#Cid sophiar
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acecaelumizunia · 4 months ago
Cid having the spear and Weskham having the guns will always throw me off because for so long I imagined it was the other way around.
Then I played King's tale and tried to convince myself that that game wasn't canon (which I'm still not sure if it is because... where was Cor???) until I finally played comrades and it got confirmed there too.
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raven-6-10 · 5 months ago
I'm wondering which members of Regis' retinue would be aware of his actual parentage.
Cid knows for sure, he was an adult already when Regis was born. Hell, he might be one of the few people to remember Mors' first wife too.
Cor and Wesk don't know. Cor wasn't even born then and Wesk was 2 when all of this took place.
But I have a problem with Clarus.
Because Clarus was 5 when Regis was born. He should have remembered that. But at the same time, how much did he actually understand? How much did he even see or hear? I doubt he spent much time around the Citadel at that age, but still.
Choices, choices.
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smallest-turtle · 8 months ago
Cid Sophiar taking a smoke break at the top of a disused turret in the base he's a mechanic at: ...
Prince Mors who just got stationed there and needs a break from listening to people argue about battle strategies before he makes something explode: ...
(this continues for several months)
Cid, several years later getting a letter inviting him to apprentice with the royal mechanic at the recommendation of His Highness the Prince: ...what
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ertrunkenerwassergeist · 10 months ago
Was reading Regis's wiki and I noticed something, it says that cid left due to "insomnias policy on refugees" but what exactly was the policy?
I think (and please keep in mind that I haven't checked my sources for this in a while) that this is about Mors pulling the magicl Wall back to only encompass Insomnia. Since it was said to at least protect all of Cavaugh if not all of Lucis.
Cid really didn't like it when this happened. (Why Mors did it? Probably to conserve strength. To keep living just one more day, since keeping up the Wall is what's killing the Lucis Caelums imo.) He got into an argument with Regis about this, since (I think) he didn't like the then prince's answer.
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silverfoxes-showdown · 2 years ago
Hottest GILF Tournament - Round 1-B
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andywinter16 · 2 years ago
I just found in FFXV Comrades conversation with Cid and Weshkam, where they mentioned the ugly octopus who killed Pelna (i forget the name of that monster) But Weshkam said something there along the Line "Battle began by his sword(Regis's) was ended up by his glaive." And who killed that octopus? Of course our one and ONLY Nyx Ulric!!!
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dayasan · 2 years ago
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📷 Somewhere in Altissia, Accordo
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missregality · 2 years ago
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Some love for Miss Cindy~❤
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garbria · 3 years ago
#16 or #39 for the ask game please!
16. It could be worse.
39. Hey! I was gonna eat that!
Cor chewed slowly, counting in his head to distract himself. Even with Regis’ potions, he was still in pain. He knew he was lucky to be alive, much less conscious. So he was trying not to complain, but it had already been days and he was still moving like he was older than Cid. He was tired of it. And the pain meant he wasn’t sleeping well, either. He told himself it was the pain, and not the things he had seen in the Craig. He took another bite, chewing forcefully. 
Suddenly a fork appeared from his right and stabbed a piece of steak on his plate. Before he could do much more than gawk, the fork was pulled back and the bite disappeared into Clarus’ mouth.
“Hey! I was gonna eat that!” Cor curled his body over his plate and glared at Clarus, fist clutching his own fork, ready to defend the rest of his meal.
Clarus chewed and swallowed obnoxiously slowly. “You snooze, you lose, kid.”
Cor growled and scooted further away, closer to Weskham.
“Clarus, play nice. Cor is still recovering.” Weskham slid some of the meat from his plate onto Cor’s.
Cor glowered down at his plate, fighting down a blush. He hated being treated like a kid, like an invalid. They had all already given him the lecture about running off and doing something reckless more than once. Now, every time one of them mentioned his injuries, he felt a rush of shame. He hated it. They had been right, it had been reckless. And he hadn’t even gotten anything out of it. Had barely escaped with his life, had lost his father’s sword. Didn’t deserve to still be there, despite what Regis said.
He took another bite, knowing he wasn’t appreciating the meal properly. Weskham’s meals were always delicious, one of the best parts about traveling with him. But he couldn’t help the feeling that he didn’t deserve to eat this food, when he couldn’t even pull his own weight right now. They were stuck at this haven because he couldn’t fight in this condition, and he hated that his stupidity was the reason that everyone was held back. 
Cor concentrated on finishing his meal, letting the banter of the others wash over him without paying attention. Before he realized it, Weskham was taking his empty plate to wash with the others. 
Cor avoided eye contact as he stood up. “I’ll take first watch.” He walked over to the edge of the haven and looked out at the setting sun. He heard the others getting ready for bed, trying to ignore the distance he felt between them. He didn’t know much about family, but Regis and others had become the closest thing he’d had to one. Then, he’d gone and fucked it up, trying to prove his worth. When he closed his eyes, he could still see how angry Regis had looked when they’d found him after.
Before he knew it, the sun was done, and the rest of the camp fell quiet. He shook himself. He needed to pay better attention if he was going to be on watch. He heard quiet steps behind him and tensed.
“How’re you doing, kid?” Cid’s rough voice came from behind him.
Cor didn’t turn around. “I’m fine.”
A hand fell on his shoulder and squeezed. “Don’t take it so hard, kid. You’ll heal up just fine.”
Cor grimaced. Would he? It wasn’t the physical injuries that were keeping him awake. 
Cid sighed and moved closer. “It was a stupid thing you did, no one’s arguing that. But we understand why. And you came back alive. That’s what’s important. It could be worse.”
Cor snorted. “I don’t know about that.”
The hand on his shoulder whirled him around with such force Cor nearly fell. When Cor caught sight of Cid’s face, he paled. He can’t remember seeing Cid so angry. “You listen here, Cor Leonis. You think any of us would rather you got your fool self killed? You can’t protect Regis if you’re dead! Your job is to be of service to the Crown, which you do by staying alive, understand me?”
Cor wilted under Cid’s glare. The older man stared at him until Cor nodded and looked away. 
“Good. You want to make yourself useful around here, you start by taking care of yourself. Go get some rest, I got the rest of the watch.” Cid pushed Cor in the direction of his tent.
Cor went, shoulders pulled up around his ears. He still didn’t know why they cared, especially when he’d fucked up so spectularly. But it was clear they did, and it was time he accepted that. Cid was right, as annoying as it was. If he wanted to really be worthy of serving Regis, he needed to take his responsibilities, including to himself, more seriously. No more wallowing.
He curled up in his bedroll, and sighed. He had a lot of hard work ahead of him, making up for his little misadventure. It was a good thing he was no stranger to hard work. He was going to start by getting a good night’s sleep. He would get stronger, better, so he could protect Regis without worrying him. Without worrying any of them.
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every-lemon · 3 years ago
G, gen, 847 words, POV Cid Sophiar 'cause why not
Cid frowns at the boat, cigarette drooping his lip.
It’s in rough shape. Been sitting here in the dock beneath the lighthouse for years, untouched; hell, he was probably the last one who drove it, whenever that was.
If he hadn’t been so spitting angry back then, maybe he’d have thought to come over to Caem every now and again keep it in good shape for Reggie. Or running, at least. Hell, he probably coulda billed the Crown for his services — not that he’d have had any use for a pile of whatever-it-is they spend in the city.
But it’s full of godsdamn memories, is the problem.
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smallest-turtle · 9 months ago
Cid having no idea that Mors thinks positively of him bc of how his smoke break spot and Mors's 'i need to get away from this strategy meeting before i blow something up' spot was the same crumbling turret for the few months they were stationed at the same base in their 20's because they so rarely spoke a word to one another while up there.
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wombywoo · 4 years ago
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only the cool kids get to hang out behind the crow’s nest talking trash abt prince regis... ✌
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thebisexualmandalorian · 4 years ago
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Cid Sophiar, Regis Lucis Caelum, Clarus Amicitia, Titus Drautos | Glauca, Cor Leonis, Mors Lucis Caelum Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Gap Filler, Canon Compliant
Summary: Cid takes care of a survivor, and draws his line in the sand.
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dayasan · 2 years ago
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📷 Lighthouse, Cape Caem, Cleigne
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Final Fantasy XV Hammerhead
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kn0pa · 4 years ago
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