#Collier Constellation
kilfeur · 8 hours
La pitié du Miséricordieux me fait penser à celle de la reine Aditi. Pour Kim'Dael, ça a été de l'enchaîner dans une dette de pitié pour qu'elle se repente. En espérant qu'un jour, un de ses descendants aura la grâce de la libérer de son collier. Lo Miséricordieux a proposé une forme de grâce. Et l'autre elfe des étoiles les a condamné à mourir tout les deux. Quand iel vient le voir pour lui dire cette fameuse phrase "Nous sommes tous des poussières d'étoiles, unis par l'amour, ne serait ce qu'un instant." D'après les elfes célestes même si leurs enveloppe charnelle, ils peuvent revenir dans Xadia si leurs étoiles sont alignés. En revanche, Leola est tuée par l'ordre cosmique à cause de leur "justice."
Du coup est ce que les elfes des étoiles comprennent le concept du deuil ou en ont-ils une conception différente de la nôtre ? Ils ont une longue longévité ! La phrase de la poussière d'étoile, pourrait symboliser que l'âme de Leola est toujours dans les constellations même si son père ne peut plus l'atteindre. Pour ille, c'est une forme de pitié. Même Aaravos a pleuré 100 ans la mort de sa fille, ce qui l'a pas mal affecté mentalement.
The mercy of the Merciful one reminds me of that of Queen Aditi. For Kim'Dael, it was to chain her in a debt of mercy to repent. Hopefully, one day, one of her descendants will have the grace to release her from her collar. Lo Miséricordieux proposed a form of grace. And the other star elf condemned them both to death. When they comes to see him to say that famous phrase “We're all stardust, united by love, if only for a moment.” According to the celestial elves, they can return to Xadia if their stars are aligned. On the other hand, Leola is killed by the cosmic order because of their “justice.”
So do startouch elves understand the concept of grief, or do they have a different conception of it to us? They have a long longevity! The stardust phrase could symbolize that Leola's soul is still in the constellations, even if her father can no longer reach it. For them, it's a form of pity. Even Aaravos mourned his daughter's death for 100 years, which affected him a lot mentally.
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CASLEO 🔭 y Cabalgata 🐴
Après un début de séjour idyllique à Barreal, nous avons continué de profiter de l’ambiance du village, tout en prenant le temps de nous reposer suite à notre ascension du Cerro Leoncito.
Le dimanche, notre visite à l’observatoire a dû être annulée à cause des nombreux nuages qui planaient dans le ciel. Nous étions dépités et nous avons failli abandonner l’idée de la visite nocturne. Néanmoins les employés nous ont proposé de revenir le lendemain pour s’excuser de l’annulation. Le lundi soir, nous nous sommes donc retrouvés sous un ciel étoilé comme rarement nous en avions vu dans notre vie. Protégé des pollutions lumineuses, CASLEO offre une vision nocturne incroyable sur toute la voie lactée, plusieurs constellations, certaines nébuleuses, des trous noirs, des galaxies lointaines et même des exo-planètes ! Malgré les 2°C environnants et les bourrasques de vent, nous sommes sortis de là des étoiles plein les yeux (sans mauvais jeu de mots !). Le guide de la visite a même pris des photos de nous devant la voûte céleste (je vous promets que ce n’est pas un fond vert mais bien le vrai ciel).
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Suite à la visite nocturne, nous sommes restés une dernière matinée à Barreal le temps d’une chevauchée de 3h dans la pré cordillère. Accompagnés par un jeune argentin qui nous parlait de la région, nous avons pu profiter d’une superbe balade à cheval.
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Nous sommes repartis de Barreal ravis (et un peu nostalgiques) pour de nouvelles aventures.
Nous avons repris la route direction Salta en nous arrêtant en chemin pour aller observer la sculpture du Cristo de la Misericordia, une immense représentation de Jésus, haute de plusieurs mètres, construite en haut d'une colline. C'était plutôt impressionnant.
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Nous sommes actuellement à San José de Jachal d’où nous repartons demain pour aller à Rodéo. Sur le chemin vers San José nous avons même retrouvé le temple que mon père et Nico avaient construit pour la réalisation de leur court-métrage « La Difunta Correa » qu'ils ont produit en 2007 (cliquez sur la partie soulignée si vous voulez voir le court-métrage et découvrir l'histoire de la Difunta). Nous avons déposé un petit collier en offrande.
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Je vous tiens au courant de la suite !
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the-l-spacer · 8 months
URL song game (thanks for the tag @larmegliamori!!!)
The rules of the game are to write one song for every letter in your url, and then tag as many people as there are letters in your url.
T: Talk Too Much - COIN
H: Heroes of Dark Cacao - Park Hyejin
E: erase me - Lizzy McAlpine, Jacob Collier
L: Lost In Space - Infected Mushroom
S: (The) Stranger - Billy Joel
P: PRBLM - Friday Pilots Club
A: Ain’t It Fun - Paramore
C: Constellations - The Oh Hellos
E: Easy to Love - Couch
R: Roxanne - The Police
Aaaand if you see this and wanna try it, just go ahead and say I tagged ya!
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razorsadness · 2 years
River Bridge
Winter, stepping into the night trolley, quarter pint of scotch in pocket...No, not that one. The childhood story—Grandmother reading among her violets a poem about the elevated train slithering its worm down London’s spine. Not that one. I could tell you skeins of train stories, as now through this dense summer night, trees swarming green their canopy over the street of warm lit windows, the train slashes its path through the neighborhood, whirr and pulse, the heart and fuse of distance filling the room, hurtling through countless frames, the scenes—now that curtainless room of young men preening shirtless before their mirrors, now the ward of iron hospital beds. I’ve seen them. By the screen, the white cat swivels her ears to follow the train until it’s lost in glass smashing, the alley voices. Who’s walking tonight? Who’s hungry? The story I keep returning to is the one about walking hungry over that St. Louis railroad bridge. Why that one? Is it the bridge? Bridge linking one riverbank aflame in smokestacks, the slaughterhouses, to the bank where the city’s glittering Andromeda spilled itself before them. Bridge of flying hands and curses, iron bridge and the passage of colliers, boxcars, the gondolas freighting coal, dull sprockets, sleek carriages of lingerie and crystal. Distant, the sceptered city glints, a figment, I could begin. Or once, there was a time, the opening a fairy tale, simple, sinister.
January, its savage tempers & mirthless North wind have iced the iron bridge’s spans. Between flaming riverbanks, the two walk thin as flame, a world refined to fierce purity— lungs blued to filigree, bare ankle, damp sleeve frosted beneath the other’s steadying hand. Stepping tie to tie, the river churned below its suicide babble, the nitrous drowned sopranos, sulfuric moans. Such a grand manner of entry, fareless, in stealth, the city’s lit gateway fuming like midnight’s wild schemes. Should I ask the obvious questions? Such as what was the engine driving the machine of their travel? Oh, fear, that’s familiar. Folly, leavened recklessly with hope. Lights multiply against the sky, the city’s slow Andromeda, a constellation the shape of what they seek, the streets inside of Berlined façades, people breakfasting in mid-air, walls torn down. The squatter’s palace. The rat’s domain, each moment rinsed in benzine, sharpened with amphetamine, the hunger. Alluvial voices hissing beneath them dogs of chaos, escape from the burning city, no time, no time. The river knows the story. The get-out-of-town-fast story. A dizzy trip through the ripped underside of things— that rough fugitive coinage, begged rides, begged meals. Somebody fed us. Somebody said get out of town. Those E. St. Louis backyards sooty with frozen laundry trees. Should I say the Mississippi knows the story of the room left behind, the bad deals? Like a scene playing out in a glass globe I might hold in my palm, I can watch them: oh look at those fools, the cold carving them up to some version of bewildered miracle.
Deep freeze humming the rails, the entrance into the unknown city, the bus station pulsing fluorescent waves across ranks of pay TVs, a quarter a view for those laying over, for those mired in dim rooms, too long alone with themselves. You know how it is. The fact of death starts pearling large in the mind, darkening its banks of offices, ballrooms where you might touch some face you recognize, those staircases that spiral, collapse amidst the body’s mysteries, its harsh betrayals. Or love’s betrayals. Through static, the P.A. spits destinations, frayed galaxies of names—Columbus, Joplin, St. Joe, Points West, Kansas City... How does one thing part from another? Redrawing tendrils & roots, a lopped amputation that leaves this one raving in the street, the other cold, cold... alone in the room after such intensity, the way it would be, me leaving E. so crassly after the crazy journey. I think now I’ve become a character in this, must slip on the coat, these salt-wet shoes, sip the raw whiskey and in the drunken radiance the TVs spill over sleepers’ faces hear the late-night tapdancers, the anthems & jets. Then the station signal’s high bat-cry peeling away to the automated voice, Chicago, Detroit, Points North... After the parting, one from the other, there’s the long reclamation, flood plain, phantom limb. From one form to another: transit.
Oh, the anarchy of owning nothing but a constellation the shape of what they seek. The get-out-of-town-fast story. No bus fare, and where to go in this steaming plenty, the lit kitchens & parlors glimpsed from the street washed citron by lamplight. Is it the stolen car again in this version, or the abandoned movie palace? I can put them in the theater and show them making love, warm with each other & the begged bottle of scotch & they can sleep in moldering velvets. Stripped bare, sapphired in blue air, she’d be a woman served to the city’s glittering Andromeda. Like the Russian cellist broke in Berlin, the ‘20s, who’d sleep in the opera house, who one delirious night played, naked, his instrument into the shadows, the banked silent seats & rat galleries. And forgot the cold. That would be pretty wouldn’t it? But the theater’s barricaded, and so, it must be, as it always is, the stolen car. Beyond the city it will spirit them into the blizzard, the etherous drifts, until the engine stops & the road erases, trackless. And then she’ll know ice needling the blood to scarlet foliage. But, how to show the calm when she thinks, so this is what it’s like to die, a twisting bolt of black cloth dragged back through stations, the bare dusty rooms, chalk dust & sachet, the river’s voices deep nitrous green. How calm. Pocking snow on the windshield, heavy and damp as the voices of crows in her grandmother’s trees, a cry she mimicked at the back of her throat, harsh and wild. White crows now blessing her eyes. How calm.
When the authorities lifted them away from there, they entered a world of steam, that fallen roadside constellation chromed with coffee urns, galaxies of white plates. Crossing the bridge back, again, the blood’s fierce arterial surge like arias, like alarming camellias scarlet with snow still frosting the ground. Heavy and warm, cups of coffee steamed in our hands, the good bitter coffee. But always, we were aware, hear still, the pulse and singing: I am the stranger coiled on the landing, singing this is the bridge of the flying hands, the mansion of the body. I am the one who scratched at your door, the one who begged rough coinage. This is the blessing & this is a hymnal of wings. Hear the heart’s greedy alluvial choir, a cascading train whirring the tracks: called back, called back from the river.
Chirring in her throat the white cat stretches on the sill, all ruffled ivory, present-tense, muscular pure. Can one possess a clear vision of oneself in the world? Dominion over all that bewildering wrack? This raised hand against the evening’s towering cream and smoke conjures a flurry of ghost hands, a crowd glimpsed blurred from the hurtling train. Clouds billow & unknot a sudden shower releasing that lavish wet asphalt perfume, the fragrance of countless showers over scores of cities, each one intensely now, now, this sweet wrenched only. From the turbulent river, moments swim unbidden to the surface, others never rise at all, the lost drowned arias, sunken avenues of camphored rooms, the walls with their watery initials. Phantom destinations, the P.A.’s St. Joe, Kansas City, Denver, points beyond the laden plains surging beneath waves of snow, blue perilous mountains, locales in the mind. The cat leaps, again a train, striking this time a smooth oiled chord, as if there might be singing on the other side of the tracks. Some Jordan. That otherness, those secret times, the bridges beneath the surface of a life. Pull on the rough coat and salt-wet shoes. Let the liquor burn your throat. Did I do that? Could that have been me? Those figures crossing the bridge, setting out, always setting out. Voices I must keep listening for in these sharpening leaves, among the stacks and flames, the smoking pillars. Someone fed them. Someone said get out of town.
—Lynda Hull, from The Only World
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omagazineparis · 6 months
Les tendances actuelles en matière de bijoux fantaisie
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Les bijoux fantaisie ont toujours été une façon pour les adeptes de la mode de mettre à jour leurs looks sans se ruiner. Voici les tendances actuelles à ne pas manquer en matière de bijoux fantaisie : Les métaux mixtes Mélanger l'or, l'argent, le cuivre, ou même le bronze est devenu courant. Cette tendance permet de superposer différents types de bijoux sans se soucier de leur correspondance. Les bijoux à thème astrologique Qu'il s'agisse de colliers portant votre signe du zodiaque ou de bagues gravées avec votre constellation, l'astrologie est partout dans la joaillerie fantaisie actuellement. Les perles revisitées Oubliez les colliers de perles classiques. Les perles d'aujourd'hui sont incorporées dans des boucles d'oreilles pendantes, des bracelets larges ou même des bagues en forme de serpent. Les bijoux asymétriques Par exemple, une boucle d'oreille pendante d'un côté et un clou d'oreille de l'autre. Cette tendance est audacieuse et ajoute une touche d'originalité à n'importe quelle tenue. Les chaînes Des colliers aux bracelets en passant par les boucles d'oreilles, les chaînes, qu'elles soient délicates ou oversized, sont très en vogue. Les bijoux inspirés de la nature Feuilles, coquillages, pierres brutes... les éléments naturels sont omniprésents, offrant une touche organique et terrestre aux bijoux. Les pierres colorées Les bijoux fantaisie se parent de couleurs vives et de pierres aux teintes éclatantes, apportant une touche joyeuse à n'importe quelle tenue. A lire aussi : Sublimez votre tenue pour un festival d’été avec bijoux et chapeaux Le style vintage Les broches, les sautoirs et les motifs d'époques révolues refont surface, permettant aux amateurs de vintage de célébrer leurs époques préférées. Les bijoux oversize Les boucles d'oreilles volumineuses et les bracelets larges sont parfaits pour faire une déclaration audacieuse et sont au cœur de cette tendance. Les motifs ethniques et tribaux Inspirés des cultures du monde entier, ces bijoux ajoutent une dimension globale à votre look et se démarquent par leur unicité. La beauté des bijoux fantaisie réside dans leur capacité à évoluer avec les saisons et à refléter les tendances actuelles de la mode. Qu'ils soient subtils ou audacieux, il existe des bijoux fantaisie pour tous les styles et toutes les occasions. N'hésitez pas à expérimenter et à mélanger différentes tendances pour créer votre propre style signature. Read the full article
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bizonmark · 8 months
Stainless Steel Pendant Necklace Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn 12 Constellation CHARM
  Occasion: Party Compatibility: All Compatible Function: decorate Pendant Size: 0 Shapepattern: Animal Model Number: a1234 Material: Metal Chain Type: Link Chain Style: Classic Necklace Type: Pendant Necklaces Gender: lovers’ Metals Type: Stainless Steel Brand Name: CIBO is_customized: No collares de moda 2020: necklace women long necklace: collier femme 2020 collar hombre: stainless steel…
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eutxrpe · 4 years
➳ what their kisses are like
[featuring: midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, shinso, and tamaki | gender neutral reader]
there are also songs to go with each mood! and we’re assuming that this is in a long-term relationship.
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➸ izuku midoriya’s kisses are like a supernova. [orion’s belt - sabrina claudio]
he’s so incredibly lost in you. you’re pulled closer, closer, closer to him, chest pressed flush against him as the space between the two of you explodes. the whole world is outshined by the loving energy that izuku radiates when your lips meet one another. you, his absolutely celestial lover, make his soul burst with cosmic radiance, and while he shows it everyday he’s with you, the touch of his lips against yours do that effortlessly. the amount of love he has for you is immeasurable; you immediately know that if you asked for the stars, he’d give you the moon besides it. 
when you pull away, you can practically see stars swimming in those big, jade eyes of his. and as soon as you make eye contact, a soft blush dusts his cheeks, making his freckles look like constellations as he kisses your palm that rests on his cheek. there are trillions of stars, billions of galaxies, millions of miles, and hundreds of places to be... but there’s only one person who will love you the way that izuku does.
➸ katsuki bakugo kisses you as fiery as the beginnings of flames. [natural - the driver era]
commanding and deep, the blaze grows. sliding your hands around his neck to pull him toward you, you don’t care if you get scorched by how close you are to the fire. taking your lips, bakugo takes time to leave you breathless and utterly under the spell that is him. he’ll nip your bottom lip, you’ll whine into him, and the dance of the inferno continues. gripping whatever he can get his hands on, he is all dark authority. while you can tease him in-between kisses, he returns that same energy, growling out suggestive and teasing statements; give flame to the fire by flipping the power imbalance around.
it is only when the fire is replaced with merely embers of what it used to be is when katsuki is gentler with you. a soft kiss to your forehead is how he’ll end his onslaught. knowing that you’re one of the only people who can calm his ferocious energy but also add to it is why bakugo kisses you like he does.
➸ shoto todoroki kisses like ocean water. [water - kehlani]
most of the time, it’s as gentle as the waves lapping the sand in the morning. a brush of your lips against his since you are the painted picture that he considers perfect. his eyes —one a calming ocean blue, the other a soothing gray— look at you dreamily before a soft smattering of kisses are placed onto the expanse of your cheeks and forehead. the tide will pull in an ever-so-beautiful smile from you afterwards. occasionally, it’ll be stormy though. the water will crash and slap into itself, flares of lighting illuminating the background. shoto’s hands will be unable to stay still, one at your jaw possessively and the other moving down to grip your waist. 
although this comparison is to water, his kisses can be fiery and engulf you completely in his passion. and even after the storm settles and the fog clears, you can see the evidence of the storm on your neck and collarbone.
➸ eijiro kirishima kisses you like it’s the last time he ever will. [i.f.l.y - bazzi]
it’s cute, really. unless he’s feeling less soft than usual, it’s filled with the energy and love of a puppy. after he presses kisses to your cheeks, his lips are slotted against yours and he’s holding you so tightly that in the back of your mind you wonder if he’ll ever let you go. kirishima’s hands wander anywhere and everywhere, and you melt into his careful hold. you can feel him smile against you, and his happiness is contagious. 
pulling away is filled with giggles and laughter, and one kiss is never enough for eijiro. he’ll give you a couple of small ones before moving down to your neck, calloused fingertips digging into your waist. kirishima kisses you like it’s the last time he will, but it always feels as light and full of love as the first time.
➸ hitoshi shinso kisses akin to the slow descent of honey down its comb. [honey - majo] 
it’s so saccharine sweet, all the words that he cannot express, boiling down into one deep kiss that steals your breath away. his fingers are set on your waist or cupping your jaw so possessively as if he didn’t know that you’re his completely. and hitoshi can’t help but mumble praises against your lips because that’s just how much he thinks you deserve it. oh... and just because it’s sweet doesn’t mean that hitoshi doesn’t steal your breath away. his lips are honeyed against yours, but the passion in his grasp and eyes when you open them is incomparable. lavender and cream fills your senses and draws you closer toward him like a bee toward honeycomb.
a smirk slowly draws its way across shinso’s features at your dazed expression after a kiss from him. it either draws heat to your cheeks or makes you kiss him again to wipe the cockiness from his face. either way, you end up getting another taste of his honey.
➸ tamaki amajiki’s kisses are as light as the flutter of a butterfly’s wings. [butterflies - jacob collier]
his hands rest delicately on your waist as indigo eyes flutter closed to kiss you. he treats you like fine china as his lips meet yours, a touch so soft that your heart skips a beat in the anticipation. a butterfly’s wings take it to the sky, and it’s comparable to how tamaki feels like he’s on cloud nine whenever you kiss him. your hands cup his cheeks that grow warm with your intimate touch. 
tamaki thinks that some people are just light and love and glow —like mirio—, but you... you and your soft touch are so much more than that. you’re a whole butterfly garden, sprouting love like flowers, flora in your mind, and sunlight from your smile. the same smile you give him when you both open your eyes, foreheads resting on each other. in this way, your garden is sacred, and he feels so blessed to be able to enter it. but he also considers it the opposite of a blessing for your mouth is a confessional for his feelings (of love but sometimes lust), and tamaki can’t help but sin.
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misforgotten2 · 2 years
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The Lockheed Constellation, in my opinion was the most beautiful thing ever to fly, except maybe Tinkerbell. Oh Tink, you stole my 5-year old heart.
Colliers's   April 29, 1955
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ythundercom · 5 years
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[组图/Carousel]"Constellation" , parure collier et bracelet en papier recyclé. Perles en papier f... https://www.instagram.com/p/B1s8uuGIQkm/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn2EDcD3zZJXa7LK5OBfBVQ
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trudiscordianism · 2 years
Sooooooooooo.... We’re the 23rd race you say?
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emcon-imagines · 4 years
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gif // requester: anon ​​// request here
20 songs inspired by The 11h Doctor. I hope you enjoy it!!
I Am The Doctor - Murray Gold
Geronimo - Sheppard
I’m Born to Run - American Authors
Superheroes - The Script
When Will I See You Again - Shakka
Mr Loverman - Ricky Montgomery
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen
My Tears Are Becoming A Sea - M83
The Night We Met - Lord Huron
I’m Only Sleeping - The Beatles
Constellations - Ellie Holcomb
World Keeps Spinning - The Brilliance
Looking for Some Light-  Colony House
Running for So Long - Parker Ainsworth, Butch Walker, Paris Jackson, Jessie Payo
Traveling at the Speed of Light - Joywave
With The Love In My Heart - Jacob Collier
New Horizons - Ultima Thule Mix - Brian May
February 13th, 2019: Opportunity Mission Complete - Sleeping At Last
Run Boy Run - Woodkid
The Sad Man With A Box - Murray Gold
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frankshanklys · 4 years
It's Sweet Soul Time! (Too Many Sad Songs Version)
After Laughter • Wendy Rene (Stax)
I Just Kept On Dancing • Doug Banks (Soul Tribe)
Can’t Enjoy My Home • Big Charley + The Domans (Hilltop)
Fingerprint • Buddy Ace (Paula)
The Life Of My Baby • Chris Kenner (Uptown)
What About Love • Freddy King (Federal)
Can’t Do Without You • Dusty Wilson (Bronse)
Just Keep It Up • Dee Clark (Abner)
Fall In Love With Me • Bettye Swann (Money)
Sweeter As The Days Go By • Frank Wilson (Outta Sight)
No One Like My Baby • Bobby Byrd (Smash)
Together • Mitty Collier (Chess)
Love That Girl Of Mine • Roy Hytower (Expo)
I Ain’t Gonna Do It • J.J. Barnes (Ric-Tic)
Can’t Get You Out Of My Mind • Art Freeman (Fame)
You Don’t Love Me True • Bobby Bennett (V-Tone)
Ain’t That A Reason • James Bailey (Promo)
Can’t Find A Way Out • Juanita Parker (M.S.I.A.W. promo)
Whispers (Gettin’ Louder) • Jackie Wilson (Brunswick promo)
You Make Me Want To Cry • Little Joe Cook (Okeh promo)
Wish You Were Here • Gene Chandler (Constellation)
Listen to it here.
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Alex Collier Interview (1994)
Alex Collier claims to be Andromedan contactee. Andromedans are benevolent human extraterrestrials from constellation of Andromeda. The contacts with this ET race started in 1964, when Alex was a little boy. In 1985, the contacts became more frequent, and he was given information about: different ET races, who have visited Earth one time or another, our genetics composed of 22 different ET races, our spirituality, 
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omagazineparis · 6 months
Les tendances actuelles en matière de bijoux fantaisie
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Les bijoux fantaisie ont toujours été une façon pour les adeptes de la mode de mettre à jour leurs looks sans se ruiner. Voici les tendances actuelles à ne pas manquer en matière de bijoux fantaisie : Les métaux mixtes Mélanger l'or, l'argent, le cuivre, ou même le bronze est devenu courant. Cette tendance permet de superposer différents types de bijoux sans se soucier de leur correspondance. Les bijoux à thème astrologique Qu'il s'agisse de colliers portant votre signe du zodiaque ou de bagues gravées avec votre constellation, l'astrologie est partout dans la joaillerie fantaisie actuellement. Les perles revisitées Oubliez les colliers de perles classiques. Les perles d'aujourd'hui sont incorporées dans des boucles d'oreilles pendantes, des bracelets larges ou même des bagues en forme de serpent. Les bijoux asymétriques Par exemple, une boucle d'oreille pendante d'un côté et un clou d'oreille de l'autre. Cette tendance est audacieuse et ajoute une touche d'originalité à n'importe quelle tenue. Les chaînes Des colliers aux bracelets en passant par les boucles d'oreilles, les chaînes, qu'elles soient délicates ou oversized, sont très en vogue. Les bijoux inspirés de la nature Feuilles, coquillages, pierres brutes... les éléments naturels sont omniprésents, offrant une touche organique et terrestre aux bijoux. Les pierres colorées Les bijoux fantaisie se parent de couleurs vives et de pierres aux teintes éclatantes, apportant une touche joyeuse à n'importe quelle tenue. A lire aussi : Sublimez votre tenue pour un festival d’été avec bijoux et chapeaux Le style vintage Les broches, les sautoirs et les motifs d'époques révolues refont surface, permettant aux amateurs de vintage de célébrer leurs époques préférées. Les bijoux oversize Les boucles d'oreilles volumineuses et les bracelets larges sont parfaits pour faire une déclaration audacieuse et sont au cœur de cette tendance. Les motifs ethniques et tribaux Inspirés des cultures du monde entier, ces bijoux ajoutent une dimension globale à votre look et se démarquent par leur unicité. La beauté des bijoux fantaisie réside dans leur capacité à évoluer avec les saisons et à refléter les tendances actuelles de la mode. Qu'ils soient subtils ou audacieux, il existe des bijoux fantaisie pour tous les styles et toutes les occasions. N'hésitez pas à expérimenter et à mélanger différentes tendances pour créer votre propre style signature. Read the full article
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The Pleiades, The Seven Sisters, Sterling Silver, Hand Stamped Constellation Necklace, Silver, Zodiac Jewelry, Birthday Gift for women
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