#Collection 收藏
feralchaton · 2 months
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Interiors | YinjiSpace
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tasselshongkong · 2 years
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[ TART 🇺🇸 ] Arnel The original design from 1948 remains their iconic and signature frames. Smooth and sturdy five barrels metal hinges. Available in Asian fit. Handcrafted in USA. • 源自1948年的原創鏡框設計,無懼時間洗禮的經典款式。耐用金屬五枚蝶番結構鉸鏈手感厚實順滑。備有適合亞洲人輪廓版本。採用義大利板材於美國人手製作。值得擁有和收藏。 • #tart #tart1948 #tartoptical #madeinusa #handmade #handcrafted #arnel #original #tartarnel #eyewear #sunglasses #eyeglasses #vintage #iconic #collectibles #美國人手製作 #手工眼鏡 #美國TART #收藏 #TASSELS生活配件 #tasselshongkong #poweredby #overtheclassic (at LANDMARK置地廣塲) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmLWvQhrSbq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gelpicat · 2 years
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lsodj · 2 years
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#whisky #collect I won the bid for a bottle of 65-year-old whiskey. I like it very much.😄😄 #威士忌 #收藏 我中标了一瓶65年的威士忌。我非常喜欢它。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CdS9KHTLzJw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ruhua-langblr · 11 months
小红书 Vocab
小红书 (also referred to as xiaohongshu or XHS) is a Chinese image-based social media platform. It is a combination of the feed, likes, shopping, and video aspects of instagram, with the ~aesthetics~ and majority female audience of pintrest. I've grown really fond of it and found that it's algorithm is better than instagram and MUCH better than pintrest with giving me content I enjoy.
I'm going to offer some vocab that is either unique to the platform, or slang that is found on the platform (esp in bullet comments). I don't want this to be too long, so some terms may be omitted if they are found on many other social media apps
APP 小红书: Literally "Little Red Book". Probably a play off of Chairman Mao's book of speeches and writings which is also referred to as the Little Red Book. The app is not at all political, but more so trying to evoke the "essentiality" and "knowledge" aspect of the term. 笔记: Notes. XHS's name for its posts 收藏: Favorites. Separate from likes, these are bookmarked collections. This and Likes can be hidden 赞过: Likes. Notes that you "heart" will appear here. 关注: Notes from people you follow 发现: Discovery tab 附近: Recent notes
CONTENT 直播: Live-Streams 美甲: Nail Art 穿搭: Style 美食: Food 发型: Hairstyling 头像: Avatars/Profile Pictures 动漫: Animation and Comics 彩妆: Makeup 壁纸: Wallpapers 绘画: Drawing/Art 护肤: Skincare 影视: Film/TV 游行: Travel 减肥: Weight Loss 家居: Home 家装: Interior Design 学习: Studying 读书: Reading 情感: Romance 攝影: Photography 手工: Crafts 文化: Culture 游戏: Video Games 音乐: Music 舞蹈: Dance 搞笑: Comedy 明星: Stars 文具手: Stationary 校园生活: School Life 心里: Psychology 科学科普: Science 艺术: Art 社科: Social Sciences 萌龙: Cute 综艺: Variety 箱包: Handbags 潮鞋: Sneakers 健体塑型: Bodybuilding 职场: Office 婚礼: Wedding 汽车: Automobiles 潮玩手办: Collectable Figures 母婴: Parenting 机车: Motorbikes 户外: Outdoors 运动: Sports 露营: Camping COMMENTS (Things you'll see in tags/descriptions/bullet comments) PLOG: Picture blog. Usually like a blog, but with photos/photo collage (also sometimes vlogs get this tag even though they're videos) 爱自己的100种方式: Originally from a feature on Douyin that would give a "treat yourself" style prompt if you comment this phrase 泰酷辣: Cool. Took off from this meme. “太酷啦” 上岸: Similar to "Goals". Usually posted to applaud an achievement/amazing life experience 巨: Super. Usually used in describing really tasty food “巨巨巨好吃” cos: Cosplay emo: The original meaning—emotional. More often used to mean a depressed mood than the style/subculture 磕: to ship a couple (cp) For the Lesbians t: Tomboy/masc lesbian (Sub-types include 铁t,奶t,娘t, 爷t, 长发t, 短发t) p: Femme lesbian (p said to come from "Pretty girl" or “婆”) h: neither femme nor masc/futch le/les/啦啦: Lesbian 双女主: F/F couple (IRL or in fiction) 淘淘乐/TTL:T/T relationship 泡泡龙/PPL: P/P relationship 黄鹤楼HI: H/H relationship TPL: T/P relationship 🐟: Ultra passive bottoms
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myscrap · 6 months
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(1) Xユーザーのマッシ⚠️LookatLUCA3/地雷×シャ二合同さん: 「『斑鸠露卡的黑色收藏《BLACK COLLECTION》』 チャイナ × 九龍城砦 × 斑鳩ルカ──出没。 #LookatLUCA3 https://t.co/tBRKjMPRee」 / X
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【 Miracle Nikki CN 】 Nikki Home Collection
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【 Miracle Nikki CN 】 Nikki Home Collection
Nikki Home & Nikki Chibi & Visitor ::
P.1 :: Rain Melody (流音听雨榭) / — / Zhu Yuxian (祝羽弦)
P.2 :: Time of Flower & Love (花与爱恋时光) / Wedding Nikki (明日如诗) / —
P.3 :: Adventurer's Bay (冒险者港湾) / — / —
Travel through the marvelous museum and collect ancient historical moments.
P.4 :: Time Collection (奇妙博物馆) / Time Collector (时光收藏家) / —
The lovely figure who accompanies you all the way becomes the most beautiful idea.
P.5 :: Momo's Paradise (大喵的乐园) / Chocolate Maid / Momo (大喵)
P.6 :: Near Future Echo (近未来回响) / Time Traveler (时空旅行家) / —
P.7 :: Spring Impression (春之印象诗) / Spring Grace (初春芳华) / —
P.8 :: Fairy Tale Bakery (童话甜点屋) / Pâtissier (糖果甜点师) / —
Enjoy a leisurely afternoon tea on the street corner on Sunday.
P.9 :: Sunday's Street (星期天的街角) / Little Learned Detective (博学小侦探) / —
Collection :: Nikki Home
P.1-9 :: 10th — 18th Nikki Home
Type:: Pavilion
P.1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 :: Time Limited
Date ::
P.1 :: 08—25/02/2018
P.2 :: 14—20/03/2018
P.3 :: 26/03—01/04/2018
P.4 :: 16—22/04/2018
P.5 :: 20—31/05/2018
P.6 :: 05—11/10/2018
P.7 :: 18—24/01/2019
P.8 :: 13—19/03/2019
P.9 :: 19—25/04/2019
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The eyes usually open only when the doors to some chapters of our lives close."
🎨 Sam Szafran (1934-2019, French)
美妙的龜背芋 Monstera deliciosa, ca. 1984
Watercolor and graphite on paper
▪︎ Sam Szafran was born in Paris in 1934, a son of Polish Jewish immigrants. He grew up in the Quartier des Halles. As a child, he knew that art was what he wanted to do.
▪︎ Sotheby's Spotlight: Collection Sam et Lilette Szafran/the Musée de l'Orangerie 法國橘園美術館 為 Sam Szafran 舉辦的回顧展剛剛結束,蘇富比將於 2 月 15 日在巴黎展出這位藝術家前所未有的非凡作品和紀念品收藏。橘園美術館,是一處展示印象派畫家及後印象派畫作的藝術館。它位於法國巴黎協和廣場,塞納河傍
▪︎ imagine copyright from artnet.com
🎧 💕 (Kpop) Lee Sun Hee🍃 Fate 因緣 (The Royal Jester OST) | Cello Cover 
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bean-in-dice · 9 months
Pingxie/Xieping Chinese Fic Recs
Part 5
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7
1. A collection of Yucun short stories
2. Where everyone but Wu Xie know that he's in love with Xiaoge but they are actually all so mature and philosophical about it, including Wu Xie himself. Excellent character and relationship study.
3. Xiaoge dedicatedly practicing calligraphy and being cute!
4. Where they are archeology professors maintaining a long distance relationship. A comfortable and heartwarming read.
5. Xiaoge coming across his things that Wu Xie has collected over years
6. Xiaoge finding a hobby
【瓶邪】并刀如水 Chapter 7: 爱好
7. Wu Xie's insomnia problems and couple life in Yucun
8. Wu mama and baba phone calling the son-in-law
9. More visiting parents in law for New Year, and contemplation on Wu Xie's fate from birth.
10. Wu Xie is a Clam spirit and Xiaoge is a Stone god. Do the math yourself. I say, fanfic writers have incredibly creative imagination 🤭
11. Where Wu Xie goes for a medical checkup and the doctor is his old high school classmate Zhang Qiling, and Xiaohua is the most (un)helpful friend who's taking too much glee from Wu Xie's situation. G-rated, nothing explicit.
12. Four short stories of Pingxie, iron triangle, both happy and sad
13. Pangzi adopts a cat and Wu Xie suffers
14. Wu Xie tries dieting
15. An emotional amnesia AU with Sentinel|Wu Xie and Guide|Xiaoge
16. Boyfriend perspective from Xiaoge
17. Wu Xie accompanying Xiaoge even after death. Melancholic but not sad.
18. Where Pingxie go on a honeymoon adventure and almost adopt a kid in the process. Don't be deterred by the length of the fic, trust me it's so very rewarding. It reads like a movie. Highly rec.
19. Where Xiaoge experiences KFC, there's a thief in Yucun, and iron triangle celebrate Mid-Autumn festival
20. Modern au where High school student Zhang Qiling develops a crush on adult Wu Xie, but Wu Xie is very mature and responsible about it and nothing happens till he comes of age, and it's overall a beautiful slow burn piece with thorough relationship analysis regarding pairs with age gaps. Actually made me quite nostalgic about young love.
See here for Non-Pingxie fic recs
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lovernori · 9 months
SPYXFAMILY has new episode on Netflix ! Collect Nori mama @ Gumr0ad.
間諜家家酒又開播啦! 收藏拍立得僅在蝦皮:lovernori,Gumr0ad也有之前的電子檔。
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I'm taking care of my cat, so Patreon rewards will be delayed.
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August 's rewards will be sent this weeken🫡
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Coz I’ve started a new life plan, the Patreon will be closed until the plan is done.
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yuki8563 · 1 year
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🌧️🌧️🌧️ 🧣📖
Edgar thought Colette wouldn't come to the appointment after arguing with him, but he didn't expect Colette to be more stubborn about this part than anyone.
idea fic:
🧣衝上去問:妳怎麼在這裡? 📖:我們不是約好了嗎? 🧣:妳從早上等到現在?可是下雨了啊,怎麼不找地方躲雨? 📖:可是我們是約在這裡⋯⋯? 🧣:可是我沒有來,妳就應該回去!或是打給我⋯⋯ 📖:可是我們約在這裡了啊!你也說不要打給你⋯⋯
📖看起來完全不理解🧣的意思,🧣這才發現📖有死腦筋的一面,他咬著牙把📖帶回自己的租屋處,塞了毛巾跟更換的衣物讓她好好的洗個熱水澡並換上。 🧣在這段期間被自己的愧疚壓得痛苦呻吟,📖豪不介意他爽約讓他更加難受。 📖甚至很開心的在他的床上滾來滾去:好大的床哦!
(📖的床上都是娃娃,沒有能讓人平躺的空間。) 🧣:不要把我的房間弄亂! 看著📖嘗試把他的棉被捏成🌵的形狀,他終於忍不住開口阻止。 最後他們在🧣的租屋處一起看了他收藏的演唱會錄影帶結束一天~
另一層私設的部分: 🧣會影響禮品店的營運所以陷入生命危險的時候📖會知道(但沒有契約所以不知道位置在哪裡) 📖的��輯只有:你沒啥狀況我就繼續等唄。 沒有深入思考🧣鬧彆扭的事情。
ChatGPT translate bc I'm too lazy
🧣📖 had a disagreement and were in a period of discord. During this time, 🧣 received a notification on his phone reminding him of the movie date they had planned together. Assuming that 📖 was probably still angry, and the weather forecast didn't look good either, 🧣 thought that the arrangement was canceled. He decided to take a nap but couldn't sleep well at all. In the end, he grabbed an umbrella and headed out, only to find 📖 standing in the rain, completely soaked.
🧣 rushed over and asked, "What are you doing here?" 📖 replied, "Weren't we supposed to meet?" 🧣 said, "You've been waiting here since morning? But it's raining! Why didn't you find shelter?" 📖 replied, "But we agreed to meet here…" 🧣 argued, "But I didn't come! You should've gone back or called me…" 📖 seemed completely baffled by 🧣's response, and that's when 🧣 realized that 📖 could be quite stubborn. He clenched his teeth and took 📖 back to his rented place, giving her towels and spare clothes for a warm bath.
During this period, 🧣 was tormented by guilt and moaned in agony. 📖 didn't mind at all, making him even more uncomfortable. She even happily rolled around on his bed, saying, "Such a big bed!"
(📖's bed was filled with stuffed animals and had no space to lie down.) 🧣 protested, "Don't mess up my room!" Watching 📖 trying to reshape his bedsheet into a cactus, he finally couldn't help but intervene. In the end, they spent the day together at 🧣's place, watching his collection of concert videos.
Additional private setting: 🧣 can influence the operation of a gift shop, so when he is in a life-threatening situation, 📖 will know (but without a contract, she doesn't know his exact location). 📖's logic is simple: "If there's nothing wrong with you, I'll just keep waiting." She doesn't delve deep into 🧣's sulking.
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fancydreamland999999 · 6 months
各種手鐲, 寬窄不一
Various Kinds of Bracelets with Wide or Narrow Measurements
Welcome to visit: https://fancydreamland999.com/ for your favorite art items.
The music is from 故事還長 - 雲汐 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOpcy... The transactions /
翻譯: Sha Sha / 莎莎
Thank you / 謝謝!
我們故事還長 Our stories are still so long 有你就是遠方 To own you is to own the faraway distance 把你刻在心上 To engrave you in my heart 讓我每一天有念想 Makes me miss you everyday 不懼黑夜太過漫長 Never scare of the long dark night 我知道你在身邊 I know you are nearby 讓我世界發亮 To make my world shining 我們故事還長 Our stories are still so long 愛是唯一信仰 Love is the only belief 我的愛你欣賞 My love is appreciated by you 你的愛交給我收藏 Your love is collected by me 迎著別人羨慕目光 Confront the other people’s admiring eyes 我們一起陪著時間成長 We are growing up by time 合十的手掌 Clasped palms 虔誠的模樣 Pious look 我們深情的對望 We look at each other with deep love
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timbeeloshop · 1 year
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軍綠色手繪可愛貓咪鉑金包手袋包包 頭層牛皮堅固優質 可訂製顏色
The handbag is made of high-quality cowhide leather, which is very strong and durable, and then hand-painted by Gookaso co. to decorate the handbag. The bag has a very large capacity and can hold a wallet, phone, cosmetic bag, etc.
The bag is super meticulously handcrafted, and each piece is also an ingenious work of art. Our handbags will not repeat the same single product. They are unique boutiques and have more collection value than any big brand bags.
手袋以頭層高質牛皮製作, 非常堅固耐用,再由Gookaso co.以手繪方式繪製在手袋上裝飾,袋子容量空間非常大,可以放下錢包、電話、化妝袋甚麼都行。
**TIMBEE LO - Hong Kong Fashion Art Designer Brand**
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taiwanteam · 9 months
Tumblr 駭客週,2023 年 9 月版
我們又舉行了一場 Tumblr 駭客週(不只是一天而已喔)的活動!每年有兩度的時間,我們會暫緩我們日常的工作,把一整個禮拜的時間都用來搞我們自己很想弄的東西或是功能,看看我們能駭出什麼成果來。上次在 3 月駭客日的時候駭出的一項設計最後進入了實際介面中,也就是經過重新設計的 Tumblr 直接訊息介面!這真是太酷了!
以下是最近一次在 9 月舉行的駭客週中所弄出的一些企劃,未來你或許會在網站上看到其中的一些設計……
Tumblr 露台
有些人可能會覺得這項設計看起來有點熟悉,不過我們很喜歡這個可以把 Tumblr 饋送內容並行排列成多「欄」的點子,創造出一個非常密集但是又很動態的 Tumblr 檢視畫面。Lenny、Kelly 和 Paul 共同駭出了這項設計,我們很期待看看這項設計將會演變到什麼樣的境界。每一欄都可以是 Tumblr 上的不同饋送內容,譬如像是個人推薦、你的活動動態、一個特定的部落格、一項搜尋、新潮內容,或甚至是一項 Collection(收藏,只提供英文版),無限可能!
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Tumblr 攤位
在此同時,另一個由 @autoplanes、Katie、@lex、Shaun 和 Eve 所組成的團隊,深入挖掘在 Tumblr 上透過部落格來銷售數位和實質商品的點子,善加利用我們的姊妹平台 WooCommerce!部落格可以在那裡呈列他們想要銷售的任何商品,並佈置一個專屬的空間。我們知道這裡有許多不可思議的藝術家和工藝家會想要有這樣的功能,以便更輕鬆地在 Tumblr 上銷售他們的創作!
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這項設計點子可說是歷久彌新,一直不斷出現在我們的駭客日中,而且每次都可說是好上加好。Santi 和 Maxime 一起駭出了一些頭像「相框」和「帽子」的範例,這些是可供 Tumblr 使用者購買來套用在部落格上的功能。或許有一天,這項設計可以變成可供大家自行製作來銷售或贈送的功能!
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那麼最後一如以往,如果想知道這些駭客企劃中有沒有任何一個真的被加到了 Tumblr 中,那麼請密切注意 @changes 部落格(英文)還有我們的台灣團隊部落格!
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shipcestuous · 2 years
For anyone interested, @xxdustofdreamxxx shared the following link to a playlist of Cesare/Lucrezia scenes (The Borgias):
It has hardcoded English and Chinese subtitles but it seems like a very thorough collection right at your fingertips.
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vynegar · 2 years
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really? this vyn, the one i’ve been playing old maid with for a year, the one who we famously met making a house of cards, doesn’t know what card games are??
under the cut, some criticism on the translation for Vyn’s Endless Whispers SR:
Lost In Translation: Vyn’s Endless Whispers SR
[EDIT 9/10/2022: Mihoyo has fixed the translation for the two main issues that I mention (”card games” and “self-reflect”). Some details about that here. I’ll leave the post up as it was when the card was first released, though.]
I think the translation choices made in part three of the story (and to a much lesser extent, part six) create a completely illogical scenario when you think about Vyn’s character. My main issue is the scene where the illustration appears, and Vyn is completely perplexed by something that MC brings up in her continuation of the story.
The original word in Chinese was 游戏卡. This could be literally translated as “game card”, since it is made up of the words for “game” and “card”. And indeed, the initial times the phrase appears, its translation is “game card”.
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However, for me, the phrase “game card” doesn’t conjure up an immediate, specific idea. If the phrase were said to me without context, I would probably think of one of those chips that you insert into a game console that has the game data and allows you to play it. Maybe it could also be a vague way to refer to any kind of card used in a game. It certainly didn’t convey the idea of something immediately recognizable as a schoolyard pastime.
There’s another translation option for the phrase: “trading card”. If you do an image search for 游戏卡, you’ll see many things that could be described as trading card games (although the results are pretty skewed since the name for Yugioh is so similar to the phrase). Still, it perfectly fits the context as something that might be found at school, was collect and used for battling games, and was a popular pastime children could bond over. It’s the translation I used when translation this SR, and it was also used in the official Twitter post of this illustration.
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But. Unfortunately. There is. A third option. That appears when you swap the order of the words in the literal translation. You can see in the previous dialogue screenshot that the phrase quickly becomes “card games”, which continues to be used in the scene. (In Chinese, the original word游戏卡was used for the entire exchange.) The phrase “card games” conjures up the idea of games played using the 52-card deck (plus two jokers) with four suits, cards numbered from 2 to ace, etc. So now we have an absurd scenario where MC is trying to figure out how to explain card games to Vyn, who supposedly has no idea what they are. Vyn, who we met across a house of cards, whose highest upgrade materials include gilded poker cards that we SAW him use in chapter 2, who we’ve been playing card mini-games with for a year.
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And despite the illustration on Twitter using the “trading card” translation, the in-game description for the illustration uses “card game”. I don’t know why there’s an inconsistency, but it’s just extra frustrating to me that the better translation is right there and they didn’t use it.
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I also felt that Vyn was done a slight disservice by the translation in the following exchange later in the scene:
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You can see the Vyn’s original line here, with my translation below (I added the emphasis):
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Vyn: The child found a valuable trading card. And then? Would he collect it?  (孩子找到了珍贵的游戏卡。然后呢?他会收藏起来吗?)
MC: Yeah… Actually, trading cards are a kind of tool, a lot of kids used to use them to battle each other…
Originally, Vyn is able to infer from context clues a reasonable usage for the cards. It adds to his characterization as adaptable and quick-thinking. This part is omitted in the English translation, since MC simply explains how they’re used.
And finally, I mentioned a more minor grievance in part six.
In my translation of the card, I decided to localize “self-reflection” as “detention”, since I think it conveyed the idea of the scene better (trying to avoid an extremely common school punishment). I explained a bit more in the translation note:
*I used “detention” here since it’s a more familiar to the English-speaking world. I felt like directly translating the original word would need an explanation, which would break the flow. It was originally 写检讨, which is when a teacher makes you write a “self-criticism” where you write what you were doing, why you were doing it, that you won’t do it again, etc.
I still hold that opinion. In addition, I feel like it’s bizarre to be told that Vyn, a psychiatrist, may not have heard of the word “self-reflect” before. It’s also a word that doesn’t have as much of a direct connection to being a school punishment.
The translation team has changed references for localization before, such as in Luke’s Qixi phone call where he references the story of Sleeping Beauty instead of the original story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. I think this is another instance where they should have made the decision to change it.
Honestly, Vyn being completely clueless about both of these commonplace things was already a bit too farfetched for me, but I think the translation choices exacerbated that.
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