#Comedy Junkies
jasonaaronpro · 9 months
Ike Daniel Talks Comedy and New Ventures
🌟 Exciting news on #InTheLoopTVShow! Join Renée Michelle Merrifield & Jason Aaron as they chat with Ike Daniel of Mobile Network One about his comedy ventures and the upcoming Vegas Lounge. 🎭🍽️ A new era of entertainment in Indianapolis! #ComedyJunkies
In an engaging and entertaining segment of “In The Loop TV Show,” host Renée Michelle Merrifield and executive producer Jason Aaron welcome Ike Daniel, the dynamic founder and CEO of Mobile Network One. The discussion delves into Daniel’s exciting ventures in the world of comedy and entertainment. Viewers are introduced to the Comedy Junkies event at Red Curb Comedy Club in Avon, showcasing his…
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teka-chat · 9 months
This is for me, but I thought it might be useful to others so here it is : basically an over-20-page-long catalogue of some major Disney toons that are in the Public Domain, their associated copyright-free media, and lists of associated Disney trademarks, when applicable. List of characters under the cut !
Toons included :
Mickey Mouse
Minnie Mouse
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
Fanny Cottontail
Ortensia the Cat
Clarabelle Cow
Horace Horsecollar
Julius the Cat
and as a bonus :
Mad Doctor
Alice ( from the Alice Comedies )
If you noticed i went missing on January 1st, this is why ! I've been hard at work day and night on this beast of a 27-page document ( with an additional 7 sub-documents for the trademark information, if you care about that ).
This is mostly just to have everything in one place. You decide what you do with it ! ( I know what I'm doing with it hehe. )
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whack-patty · 7 months
ALRIGHT FOR ANYONE WHO FOLLOWS THIS BLOG WHO IS YOUNGER/NOT A FAN OF HORROR I'M GONNA PUT A CUT HERE JUST IN CASE: SPOOKY CLOWN VIDEO THUMBNAIL BELOW THE CUT. ((I may be being too cautious but I am well aware that my usual artistic content on this blog may attract people who are less comfy with the uncanny than I am so it never hurts to be respectful))
Ok so fav one I've read, mostly for nostalgia reasons, is of friggin course Chicken Bones
Read it as a kid and it was the earliest reading experience I can remember going "WOAH... YOU CAN HAVE A VILLAIN WITHOUT SEEING THE VILLAIN??? YOU CAN HAVE STORY HAPPEN BEHIND THE SCENES AND STILL KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING WITHOUT IT BEING SPOON-FED TO THE AUDIENCE??? YOU CAN HAVE A CLIFFHANGER ENDING THAT DOESN'T SUCK???? AMAZING" and it's changed my brain chemistry ever since. I want to learn how to do what the ending of chicken bones did to 12 year old me
Also it has a cool setting description at one point and the protagonist's only description is a canonically ugly haircut <333 gotta love me a story where the protagonist isn't a sacred little angel or the coolest guy in the room
CURRENT favorite creepypasta to listen to is Creepsmcpasta's edition of Mayhem Mountain!!!
ITS A DANG GOOD ONE BECAUSE ok ngl I'm just realizing how similar my reasoning is for liking both stories. Apparently I have a type
Anyway spoilers:
- also has a villain (this time with a name) but they never see or interact with him once
- all with distinct personalities that are shown through the way they interact with each other, not just told as archetypes!!!
- there's TWO girl characters, and they aren't JUST "and this is my unnamed girlfriend who dies" ((my standards are so low for pastas hAHQGEFD))
- THE NARRATION IS. MMMM 👌👌👌 GOALS. The author shows what needs to be shown and tells just enough without it being too much and its delicious
- actually really accurate descriptions of what it's like to be in a life or death situation instead of the protag reacting like an anime character or an action hero to it
- and apparently I'm a huge sucker for "the villain is still at large" stories where the villain is a normal human instead of an unkillable monster
ANYWAY YES. CREEPYPASTAS MY BE FRIGGIN L O V E D. There's more good ones but these two take the cake for me hands down
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majorgarrett93 · 10 months
House of Mayhem
It was another day in the city of Kelso, new law passed having people detained in court-ordered rehab as an alternative to jail for drug related crimes, minor misdemeanors. Kelso Behavioral Health had just opened, the law could fight serious crime instead. Unfortunately, the staff at the facility, often little training and no degree, "mental health specialists" would be dealing with the delinquents placed there with no intension of changing their ways of life. Law had good intensions but unfortunately the staff and patients at the facility didn't whatsoever.
Spencer West: latest patient to be detained who appeared to be a typical man in his thirties, employed and had plenty of money, was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was driven to the facility, released from jail and taken in a police vehicle due to a past incident. Had never been in trouble with the law previously. Arrived in the late afternoon on a Friday. After being admitted and the doors secured in the facility, was taken out of hand cuffs and had some of his freedom given back. Looked around the building which was like a jail being locked inside but had real beds, free to roam around, patients consisting of male and female, old and young, normal and unstable but mostly unstable he would find out once getting to really know the normal patients.
Spencer was shown to his room and met his roommate Travis, seemed like an ordinary guy, didn't speak much but then would find out his backstory of what got him detained. They got along well, he thought the patients generally had more class than jail inmates but there's always one real loser with no class, Brandis: late teens, angry, hardcore junkie, badass gangster wannabe which he would have to deal with throughout his visit.
It was dinner time, he met another patient by the name of Mandy: early twenties, seemed ordinary, didn't like people telling her what to do or how to live, especially the staff. Her roommate Joan, older woman, religious nut, possibly psychotic would lecture her daily which led to physical confrontations.
Kelso Behavioral Health was a building full of never-ending chaos which he would witness firsthand, somewhat traumatic yet entertaining. During dinner is when things went south, Joan was lecturing Mandy on how she was saved from finding a higher power and how, due to her life choices will burn in the inferno for eternity. Spending time around Joan was like a real-life version of Die, Die My Darling (1965). She said something back to Joan that offended her, causing her to get up and verbally assault her, "shut your piehole, rotten, vile bitch!" Staff showed up to break up the fight before getting physical, Joan stormed off shouting and sobbing hysterically. After dinner, Spencer was watching TV with Travis until Brandis barges in and grabs the remote to change the channel. He wondered why Travis didn't stand up for himself. A. Brandis would throw giant baby tantrums, get physically violent and B. After dinner, it was time for his fix of prescription dope, he would be out cold on the couch within twenty minutes after. Waited for him to pass out to Get Hard, Spencer then looked through their limited movie collection for something decent, found Apocalypse Now and switched up the DVDs.
It was late in the evening, Travis told Spencer "Enjoy the weekend while it's here." Tells him about one of their employees, Patti who needs counselling herself that'll be in on Monday for the mandatory group therapy.
Saturday morning, Spencer got up early and turned on the TV. Was watching Twilight Zone reruns, it was a peaceful morning until around 7am when Brandis tried to get him to change the channel, "shut of this stupid, old shit!" which he refused, it became physical. He replied to his comment, "this stupid, old shit was kind of rebooted more than once and won Emmys thanks to screenwriter god Rod Serling!" Brandis smacked him with an open-hand after refusing to turn the channel to what he wanted to watch, staff show up to break it up, restraining Brandis, dragging him off screaming at the top of his lungs, "Rod Stewart can suck my ass!"
He would also prove he was totally clean and sober by reenacting the Basketball Diaries in the restraint room when having to wait twenty minutes for his fix.
Let's Go Brandis!
Brandis was an angry young man, skipping school, dad always in jail, mom never home. He was failing in high school but didn't care as he would soon drop out and was suspended multiple times. He would often steal computer duster and CDs as he was a hardcore gangbanger, most recently stole a Slipknot CD as he was a hardcore metalhead to the bone, into the most brutal heavy metal possible and just discovered something more hardcore than Five Finger Death Punch. There was a day in school that his friend called him a pussy and referred to Slipknot as posers, he would defend himself as well as the gods of heavy metal, putting up a fight. Twenty minutes later on a stretcher with a bloody nose, unconscious. Yes, he might've gone to the hospital but was the one to get kicked out of his school for good. Most of his friends had it with his baby tantrums and wannabe gang fights. Brandis, now living in his parents' basement on the brink of being kicked out for living in a pigsty, getting high and playing Call of Duty, refusing to do any chores like bring his dirty dishes to the kitchen, place pizza/TV dinner boxes in his trash can…real hard labor. Barely keeping a part time job, working three hours a week at McDonald's and feeling overworked having to do more than just work cash register, having to sweep the floor. It was not his job, he decided to quit on the spot and wanted his last paycheck two weeks early. His boss explained that it wasn't available, not physically available, tried to calmly explain. Brandis had zero reason or common sense. Always carried a pocketknife and decided that he was the boss now…until about fifteen minutes later when the Kelso Police Dept. showed up to place him in silver bracelets and drag his ass to the slammer.
He was still a minor and would get charges dropped, nothing permanent on his record. Now wasn't living in a pigsty in his parent's basement, it was like a giant dumpster, he refused to look for a job even with six months to find one. Only way he left was his parents was when they filed a restraining order after threatening not to leave and that he would strangle them in their sleep if they kicked him out. Brandis was pure talk, no walk. He was now living in his junkie friend's basement unemployed, but he had the perfect job for him, introduced him to hillbilly heroin and told him how easy it was to get a prescription, sold more than what he took and was making thousands of dollars in a week. Unfortunately, would get strung out on the dope and sell just enough to get by his tolerance grew as well as his crimes. First would go along with his friend to elderly people's houses which they knew had pills; often came disguised as cops or meals on wheels and would steal a few pills from each house. Doctors were prescribing pills less, cracking down on the epidemic so he was now resorting to crime, robbing houses at night.
After a night of hitting houses and taking his first hit, went to Starbucks craving an extra-large Java Chip Frappuccino and nodding out face first in the whipped cream. Customer who was also a cop asked if he was OK? Brandis bailed quick, got in his car then stepped on it. Swallowed the last couple pills left to get rid of evidence. Outran cops and thought that if he made it home, he was free of all charges of driving under the influence/fleeing. Took homerun to a whole new level. Passed out on the floor, woke up in the county jail.
Brandis wouldn't let the pigs tell him what to do and had nothing on him…that was until he needed his next hit and got put in restraints for erratic behavior and began doing the Technicolor yawn. His court date, he was surprisingly only found guilty of driving under the influence, fleeing and reckless driving. Couldn't get charged for robbery or possession of narcotics, no evidence. Was given the choice of thirty days in jail or court-ordered rehab, he chose the latter.
House of Mayhem
It was a chaotic Saturday; Brandis in front of the TV all day watching stupid reality shows, patients losing braincells just by walking by. Arguments and verbal fights starting with Joan harshly criticizing Mandy for her life choices (partying, drugs, choice of clothing, music…) resulting in harsher verbal abuse back. Spencer could see that something bad was going to happen, worried Joan might actually strangle her to death at night.
Makes a bet with Travis who'll get restrained next, Brandis or Joan? Travis knew he could provoke Brandis after dinner, but he thought different, he could see Joan ready to go off like a timebomb. Brandis managed to knock over staff and patients to get his fix right away after dinner and Travis was changing the channel. He noticed a slight change from the usual. He was passing out to far more artsy cinema, too much for his taste and his brain to handle. Now passing out to Fast and Furious instead of Baby Geniuses. Plot so deep, dense and layered that he couldn't take it and needed a nap, that in combo with prescription dope put him out for hours.
It was early in the morning around three on a Sunday; Spencer couldn't sleep and could hear patients shouting/arguing only to lead up to a smack, loud bang then a woman crying and wailing hysterically. He got up to find Joan crying into the arms of a staff member, telling her side of the story while bawling throughout, barely speaking clearly, "I was giving her advice to find a higher power for eternal life in heaven! To save her soul from the burning inferno and the hell on earth she was living through! She told me I had a sick, perverted instrument used for self-pleasuring stuck in my rectum!" Joan is screaming with blood all over her hand and how she accidentally punched the wall. Staff realize soon it isn't Joan's blood, Mandy wakes up in a daze mostly unharmed. Even though she was knocked out cold, totally worth it. Loved hearing the tortured screams of torment and agony from Joan while in restraints. Finally given an extra dose of Thorazine and a little 'pam to shut her up for good after two hours of hell-like shrieks.
Joan's Town
Joan started off with a family, loving husband and two children. It was one day that everything went wrong while her husband was gone on a business trip, and she was left to take care of her kids. Friend came over and introduced her to a higher power…got her to join a cult. Joan was someone that believed everything people told her, gullible, brainwashed. Her lifestyle changed instantly, burnt her records and tapes as they were evil satanic recordings. Stopped letting her kids watch any TV as it would corrupt their pure minds and wouldn't let them listen to the radio as there were so many rock bands that were a sign of the end times. Sang about committing the most heinous acts known to man like implied drug use and premarital sex, way worse than anything going on in the '60s, far worse than the war in Vietnam. Took them out of school and began homeschooling but found out that it was too late and needed to sacrifice them before their souls and minds become tainted with evil and to get them to the pearly gates.
Husband came home and was in shock of how she was acting, pissed off that she dumped his vintage, collection of "liquid evil" but soon found out her plan. Took off with the kids in his car only to have her chase him down with a kitchen knife screaming about how he'll burn in the lake of fire with eternity and is responsible for where their kids will go when they die. He didn't press charges on her, but she'd be alone for the rest of her life. Never saw her husband or kids again, most of the members of the cult were arrested and it began to deteriorate but she became hardcore committed.
Joan was feared for decades and there were countless urban legends, barely left her house until one day when she was remembering being with her husband and kids fifty years ago and gave into the liquid evil. Found an old shotgun and shells and decided that it was her time to free the sinners from eternal damnation in Kelso, starting with the block she lives on. Fortunately, it was a weekday afternoon, she shot at vacant houses and stop signs confusing them for people.
Cops showed up and arrested her only to have her soon taken to the hospital as she made no sense even when sober, reason for going on a mass shooting which she managed to not even harm one person. Blamed the alcohol for her actions and said that she had visions of her neighbors frying in hell for eternity and how she must set them free. Got her pumped full of Thorazine and 'pam to get her to stop wailing and screaming, became somewhat functional and was detained in court ordered rehab, believed that her long drinking binge was the main reason for her co-occurring illness.
Rehab center was the best decision for sure and not the mental institution as she arrived sober, only to shout at and refer to staff as whores and the devil's servants that shall be eradicated from earth…normal behavior. Tried to stab one staff member with a serrated plastic knife. Psychiatrists had to double her dose of psych meds which only reduced symptoms and she was no longer allowed plastic knives during meals.
My Struggle
Mandy was the perfect daughter, could do absolutely no wrong. Grew up I'm a strict household, mother and father believed rules and discipline would lead their children to success, be respectful of others and go far in life. Somehow wound up involved in a criminal case later in life. What went wrong? According to her, she did absolutely nothing wrong and it was literally one hundred percent her parents' fault.
Raised by parents that went by strict rules and knew that she could never do anything wrong if they contributed equally to be the perfect mother and father. Unfortunately, could only shut her out of the real world for so long and by elementary school, found out that most people didn't live like a rerun of Andy Griffith.
Things went south by high school. Attitude changed, started using obscene language, listened to different music and hardcore goth bands with lyrics that reeked of incredibly dark and evil subject matter such as Black Veil Brides. Parents blamed it on her juvie, delinquent boyfriend; Believed that he was a bad influence on her from the start.
Parents decided to move away from the city and moved to Kelso. Didn't want her boyfriend around her, didn't approve and said it was for the best. Also mentioned that her friends were leading her to a life of sin, leading a pathway to hell. Unfortunately, they unleashed hell due to their actions which she would make them regret until the day they died. Had a complete breakdown verbally assaulting/abusing both calling them "hateful, heartless bastards", tore her and her soulmate apart, murdered her social life at school and has nothing to live for, slamming her bedroom door shut hard enough to make the family pictures fall off the wall and shatter. Locked herself in her room for two days.
Later made friends at her new school who would give her rides to the city and go shopping and would go see the love of her life secretly. He was just being discharged from juvenile detention, did little time for possession of drugs, still being a minor barely. Nothing like forbidden love, picking up her soulmate from the county jail. Got a part time job at a local store, lied about working certain hours to get away from her parents as every time she was away from her boyfriend was like being deprived of oxygen and dying slowly.
Parents got suspicious eventually, mom worried sick, up all night crying until she got back at around three in the morning. Asks her what she did? Then what she really did; Interrogating her, finally replying, "Go to hell, Nazi bitch!" earning herself an open-hand slap. Mother and father didn't know what to do, felt like they failed as parents. Started having even more strict rules, no going out on school nights, need a copy of her work schedule, trying to listen in on her phone calls, considered a tracking device.
Found out months later that she quit her job, lying to their faces, skipping school and going to the city with friends. Decided that she was not allowed to leave the house for two weeks except school and come straight home. Stayed locked inside her room, borrowing her parents' computer that she said was for her homework. Just discovered social media and was blogging as well as filming a project about her life and how it was literally the closest thing to hell on earth. Wanted the world to know how she suffered everyday living with her parents who are literally the antichrist and how she was a total saint, completely innocent and did absolutely nothing wrong.
At the end of her project about walking the pits of hell every day, compares hiding away in her room to Ann Frank hiding in the attic and understands what oppression she had to suffer now as well as Holocaust survivors. Posted the last part of her project that she poured her heart and soul into, the horrible reality that was one hundred percent honest and not exaggerated whatsoever. Directed the film, wrote all the script, produced, acted, scored and was almost as talented and believable as Tommy Wiseau.
Parents totally humiliated, laughed at by several in Kelso but fortunately, most didn't take it seriously and thought it was a little dramatized to put mildly. Eventually she was no longer a minor and by the time her parents had enough of being constantly tormented, she had moved into a house with her boyfriend and began getting involved indirectly with his crimes. Recently out of the slammer for a second DUI but she would often be his designated drinker. He was on the brink of going right back to jail, on parole and she knew nothing about his crimes. So, what if he committed felonies to be able to get basic needs that they're entitled to? Dom Perigon and fine dining to traveling?
One day she was hanging out with friends, boyfriend called her up saying that he's in trouble and coming to pick her up, they'll have to flee the state and probably the country. He had been up for nearly a week with no sleep, after jacking an expensive car and parking in his garage, began hallucinating sirens outside everywhere, believed that his neighbors next door were snitching on him to the cops when in reality, were gone but he believed they were watching him, wanting him in jail and possibly trying to kill him as a human sacrifice, believing they were part of a satanic cult. Took several pills that would knock him out, various colors and sizes like he was Heath Ledger, washing down with cheap liquor. Unfortunately, he became less inhibited as the drug/liquor cocktail kicked in while still paranoid, wandering into his neighbor's yard shouting threats and obscenities, breaking their lawn ornaments and flowerpots. Eventually breaks through their window, bleeding all over the floor and suddenly becomes too doped out and sedated to think clearly, believing he's home, taking his pants off and falling asleep on the couch. Woke up suddenly, realizing what he did, ran back home as he heard sirens and got in the stolen vehicle, stepping on it while highly impaired still.
Mandy got into the stolen vehicle, in shock to see his face all covered in blood. Decided they were fleeing the state, planned on different methods but weren't even close to the state line when they were busted. Why didn't they get away? He thought he was Richard Kimble and would get away but failed in every way such as driving recklessly while under the influence, in a car completely totaled from dents everywhere to broken windows.
He was arrested for a third DUI, car theft, fleeing, possession of narcotics, destruction of property, disturbing the peace, breaking and entering... She was taken in as well, believe to be aiding to his crimes but had absolutely no knowledge. Later makes a convincing story that he held her down, forced her to do drugs and is now a hardcore addict. Breaks down crying and blaming it on childhood trauma/abuse, suffered from every abuse known to man. Would give quite a performance in court that Aileen Wuornos wouldn't have dreamt of, getting her charges dropped to misdemeanors and would do little time agreeing to court ordered rehab. It was all because of her traumatic childhood and was completely innocent, her parents fault and did nothing wrong.
Discharged from the county jail and transported to Kelso Behavioral Health which she knew would be a cakewalk.
House of Mayhem
Sunday was the calm before the storm, Joan loaded on enough meds to kill an elephant. Then it was Monday morning, the arrival of Patti as she entered the building around seven in the moring. All of a sudden, there was feedback from the loudspeaker all over the building having her announce "Good morning, time for meds, line up!" shouting loud enough to wake up all residents of Kelso. Goes to every patient's room shouting at the top of her lungs, "Good morning!" Expecting them to reply and get up until she shouts in Mandy's face who ignores her, "I said good morning!" she shouts again in anger and frustration to put mildly.
Spencer was already up having coffee and watching TV, having already taken his pills for the day and witnessed the chaos of the line that made black Friday at Walmart look tame. Brandis knocking down patients, Travis refusing to let him cut in front of which ended in physical violence. "You want to fight, motherfucker! I'll bury your punk-ass six feet under!" He shouts, only to be taken out with a fist. Brandis now on the ground throwing a toddler tantrum.
Somehow staff didn't even notice as Patti was making such a deal over Mandy ignoring her, making her come to her room personally, "That was extremely, incredibly rude and inappropriate; Completely disrespectful!" She continues yelling with various adverbs and adjectives that gave Robert Palmer a run for his money.
Multiple staff members along with Patti circle around outside her room like 1939 Poland. Shouting that she needed to apologize then Patti's typical AA/NA intro, "Clean and sober ten years, m'kay!", like she won an Olympic trophy or something. "Don't smoke cigarettes, don't even drink coffee, got my shit together! I would do unspeakable things for my next fix, followed by swallowing pure liquid sin 'til I passed out, hated myself, didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out; Didn't care about my life, had no respect for myself! Ten years clean and sober, live a happy life, married with two children and enjoy every living hour of my life! M'kay!" She shouts and sounds downright happy and satisfied with her life and job. Angry and pissed off with satisfaction and pure joy.
After her life story about supporting her kids, stress and primal scream therapy in front of a public audience, demands an apology again. Mandy just remained silent until they continued harassing her, "fuck off, Nazi quacks!" she responded and multiple staff members started going off the rails, Patti trying to mad-dog her into a formal apology only to take off to go outside to her car to scream.
You could tell that the mental health specialists were real pros, not just by their fancy badges but because only real specialists of mental health go mental on a daily basis.
It was time for group therapy, Patti finally calmed down slightly then goes on about her story again, "Ten years, clean/sober, M'kay?" Goes on about how pathetic excuse of existence she was and everything typical. She said that she wanted to hear everyone's story but what she really wanted was a propaganda story, life stories recut like Requiem for a Dream. Brandis had his typical, mommy and daddy rejected him bullshit and Joan had her typical higher power story heard countless times. Mandy told most of her story only to get cut off by Patti. Tells her to leave the room, not taking addiction seriously, both get into it. Patti stormed out of the building without saying a word. Never showed up the next day.
End of the day, Spencer and Travis got into a conversation and how they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Travis tells him a little of his background, upbringing and what led to it all, nearly going permanently insane.
Kelso Police Dept. got a disturbing call, "white male, early thirties, seen on the highway, half-naked, distressed, possibly armed and dangerous…"
Travis grew up in a strict household. Did well in school, not many close friends but got by. During his teens, parents moved away from the big city believing that it would have the wrong influence on him. Friends he'd hang out with, pressured to use drugs, engaging in immoral and sinful acts. Moved to the small town of Kelso, made a new friend who were close and hung out all the time. Problem is that there was almost nothing to do in Kelso, high school took a whole new meaning and despite little-no dealers, kids that Travis went to school with got very creative, a little information online known as Erowid.
He was going to get pressured, had no knowledge of the effects of different drugs, certainly wouldn't ask his parents and they were so against using and drinking that it bordered on terrorism. Told him he'd rot in hell for eternity for experimenting. Didn't fear hell, he was already living it and feared his parents more than anything. Would go with his friend to various parties, have a drink or two but was careful. Found out what people would do at parties to alter their brain, found it terrifying yet comical when they'd huff gas to get high, one guy at a party hallucinating a famous baseball player in the kitchen. Got to a point thinking trees outside had minds of their own, power to kill him by making his head explode like Scanners…that was the last they saw of him, found out he was in the looney bin in a state of delusion.
Travis and his friend read different stories online and decided where to draw the line, even OTC highs could be dangerous. Allergy meds, McCormick extract, cough syrup…Travis made his own hot chocolate often with extra vanilla extract to give it a kick. His friend told him about how his mom's against him being on any meds, doctor wanted to prescribe him some pills years back in elementary school, couldn't obtain a prescription, so he made his own instead. They would do a lot of that together as well as drinking homemade liquor. Unfortunately, there was a line his friend crossed and gave into the Montana madness which was the straw that broke the camel's back. No, Travis didn't wish he died a brutal death in a car accident on the way to the party instead of making it, he did regret his decision though and was given false information.
He was told it was just a party drug and not addictive, didn't know what he was using, misinformed. Led him to be a regular user for years, parents never knew, he moved out before his addiction got out of control.
He was living in an apartment, going to school, working part time and supporting himself. Would go days without sleep but he went for over a week, would have a few days off from work and school. It was his Friday at work, ready to kick off the weekend and take a break. Travis would not make it to work the next week.
Sort of started when he was at work, when in his boss' office saw all the security camera videos as well as Vaseline on his desk. Thought maybe he had some advance technology, personally likes to watch him, being the creep he is. Would do anything to catch his boss, get that perv behind bars.
Next day was reading text messages, it was secret codes and realized that his boss was actually in on some plan with the CIA and sending secret messages to him. They had a plan in a few weeks to use synthetic opioids as chemical warfare to wipe out the population with only few remaining humans to repopulate with an alien race that had been living on earth for centuries. Even though he was one of the chosen, wouldn't let them get away with it and would warn the whole town. Knew where a fallout shelter was, built during the Cold War era by an old, abandoned house.
He had little recollection of what happened after that, later found on the highway strung-out, cops questioned him who said that he was involved with the CIA and warning the people…ambulance showed up as he wasn't making any sense. Couldn't be charged with anything aside from disorderly behavior. Taken to the hospital and starts shouting how the staff are using their human disguise, performing sexual acts to impregnate him…goes into more graphic and obscene details. Doctor ordered extra psych meds and 'pam to knock him out, eventually fell asleep. Upon awakening, could remember very little after going home from work, aside from being suspicious of his boss. Agreed to go voluntarily to Kelso Behavioral Health, admitting he needed help.
House of Mayhem
Had been a couple weeks now, patients being discharged, new ones brought in. Spencer was being discharged finally and thought it was unfortunate no one got to really hear his story, more interesting than any of theirs. Remembering the insanity of how he wound up there, what got him detained, where it all began…
The Grand Delusion
Spencer West had an unstable upbringing growing up. Family were typical but deprived him of a social life and he'd have them as the only company who as he grew older, felt he had less in common. Eventually moved out and went off doing his own thing, living his life. He would see his family every once in a while, noticed over the years that they became a watered-down version of their former selves but happened gradually. No longer the family he knew that would occasionally have fun like going out drinking and stuff. It was like a shirt being bleached until all the color was gone, everything on autopilot. Yes, he had multiple fights with family growing up. Patronizing and degraded him verbally like he was an imbecile but at least back then they were occasionally fun to be with. That was all gone. He especially wasn't buying their cheap apologies for the past, knew their whole being reborn saints act was bullshit. Parents sheltered him from the world and deprived him of any enjoyment throughout his teens, they didn't like the idea that he was actually living life.
There was one specific incident when they had enough of Spencer, yet he already had enough of them. Went out for lunch one day which was supposed to be their special day together but drove him away after. They just weren't interesting anymore, no sense of humor, nothing. Acted weird about him having one drink with lunch. He was often drinking and high while around them just to deal. Never knew he was on anything for years but eventually got suspicious and finally found out.
With a family like that, of course he was going to ditch them and go out on his own to have an experience far more epic and superior. Ingested multiple substances washed down with a small bottle of vodka, later running down the street shouting like the Wolf of Wall Street; scene where Jonah Hill talks Leo into trying crack.
Spencer was having a great time but then when meeting up with family again, got ideas that they were following him around all day. Thought they might've been involved with the DEA, monitoring him wherever he went and wanted him in jail.
He didn't regret ditching them after lunch as their plans were predictable; go home, take a nap, play video games, watch TV…totally lame.
There was the point where he began acting unhinged, family confront him, going on a non-stop lecture of how he's living in sin, self-obsessed, superficial, arrogant but he already knew it and didn't care. Tell him that he's leading a life towards hellfire and damnation, using fear to control him like how the Nazis did on all of Europe. They were just boring, lame, white bread cringe…but it wasn't for him to judge.
Later has a breakdown after sleep deprivation shouting obscenities about how he wished they'd drop dead and then he'd burn their house to the ground so no one will have to suffer from the knowledge of their existence.
Family took it as a threat, called the cops but he was long gone and would be the last they saw of him.
Spencer had moved across the state, lived in an apartment with roommates. Was working full time and been working at the place for a while. He was making more than minimum wage but people were curious how he could afford things from a personal bar to suits and expensive electronics. He knew how to get what he wanted and had no limit, only a thief if caught and only idiots get caught which he wasn't one of them. He had more intelligent methods of obtaining free merchandise, wasn't the guy downtown with his pants falling down, tripping himself while running. He was living the life; certain people he would hang out with like co-workers and people he'd meet at bars/clubs. Stopped hanging out with any inferiors, people either "had it" or they didn't. He often laughed about his family and the older generation, how they were like dried prunes shriveling up to nothing, die nothing and soon be rotting flesh, six feet under.
Roommates were concerned by his unhinged behavior, suspecting he might be using drugs and getting high while out. He didn't care and was a responsible user, only pathetic idiot junkies that are hurt and in pain, numbing out are the ones that die and if they do, deserved it and had it coming.
He never thought of it as numbing out, quite the opposite. Experimenting gave him this emotional connection that felt foreign to him, wondering if that's how people feel normally? Understood people better and knew how to get the upper hand.
Recently been getting into arguments, confrontations with roommates calling him inconsiderate. Would always have an interesting story about his day and was always twice the story that any of them had. Roommates never found his stories boring, quite the opposite and started to disturb them. Often ignoring him and things began to go south from there on. Spencer storming out of the apartment and not coming back until the next day.
He began being verbally abusive towards his roommates or ignoring completely which led up to another confrontation. His roommate's ex-wife died, overdose and was in tears. He was going to take off, couldn't handle cringy, emotional people. Asked him for emotional support, "sorry you married a fat ugly bitch who stole your money for drugs because she was a junkie crackwhore! Sorry she ruined your life because you're an idiot and that she's six feet under! "
He could care less about his roommate after being ignored on multiple occasions and it was the perfect time to hit him where it hurt. After refusing to apologize, turned into a brawl, Spencer getting a bloody nose, roommate a black eye…eventually other roommates breaking up the fight.
Months later, they felt threatened by Spencer. He was working on a project, writing a story about his life. They just wished their life story was like his, didn't understand what an icon he was and that it would get published into a best seller and made into a film by one of his favorite directors. They told him that it was ordinary and uninteresting. Things got to a point where they had enough, kicked him out.
He was too good anyways for them, didn't get his obsessions and couldn't understand his taste in finer things from expensive liquor to his extensive music collection. Couldn't enjoy fine dining, sat on their asses playing video games, Door Dash fast food…an embarrassment to society.
Now, basically on the streets barely sleeping, only occasionally renting a hotel room. Living a double life, working by day and going out to bars and clubs at night, experimenting to stay up night into morning. Had some extra days off from work along with the weekend. Give him more time to meet various people, find ways to make money and get into trouble.
Time of day becoming less clear, hours felt like minutes. Last day of work before the long weekend, wanted to find a room to finally crash but in a small town like Kelso, there were little options and no vacancy at every place.
Was ready for another all-nighter, had plenty of obscure drugs from pills to powders, uppers, downers, empathogens. Often used designer chemicals, not technically illegal.
One that he was an avid user of due to it's both stimulant and empathogen effects. Washed down a high dose with a couple Redbull vodkas and a little 'pam to mellow out. Hit a local bar that night, favorite on Friday nights. Still had some belongings left at the apartment but basically had everything he needed in his bag and briefcase that he carried.
Spencer knew he was homeless, no one could tell, not like the others at all. People had no idea when he would be at places, often wearing a suit and tie, carrying his work around with him. He had class, decency. Most people thought he was traveling for business, particularly the girl he would meet at the bar that night by the name of Audrey who asks the exact question.
He replied, "yes." Telling her that he's a professional writer, successful locally and becoming recognized globally, working on getting his latest work published. Ordered two double vodka martinis and time went by like minutes. She was talking about being in abusive relationships, ex who she suspects is stalking her still and probably in danger.
Spencer felt this emotional connection, like meeting her was destiny and they were meant to be. Thought it could be the psychoactive substances he ingested? Excessive serotonin released in the brain yet wondered if it was a normal emotion? If everyday people feel like that normally? Used the bathroom and came back, she was gone. Bartender told him that he left his phone on his table, handing it to him. Said that some guy picked her up, sounded pissed off.
Early morning, began experiencing rapid shift in emotions, like he was betrayed but then noticed he couldn't make a phone call and that it had been hacked. SIM card was missing and was almost sure it was the girl's jealous ex, tracking his personal information, wanted him dead and would wait until he was alone with no witness. Cops didn't believe him.
Spencer was no longer feeling ecstatic but paranoid and hypervigilant. Late one night was losing touch with reality, even when liquored up at the bar, still acted odd, fearing that one of the customers might be in on whacking him. Saw a man with a strange bottle, suspected to be a cologne bottle full of cyanide and would spray it in his face like Richard Kuklinski. Ambulance showed up due to his odd behavior, highly intoxicated yet alert.
After several hours of sleep, would wake up in the hospital thinking clearly but not quite all there. Remembering scenes from gangster films where people get iced in the hospital, defenseless and vulnerable. Later, doctor sees him and tells him that he's on a mental health hold, being detained and how the cops are going to investigate, they found what appeared to be illicit drugs in his bag. Realized that they used that as an excuse, probably in on some plot against him and want him dead and if not, he would do time in jail and he was too good for that. When no one was around, he'd get dressed and take off from his room, leaving the hospital like his life depended on it. Security tries stopping him until he pulls out a knife and continues running, getting away.
Now on the run, realizes that maybe he was delusional after all. Girl at the bar, emotions intensified by drugs as well as the paranoia. Her abusive ex was no intelligent cold-blooded killer with CIA-like training. Nothing but an uncivilized neanderthal that uses her for a punching bag when his feelings get hurt, nothing but a man child throwing toddler tantrums.
He continued on the run as he feared going to jail, he was better than that. Stayed under the radar until one day, accidentally running a stop sign and the cop realizes that he had been legally detained, asking him to step out of the vehicle. Spencer knew, stepped on the gas, going off the road, into the woods, crashing and continuing fleeing on foot. After running through the woods all night, finally gets caught. Arrested for a DUI, reckless driving, fleeing…but the 5150 is where it was at, what got him off easily.
He would spend two nights in a cell with hardcore junkies vomiting on the walls and having explosive diarrhea on the toilet all day. After witnessing it all from the cellmates wailing in pain, wanted to get away from the lowlife scum on the streets and never have anything to do with again.
Court day, lawyer promised to get him off from doing time but brought nothing but disappointment. Found out his only other choice was rehab aside from jail. Judge tells him how he's seen countless people like him, Spencer loses his temper, "Comparing me to vomit spewing, pants shitting scum? Don't even!" Beginning to shout and go on a rant about himself as he and his cellmates don't belong in the same sentence ever…judge finally slammed his gavel to shut him up. He would respond with the third unofficial option, "fuck that!" he yells while running out of the courtroom. When cornered by security on the second story, jumps to the first. He was no Ted Bundy, injuring his left foot but continued limping fueled by adrenaline and hatred of the inferior beings he had to spend 48 hours with. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough and before getting to the exit, was subdued by security.
Days later, Spencer shows up in court again but now in handcuffs/shackles and security surrounding him. Judge was firm yet surprisingly forgiving, "You even think about escaping again Mr. West, I'm giving you a year in the county jail." Gave him one last chance, he chose court-ordered rehab. Released and transported straight to the Kelso Behavioral Health Center.
Another day in Kelso, people being admitted to the facility against their will, some would change their way of life, many wouldn't and continue after being released. Law had good intentions, it was a better alternative to jail, unfortunately people like Spencer would realize that one month isn't enough to change someone, especially if they had no interest themselves. It was a vicious cycle, detaining people including the repeat offenders that had been in multiple times. Insanity is doing the same thing every time and expecting different results. Who were truly insane though? The people continuing their lifestyles or the law detaining them at the same facility for the tenth time?
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ham1lton · 4 months
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— welcome to RACEWAY RETAIL. the shopping centre that has over seventy different stores and the biggest food hall in the country! come take a pit stop and explore what we have to offer! take a coffee break in JAVA JUNKIE, get a bite to eat at SPICE N’ SIZZLE, pick out a new outfit at PEACH TREE or smell some floral arrangements at MAYBLOOM’s!
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A SUB ABOVE LOVE. - oscar piastri x reader.
— enemies 2 lovers | smut | comedy | smau + written.
╰┈➤ ❝ oscar likes his job. it might just be making sandwiches with the world's worst playlist as a backing track, but it relaxes him. that is, until his boss makes him take the newbie under his wing, and you're the worst worker he has ever seen in the history of the store. how can you fuck up a sandwich? ❞
: ̗̀➛ snippet | full fic.
THAT'S THAT ME, ESPRESSO! - charles leclerc x reader.
— slow burn | one sided pining | smut | comedy | oneshot.
╰┈➤ ❝ part time barista charles has never had a problem with the ladies, or even the guys. he's never had to try once in his entire life to get attention from the ones he wants but when the grumpy grad student doesn't even look in his direction, it sends his world into a tailspin. ❞
: ̗̀➛ snippet | full fic.
ALL I WANT IS YOU. - lewis hamilton x reader.
— idiots in love I slow burn | pining | smut | comedy | oneshot.
╰┈➤ ❝ lewis has had his tattoo parlour for a few years now and it's been going strength to strength. the only thing missing from his life is someone to share it with, so his friends and family have been setting him up on blind dates despite his insistence that he's fine. he has his job, his dog and most importantly, you, the pretty bookworm who works in the florist across from him. what more could he need? ❞
: ̗̀➛ snippet | full fic.
BIRDS OF A FEATHER. - george russell x reader.
— fake relationship | f2l | pining | smut | comedy | oneshot.
╰┈➤ ❝ george and you have always done everything together, starting from when you were born in the same hospital. he's your soulmate in all ways except romantic. that's until george needs a date for his ex-best friend's wedding and you volunteer your services. should've probably mentioned you've been in love with him for a while... right? ❞
: ̗̀➛ snippet | full fic.
SUPERNATURAL. - carlos sainz jr x reader.
— pining | angst | smut l oneshot. -> by @23victoria
╰┈➤ ❝ carlos wants to follow his father's footsteps in owning the family's gym store chain but in order to do so, he'd have to work in one for a minimum of six months. that should be okay, right? until his client is you, a gorgeous taken mother who he absolutely cannot, under any circumstance, have a crush on. ❞
: ̗̀➛ snippet | full fic.
HONEY, HONEY. - yuki tsunoda x reader.
— pining | fluff | hea l oneshot. -> by @minkyungseokie
╰┈➤ ❝ if there is anything you hate, it’s attending your parents’ fancy dinner parties, but after meeting the new chef, you think maybe they won’t be so bad. ❞
: ̗̀➛ full fic.
BET ON IT. - lily muni he x alex albon x reader.
— pining | fluff | hea l oneshot. -> by @minkyungseokie
╰┈➤ ❝ the worst thing about a crush is when they’re taken. the weirdest thing about a crush is when his girlfriend starts flirting with you every morning when she gets her daily coffee. that’s … normal, right? ❞
: ̗̀➛ full fic.
LOVE IN 3D. - logan sargeant x reader.
— dorks in love | fluff | comedy | smau + written. -> by @lokideservesahug
╰┈➤ ❝ you were never a massive cinephile but when the cute worker asked you if you’d like to buy a membership card, you didn’t hesitate in saying yes. now, you have to return at least twice a week, just to get your money’s worth. which has totally nothing to do with the hot blond working the slushy machine and the way his arms look in the branded uniform polo. ❞
: ̗̀➛ snippet | full fic.
PRETTY IN PINK. - zhou guanyu x reader.
— pining | slow burn | fluff | oneshot. -> by @minkyungseokie
╰┈➤ ❝ zhou likes his little life. working in the boutique, seeing his friends every weekend and secretly sketching his own designs whenever possible. enter y/n l/n, fashionista and formula one driver, who discovers his designs and insists he create her met gala look. the opportunity of a lifetime alongside the girl of his dreams, too bad he can only choose one. ❞
: ̗̀➛ full fic.
I SAW HER STANDING THERE. - daniel ricciardo x reader.
— romcom | slice of life | smau + written. -> by @onakomiyaki
╰┈➤ ❝ daniel never liked music that much, so when his older sister told him that he will be the next owner of the practically defunct family music store, he almost wanted to run away again. then he saw her, bright and as warm as the sun, and he thought, yeah he might give this a chance after all. ❞
: ̗̀➛ snippet | full fic.
SUNDRESS! - lando norris x reader.
— fwb2l | comedy | smau + written | smut | opposites attract.
╰┈➤ ❝ lando norris, the other supervisor of spice n sizzle, is the bane of your existence. you’re total opposites. so you’d think as soon as you left work you’d be rid of him but the universe (aka your libido) has a twisted sense of humour. he’s your secret fuck buddy. trying to hide your relationship from everyone forces you into a realisation: not only do you not hate lando, but you might possibly even… like him? ❞
: ̗̀➛ snippet | full fic.
SOMETHING JUST LIKE THIS - mick schumacher x reader.
— slow burn | romcom | fluff | pining. -> written by @papayadays
╰┈➤ ❝ mick has always loved books, and each day, there's nothing better than heading to the bookstore he works in and spending his days there. though no one there seems to have as much of an obsession. that is, until a university student looking for an obscure required book asks for his help, and he might have found a book buddy. ❞
: ̗̀➛ full fic.
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zoe-oneesama · 6 months
since were on the topic of animes tonight, what do you reccomend to someone (me) who isn't an anime watcher?
Huh, see, that's a hard ask because anime is at it's core just a Type of Media. There's anime for kids, there's anime for horror fans, there's anime for action movie junkies, there's anime for comedy lovers, there's anime for romance suckers, fantasy enjoyers, sci-fi nerds, murder mystery, animal lovers, people who like a bunch of pervy fan service, people who love it when the characters are doomed by the narrative, love it when The Power of Love and Friendship saves the day, love it when The Power of Love and Friendship ain't worth shit.
I can't really tell you what anime is good for you because I don't know you. But if you know what you like in things like books or movies or video games, there's definitely an anime for you to enjoy.
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jesuisgourde · 1 month
A list of all the books mentioned in Peter Doherty's journals (and in some interviews/lyrics, too)
Because I just made this list in answer to someone's question on a facebook group, I thought I may as well post it here.
-The Picture of Dorian Gray/The Ballad Of Reading Gaol/Salome/The Happy Prince/The Duchess of Padua, all by Oscar Wilde -The Thief's Journal/Our Lady Of The Flowers/Miracle Of The Rose, all by Jean Genet -A Diamond Guitar by Truman Capote -Mixed Essays by Matthew Arnold -Venus In Furs by Leopold Sacher-Masoch -The Ministry Of Fear by Graham Greene -Brighton Rock by Graham Green -A Season in Hell by Arthur Rimbaud -The Street Of Crocodiles (aka Cinnamon Shops) by Bruno Schulz -Opium: The Diary Of His Cure by Jean Cocteau -The Lost Weekend by Charles Jackson -Howl by Allen Ginsberg -Women In Love by DH Lawrence -The Tempest by William Shakespeare -Trilby by George du Maurier -The Vision Of Jean Genet by Richard Coe -"Literature And The Crisis" by Isaiah Berlin -Le Cid by Pierre Corneille -The Paris Peasant by Louis Aragon -Junky by William S Burroughs -Absolute Beginners by Colin MacInnes -Futz by Rochelle Owens -They Shoot Horses Don't They? by Horace McCoy -"An Inquiry On Love" by La revolution surrealiste magazine -Idea by Michael Drayton -"The Nymph's Reply to The Shepherd" by Sir Walter Raleigh -Hamlet by William Shakespeare -The Silver Shilling/The Old Church Bell/The Snail And The Rose Tree all by Hans Christian Andersen -120 Days Of Sodom by Marquis de Sade -Letters To A Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke -Poetics Of Space by Gaston Bachelard -In Favor Of The Sensitive Man and Other Essays by Anais Nin -La Batarde by Violette LeDuc -Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov -Intimate Journals by Charles Baudelaire -Juno And The Paycock by Sean O'Casey -England Is Mine by Michael Bracewell -"The Prelude" by William Wordsworth -Noise: The Political Economy of Music by Jacques Atalli -"Elm" by Sylvia Plath -"I am pleased with my sight..." by Rumi -She Stoops To Conquer by Oliver Goldsmith -Amphitryon by John Dryden -Oscar Wilde by Richard Ellman -The Song Of The South by James Rennell Rodd -In Her Praise by Robert Graves -"For That He Looked Not Upon Her" by George Gascoigne -"Order And Disorder" by Lucy Hutchinson -Man Crazy by Joyce Carol Oates -A Pictorial History Of Sex In The Movies by Jeremy Pascall and Clyde Jeavons -Anarchy State & Utopia by Robert Nozick -"Limbo" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge -Men In Love: Masculinity and Sexuality in the Eighteenth Century by George Haggerty
[arbitrary line break because tumble hates lists apparently]
-Crime And Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky -Innocent When You Dream: the Tom Waits Reader -"Identity Card" by Mahmoud Darwish -Ulysses by James Joyce -The Four Quartets poems by TS Eliot -Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare -A'Rebours/Against The Grain by Joris-Karl Huysmans -Prisoner Of Love by Jean Genet -Down And Out In Paris And London by George Orwell -The Man With The Golden Arm by Nelson Algren -Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates -"Epitaph To A Dog" by Lord Byron -Cocaine Nights by JG Ballard -"Not By Bread Alone" by James Terry White -Anecdotes Of The Late Samuel Johnson by Hester Thrale -"The Owl And The Pussycat" by Edward Lear -"Chevaux de bois" by Paul Verlaine -A Strong Song Tows Us: The Life of Basil Bunting by Richard Burton -Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes -The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri -The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling -The Man Who Would Be King by Rudyard Kipling -Ask The Dust by John Frante -On The Trans-Siberian Railways by Blaise Cendrars -The 39 Steps by John Buchan -The Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol -The Government Inspector by Nikolai Gogol -The Iliad by Homer -Heart Of Darkness by Joseph Conrad -The Volunteer by Shane O'Doherty -Twenty Love Poems and A Song Of Despair by Pablo Neruda -"May Banners" by Arthur Rimbaud -Literary Outlaw: The life and times of William S Burroughs by Ted Morgan -The Penguin Dorothy Parker -Smoke by William Faulkner -Hero And Leander by Christopher Marlowe -My Lady Nicotine by JM Barrie -All I Ever Wrote by Ronnie Barker -The Libertine by Stephen Jeffreys -On Murder Considered As One Of The Fine Arts by Thomas de Quincey -The Void Ratio by Shane Levene and Karolina Urbaniak -The Remains Of The Day by Kazuo Ishiguro -Dead Fingers Talk by William S Burroughs -The England's Dreaming Tapes by Jon Savage -London Underworld by Henry Mayhew
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pleasantangelpaper · 10 months
Video Killed The Radio Star (Stu Macher x Reader)
WOOOO I love the scream boys, I really do. So, here is the first part of my Stu Macher x reader!!! Let me know below if you want to be on the tag list for any future parts!
Pairing: Stu Macher x Female! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of a bad relationship with a sibling, slight allusions to sex, but not really
Word Count: 1.3k
The video store: a world of fun and amusement, a place where horror junkies get their fix and young lovers find some background noise. It is also my personal hell. Ever since I got this job at Blockbuster video, I have experienced nothing but boring work shifts. The whole gig is so routine. Checking out horror movies, rom-coms, and pornos all day gets to be a blur, and there’s only so many times that you can try to mop the stickiness off of the floor before you start to lose your mind. The store I work at is a quaint one. It’s small in size, but it has a rather large number of customers. Most of the customers are regulars, the ones who show up every Friday afternoon to get their fix for the week, but sometimes I meet a straggler who got bored enough to finally use their vhs. Today was not one of those days. 
As I stocked the romance shelf with the newest chick-flicks and romantic comedies, I heard a strange sound, like a movie had fallen off of one of the shelves. I raised an eyebrow in curiosity as I looked around. No one seemed to be in the store. It was 9:30 PM on a Wednesday. Only thirty minutes until closing, and someone was in the store? A thought popped into my head, “Randy… I know you’re here… come out, what are you doing?” I questioned the open room with a tone of annoyance. Randy Meeks was my co-worker, and I guess he could be a friend. He was funny, but sometimes he just was downright weird. Not a word of response was sent back my way. “Randy, really, it’s not funny,”. Suddenly I felt arms grab my face and cover my eyes. “It’s not Randy,” a familiar voice sang. “STU!” I yelled the man’s name angrily, “You can’t sneak up on people like that, it's terrifying!”. He lowered his arms in defense, “Hey, it was just a joke, it’s not like I’m gonna hurt you or something,” he stated. I let out a sigh, “What do you need, Stu, I gotta get home, we have school tomorrow,”. “Ah-ah, the store doesn’t close for another thirty minutes,” the man tutted. I groaned, Stu is a great friend, but he can be annoying when he wants to. “Of course you would know that,”. I began to look back at the shelf I was stocking, unloading the last of the box of new rentals onto the cold metal, and making sure they were in alphabetical order, though I knew that wouldn’t last long. I knew exactly where Stu would be headed, as it was the same row that almost every teen in Woodsboro frequented: the horror section. 
“Do you have Halloween: the Curse of Michael Myers yet?” Stu questioned, flipping through the titles meticulously. The man scanned each movie with a sense of precision. There was always something he was looking for. I didn’t know exactly what his favorite horror genre was, because it seemed to me that he liked them all, and yet, he still scanned every movie’s cover as if he were picking a job to apply to. “Actually, Stu, we may or may not have just gotten our first copy, and I may or may not have rented it out already…” I started with a sense of anxiety, fearing that Stu would be upset by the fact that I had already rented the movie. I don’t know why I felt that I had to forfeit my rental, but something about Stu always made me give in. “But, you can gladly have it, uh just, uh, let me check it back in, so that you can check it out,” I started hastily walking to my bag, but not before my arm was caught by Stu. “You don’t have to do that,” his voice sounded concerned as he pulled me back by my arm. “We could just watch it together,” he said. I blushed in embarrassment as the man still had my arm in a strong grip, and because I could watch a movie with Stu Macher… alone. I’ve never been one to succumb to crushes, but… okay yeah… that’s a lie… I’m like totally infatuated with Stu Macher, but can you blame me. We’ve been friends since elementary school. Billy Loomis, Stu, and I have always been a tight-knit group. Of course, we’ve strayed apart a bit now that I have friends that are girls, but we’re still relatively close, and something about him just always pulls me in, and the cologne he wears is just divine, and his eyes, oh his- “Y/N, Y/N… you alive in there,” “ OH Uh sorry I zoned out for a bit there,” I internally screamed as my cheeks turned blood red. “So what do you say?” the taller asked as he looked at me with puppy-dog eyes. “Oh uh yeah! Of course! We could watch it tomorrow if you’d like, whose house?” I internally begged him to say he could watch it tomorrow. We hadn’t watched a movie alone together… ever. We usually always end up hanging out with Billy, and occasionally, the rest of the gang, but this could be different. “How about I pick you up and we swing by the store to get some snacks, and then we watch it at mine. My parents are gone, so we can take over the living room,” he smirked a little which made me blush a bit more. I brushed any thoughts of romance out of my head, he’s just saying that we don’t have to worry about noise…right…? I nodded my head, “Okay, Stu,” I said with a smile. “You wanna ride home, babe?” Stu asked genuinely. Even though he called almost everyone babe, my heart still did a flutter. “Well if you’re offering…” I trailed off. “Let me close everything up and get my stuff,” I yelled as I was already halfway across the store from him as I went to close down the register.
I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder as I braced myself to experience the chilly Autumn air. Stu opened the door for me as we walked to his car. His car was nice, but rather banged up. He’s quite the chaotic driver. I fastened my seatbelt and sat back staring through the windshield at the town streets as Stu drove. We made light conversation and talked about everything and anything. We brought up stories of past movie nights, and joked about the stupid things we’ve done at parties. As we finally pulled up to my house, I noticed a car parked in the driveway. “Fuck,” I muttered under my breath. “What’s wrong?” Stu faced me now, his previous happy look changing to one of concern. “My sister’s home,” I stated simply. Stu knew all about my sister and everything she had done to me. He instantly put the car back in drive and started to drive away from my house. “Stu, what the fuck are you doing?” I asked, confused. “You’re not going back there with her, I won’t let you,” he said with a grave face. I huffed and sit back in my seat, “So you’re just going to kidnap me instead,” I half-giggled. “Yep, you’re staying at mine, and you’ve got no way out of this,” he proudly exclaimed. “Oh yeah? What if I tuck and roll?”. Stu took that as a personal challenge as he began driving faster, his tires making a loud screeching sound. “STU STU STOP DOING THAT!” I screamed as the man laughed proudly at the fear he made me exhibit. “It’s just a joke babe, chill out,” He giggled. We continued driving until we finally reached the Macher residence.
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lvrcpid · 1 year
headcannons ii - modern!au
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— he was the type of kid who did the lemonade stands as a kid, backwards e and all.
— his led lights are always set to white. he doesn’t even use the light in his room
— he definitely goes trick or treating still. no matter the fact he’s almost 6 foot. he’s gonna get him some free candy
— speaking of candy, his favorite candy is..TWIZZLERS 🤢
— if there’s one thing neteyam will do, he gonna take a deep sigh like he a stressed father of 5
— he has his caps lock on 😟
— such a mommas boy
— ‘you need help ma?’ ‘i can pick her up for you ma’
— idc what y’all say him and jake ARENT THAT CLOSE
— nete def strays away from jakes old veteran ass but the first one to use his military discount anywhere they go 💀 he’s so me
— that boy loves him some the weeknd
— die for you is his favorite song
— the type to literally hit you while laughing
— he’s always in some sort of pain
— ‘my back hurt’ ‘my ankle hurts’
— he was the type of kid who got caught with kik at age 12
— when he finally got his car, he got a dent in it not even an hour later
— he thinks those a.i president videos are top tier comedy
— his closet is where he records his raps 💀
— neytiri has to FIGHT with him to make him wash his favorite hoodie
— under his bed is literally comparable to a landfill. ITS SO DIRTY UNDER THERE
— when he was a kid, he ran into a wall and knocked his two front teeth out
— something tells me lo’ak is a fast eater like you could blink and his plate is CLEAR
— jake made him join jrotc 💀
— she’s def a morning person
— you can find her in her room mediating or doing yoga
— very in touch with her higher self
— she’s given herself a lot of stick and poke tattoos
— her favorite one is a heart on her finger
— shoes? hell no. crocs and slippers.
— funniest person in the family hands down
— she actually enjoys cleaning, it’s therapeutic
— the type to make twitter stans mad on purpose
— has way too much blackmail on everyone in the family
— she probably can’t dance tbh shed rather watch
— gives the MEANEST side eye to people
— he has facial hair (teehee)
— he probably was the type to go “boi 🫱🏽” in middle school
— he smells like irish spring ¿
— big big big sneaker head
— ‘where my hug at’ AONUNG GO TO HELL
— got that stiff athletes walk to him
— something tells me he has a letterman jacket with ‘A’ on it
— he definitely needs his license taken away. he has three tickets already
— speaking of license, his picture is his rizz. he looks so pretty in his picture
— poor baby hates eye contact, it makes him nervous
— he’s so fruity. talking bout some “POOKIE 😆”
— he’s a beast at mini golf
— da hood is his favorite roblox game. he definitely gets annoying and tells people to mic up
— she actually believes in the tarot readings on her fyp
— she’s confident. not cocky.
— she can whoop ass. PRAY WITH HER DONT PLAY W HER
— she wants to dye her hair but she’s so scared
— she got a tattoo of a heart behind her ear behind her parents backs
— my girl loves her some astrology
— ‘WHATS YOUR RISING??’ ‘tsireya get the hell out of my room’
— she has a pet kitten named wiggles
— her lock screen is of her , lo’ak and wiggles
— she loves oreos
— her and the sims locked IN
— she’s spent at least 500 dollars on packages for the game
— she wears glasses but never wears them so she’s always squinting
— she’s a concert junkie. she’s been to almost every single nct concert she could attend
— ‘lo’ak let’s get matching silk presses’
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louis-quatorze · 1 year
watching the Amsterdam episode now
ongoing thoughts
- why are they even playing Ajax. what level are Richmond at. when is this. if this is the international break why is Ajax playing. you’d assume Richmond would also have internationals (Sam at least, right?). god the actual football in this show drives me fucking insane. (I know the answer is “Sudekis and Hunt wanted to go back to Amsterdam on Apple’s dime” but still)
- this is exactly how all Dutch sports journalists talk and it is so funny to see non-Dutch people deal with it 
- graag gedaan
- Jamie’s Facts of Amsterdam
- Rebecca the bike lanes are obvious. Get out of the red! (Also most canals in the center don’t even have those)
- you can swim in the canals but I wouldn’t in the city center (out of it, though, or along the Ij is often fine)
- Johan Cruyff is, indeed, that cool. I miss him
- hehehe herring
- it is extremely funny that Jan’s suggestion is going to Groningen which is extremely Groningen of him. but also what is Martin Garrix doing up there
- if it’s Museumnacht and also possible to see the Northern Lights it’s the wrong time of year for a tulip, sorry Dani. they can probably get you one of those wooden ones though.
- seriously though why are you bringing drugs to the Netherlands the best drugs are here and we’re proud of it
- the himbos are the only part of this show that are still a comedy
- the Dutch is funny though (including the not-translated bits) and hearing Jan talk it is also funny
- niet gezellig, hé
- Jamie’s cute in his little Grealish hair
- hey it’s Prik! I have spent a decent amount of time in that bar considering I don’t even live in Amsterdam. it’s a cute bar, good crowd, my friend used to work there. it’s not on the main street of gay bars, which probably makes it less intimidating to Colin. 
- gezellig
- Boat Guy is extremely Dutch (positive)
- oh here’s where they’re using Zij gelooft in mij. It’s cute!
- lmao at Jamie getting some “used bikes” off a junkie on the street. you don’t see that much any more (particularly where they were) but when Hunt and Sudekis used to live there it was pretty common
- everyone’s said this but it is sweet that Colin and Trent’s conversation is at the Homomonument. (also not far from Prik even if you stop for beers.) 
- just realizing that this is a very dry night in Amsterdam, not common
- everyone has such great Facts About Amsterdam. good job being the Amsterdam tourist board, cast of Ted Lasso
- what strings did Ted have to pull to get a Museumnacht ticket at random
- Richard is right, they should not try Dutch food, it’s bad. note Jan was not suggesting it. (seeing them all pile into a FEBO would be funny though)
- extremely sweet that they manage to get a discussion of the word “gezellig” into this. if I didn’t already know that they were fond of the Netherlands, that would do it.
- hey it’s Derek! He has lines! (He’s the waiter Ted takes a pen from.) That’s actually pretty exciting, he wasn’t sure he would actually be in the show, it’s his first TV role
- there are American-themed restaurants here and they are often like that and it’s extremely funny. I’m obsessed with all of them
- Hunt showing off his Dutch. I didn’t realize until this episode that he was here for 10 years, that’s pretty serious
- if Beard had got his drugs in the Netherlands they wouldn’t have been duds you know
- Roy is a lot braver than me, I tried riding on the back of a bike once and it sucked ass
- in the end, this is a pretty sweet tribute to Amsterdam - you can tell that they’re affectionate towards the city and the Dutch and wanted to show that. I’m charmed by how much they clearly just wanted to showcase the city and its charms, and I think they did a good job of it. 
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pendragon1400 · 10 months
Headcannons about what the party watches for TV:
Gale mainly documentaries, but he is a sucker for classic literature i.e. Anne of Green Gables/Pride and Prejudice.
Karlach: Mainly cartoons, but also comedies such as Brooklynn 99 or The Office.
Shadowheart and La'zel: True crime. They criticize the murderer for getting caught.
Astarion: Reality tv junkie, any kind of reality tv. He also likes Great British Baking show and Project Runway.
Wyll: I feel like Wyll would like Star Trek. Hero's winning, team work and such.
Halsin: Nature documentaries, and idk after he adopted the kids I feel like he would watch a lot of supernanny and try Joe's tactics.
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brucewaynesmanor · 19 days
Klaus’ character writing in season two, three and four (especially four) shows one thing : the lack of empathy for addicts from the writer(s).
This character is reduced to a joke, a running gag, someone fun and silly at any given chance. Instead of the multidimensional, complex person he is in season one, where we see him struggling with addiction and sobriety, we just see him being his little goofy self for no reason and no explanation.
In season one, it is made clear that klaus went through unspeakable abuse he still suffers from on a daily basis - his powers, seeing his dead brother everywhere, being locked up in a mausoleum as a kid. He uses dr u gs and alco hol to cope with everything, not because he wants to, thinks it’s cool, or for no reason - it’s because when he’s sober, and it’s shown when hazel and cha cha torture him, he is surrounded by his childhood terror and constantly lives again his trauma - he is surrounded by people who died horribly and harasses him. It’s so terrifying and so traumatic for him (and the viewers) that he sees no other solution than using to make them disappear, whatever the cost is (rehab, overdose, jail…). He can’t ask his siblings for help as they always ignore him, never listen to him and never take him seriously. He is invisible to them and they are all so self-centered about their own traumatic experiences that instead of helping each others they cope with different things and still act like kids even if they’re adults - that’s how lost and traumatized they are.
Yet klaus still fights everyday and try to be better, and get better, even if traumatic things keep happening to him (fighting in the vietnam war, losing the love of his life, being kidnapped, tortured and scared to die because nobody- not one of his siblings - realize he disappeared). That’s what I meant by multidimensional and complex. It’s human. It has meaning.
The thing is season one does that beautifully. And I genuinely think it’s because season one is everything but a comedy - the story is serious and talks about incredibly difficult topics, addictions, abuse and childhood trauma, always seriously ! You have some light scenes where it is fun, where the characters get to breathe and live a little, but deep down they’re all traumatized and it’s serious - this is a deep, serious story about a man who adopted children to ruin their lives and we, the viewers, witness the consequences.
And then from season 2 it’s just a comedy. And the light of empathy is blatant for klaus’ character : no respect for his efforts to be sober, no deeper meaning behind his unhealthy alcohol consumption, no more complexity for his character. He’s the junkie weird queer sibling - because someone has to be, right ?
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brunchable · 2 years
A Soulmate Who Wasn’t Meant To Be — Part 5 || Doctor Strange x F!Reader
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Word Count: 2.4K Themes: Meddling Kids, Push n Pull, Comedy(?) Special Mentions: Peter Parker, America Chavez, Ned Leeds A/N: I apologize for the crackhead energy with this one but with Peter, America and Ned working together, I imagine it would end up like this LOL. Gif not mine. Credits to Creator.
“No.” You pushed Stephen out your door. You didn't care if he didn't have his sling ring or any extra clothes on. The embarrassment tonight was more than enough.
“Hear me out.” Stephen tries to reason with you as he backs up.
“No. No-no-no. No. Get out.” you shook your head and shoved him out of your door.
“I can explain.”
“I’m sure you can explain, and I’m equally sure I don’t want you to hear it. Goodbye.” You smile and was about to shut the door when Stephen uses hand to keep it open.
Seeing him tied up on your bed was enough explanation. He was trying to scare all the men away and never see you again—though the guy tonight was a huge red flag, Stephen probably scared away the good ones as well.
“It’s been months. We should be able to talk about it.”
“No. No-no-no. No. Get out.” You smacked his hands of and pulls the door closed—
“Don’t shut the door on my—DAMMIT.” Stephen grimaces in pain.
You look down and realized what you did by accident,“Move your foot.”
“Move the door.” He stubbornly replied.
“Move your foot or I will decapitate it.”
“That doesn’t make any sense. You decapitate heads, not feet.”
“Move your foot or I will de-foot you.” you seethed.
“That’s not even a word. C’mon. Hear me out. Please.”
“Move your foot.” you repeated firmly.
“Why not just open the door a little more and let me come in. See? It’s—DAMMIT. STOP DOING THAT. YOU’RE HURTING ME.”
“Stop hurting you? Stop hurting you? Congratulations. You win the Oscar for best verbal irony. Now take both of your feet and walk them and your sad sorry ass to your haunted house. Goodbye.”
“I know you are really mad at me. I can explain.”
“Mad at you? I don’t care enough about you to be mad at you. Frankly, I’m mad at myself.”
“You should be.”
You scoffed and pointed at yourself, “I should be mad at myself?!”
“Oh, now please explain. Why should I be mad at myself?”
“Because you're giving up on us.”
“I gave up on us? Oh, I’m sorry I made you take me as a rebound and then dump me on my birthday—”
“But now I realise I made a terrible mistake.”
“That’s not a credible defence.”
“You really need to let me come in. We need to talk.”
“You really need to leave. Goodbye.”
“C’mon. We can move on from this. You know I am a late bloomer. I just need a little more time than most—”
“You are in your forties!”
“Exactly. Who really has it all together by their forties?”
You count with your digits, “Alexander the Great. Jesus Christ. Ex-convicts. Junkies. Nearly everyone. You deserve the door slammed in your face.”
“Yet here you are talking to me.”
“My mistake. Goodbye.” In an attempt to shut the door you hit his foor again.
“Then move your foot out of the door jam, and then move your carcass out of my life. It’s really quite simple.”
“I CAN’T MOVE MY FOOT. YOU HAVE IT WEDGED.” Stephen snapped, his eyes slightly glistening as his foot registers all the pain.
You gave his foot some allowance, “There.”
“Thank you. Now let me come in.” He makes an attempt to come in again.
You placed your hand on his chest and push him back out, “You stay on the other side of this door—just like the trash cans. The only difference is that the trash cans are useful.”
“Are you really going to throw away years together? Are you really throwing away our relationship?”
“I don’t have to throw it away. You did it for me. I’m just not picking it up again.”
“You know I love you.”
“You know I don’t care. The last straw was the last straw.”
“I can get you more straws.” He says, trying to lighten up the situation, which only infuriates you.
“I’m sure you can get me almost anything—anything but peace.”
“I can get you a piece of straw.”
“Your clever puns are wasted here. You’re exhausting. Just your presence is exhausting. Just leave.”
“Shut the door.”
“I’m going to.” you shrug.
“No one is stopping you. See? I have moved my feet. You have moved on. Now, shut the door.”
You narrowed your eyes at Stephen and shut the door on his face.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
It's been a few days since Stephen last sabotaged and practically made a show of himself in front of—you can't even remember his name anymore—the guy with mommy issues. You guessed that shaving Stephen off like a sheep taught him the lesson not to mess with you again.
You laugh at the memory of Stephen screaming and helplessly begging you not to shave him—Damn it! I should've waxed him. You thought to yourself, wishing you could turn back the time to give him all that pain.
It’s the middle of the night now, and you’ve finished your pint of Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream. Having ingested 200% of your daily sugar allowance, and since you couldn't put yourself to sleep after an hour of trying, you turned on the TV to watch some late night shows. Eventually it only became a background noise as you became distracted swiping through your tinder account to find any interesting people who for one, doesn't live with their mother or is overbearing.
"Are you staring at your phone, waiting impatiently for a monosyllabic message from your fickle lover to magically appear?" The man on the TV spoke. It was clearly a young man with a fake moustache. He walked over behind a girl with shoulder length black hair as she sat on the couch on her phone.
"Are you sick of meeting a "bae" on Tinder, opening up to them about your life while eating cold nachos and drinking watered-down margaritas, only to have them dump you three weeks later?"
Like a typical product advertisement, the girl nodded with a hopeful expression.
"Do you find yourself being a magnet for megalomaniacs, a sucker for swindlers, a filling station for womanisers?"
The girl nodded again.
"If so, you need to find out if You Are Being Ridiculous!™ " The camera zooms as the young man with a fake moustache pulls out his phone and presents the app being promoted.
"The next time you find yourself ugly crying in the bathroom stall, download the app by weeping directly onto the You Are Being Ridiculous!™ icon. Through the wonders of technology, your tears will be instantly analysed to see if You Are Being Ridiculous!™"
The TV shows a demonstration of the girl weeping on her phone before looking into the camera with terrible acting, "O-m-g! I am being ridiculous!"
"Your friends may have clued you in already because they don’t want to hear about your failed dates or relationship anymore—but when you are ready for a Cold Hard Truth Sandwich, we will make sure to leave out the baloney!
Perhaps you are entangled with a soulmate, or maybe it’s some average schmuck who has a treasure trove of mommy issues?
Maybe you’ve found a fallen angel who needs to overcome their childhood trauma, or maybe you landed a turd that needs to be flushed?
Either way, take the patented You Are Being Ridiculous!™ assessment, developed by licensed professional interns at Cosmopolitan magazine to see exactly why you give that complete loser the time of day.
But wait—there's more!
For nine instalments of $19.99, we will send your results to the TikTok therapist of your choice—because nothing says quality mental health counselling like an older white woman in an ill-fitting suit awkwardly dancing to “My Money Don’t Jiggle Jiggle, It Folds.”
So, are you ready to quit waking up in the middle of the night to confide in your new best friend, the ceiling? Are you ready to systemically deal with the fear, control, and power issues you have inside your own skull?
Then throw away those tissue boxes, call the number to chat with one of our experts, and get ready to find out if You Are Being Ridiculous!™
Just dial 1-800-4-give-him. That's 1-800-4-give him! Do it now.”
You grabbed the remote control and shut off the TV. You blinked and stared at the black screen weirded out about what you just watched. You shook your head and decided that it was time to go to bed.
The next morning
Alexa rings the alarm to wake you up, "Rise and shine, (Y/N). It's 21°C and sunny and a perfect day to forgive Stephen. . . " You roll onto your back, eyelids flying open when you realise what you just heard Alexa said, "Now Playing: When you left, I lost a part of me. It's still so hard to believe, Come back, baby, please, 'Cause we belong together."
You rose up like the undead and slammed your hand on the device to make it stop. You rubbed your hands to your face, "Damn it Stephen!" You yelled into the air.
He might've stopped sabotaging your dates for a while but now he's really getting creative at not giving you an ounce of peace. You turn off all of your gadgets, just in case an unsolicited announcement or advertisement pops up again.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
You were waiting for coffee at Starbucks when the TV mounted on the wall began showing the billboard top hits, "Billboard brings you the top 100 greatest love songs of all time! We bring you classic love songs like, 'All you need is Stephen', 'If you can't find someone new to love, then love Stephen!', 'Do that to Stephen one more time!', 'You know you still love Stephen (He loves you long time)!'"
You look around to see if anybody else is seeing this and to your dismay, everyone else seems to be occupied with their own thing on their laptops and phones.
"(Y/N)?" The barista called out, playing your venti caramel macchiato on the bench.
"Thank you." You hastily grabbed your cup and looked back at the TV.
"And how can we forget about, 'Don't walk away from, Stephen. He has nothing if he don't have you!'"
You walk out of the store, "What the fuck—" Looking up at all the screens in time square got your head spinning.
"Download You Are Being Ridiculous!™ right now! Or call 1-800-4-Give-Him."
"I will always love you, (Y/N)! Now Streaming at Spotify."
"The Man Who Can't Be Moved, in theatres now!" An image of Stephen appears holding a cardboard with your photo in his hand.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
"I don't think she's taking Phase Sadness all too well. . . She looks terrified more than sad." Ned watches you run away in the scrying crystal ball as he notified America and Peter who was still in costume after making the You Are Being Ridiculous advertisement.
"Oh wow you finally did it! Congratulations Ned." America smiles and gives Ned a supportive pat on the back.
Ned chuckles, "Yeah, after I broke twenty scrying crystal balls? That's two hundred years of bad luck. I'm surprised Sir Doctor Strange didn't kick me out yet."
Stephen's footsteps as he rushed down the undercroft sounded like thunder and when he arrived at the basement, he found America dressed as you, Peter dressed like a 70s news anchor and Ned hugging the scrying crystal ball on his lap.
"Can somebody explain. . .Why? Is. My. Face all over time square?!" Stephen's voice gradually got louder.
"It was Peter's idea." Ned blurted out of anxiety from Stephen's tone of voice, "Pan de sal?" Ned holds up a filipino bread roll.
"No. Thank you." Stephen blinks and then turns towards Peter, "Whatever this is, undo it. Now." He said sternly.
"Okay, okay—We'll shut down all hacking devices." Peter says in defeat and runs towards their laptops to shut down their programmes.
Stephen sighs rubbing his hands over his face, wishing that he should never have asked kids to help him out. If he they asked him what he wanted to do, he would do it right. He’d kiss you and tell you how much he loved you before he dropped down on one knee and begged you to forgive him. If you said no, then he would have courted you and proved to you how much he cared for you. He should have-
"Sorry, Stephen. We should've asked you before going ahead. . . We just got too excited." America looks down apologetically, "But we still have one more—"
"No. Nope! I have been shaved, kicked out of her apartment with nothing on but my underwear and now you deep-faked my face on the lead singer of The Script and then plastered my face all over time square?!" Stephen snapped with a frustrated growl, "What other ideas do you have planned? Paint my face on the moon?"
"Well actually, we didn’t deep-fake you. . . America went to another universe and filmed a homeless version of you. . ." Peter admitted as if it was going to make the situation any better.
Stephen's eyes scrutinised their faces one by one before bursting into laughter. The kids laughed along with Stephen uncomfortably with America leaning into Peter saying, "I think we broke him."
Stephen sighs as he stopped laughing and abruptly dropped his face into an angry scowl, "You guys have fifteen minutes to pack up your shit before I tell Tony what you've been using his tech for,"—Stephen point as Peter and then Ned—"Tell you're grandma that you actually learning magic,"—and lastly Stephen turns to America—"Take away your pizza privilege."
Stephen slowly walked toward Peter and ripped his fake moustache off.
"Ow. . ." Peter mumbled, stoke his upper lip.
"Stephen c'mon! It was a mistake! Give us a second chance! We promise we'll consult you before doing anything else stupid." America tried reasoning with Stephen, running up to his side and holding his arm pleadingly.
"Yeah, Doctor Strange, Sir. . . It’s just a test run?" Ned mumbled, still hugging the scrying crystal ball with the image of you closing your blinds at work to get away from all the madness.
"Fifteen minutes." Stephen iriterated once more, glancing at the image of you on thw crystal ball and left the undercroft so that the kids would clean up.
"Phase Sadness Status: Failed," Peter said after a moments of silence.
"No. We haven't even gotten to the better part yet. I refuse to give up when we barely even started!" America disagreed with Peter and stopped him from packing up.
"America, Stephen looked pretty mad. Plus I don't want Mr. Stark to take away my stuff." Peter said.
"Oh c'mon please? It's not going to involve hacking and the other stupid stuff we did—even though it was kinda funny— trust me! I'll talk to Stephen. We just need to wait under his head is not smoking in anger anymore."
TAGS: @sherlux @gaitwae @shit-post-things @seasonofthenerd @patbrdac @evelynrosestuff @severuined @farfromjustordinary @lovecleastrange @samisubi @mochuchi @faithinhome @ohchoices @junkertown-princess @sigyncevans @dragonqueen89 @the-royal-petals @hiddlechive @bobateadaydreams @lykaonimagines @valbensherstep @strangeobsessed @calsjack @crowleyspett @goldencherriess @jyessaminereads @fandom-lover-4 @tis-vereon @rbymoon @ronsbadidea @sunshineyrosie @strangefilms @justmewoo @imherefordeanandbones @winsteria @arioneway @strangefilms @siredlust @strangeions @gwephen @strangesweetheart @allie131313 @lokislov3 @classicrebound @lady-harvey @iobsessoverfictionalmen @saltykidcreation @cerene-ciderr @lokislov3 @thealleydog @jotaros-bara-tiddies @loolani
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yeahiwasintheshit · 2 months
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watched 'sid and nancy' and while it was def not a terrible movie, it was not a great movie either. its of note because its not only gary oldman's first movie, but first starring role, and hes great as always. chloe webb as nancy spungen is great too. you almost think shes over doing it until you actually hear the real nancy spungen speak, and its a damn good impression.
one of the supplements was an interview with the director, alex cox, and he actually said exactly what was my issue with the movie, and that it over romanticized the two of them. he made a bunch of sentimental choices, esp at the very end. which kinda left a bad taste afterwards. like yes, its a love story of these 2 junkies thrust into the spotlight, and you can show that without weird sentimentality. like theres just some scene in the middle of the movie where the 2 of them are making out in an alley while slo-mo garbage is raining down on them. and man, whatever kind of joke scene that is, does not land in the junkie murder overdose movie. lol
sid vicious was a piece of shit, he not only wore a nazi swastika tshirt in real life ALOT (which they never show in the movie) but he murdered his girlfriend nancy. im not saying you cant make him a complicated layered character but the weird sentimental, almost silly scenes, really were at odds with the stark reality of the situations, and the way they did that contrast just did not work for me. im all for dark humor, but there were a couple like slapstick comedy kind of scenes in there, and youre like what?
i have to say it looked really good. it was made in the 80s, only a couple years after both their deaths, so everything looked right, nyc, the lighting felt really natural but heightened which was great. it looks like a really good movie. and all the performances were really good. it just didnt really get there tonally. i think maybe if it was cut differently and took out some of their weird comedy, and def the ending, it would work more. like i dont necessarily think just cause the movie is a depiction of real life people you need to make a documentary or even make it an over the top DRAMA. but the movie tried to ride a line that wasnt either. and by not really committing to being one thing or another it kinda wasnt anything.
the director said, he didnt even try to give the ending a more realistic ending of their deaths, because he didnt think the financiers would give him money without the silly fairytale ending he made, and man you shouldnt admit that lol
anyway, its not as bad as im shitting all over it, the acting, the look and some of the recreations are pretty good, so if a 80s punk junkie murder love story seems like itd work for you, than check it out.
oh and also, courtney love is in it, literally in the first scene. shes as shit of an actress as she is a singer lol hmmm a junkie love story where someone is murdered... weird. lol
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applsidra · 8 months
Paddock_CORKS CREW (Fujichika Mio_Katsuichi Tahara) JUNKY DANCE
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Release Date: 2/27/2000
Tags: Shounen ai, comedy/humor, gag comic, graphic depiction of violence (for like one page), Fist of the North Star
Characters: Sol Badguy (Kenshiro) , Ky Kiske (Giorno Giovanna), Axl Low
Description: Gag comic with a lot of Japanese humor.
[Google Drive] [MEGA] [Mediafire] [PDF]
Read Online
[MangaPark] [Bato.to] [E-Hentai]
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inkspottie · 10 months
I'm terrified to see the mimic in your style. Cause honestly I have a feeling the mimic is going to be an interesting piece of work.
So looking at our roster of characters to be in the sequel we have the following:
Gregory, our favorite savage child.
Cassie, our equally favored less savage child.
Glamrock Freddy, Our favorite himbo.
Roxanne Wolf, Our drama "Oh God don't mess up the makeup" hair loving appearance managing protector of Cassie.
Montgomery Gator, our jealous gator.
The Mimic, Chewbaca.
Vanessa, the world hates me, Afton (?).
Jeremy, Shaggy if he was an adrenaline junkie.
Stanley, the man who almost became another walking corpse.
Delilah, the woman who has a panic attack when she wakes up around 1:35 am.
Alec, the traumatized body-swap survivor.
Hazel, the I'm traumatized by my body-swapped brother.
Henry, still a part of the "betrayed by my best friend and co-owner to my business" club, Emily.
Micheal and Lolbit, Traumatized Standup comedy.
Evan, nightmare but cuter.
Charlie, the girl who never sleeps.
Cassidy, the girl who never lets anyone sleep peacefully.
William, the purple man who's the everlastang Steve Raglan Dave Miller I always come back, Afton.
Eclipse/Sun/Moon, fnaf's sans for fanfics.
I think that's it... for now at least.
And what a cast we have 😂
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