#Cole is the best ninja
iloveacronix · 4 months
Jay vs Cole fight scene better go like this. MAKE ME CRY, NINJAGO!!
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currentlyinflames · 1 year
We don't see cole for 10 episodes and suddenly he shows up guns blazing with new powers, 2 kids and a boyfriend
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localguy2 · 7 days
I hate that this is genuinely something I'm writing rn, but nothing has more RATTLED my faith in the writing team's ability to write a Zane story then him calliNG ARIN CRINGE-
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hawkflame999 · 7 months
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It came into my head at 2AM.
@the-ninjago-historian @s0ull3ss-p3rs0n @owlrabbit09 @tellsfromninjago @rainbow-lust @rainbow-flavoured-skittles @nyaskitten @greenamethyst16
I decided to tag people whose's names came into my head so, here you are.
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kindaasrikal · 2 months
For the art request, Cole or maybe kai. Pls
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Both. Both is good. Both is great.
I made Cole look like a GIANT NEXT TO KAI 😭
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razzle-zazzle · 2 months
wait what's the betrothal au??
I'm glad you asked! The premise of the Betrothal AU, in a single sentence, is thus:
Cole and Skylor are arranged to marry each other by a contract made before either of them were born, and they take issue with this.
Of course, there's more to the AU than just the premise—how the whole contract was made and how Skylor and Cole feel about it are major questions I wanna explore in the AU, so I'll do my best to summarize them a bit here:
The contract was made by Chen and Cole's Currently Unnamed Grandfather (I used to call him Shane but I'm not liking that name as much now tbh); Chen had the upper hand in those negotiations. Like it was clear from start to finish who was in control. He initially asked for Lilly's hand, but her father threw a fit and managed to change the terms to "Chen's child will marry Lilly's youngest child by the time both are 20" (but with. more legalese). Because surely, Unnamed Grandfather thought, Chen couldn't possibly have children as an exiled-to-an-island war criminal, and surely, if Chen did find a way to father offspring, Lilly would have multiple children and her eldest would inherit the power of earth, thus preventing the earth master line from getting tangled up with the likes of Chen.
Except then about six months after Skylor was born Chen sent several baby pictures to Unnamed Grandfather to gloat. And Lilly only had Cole because she and Lou only ever wanted one child. So Cole and Skylor are engaged from... not quite birth because Skylor was born almost a year earlier and Chen waited to see if Lilly would have any other children, but definitely since they were both young enough to toddle.
Sooooo... how do Skylor and Cole feel about this? Well, for the most part.. they're kids. Yeah, they meet when they're both five and they're given their halves of a pendant and told that one day they're gonna marry each other, but at that point they were literally just children. Marriage was more of a concept to them, a silly thing they could pretend to do and think about that otherwise didn't really impact them. Especially since they only saw each other once a year (and Lou & Lilly would always throw a fit when Unnamed Grandfather took Cole to Chen's island. But Unnamed Grandfather is going to honor his debts, dammit, even the ones that suck).
But even as they did get to be kids, even as Skylor would eagerly await the 2-4 weeks every year when Unnamed Grandfather would visit with Cole in tow, even as they would run around the labyrinth and into the jungle and all over Chen's compound like the kids they were... well, Chen's a dick. Oh, sure, he wasn't trying to make them feel bad about the engagement, but he definitely wouldn't let them forget it.
So the marriage became a sort of inevitability, for Cole & Skylor. When they were 11-12, they had these cute puppy crushes on each other that they would not have had were it not for the whole "you two are going to one day marry and then spend the rest of your life together" thing hanging over their heads.
And then Unnamed Grandfather dies, and Lilly's fallen ill, and Lou is absolutely not going to go to Chen's island under any circumstances. So Cole and Skylor haven't seen each other in person since they were 13, and wrote letters instead.
So they inevitably drifted. For Skylor, the marriage was an inevitability, but one that she could deal with later—being Chen's daughter gives her way more pressing concerns to deal with daily, anyway. And it was the same for Cole—the engagement, when he thought about it (which wasn't super often) was a distant sort of inevitability, like a project due at the end of the semester that you don't think about until then because you've got assignments due now to worry about.
When Chen invites the ninja to his tournament, when Cole and Skylor see each other on that ferry...
Skylor had been sort of vaguely aware that she wasn't interested in Cole that way. From her memory, he was sweet and rowdy, and her only childhood friend her age. Not the worst person to be tied to on the legal level of marriage, but not exactly someone she was interested in. Seeing Cole in person for the first time in years, and connecting that familiar face with the most recent letters—it crystalizes, for Skylor, that she's not into him that way.
But her father always gets what he wants, and the contract is airtight. So Skylor grits her teeth, swallows her venom, and sidles over to Cole to test the waters. Hope he's not as into her as she remembers feeling about him once, when they were younger and friendlier and liked to talk about what they wanted for their wedding together while digging in the mud for cool jungle bugs.
Cole hadn't thought about his engagement as often—sure, he used the new pendant half that Chen sent him after the monastery burned down to finance every meal the grieving ninja ate at Chen's, and sure, he sent letters monthly at least. But the notion of marriage has become so distant and unimportant in the wake of Garmadon, the Great Devourer, the Overlord, and Zane's death. When he sees Skylor, standing off to the side in a cloak but nonetheless recognizable, it hits him—they really hadn't seen each other in years, and he doesn't feel anything romantic for her.
But Chen has Zane, or might have Zane and be lying—and Cole can't chance that. He needs to know for sure if Zane is alive, so he hopped on the ferry alongside the others, pendant half in hand in case it'd come in handy. But now that the reality of his engagement is staring him in the face and sidling over to him—oh, Cole just knows it's going to cause problems. He's always been good at running away from problems—but he can't run away now, can he?
so yeah tl;dr chen's a little bitch and cole & skylor are gonna have to try and work around that
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weirdmysteryflower · 3 months
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B!Kai x B!Jay dynamic
Мене життя поносило, тому довго не було
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the-golden-weapons · 4 months
unpopular opinion: I dont think Jay will get a full -on villain arc, and I don’t really want him to either.
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
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Now that I have your attention, can I ask tumblr for a favor? I don’t like asking for requests, but this is super silly
My best friend @/mortimerdreadnaught and I are obsessed with legos. They love Ninjago and I Lego Harry Potter
I currently sent them a gift box where they finally get their dream doll Cole
And as best friends do we have shipped them
Maybe a redraw of this picture I took? It was a silly thing where Cole is being sent to Mort while my Ron plushie wishes him safe travels
Just something silly. I wanna do it but I’ve currently been medicated for private issues that have caused fatigue
Just a humble request. No pressure. Thank you!
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ameliadoesstuff · 10 days
obsessed with how i included this tiny detail in my vld rewrite draft MONTHS before i returned to ninjago after 7+ years. thank you apollo for the gift of prophecy
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imminent-danger-came · 3 months
how would you rank the ninja from worst to best based on the ninjago seasons youve seen?
Nya and Wu are the best, everyone else is the same to me
#Conceptually. Loyd; Garmadon; and Kai are interesting.#However later seasons of Loyd and Garmadon are so. They were kinda nuked#Like what do you MEAN Garmadon wasn't capable of having compassion or caring for Loyd (crystal king part 2). Like#Garmadon loved Loyd. That was a pretty important aspect of s1-2#like hello#What#the other ninja feel kinda the same to me for the most part? Especially in dragon rising. Specifically in dragon rising.#All of their one-liners have no distinct character voice. They're interchangeable. I'm going mad#Nin//jago compels me in a ''why is this so bad'' way. Or maybe it's that Sea Nya was so good compared to everything? idk#Like why was there something like that 14ish seasons in a fairly bland show. It boggles me. I'm boggled#I actually didn't watch any other part of Seabound.#In my experience ninja//go is best experienced by watching the finale/payoff#So you can fill in the set-up in your head.#I also watched a sort of edit about nya on youtube. Which gave me more context for her character#I need to stop doing a deep dive into ninj//ago like this doesn't interest me at all. I'm losing my mind. I must ignore my dark curiosity#Of wondering ''is there anything else like sea nya'' and the answer being no#I'm crying at how bad oni Loyd was like truly#Uhhhh Cole's stuff with grief wasn't awful? Or doesn't seem to be?#just like. Serviceable I guess#I'm going to be driven mad by ninja//go this shit is just. I can't even describe how I feel rn#It's so mush. It's hollow. It has nothing I like about stories or animation in it.#And I don't mind crazy lore! I'm a kh fan! But the lack of underlying logic. It makes me feel disoriented#It's like watching natla where every new line feels like it wasn't written with the last in mind#Like I guess if people like the characters????? Like that's it that's all you have#Like THIS is the show people are talking about when they're saying something is just a ''kids show'' you know#Why am I doing this this was a show made to sell merchandise it literally does not matter#I guess since the ninj//ago fandom and the lmk fandom are so closely connected I just see stuff for these characters all the time#ninjago critical#anon#asks
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ethanbear · 2 years
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xutxfxrder · 1 year
finished season 4 of lego ninjago with my sister so that was a nice day :)
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riicahr · 6 months
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Finally updated my headcanons for the main Ninja's appearances ♡ The ones from last year looked ew to me so this was overdue.
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Lloyd: I know he doesn't have curly hair, but I was unhappy with the way I drew it before so I tried something different and really liked this so I stuck with it. Light freckles, scars too obviously. The little braid is a personal touch of mine representing a connection to my OC hehe
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Nya: the markings from her Ocean form were so pretty I had to keep them faintly, and the blue streaks in her hair seemed fitting too. Also a small nose piercing because she would. I love giving her turquoise colors too. Round face features
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Kai: his spiky hair is always a challenge so I tried finding a way that's easier for me to draw. I love giving him a mullet too. Slightly crooked nose, sharp features overall & moles. Lotsa ear piercings. Tattoos probably as well
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Zane: the most fun to do, his robotic features give a lot of freedom to work with. Making his hair half dark half white was a random idea but I love it now. Straight and angular features
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Cole: wider face and body shape, long scar from his forehead down to the eye. I gave my best drawing dreads for him and I think I did well. Orange-green eyes from his ghost phase. Oh and a slight stubble, I thought it fit him well. Originally wanted to give Kai one too, maybe next time
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Jay: saw a cosplay of him with this lightning scar across his face and I loved it so much I took it over. Also heterochromia for him, it just feels right. Lots of freckles, super fluffy hair. One hair streak looks like a lightning bolt. Soft shapes and features
Bonus ~☆°•.*
Ninjago OC yeaahh ♡
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Nemari: Sharp jawline, pointy chin and nose. Very light freckles, big scar on right shoulder. Pointy ears, few ear piercings.
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smeggsy · 5 months
3rd Ninja on the list :
Here comes COLE ✨
And the best one I did so far I think :))
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lit3rallyll0yd · 2 months
dating the ninja: series (headcanons) | cole brookstone , zane julien x reader!! ( ≧ᗜ≦) ♡
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a/n: okiiii heres part two, coles part seems so long, but they are kinda the same length. I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH!!!!
part one !!
warnings: non rly, not that i can remember lol
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· He may be the Elemental Master of Earth, but under all those rocks he's a baby boy at heart.
· First meeting wasn't anything new, you all met through Sensei Wu. You, Cole, Kai, and all the others. At first, you two were nothing but friends. Best friends for that matter...until a couple of years went by and Cole started to feel...different around you.
· He can't really be in the same room as you anymore without having to blush whenever he talked to you, but he was pretty good at hiding that from you. But once you're gone his face is red and you know Kai, and sometimes Jay, teases him for his crush on you.
· He thinks you're the greatest person to ever exist, need anything you go to him and he'll help you hands down!
· Expect a bunch of piggyback rides wherever you two go. Walking around the Monastery? You're on his back. Just making a quick run to the store, he'll carry you he does not think you're heavy at all.
· "It's like holding a pile of feathers." <3
· He can be very protective over you but he just wants you to be safe. He knows you can take care of yourself but he feels like a bad boyfriend if he can't do anything to help you when you need him.
· He also loves to cuddle. He's like a huge teddy bear you'd wanna hug forever! 
· Play with his hair, I swear it makes him feel so much better! All the stress he had rested on his shoulders drowned away when you touch his hair. You usually do it when you two are cuddling, or when he's angry at something and you use that to calm him down. 
· He loves to use nicknames for you, and the one he'll normally use is "Honey" or "Cake" ... Yeah, Cake. He loves cake and you're sweet like cake so boom it works. A rare one he'll also use is "BooBoo Bear." He will also use "Sweetheart" when he needs something from you, you learned that a little while ago.
· He's so scared to leave you alone during missions. There was this one time in the Sons of Garmadon take over, he, Kai, Jay, Zane, and Master Wu were sent to the Realm of Oni and Dragon for a little while and when they returned you were severely injured.
· He was scared to lose you, but when you recovered he gently tackled you into a hug and sobbed in your shoulder, you could feel his hands rub your back and grab the fabric of your clothes when he knew you were there, live and well. 
· He and you have karaoke moments together and it's hilarious when one of the others walks in on it. Cole's red from head to toe and you're just there standing like a statue as you look back from the said person and Cole.
· If it's one of the guys Cole will literally grab a pillow and throw it at them, chasing them out of the room but if it's Master Wu, Nya, or any one of the elders he'll cough nervously as he waits for them to leave. 
· You guys also cook together, but because Cole was banned from the kitchen, 3 times, Zane had to keep an eye out for the both of you if you were a decent cook and can handle both Cole and the cooking Zane will smile and leave the two of you be. 
· There was this one time Cole accidentally lit the inside of the oven on fire and a lot of baking soda was involved. After that, Cole usually just gets store-bought cakes or treats when he feels like it. 
· When you two sleep, he likes to have you in his arms. It makes him feel more confident and he knows you are protected. But that doesn't mean he doesn't like to be held, he loves it, especially by you.
· The covers are over both your bodies and the heat from his hold and the blanket made it feel like an active volcano in the bed. 
· Knowing Cole snores, (canaon) you don't really get affected by it in any way, but sometimes it does tend to get annoying but you say nothing because you don't want to make him upset in any way. Besides, everyone snores it's nothing to be ashamed of.
· In the mornings' Cole is normally unlikely to wake up before you. So you wake up in his arms under the covers, his chest to your back and his face by your neck. You sometimes tend to fall back asleep in his arms or you try your best to get out of bed....but that just normally wakes him up and you have a new problem to deal with.
· His phone wallpaper is the both of you on your first date at a bakery called "Cakes Delight" and you playfully rolled your eyes as Cole's eyes sparkled at the sight of all the flavors and dragged you into the bakery. 
· The photo is you with Cole's phone taking a bird's eye view angle pic. You had a cookie in your mouth winking at the camera giving a single finger gun to Cole's head, (for fun) all while Cole had three cakes on one plate, a smile on his face as it was stuffed with cake while he gave a peace sign for the photo. 
· When you're talking with one of your friends who came to the Monastery to hang out, Cole tends to wrap himself in a blanket and tackle you mid-conversation and playfully whine about 'being left alone' even though he had the guys to hang out with.
· Even though you two are a couple, he can't help but get butterflies every time you do something cute. Sneeze? He's smiling. Becoming clingy? His heart has melted.
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 · He is very patient and understanding with you. He doesn't invade any of your personal life unless you talk to him about it. 
· Whenever you are angry he'll try his best to talk to you in the most sweetest tone you have ever heard and comfort you. Calming you down enough for him to be able to touch you and give you a hug.
· Sends you "good morning, my love. i hope you had an excellent sleep. breakfasts on the table for you on the kitchen counter downstairs. I and the other ninja will be outside in the courtyard if you need me to assist with anything you may need." in the mornings when he wakes up before you. he likes to wait until your awake to talk to you and won't bother your sleeping figure unless it's like 12:30 in the afternoon and you're still asleep. (you're just like me fr)
· also his goodnight texts>>
· "good evening, dove. i hope you do not stay up extremely late again so you do not wake up sad or grumpy. we already have kai, we do not need another one. make sure you brushed your teeth, floss, and washed your face. i hear washing one's face helps relax them. i love you to the moon and back. sweet dreams, my love."
· you taught him emoctions (or however you spell that word aahshsjbsj) like, "<3, :3, UWU," ETC, and now he uses the '<3' one in almost every text to show his love for you and your heart melts when he sends them and goes like "did i do that correct, my dear?"
· Every morning when he sees you walk into the kitchen, he falls in love with you all over again when he sees your sleepy state. Your eyes are droopy, you have some drool on your lips, and your hair is all over the place.
· While you eat his breakfast he'll pull up a chair behind you and offer to comb your hair (either it's long or short) he'll run his fingers through your hair once detangled.
· Because he can get a bit cold, one being the Master of Ice and two he's a Nindroid, whenever you both cuddle he'll have a blanket wrapped around, mostly you, the two of you as you both chat about your day.
· Tries to attempt a 'wink and walk away' but it just ends with him awkwardly blinking at you while Kai's laughing his ass off in the back.
· He was the first to confess his feelings towards you, with the help from his brothers, but they gave such bad advice he ended up short-circuiting because of how embarrassed he was.
· "I never knew Nindroids could get flustered." Jay joked while attempting to repair Zane with help from his Yang, Nya.
· You giggled as you took Zane's hand, who was lying down on a metal table. 
· "I love you too, Zane."
· His favorite place to kiss you is the back of your hand, palm, wrist, or knuckles. he's grown the habit of just taking your hand and placing it on his lips.
· "Zane, lemme have a turn with the dishes you've been doing every day of this week." You smiled at your boyfriend who sighed softly taking his hands out of the water and drying them. Before he left he turned around and grabbed your hand, turning it to show the back of your hand and pecking it, "I suppose you are right. Thank you, my love."
· Leaves you all red-
· Loves going grocery shopping with you, it makes his day 10x more special knowing he's with you and everything's ok. Sure you once lost him in a Metro but you soon found him...after 30 minutes of looking.
· Zane has an entire memory bank of just you and him stored inside of him while you have a photo album of you two (while ofc you have one for all your friends, including the others, but Zane is special <3)
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