bannedpreaching1611 · 2 years
Infiltration by the Enemy | Pastor Anderson
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Revitalisierung einer Industriehalle in Köln
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Eingeladener Investorenwettbewerb Köln 2019 - Endrunde
Entwurf: Klaus E. Krauss, Berlin und Rolf Kursawe, HKR+ Architekten Köln
Für die denkmalgeschützte zentrale Halle 17 auf dem Gelände der ehemaligen Clouth-Werke in Köln-Nippes sollten in einem Investorenwettbewerb Konzepte zur Umnutzung entwickelt werden.
Unser Entwurf sieht eine Mischnutzung als Hotel bzw. Boardinghaus mit Einheiten für Studenten, Senioren und auch eine Kita auf Basis von Containereinheiten vor; dabei sollte die denkmalgeschützte Halle bewusst eigenständig als neues Zentrum des Clouth-Quartiers erhalten bleiben.
Unser Konzept erreichte die Endrunde.
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feeling sad (randomly thought about how the most tender moments ive ever experienced were just a lie)
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thestarmaker · 11 months
Slightly bummed it's been raining all day so I couldn't see the (partial) eclipse, but I'm hoping that means that it'll be sunny for the april one
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tar-isilme · 2 years
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This lake provides electricity to my city. It is located 2 hours from the city and at an altitude of 2700 meters above sea level.
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grrl-beetle · 2 years
Shedding Layers
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kiwani201 · 1 year
Emmm hi I just come to hive a little gift for @somerandomdudelmao, I just want to say that I really love the Cass apocalyptic serie, even if it make me cry some times hehe, an your art stile is AWESOME, I really love it, and Want to thanks for been a nice person, sorry im not good at talking
So here i leave the gift, hope you like it :)
Its a baby Cass >:]
And a little plushe I made of your it, it is the first time I made a plushe so it is kind of weird, but I like it, and about the clouth I just think that you would look cute on it :)
So yea jope you like it
(Sorry for my bad english)
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lilttlefloffu · 3 months
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Life don't let my live lol.
Payment methods via Paypal, Cashapp and Ko-fi CONTACT ME: Discord: littlefloffu Dm me on instagram, X/Twiter and Tumblr! If you can't buy it is always appreciated if you share, thank you very much. DISCORD SERVER
Type of commission: ("Sketch Bust", "Sketch HalfBody", "Fullcolor with background, etc)
Visual references: (Photos, drawings, screenshots. Any of these are good. They have to show the character itself. I do not work with descriptive text + collage of separate pictures to design a character out of it! That's called a "character design" and It has its own pricing, you can ask if you're insterested.)
Color accurate references: If you send me a reference with a huge watermark that covers the drawing, or a picture with a color palette that is not what the character really looks like, I won't be able to take the colors from it or either way I'll don't have a guide for the colors.
What you want and how you wanted: If you want a really specific thing for your commission, rembember I need the references for the poses, expresion, clouthes or background, so its up to you to let me know exactly how you want your character to be drawn. If you don't know/can't decide what you want, you can talk to me about their personality and I can come up with something myself. My ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/floffu
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bezzygom · 1 year
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putting tenmas in my clouthes
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vulcan-bourbon · 6 months
@mumscarianweek day 5 - clouthes
-Are you wearing my shirt? - Mumbo said quietly, watching Grian walk around their house in a rather unusual manner.
On his feet were beige breeches with a tightly buttoned belt (obviously stolen from Scar) and a white shirt, already cut at the places of his wings and with barely noticeable traces of poorly washed redstone dust.
Xelqua smiled warmly, shrugging.
- I don't know? I stole it from Scar! - Grian laughs, - A thief stole from a thief?
Mumbo just exhales slowly, looking at the shirt that disappeared a couple of weeks ago. On the other hand, he has one of Grian's red sweaters that he hugs when he sleeps. And he also has a couple of Scar's capes... Okay. Draw.
— The circulation of clothing in the polycule. - Mumbo says thoughtfully, wondering how many more things could have been stolen from him, and he would have not noticed it.
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yandevee · 10 months
Johnny Cage × Reader
Chapter 2
You're a fan girl but he kinda likes it because the attention
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You have several questions and a cartoonishly embarrassing moment...
"So where am I exactly...?" I really tried not to push but I'm slowly going insane.
"You are, for whatever reason, at Wu Shi Academy. Here, we have carefully selected warriors train to be the best version of themselves. My name is Liu Kang, and you are Y/n. Yes?" We came across a shady but vibrantly pink tree that he decided to lean himself on.
I squint at his relaxed figure. "How do you know my name..."
"It's my duity to know. You may not understand why, but you are here for a reason, one that I regret to inform you is not something I know."
This whole thing seems like something straight out of a fantasy action film. Warriors? Training? Guy with glowing eyeballs? Yeah...I'm not following. He knows my name but not why I'm here. Or maybe he has an idea but doesn't want to share that hypnosis with me.
"Let's get you something to eat. You look famished, and we are nothing without hospitality. We can have a bath drawn for you and some fresh clothes waiting." He put a firm hand on my shoulder and led me up a stone staircase.
The bath is warm, and I'm not used to taking baths anymore. If I'm being completely honest with myself, I am ashamed of how I look. It's hard to be clean when you don't have a home to shower at, even harder to have clean clothes to cover my bruised and stiff body.
Warm water coats my body like a blanket, and the porcelain room smells like sweet florals. I don't even know how I'll be able to live with myself after being reminded how nice it is to be dirt free.
Whoever set this up for me had meticulously placed soaps for me to use along with some body oil. I feel bad refusing the kindness, so after I scrubbed my body of the impurities, I coated myself in a thin layer or the scented oil.
There was a small wooden bench next to the door with some neatly folded garments for me to slip into, but as I'm pulling the black tank top over my head I hear a soft knock at the door.
"Uh! Just one moment, please. I'll be out in a sec, sorry if I took too long." I can't deal with the stress of anyone seeing me. It's a nice bathroom, but there is ZERO lock.
I finish pulling on the pants, seemingly the same orange uniform that I saw on the men that were outside.
A gentle feminine voice rang through the door. "Take your time. My food is not going anywhere." I shly open the door and peak out to see a eldery woman, holding a jade comb. "I forgot to set this out for you, dear. Here you go, when you are ready, just follow the stairs back down and outside, I'll be waiting there."
"Wait! Thank you for all of this...um"
"You can call me Madam Bo"
At the bottom of the steps, she was waiting with Liu Kang. They were discussing casually, and all I got from the conversation was him thanking her for making dinner along with her saying something about visiting.
"I hope everything fits you well." Liu Kang regarded my clouthes and giving me a steady offer of his hand. I took it hesitantly as my feet met the stone path before nodding and letting him go.
"Yeah.. they fit perfectly. The bath was very nice, thank you both, but I don't understand why you insist on all of this for a stranger."
Madam Bo placed a hand on my back as we started to walk. "Can we not simply want to be kind?" She playfully taunted me.
There was a big table set up, and many of the men that had finished their training for the evening were sat at the table, conversing.
When they saw us walk up, all of them stood and gave a generous bow. Liu Kang dismissed it with a smile and wave of his hand, and they continued as they were.
"How are your champions Liu Kang?" Madam Bo asked the god-like man.
He let out a disgruntled sigh and palmed at his face. "They are doing well honestly, still need more training. Raiden and Kung Lao are excelling of course."
"Of course indeed! After all the learned from the best." She let out a playful scoff as Liu Kang continued on.
"Kenshi and Johnny seem to be at each others throat. Not in a sinister way, but they definitely have an underlying rivalry. We should be seeing them here shortly." Hy ears perked up at 'the J word, before that I was trying to be respectful and not listen in on the semi-personal conversation.
"Huh? Johnny?" I felt my limbs tingle in excitement, I wasn't paying much attention, but obviously, it can't be the same Johnny I'm thinking about. That's close to impossible.
"You know Johnny?" Liu Kang raised a eyebrow at my words. Don't do it Y/n. Don't. Oh god I can't not talk about the greatest actor of all time.
"Well I don't think it's the same Johnny that you are thinking of but, I'm like the biggest super fan of Johnny Cage, the actor. Sorry if it's completely off topic!"
Liu Kang opened his mouth for a short moment but closed it and gestured me to continue. I have never actually been given the opportunity to talk about this interest of mine and felt like I was going to explode from the excitement of sharing it with someone.
"He's only the absolute greatest actor of ALL time. Single handedly, the coolest and funniest famous person I have ever had the blessing to see work! He does his own stunts and fighting scenes and that kind of dedication to the craft of cinema is hard to find now and days!"
He widened his eyes at my fast-paced rambling and glaced behind me before opening his mouth but being cut off.
"AND it's downright terrible that he hasn't gotten any roles lately! He's just so hard working, and you can tell he puts his soul into his work and actually enjoys it! Not only that, but I heard that his wife divorced him, which is absolutely crazy because who in their right mind wouldn't want THE Johnny Cage! He's talented, funny, sweet, caring, AND not to mention gorgeous. Like, is she blind? Is she out of her absolute mind? Not that I'd be able to ever get the chance to tell him this, but he doesn't deserve that. Johnny deserves someone to appreciate him for how he is, and it's criminal that someone like HIM gets divorced. If I had it my way, he'd be praised every damn day for the work he does! If I ever had the chance, which I know how super unlikely that is, I would give him just that. Wait, that sounds creepy. I swear I'm not one of those insane stalker fans-"
"Y/n. You are very passionate about this and thank you for trusting me enough to share your interests but-"
I felt a tap on my shoulder. Wait, what? I turn around and see Johnny the fucking Cage looking down at me with a totally not subtle smirk.
"Glad to know I still got it. So about you praising me every day pretty lady?"
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Oooo cliff hanger!!!
I'd like to point out that I am, in fact autistic and so I am writing the reader with neroudivergent tendencies. Like in this particular case, info dumping!
If you don't know this, info dumping can happen when a neroudivergent individual gets excited at the mention or opportunity of discussing a topic of interest. This intense interest in a topic is called a special interest! Hope you guys enjoy the read!
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3eyezmug · 1 year
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Ok so context in this au everyone desides to go home after discovering the group they were looking for was dead and they dont die!! After that a huge retaliation was had as people protest the war and the war ends and everyone gets to go home and live their lives!!
So Sonrisas in this au would become a childs dentist I feel like he would absolutly love hid job and I feel like he would be a huge softy for kids lol. Hes super silly at work and always wearing obnoxious ties and colourful socks and he never walks anywhere he just has this chair he rolls around everywhere with and it has a busted wheele so its really loud and clanky when he moves .I think in his casual life he would stay close friends with pandi and blackie and blackie would take his kid to sonrisas for dentist apointments and they would pass eschother really bad cheesey jokes. Pandi would have a small buisness as a fashion designer and would make things like fabric scarfs socks ties pants just everything and i think sonrisas would commision him alot for silly clouthing with his works logo on it which is a tooth with wings and a crown. He would have a patch of this logo on his pants also which i think pandi would of made as a gift for him because i feel like pandi would love making gifts for people to show affection.
Making a pt2 soon with pom pom but Shout out to @barbieboooze for helping me brainstorm these silly hc go check out his work its rlly great!!:3 he drew a rlly awesome no war au azulin its super cool!!
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not-souleaterpost · 4 months
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Well another layer, means another mixtape - playlist with all the songs that were used in the Soul Eater iceberg video 4:
Check both out, cause I need the clouth (and I get annoyed seeing people complain about "I wish somebody would make a SE iceberg, and cover x y and z, but then pretend the youtube search function doesn't exist lol)
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productofaritual · 1 month
Your GDF got in my mind while im obsessed with ZZZ of hoyoverse after my big Genshin era. So, i was thinking, can we get an Hydro!Charlie where his "hydro" is green and kinda sus bc is more like slime in texture but Quackity covers Charlie by shockinh the shit out of everything that the slime touches befoure they can make any questions? Also im thinking Inazuma story line here where they are not-so-legal.
Btw do we count in mind the "why gods give vision" here? Bc I was reading to see if we knew more and saw that the old reasion of the Cryo Arcon was Love. And godlord that touch me because it looks so good for Techno. And meanwhile Tubbo is with his fucking War-power Pyro Weapon. Like holy shit why didnt you say this? Anemo being freedom makes it so good for Tommy and Phil. Quackity would have something something eternity [flashbacks of Slime's death] mmmm yeah. This makes me think is Purple can be pyro [lava lmao] or [ofcourse] electro bc...you know...purple? Xd. Charlie and Puffy having Hydro [Justice] sounds so cool. Charlie just wants to be a good 100% human [maybe he has some backstory like Razor?].
Ranboo is so cute with his little air freedom [shadow dream behind] i hope nothing bad ever happends to him.
Can Michael be like Klee, a kid with a vision to young to undertand? So cuteeee.
Going back to Purple, im thinking that we dont have any geo [in the current post that you made and im enjoying like good slime soup] and geo has the arcon of contrats.
And so it begins, the thought of
Do they all have inspired clothes of the zone they are living in?
Quackity in japones inspired clouths sounds like my new dream.
Talking of Dream, can we make him have the most shitty element of all? The one,The ONLY, THE NEW AND WE HOPE IT DIES BC WE DIDNT NEED YOU
JAJAJAJAJA lmao Dream making a flower in mid-fight with [Pyro] Sapnap killing everthing. Which I got to say, I would love Sapnap to be a Catalyst that just uses his bare hands like Tommy. Something like Shikanoin Heizou. While I think Tommy is Fisic attack mostly, Sapnap is full fire in your face.
Mmmmm wait George or Karl would be dendro? LIKE George being supportive by creating circles of healing mushrooms or poisonous mushrooms along with an attitude of Laila fuckinh sleepy in his E xd.
Karl only comes to mind because Dendro is based on wisdom and I imagine him in the library dying like Cheetara [From ThunderCats 2010 or so] in his backstory of childhood and patience. And BOOM vision idk healer? I don't know much about Karl Canon or Fanon but I've seen that we don't have many healers.
This made me think of Sam, who i dont know what to say about him. But im curious what do you think!
Saying this,i hope you didnt mind the use of "we" and also the long monologue in your ask. Hope you find New GDF funny ideas soon!! :D
Have a nice day/night. Ad astra abyssosque!
The fact that you're so invested in this absolutely warms my heart! I don't mind the "we" at all, I'm super glad when people add their own ideas to my aus (doesn't happen that often but oh well...)
I was considering Charlie but I wasn't entirely sure how to cross the hydro with slime, so I'm DEFINITELY using that. Most characters have some gimmick after all, so him having green as a main color (when blue is associated the most with hydro) and his gimmick being slime is very cool.
I haven't thought that much about interactions with other existing regions past Phil maybe being from Inazuma to explain his clothes and Puffy sailing to Liyue and Fontaine, which is how the Traveler would get to DSMP. Mainly because I want to have a concrete base for the DSMP region first before I start having the characters go elsewhere. But I will keep stuff like this in mind!
As for the vision reasons. See I haven't considered them that much because I want to have at least a somewhat balanced amount of each weapon and vision type and also I just don't know them that well. For some, like Ranboo, I did go off the freedom reason in Anemo, but for a lot I just went with what sorta felt right or fit the character's storyline or gimmick somewhat. So Puffy was hydro because she's a pirate and uses her vision to control the ship. Q was Electro because he uses his vision to power Las Nevadas.
I had 0 idea about the cryo-love connection and rest assured, the only reason I made Techno cryo is because Arctic empire. However, ehm, let's say it's because love, that sounds cooler <3
I've considered making Tommy Anemo. I made him Pyro because of the whole "passion" thing, but with how many other characters would fit Pyro (Jack, Sapnap, Wilbur, the character not the guy, don't come for me pls, I don't like mentioning him either) I don't want to have too much of them so maybe I'll change it. It would definitely make the matching clingyduo claymores even cuter because they don't match visions anymore so the reason Tommy does it is because he wants to match SOMETHING.
Continuing, yeah I just. Didn't consider the reasons for visions. However you did name a couple characters I haven't considered at all so I will be going off of these suggestions.
I cannot guarantee Ranboo's safety <3 but he is a playable characters and they don't die in genshin. Doesn't mean he'll be 100% ok tho <3
I didn't think of mobs as playable characters, mainly because I just thought of members, however Micheal being the first chibi male character in the entire game is just too good to pass up on. Prepare little pig boy, you're about to have some magic. What kind? No idea yet, lemme think.
I've briefly mentioned making Skeppy a geo bow (cuz crystals) but I haven't been able to think of any other geo characters. Making Purpled geo because contracts is a cool idea though, I like it.
Thing is, DSMP is a region on its own. Like I said, Phil might be from Inazuma and move prior to Traveler getting there and maybe some other characters are originally from other regions, but at the point where Traveler gets there, they're all in the DSMP. Maybe they could visit and like/buy some clothes tho! Like I said, haven't considered it much, will later on
Oh I have PLANS for Dream. I'll say more in the post about the DSMP's Archon, but in this region, he's the human form of XD, same style as Venti/Nahida/Zhongli and the only wielder of his power because of it. He doesn't wear a fake vision because he pretends he's visionless. As the Archon XD, he's notorious for not giving out visions because he's selfish and doesn't believe anyone else is worthy of it, so he's the only playable character with those powers. As for what powers I'm still working that out, but something along the lines of decay or rot and very few interactions with existing elements. As for making him Dendro. Damn, calm down, it'll be ok /j hajshshshs
Sapnap having the same style as Heizou but Pyro does fit him a lot, I do like that. And we have only one other catalyst so far so yeah. Welcome to the team. You're a DPS and a support. How? Idk I haven't thought of skills and bursts much yet.
I HAVE considered Dendro George for the mushrooms with both the healing spores and the poison spores. Not sure what weapon to give him yet, maybe he joins the catalysts, maybe a bow, not rlly keen on giving him a claymore, for the others it's meh, not sure not sure. We'll see.
I have NOT considered Dendro Karl, but you connecting it with the wisdom thing kinda has me convincedddddd. No idea what his powers would be though, but it is true we don't have a lot of healers. However my genshin lineup only has Barbara and Charlotte as healers and Charlotte is 20 levels under AND I DON'T BITCH ABOUT IT EITHER (I do bitch about it. It's awful. Hoyo pls just let me pull for a healer I need it desperately)
As for Sam I've considered either Electro because Redstone, or Dendro for a combination of creeper plus wisdom with how good he is at the mechanics stuff. He'd probably be similar to Navia where he attacks mostly with his weapon but the last attack he does with some sort of mechanical contraption like she does with her umbrella. Not a machine gun, tho that would be funny. Imagine you're like a hilichurl and you're fighting this guy with a sword and suddenly he goes "fuck it" And pulls out a machine gun.
Look at me, you got me rambling! /pos
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yume-tsuki · 1 year
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I'm busy working on the sketch requests of you guys and ideas of mine I couldn't help but show you some of the finished sketchs already Meliodas with small Mordred caring an umbrella >>now I'm a realy holy knight, too!<<
King beeing busy cursing Howzer while Tioreh is asking him if he could show her the city. Diane is less amused. Lancelot with baby Galahad <3 Ban talking to his father. sometimes he wishes his father would have found him a few years earlier so his sister hadn't had to die (I'm not sure when Ban start to life with Zhivago but it maybe was a few years after his sister past away) Constantine doodle as teen he usually wears an eye patch only one person is allowed to see his right eye <3 ______________ second page Donny meets Tioreh for the first time Mordred in the costume of the collector (toh) I wanted to doodle him for a while into this clouth because their personallity are similiar ((I love the collector, he is so cute; no spoilers of 3th season please.... in my country it's still unable to watch)) Donny and Anne with their little girl anne > Be carefull Donny! she will fall! < (We went to the zoo last week and this happened infront of a pond(no animals could have harmed the baby) Percival with little Loh playing around ____ more will come soon
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puckthedrama · 4 months
I've thought of this a lot and call me crazy or paranoid whatever idc but here it is.
Vince is getting close to 30's, in another blog it's been said that at that age some players start to settle down, marry, etc and it's becoming like a sort characteristic to simulate the veteran phase, some players start to think that to project the image of a veteran player they need or have to start settling down.
Vince is a natural when it comes to flir and hook up w a fair amount of girl, but I think that getting into his 30's he thinks he needs to start getting a girlfriend and forced himself to date Daniella, but why Daniella if she's such a clouth chaser, red flag and heavy drinker? I think that, in order for people to think he's dating and settling down, they agreed that Vince was going to be able to cheat meanwhile Daniella uses him for the status, the wag life and the attention. Now I don't think that's a good idea because it's obvious they despise eachother and Daniella knows to hide it well, Vince doesn't, he wants her away, I don't think they'll keep up with this charade for much longer.
Ofc I don't know them and I could be totally wrong but as I said before that's what I came up with after thinking sm, don't take me seriously, it's just a theory, a hockey theory ;)
thank you for sharing anon!! very interesting view!!
totally a possibility and very true. lots of players even get married mid-20s and he’s closer to his 30s than his 20s so probably already feels the pressure to settle down.
daniella clearly doesn’t require much from him so it’s easy for him to do what he wants and still have that “hockey girlfriend” image next to him.
good call!
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