#Code & Theory
respectthepetty · 19 days
For a show that is so simple as Live in Love, I sure do have a lot of wild ass theories about these color-coded folks (in love?) after only two episodes.
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First Theory: Boss Likes Kla
Kla, the main character, is a Blue Boy.
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And last week, the series showed that Kla seemed to have had a crush on his friend Boss in high school, so when they met in the present, it was awkward, but Boss is now dating the female friend he liked from before, so . . . why does Boss have blue over his heart when he meets Kla again, ALONE, and offers him a job?
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Sus, Boss!
Second Theory: GL Sides
Cake, the main love interest, is a Pink Person.
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He has a lovely family comprised of a color-coded brother, an adorable mom, and the dad from the Thai Addicted Heroin.
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Kla likes this Pink Person.
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He likes him so much that he wasn't even terrified of Cake showing up to the live looking like this.
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And he gets jealous when Cake goes out with his friends since he knows Cake is so adorable and will catch all the attention.
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Because Kla wants to eat Cake.
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Which is why Khing tries to be like Cake.
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She wears pink.
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And she makes treats for Kla.
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But because I want a GL side couple, I think Khing doesn't go well with Kla since she isn't really a Pink Person.
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Because, often, she seems to actually balance out Gina!
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So . . . they're already in bed together. How much effort would it be to kiss?
Third Theory: Tim & Amp
Cake's little brother, Tim, is a Green Guy.
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And he has been shown to be kinda . . . rude. Even when Gam was having a crisis in his house about his feelings for Pon, Tim basically told him to get over it and (appropriately) believed eating would be the remedy.
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So although he should be a chill guy, he has shown he has some aggression in him, which could be why the red appears with the green on him.
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Like even his sweater with "Pancakes" written on it in green has red text underneath it.
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But maybe the red isn't just for him, but for the Red Rascal who he is supposed to berate for hassling his brother then eventually fall in love with!
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Tim already bumped into Amp at orientation when Tim made Amp apologize to him, so give me this couple where the smaller one is the mean one and the taller one is the gentle one RIGHT NOW!
Not a Theory: I hate the live streams!
I like Gam and Pon, and I like that they showed up together in Kla's dream.
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So when Pon showed up in real life with Dol, I was kinda pissed!
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Because even if Yellow Yal Dol is there, Orange Oddity Pon must always have Cyan Cutie Gam (thanks @twig-tea) by his side like the fairy godparents they are.
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And Pon finds all these small ways to constantly touch Gam and be near him.
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So I thought it was hilarious that Kla consistently called out his friend for being oblivious.
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And both Cake and Kla talked smack about Pon being ridiculous (because couples who gossip together, stay together).
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So I was thrilled when Pon started getting jealous that Gam's entire existence doesn't revolve around him.
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And I was even more excited that Pon lost his color while Gam lost his temper!
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But I hated that Pon decided to start his confession ON A LIVE STREAM!
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I know the name of this show, so I know I'll continue to get live streams, but if Cake and Kla's first encounter IRL is magically live streamed next week, I'm gonna riot!
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Put the phones and musical instruments down!
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
Yk, something about my Eddie fell first essay, I never really went like "oh this is something that could be proven right by canon" mostly because when I wrote that I was still dealing with buddie being a distant possibility not something that's so close I can taste, but then Ryan was let out of interview jail. Then I went full conspiracy theorist. (Please note everything from here on out is a conspiracy theory that will most likely never be confirmed or denied so I'll live in it forever) I had made the post about how I think Ryan is playing Eddie as in love with Buck, the question was whether he was being told to do that or he was just playing it up as much as they allowed him to because we know Ryan supports the ship, and then Ryan said the "this goes beyond friendship and I love you to the core" thing.
He said he talked to someone about what it meant for Eddie to do that, because he didn't understand it at first, and then that's the conclusion he reached. But the thing is, that line "I love you to the core" specifically means so much in the context of the season, to say I love you to Buck like that in season 4 is so MONUMENTAL, that I wanna believe one of the writers straight up told him "yo this is a love confession" and explained it to him like that, and he has been playing Eddie with that line in mind ever since, and that's why he had that locked and loaded for the interview. Because, like, I, in my most normal day, am out here arguing they casted Ryan with a plan, even more considering the way Eddie was written for Ryan, they could very much have told him "look, play with the chemistry you and Oliver have, if the audience likes with might amp it up, if we're lucky we might go there someday" because you have moments in season 2, but season 2 is still very low stakes, but then when I think about the the season 3 of it all, the there's nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you, the lawsuit, and well of it all and the way they put Ryan in pr jail after Eddie begins, an episode that would retroactively be HUGE for buddie but it's pretty big for them anyway, I'm like 🤔 because we all saw Ryan talking about buddie this past month, the guy CANT SHUT UP, and if he was told something during season 3 or 4 along the line of "play it up, we are gonna fight to make this happen", putting him in pr jail would make sense, because they can't risk him saying something if they're not sure they can deliver, because how fast they dealt with Buck being bi while in a new network makes me convinced someone on fox was blocking it and nothing will convince me otherwise. But now they can, so they let Ryan run free. Because you can make a VERY strong argument that Eddie is aware of something during season 5 and 6, season 6 most of all, but you can very much make season 5 queer coded and have Eddie be like "oh I can't ignore how I feel about him anymore", because Ryan also said something about Eddie's breakdown and how that's what allowed Eddie to let Buck "know who Eddie truly is" which is interesting with the way Eddie is constructed, because if Buck is inside the last wall Eddie had up, what's actually stopping Eddie to see he's in love with Buck by the end of the season? Which would make season 6 as a pining season for Eddie make sense. Down to the way the cemetery seems to be pulling these very specific reactions from Eddie that are the same reactions we saw him have in breakups and flights with Shannon. But also things like Eddie's reaction to the lightning being something we never saw from Eddie before AND the way Oliver talked about a scene of Eddie losing his composure during in another life, not during in a flash that we didn't get to see most likely because they completely rearranged 6b because they thought they were gonna get cancelled, so they wouldn't be able to deliver what they had in mind. But now they have nothing but time, season 8 is already confirmed, and by the looks of it abc was like "go for it" with buddie in a way that fox never was, so they finally got to tell Ryan "we're doing it, go crazy" and now we are here. They could prove me right today. About Eddie not about Ryan knowing and some secret plan being in place forever. I don't think it's gonna happen. I seriously don't think it's gonna happen. I'd be more surprised to be proved right than wrong here. But the conspiracy theory is a possibility that felt very real for a second there during promo season lol
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I don't know if you still want writing ideas And I pretty much just started following you so I'm not sure what you would want? But I just read your precious "starscream knitts like a madman" post. And the other night I had a dream of Starscream selling plushies(to humans). So my sugestion/2am thought, How would starscream go about "selling" plushies, or whatever stuff he knitted to humans? There is after all, only so many mittens the vehicons can take before they become more mittens then bot.
Yes yes yes and more yes. Such a fun little idea, I will happily write a little headcannon on it for you dear anon!
Starscream's Knitting Business
Starscream is a notorious knitter. Every single bot on the Nemesis has something from him. The Vehicons have coats, mittens, hats, scarves, and every other conceivable form of clothing in abundance. Despite the fact that they don't need them and the cloth only ever gets stuck in their plating, the Vehicons love the clothing. As for high command, they have an equally full wardrobe as well. That is all except Megatron, he can go frag himself in Starscream's opinion.
But as knitting is Starscream's way of working out his anger (and boy does he have a lot of anger) he has quickly run out of things to give to those on the nemesis. And so to find a way to get rid of his completed works and make the event profitable in some way, Starscream has turned to business.
In order to keep a low profile Starscream set himself up a website to sell his knitted masterpieces. It is the most egotistical thing on the internet and he is not at all shy about proclaiming his superiority to his potential customers. Surprisingly, despite his god complex and very obvious aggression, humans flock to his website and before he even realized it he had orders pouring in.
Not one to disappoint, Starscream discreetly began shipping out his finished items in a signature black and red box with no return address. His knitted works quickly rose in popularity due to the mysterious factor involved and Starscream immediately took hold of his new fame to make himself an even bigger icon. Mean little notes and poems were added to his boxes when he sent them out. He also started putting little Cybertronain glyphs on his knitted items, usually somewhere obscure just to increase the mystery factor. And after receiving a ton of positive feedback from humans who found his unique business fun and interesting, Starscream only continued to amp up his personal touch.
Before he knew it, Starscream not only had a profitable business, but a loyal fanbase who were eager to see what other angry notes and knitted things he would make. Some of his most fanatical followers buy things in bulk just because they want to see what little thing he added to his box to make it interesting. Starscream occasionally makes special little boxes with whole poems in Cybertronian or artworks of Cybertron alongside the kitted stuff just for those followers. Because of this, whole conspiracy boards have also popped up surrounding his business, each theorizing who or what he is, where he is from, and what his aim is. Starscream thinks it is hilarious and loves to screw with each and every one of the theorizers by added something ominous to one of his boxes or hinting at his alien nature only to go completely silent on the subject.
His fanbase loves it. By the time his business really gains popularity, no one really buys his boxes because they want some homemade knitted knit knacks. No, they buy his boxes because they want to unravel the mystery that is himself. But unfortunately for the humans, they will never know the truth and Starscream will continue to mess with them for the kick of it.
The biggest running theories created by his fanbase are that Starscream is part of the Illuminati and is trying to run an experiment on manipulating the population. Another is that he is some form of time traveler warning them about what is to come in the future some obscure code and pictures. Some think that he is some sort of secret agent trying to recruit those able to unravel the mystery of his boxes. A few even believe that he is some form of alien trying to integrate into human culture (this one mostly stemmed from his early days on the internet trying to figure out how to act normal).
Starscream thinks they are all hilarious and will do his best to feed the biggest theories every now and then to keep the hype up. He also likes having cash because it means he can buy luxury items from earth and add them to his stash. He is the type of mech to keep nice things and only ever use them to show off. Knockout may be a little jealous of the nice things Starscream accumulates with his wealth but he doesn't voice it.
Theorist: Guys! I think I have done it! I have unraveled who the person running 'Superior Knitting' is!
Starscream: *snickering* Oh have you now
Theorist: After hours of research and countless hundreds of dollars used to buy Superior Knitting products for analysis, I can proudly say that the mastermind behind it is a Russian spy!
Starscream: *Cackling* Oh Primus that is good!
Starscream: *Furiously typing a new post for his website to partially confirm and contradict the theory* I can't wait to see the chaos!
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saintsenara · 1 year
Can you elaborate on some of the deranged fan theories you mentioned you believe? ex. Ron is a latent Seer
thank you for the ask, @thesilverstarling - based on this post in which i mention some of the unhinged and deranged fan theories i believe.
these are:
ron is a latent seer
ron spends the earlier books of the series as a very specific children's literature archetype. he is the insider to the world of the story [whereas harry - the everyman protagonist who is also the reader's point-of-view - is not] and he fills in all the context that harry and the reader need to know in order for the plot to advance.
that's why early ron [regrettably, his conformity to genre-type gets nerfed in the later books in favour of hermione knowing everything - as per her archetype within the series' transition to a folkloric narrative, the helper - although he's undoubtedly the most street-smart of the trio even in deathly hallows] knows all sorts of baffling-but-useful information.
such as, in philosopher's stone:
"But it’s against our laws," said Ron. "Dragon breeding was outlawed by the Warlocks’ Convention of 1709, everyone knows that."
which amps up the stakes of the norbert plot line, starting up the narrative arc which ends with harry encountering quirrellmort in the forbidden forest.
but beyond his knowledge of facts and stats, ron also has a tendency - especially, again, in the early books - to advance the plot by mentioning as an incidental detail something which will then turn out to be absolutely crucial later in the narrative. his best example of this is this, from chamber of secrets:
"I wish I knew why someone did try to chuck it," said Harry. "I wouldn’t mind knowing how Riddle got an award for special services to Hogwarts either." "Could’ve been anything," said Ron. "Maybe he got thirty O.W.L.s or saved a teacher from the giant squid. Maybe he murdered Myrtle; that would’ve done everyone a favour..."
i have always liked the idea that ron knows these things because he has some latent talent in divination, sadly unnourished by the fact that he thinks it's a bullshit subject and doesn't try hard at it.
ron is time-travelling dumbledore
this one had fans in a chokehold in the pre-half-blood prince era, after it was posted on a now-defunct forum, which can be found thanks to the magic of the wayback machine here.
the justification is beautifully deranged - the bit about ron not appreciating all the socks he has, dumbledore's sincerest desire, sends me into orbit - and i think we should all endeavour to make this theory have a comeback in 2024.
crookshanks was the potter family cat mentioned by lily in her letter to sirius
in prisoner of azkaban, hermione tells us that her new pet has spent a long time in the magical menagerie:
"Poor Crookshanks, that witch said he’d been in there for ages; no one wanted him."
maybe he's been waiting for years. maybe he's been waiting for twelve years?
after all, we know that crookshanks:
hates scabbers, whom he recognises as noted wrong 'un peter pettigrew long before he meets sirius.
loves and adores sirius - who was presumably around him a lot when he lived with the potters, seeing as he was james' best friend - to the extent that he throws himself in front of harry's wand when he thinks he's going to hurt sirius. as sirius says, the marauders' code was that they would rather die than betray their friends. crookshanks heard it while he dozed on the sofa in a godric's hollow living room as the boys were chatting shit in the kitchen.
is often shown being affectionate to harry in his time of need.
after careful vetting, very much approves of ginny. perhaps when he sees harry and ginny together he remembers his old owners. perhaps harry isn't beating the oedipus complex allegations...
all of which is to say, crookshanks is the trio's fourth marauder. no wonder sirius had him booked and busy for a full year.
george weasley is willy wonka
is a stupid bit of whimsy, outlined here.
stan shunpike is a genuine death eater
this is a fan theory in so much as i'm a fan and i believe it, but i do think it's quite convincing...
throughout the series, harry has an extremely black-and-white, emotionally-driven view of the world. in particular, he tends to assume that anyone he likes is good and anyone he dislikes is bad, and that his read on people is automatically correct. he takes against most of the villains [draco malfoy, dolores umbridge] or quasi-villains [gilderoy lockhart] on sight, and his judgement in this decision is almost always correct.
almost always.
it backfires on him a couple of times in the series - for example, in his immediate trust in the tom riddle of chamber of secrets, who he thinks must be on his side because he's an orphan, looks a bit like him, and isn't pureblood - even before we come to the big twin revelations of deathly hallows: that snape, whom he's always loathed, and dumbledore, whom he's always trusted, are more complicated than his usual way of seeing the world can allow.
but, in general, harry gets away with forming snap judgements on the basis of personal like or dislike. indeed, outside of three examples above, his instinctive response to someone usually ends up being justified.
the reader is, then, clearly supposed to take the same view as harry when it comes to stan shunpike's doings in half-blood prince and deathly hallows: that stan isn't a real death eater; that his arrest is illegitimate; and that, if he's implicated in any wrongdoing, it's because he's under the imperius curse.
but, i'm afraid to say, harry is dead wrong. stan - who, like so many other wayward youths who find themselves in lord voldemort’s orbit, longs for power - is a fully paid-up and sincere member of that organisation. he gets off scot free at the end of the war when harry vouches for him and spends the rest of his life chuckling.
delphini's existence is entirely plausible
this is a reference to a theory from a really odd little piece of fan-fiction called harry potter and the cursed child, which has as a central plot line the baffling idea that lord voldemort knocked up bellatrix, didn't immediately murder her the second he found out he'd done so, and became the reluctant father to a daughter with an even worse name than albus severus.
i should say that i've never actually seen cursed child, but it sounds like a scream. complete dogshit, obviously, but in an entertaining way...
i should also say that i am a delphini truther. i think she makes perfect sense as an arc in bellamort's weird relationship.
very few people seem to agree - delphini features in my fic one year in every ten as literally nothing more than a cipher for her father's neuroses, and the eye-rolling in the comments whenever she's mentioned is still going to detach a few retinas - but that sign won't stop me because i can't read.
i don't, i should say, think that she's planned. i think somebody was daydreaming about horcruxes when he should have been paying attention in slughorn's sex-ed lessons, and she's an accident. i like the idea of lord voldemort fucking around and finding out that even he isn't resistant to human biology. i like the idea that bellatrix - who, canonically, tells him to his face to stop being a dick and realise that snape's a spy - simply ignores him when he demands she terminates the pregnancy. i like the idea that, since he knows deep down that bellatrix wants a part of him that's fully hers - since he a) won't ever commit to her in the way she wants, and b) won't ever tell her that she has a piece of his soul in her bank account - he begrudgingly relents. after all - and i'll die on this hill - he does love her, in his own very strange little way.
as well as being a great tool for a bit of bellamort insight, delphini is a great next-gen blank slate for all sorts of people's character development. the resurrected voldemort of one year in every ten is in shambles over how much she looks like him when he was young. the harry and ginny of everlasting ink are learning through her that bellatrix wasn't just a deranged sadist, but was also quite a lot like their beloved andromeda and tonks. the narcissa of ecclesiastes three is debating telling her estranged sister that she has a niece. the merope of the shack at the end of the lane is discussing baby names and reflecting on falling in love with unsuitable men with the closest thing she'll ever have to a daughter-in-law.
i also think delphini provides a much more interesting example of the cycle of the series repeating itself after the war ends than teddy. both tonks and lupin dying at the battle of hogwarts, leaving their son an orphan - like gasp! harry - always feels so tacked on to me. but both tom riddles ending up with children they didn't really want and have no idea how to relate to, whose mothers are both dead, and who grow up simmering with resentment over being abandoned? inject it.
and then, of course, the final and most serious deranged fan theory i believe
hagrid is a death eater.
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lonesurvivorao3 · 8 months
It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me.
LoneSurvivor/My Gorram Ship on Ao3
37 year old AuDHD Microbiology undergrad (due to graduate this year), residing in England and attempting to raise three daughters single handledly.
I like to use my knowledge of science and random past hyper focuses to either twist Mass Effect canon or completely smash it, depending on my mood.
Current WIP: ME3 and beyond, in which my most monstrous headcanon plays a huge role. Oh, and Shenko have a baby.
Since the accidental discovery of Deinococcus radiodurans forming a symbiotic relationship with the eezo deep in the mines of Omega, Project Lazarus grew in scope. First, it negated the need for an implant or an amp, infusing each cell with biotic power.
But it could do so much more, and without imagination, intelligence was useless. Fortunately, Lawson’s father designed her with an abundance of both, so the swarming mass she called a nano-assembly inspired rather than intimidated.
She manufactured a considerable amount of stock to stimulate evolutionary change via parasitism and symbiosis, two cornerstones of evolutionary change. It incorporated more and more of the subject’s DNA with each generation, failing more than she succeeded. But no matter; that was to be expected, and each attempt provided more insight.
The Illusive Man’s primary objective for this project was to create something that could repair and regenerate itself both upon immediate, minor injury and some hours later in the event of catastrophic injury. Something that could, in theory, survive the vacuum of space if it should happen again.
After completing the retinal scan, the door opened. Her heels clacked as she crossed the room and removed the tray of cell cultures from the incubator, placing them under the microscope. This part she worked on alone, long after the multi-level lab fell quiet and no longer bustled with the staff of Project Lazarus. Because her boss was slowly losing the ability to listen to reason, this part must remain secret.
Intelligent enough to fear her creation, the most crucial aspect of this, for Lawson, involved the subject being immune to indoctrination, which meant including just enough fragments of Reaper code scattered along the DNA to ensure that any artefact, or any other horror they had not yet discovered, would recognise the subject as self.
Her hands trembled as she re-checked the data not once, not twice, but thrice, before asking EDI to check again, then became engrossed in reviewing the most recent data from the wake-up cycles of the subject, scrutinising for any indications of neurological deterioration. There were none, which led her to the next task - producing the thick, metallic fluid.
"I’m sorry, Shepard," she murmured, taken aback as she realised it was the first time she had addressed the subject by name. She then proceeded to load the substance into the nano syringes.
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Other Important FAQs About Claxon Medical Coding Institute:
Q: What is the mode of conducting classes?
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Q: How Frequently do you conduct exams for students?
Ans: Series tests on every alternative day and Mock Tests on every Saturday.
Q: How many classes will be conducted in a week?
Ans: 5 days of regular classes and an hour of mock tests will be conducted on Saturday.
Q: What is the Fee Structure of your institute?
Ans: 28,000 INR
Q: What is the duration of the course?
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poshfind · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: KARL LAGERFELD PARIS Mauve Heart Print Long Sleeve Blouse XS.
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bclascl · 2 years
Analog to digital converter schematic
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Two AD654 voltage-to-frequency convertersįlash ADCs, also known as parallel ADCs, are one of the fastest ways to convert an analog signal to a digital signal.Solderless breadboard and jumper wire kit.Transfer function for an ideal ADC.Īny analog input in this range gives the same digital output code. These errors are reflected in a number of AC and DC performance specifications associated with ADCs. However, ADC operation in the real world is also affected by nonideal effects, which produce errors beyond those dictated by converter resolution and sample rate. So, for an N-bit ADC, there are 2 N codes and 1 LSB = FS/2 N, where FS is the full-scale analog input voltage.
In an ideal ADC, the code transitions are exactly 1 least significant bit (LSB) apart. Sampling and quantization are important concepts because they establish the performance limits of an ideal ADC. A criterion for undersampling is that the ADC has sufficient input bandwidth and dynamic range to acquire the highest frequency signal of interest. This technique is known as undersampling. However, this aliasing process can be exploited in communications systems design to downconvert a high frequency signal to a lower frequency. Aliasing is a condition in which frequency signals outside the desired signal band will, through the sampling process, appear within the bandwidth of interest. This theory states that the signal frequency must be less than or equal to one-half the sampling frequency to prevent aliasing. This process determines the maximum bandwidth of the sampled signal in accordance with the Nyquist theorem. The sampling process represents a continuous-time domain signal with values measured at discrete and uniform time intervals. That error determines the maximum dynamic range of the converter. The analog input signal will fall between the quantization levels because the converter has finite resolution, which results in an inherent uncertainty or quantization error. The ADC produces 2 N digital values where N represents the number of binary output bits. The ADC represents an analog signal, which has infinite resolution, as a digital code that has finite resolution. Digital output code.Īn ADC carries out two processes: sampling and quantization. The resolution of the converter is set by the number of binary bits in the output code. The value is obtained by dividing the sampled analog input voltage by the reference voltage and then multiplying by the number of digital codes. The digital value appears on the converter’s output in a binary coded format. Analog-to-digital conversion.Īn ADC samples an analog waveform at uniform time intervals and assigns a digital value to each sample. This digital representation can then be processed, manipulated, computed, transmitted, or stored. BackgroundĪnalog-to-digital converters (ADCs) translate analog signals-real-world signals like temperature, pressure, voltage, current, distance, or light intensity-into a digital representation of that signal. The purpose of this lab activity is to explore the concepts of analog-to-digital conversion by building explanatory examples. The input impedance of this circuit is about 22 kilohms, and the time of conversion - less than 300 ns.ADALM2000 Activity: Analog-to-Digital ConversionĪndreea Pop, Antoniu Miclaus, Mark Thoren, and One of the possible approaches to construct this device is shown in Figure 2. If the required accuracy of analog to digital conversion does not exceed four bits, then as the basis for the ADC can be used quad CMOS logic elements "NAND" or "NOR". Most of the modern op amps is satisfied for these requirements, the inverting inputs of this op amps should be connected to the Vcc/2 (half of power supply voltage). In addition, the comparator must have a high input and low output impedance. Input voltage which can range from zero up to power supply voltage (Vcc) converts to parallel additional binary code at the outputs of the converter.įor normal operation of the ADC requires that the inverter-comparators A1-A4 should be able to switch when the voltage on their inputs equal to Vcc/2 and an error must be no more than Vcc/(2 n-2) (n - number of bits of binary code at output), and the output voltage of the comparator in on/off states should be close to zero and to the Vcc. The simplest Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) can be constructed as shown in Figure 1.
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bargainsnahas · 2 years
Singstar songs list ps2
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#Singstar songs list ps2 mod
#Singstar songs list ps2 pro
#Singstar songs list ps2 code
The Australian edition features a radically revamped track list. Be sure to check out last week’s blog post from Jennifer Clark, Director, Product Publicity for more information including dates, times and locations. SingStar Amped is coming down under, but its in a very different form to the SingStar Amped that launched in the States last year. SCEA's SingStar Country delivers 30 hit songs from today's newest and hottest country artists including, Rascal Flatts, Keith Urban, Taylor Swift, Faith Hill and more. Starting Monday, SingStar Dance will be featured as part of a line-up of PlayStation Move titles featured in our “PlayStation HQ” locations and PlayStation Move Mall Tour locations in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Houston, Washington DC, and Chicago. You can also be one of the first to play SingStar Dance and check out the new track list before we launch.
#Singstar songs list ps2 mod
Then use webMAN MOD mountps2 feature tutorial found here TUTMounting PS2 SingStar on PS3 using webMAN MOD mountps2 feature PSX-Place (. Then insert every other decrypted Singstar PAK file into this Singstar Pop PAK file.
#Singstar songs list ps2 code
Starting in early November, you’ll be able to grab a microphone or a PlayStation Move motion controller, choose your song, and then do your thing! So, ‘What You Waiting For’? Make sure to put SingStar Dance on your holiday wish list today! In theory you take Singstar Pop PS2 disc and find the encryption code and crack open PAK files. The Backstreet Boys – Everybody (Backstreet’s Back) Playlist do game Singstar '80s para Sony PlayStation 2.Visite o mais novo portal de games brasileiro: brasileiro com banco de dados compl.Run DMC vs Jason Nevins – It’s Like That.Pitbull – I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho).KC & The Sunshine Band – That’s The Way (I Like It).Gossip – Standing In The Way Of Control.Diana Ross and The Supremes – Baby Love.Cyndi Lauper – Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.
#Singstar songs list ps2 pro
Through accessible choreography coupled with the accuracy and precision of the Playstation Move motion controller, you will be dancing like a pro in no time! You will be able get your groove on with the Jackson 5, ‘Crank That’ along with Soulja Boy, and show your friends your best ‘Poker Face’ with Lady Gaga, if you’re up to the challenge. Hi everyone! I am very pleased that we are finally able to share with you what you’ve all been waiting for, the reveal of the SingStar Dance track list! We have carefully selected everything from classic tunes to modern hip hop jams to be included in SingStar Dance to ensure that there is a little something for everyone.
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todaysbiggesthits · 4 years
Odds, Ends
JD’s 16-31
16. Fontaines D.C. - A Hero’s Death 17. Naeem - Startisha 18. The Avalanches - We Will Always Love You 19. Yves Tumor - Heaven To a Tortured Mind 20. Draag - Clara Luz EP 21. Caribou - Suddenly 22. Peel Dream Magazine - Agitprop Alterna 23. Animal Collective - Bridge To Quiet EP 24. The Clientele - It’s Art Dad 25. King Krule - Man Alive! 26. Kate NV - Room for the Moon 27. Real Estate - The Main Thing 28. Wire - 10:20 29. Osees - Protean Threat 30. Sonic Boom - All Things Being Equal 31. (tie) Fiona Apple - Fetch the Bolt Cutters, Sufjan Stevens - The Ascension, The Microphones - The Microphones in 2020
New to Code in 2020
All Hail the Silence - ‡ The Reds, Pinks and Purples - Anxiety Art Steve Moore - Brainstorm Lydia Loveless - Boy Crazy and Single(s)
Arden’s Top Hits of 2020
From the Desk of Bronco
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What can you say about this year that hasn't already been said.  What a shit year.  I feel like I've mentally time travelled to this point from March 13th.  Every day is basically the same.  I look forward to the weekend when I can get some things done, and then I don't do them because of the other lame shit that needs to get done gets in the way.  Laundry, cleaning the home/office/school, doing something meaningful with my family, Minecraft with the kids.  Then coffee-o'clock immediately becomes beer-o'clock and wash, rinse, fuck all repeat.  That's how music has felt this year too.  I think since my commute has been removed, there's no real time for just listening.  I listen to it while I work, then worry I'm not getting enough done.  I use it to drown out the "school" shit that's happening in my living room in our tiny house.  It's been a tool instead of a source of enjoyment.  As a result, I mostly enjoyed ambient noise and/or instrumental records this year.  I found a 3-hour youtube video of Tibetan monks chanting the same thing over and over to help me find some focus (it kinda works sometimes).  I played the NIN albums over and over, back to back.  I found a few other droning noise albums from other years that I put on to help me get some shit done.  It's amazing how simple yet complex some of those albums can be.  One of them is two songs, each about 15 minutes long.  There's maybe four layers to it, but it's just sustained droning noise.  Works wonders for when I need to drown out the family and get down to business.  Otherwise, I felt like there were slim pickings this year.  A few bands I like put some stuff out.  None of it revolutionary.  And the rest of the metal scene was brutal death metal or blackened death metal or deathened black metal.  Not the stuff I'm particularly down for, and especially not in line with my brains need for ambient instrumental.  I think, too, the lack of live music removed an integral part of my brain's musical experience.  I think the draw of live music makes the in between personal listening times more meaningful to me, like a promise of "this is what you could see happen in real life when they come to town."  I just hope that when we get through this hulk-sized-fist-fuck of a year, I can rip myself out of this cycle of stationaryism, find some shows to get to, and inject some long missing color back in to my life.  Hopefully we can all get a piece of that back.  Fuck you 2020.
Jim Kryder Certified Attendance Report
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That is all.
Silver Screen Video Staff Picks
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Nasty’s Video of the Year
Bronco’s Bitchin’ Video of 2020
Larson’s Palme d’Oren Music Video Mega Mix
Interloper’s Corner
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Fergwad’s Top 10 of 2020
1. Tame Impala - The Slow Rush 2. The Strokes - The New Abnormal 3. Waxahatchee - Saint Cloud 4. Muzz - Muzz 5. Adrianne Lenker - songs 6. Perfume Genius - Set My Heart on Fire Immediately 7. Car Seat Headrest - Making a Door Less Open 8. Fiona Apple - Fetch the Bolt Cutters 9. Kelly Lee Owens - Inner Song 10. Bob Dylan - Rough and Rowdy Ways
Tammy Rooney’s 10 o’ 20
1. Fleet Foxes – Shore 2. Waxahatchee – Saint Cloud 3. Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit – Reunions 4. Rose City Band - Summerlong   5. The Killers – Imploding the Mirage 6. The Strokes – The New Abnormal 7. Phoebe Bridgers – Punisher 8. My Morning Jacket – The Waterfall Pt II 9. Laura Marling - Song for our Daughter 10. (Live Music Slot) The War on Drugs - LIVE DRUGS; Hiss Golden Messenger - Forward Children; Holy Holy - My Own Pool of Light, lots of early 70s Dead shows, and Hendrix's Band of Gypsys at Fillmore East when the mood strikes.
Heaps’ Top Tin
1. Perfume Genius - Set My Heart on Fire Immediately 2. Waxahatchee - Saint Cloud 3. Yves Tumor - Heaven to a Tortured Mind 4. Phoebe Bridgers - Punisher 5. Lomelda - Hannah 6. Fontaines DC - A Hero's Death 7. Soccer Mommy - Color Theory 8. Run the Jewels - RTJ4 9. Destroyer - Have We Met 10. Adrianne Lenker -  Songs
An Observation from JD
Doesn’t Phoebe Bridgers look like Marnocha?
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codevassie · 5 years
Code’s Top 5 TS Fics
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The Consequences of Sound by Acantha_Echo 
Status: Incomplete, Work In Progress
Summary: Anxiety hurts Thomas. It's just what he does, what he has always done. It's not what he wants. He only wants to protect him but that is easier wished for than done. When the opportunity to prove himself opens up to him, he grabs it, for once not caring about the consequences. Things go downhill from there. The fall, rise, fall (and rise again) of Virgil.
Relationships: Prinxiety, Platonic LAMP
CW: Toxic Friendships, Headaches and Migraines, Anxiety Attacks, Manipulation, Depression, Unsympathetic Deceit, Unsympathetic Remus
My thoughts: This fic is So Freaking Good, my friends. It has real estate in at least 86% of my brain. I love going back to reread my favorite parts, and sometimes when I’m rewatching episodes I’ll catch myself thinking of the fic. Right now it’s the Christmas episode bc I’m in big time daydream mode about what the current arc is going to bring. It’s got big Found Family energy, and I eat that stuff right up. It is so heart-warming to watch Virgil grow closer to them. And, yeah, the Prinxiety owns my ass. It is some real Slow Burn shit, and the little glances and soft interactions.... oh goodness. And there’s suspense too, with all the barriers Virgil has built, and the secrets he keeps. For the love of everything, give this fic a try. 
To Build A Home by AValorousChoice
Status: Completed
Summary: "There was a long silence as Virgil processed the words, his eyes darting between the pair of them. “Y-You-” he swallowed heavily. “You want to adopt me?” This was a joke. Surely, it was a joke. Nobody ever wanted him. Nobody had ever shown the slightest bit of interest in adopting him. Virgil never believed he was good enough for a loving family until the day that Patton and Logan walked into the orphanage.
Relationships: Logicality
CW: Child Abuse, Alcohol and Alcoholism, Panic Attacks, Car Accidents, Swearing, Homophobia, Minor Character Death, Animal Abuse, PTSD, Violence, Murder, Attempted Murder
My thoughts: Another Found Family for y’all. So this one is a kid!fic, which I don’t read a lot of, but have found some Really Good ones over the years. I grow really attached to characters when it feels like I’ve watched them grow up. Probably has to do with my love for character development, though not every kid!fic will have that. This one, actually, takes place over the course of less than a year of Virgil’s life after Logan and Patton adopt him. It deals with trauma and finding a place Virgil feels he belongs and is equally full of hope as it is fear. Again, watching Virgil grow close to his family - Patton, Logan, Roman, and some marvelous OCs - is so precious. And shout-out to Roman in this one bc he is the cutest, weirdest freaking kid you will ever read, and I would protect him with my life. The next one in the series is actually all about him and advances forward to when they’re teens (at which point I come across a lot of moments where I’m like “omg they’ve grown so much my heart”).
(i’d never) want once from the cherry tree by ace_corvid 
Status: Completed
Summary: Of all the notable Youtubers active today, none are perhaps as popular as Roman Prince, beauty guru extraordinaire. From small beginnings, rising popularity from his vlogs brought him to the fame he never doubted he’d relish in. But also on the up and up is the conspiracy theory and cryptid lover known by his online alias ‘Virgilant’, who reveals little about his personal life and shies from the spotlight.Despite clashing fandoms and their own preconceptions, they're dragged into a somewhat whirlwind collaboration between channels. Sparks fly, but with Virgil desperately afraid of coming out and pining for his room mate, can anything really happen? With Logan, Patton, Remy and Deceit along for the ride, watch as fear of being who you really are blossoms into something new… With more than a little romance along the way.After all, is there anything more terrifying than showing the world who you are? Alternatively; a meta media fic following the journey of Youtubers, who just so happen to be characters we know and love.
Relationships: Prinxiety, Logicality
CW: Anxiety over Coming Out, Fandom Discourse Commentary
My thoughts: The funniest thing in my GD LIFE. Get this; they’re all in character, but the author has amped up their chaos levels times 100. They are undeniably themselves and it’s to an extreme. I freaking love it. And the multimedia style is so entertaining. It keeps the story at a fast pace and creates a great setting and diverse character interaction. That interaction includes banter and absolutely absurd and relatable content. Everyone’s friendships are undeniable bc they’re constantly roasting one another but you can tell they’d kill for each other. So good. This fic is so good. Please go read.
lavender for luck by lovelylogans
Status: Completed
Summary: Virgil's uncle can cast spells, and read fortunes, and hear houses talk through their noisy creaks. Virgil's father had, too, when he was alive, and their mother before them. Virgil was born with the family's tawny eyes, the family's pale skin, and the family's magic. And the people they fall in love with—or, at least, the ones who love them back—all die, which is why Virgil knows he can never take the chance of having that for himself. A Practical Magic inspired au
Relationships: LAMP
CW: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Parental Death, Spiders, Animal Cruelty, Swearing, Arguing, Physical Confrontation 
My thoughts: Magical realism, secrets, excellent characterization. The border between reality and magic in this AU is seamless. I love the normality of magic in these types of stories, and this one didn’t even have magic as a Thing for most of the world. Magic wasn’t a regular thing, yet the author made it so normal to Virgil’s life... it was phenomenal. And the character interactions... they are so sweet on each other omg. And it isn’t really rushed either. There is time skips, but they don’t break apart the fic too harshly, instead enhancing the time they’ve gotten to know one another. Deceit’s character is so much fun too. He doesn’t take shit, but he also really cares. And the whole uncovering Virgil’s life is so interesting, both what we know and the characters don’t, or stuff we don’t know and Virgil won’t talk about. It creates excellent tension. So I guess I have to go read Practical Magic now (which this fic is based off of) and you have to go read this.
dreams are the second form of reality by Flooftheriver
Status: Incomplete, Work In Progress
Summary: Roman’s creative capabilities stretch further than anywhere any of the sides realise he can go- sometimes even Roman himself. He can craft intricate worlds from nothing, invent people out of mere whispers of an idea, all for the purpose of filling the night with adventure. His dreams are so strong in fact, that they can unknowingly pull others in, bending them to the will of the story he is creating. So what happens when he dreams up a Prince, and finds he needs somebody to play the role?
Relationships: Prinxiety, Logicality
CW: Possible Character Death, Weird Shadow Monsters, Minor Violence, Blood and Violence
My thoughts: So it’s set in canon in place of AA. Which means we get some lovely angst in the form of Virgil thinking everyone hates him. And I’m super stoked to watch him get that Acceptance he deserves. You know what we call that? Growth. Let’s get that character development y’all. For now, however, he’s in Roman’s dreamworld and trying to make sure Roman doesn’t realize it’s actually him or he’ll get kicked out of the best thing in his life. So we have secrets, which creates great tension, and things going... strange in the dreamworld. Also, the Prinxiety is cute as heck - loving that slow burn holy crip - alright go read it.
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Queerly Making Do
In Alexander Doty's introduction to "Making Things Perfectly Queer," he introduces a framework for queerness in mass culture that develops in three ways:
(1) influences during the production of texts; (2) historically specific cultural readings and uses of texts by self-identified gays, lesbians, bisexuals, queers; and (3) adopting reception positions that can be considered "queer" in some way...
This framework allows discussions of queer media (and by extension queer media historiographies) to move beyond texts that feature visibly queer characters in order to consider a broader queer corpus. This becomes especially important the further back into history we are studying, as queerness was coded at best and often completely suppressed for much of the 19th and 20th centuries. Even Doty's definition of queerness is expansive, encompassing "any expression that can be marked as contra-, non, or anti-straight." This expansive definition and the inclusion of texts used by queer peoples allows Doty and others to explore the queerness lurking beneath the surface of even the most pedestrian mass media texts.
Eve Ng picks up this expansive definition of queerness and queer media and adds theories about paratexts and cultural context in order to evaluate instances of so-called "queer baiting." Ng argues that the cultural context within which a text is viewed and the official paratexts created by its producers are just important to dicussions of queerbaiting as diegetic text and its corresponding fan reactions. She coins the term queer contextually to refer to "how both the current and previous landscapes of LGBT media narratives informevaluations of particular texts." She contrasts the queer context surrounding shows from different eras, such as fan acceptance of coy sexuality in Xena: Warrior Princess (1995-2001) as compared to accusations of queerbaiting in Rizzoli & Isles (2010-2016). Producer paratexts are just as important to identifying queerbaiting as the social context of the era, according to Ng: "...while being dissonant with actual episodes, these paratexts are nods to fan wishes in teasing what canon could in theory look like."
Brennan sees queerbaiting in general, and slash fiction in particular, as a space for potential "play" within the textual canon for queer fans, a sort of making do that also falls within the second category of Doty's framework. "...For many slash fans," he writes, "any suggestiveness in mainstream texts often serves as fodder for queer, artistic works...and in fact helps define a series as ‘slashable.’" Rather than viewing instances of quashed queer potentiality as baiting, Brennan argues that these moments provide openings for enterprising fan creators to insert their own fantasies into the text. "Further, such conceptualisation of the active viewing process behind the term encourages reconsideration of ‘queerbaiting’ and the more recent shift toward a ‘harm’ view of texts that employ it...These texts, producer intentionality aside, invite viewers to see queerly."
However, in order for the viewer to see queerly, they must have at least some space within the text to read queer desire. Rachel Charlene Lewis has noted multiple examples of queer female content being removed from specific releases of certain texts or played as grotesque jokes in others. She points, in particular, to Delta Air Lines' decision to remove a lesbian sex scene from the film Booksmart, which severly impacts the viewers' understanding of one of the film's two main charcaters. This instance, and others identified by Lewis, contribute to a continuing scaracity of queer representation that reads as honest and uncensored without being a joke. "Whenever I watch a queer film," she writes, "I am simultaneously thrilled at the prospect of ingesting the good queer film I’ve been waiting for, and holding out hope, as many have failed me. So often it feels like to criticize something queer is to indict it..."
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poshfind · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Coach Limited Edition Baguette Purse Black Monogrammed Canvas & Leather Trim.
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daggerzine · 4 years
You Gotta Lose? Hell, Some Of Us Ain’t Dead Yet by Mary Leary
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NRBQ has done so many amazing songs. I never thought much about “Roll Call,” from Tiddlywinks - for one thing, it has a lighter, almost Billy Joel sound that’s more about latter day Terry Adams style than what I think of as the classic Q. Yet just as Adams’ work has grown on me, this track has made its way into my consciousness. The lyrics speak to me more in 2020 than they did when Tiddlywinks was released in 1980, before the D.C.-area music scene had lost Robert Goldstein (Urban Verbs), Kevin MacDonald (brilliant visual artist and scene stalwart who helped me design and layout [The] Infiltrator), Danny Gatton disciple/guitar maverick Evan Johns, bassist Michael Maye from the original H-Bombs, Rick Dreyfuss (Half Japanese/Chumps/Shakemore), Libby Hatch and Michael Mariotte  (Tru Fax and the Insaniacs), Sally Be/Berg - REM/Egoslavia/SHE/Robert Palmer), Nurses member Marc Halpern (heroin, 1982), Lorenzo (Pee- Wee) Jones (Tiny Desk Unit) and hybrid rocker Jim Altman (HIV, 1990s).  Goldstein, Dreyfuss, Maye and MacDonald succumbed to cancer, while Evan Johns’ deterioration followed years of touring, hard drinking and pushing himself past the limit.
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(Top to bottom: Tommy Keene, Kevin MacDonald, Susan Mumford)
Those named above have been joined by Tommy Keene (the Rage/the Razz/solo/Paul Westerberg/Matthew Sweet - cardiac arrest at the age of 59; 2017), TDU’s Susan Mumford (cancer, 2018), David Byers (Psychotics/H.R./Bad Brains), and Skip Groff (Yesterday and Today/ Limp Records/Dischord - seizure, 2019).  This is just an imperfect/incomplete naming of D.C.-area losses - I’m sure journalists from other cities could make lists. A horde of New Wave and early alternative musicians have died within the past few years. Whether through the stress of hard living/poverty, substance abuse, cancer or Covid-19, we’re seeing artists pass much earlier than I, anyway, expected them to.
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(Top to bottom: Fred "Freak” Smith, Michael Maye with Evan Johns, Tru Fax and the Insaniacs)
We’re already past the loss of all the original Ramones. All the Cramps less Poison Ivy. Joe Strummer. Robert Quine. Hilly Kristal. Lou Reed. As of July, 2020, since 2018 we’ve also lost Andy Gill, Ivan Kral, Genesis P-Orridge, Adam Schlesinger, Danny Mihm, Ric Ocasek, Daniel Johnston, Kim Shattuck, Lorna Doom, Mark Hollis, Keith Flint, Ranking Roger, Mark E. Smith, Glenn Branca, Randy Rampage, Hardy Fox, Pete Shelley, Matthew Seligman, Bill Rieflin, Dave Greenfield, Florian Schneider,  Ian Dury, Benjamin Orr, Kirsty McColl and David Roback.
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(Top to bottom: Sally Be/Berg, Ranking Roger, Danny Mihm)
Talking about the deaths of talented, gifted creatives is a helluva way to start a column. But here we are. Older performers don’t always get the attention afforded newer, so the rest of this piece shares and celebrates artists from the original New Wave/punk scenes who are still around and active. Many are from the D.C.-area cornucopia I know best, while others have just come to my attention, or seem especially noteworthy.
The Zeros’ Javier Escovedo has been steadily emitting tasty Americana-ish rock while occasionally dropping some Zeros sturm-’n’-drang - most recently with Munster Records single “In The Spotlight” and a track on Burger Records’ Quarantunes compilation. Quarantunes is a seven-album affair featuring 140 alternative/punk performers old and new, all of whom wrote songs between March-April 2020. A cursory listen to Volume 2 reveals the recorded version of a good night at a very wild bar, with Zeros still handily kicking ass of all ages.
Velvet Monkeys/B.A.L.L. player and Sonic Youth/Teenage Fanclub producer Don Fleming reports, “We’ve put out new tracks ‘Theories of Rummanetics’ and ‘Legacy of Success.’ Jay has written a few ‘modules’ and Malcolm and I are having fun doing the music,” adding, “I play some electric six string on the new Rob Moss album - it’s fun to be on, with lots of guitar slingers from the DC daze.”
Yup, Rob Moss of Skin-Tight Skin has solicited contributions from Fleming and from Marshall Keith (Slickee Boys), along with a pile of talent including Stuart Casson (Psychotics/Dove/Meatmen), Franz Stahl (Foo Fighters/Scream), Billy Loosigian (Nervous Eaters, the Boom-Boom Band), Nels Cline (Wilco) and Saul Koll (the guy who made guitars for Henry Kaiser and Lee Ranaldo). The set is called We’ve Come Back To Rock ‘n’ Roll.
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Chumps/Workdogs/Jam Messengers player Rob Kennedy apparently has too much energy to throw in the towel - he’s kept recording, performing and making various sorts of lo-fi, DIY mischief that never loses that fresh, ‘70s feeling. Jam Messengers released Night And Day on vinyl in 2017. One of my fave Kennedy tracks, “A Low Down Dirty Shame” speaks to this moment as well as any.
Former Tiny Desk Unit/Fuji’s Navy/Rhoda & the Bad Seeds members Bob Boilen, Kevin Lay, Michael Barron and Bob Harvey have released a new Danger Painters joint, Thank Speak Love This Record. Lay joked, “I have a voice made for Morse Code” before revealing his recent work with Rhoda and the Bad Seeds material, released June 30 as Live at Nightclub 9:30. Boilen continues to introduce artists both vital and obscure via Tiny Desk Concerts and All Songs Considered/NPR.
I’ve seen David Arnson play recently and can attest to his proclivity for unfettered growth via Insect Surfers, the instrumental group that originally had some trouble establishing cred. with younger D.C. punks. The Surfers’ most recent release was Living Fossils (2019). Arnson celebrated the band’s 40 years of existence with a European tour in 2019.
Jad Fair says, “Half Japanese will have a new album released in November on Fire Records.” Jad’s art was recently featured at the Hiromart Gallery/Tokyo, while David has created a Facebook page where fans can pick up his colorful images for, well, mere bags o’ shells, as far as we can see -  https://www.facebook.com/David-Fair-Painting-107055447700859/
Despite health issues for several members, Bad Brains has collaborated with Element to make BB themed skate wear https://www.elementbrand.com/mens-collection-bad-brains/ and added some killer live tracks to its YouTube channel.  
Former WGTB programmers John Paige and Steve Lorber have been presenting Rock Continuum on WOWD-LP FM 94.3 since 2017.
Mike Stax continues to give excellent motivation for hunting down a pair of Beatle boots - Munster released the Loons’ 7” EP, A Dream In Jade Green, last year. The latest issue of Ugly Things, said by Stax to be heavily focused on the Pretty Things’ Phil May, was reported in early July to be nearing publication.
Razz (the) Documentary will tell the story of how an uncommonly combustible rock band - especially with the Bill Craig/Abaad Behram line-up - helped spread the Flamin’ Groovies gospel while throwing down oddly compelling originals and taking the two-guitar thing up several notches - the producers are purportedly seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Whether anyone can ever recreate the experience of being in an altered state via obsessive, sometimes conversational repetition of certain chords, anchored by Ted Nicely rethinking just what can be done with a bass guitar, given girth by Doug Tull’s intuitive drumming; with Mike Reidy the heat-seeking missile somewhere near the center... well, I doubt it. ‘Cause at this point you’re feeling no pain and it’s not about drinking; there is no room for anything but water - the beer will be knocked over when you’re this busy matching David Arnson’s other-side-of-the-front-line’s leaps into joydum while PCP’d out yahoos from the sticks learn the hard way that hugging Marshall amps can lead to lifelong repercussions. There (in case nothing I want to say about [the] Razz makes it into the film) - I’ve said it.
Discussions among old friends have confirmed that I’m not alone in being happily surprised at this development - we never expected our actions - which led to the hardcore explosion that’s received a lot more attention... would ever make it into any history book. Yet coverage of many of the D.C.-area musicians featured in this piece also comes with Punk The Capitol, A History of D.C. Punk and Hardcore, 1976-1983. Spring 2021 is the projected date for streaming/DVD release.
Ivan Julian came back from a scary 2015 bout with cancer to do a show in New York in 2016. The cancer has returned. Friends have organized a GoFundMe to raise money for surgery and basic needs.
The Shakemore fest also refuses to fade, promising “eight hours of streaming steaming video” on August 1. Sounds will be provided by R. Stevie Moore, Velvet Monkeys, Tav Falco’s Panther Burns, Half Japanese, Johnny Spampinato, Weird Paul and the Chumps, among many, many others.
Despite having played at CBGB and other alternative venues in 1979, at the height of the New Wave, Gary Wilson’s work is so distinctive, he’s rarely been included with any musical genre other than the oft-vague “experimental” category. Folks were too unmoored by his visceral performances to get behind him. Wilson’s 14th album, Tormented, was released by Cleopatra in February.
Paul Collins recently published a book that he wrote with Chuck Nolan; I Don’t Fit In: My Wild Ride Through the Punk and Power Pop Trenches with the Nerves and the Beat (Hozac Books).
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As “Heath,” Michael Layne Heath, a journalist who contributed to (the) Infiltrator and many other ‘zines, published My Week Beats Your Year: Encounters with Lou Reed in May (Hat & Beard Press).
In April, X released its first album in 35 years; Alphabetland.  
As exciting for me as any of the above is Richard Hell with the Heartbreakers’ 2019 release of Yonkers Demo 1976. Hell’s “You Gotta Lose” is one of my picks for best punk/new wave singles of all time. The Heartbreakers version is, predictably, messier than the Robert Quine guitar-spiked classic. Its more excessive charms are growing on me...
This piece could go on and on - compiling it has been exhausting. The best part has been the response to my social media call for any info I didn’t have re: the D.C.-centric scene I left for New York in 1983. Musicians anxious to keep their compadres’ names alive have hammered that post with 138 comments to date. Urban Verbs percussionist Danny Frankel, who’s played with a colorful spread of artists including Beck, Marianne Faithful, Lou Reed, John Cale and k.d. Lang, made a point of being sure I knew about the passing of Marc Halpern, a source of obvious pain. People were worried I wouldn’t mention John Stabb (Government Issue - 2016), rockabilly player Billy Hancock (2018), Fred “Freak” Smith (Strange Boutique/Beefeater - murdered in Los Angeles, 2017), John Hansen (Slickee Boys - 2010), record store owner/Wasp Records starter/music supporter Bill Asp, Jimmy Barnett of The Killer Bees, and David Byers.
One of the hardest for me to write about is Chris Morse, whose 1984 passing from a drug overdose wrenched so many - I managed to get an obituary into, I think, The New York Rocker (that physical trek was part of a long-ago blur; a very hot day of traipsing over steaming concrete in a narrow-skirted dress to deliver the copy). Chris popped up in my dreams for years - one “visitation” pushed me to write a poem about it in the ‘90s. Morse, who played in Rhoda & The Bad Seeds and worked as a doorman at The Pyramid after moving to NYC in the early ‘80s, was on one of the Urban Verbs’ early flyers. I’m on another.
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(Top to bottom: Me in an early Verbs flyer/photo shot at the Atlantis; Chris Morse on another Verbs flyer)
I ended up getting so burnt out on the responsibility of populating this sad roll call, I’ve started a memorial page for them all on Facebook. The nature of truly alternative music is such that many of its lights still fail to fill the pages of major publications. Many of these lights gave a great deal of their lives, if not everything, for the art they believed in. It’s good to remember them, and those heady early days. It’s good to enjoy what we still can.
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jewish-privilege · 5 years
...For Hitler, the Jews were a threat to the human race because they had brought to earth the notion that there was a way for humans to share the earth instead of killing each other for it.
The Jews, according to Hitler, had imposed their values on the natural order and were a force working against humanity. "All world-historical events are nothing more than the expression of the self-preservation drive of the races," he wrote. "It is Jewry that always destroys this order," and "murders the future."
...Hitler failed in removing this obstruction. But in murdering nearly six million Jews, he created a new political resource: Dead Jews. A valuable commodity.
..."Feminism is the cause of declining birth rates in the West, which acts as a scapegoat for mass immigration, and the root of all these problems is the Jew," [the 27 year-old German man who tried to enter the Humboldt Street synagogue in Halle on Yom Kippur (Wednesday) and murder the Jews praying inside] declared, livestreaming himself before arriving at the synagogue.
The chain-reaction leading from feminism, to dropping birth-rates and mass immigration to Germany, all originates from the Jew. And since mass immigration in today’s Europe is a by-word for Muslims, then we are all in the firing-line together.
The ideological manifesto of the Halle shooter is virtually identical to that of the mass-murderer of Christchurch who massacred 51 Muslims at prayer in New Zealand and of the shooter who murdered eleven Jews in a synagogue in Pittsburgh a year ago.
The updated version of Mein Kampf’s natural order of races fighting each other, to the death, is today’s "replacement theory," the conspiracy theory popular on the far-right with echoes on the less radical but more populist right-wing, which sees the hordes of Muslim immigrants invading western countries, depopulated by plummeting birth-rates, and replacing their white Christian majority. The liberal elites responsible for welcoming these immigrants have been contaminated by the Jews and their ideas.
Unsurprisingly, not one of the mainstream Israeli politicians releasing statements at the end of Yom Kippur about the Halle shooting could bring themselves to call the hatred by its name. How could they?
Their ideological allies, from Donald Trump in the U.S. to Viktor Orban in Hungary, regularly spout watered-down versions of the "replacement" theory. As do those very same Israeli politicians, when they talk of Israel’s own Muslim communities and the African asylum seekers who have found shelter here.
Instead they spoke of the "new anti-Semitism," the code-word for anti-Semitism which comes in the form of hatred for Israel. So what if it the attack in Halle, as the other ones which are motivated by white supremacist hate has nothing to do with Israel? Dead Jews are too good to waste. Even if in this case they survived.
It’s not that the left is much better. Statements from left-wing politicians and commentators about how Jews and Muslims are now both targets of the far-right are just a bit too convenient. They obscure the fact that in the last eight years, all the Jews murdered in Europe for being Jews, were killed by Muslims. Because they represented something to them as well.
If the attacker on Yom Kippur had successfully broken down the door, then we would have more dead Jews in Halle to add to the twelve murdered over the past year by white supremacists in Pittsburgh and Poway. But the interesting thing with left-wing condemnations is that they tend to be much more eloquent when the perpetrator is white and comes from the far-right.
Because a dead Jew is never just a dead Jew, it depends who killed the Jew.
Anti-Semitism is binary, just not in the way that word is usually used in these situations. The left has long categorized Jews as being white and therefore privileged oppressors. We lose our privileged status only when the shooter is from the right, and proposes, as the Halle shooter did, to "kill as many anti-whites as possible, Jews preferred."
In the 20th century our parents and grandparents were killed for being both rapacious capitalists and godless communists. In this century we are killed for both encouraging Muslims to emigrate to the Christian West and for being the vanguard of the imperialist Christian West dispossessing Muslims in the Middle East. Either way we are the targets.
Facing the far-right, both Muslims and Jews are targets. And in the wave of Islamist attacks in recent years, Jews weren’t the only targets either. There were plenty of non-Jewish targets, including satirical cartoonists and pop concert-goers and people eating at restaurants and many bystanders.
But in the Venn diagram of these two waves of terror, Islamist and neo-Nazi, Jews are the only targets who overlap in the crosshairs of both sets of attackers.
...For the 80 Jews in Halle, praying on Yom Kippur that the shooter would not break in, they had no idea if he was a neo-Nazi or a soldier of the Caliphate.
And if those had been their last moments alive, they would not have known how their deaths would be exploited by the politicians, framed by the media, and claimed by Israel - or by multi-cultural Europe.
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