#Coffe Shop AU I guess?
blueishspace · 16 days
Looped Sun 8
Loop #282
Scott knew that he was lucky, he had so many bits and storylines that the world tree wouldn't typecast him like he did loopers from other loops... Still, sometimes he could forget how repetitive could be. He definitely wasn't forgetting it any time soon, not after 4 loops of straight up just being a skeleton.
Loop #285
This version of Double Life was going to give Grian a migraine... Or Grain he guesses since everyone's names were just wrong... Jimmy was Timmy, Ren was Ron, Etho was Efo and the worst offender... Martin. Grian was tempted to just die and go to Hermitcraft but was deathly afraid of what the rest of Hermitcraft will be called in this loop.
Loop #287
Pearl loved this loop... at first, she got to be a coffe shop barista without the annoying customers that usually come with the job, she didn't mind the coffe shop au fanfic-ness of it as long as she got to have fun. Then a genocidal villain crashed into the windows and she realized exactly what kind of loop this was. Listen, that villain wasn't even a good one (she was one a few lopps ago and she was way better at it) so ahe didn't really care about them. The most entertaining part of the loop was ignoring the plot every time it appeared, even when the story actively twisted to bring her towards it.
Loop #289
Scar ... Well he was a bit offended? He didn't usually get offended easily but being treated like he wasn't capable of stuff wasn't really nice... So of course he woke up in a loop were he truly was unable to do most thing he normally could do. He was used to being unable to use his legs, it was like 30% of the loops, but guess he upgraded to just not being able to do anything... He didn't even get a motorized wheelchair this time around.
... Unlucky for the loop he always carried one of those in his pocket but still.
Loop #292
Mumbo was a bit miffed by this loop... a bit unchuffed even. He knew that spoons were a bit of his thing... everyone knew that. But looping in a room full of spoons...and only spoons seemed a bit unoriginal to him? It wasn't just him that saw the problem, right? ... Hopefully someone was going to come soon.
Loop #295
Grian: Mr. Strange Sir?
Doctor Strange: It's doctor Strange.
Grian: Right... you have the time stone here...right?
Doctor Strange: I do. Why?
Grian: Right, uh in my loop as long as the loop starts before a certain point I get access to an infinity gauntlet... Back in baseline it was just a game but in some variants they are actual infinity stones. Could you teach me how to use the time stone?
Doctor Strange: Perhaps, the time tone is very dangerous you must understand. You will need be patient if you don't want to destroy the pillars of reality.
Grian: ... ...Understood.
Loop #297
Scott: Be not afraid.
Pearl: Scott?!? Why are you glowing.
Scott: Last Loop I was in Marvel and accidentally fused with the Tesseract last loop.
Pearl: ... Mate...
Scott: Yes?
Scott: ... I wish I could tell you but I don't know either.
Loop #299
Mumbo liked spiders well enough, he understood why people didn't like them but he found they weren't too bad.
*knock knock, who is it mr.spider? It's ms. fruit and she brought you some flowers. Mr spider doesn't eat flowers*
Mumbo feels he's going to be forced to change his mind soon.
*knock knock, who is it mr.spider? It's mr. Horse and he brought you his son. Mr spider wants more*
Call it a gut feeling.
Scar was alone... He had been alone for a while. A long while. He didn't know loops could last this long...or maybe he was just stuck there. He had started crying at some point a while ago, his tears turned into mist which was kinda weird. He felt like he should like this for some reason, like somone was whispering to him that this place was good...but...he hated this so much. He wanted Grian and Mumbo and Pearl and Scott. He didn't want to be alone. He never wanted to be alone. And maybe it was this realization but the mist slowly settled away.
Pearl had looked at the incoming mist and she became angry, truly angry, she wasn't going to be alone again. If this loop really wanted a Double Life Pearl then it will get what it wants. Running in the woods with her pack of hunting wolves, creeping and stalking behind her pray is the most fun she had in a long while.
Scott was in space? Scott liked space despite all the times he saw it. It was giant, ever changing, immense, vast. He was just a point floating in a black void filled with stars and comets and so much there is still to discover. It is truly beautiful. He doesn't mind staying in space a bit more... But he should bring other to view this beauty with him.
Grian... well... Grian didn't know how to feel he imagined he would loop in this world eventually considering his status as a watcher... But he expected to loop into the world not... He didn't expect to loop as "The Ceaseless Watcher". It was weird, it was like being a sea connected to other seas, he could feel the other dread.gods melding and mixing in points of his being... He couldn't wait for this to end.
Loop #302
A band? And Pearl got synth? Oh this was going to be fun!
Mumbo: I don't know about this...
Mumbo was at the drums, he had taken a few lessons with Impulse a while back but he didn't... he was worried about performing.
Scott: Come on Mumbo you are going to do great!
Mumbo: I just-
Scott: Scar and Grian agree with me.
Mumbo: They do?
Grian: Of course! You got this Mumbo!
Scar: Yeah!
Mumbo: A-alright!
Loop #305
Grian had already stated what he tought about all the dsmp loops lots of time... Still, getting to rescue Tommy from Dream had been nice, it just took going sun titan mode with a hints of dread god and the green hooded man ran away. Now come the issue, he couldn't exactly adopt Tommy.
That's exactly what he ended up doing, to be fair it was hard to say no to him considering the context. Still, it wasn't like bad, despite the swearing Tommy was a good kid.
Grian might have gone full sun titan again and got Tommy's disk back... it was his birthday and Grian knew that the loop was close to ending.
Loop #307
The newest vote had made everyone's head giant, they looked like enormous babies... It was really unsettling the longer they looked at it.
Grian: Mumbo! Your head is so big!
Mumbo: Wha-
Scar: ... That's what she said.
Grian: SCAR!
Mumbo: Oh-
Scar: Wait no I'm sorry!
Loop #310
Grian: Are we siblings Pearl?
Pearl: ... What do you mean mate?
Grian: Sometimes we are twins, sometimes we are siblings, sometimes we are cousins, in this loop we aren't related at all...
Pearl: Yeah?
Grian: So do you see us as siblings?
Pearl: I mean, I never tought of it really... do you?
Grian: Yes? No? Maybe? It's complicated, that's why I was asking what you tought.
Pearl: Do you want to try?
Grian: Try?
Pearl: Try being siblings, see if it works?
Grian: I... alright. Siblings it is.
Pearl: Siblings.
Grian: Akward sibling hug time?
Pearl: Yeah, watched Gravity Falls recently mate?
Grian: It has a lot of eye imaginery, just preparing for the inevitable.
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f1stargirll · 11 months
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Conversation Friends ° Lando Norris
Chapter Two
Word count : 1.658k
Description : slow burn, college!au (enemies to lovers) and more to come
Hey guys, sorry this chapter came out a week late, I was suffocating from homework. But here we are! And I'm currently on a week break from uni so I'll try to write as much as possible during this time, I have sooo many ideas. I think I'll even try writing oneshots so if anyone has requests I'm open to them! Hope you'll enjoy this chapter, and feel free to message me if you want to be tagged in the next parts 🧚🏼‍♀️
PSA : Since I’m STUPID, I’ve started writing on a side blog which means there’s a lot of things I can’t do!! So I’m switching to my main blog which is @f1stargurl !!! The next parts and the rest will be posted on there, so if anyone follows me here, if you could pls follow me on @f1stargurl 🤧 To quote mister Leclerc once ai gain, “I am stupid”
Hi Lando,
I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot. I’m sure that stupid encounter at the supermarket was just a result of the both of us being irritated and tired. As you can probably tell, my first few days here weren’t so easy and it might’ve been one of the reasons why I was so unpleasant, and once again, I apologize. 
I really am willing to put this stupid history behind us and get this program started!
I hope you’ll give it a thought and I look forward to hearing from you soon, have a good week! 
Sincerely, y/n
It’s been six days since I’ve sent Lando that email and pushed my pride to the side to organize a date. Well, it’s not a date, but still- I guess it is technically a date? Is it a date if we hate each other? It’s a meeting. Yeah, I was trying to organize a meeting. 
Still no response. 
Closing my laptop, I decided to take my mind off this situation and take a break at a coffee shop near campus. 
Taking a step inside the coffee shop I spot Daniel and Alex sipping on their drinks. Seeing Daniel again instantly put a smile on my face, we’ve been hanging out these last few days and having him by my side feels great. 
“What’s up guys!” I say while waving at them across the room. 
“Hey y/n!” They both got up from their seats to give me a hug.
 “Go get your drink and come join us,” Alex invited me, pointing at their booth, “we were talking about the party this weekend.”
“Don’t mind if I do then”, I respond smiling from ear to ear. 
After picking up my hot chocolate I sit down in front of them, Daniel makes fun of me for not liking coffee, again.
“I swear y/n you’re 21 and you still don’t like coffe? You need to grow up,’ rolling my eyes, I playfully shove Dani’s shoulder feeling his muscle tense under the light punch, so annoying, and buff, wow. We kept talking for more than two hours. I got to tell them all about Lando ghosting me and about the amazing cheese and garlic pasta I made last night. 
“I think he’ll come to his senses. He has to,” Daniel insists, crossing his arms in front of him. Ooh, veiny forearms… “the reason you guys hate each other is so ridiculous anyway, over freaking pasta!” he shakes his head in disbelief. 
“I think you did the right thing trying to reach out, at least you’ll be the bigger person” Alex says, his hand reaching for his matcha latte, “I’m sure you’ll be able to figure this out together.”
“Thanks for the optimism I really appreciate it” I say with a weak smile, not really believing in Linguini’s philanthropist potential, “I just hope this won’t ruin the program for me…”
“What? No way!” Daniel exclaims sitting up on his side of the booth, “Look, you’ve got your Conversation Friends right here” he says putting his arm around Alex’s shoulder who’s nodding and smiling in agreement, “and you’ve got Lola!”
“You’re right Dani, I’m not gonna give myself anxiety over a guy who can’t even be polite,” I state with confidence, “anyways, I’m so excited about the party this weekend!”
Once back in my room, I decided to check my inbox one more time. Just in case.
Still no response. 
The sight tugs at my heart a little. We have our first mandatory meeting in a few days and I still have no contact with my partner. I wouldn’t care so much about it if it was just about the two of us, but the whole group is supposed to visit a museum and I don’t want to be the only one there without a partner, that would be too embarrassing. 
But as I reminisce on the topic, I realize I’m not just sad anymore, I’m bitter. All week I saw everyone meeting up and doing fun activities with their partners, but I can’t get an email back? Even a “k” would’ve been enough… I’m stunned at how childish this boy is being. 
Putting my phone on my wooden nightstand, I close my eyes and try not to overthink about the situation. Is it my personality? Maybe it’s because of the way I look.
But I catch myself slipping, the last thing I need to do is to start doubting myself because of a man again.
God, this British Society class is really kicking my ass right now. Why did I even choose the 8am one, what is wrong with me? The professor starts off the first chapter of the class as we hear a loud knocking on the door. 
“Sorry I’m late,” I see Lando standing in the doorway, out of breath, his cheeks a light pink from the rush. His eyes search around the room for any seat still available until they meet mine. There’s one right next to me, but of course he’ll never take that one. He sets down his bag on the table front row and I feel my heart racing from embarrassment as my mind instantly jogs back to the email and how vulnerable it was. He turns around a final time and blankly looks at me. What is that supposed to mean? 
The class went by slower than ever, my mind speeding about different ways to go up to him and finally settle this ridiculous situation. 
8:55 finally strikes the clock as the professor concludes his explanation. As I put away my computer I see Lando clutching his books and bolting towards the exit. 
Not on my fucking watch. I head for his direction, calling out his name, “Lando! LANDOO!”
He turns on his heels in a swift motion, “What do you want from me?”
Suddenly feeling small, I still mustered up the courage to ask him about what’s going on, “Well you’ve read my email so I don’t know why you’re acting like you don’t know,” I grumble. “I feel like I’m making way too much effort here.”
“What email? What are you even talking about?” he asks, his thick brows furrowing in irritation. “I didn’t even give you my real email, the one I wrote down was just to fill the blank so the teacher won’t bug me,” he explains, still slightly confused as to what I was on about, “I just don’t want us to communicate outside of the mandatory attendings, got it ? We’ll meet there and that’s it.”
Well, at least that explains the total ghosting, doesn’t make it any less humiliating though. My lips close in a tight line, “Message received then, glad to know you’ll still be there for the museum,” I slowly nod my head trying to process what I’ve just been told. I feel my throat tightening up a bit and decide to leave before embarrassing myself any further, never looking behind me at the curly haired boy. 
Standing in line in front of the museum’s ticket office with my two favorite boys feels like we’re high schoolers on a field trip. I still feel uneasy about this upcoming afternoon, even if the run-in we had was terrible, he still assured me he’ll be coming today. 
But now, I don’t even want him to be here, I’m done with the idea of making any efforts with him, I’ve been way too kind to him. I’ll just stay glued to Dani and Alex and spend a nice afternoon at the museum with them, it’ll be way more fun than if he ever was to be here. 
“Still no news from Linguini?” Alex asks, trying to make sense of this situation, probably feeling bad for me. I really was pitiful.
“It’s not like I have a way of having any.” I half-joke trying to keep face despite anxiety and sadness creeping their way into my heart;
I found myself gazing at a beautiful photograph of a peony field, my favorite flower. The exhibition was showcasing the origins and the beauty of perfumes around the world. It involved a path filled with elements used to make our favorite scents through the use of pictures and different aromas being diffused all around the museum. I had clinged on to my favorite boys for twenty minutes before the teacher noticed, “I don’t care if your partner isn’t here, it’s a pairing of two only.” So now I was wandering around the exhibition and taking in the great sights and scents on my own. 
“Hey,” I turned around to see Lando looking ahead standing next to me, his hair covered by a green cap matching the crew neck sitting on his shoulders and the color of his eyes. Last time I thought they were blue, but they’re not. They’re the most gorgeous shade of olive green I had ever seen. It bothered me that I noticed these kinds of small details about him, he was the last person to deserve it. “Sorry I’m late.”
I kept my focus on the piece in front of me, “Alright.”
“These are my favorite, my grandma used to grow some in her garden,” I tell him without really knowing why.
“My grandma had roses, those are nice too,” he answers, I just nod in agreement. We both keep looking at the photograph in silence for another minute when his phone starts to ring. 
“Hey babe,” he quickly picks up, “yeah it’ll be quick I promise - no I don’t care I just have to do this, you know that.” Wow, way to ruin the last speck of hope I had. He hangs up as fast as he picked up.
“You know you could’ve just told me you had a girlfriend and didn’t want to talk to me for that reason, I mean, It’s a little extreme but I get it.” I know that some girlfriends are overprotective and the idea of their boyfriends spending time with another girl can be a nightmare.
“It's not about her,” he spits out, “I just don’t want to be here, I’ve got better things to do,” and with that final sentence he rubs the salt in a wound that’s already way too deep for what it’s worth. 
“You don’t have to be here though, nobody’s forcing you to” I remark, my voice filled with resentment. I’ve had enough. 
“I do, though. I’m only doing this to pass my semester, so let’s just wrap this up,” he starts going for the rest of the exhibition in hopes of finishing early. When he doesn’t feel me following him, he turns around and stops, staring me down with his hands in his back pockets, his shoulders slumped in frustration.
Slowly shaking my head, I stand my ground and head towards the next step in the exhibition in silence, disregarding the icy stare from the green boy across the room. I’m not letting him get away with it this time. I’ll enjoy the rest of the tour and make sure to take my time. Might as well enjoy my own company if that’s all I’m gonna have for the rest of the program.
Taglist : @u5dthsduttd
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ya-boi-haru · 8 months
Quixis is a funky lil lad, but it's hard to imagine them in a Mundane AU so here are some of my takes of random AUs + a bonus of how they mess with Icarus:
Band AU:
- Event Organiser company that just always happens to book at venues where Icarus wants to be and/or Dupstep artist
Coffe Shop AU:
- Quixis owns the bar across the road and its loud and bright and a complete opposite of Icarus' 24 hour chill coffee shop. Bar customers have a habbit of coming over to the coffee shop straight after to crash/drunk adventures or to sober up, cause "the owner recommended this place to them"
Highschool/ College AU:
- Screw prank week Quixis wants to do a prank year, and guess who they're target is!
They're doing classes from online/ home most of the time, so Icarus can never really catch them
Racer AU:
- When Icarus started up racing they signed a contract to get really good parts, turns out they're all experimental in some way, and Icarus can't leave the contract. So they just have piles of these parts that Quixis sends them
Dance AU:
- Not competitive in "proper" competitions but those street organised ones, though does occasionally do "proper" ones. A jack of all trade in dance styles but primarily (idk the style name, I think its a type of hip-hop) where it looks like you're moving one limb flawlessly at a time and stop and start instantly. Has used similar if not same songs as Icarus.
Police/Detective AU:
- Quixis is a P.I and Icarus swears they've hacked their computer cause they always seem to be on the same cases they are. It's worse when Quixis sends them a clue or even catches the guy for them.
Artist AU:
- Quixis is the Banksi of Art AU. They'll drop big pieces when Icarus has a showing and anytime a store doesn't have the materials they need, Icarus swear Quixis brought them all on purpose
Those are some, I may elaborate on some in the future, heck I may even draw them, who knows!?
Feel free to add etc
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reinarandraw · 1 year
A Shot Of Romance
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Title: A Shot of Romance Fandom: Our Flag means Death Pairing: Sam Bellamy / Izzy Hands Rating: M Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Meet-Cute, Coffee shop owner, Izzy mysterious rich man sam, Fluff and Angst, guess who makes this fic, coffee talks After his divorce, Izzy's life has been a mess. He's reluctant to admit it, but he's struggling to move on. Not only that, his coffee shop Queen Anne's Coffe is not doing good because of the new Starbucks. Izzy is feeling miserable until one day a well dressed American man walks into his coffee shop and gives him a chance to find romance.
PART 1 of Coffee Philosophy
Hello tumblr! Might I offer you a bellhands modern au with a barista Izzy and rich man Sam. This is an expansion of my previous coffee shop au from ofmd rare pair week. Somehow ir became angstier than my original plan.
Please enjoy!
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heysweetheart-writes · 11 months
Weekend WIP game
A tad late, I'm sorry! But I was tagged by all these lovely people: @read-and-write- @suseagull04 @daisymae-12 @kiwiana-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @happiness-of-the-pursuit
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more). (questions for artists/gifmakers here).
1. WIP List:
That have docs:
Canon Divergence Coffe shop!AU
History will say they were best friends (genderswap AU)
Movieverse post canon one shot
Neighbours AU
Watermelon Sugar
That are in my mind:
Dog park AU
Single dad Henry AU
Buenos Aires vacation (Henry chapter)
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
I guess Watermelon sugar atm
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
The neighbours AU. I think it's gonna be a multichapter lenghty thingy
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
At the moment, none of them haha I'm terrified but I think the neighbours AU is gonna be fun. Also the dog park AU because I daydream about it every morning when I take my dog to the park.
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
The canon divergence and the Genderswap because I have to repurpose some canon elements and find a creative way of using them.
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
Same, anything canon realted that's not post canon.
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
All of them because English is not my first language
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
I think the coffe shop AU for some reason?? But I truly love the idea and I want to write it.
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
Watermelon Sugar has an OC that's a bisexual English lady that's witty and will give Alex a run for his money. I'm so in love with her tbh and I've written all of 3 lines haha
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
Watermelon Sugar and I hope the canon divergence one and the genderswap one!
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
Canon divergence coffee shop AU or the genderswap.
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?
I hope all of them???
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
I hope the Buenos Aires vacation because mi país, mi país.
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
I think the canon divergence coffee shop AU
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
The nieghbours AU because I think it'll be the most personal one.
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
hahaha I haven't yet but I'm sure I will because I always do .
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
I don't think so!
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
I think the dog park AU will be the funniest because it'll be such a silly romcom
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
No, not at the moment!
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
The coffee shop AU is a canon divergence fic where Henry and Alex never met in Rio. Henry refused to be paraded around after Arthur died and has been hiding away in different cities, one of them being DC while he starts working at a new coffee shop that Alex and June start frequenting. One of the things I like the most about this idea is that the Henry is the one who'll think Alex is a petulant asshole.
I know it's no longer the weekend but I'm gonna tag a few people anyway in case they haven't done this! No prssure thou! @orchidscript @hypnostheory @bellamysgriffinprincess @pridepages
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contreparry · 1 year
Hello Ann! This DADWC prompt gives me joy, and I hope it does for you too: "The scene that will give you the most joy". Joy all around!
After thinking about this for a while, I decided that I have to write my interpretation of The Joining for the Warden/Zevran modern!Thedas AU. So here it is, for @dadrunkwriting!
"You've got to do it," Alistair insisted. "We all did, it's your turn now." Alistair held up the ancient glass coffee pot. The dark sludge that might have once charitably been called coffee sloshed against the sides of the pot, a swirling whirlpool of black liquid that smelled bitter and burnt, as if it had been brewed yesterday morning and left out all day and night. Bran wrinkled his nose and leaned away from the proffered drink.
"No one drinks from that," he replied. He'd never seen anyone drink the coffee in the break room. Bran thought the machine was broken at first, but every once in a while he caught a whiff of the horrid scent of burnt coffee and- well, Bran didn't question it.
"Initiation ritual," Alistair replied. "We all did it. You work at The Warden, you drink Duncan's Forbidden Brew." Alistair set the pot down on the counter and reached into a cabinet for a coffee mug- the chipped one with the shop's logo emblazoned on the side. The royal blue and silver stripes gleamed under the fluorescent lights.
"It's drip coffee, not poison," Bran said as Alistair poured out the coffee. "I don't see the point." He hadn't understood the point when Alistair dragged him into the break room right before opening, and he hadn't understood why the others on duty were crowded around the doorway, peering in with curious gazes at the scene before them.
"Initiation ritual," Alistair repeated, as if that explained everything. "Okay, think that's everyone- ready?"
"We've got ten minutes until opening," Sigrun shouted. "So hurry up!"
"I'll call emergency services," Velanna muttered before she disappeared from view.
"Hey, it was just that one time-" Daveth complained, his voice rising into a whine. Bran's blood ran cold as he carefully reconsidered his options. Maybe he was wrong about Duncan's drip coffee not being poison. If it sent one of their number to the hospital-
"Guess we're ready, then!" Alistair said cheerfully, his booming voice drowning out the whispers and conversation. He cleared his throat, held the coffee mug out before him, and began to speak.
"Join us, brothers and sisters," he intoned slowly, as if he was repeating an ancient litany. "Join us in the shadows behind the register, where we stand vigilant. Join us as we carry the duty and inventory that cannot be forsworn. And should you perish behind the stacks, know that your sacrifice will not be forgotten. And that one day we shall join you." Alistair raised the mug high above his head.
"In War, Victory," he announced solemnly.
"In Peace, Vigilance," Sigrun replied.
"In Death, Sacrifice," Velanna finished, even though she rolled her eyes when she said it.
"... this is a bookstore. You do know this is a bookstore, right?" Bran asked as Alistair offered the mug to him. Bran took it and gazed down into the pitch black liquid. Definitely bitter. The smell made the hairs on the back of his neck curl. The expectant eyes on him made Bran want to leave, but when he lifted his gaze to Alistair and his broad, encouraging smile, he found that he didn't have the heart to refuse him.
"Ugh, fine," Bran took a deep breath, lifted the mug to his lips, and chugged the coffee.
Fuck, it burned! It was a bitter brew, one that lingered on the tongue even after Bran swallowed it. Maybe the coffee hadn't been left out overnight. Maybe it had been left out for a month. His eyes watered and he'd probably never be rid of the vile taste of burnt coffee, but Bran didn't spit it out. He wiped his mouth with the back of his arm and handed the mug back to Alistair, whose smile was as bright as the sun.
"You're a Warden now, Bran Surana," Alistair announced proudly, and even though the coffee sludge burned his throat Bran grinned.
"Guess I am," he replied. He was a Warden of The Warden, bound by duty and ritual. It had a nice to ring to it.
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Rat Dad AU - Chapter 2 - Survive the night - (Part 4)
(Warning:English isn't my first language)
(Now let's rewind to the moment the group slit-up. And follow Chuck and Helen this time.) (Chuck and Helen both enter Faz-Pad.) Chuck: A coffe shop? Why would anyone come to a pizzaria to drink coffe? Helen: Maybe some parents come here to relax a bit will their kids are having fun. Chuck: Yeah… You problably right. (Chuck and Helen then past the Staff Bots and go to the Faz-Pad kitchen.) Helen: Those Staff Bots just move in the same way over and over again… How is that good security? Chuck: I don- ???: Chuck? Helen? (Chuck and Helen look to the right to see who just spoke.) Chunk and Helen: Pasqually!!! (Chuck and Helen both hug Pasqually.) Pasqually: Is so nice to see you both. But where are we? Where is Munch and Jasper? Helen: Munch is in looking around in another room… We haven't found Jasper yet… But I feel like he's here somewhere. Chuck: And the the place that we are is… The Pizzaplex. Pasqually: … We went bankrupt… didn't we? Chuck: Yeah… But Fazbear's bought us… And apparently we are going to be the new attractions! Pasqually: Well. I'm just happy to see everyone is ok. Chuck: About that. Pizzacam and Munch Jr. Are here too! Pasqually: Wait they here? Helen: Jr. is in here? Chuck: Right… I forgot to tell you Helen… Sorry… But yes they both here. They didn't get scrapped! Pasqually: That's great. So let me guess. You been looking for everyone Chuck? Chuck: Well… I been able to find almost everyone while exploring… but it wasn't my top priority… I been busy helping a kid… Pasqually: Helping a kid? With what? Chuck: This kid called Gregory is being running away from the security guard named Vannesa. And she gives really bads vibes and it doesn't help that the Fazbear animatronics also have been trying to catch Gregory… In not so nice ways. So I tried to help him escape the Pizzaplex but the entrace closed and now he's stuck here… Now me, Munch and Helen are trying to help him find another way to escape. Pasqually: It looks like you got yourself in a big pile of trouble served in a plate. But don't worry. I will help you… well… help this kid. Chuck: Thanks Pasqually. Pasqually: So what are you looking for? Since Munch is looking for something in a different room it most be important. Chuck: We are trying to see if there's any Security Badges around here. We need them to enter the main area of the place to find the a exit. Pasqually: Well I can tell you that it isn't in this kitchen. Since I woke up I been exploring this kitchen and I didn't found any thing like that. Chuck: Well. We better keep exploring then. (Chuck, Helen and Pasqually go throught a door in the back of the kitcken and go down some stairs.) Helen: Hey look a lost and found. (Helen tries to open the door to lost and found… it's locked.) Helen: Lock… Chuck: Well we better continue. (The 3 of them then enter Customer Service.) Chuck: So many lockers. Is this a school or a pizza place? Helen: Hey Chuck look! (Chuck looks at Helen. She is pointing to a machine that says "Upgrade your full access pass!".) Helen: Do you think that we can upgrade the Entry Pass? Chuck: Maybe… But the Entry Pass is with Gregory so we ha- Gregory: Is what with Gregory?
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synthapostate · 1 year
WIP List
At last, the rate of growth is slowing.
Resist Psychic Death - Possessed Newt. :(
Like Cats and Dogs - Domesticity and possible pet adoption. Angst. Turns out it's smut. I should really just admit that I don't enjoy sex scenes and move on with my life.
The Tropes Nobody Asked For - A bodyswap AU. Comedy. Hurt/comfort.
I could be writing sweaty nerd sex like a normal person but no - Mostly a story about self-image. Angst. Fluff. There is no plot. Some kind of stream of consciousness BS. (Complete in the sense that anything can be complete given continuity of identity within linear flow of time.) It wasn't complete. Turns out I'm writing sweaty nerd sex but not like a normal person.
More tropes nobody asked for - A time travel AU. Drama. Comedy. (Complete)
Decontamination Shower - A lab accident makes things weird. (Still not sure where I was going with this but now everybody's naked cute, so.)
Fear of Flying - A deep dive into my aerospace engineering special interest, technically includes a lot of hand-holding. (This one's really taking off.) (Oh no, it's stalled.) (These jokes are just plane bad.)
Heating Pad - A cat adopts Hermann.
Expectation vs. Reality - My take on their first meeting. (Complete but needs another pass to make Hermann more of a dick.) (I added a fourth chapter as an afterthought and it's the best thing I've ever written. I reread this and I cry genuine tears, WTF.)
Thriller - The Shatterdome is kind of spooky at night.
There Was Only One Bed - We like tropes here. (This was supposed to be a trope subversion but I forgot where it was going, so I guess it's just the trope now.)
Miserable, Lonely and Depressed (Pathetic) - The return of Cool Uncle Newt. (He's not cool, he's possessed.)
Vampire AU - I mean obviously I had to write a vampire AU at some point. (Comedy.)
Whump - Was supposed to be about a car accident, but it turned into emotional hurt/comfort. With pie.
Some Days You Just Can't Get Rid of a Bomb - Newt tries to solve capitalism.
Retail Horror Stories - Newt and Hermann commiserate over the shitty jobs they worked when they were younger. (Maybe scrapped because honestly no one needs my nonfiction about MegaKaren.)
Ghost Story - Comedy, it was SUPPOSED TO BE A COMEDY Death of a major character. 50k word novella about grief APPARENTLY. (Newt mistakes Crimson Peak for a romcom.)
Nightmares - Ghost drift bleeds into their dreams.
Cold as Ice - Hurt/Comfort? Something. Contains no hurt/comfort and has nothing to do with cold or ice, but...it's...something.
Newt's Passion - A sex pollen fic. (No, it isn't.) (Zom com.)
Other, Funnier Ghost Story - Will it be a comedy this time? Let's find out. It is a comedy but it's about vampires now.
Fever All Through the Night - Sick fic. All comfort.
Consent is Sexy - A team-building exercise leads to certain confessions that would not be made while sober.
Some Sign to Pursue a Promise - Hermann overthinks everything. A story of missed connections. (Nearing completion.)
The Moon Turned to Gold - Newt is desperate to impress his old classmates. Good thing he has this amazing new husband to show off. (A comedy.) (Zine fic!)
Dinner With a Friend - Oh NO I DON'T WANT THIS. Hermann accepts Newt's offer to meet Alice, and I lie awake at night trying to think of a way to get him out of it. (Sealed away for ten thousand years.)
Alternate PR2 - The biggest shitpost I've ever made. IT'S SO ANGSTY WHAT HAVE I DONE. (Complete, and maybe my favorite thing I've ever written. I might write a sequel. And a prequel. And do some art? Maybe write a song.)
Cold as Ice 2: Alaskan Boogaloo - Does have something to do with cold and ice.
The Worst Thing I Can Possibly Imagine - My genuine attempt to work through something, but then I thought of a punchline so now it's a funny little shitpost.
False Alarm - Their first meeting since their First Meeting.
Splash - A...feelings thing. The first tentative steps toward getting along.
Coffee Shop AU - I swore I would never write a coffee shop au, but...
Scrooge McDuck - Budgetary concerns.
Stop You Have Enough WIPs - Some silly fluff for these stressful times.
Shoes - Newt's past catches up with him. Hermann is intrigued.
Groundhog Day - Hey man, these sci fi tropes exist for a reason.
Soulmate AU - I swore I would never write a soulmate au, but...
Newt and Hermann Go On Six Dates - I write fluff now 😊💖
Hermann Gets Shot - fuck
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syrnyj · 2 years
fanfiction trope, tell me your opinion on: coffe shop aus, fake dating, arranged marriage? (if these are not tropes, sorry, im stupid lolol)
nah these are tropes you're good lol
coffee shop au
confession: i have never read a single coffee shop au fic in my life :D there's one brba fic in my marked for later list but who knows when i'll actually get to it.. so i guess it makes it a C??
fake dating
i think it's nice!! it's fun to see characters going from pretending to be in love before the public to pretending to not be in love before the other one to finally getting their shit together and confessing for real. i give this one a B.
arranged marriage
ohoho i love this one!! <3
it's interesting to see how the relationship between two people thrust together by circumstances and forces outside their control will develop. it can grow into a perfectly arranged marriage or there can be a non-romantic alliance between the two, based on mutual respect and desire to reach their own goals, whatever those might be, while aiding their spouse. or they can totally despise each other and spend their honeymoon hatefucking and trying to assassinate one another >:D
and what if one of them already has someone whom their heart and soul belongs to? what will they choose in the end: their duty or their happiness?
that's an A+ trope for me <3
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The boy on the farthest table
Kanene’s Notes:
So, I’ve been reading all the fluff content with Dadzawa I could find and I am very surprised I didn’t manage to stumble in a Dadzawa running a Cat Café so I thought ‘h e y’ why don’t I make it??? SO here we are!!
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* That fanfic has Dadzawa and Yamadad and their relatonship can be seen as romantic, if you wish.
* This happens in the same universe as This Fanfic Here and you can also find it on AO3.
* No warnings this time!! Only fluff and a bit of hurt/comfort.
* This characters do not belongs to me. They all belongs to the amazing the manga/anime Boku no Hero.
* Something around 2.500 words. -w-)b.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any advice is very very welcome!
* Tô com preguiça de postar a versão em português brasileiro aaaa! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Eat a delicious snack, sleep a bit, take care and drink water and sleep well! Byeioo!~
Aizawa doesn’t really care about his clients more than the strictly necessary amount. He arrived where he is because of the cats and the coffee. If people paid more because he decided to mix both together and open a business with that premise than better for him.
 So, yes. Aizawa doesn’t care at all about his clients. Neither held any favorites above the others, don’t matter what Yamada tried to imply with his ‘discrete’ smug eyes and knowing grin as, for the second time today, the black haired worker narrowed his eyes at the boy sitting on the farthest table, lost in his deep thoughts as he stared intently at his notebook just like he has been doing for the past two hours, lazy scribbles fulfilling the lines in a tired, yet determined attempt to keep going.
 The owner of the Cat Café didn’t really care about what his clients did as long it didn’t annoy his cats or him.
 However, that doesn’t mean he kept himself completely oblivious of what happened at his establishment nor the persons who attended there.
Perhaps he wasn’t the most enthusiastic worker there – that is why him and Hizashi had an unspoken agreement that he would stay firm on his place making drinks and serving pastries, sometimes scaring some insufferable clients away, while the louder, social friend would focus in talking and getting the orders, – but he knew enough to not be a bad one.
 He knew that the girl with yellow bright eyes and nuts and bolts shining in between her curls liked strawberry muffins, tended to not be able to stand still for much time, and visited on Fridays, so he always kept one baked sweet hidden for her on these days.
 Just like he always recognized that tall, skeleton-like adult as soon as his form crossed the door. A client who came especially for the cats and the Jasmin tea, although always sneaked a couple and more glares to the cat-themed cookies, so he made sure to “accidentally” drop one with the donuts he always asked to go for “- a friend! He loves them but is often very busied with work… So, I thought I could try and treat him a bit after everything he already did to me!” And also, who, in the next day, came back to attempt to pay for the free cookie but was, day after day, defeat by Hizashi’s stubbornness and convincing abilities, leading the loyal client to make sure to put a generous tip on the Tip Jar as a revenge, making sure to stare intently at the pouting worker during the whole process.
 Or the young girl with red eyes full of curiosity and a tongue full of questions which him and Yamada took turns to answer, eliciting shy smiles, bright excitement and a glare full of gratitude from her older brother, who used the free time to study while she ate and played with the kittens, sometimes even falling asleep when his two friends – an extremely quiet boy with a gigantic sweet tooth and an electric smiley girl who always convinced the younger one to help her to gather the biggest amount of sleepy cats to nap on the blond teen before he wakes up in the middle of purrs and laughter - accompanied them.
 That being said, Aizawa liked to be informed and, above everything else, was good at getting the information he needed. He mastered the skill of analyzing details and understanding situations others used to ignore, making connections and arriving to conclusions that seemed foreign to others, that is why he continued to cast quick frowns and glances to the boy, doesn’t liking at all how his brain continued to run and turn, seeking for any answer or hints of what happened to him, only to get at nowhere. He was, obviously, just trying to assert the situation, which had nothing to do with the fact that the boy – always shining, always with such a bright smile every time he ordered anything – was alone on this Saturday. A not so rare occasion, since even though the café was a common place for him and his friends to meet – an occurrence impossible to ignore due how full of energy and joy and chaos and energy they all were, - he also seemed very keen to spend hours writing and studying on his own.
 However, there was something different today. Something to do with how quiet, concentrated, calm, lethargic the teenager was acting the whole time, which worrie- no, intrigued him.
 Because Aizawa wasn’t worried. Of course not. That would be illogical and preposterous. He wasn’t anything to the child, not his family, not a friend, not a relative, just the guy who grunted a one-word answer every time the younger tried to make small talk and pretend to not notice him and Hizashi trading cute cat videos and pics during the blonde’s breaks.
 Hell, he didn’t even share more words than the necessary with the green haired boy. The longest interaction they ever had was when the younger one came to him on his first time visiting the place and asked for more cat toys, since all the available ones were already being used. Which maybe or maybe not led to Aizawa leaving his friend to deal alone with the orders while he took his time to show and explain the favorite toys of every cat the green boy pointed.
 Which was, sure, only a revenge on his boisterous coworker since the aforementioned interrupted his morning nap by tripping on him on his way to the kitchen (and yes, it was Yamada’s fault for not looking at where he’s going and obviously not Shouta’s because he decided to ‘JUST FREAKING PASS OUT ON THE FLOOR. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO SEE IT?’) and, not content with his actions, decided to lock the other out of his own establishment,  only letting him come back after lunch and, consequently, at least five hours of sleep, leaving him on the care of Nemuri, who proceeded to tease him unmercifully for the whole length of yesterday.
 Consequently, it was only a payback, of course. The gleam on the smaller’s eyes as he took notes on a well worn out notebook and the fact that, on the next Saturday, the boy distributed all the correct toys between his friends and their favorite cats were two completely ignorable things and therefore unrelated with the quick, barely visible smile appearing on the corner of his mouth on the respective day and every time he remembered that occurrence.
 But, when a quiet sniff reached his ears, Aizawa almost felt his neck crack with how quickly he turned on the other’s direction, just in time to see the ending of the teenager’s action of wiping a few tears away. The one who definitely didn’t get enough sleep on his entire life to deal with it sensed his left eye twitch.
 That. Is. It.
 “Shouta…” Hizashi whispered behind the usual smile he plastered for the customer in front of him, nodding while writing down what she said and chipping excitedly for her to just wait a little bit to get her order, deviating his attention to his friend when she moved away to sit in one of the unoccupied tables, both taking the opportunity of having no more customers in the line to held some private words. “Do you want me to go there?” his voice was bathed in worry, because his coworker was emotional like that.
 “No.” And Aizawa didn’t know why he was so fast to answer, however he was already washing his hands, mind running, seeking to remember how other people - besides his friends, who were barely humans, - worked. “You know I hate being the cashier.”
 “Riight.” His way-too-smug-grin was fast to become a snicker when his friend aimed a kick on his shin, which he promptly dodged. “Hey! I didn’t even say anything!”
 “Your thoughts are loud. I will be right back.”
 His eyes were focused on the kid, who now was curled on his chair, chin resting on his knees as his arms firmly hugged his legs, making him look even smaller.
 Aizawa grunted, part of him feeling inclined to just drop an entire gallon of water on his head to successfully wash all his problems way, or maybe shake all the bad, lying thoughts taking over his mind and resulting in a few tears to escape what, on its turn, made a strong feeling of protectiveness, which was immediately ignored, shines on him. But Shouta knew he couldn’t act on any of those two options because it wasn’t “socially acceptable” – nor very useful, but he ignored that part, - and “problems” and “people” tended to be more complicated to help than that.
 The older sighed, kneeling on the spot before the front door where the sun passed through the window and made a perfect warm piece of floor for the big, - extremely big - messy pile of purple fluff lay and nap without a single worry in the world, not even stirring as the customers had to tiptoe around him to get in and out of the establishment.
 Shinsou hissed when Shouta first petted him, although was fast to purr louder than a machine as the human began to scratch behind his ears, going back to his peaceful sleep. He was the most calm, chill and snarky cat he has ever seen. His hobbies consisting on getting on the highest shelves to watch the entire place with a judging, tired glare and napping on people’s laps, especially when they were about to head out, which made his customers to order something else and stay for at least more fifteen minutes, not having the heart to interrupt the purple’s sleep.
 Needless to say, he and Aizawa got along just fine. Even with the animal’s habit of climbing him to nap on his shoulders and teaching the younger kittens to do the same thing, knowing very well the one with dark hair would never have the heart to put them away, the human knew he sustained a soft spot for him.
 Nemuri and Yamada liked to tease him, affirming that Shinsou was his cat form and Shouta would never admit he agreed with them.
 He also ignored the implications of that when he remembered Shinsou was one of the green haired bag of energy favorites.
 “I have a mission for you.” It was the only mumbled warning the cat had before being carefully scoped on the human’s arms, melting on the embrace, hissing, yawning and then proceeding to melt even further. Shouta huffed, amused.
 Another signal that the teenager was much more trapped in his mind than the normal was the fact he didn’t realize the adult coming closer, nearly jumping three feet in the air as Aizawa’s command hit him.
 “Sit correctly.”
 The teenager yelped, looking at him, at himself and then at him again, a strong shade of an ashamed red taking over his features. “O-o-of course, sir! I am sorry!” He bowed, putting his feet on the ground and straightening his back, a slight tremble on his movements making the adult frown.
 “Don’t think too much about this.” And before any protest could come out of the other’s mouth, Aizawa laid Shinsou on his legs, leading the boy to freeze completely, eyes locked on the cat, who just blinked lazily at him and started to knead his thighs, low, rumbling purrs escaping, demanding the new human as worthy.
 A barely suppressed squeal flew from the younger, who already seemed ready to cry again, although for different reasons.
 The cat café’s owner hid his amused smile by catching a kitten who approached with curiosity, petting him and proceeding to flop him on the soft, green curls. Ojiro meowed, purring and immediately attempting to eat his new environment.
 “I…” His wide, wobbly smile increased further as Shinsou butted his head on the teenager’s palm, his voice, a whisper, lapsing for a beat. “I love them.”
 There was no way for the adult to hide his snort at his words, but the Problem Child seemed unfazed with his reaction, turning to him with shiny eyes and smile.
 “Thank you so much, sir!”
 After a nod, Aizawa turned away and came back to his spot behind the counter. And if talking and taking orders when Hizashi uses part of his break to “discreetly” take a few pictures of a beaming boy smiling to the camera and pointing the cats on him to send to him later, is much more bearable than before? It has absolutely nothing to do with the young figure on the farthest table sporadically giggling as he plays with an Ojiro who is fiercely convinced he can win the battle against the red laser.
 “Excuse me, Yamada-san. I’m sorry, but my order was 476 yens and you only charged me 200.” Aizawa knew the boy was going to lose the fight the moment Hizashi only grinned and locked the cashier, completely ignoring the two pieces of paper on the other’s hand.
 “Don’t worry about it, little listener! Don’t worry! Take this as a thank you for letting Shinsou and Ojiro sleep on you for one hour, okay?”
 “B-but sir! It was no problem at all!” The way he moved to prove his point made Aizawa picture a small, energetic bunny. “I really like them and I was going to stay here longer anyway!”
 “Now, now, young boy.” Hizashi pointed a finger at him, trying and failing miserably to see or sound at least a tad chastising. “Refusing a ‘thank you’ is a serious offense, I wonder if I will need to give you a free blueberry muffin to go because of that…”
 “No!” Aizawa huffed, turning away from them and heading to the tables, taking the opportunity of how low the business was to clean and prepare them for the next customers, stopping right on his tracks, mid step as a wide, pleading glare found his. “Aizawa-san,” he shook the 276 yens at his direction, puppy eyes staring right on his soul, “please.”
 The dark-haired one scoffed, looking away from the powerful graze. “Don’t bring me into this. Fight your own battles, problem child.”
 Hizashi laughed at the pout he received in response, having pity on the loyal customer. “Okay, okay. I give. You can pay for this.” Aizawa glared at him, one eyebrow up in a non convinced expression. His friend winked, big grins as the younger turned to him, much more smiley. “With a hug.”
 Problem child seemed surprised, especially when the flamboyant employee jumped across the counter and stopped in front of him, arms open in an invitation. “Only if you’re comfortable, of course.” His voice was softer. “I can always accept 100 yens if you really want me to, little listener.”
 He didn’t understand the magic thing his friend always managed to do. The way he succeeded to dance around someone’s barriers, finding openings and walking through them, asking no permission to get closer yet always attentive when to stop and retreat or to talk about every or anything. The same magic he showed when they were teenagers.
 Tsuyu meowed and Aizawa kneeled down to give her attention for as long as the embrace lasted, pretending to not notice the two hugging behind him, the taller lightly swaying them while the younger relaxed, melting on the touch.
 A few seconds later the anxious bunny was bowing, thanking them and getting out with a gleam on his face, hugging happily the notebook next to his chest and petting Cloud before going away. Shouta came back to his spot, Yamada followed and the green hair disappeared on the corner.
 “We’re not adopting the Problem Child.”
 “But he already even has a nickname! Shoutaaa, it’s meant to be! And you’re already soft for him as well, don’t deny it.”
 He scoffed. “Shut up. You try to say no to those fucking puppy eyes next time.”
 “You fought well,” Hizashi patted his shoulder, his own gaze getting a dangerous, gleaming light. “Dadzawa.”
 The rarefied clients distributed across the café jumped when, between laughter and dramatics cries of pain, the blonde fell on the ground, a half pleased, half evil smile presenting itself on the shorter’s face in a flash before his impassive expression took over and he calmly continued with his usual chores, pointedly ignoring the ‘It was so worthy it’ snickered by his friend, still laid on the floor.
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loooreleii · 3 years
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drsunshineistrans · 4 years
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this stupid idea has been rattling around my brain for quite some time so here you go.
(also if you can’t tell what’s happening in the top of the second pic Paul is hiding the Tip For A Song! sign under the counter)
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just-kalina · 6 years
Teen!Mystrade AU - Brexit special!
Punk!Greg is fed up with waiting as the politicians prove unable to get a good deal and the society shifts to the right. He decides that the only way to prevent the nightmare of a no-deal is Action - he goes out in the street to protest, he demands a second referendum, he fights the hardcore Brexiteers - physically, if he deems it necessary. It is time to act now.
Mycroft, as a politics and economics student doing an internship in the Foreign Office, has a more diplomatic approach. He, too, wants to stay close to the European Union, but revolutionist ideas oppose his aim of stability. He only turns up his nose at street fights and activists - until he meets that special, handsome punk boy whose face lightens up with determination every time he speaks.
Will they break down enough barriers to find each other? And will their love be strong enough to survive their fight for the nation?
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musette22 · 3 years
The meet cute coffee shop au you just rebloged, may i? bucky and nat been working together for ten years and they have lots of late nights in the office. In fact they spend so much time together that nat is basically his work wife and he calls her wifey. Wanda is a new intern. This is her first late night in the office and she needs coffe. In the Starbucks, when steve asks nat if it's ok he stole her husband, she shouts: that's not my husband. Just some asshole i have the misfortune to work with
NONNIE YES!!!! Thank you! This is exactly what I needed but couldn't come up with myself 🙌🏻❤️ (this is in reference to this post)
Wanda is standing in line at Starbucks at arse 'o clock in the morning to get her desperately needed coffee fix, when out of the blue, a guy comes up next to her and grabs her hand. She looks up, to find it's James, the hot gay guy that works at the office Wanda is interning at.
"This is crazy!" James says, shaking his head at the stupidly long line leading up to the cash register. He turns to look at Wanda, blinks, then looks down at their clasped hands and blinks again. "You're not my wife."
"You're holding the wrong hand, honey," a woman behind them says.
Wanda looks back to see Natasha Romanoff, aka James' work-wife (Wanda used to think they were actually married, until she found out James was gay) standing in line behind them.
"You sure?" James asks doubtfully, eyeing their hair, which does happen to be a similar shade of shocking red.
"We're sure," Wanda nods.
James hums. "Well, I feel committed to finishing this Starbucks experience with you now."
"I'm not paying for your drink," Wanda says, because she may be an intern, but she's not buying any coffees for senior employees who make ten times what she makes. Actually, she's not even getting paid for this internship at all.
"Oh, well never mind then. Guess I'll go back to my wife."
"I'm not paying either," Natasha says drily.
Suddenly, the tall, well-dressed man in front of them, whose ass Wanda may or may not have been checking out earlier, turns around.
"Come hold my hand, sir," tall, blond and handsome suggests. "I'll buy you any frappuccino you want."
James looks the stranger up and down, seems to decide he likes what he sees, and steps forward, taking the man's proffered hand.
"Thank you, honey," he tells the man sweetly, before turning around to look at Wanda and Nat, shooting them both a haughty look. "At least someone cares about me."
James and Steve, as the man introduces himself, hold hands all the way to the cash register, and continue to hold hands while they wait for their double macchiato and caramel-chocolate chip frappuccino with extra whipped cream. James only drops Steve's hand to borrow a pen from the barista, so he can scribble his phone number on the side of Steve's cup along with his name.
"Nat and I aren't actually married, by the way," he informs Steve casually, "so you should call me sometime."
Steve looks down at the cup in his hands, then up at James. "You know," he says thoughtfully, "seeing as we've kind of already done the whole coffee date thing, how about I take you out to dinner next? Tomorrow night, maybe? My treat, of course."
James looks like he's half in love already. "Marry me," he blurts out.
Steve doesn't miss a beat. "Thought you'd never ask," he grins, before giving Nat and Wanda a pointed look over his shoulder and adding, "I'm gonna be the best wife you've ever had."
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shad0w-ink · 3 years
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YES HELLO, IT IS I. I know I’ve been gone for a long while, but school has been kicking ya boy’s butt and I am really exhausted for no reason all the time, and I can only focus enough to play videogames(and I don’t even have the energy to play that often), I can’t even draw as much as I did before... but anyway.
here we go. So in this soulmate AU you have a soul-animal/companion that is supposed to represent your soulmate, this is also a modern!AU, wether or not there is magic is another question. BUT ANYWAY, I’m assuming y’all know how a soul-animal AU works, I guess theyre kinda like Daemons, but...u have the Daemon from your soulmate...does that make sense ??
Arthur is an ex-businessman who opened up his own coffe-shop/cafe and is trying to learn how to cook with the help of his soul-animal Midnight, who gives him the judgy eyes every time he makes mistakes.
Merlin is the artist who does all the decoration and the designs for the cafe, for the cafe’s website, for the menu, everything. And along with him there’s always Sol, the big Golden Retriever with a grumpy face, at least he’s grumpy around other people, not Merlin.
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future-dregs · 2 years
Fanfiction "Would you rather?"
Questions taken from this video by @whimsquirksandstuff
I hope this is okay with like, etiquette and all that, but it looked like so much fun and I really wanted to do it with you guys.
Friends to lovers, or enemies to lovers? - Friends to lovers. Y'gotta like who you love, y'know? Having that bad former history really puts me off.
Be forced to watch a terrible movie adaptation of your favorite fanfic, or an amazing adaptation of your least favorite fanfic? - I would rather watch an amazing adaptation of something I didn't like, and maybe find something to enjoy in it, than watch something I loved be horribly adapted and have to deal with the frustration and disappointment of that. We get enough of that from Hollywood as it is.
Read fanfic chapters backwards, last to first, or read them as parsed from google translate? - Backwards. The ending gets spoiled and it's a little confusing, but it would basically be like a giant flashback, right? And I could just mentally rearrange them into their correct order. Using google translate would just end of being nonsensical and frustrating.
Consume every fanfic as an audiobook read by a monotone narrator, or have to read every fanfic on a tiny printed piece of paper written in yellow highlighter? - With my eyesight being as bad as it is, I'll have to go with the first one, even though I hate audio books for that very reason. If the narrator's voice isn't just right for my brain then I can't focus on it and absorb the story, and I end up getting annoyed very very quickly. HOWEVER. At least I would have the story, the yellow highlighter is just impossible.
Get a tattoo on your body of every fanfic title you read, or never read fanfic again? - I would really hate to never read fanfic again, there's so many stories I've read and loved that I want to be able to come back to again and again over the years and revisit that feeling. So tattoos it is! You could get creative with the font, size, and placement, so it wouldn't really be that bad. (Probably).
Vampire AU or Werewolf AU? - I don't really like either tbh. But if I have to choose, I'll go with the wolves. I like the pack mentality and their tank abilities.
Get sold to a boy band, or be stuck in a time loop with your love interest? - If there is anything I hate worse than a time loop I am hard pressed to remember it at this moment. So, boy band it is. I'll either end up parenting the shit out of them, or sugar baby my way into a acceptable way of living. Though I can't promise that I wouldn't be incredibly belligerent.
Kill your favorite character, or marry your least favorite character? - Well shit I guess I have to kill somebody because I don't think I could marry somebody like Endeavour, or Illumi, or Hisoka. So....unless I could kill my spouse immediately after marriage? Is that a loophole I could be allowed to exploit? If that's so then I'll go with marriage. But if not...I'm sorry my darlings...
Meet your love interest in a coffe shop AU or a college AU? - Coffee shop. I don't drink coffee, but going to college would make me miserable I'm pretty sure, and that would make me a terrible partner.
Have your fic history leaked, or never read another fanfic again? - Who is it getting leaked to? That's the real question here. But again, I would hate to never read fic again sooo....
Be able to read amazing fanfiction but it always has an mpreg plot twist, or only read bad fanfiction for the rest of your life? - .....if it's written well I guess I could learn to love Mpreg. I mean, you could do some cool trans stuff with it.
Gay ships or straight ships? - I do not care. Is the relationship good? Then okay. I just go where the love is, man.
Ship a rarepair with almost no content, or a pair with lots of content but almost all of it is cracky nightmare smut? - I already do the first one! It's a wasteland! ^_^
See your OTP shatter years after their happily ever after, or never have the happily ever after happen in the first place? - I would rather have the angst of "what if" and "maybe..." than see love be born and established and die. That's just far too depressing.
Read a poorly written but complete fanfic, or a literary masterpiece last updated June 2013? - I've got two or three absolute favorites that either haven't been updated in years, or that have just been straight up orphaned. So I'll just stay as I am with the beautiful, yet incomplete stories.
Read SSSS++++ tier smut with almost 11k words, or 70k words worth of fluff? -
SMUT. 11k of smut zips right along, but fluff, even good fluff can get cloying after awhile. Besides I rarely read anything over 7k anyways (attention span) so 11k isn't pushing it too much.
Read only alternate universe fanfics, or only canon fanfics? - I really don't read AUs to begin with. Just don't like em. I'd rather stay in universe.
Introduce fanfics to your normie friend with an ongoing smut fic with great writing, or a complete fluff fic with terrible writing? - I'm gonna go with the great writing. Why would I subject myself or my friend to a bad fic? The smut might make it kinda awkward, but that all depends who you're showing it to really. If you're gonna introduce someone to something, it's better to put the best foot forward. Even if that "foot" is in lace stockings.
Read your NOTP with all your favorite tropes and perfect characterization, or your OTP with tropes you despise and inconsistent characterization? - .....this isn't like...all the time, right? For every single fic you read? Okay. Then I'll try out my NOTP in situations I like. Maybe I'll be surprised, and either way, it's only once, right?
Read a fic with an interesting concept but very poor writing, or read a fic with an uninteresting concept with really good writing? - Again. The good writing. I've read a fic about SOFA SHOPPING, and it was great! The boring and mundane is beautiful in the right hands.
Have a major character death, or have a bed sharing scene but it's a ship you hate? - An fic instance of major character death is better than a hateful bedsharing.
Read a fanfic that has consistent grammar and spelling mistakes, or one that the characters are wildly different than canon? - If it's good, I can deal with spelling and grammar mistakes. In light of a good fic with good writing and characterization, it's not that big of a deal.
Every fanfic includes Jackson Wang, or every fanfic includes at least one NSFW moment? - NSFW. I don't know who Jackson Wang is, but even so, having every single fic, no matter how different or which fandom, have the same guy in it, like the Whilheim scream, that does not sound like a good time to me.
Read the most absolutely messed up dead dove with your most wholesome fic, or subject yourself to 100,000 words of your NOTP all written in a solid block with no punctuation and horrible grammar? - I don't think I've ever read a dead dove actually. But a solid block would be almost impossible to read in the first place, so I guess I'm eating the dove.
Have the power to read every fanfic in existence, or have the power to make any ship canon? -
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Have your OTP get together in canon but one of them dies in a tragic way, or all members of your OTP survive but get together with other people? - I'm gonna be selfish. I don't wanna see them get with somebody else! That sucks!
Read a cringy 70 chapter Harry Styles mafia AU, or a highschool Kpop AU y/n fic horrible grammar? - Well since it doesn't specify I'm going to assume that the y/n fic is only 2-3k words and thus, easy to whip through, so I'll take that over a cringy enormously long slough.
Accidentally send your boss a super detailed smut fic, or read a super detailed smut fic about your boss? - Gimme the fic. I'll read it. I may not or may not be able to look at my employer in the eye ever again (don't think about it don't think about it do NOT picture them naked...dammit!!) but least my preferences are still private, my own, and I still have my job.
Read smut fanfic aloud to your parents, or submit fanfic to the employer of your dream job? - Goodbye dream job, it was nice to know you. And who knows, it's not great, but it doesn't necessarily mean I'll get fired. But even if it does, at least I'll have a home to go to.
Pine after an oblivious love interest, or be the oblivious love interest being pined after? - I'm already oblivious and I'm sick of having my feelings being unreturned, I'll take option number two please.
Hanahaki disease, or your soulmates first words to you tattooed on your body (and they're really stupid)? - Tattoos. I don't like hanahaki disease, "Love me or I'll die" is a pretty harsh ultimatum, I would always be wondering just how genuine it really was. If you like it then that's all fine and good, but I'll take a stupid phrase any day. I can always put it somewhere secretive.
Be an Alpha, Beta, or Omega in omegaverse? - A/B/O is...not my bag. BUT. Given my extremely limited knowledge of it, I'd want to be an Alpha. Is that what I would be? Who knows, probably knot. But if it's my choice? Alpha.
Read a fanfic where the characters turn into furries, or a fanfic where the characters all get pregnant? - Again, limited knowledge. But furries. Everyone getting pregnant sounds like an absolute nightmare, really don't like pregnancy fic. It's so awkward.
Be able to resurrect dead fics, or have the power to create of plethora of new fics effortlessly? - Meaning that I'll finally be able to finish all my WIPs? Hell yeah bring it on baby! Choice number two.
Well, that's it, those are the questions. I know it's kinda a lot, so if you don't want to, it's okay, but I had a really fun time with this, and I hope you do too and I'm excited to see your answers ^_^
Tagging: @liveandletrain @radellama @bipolarhawkeyepierce @thotful-opinions4u @a-sleepy-gnocchi @moodyvoid @nitghowl1600 @grelleswife @deadly-safety-scissors @ghostofthemotif @apanictt @oceanicegg @candymuse @eijunst
No worries if you don't wanna do it, and I hope you guys have a great week coming up! ♥️
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