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potstism · 2 months ago
❤️‍🩹 my take on a PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) flag 🧠
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i had been waiting from months to a year to see someone design a flag for PMDD since i'm not very confident in my own ability, so i decided to go ahead and bite the bullet with an attempt. this is currently planned to just be a draft and may be subject to change with new updated versions in the future.
TW FOR MEDICAL TRAUMA/ABUSE: although this topic is not very widely discussed, or at least doesn't seem to be commonly present, online among the disabled community, my personal experiences with PMDD have made acknowledging its existence as well as its consequences quite necessary to me. as of the time of writing this, i am 19 years old, and when i was 15 exactly this time of year (as well as the first similar incident a couple months prior), i had an intense hyper-emotional episode the week before my period that was so bad i ended up getting institutionalized at a psych ward against my will and have never been the same since. for years now, i've been on a birth control pill that suppresses my cyclical hormones and prevents my period from occurring most of the time.
before getting into the stripes' meanings, there are two factors to explain behind my thought process:
dark teal is considered to be the awareness color for this disorder, although i went with a light aqua color because i think it looks better with the pink, and it's in the same family so i believe it still works.
pink is meant not to represent femininity necessarily since uterus-owners can come in many different gender expressions, but rather fit with the vibe of internal organs, especially since pink is closely related to red which is how warm blood appears (and is a key element of uterine cycles).
as for the stripe meanings, here is my proposal for each single word:
awareness ─ suffering from premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a very real thing that happens to müllerian individuals everywhere. according to the cleaveland clinic, which i am an active visiting patient of, about 10% of people with our reproductive body types who are at least of minimum pubescent age may be affected by it. although it does not tend to be a risk toward physical health, it is often a deadly threat to our mental state and well-being, which can lead to suicidal ideation.
strength ─ i consider this to be an invisible disability, with most of the symptoms taking place within our internal worlds and fighting a constant battle with negative thoughts + emotions. in addition to this, physical symptoms also arise and can cause severe discomfort before menstruation even begins. all of this happens within the confines of our own homes, and we tend to suffer through it alone. people who do not have PMDD probably fail to realize how strong we have to be in order to get through this difficult time repeatedly & endlessly, despite their well-intended efforts.
diversity ─ this is intended to have multiple meanings, and to include anything i may not have come up with so far. for one thing, there are plenty of different experiences to be had with this disorder, such as varying levels of cramping + sickness or depression + anxiety. on another note, not only do our bodies each work differently (some may also have endometriosis and/or PCOS, which are also intersex conditions, as a double-whammy), but many of us do not conform to societal ideas of gender despite all having these parts in common. there are infinite possibilities to mix & match with presentation & identity, which is not limited by biology.
flesh ─ although many factors are involved in this process, including hormones, PMDD centers around the uterus, which is an internal organ. the flesh represents the physical aspects of this experience, and how we must take great care of our bodies in order to ease how we feel.
pain ─ there is so much physical + mental pain that builds around this disorder, which deserves to be recognized, sympathized with, and treated. the deep pink (to me) somewhat resembles what ibuprofen & benadryl pills look like; painkillers & antihistamines respectively (i'm not sure if anyone else needs the latter, but my skin's condition gets really reactive when i go through my cycle).
anyone is free to reblog/use accordingly, although you may have to be mindful of permission/credit with the uterus imagery from the source!
tagging for reach (it may not fit your gimmick exactly, so feel free to ignore if you're uninterested, or reblog somewhere else!): @idwl @satyrradio @spaghettimakesflags @obnebulant-mogai @caeliangel @intervex @arco-pluris @beyond-mogai-pride-flags @radiomogai @themogaidragon @neopronouns @mad-pride @disabilitypride
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spoonie-on-wheels86 · 14 days ago
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5m1ling-3yes · 20 days ago
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i love makesweet
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2inx4inx8inbrick · 6 months ago
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Cleveland Clinic helicopter N759P landing at Kettering Health Main Hospital
taken 9/12/24
takeoff video
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headknight-oh · 3 months ago
Ok so we all know that bmi is stupid white supremacist pseudoscience right? Like it’s all bullshit. That being said, when I went for my top surgery consultation, the fucking doctor put down that I “struggled” from obesity because of my bmi. And like my brother, I’m here to get like 20 pounds snipped off. My obesity is in the tits I want snipped. My bmi will be in the average range once they’re gone. The fuck is wrong with you???
Then my claim got denied because anthem is bullshit and the doctor was like “I’m not comfortable taking all your tits off so we’re not filing an appeal. We can do it safely, I just don’t want to take them all off.”
Anyway, fuck you dr Sinclair of Cleveland clinic. I hope you rot in hell
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blindgamermisadventures · 11 months ago
My insurance denied my doctor’s referral to Cleveland Clinic. I am devastated. The doctors around me refuse to take my case because they say my health is “too complicated “ or “needs specialised care we cannot provide”. I am going to appeal. This has been an exhausting two years.
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factcheckdotorg · 2 years ago
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potstism · 2 months ago
i am an active patient at the cleveland clinic and i endorse using them as a resource!
So many people who get periods are like “Ugh it sucks that having a menstrual cycle makes you almost die every month” like no that’s not normal you need to go to the doctor
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xtruss · 1 day ago
How Green Tea Can Benefit Your Health
Catechins (Antioxidants) in Green Tea Help Fight Inflammation and Diabetes, while Improving Memory and Heart Health
— Health.ClevelandClinic.Org | Published: September 05, 2024
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Green tea is one of the world’s favorite teas, second only to black tea. Served hot or cold, green tea is refreshing and soothing.
The beverage also offers many health benefits, says registered dietitian Julia Zumpano, RD, LD. That includes reducing anxiety, lowering cholesterol, protecting brain health, keeping bones healthy and even helping you live longer. (What can’t this tea do?)
Zumpano explains more about green tea and how it boosts your health.
Is Green Tea Good For You?
Green tea may be the healthiest tea you can drink. Green tea comes from the same plant — Camellia sinensis — as black tea. But tea makers prepare the leaves differently.
Green tea leaves go through a process of steaming, pan frying or heat drying. This step happens soon after harvesting before the leaves can fully oxidize and turn brown (which is what happens with black tea). This quick-drying process helps bring out some of green tea’s healthiest and tastiest properties.
Health Benefits of Green Tea
For centuries, people have enjoyed green tea’s light flavor and multiple health benefits. Around the globe, green tea consumption is on the rise.
If You’re Not A Fan Yet, Here Are Ten Reasons You May Want To Give Green Tea A Chance:
1. Fights Cancer-Causing Inflammation
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Green tea leaves are rich in flavonoids called catechins (pronounced “KAH-tuh-kins”). This polyphenol (plant chemical) in tea leaves acts as an antioxidant. Green tea is particularly high in epigallocatechin-3 gallate (EGCG), a catechin that has anti-inflammatory properties. EGCG and other antioxidants help minimize inflammation caused by cell-damaging free radicals.
But some research suggests that the protein and possibly the fat in milk may reduce the antioxidant benefits of tea. Be mindful of what you add to your green tea and try to enjoy green tea without milk, encourages Zumpano.
Research also suggests the anti-inflammatory properties of green tea may lower the risk of certain cancers and of cancer returning (recurring), including:
Breast Cancer.
Colon Cancer.
Esophageal Cancer.
Liver Cancer.
Lung Cancer.
Prostate Cancer.
Stomach Cancer.
2. Prevents Stroke And Heart Disease
Several studies indicate that green tea can lower cholesterol levels, helping reduce your risk of heart disease, heart attacks and stroke. High cholesterol can clog your arteries and is a major risk factor for heart problems. A 2023 study found that people who drank two to four cups of green tea every day lowered their stroke risk by as much as 24%.
Antioxidants in green tea, including EGCG and other catechins, lower “bad” cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein or LDL) and total cholesterol. Green tea also has other heart-protecting flavonoids called quercetin and theaflavins. “Flavonoids open blood vessels and keep them flexible, helping blood flow more freely,” adds Zumpano.
These effects may explain why green tea seems to reduce chronic high blood pressure. And why research shows that many British people — who are known for their afternoon teas — are less likely to die from heart disease or stroke than non-tea drinkers.
But if you’re taking atorvastatin to lower your cholesterol, research shows that matcha may decrease this medication’s effectiveness.
3. Boosts Brain Health
Amino acids, such as L-theanine, and catechins, like EGCG, have brain-protective benefits. A study of middle-aged and older adults found that frequent green tea drinkers had a 64% lower risk of memory loss or concentration issues. This risk reduction was almost 20% higher than study participants who drank black tea.
Another study of people with signs of impaired thinking (cognitive decline) found that green tea decreased certain molecules called biomarkers linked to Alzheimer’s disease. “If you’re concerned about dementia or memory loss, adding green tea to your diet may offer some protection,” notes Zumpano.
4. Strengthens Bones
A meta-analysis of 17 different studies found that drinking tea can protect against osteoporosis and broken bones. Findings suggest that EGCG and other polyphenols in green tea can strengthen bones by improving bone density and reducing how much bone you lose as you age.
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5. Lowers Blood Sugar
People with Type 2 diabetes or those at risk of developing it (prediabetes) may benefit from drinking more green tea. Research suggests that green tea’s high levels of L-theanine may prevent diabetes. Other studies show that green tea helps improve blood sugar (glucose) and the body’s sensitivity to insulin.
In addition, an ongoing study in Japan found that drinking four or more cups of green tea every day lowers the risk of dying from Type 2 diabetes complications by as much as 40%. Green tea is the most popular tea in Japan. Many people favor a type called sencha, made by flash steaming the leaves. Study participants who had two cups of coffee in addition to green tea had a 63% lower mortality risk than non-tea and non-coffee drinkers.
Keep in mind drinking sugar-sweetened tea can alter these benefits by causing elevations in blood sugars, especially when consumed with high amounts of added sugars, cautions Zumpano. Look for a type of green tea you can enjoy without adding sweeteners.
6. Protects The Prostate
Laboratory studies (nonhuman) suggest that polyphenols in green tea — especially EGCG — may prevent benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH causes an enlarged prostate, leading to frequent urination and other issues. Findings suggest that EGCG stops prostate cells from multiplying and enlarging the gland. But human research is needed before we’ll know for sure.
7. Eases Stress And Anxiety
The L-theanine in green tea can help ease stress and anxiety. “Worrying and stress can raise blood pressure, affect mood and sleep, and negatively affect your quality of life,” states Zumpano.
And research shows that L-theanine significantly impacts the effects of caffeine. It reduces its stimulating effects and improves cognitive function, mood and concentration.
8. Gives You Just Enough Pep
With close to 30 milligrams of caffeine per 8-ounce cup, green tea has less than a third of the stimulant as coffee. “That’s enough caffeine to give you an energy boost in the middle of the day, but not so much that it will keep you awake at night,” says Zumpano. Green tea’s lower caffeine levels also make the beverage a smart choice if you’re trying to cut back on caffeine.
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9. Makes You Look Younger
Green tea’s many antioxidant properties may also give you younger-looking, healthier skin. Nonhuman studies found that polyphenols in green tea increase collagen and elasticity in skin, helping combat wrinkles and other signs of aging.
Other studies that looked at applying green tea extract to the skin suggest it can help prevent acne and spot-treat pimples when they occur.
10. Might Aid Weight Loss
There’s some speculation that catechins in green tea can break down body fat and may rev up your metabolism, contributing to weight loss. A recent study conducted in Korea found that females who drank four or more cups of green tea each day had 44% less abdominal fat than their male tea-drinking counterparts.
But findings from studies examining green tea extract in some energy drinks and weight-loss supplements are mixed, at best.
“I don’t recommend supplements for weight loss because they aren’t proven safe or effective,” says Zumpano. “However, drinking green tea is a healthy habit, because it’s low in calories — as long as you don’t overdo it with additives like sugar, sweetener, cream or milk.”
Green tea can also help manage your appetite and blood sugar levels, which can ultimately help with weight management, too, if consumed regularly.
How Much Green Tea Should You Drink?
There isn’t a perfect number of cups of green tea to drink each day for optimal health. “Most people can safely drink up to eight cups of green tea each day, or six cups if you’re pregnant or nursing,” shares Zumpano. The amount really depends on how your body responds to caffeine.
And if you’re choosing matcha, Zumpano recommends no more than 2-4 teaspoons per day. That’s because research suggests that 338 milligrams of catechin and EGCG per day are safe for adults to consume. This is the amount in about 4 grams of matcha, or two level teaspoons.
Experts recommend that people who are pregnant or breastfeeding limit their caffeine intake to no more than 200 milligrams a day. And children under 12 shouldn’t have caffeine at all.
How To Enjoy Green Tea
If you love tea, consider adding green tea to your day. Thanks to quick harvesting and processing, green tea has a lighter look and is less bitter than black tea. Some people describe the taste as sweet, earthy or nutty.
You can also give matcha a try. This frothy beverage made from finely ground green tea leaves has an even stronger concentration of nutrients and antioxidants. But its stronger, bolder taste and chalkier drink texture might be a turn-off if you’re new to green tea.
Improper brewing can make green tea too bitter. To ensure the best-tasting green tea:
Heat filtered water to between 160 and 180 degrees Fahrenheit (71.11 to 82.22 degrees Celsius).
Steep the leaves for one to three minutes.
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us-being-us2 · 1 month ago
I had my long-awaited appointment with the gastroparesis clinic at Cleveland Clinic today after experiencing medical neglect at the only other option I've had for treatment, and I have so much more hope. We're exploring using a nasal spay form of Reglan that gives blood levels equivalent to the IV version. I've responded really well to Reglan in the past before they took it away. Because of the risk for movement disorders, I have to do 5 weeks on, 1 week off with it, which means I may still have some vomiting, but I might get my life and also my ability to eat a variety of foods back.
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providencecounselor · 2 months ago
Everything You Need To Know About Habit Stacking
Habit stacking is an excellent way to add new habits to patterns and habits that already exist. I have done this by using several habits that I wanted to add to my daily life. The first time I utilized habit stacking it did not have a name yet, or at least I wasn’t aware it had a name. I really wanted to become consistent about flossing nightly before bed. This was not a hard routine to add a…
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alaturkaamerika · 3 months ago
New York Polisi Kalp Nakli Bekleyen Kadını Kar Fırtınasından Kurtardı
New York polisi, kalp nakli bekleyen bir kadını yoğun kar fırtınasında kurtararak hayatını kurtardı. Kalp Nakli Bekleyen Kadın Yoğun Kar Fırtınasından Kurtarıldı New York Eyalet Polisi, Rochester bölgesinden Cleveland Clinic’e kalp nakli için gitmekte olan 64 yaşındaki bir kadını, kar fırtınası nedeniyle mahsur kaldığı yolda kurtardı. Kritik öneme sahip kalp pompasına bağımlı olan kadın ve eşi,…
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amedicalhistory · 3 months ago
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Day #2 of Antibiotic Awareness Week: What are antibiotics?
Basically, any substance that stops bacteria from growing or multiplying can an antibiotic. Some are naturally occurring, like Penicillin - technically a type of mold, and some are synthetic. They can be oral (taken through the mouth) - liquid or pills, topical (applied on the skill), or injected intravenously (IV).
Antibiotics either destroy parts of bacteria or stop them from reproducing by getting in the way of their ability to make certain proteins. That is why they work on illness and infections caused by bacteria ONLY! Infections caused by viruses have to be treated with antivirals, and infections caused by fungi have to be treated with anti-fungals. The overuse of antibiotics for non-bacterial infections is one of the main contributing factors to the growth of antimicrobial resistance, or drug resistance, among many diseases in the modern era. Because bacteria are living things, they can evolve immunity to antibiotics over time.
To learn more about the different types of antibiotics: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/16386-antibiotics
To learn more about Antibiotic Awareness Week and this year's theme: https://www.cdc.gov/antimicrobial-resistance/communication-resources/usaaw.html#:~:text=and%20antimicrobial%20resistance.-,Daily%20themes%20and%20key%20messages,-November%2018%3A%20Fighting
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2inx4inx8inbrick · 6 months ago
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Cleveland Clinic helicopter N759P taking off from Kettering Health Main Hospital
taken 9/12/24
landing video
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rayhaber · 5 months ago
Covid-19'un Kalp Sağlığı Üzerindeki Etkileri
Covid-19 ve Kalp Sağlığı Arasındaki İlişki Covid-19 pandemisi, dünya genelinde birçok sağlık sorununu gündeme getirdi. Bu süreçte, Covid-19’un kalp sağlığı üzerindeki etkileri de sıkça tartışıldı ve etrafında bilgi kirliliği oluştu. ABD’nin Ohio eyaletinde bulunan Cleveland Clinic Lerner Araştırma Enstitüsü’nden Dr. Stanley Hazen, Covid’in kalp ve damar sağlığına olan etkileri hakkında en güncel…
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jobkash · 5 months ago
Summer 2025 Graduate Administrative Internship
At Cleveland Clinic Health System, we believe in a better future for healthcare. And each of us is responsible for honoring our commitment to excellence, pushing the boundaries and transforming the patient experience, every day.We all have the power to help, heal and change lives — beginning with our own. That’s the power of the Cleveland Clinic Health System team, and The Power of Every One.Job…
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