swigogamedevqut · 4 months
Week 13
All in all I, I believe that Only I Remain is a great success for our team! Although it may haver it's downsides here and there, those are honestly negligible in comparison to the whole thing. Honestly though, this was a fun assignment to do and I'm glad I got to do it.
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swigogamedevqut · 4 months
Week 12
In the original plan for the prototype it was proposed that we would add spikes as a static environmental hazard. After some deliberation the spike hazard evolved into sawblades which were much more versatile in their placement as they allowed for mid-air positioning without looking out of place. Platforms were introduced as specified in the original design document and played a big part in level design due to their versatility. We never properly implemented pits as described in the original design document, for instance, instead of specific gaps there was simply one big kill floor below the level, and instead of taking 1 life it was an instant game over. The stationary projectile shooter was implemented but instead of firing in a set direction it was aimed at the players position which made for level sections where speed was necessary. While mentioned in the design document, there was no double jump implemented with the dash being used as a substitute double jump. In relation to the enemies, the robot enemy and flying enemy were implemented as described in the design document but the shooting enemy that was described was merged into the new turret enemy/hazard. 
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swigogamedevqut · 4 months
Week 11
Playtesting has surprisingly gone off without too much of a hitch! Here's some of the findings from the playtesting:
Through playtesting we found confirmation of problems within our game from the playtesters, and unique observations on the part of the playtesters (give examples)
The most critical issues we deemed most important were: difficulty of level design, controls, savepoints, accessibility to left-handed users, enemies and music.
Multiple playtesters noted a lack of ‘savepoints’ after death, with the player instead having to restart the level as another way that makes the game difficult.
Left Handed Controls were noted to be lacking from playtesters 2 and 3.
The flying eye enemy would damage players when not within damaging range, a major problem discovered by 2 of our playtesters. 2 others suggested a way of dealing with the projectiles other than dodging them
Playtesters noted a lack of music in the game, the absence felt more due to the inclusion of any sound at all in the form of sound effects. Another interesting game I'd like to talk about is called Quasimorph where you take on a role of a hardened PMC fighter in a dark turn-based extraction RPG. Engage in unforgiving combat, manage your ship and pile up the bodies of your clones to unravel the dark mystery behind threat to all life.
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swigogamedevqut · 4 months
Week 10
First things first, my team. I'm in group 14 working alongside Avery Stokes and Keaton Dines to make a platformer called "Only I Remain" it looks like it'll be a fun venture so I'm excited to be working on it. For the first week of development, we've found an asset pack for our player character:
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In addition to this, we've also been able to get some simple level design work going as show below:
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Personally, I've been working on damage invulnerability frames and a stationary turret enemy. I'm still working on the finer details such as the range of these enemies and how the projectile they are firing at the player will behave but for the most part it's in a working state. Below you can see the projectiles fired from the stationary turret enemies and the opacity effect linked to the damage invulnerability:
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swigogamedevqut · 4 months
Week 9
Postmortem on Turbo Track Racers
After several weeks of development, it’s time to reflect on the journey of creating Turbo Track Racers. This top-down racing game presented numerous challenges and learning opportunities. One of the key aspects of development was refining the car physics and controls to ensure a smooth and enjoyable racing experience. Balancing the difficulty of the tracks and implementing various power-ups added depth and excitement to the gameplay.
However, there were also hurdles along the way. Optimizing performance, especially with multiple AI opponents on screen, proved to be a significant challenge. Additionally, fine-tuning the AI behavior to provide a challenging but fair competition for players required careful iteration. Despite these challenges, the end result is a fast-paced and engaging racing game that I'm proud to have developed. This project has not only improved my skills as a game developer but also taught me valuable lessons in problem-solving and iteration.
Final Design Summary for Scrap Pile Survivors
Scrap Pile Survivors has evolved significantly since its inception. The final design encompasses a captivating gameplay experience set in a procedurally generated scrapyard filled with challenging obstacles and enemy drones. Players navigate their ships through the debris, battling waves of enemies and collecting power-ups to survive. The addition of multiple unlockable ships with unique abilities adds depth to the gameplay and encourages strategic decision-making.
The game's visuals and sound design contribute to its immersive atmosphere, with detailed environments and dynamic sound effects enhancing the player experience. The progression system, which allows players to upgrade their ships and unlock new abilities as they progress, provides a sense of achievement and replayability. Overall, Scrap Pile Survivors is a thrilling and challenging space shooter that promises hours of entertainment for players of all skill levels.
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swigogamedevqut · 4 months
Week 8
Turbo Track Racers Development Kickoff
This week, I began development on Turbo Track Racers, a top-down racing game that promises fast-paced action and strategic gameplay. I started by designing the basic mechanics and creating a prototype of the racing environment. Using GDevelop, I implemented the core controls for the cars, focusing on smooth steering, acceleration, and braking. I also laid out the initial track and experimented with different track designs to find the right balance between challenge and fun.
One of the key features I'm working on is the implementation of various power-ups and obstacles to make the races more dynamic. This includes speed boosts, oil slicks, and barriers that players must navigate around. Additionally, I’m developing multiple racing modes, such as time trials and competitive races, to add variety to the gameplay. The next steps involve refining the car physics, adding AI opponents, and creating the first set of tracks. I'm excited to see how Turbo Track Racers evolves in the coming weeks!
Scrap Pile Survivors Progress Update
While starting on Turbo Track Racers, I also continued to refine Scrap Pile Survivors. Based on feedback and additional playtesting, I made several improvements to enhance the player experience. I fine-tuned the enemy AI to make battles more challenging and added new types of power-ups to keep gameplay fresh and engaging. The procedurally generated scrapyard has been optimized for better performance, and I've introduced new environmental hazards to increase the game’s difficulty.
Additionally, I've been working on a new feature that allows players to unlock and upgrade different ships, each with unique abilities and stats. This adds a strategic layer to the game, encouraging players to experiment with different playstyles. Scrap Pile Survivors is shaping up to be a robust and replayable game, and I’m excited to continue its development alongside Turbo Track Racers.
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swigogamedevqut · 4 months
Week 7
Developing Scrap Pile Survivors was a thrilling and educational experience. This asteroids-inspired game, with its rogue-lite elements, provided numerous challenges and learning opportunities. Balancing the gameplay to ensure a steady progression of difficulty while keeping it engaging was a primary focus. The responsive ship controls and the variety of enemy drones created a dynamic and fast-paced gameplay experience. Although there were challenges, such as fine-tuning the procedurally generated scrapyard and optimizing performance, the end result is a fun and replayable game. This project further honed my skills in using GDevelop and reinforced the importance of iterative development and playtesting.
Looking forward, I'm excited to announce my next project: a top-down racing game called Turbo Track Racers. In this game, players will race high-speed cars on various challenging tracks, each with unique obstacles and power-ups. The game will feature multiple racing modes, including time trials, competitive races, and a career mode where players can upgrade their cars and unlock new tracks. Turbo Track Racers aims to combine fast-paced racing action with strategic elements, offering an exciting and immersive experience for players. Stay tuned as I dive into the development of this new project!
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swigogamedevqut · 4 months
Week 6
This week marks the beginning of an exciting new project: Scrap Pile Survivors. Inspired by the classic asteroids gameplay with a modern twist, this game will challenge players to navigate through a hazardous scrapyard, battling waves of enemy drones and collecting power-ups. I started by sketching out the basic game mechanics and designing the main player ship. Using GDevelop, I created a prototype to test the core mechanics, including ship movement, shooting, and collision detection with debris and enemies.
An interesting game I'd like to talk about is none other than cookie clicker. The reason I find it is interesting is both due to it's development over many years which inspires me to develop my own game and put time and effort into it. Additionally I really like the retro artstyle and it inspires me to learn pixel art of my own.
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swigogamedevqut · 4 months
Week 5
JumpQuest has been a fantastic learning experience. Throughout development, I tackled various challenges, from implementing smooth player controls and engaging level design to balancing difficulty. The project highlighted the importance of iterative development and community input. Although there were hurdles, like optimizing performance and refining enemy behaviors, the end result is a polished and enjoyable platformer that I'm proud of. This journey has significantly improved my game development skills and confidence in using GDevelop.
Now, I'm excited to introduce my next project: Scrap Pile Survivors. This game is an asteroids-style space shooter with a twist inspired by Vampire Survivors. Players navigate a spaceship through a debris-filled scrapyard, battling waves of enemy drones and collecting power-ups to survive. The game features rogue-lite elements, with each playthrough offering unique challenges and upgrades. With fast-paced action and strategic gameplay, Scrap Pile Survivors aims to deliver a thrilling and replayable experience. Stay tuned for updates as I embark on this new adventure in game development!
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swigogamedevqut · 4 months
Week 4
In week four, I shifted focus to playtesting JumpQuest and refining my game based on feedback. Playtesting is crucial for identifying bugs, balancing difficulty, and improving overall gameplay. I gathered feedback from friends and fellow developers, which highlighted areas for improvement such as level design, enemy behavior, and player controls. Iterating based on this feedback helped me polish the game and make it more enjoyable.
Additionally, I started preparing to pitch my game. Crafting a compelling pitch involves clearly communicating the game’s unique features, storyline, and target audience. I created a concise pitch document and a short gameplay demo to showcase JumpQuest to potential players and collaborators. This process not only honed my presentation skills but also reinforced my vision for the game. Next, I'll focus on final touches and preparing for the game's release.
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swigogamedevqut · 4 months
Week 3
This week, I made significant progress on JumpQuest by focusing on the main character and basic game mechanics. Using GDevelop’s platformer behaviors, I implemented smooth and responsive controls for moving and jumping, ensuring an intuitive player experience. I also added collectibles like coins and basic obstacles to create a foundational gameplay loop. Experimenting with GDevelop’s visual scripting made it easy to set up these mechanics without any coding.
Next, I’ll expand on these basics by introducing enemies and power-ups. This involves creating new object behaviors and refining collision detection to ensure interactions feel natural and challenging. These additions will bring more depth to the game, making the gameplay more engaging and dynamic. Stay tuned as I continue to develop these features and enhance the player experience.
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swigogamedevqut · 4 months
Week 2
Welcome back! After getting familiar with GDevelop, I’m excited to start my first project: a platformer game called JumpQuest. In this game, you play as an adventurer seeking a legendary relic hidden within ancient ruins, navigating through challenging levels filled with traps and enemies, and uncovering secrets along the way.
Experimenting with GDevelop
To prepare for development, I experimented with GDevelop's features. I created and managed scenes for different game levels, added and animated objects like platforms and the player character, and implemented basic events for player movements. GDevelop’s visual scripting made these tasks straightforward. Additionally, I explored advanced features like variables for scoring and sound effects, which broadened my understanding and inspired new ideas for my game.
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swigogamedevqut · 5 months
Week 1
Hey there! My name is Matthew Swigon. I am majoring in game design and I'm currently playing a lot of Rimworld and Fallout. In this unit, I am committed to dedicating my efforts towards improving my game development skills and deepening my comprehension of this exciting field. My primary objective is to consistently enhance my game design and construction abilities, striving to craft engaging and captivating games that will resonate with players.
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