#Kirarin Rabbit
hothotmiso · 2 months
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smallcures · 2 months
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angelfleshhellhole · 29 days
All humans will look like these by 2030
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Let it be known to all WanPre fans that the Kirarin Rabbit uses They/Them pronouns
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crystem · 3 months
I've seen it done for Pokémon, but I want to ask...
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ecargmura · 2 months
Wonderful Precure Episode 24 Review - An Egg With A Horn
Alright. All nine Kirarin Animals have assembled. What’s next? What’s that? An egg? We’re going to wait for an egg to hatch? Not just any egg? Niko’s egg? Oh boy. Someone should grab a bike and a Pokemon.
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But yeah, when all nine Kirarin Animals have assembled, an egg with a horn shows up. Apparently, unicorns come from eggs. It was never what came first, the chicken or the egg, but rather the Niko-sama or the egg. Now it does feel like the second half of the story is taking place how that a new objective has popped up, somewhat. In addition to taking care of Niko’s egg, the Precures are tasked to finding other missing Niko Garden animals now as not all of them have returned and are still trapped in a GaruGaru state. So, the story is practically the same formula-wise even after all the Kirarin Animals have assembled…
I do wonder how long it will take for the egg to hatch. Its appearance has brought about a plethora of questions. Why is Niko in this egg state? Why does it react to Satoru and Daifuku when they both aren’t Precures? Why does it keep going to Iroha’s room? Well, at least it gives the dog duo something to do since fights have been overtaken by the cat duo, specifically Nyammy.
To be honest, I did have neutral feelings towards Mey Mey, but he was annoying in this episode. Niko’s egg popping up has seriously affected his character negatively. He starts getting all selfish in his desire to take care of the egg and even accused Iroha of stealing it when she brought it back from her house. Mey Mey, a thief wouldn’t bring back what they stole. Mey Mey’s desire to take care of it out of selfishness of wanting to be praised when she hatches even got Satoru, who’s usually accepting of Mey Mey, raising an eyebrow. You know your character has gone off the rails when Satoru gives you a stink eye.
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Other than that, this episode just feels like the beginning of a possible second half of the show hence why new objectives pop up and why it feels a little slow paced. My only hope is that the dog duo seriously returns back to the action in the fight sequences because Nyammy has been overshadowing them way too much. She’s the one who calmed the GaruGaru Gorilla down. I do wonder if Daifuku and Satoru will become mid-season Cures as them touching Niko’s egg did cause a reaction. It’s going to happen, hopefully. I honestly can’t wait for them to become Precures. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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jeanstapleton · 3 months
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i think most ppl theorize that satoru & daifuku are foreshadowed to become midseason cures, which is supported by the two colors in the title that havent been used yet (yellow & orange), but i also think that one of them could be lord niko himself -- just with memory loss (meimei also doesnt remember anything). im leaning more towards daifuku; hes completely taciturn aside from komugi's conversation with him, during which he was revealed to have a very dignified vernacular. the evidence for satoru might lie in the fact that the orange letter is the biggest & most detailed, unless daifuku becomes the orange cure.
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angelofdiamond · 11 months
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Sonictober day 22: Idol
🎶Pop star... super star... You're going to be a star! Pop star... shining star...Cream superstar! 🎶
(rights going to this image for the base reference)
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curecosmic · 7 months
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wonderful precure - friendly tact | help! kirarin animal! - rabbit!
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hothotmiso · 5 months
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yumenosakiacademy · 3 months
after saying theyve rescued all 9 of the kirarin animals (which is the important midseason point), they show a semi-closeup of daifuku closing his eyes then a wish slip from out of nowhere floating down in2 the water, followed by komugi saying she wished they could all be/stay/keep being friends, w satoru n daifuku being included in the shots of the group. what if the wish slip tht went in2 the water is meant 2 secretly b, in a way bc ofc he didn't write a slip he's a Rabbit, daifuku wishing 2 b w them too? as in, as a human like yuki n komugi so he can help out n hav fun n also protect his owner as well?
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after all this festival they were at earlier takes place at the Wishing Stone, n remind me again where n how komugi n yuki gained the ability 2 become human? The Wishing Stone. precisely.
n earlier on in the ep, yuki said hes no ordinary bunny n he nodded in response, n while this is likely jus a goofy joke bc daifukus got quite the personality (according 2 komugi in tht 1 ep where she spoke on his behalf 2 satoru), it also seems like a way 2 foreshadow tht daifuku has the potential 2 become More.
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hikaru-hoshina · 2 months
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hellohimawarihana · 4 months
Before something happens...
I know many fans thought about the theory that Satoru and Daifuku would be midseason Cure, but from evidence such as this one:
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Satoru and Daifuku were only shown once in this art that will be included in the DVD, with no further hint that the additional Cure will appear after Lillian in Episode 19. So, until the (possibly) new merchandise listing in June happens, there would be less likely that the latecomer Cure (such as Cure Majesty in Hirogaru Sky) would make any appearance at all in Wonderful. The first Kirarin Animal is a Rabbit and Daifuku is also a Rabbit who makes no further appearance itself after Episode 14 so far, which also strengthens this theory. Unless the future listing state otherwise.
And speaking of the DVD itself, they still go with the infamous 'recycled key visual' that happened since HealinGood, which is already a disappointment for fans from older series. Perhaps the you-know-what during HealinGood time prevents the unique art in DVD from happening anymore?
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baileypie-writes · 3 months
~My Thoughts on Wonderful Precure: Episodes 21-25~
This will be updated weekly, so be sure to come back if you want to see my thoughts on new episodes!
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Episode 21 - Mayu and Yuki’s School Life:
I loved this episode! It was so funny!
As expected, Yuki’s good at pretty much everything in school. I wonder if there’s gonna be anything she’s not good at. Maybe there’ll be an episode surrounding that.
I just about died when she tried squeezing into Mayu’s chair, and then tried getting that kid to move out of his, so she could sit next to her. She clearly doesn’t get how assigned seats work. But I guess she’s content enough with having to sit behind Mayu instead.
The whole embroidery thing was super cute. I love how Mayu’s kind of teaching Komugi and Iroha how to do it. Also, I just wanna brag that I knew exactly what the girls were trying to embroider, even though it looked terrible😌.
As a little critique, I thought the whole “backstory” about Mayu and her old friend was really random. It just came out of nowhere, with almost no foreshadowing whatsoever. Yuki treated it like some big, serious thing, but I feel like it’s probably not gonna be mentioned again.
Next, I just wanna take a moment to gush over the “Nyanderful Precure” part. I was really hoping that would happen! I wonder what Satoru and Daifuku would say when if they become Pretty Cures. I don’t know what sound rabbits make in Japan.
I like how the first thing Cure Nyammy does with a Kirarin Animal’s power, is turning Cure Wonderful into a tire. Just thought that was funny. She didn’t bother turning herself into one. Nope, just Komugi.
We also got a new animation for Lillian and Nyammy for calling the animals home. Though, I wonder if they’re using Wonderful and Friendy’s suitcase, or if they got their own and we didn’t see.
Overall, I loved this episode! I can’t wait for the next one!
Episode 22 - Wonderful Go!:
This episode wasn’t my favorite. I’m not a fan of sports/athletics episodes. But it was still alright. I mean, it was super cute. So it couldn’t be awful.
I was a bit confused on how Komugi didn’t understand Iroha’s first commands, because she understands human language perfectly. And she usually obeys every other time. But I guess it was just for the sake of the plot.
It was pretty cool how in sync Wonderful and Friendy were during battle. The platforms were a nice idea too. And it’s great how even though this episode was focused on them, Nyammy and Lillian still got plenty of screen time. They even did the finishing attack.
Lastly, I just wanna express how excited I am for next week’s episode! The festival episodes are always some of my favorites. I love seeing all the pretty yukata designs, and the cute hairstyles! Komugi looked absolutely precious in the preview, and Yuki looked so beautiful!
Episode 23 - Making Wishes, Wao~~~~~n:
I always love the festival episodes. They’re always so fun! And this one was no exception!
Everyone’s outfits were so cute! Komugi’s was definitely my favorite. Precure always puts so much care into designing yukatas for their characters. Well… except for Satoru, I guess. His was so plain.
Mayu’s mom finding out that Yuki can turn human was disappointingly underwhelming. I was expecting her to be overjoyed, but she was so casual about it. But oh well, at least she accepts her.
We also got some foreshadowing to Daifuku becoming a Cure(hopefully)! According to Yuki, he’s no ordinary rabbit! And of course, we also got some cute little crush moments from Satoru. The part where he helped Iroha with her sandals was so sweet!
Also, all the Kirarin Animals are back! But it seems something else is coming…
I hope we get some real villains soon! Maybe then, the Pretty Cure will actually start fighting!
Lastly, I gotta talk about the new ending.
It was so good!
I can’t decide if I like this one better, or the first one. The song is just so cute and upbeat! And it sounds so unique compared to all the others! It is a bit sad that they got rid of the expensive models though..
I wonder how they’ll add the midseasons to it. Maybe, we’ll get a whole new song entirely? Though that’s probably just wishful thinking…
Episode 24 - A Very Strange Egg:
This episode was alright. Not my favorite, but it was good!
First thing I wanna get out of the way is that I had no idea Niko-sama was a girl. I always thought of her as a boy haha. Not that it matters, but I was just shocked for a second.
I’m very curious as to what Niko-sama will look like. Judging by the horn on the egg, it’s clear she’ll be at least a bit unicorn-like. But Mey-Mey said that there are no other animals like her, so she might be completely unique. Although, unicorns don’t exist, so she might just be one. But at the same time, horses are almost identical. Hmm.
I was super excited that the egg only lit up once everyone was touching it, including Satoru and Daifuku! Hopefully this is a sign of them becoming Cures! Also, it’s super weird how the egg keeps teleporting to Iroha’s house. I wonder why it does that…
Next, I’m gonna mention the new version of the ending! We got a Nyammy and Lillian duet! I really like it. It’s very sassy and cool!
I’m not super excited for the next episode. It’s clearly a beach filler episode, which I’m not a fan of. But I do have to say this: Komugi’s swimsuit is adorable! I want it for myself!
Episode 25 - Summer! Beach! Homework!:
Just as I suspected, this episode was just filler. But it was still alright.
I really liked the design of the girls’ swimsuits! I want to own all of them! Well… except for Satoru’s. Did the designers even try with his outfits?
I surprisingly learned quite a bit about sea turtles. I didn’t know that the temperature could determine the gender! Thanks, Satoru!
I found it pretty odd how the focus and drama all of a sudden shifted to Mayu and Yuki during battle. It just felt really random. The drama was really laid on thick too. It really wasn’t all that necessary.
All in all, this episode was fine. But I hope the next one will be better.
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pegasus-parfait · 6 months
🐾About Komugi / Cure Wonderful!
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"Everyone is happy! We're all friends! I want to protect Iroha's 'wonderful'. That's why I became a Pretty Cure, Cure Wonderful ~wan!"
Name: Inukai Komugi
Cure Identity: Cure Wonderful (Wonderful Precure team alongside Cure Friendy, Cure Nyammy and Cure Lillian)
Main Theme / Color: Dogs / Pink
Age: She's a young domestic dog. Her human appearance resembles someone around 13~14 years old.
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Birthday: She doesn't know.
Inukai Komugi is a main character of Wonderful Precure. She is the first Precure to be introduced and also the first official Precure in the franchise that is not human and belongs to the Human World.
Komugi is a Papillon dog and her current owner is Inukai Iroha. Originally from Animal Town, she was abandoned as a pup and was found by Iroha. Komugi was badly injured and scared, so Iroha took the pup to her parents' animal clinic and they treated her. After no one came looking for her, the family decided to adopt her and named her Komugi.
She loves Iroha and enjoys spending a lot of time together. She doesn't like when Iroha needs to do something that she can't be part of (going to school for example). She is very docile towards other animals as well, quickly befriending them. Her favorite spot to be patted is her belly, she enjoys being brushed and she loves dog treats. She is very energetic and likes long walks, running and playing tag with her friends (especially Daifuku, the rabbit pet of Iroha's classmate Satoru). She was well trained by Iroha's family and behaves most of the time. She also responds quickly to commands. She and Iroha have a special handshake. Sometimes she can be very impulsive, acting without thinking too much of the consequences or considering what others might think.
After Iroha was attacked by a GaruGaru (possessed animals from Niko Garden that went rampage), Komugi was granted the power to become a Pretty Cure in response of her desire to protect her. Consequently, she also gained the ability to turn into a human and talk even in her dog form.
As a human, she is very curious and interested in doing things she can't do as a dog. She loves talking to Iroha about several topics. She understands what other animals are saying and other animals can understand her even when she is communicating like a human. She can safely eat human food without getting sick, but Iroha avoids doing so. She constantly forgets she's assuming a human form and acts like a dog in many moments. She can be perceived as an innocent and very naive girl. She usually ends her sentences with "~wan!!" and her catchphrase is "Wonderful!!".
[ "~wan" will also be used when Komugi is barking. I'll try to use ~wan!! when she is happy/angry and ~wan when she's feeling sad/discouraged ]
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"I love everyone in this lovely world, Cure Wonderful! Let's Play Together!!"
By using the Wonderful Pact and shouthing "Pretty Cure! My Evolution!!", Komugi is able to turn into Cure Wonderful. All her physical attributes, resistances and speed are enhanced in this form. She can lift a powerful shield to protect herself from attacks (Puni Puni Barrier) and her main weapon is the Friendly Tact, a wand that she can use to summon the help of Kirarin Animals to use their abilities or perform a powerful healing attack with Iroha called "Friend Liberale" to purify strong GaruGarus.
Cure Wonderful verse: Tagged as x-wonderful-partner-x. It follows the main story of Wonderful Precure and her journey of restoring the Niko Garden and saving the Niko Animals / Kirarin Animals.
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ecargmura · 3 months
Wonderful Precure Episode 22 Review - Dog Training
This episode mainly revolves around dog training and how to bond with dogs. It really reminded me of Dog Signal as it’s an anime that revolves around dog training. Other than that, it’s mainly a feel-good low stakes episode where the Precures do cute things.
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I think it’s also an episode where Iroha could possibly think about her future. She just lives life peacefully, but does she have any future aspirations? Probably not. Seeing what her dog trainer acquaintance Inuzuka does could be a potential career path for her. Iroha does seem to have potential as a dog trainer, but who knows? Also, Inuzuka’s hairstyle makes her have a huge resemblance towards Bachira from Blue Lock.
You’d assume Komugi would be good at dog training since she’s so energetic and being able to transform into a human would have increased her intelligence, Unfortunately, turning into a human did not improve her IQ as she still had a dog’s intelligence but she’s also hyperactive that causes her to become scatterbrained. So no, she’s not excellent at dog sports, but that’s to be expected as she’s just a regular dog and not one trained for dog show purposes. However, I did like that Inuzuka knew that Komugi wasn’t used to commanding words, so she told Iroha to use words that Komugi would be familiar with.
I do like how Yuki’s just not impressed with Komugi at all. She mainly spends the episode being snarky and unamused towards her antics. I do like that she is utilizing the Kirarin Animals a lot better than the dog duo. The Panda’s move turns out to be glasses that can shoot out circular hypnotic beams. I also noticed she got a new human transformation animation. Before it was just her looking all grumpy when transforming from cat to human. Now, it looks like she’s being all cool.
Other than that, there’s not much in this episode, so I’ll keep this review short. Satoru brought Daifuku and it’s been a while since we saw the rabbit. I wonder if Daifuku will have a part to play in this story later on. What are your thoughts for this episode?
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