another grandchild of Shimura!
the Shimura Inko headcanon is a pretty popular one but at the same time one of Midoriya's strengths as a character is that he's a completely ordinary kid who recieved One For All not because of his destiny or birthright (or because it fucking kills people with Quirks wouldn't that be a dumb fucking idea) and tying him to the Shimura family does take away from that some
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actuallysaiyan · 2 months ago
I'm gonna write a headcanon post cause I haven't in sooooo long
Here are the characters that are going to be in it:
Nana Shimura
Sorahiko Torino
Shouta Aizawa
Hizashi Yamada
Nemuri Kayama
Touya Todoroki
Enji Todoroki
Toshinori Yagi
Tenko Shimura
Keigo Takami
Jin Bubaigawara
Annndddd Inko Midoriya
Am I missing any sexy people you'd like to see me write for within the MHA
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mad-hatter0908 · 4 months ago
Edit time chat!! I apologize for some of the clips quality, I literally CANNOT find any better clips on youtube 😞
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