#clone trooper spitfire
m00ntunaart · 4 months
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My clone trooper OC’s from the 212th Attack Battalion: Karter, Spitfire, Shepherd, Zeal, and Switch.
Instead of giving you actual information on their personalities, you get memes of them. Memes no one but me wanted or will understand. You’re welcome.
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starcrossedfamily · 4 years
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//tfw when you manage to throw a straight up paintball fight in the mess with your not-so-jedi superior- also a minute of silence for those three because they’re gonna be scubbing the mess with their toothbrushes... 
also, we know you’re guilty too Fives
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palpipeen · 2 years
The Pit Crew Intro
Seeing everyone talking about their OCs makes me wanna talk about Pit Crew SO BAD so that's what I'm gonna do
My content is NSFW and for those who are 18+. MINORS DNI.
So to start: I've had four of these boys for more than a decade now. Back when Republic Commando first came out and I became completely enamored with the concept of clone troopers/commandos, back before I could post my writing online (entirely due to me not knowing how to). So I'll be listing the OG 4 first, then by rank the rest of Pit Crew!
CT-1307 || Sgt. Tock - Dad friend who takes no shits and puts the safety/security of his men first. The most seasoned out of all of them and a bit paranoid because of it. (Also, very damaged bc of it.) Doesn’t like to let others close and has had a hard time getting along with the newcomers to his squad that joined after Quickshot. But once his loyalty is earned he’s in a person’s corner for both their natural lives. Stubborn to a fault, but not unreasonable. Can adapt quickly and is very good at making snap decisions that usually end with positive results.
Trivia: Tock's name used to be 'Tok,' and came from this made-up language for my original species that would eventually become the Corvys. Tock's tattoos are the closest to 'Mandalorian traditional tattoos.' (He has them on his chin/neck, chest and shoulders.) Back when I revisited Tock's character, I rewrote him to be a bisexual disaster of a man who had a LONG list of paramours on about a dozen different planets. Now I'm sort of thinking he's either ace or demi
CT-3309 || Riggs - He's already had his own intro, but here's the info again: The literal definition of a spitfire. He will not hold back when he lets a person have it - really, he probably doesn’t know how to hold back. Which gets him into trouble. Frequently. But he only goes off because he cares. This boy cares a lot. But he tries to make it seem like he doesn’t. A bit of a daydreamer, he thinks a lot about what will happen after the war. Butts heads with his superiors a lot, but he’s smart, so he knows what he’s talking about. Has a LOT of self worth issues that are made worse when Tock tells him about Tick, and then never tells anyone else on the Crew about it.
Trivia: Riggs's wounds did, indeed, destroy his chip's functionality in regards to a few specific orders. Order 66 being one of them. He has a thing for red heads. (No, it's not because he dyes his hair candy apple red, he swears) The two snippets of fic I've written about Riggs paints him in a very serious light, but Riggs is actually known as the squadron's comedian. His delivery is often very dry.
CT-6447 || Tony - This man has an ego the size of all the known galaxy, and is unrepentant about it. He’s good at what he does - shooting up clankers. Although he might need to talk to someone about his hatred for droids, as it extends to all of them. (Even the ones on the Republic side.) Tony also likes to think he’s the universe’s gift to all women and will flirt with any and all of them if he thinks they’ll be receptive. And he’s very good at picking up on that. A bit of a narcissist. One of Whiskey’s batchmates.
Trivia: I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him. I. Hate. This. Bastard. Like genuinely, I've poured all of the toxic traits I could into him. Complete and total narcissist. Wears his hair super long. IDK, I don't care about him and neither should anyone else.
CT-3616 || Quickshot - Please let them rest, they're the only thing that’s kept all of Pit Crew from killing themselves or each other for so long. Quickshot (or Q, or Quick, they answer to anything) is the medic. While Riggs will talk back to his superior officers, if they’re wounded and endangering themselves or others, Quickshot can and will (and has) knock their asses out for their own safety and health. Quickshot fears no man, woman or other, and really only fears two things. Losing their vod and snakes. (Don’t ask, they won’t talk about it to ANYONE.) While they are the quietest out of the group, Quickshot is arguably the most emotionally grounded. Is the one that quietly judges the rest of the Crew for their bullshit shenanigans.
Trivia: Q is non-binary and I love them sm <3333 Quickshot and Riggs have a friendly rivalry in regards to hair and have annual competitions of 'Best Hair in Pit Crew.' Q dyes their hair blue (like, true blue, not neon but certainly not muted) because one: it's their favorite color, and two: blue is superior to red and Riggs could never pull it off They're also about 75-80% covered in tattoos and have the most body mods. (Yes. Those kind, too.)
And the rest of the Pit Crew, PLUS their commanding officers:
CC-2662 || Hornet - A bit of an asshole, but only because he has to deal with the general directly and took the blame for when half their ranks were wiped out. The Pit Crew is a constant reminder to him about why he needs to work harder to keep everyone alive, because he sees them for what they are. A really weird family. Hornet is incredibly intelligent, and quick thinking. Both are completely necessary when following the general's orders. Has a very dry sense of humor and half the time, no one can tell if he’s actually joking.
Trivia: Riggs is the only person in the entire battalion to ever see/get this man to laugh. (Afterwards, he told Riggs 'no one will believe you' and walked away.) Has a bit of dark side corruption that no one is aware about. Wonder why that is....? 83c I imagine that Hornet dyes his hair to reflect his name - sort of. It's probably something like, dyed a bright yellow with zig-zag patterns on the sides of his head that are his natural hair color. His namesake comes from his mentality of 'get in, strike hard, and get out before they know what hit 'em'
CT-7088 || Captain Whiskey - Literally the heart and soul of the battalion, and one of the only things standing between the general and the rest of his men. An absolute mother hen who probably shows a bit too much concern for his men, but they really are his vod. Seems to know what everyone needs before a requisition is put in for it. But when he’s on shore leave and you see him at a bar? No you didn’t. Whiskey isn’t here. Don’t talk to him, don’t come near him, do not perceive him - shore leave is the only time he doesn’t want to deal with anybody. He just wants to get so drunk he forgets everything - hence his namesake.
Trivia: Whiskey was named after one of Pedro Pascal's character, and that sums up a lot of his personality. (If you don't know, look up Agent Whiskey and you'll see. That's him, just without the surprise ending.) Has a bit of a tumby he's kinda self conscious about. Has never seen a space western in his life.
CT-1308 || Tick - A literal ray of sunshine personified. Tick’s whole life seemed to be about cheering up his brothers - but especially his ‘twin.’ Tick and Tock were like night and day - Tick would never think before he acted while Tock has always been very particular and careful. Tick expressed his emotions frequently while Tock buried his, and his entire identity. But Tick saw through all of it, all of his siblings’ attempts to hide their pain, and would go to great lengths to get them to smile again. Really wanted to see more of the galaxy alongside Tock and hoped that one day he could convince his twin that there was more to life than this war. Tick just knew there would be more for them.
Trivia: The only one out of his batch to have gray eyes. It wasn't a bright gray, just like 'all the color seeped out' of a clone of Jango Fett's natural eye color Had ADHD, 100000%. Him and Hardcase crossed paths more than once during their cadet years and were pretty fast friends. Would have had ALL the tattoos and piercings - if he'd lived long enough to get them after the Battle of Geonosis....
CT-6974 || Worm - Hates his name, HATES it and has tried multiple times to get others to call him something else. Has a chip on his shoulder about it but once you get past that, he’s a really great guy. If you’re willing to look around his tendency to cause mischief. Worm is a thorn in the side of whoever is his commanding officer, and currently he’s Tock’s thorn. Many would assume that would end up with Worm getting the shit kicked out of him - but Worm is as charming as they make them back on Kamino. He uses this to his advantage frequently, and so far the only situation he can’t talk his way out of is his damn name.
Trivia: A transfer from the 501st - he definitely isn't salty about it Does NOT like the general and is shit at hiding it. Worm just doesn't have a good feeling about the guy. He'll follow orders, sure - but at every opportunity he manages to throw barbs at him. The reason he got his name is actually cute - because he wormed his way into the hearts of all his trainers. Unfortunately, 'Worm' just stuck, so he has to deal with it
CT-8889 || Jynx - One might hear Jynx’s name and think ‘wow this guy’s unlucky.’ On the contrary - he’s very, very lucky. The sole survivor of his last squadron kind of lucky. Not that he’ll ever talk about it. He’s also not superstitious in the slightest and thinks superstitions are all a load of shit. Jynx is a giant tech nerd and hoards whatever tech he can to either take it apart, analyze it, or jailbreak. Will talk a person’s ear off about his latest finds or his favorite ones - explaining how things work and what they could be used for. Tries not to get too close to anyone in the Crew but him and Tony are thick as thieves from pretty much the moment they meet.
Trivia: His relationship with Tony is Not Good. Tony is an emotional vampire that perpetuates Jynx's survivor's guilt in very subtle ways Had a bit of a stutter as a kid that ended up with him being the butt of a lot of jokes. It's gotten better with age, but when he's stressed or excited it tends to come back Unfortunately has absorbed some of Tony's manipulation tactics and can be kind of shitty to be around
CT-2051 || Naak - Is convinced his entire life is a joke and takes very few things seriously. His name literally means ‘peace’ - him, a man spawned in a fucking vat to fight a war that he never signed up for. Oh he’ll follow orders - he’ll be the best goddamn soldier in the battalion and never think twice about it. But this boy is so jaded and so snarky and borders just shy of being downright cruel. The only people he’s kind to are his squadron, and even that’s sort of debatable at times. Is always the first to try and make light of a situation, and always has to have the last laugh.
Trivia: Knows the most Mando out of Pit Crew - he doesn't ever explain how he learned it all. Would have been great for ARC training, but the amount of times he's been found with contraband (alcohol) have nearly gotten him court martialed Collects shells. He's not sure why, he just likes them
CT-9792 || Jawbreaker - A giant sweetheart. Literally in both cases. Jawbreaker knows what all the clones were made for. He understands that perfectly, and when given an order, he’ll follow it to the letter. But gods if this boy’s heart isn’t the most tender thing about him. He is deeply empathetic and just wants to enjoy beautiful things now and then, not that he knows how to tell people that, and hides it behind a stony facade that many have struggled to get past. Few have succeeded in seeing it - the exception being Riggs, of all people. Riggs will just have none of that bullshit, but doesn’t ever force it out of him. Now and then the two talk about what life after the war might be like. Riggs talks about family and Jawbreaker about a flower garden.
Trivia: JB is a plant parent, but it goes beyond wanting a flower garden. He can practically revive ANY kind of plant JB was in the same battalion back when Tick died, but wasn't part of Pit Crew until after the Battle of Geonosis when his affinity for fixing heavy weapons was discovered JB takes part in the annual 'best hair' contests, but his is always his facial hair. (It counts, okay)
Aaand that's all for now! I do have a commando squad that I need to pick away at but for now, that's Pit Crew. I love them all so dearly <3333
Taglist: @jango-fettish, @seeking-kharis @thefanficsideblog, @jabbas-lightsaber
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I love your clone ocs! Do you have anymore pictures of them?
Hi there! I'm glad that someone likes my clone boys. Here's a list of all my clone ocs.
Clash Company: Catch, Tails, Jumper, Shayde.
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Catch has been featured in a post before, with his girlfriend, Ketra. He's a nice guy with a sense of humor, and an old-fashioned style. Tails is the war worn medic who has seen a little too much to go around smiling all the time. However, his best pal, Jumper can get a laugh out of him sometimes. Jumper is funny, quirky, and all together, just cute. His scar was inflicted by a wild anooba that he got into a tangle with. Shayde is a sniper who really wants to play his electric guitar in a rock and roll band. Need someone to help you prank your captain, Shayde's your man.
Sun Company: Bright Eyes, Spitfire, Frigate and Dimwit.
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Captain Bright Eyes is a sunny sweet guy with a very protective side and lots of love for his Padawan Commander, Ammi. Spitfire is a trouble making ARC trooper with a temper who is best friends with Frigate, the considerate shiny who is trying to find his thing. Dimwit is a goofy animal lover who really wants a dog. (and probably needs a hug.)
I might add on to this later😁
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morganas-pendragons · 4 years
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Ever since I realized he has 5 o clock shadow, I’ve had a mighty need to write about this picture. I’ll edit when I get off — enjoy a non-sad drabble! First in the Ember&Jesse series!
Sharp brow. Soft lips. Eyes that could mirror the brightness of a thousand stars... and shoulders you find yourself aching to take hold of.
This is how it feels to be looking through Ember’s eyes. You’re a Jedi Master - one who has dedicated everything to The Order - and you are ready to throw it all away for a clone you just met.
“Goin’ my way, Spitfire?”
“You’re gonna need a better pet name then that, trooper.”
He sidles up to you, ever the confident, and calls on the bartender for a Corellian brandy. The same brandy that just so happens to be your favorite.
5 o’clock shadow sweeps across a broad jaw. Part of you wonders the kind of sounds he’d make when you nip at that skin. Oh Force-
Get ahold of yourself.
“My name is Jesse. And you-“ He sweeps a hand across your hip to reveal the hidden saber tucked at your side. “Are a jetti.”
“Nice eyes.” You remark as you sip at your drink. “Might be the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen in the GAR.”
The laughter that bubbles past his lips rivals the sounds you’ve only dreamt of hearing upon entering The Force in death. It’s beautiful.
“I have a nickname for you better then Spitfire,” He replies. “Ember.”
Why he chose that name.. you have no idea, but as you indulge yourself in conversation that makes your heart flutter and your eyes brighten, you think you could get used to it.
You could get used to him.
Force, forgive me.
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ahsokaoswin · 4 years
The Other Padawan- Chapter 2: Negotiations... and So Much Sand.
Welcome to Chapter Two of The Other Padawan. If you missed it, here’s Chapter One.
Warnings: none
Series Rating: Teen to be safe
Word Count: 1852
Previously on The Other Padawan: Catastrophe in the Outer Rim. Commanders Amara Eberlyn and Ahsoka Tano found themselves assigned to aid Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker during the Separatist assault on Cristophsis. There they struggled to defend the integral heavy cannons. After destroying a shield generator they achieved a narrow Separatist defeat with the arrival of reinforcements led by Jedi Master Yoda. Now we find Master Kenobi and Padawan Eberlyn preparing to negotiate with Jabba the Hutt himself. 
Tag list: @itsafreakingtouque
       The world blurred back to normal as I pulled the lever to drop out of hyperspace. I pulled up next to Master Kenobi with Tatooine stretched out in front of us.
       I heard him speak over the comms, “Good job Youngling. I might make a good pilot of you yet.” His voice dropped as through he was muttering more to himself, “I just hope Anakin doesn’t have the chance to teach you any of his tricks.”
       “Thanks Master. Tricks you say? I’ll have to ask him about those.”
       I felt the “Kriff!” reverberate across our bond, and giggled.
       R4 made some very admonishing and apprehensive beeps. I felt the “Can we focus please?” behind them.
       “Yes. Right. Don’t worry R4, I’m sure Jabba’s in a good mood.” Master Kenobi responded as he began his descent towards the surface. I followed along with R8 chirping nervously as well.
       Landing is definitely the most difficult part of flying. My stabilizers kicked up dust as I gently lowered the fighter to the ground, trying to keep it as level as possible. I sighed in relief when I felt the familiar thud that meant I had successfully made it back on the ground. “Thanks for the help R8.”I said, to which R8 beeped back at me with a pleased tone.
       I stepped out of the fighter and slid my boots around in the hot sand a bit before going to stand next to my master. There was a glint in his eye as he pulled his hood down to protect his face again the suns, “Not a bad landing for your second time.”
       I smirked, “Like yours was any better.”
       There was a loud bang and the sounds of gears grinding as the main door of Jabba’s Palace opened to reveal a protocol droid surrounded by decidedly shady characters. I pulled my own hood up as we walked towards them.
       The protocol droid stepped forward, “We should not keep the wise and powerful Jabba waiting.”
       My master’s tone was only slightly sarcastic, “We wouldn’t dream of it.”
       We cautiously followed the droid into the dark entrance of the palace, while the other brigands flanked us on all sides. I could feel the tension tainting the Force. My master leaned down to whisper to me, not quite trusting our bond to carry the message, “Let me take the lead here. We don’t want to accidentally cause offense. I’m sure you can sense how on edge the Force is.”
       “Yes Master.” My response was just as soundless. I straightened my robes anxiously, noting that their usual blue was dulled somewhat by the low light of the palace. After a moment, we arrived in the main chamber of Jabba’s palace, where he was surrounded by drunkards and dancers. We approached the platform on which Jabba sat as the protocol droid moved to stand next to him.
       My master spoke first, “Mighty Jabba, one of our most powerful Jedi is on his way to rescue your son. We will not let you down.”
       Jabba, though he apparently understood basic, could not speak it, and so responded in Huttese. I had done my best to pick up a few languages as a youngling at the temple, and Huttese had happened to be one of them, so I understood what he was saying in any case. Nevertheless, the protocol droid relayed what I already knew he had said, “The most gracious Jabba has one more small condition. He demands you bring back the slime who kidnapped his little Punky-muffin.”
       My master tried to contain a laugh, “Punky?”
       Jabba spoke, which the protocol droid repeated in basic, “Dead or alive,” and then again, “If you do not succeed, Count Dooku and his droid army will.”
       My Master bowed and I followed suit, “Thank you, gracious Jabba.”
       Jabba glared as he spoke again, followed by the droid, “You have one rotation.”
       I felt my master stiffen slightly beside me, but he masked it with a pleasant smile.
       Jabba waved his hand and the protocol droid interpreted, “You are dismissed.”
       My master discretely motioned for me to follow him. I heard him speak through the Force, “Come on, we need to contact Anakin.” We exited the main hall and walked through a short hallway to an empty room. With the door closed safely behind us, he pulled out his holocomm to contact Master Skywalker. A small image of him appeared with his arm up, likely holding onto one of the supports on a gunship.
       “Alright Anakin, here’s the story. Jabba has given us only one planetary rotation to get his son back home to Tatooine safe and sound.”
       Master Skywalker smirked as the ship shook, “Won’t take us that long Master.”
       “Well take extreme care. We have no idea who’s holding Jabba’s son. When we’ve finished negotiations with him, we will join you,” my master ended the transmission and then turned to me.
       “Now we just need to go back in and tell Jabba that Anakin has reached Teth, and that he should be able to retrieve the Young Hutt shortly.”
       We walked back into the room and my master informed Jabba of the intel from Master Skywalker.
       Jabba turned as one of the men next to him spoke quietly, “Perhaps we should speak to the Separatists again my lord. They seem to be much more efficient.”
       The protocol droid didn’t seem inclined to translate, and I knew my master didn’t speak Huttese, so I decided I had to do something.
       I stepped forward and responded, in Huttese, “With all due respect, most gracious Jabba, I fear that the Separatists would only try and take advantage of this situation, as is often their nature. Please rest assured that the Republic is taking every measure to ensure that your son is safely returned to you and that we value the life of your son as much as we do your cooperation. The same cannot be said of Dooku and his droid army.”
        Jabba looked at me, as though trying to gage me. He then waved and voiced our dismissal once again.
       I bowed and spoke in Huttese, “Thank you, mighty Jabba,” and then turned to leave with my master.
       Once we were safely outside of the palace Master Kenobi turned to me, “What did you say?” I explained what the attendant had said and that I simply pointed out that the republic was far more likely not to take advantage of his son to work for their own gain when compared to the Separatists. His tone was serious though his eyes were light, “And jumping into negotiations, speaking a language which I do not, to the person we’re supposed to be negotiating with, still falls under the category of ‘let me take the lead’?”
       “My apologies Master.”
      “You are quite the little Spitfire, aren’t you?” he smiled.
       “It would seem so,” I said, grinning.
       As soon as we reached our fighters R4 and R8 began a very dramatic retelling of their encounter with some Jawas with a cacophony of beeps. Master and I exchanged a glance before laughing at their antics.  
       We both climbed into our fighters as R4 continued his assault on our ears.
       “I know R4, I want to get out of here too.” My master placated the droid, which finally stopped talking. I began prepping for take-off as R8 programmed the navicomputer. I followed my master as we left the planet, connected to our hyperspace rings and made the jump.
        We dropped out just in front of the flagship cruiser and pulled into the hangar where Captain Cody was waiting for us. I noticed that the landing was significantly easier this time and smiled to myself. Stepping out of my ship, I walked over to where Cody was standing. As my master unbuckled his seatbelt he called, “Captain, tell Admiral Yularen to get under way. We need to reinforce Anakin.”
        Cody stood at attention, “Right away, sir,” and walked off to go and find the Admiral.
        “Well,” my master jumped down from his ship, “This is certain to be a mess. I think some tea is in order. Would you care for some Amara?”
        “Don’t know. Got milk and sugar?”
        “As it happens, I do. Why don’t you head down to our apartments and put the kettle on? Milk and one spoon of honey for me. I need to contact Anakin and then I’ll be right behind you.”
        I nodded and headed off to go get myself some tea. As it happened, I ended up being very glad that I had taken the time to study the layout of these cruisers beforehand. I got a bit lost as it was, and had to ask a trooper for directions on my way there. Once I eventually found the Jedi apartments, I walked through the common room to the small kitchenette. I grabbed the kettle and crossed to the sink, filled it and set it to boil. I set out cups as I waited, my hands subconsciously finding my braid and fiddling with the woven golden strands. This is going to be the best cup of tea I’ve ever had. That was when the alarm tried to shatter my eardrums. Cringing, I rushed to the door and jabbed the button to open it. I stuck my head out to find troopers running down the hall. I waved as I called one over, “Trooper! What’s the situation?
  “We’ve been ordered to prepare to reinforce General Skywalker Sir!”
       “Thank you!” He ran off as I turned back to the kettle and sighed. Tea will just have to wait I suppose. I jumped out to join the stream of clones already on their way and started running down the hall.
       When I got to the hangar Master Kenobi was already waiting by our prepped fighters, “Truthfully I was hoping you would bring to-go cups.”
       I raised my brow incredulously, “You want to bring a cup of tea to a fight?” he shrugged, and I rolled my eyes, “Alright then. So, what’s going on exactly?”
       “Anakin has retrieved the Hutt, but he’s also found that it’s the Separatists that are behind the abduction. He’s under heavy fire, so we’re on our way to reinforce him.”
       “Sir!” Cody jogged over, “We’re nearly there. Time to get in those fighters.”
       “Alright Captain, we’ll meet you down there. Wait for my signal to scramble the gunships,” Master Kenobi gestured to the line of gunships to our left as he turned to jump into his fighter.
       “Will do General,” Cody turned to me, “Good luck Commander.”
       “Don’t worry Captain, I’ll soften ‘em up for you,” I gave a half-salute before swinging into my own cockpit.
       “Heyya R8,” I greeted as I started up the engines and prepped the guns. R8 beeped back a friendly hello.
       “Do me a favour and get the stabilizers online?”
       R8 whistled and got to work.
       “Thanks mate.”
       I heard my comm crackle to life, “Alright Spitfire, before you get too far ahead of yourself, just remember to stay close to me.”
       “Don’t worry Master, I’ll be right behind you.”
       I heard the siren that signalled the cruiser was coming out of hyperspace. As soon as we dropped, my master called out, “Alright here we go. Form up around me and call in, Amara-“
       “I know, I know, I’m right here.”
       The doors opened, and everything was chaos.
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m00ntunaart · 4 months
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Actual character sheets for my clone trooper OC’s from the 212th Attack Battalion: Karter, Switch, Spitfire, Zeal and Shepherd
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m00ntunaart · 1 month
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Thank you so much to everyone who sent me (and the boys lol) questions! I'm so glad people seemed at least a little bit interested in my silly identical men!
GAH, I'm sorry this took so long. I told myself this would be a quick project and then I decided to make the responses in a comic style and 'quick' became a nonsense term lol. I'll hopefully be able to get part 2 out sooner than part 1, and it should have 9-10 pages.
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m00ntunaart · 1 month
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Some head shots of my 212th Clone OC’s, Rife Squad and Snake Squad! The boys :)
Used this in an Instagram story where I asked for people to write in questions for these guys, which are now being turned into art/responses! If you want participate and ask them questions in the future, or put in a prompts for when I do ‘silly drawing prompts’, or just see progress posts/doodles from me; follow me on Instagram @m00ntunaart and keep an eyes on my story.
(btw I’ll also be posting the questions and their responses w’ art, here too)
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