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Life with ME/CFS and some other spoonie conditions can feel like this
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Warum ist der PEM-Schweregrad bei ME/CFS nicht im ICD erfasst?
ME/CFS (Myalgische Enzephalomyelitis/Chronisches Fatigue Syndrom) ist eine komplexe, chronische Erkrankung, die durch extreme Erschöpfung und viele Symptome geprägt ist. Eine der auffälligsten Manifestationen dieser Krankheit ist die Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM) oder "Belastungsintoleranz".
PEM beschreibt eine Verschlechterung der Symptome nach minimaler körperlicher oder geistiger Anstrengung, die verzögert auftritt und Tage oder Wochen anhalten kann.
Trotz der Bedeutung von PEM für die Diagnose und Behandlung von ME/CFS ist der Schweregrad dieser Symptomatik im ICD (International Classification of Diseases) nicht gesondert erfasst. Warum ist das so?
1. Komplexität der Krankheit:
ME/CFS ist vielfältig und die Symptome variieren stark zwischen den Patienten. Diese Variabilität macht eine einheitliche Klassifikation und Bewertung des PEM-Schweregrads schwierig.
2. Diagnostische Hürden:
Der genaue Mechanismus von PEM ist noch nicht vollständig verstanden. Zudem gibt es keine objektiven Tests, um PEM eindeutig messen zu können. Dies führt zu Unsicherheiten und Schwierigkeiten bei der standardisierten Erfassung des PEM-Schweregrads im ICD.
3. Entwicklung des ICD:
Die ICD-Klassifikation wird seit vielen Jahren entwickelt und Änderungen erfordern umfassenden Konsens sowie umfangreiche Validierungsprozesse. Oft lag der Fokus mehr auf der primären Erschöpfung und weniger auf spezifische Symptome wie PEM.
4. Klinische Praxis:
In der medizinischen Praxis konzentrieren sich viele Ärzte auf die allgemeine Diagnose von ME/CFS und berücksichtigen individuelle Symptome wie PEM in der allgemeinen Betreuung. Eine spezifische Klassifikation des PEM-Schweregrads im ICD könnte als zu detailliert angesehen werden, um im klinischen Alltag problemlos implementiert zu werden.
Es ist jedoch wichtig zu betonen, dass das Bewusstsein für ME/CFS und insbesondere für PEM zunimmt. Forschungsarbeiten sind im Gange, um bessere diagnostische Tools zu entwickeln und das Verständnis für diese Krankheit zu vertiefen. Langfristig könnte dies zu einer detaillierteren Erfassung von Symptomen wie PEM im ICD führen.
©️®️CWG, 26.07.2024
#PostExertionalMalaise #ICDClassification #ChronicFatigue #PostExertionalMalaise #ICDClassification #ChronicFatigue #ChronicIllnessAwareness #cfs #me #pem #pene #postcovid #longcovis #postcovidME #longcovidME #postcovidPEM #longcovidPEM #mecfs #mecfspem #cfsme #cfsmepem #cwg64d #cwghighsensitiv #oculiauris #chronischeerschöpfung #Gesundheit #Bewusstsein #mecfsStrategien
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Part One of an Educational Presentation
Good day, friends! Today, I begin the presentation of the latest research on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In this part of the series, I will present how an overabundance of a specific protein interferes with energy production. Let me begin by reintroducing CFS. Let’s jump in, shall we? More than 2 million people suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome nationwide. Many people present with symptoms after…
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Unlocking Relief: How CBT Can Help with Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and OCD
In the United Kingdom, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a powerful tool for tackling anxiety disorders, panic attacks, and OCD. Learn how CBT works to transform negative thought patterns and behaviors, providing practical strategies for managing symptoms effectively. Discover the impact of CBT therapy in Surrey and beyond, and find expert guidance on navigating these mental health challenges.
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Modafinil For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Modafinil is effective for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, reducing exhaustion and boosting energy levels. It works by modulating neurotransmitters in the brain. A typical dose is 200mg/day, not to exceed 400mg/day. Avoid alcohol and heavy machinery while taking it. Modafinil has positive reviews for treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Precautions include avoiding if allergic, discussing medical history with a doctor, and avoiding during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Click on the link to know more about Modafinil For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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Right now Coronavirus and the new variant are all over the news. For people with severe health conditions, we don’t have the luxury of crossing our fingers and hoping everything will be okay.
Maybe it’s worth checking if you need a booster vaccination or to order some masks and antibacterial hand sanitiser
I haven’t written this to alarm anyone or to add to your worries I’m just pointing out who may need to take precautions and if you qualify to have boxes of Rapid Lateral Flow tests sent out to your home address (save a few quid too)
Always do your own research and do not give anyone else the chance to sway your decision as at the end of the day it will be you who is affected by your decision.
I understand that it is difficult to read if you are experiencing Severe ME symptoms so why not try listening to opposing arguments on a podcast or a TED Talk? Most videos on YouTube now have chapters in the video description, this will allow you to only listen to the parts you want to.
If you have been able to arrange to have your vaccinations at home please comment below the local council or borough you live and if it was your GP or 111 you had to call, this might help another sufferer who only has the energy to make a call. We all know that feeling 🫶
Sending you all love and strength
Alisha 🫶
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Ignore the Myths Related to Chronic Fatigue - How to Battle it? CFS, or chronic fatigue syndrome, is a misunderstood and mysterious disease. Researchers cannot pinpoint the causes of the syndrome and the symptoms.
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The NIH have sent out a press release. Hopefully this will lead to a lot of coverage.
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Why chronic fatigue syndrome is such a painfully inadequate label and considering how ME/CFS may be connected to neurodiversity
Considering the importance of a label when it comes to explaining to yourself, and others, what is wrong and how neurodivergence may be a root factor in chronic conditions.
It felt like it was time to update my About section again and so (since most regulars seldom go back to read the bio page of a blog) I thought I would share the bones of my new entry here. I wanted to refresh my introduction as to “why?” I write this blog, making it more succinct than it used to be because, the likelihood is, anyone finding it is likely to be suffering from similar health issues…

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🎥 Une avancée scientifique révolutionnaire ! 🌟 Une récente étude révèle une carence en glutathion dans le cerveau des personnes atteintes du syndrome de fatigue chronique (SFC). 😲
Cette découverte pourrait transformer notre compréhension et traitement de cette maladie épuisante ! 💡
Aimez et partagez 👇
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Welcome to November!
Hello, dear friends, near and far! Well, here we are, in a new month with new beginnings. It is the beginning of the Holiday Season, filled with joy and hope. It is the anticipation of a clean slate and a fresh start. Thanksgiving is three short weeks away, and I have been reflecting on all I have to be grateful for in spite of my intense challenges earlier this year, when I felt there wasn’t any…
#Beckie Battles CFS#beckiebutcher#beckieoffershope#beckiesbattle#CFS#cfsawareness#cfsisreal#cfswarrior#Chronic Fatigue Syndrome#chronicfatiguesyndrome#dailyprompt#health and wellness#Inspirational#Spirituality#Wordprompts
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Deadly asthma attacks the human being living in the world, causes disease in the human body, makes normal life uneven, and gives death. It disrupts the normal part of the human body and causes a little cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, and life difficulty. Let's give Share to all Save people's lives Let's prevent asthma from spreading. This awareness first appeared in the year 1993 and it is celebrated every year on Tuesday in the first week of May..!
"Let's try to save man, stay away from asthma, let's all live here in peace, share awareness, stay awake, conquer fate forever in life"
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