#Community Opinion
opentalkhub · 5 months
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perplexingly · 1 month
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I kinda wish they bonded over their dead man walking like behavior…
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ale-arro · 1 year
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been going a little bit insane about this sentence from Ace by Angela Chen for the past week
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transgendercastiel · 10 months
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thelittleoddling · 6 months
I keep getting videos on YouTube that talk about how cozy games are secretly not cozy because they have dark elements to them like the war in Stardew.
Apparently this is somehow meant to ruin the coziness? I hate to break it to you but THATS THE POINT.
These games do not exist in a cozy vacuum where nothing bad happens ever. That would frankly be a terrible game and an even worse story. Cozy games are not cozy in SPITE of their dark elements they are cozy BECAUSE of them.
In Stardew yes there's a war, and people have dysfunctional relationships and that's the point! you're in a shitty town living on a shitty farm but you're there to help. you make friendships, and you fix your farm, and you leave the town a little better than when you found it.
In Palia you're living under an oppressive government and everyone has lots of problems. Some people are just struggling to be a single parent, others are on the run from a cartel. It's not light and cheery! but you get to help these people as you work to find your place in the world. I could go on for hours about other games but I think these examples are enough to drive home what I'm going to say next. COZY GAMES ARE ABOUT COMMUNITY, LOVE, AND FRIENDSHIP.
You don't expect your real life friends and communities to be conflict free. Bonds are built on the back of hardship. Lifting each other up. Loving each other and being kind when things are hard.
villagers in both games give me advice on how to do what I need to so I can fix up my property and start life in their town, They send me gifts they think will help with my projects. And in turn I give them a relationship they need. I'm an understanding friend for Linus, or an open ear for Najuma.
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craigularory-joe · 2 months
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Day 3
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astuteology · 1 month
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⚠️ This may or may not resonate with you. All of the observations below are what i have seen many many times, reoccurring.
Edit: so people are getting confused about these placements. Is it coming from the planet or the house?
I'll clear it up for you all. See what sign are they in for example; Sun in aries is exalted while sun in libra is debilitated. Mercury in 3rd house is strong while mercury in 12th is weak.
Sun in someone's 5th house: rejection from them can take a big toll on your mental health, which can make you obsessive and unable to stop thinking about them.
Edit: if the sun is debilitated, it's coming from the sun person. If the 5th house consists of more than 2 aspects or planets, its the 5th house. In this case, sun is the core personality right.. if the sun is weak, it creates insecurities and egoistic nature. So if the 5th house person rejects the sun in any way, since sun is the owner of the 5th house, the sun goes crazy. Now if the 5th house is weak, let's say you have mars, saturn, uranus or pluto in the 5th natal, then you are likely to go crazy for the sun.
Venus in someone's 5th house: kinda same as the above but this placement makes someone come back again and again hoping for a different answer this time around. This placement can turn creepy pretty quickly.
Edit: venus feels very warm and good in both 5th and the 7th, also in the 12th if the sign and the placement are strong without any affliction. If one has Scorpio or aries venus, and the 5th house rejects them in any way, venus here goes insane.
Venus in conjunction with someone else's ascendant: this can make the either party be in denial about the breakup or the rejection. They tend to become stalkers and stalk every inch of the other person's social media. Even follow them home. Pretty scary if it's unrequited.
Edit: venus loves to be friends with ascendant in astrology. Venus being afflicted, let's say it's in Scorpio sign or it's in retrograde or it's making a close relationship with Saturn or mars, venus here goes kooky. If the ascendant person is insecure, let's say it has pluto, a weak lilith or neptune, the ascendant goes nutty. And if both the parties have this... scary.
Mars in the 12th and venus in the 8th: again, if the person is insecure, this can and will turn pretty nasty. They will blackmail you. May even post your private pictures online without you knowing or kidnap you. They can not deal with the break up or the rejection. Something about you rejecting them in any way triggers Something in them that makes them want to put you in your place (the 'place' is upto them).
Edit: mars is not friendly with the 12th and venus is not comfortable in the 8th. Afflictions on either side, creates this dynamics.
Venus in someone's 12th house: yes it can mean unrequited love BUT this can make a person became very depressed after getting rejected or after going through a breakup. In worst case scenario, the person can emotional or physically blackmail you, even threaten you.
Edit: venus feels nice and good in the 12th, since venus prefers giving unconditional love and support. But if one has weak venus (retrograde, martian plutonian venus, etc) venus gets empty here, and it hates being emptied. Same goes for the 12th, let's say you have Capricorn there, or you're 7th or 5th lord is in the 12th. In both the cases of venus and 12th house, the things i mentioned above, happens.
Mars in someone's 8th house: literally the worst of the worst. If either party already had a very low self esteem before meeting the other person, after that person goes away, this can make them come after you and hunt you down. Physical abuse is very much possible. There's no 'moving on' here.
Edit: mars DOES NOT like to stay hidden and in secrecy. So it disturbs the 8th house. The more afflictions here, the more mars becomes psychotic here.
Sun in the 8th house: they keep on coming back omg. They don't understand the word "no". For them, "no" means keep trying. Even if you say you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, they still think they have a chance. They are deaf, they can't hear no.
Edit: sun hates the 8th house when it comes to love and relationships. So if sun is afflicted and it feels uncomfortable in the 8th, or if venus is the lord of 8th or have libra or taurus in the 8th, the 8th house feels kind of seen here and it doesn't like that, because sun and venus are enemies. One likes to stay hidden, other wants to dig deep.
Moon in the 8th; they will try to bring you down in front of people. The types to make fun of your personal conditions just because they think it's gonna make you appear weak. It's just embarrassing and pathetic. You trusted that person with your personal things and this is what they give you just because their fucking brain can't handle the rejection. Moon in the 9th; bad mouthing. Will probably spread false rumors about you and will try so fucking hard to make people believe them, now if the other people already had something against you, they will believe them. Moon in the 1st and the 12th; will appear all good and nice in front of you, until one day you'll hear someone ask you about your personal life, which will get you thinking.. "how do they know?".... well... now you know who tf told them. They will tell your secrets to everyone they meet and turn the person against you.
Edit: moon hates 6th, 8th and the 12th house. Moon is a strong energy and it prefers to stay inside. You know the emotions you show, you rather feel it inside than show it to the world because yk how people can be. If moon or the house gets afflicted, let's say moon is in conjunction with Saturn or any of the above mentioned houses have north or the south nodes, they create toxic energies that i mentioned above.
Mars conjunct ascendant or mars making heavy aspects with the ascendant: although gentle and light, but this has the power to annoy you to your core. This aspect boosts the energy of the either party in the company of the other one which makes them dependent on the other gradually. Now if you have avoidant attachment style, I have a bad news for you.
Edit: see mars loves to be the leader and loves 1st house as well but without any grounding aspects, it gets out of control. Abuse happens here too, whether its verbal or physical. Depends upon the aspects and the planets here.
Mars venus conjunction and square: only GREAT when two sided, a "traumatic scene" when one sided. Now what do I mean by that? You see... we want to touch the person we feel a spark with, right? And if both party feels it, it's an electrifying thunderstorm that takes you to the deepest of the oceans and highest of the clouds. Now if the attraction is one sided... when you DO NOT want the attention, the help, the whatever from that person and here they fucking come again and again in front of your face. They are going to do disgustinggg things (don't even get me started on this).
Edit: mars and venus, masculinity and femininity, yin and yang, it's natural for them to be attracted to each other. Any change in the planets, takes away that attraction.
Mercury or neptune square ascendant or sun: Omg this is fucking annoying. The PERSON that you REJECTED because you DO NOT want to do ANYTHING with THEM and you POLITELY said NO but THEY DONT UNDERSTAND THAT SO THEY KEEP SOLVING THIS LIKE IT'S SOME KIND OF AN EQUATION UNTIL THEY GET THE ANSWER RIGHT. LHS=RHS. They keep on digging deep. They're gonna ask your friends, your family, anyone associated with you about your whereabouts, you number, you address because they don't think there is a valid reason that you rejected them. Now if you HATE when someone continously tries to butt into your life... I am sorry. Good luck with that anger cause they won't be hearing "no" anytime soon.
Edit: mercury is a curious planet, neptune is the planet of illusion, sun is the core personality and ascendant is the physical body of the soul. Square means there's a friction, and the solution is compromise. Now everyone is different, with strong moral authority and strong personality, so one may not want the connection, and the other is desperately after them. If mercury doesn't want to build a connection with sun or ascendant, the sun/asc goes mad, it kinda hurts the ego. If neptune doesn't want to get involved, the sun/asc creates their own perception of the neptune, since it's an illusion. If ascendant/sun does not want a bond with either mercury or neptune, both mercury and neptune tries to dig deep into it. Both can't accept. Both want to know why. It's gonna be hard for any of these placements of see the reality. Saturn NEEDS to be with either of them.
There are more, but this is it for now. Thank you!🤍
Edit: i'm genuinely so sorry for any confusion you had. Hope i cleared it!
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bbbbbbbbatman · 1 day
When Bruce is feeling petty he'll arrange an interview with the Daily Planet and specifically request Clark, then spend the entire interview in character as Brucie, refusing to break no matter how many times Clark tells him to knock it off, and then Clark has to write an article on whatever inane topic Bruce could come up with.
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giatara-selfships · 6 days
I want the general Tumblr user's opinion on selfshipping
Selfshipping is shipping yourself with a fictional character. Someone who selfships may or may not be attracted to real people.
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lowkeylokilee · 1 month
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My two cents on the current state of the community, a bit more under the cut vvv
Before anyone comes for my throat, I am not calling anyone a groomer, I am just wanting to make very clear that their behaivor is considered grooming. Specifically by authorities.
And there is a pssibility that years from now, a minor who has then become an adult looks back at your "friendship" and consideres it grooming and either calls you out or possibly even reports you.
It's not about what it means to you but about how society views your behaivor and how it effects others.
Just because it is not happening in dms but instead in a discord server or your tumblr asks doesn't mean it is not inaproperate. Same goes with how much it is normalized. Just bc other adults in the community are doing it does not mean it is okay- Itis just sadly normalized in the sfw community.
At the end of the day all I can do is say my part on this, but seeing how often I see adults teasing minors when checking out blogs I had to say my piece.
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opentalkhub · 5 months
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sw33tm0urningl4mb · 1 month
Deep/Fun Questions to Ask!
Do you like watching sunsets?
Have you ever started a rumor?
What makes you laugh hard?
What's the last concert you went to?
If you believed in it, what would you be reincarnated to?
What's your current vocal stim?
What shirt are you wearing?
Who or what is on your mind?
What are your favorite pair of shoes?
What would easily win you over if someone gave you it?
What three words describe you?
What's a funny memory you have?
Do you have any drunk stories?
What's one thing you own that you're sure no one else has?
Do you have any superstitions?
What is your guilty pleasure?
What weird thing do you do when you're alone?
What is the worst food you've ever had?
What fictional character would you bring to life if you could?
If you could join a career immediately, what would it be?
What keeps you going during the day?
Current song on repeat?
Funniest inside joke?
What's your favorite piece of jewelry you own?
Favorite niche topic?
What fandom are you currently in?
Most controversial take?
Favorite ship and why?
Do you have any piercings or tattoos, and what are they?
What is your worst & best quality?
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r3medialch8os · 6 months
abed, along with portraying many other niche aspects of being an autistic individual, is one of the only characters i’ve ever seen accurately represent what it’s like to feel genuine anger and wish misfortune upon people who harbor incorrect opinions about movies or tv shows. i get it man. i really do.
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m4rried2the-moon · 4 months
𝑺𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒊𝒐 & 𝑨𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒖𝒔: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑼𝒍𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑨𝒕𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒔
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scorpio and aquarius are both signs that are attractive in mysterious ways. both fixed and both known for their depth, their approaches and affects are much different. this may also apply to PLUTO, SATURN, URANUS and MARTIAN NATIVES & SCORPIO or AQUARIUS VENUS/MOON/MARS or any significant aspects regarding these planets under the sign.
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— scorpio is a fixed water sign, ruled by pluto and mars. known for magnetism, secrecy and intensity
— aquarius is a fixed air sign, ruled by saturn and uranus. known for creativity, wisdom and eccentricity
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⋆ the scorpion approach to romance and matters of attraction is obsessive, direct, unrelenting. the elements of pluto (death, endings, cycles, obsession, the hidden) trying to be romantic or pursue attraction is difficult.
⋆ pluto wants to completely consume the object of his affection. slow but nothing less than precise, pluto sets a tone that is dooming, inescapable for their prospect. it is without warning, without explanation and takes even the native surprise at times.
⋆ the affections of scorpio are intimidating because it is protruding and unstoppable. immediately, they want to go as deeply as possible. spilling their guts onto their potentials as soon as that plutonian aim sets in.
⋆ mars (planet of sexual drive, general drive, ambition, defense) wants to see just how far they can push the potential. what they can take of not only the scorpions authenticity, but to see how much they'll give of their own. it's challenging and this can also be intimidating to potentials, to essentially having a soul-level autopsy done by the native.
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⋆ the reaction of the others which they attract is similar to a submission against one's own will. the image that is best suited to this, i find, may be the way a snake strangles it prey to lifelessness. it's a slow but intimate fatal squeeze of allure until their prospect has completely given.
⋆ pluto and mars together singlehandedly create an ambition that takes on a plan if it's very own before these natives realize what it even is that draws them to their potentials.
⋆ the pitfall of scorpios seduction is that while their mystery can be attractive, they bleed onto their potentials in a true act of authenticity but reserve a lot to themselves still. scorpion natives strive to create mystery to protect themselves from future trauma, but are ultimately unabashed in their feelings.
⋆ this may cause their potentials to step back and question the native, wondering if their truths are actually what they claim to be. this is not to say that the gravitational pull of scorpios attraction is menacing or purposefully misleading only, it is simply the mystery—the morbid curiosity—that insights that thrill of the scorpion seduction. the morbid curiosity that most, if not all, of us have.
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what is secret only makes us more ambitious to uncover it . . .
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⋆ the aquarian approach is vastly different from the scorpions. while pluto + mars encourages a diversity unbeknownst to the scorpio natives besides alienation, they almost don't even realize the power of their affection. this is not the case for aquarians. their diversity is their m.o. exactly.
⋆ these natives choose which potentials they interact with based on their own uniqueness often times. they want to create a better world (internally or externally) with these chosen prospects.
⋆ scorpio wants to dissect these fears and the soul-level consciousness of their potentials. they often store it away for themselves to reflect or use later while aquarius wants to show their potentials this underbelly. causing their potentials to see aquarius as a leader and their own personal oracle, in a way.
⋆ while being ruled by uranus and saturn may ground them about their own gifts and talents to the world, saturn also restricts their emotional field to first consider the reasonable and long-term (often to their more fling-ilk relationships).
⋆ the authority of saturn and the authority of pluto are intimidating in the way that they are final, uncontrollable and just in nature. the authority of mars and uranus are intimidating in the way they are chaotic and often unreadable.
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⋆ these natives can be seen as possible more comfortable with themselves than their scorpion counterpart, but they are both comfortable with their truths enough to display it but reserve a lot for themselves. 'i want you, but i do not need you' kind of energy that is often irresistible, if cultivated properly.
⋆ there is an outward care for the tangible and intangible, the material and the spiritual. aquarius educates on the metaphysical, the value of the mysterious, the value of the soul. it's their perceived authority that catches the eyes of their prospects.
⋆ the pitfalls of aquarius' seduction will always be that they are concerned with their best interest first. they are well aware of their gifts. this and saturn makes them more likely to see through oncoming foolery and put themselves first if need be (rightfully so). this may also pull potentials out of the dreaminess that accompanies the attention of the aquarius native.
⋆ the reaction of the others they attract might be like the way a peacock attracts mates. the glittering colors and the wonder that overcomes their onlookers to stop and stare, to make them pause and consider the beautiful things in the world. the magnetism is shiny and appeals to our regressive brain while the all too serious energy of saturn looms waiting to strike.
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— conclusion ⭒
⭒ overall, it is the temptation of a world beyond the surface level. however, being fixed, these signs will always resort of these ways of attraction, to these modes of thinking because it works best for them.
⭒ they are steady and persistent, this takes the shape as their commitment to themselves and their potentials, their intensity and authority, their awareness of the unknown and their tie to it what connects them and produces this “fatal attraction”.
⭒ these two signs and their energy dominant natives harness their attraction by harnessing both the seen and unseen and revealing themselves slowly to their potentials like a spiritual strip-tease. the true prize of knowing them totally.
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hi hi ! thanks for reading <3 this was kind of simple imo but i think the corresponding aspects of these two signs are so fascinating. they are both pretty intense and serious in their own ways but ultimately transformative. if you were interested by this or inspired, please leave a like / reblog ! xx
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arachnerd-8-legs · 4 months
really disappointing that bunjywunjy had to be pestered twice just to quietly remove their reblog after using their huge platform to encourage garbage like raving about the lesbian estonian soviet flag and how 'new pride flag just dropped' so people could go 'ooh pretty' about a flag that was forced onto us by ppl who wanted our culture gone and oppressed us for about a century in total if not more.
to say nothing or not show anything of the truth about that flag and quietly remove the reblog felt more like it was done out of obligation (and you didn't agree) rather than care for the subject matter that is still a fresh wound in our country's memory. it's only been 33 years since it ended.
I'd rather you make the mistake about something you didn't know (eastern european history is easy for westeners to overlook, because we're not a big country like them, we're not england or france or spain or germany) and admit/apologize for said mistake or even just outright state that you don't actually care rather than say nothing and quietly remove something so that people would stop talking about it
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perpetualcosmos · 6 months
Mini Astrology observations
*please note that these are my personal observations, not yet coming from a professional opinion*
❃ Most Virgo placements tend to be into music/art/digital art and will definitely have something related to stomach issues or issues regarding their health. Hence we see most people with these usually have a focus on their health (subject to change with the aspects involved in the chart).
❃ saturn/Capricorn placements have been through many lessons during their lifetime, especially their childhood. Most of them have had to grow early and take charge of their life, these lessons sometimes being harsh that it affects their mental health as well. They also work hard and learn to stand on their own feet early on but they struggle through a lot. Delays could've happened in their career but when they reached a quotient, they truly do shine when they have learned from the trauma and lessons.
❃ People with Venus in 12th/8th house, do sometimes attract partners who might have toxic traits around them and could be very insecure of their success or happiness. You will always have a strong intuition about this, but you might also excuse your persons/partner's behavior when you are w.r.t. underdeveloped.
---> As 12H is the house of hidden enemies, along with idealized standards of these individual, they truly have to learn to assert boundaries and learn to balance out a connection/relationship. As well as you might also have a strong intuition, knowing it might not end well or have a "feeling" That the connection might not work but would stick because of this love with the idealised side of the person. For ---> 8H - you don't love easily, but when you fall, you fall hard. Your relationship would bring out alot of triggers for you in general, alot of the suppressed underdevelopment might start coming out through your relationships/connections. It's always taken to extremes, either very happy or very chaotic. Many lessons, could be that your person might also be insecure of your financial stability.
Let me know if you would like more posts like this!
A/N: thank you for checking this post 🫶
With grace & love ✨
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