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aitiuilghrain · 4 months ago
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immunobiz · 4 months ago
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Jusqu’à récemment considérés comme une théorie du complot, les chemtrails sont désormais appelés « ensemencement de nuages » et sont discrètement diffusés sur les principales chaînes de télévision américaines. ☁️📺
Until recently considered a conspiracy theory, chemtrails are now referred to as "cloud seeding" and are quietly featured on major U.S. television channels. ☁️📺 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
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antonellanews · 4 months ago
Armi Meteorologiche: Il Ruolo di Israele nella Geoingegneria Militare
Israele ha sviluppato armi metereologiche? Uno sguardo inquietante su un'ipotetica guerra climatica Indagine sulle implicazioni legali e geopolitiche di una possibile geoingegneria militare  Il controllo delle condizioni metereologiche è già stato usato c
Israele ha sviluppato armi metereologiche? Uno sguardo inquietante su un’ipotetica guerra climatica Indagine sulle implicazioni legali e geopolitiche di una possibile geoingegneria militare  Il controllo delle condizioni metereologiche è già stato usato come arma dagli Stati Uniti durante la guerra del Vietnam, ma cosa accadrebbe se Israele stesse sperimentando la geoingegneria militare?…
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inexable · 5 months ago
Weather Wars: Can We Really Control the Storms?
The debate rages on about whether humans can actually control the weather. While Florida Rep. Carlos Gimenez calls such claims "outlandish," some insist on the possibility, pointing to scientific practices like cloud seeding. With natural disasters like hurricanes causing fear and devastation, how should we approach the information swirling online? Are patents and theories enough to prove human influence over weather, or is it all just conspiracy talk? Share your thoughts—can we truly manipulate the elements, or is all this just a storm of misinformation?
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flashfeeds24x7 · 5 months ago
Mission Mausam || भारत सरकार की योजना मिशन मौसम || 2000 करोड़ रुपये मंजूर किए #MissionMausam
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देश का मौसम बदलने वाला है, और इसका रिमोट कंट्रोल भारतीय वैज्ञानिकों के हाथ में होगा! क्या हो अगर आपके पास एक ऐसा रिमोट हो, जिससे बारिश और तूफान को कंट्रोल किया जा सके? सुनने में अजीब लग सकता है, लेकिन भारत सरकार ने "मिशन मौसम" नामक एक क्रांतिकारी योजना की शुरुआत की है, जिसके लिए 2000 करोड़ रुपये मंजूर किए गए हैं। इस योजना का उद्देश्य मौसम संबंधी आपदाओं जैसे बाढ़, सूखा, और ओला-वृष्टि को नियंत्रित कर कृषि, आपदा प्रबंधन, डिफेंस, एविएशन, ऊर्जा, और टूरिज्म जैसे क्षेत्रों को लाभ पहुंचाना है।
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tremaghi · 8 months ago
Dobbiamo svegliarci e innamorarci della Terra (Thich Nhat Hanh)
Forse dovremmo fare tutti un pò di mea culpa e non prendercela solo con il tempo se, dopo una primavera dal sapore autunnale, la prima vera giornata d’estate si è palesata solo il 4 luglio e non si sa quante altre ne seguiranno. Ormai l’uomo vuole modificare anche il clima, è diventato famoso il cloud seeding di metà aprile a Dubai, una sorta di inseminazione delle nuvole per stimolare la…
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primelatestnews · 10 months ago
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cebozcom · 11 months ago
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Unprecedented Rainfall in Dubai: Climate Change and Cloud Seeding | www.ceboz.com
A record-breaking downpour in Dubai has sparked discussions about cloud seeding and climate change. Here's what experts have to say.
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rashidjorvee · 1 year ago
Secrets and Science behind the Cloud seeding or artificial rain.
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wumblr · 9 months ago
you guys know the reason wilhelm reich's career fell apart and his orgone research is not presently well regarded is not because the government arrested him for cloudseeding, right? like sure that did not help his credibility but it's marginal at this point. it's because of the credible allegations of child abuse. i'm just seeing a lot of ironic orgone jokes lately and going "that is not a joke i would choose to make"
to be clear it was in some sense medical abuse (or would have been if one thing he had ever said had ever been like, validated by replication, which it hasn't been) and he thought he was doing good, that still doesn't make it appropriate. it's poorly regarded for the same reason attachment therapy is now described as pseudoscientific at best, except that attachment therapy took it even a little further and actually killed some kids. orgone therapy for children was just psychologically damaging and heinously misguided, not to my knowledge lethal
i'm not saying "don't read his books" but if you're going to do that you need to go in knowing this, that his largely unobjectionable precepts, truisms, and stubborn dedication to what was at the time a theoretically plausible research avenue ultimately led him to behave so unconscionably that anyone who isn't ignorant of the basic facts regards him as persona non grata and for good reason
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aitiuilghrain · 3 months ago
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liam-twatter · 10 months ago
feeling as to vomit seeing spineless Vettel using Senna... Senna would have hated a hypocrite as him, as he always did with idiots. Fankids can't understand 'cause they got everything distorted from the (masonic) media... I think one with the character of Alonso would understand.
also, saying "climate change"... :
exactly, the average servility of the West... great results... "progressivism" becoming Cambodia by bike... classic failed leftists using everything not belonging to them... "for your good" eh... said from millionaires corrupting... the same ones who said it's necessary to reduce the population... they also did everything to take to war, that must be very "green"... (as fake green electric cars, also using children in Africa and Asia)
shame the naive unexperienced fankids won't realise until they find out they've got no future... how was that cretin Gretin one, how dare you... They even think to be rebels... absorbed, completely part of the system blinding and destroying them... Good luck... you'll need A LOT of that...
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vaultsixtynine · 2 years ago
critically: tri-oc is a rainmaker who absolutely believes in her uh, art. science? even though a lot of other people who claim to do the same thing are actually just performing a con. she Believes So Much.
it's a mash of cloudseeding, actual meteorological methods she's learned or extrapolated, and a desire to help struggling settlements. one part divination (educated guessing), one part meddling with nature, one part blind faith. when it works, it's great! when it doesn't, she gets a massive cold shoulder and told to leave (good ending) or actively chased out (bad ending). she succeeds more often than she doesn't, but the bad outcomes are frequently Very Bad.
she never ever works on or with plants and seems to avoid them heavily - and she leans heavily towards being very adamant that one day there will be no plants and everyone has to learn how to participate in ecosystem building without them. most people are fine with this, as plants are highly critical items and dusty strangers raving about bringing rain probably shouldn't be left with them unsupervised.
she probably has a strong educational background in permaculture, ecology, geology, meteorology, hydrology, etc. - an outgrowth of a post-fall attempt to preserve terraforming knowledge in a world that increasingly was heavily reliant on plants and too burdened with the realities of survival to care overmuch about these topics outside of "idk the plants are taking care of it".
all this to say: a bit of a mad scientist energy on a person who staunchly believes they can help by nudging nature in the right direction. also she has a little drone beast that helps with the cloudseeding and it's her most precious possession/friend
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portmorejamaica · 5 days ago
Jahan * Revealing The Secrets Of Cloudseeding Weather Modification
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greatprinceofabraham · 3 months ago
Have you been called a "#conspiracytheorist" for mentioning planes are leaving #conntrails in the sky, possibly spraying chemicals into the atmosphere or saying #weathermanipulation by #cloudseeding is happening? MSM is now vindicating you!
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calvin-andhobbes · 4 months ago
Since antisemitic conspiracy theorists are taking the stance that the government is initiating and directing hurricanes toward red states, please be advised, as the election/the holidays are upon us. Not that conspiracy theorists are concerned with facts, but people repeat what they hear without considering the source, especially when trying to make sense of heartbreaking events.
This is an easy-to-understand explanation of how tropical climates and air pressure give rise to these natural disasters, and about cloudseeding and the NEXRAD and HAARP technologies for measuring and predicting weather.
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