#Chuuya comes into work and Mori tells him Dazai is gone
petitesmafia · 1 year
do you guys think Dazai ever joked about quitting his job with Chuuya. just like
Dazai: imagine if I just quit my job and went to lie somewhere for like 2 years ahahaha Dazai: that’d be so funny ahahaha Chuuya: ahahahaha Chuuya: 😐 just write your fucking report. [Dazai defects pm] Chuuya: Chuuya: oh. so he wasn’t joking......
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blehdsvvds · 12 days
Dazai and chuuya as your parents because I wanna giggle:
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- oh boy... How do I put this.
- It would be a civil war between you two but sometimes you two gang up on whoever your dad feels like pissing off (COUGH COUGH Kunikda)
- He would be a very cool and chill dad however he knows his limits and knows when to protect you or when to stop to keep you out of harm
- Remember how I said it would be like a civil war between you two?
- He is definitely the type to prank you and record it to post it on tiktok or Instagram with him full on crying of laughter in the background
- He's also the type to record your temper tantrums and put the caption as "define crashout" or "-1000000 aura"
- I headcanon that he bought you a plushie that you like for your birthday but he didn't bother opening the package to make sure it's in good condition just so you could open it so it would be a suprise for both you and him, and it comes out extremely deformed (he's take a photo of it and sets it as all his social media pfps)
- He would make sure you have a way better life than he did <3
- He would always check up on you and make sure you are at least feeling okay because he doesn't want you to turn out suicidal like him
- I feel like he would stop trying to commit when he has you because he wants to be there for you every step of the way
- If you draw the worst drawing he has ever laid his eyes on, he would mention how much he loves it and how he's going to keep it
- He then takes your drawing to the office and photo copies 10,000 of them and covers the entire ADA with those drawings
- He comes back home In a wheel chair with broken legs and arms and bandages covering his face from how badly he got beaten by Kunikda
- Overall he's the funny chill dad but would stop the world for you without second thought :>
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- expect a lot of yelling
- He acts like he's annoyed at stuff you do but secretly cherishes it
- If you do anything remotely bad that doesn't involve him like let's say you thought it was a great idea to blow up an ice-cream truck, the worst punishment he will give you is for you to go clean your room
- "You thought it was a FUCKING GREAT IDEA, to go terrorize a nursing home!??!" "Yeah...." "I CANNOT BELEIVE YOU, GO CLEAN YOUR ROOM"
- After he sends you off he would be thinking to himself "that aughta teach em😼"
- You would have to ask him million times to pick you up with his ability
- The entire time just back to back "PLEASE??" "No" "PLEASE??" "No" "PLEASE??" "No" "PLEASE??" "No"
- He finally gives in but does not put you down
- "PLEASE??" "BLOODY HELL FINE" and he does not put you down even if youre screaming and crying, chuuya is at a restaurant having a nice dinner while this kid is floating in the air screaching
- He would argue with you while yourw mid air and then go to being unfazed in a split second
- A waiter will ask him to put you down and he will scream at them not telling him how to parent
- Chuuya throws you a party in apologies
- When he gets drunk he has the biggest mood swings
- He would go from ugly sobbing to trying to fight his own reflection in the mirror
- "Dad what are you doing" "STAY BACK THERE IS THIS MAN BEHIND THIS GLASS AND I NEEDA TAKE HIM OUT" as he proceeds to full on charge at his reflection, headbutting the glass at full speed (he passed out and you have to drag him to the couch)
- Would genuinely kill everyone for you, he loves you too much, would tear down Yokohama trying to look for you because you wandered off to go get some snacks or something :3
- If he decideds to take you to work because he is scared something will happen to you while he's gone he is keeping you FAR from mori
- Also expected a lot of shit talking about dazai
- If you want something he would say no then buy it for you anyways
- "Dad can I please get this" "that's so fucking lame" "awh okay :(" "..give it here *pays for it* "YEAHH THANK YOU LOVE YOU" "shut up. Love you too"
- Overall acts annoyed but is actually a great father who would do anything to protect you :33
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Because a lot of you seem to be conflating intelligence to mean a single thing im going ro spell it out for you
quick on his feet. He reads body language pretty well. he knows what to expect. His disadvantage is that he tends to project his own expectations onto others and this clouds his judgement. He is "intelligent" in the way thar he has a great capacity to improvise in tricky situations. He doesn't know everything he just always makes sure to have a plan B C D E F and G. Thats it
he knows all the facts about any given situation. His biggest disadvantages are that his judgement is shoddy at best and he doesn't always know what to do with that information. He is used to disregarding information for the sake of peace but that often means he ends up too close to the wrong people. He forgives EVERYONE he gives everyone a second chance. For as much as he sees the bad in a person he sees the good. He is unreliable and inconsistent. The good this about him is that as soon as he realizes his mistake he never makes it again.
JUSTTT as smart as Ranpo. He can GATHER as much information as Ranpo but it takes more effort. He has a lot of resources and technical know how. He knows technology, he knows politics, international law and most importantly people. His biggest advantage is that he knows exactly how to pressure people into doing what he wants. His mysteries are tailor made so that people can only escape when they realize what he wants them to. It is becuase of this that he saw society as a farce. That's why Ranpo and him are such a good team. Ranpo can see everything and Poe knows what to do with it.
She can slow down time when she's focused THAT'S her ability. She is capable of thinking of every possibility and coming up with dependable statistics. She's smarter than Dazai but less of an asset because her analysis relies on what she is aware of. In the world of BSD there is ALWAYS something no one is aware of. She isn't as capable of recovering quickly from a miscalculation so she really only has one shot.
He doesnt need to use his intelligence most of the time because he can pretty much brute force his way out of most things. His intellegence relies on instinct. He has GREAT instincts. He knows when a situation has gone sour. Of course he doesnt usually verbalize it because with Dazai he doesn't need to and when he's alone why would he announce it to an enemy. He knows when he's safe and when he isn't. His biggest disadvantage is that he doesn't always listen to those instincts. In terms of priorities he almost always puts himself last and that leads to a lot of problems.
Nikolai is similar to Chuuya except a bit more extreme because no one's life is his priority. His motivations are unclear and he always goes for the most imoral option. He isn't concerned with a specific desired outcome it is the inconsistency of his own actions that drive him.
Kinda like Poe, in that he knows how to work people, but to a lesser extent and a little like the chameleon that Dazai can be but to a greater extent: he KNOWS people. He knows what a person wants more than anything and he promises that to them.
His biggest advantage is that he is smart enough to ally himself with people who have nothing else to live for. Sigma, Nikolai, Bram (before Aya), Nathaniel and Fukuchi are all outsiders. They are alone but desperately want to feel like they belong. Fyodors biggest disadvantage is that if those people find belonging elsewhere his influence on them shatters. He seems to be aware of that? Idk it's too soon to tell.
He isn't crazy smart. He's just sadistic and cruel. He picks easy targets (children) and slowly takes away their agency. He undoes them until they have nothing to live for and they then become perfectly obedient adults. His biggest disadvantage is that he relies on the chain of abuse and that isn't sustainable as a dynamic for power. Chuuya and Akutagawa have no one above them to preassure them to listen to orders now that Dazai is gone. Also the extreme amounts of abuse he relies on is impossible to ditch out to EVERYONE. That's why he relied on the chain of abuse but that's failing. Mori isn't smart. He's a coward. He takes the shortest path no matter the resistance.
isn't smart either. He is just THE BEST chameleon. He hid in plain sight. He knows war and war tactics. He's a great spy and facilitating a strong bond with the target is a spy strategy.
They are not all the same stop conflating their perspectives as "knows everything". It leads to a lot of misunderstandings and a lot of misinformation. DAZAI IS NOT RANPO! He doesnt know everything. He's just really good at pretending he does.
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originalaccountname · 11 months
In your Murase Lives ADA!Chuuya AU, Dazai still joins the ADA eventually right? After he loses both Ango and Oda (like how Chuuya left when he only had Dazai left, but Dazai seemed to be better with his new friends).
How do they react to that? Does Chuuya help Dazai join? Do they acknowledge that they knew each other before (well, I feel everyone could tell)? Is Chuuya happy he left? Or is he mixed about them working together again? Is Dazai feeling mixed up because Chuuya left him (but now after Odasaku he understands it better)?
I was trying to think of this had been mentioned in your comics on them but I didn’t think it’d been mentioned except in the intervening years Dazai had to deal with Mori’s complaining about Chuuya’s defection.
I talked about it a little bit in this post:
If Oda dies the same way… it’s a fun question. Dazai would leave, Dazai would still refuse to work for the government, so his options are limited. I can’t imagine Chuuya leaving at 16, join the ADA, and the mafia not knowing a thing about it? So what would Dazai do? Chuuya left and joined a group and now that group is his only option in Yokohama. If he wants to join them, he’ll still have to wait two years for his records to be erased and hidden. And he knows Chuuya is gonna be there, and he knows him!! How frustrating and stressful is that wait going to be? I’d like Chuuya to be gone when Dazai first joins, so Entrance Exam can still take place in a similar way. Maybe he accompanied Ranpo on his contract out of town? I do wonder if he’d confront Dazai publicly or in private… I’m still not sure how much he told the ADA about his own origins.
To expand on that, Entrance Exam the novel is quite different from the anime. Ranpo is on an investigation in Kyushu until the finale of Kunikida and Dazai's investigation to find and stop the Azure Messenger/Apostle. Ranpo shows up in person in time to deduce where the bomb was located (and Dazai tests his "ability" by pinching his hair at this moment). It's a key moment for Dazai because it's the moment he decides the ADA is the real deal and they just might be what he's looking for (this exam went both ways).
oh no this is gonna be long and turn into an improvised analysis of Entrance Exam
So, that's the thing: Dazai was very much testing the ADA for the entirety of his entrance exam. He was figuring out clues and coming to conclusions much faster than Kunikida was, but he wouldn't tell him outright: he was artfully slipping half-clues into his conversations with Kunikida to see if he would pick up on them. And he did! Which made him a good potential partner! Because Dazai didn't expect the ADA to be on his level, but wanted them to be able to work with him. And then there was Ranpo who very much was on his level and Dazai fanboy'd about it.
so. my AU.
It's funny, since Dazai joins at 20, and Chuuya left at 16 (almost 17), that they still get their 4-year gap. Except! this time the roles are reversed and Chuuya wasn't quite concerned about hiding (that's a whole other subject). I can't imagine Dazai watching Chuuya "betray" (leave) the PM on his own without consequences only to join some do-gooders not too long after and not get curious. Wanting to study him under a microscope and all.
So Dazai would have some knowledge from observing the ADA and Chuuya from a distance. Basic stuff like what they do and roughly who works there. I would expect canon Dazai to have had similar knowledge before his entrance exam, but who knows.
There was probably something reassuring in Chuuya seemingly having found a place in the light after everything he went through. But it would also a good excuse for comparison and self-depreciation. Fortunately, Dazai is motivated by Oda's words and a never-ending need to one-up Chuuya. Imagine the embarrassment if he gave up on his best chance of helping people because he was afraid of facing Chuuya.
Now, Let's say Chuuya was accompanying Ranpo on that investigation out of town. When they get back, it's to a crisis, and a Dazai who has been there for a while.
Ranpo was the one to figure out Chuuya's past in this AU, he knows about his (short) time in the mafia, but Dazai and his ability were a well-kept secret of the PM. Chuuya wouldn't spoil that: he didn't leave out of hatred for the mafia, he left out of grief and because he had that opportunity. It would probably take Ranpo 3 seconds to connect the missing dots once Dazai is revealed: singularity -> can't stop it -> has been used 3 times -> still alive -> something to stop him -> nullification -> Dazai.
Everything hinges on Ranpo and what he knows of this new recruit before meeting him: Fukuzawa and Kunikida are suspicious of Dazai being sent to infiltrate them, Fukuzawa is willing to kill Dazai over these suspicions, Chuuya would recognize Dazai instantly and also get suspicious and, depending on his reaction, seal his fate.
FORTUNATELY we know Fukuzawa talked to Ranpo beforehand and canonically Ranpo took one good look at Dazai and decided he was fine. So I say Ranpo kept Chuuya distracted for the rest of that day. Kunikida still fake-shot Dazai, they still got the airplane back up (hush about Chuuya who could have caught it), Dazai still made an excellent impression on Kunikida, and everything went as smoothly.
Which would bring their confrontation to afterwards. The big finale with Sasaki happens a few days later, but Dazai vanishes during that time, presumably to investigate and corner her. That does leave us with the perfect opportunity for Dazai and Chuuya to cross paths (Chuuya would have heard Dazai's name at some point) and confront each other. I did mention Chuuya had a bit of a dark justice/vigilantism phase during his time with Murase before the ADA, and Dazai's objective at that moment is to bring an end to Sasaki by his own means, as the justice system would never be able to reach her, so... 🤝
Another fun thing about Entrance Exam is that Kunikida is always just on the verge of figuring out what Dazai's deal is, but Dazai keeps being stupid and annoying exactly during those moments, so Kunikida throws his doubts out the window along with Dazai every time.
In short, Ranpo would know Dazai and Chuuya used to know each other, skk would have their confrontation in private and shake hands over doing what the system can't handle, and Fukuzawa and Yosano might be able to connect the dots themselves after a while of watching them, but keep it silent.
Our beloved Kunikida came in too late to know Chuuya's backstory and had a similar instant annoyance and teamwork chemistry with Dazai that Chuuya seems to be also experiencing, so to him this is just Dazai weirdness. Any subsequent addition to the ADA would have no reason to question them.
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Reader who has a baby brother who acts like kotaro from gakuen baby. (Reader lives with the bsd cast, reader always goes out to take care of his brother, but one day Luiz takes him home and he meets the cast)
My baby brother
Self-Aware! BSD Characters x Male! Reader
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Description: Your parents are going on a small vacation and asked you to look after your baby brother, [B/N]. Well, time for him to meet your new roommates/friends.
Warning: Fluff. OOC, English is my second language.
BSD cast noticed one thing. Everyday, even during weekends you were going somewhere, spend at least two hours there and then return home.
At first, Cast thought, that your boss make you work overtime, but you assured them, that's not the case. You mentioned, that the reason for your absence was family related.
You didn't elaborate further. You explained, that, right now, yiu are still trying to come with the fact, that your new roommates are very unique people and that you are living with them in this huge house. You promised, that you will tell them more about your family, when you become more comfortable with current situation.
But soon, they not only knew more about your family, but also met one of your relatives.
Everyone was a little bit nervous. Today, they will meet someone from your family.
Yesterday, you were talking on the phone with someone. After you finished talking, you had an announcement to make. You gathered everyone in the common room.
"Okay, everyone. For the next week, someone special will stay with us. One of my family members have to stay with me. I hope, everyone is okay with it."
An hour ago, you went to fetch your relative. The Gang wanted to make a good first impression.
They heard a jingle of keys. You were back. The Gang gather in the common room, waiting for you.
They heard steps. Yours and someone else's. The steps were really quiet. Then they heard your voice.
"Hello, everyone. Met my baby brother, [B/N].
You walked inside the common room. You were holding hands with a toddler boy. The boy had big eyes and short hair. You picked your brother up and walked closer to your new roommates/friends.
Your brother looked at the gang. [B/N] was quiet, he was looking at your new friends. You whisper.
"Hey, [B/N], remember, I told you about my new friends? That's them. Say 'Hello'".
Your brother stay quiet for a moment, then smiled and nodded.
Your brother's eyes were shining. He was happy to meet big brother's friends.
At least half of the characters almost had a heart attack because of the cuteness overload.
Fukuzawa, Mori, Hirotsu, Melville, Natsume, Taneda and Fukuchi were planning to steal you two and adopt you.
You continue talking.
"Our parents have gone on vacation for a next week, so [B/N] will stay with us for a week."
Meanwhile, [B/N] was quiet again. You noticed, that he was looking directly at Akutagawa, who was standing close to you. Ryuunosuke looked at [B/N] in return. Suddenly, [B/N] grabbed Akutagawa's sleeve and giggles.
Akutagawa's eyes widen, Gin and Higuichi try to hold back their laugh, Dazai was shaking because of laughter and Atsushi looked really nervous. You scolded.
"[B/N], don't do that! Don't call people hedgehogs! I am sorry, Ryunosuke."
Akutagawa just huffed. He doesn't look offended. You smiled.
"Okay, I will make something for [B/N] to eat. I'll be back in a minute."
Before you can do away, [B/N] pointed at Chuuya.
"Wesel [Weasel]!"¹
Dazai was howling with laughter.
"I like this kid"
"[B/N], don't call other people weasels! Chuuya, I am sorry!"
Chuuya also huffs and playfully shove you.
"Don't sweat it, [Y/N]."
[B/N] let out a small whine.
"Wesel... hut Big Brother [Weasel hurt Big Brother]?"
You quickly pet your brother's head.
"No, I am fine, [B/N]. Chuuya was just playing with me."
[B/N] looked at you, then nodded.
When you left, The Cast glance at each other, then said in one time.
You and [B/N] were 'kidnapped' by Fukuzawa, Mori, Hirotsu, Melville, Natsume, Taneda and Fukuchi.
Natsume used his ability to lure [B/N] in one of the rooms, where the rest of the group were sitting.
When you were looking for [B/N], you also were dragged to the same room.
For the whole day, you two were showered in treats. [B/N] was also showered in toys. And there were photos and videos taken.
The videos of [B/N] saying "Tank you [Thank you]" and "Ung!" and the video of you feeding [B/N] sweets were sent to the group chat.
The videos became their treasures.
If something happens to you two, the BSD cast will destroy the world.
At the end, your 'kidnappers' spend the whole day with you and your brother.
It was fun. You were wondering what would happen tomorrow.
You were mumbling, while you were searching for your brother.
"Okay, where is my brother now. Don't tell me, Natsume and others kidnapped him again "
When you passed the window, you noticed, that your brother were outside. He was looking at something with Tetchou.
You went outside and approached them.
"Hi, [B/N]. Hello, Tetchou. What you are looking at?"
[B/N] stands up and wiggles towards you. He pointed at the ground.
"Big Brother, ants!"
You smile and pat his head. Tetchou cast a quick glance towards you.
"Want to join us in ant watching?"
[B/N]'s eyes shine and he grabbed your sleep.
You nodded.
"Okay, I am with you."
You watched ants together for a few more minutes.
It was dinner time. And you were in trouble.
[B/N] refuse to eat his veggies. Before you eat the treat he made for you. Unfortunately, Tetchou was the one who helped him.
You were looking at three strawberries with shichimi spice on them. Then you looked at [B/N]. He was waiting for you to try strawberries.
Jouno almost growls.
"Tetchou, don't you dare corrupt this sweet child with your taste in food... [Y/N]!"
You ate one of the strawberries. The mix of papers doesn't go well with sweet strawberries. But your brother wants to make you happy. You can take it.
You smile through tears.
"Thank you, [B/N]. It was so good!"
[B/N] smiles.
"Ung! Big Brother is happy!"
You smile and eat another spicy strawberry. Than the last one.
"Thanks, [B/N]. You see, your Big Brother ate everything. You also should eat everything, so you can be as strong and big as your brother."
[B/N] nodded and start eating his veggies.
When he wasn't looking, you drink at least four glasses of water.
Still, for his smile, you were ready to eat more of that strawberries.
At least ten Members of BSD cast want to raise a child with you.
At the evening, you had a tea party with Rats in the House of the Dead. And with Gogol.
It became a tradition for you, having a Friday tea parties with Fyodor, Goncharov, Pushkin and Gogol.
But today the party will be paused. Because you need to read [B/N] a bedtime story.
"[B/N], have you chosen the book to read? Oh, 'Tsar Nikita and his Forty Daughters'... [B/N], who gave you this book?"
[B/N] point at Pushkin.
"Pushin [Pushkin]"
You glare at Pushkin. This guy was interested in the Real world Pushkin works. So, you won't be surprised, that he told your brother about this book. You hoped, that Pushkin didn't do it on purpose.² You spoke to your brother again.
"[B/N], this book is for adults. Let's choose another one."
At the end, you read him "If you give a mouse a cookie". And, because Fyodor, Gogol, Goncharov and Pushkin were fine listening to your reading, you read for them too at the same time.
When finished, [B/N] was sleeping. You carry him to your room, where he also was sleeping.
When you were back, you heard Fyodor's words.
"You will be a good father, [Y/N]."
You were too embarrassed, to say something in return.
You were carrying a bunch of shopping bags. Yosano and Fitzgerald decide to take you and your brother on a shopping trip. Your brother get few onesies, new choose and toys.
You got a new bag and coat. You were glad, that your parents were fine with your roommates' presents.
Your parents knew, that your roommates were kind people who liked you. And who liked giving presents.
You smile sadly. Tomorrow, your parents are returning. Tomorrow [B/N] will go back home.
Once again, BSD cast were gathered in the common room. It was time for [B/N] to go home.
You were holding your brother.
"Okay, [B/N], say goodbye."
[B/N] nodded and turn towards BSD cast.
"Bye Teto! Bye Chu-chu! Bye Ryu! Bye Yosa! Bye Fitz! Buy Zawa...! [Tetchou, Chuuya, Ryunosuke, Yosano, Fitzgerald, Fukuzawa...]"
It takes [B/N] five minutes to say bye to everyone. And then both of you left the house.
BSD cast will wait for the next time your brother come to visit them. He is so well-behaved and cute.
They will be happy to see him again. And see you taking care of him again.
¹ "Bungou Stray Dogs. Wan!" Chapter 47 "The Land of Fairy Tales". Akutagawa was a hedgehog plushie and Chuuya was a weasle plushie.
² A fairytale for adults by Alexander Pushkin.
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seaskate · 2 months
I know that it's been theorized who from the ada is going to the PM because of the deal and everyone has been drawing parallels and ideas on who it could be, but one thing that I dont see may people looking at is behavior.
Personally I think that it will be Dazai that will go, he's the logical choice and would act as the best bridge between the ada and the pm, especially since Kunikida was named to become the next president and Dazai is his partner, so if Dazai were to go back and become boss at some point then that relationship is already there and is better than Mori's and Fukuzawa's from the start.
There has been a lot of points made about Dazai not being with the Agency when they are all gathered together (like that one manga panel or the party after the Guild or Kyouka's party) and how he appears more with or parallels Mori more in the intro than before (all of which is true) but we dont talk enough about how his behavior had been changing since episode one.
Dazai in episode one was only serious for maybe a small handful of seconds of screentime during the tiger debacle in the warehouse, when no one else was around to see. We can easily assume that home acting like a class clown happened more often than not from the way that he acts in the series. However, ever since the introduction of Atsushi and the Port Mafai in the series, Dazai has been slowly acting more serious than before.
In the first season alone, He sets it up so that the Azure Poet is killed and doesnt show any emotion when Kunikida tells at him for it. He bugs Higuchi and listens in on her and then basically goads Akutagawa into declaring war. Small instances, but close together.
When the Guild came there were more. There was the Q incident at the train where he all but threatened to kill the child and then slapped Atsushi out of a panic attack (which pain is actually one of the easier ways to remove someone from a panic attack, which is why people often dig in their nails or snap bands at their wrist when they feel one coming, but that's another argument to be had) which was effective but anyone else in the ada would have attempted another method. There was the Moby Dick and how he acted with Akutagawa there. And the meeting between the Ada and the pm where Dazai talked about war strategy. He blew up Lovecraft and allowd Chuuya to kill countless Guild hired guns when they ambushed him during that same instance.
None of those actions were things that someone at the ada likely would have done before the current arc. But now Dazai is continually acting in such away more often. Acting less like a detective and more like a mafioso.
He's relying on the mafia more often too.
Dazai had gone two years without any mafia contact while at the Agency, but now he's going to art museums with Hirostu and met with Akutagawa in the woods. That's not counting Chuuya and how they have worked together three times now in as many months, if you count Dead Apple, this current time in which Mori even helped with the fake vampire teeth. Not only that, but Dazai still calls Chuuya his partner. Not former partner, current.
Dazai dances on a fine line between good and evil, even as he believes in neither, but if it means that he could save those that he’s come to care for then he doesn’t hesitate to cross it (murder isn’t exactly condoned at the Agency, yet that’s exactly what he did to Fyodor - I know that he came back, but still - and has set up for Chuuya to do to those that had stood in their way since reuniting. Like the prison guards). Mori - who still has the executive seat waiting for Dazai to reclaim it, and had told Oda four years ago that Dazai would likely be boss in a few years time - knows this.
Yosano thought that this deal was a ploy for Mori to get her back, but she wasn’t the only child that he lost to the Agency. If we adds this to the paraless in the opening that exist and the fact that Dazai had been acting more and more like the Demon Prodigy with each season, Chuuya, and his place as an executive, it wouldn’t be surprising if he was the one chosen.
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valhallie · 3 months
Pregnant teen reader x Dazai
warnings:mentions of sex, underage drinking, and teen pregnancy, and mention of suicide.
You had been taken in by Mori when you were around 12-13.You had been bored there until you became friends with two other teenage executives Dazai Osamu and Nakahara Chuuya.
Eventually you found yourself catching feelings for Dazai.You tried to push the feelings away, until one night he showed up at your apartment drunk as hell.”Dazai? What the hell man it’s 3 o’clock in the morning.”
“Sorry Y/N but I missed youuu…There’s something I wanna try before I die y/n and only you can help with it.”
“W-what are you talking about Dazai?” You knew exactly why he was talking about.Sex.But you were so young and it was wrong.But the second he kissed you all of that went to shit.You woke up in the morning and he was gone.It hurt but despite that you two continued to have sex with him and it became a normal routine for you two.
Until one day.You saw him bring another girl into his office.You two weren’t exactly together but it still hurt.You decided to go to the one other person you cared about.”Huh?Y/N what are you doing here?” The ginger stared at you,worried.
“I just need someone to be with Chuuya.Please.”he nodded “Of course come on in.Two hours later you were both plastered drunk.    “Hey Chuuya?” “Yeah?” “Can we have sex?” His face turned RED when you said those words.”Huh?”
“I wanna have sex with you.” Normally he’d be hesitant but being so drunk he just pinned you down and started kissing you.The next morning you woke up with your head hurting terribly.Chiuya was gone but you opened up your phone to find a text from him saying “I’m sorry Mori-San called me in early and I didn’t want to wake you.” You were at first upset but at least he left for a reason unlike Dazai.
       Over the past few weeks you began to throw up every morning.You feared the worst.You went to Kouyou and talked to her about it and she suggested you take pregnancy test.So after you got off work you went to the market and bought a packet of tests and took one.About 5 minutes later you read the words Pregnant.You couldn’t believe it so you decided to take another test.It came back also positive.16 and pregnant.”God how did I get myself into this mess?” You thought.
Since Chuuya was your most recent sexual partner you decided to tell him first.”Are you sure it’s me?” He asked nervously.”Well no.It could also very well be Dazai but I haven’t told him anything yet so keep your mouth shut okay?”
A few weeks later you were at the doctors and found out who the father was.Dazai Osamu. You showed up at Chuuya’s apartment.”I got good news for ya Chuu.You’re not the dad.”Chuuya seemed relieved but also worried for you knowing how Dazai was.Be careful Y/N.
       When you finally built up the courage to tell Dazai you received a phone call from Mori saying Dazai had betrayed the organization and left the Port Mafia.You were shocked and heartbroken.A single mom at 16.You hated Dazai.Even though he had no idea.
        7 years later…..
He grabbed your wrist.”Yukio!”
That’s when Hana slapped his hand away.”DONT TOUCH MY MOMMY MOTHER FUCKER!” You looked down at your daughter.         “Hana!Who taught you that word?” You glared. “Uncle Chuuya!” Dazai laughed “Sounds like him.”You glared at him. “Come on Hana let’s go home baby.” “Wait Yukio!” Dazai followed you out to your car.”What do you need Osamu?” He looked dead serious. “Yukio tell me the truth.Is she mine?”You sighed. You knew you couldn’t lie to him.Dazai always saw right through you.”Yes Osamu.” He looked shocked.He has a child.”Yukio- I’m sorry…I had no idea you were-“ you stopped him in his tracks.”It’s fine Osamu.” He walked closer to you. “Yukio please I want to be in her life.” You looked shocked. “Really. You?” “I know it sounds unlike me Yukio but…Please. “Fine you can meet us tomorrow at the park.”
You were putting Hana in bed later that night. “Mommy who was that man talking to you earlier?” You sighed knowing it was time to come clean. “That was your daddy Hana.If you want to meet him we can go see him at the park tomorrow…”
Part two???
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a-simply-simping-simp · 5 months
someone plz make this bro I can't-
Ok so I was just animating or whatever amd then all of a sudden, I got a great idea. It's probably already been done before but like what if, hear me out, what if, there was a fanfiction, platonic, romantic, Idc, about Chuuya's pov when Dazai left. Like obviously it's been done but like what if it weant as such:
Chuuya usually goes about his day normally, doing normal pm stuff, and once in a while he'll run into Dazai because, he too is pm. They usually fight and squabble and it's totally a routine at this point but then one day he wakes up and Dazai just isn't there. Idk maybe he was busy or something. So the next day he still doesn't see him. Probably trying a new suicide method. The next day. And the next. And the next. And the next, he isn't there. Finally he starts wondering what the heck is going on and somehow, Idk, maybe Mori tells him, or he overhears it, or somethin, he finds out Dazai left the mafia or just dissapeared out of nowhere. Now dude's like totally mad and confused cuz he didn't get any news of this sooner and he has no knowledge of why he would leave like that. Seeing as Chuuya is an actually smart person, Idk maybe he can use some deduction skills to try and figure it out. Even though he's racking his brain about it, nothing comes up. Until he remembers how close Oda and Dazai were and how Oda just recently died. So he gets a squad to do research, and they find literally nothing due to Ango's deal with an organization. So dude's got no leads, no ideas, and one clue why Dazai left, which is Oda's death. So he just has no other choice but to live with that and be vigilant. Four years. Four. Years. Pass. And no signs of Dazai. Like he just stopped existing that day. So, this could go a couple ways:
One day, Chuuya's doing something, Idk, shopping, walking, working, Idk Idc, but he's doing something and then just hears the words Dazai and immediently freaks out. He goes over and is totally freaking out and asking a billion questions and stuff. The people who were talking about him then tell him that Dazai was in the detective agency. And Chuuya's response is honestly beyond me. Make that up, I have no clue. But then he goes to check out the agency, and then sees him and after that I have no clue. I don't imagine them talking about it though. I think maybe Chuuya's just like, dang he looks way healthier or happier here, that's weird. And just decides not to interfere and goes home, questions mostly unanswered.
Or the other ending:
Chuuya, once again, is just doing stuff and then hears a reaaaaaally familiar and obnoxiously annoying voice and just wips his head around so hard it practically snaps. Then there's Dazai, just talking with an ADA member and he just freezes. Like, my dude was gone 4 years, now he's here, out of nowhere. So he's just in pure shock. Then it turns into pure rage. Then it turns into pure confusion. Then exitment. Then rage again. He cracked the case, but it was still unresolved. After that, do what you will, my brain is empty.
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soupthatistohot · 2 years
How did Chuuya react to Dazai defecting?
My thoughts on the matter ;)
In the Stormbringer author’s note Asagiri-sensei alluded that Chuuya’s reaction to losing his partner isn’t necessarily as presented (he includes it in a list of things that happened to Chuuya that perhaps he’ll expand upon one day), but what exactly does that mean?
I have my own headcanons based off my interpretation of the character, but of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, this is just mine!
Firstly, skk shippers love to bring up the ‘89 bottle of Petrus, and I see a lot of people who say that he didn’t drink it as a celebration, but rather in mourning of Dazai’s defection. I… half agree with this. In my opinion, Chuuya is telling the truth, and at the same time he isn’t. He absolutely thinks that he drank that wine as a celebration, but in reality there’s a part of him that he repressed how he felt about Dazai leaving. Maybe he just told himself he was celebrating enough that he came to believe it, or maybe he doesn’t really believe it but it’s too late to go back on that now. Either way, for as emotional and intense as Chuuya can be, he’s certainly not above repression, especially after losing so much at that point in his life.
I also believe that Chuuya never thought Dazai was dead, that’s something he wouldn’t lie to himself about. He knew Dazai too well to actually believe he got murdered or finally successfully committed suicide. Perhaps he entertained the idea for a moment, but in the end he would’ve come to the obvious conclusion: Dazai just left.
And on that topic, here’s another way in which I differ with some people on this subject— I don’t think Chuuya was particularly angry. In fact, I don’t think he would have been all that surprised after the initial shock of learning of his partner’s defection. I think he was well aware that Dazai wasn’t a loyal individual, and he’s not stupid enough to be blind to the fact that Dazai was a danger to Mori. All of this taken into consideration, Dazai defecting from the PM isn’t really all that unpredictable or uncharacteristic. What probably surprised and frustrated him more was finding out the bastard worked for the ADA years later.
This isn’t to say he still wasn’t upset by the circumstances. At the end of the day, the partner who he trusted his life to and had an inextricably deep bond with suddenly disappeared. Especially after all he went through with the sheep, the flags, Verlaine and Rimbaud, and other unnamed friends he lost (his biological family, the PM members referenced in DA), it would have hurt. Yet, at the same time, it’s because he previously endured all this that he would be compelled to subconsciously repress this hurt— especially because it’s Dazai of all people! It’s quite easy to pretend not to be upset about the partner you constantly feuded with and who was objectively a horrible person leaving your life. And on the other hand, it’s far more difficult to come to terms with the fact that you actually care for him and perhaps even miss him.
So do I think Chuuya had some big mental breakdown after Dazai left? No. Do I think he truly didn’t care at all, just as he says he did? Also no. I think he had very complicated feelings on the matter, most of which he subconsciously repressed under the guise of being glad his rival was finally gone.
The only thing is… now that Dazai is back in his life, will any of these buried emotions unearth themselves?
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jalapenobee · 1 year
Psst @luneariann i wrote a thing based off of your little comic here
The only way they could’ve ever known was by the little, almost invisible star he’d drawn on his calendar, right in the corner of the box labeled ‘April 29th’. Of course, Ane-san’s observational skills are through the fucking roof, and of course she had to tell everyone. Right before the mission. Seriously. What kind of sister is she?
Chuuya heaved a sigh and reached for his keys in his back pocket. Because the black lizard was incredibly skilled and smart but also so, so dumb, they ran around the port mafia base for nearly half an hour, alerting everyone present that it was Chuuya’s “glorious day of birth”. Tch.
On top of that, Akutagawa had disobeyed Mori’s orders and got himself seriously injured while fighting the weretiger. His left leg was torn open and then healed by the Armed Detective Agency’s doctor, but his pride had taken just as much of a hit. Chuuya didn't bleed any, but his arms and torso were covered in bruises.
That was probably the one good thing about joint missions—Yosano-san. At least she had come along this morning, courtesy of shitty Dazai’s call about “teaming up for a victory against a rather successful drug ring, for Chuu-chan’s birthday of course!” Ugh. Although…if they hadn't worked so well together, things probably wouldn't have gone so smoothly. Chuuya had to admit, they did kind of carry the team earlier, even if Dazai never shut up about double suicide or Chuuya's birthday.
What was even his deal? He was always clinging to Chuuya back when he was still his partner. Always calling him names and insulting his height. He wasn't even that short, okay? He's still growing. Just…really slowly. Anyway, Chuuya figured Dazai must hate him a whole lot to write a whole 27 books on how much he does.
Chuuya glared at the doorknob, which was not turning at all, and considered just picking the lock. A patch of red sat at the floor beneath it, and he instantly felt on edge. Blood?
No, a flower. Chuuya bent down to pick it up, the end of the stem pinched between his index finger and thumb. It looked fresh, and a small droplet of water clung to a flaming petal. A red camelia. 
Don't blame him, okay? Ane-san taught him about flowers, it's not like he learned their names out of his own free will.
There was a piece of paper tied to the stem, and Chuuya flipped it over. 
"Oh my god."
Chuuya groaned and ripped the note off, giving up and picking the lock to his apartment. Of course. Of course Dazai had to be the one to leave him something. How does he even remember where Chuuya lives? Did he follow him home? He was sure he hadn't been tailed, but still…
He tossed the flower on the kitchen counter by the door, along with his keys. He propped his elbows up on it and stared at the camelia. Past the..ugh…Dazai-ness of it all, he begrudgingly admitted that it was a somewhat sweet gesture. Chuuya shook his head. He was a port mafia executive with a reputation to keep. He could not be going soft for assholes like Dazai.
And yet, he made no effort to stop himself as he found an empty wine bottle and filled it with water, carefully (ugh) slipping the camelia in. He found himself exiting his apartment and picking up the note he'd discarded on the floor earlier. He rubbed it between his fingers as he went back inside and pinned it to his corkboard, already full of documents, blueprints, and photos taken without his consent of him and the others at the port mafia. He eyed the new addition, then chuckled to himself and walked off to find something to eat.
"Happy birthday, slug"
Heh. Dazai's really something else, isn't he?
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
Thank you to the lovely @onetrickponi for this request:
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From a little ask I intend to work my way through using ~this list~ (I actually am writing 2 things for this one, hope that's alright <3) I went with D/azai for the first one, featuring C/huuya ofc. It takes a minute to get into the actual snz, but hopefully it's still enjoyable~ 2.1k words, Prompt #17, story under cut! 17. What did you do to your nose to piss it off like this?" (References to swearing, and mild violence, in case anyone doesn't like either of those!)
Walking into his office in the morning Chuuya has learned to expect a certain number of problems to be waiting for him. Being an executive in the Port Mafia means cleaning up a lot of messes. It also means handling a lot of issues so they don’t become messes. All that to say, he expects problems, just not… this one. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Aw Chuuuya, that’s no way to greet your pahhrtner!”
“Former. Now? You’re just a traitor.”
“Words hurt you know.”
“I should kill you on sight.” 
Dazai casts him a dark smile, letting the chair tilt as he leans back, eyes void of anything you could call ‘human’. It’s an intense look; emotionless and calculated. He has with ease a terror inducing quality that even Mori lacks. Something that leaves you feeling cold and itchy. Almost as if how calm you feel in his presence sets off every alarm in your brain. 
“Come now. We both know you hhhaave no intention of that.”
“Why you-” 
“Aren’t you gonna ask me what I want? I mean- sneaking into the office of a Port Mafia executive? I must want something.” 
Considering punching a hole in the wall, Chuuya settles for a shaky sigh, fist clenching around his jacket as he drapes it over the desk. ‘If I killed him now I’d have to deal with Mori. Besides, I need him to leave here without alerting anyone else or I’ll get accused of aiding and abetting. It’s my office after all, and he’s sitting here like he fucking owns the place.’ 
“Fine. But only this once, you hear me? And get your feet off my desk, you bastard.” 
“There’s the Chuuya I know and love!”
“I have seven knives hidden within my reach.”
“What an interesting fact! My turn! I have a video of Chuuya snoring on my phone.” 
“Eh?! You- Ach. Just out with it. The sooner you tell me what you want the sooner you can leave. And get off my chair, would you?” 
A smirk spreads across Dazai’s face, a grimace appearing on Chuuya’s in response. With a noncommittal noise he vacates the chair, Chuuya quickly taking his place. ‘Better, but I won’t be able to relax till he’s gone.’ They pause for a minute, trading stares as Dazai’s hand twitches to his face. A single movement, but one that Chuuya decides not to ignore.
“Something wrong with you?”
“Manners, Chuuya! Even Mori has more tact. But since you ahhsk, yes actually. That happens to be why I’m here.”
Chuuya’s face pales, a shiver running down his spine as he attempts to scan Dazai’s form. ‘No obvious wounds, he doesn’t seem that pale so likely no blood loss… It shouldn’t be some sort of special ability malfunction, he’s carrying himself with too much confidence. But his breath has been shaking. I didn’t notice it before, maybe-’ Dazai tilts his head, letting a hand rub against his nose again. 
“Are you worried, partner? How kind of you~! I knew you cared!”  
“I- I do not! I just w- want you out of my office. That’s all.”
“Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. Along with all the rest.”
“Are you gonna tell me what you want or not!?”
“Right! Nearly forgot. It’s a bit heh-! Scuse me. Bit embarrassing.” 
"Everything about you is embarrassing.”
The anticipated retort never comes. Instead, Dazai’s eyes shift to the wall, a slight haze coming over them as his hand hovers in front of his face. Chuuya finds himself unable to look away, mind running through possibilities. ‘Is he gonna faint? Maybe I ruled out blood loss too soon. No… not pale enough. Maybe it’s an enemy's special ability? How would that be embarrassing though…’
“Not again, guhh- I really thought I had it that time.”
The voice pulls Chuuya from his thoughts, eyes refocusing on the man standing in front of him aggressively scrubbing at his nose. It’s only now that Chuuya starts to piece it together. The watery quality of his eyes, the slight flush to his face, and finally the dampness surrounding his nose. ‘Are you fuckin-’ 
“Are you fucking kidding me? You broke into the Port Mafia because you’re sneezing?”
“Actually, no. But good try, you’re very c- huhh-! close. I broke into your office because I can’t sneeze.”
Dazai lifts his hand back to his nose, sniffling with a quality that makes Chuuya flinch. He pinches it lightly, eyes starting to unfocus again, before huffing out a sigh and drifting his focus back to Chuuya. In response, Chuuya huffs out a laugh. ‘Wish I could say this is the weirdest reason he’s ever had for coming to see me. Unfortunately, this is pretty standard Dazai.’
“It’s not nice to laugh at someone who’s suffering!”
“Why the hell would you break in here for a sneeze?”
“Weren’t you listening? It’s the lack of sneeze that’s brought me here.”
“You know what I meant, jackass.” 
“It’s not exactly a problem I’m eager to share with just anyone. Not ex- hahh-! guhh… not exactly the proudest moment of my life. I needed someone I trust.” 
Chuuya pinches the bridge of his nose to fight off the growing headache. ‘I always seem to get one when interacting with him.’ Weighing the pros and cons of killing him here and now, Chuuya lets another sigh out, a low growl nipping at its heels as he offers a response. 
“Don’t you have someone over at the agency? The tiger kid, or that ideals man.”
“Maybe, but I wanted you.” 
A warmth starts to spread over his cheeks before he can stop it, Chuuya roughly huffing to distract from it. Judging by the smile that appears on Dazai’s face, he was unsuccessful. ‘Ach. What does it matter anyways, he’s the one embarrassed here. I don’t even care! I should just throw him out on his ass.’ Despite the sentiment, Chuuya finds himself vocalizing the complete opposite.
“Let’s just get this over with.” 
“Aw, see? I knew Chuuya would hhhhelp me!”
“Ju- just shut up, bandage waste. D… did you h- have something in mind?”
“Actually, yes. You see, this tihihhh- tickle has been bothering me for quite some time. I attempted a few rehhmedies myself, but it seems to be ineffective- heHH-!” 
Another pause fills the room as Dazai’s breath catches, a tear fighting to free itself as his hand flutters in front of his face. After an entirely too awkward amount of time, Dazai finally sighs, rubbing his nose against his bandaged arm as a light cough spills out. Chuuya fills the silence that follows, wanting to end this experience as quickly as possible. 
“So, I figured it haahhh… has to be someone else. I checked around your office for something effecti-”
“-You did what?”
“-tive, and landed on this feahhhther. Not sure why you even have this, but I suppose it’s none of my business.”
“I- I uh-”
The look that crosses Dazai’s face has Chuuya’s fists clenching again, his entire body begging him to knock it off the bastard's face. Instead he stands, ripping the feather from Dazai’s hands and pushing him against the wall. A breath is snagged from Dazai’s lungs at the force, his eyes meeting Chuuya’s with a dirty look.
“Someone’s bossy a- hahh-! all of a sudden-”
“S- shut up and close your eyes.”
“Close my…?”
“I’m not doing this with you looking at me l- like that.” 
Dazai doesn’t respond, but he does as he’s told. ‘For once.’ Chuuya grimaces, fighting the warmth that threatens to reignite against his cheeks as he brushes the feather against Dazai’s nose. Dazai’s breath catches as his head tilts back on its own. ‘This’ll be easier than I thought. Bastard really couldn’t do this himself?’
“heHH-! ehh… hihh-! hEP-! guhhhh…”
“What the- are you fighting it?”
“Nohhhh… Ihhehh-! It’s been l- heAH-! like this all da-ahhhy-! It’s been driving me in… insane- hEP-! Damn…”
“Shit Dazai, what did you do to your nose to piss it off like this?”
“I had to ho- heHP-! huhh… holdback for a meeting, and I thhhhink this is… is… heAH-! is payback.” 
Chuuya can’t help but laugh, prompting a watery glare from the tortured man in front of him. He pulls the feather away to reevaluate, Dazai moaning slightly as it’s removed, breath catching again- leading to nothing once more. ‘This isn’t working, I need a better plan…’
“Whatever it takes, right?”
“You have my phehh-! permission to do anything your little hhheart requires. As long as it gets results.” 
“Got it. Stay here, and don’t touch anything!”
With that, Chuuya brushes out of the room, heading straight for Mori’s office. ‘There’s something in here… I think he keeps it in this- there it is! This whole thing might end up being enjoyable after all.’ Grabbing the item, Chuuya returns to his office, surprised to find Dazai pressed against the wall where he left him, eyes still shut.  
“Go fohhh… for it.”
Offering a tight nod in response, a grin starting to spread over his mouth, Chuuya holds up the cologne, spraying it right onto Dazai’s nose.  The effect is immediate, his eyes snapping open, staring right into Chuuya’s, before fluttering closed again, jerking as far away from Chuuya as he can manage.
“heH-! hAH’KXSH-ENXSHH’diue-! Oh thank go- AIYZSHH-hNNXSHh’iew-!”
“Christ, Dazai.”
“heHh… wait there… there’s… huhH-! eh’KZSHH’shiew-! dAHZZSHhh’uu-!”
“A- are you-” 
“hh- hah’ihZSHHh’diue-! hehh’knESZHh’oo-! hehh.. huhHH-! ihh’tnZSHhhieww-!” 
The third seems to surprise them both, Dazai managing to bring a hand up to scrub at his face, pinching his nose shut and prying his eyes open. Chuuya can’t help but wince at the ticklish look of his face, nose quivering, still hitching despite the iron grip he has placed over it. A desperate look flashes across his features as he ducks into his chest, fingers still glued to his nose being used to stifle.
“hH’GNXT-INDXXT-! tehhh… heh’inGT-aiNGT’shh-! ihHH-! hh- knnGT-eh’dNT’chh-!”
“Maybe you shouldn’t-”
“eh’kznngt-inndgt’chhh-! huhh-! hk’nxxt’chh-geh’dxxt’choo-! heH-! dnNXt’choo-ainGT’choo-!” 
“Seriously you moron that’s only gonna-”
“ihh’knnT’oo-! iNDXT’oo-! hahHHh… gehh- hehH-! hehH’KXXNT’shoo-! eh’dENXGT’shhoo-!”
Each breath increases the tickle, Dazai only seeming able to inhale when he’s building for the next sneeze. Before he can think it through, Chuuya finds himself prying his hands away, holding them together. Dazai opens his eyes again, desperation flooding them as he tries to break free.
“Ch- Chuuya.. I hhhaaaa… haavee to… guhhh-! gonna… heHh-!”
“J- just sneeze, okay? That’s why you came to me isn’t it? Besides, this is hard to watch.”
No time to fight Dazai gives one last effort to break free. It fails spectacularly, and instead he attempts to aim for the floor, only succeeding in reaching Chuuya’s chest. Chuuya growls at the display, but ultimately resigns himself to the outcome. ‘Technically it’s my own fault. Still, bastard’s probably doing this on purpose.’ 
“ahh’tezshhiew-knnezsshh’iew-! heHh… guhh- hiH-! aih’YIZSHHhh’oo-YIEZSHH’shhoo-!"
"hahhh… hAHhh-! ah’gnZUSHHh’diew-eh’zzUSHHhh’diew-!”
“Bless you.”
“Th- thahhhnnk… hH’INCHh’oo-! knNCHHH’oo-!”
“Don’t waste your breath.” 
“See- heH-! Seems like you’re the sneeehhh… eh’tzsshh’oo-! tzzshhh’oo-! sneeze whisperer, Chu- choo… ahh’CHH’uuya-! heh’CHH’uuya-!” 
A blush spreads across Chuuya’s face as he aims a kick for Dazai’s stomach, just a little satisfied when the bastard grunts in response. ‘It wasn’t strong enough to do any real damage.’ Dazai attempts to laugh, the noise coming out strangled as the congestion seeps into his voice. 
“Something the matter?”
“I- I will throw you out the window, Dazai.” 
“Might be doing me a faahhh… again..? heH’KZSHhh’oo-! kEHSZHH’oo-! Scuse me. Might be doing me a favour. This is gonna laahhh… last all day.” 
“You asked for it.”
“Yehh- yes I did.”
Freeing himself from Chuuya’s grasp, Dazai starts to head for the door, pausing with a spin to face him once more. A look spreads across his face, one that steals Chuuya’s breath the way the sneezes had stolen Dazai’s. A look with real emotion laced in it. 
“I don’t regret it, you know. Coming to you. I made the right choice.”
Leaving no room for a response, Dazai gives a wave, before crushing his nose into his palm again as he exits the room. Chuuya pauses, seemingly frozen in place as his mind races through the interaction. Replaying every moment as if he’s watching a recording in his head. 
‘Smug bastard. Just wanted an excuse to break into the Port Mafia, I bet that’s it. He just wanted to prove that he could get into my office whenever he wanted. Picked the dumbest reason just to piss me off.’ 
It’s a lie, and he knows it. But just for now, it’s easier than the truth, so Chuuya decides to stick to it, ignoring the smile that starts to form. A few floors down as Dazai makes his escape, the same smile graces his features.
“It was nice to see you too, partner.” 
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Take My Hand, Let Me Save You Like You Save Me | Soukoku
Based on Heaven and Back by Chase Atlantic. 
Angst but then fluff. I'm not that familiar with Corruption and how it works so please correct me if I get anything wrong. This is set before Soukoku start dating.
Words: 4,194
⚠️TW: drugs, drug use, and almost drug overdose | Dazai typical suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, and depression.
NOT PROOFREAD (no beta we die like Oda)
(A/N: This is way more angsty than I intended but there is more fluff in later chapters. Under the cut due to length. This has been edited for grammar. At the point I was writing this I didn’t know that No Longer Human is always active so we’re just going to ignore that little fact. Also, the logic behind Corruption is nowhere to be found. I was a very new fan when I wrote this.)
Dazai’s Perspective
Mori's office is filled with every kind of lethal pill imaginable, and I just had to grab a non-lethal one, a hallucinogenic one, I think. I was crying at the time, my eyes blurring at the edges until the fog spread and the tears spilled over.
Now my eyes blur for a different reason, visions of bright, flashing colours and mangled corpses dance in and out of my view. I can't take this, it's not working, I need more.
I dump a few more pills into my palm (3 maybe 7, I can't tell) and swallow them with the stolen whiskey. It tastes bitter, an acidic burn, fire, but I'm flying and I love it. The pain distracts me from everything else and the light feeling is a bliss I never thought I'd ever get to feel.
I stand up (fall down? I can't tell which direction is which.) and notice for the first time, the fluorescents of the warehouse. Gosh, they're beautiful. They should be in a museum not in this dingy warehouse. Who would bother buying lights this nice for a place like this? Then again Mori is like super crazy rich. I tilt my head and they move with me, incredible! I spin, and so do they, making swirls across the grey beams. I wish Chuuya were here to see this. Chuuya makes everything better. He'll be so upset that he missed this.
Suddenly the swirls are taking over my thoughts, I can only think in spirals and my brain feels like it's being rolled up into the spirals. It doesn't feel . . . bad? Anything's better than the pain, I guess? My stomach lurches, being pulled into the spiral as well, and I vomit neon green and pink onto the warehouse floor. It's beautiful and then gone. Then back again, then gone, taking the floor with it. I hear a distant thud and the lights feel farther away.
Pain pounds in my head as the lights come back. This time they're blurred, black eating at the edges. I watch, entranced, as the black and the lights fight. I can't decide who I want to win, they're both so beautiful. The black is winning and I am falling, falling, falling (but wasn't I already down), slipping deeper. Does it feel bad? I don't know. I can't feel anything. Is that a bad thing? Isn't this what I wanted?
Yes. I've always wanted this. Even numbness is better than the pain, and if this is how I get it then I'd gladly do it again. This is what I've been looking for, something I'm not even sure I could get from death: the feeling of already being gone, like I'm no longer human, a machine, a monster. It's not nearly death but I'll take it.
I hear a voice drifting in and out but it sinks to the bottom of my black ocean, along with any remaining fight I had left in me.
Chuuya’s Perspective
Where is he? Where is that shitty bastard? He said he would be home tonight. But that look on his face. I knew he was lying.
"Why the fuck did you let him go, dumbass!" I think to myself. I thought privacy would be a good idea but now it doesn't matter, I have to get to him before he hurts himself.
When I turn the corner, I hear soft sobbing and heavy breathing coming from the warehouse. I know it's him and I dash inside.
He lies curled up in a corner, eyes rolled back in his head, not himself, like when I use Corruption.
"Dazai! Wake up!" no answer, "Wake up, shitty Dazai, wake up."
His corpse-like person stays the same but he's still breathing, he has to be.
"Dammit!!!" He still doesn't stir, panic, turning to pure terror as it claws up my throat, combined with hot anger I feel like I'm about to combust. "No, fuck you! How could you do this?" I ask the unresponsive boy, the words turn to please as they leave my mouth. Desperation now joins the swirl of emotions, "I loved you, I love you! And you go and leave me like this! What about me? What about me, huh? Are you just gonna leave me like this?" I punch him, "Answer me, asshole, I said answer me!"
But at this point, I can see it's useless. His corpse is still, with no breath rising or falling from his still-warm body. The tears come suddenly and I let myself lay over my dead partner, friend (more than friend?). I cry for him, and his situation, and his death, and for what we could've been. I wanted it, oh how I wanted him to return my feelings but it all feels so stupid now, now I just want him alive.
I don't care if they find me like this, draped over the boy I love (and will love until the day I die, even after), I hope they do. Someone deserves to pay. The anger pulses back again, stronger. White hot rage, blacking out my vision. Arahabaki. The Rage only lasts for a second then I'm back, the feeling gone again.
I feel something inside me break.
If Corruption is activating while I'm touching Dazai, then he really is dead. It hits me in the stomach, worse than any punch from an enemy. I should be worried but I don't care if I destroy everything. I don't care if I destroy myself. I don't want to live without Dazai Osamu and I deserve whatever I get for leaving him alone like this. I promised I promised he wouldn't die alone, and yet here I am, doing too little too late as I guess we always knew I would. The one mistake I can't take back.
I try to summon it back, the Rage. I want to hit something, I want to hit myself until I can't anymore. But a noise distracts me, wheezing, then choked breaths. Dazai struggles to sit. A gasp leaves my lips. He's alive, undeniably so, but how. It's been at least 5 minutes.
I can feel his heartbeat, slightly too fast but strong, in his chest, and his breathing the same. Did I . . . bring him back? No, Arahabaki did. For the first time, real gratitude for the god surges in me but I have to focus on Dazai now.
He opens his brown eyes, they're wide with surprise and wet with tears. But not the deep and curious look that only I know, dull and sad. I'll take anything.
He gets up, seemingly perfectly fine, just sad. He sits back down, head between his knees, hands covering his eyes but I can see his shoulder skating with the silent sobs. Distraught. I can't take him in pain like this. My body moves before I can think about what I'm doing.
I hold out my hand.
He doesn't take it.
"Please." it comes out too desperate, "please" I try again softer. He lifts his arms and nods, grasping my hand. The connection makes me feel safer than I ever have. "Let me help you," He's still looking down. "Like you've helped me so many times."
"You don't owe me." is all he says
"I do, but that's not why I'm doing this. I'm doing it because I'm human and so are you, I want to help you and . . ." I swallow the lump in my throat, "I care about you, more than you'll ever know."
This makes him look up, our eyes lock, a thousand words unspoken. "Now please, let me save you like, you save me"
He stands up and I don't really know what to do so I put my hands around his waist, an awkward kind of hug, my palms feel hot. Soon we're fully embracing each other. Dazai letting me support his weight, support him. I want him to see things how I do so faster than I can talk myself out of it I hold him tighter and let myself float a metre above the ground.
We stay there for a while.
Then Dazai whispers something into my chest, the words a soft vibration, like a cat's purr.
"I said, the city looks beautiful from up here."
The words leave my mouth without my permission, "Most deadly things look pretty."
He smiles an actual smile. It hides itself beneath a neutral expression quickly but I know it was there and I'd do anything to see it again.
"You look beautiful up here," he whispers, I don't think he meant for me to hear but I'm so close to him that it's impossible not to, the quieter. "Chuuya always looks beautiful"
I feel myself blushing, my heart skipping a beat and picking up again in double time.
All of a sudden the warehouse feels too small so I fly up to the roof. Dazai's eyes widen in surprise and he holds me tighter, bandaged arms snugly around my waist. I try to ignore the feeling in my stomach and focus on the roof.
It's different. I've never flown with someone else before and I thought I would have to remind myself to be gentle but adjusting and softening my movements for Dazai comes easily to me, an unconscious action.
I touch down on the roof and the wind swirls around us, playing with Dazai's hair in a beautiful way. I watch it tangle around for a moment before snapping out of it. I could stare longer if I wanted to. Dazai has his back to me, staring out at the city. Almost on the edge.
I follow his gaze to an empty green lot, overgrown with only a small warehouse.
"That lot has been empty forever," he says in a monotone
"Yeah, I don't think it's Mori's."
"They tried to sell it a while ago," the slightest tint of emotion enters his voice, but I can't identify it, "but no one wanted to buy it."
"I can see why. I'd probably be more trouble to fix up than it's worth."
"I think it's a nice place." The emotion is unmistakable now: longing. "Private, nobody pays attention to it, no super close neighbors, quiet, but you can see the whole city from the roof." Longing for a home, a place to settle, a place to be his answer when someone asks where he's from, where he belongs. I know because I want these things too.
"You've been there?"
"I used to hide out there."
There's silence, we're still speaking, just not with words. He tells me with the way he steps closer to the ledge.
"Yeah, it could be pretty nice. I bet someone will buy it, some super-rich real estate person, and then sell it." I feel Dazai's shoulders slump as I finish the sentence. I want to say sorry but I'm not sure what for, or what to start with because I have so many things to say sorry for.
"Before I joined, it was my place, the closest thing to a home that I had. Now I live here of course but I–"
"I get it. You don't want it going to just anyone." He gives me a small smile for my understanding, but he's almost off the ledge now. I won't let him go again. I won't.
I grab his waist and pull him away from the ledge, back to me. Close, close, closer until we can feel each other's heartbeats.
Music echoes from the distance, a street party. It seems to grow louder, and so does my heartbeat. The first move is mine, the next is his and before we know it we're moving to it together, gliding, spinning, twisting, not in synchronisation, but the movements seem to all fit together. Dancing. I'm dancing with Dazai Osamu and my heart soars.
It feels like I'm floating and then I realise, we are. I've taken us up, just above the floor of the roof. We dance up here uncaring free, the feelings running wild even if only for one night. I let myself go higher, the feeling in my chest unravelling and releasing the tension as we move together.
This feeling: raw, pure, intense, and wholly human. Puts me on a high, grounding me at the same time. And maybe humans don't feel this passionately, maybe I'm not human, but if being inhuman allows me to feel like this if it allowed me to save the love of my life, it can't be so bad.
Dazai’s Perspective
It's a habit at this point. Constantly pushing further even after I've gone way past way too far just because fuck it. Stepping closer to the ledge, farther from life until all I can see is the ground below. It wouldn't even be jumping, just falling. The smallest shift of my body weight forward, a motion nobody would even notice until it's already too late. Another step.
You might wonder, Wouldn't I miss Chuuya? If I'm dead I can't miss anyone. If I could miss him though, I would, but it doesn't matter. He'll be fine. He might have saved me but I know he doesn't care about me the way I would like him to. It's obvious, he hates me but I still can't let him go. It'd be better for all of us if I just fell.
He'll find another partner, move on, and forget all about me, be the youngest living Port Mafia executive. He'd like that. I start to lean forward a bit. Arms grab my waist, strong, warm, and secure. He pulls me closer, and closer and closer until there's no space left. I still want to be closer.
Pop music begins to blast from a few streets over, loud and clear from up here. The lights of the city seem to dance in time to the music and Chuuya looks as stunning as ever, wind tousled red hair and blue eyes bright with emotion . . . humanity.
He's everything I don't want, everything I know I'll never have. And that just makes me want him all the more. I don't want his humanity or his emotion for myself, I want him to want me with all of himself. I want him to love me with all of his searing passion until I burn from the inside out.
I said Chuuya would be the death of me but I didn't say it with malice. I would love for him to end. For him to take my life away with the sheer force of our contradicting personalities. Death by his hand would be . . . perfect.
The brutal conclusion to a brutal life.
Suddenly I'm knocked off my feet, or not knocked, but rather the ground disappears from under me, but I'm not falling, I'm floating.
It's my instinct to hold on tighter to Chuuya but that would only make things more awkward so I let go. I expect to fall but I don't stay where I am. Ah, Chuuya must be controlling my gravity field. I don't mind, not at all.
He catches my hand, a look of pure exhilaration on his face, and I use the rebound to spin him away, catching him again. His touch cancels out everything else as if he's the one with the nulling ability. This is better than any drug, the pain is no more. All I can feel is Chuuya. He feels good, better than. I know I may never get to do this again so tonight I dance with Chuuya. I allow myself to get as close as I want to. He doesn't protest.
He may not love me in that way (but he must have at least some affection for me or he would never be letting me do this), but I know that as long as I have Chuuya I can live with myself.
Chuuya’s Perspective
It feels like we could've danced forever but eventually, we end up on the edge of the roof. Not like last time, nothing like last time. This time Dazai sits in my lap, (which I'll admit is a bit awkward because of the um *cough* height difference *cough* Hey, shut up, inner Dazai voice!), and shockingly he makes an effort to curl up smaller to fit better. My heartbeat accelerates, sending warm tremors through my chest. His touch does to me, the opposite of what his ability does to me. I wish he knew what he does to me.
I feel him shift closer. What the hell is happening? Who is this and where's shitty-bastard Dazai?
Dazai’s Perspective 
Dancing with Chuuya fills me with a feeling I don't recognise, but it burns, and I like it. The burn is different from the acid burn that the whiskey provided, it's slower and deeper, starting from the points where Chuuya touches me but then consuming me from the inside out. This burn isn't acid, it's a pure holy fire, like Chuuya himself. I'm sure I could manage without it, but why would I want to, it wouldn't really be living. I'm tired of this half-living I've been doing and I wish I'd realised sooner but now that I have this I know there's no chance I'm ever letting him go again.
It's difficult because Chuuya's just so small but I manoeuvre myself even closer, soaking up his fiery warmth and leaning in until the city noise disappears and his heartbeat and breathing are the only things I hear.
I can feel my shoulders tensing, waiting, wanting. Wanting him to lean down and kiss me. His fire gives me a nervous feeling and the heat is so distracting that I can't form the words.
Instead, I tilt my head up pathetically and hope he notices me for once.
Chuuya’s Perspective
I’m sure the Yokohama skyline is beautiful tonight but I can’t take my eyes off Dazai, I don’t really want to either. The wind picks up and ruffles his soft brown hair, giving me the irresistible urge to pull my finger through it. With how close we are it’s probably okay. Then he looks up.
I close my eyes.
I wish he didn’t. It makes me want to punch him sometimes (that’s usually why I do punch him), the way he flirts so shamelessly with everyone, no matter the gender, he just loves to flirt (and then break hopeful hearts), so much so that anyone could tell it’s an act, not even to mock them but just for his own amusement. Damn him! I usually would punch him right about now but I could never hurt him when he’s like this.
I open my eyes, accepting my fate, willing myself to resist.
His eyes are full of something deep and mysterious, yes, but it’s his lips that hold my attention. The way they’re slightly parted, if I didn’t know better I’d say he was doing this on purpose but I do know better and this oblivious idiot has no idea what he’s doing. If I didn’t know better I’d say the look in his eyes is want.
His lips look so soft, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve dreamt of kissing them. And now he wants me to. I’m not sure. But I can’t stop myself.
I have to lean down to him for once as I press my lips to his. Immediately a tingling sensation hits me, scalding at first then pleasantly warm. And, oh. I was right, his lips are soft and warm.
Then panic shoots through me. I open my eyes to see Dazai's own eyes wide in surprise, I know the horror will come next. Have I just ruined everything? What should I say, how can I even explain this?  The dread wells inside me, turning me to stone.
“I—” My throat is the first to go and the words die on my tongue.
And then he’s kissing me back.
It’s different now that he’s kissing me as well. His lips are still soft but more solid and forceful. This time he presses his body into mine until we’re held together so tightly it feels like we’re one now, instead of two.
The hardest thing about kissing Dazai is stopping, but at last, we do.
“Dazai . . .” There are no words that adequately describe the experience.
He sighs, “Please, use my given name.” I freeze, “Call me Osamu.”
“Osamu,” I whisper into the night, testing out the word. It feels right, leaving a pleasant sensation on my lips. The memory of where his own lips had just touched mine. Pulsing desire.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this,” I say to the night around us. It feels good to get the words out.
His smile is brighter than any of the lights around, “That goes for me as well.”
The music from the street below is still playing, but quieter now as if everything has faded out leaving only Osamu and I.
It’s so nice that we let the confessions and feelings hang in the air for a while as the sky slips from dark blue to black and the feelings get brighter . . . hotter.
It happens so easily, as if we’ve been doing this for years (we should have been), our lips are connected again pressing feverishly, hungrily against each other. Osamu’s hands are in my hair, pulling, but not so hard it hurts.
When we stop for breath I tug away the bandages covering Osamu’s neck and begin to explore.
We lay on the roof, the music long quieted, staring up at the full moon. The bandages on Osamu’s neck hang loosely like a necklace, both of our hair sticks up and Osamu is using my coat as a blanket against the nighttime chill.
When the moon finally begins to slip away I ask, “Are we going to talk about this?”
“About what?” Osamu asks. I look at him confused. He smiles, “We’ve been in love all this time, what will change now that the words have been said. It isn’t like we’ll be able to be affectionate at work.” He explains all this matter of factory then smirks, “After work on the other hand . . .” He lets the implications fill my mind. I shove my hat over his eyes.
“You asked, I was just answering!” He laughs and takes off the hat holding up too high for me to reach. I don’t try to reach it, he puts it down over his face.
“You know that’s not what I meant! I just mean like kissing not . . .” I hope he can’t see my blush from this angle.
“I know, of course, teasing Chuuya is just so fun. But we can kiss as much as Chuuya wants.” I don’t miss how he uses my name instead of one of his many nicknames, and he said nothing would change. I don’t mention it.
The truth is we’ve been partners for so long hardly anything needs to be said.
And yet, I want to say it, to hear his answer.
It still feels kind of awkward, the words cumbersome as I try to phrase the question, “So . . . Boyfriends then?”
Osamu doesn’t answer right away, then sighs, “Boyfriends.” He says the word in a bored tone, a smile like gold lights his face, “I don’t want Chuuya to be my boyfriend, I love Chuuya so much more than a boyfriend. Boyfriend is such an impermanent word. There has to be a better one, no?”
His words make me feel cool inside, like how people say love makes them feel warm. Osamu’s love makes me feel cool and refreshed, like the relief when he uses his ability on me, a pleasant tingling sensation. Like Osamu’s own cold touch. It’s distracting and I can’t answer him.
Luckily he has an answer of his own. “Partners.” He says with finality.
“Partners.” I agree.
We don’t speak again until the sun appears on the horizon.
“I want you to promise me something, Chuuya.”
I look at him surprised by the suddenness of his request.
“I want to annoy you forever, so . . . promise you’ll remind me to live okay, for you.”
His words make me freeze. Dazai Osamu, the boy obsessed with death, wants to live. The cool feeling washes over me again.
He sits up and moves closer to me until we’re shoulder to shoulder with his hand our my waist. “I want to, I do but sometimes it’s hard. The darkness takes over and I forget everything I have to live for, when that happens, please remind me, okay Chuuya.” He looks at me like a lost puppy, tears brimming over, a little bit happy and a little bit sad, I think. “And I can’t promise that it will work, or that I’ll make it, but with you, I know I can at least try, and I will try, so hard, for you Chuuya, my beloved.”
“Okay, Osamu. I will.”
We seal the pact with a kiss and watch the sunrise together. It isn’t a bad way to spend a night, not bad at all. Now we enter the new day together, as partners.
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temporaryrose200 · 2 years
✩Chuuya Going Out With Dazai’s Little Sister✩
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✟pairing: Chuuya X Reader
✟genre: Fluff, Slight Angst
✟warning: None
✟fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
✟a/n:This meant to be put on my old account @temporaryrose100, but it had been shadow banned. So I’ve made a new account:)
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➳So you’re like a year younger than your brother, so when you first met the hot head ginger you were pretty young. You were Dazai’s “sweet” little sister. In his eyes, you could do no wrong. Or really, he didn’t care. If I’m being honest, I don’t think Dazai would much care for you. Not in that way. This guy adores you! But what I’m talking about is that he doesn’t care what you do, knowing you can take care of yourself on your own. That is until Chuuya came into the picture.
➳At the start Dazai just didn’t want you talking to Chuuya because he didn’t want his “precious” sister to have a “bad” influence like him in her life. But when the two of you started to get along, Dazai hated it! He knew Chuuya liked you. He could tell from the way he talk to you and he knew you like the mutt as well…Your brother tried distancing the both of you but it never worked.
➳Now at the start of the first meeting with Chuuya, he actually didn’t like you. Thinking you were just like your older brother. But oh, how he was wrong. You were quite the opposite. A kind and caring person, actually funny, unlike you brother…(In Chuuya's mind you were.) Smart and the list goes on. You didn’t much show your sweet side and Chuuya wasn’t that shocking. You were in the mafia, showing your emotions is something you should never do. You would be seen as weak. It isn’t until a couple of months later when Chuuya and you start dating and oh how Dazai was pissed. Not only did he have to work with Chuuya, but now he had to share his sister with him.
➳Dazai would do anything to make sure no alone time together. You two could be doing anything and your brother would be there. On a date? Oh hey, here comes Dazai, who is conveniently at the same restaurant you and Chuuya were in. You’re staying at Chuuya’s. Dazai just shows up unannounced. Whenever your brother does this it always ends up in a fight. Not with you and him, but with your red-headed boyfriend. Yes, you were obviously annoyed by your brother doing this, but for so strange feelings, kind of relieved. It meant that he cared for you and even though you knew he loved you, he rarely showed it.
➳The day Odasaku died and Dazai left the port mafia was one of the worst days of your life. You were filled with so much anger and grief. You were also close with Oda. It had only been you and your brother for the longest time, so when this man popped into both of your lives you were wary at first but after some time, just like Dazai, you grew to love the man like family. So hearing that he had died really was hard to take in. But what's worse is finding out that your only family member had left you. Not even with a goodbye or even a note. He left and it hurt a lot. When Chuuya found this out, at first he was kind of glad. The bane of his existence was now gone. Pop open the champagne! But when he released how much it affected you, his hatred for the man grew, if that was even possible. The one and only thing that Chuuya respected Dazai, was he was always there for you. That was the only likeable trait that your brother had. It has been a couple of hours since the whole thing that Mori called you into his office to receive your new promotion. Your brother's old job…
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ha1taniwh0re · 2 years
Dazai, Chuuya and Kunikida with Y/n who works for enemy side
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Dazai would be protective about you bc you work for Mori-san, he know how dangerous he is so he would watch you.
Because he doesn’t trust Mori maybe he would accept Mori’s offer for Dazai coming back to port mafia just so he can spend time with you and know that Mori-san doesn’t do anything stupid.
But Ada knows about you and Dazai so they see you really often, if Dazai is on mission you are with Ranpo or Atsushi talking and having snacks. Sometimes you are with Kyouka-chan you tells her about Chuuya and Koyo because she asks you for them.
If you guys break up than he would leave port mafia again and go back to Ada.
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For Chuuya I think he wouldn’t mind if you work for Ada. They are safe place and he would maybe had deal with Dazai to protect you when he is not around.
Everybody in Ada know that you are dating Port mafia’s executive and it’s not really surprising to see Chuuya in Ada sometimes. Mori knows about them and he loves to talk with you sometimes he got something from you but you don’t know that.
Your besties in Port mafia are Koyo and Hirotsu because you have something to talk with them always and when you are at port mafia’s building you are with chuuya or them.
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You and Kunikida met each other when you were fighting. You work for Guild, sorry silly me you WERE working for Guild, you had a mission to take Atsushi back to Mobi-Dick but on your way to Atsushi, Kunikida met you and you were fighting. After your fight where you win you went to Atsushi and get him on Mobi-Dick.
After Guild was gone you didn’t know where to go, you knew you are not for light so you started working in Port Mafia but still you somehow end up with Kunikida.
With Koyo you often go to Ada. Your bestie is deff Dazai you was really shocked when you found out that he was part of Port mafia
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viridwns · 3 years
Can't help but fall in love with you.
Time: present
Paring: Chuuya x f!reader
Characters: Chuuya nakahara, Dazai osamu, Mori ōgai, Fukuzawa yukichi from BSD
Warnings: none ig.
Request from: @trixiegalaxy . I hope you are happy with this!
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You were just looking for a job. A simple job.
You really went from being a secretary with mountains of paperwork your boss left you to being in the middle of a truce meeting.
"No illusions this time fukuzawa?"
"It's a truce meeting right? I don't see the use of using my members ability."
You really didn't want to be here. What were you even thinking! The job that you were offered after just moving into this city was to perfect to be true. You knew something was up, but you still accepted it anyway.
When you were asked to come to an important meeting by Dazai, you didn't think any of it. I mean maybe you had to take notes or something. So ofcourse being the good subordinate you were, you said yes.
Curse this handsome looking man. If only you had listened to your guts when he asked you to join him for a double suicide.
You tugged at Dazai's arm wanting to know why in the hell he brought you here. "What the actual fuck Dazai" you whispered at him a frown setteling upon your face. He looked at you with a grin and winked. Wanting nothing more to bash his head in a voice interrupted your thoughts.
"I can see you brought someone new. I've never seen her face here before."
You looked at the mafia boss. He was smiling at you.
Gulping down the lump in your throat you tried to look as brave as possible. Standing up straight with your chin up.
"She's our new secretary. Thought i'd bring her with us for some experience." You heard Dazai say.
Only Dazai, fukuzawa and you were here. On the other side you could see the mafia boss, a man with no eyebrows? And a short, but intimidating man with a fedora.
Yeah you didn't want to get caught up into this.
"I'm gonna quit the next opportunity i get" you muttered. Regretting not listening to your mother to stay in the little village and not moving to the city.
"Knowing you Dazai, she isn't just a secretary. Just tell us what her ability is."
Wait what?
"Hah?" You said without realizing.
First of all how did Dazai know about your ability. Second of all how could it be of any use here?
"Ah you caught me. She indeed has an ability. Up to you to figure it out."
Dazai said, his famous grin plastered on his face.
"Cut the crap mackerel. This is a truce meeting. Stop this shitty act and just tell us why she's here." The man with the fedora stept forward. His gloved hand pointing at you.
Honestly you don't even know anymore why you were here.
"Can we just set our agreement. My schedule is busy and the only way we can stop (bad guy name) is if we work together."
Your boss spoke up. Looking tired as usual.
"Sorry, but it seems like your hiding something from us. Are you going to attack us when we turn around hm?"
The mafia boss looked at him with an amusing smile.
"Stop this nonsense Mori. Just agree to the plan. You know it's the best thing to do."
"Fine. Tomorrow at midnight i'll send Chuuya and you'll send Dazai. Deal?"
Why the fuck.
That chuuya guy and Dazai were supposed to be going on a mission together.
so why in the hell were you here waiting infront of a shed at 12 AM with Dazai at your side.
Simple answer: you fell for his tricks again.
"Isn't the sky pretty y/n."
"Say one more word and i'll make you regret using me for my ability."
An angry scowl was placed on your features as Dazai pouted.
"Ah come one y/n-kun don't be so mean."
You snapped your head to the right to face him.
"Oh i'm mean? You literally send me here to join you for a suicide mission. I'm only going to be dead weight anyway!"
He chuckled
"Oh don't worry, you're going to be a great help for this mission."
Giving him a confused look, you were about to say something when a voice interrupted you.
"And can i ask why she is here?"
You looked to the left to see Chuuya standing there with a hand on his hip.
"Why is everyone so irritated this night. Well i wouldn't expect less from Chuuya, but you are never irritated y/n."
"For everything there's a first time." You said with a sigh.
This was going to be a long night.
"Just shut up you mackerel. I'm not in the mood for your shit."
Chuuya walked closer to the two of you. He was intimidating as ever, but gosh did he have anger issues.
Dazai tried to open his mouth, but knowing him and his passion for annoying people you interrupted him.
"If we go left from here, we'll eventually see the base of the enemy. There's a way in from the left side of the building without being seen. It's our best shot to sneak in."
You finished looking at the two men.
You could see Chuuya staring at you with a certain look in his eyes.
"Is there something on my face?" You asked, your hands wiping your face.
It looked like you suprised him by the sudden startled look on his face.
"N-no Let's just go. The sooner we start, the faster we finish."
Chuuya walked past the two of you. Cursing something under his breath. You could swear you saw a light pink covering his cheeks.
"Where the fuck did that maniac go?!"
You sat on the ground covering your ears with your hands. Not wanting to listen to Chuuya's whines anymore.
It all happenend so fast. The three of you broke into the enemy's base and found a good hiding spot, but somehow the three of you got caught. Chuuya and you ran, thinking Dazai was right behind you two, but when you locked yourselves into a lab, he was gone.
Looking at the furious ginger you tried to calm him down.
"It's Dazai we're talking about. C'mon have some faith in your partner."
You smiled lightly, but it soon faded as you were met with an angry scowl.
"He was my partner. I can't even believe he brought you."
He pinched the bridge of his nose.
You didn't know either why he brought you, but he could be atleast a bit nicer about it.
"Well i'm sorry for being here, but thanks to me we could break into this place. Also can you just calm your tits. Your behavior isn't helping the situation."
You stood up to look him in his eyes. Your smile being replaced with a more serious look.
"I-." He tried to say something, but instead moved to the other side of the room.
"You're such a nausionce."
Knowing if you would pick a fight with him now nothing good would come out of it.
"I know, now let's find a way out."
Looking around the room, you could only find some medical suplies and some samples of God knows what.
Chuuya began helping you after sulking for a bit in the corner. He checked all the cabinets and only found food and more medical supplies.
"I found nothing, you?"
You asked the man while sitting down on the large dental like chair in the middle of the room.
"Nothing useful no."
Chuuya leaned at the wall infront of you.
"Going outside is also not an option. There are cameras outside the door. So they'll know our location immediately."
You let out a frustrated sigh. Massaging your temples.
"God i'm so stupid. I should've paid more attention to our location."
The man infront of you scoffed.
"Not going to disagree with you on the first thing, but you couldn't have known where we were and we were all in a state of panic. It makes you forget things."
Being a little shocked that he also could be nice, i mean he did call you stupid indirectly, but the words he said did make you feel better.
"Thanks Chuuya. That means allot to me." You said to him smiling.
"Yeah yeah whatever." The pink hue could be seen again on his cheeks as he looked away.
Giggling softly at his flustered state.
"What are you laughing at brat?!"
Ah there was the angry chihuahua again.
"Nothing, just you."
"You bi-."
Chuuya was cut off by voices on the other side of the door. You jumped of your chair looking at Chuuya with a panicked expression.
He motioned to the closet and you nodded your head. Quickly moving over to the closet, you and Chuuya squeezed yourselves in.
The space was cramped, but it was the only solution for now. Knowing that Chuuya's ability would make to much of a commotion.
Feeling Chuuya's warm breath on your lips, you now noticed how short he actually was. His head not coming above your nose. It was adorable really.
He also smelled like wine, but it wasn't smelly or something. It was quite a pleasant smell and not to mention very attractive.
Blushing at your thoughts you looked up.
'Omg why am i thinking this now. He's so attractive- NO Y/N FOCUSE.' you internally screamed.
"This door is locked kiri, maybe the intruders are in here."
A soft rattling noise was heard and the door knob moved a little.
"Damn i don't got the keys. Let me go get them."
You heart footsteps leave the door, but you knew someone else was waiting infront of it.
Suddenly you could feel a light bulb just pop above your head. You had a plan, but you didn't know if it would work.
"Shit what do we do." You could hear Chuuya mutter.
"I might have an idea." You whispered.
"Are you crazy?! You can't just do that y/n!" Chuuya whisper yelled.
You were putting on one of the labcoats hanging in the closet. Your other clothes were in Chuuya's hands.
You were wearing your hair loose with a skintight labcoat flaunting every curve of your body.
"It's the only plan right now. And with my ability it is almost guaranteed it will work." You whispered back. You hated this plan as much as he did, but it was your only chance. And you felt sexy as fuck right now.
"I got them!." You heard a man's voice say. Footsteps getting closer. "Took you long enough, now open the door."
"Jeez okay fine."
"There is no time Chuuya." You said closing the closet doors. You could see Chuuya trying to protest, but he gave up.
Scurrying over to one of the counters pretending you were organizing something the door opened.
You heart starting to beat faster and your hands shaking. 'Calm down y/n. You got this you sexy motherfucker'. Your breathing slowed a little and a voice was heard from the doorway.
"Hey you! Put your hands up!"
You looked up to see two men in trenchcoats with guns pointing at you.
"What's this commotion all about gentleman? I'm just trying to do my job here."
You raised your hands and slowly walked over to the men.
"Stay still! Tell me your name."
Stopping your movements you bit your lip.
"My name is..." should you tell them you're real name? Or just make one up.
"Go on woman, we don't have all night."
Slightly annoyed by his tone, you decided to use your own name.
"L/n, y/n l/n." You said
"Never heard of you. Have you?" The man turned to his colleague.
"No, take her in custody."
Panicking internally, you needed to come up with a lie right now! Your ability won't work unless the men touch you.
"I uhmm. I was waiting for one of the men. He hired me for some private time. If you know what i mean." You winked at the two men. Hoping they would buy your lie.
You could see them blushing slightly.
"Who hired you?"
"Dunno. We do these things anonymous."
You walked over to the chair and slowly crawled on it. Trying to nonegelantly show your ass.
"Hey i said don't move!"
The second man said. Coming closer to you.
"Okay, okay calm down." You sat down and put your hands infront of you.
"I'm just here, because he still got 30 minutes left. Rules from my boss. Can't go away till the time is up." You shrugged and flipped your hair. Leaning on your knee with the other hand.
You really had to stop yourself from cringing.
"Well i got to ask you to leave ma'am." The first guys said, putting his gun down and walking over to you.
"Fine, but if you get a call from my boss, don't blame me."
"Ofcourse. You are just doing you're job." The second guy said with a blush on his face.
'Ugh men.'
"You have to lead me the way tho. The other guy insisted on blind folding me." You seductively bite your lip and winked again.
"Of- ofcourse come with us please."
The second guy cleared his throat and offered his hand. Smiling you took his hand and hopped of the chair.
'Now the other guy.'
'Accidentally' stumbling you fell into the first dudes arms, causing him to catch you.
"Oh shit. Clumsy me. Can't even walk properly."
You gave out a short laugh and the guy brushed his jacket.
"It's okay. Now come o-."
Not being able to finish his sentence, he fell to the ground. His partner following him.
"Yeah that's right you two go to sleep. I'll find my way out from here."
Chuckling at your own humor you snatched their guns.
"Wait how-."
Chuuya stepped out of the closet a blush on his cheeks and a confused expression.
Standing up straight you walked over to him and picked up your clothes from his hands.
"It's my ability  'sweet dreams'. If i touch the person and whisper 'sweet dreams' in the next 5 minutes. The person or persons will fall into a coma. They'll wake up when i fall asleep or when i forget i put them to sleep. So i have to keep thinking about them."
You finished off with a smile. Putting your own shirt on again.
"I can see now why Dazai brought you." He said with a slight smirk on his face.
"It isn't all that fancy and i never really used it before."
"Why come you never joined the port mafia or hell even the ADA."
You sighed a little.
"Well it could be a useful ability, but i don't want to be a hero or villian or other shit. I'm happy as i am now."
Chuuya looks at you with a soft expression.
"That's a shame. Would've loved to see you in action more. Or hell even fight against you."
He looked away from you. His hand behind his head. You laughed a little.
"I would absolutely demolish your ass." You said, crossing your arms with a triumph look on your face.
"Hah you wish princess. You won't be able to even come near me!"
You blushed at the sudden nickname. Your hands falling to your side.
"W-we'll see." You cursed yourself for stuttering.
He walked passed you to the door. Whispering something in you ear.
"I wouldn't mind seeing you try to seduce me like the two men you seduced just now."
Your ears felt hot and you were sure you looked like a tomato right now. Chuuya walked out the door and you just stood there. Coming out of your shocked state you ran out the door to slap him. "Come here you asshole." You whisper yelled. Chuuya almost dying from laughter shushed you. "We don't want the enemy to find us now. Do we. Otherwise you have to put on that outfit again."
Smacking him on the back of his head. You couldn't wait to get this mission done.
"Ah what a night. Good thing you guys saved me back there. They were cruel!"
The brunette man was stretching his limbs.
It was 5 in the morning and Chuuya and you were finally able to take the boss out (well Chuuya did that part while you freed Dazai.)
"Oh shut up you damn piece of shit. Thanks to you it took us the whole night to finish this job and most of all you brought y/n in unnecessary danger."
"Hey it's okay. I'm fine. Luckily we all are. Let's just head home go to sleep and go back to enemies in the morning." You quickly said walking inbetween the two men.
Dazai yawned.
"Sounds like a great plan y/n! Altough i thought you were gonna quit the job."
You put your hands around Dazais arm.
"Nah can't do that after such an adventure now can i?"
You and Dazai chuckled while Chuuya just sighed.
"Get a room jeez." He said annoyed.
"Ah c'mon Chuuya. We make a great team! I can't wait for the next truce." You said rather excited for this hour.
Coming at the end of the forest you knew you had to say your goodbye's to the men.
"Well y/n i wish you a pleasant night and i'll see you at work again. Chuuya i hope you get hit by a car."
Dazai smiled and turned around to walk away.
You laughed and waved him goodbye.
"That fucker." Chuuya muttered holding up his middle finger.
"Ah come on Chuuya. He may not show it, but i know he sees you as a friend."
"Pff sure in your dreams."
Sighing you face palmed yourself.
"Well i guess this is it then. Goodnight Chuuya."
You knew it was wrong. He was your enemy and you had to put your feelings aside, but you couldn't stop yourself. You never had so much fun in your whole life and to be frank, you didn't want the night to end here yet.
You kissed him on the cheek and turned around.
"Thank you for this wonderful, but crazy ass night." You gave a sad smile. Although he couldn't see it.
Suddenly you felt someone grab you wrist. Spinning you around. You were met with a flustered Chuuya his eyes fixated on the ground.
Standing there in an awkward silence for a few seconds, he finally spoke up.
"Look. I worked with many people before, but i never had so much fun with someone. And-" he became quiet for a bit. Taking a deep breath he continued: " and i never felt like this before. You give me this warm feeling and i hate it, but i can't get enought of it. When i first saw you at the meeting i just knew you were different. So please let's not end this night just yet."
He tilted his head to look at you a serious expression on his face.
Your voice was cut of when a pair of warm lips crashed your own. They were rough, but soft at the same time. Being a little stunned you forgot to kiss back. Chuuya pulled away again taking a step back.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know what came over me."
This time you shushed him and kissed him back. His arms finding a way on your hips and your arms grabbing his hair to deepen the kiss.
After a few seconds you both pulled away, out of breath. Your fourheads touching eachother and your noses brushing eachother.
"That was- wow."
You said with a small smile.
Chuuya chuckled lightly.
"I won't go easy on you now if we meet again y/n."
"Oh i'm counting on it."
You grinned. Wanting to make this night last longer. He pulled you in for a kiss again and you let him. Nothing making you happier as you are right now.
Little did you two forbidden lovers know that a brunette man was staring contently as his assumptions were right.
Sorry it took so long :,)
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bandaged-writer · 4 years
hi!! since requests are open- can i have jealousy hcs for dazai, ranpo, tanizaki and chuuya with an s/o who’s friendly and doesnt really catch on to flirting? :0
Dazai Osamu
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➤ Dazai doesn’t get jealous easily. He trusts you all the way to his bandages and knows how long it takes you to notice that someone is flirting with you. Before the two of you became a thing, Dazai had been excessively flirting with you only and always threw compliments your way such as “Ah, those earrings really compliment the color of your eyes, belladonna!” and you’d just say “I think so, too. Thanks,” before resuming your way of life. Yosano had to tell you that Dazai was looking at you with heart eyes, trying to score a date with you for 2 weeks at that time.
➤ He watches with an amused smirk when the person flirting with you starts getting frustrated. To Dazai, it’s just funny how the person becomes more desperate and the flirting becomes blatantly obvious, yet it’s like you’re immune unless it’s Dazai that does the flirting (yes, you got better at catching his advances). Eventually, Dazai will smoothly join the scene with his hand resting on your waist and pull you close to his side.
➤ “Thank you for looking after my belladonna while I had to use the bathroom, but we’re on a date. If you’d excuse us.”
➤ However, Dazai won’t pull the playful side if the person makes you uncomfortable or uses inappropriate pick-up lines. He knows you’re just too nice to tell the person to fuck off and would rather sit through the experience than potentially anger them.
➤ You can actually see the light in his eyes fading into nothing and his voice drops an entire octave. You’d only witnessed that side of Dazai one or two times, but you will never forget the goosebumps that covered your skin. “Put those paws of yours on her and you won’t see tomorrow come.”
➤ I can see Dazai getting somewhat jealous when it’s someone you have good chemistry with and/or if there’s some kind of romantic background; like someone you’d once gone out on a date with, was partner other and such. He’d stay attached to your side all the time, but not because he doesn’t trust you; he doesn’t trust that person.
➤ While you’re happily chatting away, Dazai is extra touchy in that situation. May it be his arm around your waist, his hand on your upper thigh or gently caressing your knee underneath the table while whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Ngl, he wants to fluster you a bit, just enough for it to be visible or audible. Dazai is a little shit in that situation and wants to make the person feel uncomfortable enough to leave.
➤ “Dazai, you what-?!” You’d slap his arm and blush furiously.
➤ “I don’t like the way they looked at you, my love,” Dazai would say pouting once you’re home and proceeds to suck some purple bruises into the skin of your neck, so that they wouldn’t look at you twice, again.
➤ Can and will continue if you liked what he was doing.
Ranpo Edogawa
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➤ That man protects his candy better than his own life and you’re no exception. Sharing ain’t caring and he sure as hell isn’t having it when someone flirts with who belongs to him.
➤ Unlike Dazai, he can’t just watch and immediately sweeps in to stop whatever the person was about to do with both of his arms around you or you behind him. Depends on how badly it rubs Ranpo the wrong way.
➤ Yes, Ranpo’s aware of your overly friendly side and appreciated it. Even flirting with you is fun, because it takes you some time to get it and when you do, it’s the most adorable thing. However, it’s definitely not adorable when someone else tries to gauge that reaction out of you. It’s only for Ranpo to witness.
➤ “Who the hell are you?” Ranpo would say in a tone that would give away that he’s definitely jealous but quickly sigh and stop the person from answering by waving them off. “Have you ever heard of rhetorical questions? Of course, I don’t want to know who you are.”
➤ The type to deny he’s jealous and be all whiny about your accusations until you stop teasing him about it, hold his hand and reassure him. “I really look up to you, Ranpo. My eyes are always on you,” and Ranpo would deadass lose it, because that’s what you said when it was your first time joining him for a murder case and he had told you to watch him.
➤ Gets soft real fast and admits that he just doesn’t like anyone else hitting on you, saying that jealousy is indeed a lame feeling that he’s not fond of. “But you’re beautiful so I can understand, but it’s still so meh.”
➤ Pls give him a forehead kiss. He treasures them so much more than kisses on the lips, cheek, neck, etc. To Ranpo, it’s like a pinky promise.
➤ Will proudly wrap an arm around your shoulder, pull you flush to his side and wanders off to the next ice-cream shop while making walking a bit hard. According to Ranpo, ice-cream cools down heated feelings (pun intended) and it’s a great place for him to show off who’s his.
➤ Can and will use his deduction skills on that person if they’re making you uncomfortable or trying inappropriate things on you. “Ah, I see. You’ve already harassed several people and had to go to the police. Wouldn’t it be a shame if you had to get actually arrested this time?” 
➤ Has that proud and wicked smirk on his face when the person gets scared and makes a run for it. Ranpo will still report them though.
Tanizaki Junichiro
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➤ Jealousy-wise, he’s something between Ranpo and Dazai. It really depends on the circumstances, how the person approaches you and all.
➤ If the person treats you with respect and kindness, Tanizaki will quickly inform them that you’re taken by him. He understands that you’re naturally friendly and figures that it’s also the vibe you give off, so he can’t blame anyone for finding that attractive. Tanizaki is just relieved that the person was kind enough to understand the position they were in and even wished the two of you a nice day/date.
➤ Still holds your hand a little bit tighter, though. 
➤ “Wait, did you just get jealous?” It’d hit you out of nowhere once the scene replays in your head and Tanizaki would blush ever so slightly. Maybe he was a bit jealous, but not to a high extent. He’d rather call it protective. “Ah, [Name], it’s nothing like that, I promise.”
➤ Now, y’all have seen that man protecting his sister and he protects you just as much as Naomi. Once the person is creepy and fishy, it’s game over and it’s like a switch turned within him.
➤ When you get uncomfortable and feel bothered by whoever’s flirting with you, Tanizaki takes over faster than you could ask him for help. “I don’t care who you are or what you’re trying to achieve here, but bend even a hair of hers and you’ll severely regret it.” His eyes are dull, voice firm and serious as he gets his point across. 
➤ Feels genuinely jealous when you seemingly ignore him for someone else, though. None of Tanizaki’s tries of joining the conversation are successful, not even him touching your hand or being a bit more touchy than usually gains your attention. It’s then that his voice sounds a little bit more lifeless and gains your observance. “[Name], weren’t we on a date?” You know you messed up.
➤ You kindly say goodbye to whoever’s flirting with you and ask Tanizaki what’s wrong - it’s just not his kind and easily flustered self
➤ “You seemed to be having fun with them, don’t you?”
➤ “Tanizaki, they were just being nice-”
➤ Give him the puppy eyes and everything is forgiven, though. Tanizaki could never, in his entire life, be genuinely mad at you. Yes, he might be upset that you ignored him for good 5 minutes straight, but that’s it.
Chuuya Nakahara
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➤ Chuuya rarely gets jealous. He puts 110% of his faith and trust in you and knows that you do the same. A relationship that’s loyal to the bone.
➤ He can stand it for a little while when e.g. Tachihara is getting a little too friendly and touchy with you. Of course, you return the gesture, believing that he’s just being nice to you and not actually flirting. After all, no one but Chuuya had ever really flirted with you or so you believed.
➤ We all know that man’s temper is as short as his height, so it wouldn’t take long for him to snatch you away from Tachihara and dump a load of work on him. “Chuuya, what is all that work for?!” Tachihara would obviously complain, not quite understanding why all of a sudden he was assigned to pretty lame jobs. Chuuya just waves him off, pulling you into his side and temper tested. “You don’t flirt with taken people. If you do, you’ll simply have to carry the consequences.” 
➤ Tachihara wasn’t aware you were in a relationship with Chuuya. After all, being an executive was a lot of work, he often came home late and your paths with Chuuya didn’t cross as often as you’d like, but y’all still make it work. 
➤ At that moment, Chuuya makes an effort to see you more often during the day, have you closer by his side and let people know that you’re his and his alone. He’ll then bring you along to meetings, lets you sit on his lap when it’s just paperwork he has to finish for Mori and holds your hand at the mafia headquarters.
➤ It’s not like Chuuya has never held your hand. He just never thought of it as necessary and you never complained about it either, so he assumed it was okay.
➤ Chuuya introduces you to Kouyou, knowing that word will get around faster. Now, Kouyou isn’t a woman of gossip but she will assume that Mori is aware of the relationship Chuuya shares with you and casually goes “Chuuya’s partner is pretty cute, don’t you think so, Mori-san?” and Mori stops whatever he’s doing, “You mean like a..relationship?”
➤ Mori will spread word like wildfire. Elise scolds him.
➤ “Now everyone knows you’re mine, shrimp,” Chuuya pats your head and messes up your hair affectionately. You can’t help the huff slipping your lips and look up at him with a questioning look. “Big reaction for someone so small.”
➤ The next day everyone knows about your relationship with Chuuya and knows better than to hit on you. Not only did Mori run his mouth, but your neck was pretty colorful and Chuuya was extra cocky that day.
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