I just went to sweet frogs and on the way and my family was discussing politics and how America may or may not survive these 4 years long enough to fix it back up. It had gotten me pretty down cuz it looked pretty grim when this happened:
Mom: Don't be so down, at least you're still here.
Me: Yeah, but for how long?
Mom: As long as Jesus says so.
The moment she said that, I felt so much better. I had forgotten who was in control. But knowing nothing can happen unless God let's it happen makes me feel sooo much better.
God works :)
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God died for your love, not your validation. God loved the world so much so that He died for it. He died to free us of our sin, the choices we thought we wanted to make, but in reality were only hurting us. That is love. And love is not validation.
Love isn't blindlessly validating, it's picky, and particular, and restricting. Because it doesn't want you to settle with whatever you think you want, but for you to have what you need. So love isn't letting you pick out a moldy apple, when there's a fresh feast just in the oven. It's telling you there is better food in the oven and you don't need to eat something so revolting and unhealthy. If you still prefer the moldy apple, I can't force it out your hands and force the food down your throat. I can only watch as you settle for what you think you want because while love is restricting, it's not imposing. But I didn't validate your choices, I detest them. I know it's worthless to you, maybe even harmful, compared to the gifts you could be enjoying instead. I didn't see you doing something stupid and do it too to show that you're valid in your choices. I saw you do something stupid, told you it was dumb and showed you an example of better choices.
I make this mistake too. All the time. I see someone settle for so much less and I just look away. I don't tell them about the feast in the oven. I don't tell them the moldy apple is toxic. I don't tell them sin will hurt you in the end and I don't tell them about God. I just sit there. Watching. Validating. Supporting. But not loving. Because that is never loving.
I need to love better. I need to love how He loved me. And I pray that He would help me and give me the strength and courage to love. And I pray that other's would pray this for themselves also to learn how to truly love.
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I remember what I believe to be a year ago, my sister, my dad, and I were pulling up to school to drop us off as we did our morning prayer. At that time, I used to play this video game and I had really wanted to pull my favorite character, so I had prayed to get him. My dad didn't understand why I would ever ask God for something so small and meaningless when I could've prayed for anything. I could've prayed for the starving kids around the world, or to heal the sick and dying, or perhaps end the war and pestilance on this planet. But instead I asked for a video game character...because I simply thought he looked cool. My dad had argued to me that I should pray for important things, not the small irrelavant stuff I do for hobbies, and I argued otherwise. I had told him that God wants all our prayers. If you want something, you only need to ask and you shall recieve. God loves to bless His children and He loves it when you talk to Him, so why would He ever want you to hold back on Him? Nothing is too big for God, this we know, but sometimes we forget there's nothing too small for God either. This was a year ago. At the time, I was what people refered to as a lukewarm christian. I was so lukewarm, I had never opened a bible, never prayed unless told, and God was just god to me with an extreme case of the lowercase g's. But I have grown since then, reading my bible, praying, and knowing my God is real and personal with His children. Such a drastic difference in person, behaviour, and wisdom and yet I still come to the same conclusion. God wants all of you. So give Him all of you.
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I cannot be more serious, there is nothing better. There is nothing better than the feeling I feel when I'm with God. I went years running around doing all kinds of stupid things before I met Him, but He calmed my heart the same way He calmed the storm. Anxiety fled, lust died, anger wained, grief packed up and left, and He moved in.
You may think I'm crazy. An idiot who never learned to question. A traditional bum who can't open her mind to new ideas. Even an uneducated fool spouting whatever false tales.
You may think I'm in need. A victim to white men who drilled this religous crap into my head. A kid who doesn't even know better, she'll wake up once she get's old enough.
You may think I'm evil. A weirdo out of my mind who only lives to shame others. A cultists trying to drag others down with me. A judgemental, sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, trump supporting conservative who can't understand that sometimes she isn't right.
Well let me explain something
I'm sane. I question everything, the how, the why, the what, the who, the when. I adopt new ideas all the time, only the difference is, I have boundries when it comes to ideas trying to pull me away from the Word of God. I'm educated, and I plan to become a professor.
I'm not a victim. I chose this path for myself, no person or group manipulated me into it (besides, it's not a white man's religoun, it's middle eastern). I may be a kid, but the things I've seen and felt was something even a toddler could identify as unmistakenly God.
I'm not evil. I don't shame people, thinking they're gross or whatnot just because we don't share the same beliefs, I pray for them and their wellbeing. I'm not a cultist and I would never willingly drag anyone down if I knew what I was following was false, in fact, I wouldn't even be in it myself. I don't look at any gender, race, occupation, status, or sexuality and think I'm looking at devil's incarnate, just a person like me and everyone else who doesn't know the goodness of God (Also, I'm not even a republican and I'm well aware I'm wrong sometimes).
Contrary to many beliefs, I'm not as bad as people try and peg me to be. I'm just a kid trying her best in a world where nobody ever looks back on the weak. I'm just a kid who struggles to make friends or relate to people. I'm just a kid that wants to love and be loved. Trying to understand, find my way, do what's right and be truly happy.
I'm just a child.
God's child.
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I love God. That's all I had to say :)
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Christians will be persecuted. Always. But I just want to point out, that what used to be, and in some places still are, persecution, is different than the kind of persecution others will face. Crucification, execution, torture and death now turn into sarcastic jabs, angry yelling and hateful glares. Both are pretty scary, but think of what used to be the punishment compared to now. I am so guilty of this, as I am very shy and outspoken. I plan my entire conversation before even initiating it when I simply want to ask for a pencil. I count the amount of sniffles I have to make and panic at 5 because I feel like I'm disturbing people. I hate attention, I really do, especially bad attention. So I avoid talking about faith in public because of this unspoken rule in society that says religon is a forbidden topic. Let's all just be glad we aren't in a hydrolic press and that all we'll get is side glances
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I'm selfish, crude, rude, and abnoxious, disgusting, judgmental and all kinds of stupid; I make mistakes and lie about them, blame others and life; I sin and I hurt and I scream and I cry. I am no different from you in this regard. I am a human; I'm an idiot. We kind of all are. The only difference from me and Satan is that I know my sins; I give them to God and He takes them. He knows my sins, my pride, my hate. He takes them and kills them on a big cross shaped plank. I am a sinner, there is no confusion, questions or doubt. But He is my redeemer, my saviour, and it is only in Him that I am found.
(Didn't mean for this to turn into some poem, but it kind of started rhyming and I just went with it lol)
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God could come down and show Himself to us all, show us His undeniable glory and power, and leave no room for doubt or question. He could, but here's the thing:
1.He already kind of did. He came down 2000 years ago and showed us miracles, power, and knowledge beyond our understanding.
2. Faith is nothing more than trust. Whatever you put your faith in, you put your trust in, whatever you put your trust in, you put your faith in, and whatever you put your trust and faith in, you put your love and your life in. God wants those more than anything.
3. Nothing in this world is more important than a human life. Our souls are so valuable that demons and angels fight for them like it's their own. So valuable that the creator of the universe died for it. Entrusting our souls to someone we know without a doubt can save us is all well and good, but isn't love so much more than just "show me the facts and proof and then I'll trust you"? Isn't love trust? Isn't trust faith? God wants us to trust Him even when things look uncertain. God wants us to trust Him even when we don't understand. God wants us to trust Him even when we think we know better. Because that is love.
4. God could certainly show Himself, He did through Jesus. However, people die and are born all the time. Generations will pass and eventually, anyone still alive won't have seen those miracles or proof. He'd have to show himself every practical decade or so because new people are born every day, which leaves hundreds or thousands who haven't seen Him.
Anyway, hope this clears as much confusion as possible. God bless you :)
(Also, we have records from His time, and proof of His existance. We don't have His body cuz it ascended to where He belongs)
If you don't believe in the bible because it's man made, you shouldn't believe Ceaser was real because so was the history books showing his existance.
If you don't believe in God because you can't touch, see, smell, taste, or feel him, then you shouldn't believe in Gravity because you can't touch, see, smell, taste, or feel that either.
If you don't believe in Jesus because you think having faith in a God you haven't "met" is blind idiocy, then you shouldn't believe the astroid belt exists because that'd be having faith in something you've only seen in diagrams, pictures, and books, all of which were given to you by man.
As my teacher had once taught me, hard evidence is great, but soft evidence is just as valid.
There are testimonies, miracles, healed and saved people roaming the world. All of them have a reason for following God, and if you find a true christian, you'll be in awe everytime you hear their discoveries. They don't believe because they saw it in a book or because mama told them so, but because they've met Christ in a way He wanted to reveal Himself to them. One day, if you honestly ask Him to show Himself to you and you listen, you could have a testimony of your own.
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It's ok to say I don't know
I don't know. I don't know a lot of things and that's ok. Some things are meant to stay unknown and that is fine. I don't know why God let's people suffer. I could say it strengthens you. I could say it's part of a bigger plan that will do wonders for you or someone else down the line. I could say it's to show you a reality you were blind to prior. I could say He was testing you. But I don't know. There could be a number of reasons, but I don't know. Nobody knows. And we don't need to. We don't need to know why children die of cancer. We don't need to know why there is so much sickness. We don't need to know why there are drouts or floods, hunger or starvation. We just need to know one thing:
That God knows
And that's called faith
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Right now, in this moment. Put the screen down and pray. You can just sit in His presense, you could give thanks, just pray.
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I love God not because I want to avoid hell, which I do, but because He is so good to me. Not just because He gives me nice toys and protects me from darkness, but because He loves me. He loved me enough to make me, He loved me enough to keep me even when I left Him, He loved me enough to die and suffer in my place for my own actions, He loved me enough to restart all of creation and promise me a place in it, He loves me. And so I love Him
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Once I met God, I had a question I just really wanted answered. What is God's favorite color? People first think blue, cuz the sky and sea. Then they think green cuz the land and foliage. But a lot of people say purple because it's for royalty and some people say purple because God told them. I just REALLY want to know! But if it is purple, I wonder why there is so little of it on Earth. You think he likes a specific shade?
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Like let me just rant and give a list of some creatures God made and I love Him for it
• Frogs:
• Bunnies
Come on, iconic. ICONIC. Famous for being cute!!
• Dolphins
So cool, but also so weird. Insane behaviour; God, I have questions
• Sheep
BAHHHHH! Perhaps His second favorite creation! Us being first of course!
• Fish
There are SO many species! He thought up EVERY SINGLE ONE!! THAT'S A LOT OF FISH
• Ferrets
• Dogs
Did He make them to literally be man's best friend? Did Adam have a dog? Either way, I LOVE THEM
• Parrots
• Mosquitos
May I inquire why? I'm not questioning your choices, God, but I'm so curious. Very curious indeed (especially to why you made them like me so much)
• Leaches
• Ants
So smol and so strong, but also really smart
• Venus fly trap
• Whales
• Jellyfish
Where's the everything they need to live?! God, you've done it again!
• Humans
Gotta be His favorite creation! So smart and complicated! Yet unfortunately, so dumb and simple too. If only we stuck too the intended parts of us.
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Jesus still loves you. Let that settle. He still loves you. Before you existed, He loved you. Before you knew Him, He loved you. When you were in the middle of your sin, He loved you. While you repented, He loved you. When you refused to repent, He loved you. When you cursed Him, He loved you. When you denied Him, He loved you. When you ignored Him, He loved you. When you prayed, He loved you. When you cried, He loved you. When you screamed, He loved you. When you were hurt, He loved you. When you were content, He loved you. There was never a moment He did not love you. He has always loved you, just as He said he would, so much so that He died in your place for things He did not do. He did all that simply because He loves you so much that He wants you by His side. All He asks is that you love and honor Him. Please don't reject His love.
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The difference between sin and continuous sin
Two people were eating poison, and I came up to them giving them a warning. I say, "stop, do not eat that poison, fo you will surely die". One obeys and heads the warning, turning from the poison and throwing it away, while the other refuses and continues to eat it. The one who disobeyed dies and the other lives. This is like sin. All sins are forgivable for Christ, (except for blasphemy if the holy spirit as well as recieving the mark of the beast) so both had equal opportunity to live. But if you refuse to listen, you will surely fall.
This is the case with many things. Porn, cheating, murder, abuse, drinking, lying, sexual immorality, and yes, whether we like it or not, that includes LGBTQ+ activity. It is a choice made everyday and if continued until the day of judgement or, you know, when we die, it's too late as there was no repentance. But the one who sinned and turns from it with a watchful eye, no matter how many times they fall short, as long as they truthfully give it their all to turn from their sins and toward Jesus, they will be accepted into heaven.
So throw the posion out and be the one who lives
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God doesn't send people to hell. God is like light and hell is like darkness. Darkness is nothing but the absence of light, and hell is just the absence of God. When you refuse to accept God into your life and accept His promises and gifts, then you choose to be seperate from Him. Hell is a seperation from God. It wasn't even meant for you, it was meant for the devil and his followers, the ones who dared cross God and attempt to bring His children with them. So, He doesn't send you there, you send yourself by not choosing life.
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If you don't believe in the bible because it's man made, you shouldn't believe Ceaser was real because so was the history books showing his existance.
If you don't believe in God because you can't touch, see, smell, taste, or feel him, then you shouldn't believe in Gravity because you can't touch, see, smell, taste, or feel that either.
If you don't believe in Jesus because you think having faith in a God you haven't "met" is blind idiocy, then you shouldn't believe the astroid belt exists because that'd be having faith in something you've only seen in diagrams, pictures, and books, all of which were given to you by man.
As my teacher had once taught me, hard evidence is great, but soft evidence is just as valid.
There are testimonies, miracles, healed and saved people roaming the world. All of them have a reason for following God, and if you find a true christian, you'll be in awe everytime you hear their discoveries. They don't believe because they saw it in a book or because mama told them so, but because they've met Christ in a way He wanted to reveal Himself to them. One day, if you honestly ask Him to show Himself to you and you listen, you could have a testimony of your own.
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