#Classic Eggman
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0vergrowngraveyard · 2 months ago
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shadow-von-vamp · 2 years ago
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i love classic sonic idc
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teamcloverleaf · 2 months ago
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A baker’s dozen eggs 🥚
Tag yourself what Eggman are you
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apradonite · 2 years ago
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[metal voice] amy my best friend amy
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elixasteylar · 20 days ago
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Hola a la stobotnik nation!
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Necesitaba al menos un poco de classic! stobonik, por lo que hice estos pequeños dibujos.
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No me convenció el primer diseño que hice de Stone, asi aquí mi diseño.
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yellowvixen · 9 months ago
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week 24: happy late father's day!
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sonyshock · 11 months ago
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Comic Wednesday! Totally did not do this embarrassingly ahead of time because I had the dates wrong~ But something something chair Social media  + Commissions  + PAPERCUT
Posted using PostyBirb
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star-stages · 6 months ago
@000marie198 a lil gift for you 💛🔧
Made after you reblogged your definitely not a sad ending story recently, I have returned with gift art straight from my sleep deprived brain :3
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kornart3 · 1 year ago
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Sonic 2 !
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jamgamy · 1 year ago
Modern Eggman and Stone [kinda request/kinda did this outta my own volition]
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ok i repost
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emzberry · 3 months ago
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Happy thanksgiving 🍽🍁✨
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teamcloverleaf · 2 months ago
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Don’t cry, Stone
Redraw of this photo with Lee Majdoub and jackbotnik as Eggman:
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robodino93 · 15 days ago
The Beginning of a Rivalry
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I made this based on a picture I found on Twitter. I’ll have the link later.
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Here’s the picture in different filters. Enjoy!
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Here’s the picture I based my drawing on.
Here’s the Timelapse video.
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panic-flavored · 1 year ago
Have you ever drawn what Stone might look like in the original Sonic art style?
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Other artists have already drawn Stone with every variation of Eggman better than I ever could, so I never considered giving it a try! Here's my take anyway 😗
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divan-daikon · 2 years ago
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silly lil classic crew <3 with a small cameo from eggman & metal sonic my beloved just wanted to draw somethin cute for once after a 10 hour long road trip across the country
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randomthefox · 4 months ago
You know what would make an AMAZING short animation for Sonic? While Eggman is trying to create a new robot after his latest defeat, he gets bored and gloomy. He's a bit down from getting kicked in the ass by Sonic all the time. But then he gets the brilliant idea of pranking everyone to get back at them and cure his boredom. Eggman would be SO great at pulling pranks. XD
I can picture that really vividly. Camera showing a view of Eggmans workshop in the dark. Suddenly the door swings open with the light flooding in, Eggman stomping his way inside nursing a big bandage cross on the top of his head and picking blue quills out of his butt.
Grumbling he slams his way into his work chair and swivels to his building station, already pulling out schematics and blueprints to start designing his next scheme. But his foot bumps against a trash can which is filled with crumpled up blueprint paper, he fishes a few out and unwraps them to inspect and sees they're the discarded schematics from boss mechas from previous games. Going through each and every design which was attempted, and destroyed. At first with an angry expression on his face, but then it starts to get more sullen and depressed as he goes through sheet after sheet after sheet after sheet after sheet. Each and every one was a failure. Maybe even complete with a little sketch doodle animation on the blueprint paper of Sonic breaking the mecha and laughing in a little squeaky voice.
Eggman slumps over the desk with his head in his hands, tugging at his mustache in frustration. Combing through a literal pile of his failed past schemes is making him gloomy. He pushes away from his work desk and just staggers out of the room and starts idly roaming through his base. Inspecting the assembly lines. Looking over animal containment cages. His badniks manning those stations stiffening up nervously from his presence, but Eggman is basically just doing this meme.
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Eventually as he's milling around listlessly he trips on a pile of nuts and bolts and falls flat on his ass. The badniks nearby when it happens scatter in fear of an ensuing tantrum. But he just lays on his back for a few seconds. Then he sits up and looks down at the stuff he tripped on, and toes at the pile for a second. Then his eyes widen and a big twinkle comes to his face and he starts grinning wide and huge as inspiration strikes.
Cut to Knuckles walking around on Angel Island, wandering around just on patrol. Then he struts back to where the master emerald only to stop and gawk with shocked horror. The camera panning around to show the emerald had toilet paper flung across the entire shrine and dripping yoke and broken egg shells from tossed eggs splattered all over it. Knuckles starts stomping around and raging while the camera pulls back showing Eggman hiding in the bushes cackling to himself.
Cut to Amy walking home while holding a bag of groceries, and once she gets in front of her door she pulls out the keys to unlock it and go inside, but once she tries stepping into the house she trips and falls flat dropping her grocery bag. She pushes up with a startle and looks down, and finding that her feet are stuck to the welcome mat which has been turned into a glue trap! She double takes with confusion, then glances up and looks around left to right in surprise at the sound of Eggman howling with laughter in the distance.
Cut to Tails in his hanger working on the Tornado, he takes a break wiping his brow and going over to his work desk to pop a mint into his mouth. Only to grimace and scrunch his face up, then coughs the mint out and sticks his tongue out while clutching at his throat. He frowns and inspects the mint and finds his entire bowl of candy has been replaced with what is conspicuously just metal nuts that have been painted to look like mints. Tails frowns and turns around and then gasps to find that the Tornado is sitting on top of cinderblocks, the landing gear wheels missing like a hub cap jacking.
Cut to Sonic sleeping under a tree in the shade, only for the shade to darken into a shadow as Eggman looms over him. Pov turning back to show Eggmans grinning laughing face as he leans in towards the camera until he fills up the entire frame with darkness. Then cut to later in the day with the camera sitting behind Sonics shoulder, he yawns awake and stretches. Suddenly Knuckles Amy and Tails all show up, all of them carrying the indications of their pranks Knuckles holding the entire master emerald aloft Amy stumbling with glue still on her feet and Tails holding the bowl of nut mints. They all converge in front of Sonic starting to chirp and complain, only to stop and stare as Sonic stands up and regards them with confused concern with the camera still looking just behind his shoulder. Then all three of them burst into laughter looking at Sonic, and the camera sweeps around showing Sonic's face - completely drawn over with magic marker making a fake mustache black eye and monocle and other silly scribbles all across him from chin to forehead while Sonic just looks baffled.
Cut back to Eggmans workshop just as Eggman is sitting back down at his desk, smiling and sighing with rejuvenated energy. Then he pulls out a fresh blueprint sheet and starts drawing away at a new mech design, the camera slowly pulling away while he giggles under his breath as he draws and some jaunty midi tune cover of E.G.G.M.A.N. plays out the video before it cuts to credits.
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