#City Information
redrobin-detective · 10 months
I can't stop thinking about how funny it is that Aang had all this secret lore on Zuko because of the Blue Spirit that he just, didn't share with the Gaang. That boy knew that Zuko was capable of fighting extremely well without bending, was excellent with swords and unnaturally good at infiltration and espionage. And then just never brought it up.
Katara's yelling at Zuko on how he thinks he'd be able to find and break into the Sun Warrior Temple while Aang is fidgeting in the background. Sokka starts giving Zuko a hard time about his swords, asking if a spoiled prince would know how to use them. Aang is vibrating unsure of how to explain that Sokka Might Die if he tried to swordfight Zuko unprepared but now its been too long and it'd be super awkward to bring up.
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thebreakfastgod · 2 months
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America's Roads: Dangerous by Design
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manojm123 · 2 years
Are you the one who just have bought a car and wondering which driving training schools to join in Bhubaneswar to learn how to drive successfully and to become an expert driver. Than you are at the right place. In this article you will get all the information about the best driving training schools in the localities of Bhubaneswar.
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mummer · 1 year
just saw asteroid city last night, pls explain the proposed significance of the kiss!!
answering this publicly hope thats ok! cant do a readmore im on mobile *****asteroid city spoilers below beware*****
i dont remember anyones names so this is gonna sound partly unhinged. okay so the edward norton playwright and jason schwartzman actor (not character, in the black and white parts) are lovers right. tbh i thought this was kind of a gag and forgot about it. but later we find out that the playwright died 6 months into the production. i didnt make the connection that THAT’s why the actor-jason has to suddenly leave the stage and freaks out backstage about how he’s not sure he’s Doing it right. hes not talking about acting!! because he himself is literally grieving his lover while he’s playing a character who’s grieving his wife written by his lover so obviously it’s too much!!! actor-jason is trying to find meaning in his death through his writing but there isnt any meaning in death [gerris drinkwater voice] which is what the play is trying to say anyway. he doesnt think he’s performing grief right even in his own life!!! (and tbh it’s the 50s so he wouldnt be able to perform grief publicly anyway!!!!) the play starts with a car accident… anyone would search for some hidden meaning there, some sign…. so when he talks to margot robbie outside it’s not really about finding the CHARACTER’s motivations it’s about the actor himself being able to process the playwright’s death! and adrien brody director was probably also dealing with that too (him and norton seemed to be good buddies) so the whole “sleeping backstage” thing gets a bit sadder maybe? maybe everyone else got this in the theatre and im just stupid lol but crazy making stuff to me!!! the whole story is about sublimated gay grief that cannot be expressed?!?!
the tweet that caught me onto this was here which posits that the playwright’s death was a suicide but i think that’s pretty stupid and unnecessary because the whole thing about the play asteroid city is that death is random and meaningless. im pretty sure that’s what the alien represents— a shocking and absurd event that isnt outright evil or menacing, not something anyone can predict or make sense of, it’s just a thing that happens to you out of nowhere, it doesnt mean anything. he’s a little black figure, he’s death! giving and taking! aagh
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 273
You know what? We need more Good parents Fentons. 
And you know what else? Technically, Jack helped Danny defeat Pariah via the use of the Ecto-Skeleton. And like, that’s his son, his baby boy. Sure Danny is and has always been a mommy’s boy, but it doesn’t change that fact. They’re both already feeling horrible about the fact they could have hurt him, they could have hurt their son- they have hurt their son, killed him with their inaction and never again. 
So when these oversized jello-eyeballs try to insist that their baby, their precious baby boy, take a crown? Become a king when he’s not even out of highschool, when he doesn’t want it? No. Hell no! That is his Danny-o, his baby boy who was terrified of his own parents! 
Which is how Jack, despite technically still being alive even if so-very ecto-contaminated, became the Ghost King. 
And for some reason there’s several ghosts rather happy about this- oh, these are his Danny-O’s ghost-parents? Not-ghost parents seeing as some of them have never been anything but a realm denizen? That’s really fascinating- y’know what, want some fudge and we can exchange childcare- Maddie dear come over and meet our co-parents apparently!  
Now it’s not all easy, but they’re trying their best, and that’s all that can be asked. 
Which is perhaps why it’s so exasperating- or as Maddie would put it, downright infuriating- that it is now, almost an entire year and a half later that the Heroes finally arrive to investigate. Well, at least he has plenty of fudge since it’s almost time for the council meeting. 
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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One last devastating blow
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Run through the village screaming “Polar Bear Sunday! At long last, another Polar Bear Sunday has arrived! Rejoice! Blessings be upon us all for it is Polar Bear Sunday!”
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goldenpinof · 9 days
a list of Terrible Influence Tour shows (24.06.2024)
Europe (September 2024):
Antwerp, Belgium
Copenhagen, Denmark
Berlin, Germany
Warsaw, Poland
Frankfurt, Germany
Stockholm, Sweden
Oslo, Norway
Helsinki, Finland
USA/Canada (October-November 2024):
Seattle, Washington
Portland, Oregon
Vancouver, Canada
Oakland, California
Phoenix, Arizona
San Diego, California
Los Angeles, California
Salt Lake City, Utah
Denver, Colorado
Kansas City, Missouri
Grand Prairie, Texas*
Austin, Texas
St. Louis, Missouri
Detroit, Michigan
Akron, Ohio
Indianapolis, Indiana
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Chicago, Illinois
Toronto, Canada
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
New York City, New York
Tysons, Virginia*
Atlanta, Georgia
Tampa, Florida
Orlando, Florida
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Durham, North Carolina
Nashville, Tennessee
Boston, Massachusetts
Reading, Pennsylvania
Red Bank, New Jersey
*Grand Prairie - near Dallas, Tysons - near Washington DC
Australia/New Zealand (December 2024):
Brisbane, Australia
Sydney, Australia
Sydney, Australia
Perth, Australia
Melbourne, Australia
Adelaide, Australia
Auckland, New Zealand
UK + Europe (January-February 2025):
Cardiff, UK
Plymouth, UK
Brighton, UK
Birmingham, UK
London, UK
London, UK
Manchester, UK
Newcastle, UK
Dublin, Ireland
Belfast, UK
Glasgow, UK
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Reykjavík, Iceland
60 shows, 58 cities
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kykyhich · 3 months
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Current Akaibara members.
Ellie Rose
Kitsune. Founder of Akaibara. Also own an “Fox den” bar and working as a bartender. Strong willed woman who also could be really hotheaded.
Jacob Rose
Ellie’s half brother and werewolf. Actually he was adopted by her, but for some reason she forebade him to call her “mom”. Only sister. Has cheerful personality and he was first person who met Charles as a vampire.
Burt Curtis
Ex-Toppat member. At first was forced to join Akaibara for teaching Charles, but stayed at Akaibara as regular member. Laziest pureblood vampire in the world. Also gave Henry his blood for experiments because of Reg’s order.
Sam Turner
Shapeshifter originally came from China. Oldest member of Akaibara. They got rough edges but mostly calm and harmless. Trying to keep worst situations under control. Formally they are Ellie’s right hand.
Dave Panpa
Was born with big potential for necromancy. Unlucky for him, his powers way too strong so he can’t control it. Got coffins from Toppats to contain necromancy powers.
Charles Calvin
Ex-solider under Covenant’s control. Originally he supposed to fight against undead and inhumans but now since he became a vampire he was forced to join Akaibara to protect his second life from Covenant’s wrath. Ellie saw big potential in him so it was a reason why she even kept revived vampire.
Akaibara - illegal inhuman organisation. Was foundered to giving protection for inhumans, especially for yokai and werewolves.
Covenant - organisation of wizards. Their current goals: extermination of undead and controlling populations of inhumans. Sorta world government. Have their own regular army. Hubert Galeforce is one of high ranked member of Covenant and also the one who responsible the army.
Army - Despite the Covenant's dislike of the inhumans, the army includes a lot of werewolves.
The Wall - executors of Covenants decisions. All Wall members is pure blood humans who had special training against inhumans.
Toppat clan - crime gang. Foundered as protester against Covenant’s policy of undead’s extermination. Most of top members is vampires or werewolves.
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cayennecrush · 2 months
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when ur witch gf has crazy space magic and u can't just walk into her house 😔
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imaybe5tupid · 2 months
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This bottle of Steven’s, awakens ancient feelings.
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cosmic-cd · 11 months
i am back in my "rabidly researching the deeper mechanics of the Pokemon series" era
those videos on the complicated things in pokemon and pokeblocks have made me quickly realize the community at large has figured a lot of new things out- while there's still a fair number of mysteries!!
i need to dig into glitches again and see if there's any new research about glitch pokemon in the 3D games.. (i kind of doubt it but i'm hopeful LOL)
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gotham-response · 8 months
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 80
 So Dan knows that there’s heroes that have gone back in time, he’s aware of that fact. But he doesn’t exactly care and has more important things to worry about. Like the fact that Danny and Ellie are now three years old, right when he’s moving, though maybe that’s a blessing in disguise seeing as the GIW are searching for them in Amity. 
  But still, he has more important things to worry about than the speedster vibrating five feet away from him. Like making sure Ellie and Danny are alright to visit (ugh) Peepaw Clocky while he goes to work. 
  Ms. Mercy is not messing around, which he appreciates in a workspace, but he has to wait for another opening in the daycare before he can bring his, as far as everyone else is aware, siblings who he got emergency custody of. 
  What with how Jazz is interning in Gotham, they figured Metropolis would be safer. Now if the speedster would stop following him, he would really appreciate it. He’s literally just an intern under Ms Mercy as an assistant, not even one of the scientists, and it’s not like his timeline of the end of the world exists anymore! 
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minilibrarian · 2 years
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Took a walk around the city yesterday and only came home with 2 books….I’d call that a success!
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valdeswan · 7 months
I think that KRS!Cale could be a great fanon Red Hood. Like a Crime Boss that controls the underground with the basic rules:
1) Don't deal with kids (or touch them in general)
2) Don't traffic people
3) Don't rape or abuse
Do it, and you will find out really fast
The difference is that he does not do all the hard work and uses his lieutenants, Choi Han, Ron, Beacrox, and Rosalyn, to apply all the rules while he takes care of the other boss criminals.
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