#Clone trooper OCs
m00ntunaart · 4 months
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My clone trooper OC’s from the 212th Attack Battalion: Karter, Spitfire, Shepherd, Zeal, and Switch.
Instead of giving you actual information on their personalities, you get memes of them. Memes no one but me wanted or will understand. You’re welcome.
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freesia-writes · 7 months
Introduce Your OCs!
I wanna try to do something fun like this each Sunday (creativity permitting) and have been working on a one-shot, chatting, and watching the superbowl today so I didn't get it out earlier. BUT, if you like, I'd love to hear any or all of the following for your OCs! And feel free to link any fic they appear in!
If they were a SHOE, what kind of SHOE would they be?
What nature/scenery/setting most encapsulates who they are?
What's one thing you'd notice about them immediately and one thing you would only notice after a lot of time and depth?
Thanks for sharing (even after Sunday, haha!)
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lightasthesun · 4 months
oh i'd also love to hear about your clone ocs if you don't mind!!
If I don't mind??? I'll kiss you on the mouth for asking! (with consent)
I'll just give a quick summary and insert a picrew and then maybe someone will want to ask more about them.... 🙄🤐
Let me introduce my 212th boys first!
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From left to right it's my CMO Bandaid, Junior Medic Steady and my AT-TE Commander/Tank Gunner Gambit :)
Gambit is the only one with a set CT number at the moment and it's CT- 007, he's present at the Battle of Utapau... Make of that what you will.
Second, but not second best are my 501st boys
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Captain Brandy, Lieutenant Dawn and Sargent Dusk. They all accompany Ahsoka to Mandalore and are part of the 332nd Company 😶
In a happier, post-war no order 66 AU they end up forming a boyband called Brandy and the Twilights. This idea may or may not have been born out of an unhinged hyperfixation dump to my beloved friend @thenegoteator when she jokingly said it sounded like a band name and then proceeded to bless me with this art of them, so I ran with it and I'm never looking back. They have gigs at 79s most of the time but they're planning to go big.
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Last but not least!!
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We have Clone Captain Aced (sharpshooter) of the 104th Battalion, ARF-Trooper Bloomer of the 41st Elite Corps and CMO Rascal of the new 104th Battalion. Notice how one Armor is still red and the other is grey? Yeah.
That wasn't really short but as short as I could make it while hopefully gaining interest from you lot hehe
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jgvfhl · 8 months
The Number Lads Family Photo!
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It's DONE it has been done!! I just KEPT FORGETTING TO POST IT because I have swiss cheese memory sometimes ANYWAY. Look at them all. Beautiful. Zoom in on those cool medals, folks! I have here a list of all the medals people are wearinnngggg as well as an alternate background for the picture.
Here is a Link to the most recent chapter of the Number Lads story.
Top row, left to right: (medals in order of left to right as well)
Fives: Special Ops (Citadel Mission); Rishii Medal (from canon); Heroism
Sixes: Special Ops; Geonosis 1; Heroism; medals not visible are Piloting Excellence medals (two of them)
Sevenset: Bravery; Battle of Kamino; Heroism
Do-si-do: Piloting Excellence; Bravery
Echo: same as Fives
Bottom row, left to right:
Fours: Spec Ops; Cerean Siege honors; Bravery
Zero: Slicing; Spec Ops; Bravery
Elevensies: Great Sacrifice
Loops: Search & Rescue honors; Bravery
Trees: Geonosis 2; Bravery
Nines: same as Trees
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BONUS MATERIAL SO YOU CAN SEE THEM ALL BETTER!!! anyway, hopefully the last chapter (!!!!) will be up in a month or so? That's the plan anyway!! @23-bears @rndmpeep @xylionet @thechaoticfanartist @sweetmugofcocoa @soclonely @theultimatesandwich @501st-verified @toschestationed all my friends need to come look at my beautiful boys
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for-the-sake-of-color · 6 months
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AAYYEE the 218th's Urban Crisis Response's very own Crisis Company as a revamped Draw the Squad!
after a year and a half worth of drawing practice, I like to think I've come a long ways, though my squad themselves have changed very little
Though if you're new here, perhaps some introductions are in order? Below the Cut
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Captain Jet - Leader of the 218th's Crisis Company and Heartbeat of the Family
Captain Jet, formerly known as Corporal Jettison before he lost nearly the entirety of his Company during the first battle of Geonosis, only gained his rank due to the combination of a field promotion and a paper pusher rushing to get the 218th put back together with what forces they could get their hands on after their devastating first deployment, without vetting his Shiny New Promotion through the proper channels. Nevertheless, Captain Jet is dedicated to his soldiers, and to being the Kindest man he can be, not wanting any to suffer the burden of loss and shame he felt as everyone he ever grew up with died in the first week of the war.
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Lieutenant Margo - Second in Command of Crisis Company and one of the Finest Technician's money can Make
The first Addition to the newly reformed Crisis Company, Margo left behind her own squad command to be the second to her Captain, Jet. Trusting in his judgement, Margo would follow him to hell and back, though for the first half of the war she largely follows him to a glorified guard posting for the republics embassy and shipping warehouses on Brentaal. She's a fine Leader and an even better Tech, though her specialties lay much closer to Mechanics than to Code-breaking. The only thing that tops her technical skills is her love of having a Fun Time. Body and Mind of a Super Soldier, personality of 'if a frat-boy was a girl'
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Specialist Nihlus Brek - Ancient Sith Archivist and a loving Guardian of his squad with a Sadistic streak
After being shown selfless kindness by the Captains personal squad after the loss of his clan and his rough awakening from a forced stasis, with the 'permission' of the Jedi Council, Sith Lord Nihlus Brek now serves in the GAR under the command of Captain Jet, the only man who's orders he follows without hesitation or question, killing or healing as needed for the man he now calls 'Alor and Brother. Though it is true he holds love for his squad, the real secret of his unwavering loyalty is the Blood Oath he swore to Captain Jet, his orders now bound by sith alchemy, Nihlus has given his leader unwavering control over both their destinies.
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Sergeant Cynic - Heavy Weapons Expert and Artist with an Attitude
Though an Urban Crisis Response unit doesn't particularly need a soldier who's second greatest passion in life is blowing things up with his rocket launcher, Cynic earn his place on the squad through the power of nepotism. That is, Margo's one condition for leaving her previous squad behind with little complaint, was that she got to bring her favorite brother with. Although his name may suggest otherwise, this pessimist (though he considers himself a 'realist') has a love for all things pretty and colorful, and quite the talent for copying it down in his small sketchbook, always making room for his small assortment of watercolors in his combat kit.
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Corporal Lake - Spotter of the Squads Sharpshooter duo and self proclaimed Ethics Committee
Lake is likely the only one of the Captains squad that, once you get to know them, could be described as the republics ideal of a Good Soldier. That is, Lake is one of the few who spares even a second or third thought for the success of the mission and collateral casualties over the lives of his fellow squad mates. He is probably the only one who could say he would not give a thousand lives just to spare those he cares for. Nevertheless, although he has his own personal misgivings over the result of some of their missions, Lake is grateful for his life, for his family, and for the many chances he is given to fight another day. And, as always, his Captains word is Law.
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Corporal Torch - Deadeye of the Squads Sharpshooter Duo and resident Troublemaker
"We're here for a fun time, not a long time!" Are common words for Torch to say before getting his ass beat for replacing Cynics fancy face lotion with space Nair or being put on 'Fresher duty for his ballsey yet comedic insubordination. Captain Jet often says the only thing that stops Torch from being demoted to maintenance duty altogether is his skill with a rifle, hitting targets your typical human would have needed the force to even perceive. Though in truth, Jet would not trade Torch's levity and loyalty for the galaxy itself. Torch and Lake are mirrors of one another, by choice, as it brings them great joy to be mistaken for one another by not only natural born humans, but also unfamiliar clones. As some of the last living soldiers from their original bloc of trained sharpshooting specialists, they refuse to be parted from one another, unable to bear the thought of losing the last of their batch.
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Field Medic Heron - Resident Healer with a Big Secret
Heron tired of front line Medicine fairly quickly, as his zest for death did not hold up to losing his brothers one by one, upon joining the Urban Crisis Response Specialists of the 218th, his steadfast work and easy bedside manner landed him his place in the Captains squad rather easily, and he took rather well to glorified guard duty. That is, until the fateful day where an assassin droid hidden among their cargo took his leg, though in a feat of the butterfly effect, directly led to the squad meeting their Sith. His secret? On shore leave, Heron likes to kill people. In order to stay in line with both his own ideas of morality and his Captains idea's of ethics, not that Jet hears of his activities from the medic directly, he dresses in plainclothes and limps around, waiting for some unfortunate mugger to make their move. Heron craves the feeling of holding someone on the brink of life, having power over their fate, and then denying them the salvation they seek. And maybe sometimes he takes a bite or two, but that's his business.
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Specialist Sprig - Explosive Ordinance Disposal Technician and Company Spymaster
Specialist Sprig, formerly of the 398th Ordinance Corps, got his name as a result of a growth tube malfunction in his infancy, leaving him 2 inches shorter than your average trooper. Despite this 'defect' as the Kaminoans would refer to it, Sprig would rank among the top of his batch with his skills in bomb diffusal, having a deft touch and a keen eye for detail. In a cruel and ironic twist of fate, Sprig's greatest fear is dying in an explosion, vaporization, desintigration, you name it. Reassignment to the 218th and his posting of glorified guard duty was a dream come true. Proton bombs vs backyard terrorists? Sprig knows exactly which he would take in an average day. With his keen eyes, sharp ears, and strong memory, Sprig also excels at information collection. His shorter stature and friendly demeanor is often very encouraging for those who have a burden they'd like to share, though one has to keep in mind, he has the ear of the Captain one short comm call away.
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hastalavistabyebye · 4 months
Hey wait. It's been two fics where I mention my B Squad, but I still didn't really told y'all about them ! Let's change that.
B Squad is Fox's squad, or well as much as possible with him being the Marshall and overworked to hell and back.
The "B" stands for Black ops. Their existence is a Guard secret because obviously the Coruscant Guard does no spying or other undercover missions :) If you ask a Corrie what the "B" stand for tho, you will never, ever lack answers. Banana Squad, Been there done that, Band of idiots, Brilliant and Beautiful, Brats, Boring, Bolo-ball.... (You can guess which suggestions are from the Squad themselves and which are from their guard siblings).
They absolutely are pranksters (as much pranksters as the Guard can allow themselves and as often as they can while being often into undercover missions and off world...). In a post war, no order 66 au, they will, absolutely and very dutifully, drive the GAR mad (without letting them know who exactly it is who's driving them mad).
So who are they ? A quick review of those idiots.
-Fox obviously (they always call him Boss. It might or might not have spread in all the Guard.)
-Sergeant Thunder (called the Captain). She died during the first year of the war, before being able to get promoted to the rank she deserved (lieutenant because she would have fight tooth and nails against being a captain). She was the one in charge of the Squad for Fox.
-Mick (called the Sergeant, or Sarge). The most level head and calm of them all. He was promoted to Sergeant after Thunder. All of the Squad hate it. Do not underestimate him, he's as much a little shit as the others. And a great pilot (only have the right to drive when under dire times. Let's say he has a tendency to love loopings). Also Howzer's vod'ika.
-Visor (called the Slicer). None of the Squad nicknames really correspond to their roles, especially not Visor and Marker's. All of them are great shots, know how to slice, masters at disguise (and always get their hands on nice civies things for the rest of the guard)... They all have a favorite but no real specialty. Visor thought that being the Slicer was stylish. They love crosswords and are the youngest.
-Marker (called the Bait, because baits are important. It follows the same logic as Visor really). He has a wild imagination and love to tell stories to calm down and distract his vode, especially the Shinies and the ones stuck in medbay.
The Squad don't do solely black ops, they also help with the rest of the Guard's duties (all hands on desk and all that). All of them also do their best to cheer up as much as possible their siblings.
They will have to find a new member one day, because they can't stay three (with the occasional, rarer and rarer, Fox appearance) during missions. But none of them want to just replace Thunder.
Edit : Oh shit I forgot one thing !!! Thunder was a little bit pyromaniac on the edges. Just a bit.
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fouramradi0 · 2 months
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so these are the clone boys. blue is Patriot, red is Scope, and white is Warden
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airlockfailure · 2 months
Last Line Challenge!
I was tagged by @cacodaemonia! Thank you!
I'm feverishly working on the short one shot for the shiny clone OC from this post. People have suggested the name Clinger. I'm going to spell it Klinger. It's almost done. It has one section left. It has more OCs than just Klinger now.
“Dert isn’t his friend,” Teva argues.  “He lost all his friends.” Number Three sighs.  “I will check on him.”
No pressure tags: @brokenphoenix99, @whiskygoldwings, @seascribbling, @thatonegreyghost
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ninjigma · 11 months
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Happy Halloween from Promise Squad!
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smeraldo-heart · 18 days
POV: Your Padawan-Commander sleepwalked into your room.
Spoilers for Angel of The Iron Battalion chapter 9 :)
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Based off of this TikTok that really spoke to me:
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Plus this little extra :)
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stars-n-spice · 2 months
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Welcome back to another OC Sunday Spotlight!
Aka the time in which every Sunday I'll come up with a prompt and anyone and everyone has the opportunity to answer with as many OCs as they wish!
You can reblog this post, answer in the comments, or come up with your own post to answer the prompts! And feel free to submit prompts as well!
It's an excuse to yap about your OCs so feel free to do so! Add pictures, links, or anything else regarding the OC in the spotlight if you'd like! And in addition, feel free to tag any mutuals to hop on the stage :D
Let's get this show started!
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Here are mine!
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The beginnings of what I'm calling...
♠️♥️ Deck Squad! ♦️♣️
🃏 All based off of cards in a deck (plus Uno and Wild Card)
🃏 But I have no idea what their armor color is going to be yet :( or how it'll be designed (Suggestions are VERY welcomed!!)
🃏I do want to do something with the number "52" though (like 52nd Battalion or something) since that's how many cards are in a deck
🃏I want them to do cool undercover stuff, like in casinos or whatever - something like that - to match that Ocean's 11 type aesthetic
🃏More info about them individually can be found here! Or just ask me questions about them if you'd like :D
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💫 Check out last week's prompt! 💫 Join the tag list here!
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m00ntunaart · 4 months
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Actual character sheets for my clone trooper OC’s from the 212th Attack Battalion: Karter, Switch, Spitfire, Zeal and Shepherd
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flowerparrish · 4 months
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[Podfic] cat nap | Rated: G | Length: 11 minutes
Star Wars: Wooley/Tact (OC)
Wooley and Waxer smuggle some tooka kits onboard a venator and Tact discovers the aftermath.
Written by @marbled-polecat, podded for @voiceteam, featuring cover art by @kbirbpods!
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wanderinginksplot · 1 year
WanderingInkSplot's Masterlist
Hello and welcome! Here’s hoping this masterlist sticks around for longer than the last one managed to. 
All of these works are based on Star Wars, but I’ve divided things up so it’s easier to find what you’re looking for. Select the character you want to read about to see all my works about them, or look through my series under the ‘Series’ option at the bottom of the list.
Thanks for reading and enjoy!
- Ink
The 501st:
Rex   |   Kix   |   Fives   |   Echo   |   Hardcase    |   Tup   |   Dogma  | Jesse   |   Denal   |   General 501st (No Pairing)   
The 212th:
Cody   |   Trapper
The Coruscant Guard: 
Fox   |   Thorn   |   Thire   |   Hound  |  Stone 
The Bad Batch:
Hunter   |   Tech   |    Crosshair   |   Wrecker   |   Echo 
Delta Squad (Republic Commando): 
Boss   |   Fixer   |   Scorch   |   Sev  
Omega Squad (Republic Commando):
Other Characters: 
Howzer  |  Cad Bane  |  Hondo Ohnaka  
Original Characters: 
Limit   |   Curl   |   Drift 
Gar Cabur - Alpha-17 and fem!reader
Gar Cyare - Continued Alpha-17 and fem!reader
Warriors in Red Armor - Fox, Thorn, Thire, and Hound and fem!OCs
Now Boarding - Various 501st with various fem!readers
Refuge - Delta Squad and fem!reader (poly)
Nobody Listens to Kix - Kix’s patient files (no reader characters)
Just for Kix - Extras from Nobody Listens to Kix
Voices Carry - Null ARC Mereel and fem!reader
Clone Trooper Rambles - Journal-esque blurbs featuring clone troopers
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lightasthesun · 3 months
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left to right: ARF Trooper Bloomer and CMO Bandaid by the amazing @eegnm *cries tears of joy*
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clownery-and-fuckery · 9 months
I'm thinking of giving Moss and Toss a commando squad but I don't know what to do with them.
One of them is a shiny, I know that much- literally barely fresh from the training and tossed straight into the group, while the other three are well adjusted but LOVE their new little brother :(
Moss is the demolitions expert who deals mostly with front line heavy attacks- he's pretty happy-go-lucky but can, has, and WILL bite a sith(he has a big scar on his face from it) and is FIERCELY protective of his squad- tho tbh that's as far as his care goes- he doesn't like many outside of his squad
Toss is the leader/sergeant who kicks names and takes ass- he's much more compassionate than his twin- he's a kind, brave guy who's always down to fight for the Republic(he also does the paperwork for the others in exchange for credits) and he's honestly such a gentleman
The third and fourth though- aside from one of them being a shiny, I don't really know what to do with???? I'm thinking one of them should be a mechanical little fucker(maybe the shiny?) But idk I want them to be cutie pattoie guys :((( please help ugh I wanna love them
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