#Cloud Inventory Control System
alwajeeztech · 2 months
Stock Position Report
ALZERP’s Stock Position Report provides a real-time snapshot of inventory levels across different product categories and store locations. By offering flexible filtering options, including zero stock and sales quantity inclusion, businesses can gain valuable insights into their stock health. This data-driven report empowers informed decision-making regarding replenishment, stock optimization, and preventing stockouts. With options to export or print, the report ensures easy accessibility and sharing of inventory information.
Key Features:
Date Selection: Choose the date for which you want to generate the stock position report.
Product Filtering: Filter products by category and store location.
Zero Stock Inclusion: Option to include or exclude items with zero stock.
Sales Quantity Inclusion: Option to include sales quantity within the specified date range.
Report Format: Displays product name, quantity, and unit of measurement for each item.
Grouping: Organizes the report by warehouse for better visibility.
Export and Print: Allows exporting the report as a PDF or printing it for physical records.
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myofficeapps · 6 months
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Advance your Operations with Our Supply Chain and Inventory Management System
Take your business operations to the next level with our advanced Supply Chain and Inventory Management System. Our cloud-based ERP software offers a comprehensive solution to optimize your supply chain processes and efficiently manage your inventory. With features such as intelligent order tracking, real-time information access, and detailed transaction tracking, you can streamline the movement and storage of materials across multiple warehouses. Our integrated system ensures optimal inventory levels, enhanced operational efficiency, and informed decision-making. Experience seamless operations and gain full control over your supply chain with our fully integrated ERP software.
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writing-mlm · 8 months
Blue-pilled man [D.W]
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Summary: Sophomore year of college and life is good-- until Bruce invites your family to Thanksgiving. Thankfully your boyfriend is there to distract you-- wait, boyfriend??? Pairing: Damian Wayne x male!reader WC: 9.3k
A glitch in the system is what you’d considered yourself. There wasn’t supposed to be anything special about you, the middle child born from the rare chance the birth control didn’t work. The failed plan B. The unimportant middle child in a large family living along the West Coast. You hadn’t been anyone special, you hadn’t done anything remarkable with your life. 
You’d graduated high school and flew across the country to Gotham of all places. Low housing costs, honestly, was the only reason. You’d been going to Gotham University for what? Five or so months before you’d gotten an internship at Wayne Enterprise for your major in business. It was going fine, you met some other interns and made fast friends and went out with them as often as you could. 
Which is probably where you fucked up. You’d gone out to someone’s birthday party in a club, fake IDs locked in. It was fun, from what you could remember. And you were all going to head out since it was a Sunday— poor choice, you know but you went to use the bathroom when someone shoved some blue pill into your mouth. But at the time you were too drunk to care about what it was. It tasted like a mint though, so you assumed that’s what it was and thanked them for the breath mint before heading to meet your friends in the Uber. 
The next morning you woke up with a raging headache and the need to vomit. Unfortunately for you, you had a meeting with the Bruce Fucking Wayne. Apparently, he interviewed each intern a couple of months into their internship and it was your turn. Surprise!
But thankfully, it led to where you are now. 
As a Junior in college, you like to think you’ve been doing this long enough to get the hang of it. You’ve also been granted off-campus housing. Which was fucking amazing. You lived with one person and get this… he’s Bruce Wayne’s son! Honestly, for a nepotism baby, he was cool. 
Plus, he was Robin. So it made going out to fight crime at night so much easier, and his dad— your boss in more ways than one, always understood why you were late to work. But it also meant he called you whenever Robin was called in. 
“Player!” Robin shouts as you leap from roof to roof, leaving an animated dust cloud after you. “Player!” He repeats this time his voice cutting through your comms. “You’re going the wrong way!” He groans and you land on the roof, confused. He watches as you tap in the air and a holographic map pops up, taking over your field of view. 
   “Oh, shit!” You say, tapping a button on the bottom of the map and it shoots back to the corner it came from. “My bad, Rob!” Tapping on your waist bag, you see a selection of food and swipe to find a glowing lollipop. “Heading your way now!” Popping the lollipop into your mouth, you feel a surge over you and look down at your boots. There’s a green glow on them and you nod to yourself before jumping to the roof that was closest to him. 
He nods when he sees you following him, taking off towards the robbery happening at a local, beloved restaurant. 
“You think they’ll be open tomorrow?” You ask, catching up to Robin just as the two of you jump down from the roof and land across the block from the restaurant. “I was thinking we get some of their food for dinner tomorrow.” He glances at you then sighs, heading towards the restaurant.
   “Considering no one’s dead, yes.” He says once he's halfway across the block. You grin and catch up to him, already scanning through your inventory for where you kept handcuffs. 
“Do you reckon I could be a mad scientist?” You ask Damian as you walk into his bedroom, not even looking up from your laptop. “Or could I get roped into a cult? Am I cult material?” Sitting on his bed, you tuck one leg under you and let the other dangle off of the bed. “I don’t think I’m cult material, I’m not easy to peer pressure,” You mutter. 
   “No,” He sighs, setting his own laptop down next to him but he doesn’t close it. “You couldn't be a mad scientist but you would get sucked into a cult.” Gasping, you look up at him and blink. 
   “Nuh-uh! How?” Crossing your arms, you sit properly on his bed and shut your laptop. 
“You almost signed up for the Church of Scientology last week because they asked if you wanted to take a personality test. Every time you pass by a club that asks you to join, you sit on it for a week before declining because I remind you that you’re a full-time college student with a job and a vigilante!” He lists and you huff, throwing yourself onto his bed. “It’s not your fault, though. Growing up in an environment where you didn’t feel loved would lead to a person being more susceptible to a cult. They make you feel needed, wanted.” God, you hated that he had taken that psychology course. 
“Ouch,” You mutter, resting your hands on your stomach. Looking over at him, you see he’s gone back to doing his work. “Do you want me?” You ask and he glances up at you before looking back to your laptop. 
   “In my room? Depends on my mood.” He shrugs.
“In your life, I mean.” He looks at you this time, his hands ready to close his laptop. 
   “I do,” He gives one strong nod. “Considering I agreed to live with you until we graduate, I would hope I’d… enjoy your company.” Smiling, you look back to the ceiling. His ceiling is bare, although you can see the marks from the times you’ve thrown sticky balls to the ceiling and pieces got left behind. You wonder why he hadn’t taken those off yet. 
Damian’s room isn’t what you had expected it to be. He has various art materials set up around his room, an entire section of his room is dedicated to his pets like their beds and toys, and his walls are covered in various items. You see drawings, news clippings, posters of various famous people he enjoys, and a full-length mirror was nailed to the back of his door. He doesn’t have a rug, he says Alfred the cat likes to tear those up. But he does have a curtain that looks like a rug. 
Not to mention his swords. 
His bed is nice, too. Bruce had spared no expense furnishing the place, he’d gotten the best beds possible for the two of you. Damian preferred a firmer bed, he never liked the feeling of sinking into a bed and not being in control of that. He also needed space for his pets, since there was no rule about how many could sleep in his bed now that he no longer lived in the manor. Prior to moving in, you’d pegged him as a one-pillow type of guy. But he had an absolute mountain of pillows, most of which he didn’t even use. 
Tapping on the transparent food icon that was always in the corner of your eye, you watch as your inventory materializes above your body. You widen the bar into a grid and scroll until you reach a water bottle. 
“Want one?” You ask. “They’re cold.” He hums and you pluck two water bottles out from the bar and toss one to him. Of course, being Damian, he catches it without looking up from his work and you roll your eyes. 
   “Thank you,” He says as you close out your food inventory. 
Honestly, major fucking thank you to that blue pill guy. Whatever was in it had made you into your very own video game character. You could even change your appearance! It was so fucking cool, you could find random items lying around and literally create a bomb in two seconds! 
Not that you’ve ever done that. 
Sitting up, you take a slow sip of the water as Ace trots over to you and lifts his paw. Grinning, you pat the bed and he jumps up, bumping his nose to your arm as a greeting before curling up at Damian’s side. He glances down at his dog and mindlessly pets him along his spine. 
“Have you studied yet?” He asks, lifting his eyes from his screen to meet yours for a brief moment. Capping the bottle, you toss it back into your inventory and lean back on his bed. 
   “A little,” You admit. “Between jobs and class, I haven’t had time. Was gonna during break, though.” He raises an eyebrow and you shove his foot. “Sorry some of us won’t be visiting family and will have an entire week to do nothing!” 
“Oh, and where do you think you’re staying?” He asks, finally fully closing his laptop and setting it on his nightstand. 
  “Here,” You shrug as if the answer was obvious. 
    “Father wants you at the manor, he’s invited you to Thanksgiving,” This is news to you. Looking at him, you see Damian is looking at you before he turns his attention back to Ace. He’s old, you note. He’s gotten the powered face and you’re pretty sure he’s been sleeping on the sofa while watching late-night game shows. He even snores now. 
   “Oh, thanks so much for the heads up!” Scratching his backside, Ace’s leg kicks and you chuckle. His eyes crack open when you stop and he moves to nudge your hand, letting out a small howl. 
“Don’t be cruel, he’s old.” Damian gestures to the dog who’s doing his best to look like he’s about to cry. Where he learned that, you’ll never know. But you lay down properly on the bed and continue to pet him. Damian pets his head, and you just barely register that he probably doesn’t want you to smash his pillows underneath you. Adjusting yourself, you look around for Alfred. 
He’s awake in his cat tree, but his tail is slowly swishing in the air. A little harshly, you might add.
“Someone’s jealous,” You joke, and Damian follows where you’re looking. “Come and get pet, Alfred!” The cat lets out a chipper merwl and leaps from his place on the tree and onto the floor. There are two small thumps, one from the front paws hitting the floor and the second from the back paws. Alfred flicks his tail as he lands before jumping onto the bed in one big jump. 
He nudges your free hand and when you lift it, crawls underneath forcing you to pet along his back before he settles on your chest. One thing about cats is that despite their small size, when they’re sitting directly over your ribcage they all but quadruple in weight. 
“Ow,” You bite back a groan, closing one eye and slowly easing onto Damian’s pillows. “Lay down, please,” Whispering to Alfred, he blinks and then plops down as if his bones had just gone away. Chuckling, you pet wherever he asks and close your eyes. 
“Fathers texted,” Damian mutters, shifting down on the bed so he could comfortably lie down. “We’re patrolling tomorrow,” 
“Thank god, not tonight,” You huff, looking down at Alfred whose content on your chest. He’s purring loudly, and his front paws are neatly tucked under his body while his lower half is splayed out to the side. His eyes don’t leave your face, though. They’re half-lidded like he’s fighting sleep and you see his head rocking a bit. Scratching his forehead, he pushes his head further into your fingers and gives one lick before laying his head flat on your chest. 
“He likes you too much,” Damian chides. “He’s a traitor!” Alfred doesn’t miss a beat as he rolls to turn his back to Damian, letting out the loudest sigh he can muster in his very tiny body. 
   “He’s a baby!” You protest. “Ain’t that right, Alfie?” In response, Alfred flicks his tail once, slowly lowering it back down to your stomach. “See,” Looking over at Damian, you see him watching his cat with an almost envious glare before he looks at you. 
“You know it took me five hours to train him?” He asks as Ace gets up and jumps off of the bed. You watch for a second as he paws the door open before slipping into the hallway. Damian scoots a bit closer and raises his hand to pet Alfred. “He was totally feral before me.”
“Ah, so he was you before Bruce?” The tease is clear in your voice, your eyebrows wiggling and your chest shakes a little bit when you see his reaction. 
   “I wasn’t feral,” He bites, looking over at you. 
   “You stabbed your brothers,” You softly remind him and he scoffs, laying his head down on the same pillow you were using. But neither of you seems to notice or care. 
    “If they could get stabbed by a ten-year-old, they deserved it.” 
Alfred stands up, his back rising to comical heights before he spawns and stretches over to Damian. 
“Traitor,” You frown, rolling to your side and watching as he lays down on Damian, his tail curling under his body. 
   “He knows where home is,” Damian jokes, making you scoff. 
“I’m gonna go take a shit,” You mutter and press a kiss to Damian’s forehead. Somewhere in your mind, it was intended for Alfred, but you missed it and didn’t realize it until you were at the door. 
“I don’t mind,” Damian said when he noticed you had paused at the door. 
   “…Okay…” You hum and leave his room. It’s not like you’ll make a habit out of it. 
A week later you’re both in the apartment's living room, Damian is busy working on this art project he’s been working on and you’re cramming for your last final of the semester. You’re sure if you read another word in that stupid textbook you’re going to explode and huff, slamming it shut before tossing it onto the pile that had amassed on the floor. 
You need to do something else. Looking towards the kitchen you squint, food? No. Sighing, you look towards Damian. He’s focused on his drawing, you’d hate to disturb him. Your attention drifts down to your phone that’s vibrating on the coffee table. 
Perfect timing. 
You grab your phone and stand up before leaning down to kiss Damian’s cheek and say a quick “Call,” before heading into the kitchen to fix yourself a snack. 
Okay, so habits quickly form, according to your track record. 
Apparently, anytime either one of you leaves a room, you announce it with a kiss on the cheek or forehead— whichever is closer, and then the location. You’d actually grown to be fond of it. And it didn’t really affect your previous relationship with him. If anything, you spent more time with Damian now. Which seemed impossible considering you go to the same college, live in the same place, work at the same place, and fight crime together. 
But, still. It’s just bros being bros. 
“Hello?” You answer the call just before it stops ringing. Slipping the phone between your shoulder and ear, you open the fridge and lean inside for a better look. God, you need to go grocery shopping soon. 
   “God! I’ve been calling you for twenty minutes!” A woman shouts from the other end and you pull the phone from your ear and check the caller ID. It’s not saved and you don’t recognize it. Probably the wrong number. 
   “Who is this?” You ask, grabbing the butter tub and opening it. Yogurt-covered fruits. Jackpot. You set the tub on the counter and reach for a nearby bowl. 
“Your mother! Hello, this is (Y/n), right?” Standing up straight, you disregard the fruit and rush into the living room and wave to get Damian’s attention. He doesn’t notice and you almost shout at him; he’s Robin and he can’t tell when his best friend is literally silently calling out for help five feet away?
   “Hey, mom!” He looks up at that, slowly setting his pencil and sketchbook down. He mouths something but you don’t catch it between your blinking and pacing. “How’d you— how are you?” You cringe, biting your fist to stop yourself from speaking. 
“Horrible! Where are you? We’re in Gotham,” She huffs and you whip around to Damian, eyes wide and you’re so close to lowering yourself into a squat and banging your head on the table. 
  “You’re here! In Gotham!” Damian sits up properly, motioning for you to put it on speaker and you do, setting the phone on the table. “How long are you here?” You ask, tugging your hands down your face. 
“Two months,” Your mother answers and you swear you almost passed out right then and there. “Ujjwal, no! That place looks like it has bedbugs,” She huffs and your step-father starts to complain in Hindi. “Where are you?” She asks over the complaining. “We’re coming over!” 
“I dorm, actually!” You quickly spit out, covering your mouth immediately afterward. 
   “Ah, why don’t you have an apartment yet?” Your step-father asks. “You know, your sister, Nadia has a house.” He says, forgetting the fact that Nadia was 27 and had won the lottery before moving to the countryside and buying her own house with her roommate since elementary school. 
    “I know, abbā.” You strain. 
“I still don’t know why he went to Gotham for college,” He mutters and you wouldn’t have heard it had it not been for them being on speaker. 
“Come meet us!” Your mom demands. “We’re in front of Gotham Bright Hotel! Diana is tired.” 
“I’m busy, mom.” 
“Nonsense, come and pick us up!” She huffs. 
You at Damian, silently telling him see, crazy! He nods and thinks for a second before grabbing the TV remote and hurriedly opening YouTube. 
“I’m studying and I’m pretty busy,” You repeat, watching as he looks up Fire Alarm noises. “Just stay there. I heard it’s a go—“ The video plays and you thank god there wasn’t an ad and it’s loud enough to seem real. “Sorry, abbā, mom, I gotta go! Fire drill,” Hanging up, you sigh and press your forehead to the cold table. 
“Why are they in Gotham?” He asks, stopping the video. 
   “Fuck if I know,” You grumble into the wood. “I should get a new number…” Sitting down, you stare at your phone and groan. It’s not worth it. “I’m gonna take a nap, don’t wake me up until the sun comes up, please.” Getting up, you kiss his cheek and head to your room. 
It doesn’t take long for you to bump into your family. The very next day, in fact. Dick had all but begged you and Damian to come along with him and the rest of the Waynes to go and check out the tree they put in front of Gotham City Hall every year. Like the New York tree. Just way smaller and probably will be stolen before Christmas. 
You’re next to Damian, your hands stuffed into your big coat and your chin trying to retreat into your scarf watching as the crane lowers the tree. It’s already decorated in yellow and red ornaments, There’s some Gotham Vigilante ornaments, too, you note and grin when you see your insignia. 
“It looks nice,” You chitter to Damian who looks over at you. He laughs at your state and moves in front of you to fix your scarf. You watch him as he carefully unwraps it and measures it to an equal length. He does it incredibly fast and you hope one day you’re as good as him with— everything really. 
He looks back up at you and carefully draws the middle in front of your neck. He has to lean a bit forward to wrap the material around your neck but he doesn’t mind the fact that you can see your breaths mixing with the small gap he created. You don’t either, though. His fingers graze your neck as he tucks the scarf into itself before he admires his work and nods. 
“Thanks,” With a noticeably less chatter of your teeth Damian is satisfied with his work and stands next to you again. You peer over at Dick who’s grinning ear to ear, watching the tree and putting his phone back into his pocket. 
“He’s like a kid or something,” You laugh and Damian follows your eyes.
   “He’s up to something,” He shakes his head and glares at his brother. Feeling the glare, Dick looks over at the two of you and waves his hand wildly. “Suspicious,” Damian confirms to himself. You roll your eyes and look back to the tree. There are some people helping set it in place as it’s lowered. Hopefully, there are no bombs in it this year. 
“(Y/n)?” Several heads turn to the voice and you see your younger sister grinning and rushing over to you. She’s dressed in a fancy blue winter coat, the one with a small cape on the shoulders and white fur along the edges. 
   “Diana…!” Behind her, you see some other family members. Your parents, both your step-parents, your siblings, and two cousins with their mom. “Oh my god.” You whisper. In truth, you probably should’ve expected they’d be there. That’s your fault. 
“We should run.” You tell Damian and he considers it. But your mother must be the flash with how fast she’s in front of you. 
“Where’s your hat? And you don’t have gloves!” She immediately says while removing her gloves and holding your face for a second. She removes her hands as you try not to move away from her grip, then places the back of her head to your forehead then your ears. “You’re going to get sick!” 
“Is this your mother?” Bruce smiles as he stands behind you. 
   “Yes,” You nod, putting your hands in your pocket. 
    “I’m Bruce,” He introduces himself and holds his hand out. It doesn’t click fast for the others, but for Diana it does. 
“Like Bruce Wayne? So, you’re Damian Wayne, right?”
Diana’s eyes gleam as she asks and for some reason, it leaves a bad feeling in your mouth. You don’t like the way she looks at him and the idea of her touching him makes you angry. He notices, you don’t know how, and places a hand on your shoulder. 
   “Yes.” He nods. “And you are?” Her smile falters for a second and her eyes dart to you for a second. She composed herself and removed her hands from her pocket. 
    “Diana, his sister!” She holds her hand out for him as the rest of your family catches up. “He must’ve talked about me a bunch!” She flashes a grin to you. 
   “Not at all.” He shakes his head and turns to the rest of your family. You hide a grin and he shakes their hands, he already knows their names and he’s seen their faces before so it’s just a formality on his end. 
“I had already invited (Y/n) to Thanksgiving,” Bruce starts, getting everyone’s attention back to him. “Would you like to join?”
Oh god no. Please. 
Damian looks over at his father with barely hidden distaste as you stare at nothing. You know they’ll jump at the chance. They’ll ruin everything. 
“We’d love to!” Your father says as your stepmother nods in agreement. The rest of your family agrees and maybe it’s the cold air that makes it hard to breathe but for some reason, you can’t. You blink, trying to take in as much as possible but it’s hard and you’re sure you don’t have asthma. Not anymore at least. Subconsciously, you tug at your earlobe to try and calm down. 
“We need to leave now, though.” Damian cuts off your step-father as he’s about to speak. “We have finals to study for. It was nice meeting you.” He grabs your wrist from your ear and tugs you after him; you follow him without hassle until you’re back at the car Bruce had driven in. 
“I truly do not understand father's thinking. Inviting them without consulting with you was a brash and out-of-character thing for him to do.” He frowns, unlocking the car with the keys he snagged from Bruce’s pocket. You used to wonder how he did it, but you’ve learned to not truly question him and his methods. Just hope he teaches you then one day. 
   “Yeah,” Is the only thing you manage to say. Only Damian really knew about your family, the others just knew you weren’t very close with them. 
It was one night, you figured. You’ll be fine. 
Bruce had requested everyone be at the manor before noon, which to Damian reads as being at the manor by nine. It’s less than a two-hour drive from your apartment to the manor, so you had to be up since four in the fucking morning. Which, honestly, you didn’t mind all that much. 
It was a little homey just sitting with Damian in the living room and the sun wasn’t up yet, and then taking turns getting ready. It was nice. Different too. It almost distracted you from the fact that you were about to see your family.
“Is this okay?” You ask Damian as you enter his room, tugging at the hem of your sweater. He was already dressed, in a simple black shirt and brown pants but he made it look expensive. You felt stupid and like someone pretending to be important. God, your pants didn’t even fit right! You should probably go and change, find something from one of the gala’s you’ve attended. 
   “You look perfect,” He says as he removes your hands from the hem and locks your hands together to stop you from leaving. “Cuff the ends of your pants, perhaps.” He adds offhandedly. You frown and look behind him. He has a small bag packed and you look back at him. 
“I don’t wanna go,” You whisper, searching his face for a sign that he’ll agree and you’ll both stay in your apartment for the night. You won’t have to see your family and probably finally block them. He won’t have to deal with his brothers. It’s a win-win situation. 
    “Take this opportunity,” He says and lets go of one of your hands to grab his bag from his bed. “Show them how good you’re doing. You’re basically a Wayne, you’re above them in every way possible.” Shouldering his bag, he guides you to your room and hands you your bag. 
“But…” You bite your cheek and take the bag. “What if… I dunno— I do something stupid! I slip up and reveal everything… I’m probably better off just sitting there. Diana will do most of the talking anyway.” You huff the last part. “Did you see the way she acted? I mean, she definitely toned down the spoiled and entitled energy but still. She’ll probably try and get with you, too.” His face scrunches at the thought and it makes you laugh. 
   “You should know she’s far from my type.” He says as he checks his phone and you don’t really understand but you pretend you do. 
“Can you grab Alfred? Pennyworth is here.” Humming, you enter the living room and grab the carrier that Alfred is less than happy to be in from the table. You try and keep him as stable as possible while Damian gets Titus and the two of you head out. He locks the door and you add an extra measure from your toolbar before going to the elevator. 
“You’ll be fine,” He swears as the two of you step inside. There’s no one else in the elevator seeing how early in the day it is and all the students have already gone home. “Besides, I’m sure one of my moronic brothers will do something embarrassing and do all the talking for us. And Pennyworth has promised knafeh.” 
“I love knafeh,” He grins and steps out of the elevator. 
   “That’s why I asked him to make it.” And they call him a demon.
Following Damian, you spot Alfred waiting in front of the car with a warm smile. 
“Good morning, Mr. Pennyworth,” You greet him while giving him a one-armed hug. 
   “Good morning, Mr. (L/n),” He pats your back then moves to open the car door. “Young Master Damian,” He nods and Damian nods back. The two of you scoot into the car and you set the cage in front of your legs. Alfred meows when he realizes he’s going back to the manor and begins to scratch at the bottom of the cage. 
“I’m sure he misses the open space,” You comment, trying to peer down inside of the cage but you can only lean down so far without fearing you’d break your back. 
   “Alfred is truly a pampered cat,” Pennyworth says as he enters the car. “Buckle up.” 
The ride is spent with you and Damian discussing random topics from your next patrol to your finals. He had even gotten Alfred to join in on the topic and the two of them all but yelled at you to study for your finals. Eventually, you did cave and promised them you would and you just know Damian is going to hold you to that. 
“Now,” Alfred sighs as he parks the car in front of the door to the manor. “I have to retrieve your family along with Master Dick. Do not tell the others this, but I trust you two the most in the kitchen. Could you please continue my preparations?”
“Of course, Alfie!” You grin while Damian just nods. Alfred smiles and looks at the two of you through the rearview mirror.
   “Thank you, I have a list on the fridge. Simply follow it until I get back.” With the promise not to fuck anything up, the two of you head into the manor and quickly put your things into his room and let Alfred out. 
“You’re better with a knife,” You mutter as you read over the list on the fridge. A  list probably isn't even the right word for it. It’s four pages long and double-sided, explains what’s being made and the steps to make it and you’re not sure that’s even all of the papers he’s created. Alfred tends to go big for Thanksgiving, you think it’s because the Wayne’s hadn’t been a big family until Bruce got addicted to taking in kids. Not to mention now your family was joining. “I’ll season the food.” 
Damian peers over at the list as you move to wash your hands and sees that everything has a time next to it, they’re already a little behind schedule so he’ll need to work quickly. He’s sure that the two of you can catch everything back up to speed and hopefully allow Alfred some breathing room. 
It’s vegetables after vegetables for Damian. He’s sure he’s cut up an entire acre of carrots and onions by the time he sees the two cars pull up to the manor. You, on the other hand, are having fun mixing and mashing various foods. You just hoped it was to Alfred’s standards. 
You see both of the cars pull up and take that as your sign to wrap up whatever you’re doing and you wash your hands. 
“I’m a pro fucking chef,” You grin at Damian as he sets the last of the stuff he chopped into a bowl next to the sink. 
   “It smells good.” He agrees, watching as the cars pull to a stop just long enough for everyone to get out. Your family piles out of the cars and you cringe as Diana is quick to insist on a family photo. You, of course, are not included in it but that’s nothing new. That fact doesn’t do anything to satiate your mood, though. 
“Bathroom,” You say as you kiss his cheek and head down the hallway. He watches with a frown before he wipes his hands on the kitchen towel and decides he’s not going to greet your family at the door. 
He stops at the first-floor bathroom and hears the faucet running. He knocks on the door once with his index knuckle and hears the water stop running. 
“I’m going to be in the family library,” Looking up from your spot on the top of the toilet, you wipe your face and clear your throat. 
  “Okay, be there in a second.” 
Entering the family library, you’re glad your family wasn’t inside just yet. They were probably still taking pictures in front since god knows how many individual and group pictures they like to take. Damian is sitting on the middle couch, Titus and Ace are sandwiching him together but Ace moves when he sees you. Like he knows you’re going to sit there. 
It makes you smile and you greet Tim who’s on a chair, he gives a small wave without pulling his head out of his laptop. You wonder what case he’s working on, has to be important if Bruce couldn’t force him to keep it in his room. The others aren’t downstairs yet, so it’s just the three of you in the room. 
Damian moves his left arm to the top of the sofa as you sit down and only when you’re comfortable does he move it to lay across your shoulders. He doesn’t do that often, but whenever he does it’s a welcomed interaction. You lean into his touch, just a little. 
You hear them enter the manor, but you’re more focused on the fact that he started to play with the hair on the base of your scalp. He’s probably doing it on purpose, but you don’t care; you’re glad he does because you didn’t even realize they had entered the library until you felt him greet them. His shoulder bounces a bit as he nods to them. 
“Oh,” Nadia says and you look over at her. She says it in the same way you’d say oh when you catch onto something. But you’re not sure what she’s caught onto. Her roommate, Kendall, waves with her fingers and you wave back. “Hey, squirt.” Your eyes turn back to your sister and her hand that twitches to grab Kendall’s. 
“There you are!” Her hand snaps back to her side as your mother speaks. You sit up straight as you see your mother, you don’t know why. But it felt wrong leaning on Damian with your family there, you’ve never felt that way before. “Why didn’t you greet us at the door?” Your mother asks. 
   “I was busy.” You say, looking over your family. “How was the ride?” 
“No one shot at us,” Your cousin laughs, throwing himself onto one of the sofas. You cringe, watching the wood bend at the sheer force he’d thrown himself down with. “But there was this one lady with the only gyatt!” He says and oh my god, you’d forgotten he was a middle school boy. 
“How’s school going?” Your step-mother asks, sitting in your father's lap. Your mother eyes them and you try not to as well, but you’ve never liked them together. She’s twenty-five, hardly old enough to be with a man in his fifties. 
   “Good,” You hum. 
“So,” Diana grins as she crosses her leg over her right. “Damian, what’s it like— living in Gotham? I bet it’s scary.” She’s sitting on the sofa next to the one you’re on, but closer to Damian. You bet if your folks weren’t in the rooms she’d try and reach for his hand. You try and not to focus on that. 
   “It’s not,” He shrugs. 
    “Really?” She grins. “Because I was thinking of transferring to Gotham University!” She says and Damian’s fingers twitch along your back. 
   “It’s not scary for me, someone who isn’t used to life here will never make it.” He quickly adds and she frowns. 
“It can’t be that hard,” She waves her hand to you. “I mean, (Y/n) is doing fine and he’s… him!” She laughs as she says that and you look at your parents, they’re clearly listening to the conversation but as per usual, no one will ever stop Diana. 
   “What’s that supposed to mean?” Damian asks while leaning forward in his seat. 
“There you two are!” Dick shouts as he runs into the library. His eyes look between the two of you and he makes the same face he does when he sees a cute dog. 
   “Richard.” Damian greets. 
“Kori!” You gasp and rush over to the woman as she walks into the room. Damian grumbles something but stands up and follows after you. “Oh my god, Dick didn’t mention you were coming.” You glare at him but he holds his hands up. 
   “We wanted to keep it a surprise,” She laughs and holds onto his shoulder. “His father has the baby.” Two months ago, Kori had given birth to their daughter, Mari. You had yet to meet her, but Dick made sure to spam-send you photos whenever he could. 
“Aw!” You frown. “Why does that old man get to see the baby first?” Damian hides his laughter and you nudge his side with your hip. 
   “Because she’s my grandchild,” Bruce says as he walks in behind them. He walks next to Kori and you see her swaddled in a purple blanket, sound asleep. 
   “And I’m the godfather!” You remind him, looking down at Mari. 
   “As am I,” Damian reminds you and you roll your eyes, waving your hand at him.  
“Can I hold her?” You whisper, afraid you’d wake her up. Bruce nods and you grin, helping him slide Mari into your arms. “She’s so small,” Turning to Damian, he holds your shoulder with one hand, and the other scoops under the hand that holds Mari’s head. He’s trying not to smile in front of Dick but you can see it. 
   “She has your hair, Richard.” He notes, turning to his brother as he puts his phone back into his pocket as quickly as possible. He raises an eyebrow but doesn’t broach the topic. 
“And her mother's eyes,” Dick smiles at his wife. 
“Let’s sit,” Bruce says and you nod, unable to look away from Mari in fear of dropping her. Damian guides you back to your seats and you slowly lower yourself onto the couch. 
“She’s less fragile than you think,” He softly reminds you and you finally look away from her. Damian looks away from Mari and looks at you, his eyes flickering across your face before they settle on your eyes.
   “She’s so small, though.” You frown and he nods, moving some of your hair from your face. “Wanna hold her?” 
“Wish Jay took that much of an interest in her.” Dick frowns, watching the two of you. “First grandchild of the family!”
“Hopefully only grandchild for a while,” Bruce says as he unbuttons his jacket to sit comfortably. 
   “I doubt you’ll have a baby problem anytime soon.” Tim laughs, finally putting his laptop away. “Dickie is the only one of us to date a woman.” Dick laughs and Bruce genuinely has to think about it. Had he raised a home filled with gay people? Did he make kids gay? He’s one for four at the moment but he sort of wishes Duke and Cas would even the scores out a bit. No— he’s zero for five. He corrects himself, remembering Dick’s boyfriend from a few years back. 
   “Not true,” You cross your arms, oblivious to Bruce’s spiral. “Steph—“
“You know what I meant!” He rolls his eyes. “He’s the only guy in this family who’s dated a woman.” 
“No,” You shake your head while looking at Damian. “Didn’t you date uh… what’s her name? Nika?” He looks almost offended that you said that. 
   “(Y/n), she’s gay.” He corrects. 
“She was delusional.”
“Friends. Why do you think I’ve dated these women?” The man himself walks into the library with Alfred. 
“…Jason…” You admit and he gives you a Are you fucking serious look. Jason looks confused for a second but he can get a hint of what’s happening based on Damian and Dick’s face. 
   “You believed Todd to tell you the truth of my love life?” He stresses and now you feel stupid. 
  “When you say it like that!” You huff, turning your head away from him. “I mean he also said you dated Jon.” 
“And that didn’t give you a sign he was lying?” He chuckles. 
“So, are you single?” Your mother asks and you catch Diana pretending not to listen but she leans in closer. 
   “No.” Damian answers in a tight tone and you frown. 
   “No?” You echo and he looks at you, bewildered. 
“No shot,” Jason laughs, his head tilted. “You two with me.” He points between the two of you and you look between his family, a similar look spreading across their faces. What the fuck is going on? But you follow Jason after Damian handed Mari back to Dick. He doesn’t look happy, you note as he walks two paces ahead of you; something he hardly ever does. 
Jason guided the two of you into a smaller library that Bruce uses when he’s having meetings. You stand on the carpet while Damian stands close to the fireplace. 
 “Damian,” Jason says as he closes the doors. “Are you single?” 
“No.” He snaps. 
“(Y/n),” He turns to you. “Are you single?” 
“Yes…?” You trail. “Why?”
“Figure it out!” Jason laughs and then leaves the room. Staring at the door, you sigh and sit on the couch, leaning your arms on your legs. 
“(Y/n),” Damian calls. “Why didn’t you tell your family we’re together?” His voice is smaller than before and he doesn’t look at your face, like he’s ashamed. 
   “We’re what?” You shout, your head snapping over to him. “Dude, since when?” He realizes it then and now it makes sense. 
“You kissed me.” He stresses and sits down across from you. 
    “Yeah, on the cheek!” You roll your hand. “That’s normal and totally not romantic!” He crosses his arms and you shrink into your seat under his gaze. 
   “Do you kiss all of your friends?” He asks, an eyebrow raised in the air. You humor it for a second, thinking about kissing one of your college friends on the cheek like you did with him. It seemed gross, wrong. As if it was some sort of violation. That those kisses between you and Damian were sacred and to even think about it with someone else was somehow an act against god. 
“Well, no,” You blink down to the floor.
   “Then why me?” He asks. You don’t understand at that moment, but when you look back on the conversation you realize he was guiding you to an answer you already knew. 
    “I mean, it just feels right with you.” Looking back at him, he’s smiling and his eyes are bright. “But I’ve never liked a guy before.” You admit, taking in a deep breath. “I dunno how to be in a gay relationship.”
“It’s the same as any other relationship.” He reassures you. “If that’s what you want.” He adds, holding your hand. You look at your hands together and smile. Do you want that?
You imagine yourself, going on dates with him and announcing each other as your boyfriend. Kissing him. Like actually kissing him. And it makes your face hurt with how much you’re smiling. You’re giddy, like some kid with a crush and you feel stupid for not putting two and two together sooner. 
“I think I do.” You look at him and hold his hand back. “I do.” You nod. “I want that— this.” 
“Good,” He sighs, his shoulders relaxing. “Because my family already knows.” He admits and you look at the door. Jason is probably still there, listening and reporting back to the others. 
   “Do you want other people to know?” You ask. “I know you consider your private life… private.” 
“I would love nothing more than to introduce you as my partner.” He says, his thumb rubbing against your flesh. 
    “If I knew you liked me this much before I would’ve made a move sooner,” You laugh, looking between his eyes. He rolls his eyes and stands up, pulling you with him. 
Once you’re on your feet, he holds you by your hips and you don’t exactly know what to do with your hands. You settle on holding his waist, you’ve never realized just how toned he was. 
“Can I?” He asks, bringing his left hand up to brush against your bottom lip. Understanding what he’s asking, your heart hammers in your chest as you nod. “Use your words, Habibi.” 
“Yes.” You nod feverishly and he dips in without a second thought. His left hand cups your face, trying to pull you closer and you’re doing the same with his waist. Digging into his skin, you’re sure your lips are going to bruise with how needy you’re kissing him. It’s almost shameful how easily you’re crumbling under his touch. Your stomach is doing tricks that only Dick could perform and for some reason, you don’t know why you didn’t do this sooner. 
Never has a kiss felt this good, this right. His right hand moves from your hip and travels up, surely messing up your shirt but that’s a worry for another time. You can only focus on how it’s now holding the back of your head, his nails dragging across your scalp and you can’t help the noise that comes out. 
“Oh?” He utters against your lips. You laugh and take the time to catch your breath, looking between his eyes, listening to your shared panting. 
   “Again?” You’re almost pleading, your eyes stuck on his lips. 
    “Of course.” This kiss is different, it’s less of a release and more of a we have all the time in the world now type of kiss. It’s slow and it’s tender, you feel all the details in his lips and how yours moves against his. This one feels like a hum you’ve known all your life and it’s wonderful. 
This time, your hands find his hair and you don’t realize it, but you’re dragging your nails across his scalp and playing with his hair. He does, though. It makes his heart hammer and he moans into the kiss, unable to do anything but focus on you. 
“Alright, that’s enough!” Jason says as he opens the door. Without breaking the kiss, you open your hot bar and with pure muscle memory, grab the water gun and spray him until he leaves. Damian laughs, pulling away from the kiss, and looks at Jason who’s trying to avoid getting sprayed but it seems like Damian’s rubbed off on you more than you realize it because damn, even when he moves you’re still hitting him!
He looks back to you and you’re still looking at him, your pupils blown wide and he can feel the light panting coming from you. Your lips are glossy, coating in both of your spit and he’s sure his are too. He can get used to that. 
“We should head back,” He reasons, lowering your water gun. “Before father sends Grayson and he starts crying like before.” Throwing the gun back into your hot bar, you give him a questioning look. “When I announced we were dating… he cried.” 
“You’re joking?”
“Unfortunately not.” He rolls his eyes and stands up straight, fixing his clothes and his hair. You do the same while Jason is going on about cleaning up the water and having to change. There’s no water on the floor, you note as you walk out of the library. None on the walls either. Every single one of them hit Jason. 
Back in the family library, you return to your seats and Tim is the first to notice both of your elated moods. It’s more visible on you, but it’s harder to spot with Damian. It’s more of a feeling he gets, his face is as neutral as he can be when he’s around you but he’s so clearly happy. His steps are different, he imagines if he had less dignity he’d skip around the manor. The two of you settle in your seats and he’s pleasantly surprised to see you lean into Damian without a care of who else is in the room. 
He’d gotten the text, along with every other sibling from the NO BRUCE!!! group chat. Jason, only seconds after closing the door had told everyone that you didn’t know of your own relationship. Safe to say you knew now. 
Tim looks at your family and the only happy one seems to be Nadia. She’s a somber type of happy, though. She’s happy for you, but she can’t bring herself to be half as bold as you are and it hurts. Diana is trying to wrap her head to a different conclusion, she’s holding onto hope that you’ll be pushed away. It almost makes him laugh. Your older brother is in his own world, as he’s always been. He’s quiet, hardly noticeable but it seems to be on his own devices as he had picked the furthest seat from everyone. 
But it seems to be from more of an air of misplaced pride than anything. His nose is turned up and he’s wearing an expensive suit. But it’s clearly not his, Tim would know. If there’s the money to splurge on that type of suit there’s always a tailor to get the proportions right. 
Then there’s your half-sibling, from your father's side. She’s around ten and he wonders just when did your parents separated. Then he remembers there’s a seventeen-year age gap between the oldest and the youngest of your siblings. She’s sleeping, her head on her father's shoulder and the forgotten iPad discarded on her lap, about to fall off and hit the carpet. 
Your father sees the two of you and looks at your mother who’s trying to keep her calm around the company— rich company at that. Tim doesn’t know why, but if he were them, he would at least try and pretend as if he’s happy for the relationship. Their son was dating the richest bachelor in the world and could very possibly give them a comfortable life. But he doesn’t think they see the bigger picture. 
And yet, despite the clear disgust throughout your family, no one says a single word. The entire library is silent save for Mari and the two of you, talking as if no one else is in the room. 
He wants to gag. 
“Kids,” Bruce says as he sits straight in his seat. “Could you leave us for a moment? I’d like a word with the adults.”
“Half of us are adults,” You chide and he gives you a look. 
   “A word with the parents.” He corrects. 
    “I’m still in, baby!” Dick silently cheers to not wake Mari. But it only makes Bruce sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose. 
   “A word with (Y/n)’s parents and aunt. Alone.” He stresses. Curious as to what he’s up to, and mostly afraid of what’s going to happen while you’re gone, you open your hot bar without causing too much attention to yourself. The Hotbar is only visible to yourself, so no one sees the vast list of gadgets you pull up and quickly find the listening device Tim created. 
   “Don’t need to ask me twice,” You grumble and stand up, pulling Damian up after you. 
Jason and Tim are already out of the room, there any fewer interactions and they’ll jump at the opportunity. Dick and Kori, despite wanting to enjoy the snow in the yard with the others, retreat to Dick’s room to nap while Mari is sleeping. 
You hold the door open for your siblings and cousin, but Damian sees you place the device on the door and raises an eyebrow
“(Y/n),” Bruce says in a low tone. Of course, he’d seen it, too. 
“Gotta go!” You urge and slip out of the room. 
Diana, alone in the yard as her family had drifted away, finds herself bored and honestly, she’s at Wayne Manor and she just has to show off. She hasn’t posted the pictures yet, she still needs to edit them so no one knows she’s there. And she’s sure her followers would love to see a snowy Wayne manor. 
Thankfully, the wifi was stable enough in the backyard that the connection for her Instagram Live was crystal clear. 
She waits until she sees five digits on the view counter before he even starts speaking. 
“Hey, guys!” She waves at her phone. “Bruce Wayne invited my family to his manor for Thanksgiving! Super grateful for that,” She nods towards the large manor and then at the comments, begging to see the man in question. “He’s inside, talking to my parents. But his kids are here too! I think Damian went into the maze…” She looks off to the green hedges coated in a thick layer of snow. “I’ll go and find him.”
She flips the camera around, and her viewers watch as she walks inside. She doesn’t notice right away, but nearly gasps when she sees she has just over two million people watching. Maybe you are good for something, she almost laughs. 
It takes about twenty minutes of aimlessly walking before she finds the center of the maze. The two million viewers had gone down to just a million but she’ll take it. 
“I think that’s it,” She mutters, seeing a clearing of bushes. It’s incredibly cold, so she’s shivering and her teeth are chattering but she can’t blame herself! She’s not used to snow. “There’s Damian!” She whispers, seeing his head of hair sitting on a bench. Pointing her phone in that direction, she decides it’s better to hide herself and look through her phone. 
From what people can see, Damian is sitting next to someone. They can’t tell until she turns the phone a bit more and it’s you. Gotham citizens know you, of course. Over the past couple of years, everyone in Gotham knows the two of you are friends but no one really cares to post about it. 
She rolls her eyes, of course, you’re still stuck to his side. The two of you are talking, but you’re too far away for Diana to hear the conversation. You’re laughing, though and Damian is explaining something. Your laughter slows down and the two of you just sorta of look at each other. 
Damian asks something and you scoff, looking away before he grabs your chin and leans in. The viewer count is going up and before Diana can fully process what’s happening, the two of you are kissing. Honestly, she’s furious! You knew she liked him, she’s sure of that. This— whatever game you’re playing is just to get at her. She’s sure of it. But she can’t act on it, the views are around eight million and she doesn't want Damian to think she’s crazy. 
He’s holding you dearly, it’s the gentlest he’s ever touched a person before and you’re proud to say you’ll be his first and only. 
His lips detach for yours and trail down to your chin. 
“Habibi,” He mutters and you shudder, feeling the vibrations against your neck. Honestly, at that moment you genuinely could not give a single fuck about your family. About their feelings towards you, about the ways they treated you growing up, and about them. As people. Each and every one of them, none of them could ever compare to this. 
Thank that blue-pilled man, seriously.
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glassshard · 1 year
Whenever I don’t like a major piece of media I really like to analyze why. Ever since the RLM Star Wars Prequels reviews I’ve found this exercise super helpful. I think it’s even more helpful than analyzing why I love a piece of media, since my heart is a lot more shallow than my head, and will happily latch onto media with all kinds of problems simply because a boy was stabbed in a sexy way or the music was good.
But after ten hours of Baldur’s Gate 3 this weekend, I just had to drop it. I don’t like the game. It charmed me at first with its high production values and its excellent exploration, but my ardour cooled quickly as it began to butt up against my personal predilections. At first it did so in totally subjective ways with its unlovable D&D mechanics. I don’t know D&D and the game did not have any interest in teaching me about it. It just kinda throws you into a system that has no place in a video game in my opinion, full of unnecessary tedium and opaque mechanics. But you know what, that’s just me. Plenty of people love it. I could deal with bad gameplay, I like lots of games that play like crap. Let me sing you a song of the Legacy of Kain series.
But then the story failed to grip me. It’s written like fanfiction, with no explanation for any of the races, proper nouns, or concepts because you’re expected to already know them. I love in media res, but c’mon. Ya know what though? Still just my opinion. Open world games are super popular, lots of people love them. Remember how much you enjoyed Dark Souls? Look at that vampire, keep going. Sure he’s walking around during the day and vampirism in this setting just seems to equate to some Spirit Halloween accessories but it’s fine!
But then! But then! Then that vampire killed my character in a cutscene! And I thought that was GREAT. Unexpected! Finally! The game’s getting good! I’m invested! I’ll need to save scum and reload but-
Wait, I don’t need to? That wasn’t a game over? I can... I can rez my character? My character died in a story cutscene and I can have another character rez them with a scroll? And then... then I can go talk to the vampire because he’s still hanging around? But I can’t even tell the other party members about it? This is... this is not right. This feels objectively not right.
You can’t use a game mechanic to rez a story death. That’s not how this works. That’s like if Cloud had pulled out a phoenix down on Aeris or Corvo just started shoving jellied eels down the dead Empress’ throat. That is deflating the very concept of death in the game. There are no stakes now. Why should I care about anything? Why do people even hate vampires in this world if death can be cleaned up with a square of toilet paper available from any shop?
Still, I pushed on, in a stubborn daze. This was a sixty dollar game, I had to keep trying!
The underwear inventory slots felt juvenile but that’s fine, that’s fine. The character designs are extremely Ren Faire, but no big deal. One of the party members is named after a Care Bear but don’t be superficial, Ashley. I can equip armour I’m not proficient in and the game’s not going to tell me why I shouldn’t, but I’m not going to take it personally. The mind control mechanic is making every interaction feel cheap and silly, and all the parasitized party members feel fake and offputting. It seems very contrived that they’re traveling together, and I don’t understand why my character would remain in the company of ANY of them when he himself knows they have his same mind-control powers and can never be trusted and sometimes the illithid powers are framed as course-altering and sometimes they’re not and nothing is consistent except the cartoonish characterization of the “evil” races but it’s fine, it’s fine, keep going
But then I got to a portion where my character was able to ask a dead Mindflayer questions about the plot. And I realised, sharply: I do not care about the answers. I do not care about this world or this cast or any schemes at play. No immersion will be happening; my suspension of disbelief is irrevocably snapped. This is a Saturday morning cartoon with dicks.
And it all really went back to rezzing that story death. While a lot of my gripes about this game are completely subjective and to do with my own tastes, I think it’s objectively bad design to allow a story death resurrection. It deflated everything for me and I couldn’t recover.
So! I did not like Baldur’s Gate 3, and in my mind my character’s story ended when their trusting nature was exploited by a vampire, and they were killed. But the experience did teach me some interesting things about my own tastes, and what I require to become invested in a video game narrative.
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shantitechnology · 1 year
The Evolution of ERP Software:  How it is Transforming Engineering and Manufacturing in 2023
In today’s dynamic world of engineering and manufacturing industry, maintaining competitiveness and operational efficiency is of paramount importance.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has become a fundamental tool for optimising processes, improving efficiency, and facilitating smooth operations in the engineering and manufacturing industries.  As we progress into the year 2023, it becomes apparent that enterprise resource planning (ERP) software has experienced a substantial transformation, adapting to the unique requirements of the industry in question.  Unlock the full potential of your manufacturing company with ERP software designed and developed by STERP (Shanti Technology).  Contact today for a tailored ERP solution for manufacturing company in India that aligns perfectly with your business objectives.
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This blog article aims to examine the growth of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software and its significant impact on the fields of engineering and manufacturing.
Historical Perspective: A Brief Overview of ERP Software
The evolution of ERP software since its establishment in the 1960s has been significant, with a notable shift from its initial emphasis on inventory management and order processing.  Over the course of several decades, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have seen significant growth and development, resulting in the integration of a wide range of corporate functions.  These functions include but are not limited to accounting, human resources, procurement, and other related operations.  The advancement of technology has led to the evolution of ERP software into a centralised platform that offers real-time data, enhances decision-making processes, and fosters communication across various departments within an organisation.
·        Integration of IoT and Industry 4.0:
The combination of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 technologies represents a notable revolution in ERP software during the year 2023.  The Internet of Things (IoT) facilitates the interconnection of various devices and sensors, enabling the collection and sharing of data.  This capability offers real-time insights into the industrial process.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have the capability to effectively integrate this data, so facilitating manufacturers in making informed decisions based on data analysis and enhancing their operational efficiency.
The principles of Industry 4.0 place significant emphasis on the integration of automation, digitization, and connectivity, which have now been easily included in enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.  The integration described enables enterprises to establish a smart industrial setting, increase their control of the supply chain, and optimise operational efficiency. 
·        Cloud-Based ERP Solutions:
Cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions have significantly transformed the operational landscape of enterprises.  This paradigm shift can be attributed to the revolutionary impact of cloud technology on ERP software.  In the year 2023, an increasing number of engineering and manufacturing companies are using cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions.  The aforementioned solutions possess several benefits, including the ability to scale, adaptability, reduced initial expenses, and convenient availability, rendering them exceedingly appealing to organisations of all sizes.  Moreover, the utilisation of cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems facilitates the instantaneous exchange of data and promotes collaboration among all parties involved, hence enhancing operational efficiency and cultivating a culture of innovation.  Invest in the future of manufacturing.  Choose advanced ERP software for engineering companies in India developed by STERP (Shanti Technology) to enhance agility and competitiveness.
·        Advanced Analytics and Business Intelligence:
In the current business environment, data holds significant value.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has evolved to incorporate sophisticated analytics and business intelligence functionalities, enabling the generation of visually appealing data representations and the utilisation of predictive analytics techniques.  Manufacturers have the ability to utilise this data in order to anticipate market trends, enhance production schedules, effectively manage inventories, and rapidly make well-informed business decisions.  The utilisation of advanced analytics enables engineering and manufacturing enterprises to maintain flexibility and effectively respond to market fluctuations in a timely manner.
·        Enhanced User Experience and Mobility:
The optimisation of user experience and mobility is a crucial element in contemporary enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.  In the year 2023, the primary emphasis of ERP software lies in delivering an intuitive and user-friendly interface, with the aim of facilitating smooth adoption and utilisation throughout all hierarchical levels within the organisation.  Furthermore, the use of mobility enables stakeholders to conveniently access essential data and capabilities while on the move, hence enhancing productivity and facilitating informed decision-making.  Stay ahead in the competitive manufacturing landscape.  Reach out to an expert - STERP (Shanti Technology) - the most reliable Engineering ERP Software Company in India and elevate your business operations.
·        Cybersecurity and Compliance:
The increasing prevalence of cyber risks has prompted ERP software developers to prioritise the integration of robust cybersecurity capabilities.  In the year 2023, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems place significant emphasis on the paramount importance of data security, adherence to industry laws, and the implementation of effective authentication procedures.  This practice guarantees the preservation of confidential corporate information, hence cultivating a sense of trust and assurance among users.
Final Thoughts:
The evolutionary progression of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software in the year 2023 signifies a significant and transformational change within the realm of engineering and manufacturing.  The convergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0 technologies, cloud-based solutions, sophisticated analytics, improved user experience, and heightened cybersecurity measures enables organisations to effectively streamline operations, boost efficiency, and attain long-term, environmentally conscious expansion.  With the increasing use of these technological developments, the engineering and manufacturing sectors are poised to witness unparalleled levels of efficiency and creativity, hence setting a bright trajectory for the industry.
In order to remain competitive in today's ever-changing corporate landscape, it is imperative to be informed and capitalise on the capabilities of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.  Ready to streamline your manufacturing operations? Contact STERP (Shanti Technology) a renowned company offering manufacturing ERP software in India and see how it can simplify processes, boost efficiency, and drive profitability.
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Importance of Dental software
Feeling overwhelmed managing appointments, patient records, billing, and insurance on top of providing excellent patient care? Dental practice management software (DPMS) can be your secret weapon!
Think of DPMS as your digital assistant, streamlining these tasks and freeing up valuable time for what matters most: focusing on your patients' smiles.
Here's how DPMS can revolutionize your dental practice:
Boost Efficiency: DPMS automates tasks like scheduling, billing, and recordkeeping, allowing you and your staff to dedicate more time to patient interaction.
Ditch the Paperwork: Say goodbye to overflowing file cabinets! Electronic records save space and make patient information readily accessible.
Enhanced Patient Communication: Improve communication with features like automated appointment reminders and online patient portals.
Smoother Financial Management: Streamline billing with automated processes and insurance verification, leading to faster and easier collections.
Inventory Management Made Easy: DPMS helps you track dental supplies and equipment, reducing waste and ensuring you have what you need when you need it.
Data-Driven Decisions: Generate insightful reports on patient demographics, treatment trends, and practice performance, empowering you to make informed decisions for your practice.
Choosing the Right DPMS: Cloud-Based vs. On-Premise
There are two main types of DPMS: cloud-based and on-premise. Understanding the differences is crucial for selecting the best fit for your practice.
Cloud-Based Dental Practice Management Software:
Imagine accessing software through the internet. Your data is securely stored on the vendor's servers and is accessible from any device with an internet connection.
Easy Setup and Maintenance: No software installation or server management needed. Updates are automatic.
Scalability: Grows with your practice – easily add users or features as needed.
Accessibility: Access patient information and manage your practice from anywhere, anytime.
Ideal for: Smaller practices, solo practitioners, or those who value flexibility and remote access.
On-Premise DPMS:
Traditional software installed directly on your practice computers. You have complete control over the data stored on your servers.
Customization: May offer more customization options for specific workflows.
Data Security: Some dentists prefer having complete control over their data on-site.
Higher Upfront Costs: Requires purchasing software licenses and server hardware.
IT Maintenance: Relies on in-house IT expertise or external support for updates and maintenance.
Scalability: Scaling up can be complex and requires additional hardware and software licenses.
Ideal for: Larger practices with dedicated IT staff or those who prioritize complete on-site data control.
The Bottom Line:
The best DPMS choice depends on your practice size, budget, and IT capabilities. Cloud-based solutions offer ease of use and scalability, while on-premise systems provide more customization and potential data control. Consider your priorities and consult with DPMS vendors to find the perfect fit for your dental practice.
Ready to explore how DPMS can transform your practice? Try this
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first-digi-add · 2 years
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Meta Unveils Centralized Ad Targeting and Data Privacy Controls for Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger
This blog covers the importance of centralized data and social media advertising controls for advertisers, partners, and users. You’ll read about Facebook, IG, and Messenger data privacy and the role of platforms as ad blockers. As the Best Digital Marketing Company in Pune, we explain what a centralized system is, its benefits and risks, and how you can run one yourself or partner with an organization that has an operations center to provide remote maintenance services.
 What is a Centralized Data Structure?
A centralized data structure is software that stores data, including brands and products, on a server that you control. The data is organized into categories, each containing customer, product, or service information. Examples include an inventory management system for food and beverage businesses, an app data structure with user information for mobile apps, and an e-commerce product data structure with product details such as sales and price data.
Benefits of Centralized Data for Ads and Partners
Most of the benefits of a centralized data structure can be attributed to multiple factors, including reduced data management and an overall increase in transparency for all parties involved. 
- In a centralized data structure, all your data is organized and controlled by a single system. The data is then accessible via a central server that anyone with access to the Internet can access. 
- Centralized data storage solves many problems that traditional data storage systems cannot: - It provides granularity, which means you can assign a value of 0 to one and have it remain visible to all parties in the ad and marketing systems. 
- It is data-driven, meaning you can assign a low value to one event and see the full data across multiple ad pages. 
- It provides security since each record is encrypted with a key. This prevents anyone from accessing the data without a key and also helps prevent cross-referencing between records. 
- It provides transparency since each record is easily viewable by anyone with access to the Internet.
Risks of Virtual & Augmented Reality Ads
While centralized data can be a good thing in certain situations, it’s important to keep these bottom-line risks in mind: - Augmented reality ads are almost never fully transparent. The user first sees the ads in the form of VR/AR images. They are then augmented with voice-driven advertising that could be heard through a speaker or a web browser. - For the advertiser, the ads are often located in a remote location, which increases the risk of going viral. If people start sharing their ads online, the advertiser could be exposed to lawsuits or other such situations. - For the partner, the centralized data structure could be used to store sensitive information, like health and safety information and product information. That could contain a name, address, and other identification information.
 The biggest risk that investors can take with virtual and augmented reality ads is that they could spark a breach of data security. That could jeopardize the integrity of your brand and end in lost revenue. You can rest a little bit easier knowing that your data is safe and secure in the cloud.
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enterprisewired · 10 months
The Crucial ERP System Examples: Transforming Business Operations
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In today’s fiercely competitive business realm, the quest for operational efficiency and streamlined management is paramount. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems stand tall as technological marvels, revolutionizing the way businesses operate. These robust software solutions amalgamate various functions within a unified framework, enabling seamless coordination across departments and facilitating data-driven decision-making.
This exploration ventures into the realm of ERP systems, shedding light on a spectrum of exemplary solutions that have reshaped modern business operations. From stalwarts like SAP ERP and Oracle ERP Cloud to innovative players like Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Odoo, each system represents a unique amalgamation of features, functionalities, and industry applications.
This comprehensive journey traverses the functionalities, industry adaptability, and transformative potentials of these ERP systems. Understanding their intricacies is pivotal for businesses seeking to optimize processes, unlock efficiencies, and navigate the complexities of today’s business landscape. Join this insightful exploration to unravel the significance and impact of these ERP system examples in shaping the future of business operations.
ERP System Examples
 1. SAP ERP: Revolutionizing Business Management
SAP ERP has solidified its position as a leader by providing an all-encompassing suite covering critical business functions. Beyond its core modules in finance, HR, and supply chain, SAP offers specialized applications for industry-specific needs. For instance, SAP S/4HANA, an intelligent ERP, integrates AI and analytics for real-time insights, empowering businesses to adapt swiftly to market changes.
The scalability of SAP ERP is noteworthy, catering to startups aiming for growth and global corporations managing complex operations. It provides modular solutions, enabling businesses to adopt specific functionalities based on their immediate needs.
2. Oracle ERP Cloud: Innovating Operations in the Cloud
Oracle ERP Cloud’s robust suite extends far beyond traditional ERP capabilities. It embraces emerging technologies like AI, machine learning, and blockchain to drive innovation. Its predictive analytics empower businesses to anticipate market trends, optimize supply chains, and mitigate risks effectively.
The cloud-based structure of Oracle ERP Cloud ensures not just accessibility but also scalability without compromising security. It enables seamless integration with other Oracle Cloud applications, fostering a unified ecosystem for comprehensive business management.
3. Microsoft Dynamics 365: Integrating CRM and ERP Capabilities
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a fusion of CRM and ERP functionalities, providing a holistic platform for businesses. Unlike its core ERP modules, Dynamics 365 offers advanced tools for customer engagement, field service, and marketing automation. Its flexibility lies in its modularity, allowing businesses to tailor their systems by choosing specific applications that align with their objectives.
Moreover, its integration with Microsoft Office 365 and Power Platform strengthens collaboration and data analysis, facilitating informed decision-making across departments.
4. NetSuite: Empowering Diverse Industries
NetSuite’s cloud-based ERP system addresses the complex needs of various industries. Its suite encompasses solutions for financial management, e-commerce, and inventory control. Beyond the core ERP functionalities, NetSuite offers industry-specific modules, such as SuiteCommerce for retail businesses and SuiteSuccess for services, enhancing its appeal across diverse sectors.
The scalability and adaptability of NetSuite make it a preferred choice for businesses experiencing rapid growth or seeking to expand into new markets.
5. Infor ERP: Tailored Solutions for Specific Sectors
Infor’s industry-specific ERP solutions cater to the nuanced requirements of sectors like healthcare, manufacturing, and distribution. In addition to its standard ERP functionalities, Infor focuses on specialized applications such as Infor CloudSuite Healthcare for healthcare organizations and Infor LN for manufacturing, ensuring tailored solutions for sector-specific challenges.
Infor’s commitment to innovation and addressing sector-specific complexities underscores its relevance in the ERP landscape.
6. Epicor ERP: Amplifying Industry Operations
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Epicor ERP excels in catering to industries such as manufacturing, distribution, retail, and services. Its core ERP functionalities are complemented by advanced analytics and business intelligence tools. Epicor’s Smart Inventory Planning and Optimization (IPO) tool, for instance, utilizes AI to enhance inventory management, improving efficiency and reducing costs.
Moreover, its agile architecture enables easy customization and integration with third-party applications, providing businesses with a highly adaptable solution.
7. Odoo: Flexibility and Customization
Odoo’s open-source ERP system offers an extensive suite of applications covering CRM, inventory management, project management, and more. What sets Odoo apart is its modular nature, allowing businesses to select and integrate specific applications as per their requirements. Odoo’s flexibility and affordability are especially beneficial for small to medium-sized enterprises seeking customizable solutions without exorbitant costs.
The Value of ERP Systems in Modern Business
ERP systems serve as catalysts for efficiency, productivity, and growth:
Streamlined Operations: Automating tasks streamlines processes, reducing manual errors and optimizing resource allocation.
Enhanced Data Management: Centralized databases ensure data consistency and accuracy, fostering informed decision-making.
Agile Decision-Making: Real-time data access empowers businesses to make agile decisions, staying ahead in dynamic markets.
Customer-Centric Approach: Integrated CRM functionalities enable businesses to deliver personalized services, boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Making Informed Choices: Selecting the Right ERP System
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The process of choosing an ERP system involves careful evaluation and alignment with a business’s unique needs. Understanding the scalability, integration capabilities, and industry-specific functionalities of each system is crucial for successful adoption.
Conclusion: Embracing ERP Systems for Sustainable Growth
The landscape of ERP systems continues to evolve, offering businesses versatile solutions to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and foster sustainable growth. From SAP’s scalability to Oracle’s cloud-driven innovation and Odoo’s customization prowess, each system exemplifies the diverse capabilities shaping modern business management.
Selecting the right ERP system aligned with specific needs remains pivotal for organizations seeking resilience and competitiveness. As businesses strive for optimization and adaptability, embracing these transformative technologies ensures a strategic advantage in an ever-evolving market. It stands as a pillar of efficiency, empowering businesses to navigate complexities and drive success through informed decisions and streamlined operations.
Also Read: A Deep Dive into Corporate Wellness Programs for a Healthier, Happier Workplace
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ziperp · 1 year
ZipERP – Best Cloud Based ERP Software in India
Highly configurable and cost-effective cloud-based ERP software, ZipERP, is designed to meet a business's specific requirements. An efficient Cloud ERP solution provides functionality for your various business processes, including financial accounting, sales and distribution, purchase, production, inventory management, system administration, compliance management, CRM, payroll, and quality control. Contact us today!
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alwajeeztech · 2 months
Stock Valuation Reports (Current Stock With Price)
ALZERP’s Stock Valuation Report provides a comprehensive analysis of inventory value based on various valuation methods. By calculating stock quantities and their corresponding monetary values, businesses can make informed decisions related to finance, inventory management, and overall business strategy.
Key Features:
Valuation Methods: Offers multiple valuation methods (unit purchase cost, unit sales price, accounting value) to assess inventory value.
Product and Warehouse Filtering: Allows users to select specific products or warehouses for valuation.
Date Selection: Determines the date for which the stock valuation is calculated.
Report Format: Displays product name, quantity, unit of measurement, unit price, and total value.
Export and Print: Enables exporting and printing the report for further use.
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How Restaurant Management Software Streamlines Operations and Boosts Efficiency
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The restaurant industry is highly competitive, and efficient operations play a crucial role in the success of any establishment. In today's digital age, restaurant management software has emerged as a powerful tool to streamline operations and boost efficiency. This blog post explores the various ways in which restaurant management software revolutionizes the way restaurants operate, enabling them to deliver exceptional customer experiences while optimizing their backend processes.
The Role of Restaurant Management Software:
Online eMenu Restaurant management software is a comprehensive solution designed to handle the diverse aspects of running a restaurant. It encompasses a wide range of features and functionalities that simplify day-to-day operations, enhance productivity, and improve overall efficiency. From Restaurant tasks to Restaurant operations, the software offers a centralized platform to manage and streamline various processes.
Streamlining Restaurant Operations:
In the bustling environment of a restaurant, managing Restaurant operations efficiently is essential. Online eMenu Restaurant management software offers tools for reservation and table management software, allowing customers to book tables online and providing staff with real-time updates on reservations. This helps optimize table turnover and maximize seating capacity, leading to better customer service and increased revenue. Additionally, the software integrates with the point-of-sale (POS) system, enabling seamless order taking and processing.
Enhancing Restaurant Efficiency:
Efficiency in the Restaurant operations is equally important for smooth restaurant functioning. With restaurant management software, staff scheduling and labor management become hassle-free. The software automates scheduling, taking into account factors such as staff availability and workload, resulting in optimized staff allocation and improved productivity. It also tracks labor costs and performance metrics, providing valuable insights for effective decision-making.
Supplier and procurement management is another critical aspect that software addresses. By streamlining the ordering process and managing suppliers, restaurants can ensure timely and accurate deliveries. The software facilitates inventory forecasting, minimizing wastage and optimizing stock levels. Real-time reporting and analytics capabilities empower restaurant owners and managers to monitor sales, expenses, and performance, enabling data-driven decision-making.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM):
Building strong customer relationships is vital for the success of any restaurant. Restaurant management software Customer Relationship Management (CRM) helps in creating and maintaining customer profiles, capturing preferences, and analyzing data to deliver personalized experiences. Additionally, the software facilitates the implementation of loyalty programs and targeted marketing campaigns, allowing restaurants to engage with customers effectively and increase customer retention.
Ensuring Data Security and Accessibility:
Data security is a paramount concern in today's digital landscape. Restaurant management software offers robust security measures to protect sensitive customer information and business data. Cloud-based solutions provide data backup and ensure accessibility from anywhere, anytime, allowing owners and managers to monitor and manage their restaurant's operations remotely. User access control features further enhance data privacy and confidentiality.
Case Studies: Success Stories of Restaurant Management Software Implementation
Real-life examples of restaurants that have implemented restaurant management software can provide valuable insights into its effectiveness. Case studies highlighting specific improvements and outcomes achieved through the software demonstrate how it has helped restaurants streamline their operations, enhance efficiency, and deliver exceptional dining experiences.
Challenges and Considerations:
While restaurant management software offers numerous benefits, it's essential to consider potential challenges and factors when selecting the right software. Factors such as cost, scalability, user-friendliness, and integration capabilities with existing systems should be evaluated before making a decision. Addressing these considerations ensures a successful implementation and maximizes the software's potential.
Restaurant Management software has become a game-changer in the industry, revolutionizing the way restaurants operate. By streamlining operations, enhancing efficiency, and optimizing processes, this software empowers restaurants to deliver exceptional customer experiences while driving profitability. As technology continues to shape the future of the restaurant industry, embracing restaurant management software becomes essential for those seeking.
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halsimplifyblogs · 1 year
ERP Systems for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in Saudi Arabia: What to Consider?
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What Is an ERP System 
 ERP stands for “Enterprise Resource Planning” and refers to a type of software system that manages and integrates a range of business processes across an organization.
ERP systems provide a centralized database that can be accessed by different departments within an organization handling various business processes such as finance, procurement, production, inventory management, human resources, and customer relationship management. ERP systems integrate these processes to provide a comprehensive view of the entire organization and help to improve operational efficiency and decision-making.
 Market Trend for ERP Systems
 Research and Markets, the global market research firm, indicates that the ERP software market in Saudi Arabia would grow at a rate of around 17.4% between 2020 and 2025, primarily due to escalating demand for business process automation and the need for data-driven decisions. A robust ERP system is the best way forward for any business to succeed.
 Features of ERP Systems
 That said, let’s take a look at some of the key features of a good ERP system.
Integration of different business processes and departments
Centralized database with real-time data
Standardization of business processes
Automation of routine tasks
Reporting and analytics capabilities
User access controls to ensure data security
Scalability to support the growth of the organization
 Key Considerations for Choosing the Best ERP Software 
There are several popular ERP systems in Saudi Arabia such as Oracle ERP Cloud, SAP Business One, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Sage 300, Infor ERP, and Hal Business Success ERP. However, you need to pay attention to the following factors while choosing the best ERP software system that would meet your needs.ConsiderationDescriptionBusiness needsThe system should be able to support the business processes that need to be automated or streamlined ScalabilityThe ERP system should be able to support the future growth of the organizationIntegrationThe ERP system should be able to integrate seamlessly with the organization’s other business applications or systemsCustomizationIt should be possible to customize the ERP system to meet the specific needs of the organizationUser friendlinessThe ERP system should be easy to use and the required training and support should be available for usersSecurityThe system needs to have adequate security features including data encryption and user access controls
ERP systems are thus designed to benefit small and medium-sized businesses, manage their resources and improve efficiency through streamlined business processes, improved decision-making, enhanced visibility and better collaboration. These systems support growth and customer satisfaction and drive the businesses to scale greater heights.
Source Link : https://halsimplify.com/blog/erp-systems-for-small-and-medium-sized-businesses-in-saudi-arabia-what-to-consider/
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shantitechnology · 3 months
The Future of ERP Software in India:  Trends to Watch in 2024
As India continues to solidify its position as a global economic powerhouse, the demand for sophisticated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions has never been higher.  ERP software companies in India are at the forefront of this transformation, driving innovation and efficiency across various industries.  As we look ahead to 2024, several key trends are shaping the future of ERP software in India.  This blog delves into these trends, offering insights into how ERP software providers in India are gearing up to meet the evolving needs of businesses.
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1.  Increased Adoption of Cloud-Based ERP Solutions
One of the most significant trends in the ERP landscape is the shift towards cloud-based solutions.  ERP software companies in India are increasingly offering cloud-based ERP systems to meet the growing demand for flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency.  Cloud ERP solutions eliminate the need for extensive on-premises infrastructure, allowing businesses to reduce capital expenditure and streamline operations.
Cloud-based ERP systems also facilitate real-time data access and collaboration, enabling businesses to make informed decisions quickly.  This trend is particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that require affordable and scalable ERP solutions to compete effectively in the market.
2.  Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionizing the ERP landscape.  ERP software providers in India are integrating AI and ML technologies to enhance the capabilities of their solutions.  These technologies enable predictive analytics, automate routine tasks, and provide intelligent insights, helping businesses to optimize their operations.
For instance, AI-powered ERP systems can forecast demand, manage inventory levels, and predict maintenance needs, significantly improving efficiency and reducing costs.  As AI and ML technologies continue to evolve, their integration into ERP systems will become more sophisticated, offering even greater value to businesses.
3.  Focus on Industry-Specific ERP Solutions
ERP software companies in India are increasingly developing industry-specific ERP solutions to cater to the unique needs of different sectors.  Whether it is manufacturing, retail, healthcare, or finance, each industry has distinct requirements that generic ERP systems might not fully address.  Industry-specific ERP solutions offer tailored functionalities and workflows, ensuring better alignment with business processes.
For example, a manufacturing ERP system might include features for production planning, quality control, and supply chain management, while a retail ERP system could focus on inventory management, point of sale (POS) integration, and customer relationship management (CRM).  This trend towards specialization ensures that businesses can leverage ERP systems that truly support their operational needs.
4.  Enhanced Mobile Accessibility
With the proliferation of smartphones and mobile devices, the need for mobile-friendly ERP solutions is growing.  ERP software providers in India are developing mobile applications that allow users to access critical business information on the go.  Mobile ERP solutions enable employees to perform tasks such as inventory checks, sales order processing, and expense reporting from their smartphones or tablets.
This trend not only improves accessibility but also enhances productivity by enabling employees to work remotely and make decisions in real-time.  As mobile technology continues to advance, the functionality and user experience of mobile ERP applications will improve, making them an indispensable tool for modern businesses.
5.  Increased Emphasis on Data Security and Compliance
As businesses become more reliant on digital technologies, data security and compliance have become paramount.  ERP software providers in India are prioritizing data protection by incorporating advanced security features into their solutions.  This includes encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits to safeguard sensitive business information.
Moreover, with the implementation of regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and India’s Personal Data Protection Bill, compliance is a critical concern for businesses.  ERP software providers are ensuring that their systems comply with these regulations, helping businesses avoid legal penalties and build trust with their customers.
6.  Rise of Hybrid ERP Solutions
While cloud-based ERP systems offer numerous advantages, some businesses prefer on-premises solutions due to specific regulatory or operational requirements.  To cater to these diverse needs, ERP software companies in India are offering hybrid ERP solutions that combine the benefits of both cloud and on-premises systems.
Hybrid ERP solutions provide the flexibility of cloud-based systems while allowing businesses to maintain critical applications on-premises.  This approach offers a balanced solution, enabling businesses to optimize their IT infrastructure based on their unique needs and preferences.
7.  Adoption of Advanced Analytics and Business Intelligence
Data is the new currency in today’s business environment, and the ability to harness and analyze data is a key competitive advantage.  ERP software providers in India are integrating advanced analytics and business intelligence (BI) tools into their systems.  These tools enable businesses to gain deep insights into their operations, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.
Advanced analytics and BI tools can analyze large volumes of data from various sources, providing comprehensive reports and dashboards.  This helps businesses to monitor performance, identify inefficiencies, and uncover new opportunities for growth.
8.  Greater Focus on User Experience and Interface Design
The user experience (UX) and interface design of ERP systems are critical to their adoption and effectiveness.  ERP software companies in India are placing a greater emphasis on developing intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.  This trend is driven by the need to ensure that ERP systems are accessible and easy to use for all employees, regardless of their technical expertise.
Modern ERP systems feature clean, responsive interfaces with customizable dashboards and navigation options.  This focus on UX design helps to improve user satisfaction, reduce training time, and increase overall productivity.
9.  Integration with the Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the way businesses operate by enabling real-time monitoring and data collection from connected devices.  ERP software providers in India are integrating IoT capabilities into their systems to enhance operational efficiency and decision-making.
IoT-enabled ERP systems can monitor equipment performance, track inventory levels, and optimize supply chain operations.  For example, sensors placed on manufacturing equipment can detect anomalies and trigger maintenance requests before a breakdown occurs.  This integration of IoT with ERP systems allows businesses to leverage real-time data for proactive management and improved efficiency.
10.  Sustainable and Green ERP Solutions
Sustainability is becoming a key consideration for businesses across industries.  ERP software companies in India are developing solutions that support sustainable practices and environmental responsibility.  Green ERP solutions help businesses to monitor and reduce their environmental impact by tracking energy consumption, waste management, and resource utilization.
By integrating sustainability metrics into their ERP systems, businesses can set and achieve environmental goals, comply with regulations, and enhance their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.  This trend towards sustainable ERP solutions reflects the growing importance of environmental stewardship in today’s business landscape.
The future of ERP software in India is marked by innovation, adaptability, and a deep understanding of the unique needs of businesses.  ERP software providers in India are leading the charge, offering solutions that are not only technologically advanced but also aligned with the evolving demands of the market.  As we move into 2024, the trends highlighted in this blog will play a crucial role in shaping the ERP landscape, driving efficiency, and fostering growth across industries.
ERP software providers in India are well-positioned to support businesses in their digital transformation journeys, providing the tools and insights needed to thrive in a competitive environment.  By staying ahead of these trends, businesses can leverage ERP solutions to achieve operational excellence and sustainable growth.
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marketingaid · 21 minutes
Best POS for Retail: Enhance Your Store’s Efficiency with Top Systems
Choosing the best POS for retail is a critical decision for any store owner looking to boost operational efficiency and deliver a seamless customer experience. A high-quality point-of-sale system not only speeds up transactions but also integrates with key business functions like inventory management, employee tracking, and customer relationship management. With the right POS in place, retailers can manage their stores more effectively, reduce errors, and increase profitability.
What Makes the Best POS for Retail?
The best POS for retail does more than just handle sales; it is the backbone of your retail operation. It integrates multiple functions to give you control over every aspect of your business. Here are some essential features to consider when choosing the best POS for retail:
Inventory Management An efficient POS system should track your inventory levels in real-time, helping you maintain optimal stock levels. The best POS for retail will alert you when stock is running low and help prevent over-ordering. Some systems even allow for automatic reordering based on predefined thresholds.
User-Friendly Interface The best POS for retail should be easy to use for both employees and management. A clean, intuitive interface allows for faster transactions, reducing wait times at checkout and improving the overall customer experience. Look for a POS system that offers customization options to fit your store’s unique needs.
Customer Management and Loyalty Programs The best POS for retail will also help you gather important customer data, such as purchase history and preferences. This information is invaluable for personalizing your marketing efforts and creating loyalty programs that keep customers coming back. Some systems even offer automated marketing features that send personalized promotions or discounts to repeat customers.
Omnichannel Capabilities If you operate both a physical store and an online store, the best POS for retail will allow you to manage both seamlessly. Look for a system that supports omnichannel retailing, meaning it integrates your in-store and online sales, ensuring consistent inventory and customer data across all platforms.
Mobile and Cloud-Based Solutions Many of the best POS for retail solutions are cloud-based, allowing for remote access to your data. Cloud POS systems offer greater flexibility, as they allow you to manage your store from anywhere. Some systems also offer mobile POS features, enabling you to process sales from mobile devices or tablets, perfect for businesses that attend trade shows or operate pop-up shops.
Benefits of the Best POS for Retail
Having the best POS for retail in place can transform how your store operates, improving both the customer experience and your internal processes. Here are some benefits you can expect:
Faster Checkouts: Speedy transactions reduce wait times and help you serve more customers during peak hours.
Better Data: Real-time access to sales and customer data helps you make informed business decisions.
Reduced Errors: Automated processes for inventory and sales reporting reduce human error, ensuring accurate records.
Enhanced Customer Experience: Personalized marketing and loyalty programs keep customers engaged and returning to your store.
Finding the Best POS for Your Retail Store
When selecting the best POS for retail, consider factors like the size of your store, the volume of sales, and any specific features that may be important to your business. Some systems cater specifically to small businesses, while others offer robust features for large retail operations. Always choose a POS system that can grow with your business and adapt to changing retail trends.
In conclusion, investing in the best POS for retail will allow you to streamline your operations, reduce errors, and provide a superior customer experience. Whether you're a small boutique or a large retail chain, a top-notch POS system is essential for success in today’s competitive market.
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intellibooks · 2 hours
Intellibooks: Transforming Restaurant Operations
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In the ever-evolving restaurant industry, efficient management is critical for success. Intellibooks offers a comprehensive solution designed to streamline restaurant operations. With its suite of advanced tools, Intellibooks helps restaurant owners manage everything from staff scheduling to inventory control, ensuring a smooth and profitable business.
AI-Powered Scheduling for Efficient Staffing
One of the key features of Intellibooks is its AI-powered staff scheduling system. This innovative tool analyzes historical data and customer traffic patterns to predict peak hours and optimize staffing levels. With Intellibooks, restaurants can reduce labor costs and avoid overstaffing, ensuring the right team is always in place to meet customer demand.
Smart Inventory Management for Reduced Waste
Managing inventory effectively can be a challenge for any restaurant, but Intellibooks simplifies this task with its smart inventory management system. The platform tracks inventory in real-time, providing insights into stock levels and forecasting future needs. Intellibooks helps restaurants minimize food waste, control costs, and ensure that essential items are always available.
Seamless eBilling for Faster Payments
Payments are a crucial part of restaurant operations, and Intellibooks offers seamless eBilling and payment processing. This feature allows restaurants to handle transactions quickly and securely, whether customers pay by card, mobile app, or other digital methods. Intellibooks integrates with various payment gateways, making financial management easier and more efficient for restaurant owners.
Real-Time Customer Feedback for Enhanced Service
Customer feedback is vital for continuous improvement, and Intellibooks provides real-time feedback integration. This feature collects reviews and ratings directly from customers, giving restaurant managers the tools to address issues promptly and improve service quality. With Intellibooks, restaurants can strengthen customer relationships and ensure a high level of satisfaction.
Automated Marketing for Customer Engagement
Intellibooks makes marketing easy with its automated campaigns feature. Restaurants can create personalized promotions and send them to customers through email, SMS, or app notifications. Intellibooks leverages customer data to deliver targeted offers that drive repeat business, helping restaurants build strong loyalty and increase revenue without the need for manual intervention.
Cloud-Based Access for Greater Flexibility
The flexibility of remote access is another advantage that Intellibooks offers. Restaurant managers can monitor operations, adjust staff schedules, and analyze performance data from any location with cloud-based access. This feature allows business owners to make data-driven decisions and maintain control of their restaurant, even when they’re away from the premises.
Loyalty Programs to Build Lasting Relationships
Building customer loyalty is essential for long-term success, and Intellibooks includes built-in loyalty programs that reward repeat customers. Restaurants can offer personalized deals, discounts, and rewards that encourage customers to return. With Intellibooks, loyalty programs are seamlessly integrated into the customer experience, boosting engagement and fostering lasting relationships.
In a competitive industry, efficient management tools can make all the difference. Intellibooks provides restaurants with the innovative technology they need to enhance operations, from smart inventory control to customer engagement and automated marketing. By implementing Intellibooks, restaurants can reduce costs, improve service, and ultimately thrive in an ever-changing market.
Read more about us on intellibooks.io
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Medium- https://medium.com/@intelligentblock2018
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osswal · 4 hours
Unlocking the Power of SAP Business One with Expert Partners in Indore, Bhopal, and Delhi
In today's competitive business landscape, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are looking for ways to optimize their operations and stay ahead of the curve. As companies grow, managing operations, financials, inventory, and customer relationships can become challenging. This is where ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutions like SAP Business One come into play. But choosing the right software is only half the battle. To maximize the benefits, it's essential to partner with an experienced, local SAP Business One expert.
If you're a business in Indore, Bhopal, or Delhi, you're in luck. Local SAP Business One partners can help you seamlessly implement the solution and provide ongoing support tailored to your needs. This blog will highlight why choosing an SAP Business One partner in Indore, Bhopal, or Delhi can be a game-changer for your business and how to select the right one for your organization.
Why Choose SAP Business One?
SAP Business One is a robust, all-in-one ERP software solution designed specifically for SMEs. Whether you're a manufacturing company, a retail chain, or a service provider, SAP Business One offers the flexibility to adapt to your business processes. Here’s why SAP Business One is trusted by over 70,000 companies worldwide:
Comprehensive Features: SAP Business One covers everything from financial management and inventory control to customer relationship management (CRM) and human resources.
Real-time Insights: With powerful reporting and analytics tools, SAP Business One provides real-time insights to help you make informed business decisions.
Scalability: As your business grows, SAP Business One grows with you. It’s flexible enough to handle new challenges without requiring a costly system overhaul.
Cloud Integration: With cloud-based deployment options, SAP Business One enables businesses to access data and manage operations from anywhere in the world.
The Role of an SAP Business One Partner
While SAP Business One is an excellent software solution, its full potential can only be unlocked with the help of a certified partner. An SAP Business One partner offers specialized services, including consultation, implementation, customization, training, and ongoing support.
Here are the key services an SAP Business One partner provides:
Consultation: Understanding your business processes, pain points, and goals to recommend the best ERP solution.
Implementation: Guiding your business through the implementation process to ensure a smooth transition.
Customization: Modifying the software to meet your unique business requirements.
Training: Offering comprehensive training for your team to ensure they can maximize the system’s benefits.
Ongoing Support: Providing technical support and updates to ensure that your SAP Business One system remains effective as your business evolves.
SAP Business One Partners in Indore, Bhopal, and Delhi
Finding a trusted SAP Business One partner near you can make all the difference in the success of your ERP implementation. Let’s explore what you can expect when working with SAP Business One partners in Indore, Bhopal, and Delhi.
1. SAP Business One Partner in Indore
Indore is a growing business hub, particularly in sectors like manufacturing, IT services, and retail. An SAP Business One partner in Indore understands the local business environment and industry-specific challenges. Whether you’re looking to streamline your supply chain, improve inventory management, or enhance financial reporting, a local partner will have the knowledge and experience to guide you through the process.
Choosing a partner in Indore ensures that your implementation will be tailored to your specific business needs. Moreover, local support means faster resolution times, better communication, and a deeper understanding of regional business practices.
2. SAP Business One Partner in Bhopal
As the capital city of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal is a key economic hub. From real estate to manufacturing, businesses in Bhopal are rapidly adopting technology to stay competitive. An SAP Business One partner in Bhopal can help you leverage the ERP solution to optimize your business operations.
Local partners in Bhopal have an in-depth understanding of the industries prevalent in the region, enabling them to offer customized ERP solutions that fit your specific needs. Their proximity ensures that they can provide hands-on support, making the entire process smoother.
3. SAP Business One Partner in Delhi
Delhi is one of India’s largest business centers, with a vibrant mix of industries ranging from manufacturing and retail to IT and logistics. An SAP Business One partner in Delhi offers unparalleled expertise in implementing the ERP system across a range of industries.
Partners based in Delhi are often equipped with advanced knowledge of cutting-edge technologies, offering not only implementation services but also strategic consulting to help businesses optimize their operations and growth. Working with an SAP Business One partner in Delhi gives businesses access to a wealth of local knowledge, skilled professionals, and reliable support.
How to Choose the Right SAP Business One Partner
Selecting the right SAP Business One partner can be challenging, given the variety of choices available. Here are some tips to help you make the right decision:
Experience: Look for partners with experience in your industry and a proven track record of successful implementations.
Local Presence: A local partner will understand the regional business climate and can provide faster support.
Customer Reviews: Check for testimonials and case studies from other businesses in your area.
Post-Implementation Support: Ensure that the partner offers long-term support, including updates and troubleshooting.
Choosing an SAP Business One partner in Indore, Bhopal, or Delhi is a crucial step in streamlining your business operations and ensuring sustained growth. These local partners offer the expertise, customization, and support you need to get the most out of your ERP investment. With the right partner, your business can unlock the full potential of SAP Business One and gain a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced market.
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