#Coco Precure
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theprecuresystem · 2 months ago
Precure Movie Memory Comparisons: Part 5
Yes! Precure 5 Episode 24 | Precure All Stars F
Yes! Precure 5 Episode 24
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Precure All Stars F
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It's interesting to me that when taking scenes from Yes! Precure 5, they've rearranged some lines, cut some portions of the scenes out in the middle, and the subtitle teams have decided to word things a little differently here. It's also interesting to me that when covering the Yes! Precure 5 and Futari wa teams, no scenes were taken from GoGo or Max Heart for the memories, only Futari Wa and Yes! 5 themselves.
We'll be listing every single one of the comparison posts, both here, and on the others when they're made, including the posts for themselves!!
Full List of Comparison Posts
Futari wa Precure Episode 8/Precure All Stars F Comparison
Futari wa Precure Episode 42/Precure All Stars F Comparison
Futari wa Precure Splash Star Episode 43/Precure All Stars F Comparison
Yes! Precure 5 Episode 11/Precure All Stars F Comparison
Yes! Precure 5 Episode 24/Precure All Stars F Comparison
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hothotmiso · 1 year ago
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crystem · 9 months ago
I've seen it done for Pokémon, but I want to ask...
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the-dist-ortionist · 1 year ago
my favourite precure ship is coco x prison❗
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comshipbracket · 1 year ago
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Antis DNI - Block the tag "comship" if this causes discomfort.
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
Disclaimer: All ships (other than NozoCoco) on this bracket are FOLLOWER-SUBMITTED ships, the Mods do not always hold necessary knowledge to be aware of any errors or fanonizing what should be canon material that may arise.
NozoCoco Propaganda (Species Difference - Nozomi is a human while Coco is a weird chinchilla fairy thing, Age Gap - Nozomi is 14 while Coco is an adult, Originally AdultxMinor, Originally AdultxTeen, Originally TeacherxStudent)
"While the Nozomi of the current day featured in Otona Precure is an adult, she first met Coco back in Yes! Precure 5, when she was 14 and he was an adult, working as a teacher at her school to keep an eye on her after a fated encounter. She'd end up protecting Coco, and saying what she wanted most in the world was to help Coco's dream of saving his kingdom come true.
Through becoming a Precure, Nozomi would have stereotypical cliché anime couple encounters with Coco, such as him landing on top of her and causing her to blush immensely, or him crawling into her bed in human form to wake her up when her mother walks in - before turning back into his fairy form to hide that he was ever in Nozomi's room.
In a later episode, Nozomi is struggling to study, getting 18% or lower on tests, and failing to retain any attention towards the study group, but seeming excited at a hot air balloon outside, which is when she runs off. Coco is the only person to follow her, taking note that she liked the balloon, he asks if she'd like to run off in that direction to ride it. During their talk, Nozomi opens up, mentioning that she feels like she's useless and can't do anything - Coco gives her an immensely heartwarming talk about how even if she takes longer to retain information she's not interested in, she's smart when it comes to her interests - she's great at making progress with what she likes, and that's not useless.
In GoGo, the two reunite - and over the course of the season they become much closer, with Nozomi bringing up how close she wishes to remain with Coco and Coco coming to terms with his reciprocation. They have an umbrella sharing scene in a christmas episode, with umbrella sharing being a large trope in anime for romantic couples! On top of that, in the Yes! Precure 5 GoGo movie, Nozomi and Coco share the first and only on-screen Precure kiss on the lips!
In Otona, Eventually time passes, and while they've been separated for a while something brings Coco back to Earth, but he's trying to avoid Nozomi because he doesn't want the inevitability of going back to the Palmier Kingdom again to hurt her further.
Everyone but Coco himself recognizes that what Nozomi needs most is for Coco to say and talk out their feelings with each other - so much so that his friend Natts punches him to get the statement through, and his friend Milk/Mimino signs an apartment lease for Coco immediately once she learns it's directly neightboring Nozomi.
they talk out their feelings and become officially married in Otona, so these two end up a canon married couple! With Coco being king of Palmier Kingdom, and Nozomi becoming Queen Consort thanks to the marriage!"
Arthorin Propaganda (Toxic Dynamic)
"For anyone who hasn’t seen Little Shop of Horrors, Orin is a sadistic and abusive dentist who gets off on causing others pain and Arthur Denton (otherwise known as Bill Murray to those who don’t know Little Shop well enough to know the character’s name) is a masochistic patient of his who makes him extremely uncomfortable with his enjoyment of his dental torture. If comfortable with scenes like this, I would recommend watching the fairly short scene that showcases their dynamic if you haven’t seen it (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XB7R0ZxNgC4) because it’s hilarious and one of the more iconic scenes in the movie. Plus the explicit queer rep (in the form of Arthur at the very least) in an 80s movie is cool, and the narrative presents him as being weird because of his masochism and not because of his queerness. There’s already some subtextual evidence of Orin not being straight with how he physically dominates Seymour and clearly gets very excited about this and the idea of hurting him, and the contrast of how he interacts with another man who is clearly uncomfortable with this and a man who clearly loves it is interesting.
This difference can be read as a joke about sadists and masochists being surprisingly incompatible and/or as an insight into some interesting aspects of Orin’s character. With Orin being so incredibly hypermasculine, I like the idea of him essentially worshiping at the altar of masculinity and having some very thoroughly shoved down insecurities about needing to be as masculine as possible due to a combination of his naturally enthusiastic and aggressive personality and growing up/living in a society that heavily prioritizes masculinity and sees masculinity ‘tainted’ by anything resembling femininity as not real masculinity (1930s-60s America), and his extreme discomfort with providing sexual pleasure even when the actions that are providing it can also benefit him can be read as a demonstration of this, since the conceptualization of women as being of the gender that is ‘for’ sexual pleasure and men as being of the gender that should receive it exclusively that he would’ve picked up as a significant part of his worldview in this reading would naturally cause him to be viscerally uncomfortable with providing sexual pleasure.
The fact that Arthur is a man compounds this, since gayness and gay sex acts were often seen as feminine at the time. With Seymour, he can pretend to himself that he’s just defending his ‘property’ of his girlfriend who Seymour has a crush on ‘as any man has a right to,’ and Seymour’s reaction of fear helps with this, but Arthur in contrast inadvertently forces him to come face to face with his deeply rooted fear of not being masculine enough instead of being able to mostly shove it down like he normally does by causing him to want to ‘outcompete’ him ‘as a man should’ by torturing him until he no longer derives sexual gratification from it, thus temporarily trapping him in the actions that are bringing up this insecurity for him. Arthur, of course, ‘wins’ by deriving even more sexual gratification from what Orin is doing, thereby eventually forcing him to ‘surrender’ by kicking him out, which he responds to by attempting to frame this ‘surrender’ as him kicking a man who is failing to follow his rules out of ‘his territory’ ‘as a man should’ and then taking his anger out on Seymour/attempting to reestablish his masculinity by conquering another man, which is a great setup for a very tense confrontation between one of the villains and the main protagonist and is very ironic considering that Orin is acting pretty gay as a way of trying to make up for doing something gay.
Plus with Seymour arguably kind of wanting to be Orin in a way in order to be properly masculine for Audrey/so that she’ll want him (as shown by him stating through a metaphor of wanting his Harley machine, a symbol of masculinity, to be like James Dean, a symbol of masculinity, in order to make other men jealous, which again ties into the behavior of outcompeting other men that men were/are expected to do, after seeing him drive off with Audrey on said Harley machine/metaphorically take possession of her due to him being ‘properly masculine’), Orin himself essentially being whipped into a frenzy by those same notions of what is ‘proper’ masculinity and then attempting to torture and maybe even kill him is an excellent metaphor for how destructive that desire of his could end up being and really goes to show that no one wins when it comes to restrictive gender norms, even those who are good at performing them and like them."
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imadumdumjewel · 2 years ago
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This piece of king coco has been aging lol
I still can’t believe he’s a handsome guy in human form lmao
Can’t wait to see him in Otome Precure this October
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shinysparklesapphires · 2 years ago
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precure-duo-bracket · 2 years ago
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laylamva · 2 years ago
it him. cr eem ture.
coco (yes precure 5)
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muffinmoonn · 8 months ago
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otona precure season 2 leak
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theprecuresystem · 6 months ago
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Pro-curetember Day 16: Mascotslun!
We're over halfway through the Procuretember eventlun! It's been fun trying to keep up with every prompt, even when we've been a little unsure of exactly how to fulfil somelun. In fact, this one gave us a lot of troublelun... Oyo...
Because of that, I asked some friends which mascots I should drawlun! @addmorephones, who also goes by @shimotachi, recommended both Tarte and Harrylun! Another friend suggested Mofurunlun. Another friend on top of that suggested Coco and Nutslun! So I drew all of them togetherlun!
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I'm really happy with how this came outlun! I hope you can all enjoy these fairies I doodled as much as I enjoyed doodling themlun!
Procuretember Event by @pro-curetember
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hothotmiso · 1 year ago
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someonebehindthescreen · 1 year ago
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fucking weirdo
Leave my girl alone
I hate you
Fuck you
I hope you die
I hope you fucking die
I am going to do a violence to him
In today Otona Precure episode: Coco never stopped thinking about Nozomi and he was looking at her all this whole time. but they present it in such weird way 😭
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choconobiscuit · 8 months ago
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rararibbon · 1 year ago
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comshipbracket · 1 year ago
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Antis DNI
Comship Bracket 3 | PREQUEL ROUND | Mod Guaranteed Entry Poll
Mod Satou (She/Her Only) here! So, as it turns out, gaining new mods means a difference of shipping opinion on what myself and Mod Happy want to include as a guaranteed ship of Comship 3racket. We both know we want a Precure ship as part of Comship Bracket 3, but we're torn between two.
We have a ship chosen by myself - NozoCoco (Nozomi Yumehara x Coco), from Yes! Precure 5, Yes! Precure 5 GoGo!, and Kibou no chikara, Otona Precure '23
And a ship chosen by Mod Happy - SakaFuu (Ayumi Sakagami x Fuu/Fusion), from Precure All Stars New Stage: Mirai no tomodachi
Propaganda will be underneath the poll.
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
NozoCoco Propaganda (Species Difference, Age Gap, Originally AdultxMinor, Originally AdultxTeen, Originally TeacherxStudent)
While the Nozomi of the current day featured in Otona Precure is an adult, she first met Coco back in Yes! Precure 5, when she was 14 and he was an adult, working as a teacher at her school to keep an eye on her after a fated encounter. She'd end up protecting Coco, and saying what she wanted most in the world was to help Coco's dream of saving his kingdom come true.
Through becoming a Precure, Nozomi would have stereotypical cliché anime couple encounters with Coco, such as him landing on top of her and causing her to blush immensely, or him crawling into her bed in human form to wake her up when her mother walks in - before turning back into his fairy form to hide that he was ever in Nozomi's room.
In a later episode, Nozomi is struggling to study, getting 18% or lower on tests, and failing to retain any attention towards the study group, but seeming excited at a hot air balloon outside, which is when she runs off. Coco is the only person to follow her, taking note that she liked the balloon, he asks if she'd like to run off in that direction to ride it. During their talk, Nozomi opens up, mentioning that she feels like she's useless and can't do anything - Coco gives her an immensely heartwarming talk about how even if she takes longer to retain information she's not interested in, she's smart when it comes to her interests - she's great at making progress with what she likes, and that's not useless.
I haven't seen any GoGo! Yet, but the two reunite and become officially married in Otona, so these two end up a canon couple!
SakaFuu Propaganda (Species Difference, HeroxVillain, Yandere Tropes)
When the villain Fusion was defeated by all the Precure from Futari Wa to Suite Precure, the body split into several pieces and became scattered around Yokohama. On a trip, the Smile Precure join in with the rest in hunting down the pieces of Fusion before he can reform, as that would spell disaster for many of the Precure.
Ayumi Sakagami got to one piece of Fusion first, who she saved from underneath a leaf that was making it hard for him to move and breathe, naming him Fuu. After she saved this piece of Fusion, he decided to protect Ayumi with his life, and morphed into a bracelet on her wrist when needing to hide from the Precure.
Ayumi would take Fuu to shops to look around, and feed him things in her room in secrecy, without her mom knowing. Ayumi asked him to make sure he ate a lot so he could grow big, as that was healthy. Fuu recalled her getting scared at a dog earlier, and... well, he ate. To protect Ayumi, he ate the thing that was scaring her.
As things continued, Fusion got bigger, and they played games together, learning to have a close connection and love each other. That's when an argument broke out between Ayumi and her mom, causing Ayumi to say she hated her mom, she hated her school, and she hated all of Yokohama. Even though the Precure tried to intervene, Fuu's desire to make sure Ayumi was always happy began the destruction of Yokohama, as he attempted to delete every last thing that was hurting this girl he loved so much.
Ayumi realised her mistake, and wanted to get her true feelings across to Fuu - her feelings for Fuu and wanting him to understand her were so strong, it resulted in her transforming into a Precure herself, Cure Echo - She explained her feelings to Fuu, how much she adored him... and Fuu adored her back. Yokohama (and the dog) were all restored, as he realised he was simply making Ayumi sad.
This is a blob of goo who would erase the world for this girl if it was hurting her. I love them so much.
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