#Clothing Surplus Stock
brandedsurplus · 2 years
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taylorftparamore · 2 months
just had a guy tell me "nobody's being priced out fun because there's an infinite amount of ways of having fun" and like. objectively he's wrong. craft hobbies are now paywalled because local community centers do not exist & art centers are routinely defunded. concert tickets are scalped and priced starting at twice the amount the average person makes. lego sets are already expensive and scalped for even more.
the reason scalpers of entertainment and scalpers of housing are the same type of people is because they are taking something a person needs (fun IS a human need, argue with the wall about it) and demanding increasingly extortionate amount of money for it. soon only the rich will own houses and have fun if we do not call out this greedy behavior for what it is.
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https://www.instagram.com/be.happyindia/ . Checkout this exclusively stylish and comfortable stock which we bring for you
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felixcloud6288 · 1 year
It's Hurricane Season so I'd like to share some advice as a life-long Floridian who's experienced a few things. This is going to be directed primarily to people living in areas at risk of blackouts which could last several days.
Aside from food, water, and gas, some things you'll want to make sure you have are flashlights and batteries. Make sure to refill any medications you might need.
From @dea-certe: Fill up all vehicles and maybe a few gas containers now. Firstly because it will be more expensive in the storm aftermath, but also because it will be harder to find. I went to five different gas stations to find fuel at one point and was kicking myself because I had used so much has keeping the phones charged and keeping the heat going.
Get raincoats in case you need to go outside cause the wind will destroy any umbrellas.. If you can't get one, take a garbage bag and tear a face hole into it and use that.
Also, get bug repellent, especially mosquito repellent. Mosquitos breed around still water and there will be a lot of still water.
And if you have an infant, make sure to stock up on diapers, baby wipes, etc. Even if you don't have an infant, baby wipes can be useful to help keep yourself clean.
You might want to buy some gardening gloves as well to make the post-storm cleanup safer.
SUPER IMPORTANT FOR SANITY AND SANITATION: get caught up on laundry and dishes. No power means no running water. Don't make things worse by not having clean dishes or clean clothes to use. While you're cleaning, change your bed sheets as well. Once you have power, change your sheets again.
Also, download any games, ebooks, shows, etc you can onto any battery-charged electronic devices you have. It will help your sanity when all you can do is wait.
From @metadata-uber-alles: My recommendation re: radio is to make sure you have an actual AM/FM radio, one that can run on batteries. You can probably thrift it if you don't have one already. Most radio stations stream online too, but if the power goes out you'll be rationing your phone battery and may not have internet.
Finally, while you should ideally board up your windows to protect them from debris, make sure at the minimum that all your windows are closed. Wind pressures are going to suck air out of any openings in your home.
Food and Water
First and most important: DO NOT BE A HOARDER!!
Even if your home has no power, that doesn't mean your local grocery store has no power. You can expect some reduced supply due to damaged supply lines and a spike in demand, but you shouldn't be worrying about empty shelves. At worst, have the amount of supplies you might need for 10 days. If you normally go to the grocery store every 2 weeks or longer, just stock up the amount you normally would.
Buy more items that are less likely to spoil and don't need refrigeration. When you have no power, prioritize eating anything which requires refrigeration (milk, cheese, meats) or has a short shelf life (bread).
Demand will be higher in preparation, and supply will be diminished for a bit, but supply issues only become unbearable when people start hoarding.
As for water, you'll need a surplus since you need water for so much. I cannot stress this particular part enough:
You need water to flush your toilet.
If there's somewhere with running water you can go when you need to poop, use that whenever possible, but you need water available at home to refill your toilet's cistern if you don't have that option (either time, distance, etc).
Make sure you have a supply of drinking water. Don't go buying every water bottle you can find (See the bit about hoarding), but you should buy more than you might normally use. Instead, gather water through things like your sink or from a hose into any sealable containers you might have . If you have a bathtub, fill it up just before the hurricane. If you have a pool, that's another source of water. If no debris got in the pool, you can use it for bathing. If you have empty buckets, you can get some additional water during the hurricane by filling them with large rocks or bricks and leaving them out in the open to collect the rain water.
Different water sources will be used for different purposes:
bottled, canned, or other store-bought water: Drinking, cooking, and refrigeration (explained later)
Water in unsealed containers: refill the toilet cistern
Water in a sealed containers: bathing and cleaning (Can also be used for the toilet)
As mentioned with food, supplies at your grocer will be reduced but not necessarily empty. You should be able to buy enough additional drinking water and be able to also use it for cleaning, giving you more water for the toilet. The tip about gathering rain water will only work once. There will likely be no rain for at least a week afterward.
In case you need to evacuate
Keep tabs on whatever emergency alerts are available. Check what your local radio channel is or what sites to check online. Make sure you know how to get to your local shelter, including alternate paths in case a road is inaccessible.
Load your vehicle with anything you might need to bring with you before the storm so you don't have to spend time looking for them and double checking when every minute could count. Pack some pillows, blankets, and extra clothes just in case. Also include anything you cannot risk losing for school or work like laptops.
Without power, your fridge is now just a giant cooler and a ticking bomb to being a biohazard. Fill it up as much as possible. Cold air escapes easily when you open it and heat disperses fastest throw the air. Remember how I said you should buy extra water? A fridge filled with cold water will stay cooler longer. Any liquid will do. Fill your fridge with water bottles, soda cans, beer, fruit juice, whatever. As long as it doesn't spoil at room temperature. Milk can technically help too, but since it spoils you shouldn't keep much of it and should use it quickly.
Additional things like fruits and veggies will also help. What matters is you want to reduce the amount of empty space and fill it with anything which can keep the temperature down. Put a frozen block of iron in for all I care. Just don't have a super empty fridge.
If you have a generator
Good for you. You're not completely without power now. But you need to set priorities on what to use it for. Generators can only supply so much power at a time so you can't just hook everything to it and expect things to work out.
Top priority is the fridge. Twice a day, morning and evening, plug the fridge to the generator and let it run for two hours to cool things down. Don't hook up the fridge when you don't expect to open it (like when everyone is asleep).
Second priority should be charging cell phones, laptops, and anything else like that. Depending on your circumstances, you can charge them at work, from your car, etc so only hook them up when batteries are low.
Third, comfort. I understand this will be stressful, but hooking up your tv and gaming computer isn't the best idea. If you've done what I suggested earlier, you'll at least have something to watch or do without needing to hook it to your generator. Like with the above electronics, you might be able to find other ways to charge them, but only attach them to your generator when you don't need to worry about necessities.
Finally for the love of god, DO NOT HOOK AN AC TO THE GENERATOR!!. Air conditioners draw a lot of power, especially once the room is hot. But your generator can only do so much. The AC will kill your power supply really quickly. Use a fan or the AC in your vehicle if you need to cool down.
Also worth noting, if you have an electric vehicle, that could potentially be used as well. I don't know specifics, but look into that if you own one.
Final notes
This is not comprehensive and I may be wrong about some things.
Please refer to actual expert sources for comprehensive help.
This is just suggestions from someone who has to deal with this every year and has figured out how to deal with the aftermath. Your living conditions may be different so please check how to handle any concerns unique to you.
Stay safe and do not give up hope.
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Fashion waste manifests at three stages in the value chain: during the production process where surplus raw materials accumulate; in warehouses where excess buffer stocks settle; and in landfills where post-consumer waste mounts. While the instant fashion model does likely reduce buffer stocks (although the companies don’t share these data to validate their claims), it’s hyper-dependence on fossil fuel-based polyester summed with the short half-life of its cheap clothing causes consequential environmental damage at the other stages of the process. Instant fashion’s popularity overlaps with the surge in plastic as a fashion input. Prior to 2000, natural fibers (such as cotton and wool) were the primary inputs to clothing. However, as fossil fuel producers have come under pressure from the growth of renewables, growth in plastic supply has proved a welcome offset with the fashion industry serving as a reliable customer. Cheaper, more readily available, and with some preferred properties (e.g. quick-drying, wrinkle-proof, durable, ability to “take” color, and more), synthetics have powered the growth of activewear and instant fashion. While consumers have benefited from lower prices, the negative impacts of synthetics are an environmental scourge. Energy used to produce plastics is often fossil fuel-intensive leading to increases in carbon emissions. During a plastic garment’s useful life, it sheds microplastics into waterways that end up in the food supply, as do excess concentrations of hazardous chemicals. A recent Greenpeace investigation found that 15% of Shein’s products contain concentrations of hazardous chemicals that breach E.U. regulatory limits. Finally, it takes hundreds of years for cheap synthetic shoes and shirts to decompose, all the while emitting methane and further contributing to climate change. (It’s important to note that even producing clothing with natural, untreated fabrics impacts the environment; the most sustainable option is to produce and consume less.)
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ryndicate · 2 years
Winter is Warmer ⨳ Megumi Fushiguro
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Winter seems to be universally hated by your lord's country, but it's your favorite season of the year.
notes: this is for @shirohyorin ​’s Christmas Calender event. I dug deep into my brain to make this cute little sfw drabble for you guys, hope you enjoy the winter vibes!
warnings: fem reader, sfw, arranged marriage, royalty au, it's cute shit ok 
18+ Blog Minors DNI
Rules & Main Links ***please read, i don’t normally write sfw content, so don’t follow me with that expectation.
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Your toes dip into the water and you wince, instinctively withdrawing them.
“My Lady?” One of the maidservants notices, and paces over, dragging her fingertips through the surface of the basin. “Oh no, we overheated your bath! I’m sorry m’lady, if you wait a moment we can cool it down.”
“No, this is fine. I’ll adjust,” you assure her, dropping your robe and slipping into the water before she can protest. You breathe evenly through your nose as the water scalds your skin, the scents of the soaps and oils assaulting your senses, and sink lower into the bath.
The maid eyes you worriedly, critical eyes checking you over before she assures that the water isn’t hot enough to harm you. Then she takes a small cup and begins to gently wet your hair, preparing to wash it. “We’ll be more mindful next time. The first snows have everyone distracted.”
The other servants moving throughout the room, setting out clothes and cleaning, are talking amongst themselves about the impending weather, lamenting the passing of the warm season.
“Yes, of course. It’s fine, Noa, really,” you murmur absently, your fingers dancing over the steaming water, leaning back into her touch. 
She’s not wrong. The first snows of Hinterland are always cruel and swift, and there’s always so much to be done to make sure it won’t be too bitter. It’s your third cold season in this country, and you've only just gotten the reign of things.
Food has been stocked, meat smoked and herbs dried. You were sure to call in materials throughout the warm seasons to make sure there was enough winter clothing to go around, and firewood. Last winter, a sudden blizzard on the breach of the melt took everyone by surprise, and there were many unfortunate lives lost to the cold. This year, you were determined not to be surprised again, storing a surplus of firewood in the unused cellar space of the knight’s mess hall, enough to last everyone an extra fortnight if need be.
All the extra preparation has left you exhausted, but thankfully you can soon relax. Now that the snows have begun, your duties will lessen. Now that the snows are here, your—
"Head back, my lady." Noa requests softly. 
Temporarily pulled from your thoughts, you tip your head back with a silent sigh, closing your eyes as she does her work with the gentlest of hands, allowing you to relax deeper into the water. 
Everyone is so kind to you here, something you’re immensely grateful for after the dark shadow of your engagement.
The entire continent had heard the stories of this country’s former lord, and his wicked, warbound ways. And there was no shortage of rumor of his son, the Hinterland’s strongest warrior withholding his father, who obeyed his lord at every turn. When the warlord fell to the White Dragon, the balance of the nations seemed on edge, expecting the tyrant son to replace the tyrant father and begin the fierce cycle anew. 
Your father, looking to avoid the unabating wrath of the Hinterlands, did what any Duke might do… he offered his eldest daughter in marriage to the warlord’s formerly unbetrothed son. You were one of the many ladies offered throughout the continent, each seeking the new lord’s favor.
You thought yourself safe, that you wouldn’t stand out amongst all the other nobility, some with better standing, others with greater wealth, or both. You thought you would never have to leave your homeland, but fate chose otherwise. Or should you say, he chose otherwise.
Your father had been elated, your two younger sisters devastated, but you put on a brave face for all of them, and made the most of your last months at home.
The engagement began in the early winter, with your new fiance visiting you every couple of weeks. It wasn’t until you moved to his country that you understood just how costly his efforts had been. Had you known, maybe you wouldn’t have been so reproachful of him.
It was the blinds of your mistrust that led you to feel so powerless in your marriage, your sullen attitude secret to few despite your best efforts to maintain appearances. It led to many fights, and even more misunderstandings until your heart finally thawed.
"You mustn't soak too long, lady. Let's find you something appropriate to wear."
Washed and dried, Noa and the other women help you dress and you're descending to the eating hall when a symphony of horn sounds in the distance, the low regal tones of the knights' return.
Forgetting food entirely, you turn and gather your skirts, steps swift as you all but race to the entrance. 
You don a thick cape of wool and furs, beaming at the squires who are pushing through the snow with your horse in tow, faces pink and breaths billowing in the air.
You can hear Noa somewhere behind you calling for you to wait for an escort, but it's lost to the thundering in your heart and on the ground as you gallop through the streets towards the town’s imposing gates.
In the warm seasons, the monster populations run rampant. Goblins pillage every town they come across, wolves and Weres terrorize nomads and livestock, and ogres and trolls make it impossible to move throughout the forests. The knights and mages are forced to crusade, to cull what monsters they can to keep the country's peace. But when the cold seasons arrive, even the monsters take to their nests and dens to wait out the biting cold. 
Which means the men are safe to return home without consequence. 
You reach the gates and order them opened, impatiently waiting for the heavy oak and iron to be pushed outward. Once they are, you're racing through, and you finally see him. 
Your husband, lord of the Hinterlands, rides at the front of his men. Silky black hair, eyes of viridian, Megumi Fushiguro is as tall, handsome, and fearsome as all the rumors tell and more. But the rumors fall short by far.
When Megumi catches sight of you, a knowing smile tugs at the corner of his lips, calling to the unit to slow their approach. The rumors failed to report the heart of fire the lord bears, his warmth and kindness enough to keep any Hinterland winter at bay, at least for you.
You do my men a great service," Megumi greets you affectionately, dismounting his horse with envious grace, helping you do the same as hungry viridian take in the sight of you. "Even a small glimpse of their Lady is surely enough to stoke the flames of their hearts and chase away the weariness of their travels."
"I couldn't stand by after all they've done." You smile shyly. "You were all gone weeks longer than usual this time."
Megumi gives the smallest of smiles, just a slight tug to the corner of his lips, taking your hand into his own as he all but purrs. "How generous of my sweet wife. But aren't you cold? We should get you inside."
As he presses his lips to the back of your palm, a flutter deep within you overtakes the bracing chill. The men behind him hoot and holler, and it's enough to break the spell overtaking your senses, averting your gaze demurely. Then his emerald eyes are staring into yours as he assists you in gathering your skirts to mount his horse, seating himself behind you. His voice is a low, long-missed rumble in your ear. "And you truly couldn't wait a moment longer to be next to me again, could you not?"
You duck your head, fingers curling tight into the edges of the leather saddle as you nod coyly, not looking back at him. There's a new tension in his form now, one that sends a warm flash of anticipation racing through your veins.
But you take a breath, and lean into his chest, feeling his arms on either of your own as he reaches around to take the reins. Megumi's presence is encompassing, deeply comforting, and everything you've been missing.
You tilt your head to look up at his handsome face, and he glances at you shortly as the thundering of hooves fills the air around you. 
"What is it, my love?"
"Nothing. I'm just not cold anymore."
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Link the rest of the event! Also Bonus Scene
© All rights reserved to @ryndicate. Do not modify, translate or repost.
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tjodity · 1 year
Dream SMP Transition Headcanons!
Transfem!Tommyinnit- Tommy wasn't big on having very long hair, but instead wears it neck length and occasionally uses bonnets! She didn't feel like she could handle surgery and never felt the need to anyways. She swabs a small amount of swiftness potion combined with honey on her throat every so often, which raises the pitch of her voice! Tommy also ends up stitching most of her damaged clothes into skirts or bonnets!
Transfem!Niki- She does potion swabs like Tommy, but also got magic top surgery on the Perfect SMP, which, unlike the real world, involves curse of binding tattoos, regeneration potions, and a donor. She started dying her hair due to the surplus of dyes in L'Manberg and it gave her so much gender euphoria she almost started crying so she dyes it a new color every few months! She is unbothered by typically masculine clothing but enjoys parties and events where she doesn't have to worry about work/combat and can dress up :D
Transmasc!Fundy- Due to travelling a lot to more globally connected places opposed to small kingdoms and SMPs like other characters, Fundy got actual top surgery. After he got to the Dream SMP Wilbur made Tommy help him figure out how to make testosterone in a drug lab with medieval herbs. After Fundy is on his own he picks up smoking partially because of Schlatt and partially because of how it makes his voice sound :(. He always wears very baggy clothes and a trenchcoat and keeps his hair short.
Transmasc!Tubbo- Tubbo was fairly content for his early time on the SMP, as Tommy was the only one who knew him before he transitioned and was very supportive. After the Schlatt administration Tubbo's dysphoria increased. He also got magical top surgery, though this required finding a totem of undying, hand tattooing the curse of vanishing around his chest, stock piling on healing potions, and having a friend he trusted not to kill him (literally only Tommy at that point lol). Tommy also sewed shoulder pads and packers into his presidential suit :')
Transmasc!Badboyhalo- Gender is a fairly unimportant concept in the Nether, mostly due to it being an idea brought in by Overworld traders. Due to Bad's raising and rank he was never particularly affected by it, and quite literally had Skeppy pick his gender for him. He never felt the need for any kind of bodily change and can alter his voice at will via demonic magic! He also does not pick clothing based around gender presentation, just whatever he thinks looks best!
Nonbinary!Ranboo- Any concept the ancient people may have had when they fled to the end was gone by the time Ranboo came into existence. With no concrete memories of his past and living in a primarily Overworlder society, Ranboo defaults to using he/him as it's what they're referred to as most often. In their Enderwalk state they are not referred to often enough to consider it. It's only after Ghostboo forms with all of their memories that it is brought up in conversation, and they are referred to as such on their tombstone.
P.S.-whoops didnt mean to make that sad! might make a part two at some point or a proper explanation of Minecraft Transition Surgery (TM)
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I think most people have had a "They don't have it in my size." moment with clothing before and knows how disheartening it can be.
For me, it's usually shoes that give me the biggest struggle for a multitude of reasons (sizes available, quality of the product that is in stock, and style), but ya know what almost made me cry in the hardware store today?
Fucking work gloves.
They only had medium to xl sizes for the work gloves I needed, and none of the other gloves would have fit either (I wear small to medium, but the actual mediums do not fit me, because they're sized for medium to large hands, and the small to medium ones are for the smaller side of medium... because sizing is stupid like that.).
And to kind of add to it, they didn't have the tiling I needed, and the next store we went to didn't have the other things I wanted either, so what started as a mild annoyance devolved into me just having a shit time.
I was looking at my dad, because he knew I was not having a good time, because I got so quiet and couldn't even enjoy picking out plants for our garden like I wanted to, and was like, "Look, I need to get something for me, because otherwise this whole trip was a wash, and I need a win."
But even while I was looking at the board games and stuff, because I needed something to boost my mood, and I was like, "I don't even know if I want anything, because I had things I wanted and they didn't have them."
So I'm standing there, looking at puzzles and stuff going, "I just want to go home."
And, ya know what?
I almost did go home with nothing.
But at the same time I kind of knew if I did that, if I didn't get at least something small, I'd probably regret it/be upset about it, and in turn that'd make my dad upset about it, and I had to articulate to my dad in the hardware store prior to this that, "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at the situation." because he thought I was upset with him.
Which is a big ol' lesson in taking accountability for your own emotions, because I was aware of why I was angry, and because I told him why I was angry, he was more sympathetic than defensive when I was still upset leaving the store.
In the end, I did buy something for me, and I also paid for my my dad's purchase as well because I was like, "I need to do this."
So, yeah, I, as a grown ass human being, almost had a breakdown over gloves today.
It happens, and there's no real lesson here other than that if you communicate your feelings and find a way to accomplish something, even if it's kind of a silly/arbitrary task it can help at least a little bit more than just stewing in it.
I say, still kind of stewing in it, but mostly because, of all things to have in stock in surplus but not in the size you need it... gloves?
Like, I can't be the only person with little hands doing the work I do.
And if you're wondering why this is a big deal, I need to be able to manipulate/hold things while wearing gloves and would like to not have the finger material bunching up at the tips or slipping off my hands when I'm cleaning duck shit or hammering nails.
Anyway, that's my rant over.
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
Toontown: Corporate Clash Recap: G.U.M.B.A.L.L. Machine
The Granting Users Magnificent Boosts, Accessories, and Lots of Laughs (G.U.M.B.A.L.L.) Machine is a shop interface added to EVERY Toon Headquarters in the Hires and Heroes Update. While it looks like a Gachapon Machine, it has ZERO Gacha Mechanics! You get what you paid for!
Unlike every other shop in the game, you spend Gumballs earned from Daily Tasks and Sweeteners here.
What’s a Sweetener?
It’s a surprise tool that’ll help us later!
It even has its own ambient noises and theme! The ambient sounds can be heard from anywhere in the HQ, while the theme can only be heard when you’re standing right next to it. And the ambient sounds blend REALLY well with the theme!
The G.U.M.B.A.L.L. Machine has three separate tabs:
We’ll start with Boosters.
Every Neighborhood has a different set of Boosters to purchase from its G.U.M.B.A.L.L. machine. As such, it pays to check multiple playgrounds when looking for a Booster you need. These Boosters are changed out daily, and there are six different boosters, divided between 4 2-hour boosters and 2 8-hour boosters. Unlike Club Boosters, these boosters only “run out” while you’re playing.
While there are 4 2-hour booster slots, you can only purchase the other 3 after making enough progress on the Kudos Board.
What’s the Kudos Board?
It’s a surprise tool that will help us later!
The 2-hour Boosters are as follows (price in parenthesis):
VP Reward Booster (150 Gumballs): Earn 1 more IOU from the Senior Vice President. What’s an IOU? It’s a surprise tool that will help us later!
CFO Reward Booster (150 Gumballs): Earn 4 more Counterfeits from the Chief Financial Officer. What’s a Counterfeit? It’s a surprise tool that’ll help us later!
CLO Reward Booster (125 Gumballs): Earn 2 more Cease and Desists from the Chief Legal Officer. What’s a Cease and Desist? It’s a surprise tool that’ll help us later!
CEO Reward Booster (125 Gumballs): Earn 2 more Pink Slips from the Chief Executive Officer. What’s a Pink Slip? It’s a surprise tool that’ll help us later!
Invoice Booster (125 Gumballs): Earn 25% more Invoices from defeated Sellbots. What’s an Invoice? A Sellbot Merit.
Cogbuck Booster (125 Gumballs): Earn 25% more Cogbucks from defeated Cashbots. What’s a Cogbuck? How Cashbots get promotions.
Patent Booster (125 Gumballs): Earn 25% more Patents from defeated Lawbots. What’s a Patent? Something Lawbots hoard.
Stock Option Booster (125 Gumballs): Earn 25% more Stock Options from defeated Bossbots. What’s a Stock Option? Something Bossbots crave.
Racing XP Booster (100 Gumballs): Earn 25% more Racing Experience.
Trolley XP Booster (100 Gumballs): Earn 25% more Trolley Experience.
Golf XP Booster (100 Gumballs): Earn 25% more Golfing Experience.
Fishing XP Booster (100 Gumballs): Earn 25% more Fishing Experience.
Jellybean Booster (75 Gumballs): Earn 25% more Jellybeans.
Sellbot XP Booster (125 Gumballs): Earn 25% more Sellbot Department Experience. What’s Department Experience? It’s a surprise tool that’ll help us later!
Cashbot XP Booster (125 Gumballs): Earn 25% more Cashbot Department Experience!
Lawbot XP Booster (125 Gumballs): Earn 25% more Lawbot Department Experience!
Bossbot XP Booster (125 Gumballs): Earn 25% more Bossbot Department Experience!
Power Gag Booster (100 Gumballs): Earn more Gag Experience for Throw, Zap, Trap, and Drop Gags.
Support Gag Booster (100 Gumballs): Earn more Gag Experience for Squirt, Lure, Toon-up, and Sound Gags.
The fifth slot is unlocked from the start, and is known as the “Daily Booster”. It’s the same across all Neighborhoods, and corresponds to the day of the week. All Daily Boosters last for 8 hours, and stack with other Boosters AND Weekly Holidays. They are as follows:
Boss Reward Booster (800 Gumballs): Exclusive to Surplus Sundays, you’ll earn 1 additional boss reward of any type (excluding Unites) when defeating the corresponding Boss. What’s a Unite? It’s a surprise tool that’ll help us later!
Universal Merit Booster (600 Gumballs): Exclusive to Merit Mondays, you’ll earn 25% more Merits from all Cogs.
Activity XP Booster (450 Gumballs): Exclusive to Activi-Tuesdays, you’ll earn 25% more Activity Experience for all Activities!
Jellybean Booster (300 Gumballs): Exclusive to Wealthy Wednesdays, this works exactly like a regular Jellybean Booster, just lasting longer.
Department XP Booster (450 Gumballs): Exclusive to Tactical Thursdays, this boosts all Department Experience by 25%.
All Star Booster (1,000 Gumballs): Exclusive to Silly Saturdays. All of the previous 6 Boosters rolled into 1.
The sixth and final slot is the same every day: The Random Booster.
For 350 Gumballs, it’ll become one of the above Boosters, including (potentially) the All Star Booster, and stick around for 8 Hours, even if the Booster it turned into usually only lasts for 2! Additionally, it will ONLY turn into a Booster you can actually use!
If you get a repeat Booster, it’s duration will be added to your existing Booster, although you can’t have a Booster Duration that lasts longer than a week after SOMEONE managed to grind out enough Boosters to be boosted for a whole freaking YEAR!!! (There was a limited time event going on at the time that made getting Boosters easier.)
To check your active Boosters, go into the “Daily Tasks” tab of the Toontask page of your Shtickerbook. If that seems random, Daily Tasks rewarded Boosters before the Hires and Heroes Update.
The Clothing section, meanwhile, is the same across all Neighborhoods. You can see the Clothing and Accessories are stored in Gachapon-like Capsules, but there are no gacha mechanics here. You just select what you want to purchase, fork over the Gumballs, and it’s yours! Most of the outfits are from defunct events, removed Toontasks, or the removed “streak” system. (Daily tasks used to have “streaks”, which were replaced by the Gumball system.) There are probably hundreds of options here, so I’m not going to offer listing off everything like I did with the Boosters.
The Social section sells items you can use to customize your Toon Profile. They are as follows:
Outback Profile Background (600 Gumballs): Commemorates the in-game event that added the “Outback Species” to the Make-a-Toon.
Outback Profile Nameplate (700 Gumballs): Ditto.
Star Profile Nameplate (800 Gumballs): … Yeah, I don’t know what this one is from.
Silent Treatment Profile Pose (450 Gumballs): Your Toon has their back to the camera.
Banana Profile Pose (500 Gumballs): Your Toon holds a banana peel with an evil grin.
Seltzer Bottle Profile Pose (500 Gumballs): Your Toon holds a seltzer bottle like they’re about to use it on a Cog.
Gag Button Profile Pose (500 Gumballs): Your Toon holds out the button used to activate several Gags, typically Drop.
Pie Toss Profile Pose (500 Gumballs): Your Toon holds back a Whole Fruit Pie and is clearly winding back to throw it.
But yeah, that’s it for the G.U.M.B.A.L.L. machine! Let’s take a look at what’s left!
Trolley Games
Minigame Area
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Welp, looks like there’s only one thing left to cover!
A lot of surprise tools to help later in this one.
Anyway, now for fish!
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witnesstheabsurd · 2 years
I'm vacationing in London, do you have recommendations for restaurants or clubs or shops or holes in the wall you like? Interested particularly in any alt fashion shops you might now.
Oh man! I can't speak to having an encyclopedic knowledge or anything, but I definitely have a few recs - I don't really do clubs, but I definitely hit up a lot of clothing spots etc.
Gong Nong Bing Vintage in Soho is a good place for odd finds like this one cool skirt I have now and like half my gold chain jewellery. It's not quite alt, but anywhere that stocks enormous amts of weird old 80s surplus and such is a good place to source stuff and the lady who runs it is super nice
The entirety of Camden Lock and the markets associated with it -- pretty much the center for alt fashion in London, the closest thing we have to Tokyo's Harajuku. The stalls are overflowing with weird shit, but don't skip out on the stores on the high street proper bc a lot of folks do and they've got a lot to offer
Good eats in London - I recommend this one taiwanese fried chicken place in Chinatown called Good Friend Chicken, and more specifically I recommend anything from them with their plum powder - you can ask for diff seasonings on everything you order from them, but the plum powder is the one you want imho. Vegan options there are slim depending on yr preference (I usually get the chicken gizzards myself) but their lotus root chips are extremely good as well
Chinatown in general has like scores of holes in the wall that do great bao buns and etc. There WAS a really good one named the Baozi Inn but they moved elsewhere.... While yr there pop into the Loon Fung supermarket and you can get some great import ingredients if you're game to do some home cooking or at the very least grab some import sodas - continuing the plum theming, the Arctic Ocean Plum Soda is real nice
I could go on but honestly you kind of can't go wrong just wandering Soho, it's my go to place for food/clothes/nice walks lol
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brandedsurplus · 2 years
Sabse Sasti Polo T-shirt for Men - Summer Stock | ValueShoppe
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itshype · 2 years
The Hearty Mini Dress (now available in pink) [Wednesday]
I know this is my own post but like hear me out:
Wednesday is investigating something alone that she really, really shouldn't be and her clothes get nuked. Mud, someone else's blood, torn to the skin at almost every seam. Torn to the point that if the Sherriff arrested her for public indecency – even with his grudge against her – no one really would have been able to say it wasn’t justified.
A clearly outcast goth teenager who looks like her clothes were finely minced and julienned before she put them on? No one is letting her in their store. Except one – Hawte Kewture.
The woman working there feels awful for this poor girl. Wednesday doesn’t exactly correct her when she assumes that Wednesday has been attacked by some other unsavoury outcast. Wednesday even manages a distraught-sounding sob.
And hey, it was just dance season and in a small town they don’t carry a huge surplus of stock at a formal dress store. They only have a few dresses and the only one Wednesday has enough cash on hand for and that wasn’t 3 sizes too small, is an absolute monstrosity.
Still, Wednesday cannot lie, the way this perfect stranger told her she looked like a girl that men would die for was kind of nice. Still, she would be burning this dress as soon as possible. She just had to wear it through town and to her dorm room. Pugsley had left a grenade on Family Day, and she couldn’t think of a better use for it that sending this dress off to hell.
The flush of pleasure at that thought caught the eye of the woman, who leant Wednesday some makeup wipes to help her clean up a little more and reassured her that she looked beautiful.
It meant more when Tyler had said it.
After parting with almost all her on-hand cash, Wednesday threw the remnants of her uniform into the skip behind the store. Then she took a sharp turn and walked off into the woods, deciding that the extra hour of the detour was worth it to avoid even the chance of Tyler seeing her in this dress. She wouldn’t want him to think she’d been possessed by some truly wicked creature.
So, it’s nearly dark when she finally makes it back to campus.
Enid tells her that most of her ‘friends’ (the existence of which is news to Wednesday) are still out, looking for her after she had vanished. What does Enid mean that Tyler is on campus right now? Then she pauses, like everything south of Wednesday’s neck had only just caught her attention. Then, Wednesday heard Xavier exclaim from somewhere to her left.
What are you wearing?
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liroyalty · 8 months
Looking over the numbers on the page in front of him and comparing it to the numbers of the capital as well as the other city states. "If the snow got this bad, then it probably started earlier as well... Some staple foods and grains would probably help them with their livestock as well feeding the people hit hardest by the snow."
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She was familiar with these situations, Camellia was no stranger to harsh snowfalls, such was a part of the crazy weather her homeland experienced.
"Here are the records from Mizuho's storehouses, including our newer ones." Sun presented such papers to Aki. "Their stocked, so we'll be able to drip into them without worry to make sure people & livestock alike are feed. I was thinking of also sending firewood, & clothes. I have plenty of clothes I'm not using, & a surplus of firewood saved, I can give them away to assure no one goes cold either."
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the-rushit-mind · 1 year
Introduction: Managing your personal finances can be challenging, but it's also essential if you want to achieve financial security and independence. Fortunately, there are many simple and effective ways to save money and build wealth, even if you're on a tight budget. In this blog post, we'll discuss five practical tips that you can start implementing today to improve your financial situation.
Create a Budget: One of the most important things you can do to manage your money is to create a budget. A budget is a plan that helps you track your income and expenses, and it can help you identify areas where you can cut back and save money. Start by listing all of your income sources, such as your salary, freelance income, or side hustle earnings. Then, list all of your expenses, including rent/mortgage payments, utilities, food, transportation, and entertainment. Subtract your expenses from your income, and see how much money you have left over each month. Use this surplus to pay off debt or save for your financial goals.
Cut Back on Expenses: Once you have a budget, it's time to look for ways to cut back on expenses. Start by looking at your discretionary spending, such as eating out, shopping, and subscriptions. Consider reducing or eliminating these expenses, and look for cheaper alternatives. For example, you can cook more meals at home, shop for second-hand clothes, or cancel subscriptions that you don't use. Every dollar you save can go towards building wealth.
Automate Your Savings: Saving money can be challenging, but it's essential if you want to build wealth. One way to make saving easier is to automate it. Set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account each month. You can also enroll in your employer's retirement plan or open an individual retirement account (IRA) to save for your retirement. Automating your savings ensures that you're putting money aside consistently, even when you're busy or forgetful.
Use Credit Wisely: Credit cards can be useful for building credit and earning rewards, but they can also be a source of debt if you're not careful. To use credit wisely, it's important to pay off your balance in full each month to avoid interest charges. You can also look for credit cards with low interest rates or no annual fees. Be cautious of using credit for impulse purchases or to fund a lifestyle that you can't afford. If you do carry a balance, aim to pay off as much as possible each month to reduce your debt and interest charges.
Invest for the Future: Investing is an essential part of building wealth over the long term. Even if you're starting with a small amount, you can still invest in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds through an online broker or robo-advisor. Investing allows you to earn higher returns than traditional savings accounts, but it also involves some risk. Be sure to do your research and consult with a financial advisor if you're unsure about investing.
Conclusion: Building wealth and achieving financial security is a journey, but it starts with simple actions that you can take toda. By creating a budget, cutting back on expenses, automating your savings, using credit wisely, and investing for the future, you can start building a solid financial foundation. Remember that every small step you take towards financial health and wealth is a step in the right direction.
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romancandlemagazine · 2 years
In Praise of Army Surplus Shops
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Army surplus shops are really something. Not only are they rammed full of dope military garb, but they’ve got a certain raw ’n’ raggedy flavour to ‘em which is missing from most places these days. Like the humble car boot sale or the British seaside town, they seemingly operate on their own axis, relatively untouched by the sanitised hand of modern life.
War-time wares are piled up all over the place… old sheepdogs snooze behind the counter… mysterious scents waft throughout… and amongst all this, the clothes look sick and will actually last for longer than five minutes.
Admittedly they can sometimes be a bit of a gamble, but it’s in that roll of the dice that lies the appeal. This isn’t lazily clicking the ‘add to basket’ button on some slick-looking website and then getting the garb delivered into your lap via drone the same afternoon. It’s an effort, and whether or not you even buy anything is besides the point… it’s an experience that you’ve got to earn. The ‘buying things’ aspect is just a small part of it.
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From what I can gather, the blueprint for these fine establishments was first drawn up over the Atlantic after the Civil War. Up until then, most war gear was made in fairly short runs by each separate regiment… but with mass production added to the equation, military schmutter was churned out by the shedload. When the war was over, both sides had plenty of wares to spare, so they set about flogging it as a way to make back a bit of wedge. One of the big bidders was a 14 year old scrap-metal merchant called Francis Bannerman.
Francis sunk his sizeable scrap fortune into buying heavily-discounted surplus gear (guns included), and after a bit of shuffling up the ladder, bought a seven-story super-store in Manhattan to house it all. Aptly-titled ‘Bannerman’s Army & Navy Outfitters’, this shop attracted the attention of everyone from twiddle-tashed gentleman-explorer types to mercenary soldiers fighting in the Spanish Civil War, and at it’s height, needed a full island on the Hudson River, complete with custom-built castle, to store all its stock.
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Bannerman’s eventually dwindled for various reasons (including constant explosions on its ‘surplus island’ caused by rusting artillery), and whilst it slowly faded away throughout the mid-20th century, it set the stage for countless other surplus shops to pop up in seemingly every small town around the globe.
From WW2 up until the Gulf War the constant stream of battle meant there was no short supply of hard-wearing clobber, and the growth of arduous leisure activities like camping, fishing and hiking meant that more people were after tough clothes that didn’t cost a fortune. And perhaps most importantly, unhinged small-town madheads who didn’t make it into the forces could now walk their Alsatian whilst draped in the clothing they dreamed about.
These days there are still a fair few of these wondrous establishments around, and whilst a few of them have been infiltrated by snide ‘military-esque’ gear seemingly designed for moody bouncers and paintball moshers, gems may still by found in the shape of old M-65s, ripstop BDU jackets or those US Army ECWCS Gore-Tex parkas (which cost a fraction of the price of usual GORE-approved garb).
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As well as the yank stuff, also look out for Swedish military work pants, German cold-weather parkas, that wild Swiss Aplenflage gear and another other Euro anomalies (like the seldom-seen Irish ‘Paddyflage’).
Don’t hang about though—in the age of artificial intelligence and cyber warfare, less humanoid cannon-fodder is needed, and because swanky computers and high-flying drones don’t wear ripstop cotton, not as much gear is made in the first place. Obviously it goes without saying that the less people involved in combat the better… but still, this genuine surplus won’t last forever—snaffle it whilst you can and leave the real combat to the robots.
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