#Clan Alpine Mountains
rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Clouds (No. 916)
Cold Springs Pony Express Station Ruins, NV (three pics)
Ely, NV (seven pics)
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Where do you guys think Arctika (Mortal Kombat) is located?
I was working on worldbuilding for my mk rewrite/au, and since my peabrain needs visuals, I was going to make a map of notable locations in Earthrealm. Also having a (rough) location would help me with the cultural aspects of Lin Kuei worldbuilding in general.
What we know about Arctika (correct me if I'm wrong):
It's in Earthrealm, specifically China.
It is very icy and cold, with a lot of snow. From what we see of it there are no trees and many mountains, so likely an alpine climate.
However in the Alt timeline, the Lin Kuei temple is shown to be surrounded by trees, but still mountainous. So possibly in a mountain valley.
Home to the Lin Kuei temple, the Tengu clan, and the temple of Delia. Said Lin Kuei temple was originally an abandoned temple Sub Zero claimed and refurbished.
Yeah... we don't know much.
I was reading the Wiki to try and get a lead, and it said quote: "Due to the location's weather, Arctika, and therefore, the Temple, could be located in Manchuria." Manchuria is a region in China located in the northeast. But I don't think that lines up either. Manchuria has very different climates depending on the season (hot, humid summers and cold, dry winters) and Arctika is said to be cold all year round. And while yes, Manchuria gets arctic winds from Siberia, the air is dry, leaving very little snowfall.
From here on out, I will be doing my own speculation.
Going on from it being an alpine climate, most likely in a valley, in China, and generally cold with a lot of snowfall, I went and started to research places that fit that criteria.
One in particular caught my eye: Tian Shan. Located in central Asia, crossing through China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. Given how long the range is, we have a lot of wiggle room for the exact location of Arctika.
The name "Tian Shan" also means "Mountains of God/Heaven" or "Celestial Mountains" in Chinese, which I think would make for a nice nod to the temple of Delia or Delia in general.
It is also close to the Himalayas, where (canonically) the reformed Shirai Ryu are located. Making the fighting and eventual alliance we see between the two clans more plausible.
But these are just my own ramblings and speculations. I'd love to hear what you guys think!
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clanborn · 2 years
hi i was feeling keen on talking about fanclans so i thought you’d be a good victim since ive been loving your alaskan clans! I recently changed my clans to live in norway with TarnClan, SkerryClan, HeimsClan, and AsphodelClan in the mountains, coastside, alpine woods, and wetlands. Buncha political stuff happening in these clans. I’d like to say i really like your couriers, i actually have a similar idea called quickpaws, who function essentially the same.
What’s your favorite worldbuilding/story addition you added to your clans? For my own clans, i think i really like my StarClan portal the Moonpine! it’s a albino tree :) hope this doesn’t come off as annoying
Ooh that’s super cool, I don’t think I’ve seen any Norway-based clans before, and I loveee those clan names. Very interested to hear more about them and their politics. And yeah I enjoy the messenger/courier role a lot it’s a fun one to implement
And don’t worry this isn’t annoying! I love hearing about other’s fanclans I like to see people salvaging the bare bones from this mediocre series and actually doing something really cool and creative with it.
As for my favorite part of my clans I haven’t mentioned it yet but their Starclan connection area is an ice cave with a frozen lynx skeleton.
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So that and figuring out the clans’ gods and weird cosmic relationships with them is probably my fav aspect so far.
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themountainscall · 9 months
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There you lay, pelted by hundreds of rain droplets as you weakly try to compose yourself. Everything seemed to go numb. The only thing you felt was nature’s brutality striking your pelt relentlessly as you lay helpless.
The forest was so close, yet so far. You didn’t know if you’d ever make it there. The salvation you’d heard of… the stories detailing the barbarian felines who ruled the woodlands… it would only be seen in your dreams.
You shut your eyes, the roaring of thunder overhead causing you to flinch into the soaked earth.
You had lost all hope.
You were stranded.
. . .
You felt a presence.
Your eyes weakly opened, and you were shocked to see… a group of cats. Massive, scarred, terrifyingly tall… They watched you like a piece of prey. You could only pray that they’d make your death swift.
Until, the one with the purple stare spoke up.
“Join us.”
Welcome to The Mountain’s Call!
We are a literate, 15+ roleplay group over on discord looking for more people to join us!
In a prehistoric world where humans cease to exist yet, a group of savage felines roam the Swiss Alps, fending off their home from unrestrained predators we now know as extinct.
Deep in the dense woodlands resides a legion of cats known as Alpine Clan. However, these aren’t your normal forest cats. With augmented senses, larger bodies, sharper claws, keener vision, and overall stronger physiques, these animals are on par with their feline brethren, such as cougars and lynxes.
We offer many things in our server, such as:
Totally new and reworked ranks, including 2 new (Sage, Berserker) ones that are crucial to the lore of the roleplay.
Original and unique traditions to make the roleplay more well-rounded.
Constant opportunities to have your character be more involved in the lore.
OOC channels to share your artwork, create and search for character relationships, and give suggestions for upcoming lore.
And so much more!
We are currently on CHAPTER 2: INFESTATION PART I, and will be moving into Part 2 soon.
So you’re all caught up, here’s a run-down of the Chapter 1 lore:
The moon will overtake the sky, leaving the forest to awake the shunned, red-eyed giant.
The clan’s czar, Wind Star, is awoken by his sage, Crimson Peak, frantically running into camp and begging to speak with him. After visiting the caves to speak with the ancestors, Crimson claims he could not speak with the stars, but was rather face to face with a great horned beast with giant red eyes and blood stained across its brown pelt.
Wind Star does not know what to make of this, so he tries to soothe the manic tomcat before telling him to keep this a secret between the two of them, and to not even tell Crimson’s acolyte, Moonlit Paw. Who also happened to be Wind Star’s daughter from his late mate. Crimson reluctantly agrees, and they both keep this disturbing prophecy to themselves.
A moon later, Wind Star and his new mate, Snow Step, have a litter of three kittens. Crow Kit, Polar Kit, and Smoke Kit. However, tensions are still high within the high ranks of Alpine Clan. No one is able to contact the ancestors. No one has been visited, no one, not even the sages, are able to see or speak to them. They grow worried, but Wind Star is still reluctant to tell the clan. He persuades his subordinates to keep it to themselves just for a little while longer, and they hesitantly agree. However, a few days later… something terrible would happen to the clan. Something that many cats interpreted as a signal that the stars were angry.
A flock of Sun Wings (giant condors) flew over the camp and attacked the clan. Three cats died, many were injured, and everyone was confused. Crimson Peak begged to let the clan know, but Wind Star had begun to… act different. He began to lose it, claiming that all the bad happening to the clan was from the direct influence of Crimson Peak. The sage himself bore the only red eyes in the entire clan, Wind Star was certain that what Crimson Peak saw was an alternate version of himself. The tom’s grew distant with one another, both wanting to help their clan, however… both having different ways of wanting to do so.
Three cats, War Cry, Bee Paw, and Mountain Caller all had their sleep disturbed with a nightmare. However, it seemed… all too real to be any type of dream. War Cry’s dream consisted of a giant beast with reddened eyes destroying their camp while she was cemented to the earth, unable to move. Bee Paw’s had him morph into the disgusting creature, soon being attacked and killed by everyone he loved. Mountain Caller’s dream had him faced with his brother as a kit, being forced to kill him. He refuses, however as he blinks away his tears, the kit transforms into the czar he knew, and kills him.
It all came to a climax when Crimson Peak stood at his altar inside of the sages den. He sobbed, begging for the stars to speak to him, give him a sign, do anything to let him know that he wasn’t alone. His wallowing was interrupted by Wind Star. The tom entered the den and began insulting Crimson, claiming it was his fault that the stars had gone silent. However, when Crimson turned around to defend himself, he was met with… purple eyes rather than the familiar fiery ones he was used to. Wind Star attacks Crimson Peak, pushing him into the old wooden altar, shattering it. Inside of the czar’s head, Wind Star’s consciousness fights brutally against the plague that had infected him. However, it was futile. The czar was killed, banished to the dark forest, and his body had been transformed into nothing but a hollow vessel that this imposter had full control of.
The czar rushed to call a clan meeting, his mania prominent as he demoted Crimson Peak and his own daughter to prisoners. Alpine Clan could only watch in horror as the czar they once respected had seemingly fallen off the deep end. Cats rushed to defend their sages, angering the imposter. Wind Star’s mate had tried to soothe the angered crowd, begging Wind to stop the meeting before he did anything else he regretted. Crimson Peak suddenly called the imposter out on not being their true czar, glaring up at him with no intent of becoming scum in the prisoners den.
The fake czar looked around, and upon realizing no one would be on his side, decided his fate then and there. Purple eyes gazed upon the throng once more before they launched down upon the sage, swiftly snapping his neck with one bite. The crowd erupted in shock, however before the imposter could do any more harm, he was killed by his luminary, Mountain Caller, Wind Star’s little brother.
The clan had no time to process what had just happened. As the prophecy that Crimson had tried to warm everyone about had just come storming into camp. A gargantuan beast the side as the trees raged into camp, blood on its tusks as it rampaged through the clearing. Mountain Caller, now Star, called for his clan to evacuate towards the river. There was no way they could fight against it. The camp was demolished via the beast's dirtied hooves, with countless cats being crushed, injured, and killed. Its eyes glowed an angry red. It seemed the beast only had intentions to kill.
After what felt like moons, the great tusked mammoth grew tired, and its eyes faded back to their more gentle brown. The creature seemed… confused. It didn’t seem to know how it ended up in the camp. It roared before stomping off, leaving a trail of purple flowers in its wake.
Many cats were killed. Many cats were lost in the chaos. Moonlit Paw, and Crow Kit, Wind Star’s two daughters fled to the moors in a desperate attempt to survive the attacks. No one knows where they went, or if they are even alive.
Chapter 2: Infestation, will be split into four parts —
Infestation I:
Beads of purple begin to decorate the territory as the drift fades into its colder months. Star Clan is completely silent. No one can speak to the stars. Cats are acting worried, but normal.
Infestation II:
Stalks of purple flowers bloom in camp, the sawbones begin to examine them, testing and tasting to see if they could be used for any medicinal properties. They find out that the flowers are poisonous & being in the vicinity of them can cause aggression, confusion, and volatility. Alpine Clan tries to remove them, but it seems they just grow back faster. Cats have begun to hallucinate, claiming they can speak to the “stars”.
Infestation III:
The clan has descended into shambles. The flowers continue to bloom, infesting the trees and thistles around the camp as well. Birds have begun to die from them, and it seems not even the snow can eliminate them. Cats claim they are closer to the stars than ever. They have begun worshiping a cat called ████, and have begun to shun all non-believers. Non-believers seem to be completely healthy, even when surrounded by the plants. Alpine Clan is at an all time low.
Infestation IV:
Alpine Clan is introduced to their salvation.
If you’re interested in applying, feel free to DM this account and I’ll send you a form!
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o-wise-corvid · 8 months
Dathomir Daily
Rīdnu Telthonu’ī, the Singing Mountains Clan
(Ride-new Tel-Thanh-uh)
The Singing Mountains Clan is one of the more remote clans of Dathomir. They live in the mountains from which they draw their name and worship Sho Gīt, The Breath, or the wind.
Their burial rites involve intricate platforms of wood, piled with herbs and flowers to blend sweet scents with the remains of the dead. This is said to guide them to The Breath favorably. Many in the clan make a wind chime from the horns of their loved ones so that they can continue to communicate with them. If the wind chime ever breaks, it is said to signal that the soul of the loved one is returning to life. The broken wind chime is then burned, to make sure that the soul returns in tact.
Despite living in an oxygen-starved location, most individuals are quite large, a trait for which they are known. Another trait is the shape and length of their horns, which they curl from a young age. Males curl them down toward their cheeks like rams and females twist them up so they would resemble a kudu. Those who are neither male or female, or both, curve them in a less extreme curving style that can reach a up to a foot higher than the top of their heads, much like an alpine ibex.
Many infant males have been stolen by the Nightsisters as breeding stock. Their large stature and genetic endurance is a much desired trait that Mother Talzin has nearly fully integrated into the bloodline. This has bred an intense hatred of Nightsisters amongst the clan and they usually try to kill any that they meet on sight.
This clan is also known for their love of fiery cuisine. There are plants native to their mountains that they’ve cultivated for thousands of years. They cook with the peppers from them, brilliant green pods, whether that be eating raw or grinding them to a spicy paste mixed with salt and fat. They also use this paste as a weapon, coating their arrowheads, spear tips and blades in the stuff. A wound from them will fester and burn like hot embers are inside it unless excised and thoroughly cleaned.
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Tag list: @alexeithegoat @thesitharts @crc-jedi-knight-serushna @hotshot9 @smoooothbrain @gran-maul-seizure @foreverchangingfandomsao3 @herbalinz-of-yesteryear @justalittletomato @stardustbee @storm89 @ohboi @and-claudia @eloquentmoon
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Sneasel and Weavile Biology
Range and Habitat
Sneasel and Weavile are native to subarctic, mountainous, and some temperate areas in the Northern Hemisphere south of the flat Arctic tundra, including the Johto, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Galar, Paldea, and Kitakami regions; with an introduced population in Alola. They mainly inhabit coniferous forests and rocky alpine zones, wherever they have sufficient cover for hunting.
Historically, a Fighting/Poison form of Sneasel which evolved into Sneasler was found in the Sinnoh region, which was then known as Hisui. This population is believed to have gone extinct sometime over the past two centuries, with Sinnoh’s current population of Sneasel and Weavile from the standard stock having been reintroduced.
Social Behavior
Sneasel and Weavile live together in large clans that contain many breeding pairs. In the Johto region, these clans only consist of Sneasel, as no wild Weavile have been found there. Clans in other regions are led by a single Weavile, which is usually male, but sometimes female. Weavile battle one another for the position of leader if a newcomer decides to challenge the current one, or when the previous leader dies. Weavile use a system of over 500 signs made by their claws on trees, rocks, and ice to communicate with one another. Four or five Weavile will go out hunting for large prey while other clan members stay behind to protect young Sneasel. Members of the evolutionary line mark their territories using urine, scent glands in their faces and paws, as well as claw marks. Occasionally, violent territorial battles between neighboring clans occur.
Hisuian Sneasel and Sneasler were solitary, unlike their standard counterparts from other regions.
Reproduction and Life History
While Sneasel can breed, they often do not until evolving into Weavile, except in the Johto region where Weavile have not been found in the wild. Both evolutionary stages mate for life, generally with another individual of the same stage. Breeding takes place year-round. Sneasel or Weavile pairs dig a den in which the mother gives birth to up to four kittens after a roughly three-month gestation, and remains with them until they are able to venture out. During this time, she hunts for herself near the den, or her mate and other clan members bring prey to her.
Newborn Sneasel kittens are fully furred, but lack teeth, are largely immobile, their eyes are closed, and they cannot regulate their own body temperature. While they are still in the den, their only food source is their mother’s milk. Their eyes open between the age of one to two weeks, but their eyesight is still not fully developed. Their mobility begins to develop a few days after their eyes open. Once they are able to walk and their first set of teeth begins erupting, they leave the den, join other young of a similar age, and are cared for by all clan members. At the age of two months, they begin to eat meat and Eggs, and are fully weaned by the age of six months. When they are 10 months old, they have their permanent teeth and are almost at full size. Sneasel kittens are dependent on their parents and other clan members for a full two years as they learn to hunt, so parents do not breed again until their newest offspring have achieved independence. Eventually, Sneasel disperse from their natal clan to join another or form a new one, sometimes accompanied by their younger siblings.
Because Hisuian Sneasel and Sneasler were solitary, it is thought that only the mothers cared for their young except in rare cases, and hunted close to the den site themselves.
Sneasel and Weavile may live to be 40 years old in the wild. Common causes of death include old age, conflicts with conspecifics, and persecution by Pokémon Breeders for eating Eggs of other species.
Feeding Behavior
Sneasel and Weavile are primarily carnivorous, and hunt prey alone; in pairs; or in packs of up to five. They prefer to hunt at night, when their black fur allows them to blend in with their surroundings, and most prey cannot easily see them. Sneasel are only capable of catching small prey up to their own size, while Weavile frequently team up to bring down prey large enough to share with other clan members. In their native range, Sneasel and Weavile hunt a great variety of mammal and bird Pokémon. Prey species for Sneasel include Pidgey, Rattata, Spearow, Sentret, Natu, Mareep, Murkrow, Delibird, Taillow, Zigzagoon, Swablu, Starly, Bidoof, Buneary, Patrat, Pidove, Minccino, Cinccino, Deerling, Bunnelby, Fletchling, Skwovet, Rookidee, Nickit, Wooloo, Lechonk, and Flittle. Either alone or in pairs, Weavile hunt Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Raticate, Galarian Ponyta (but avoid Galarian Rapidash due to its type advantage), Furret, Mareep, Flaaffy, Teddiursa, Zigzagoon, Altaria, Staravia, Bibarel, Watchog, Tranquill, Unfezant, Deerling, Diggersby, Skiddo, Greedent, Corvisquire, Nickit, Wooloo, Lechonk, and Bombirdier. Packs of Weavile work closely to hunt Tauros (except all three Paldean Tauros forms, due to their compound type advantage), Piloswine,  Stantler, Mamoswine, Sawsbuck, Bouffalant, Gogoat, Dubwool, Oinkologne, and Espathra. The introduced Alolan population of Sneasel and Weavile primarily hunts Alolan Vulpix and Alolan Sandshrew, but also Alolan Rattata/Raticate and Tauros. Sneasel and Weavile cache uneaten prey for the following days, especially in winter or on mountains that have snow year-round, as the freezing temperatures preserve it.
When hunting small to medium-sized prey, Sneasel and Weavile ambush it while running at full speed, grabbing it with their claws and then ripping open its throat or body. Packs of Weavile use their scribed signs to coordinate their attack when the group leader has spotted large prey. They remain out of the prey’s sight until they are all within striking distance, then run towards it at full speed and inflict deep slashing wounds. The lead Weavile will follow up with an attack to the throat if the initial onslaught doesn’t kill the prey within a minute. Weavile hunt Alolan Sandshrew in pairs, as one of them is needed to expose its soft underbelly. Hisuian Sneasel and Sneasler hunted alone, using the venom in their claws to subdue prey. The evolutionary line feeds by biting off small chunks of their prey, although Weavile break down prey into smaller portions using their claws while sharing with others.
In addition, Sneasel love to eat the Eggs of other Pokémon such as Pidgey whenever they are available. Pairs of Sneasel work together to distract the parents and steal the Eggs, but then fight over which one gets to eat them. Sneasel and Weavile also occasionally eat Berries.
A lone Sneasel, especially a young one, may occasionally become prey for larger predators such as Arcanine, Houndour, Houndoom, Mightyena, Luxray, Pyroar, Lycanroc, or Mabostiff. Weavile are apex predators and no other Pokémon are currently known to hunt them, but the greatest danger to them is Weavile from other clans.
Ecosystem Roles
Sneasel and Weavile are important for regulating prey populations, as their diet is made up of a great variety of mammals and birds. Other Pokémon often steal their caches, which is especially beneficial to those that are not as successful at catching their own prey.
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selestialwarriors · 10 months
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Cloudclan territory consists of six mountain peaks and a glacier. Cloudclan lives in a crystal cave on a tall mountain just above the tree line on the western edge of the territory. The valleys between them are connected by tunnels that the Twolegs had once built but long abandoned. Some cats believe that they were trying to obtain the strange crystals that are common across the region. Twolegs are strange creatures, so whether this is true or not is yet to be determined. What Cloudclan does know is that they are rarely seen in Cloudclan territory. During Greenleaf and early Leaffall, Twolegs come to spend time in the tiny houses on the territory. They often travel on the small thunder path in their monsters to the top of a steep hill to look at IcePeak and Skycrystal. But the Twolegs disappear during late Leaffall through most of Newleaf. Some cats believe that this is because the monsters struggle on snowy and icy surfaces. The near-constant cloud cover during cold moons may also play a role in the absence of twolegs.
(I will be updating these posts as I draw the landmarks)
Important Landmarks
Twoleg Place and Twoleg Gathering place- A group of small cabins where Twolegs can camp. There's a road connecting the cabins to a lookout point where Twolegs can marvel at both the Skycrystal and IcePeak.
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Skycrystal-.This unusually large crystal structure sits atop a mountain on the eastern edge of Cloudclan's territory. Skycrystal is a sacred place where Cloudclan connects with Starclan. Leaders receive their nine lives here, and Medicine Cats visit each moon to speak to Starclan. When traveling to Skycrystal, they use a cave system inside the mountain that leads up to the top.
Spiritmeadow- Cloudclan's burial ground, is located in a large valley meadow that blooms with a rainbow of flowers every Newleaf. This valley is directly below Skycrystal Mountain.
Pine Forest- A dense alpine forest that provides a safer place to hunt during the colder moons. Deer, elk, and the occasional moose are commonly seen here.
The Twisted tree- A windswept juniper tree that hides the entrance to the cave system that Cloudclan uses to circumvent the steep slopes of Skycrystal Mountain. It's located at the edge of Spiritmeadow.
IcePeak - a large melting glacier that's the source of a small lake that's near their camp. The water runs down to the lake in a spectacular waterfall that can be seen from the Twoleg Gathering Place.
ColdPool - An abnormally clear lake that's fed by the melting of IcePeak. It's possible to swim and hunt fish in ColdPool. Though it isn't recommended to newcomers to the clan. Any cat without Cloudclan's signature double coated fur can easily catch hypothermia in the frigid waters.
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Warrior Cats Prefixes List- A
I had a WC Name Generator on Perchance that I made but I don't seem to have access anymore, so I'm remaking it here as just a simple list. The definitions used are the ones that Clan cats have for those things, and thus are the origins of the names. Definitions used are whatever I found when I googled it.
Acorn-: "[noun] the fruit of the oak tree, a smooth oval nut in a rough cup-shaped base"
Adder-: "[noun] a small venomous Eurasian snake that has a dark zigzag pattern on its back"
Agaric-: "[noun] a fungus with a fruiting body that resembles the ordinary mushroom, having a convex or flattened cap with gills on the underside"
Agate-: "[noun] an ornamental stone consisting of a hard variety of chalcedony, typically banded in appearance"
Albatross-: "[noun] a very large oceanic bird related to the shearwaters, with long narrow wings"
Alder-: "[noun] a widely distributed tree of the birch family which has toothed leaves and bears male catkins and woody female cones"
Algae-: "[noun] a simple, nonflowering, and typically aquatic plant"
Allium-: "[noun] a bulbous plant of a genus that includes the onion and its relatives; [noun] flowers growing 4 or 5 feet tall with white, blue, lavender or purple snowball-shaped inflorescences atop bare stems"
Almond-: "[noun] the oval edible nutlike seed of the almond tree, growing in a woody shell; [noun] the tree that produces almonds"
Aloe-: "[noun] a succulent plant, typically having a rosette of toothed fleshy leaves and bell-shaped or tubular flowers on long stems"
Alpine-: "[adj] relating to high mountains; [noun] a plant native to mountain districts; [noun] a butterfly with brownish-black wings and red-orange spots"
Amanita-: "[noun] any of various mostly poisonous fungi with white spores and a globe-shaped swelling about the base of the stem"
Amaryllis-: "[noun] a bulbous plant with white, pink, or red flowers and strap-shaped leaves"
Amber-: "[adj] golden yellow in color; [noun] a honey-yellow color typical of amber; [noun] hard translucent fossilized resin produced by extinct coniferous trees of the Tertiary period, typically yellowish in color"
Amethyst-: "[noun] a precious stone consisting of a violet or purple variety of quartz; [noun] a violet or purple color"
Anemone-: "[noun] a plant of the buttercup family, typically bearing brightly colored flowers"
Ant-: "[noun] a small insect, often with a sting, that usually lives in a complex social colony"
Aphid-: "[noun] a minute bug that feeds by sucking sap from plants"
Apple-: "[noun] the round fruit of a tree of the rose family, which typically has thin red or green skin and crisp flesh; [noun] the tree which bears apples"
Apricot-: "[noun] a juicy, soft fruit, resembling a small peach, of an orange-yellow color; [noun] the tree bearing apricots"
Arch-: "[verb] to have or take on a curved shape"
Argus-: "[noun] a small brown or bluish Eurasian butterfly that typically has eye-like markings near the wing margins"
Ash-: "[noun] the powdery residue left after the burning of a substance; [noun] a tree with silver-gray bark"
Ashen-: "[adj] the pale gray color of ash"
Aspen-: "[noun] a poplar tree with rounded, long-stalked, and typically coarsely toothed leaves"
Asphodel-: "[noun] a Eurasian plant of the lily family, typically having long slender leaves and flowers borne on a spike"
Aster-: "[noun] a plant of the daisy family that has bright rayed flowers, typically of purple or pink"
Auburn-: "[adj] of a reddish-brown color; [noun] a reddish-brown color"
Arum-: "[noun] any of a genus (Arum of the family Araceae, the arum family) of Eurasian plants having usually arrow-shaped leaves and a showy spathe partially enclosing a spadix"
Avalanche-: "[noun] a mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside"
Avocet-: "[noun] a long-legged wading bird with a slender upturned bill and strikingly patterned plumage"
Azalea-: "[noun] a deciduous flowering shrub of the heath family with clusters of brightly colored, sometimes fragrant flowers"
Azure-: "[adj] bright blue in color; [noun] a bright blue color"
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kylo-wrecked · 2 years
"I never meant to hurt you."
"But you did," he said, his voice barely rising above the wind in the blue grass.
His lip trembled, and he hated it. He hated the way she looked at him. She sought understanding in his face. He would not oblige. He made himself hard.
"Daenerys—everything you do, you do with intention. You see everything."
She saw the shadow gathering over him on Yavin IV from lightyears away. How did she not see this? Ben was going to be twenty-two in another revolution. Naboo was sumptuous in her spring blossoms, the scent of primula and alpine musk, and Dany would not even kiss him. Pursuing her was trying to capture fire in a jar. Did she not see how he suffered? Or did she expect him to stay a boy for the rest of his days?
Ben had grown in his time with the clan. His skin grew tawny in the sun, his body more robust and refined; his robes could not contain him. She could not contain him. He climbed down the slopes like a mountain goat; he didn't know where he was going. Ben's feelings first took him toward Daenerys, and now he followed them blindly.
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lizabuguwu24 · 2 months
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Alpin the dragon[sonic oc]
(Fair bit of text)
I was planning on making him like a more pastel pink colour, but after see the white, it looks really good on him, also the fact that I thought about making a little world with my other dragons. (I have about 3, one of them I haven't drawn in a long time. she needs a redraw, it's Buu, Bayu and Coreii). They'll be in different dragon clans/territories. I'm not great with coming up with stories. (But I'll try my best...)
Buu the dragon(lives near the rivers/ waterways)
Bayu the dragon(Lives at the base of the mountains)
Alpin the dragon(lives at the top of the mountains)
Coreii the dragon(lives in caves/ prefers the darkness)
>I'll update Alpin's profile, when I redraw
Just a little thing I might do(if I can keep my motivation.~
(;へ:))... ..................................................................................................................................................
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Clouds (No. 915)
Cold Springs Pony Express Station Ruins, NV
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freedformwriter · 3 months
Diary of a Baggage Train: Day 8
I have no idea where I am other than that it is quite extraordinary. This is Highlands as served up on the big screen: clumped little isles hover above a meandering loch as bare boulders of mountains touch the clouds. An escaped sunbeam spotlights first this green slope and then that. There’re the bits the camera misses too: the peaty texture under my boots as I move towards the loch, the black richness of the soil when its mossy web at last gives way. And the smell… I’m once again seized with the desire to go into the lock. It’s unknown water, I remind myself. It’s the type of water your mother warned you about – if your mother is one of the various government agencies who does everything they can to convince tourists to not go in the water. (‘We have a lot of problems when the weather’s nice,’ the woman at a tourism desk confided to me.) I don’t have my neoprene gloves or booties. Or, you know, any backup. Or frankly, any sense of how my new body will react. But when I skip my hands over the surface, it’s like the peat: giving and inviting. Bogs are deceptively soft. Yeah, it’s amazing. I just wish it wasn’t so goddamn close to an a-road. Hollywood edits out the lorries.
There’s very few winding back lanes in what I will later learn is Glencoe; they stick to the roads hacked out of the Highlands by the Duke of Cumberland’s men nearly 300 years ago. Considering the man’s reputation as the destroyer of the Clans and of the entire Highland way of life, the use of his roads speaks to just how few options there are. Glencoe was first emptied of Highlanders and then filled with mountaineers. Initially, they were posh types, but after the Great War, working men’s clubs formed in places like Glasgow and they set about turning the area into an extreme sports paradise. Glencoe Mountain Resort is the inheritor of this tradition. I walk into the canteen – a strictly basics menu of bacon sarnies and regular tea – and note oversized benches designed to take a beating from ski boots. An emporium of all things alpine, in summer it gives the runs over to mountain bikers, paves the mountainside with plastic for child-friendly ‘sledding,’ and sadistically sends disc golfers to the wind-whipped mountain top. Because I know from Planet Earth how Arctic foxes now struggle for camouflage in the winter, I’m guessing this variant is the future of the business. The chairlift is in operation all year round. Finally, I too can scale a mountain.
I pack my rucksack as if going on an actual polar exploration. With all my warm woollens, including, much to the amusement of the lift operator, my new blanket, I follow the signs promising a panoramic view of Rannoch Moor, the largest uninhabited area in the UK. The man before me hooks his mountain bike onto the side of the chair with practiced ease. I’m not so gainly. The lift follows one of the characteristic raging, but contained and thus charming, stream all the way up. Only one in every twenty chairs is occupied; we greet each other as people do only in small towns or in remote locations. The operator at the top urges me to climb up further to the ultimate viewpoint. I tell him I’m a total wimp in lieu of the actual explanation. I’m doing this more and more: acting helpless. The performance of a clueless female has its benefits and I’m never ashamed to use it when I need to. But I really loathe it as a default. Instead of summiting, I bed down into the crevasse followed by the stream and find, then wrap myself up like a burrito and try to meditate – but definitely not to fall asleep because hypothermia. The rush of water drowns out everything. The descent gets my heart thumping. I hadn’t realised how steeply we ascended. It’s time for my high places tactic: look at the horizon and breathe. The mountainous horizon of this moorland terrain is so many shades of blue that to be level with it is to feel part of the sky. Geologically, these formations are the lost Appalachian Mountains, my comfort mountains.
My actual mission of the day is finding a shop that sells avocados. Glencoe’s lone market is studded with pride flags and the strawberries are on offer. It’s hard to believe I just ate lunch wrapped in a wool blanket. There’s even a Big Issue seller outside mopping his brow in the intense sunshine. He gives me a 40 pence discount, then points to a lean, light-coloured Alsatian standing in a nearby copse of trees. ‘I thought that dog had come for me’, he confesses. ‘Didn’t see the lead.’ The dog stares back with the unblinking concentration of all dogs left outside shops. But its lupine appearance at the edge of the clearing feels like a harbinger – even if that clearing is a Co-op.
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cagemasterfantasy · 6 months
Dnd explained Yeti
A Yeti's windborne howl sounds out across remote mountains striking fear into the hearts of the scattered miners and herders that dwell there. These hulking creatures stalk alpine peaks in a ceaseless hunt for food. Their snow white fur lets them move like ghosts against the frozen landscape. A yeti's icy simian eyes can freeze its prey in place.
Folk of the high peaks travel in groups and go armed knowing that Yetis can smell living prey from miles away. When it finds prey a yeti moves quickly over ice and stone to claim its meal howling to the thrill of the hunt. Even in a blizzard the scent of its quarry draws the Yeti through the cold and snow.
Yetis hunt in solitude or in small family groups. When creatures flee from a Yeti or engage it in battle other Yetis might catch the scent of blood and close in. The territorial Yetis fight one another for the spoils of each battle and Yetis slain in the fight are also eaten amid euphoric howls.
Before an avalanche a blizzard or a deadly frost the Yetis howls sweep down the mountain slopes on the icy wind. Some people of the alpine peaks believe that the voices of loved ones killed in avalanches and blizzards sound out in the wails of the Yetis crying warnings of ill omen. More pragmatic folk attest the Yetis howl as a reminder that despite the great accomplishment of civilization the civilized become the hunted in nature's untamed domain.
When mountain herds are abundant Yetis stear clear of humanoid realms. Driven by hunger they attack humanoid settlements in waves breaking down gates and stockade walls that once might have daunted them then devouring the creeatures within.
Devious mountain folk sometimes use the Yetis as unwitting weapons. A warlord might lay down slaughtered sheep or goats to draw Yetis into an enemy's camp sowing chaos and thinning the ranks before battle. Mountain clan chiefs wanting to expand their territory overhunt local game to diminish the Yetis food supply inspiring attacks on humanoid settlements that are swiftly annexed in the aftermath.
An Abominable yeti is larger than a normal yeti standing 3 times as tall as a human. It typically lives and hunts alone though a pair of abominable yetis might live together long enough to raise young. These towering Yetis are highly territorial and savage attacking and devouring any warm blooded creatures they encounter then scattering the bones across the ice and snow.
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Clan Alpine public comment. DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2023-0004-EA
March 29 2023 We know that Clan Alpine HMA, HA, and Mountains are the traditional homeland of the Nuumu and Newe people and tribal members have a long history religious and spiritual connection with horses as they are considered a ‘powerful source of healing’ among all nations. The tribal members also use the clan alpine region as a source of culturally gathering traditional pine nuts. The…
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opiadiscord · 2 years
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─── ・ 。゚☆: . 𝙾 𝙿 𝙸 𝙰 . :☆。゚. ─── .: ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜɴ'ꜱ ᴏᴍᴇɴ :.
Touched by a vision of light, a brilliant apparition one could only sense was a celestial presence. The sun masked in shadow, outshone by the white radiant glow of the full moon. It's radiance extended past the alpines, down over the ranges and off towards the southern winds. A distant glimmer of light came into view, a current of water farther than any cat could see normally, followed by the audible crash of what sounded like a waterfall. The vision, gone as fast as it arrived vanished from sight as the Sun's final velvet rays touched the tallest crests of the mountain range, and then out of view leaving the sky violent and freckled with stars.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :。゚☆. ───
Join us for an 18+, semi literate to literate warriors roleplay based off the arc "Dawn of the Clans". Opia is a unique, lore heavy server following the events up to the land that was sent to them through a prophecy, and to reach eventual clanhood. Be apart of the band of cats who journey to the place promised by the Sun itself, and experience all the troubles that comes with it. Unique lore that is specific to the server, and a nice welcoming community!
. . .
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: ✦ This is an 18+ community based on the occasional darker themes, as well as a more mature roleplaying community. If you are within 3 months of turning the age of 18, you are welcome to join! ✦ Here in Opia, we do not do dice rolls to determine the quality of the action, and believe in letting the creativity flow as you write! ✦ Intriguing and unique lore that draws members in! ✦ Extremely nice, welcoming, cozy community! ✦ In-server shop! ✦ Opportunities for high ranks in the future! ✦ We are an all inclusive community for everyone, regardless gender, sexuality, race, ability, status!
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ariesgamesandminis · 2 years
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Restocks are up from Catalyst Game Labs for BattleTech!
Alpha Strike - Box Set Alpha Strike - Commander`s Edition Alpha Strike Game Aids - Clan Invasion Cards Alpha Strike Game Aids - Succession Wars Cards Battle Mat - Alien Worlds - Fungal Crevasse/Washout Battle Mat - Grasslands Alpine Battle Mat - Grasslands Desert Battle Mat - Strana Mechty Battle Mat - Tukayyid - Pozoristu Mountains/Kozice Valley Beginner Box Empire Alone Miniature Force Pack - ComStar Battle Level II Miniature Force Pack - Inner Sphere Fire Lance Miniature Force Pack - Inner Sphere Heavy Battle Lance Miniature Force Pack - Inner Sphere Heavy Lance Technical Readout Succession Wars
#battletech #alphastrike #ironwindmetals #battletechalphastrike #miniatures #catalystgamelabs #battlemech #battletechminiatures #battletechpaintingandcustoms #mecha #tabletop #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #wargaming #wargames #hobby #scifi #sciencefiction #miniaturepainting #mech #hovertank #6mmminis #6mmscifi #feldherr #dougram #gundam #robotech #armypainter #thearmypainter #chessex
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