#Cleveland Clinic
My insurance denied my doctor’s referral to Cleveland Clinic. I am devastated. The doctors around me refuse to take my case because they say my health is “too complicated “ or “needs specialised care we cannot provide”. I am going to appeal. This has been an exhausting two years.
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praublem-child · 8 months
My doctor. At Cleveland Clinic. Supposedly the second best hospital in the world. Prescribed me thigh highs.
What the fuck is my life.
They're compression socks and supposed to treat my dysautonomia, so there's an actual reason for them. But I will never get the fuck over this 😭.
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factcheckdotorg · 1 year
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vadersinhaler · 21 days
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frombehindthepen · 4 months
Just Let Me Sleep Already! 😴
Just Let Me Sleep Already! 😴 #SleepDeprivaation #Fatigue #DaylightSavingTime
Image Credit: WOKANDAPIX/Pixabay OK, so my mind, body, circadian rhythm, and spirit have not caught up since we officially sprang ahead one hour for Daylight Saving Time yesterday. Give me by the end of the week and let me reassess the situation to see if I am teetering back to some sense of normalcy. But are we really saving daylight or even an hour? Look, the older I get, and yeah I know I am…
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spartanmemesmedical · 8 months
5 Things to Know Before an Ablation Procedure
5 Things to Know Before an Ablation Procedure
Embarking on the journey of an ablation procedure for atrial fibrillation requires careful consideration and preparation. This introduction serves as a compass, guiding you through essential aspects to know before undergoing this heart procedure. From understanding the intricacies of the ablation process to following pre-procedure guidelines and planning for post-procedure care, these insights…
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tommaxxott · 9 months
Do Not Want to be Here 🚑
Tell us about a time when you felt out of place. Now! I feel out of place – now. I am in Cleveland as I write this. It is not where I want to be. I am frightened and I feel distraught...scared really. My partner has an appointment today at the Cleveland Clinic with his new heart doctor. He has to undergo a battery of tests, and then have those results analyzed before his medication is…
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teamstandonit · 1 year
Been a while since I posted anything where did I leave off well I've been doing a lot of artwork lately for the darling sample shootout it's a big benefit pool we have here coming up on August 12th these are samples of the banners I'm having printed
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monriatitans · 1 year
Below is an excerpt from the article:
What does it mean when a person is neurodivergent?
The term “neurodivergent” describes people whose brain differences affect how their brain works. That means they have different strengths and challenges from people whose brains don’t have those differences. The possible differences include medical disorders, learning disabilities and other conditions. The possible strengths include better memory, being able to mentally picture three-dimensional (3D) objects easily, the ability to solve complex mathematical calculations in their head, and many more.
Neurodivergent isn’t a medical term. Instead, it’s a way to describe people using words other than “normal” and “abnormal.” That’s important because there’s no single definition of “normal” for how the human brain works.
The word for people who aren’t neurodivergent is “neurotypical.” That means their strengths and challenges aren't affected by any kind of difference that changes how their brains work.
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300% risk of major #eye problem after #mRNA vax
#herd immunity: people with previous #CoV don't benefit from vax(2021,#Cleveland Clinic st.)
if you win it won't be #Moderna,#BioNTech et al.who pay #damage(being exempted from #liability)but your govt..shsh
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katkenyon · 1 year
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1. I Wish It Wasn’t About The Numbers  
For many who deal with immune disorders, getting treatment is a horror story of being neglected, dismissed, rejected, and attacked. You’re added to the list of pain sufferers and the chronically ill. You aren’t a person, you’re an account number for a hospital. A statistic for the government. A profit line for big Pharma. Definitely not real. Sometimes not even to members of your family or friends who knew you before your body turned on you.
I'm one of those people.
A standard, sarcastic, aging Gen-X, ever-so-slightly malcontent. For those of you who love the generation comparisons, yes, I was a latchkey kid. I had almost no adult supervision in my tiny mountain town. I swam all summer, read all winter and every night, and was an absolute tomboy.
Which is making what I write normally, romance, absolutely hysterical.
On the surface, I was a very healthy child. During high school, I was what we would call overly scheduled. I did that to myself. In addition to my academic workload and extras, such as choir, I was athletic and did sports. The activities were strenuous, my pain tolerance was incredibly high, and I continued that into my early twenties. Life looked good.
Until what should have been a hiccup. A nothing.
The immunocompromised will recognize what I'm talking about because it’s happened to you. Most people go through their lives never worrying about small medical issues. A minor setback and they heal, but for me, this bump triggered a snowball that became an avalanche that has ruined my health. And changed the course of my life.
Currently, scientists claim about eighty autoimmune disorders exist. For those who don't know, your immune system’s network of cells is supposed to work together to defend against foreign viruses, bacteria, and infection. It's supposed to be smart. To be able to identify what's foreign and what isn't. However, when things go wrong, it can't do that.
The horror of autoimmune dysfunction.
When your immune system gets dumb, it attacks your body. And dumb bodies don't obey rules. It’s just destructive. We give the outcomes different names you may have heard:
Type 1 diabetes
Multiple sclerosis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Some are rare and difficult to diagnose, but doctors regularly don’t recognize common ones. Sufferers can go years, even decades, before getting their symptoms diagnosed, and then treatments are often either unavailable or too expensive. That doesn't begin to address medical bias. Women are the ones most frequently affected by autoimmune disorders by a significant percentage, and experience provider bias on a regular basis.
When your body is the enemy, you ask why. Why is this happening? My experience has been that the doctors will do one of a few things: blame you, pretend it doesn’t exist and that you’re crazy, or they throw up their hands and ignore it.
I’m not alone. Many I’ve talked to have similar experiences.
It's your fault.
You’re fine.
We don't know. Here, take this drug.
I can't tell you how painful it is to be told any of these messages. Because none of these are true.
Research shows that genetics and environmental factors, along with the food industrial complex, bear a far bigger part in the current state of health in this country than anyone wants to admit.
The refusal to accept this may be the reason the generic autoimmune problem is on the rise in the United States. And I am one of those people.
A light at the end of the tunnel.
I began to get sick at twenty-six. I am forty-eight now. My slow slide into illness took me to a moment in my late 30s when I thought for a second that I would not make it.
It was scary. The girl who jumped off bridges, went to swing night, was coughing so hard she broke her ribs. She could barely walk. Couldn't work.
I wasn't me.
I’m now in a new program at the Cleveland Clinic. I feel better than I have in over ten years. While those years I lost may be gone, I plan to make the next few the best I've had. I'll share what they're recommending that's helping. Because those of us left behind by normal medicine need to stick together.
Our bodies may be dumb, but we aren't. And we aren't alone.
My journey is available on Kindle Vella.
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innonurse · 1 year
Cleveland Clinic and IBM present the world's first quantum computer devoted to healthcare research
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- By InnoNurse Staff -
On March 20, Cleveland Clinic and IBM announced the first onsite private sector IBM-managed quantum computer deployment in the United States. 
The IBM Quantum System One deployed at Cleveland Clinic will be the world's first quantum computer dedicated only to healthcare research, with the goal of assisting Cleveland Clinic in accelerating biomedical discoveries.
Read more at IBM/PRNewswire
Other recent news and insights
Based on the results of routine hospital testing, machine learning techniques forecast the probability of mortality (University of Alberta)
The first FDA-approved AI-assisted colonoscopy tool to support doctors in detecting polyps that can lead to colorectal cancer (Medtronic plc/PRNewswire)
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prippleton · 1 year
A Heartbeat for Pam
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mc-posts · 2 years
No Virginia, not a rinky dink hospital. Cleveland Clinic again rated number 1 heart hospital.
No Virginia, not a rinky dink hospital. Cleveland Clinic again rated number 1 heart hospital.
As some of you may know, several years ago I had a aortic aneurysm and a leaky valve. My open heart surgery was done at the Cleveland Clinic. Several of the lurkers made fun  and wish for my demise. One even called the Cleveland Clinic a rinky dink hospital. For the 28th consecutive year, Cleveland Clinic is America’s No. 1 hospital for cardiology and heart surgery in U.S. News & World…
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astoriareiki · 2 years
What is reiki?
Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to your body, improving the flow and balance of your energy to support healing.
Mikao Usui developed reiki in the early 1900s, deriving the term from the Japanese words rei, meaning “universal,” and ki, which refers to the vital life force energy that flows through all living things. Now, reiki is used all over the world, including in hospitals and hospices, to complement other forms of health treatments.
“Reiki aids in healing by helping people become energetically balanced — physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.”
The health benefits of reiki
Reiki promotes relaxation, stress reduction and symptom relief to improve overall health and well-being. It can:
Bring on a meditative state.
Foster tissue and bone healing after injury or surgery.
Stimulate your body’s immune system.
Promote natural self-healing.
Relieve pain and tension.
Support the well-being of people receiving traditional medical treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and kidney dialysis.
Studies show that reiki treatment may create feelings of:
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reluctantsyren-blog · 2 years
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