#Christoph Schönborn
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Schönborn, il cambio di rotta come metodo per "sopravvivere"
A 80 anni il cardinale Christoph Schönborn esce dalla scena politica ecclesiastica. Ritratto dell’arcivescovo che dai tempi di San Giovanni Paolo II partì contro contraccezione, aborto e omosessualità e finisce oggi come principale interprete delle novità teologiche introdotte con Francesco. Per seguire la corrente e non venire tagliato fuori. Continue reading Schönborn, il cambio di rotta come…
#Amoris laetitia#Apostasia#cattivi maestri#Christoph Schönborn#falsi profeti#Fiducia Supplicans#fumo di satana#idiozie clericali#sedicenti cattolici#spirito del concilio
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«La compassione è ciò che rende umana una società. La mancanza di compassione avvelena la società e noi stessi.».
(Christoph Schönborn, arcivescovo emerito di Vienna)
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“For ages, philosophers and scientists have grappled with the question of what it means to be human. Thousands of years ago, Gnostics and Manicheans adopted a dualist view of the human person. In short, it is the creed that professes "I'm not my body." A similar philosophy was promoted by the French thinker René Descartes, whose idea of the human mind was summarized by others as the "ghost in the machine." This view of the human person now serves as the foundation of gender theory: that if gender is tied to sex, the person becomes a slave to his or her body. As Robert P. George wrote, "The idea that human beings are non-bodily persons inhabiting non-personal bodies never quite goes away."(15)
The Church's answer to this disintegration of the human person is an integrated vision of man. To the question, "Can we trust the body to reveal the truth of the person?" the Church would utter an emphatic yes! The human body reveals the person. This teaching, rather than being an imposition from religious authorities, is something people naturally believe.
For example, if you were to say, "I am going to the store," it's safe to say that your body is going there as well. In other words, you don't have a body. You are a body. It's not something you merely have, like you have a pair of jeans. Your body is you. This is not to say that a person is the sum of his or her parts. A woman is not a woman because she has female parts. Rather, she has female parts because she is a woman.
Because the body reveals the person, it is a visible expression of the reality of who you are as a man or woman. So, instead of the materialistic idea that chromosomes plus gonads plus anatomy equals sex, the Church would propose that the human person is not a sexless being that "has" a male or female body. Rather, it is the human person-male or female-who is sexed, and this reality is expressed in and through the body. As Saint John Paul II explained, "It is typical of rationalism to make a radical contrast in man between spirit and body, between body and spirit. But man is a person in the unity of his body and his spirit. The body can never be reduced to mere matter: it is a spiritualized body, just as man's spirit is so closely united to the body that he can be described as an embodied spirit.”(16) … Therefore, the human body alone has the power to make visible the invisible reality of personhood.(17) Put simply, your sex is not what you have, but who you are. Thus, a person's identity is revealed in and through the body, not by one's feelings about the body.
If the body is a reliable revelation, this is good news. It means that the body is not meaningless, but meaningful! The body is the firm foundation of man's sexual identity. One's sex defines our identity, expresses the person, and reveals the soul.(18) As Cardinal Christoph Schönborn declared, "The beauty is real and reliable. Its light can be traced back to God's original guiding intention for man and woman."(19)
-Jason Evert, Male, Female, or Other: A Catholic Guide to Understanding Gender
Work cited:
15) Robert George, "Gnostic Liberalism," First Things, December 2016.
16) Gratissimam Sane 19.
17) Cf. John Paul II, TOB 19:4.
18) Cf. John Paul II, TOB 14:4; 20:5.
19) Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, preface, Pope John Paul II, Man and Woman He Created Them (New York: Pauline Books and Media, 2006), xxiv-xxv.
For more recommended resources on gender dysphoria, click here.
#Lgbtq+#nonbinary#genderfluid#transgenderism#transgender ideology#Catholic#Jason Evert#quotes#Male Female Other: A Catholic Guide to Understanding Gender
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Kardinal Schönborn und der Kurswechsel als Überlebensstrategie
katholisches.info: Am 22. Januar vollendete Kardinal Christoph Schönborn sein 80. Lebensjahr. Am selben Tag wurde er als Erzbischof von Wien emeritiert und verlor sein Stimmrecht im Konklave. Aus dem konservativen Kirchenmann, der Johannes Paul II. und Benedikt XVI. nahestand, wurde einer der Hauptinterpreten von Franziskus. An diesen Wandel erinnert der Sozialethiker Stefano Fontana und kritisiert die ... http://dlvr.it/TJ1vkF
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El cardenal Schönborn cumple 80 años, deja de ser elector y pasa a ser arzobispo emérito de Viena
El cardenal Christoph Schönborn, se retira tras casi 30 años como pastor de la archdiócesis de Viena. A sus 80 años, Schönborn, que deja de ser elector en un posible futuro cónclave, asegura que seguirá activo como pastor y disponible para la Iglesia. «Me he despertado como emérito, sin perder mi identidad, y con una inmensa gratitud por este servicio», afirmó en una rueda de prensa celebrada…
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Die Säkularisierung ist ein Megatrend
Das sagen wir ja schon immer. Und wir werden immer mehr in Österreich, Europa und der ganzen Welt, die das sagen, ganz ohne Religionskriege und Repressalien, ohne türklingelnde Missionare und ohne tägliches Aufrufen durch Kirchenglocken, klar, wir haben ja auch gar keine Kirchen.
Aber wenn das Kardinal Christoph Schönborn zu seinem Abschied als Erzbischof von Wien in einer Bilanz-Pressekonferenz (Bericht: Standard) sagt, dann bekommt es doch gleich ein anderes Gewicht, oder?
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Syrien – Kardinal Schönborn "bestürzt" über die Regierung | Heute.at
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Cardinals Müller and Schönborn: Ordination of women is impossible
Source Cardinals Christoph Schönborn and Gerhard Ludwig Müller. / Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/CNA CNA Newsroom, Jun 10, 2024 / 13:45 pm (CNA). Shortly after Pope Francis opposed the possibility of an ordained female diaconate, two German-speaking cardinals publicly have said that only men can be ordained to the priesthood. “Women cannot be called to this office,” Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller told…

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Catechismo e pena di morte, la via per sdoganare l’omosessualità
Nella conferenza stampa sul Sinodo, il cardinale Schönborn ha alluso alla possibilità che il Papa possa cambiare il Catechismo sull’omosessualità, come già fatto con la pena di morte. Sarebbe un nuovo stravolgimento, come volevasi dimostrare… Continue reading Untitled

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#Apostasia#Bergoglio#bergoglionate#cattivi maestri#Christoph Schönborn#falsi profeti#fumo di satana#idiozie clericali#omoeresia#omoeretici#omosessualità#papa Francesco#pena capitale#pena di morte#sedicenti cattolici#sodomia#spirito del concilio
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St. Stephen's Cathedral is the mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vienna and the seat of the Archbishop of Vienna, Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, OP.
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Ivan Tells He Was Shown Heaven Twice
Unlike other Medjugorje visionaries who tell the Virgin Mary showed them Heaven only once, Ivan Dragicevic says Mary did so twice with him, in 1984 and 1988. Ivan describes the experience in the same way as visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic who tells she were in Heaven in 1981.
medjugorje visionary seer veggente ivan dragicevic apparition april 28 saint mary mother of god church middletown nj
Ivan praying before his apparition on April 28 in Middletown, NJ (USA)
Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic has seen Heaven on two separate occasions, he reveals in an interview with Radio Maria director Fr. Livio Fanzaga, published in the Italian daily il Giornale.
- Our Lady showed the visionaries the afterlife, to remind us that we are pilgrims on earth. Tell us about this experience? Fr. Livio asks.
“In 1984 and also in 1988, Our Lady showed me Paradise. She told me (she would) the day before. On those days, I remember, Our Lady came, took me by the hand and in a moment I arrived in Paradise” Ivan replies.
Ivan giving testimony in Waterbury, CT (USA) on February 19
“It is an area without internal frontiers as in the valley of Medjugorje, with no boundaries, where they are singing songs. There are angels and people walking and singing, and all are wearing long dresses. The people looked the same age.”
“It is difficult to find the words. Our Lady leads us to Heaven and every day brings us a little piece of Paradise” Ivan says.
Ivan’s description of Heaven matches that given by visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic who tells she was taken to Heaven in her body in the Autumn of 1981, along with visionary Jakov Colo. People looked for them for half an hour, but were not able to find them.
source www.medjugorjetoday.com
Cardinal Dr. Christoph Schönborn, archbishop of Vienna is pictured with Ivan Dragicevic

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Ein Benediktiner und der nächste Erzbischof von Wien
katholisches.info: Das Erzbistum Wien ist auf der Suche nach einem neuen Erzbischof und es überschlagen sich die Gerüchte. Hinter den Kulissen wird am rauhen Stein noch hart gearbeitet. Am 22. Januar wurde Kardinal Christoph Schönborn von Papst Franziskus emeritiert. Der argentinische Papst hatte den aus deutschem Uradel stammenden und in Böhmen geborenen Dominikaner bis zum Tag ... http://dlvr.it/THfJsW
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