#Chris Goff
blood-and-pizza · 1 year
Chris McCullough (VA for Foxy the Pirate and Pigpatch) recently tweeted an old video where he was riding in the car with Kellen Goff (VA of Funtime Freddy and Glamrock Freddy), who was driving and obnoxiously singing "Paradise City" by Guns N' Roses. Chris was pretending to beg viewers to help him get away from Kellen.
Naturally, people had responded to this video by envisioning Foxy or Pigpatch riding in the car with an obnoxiously-singing Funtime Freddy.
... I really want to write a Fazbear Estate short fic about Classic Foxy and Funtime Freddy SOMEHOW ending up driving in a car together and Foxy has to put up with Funfred's bullshit, singing and all. I just wonder why even ONE of them would be allowed to drive? Would they even fit in a car!? What is Bon Bon doing the whole time!?
I'm still cracking up help
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 years
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14 November 2012 | Prince Charles, Prince of Wales shakes hands with former Labour leader Phil Goff as current Labour leader David Shearer smiles at Government House in Wellington, New Zealand. The Royal couple are in New Zealand on the last leg of a Diamond Jubilee that takes in Papua New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand. (c) Chris Skelton - Pool/Getty Images
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plzu · 9 months
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Hot Chai - (Adrian Chase x Reader)
part 8 <- ☕︎ series masterlist ☕︎ ao3
a/n: happy new year! this fic is almost done ♡ also i almost forgot to post this here today lol summary: Adrian is mad at Chris. You're mad at Adrian. Goff gets loose. It's a whole thing. warnings: canon typical violence (chapter takes place during ep 6: Murn After Reading), no Y/N, nothing else major i don't think but lmk if i missed something word count: 5.2k
Can people be haunted by things that aren’t ghosts? Adrian wasn’t sure, but the image of your watery eyes, and hands shakily hiding your face — it haunts him.
Which sounds excessive. After all, how could you haunt him? You were very much alive. But if hauntings make people uncomfortable, makes it hard to sleep, and makes dread sit with the weight of a sandbag on their chests, then maybe it was accurate. Because nothing has bothered him quite this much since - well. There was the shame he felt at failing to kill Chris's racist dirtbag father, and the potential consequences this failure could lead to. But he got over that fairly quickly. After all, it's not Adrian's fault Peacemaker has a shitty dad.
But you — your eyes dimming when he told you about the threesome. The way your face twisted into something that made his world halt to an unsteadying stop, like the nauseating swaying of a boat at sea. The way your hands hid the stricken sadness from him, too late in hiding the pain.
Because of him. He did that. He didn't mean to, didn't realize he'd say something that could upset you, but still. It was his fault.
Crying generally made Adrian uncomfortable because he had a difficult time empathizing. He doesn't cry, not since he was little. Guts once told him it's because he doesn't have feelings like people do. So he never knew what to do if someone cried around him. It weirded him out, to be honest. He wasn't much good at providing comfort, tended to say the wrong things. And his hands. God, he never really knew what to do with them in those situations, became hyper-aware that he even had hands in the first place. Hands good at killing, but useless in comfort.
He hasn't made someone cry since high school.
Scratch that. He makes grown men cry, like, all the time. Usually accompanied by them pissing their pants because they're terrified Vigilante is going to kill them. (Spoiler alert: he does!)
Like one of the guys in the alleyway downtown, that he saved you from. The one that tried crawling away after Vigilante shot his knees. Weeping and wailing and cowering.
But that's different, obviously. Tears and sobs fueled by fear.
The last time he made someone cry because he hurt their feelings, though, that was definitely high school. Made someone cry because he was just being an asshole. Even if he didn't realize it.
It was eventually explained to him that some people are just weirdly sensitive, so you really didn’t have to try that hard to hurt them. Some people just had emotions like the skin of a too-ripe fruit.
He didn’t think you were one of those people. He never saw you cry in high school, and he definitely would have noticed if you had. Adrian was perceptive like that. ‘Specially with you. I mean, sure, you cried in the alleyway and again in his bedroom but the alleyway tears had to have been from fear like that other guy before he shot his brains out, and then the bedroom tears were from, like, residual fear, he thinks. Not because your feelings were hurt.
But then he told you about the threesome, and the mood shift swept across your face like a fissure, and it was just like when he’d made that girl in high school cry, except worse. Because it was you. You, the person he's been quietly fixated on since, like, the 10th grade. The only other person whose lips he fantasizes about -- either pressed against his, or curved in a smile.
He only ever wanted to make you smile. To laugh. It’s the very sound that drew him to you in the first place.
Instead, he made those pretty lips of your warble and twist into the shape of pain.
He should have listened to you, should have let you drag him to the restroom and take off his mask and shove your bodies together. Because then you would have taken his breath away and, with it, all his thoughts. Because that threesome with Chris pales in comparison to the feel of you touching him.
The memory of the threesome warps his emotions into anger and annoyance. Why the fuck did he follow Chris back into his trailer to bang some chick he didn't even know?
Adrian stands at the front (and only) door of Chris' trailer now. They were off today, no assignments from the Task Force. No Fennel Fields shift for Adrian. Today would have been the perfect day to finally, finally hang out with you, no Vigilante business to get in the way. But if his unanswered text messages are anything to go by, you don't want to see him.
And why would you? He made you cry.
Adrian knocks, and whatever frustrations that spurred him to Chris's place is momentarily put on hold when he hears Chris answer, 'Come in, Adrian' without even coming to the door. Adrian walks into the trailer, impressed despite his annoyance as he closes the door behind him and asks, “how did you know it was me?” to the welcoming back of Chris’s head.
“You knock in a very annoying way.” Chris didn't even turn around to look at him when he said it.
“Oh.” Ouch. Rude.
Adrian opens his mouth to apologize, as he usually does whenever people point out he's being unintentionally annoying, but something about Chris's tone kind of ticks him off. Instead, Adrian says, “well, maybe I didn't realize how annoying my knock was because I was distracted by your bad advice.”
This seems to get the other man's attention. In an irritated and confused huff, Chris asks, “dude, what the fuck are you talking about?” as he turns to face him.
“You convinced me to bang that underappreciated chick with you and now they're mad at me.”
This only confuses Chris more. “Amber's mad at you? Why would she be mad at you?” His face sobers into upset understanding. “Dude, did you give her a fucking STD!? You said you were clean! Great, now I have to get checked. I was just at the hospital, man, I don't have time for this.”
“No! I don't have an STD, I'm not talking about her! I mean my- the barista I've been telling you about!”
Chris rolls his eyes, annoyance rolling off of those huge shoulders of his. He just turns back around in his seat.
Adrian's fists clench at his sides at the action. This conversation is far from over-
Small tapping sounds grab his attention. Adrian looks over and sees the alien thing that flew out of the Senator's face sitting in a mason jar with holes poked into the top. “Dude, you still have that thing?”
“Yeah,” Chris confirms without looking back.
Goff makes squeaky noises inside its glass cage. Its little blue and white bug-like body, long-limbed, strangely animated. It doesn't move or act like any bug Adrian's ever seen (at least, not in Evergreen). There's an awareness about itself that clearly indicates some enhanced intelligence.
“He tried to kill us,” Adrian reminds Chris, “and he cut off half my toe.”
He's still a little sore about that, if he's being honest. Currently he's sore about a lot of things.
“Yeah,” Chris says, sounding weirdly detached, distracted. “Sometimes I just think I'm insecure about my masculinity and I'm making up for it by having a dangerous pet.” He says this all in one breath.
His words only confuse and, honestly, slightly upsets Adrian as Chris continues, comparing himself to 'knuckle-dicks in Georgia.’
Peacemaker has not been the same since he got out of Belle Reve. Yeah, he's still the same solid mass of muscle. He's still a giant jerk that says the funniest, meanest things. He can still kick ass, still sharp with a gun and never misses his targets. But now there are moments where he struggles to pull the trigger.
The wavering lately is worrying, to say the least. Maybe even disappointing. 
“Dude, my advice?” Adrian offers. “Cut it out with the introspection. The mind is a den of scorpions better left running from instead of towards.”
He should know. Adrian spent most of his childhood trying to analyze those metaphorical scorpions until he decided it was easier to ignore them completely. But things have been kind of rocky, lately, and Adrian has been finding himself taking a peek now and again. Something about both you and Peacemaker being back in Evergreen at the same time is kind of shaking up his foundation.
Chittering and tapping noises from Goff's mason jar grabs Adrian's attention again. “What is Goff doing?”
Chris spins around in his chair and they both watch as Goff uses whatever weird goop he's sitting in to draw a circle on the glass. Then he abruptly stands and grabs the mason jar in his gloved hands. When he holds it up to the cool, gray light filtering in through the skylight, they’re met with a droopy symbol of peace.
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Sitting on Peacemaker’s couch, both men grow increasingly frustrated, but not for the same reason.
Seeing as Goff is attempting to communicate with them, Chris sets them up in his living room, Goff's mason jar on the coffee table, with a few rules for interrogation. There is, obviously, a language barrier, but the alien can understand English just fine.
Adrian is upset about how difficult the rules are to follow. Chris, for whatever reason, finds his confusion unreasonable. Sticking to 'yes' and 'no' questions isn't that easy, especially when Adrian has been finding it incredibly difficult to focus since last night, when he left you to cry all alone in the cafe.
Chris's impatience with him is just making Adrian even more frazzled. Usually he can deal with Peacemaker's snapping. He didn't always understand what he'd done to get yelled at, but it usually blew over.
This time, though, Adrian is finding that he is equally mad at Chris. So when Chris shouts that maybe Adrian should shut the fuck up, Adrian shouts back.
“I see how you are! Your preferred conversation partners are Eagly and Goff! Neither of who are capable of speech. Try introspection on that, motherfucker!”
Chris, for once, does not have an immediate comeback.
Adrian takes in a big, steadying breath, feeling the angry warmth on his cheeks and trying to dispel it. An apology sits at the back of his throat, rising up out of simple habit, but an image of your face -- usually all smiles and twinkling eyes -- flashes in his mind. Tear-stricken.
It's enough to force the apology back down.
Turns out, Adrian doesn't even have to apologize because Chris says he's right (I mean, he knew that already; those words didn't explode out of him out of nowhere), and continues in a tone that is unusually soft and quiet and reflective.
Adrian interrupts. Chris yells. This interrogation is going nowhere.
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Adrian, having gotten the hang of the whole 'yes' or 'no' question rule, asks Goff, “would you tell your buddy it's okay to sleep with other people despite him having someone he already really likes?”
Chris yells again. “Dude, what the FUCK are you talking about? How is that relevant to an alien invasion?”
They're interrupted by a phone call, Aqua's Barbie Girl ringing clearly from Adrian's back pocket. Adrian rushes to fish his phone out, hoping very badly that it's you.
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It wasn't you.
Adrian and Chris are up in the trees, hiding from the cops that are now tearing Peacemaker's trailer apart. The cops that Murn called to warn about, telling them to get the fuck out of dodge. Goff is strapped to Adrian's back, a brilliant move on his part to free up his hands.
Brilliant, until Adrian falls from the tree flat on his back, where one of the cops is looking for them. But that's not as concerning as the mason jar shattering, freeing Goff.
“Oh, shit.”
Goff shakes off the fall and flaps hurriedly towards the detective, who has her gun out and pointed at Adrian on the ground. Adrian’s less concerned about that and more concerned about what Goff’s next move is gonna be. 
Chris lands beside him and both men watch in horror and fascination as the alien flies directly at the detective's face, making her fall flat on her back as Goff starts burrowing into her mouth. The move is quick and aggressive and the detective struggles and fails to rip it out of her.
They rush to her side as blood erupts from her mouth, decorating the side of her face crimson as her body begins to convulse. There is nothing they can do but run once they hear another cop round the corner of the trailer and alerts everyone else to their position.
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Adrian throws Chris's cell phone outside of the car window on their way to meet the rest of the team at the abandoned video store they've been operating from.
He says he did it to keep them safe, which is mostly true. They can track them through the phone, you know? When Chris angrily advises that his phone was secure and untraceable, and that now a bunch of Eagly pictures are gone, Adrian can only bring himself to be a little regretful. 
Adrian is finding something grimly pleasant about indirectly hurting Chris like this. Something scratching a weird itch in the back of his thoughts. It's similar to when he'd throw dynamites at the other man in retaliation for being almost blown up himself. But that was all in good fun. Just guys being dudes, entertaining each other with violence. Real macho-like shenanigans.
No, this was different. Adrian got some sort of satisfaction from tossing Chris's phone out of a moving vehicle right now because he's... more mad at him than he thinks he’s ever been.
And it's not because the hero he's looked up to has been weirdly introspective lately about the usual way they've handled criminals. That was more irritating than anything. It’s a lot easier to go through life without agonizing the lives you’ve taken; surely he can remind Peacemaker of that again.
No. Adrian is mad at Chris because he blames him for hurting your feelings.
“Thank you, by the way.” Chris sends him a quick, confused glance. “For telling me I could bang whoever I wanted. Real solid advice, bro.”
Chris furrows his brow. “What the fuck- why do you keep bringing up the threesome?”
“Because! If it weren't for you, I never would have made them cry!”
“Why the fuck would you tell someone you like that you had a threesome!?”
“You said it was okay!”
It's all Chris can do to keep from ripping the steering wheel off of this car and beating Vigilante with it.
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Their argument evolved into weird hypotheticals by the time they stormed through the doors of the video store, but gets (thankfully) interrupted by the mean blonde — Harcourt.
“Hey! Do you have a diary?”
“No,” Chris half-shouts, voice still carrying the weight of whatever shouting match he was in the middle of having with Adrian.
Adrian holds the door open for Eagly to waddle through. Whatever qualms he has with Chris right now, the bird has nothing to do with it. Eagly is chill. Adrian's not gonna be rude and just not hold the door for him.
The conversation between Chris and everyone gets more heated once Chris reveals that Goff is now free. The team doesn't react well to this, which is probably why Chris kept it a secret up til this point.
“Yeah, we kept Goff,” Adrian clarifies in answer to Harcourt's exclamation.
“You kept Goff!?” Murn shouts incredulously. Eyes wide in angry disbelief. Like he doesn't want what he's hearing to be true.
“Because Peacemaker has masculinity issues,” Adrian explains. His lips quirk into a smirk that has absolutely no joy in it. “Probably the same masculinity issues that convinces your BFF — sorry, second BFF — to join you in a threesome even though it'll hurt that BFF's friend's feelings to do so.”
This makes Chris groan in frustration. “Vigilante! Time and place!”
“What the fuck is he talking about?” Harcourt asks, exasperated.
“He's all pissy because he told this chick he's been seeing about our threesome.”
Someone says 'ew' under their breath.
“He told me I could bang whoever I wanted despite knowing about the person I like!” Adrian can't keep the whine out of his voice.
Adebayo speaks up, addressing Chris. “You encouraged him to sleep around even though he's seeing someone?”
“He said they weren't exclusive!” It kind of feels like Peacemaker hasn't stopped yelling since Adrian stepped foot in his trailer.
“Still,” Adebayo says. “He's, like, obsessed with you and he'll do whatever you say.”
(“Hey!” Adrian exclaims. That's offensive, probably! Regardless of whether or not it's true!)
“He's a grown man,” Harcourt interjects. “He should be able to make his own decisions and not blame it on Peacemaker.”
Chris gestures a massive arm out to Harcourt, saying “Thank you!” at the same time as Economos says, “Someone likes Vigilante romantically?”
“That's enough!” Murn sternly shouts, silencing the room. “Where is Goff now?”
They explain how Goff took over one of the cops - the Asian woman.
Fury and disappointment reverberate off of Murn. “God damn it, Peacemaker.”
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You don't know why you let it break your heart. Why you let it keep you up most of the night, curled wretchedly into yourself, weeping in tumultuous silence into your pillow.
Adrian Chase, the guy you got unnecessarily and hopelessly attached to, coolly admitted to having had a threesome. There was no tiptoeing around it, either. No hesitation before saying the words that casually ripped your heart out from your chest.
It really should not have hurt you the way it did. Hell, if he had said anything about sleeping with someone else just a few weeks ago, it would only have mildly annoyed you at best. Perhaps made you a tad bit insecure, but you would have shrugged it off.
But things have been slowly crumbling around you ever since that night your old high school friends ghosted you--
No. That's not true. Your life was falling apart well before that. It's why you came back to Evergreen in the first place. But Adrian showed up and made things momentarily steady. A patchwork preventing the further collapse of your mental fortitude.
But then you found out his secret, and he suddenly had no time for you. And before you could fully make peace with the fact that Adrian Chase -- the dorky weirdo from high school -- is Evergreen's infamous Vigilante, Peacemaker came back and you were no longer the center of Adrian's attention.
Which you are ashamed to admit stung.
And as if that wasn't enough, things at home have been so off and confusing. It's a different kind of nervous than what you're used to, walking through the halls of the strangely quiet house. You could always feel their presence, at home -- your mother's more specifically. You've always been attuned to her, some kind of survival instinct so you know when to avoid her. And you have to finally admit that there's a very vacant gap in the house, and you know it's because your mother has not been around to fill it.
This has caused a very antsy mood shift with your dad, one that would make you anxious if it weren't for the fact that his focus is no longer on you. It's on your mother's absence.
This should worry you.
The confusing part is that your stomach is not twisted in knots over the idea that she hasn't been home. You don't bother asking your dad about it when you see him sitting zombie-like in the living room late at night.
(You tend to avoid asking questions when you're afraid of the answer.)
(Hence why you never questioned Adrian when he'd tell you some unprompted lie.)
Truth be told, you can't help but to feel tentatively euphoric. It's one less thing suffocating you at home. Like the weight of a boot lightly lifted from standing on your neck.
You're about to head out to work earlier than usual—you've had free reign of the house since you woke up because even your dad wasn't home that morning, and it was nice until it got eerie—but just as you approach the front door, it swings open.
Your dad stands at the threshold, silhouetted by the light at his back. When you blink and adjust your vision to the sudden daylight that's poured in, you're startled by the unkempt figure walking through the doorway. It's your dad, yes, but in a way you can barely recognize. He looks rough and unkempt, facial hair growing in unruly patches around his mouth. The bags under his eyes suggest he hasn't had much sleep. It's like he's aged 10 years.
“Hey...” He says, but it's hardly a greeting. He barely even looks at you. Mostly, it's like he's looking through you. “Have you, by any chance, heard from your mother?” He shuffles past you in the hallway, not waiting for an answer. Probably not even really expecting one.
You watch the exhausted shape of his back. You feel weirdly guilty when you answer no.
An empty sort of exhale depletes out of him, and it's the only sound of acknowledgement. He doesn't ask anymore questions, doesn't say anything else.
So you leave.   You walk into the cafe half an hour before your shift starts, just in time to hear Matty's vivacious voice call out a 'small hot chai for the tall hot guy.' He's fully ready to flirt with the customer as he hands off the drink, but does a double-take when he sees you slink around the counter and to the back.
Matty's flirty smile slips into a frown as he shares a look with Ashe, who also noticed your sluggish arrival.
The two ambush you as you very poorly tie an apron around your waist. It's Matty who speaks first. “You look absolutely terrible.”
You drag your still-puffy eyes to look at him, unsmiling. “Oh, Matty. Truly, my favorite thing about you is your penchant for unprompted insults.”
Matty just rolls his eyes at your deadpanned sarcasm. Ashe steps in to try to amend his rude comments. “What he means is-” Ashe takes in the sight of your sob-swollen eyelids and chapped lips and crooked disarray of your shirt collar. “-wow, God, no, yeah, you do look terrible.”
You scowl. “Do you two have to be back here? Someone needs to be on the floor.”
“There are, like, two other baristas out there.” Matty quirks a perfect eyebrow at you. “Other people work here, you know. It's not just us three.”
You squint your eyes at him, like that can't possibly be true, but say nothing further on the subject.
As you fix the collar around your neck, Matty asks, “So? Are you gonna tell us why you've been crying or do we gotta pry it out of you?”
“Is this about Adrian?” Ashe's voice is soft with knowing and caution.
You avoid eye contact. “He told me he slept with someone else. Two someone elses, actually. At the same time.”
You squeeze past the two other baristas and start making your way out onto the floor. They give each other a look before following.
“So the man had a threesome,” Matty clarifies, less as a question and more matter-of-factly. And completely uncaring whether the customers in cafe hear his indecent statement. “Ugh, of course that weirdo is having threesomes. I could tell just by looking at him that his dick game is insane.”
“Matty,” Ashe hisses as they give him a light backhand on his shoulder. Then, louder, calls out your name. “So you're upset he slept with someone-”
“Two someones,” you interrupt, face otherwise unphased by anything that's been said so far as you clock in at the register.
(“Again, that's just called a threesome, babes,” Matty helpfully quips as he rubs the spot where Ashe smacked.)
“Right, sure-” Ashe says. “And this was something Adrian was hiding from you?”
You grit your teeth as you float right past the two again, towards the log book the shift supervisors use that's open to today's date. Huh, look at that. There are names scribbled here besides Ashe's and Matty's. “He just told me about it, like it was a cool fun fact.”
A customer approaches the register, keeping Matty from accompanying Ashe as they follow you back.
“I'm sorry he hurt you, but...” your mouth sets into a grim line at Ashe's 'but', still unwilling to look up at them. “didn't you tell me just a few nights ago that you guys aren't even together?”
“Yeah, but...”
But he made you feel like you were singularly special. An illusion that quickly shattered at his admittance to sleeping with this Peacemaker guy. Honestly, it probably would have hurt less if it had been some nameless bimbo desperate for Vigilante's attention. No history and less intimacy.
Ashe waits patiently as you sort through your thoughts, until your shoulders slump with resignation, unable to find the right words to defend yourself.
“I get it,” they say. “I get that it hurts, but it's not exactly fair to him or to you if you haven't told him what you want.”
Ashe is right. It was wrong of you to assume you'd have Adrian's sole attention forever. You just hoped that it would last long enough until you got the hell out of Evergreen.
Oof. When did you become so selfish?
Eyes softening, you finally give Ashe a grateful look. “How are you so wise? You're, like, twelve.”
Ashe smiles. “You make it really hard to want to help you sometimes.”
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You once again find yourself alone in the cafe at the end of the night. Matty had stayed an hour past their shift just to absorb all the juicy bits of gossip, catching up on yours and Ashe's conversation. He also offered up a few encouraging words, in his own Matty way.
(“If you don't tie that delicious four-eyes down, I will,” he said, giving you a very pointed look.)
Ashe, once again, insisted on staying late with you.
(“If you can clock in early, then I can clock out late, no?”)
You only smiled and shook your head and told Ashe you were fine, really. It lacked the usual desperation, though, the one that tinged your voice with hopes of Adrian stopping by. This time, you convinced Ashe to leave by telling them you really wanted the time alone to think while also keeping your hands busy. So they left with less worry than usual this time.
You received several texts from Adrian earlier today, and you think about how you ignored all of them as you finish counting out the till. They're all unopened, having only caught glimpses of the texts as they appeared as previews on your still-cracked lockscreen.
The first text was an apology that only made you scowl. At the time, you doubted he meant it, or knew what he was even apologizing for considering last night, he only seemed confused by your hurt reaction.
Then there was the text you scoffed out, where he stated he was off today and could meet up, presumably to talk. If you have to see him in that stupid fucking mask again without seeing his stupid fucking face, you think you might actually scream until both your heads pop.
Now, as you lock up the safe, you think that maybe talking wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe not the best idea, given your fragile emotional state. You really don't trust yourself not to cry more and Adrian's been no good with tears and you don't want to make him uncomfortable (though that should be the least of your worries).
And even worse than whatever it is Adrian has to say (I mean, what more could the man say? Mentioning the threesome was enough, you don't need to hear about they why or the how or the what went in who's hole-)
-Even worse than whatever else Adrian could possibly say is whatever you need to say. Speak out loud and make yourself more vulnerable than when he has you in the backseat of his Sebring with his mouth against your neck. Relinquish whatever remains of your pride as you put the power in his hands, lay bare the fragile beating of your heart and admit how much you cannot stand to be without him. How terrifying the thought that he might not feel the same, now that his real best friend is back in the picture. 
The feelings whirl in your gut all nauseating and you grimace. You hate confessing. To give someone else the chance to hurt you. It goes against your self-preservation instincts.
As the song playing on the store speakers quietly peters to end and transitions to the next track, you hear a noise coming somewhere from the back. You pause, straining your ears to try to listen as the music continues playing. You want very badly to play it off as just your imagination, but you're the only one in the store; after the things you have been through recently, it would be unwise to shrug it off without investigating.
Unwilling to venture into the back just yet, you simply stand from your spot at the safe and lean backwards, gazing into the parts of the backroom you could see, and-
Huh. That's strange. The backdoor is opened a crack. You're sure you closed it after running out the last bit of garbage, but it's hard to trust your own memory when you've been so distracted thinking about Adrian Chase and Feelings.
You steel yourself, blowing out a forceful bit of air through your nose and begin to make your way to the back. It could have just been some critter dumpster diving that made the noise, audible simply because the door wasn't fully closed. You close the door, making sure it clicks firmly shut.
As you turn back around, you discover you are not alone in the store after all.
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They're still at the video store/base when an announcement reveals on the t.v. that Peacemaker is wanted, due to evidence found in a diary that Chris says isn't his. It's Goff on the podium, and, distressingly, the tall guy from the woods stands next to her, the one that killed those cops and helped him and Vigilante escape.
It looks like they got him, too. He has a face that looks like its skin is stretched too taut over his skull, so maybe it's fitting that he's joined the bad guys, since he already looks the part.
Vigilante's phone buzzes with a text alert, and it makes him forget the tension in the air for a moment. Only one person would be hitting him up at this hour. Maybe you're finally returning his texts!
Sure enough, it's your name on the screen he sees when he fishes out his phone, and his face almost breaks out into a grin. But when he unlocks it, he is greeted with a picture that makes the excited fluttering of his heart freeze and the smile immediately drops from his face.
You're in the cafe, in your work clothes, tied up to one of the wooden cafe chairs. Head lolled to the side, resting uncomfortably on your right shoulder, clearly (and upsettingly) unconscious.
Another text comes in:
If you care for them, you will bring Peacemaker.
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taglist: @whatevermonkey @hiddlehiddlebatchedloki @nobodys-baby-now @navs-bhat @afraidofshrimp @training4theapocalypse @abbaenthusiast @jediviolet @t0byisher3 @madhyanas
[ if you would like to be removed from the taglist, pls let me know! it wouldn’t hurt my feelings, i 100% understand if you come to find it annoying or just not currently interested in the fandom. likewise, if you want to be added, i’d appreciate a reblog and/or comment/feedback ]
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You Really Gotta Get Better At Lying
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
Featuring platonic!Peacemaker, Goff, and the rest of the 11th Street Kids
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Adrian Chase Masterlist
Prompt: You’re a civilian with a superhero boyfriend. It was working out pretty well for you both until one day when you’re hanging out in his best friend’s trailer and you get stuck in the crossfire. This is based on episode 6.
Warnings: Mentions of guns, Cannon compliment jokes, language, and violence, joking references to m-preg and daddy kinks (this is Adrian and Chris we’re talking about and it’s based on the butterfly interrogation scene lol), Angst with a happy ending
A/N: Hey Guys! Cannot believe this is my first full fic I’ve been able to finish since last August…11 months! This year has been pretty nuts for me, but I miss my man :)))) ❤️🧜‍♂️❤️ (Also the part in italics is a flashback if that’s not clear.)
“Come in Adrian!” You heard a voice coming from the trailer as your boyfriend knocked.
“How did you know it was me?” Adrian asked.
“You knock in a very annoying way. Hi, (Y/N).” Chris said as you walked into his place.
“I’m sorry.” You placed a hand on Adrian’s shoulder.
“Well I think it it’s cute.” You smiled at him. He smiled down at you, breaking into an infectious smile. Your own smile only grew. “Hi, Chris.” You said turning to look at Peacemaker. Today was your day off and Adrian wanted to get wasted at the trailer. Despite not always getting along, you were pretty good friends with Chris so you loved going to his place with Adrian to hang out. When you got there he was in his super suit. This was no surprise to you. Adrian had brought his as well. Usually a day at Chris’ meant at least an hour would be spent doing target practice or what you liked to call watching your two favorite idiots fuck around.
You had learned about Vigilante not too long into dating Adrian. It wasn’t hard to figure out. You loved him, but he was an awful liar. One slip up lead to another and suddenly it was 3am and Vigilante was knocking on your door. You’d had a nightmare and called Adrian because you knew he was a night owl. You woke up hyperventilating and sweating, too scared to go back to sleep. You just wanted to hear his voice, but you weren’t gonna complain when he said he couldn’t sleep either and was on a late night walk by your apartment. You didn’t question how weird that sounded, you just wanted to be with him so you said he could come over. What you didn’t know was that he was actually on patrol on your side of town. He meant to change, before reaching your door, but somehow he was in such a hurry to get to you he just forgot. He didn’t realize when you screamed upon opening the door, already shaken up from your nightmare and now confused as to why the news’ least favorite costumed crime fighter was at your apartment. He screamed back at you.
“What are you screaming about?!” Vigilante asked.
“What am I screaming about?! What are you screaming about?!”
“Okay! Stop screaming! I am really confused right now!”
The more you thought about it the more you realized you knew that voice.
“Of course it’s me! I know it’s late and it’s dark, but is it that hard to recognize me? I think you might need to check your eyes again, Bug-a-boo.”
One of those silly nicknames you loved. It was Adrian.
You saw his eyes go wide behind the tinted red visor. His gloved hands went up to touch his face. He’d forgotten.
“Oh shit…” He said under his breath. “I- I don’t know who Adrian is…who’s that? I’m sorry I scared you, innocent civilian. I was just out doing my patrol duties and I-“
“Adrian…” You started to tear up.
“I told you I’m not Adrian. I’m Vigilante. Common mistake. Both names sound like super similar actually-“
“Adrian…” You cut him off again, bursting into tears, hugging him. He sighs.
“You’re okay, (Y/N). I’m here. Everything’s okay.”
You stared at a jar on Chris’ table. It had some sort of bug in it. It was a species you’d never seen before.
“What’s that?” You asked.
“You kept Goff?” Adrian questioned.
“Is that like the name of the bug or did you guys name it?” You keep staring, confused. It almost seems to stare back at you.
“That’s his name. We found him in a shitty politician.” Adrian answered. In him…? You didn’t want to know so you decided not to press as the boys continued to argue about keeping Goff as a dangerous pet.
“Why is he dangerous? Is he invasive?” You questioned.
“You could say that!” Adrian joked.
“Where is it from?”
“I don’t know, but I don’t think they came from our solar system. I feel like NASA would have figured that out by now, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were fucking lying to us.” Chris said on the verge of telling another conspiracy theory.
“What…?” You finally broke your gaze from Goff.
“Don’t even fucking get me started on the moon landing and-“
“No, I mean this- this is an alien?” You cut off Chris. You turn to Adrian. “You’re fighting aliens?!”
“Yeah! How cool is that?!” His face lit up.
“So fucking cool!” You started nerding out with your boyfriend until your attention was drawn to Goff who was drawing a peace sign on the jar in some sort of weird goo. The three of you, after taking about a minute to freak out, sat on the couch to investigate. You sat in between Chris and Adrian. You were hoping this would keep them from arguing, but it did nothing of the sort. Before you knew it your head was resting on the back of the couch as the two guys argued above you. “Will you guys just kiss and make up already?! Jesus! Get a room! Chris you gotta have more patients and at least try to see his point of view. Adrian, baby, we have to ask yes or no questions because Goff can’t speak to us verbally and we don’t have an alphabet for him to spell things out with.”
“What if we got like an ouija board and just let him move the little triangle thing around?” Adrian wondered.
“I think that’s a great idea, but we don’t have one right now, so just while we’re limited on time we gotta keep it to yes or no questions, alright? Think of it like that pendulum thing I showed you. It can only swing so many ways like how Goff can only tap so many times.” Adrian finally seemed to understand. One of your favorite things to do together was info dump about your interests. Not too long ago you’d had a really big hyperfixation on ghosts, which is probably where he’d gotten the idea for the ouija board in the first place. It wasn’t that he was stupid, he was often just running a marathon in his head to find different solutions to the problems everyone else had already given up on. While he was trying to figure out a solution, everybody thought he was an idiot for even trying. That was one of the many reasons you and Adrian worked so well together. You both understood how the other person’s brain worked.
“Okay. Goff, are you here to put babies in us like in alien?”
Two taps: No.
Adrian sighs.
“Dude, you’re upset about that?” Chris asks.
“Well how else am I gonna experience motherhood?” Your boyfriend asked sadly. You rested your hand on his knee.
“I’m sorry, baby. But you know what? Maybe one day you can be a really incredible dad to our kids.” You blushed.
“You think I’d be an incredible dad?” He asked in awe.
“I think you’d be the most incredible dad.” You kiss him as Chris gags.
“Now it’s my turn to say get a room and not one in my trailer. I don’t want you guys fucking roleplaying your daddy m-preg shit in my bathroom.” Chris rolled his eyes.
“Oh my god that is not what I meant! Please can we just get back to the alien bug sitting on your coffee table?!” You exclaimed.
One tap: Yes.
“See! Even Goff agrees you’re being ridiculous!” You tell him.
“I am not!” Chris started to argue like a toddler.
Two taps: No.
“You’re acting like a toddler.”
One tap: Yes.
“Woah! It’s like Goff’s on (Y/N)’s side.” You smiled at Adrian’s amusement.
One Tap: Yes.
“You are not helping me here.” Chris whispered in a harsh tone to the jar.
One Tap: Yes.
You laughed. “Goff, do you wanna be friends?”
One Tap: Yes.
As you and Adrian continued to argue with Chris, much to Goff’s amusement, Adrian’s phone started to ring.
“Who is this…Vigilante? I- I don’t know that person. That’s um- is that even a name? I’m- sounds Italian and I’m- I’m- I’m American, so I can’t even-“ Chris ripped the phone from his hand and you gave him a sympathetic look.
“Babe, you really gotta get better at lying.”
“I’m great at lying!” You gave him a smile.
“Okay, honey.”
“I am!”
“A month after we started dating you showed up at my door fully suited up, completely forgetting to change after patrol.”
“That’s because I wanted to. It was my way of telling you.” He was obviously lying again
“Okay, honey.” You smiled as Chris shushed you. He was panicked, far more panicked than usual.
“What’s happening?” You questioned, starting to get nervous.
“The entire police force of Evergreen is outside right now. This place is fucking crawling with cops.” Chris whispered, opening his sunroof.
“Are we gonna fucking crawl up there?!” You whisper yelled, trying to keep your voice down. You were a civilian and despite hanging around superheroes you had never been in on the action yourself.
Adrian grabbed your hand. “It’s gonna be okay.” He tried to give you reassurance, despite not quite knowing what they were up against. “I need you to promise me you’ll stick by me, okay?” You stared at the roof in fear. “(Y/N), I need you to promise me.” Adrian looked at you desperately searching for an agreement.
“O-okay” You stuttered, your mind barley able to process what was happening. Chris climbs through helping pull you up as Adrian lifts you through the hole. You were so scared you didn’t even really notice Adrian had Goff tied to him with duct tape. Chris started climbing in a nearby tree. Adrian pushed you towards it. You shook your head at him, giving him a face that said ‘There is no way in hell I’m doing this’.
“I’m not gonna let you fall.” He promised. So much for that. Not long into climbing Adrian himself fell out of the tree. Usually you would find his clumsiness cute, but now was not the time. Chris put his free hand over your mouth to stop you from screaming.
“Oh fuck…I’m okay…” He said, a little out of it, just having at the wind knocked out of him. Of fuck. Goff. This is when you fully process the glass jar taped to Adrian’s back…the broken glass jar. Chris quickly helps you get down. You run to Adrian.
“Are you okay?!”
“I’m okay, I promise.” Adrian reassures you.
“DON’T MOVE!” The police detective yelled, pointing her gun at you. Adrian rested one hand on his hip, close to his knife and the other on your back so he could push you underneath him in a second if bullets started flying. You were terrified. You didn’t even notice Goff flying towards the woman until he started to fly into her mouth. Now you knew what Adrian meant by in the senator. Blood started pouring out of her mouth.
“What the fuck?!” You yelled in shock as Chris and Adrian started pulling you up from the ground. Everything was happening too fast. Suddenly you were running through the woods. Bullets were flying. Knives were being thrown.
“At worst, he’s paralyzed!” Adrian’s voice barley broke through to your clouded mind. You could see a clearing up ahead. Just get to the clearing. You can do it. Just get to the clearing. You saw Chris stop in front of you. He had a gun pointed directly at him. Then another. You and Adrian stop behind Chris. You’re surrounded. Adrian keeps you close. Then one of them falls to the ground. You grab onto Adrian’s back, not wanting to limit the movement of his arms. He reaches behind himself to put a hand on you. You turned to see another policeman had shot the guy who was pointing a gun at you.
“What the fuck?!” You yelled, trying to keep your panic down.
“Do you wanna ask stupid questions or do you wanna live?” He asked you as you hid behind Adrian again.
Chris and Adrian pulled you away from the scene as the man shot the defenseless low level cops on the ground. He mocked their cries as he shot them. Chris and Adrian brought you to a car the man had told you about. A getaway car that was waiting for you just down the road at the edge of the woods. Adrian shoved you into the car. You sat in the back seat with him as he continued to argue with Chris, even throwing his phone out the window at one point. He kept an arm around your shaking body. Eagly was squawking in the passenger seat. It was all too much.
Adrian placed a kiss to your forehead gently starting to rub your arm. “I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s not you. Usually I wouldn’t care, but what the fuck is happening?! Is the detective fucking dead?! Like is that what they do?! Just like fucking drill into your skull through your mouth and play Ratatouille?!”
“They can go through your butt too…” Adrian said quietly.
“Oh great! So glad! That must be so much more pleasant!” Adrian went to open his mouth, but you knew what he was gonna say. “Yes, I’m being sarcastic!”
“Okay. Thank you for specifying. Let’s just breathe. Can you do that? Can you breathe with me?” Adrian asks, starting to exaggerate his breathing for you to follow. He knew you were starting to get worked up. You always got upset when you were confused, but this was an entirely new level with an added sense of extreme terror and danger. You try to follow his breathing. “In and out. Good job.”
“Forget about the aliens I wanna know what the fuck was up with that one cop!” Chris questions from the driver’s seat, now done using Adrian’s phone to call headquarters.
“You mean you didn’t fucking know that guy?!” You question.
“No! Why would I just know a crazy fucker at the police station?!” Chris yells.
“I don’t know! Maybe the fact that he gave you a car?! You know some pretty weird fucking people! I’ve never met King Shark!” You scream, letting out a sigh, leaning further into Adrian’s touch as he kisses your forehead again, still trying to calm you.
The rest of your short drive to headquarters was mostly spent in silence. You had never been there, but you knew where it was. You were the only person Adrian told everything to. You walked into headquarters quickly, not wanting to be seen stashing the getaway car.
“What the fuck just happened?!” Chris yelled bursting into headaquarters.
“Who’s the civilian? I don’t think I have to remind you of the privacy of this mission.” A man who seemed to be in charge asked as you tried to make yourself small feeling scared and embarrassed. You think you remember Adrian saying his name was Murn.
“They’re my partner.” Adrian told the team.
“You have a partner?” The man who was absolutely John Economos asked. He was even taller than you imagined.
“I told you I had a partner. You knew about them.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t think they were real.” John laughed at his own joke.
“Um…hi. Sorry. Very real partner over here, what the fuck is happening?!” You interrupted. They all exchanged a series of looks you couldn’t read before one of them spoke up.
“Hi my name’s Leota. Why don’t we go talk in the other room for a bit?” You didn’t answer her, you just squeezed Adrian’s hand, not wanting to be separated from him.
“It’s okay. You can go. I’ll just be a few minutes. I promise you can trust her. Eagly does!” Adrian smiled at you.
“I guess he’s pretty good judge of character.” You joked, giving Adrian a smile.
“It’s okay. We’re safe here. Here, take this.” He reached for the back of his chair and grabbed a sweater he’d accidentally left there. He wrapped it around you. He knew how much you loved to wear his clothes. You were happy to be surrounded by his smell. You sighed, calming a little bit. “I won’t be long and I’m not gonna leave the building. I promise.” You nodded, reluctantly following Leota.
“Harcourt you handle this. Peacemaker, Economos in my office now.” You heard as you walked up the stairs. As Leota was answering some of your questions Harcourt and Adrian were downstairs having a very difficult conversation.
“You don’t look so happy. I thought you loved violence. I thought you said it was awesome.” Harcourt started, her voice thick with sarcasm. Adrian missed it yet again.
“Not when they’re involved.”
“Well maybe you shouldn’t have involved them then.”
“I didn’t mean to! I’m not normal. I know and usually I don’t care, but they are the only thing in my life that makes me feel normal- the only part of my life that feels normal. Even…even when I’m just Adrian Chase, the busboy at fennel fields, everybody acts like I’m a fucking freak or some big burden. But not them. They let me be myself. They like me! They’re separate from all of this. I should be allowed to have this one thing.”
Harcourt’s face softened. “You should be and I’m sorry…but that’s not how this life works. I know you want to keep them safe. It’s only gonna get more dangerous from here. You know what you have to do, right?”
“I’m not doing it.”
“Look…” Harcourt paused taking a deep breath. “Adrian…I’m sorry. Doing what we do- it isn’t easy.” She used his real name. He thinks this might even been the first time she’s really called him anything other than Vigilante, psycho, or dumb shit.
While they were talking downstairs you were upstairs asking all sorts of questions to Leota about the butterflies. She was answering as much as she could until Adrian knocked on the door. “Can I have a minute alone with (Y/N)?” He asked.
“Of course. Let me know if either of you need anything.” She smiled at you on the way out.
“She’s nice. I’m sorry I freaked out earlier. I think I finally have a handle on everything now.” You smiled at him, but he wasn’t looking at you. His eyes were glued to the ground. “Ade, what’s wrong?” You asked.
“I’m breaking up with you…”
“Yeah haha very funny. Now, what actually happened downstairs?” He stayed silent. “You’re serious? Adrian, you’re not breaking up with me.”
“Yeah I am actually.”
“Because I don’t want to date you anymore.”
“That’s not true. You’re an awful fucking liar, so look at me and tell me why you’re breaking up with me.”
“I already told you why.” He was starting to get choked up.
“Adrian, I love you.”
“I love you too-“
“Then don’t break up with me!” You cut him off.
“I have to!”
“I need to keep you safe!” He raised his voice at you. He’d never raised his voice at you like that before. You started crying.
“Why don’t I get a choice?! What about what I want?! Shouldn’t it be my choice?! Adrian, I don’t give a fuck if it’s dangerous! Before I met you my life was awful! I was a freak! You are the only person who makes me feel like I can be my fucking self! You are the only person I don’t feel like a fucking inconvince around! The only one who understands me! Why can’t we just have this one fucking thing?!” You yelled.
He laughs through the few tears that had just started falling down his cheeks. “That’s what I said.” He sighs, sitting on the couch, wrapping you in his arms. “I’m sorry.“
“Please don’t leave me. You’re my entire world.”
“I may be your world, but you’re my sun, I live for you- because of you. There would be nothing without you. Nothing.” He kisses you on the forehead.
“So, don’t break up with me.” You were pleading quietly through your tears at this point.
“I’m sorry. I don’t wanna say I was eavesdropping, but I was totally eavesdropping. If you’re worried about them being safe I think I can help.” Leota entered the doorway again.
“How?” Adrian asked.
“Well, I have my wife set up in a safe house right now while things are a little extra sticky. Sometimes things get lonely. I bet she’d love a new roommate.”
“Adebayo, are you serious right now?”
“Very serious, Adrian.” She smiled.
“Oh my god I could kiss you.”
She laughs at his comment. “Don’t kiss me. I’m married. Go kiss your partner who you’re not breaking up with and don’t tell Harcourt about this.”
“I won’t.” He smiles.
“Okay, now I think you should really take her advice and kiss me.” You smile up at him, kissing him.
“Okay, lovebirds. I’m gonna go distract buzzkill 1 and buzzkill 2 downstairs. I’ll let you know if you’re needed.” She smiles, leaving you to alone.
“I can’t believe you almost broke up with me.”
“Yeah that would have been stupid.”
“Really stupid.” You added, both laughing. “I love you more than anything.”
“I love you too more than anything.” He said. You both smiled, kissing. You snuggled deeper into him and started a discussion about the logistics of how you would navigate this new adventure.
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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♔ ┆ Foreign Royalty
King Felipe & Queen Letizia 🇪🇸
King Philippe & Queen Mathilde and Princess Elisabeth, The Duchess of Brabant 🇧🇪
King Jigme Khesar & Queen Jetsun Pema 🇧🇹
Yang di-Pertuan Agong Abdullah & Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku 🇲🇾
Kīngi Tūheitia & Makau Ariki Te Atawhai of the Māori
Grand Duke Henri & Grand Duchess Maria Teresa 🇱🇺
King Carl Gustaf and Crown Princess Victoria 🇸🇪
King Willem-Alexander & Queen Maxima, Princess Beatrix and Crown Princess Catharina-Amalia, The Princess of Orange 🇳🇱
Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit 🇳🇴
Crown Prince Fumihito & Crown Princess Kiko 🇯🇵
Crown Prince Frederick & Crown Princess Mary 🇩🇰
Prince Albert & Princess Charlene 🇲🇨
King Vajiralongkorn & Queen Suthida 🇹🇭
King Abdullah II & Queen Rania 🇯🇴
King Tupou & Queen Nanasipau’u 🇹🇴
Hereditary Prince Alois & Hereditary Princess Sophie 🇱🇮
King Mswati III & Queen Sibonelo LaMbikiza 🇸🇿
Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah 🇰🇼
Crown Prince Theyazin bin Haitham Al Said 🇴🇲
Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani 🇶🇦
Princess Lalla Meryem 🇲🇦
Prince Turki bin Mohammed bin Fahd Minister of State 🇸🇦
Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed 🇦🇪
King Letsie III & Queen Masenate 🇱🇸
Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah 🇧🇳
King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa 🇧🇭
Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II & Lady Julia of the Ashanti
♔ ┆ Deposed Royalty & Distant Family Relations
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Margrave Bernhard & Margravine Stephanie of Baden
Landgrave Donatus of Hesse
Prince Philipp & Princess Saskia of Hohenlohe - Langenburg
Margareta (Custodian of the Crown) and Prince Radu 🇷🇴
Crown Prince Alexander & Crown Princess Katherine 🇷🇸
Tsar Simeon & Tsaritsa Margarita 🇧🇬
Annoying Ginger from Montecito
♔ ┆ Governor-Generals of Commonwealth Realms
Governor-General David Hurley & Linda Hurley 🇦🇺
Governor-General Sir Rodney Williams & Lady Williams 🇦🇬
Governor-General Sir Cornelius A. Smith & Lady Smith 🇧🇸
Governor-General Dame Cindy Kiro & Richard Davies 🇳🇿
Governor-General Mary Simon & Whit Fraser 🇨🇦
Governor-General Sir Patrick Allen & Lady Allen 🇯🇲
Governor-General Dame Froyla Tzalam 🇧🇿
Governor-General Dame Cécile La Grenade 🇬🇩
King's Representative Sir Tom Marsters & Lady Tuaine Marsters 🇨🇰
Governor-General Sir David Vunagi & Lady Vunagi 🇸🇧
Governor-General Sir Bob Dadae 🇵🇬
Governor-General Dame Marcella Liburd 🇰🇳
Deputy Governor-General Hyleta Liburd of Nevis
Acting Governor-General Errol Charles 🇱🇨
Governor-General Dame Susan Dougan 🇻🇨
Governor-General Sir Tofiga Vaevalu Falani 🇹🇻
♔ ┆ Heads of Governments of Commonwealth Realms
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese & Jodie Haydon 🇦🇺
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau & Sophie Grégoire Trudeau 🇨🇦
Prime Minister Philip Davis 🇧🇸
Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell 🇬🇩
Prime Minister Chris Hipkins 🇳🇿
Prime Minister Terrance Drew 🇰🇳
Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves 🇻🇨
♔ ┆ Governmental Representatives of Commonwealth Realms
Margaret Beazley, Governor of New South Wales 🇦🇺
Linda Dessau, Governor of Victoria 🇦🇺
Jeannette Young, Governor of Queensland 🇦🇺
Chris Dawson, Governor of Western Australia 🇦🇺
Frances Adamson, Governor of South Australia 🇦🇺
Barbara Baker, Governor of Tasmania 🇦🇺
Former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham 🇧🇸
Former Prime Minister Perry Christie 🇧🇸
Michael Pintard, Leader of the Opposition 🇧🇸
Janice Charette, Clerk to the Privy Council of Canada and Secretary to the Cabinet 🇨🇦
High Commissioner Kisha Abba Grant 🇬🇩
High Commissioner Phil Goff 🇳🇿
Christopher Luxon, Leader of the Opposition 🇳🇿
Koni Iguan, Deputy Speaker of the National Parliament 🇵🇬
Justin Tkatchenko, Minister for Foreign Affairs 🇵🇬
Rainbo Paita, Minister for Finance and National Planning 🇵🇬
Taies Sansan, Secretary for the Department of Personnel Management 🇵🇬
Gisuwat Siniwin, former Member of the National Parliament 🇵🇬
Premier Mark Brantley of Nevis
High Commissioner Moses Kouni Mose 🇸🇧
Jeremiah Manele, Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade 🇸🇧
♔ ┆ Foreign Heads of States + Governments
President Andrzej Duda & First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda 🇵🇱
President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlová 🇨🇿
President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and First Lady Louise Araneta-Marcos 🇵🇭
President Katalin Novák & First Gentleman István Attila Veres 🇭🇺
President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson and First Lady Eliza Reid 🇮🇸
President Michael D. Higgins & First Lady Sabina Higgins and Leo Varadkar, Taoiseach 🇮🇪
President Herzog & First Lady Michal Herzog 🇮🇱
President Egils Levits & First Lady Andra Levite 🇱🇻
President Ali Bongo Ondimba & First Lady Sylvia Bongo Ondimba 🇬🇦
President Mario Abdo Benítez & First Lady Silvana López Moreira 🇵🇾
O le Ao o le Malo Tuimalealiʻifano Vaʻaletoʻa Sualauvi II & Masiofo Faʻamausili Leinafo 🇼🇸
President Paul Kagame & First Lady Jeannette Kagame 🇷🇼
President Wavel Ramkalawan, & First Lady Linda Ramkalawan 🇸🇨
President George Vella & First Lady Miriam Vella 🇲🇹
President Julius Maada Bio & First Lady Fatima Bio 🇸🇱
Hakainde Hichilema & First Lady Mutinta Hichilema 🇿🇲
President Sergio Mattarella 🇮🇹
President Ranil Wickremesinghe 🇱🇰
President Halimah Yacob 🇸🇬
President Faure Gnassingbé 🇹🇬
President Muhammadu Buhari 🇳🇬
President Filipe Nyusi 🇲🇿
President Frank-Walter Steinmeier 🇩🇪
President Vahagn Khachaturyan 🇦🇱
President Alar Karis 🇪🇪
President Sauli Niinistö 🇫🇮
President Emmanuel Macron 🇫🇷
President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 🇧🇷
President Alexander Van der Bellen 🇦🇹
President Vahagn Khachaturyan 🇦🇲
President Salome Zourabichvili 🇬🇪
President Katerina Sakellaropoulou 🇬🇷
President Abdul Latif Rashid 🇮🇶
President Vjosa Osmani 🇽🇰
President George Weah 🇱🇷
President Gitanas Nausėda 🇱🇹
President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani 🇲🇷
President Maia Sandu 🇲🇩
President Stevo Pendarovski 🇲🇰
President Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera 🇲🇼
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih 🇲🇻
President William Ruto 🇰🇪
President Irfaan Ali 🇬🇾
President Wiliame Katonivere 🇫🇯
President Paul Biya 🇨🇲
President Nikos Christodoulides 🇨🇾
President Mohamed Bazoum 🇳🇪
President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa 🇵🇹
President Klaus Iohannis 🇷🇴
President Macky Sall 🇸🇳
President Zuzana Čaputová 🇸🇰
President Nataša Pirc Musar 🇸🇮
President Võ Văn Thưởng 🇻🇳
Emmerson Mnangagwa 🇿🇼
Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers Borjana Krišto 🇧🇦
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina 🇧🇩
Prime Minister Han Duck-soo 🇰🇷
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif 🇵🇰
President Alain Berset of the Swiss Confederation & Muriel Zeender 🇨🇭
Prime Minister Galab Donev 🇧🇬
♔ ┆ Governmental Representatives
First Lady Jill Biden & Finnegan Biden and John Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate 🇺🇸
First Lady Olena Zelenska 🇺🇦
First Lady Verónica Alcocer 🇨🇴
Vice President Jagdeep Dhankar 🇮🇳
Vice President Fuat Oktay 🇹🇷
Vice President Tiémoko Meyliet Koné 🇨🇮
Vice President Han Zeng 🇨🇳
Vice President Mohammed B.S Jallow 🇬🇲
Sahiba Gafarova, Speaker of the National Assembly 🇦🇿
Christophe Mboso N'Kodia Pwanga, President of the National Assembly 🇨🇩
Arnoldo André, Minister of Foreign Affairs 🇨🇷
Naledi Pandor, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation 🇿🇦
Nabil Ammar, Minister of Foreign Affairs 🇹🇳
Narayan Prakash Saud, Minister of Foreign Affairs 🇳🇵
Gustavo Manrique, Foreign Minister 🇪🇨
Ahmed Attaf, Foreign Minister 🇩🇿
Frederick Shava, Foreign Minister & Mthuli Ncube, Finance Minister 🇿🇼
Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Cardinal Secretary of State 🇻🇦
Ambassador José Alberto Briz Gutiérrez 🇬🇹
♔ ┆ Representatives from International Organizations
Amina Jane Mohammed, Deputy Secretary General 🇺🇳
Ursula von der Leyen, President of EU Commission 🇪🇺
Charles Michel, EU Council President 🇪🇺
Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament 🇪🇺
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minkufu · 9 months
For anyone wanting the cast list for the Hitman Reborn dub that may have trouble finding it or trouble seeing the cast image originally posted on twitter, here is the full cast...
Main Cast
Reborn: Veronica Taylor Tsuna: Brittany Lauda Gokudera: Matt Shipman Yamamoto: Zeno Robinson Ryohei: Ricco Fajardo Mukuro: Christopher Hackney Hibari: Jonah Scott Kyoko: Dani Chambers Haru: Madelaine Morris I-Pin: Julia Gu Lambo: Erica Mendez Bianchi: Michelle Rojas Xanxus: Christopher R. Sabat Squalo: Kellen Goff Lussuria: David Wald Levi-A-Than: Bill Butts Belphegor: Brandon McInnis
Supporting Cast
Ken: Khoi Dao Chikusa: Cody Savoie Lal Mirch: Kristen McGuire Nosaru: Michael Kovach Tazaru: Imari Williams Byakuran: Y. Chang Dr. Shamal: Alejandro Saab Kusakabe: Patrick Seitz Kurokawa: Emily Frongillo Nana: Krystal Laporte Futa: Ciarán Strange Giannini: Alex Mai Dino: Aaron Dismuke Romario: Rawly Pickens Roll: Jonah Scott Kojiro: Zeno Robinson Garyu: Ricco Fajardo Uri: Matt Shipman Mochida: Brandon Acosta
Additional Voices: Bryson Baugus, Cris George, Kevin Thelwell, Alex Mai, Ben Balmaceda, Lucas Schuneman, Kellen Goff, Chris Niosi, Khoi Dao, Chris Hackney, Kristen McGuire, Julia Gu, Michelle Rojas, Erica Mendez, Krystal LaPorte, Michael Kovach, Alejandro Saab, Y. Chang, Cody Savoie, Emily Frongillo, Patrick Seitz.
The test dub will be covering episodes 1, 20, and 77 along with the OVA. (If I may have missed or mislabeled anyone let me know!)
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basementdoll · 11 months
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Spanish Inquisition
Wednesday 13
What does this part-time Murderdoll, chicken lovin’, eyebrow shavin’, horror movie watchin’ dread head have to say for himself when Cardinal Doran asks him your questions and applies the thumbscrews? Read on and find out. Noose of the world: Brother Naki.
Weds: “Right, you must be here to ask me lots of offensive questions?”
Hammer: Usually when we do this we only get questions about how gay are you or how much dick do you love to suck, but this time we’ve only got questions about chickens.
Weds: “Cool! Questions from real fans!”
Pear Black, Via Email
Weds: “No. Unfortunately, not being farmers or anything and not knowing how to take care of chickens, he died. We had a little chicken coop at the side of our guitar amps and our drums. It was the summer, we’d go to practice and leave him and he died of heat exhaustion. So I chopped off his legs and made a little memorial for him by hanging them off my guitar but they got ripped off during one gig. Peace Omar.” [Thumps heart emotively.]
Hammer: What benefits are there to having a chicken instead of a normal pet like a cat?
Weds: “None. The reason I got the chicken was cos when I was a kid people always told me that people like Ozzy Osbourne and Alice Cooper used to bite the heads off chickens live on stage and drink their blood. So for me, I’ve always associated chickens with rock’n’ roll. I never wanted to kill the chicken, I just always wanted it to be there. I'd recommend your readers get a cat instead.”
Hammer: But chickens are good for voodoo rituals as well.
Weds: “And for feathers…”
Hammer: Say if you were going to cook a chicken, what recipe would you use?
Weds: “I’m a big fan of Cajun chicken. I bake chicken pretty much every day of my life, except when I’m on tour because you don’t have access to a stove. You put the chicken in the oven and sprinkle it with salt, pepper and spices and cook it until it isn’t pink in the middle - unless you want to get sick.”
Decaying Wench, Hell, Third Door On The Left
Weds: “Well, yeah. There’s always hope. Everybody’s doing their own thing. Joey went back to Slipknot and I started doing this so everybody had to find something to do. I can only speak for myself, because I don’t know what the other guys are doing, but I’m putting 100 per cent into this and it is my number one priority, I’m going to tour this record for as long as I want to. But when the time comes right, everybody feels like doing another Murderdolls record and everybody is on the same page, then yeah, I’ll do it. But there’s no way it’ll happen next year.”
Hammer: How has the material off ‘Transylvania 90210’ been going down?
Weds: “Amazing. I was expecting to get raked across the coals but the kids have been digging it and the reviews from the journalists have been really good as well. People are telling me that it’s much more diverse than the Murderdolls; a lot more like a rollercoaster ride and it’s got many different levels to it.”
Dan, Chiswick
Weds: “I don’t go to goth porn websites and I don’t think it sounds anything like one. Frankenstein Drag Queen sounds more like a goth porn website.”
Hammer: What are your views on pornography?
Weds: “It happens. I don’t find myself ringing lines or going on websites but if that’s what people do and it makes them happy then more power to them. You won’t be finding me turning up in any porn films by the way. Unlike Fred Durst.”
Hammer: He didn’t come out of that looking well.
Weds: “Fred Durst doesn’t come out of anything looking well.”
Chris, South Africa
Weds: “There was this old guy that I used to go to in my home town of Charlotte, North Carolina but the guy pissed me off and I don’t go to him any more. My new guy is called Mark Evans, who did my stitches which are healing up and he did the new Michael Myers tattoo. I don’t promote my old guy because he was a douchebag.”
Hammer: Did you weep like a six year old girl watching ET when you got them done?
Weds: “No. As I was getting them done I was watching Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure so I was laughing. They hurt though. The ones on the wrists, I think I would have been better just chopping my hands off and sewing them back on: it would have hurt less. It was pretty painful.”
Cyhiraeth 13, Via Email
Weds: “Family bucket. Popcorn chicken is different here. In America it is actually just what is left over from the other chicken in the bottom of the tray dumped into a bucket. But also the way you guys cut chicken here is totally different. It baffles me, I don’t know what I’m eating. In America you have a leg, a breast, a thigh and a wing. Over here you have a throat, an ass, an elbow…”
Hammer: We don’t have chicken’s elbows.”
Weds: “What the hell am I eating here? It’s all fucking mixed up, I think I had a throat today!”
Hammer: Just say you developed a food intolerance to chicken what would you do then?
Weds: “I’d eat turkey. I’d just move from one bird to another. And turkey’s better for you.”
Hammer: You should try ostrich. Terminator X, the old DJ from Public Enemy, is now an ostrich farmer in the USA, that’s why he doesn’t go on tour with them because someone’s got to stay home and look after the ostriches.
Weds: “I can’t say that I’ve seen a Kentucky Fried Ostrich restaurant yet but when I do I’ll stop by. I fancy a KFO.”
Eddie, London
Weds: “There’s no way to keep them quiet. Keep them out of the heat. Don’t feed them after midnight. They will actually eat anything you put in front of them. They’ll eat chicken, so give your chicken some KFC and watch it become a cannibal.”
Charlotte Humphreys, Andover
Weds: “Probably The Abominable Dr Phibes and I would be Dr Phibes because he was the master of revenge and it is my favourite Vincent Price movie. He didn’t really even have to talk to be frightening.”
Storm McCracken, Paraparaumu, New Zealand
Weds: “There’s a good possibility, yeah. I lost count along the way but probably. Not this year though because I turned over a new leaf and now I only eat grilled chicken. I’ve been trying to make sure that I don’t have a heart attack before I’m 30.”
Hammer: Speaking as a bit of a tubby bastard, I was wondering how you stay so slim on such a chicken rich diet?
Weds: “It is basically not eating fried chicken. I went on a diet and I lost 40lbs which shows you how bad it can be.”
Ken B Wild, The Fields 
Weds: “Hmmm. It depends on the person. Me? No. I can’t punch a sheep to death but say you’re Tor Johnson from the Ed Wood films, the big guy, he could probably hit a sheep once and break its spine.”
Hammer: I reckon The Thing from The Fantastic Four could waste a sheep.
Weds: “Well, Tor Johnson is probably the closest a human has ever got to being The Thing.
Hammer: What is the biggest creature that you’ve ever killed? Purposefully, that is. Not just forgetting that you’ve left a chicken in a hot room.
Weds: Probably a grasshopper. I don’t hurt animals. When I was a kid I used to do mean stuff but I don’t now. I go out of my way not to hurt stuff.”
Goldfinger Rule 502, Via Email
Weds: “Hell yeah! He just came to my house a couple of months ago. He brought my kid a box of candy and $20.”
Hammer: What are your favorite kinds of sweets?
Weds: “I love peanut M&MS. Those things are addictive. I will eat about 10 bags a day if I don’t watch it.”
Antibody, Via Email
Weds: “Yeah, we’re still going head to head. One day we’ll meet and slug it out but I will win.”
Hammer: It’s Wednesday the 13th soon, do you do anything out of the ordinary on those days?
Weds: “Not normally but this year we are doing the London show so that should be really remarkable.”
Eyen, Poshland
Weds: “My mom’s pretty proud of me. She goes out and buys all of the magazines and everything else. She is totally supportive of me and is into what we’re doing.”
Bobby G, Via Email
Weds: “A grizzly man! You can’t fight a bear! I’ve seen a bear- you can’t fight them.”
Hammer: You saw a bear?
Weds: “On TV. In a zoo. You can’t fight them.”
Hammer: My Chemical Romance got attacked by a moose once. What is the biggest animal you’ve ever been attacked by?
Weds: “I got attacked by a Doberman when I was eight years old. And they can kill you. The dog had cancer and it had this giant tumour on its side and they were going to put it to sleep in a few weeks. But it came up to me while I was on my trampoline and put its legs up and started growling. I was like, ‘Oh shit, what do I do?’ So I decided to try and run down the hill to get home and the dog jumped at me, knocked me down and I ate grass. It never bit me but it stayed right on my ass growling and I just cried all the way home. Which is OK if you’re eight: a Doberman could bite your arm off!”
Hammer: If you say so. Are you nervous about dogs now?
Weds: “I’m not a big dog fan. I like cats and small dogs but big dogs give me the old phobia.”
Mr D Monkey, No Fixed Abode
Weds: “Well you know, I don’t have to buy the rights to be named after the day of the week and yeah, I was totally inspired by the character out of The Addams Family, I’ve always admitted that and never tried to hide it. She was always much cooler than Pugsley because he was a little fat guy.”
War Machine, Via Email
Weds: “It’s in the process. I’m getting Voorhees and Freddie very soon. So gimme some time dude!”
He Man, Reading
Weds: “A plophead? A guy with a plop on his head? What is that? If you mean shit head, say shit head. You know, I shave my eyebrows off for one simple reason: my hair is blond. When my eyebrows grow out they are blond, it just doesn’t look good. I don’t have cool eyebrows, so I shave them off. You can hardly see them anyway. I do notice not having them because of the sweat. If you ever see me on stage squinting like this [scrunches up face as if in agony] that means my eyes are burning out of my fucking head.”
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lupincentral · 8 months
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The 2019 television special Lupin III: Prison of the Past will feature on TMS Entertainment USA’s YouTube channel for free throughout February, 2024!
Prison of the Past is directed by Hatsuki Tsuji and is written by Shatner Nishida. Hirotaka Marufuji, who also worked on Lupin III: Part 6, handled the character designs. At time of release, it was speculated that the special was created as a way of reminding fans that Lupin’s roots remained in 2D, as the 3DCG film The First took off in Japan in the December of that same year. While The First was good, and did well in the cinema, some fans in Japan had speculated that we might see a 3D future for the series - and TMS were quick to push back on this at the time.
Unlike previous specials, this latest upload was voted for by fans via a poll that TMS ran over on their website.
The version going live on February 2nd will include English language audio. Kaiji Von Tang, Chris Cason, Kellen Goff, Sean Chiplock, Ama Lee, Matthew Greenbaum and Brent Mukai (to name a few) all star in the English dub for the film. This is in addition to the usual suspects of Tony Oliver, Richard Epcar, Lex Lang, Michelle Ruff and Doug Erholtz. Viewers must be watching from within the United States to gain access to the special.
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tokyofuturnoir · 1 year
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Chris Goff
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noloveforned · 2 months
last week's show was recorded over the weekend due to family stuff but we're back on wlur with a new show at 8pm followed by the proper debut of last week's show at 10pm. tune in live or stream last week's show on mixcloud!
no love for ned on wlur – july 12th, 2024 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label dirty three // love changes everything v // love changes everything // drag city memorials // cut it like a diamond // memorial waterslides // fire radiation risks // lungs in the water // strawberry quick // radiation risks delivery // digging the hole // digging the hole digital single // heavenly erik nervous // ramblin' gamblin' man // (bandcamp mp3) // (self-released) germ house // under my head // no sleep til palestine is free! compilation cassette // girlsville victoria // creative frenzy // treats // scenic drive zuzu's petals // feel like going home // the music of your life // twin/tone program // sparks // it’s a sign // anti fade hound // current affairs // but mostly it was grim ep // slack jaw lenny roybal // little daisy // soft summer breezes- the corby label compilation // numero group cassandra jenkins // only one // my light, my destroyer // dead oceans keith freund // sprite loop // trash can lamb // soda gong chris cohen // laughing // paint a room // hardly art th blisks // knuckledust // elixa // efficient space lea bertucci // in anticipation of (excerpt) // hold music // (self-released) luke stewart silt trio // you see? // unknown rivers // pi patrick shiroishi, samuel goff and camila nebbia // listening to quasars // diminished borders cassette // cacophonous revival sml // three over steel // small medium large // international anthem oiro pena // mythical mist // puna // we are busy bodies the lijadu sisters // come on home // horizon unlimited // numero group sault // act six - lessons // acts of faith // forever living originals blu and evidence featuring domo genesis and navy blue // lights at night // los angeles // bigger picture tha god fahim and sadhu gold // don't half do it // dump gawd: tha knocking of loose // lowtech twiliters // restless love // eccentric soul- the cuca label compilation // numero group your heart breaks // blood brothers // harsh tokes and bong jokes // this will be our summer del amitri // sticks and stones girl // del amitri // chrysalis milky wimpshake // heterosexuality is a construct // encore, un effort! // fortuna pop! la la delivery // i feel nice when i play this guitar // from within ep // (self-released) kids on a crime spree // white light/white heat // oakland weekender 2024- tribute to the velvet underground cassette // oakland weekender mt. misery // lunch break // lunch break digital single // prefect
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kaileeplayspokemon · 3 months
Midori: The Camellia Girl (2016) Dub Cast (fanon)
Cause there's no fucking way the anime will ever be licensed. So,this is my fanon idea of a dub cast for the 2016 live action film. First options:
Midori: Xanthe Huynh Midori's mother: Veronica Taylor Mr. Arashi: Dan Green Muchisute Tokkuriji: Roger Craig Smith Akaza: Patrick Seitz Kanabun: Casey Mongillo Benitsu: Cathy Weseluck Wonder Masamitsu: Greg Ayres
Second options: Midori: Brittney Karbowski Midori's mother: Cathy Weseluck Mr. Arashi: Kellen Goff Muchisute Tokkuriji: Ryan Colt Levy Akaza: Chris Rager Kanabun: Kayleigh McKee Benitsu: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn Wonder Masamitsu: Chuck Huber
Third options: Midori: Laura Bailey (a 4th option being Anairis Quinones) Midori's mother: Laura Post Mr. Arashi: Sean Rohani Muchisute Tokkuriji: Jonah Scott (a 4th option being Griffin Burns) Akaza: Jalen K. Cassell Kanabun: Meli Grant Benitsu: Kari Wahlgren Wonder Masamitsu: J. Michael Tatum
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morimementa · 1 year
Guns Blazing.
Adrian is kidnapped by vengeful drug dealers and tortured in a manner similar to Goff's tactics. But unlike last time, there's nothing to stop Peacemaker from going all out. They find out in short order that Adrian's faith in him wasn't misplaced.
Fanfic under the Read More.
They were going to find him.
That’s what Vigilante tells himself as he stands maskless before the vengeful drug dealers that kidnapped him. Their leader gives some stupid speech about blood and payback and an eye for an eye, but Adrian isn’t listening. He’s more concerned with the jumper cables they’ve clipped to him. The handful of blows he’s received from their fists are nothing compared to what a car battery can do, he knows that from experience. Finally, the man he’s taken to calling Dickless the Tattooed fuckhead stops talking. Before Adrian can get in a retort about limp wristed punches, Dickless Fuckhead tuns the battery on. The only thing that he can manage as agony floods his body is a scream.
When he wakes, arms numb from being chained above his head for so long, muscles still tensing at random intervals, the first thing he hears is screaming. But it’s not his. He opens his eyes to see Peacemaker, complete with Sonic Boom helmet and dual wielding guns laying waste to the room. It is, unequivocally, one of the hottest things he’s ever seen. It’s not the concussion that makes his eyes blur as Adrian realizes all this is being done for him. As the final mook falls, Peacemaker catches him halfway to the ground and retrieves the key to his chains from the man’s pocket. He lets the body go where it lands with a thump and turns to Adrian.
“You look like shit,” His words are tinted with rage, as though he wants to pick someone and give them an extra kick in the balls for good measure. Adrian smiles, touched by his concern. It turns to a pained grimace halfway.
“They didn’t cut anything off at least.”
Peacemaker crosses the room and unlocks him. Adrian’s arms fall to his sides and he winces as pins and needles flood them. “Fuck.” He mutters, injecting as much frustration as he can into a single syllable.
“Yeah, no kidding,” despite everything, Chris is beaming. There’s relief on his face, like a man reaching the end of a long journey, though Adrian knows he’s only been missing a day. 
“Can you walk?”
“Yes,” Adrian says as his legs give out.
Chris catches him halfway down, one arm supporting his back, one arm looping under his knees. He pulls him into his arms as Adrian goes limp, weak with exhaustion and alleviated stress. It’s just like how he carried Harcourt and it feels as warm and soothing as he’d imagined. He can dimly hear Chris talking to someone through an earpiece and feel the air move as he’s carried outside. As the sunlight blazes into his eyes, he closes them, content to rest again now that he's safe.
He knew they’d find him.
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burlveneer-music · 11 months
Shibui - Quint - "minimal groove quintet" on Nik Bärtsch's Ronin Rhythms label
Boston based band SHIBUI led by composer, guitarist and bass player Tim Doherty presents its second album QUINT, the premiere on Ronin Rhythm Records with its connected community. The album contains five elaborated minimal groove compositions by Doherty, conceptually titled with numbers. This already indicates the composer’s clear vision and the band’s focused understanding of this contemporary groove chamber music. The Japanese evolutionary concept of SHIBUI has accumulated many meanings over time, evoking a discreet sense of beauty, elegant simplicity, and a gradual sense of value and meaning with repeated exposure to the experience or object. The discovery of value through repeated exposure to the music one takes the time to learn, comprehend, and perform is a central tenet most musicians understand deeply and personally, but which is always open to the listener when engaged with the same music through time, the evolution of one's experience, and mood. The music of SHUBUI attempts to invite the listener into this active engagement with discovered value through played repetition in real time, while offering an awareness of the unavoidable necessity of change, whether deliberate in the composition or incidental to our shifting perspectives. Tim Doherty - Composition, Bass, Percussion Curtis Hartshorn - Drums Céline Ferro - Clarinet, Bass Clarinet Bradley Goff - Keys Derek Hayden - Marimba Chris Baum - Violin on 2.1 Produced by Tim Doherty Art work by Sevcan Yuksel Henshall
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nightlyponder · 2 years
i think i have trouble enjoying the vast majority of fic for adrian because on the show his character was a quick rewrite from the original and his intelligence is dictated on whatever is funniest at the time so it makes him a little difficult for fic writers to get his voice down.
what i mean is, in the show, if the scene would be funnier if adrian said the dumbest shit, then that's what he'll say (e.g. the conversation about the chihuahua+butterfly scenario or him attempting to sit like Eagly and ask the gang which is which). but if its funnier that he says something smart then they go with that (e.g. his monologue about Black people's influence on rock music or him clocking that chris kept Goff and has Eagly because they can't talk back to him to challenge him but humans can so he pushes them away).
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Voice 2
Part 1 found here. The Craftsman is excluded here because I headcanon him to be mute, and I’m not going to try everyone else because this was hard enough Q3Q
The Maw
Six: Stephanie Sheh, Kayo Hinazuki, Erased the Janitor: John Swasey, Undertaker, Black Butler the Twin Chefs: Bumper Robinson, Blitzwing, Transformers Animated (for both) the Lady: Laura Post, Ragyo Kiryuin, Kill la Kill the Granny: the late Diana Rigg, Lady Olenna Tyrell, Game of Thrones the Runaway Kid: Laura Stahl, Ray, the Promised Wonderland
Pale City
Mono: Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld, Sophocles, Pokemon Sun and Moon the Hunter: Chris Sabat, Piccolo, Dragon Ball Super the Teacher: the late Betty Lou Gerson, Cruella de Vil, 101 Dalmatians the Doctor: Chris Sabat, Maj. Armstrong, Fullmetal Alchemist the Thin Man: Laurence Fishburne, Morpheus, the Matrix
The Nest
the Raincoat Girl: Lindsay Jones, Ruby, RWBY the Butler: Henrik Norman, Mr. Voice, Little Misfortune the Pretender: Sharon Chan-Kent, Misa Amane, Death Note
the Ferryman: Fred Tatasciore, Solider 76, Overwatch the Mirror Man: Ben Prendergast, Patroclus, Hades game the North Wind: Kellen Goff, the Daycare Attendant, Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach
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seikimachan · 1 year
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Allow me to share the story behind this post:
It was in 2002 when we were third year high school students during Junior Senior Promenade as nobody wants to dance with me even they keep snobbing me which caused myself isolated with them.
The following year as Seniors... I decided not to attend anymore. It was traumatic and this is where I became introvert. This stuff has brought myself in the long run.
The moment that even I have other friends, I never get along with them.
I am being more comforable with online friends most especially Shinjas, Sumo fans especially Our Sumo Family and best of all, DW Chief News Anchor Brent Goff who once told me to never stop shining my light 😁
To my SMDC friends most especially Team APS, I hope you remember in March 2017 during our saturation at SM City Marilao when a gay workmate named LadyGhe Bagohara bullied me by ordering Annalyn Zapanta to stay away from me and subsequently once said, "Carol, wala kang kaibigan" and I replied, "Di baleng walang kaibigan kesa magkaroon ng fake".
Not to mention than I was prone to people who have NPDs.
I told Bamben's sister, Marilou, that if all the girls that he used them for his convenience ended up being friends with him then, I am different. I don't wanna be his friend. I don't wanna see nor talk with him anymore especially when he joked and said "Carol, sa tricycle ka na lang matulog" after giving his best friend's updated registration documents when he was desperately need it... in the middle of late evening in his home.
Well, better to being hated and rejected like Chris did to me than being used by Bamben who have never been straightforward to me because he knew that I would never care for him and his being emotiinally damaged anymore.
And to all sumo friends especially haters of Taka Twins (Takagenji and Takanofuji aka Tsuyoshi Sudario), now you know why am I became fan and keep defending them even they were bullies as I see myself on them. This is also I became fan of Kisenosato who once told by Takanohana that we won't be strong if we are not lonely.
Okay, 20 years passed...
I didn't expect from Herson who would make a set-up like this in order to heal everything that was broken before.
Now, I appreciate and grateful towards my high school batchmates. Until the next reunion 💖
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