#Cinna wings it
So I've been dragged back into my old hyperfixation of MLP by my ankles so uh....take this random art of Cinneam but MLP! I guess!
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cinnabell2 · 1 year
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Finished the outfit HC for 7ebel nb 🥺🙏 and when I thought I was done I kept adding more
my basic bitch needs were fed with this one i love the 4nemo idol au a whole lot LOL
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sapphlopods · 1 month
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This will be one of the hardest things I ever have to do, but I need help even though I hate asking for it.
Please help me escape my homophobic and financially abusive parents. More under "Keep Reading"
I'm Chaim, and ever since I graduated high school, I’ve lived with my parents. Australia has an incredibly bad housing crisis, and it’s nearly impossible for me to move out without friends or roommates who have a pre-established house, which I have none. 
Over the course of the past 4 years, I have watched my father devolve into this angry right-wing conspiracy theorist who thinks all “Wokes” should d1e. He has no idea I’m a lesbian as I fear for what he will do if he ever finds out. 
My mother has a range of health issues, in 2022 she had a heart attack, and this year, she was diagnosed with brain and kidney cancer, which she is in and out of hospital for. Her financial assistance has been delayed over and over, we still need to wait 2 months to get help. 
So, my household's only income is from my father and me. My father has an incredibly bad gambling, drinking and tobacco addiction, he goes through a pack of 30 cans and a pack of 30 cigarettes in 2 days. Tobacco and alcohol are heavily taxed here and are upwards of $60+ each; that’s $120 every 2 days, he earns $1600 fortnightly and spends roughly $840 of it on just his addictions; that’s more than half his pay, and that isn’t including the horse races he bets on. 
That leaves me to pick up the slack on groceries, rent, my mother's medicine and lend them money when Dad “overspends” at the pub. My father would rather starve than lessen his addictions a bit so we can afford to stay in our house and have food to eat. 
This has been happening for years even before my mother fell so ill she couldn’t work but it's gotten worse. I do not want to leave my mother, but she will not leave my father no matter what since she sees nothing wrong with what he does. I’m tired of being nothing more than a piggybank and a maid to my parents since I will never be able to move out when all my money goes towards keeping a roof over our heads. Even while I was on vacation, they still called me up and asked for money. 
I’ve wanted to move out for a long time, but my situation is getting direr by the day, and I can’t save a single cent to leave like this. I know many problems are going on in the world right now that deserve people’s time more than this so thank you for reading this far. 
If you can spare anything, please send it to my ko-fi. It'll be going towards getting stuff sorted so I can move to my partner Cinna, who lives far away in Chile, but I have no other option now. 11/12
I also have a few items listed on my eBay that people might like, a lot of it is fandom stuff and collector things I have accumulated, I'll be putting more stuff up slowly as I sort through my things preparing to move. https://www.ebay.com.au/usr/sapphlopods
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ghaniatreides · 9 months
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The Hunger Games Appreciation Week 2024
➸ Day 2: Favourite Quotes
I am Cinna’s bird, ignited, flying frantically to escape something inescapable. The feathers of flame that grow from my body. Beating my wings only fans the blaze. I consume myself, but to no end.
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bigfatbreak · 2 years
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redesigned Kagami’s transformation with Cinna! the name’s now Kowai Tyria and though she’s got “wings” for her main attack, her weapon is a whip. ability is still mothman
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Cinna is still a little freak. we love her tho
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Jaysir: so uh, while we walk...I was wondering all of dinner, but it didn't seem appropriate to ask...how come you don't look like any of your siblings...? Or your father? ⚔️
*Cinna, walking behind them, slows her pace so they're ahead of her, and she can't easily overhear*
Lemon: ah- ahaha- oh- thats a, really long story...Do you want the long or short answer-? cuz the short answer is im adopted. *lemon seems mildly uncomfortable but smiles a little at jaysir anyway. They tuck their wings a little tighter to their body*
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abbatoirablaze · 7 months
Surrogate Luna, Chapter 19
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings:  slight angst, mentions of violence, fluff
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“Hey…relax little she-wolf.”
Cinna couldn’t stop the growl as she turned to the man that was set to guard her and her pups for the entirety of the summit. 
But Happy didn’t take it personally as he placed a heavy hand on her shoulder and gave her a soft look, “no one will come after you, Saradia, or Peter. You know that I’m here to protect you, Cinnamon.”
Cinna frowned, the small growl stopping as she gave him a sad look, “I-I know.  I’m sorry Happy.  I just-“
“You’re worried,” he reminded her as he cut her off, “I understand that entirely.  After what you’ve been through, it makes sense.  That’s why Tony and Pepper have me making sure that you don’t have to be alone!”
She gave him a soft smile, and he returned it with a reassuring one of his own. His arm fell down her shoulder, and he pulled her into a hug, scenting the much younger she-wolf in some hope of providing her with some comfort. 
She leaned into the man and wrapped her arms around him as well. 
She knew that Happy was always well-intentioned.
While he’d served Tony and the Stark pack for his entire adult life, he and Tony had been friends since they were pups as well.  And Happy was the best delta that Tony could have ever had hoped for. 
He’d accepted Pepper and Cinna into the pack the second that Tony had insisted that they go and take Pepper from her father.  He’d protected the sisters as if they were his own from the moment Tony put his mark on Pepper and proclaimed that she was his Luna. 
Happy was as loyal as they came and then some.
“Yes, Cinna?”
“Can I-can I just take a walk?” she asked softly, “the pups are with my sister, and I know that they’re all probably napping right now.  I jus-“
“You go nowhere alone, Cinna,” he reminded her softly as he pulled away and gave her a sad look, “but if you did wish to go on a walk…I wouldn’t mind the fresh air myself.”
“Shall we then?” she asked, holding her arm out to him.
Happy nodded and the pair made their way out of her quarters to a packed house. 
While the wing had been reserved for Tony’s family, it had pushed a lot of Tony’s inner circle into the wing, to accommodate the other pack leaders that were pushed into the floor below.  Those who did not fit into that floor, had been allowed to take up temporary residence in the house the pack had maintained for refugees and other wolves to stay while they waited for an answer on whether or not they could be part of the pack.
Happy’s arm drifted casually around Cinna’s waist as he pulled her close, all but covering her in his scent to keep the other outside alphas from really noticing that she was an unmated omega. 
The possessiveness coupled with the fact that she had a mark on her neck, made her nearly invisible to some of the other pack leaders who were busy scurrying around, trying to make plans with others to scare up some sort of allegiance during the summit. 
And that’s when they made it outside. 
From there, Cinna’s eyes widened. 
She could smell an all too familiar scent.  One that had her following it straight to the asylum house near the edge of the woods.
“It’s someone from Steve’s pack,” she responded quickly, cutting the wolf off as she nearly ran past the entrance and towards a car that had just pulled in, “Sam…I smell Sam!”
She all but tackled the man getting out of the car.  The wolf’s growl stopped the second that he recognized her, his eyes going wide.
She nuzzled the other wolf, all too happy to see him, while not being able to scent out his alphas. A grin spread wide on her face as he hugged her tight.
“What are you doing here?” he asked quickly, “I half expected Tony and Pepper to be hiding you away with another pack while the summit happened!”
“Why are you here?” she asked quickly, “I would have thought that Sharon would have jumped at the opportunity to demand Peter back in person…or at the very least, my head on a platter.”
Sam gave her a small frown, “she does want me to demand Peter back….and you for that matter.  Y-you know that Steve marked you.  She knows it too.  So technically, you’re property of the Rogers pack…and since she owns Steve-“
“She’s not going to receive what she’s demanding!” Happy growled, instantly pulling Cinna up and away from Sam, “she’s got some nerve demanding that and sending the beta in her place.”
“Part of me thinks she hopes that Tony gets so overwhelmed with the request that he sends my head back on a platter,” Sam grumbled, “but it was either that I go in place of her and Steve and make the request or I end up in the dungeons as a traitor to await trial…you should also know that if I don’t return with you and Peter she plans on starting a war…I need to have words with Alpha Stark immediately…he needs to know about this.  That was Steve’s one wish for me to show up here in Sharon’s place.  That he be aware of what’s to come.”
“Sam…you can’t go back!”
“My loyalty is to Steve to the end,” he replied knowingly with a frown, “I made that pact with him when we were pups.  I promised to always be in his corner until my last breath, Cinna.”
“Yes…your loyalty is to Steve…”
“You know what she has on Steve, Cinna.  I can’t do-“
Cinna’s heart broke as he began to speak.  She knew what Sharon had over Steve all too well. 
Her pup.
“H-how is Stevie?”
“Considering what his life has been?” Sam asked, “all too well adjusted.  The Rogers pack, what’s left of us, keeps your memory alive with him, Luna.  Your pup knows how to play her game…but he knows of you!”
Cinna felt the heaviness in the pit of her stomach. 
“Cinna…are you alright?”
She gave Happy another sad look as she sniffled, the tears instantly welling up in her eyes. 
Suddenly she craved the thought of being alone, now more than ever. 
“I-I think I need to run, Happy…”
“Then I’ll run with you-“
“No,” she said firmly, shaking her head as she cut the other wolf off, “you-take Sam to Tony immediately.  Let him know what Sharon is demanding, and planning…now that we know she sent Sam in her place, and that she’ stayed home I’m not in danger on Stark lands…and I-I need to process this all…”
“But Cinna…”
“I’ll be fine, Happy.  Take Sam to Tony now!”
Happy nodded obediently as he took Sam back towards the packhouse, where she knew that he was greeting some of the other pack leaders. 
Meanwhile, she’d turned back towards the woods, craving the dirt beneath her paws now, more than ever. 
And with a final glance back, she gave a heavy sigh, before shifting and running off into the forest of the Stark lands. 
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Cinna’s eyes went wide as she saw it. 
Him, rather. 
The white wolf seemed to glow in the darkness of the night. 
She’d made her way deep into the forest, and had found him not long ago, drawn to him by the scent he’d held, but now she wasn’t too sure that the wolf wasn’t some sort of mirage.
She’d never seen a wolf with a prosthetic on their front paw. 
But when another branch cracked under her paw, and his piercing silver eyes stared at her, she couldn’t think. 
She froze as he stared her down. 
Every instinct within herself was begging her to move, to do something, but she couldn’t.  She stayed frozen until the wolf was muzzle to muzzle with her.
His piercing eyes were just as wide as hers. 
Clearly, he hadn’t expected her either. 
But what she didn’t expect next made her hair stand on edge. 
The other wolf’s nose nuzzled against hers, gently pushing her head to the side.  And he licked a thick strip up her throat. 
A pleased rumble drew itself from her throat and she nuzzled the other wolf back before nipping his neck ever so slightly. 
The wolf’s head snapped back in her direction, surprised at the flirtatious acceptance of his own courting process. 
This time it was him that stood stock still as she nipped at him again, before turning away and running from him. 
The game was starting. 
She was begging for him to chase her; to begin the primal start of  the courting process.  She felt her arousal flowing as the other wolf chased after her. 
Paws hitting the forest floor.
Two hearts racing as he played with her, the alpha keeping up with her pace, but letting her take the lead. 
She knew that he could catch her if he wanted, but he was doing something she’d never heard of before.
He was letting her make the calls. 
And it made her heart soar as one singular word echoed in her hindbrain.
Chapter 20
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @prokey16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @teambarnes72, @mrsevans90
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reizoudesu · 17 hours
~ "stay alive" (character description)
𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚒 // 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜:
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
Y/n L/n as Katniss Everdeen: The female tribute reaped from District 12, a volunteer in place for her younger sister. A skilled hunter, a capable person in her own right, with a burden of the past in the mining district. Usually ill-tempered and destructive, defiant even, and often has trouble trusting other people.
Kaedehara Kazuha as Peeta Mellark: The male tribute reaped from District 12. The last born of an infamous samurai clan until its fall. He settled and was taken under a baker's wing, where he learned to manage a bakery. Masterful of the sword, carrying a certain air of elegance and humility in each graceful step. A kind, disciplined, carefree youth with a solid pillar of humbleness and volition.
Zhongli as Haymitch Abernathy: The mentor of both tributes from District 12. Battered from the 50th Hunger Games and now lives lavishly in isolation and mundanity. Mostly strict and serious, but has a soft spot for Osmanthus Wine, recalling those whom he’d shared all the memories with.
Venti as Effie Trinket: The eccentric escort and advisor of both tributes from District 12. Famous for his theatrical display and demeanor and his head-dive in The Reaping. Even an enigma like himself cannot be described as to how he managed to smile and get through the day that’s filled with nothing but murder and strife.
Ningguang as Cinna: The leader of Y/n’s prep team and the lead designer for both tributes’ clothing. An honest and critical dressmaker with a certain liking for District 12’s new tributes.
Paimon as Primrose Everdeen: The younger sister of Y/n, and the unfortunate person picked from The Reaping until her older sibling intervened and volunteered in her place.
Tartaglia/Childe/Ajax as Gale Hawthorne: The best friend, hunting (and sparring) partner of Y/n. Has a little sister and two little brothers. He met her in their childhood, when he caught her examining the traps in the wild. Ever since that encounter, both he and Y/n become close Y/n would consider him as an older brother
Faruzan as Glimmer Rubedo (Fake Albedo/Primordial Albedo) as Cato Rosaria as Clove Nahida as Rue Scaramouche as Thresh
𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚒𝚒 // 𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚎:
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓸𝓸𝓷…
𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚒𝚒𝚒 // 𝚖𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚓𝚊𝚢:
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓸𝓸𝓷…
©reizoudesu do not copy, steal, mark as your own work (but feel free to repost <3)
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mckngsong · 9 months
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❝ REAL OR NOT REAL? i am on fire.
i am cinna's bird, ignited, flying frantically to escape something inevitable. the feathers of flame that grow from my body. beating my wings only fans the blaze. i consume myself, but to no end. ❞
ind. portrayal of katniss everdeen, studying; a father's daughter, the sister who bears it all, a mother's grief, betting on losing dogs, a piece in their games, spark of the revolution, voice of songbirds, the girl on fire who finally burned, grappling with survivor's guilt.
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Terra: Mod mocha with you and out of your general cast of characters how would you scale their reactions of handling fun roller coasters? Mod: based on a real life IRL trip to Kings Island with my brother today is why I asked this question.
Rollercoasters aren't really a thing in the world and I personally only like a few, so because I'm not super into roller coaster, generally, the main cast of Cinna and her friends/lovers would probably only enjoy them if they didn't already have wings. 🍫
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gluevah · 1 month
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AAAAAA they're here!
I love them so much omg! All 3 Sanrio BaBs are super soft, a little understuffed but I'll fix that. The outfits are nice, Pombie (Zombie Pompom) and Sweet Roll (Candy Corn Cinna) have functioning buttons and the fabric is nice! Koumori's (Bat Kuromi) dress does have felt bat wings which is kind of a bummer, I'll probably only have her dressed when she's on display rather than when I'm hugging her.
The PK mini beans is so cute! I'm gonna add whiskers and thread sculpt the face though, mine has wonky eyes but that's not really a big deal. The white patches don't bother me either, it's just kinda what happens when you use printed fur on a small floppy plush. I'm so glad my full size Pumpkin Kitty siblings will have a little brother!
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help-an-alter · 1 month
We have a fictive of fem!child!Touya Todoroki (that’s the best way I can describe her) who’s struggled to find a new name, but she wants to not use a closed name anymore. Could you help us find a name for her?
Some themes to include are snow, the color white, anger, cold, loss, fear, polar bears, moths, fluffy animals, winter, comfort, childhood, innocence (or loss of it), confusion, pain, and/or icicles.
Sorry if some of those are too abstract!
Thanks in advance!
hey, i’m not a regular alter who spends time on this blog but i wanted to assist with this one. i did my best, it was my first time doing it though so apologies if it isn’t as helpful as the normal mods’ are.
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NAMES: winter, alaska, bianca, blanche, crystal, ember, frost, frostine, garnet, holly, gwen, gwendolyn, icy/ice, ivy, january, lumi, merry, snow, sylvia, aspen, cypress, eden, violet, wrath, furi, morgana, lilith, luna, empress, angora, corinne, valerie, serafina, hope, frey(j)a, aurora
PRONOUNS: ice/icy/icicleself, snow/snows/snowself, fie/fire/fireself, kha/khaoself, froze/frozen/frozenself, po/polar/polarself, cub/cubs/cubself, gro/growl/growlself, mo/moth/mothself, lu/lunes/luneself, fluff/fluffs/fluffself, wi/wing/wingself, fuzz/fuzzy/fuzz(y)self, flu/flutter/flutterself, anten/antennae/antennaeself, cinn/cinna/cinnabarself, la/lamp/lampself, co/cold/coldself, flur/flurry/flurryself, fri/frigid/frigidself, lo/lost/lostself, lo/loss/losself, voi/void/voidself, blu/blue/blueself
COMFORT: cold weather, journaling, movie nights, a comfort item (blanket, stuffed animal, etc), learning tarot or rune reading, drawing/writing as a coping mechanism, finding a clothing style, playing with slime or kinetic sand
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- ember (fellow dabi/touya introject) of the crows
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katnissmellarkkk · 10 months
bookcomb for people kissing katniss on the cheek or forehead or nose. idk why I did this I just wanted to.
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“Here, I’ll put it on your dress, all right?” Madge doesn’t wait for an answer, she just leans in and fixes the bird to my dress. “Promise you’ll wear it into the arena, Katniss?” she asks. “Promise?”
“Yes,” I say. Cookies. A pin. I’m getting all kinds of gifts today. Madge gives me one more. A kiss on the cheek. Then she’s gone and I’m left thinking that maybe Madge really has been my friend all along.”
Effie takes both of us by the hand and, with actual tears in her eyes, wishes us well. Thanks us for being the best tributes it has ever been her privilege to sponsor. And then, because it’s Effie and she’s apparently required by law to say something awful, she adds “I wouldn’t be at all surprised if I finally get promoted to a decent district next year!”
Then she kisses us each on the cheek and hurries out, overcome with either the emotional parting or the possible improvement of her fortunes.
But I don’t get it. Well, I do get a second kiss, but it’s just a light one on the tip of my nose because Peeta’s been distracted. “I think your wound is bleeding again. Come on, lie down, it’s bedtime anyway,” he says.
Still clenching one of Cinna’s hands, I walk over and stand on the circular metal plate. “Remember what Haymitch said. Run, find water. The rest will follow,” he says. I nod. “And remember this. I’m not allowed to bet, but if I could, my money would be on you.”
“Truly?” I whisper.
“Truly,” says Cinna. He leans down and kisses me on the forehead. “Good luck, girl on fire.”
“Since when does it matter what I think?” says Haymitch. “Better take our places.” He leads me to the metal circle. “This is your night, sweetheart. Enjoy it.” He kisses me on the forehead and disappears into the gloom.
Just then, Effie Trinket arrives in a pumpkin orange wig to remind everyone, “We’re on a schedule!” She kisses me on both cheeks while waving in the camera crew, then orders me into position.
President Snow himself makes a surprise visit to congratulate us. He clasps Peeta’s hand and gives him an approving slap on the shoulder. He embraces me, enfolding me in the smell of blood and roses, and plants a puffy kiss on my cheek.
We sit, as we did last year, holding hands until the voice tells me to prepare for the launch. He walks me over to the circular metal plate and zips up the neck of my jumpsuit securely. “Remember, girl on fire,” he says, “I’m still betting on you.” He kisses my forehead and steps back as the glass cylinder slides down around me.
Plutarch crosses to me, laughing. “Where do you come up with this stuff? No one would believe it if we made it up!” He throws an arm around me and kisses me on the top of my head with a loud smack. “You’re golden!”
Gale’s not supposed to visit me, as he’s confined to bed with some kind of shoulder wound. But on the third night, after I’ve been medicated and the lights turned down low for bedtime, he slips silently into my room. He doesn’t speak, just runs his fingers over the bruises on my neck with a touch as light as moth wings, plants a kiss between my eyes, and disappears.
Gale catches my arm before I can disappear. “So that’s what you’re thinking now?” I shrug. “Katniss, as your oldest friend, believe me when I say he’s not seeing you as you really are.” He kisses my cheek and goes.
“Effie,” I say.
“Hello, Katniss.” She stands and kisses me on the cheek as if nothing has occurred since our last meeting, the night before the Quarter Quell. “Well, it looks like we’ve got another big, big, big day ahead of us. So why don’t you start your prep and I’ll just pop over and check on the arrangements.”
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fictionalshippingbean · 10 months
*Cinna meeting one of his AU's*
Cinna: This is so dumb...
Brisk(Cs.mt!Cinna): The higher I am the better I can see
Cinna: You can...you can fly.
Brisk: Hush now, other me. *uses a wing to block out the sun* I am searching.
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bunnybluez · 1 month
Cinna ☆ 19 ☆ she/he
Trauma/MH recovery + plural + witch
Medium Support Needs Autistic (hyperverbal/hyperlexic/alexithymic)
genderqueer bunnyboy femme lesbian prince ☆ polyam taken x2
Kin list - ID hoard
DNI : radqueer/transid, pro ed/sh, heavily anti endo or anti ship/fiction (I am neutral but hard antis are often very mean), zionist, right wing, participate in queer discourse often, harass others, believe paraphilias/aspd/npd/etc make you evil.
I am in recovery for DID/CPTSD and agoraphobia. I am also physically disabled with moderate-severe ME/CFS + T2 diabetes and use a powerchair! I have other disorders but these are my main ones. My Mama is my carer.
I adore my pets! I have 4 shih tzu dogs, a borzoi dog, 2 bunnies, 2 guinea pigs and a very spoiled tuxedo cat we got off the street.
SpIns: Psychology (particularly trauma related disorders), LPS, Sylvanian Families, plushies, Sanrio, Fairy Tail, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Hamilton, jfashion, animals.
Reg Ints: Stardew Valley, sudoku, solitaire, Animal Crossing, Honkai Star Rail, nature, witchcraft, poetry, arts n crafts, Cherished Teddies, stickers, Unpacking, Fran Bow.
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abbatoirablaze · 10 months
Surrogate Luna, Chapter 11
Word Count:  1.4k
Warnings:  slight angst.
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“Please stop calling me that, Sarah,” Cinna sighed as she looked to one of her closest friends.  Sarah gave her a soft smile and sat down at the edge of the water.  She noticed Cinna looking around, as though trying to keep an eye on her adventurous pup.  She laughed, “Stevie is fine.  He’s with Wanda just around the corner.”
“You know how I feel about him wandering,” she sighed nervously as her eyes strained to see the pup, “he’s like his father.”
“Adventurous…yeah…Sam reminds me of that all the time!” she laughed, “you know, when Steve was a pup he lived to be in these woods while his mother spent time at the water as well…”
She frowned, thinking of the man that she loved. 
Sarah mirrored her actions, “I-I’m sorry.  I know that it-“
“It’s fine,” she sighed, shaking her friend’s comments off, “Steve is the alpha of this pack.  I bore his pup.  I-It’s only normal that they share certain qualities.”
“You know…that isn’t a bad thing…”
She nodded, sitting up from the water’s edge, “I know…I just-it still hurts.”
Sarah nodded once again as Cinna stood, gathering herself together so that she could head back to the packhouse. 
With a heavy heart she followed after her, “you know…we could always go to another pack…”
“Sarah…” she sighed, sparing her friend a look.  She shook her head, “y-you know that I can’t take Stevie away from his pack…from his father.”
“He never sees him.”
Sadness took over her scent and Sarah instantly regretted her words. 
“I’m sorry, Cinna.”
“It’s not your fault, Sarah,” Cinna replied sadly, “do not apologize for your alpha’s actions.”
“Stevie!” Cinna called into the open wilderness, “Maria?  Wanda?”
She heard her pup giggling before anything else. 
A smile rose to her face as her chubby-cheeked pup came toddling towards her, a smile as bright as the sun on his face.
“My little wolf!” she exclaimed, holding her arms out to her son. 
Stevie giggled, running into his mother’s arms while Wanda and Maria playfully chased him through the clearing. 
“Thank you for staying by my side!” she said appreciatively to the trio of women who had once been assigned to her, “you kno-“
“You’re our friend!” Wanda smiled, patting her friend on the shoulder.
“Our Luna!” Maria added in.
“I still appreciate it!”
“So long as our alpha stands at the head of the pack…we will  not leave you!” Maria smiled reassuringly, “but know that the second he does not, we will try to slip you away from here.”
Cinna gave Sarah a sideways glance, but she ignored it, nodding along with a faux smile. 
Sure, she hadn’t seen Steve, or been close with him since Sharon had marked him, but had she been aware of something that the other girls weren’t?
She was lost in her thoughts as Sarah, Maria, and Wanda began talking about everything that was going on in the pack.  So lost, that she had hardly noticed when they ended up in the pack medical wing. 
If it wasn’t for their doctor, Bruce Banner, she would have been stuck in her thoughts.
Her attention snapped to the quiet doctor.  Stevie was giggling and interacting with him, reaching out for him. 
“May I?”
She gave a polite smile and nodded, allowing Bruce to take over the duty of carrying Stevie around.  He smiled as the little blonde pup gurgled excitedly and began chattering with words that only he knew the true meanings of.
Her attention snapped up again and she looked around.
Wanda, Maria, and Sarah were nowhere to be found.  He chuckled at her bewildered look, “they’re at training, Luna…”
“Oh…I-I’m sorry.”
“Are you okay?” he asked curiously, “you seem a little out of it!”
She nodded, and he pretended not to notice the lie.
She gave a small smile to her son, reaching out to play with his hair. 
“You look tired!” Bruce pointed out.
“I am…”
“Have you been sleeping?”
She nodded, a frown replacing her small smile as she looked to the doctor, “I-yeah…more than normal unfortunately.  Part of me feels like I can barely keep up with Stevie…”
“You’ve gone a long time without your mate, Cinna…”
This time she frowned at his insistence, “I-I’m not going back to Steve, Bruce.”
“I wasn’t saying that you should,” he shrugged, “Just making an observation is all…”
“Bruce?” she asked after a moment. 
He gave her a curious look, “yes Luna?”
“If-If I were to ask about a mark removal…” she said slowly, watching him for any signs of what he thought about it.  She sighed when he gave no notions on how he felt, “it-never mind.”
“Ask your questions, Cinna,” he said sadly, “you’re thinking of them for a reason.”
“If I were to ask about a mark removal…even knowing that Steve is the alpha of the pack and I am your Luna…his omega…”
“What of it, my luna?”
“Would you remove the mark if I asked you?”
He shrugged, switching Stevie’s weight to his other hip as the little boy snuggled into his side, completely oblivious to the conversation.
“Are you asking this because you’ve potentially found another mate?” Bruce asked curiously.
Her eyes widened and she shook her head, “Wh-what?  No.  Steve is my-“
She stopped speaking when she realized what she was about to say.  Bruce gave her another sad look before motioning for her to follow him to his office.  When they reached the sanctuary of it, he closed and locked the door, “allow me to speak freely to you, Luna?”
She nodded, “Yeah…of-of course!”
“You’ve become tired…exhausted even, yes?”
She nodded, “Yes.”
“You’re showing signs of getting weaker because of your lack of contact from your mate,” Bruce said sadly, “you allowed him to mark you and then the two of you went your separate ways.  Mates find comfort in one another.  They find strength in one another.  Especially after they’ve marked each other.”
“So…not being with Steve…”
“Is slowly killing you.” Bruce finished sadly, “you have to make a choice soon, Luna…wolves are pack animals for a reason.  It’s not entirely by choice.  Once you mark or are marked by someone you thrive with them.  It’s why so many mates perish when the other passes.  Do you want your loneliness to kill you?”
Cinna looked between the doctor and her son. 
She’d been thinking about getting the mark removed for nearly half a year, but hadn’t really told anyone about it.  But hearing the words from Bruce’s mouth made her realize that she couldn’t hold off on her thoughts, or decision, much longer.
“W-what do I need to do?” she asked seriously, looking at Bruce once more.
“Go get some rest…” he said seriously, “you’ll need your energy.”
She nodded and went to take her son from the doctor’s grasp, but he shook his head.
“I’ll watch over Stevie…you’ll need your energy…I’m not joking.  Come back later tonight and get him.  I’ll order the supplies.”
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Bruce looked up from the floor of his office to where his alpha stood at the door.  He froze in his spot as the little blonde pup looked up at him. 
Steve held his breath.
He instantly recognized his son, despite having not seen him in nearly ten months.
“Wh-where is Cinna?”
“Sleeping…she needed rest.  I agreed to watch Stevie,” Bruce answered, his brow quirking as he looked at Steve, “is everything okay?”
“I-we need your help,” Steve answered brokenly, as though he was having a hard time tearing his eyes from his son.  The little boy watched him, studying his every move.  He pointed back towards the medical wing, “can you?”
“Yeah…” he nodded quickly.  He looked at Stevie firmly, “you stay here and color, okay?”
“Kay!” the blonde exclaimed in a chirp. 
Bruce smiled and patted his hair before getting up, “alright alpha…what did you need?”
Steve’s brow furrowed as he looked between his son and the doctor, “Wi-will he be okay like that?”
“Oh yeah,” Bruce nodded, waving his alpha off, “Stevie’s a good boy.  Knows when to keep himself busy…”
Steve spared his son another glance.  The little boy was entertaining himself with the crayons and coloring book.  And his heart broke a little when the boy didn’t acknowledge him as anything more than someone bugging him for a moment in time.
Chapter 12
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @prokey16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @teambarnes72, @mrsevans90
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