#Choi Mu-seong
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the-monkey-ruler · 10 months ago
Son Oh-kong (1962) 손오공
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Director: Kim Soo-yong Screenwriter: Seong-min Kim Starring: Hie-gab Kim / Mu-ryong Choi / Ji-mee Kim / Hun Yang Genre: Action / Adventure / Comedy / Fantasy Country/Region of Production: South Korea Language: Korean Date: August 20, 1962 (South Korea) Duration: 110 mintues Also known as 孙悟空 / 孫悟空 / Son Ogong Type: Retelling
Story inspired by Journey to the West.
Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0328458/?ref_=nm_flmg_t_98_dr
Link: N/A
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salanaii · 1 year ago
Learn Korean with me - Week 4/Day 1
Day 1: Colors, Vocab 1 - 100, Udemy Lesson 6
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콧물 = snot
땀 = sweat
목 = neck
마스크 = mask
착용하다 = to wear
황사 = yellow sand
목감기 = sore throat
환자 = patient
근처 = neighborhood / around here
약국 = pharmacy
외국인등록번호 = foreign registration number
잠시만 = moment
불편하다 = to be uncomfortable
열이 나다 = to have a fever
약 = medicine
Key -  열쇠 -  yeol soe
Chicken -  다ᇍ -  dalk
Baby -  아기 -  a gi
Princeton -  프린스턴-  pew rin seu teon
Last name -  성 -  seong
Jihun -  지훈 -  ji hun
Park (name) -  박 -  bak
Seonhwa -  선화 -  seon hwa
Minji -  민지 -  min ji
Kim -  김 -  gim
Garam -  가람 -  ga ram
Seoyeon -  서연 -  seo yeon
Seojun -  서준 -  seo jun
Choi – 최 -  choe
Bed – 침대 -  chim dae
This side – 이편 -  I pyeon
That side – 그편 -  geu pyeon
That side over there -  저편 -  jeo pyeon
This much -  이 만큼 -  I man keum
That much -  그 만큼 -  geu man keum
Be careful/watch out -  조심해요 -  jo sim hae yo
Take your time/ take time to / slowly -  천천히하세요 -  cheon chein hi ha se yo
Focus -  집중하다 -  jib jung ha da
Sir/miss/customer -  손님- son nim
Learn -  배우다 -  bae u da
More/much -  더 -  deo
Fewer/less -  덜 -  deul
Watch/ look / see – 보다 -  bo da
Again -  다시 -  da si
Worry -  걱정하다 -  geog Jeong ha da
Touch (positive) – 만지다 -  man ji da
Touch (negative) – 만지지 -  man ji ji
Too much – 너무 -  neo mu
Much/many – 많이 -  manh l
Cucumber -  오이 -  o i
Fox – 여우 – yeo u
Yo-yo – 요요 -  yo yo
Taste/flavor -  맛 – mas
Entrance – 입구 -  ib gu
Oh – 어 -  eo
Kind/friendly – 친절한 – chin jeol han
Lazy – 게으른- gee u reun
Happy – 행복하다- haeng bok ha da
Sad – 슬퍼- seul peo
Sick – 아픈- a peun
Boring – 지루한- ji ru han
Glad – 기쁜 -  gi ppeun
Tired – 피곤한 – pi gon han
Camera – 카메라 – ka me ra
Building – 건물- geun mul
That (over there) – 저/저것 – jeo/jeo geos
I/self – 저 – jeo
Desk – 책상 – chaeg sang
These – 이 것 -  I geos
That – 그 – geu
Those – 그것 – geu heos
This – 이 -  i
Monitor – 모니터 – mo ni teo
Bathroom – 화장실 -  hwa jang sil
Restaurant – 식당 – sig dang
That way – 그 쪽 – geu jjog
Here/ over here – 여기 – yeo gi
There – 거기 – geo gi
Over there -  저 기 – jeo gi
Tree – 니무 -  na mu
Bag – 가 방 -  ga bang
Sleep – 잠 – jam
Expensive – 비싼 – bi ssan
Slow – 느린 – neu rin
Fast – 빠른 – bba reun
Cold – 추운 – chu un
Cheap – 싼 – ssan
Hot (verb) – 뜨겁게 – tteu geob ge
Hot (adjective) – 뜨거운 – tteu geo un
Tall – 높 – nop
Wide/spacious – 넓은 – neolb eun
Low – 낮은 – naj eun
Small/narrow – 좁은 – jub eun
Cute – 귀여운 – gwi yeo un
Pretty – 예쁜 – ye ppeun
Fat (Duolingo)(Papago) – 뚱뚱 – ttung ttung
Fat (Google) – 찌 빵 – ji bang
Beautiful – 아름다운 – a leum da un
Clean – 깨끗한 – ggae kkeus han
Dirty – 더러운 – deo leo un
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olivierdemangeon · 5 years ago
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  Une romancière à succès s’isole dans une vieille maison d’un petit village isolé afin de trouver l’inspiration. Rapidement, sa fille qui l’accompagne, semble jouer avec un camarade invisible. Ce dernier lui raconterait une histoire que l’écrivaine va coucher sur le papier. Son roman va devenir un bestseller, mais le succès sera de courte durée, car les médias vont l’accuser de plagiat….
    “Beseuteuselleo” (베스트셀러), ou “Bestseller” pour la distribution internationale, est un thriller mystérieux sud-coréen datant de 2010, écrit et réalisé par Lee Jeong-ho, à qui l’on doit également “The Beast” (2018). Les acteurs principaux sont Uhm Jung-hwa, qu’on a pu voir dans “Princess Aurora” (2005), Ryu Seung-ryong, qu’on a pu voir dans “Extreme Job” (2019), Lee Do-kyung, qu’on a pu voir dans “Memories of the Sword” (2014), Cho Jin-woong, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Spy Gone North” (2018), Lee Sung-min, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Attorney” (2013), Park Sa-rang, qu’on a pu voir dans “Blood and Ties” (2013). Ce métrage est paru le 15 avril 2010 en Corée.
L’histoire proposée par “Bestseller” nous invite à suivre Baek Hee-soo (Uhm Jung-hwa), une auteure à succès depuis 20 ans. Sa réputation est détruite du jour au lendemain quand elle se retrouve accusée d’avoir plagié un essai d’une personne ayant participé à un concours qu’elle avait précédemment jugée. Désormais, elle lutte contre une dépression et contre le syndrome de la page blanche depuis près de deux années. Hee-soo accepte la suggestion de son éditeur d’aller s’installer dans une maison de campagne isolée dans une petite ville rurale, en compagnie de sa fille Yeon-hee (Park Sa-rang), où elle pourra se ressourcer et écrire en paix. Rapidement, l’enfant raconte qu’une mystérieuse femme invisible circulant dans la maison lui raconte des histoires. Hee-soo transforme alors ces histoires fascinantes en un nouveau roman. Celui-ci devient instantanément un best-seller, mais la renommée retrouvée de l’auteure ne dure pas longtemps, car elle est à nouveau accusée de plagiat d’un ouvrage écrit dix ans auparavant. Pour prouver sa bonne foi, Hee-soo retourne dans la maison isolée pour découvrir la vérité et comprendre avec qui sa fille parlait…
Le scénario concocté par Lee Jeong-ho, qui endosse ici la double casquette de réalisateur et de scénariste, est quelque peu maladroit, et n’est pas sans rappeler deux métrages américains, soit “Sixième Sens” (1999) de M. Night Shyamalan pour le twist qui intervient ici à mi-parcours du récit et “The Uninvited” (2009), réalisé par The Guard Brothers, film lui-même inspiré par un film coréen, “A Tale of Two Sisters” (2003), réalisé par Kim Jee-woon. On devine assez vite la réalité sur la situation de Yeon-hee, la fillette, et cela sera donc confirmé par son père, Park Young-joon (Ryu Seung-ryong). Dès que ces révélations sont données, “Bestseller” prend une orientation complètement différente, où le personnage central cherche la vérité sur les faits qui se sont jadis déroulés dans la maison. Le côté surnaturel disparaît complètement pour offrir un récit qui s’approche du survival, où l’héroïne démasquée par les auteurs d’un meurtre, tente de lui régler son compte.
Des différents personnages qui interviennent au fur et à mesure du développement, on va se focaliser sur Baek Hee-soo. L’écrivaine est une femme perdue, d’une part des événements passés l’ont profondément perturbée. D’autre part, son intégrité de romancière est remise en question pour des problèmes de plagiat. Autant, on comprend que la seconde accusation est fondée, trouvant son explication, et par extension vient dédouaner l’auteure à succès, autant la première accusation n’est absolument pas expliquée et/ou justifiée. Au registre de ce que j’ai l’habitude d’appeler les trous d’un scénario, on ne comprend pas la raison du point de bascule entre l’incapacité de Hee-soo à pondre une nouvelle histoire pour son nouveau livre, et sa boulimie soudaine d’écriture. D’un seul coup, sans que l’on sache pourquoi elle trouve l’inspiration pour écrire sans relâche son nouveau roman. Le second personnage n’est autre que Yeon-hee, la fillette. Ce personnage est la clé du mystère qui anime la première partie du récit. Elle joue et se retrouve souvent livrée à elle-même. Cependant, ses discussions avec un personnage invisible, qu’on considère qu’il ne serait que le fruit de son imagination d’enfant, ont le chic d’agacer profondément sa mère.
Les valeurs de production concernant “Bestseller” sont d’une très bonne qualité. La photographie délivrée par Choi Young-hwan est sympathique avec un très bon travail au niveau des décors. L’univers rural est très bien marqué et la maison tranche avec le style coréen. Les intérieurs sont très intéressants, idéaux pour le thème développé, du mystère et une pointe d’horreur. La bande musicale orchestrée par Kim Jun-seong est très agréable, venant idéalement appuyer les moments de tension et apportant une bonne touche de stress à l’atmosphère du film. Le montage offert par Shin Min-kyung est un peu étrange. D’une durée de 117 minutes, le film se scinde en deux parties distinctes, avec deux rythmes différents et deux ambiances disparates.
En conclusion, “Bestseller” est un bon thriller disposant d’une histoire familière, d’une intrigue en deux étapes et d’un développement inégal. Le rythme est évolutif, le récit est relativement fluide, mais comporte quelques brèches et la narration fait appel à quelques flashbacks. La photographie est bien structurée, le monde rural, la maison, le modernisme de la ville sont bien représentés, la bande originale pèse fortement sur l’ambiance du film. La distribution offre de bonnes prestations, dominée par les performances d’Uhm Jung-hwa qui offre un personnage à la limite de la folie, parfois hystérique, mais toujours animé par la découverte de la vérité, et la jeune Park Sa-rang, qui étonne par la qualité de son jeu. Un ensemble correct qui à défaut d’être original reste captivant et divertissant. À voir …
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      BESTSELLER (2010) ★★★☆☆ Une romancière à succès s'isole dans une vieille maison d'un petit village isolé afin de trouver l'inspiration.
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coreofgold · 2 years ago
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Okay so I am technically on hiatus however I want to be a squirrel and burrow and collect all the starters so I can post them when I come back so with that in mind. . .like and comment for starters from my babes !
Aloth Corfiser (0/??)
Anya Forger (0/??)
Arthur Pendragon (0/??)
Aziraphale (0/??)
Ban Yue (0/Xie Lian)
Baymax (0/??)
Beelzebub (0/??)
Cao Weining (0/??)
Choi Yeon Woo (0/??)
Dewey Duck (0/??)
Dizzy Tremaine (0/??)
Edrisa Tanaka (0/??)
Gabriel (0/Crowley, Jack)
GIR (0/??)
Hua Cheng (0/Xie Lian, He Xuan, Shi Qingxuan, Mu Qing)
Julian Alfred "Jaskier" Pankratz (0/??)
Karl Heisenberg (0/??)
Lan Jingyi (0/Wei Wuxian)
Lan Xichen (0/Wei Wuxian, Nie Huaisang, Jin Guangyao)
Legolas Thranduilison (0/??)
Luo Binghe (0/Qinghua)
Neil Perry (0/??)
Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham (0/??)
Peter Regis (0/??)
Prince Justin (0/??)
Seo Haebom (0/??)
Seok Han-Seong (0/??)
Taka (0/??)
Vax'ildan Vessar (0/??)
Wen Ning (0/??)
Wu Xi (0/??)
Xiao Xingchen (0/??)
Xu Youyi (0/??)
Zhang Chengling (0/??)
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enterenews · 2 years ago
Lee Bo-young, risking an executive position and making a bloody greeting
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Bo-Young Lee staked his position as an executive and started to make my side.
In the 3rd episode of JTBC's Saturday and Sunday drama 'Agency' (played by Song Soo-han, director Lee Chang-min), which aired on January 14, Go Ah-in (Lee Bo-young) cut Choi Chang-soo's (Cho Seong-ha) line and made a bloody greeting to raise his own person. .
On this day, Ah-in Kwon, who had been ignoring and ridiculing herself, and her male juniors, with the provision of 'personnel management clause 8, the head of the production headquarters oversees the personnel authority of the production team members', fed water. When those who had been demoted from team leader to team member chased after them, Go Ah-in presented the details of the room salon entertainment receipt that he had secured in advance through the CF director as evidence.
This was something Choi Chang-soo, who was behind them, could not stop. Choi Chang-soo was furious at the orphan, saying, "It's fun and wriggling for stepping on the grass," but ended the work by assigning juniors except for Kwon Woo-cheol to the Chinese branch.
However, the orphan's bloody greetings were not yet over. Go Ah-in, who has the right to promote three CDs, said, "Now I'm going to make a little bit of my side. It's going to be a little loud for a while."
Go Ah-in, who went to work the next day, shared his plan with Han Byung-soo (Lee Chang-hoon). He also said, "I'm going to tell reality to kids who are dreaming." Lee Chang-hoon, who roughly grasped the situation, dissuaded him, saying, "Anyone can see that these are the next CDs, but in a noisy situation, this can't be done. I can't handle this. The production team will be split into two," but Go Ah-in said, "That's what it is. To split it into two. Everything is Choi Sang-mu. If I can't have it all, I'll have half of it."
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solplparty · 2 years ago
Us, Ourselves, and BTS 'We' ​Photoshoot Sketch https://youtu.be/cfgqjZKoDT0 Ourselves, and BTS 'We' ​Photoshoot Sketch Artist & Creator : BTS Production : Artist Contents Studio (HYBE 360) Contents Creative : Bang Woo Jung Photo-Folio Creative : ​Kim Su Rin Contents Director : ​Jang Jeong In Contents Editor : Kim Hyun Young, Shin Hye Ri, Min Young Eun Camera : PLAY COMPANY corp. Jang Jeong In, Jeong Ji Won, Seo Mi Li (HYBE 360) PD : Lee Ha Eun, Kim Seo Yul, Kim Ye Won Video Edit : Lee Ha Eun, Sunu Yun Jun, KIM Ye Lim Art Director : Lee Yun Jin Art Team leader : Kim Ji Hyun Art Team : Yoo Young Sun (st:ART) Flower stylist : Kim Hye Jin (bronzeblue) Visual Communication : Lee Seo Yeoun Hair : Han som (Bit&Boot), Choi Mu Jin Make-up : Kim Da Reum, Seo Yu Ri, Kim Seon Min Stylist : Very Office Artist Management : ​Lee Jung Min, Ahn Da Sol, Park Jun Tae, Lee Seung Byeong, Jeong Dae Seong, Jeong Tae Jin (BIGHIT MUSIC) Connect with BTS: https://ibighit.com/bts http://twitter.com/BTS_bighit http://twitter.com/BTS_twt http://www.facebook.com/bangtan.official https://www.youtube.com/user/BANGTANTV http://instagram.com/BTS.bighitofficial https://channels.vlive.tv/FE619 https://www.tiktok.com/@bts_official_bighit https://weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/94808190 https://www.weibo.com/BTSbighit https://www.weibo.com/BTSmembers http://btsblog.ibighit.com BANGTANTV
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freeengineer · 2 years ago
Best korean movies netflix
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Star Casts: Hyo-Joo Han, Seo-Joon Park, Juri UenoĪ unique love story with a deeper meaning, The Beauty Inside is definitely one of the best Korean movies on Netflix. This movie is a great and wonderful effort of showing love in different ways. Watch this best Korean movie on Netflix this weekend and get ready to see to what depth can a person to go save his family from a nuclear disaster.
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The movie in which a plant starts melting down after an earthquake is the perfect depiction of evacuation, struggle, and panic. Star Casts: Do-bin Baek, Seung-Hoon Choi, Bae Gang-Yoo You'll see that a lot of things will be going on in the movie and you'll be left amazed by that. The lucid dream plays out in the behavior of the characters, their dialogue, the cinematography, and sound design, the special effects and the narrative arc of the plot where a father tried to find this son through Lucid Dream. Not just having a limited appeal to the audiences Lucid Dream is one of the best Sci-fi Korean movies on Netflix that has been a hit when it came out. Star Casts: Kyung-gu Sol, Soo Go, Hye-jeong Kang The Age of shadows is inspired by true events and the movies take place in 1920 Korea. One of the most stunning pieces of this movie is the action done by Kim Jan-ok in the opening scenes of the movie. Star Casts: Byung-Hun Lee, Kang-ho Song, Yoo Gongĭealing with true characterization, The Age of Shadows (Best Korean Movie On Netflix) is an ultra stylish Korean action movie. The plot always stays one step ahead of its audience keeping them on the edge of the seat. With a lot of double crosses and plot twists, this best Korean movie in Netflix features unconventional leads of a newspaperman becoming a political leader. This twisty Korean movie is basically a revenge story. Star Casts: Byung-Hun Lee, Seung-woo Cho, Yun-shik Baek With brilliant acting and amazing cinematography this is surely one of the best Korean movies on Netflix that would flip your mind with the amazing thrilling scenes. The story changes for better when the crew faces fog on their return trip and everything turns into a nightmare. Sea Fog revolves around the plot where a crew of fishers is hired to illegally transfer people from China to Korea. Star Casts: Yoon-Seok Kim, Yoo-chun Park, Ye-ri Han You would have to watch this best thing on Netlfix twice to get ongrip of how good it is. This best Korean movie on Netflix is the perfect example of a neo-noir mystery suspense thriller movies. The best part of Oldboy is the ending where the viewer's perception defines the protagonist's mental state at that moment. Star Casts: Min-sik Choi, Ji-tae Yu, Hye-jeong Kang Watch it right away and be ready to be thrilled by the end of the movie. If this Korean movie doesn't make you bawl your eyes out from the complex emotions of familial love and revenge, nothing else will. Compelling performances as usual from Kang Ha Neul and Kim Moo Yeul. Spare some time and enjoy this best Korean movie on Netflix that would make you sit at the edge of your seat. Star Casts: Ha-Neul Kang, Mu-Yeol Kim, Seong-kun Mun Watch this internationally recognized Korean movie on Netflix right away.
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The moments of suspense and danger will appeal to fans of zombie movies, though these elements do not overshadow nor are they overshadowed by the touchy moments that is the sub-plot the jerk of a dad who must now be the shield for his daughter on and off the train. The pacing of this Zombie movie isn't slow now is it fast, it is just right and appropriate to make a movie intriguing. Train to Busan is one of the best Korean movies on Netflix which has the perfect pacing. Star Casts: Yoo Gong, Yu-mi Jung, Dong-seok Ma It is mind-blowing from start to finish, the best part about it is that it starts really slow but after a couple minutes the story eventually opens and all of build up and excitement of what is going on and who's the killer and what's going to happen next would run to your minds watching this horror Korean masterpiece. The Wailing has a deep narrative that would keep you on your toes. We highly recommend this best thing to watch on Netflix to anyone who wants to watch the best Korean horror movies on Netflix. One of the darkest, intriguing and superb Korean horror films is The Wailing. Star Casts: Jun Kunimura, Jung-min Hwang, Do-won Kwak *Disclaimer: The movies listed in the blog are available on Netflix on a temporary basis. From thriller movies to romantic movies they are the best Korean Movies You should put on your bucket list. If you have a Netflix subscription, here's our list of the Best Korean Movies on Netflix.
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eent-go · 3 years ago
Suspicion of sudden departure in Gamman-dong, Busan
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On the 5th, SBS 'I want to know' airs the episode 'Signal of a mystery in the rush- Suspicion of sudden departure in Gamman-dong, Busan in 2016'.
'I want to know that', which will be broadcast at 11:14 pm on the same day, 'Signal of a question in the run - Suspicion of sudden departure in Gamman-dong, Busan in 2016'
Assistant Director Kim Joo-hee / Reporter Lee Ji-yoon) analyzes the Santa Fe traffic accident in Gamman-dong, Busan in 2016, in which four members of a family died, from various perspectives, and traces the reason why the vehicle could not be stopped with experts. Let's take a look at the tense workshop between the bereaved family who said there was a car accident and the manufacturer's side that there was no problem with the vehicle.
The first summer excursion that became the last
Last August 2, 2016, Gamman-dong, Busan. Mu-sang Han was heading to Dadaepo Beach to play in the water with his wife, daughter and young grandchildren in the car. A road trip that the whole family went on with excitement. However, when passing near the kite bridge, the vehicle suddenly lost control and began to accelerate rapidly. Driver Han's cry, "Car Wairano!", suddenly echoed inside the car that was bursting with laughter. At that time when all occupants were terrified... The vehicle, which had a frightening speed, drove for 14 seconds and stopped only after crashing into the rear of the trailer parked on the shoulder. A tragic tragedy occurred in which all four members of the family except for the driver, Moo-Sang Han, lost their lives in an accident that occurred in an instant. The terrifying and tense situation the family faced in an out-of-control car was captured in the black box of the accident vehicle. Just over 100 days after the birth of the second grandson, the first picnic day when all of them went to the sea. What the hell happened to them that day?
"There is no one left. How can we all get together like that at the same time... This is so movie-like, the story. It's so movie-like." (Interviewing with Han Moo-sang's son-in-law Choi Seong-min)
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ssportsnews · 3 years ago
The chemistry that shined from the script reading
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The scene of the script reading where Ahn Hyo-seop and Kim Se-jeong's chemistry shined was released.
SBS's new Monday-Tuesday drama 'Meet the Guys' (directed by Park Seon-ho / Scriptwriter Han Seol-hee / Hong Dong-hee / Produced by Kakao Entertainment / Produced by Cross Pictures), which will be aired for the first time in February, is based on a web novel and webtoon of the same name serialized on Kakao Page, and is based on a face genius, talented CEO. It depicts an office romance full of thrills of an employee who deceived a woman who deceived her and her identity. Expectations are also being raised by the exciting meeting of Ahn Hyo-seop from ‘Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim 2’ and ‘Hong Cheon-gi’ and Kim Se-jeong from ‘Wonderful Rumors’, the popular actors through their previous works.
In the midst of this, major actors such as Ahn Hyo-seop, Kim Se-jeong, Kim Min-gyu, Seol In-ah, Lee Deok-hwa, Kim Kwang-gyu, Jung Young-joo, Kim Hyun-sook, Song Won-seok, and Choi Byung-chan (Victon) attended the script reading for ‘Meet the Guy’ last summer. In addition, director Park Seon-ho, who directed 'Suspicious Partner' and 'Greasy Melo', and writers Han Seol-hee and Hong Hong-hee of the 'Rude Miss Young-ae' series collaborated to create a drama that is enjoyable and enjoyable to watch.
As the full-scale script reading began, the actors instantly immersed themselves in their respective roles, radiating enthusiasm reminiscent of a real film set. Above all, the chemistry of Ahn Hyo-seop and Kim Se-jeong, who met for the first time through 'Meet the Man', attracted attention. Ahn Hyo-seop and Kim Se-jeong amplified the excitement by delightfully portraying the relationship between the male and female protagonists, who met through an unexpected confrontation.
First, Ahn Hyo-seop decomposed into the face genius CEO Kang Tae-mu, and reserved the seat of 'Loco Namsin' that will brighten up 2022. Hyo-seop Ahn showed off his cold-looking side with a harsh atmosphere, but gave a heart-thump with an unexpected twist. Kim Se-jeong perfectly portrayed Shin Ha-ri, who has been transformed into a deadly opponent, a 'buccaneer' by hiding the 'real character' of an ordinary office worker. It made people look forward to the performance of Kim Se-jeong, a new 'roco fairy'. Kang Tae-mu, who goes straight without knowing the identity of the woman he is facing, and Shin Ha-ri, who has to hide his identity. A comical in-house episode from their relationship made the scene burst into laughter. Ahn Hyo-seop and Kim Se-jeong boasted fantastic chemistry even though it was their first time working together.
In addition, Kim Min-gyu and Seol In-ah also predicted an unusual relationship. Kim Min-kyu is Cha Seong-hoon, who grew up like a brother with Ahn Hyo-seop in the play, and Seol In-ah is Kim Se-jeong's best friend and the only daughter of a chaebol family, Jin Young-seo. Ahn Hyo-seop and Kim Se-jeong, another tiki-taka romance line, energized the play.
The feast of characters full of personality that will fill the 'man-to-man match' was also outstanding. In the play, Lee Deok-hwa plays the role of Kang Da-goo, Ahn Hyo-seop's grandfather and K-FRESH president, foreshadowing his active role as a solemn yet affectionate character. At K-FRESH, a food company that will be the main space for ‘meeting within the company,’ various office workers characters will deliver laughter and empathy. Kim Hyun-sook transformed into Kim Se-jeong's boss, Yeo Eui-ju, and showed off a powerful office character with a different color from 'Mr. In the play, Kim Kwang-gyu as Kim Se-jeong's father Shin Jung-hae, Jung Young-joo as her mother Han Mi-mo, and Choi Byung-chan as her younger brother Shin Ha-min, raised expectations for a warm chemistry. In addition, Song Won-seok was disassembled as Lee Min-woo, a handsome chef, and predicted to appear as Kim Se-jeong's boyfriend in the play.
The production team of 'Meet the Guy' said, "It was a script reading that confirmed each other's breathing and synergy. All the actors showed off their charm and presence in the right place, heating up the atmosphere of the scene. ‘Meet the Guy’ is an office romantic comedy that you can watch comfortably and happily. I will come back with a drama that can give viewers a pleasant energy, so please show a lot of interest and anticipation.”
Meanwhile, SBS' new Monday-Tuesday drama 'Meet the Guy' is based on a web novel of the same name serialized on Kakao Page. The original web novels and webtoons gained explosive popularity, reaching 320 million domestic and international readings, raising expectations for their dramatization. ‘Meet the Guy’ will be broadcasted for the first time in February.
먹튀, 먹튀검증, 먹튀검증사이트, 먹튀연구소, 먹튀검증, 먹튀보증, 먹튀보험, 먹튀제보, 먹튀신고, 토토사이트, 카지노사이트, 바카라사이트
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yoonsiyoonmusings · 3 years ago
The production presentation of 'Birth' held on the 11th to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Father Kim Dae-geon
The life and death of St. Kim Dae-geon, the first priest in Korea, is made into a movie. The title is 'Birth'.
The movie 'Birth' is the first work that depicts the process of young Kim Dae-geon's birth as the last name of Kim Dae-gun Andrea and unfortunately martyrdom.
Director Park Heung-sik is in charge of the screenplay and directing, and a large number of talented actors from each generation representing the Korean film industry appear. It stars Yoon Si-yoon, Ahn Sung-ki, Lee Kyung-young, Shin Jeong-geun, Lee Moon-sik, Choi Mu-seong, Cha Cheong-hwa, Kang Mal-geum, Jeong Yu-mi, Lee Howon, Song Ji-yeon, Ha-kyung, Lim Hyeon-soo, and Nam Da-reum.
In order to become a high-quality work that reflects the historical significance of Kim Dae-geon, 'Birth' discovered many new aspects of Father Kim Dae-geon, which had been hidden through thorough data research and research from the pre-production stage. received
Adventure scenes that take up a major part of Kim's life, such as Kim Dae-geon's study in Macao, French Far East Fleet commander Cecil's boarding of the Erigon, the Opium War, pioneering land entry routes through East and West Manchuria, crossing the West Sea of ​​Lake Raphael, and pioneering sea entry routes through Baengnyeong Island It plans to show vividly with live-action and VFX technology. 'Birth' plans to deal in depth with the patience and courage of Kim Dae-geon, a young man who had to create even that hope by himself, in an era when no hope was seen, the devotion that he willingly threw himself into, and the love for God and humans that he showed throughout his life.
In addition, the production presentation of the first feature film 'Birth', which deals with the life and death of Father Kim Dae-geon, will be held on November 11 (Thursday) at 3 pm at the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Sejong S Theater.
While the production was confirmed this year to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Father Kim Dae-geon and he was selected as a UNESCO World Monument, the Korean Catholic Church also promised full support for this film and is planning to participate in the production presentation to strengthen it.
This production presentation will be attended by the production team including writer Hong-shin Kim, investor Chairman Nam Sang-won, producer Gok-ji Park, and director Park Heung-sik, as well as actors Yoon Si-yoon, Ahn Sung-ki, Lee Moon-sik, Jung Yu-mi, Lee Howon, Song Ji-yeon, Ha Kyung, and Lim Hyeon-soo. In addition, Cardinal Su-jeong Yeom, Bishop Lee Yong-hoon of the Catholic Bishops of Korea, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hwang Hee, Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, Blue House Chief of Public Communication Park Soo-hyun, and Nonsan Mayor Hwang Myeong-seon (Chairman of the National Council of Sis, Guns and Su-gu Heads) will also attend.
It is scheduled to be released in 2022, and filming begins in November this year.
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emzeciorrr · 3 years ago
seoul_wave from Brandon Li on Vimeo.
I spent a month in Seoul and saw a city racing to the future. Here's the film I made with the help of the great people I met along the way. Director's commentary: youtu.be/S9kLihqA7jA
Original Music by Steven Richard Davis srdmusic.com/ Additional Music by Artlist https://goo.gl/mYs1Ve
Drone Footage Provided By: Kris Gonciarz - tofu.media Pavel Shin facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002236999448
Special Thanks: 신진규 , 이사님 김경식 [ 금손남친 ] (instagram.com/kyung6film) 김보라 (instagram.com/wanna._b) A-Root Academy, President Mr Ahn Danny Arens (instagram.com/dannyarens) 京欽 KyeongHeum 경흠 (youtube.com/kyeongheum) Ks Du La Boehae 라보혜 (instagram.com/laboehae) Seong Kim (instagram.com/seong_in_seoul) X6-Gaming, Element Mystic, Team Seven (Head Coach Mu Ho Lee, Coach Mr. Koo) Yongrak Choi (instagram.com/insyongrak_choi) Seungjae Han (instagram.com/dontcallmeadog) Minji Song(instagram.com/min_z_zz) Serin Youm(instagram.com/youmss_s) Odi (instagram.com/odiearth) Club Burning Sun 버닝썬 Kobe Lee
I used this camera: amzn.to/2LBuV24 My main lens: amzn.to/2ndcjuQ My gimbal: amzn.to/2MnDVIS The rest of my gear: kit.com/rungunshoot
I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and B&H Photo Video Affiliate program, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com and bhphotovideo.com. Additionally, I participate in other affiliate programs, and sometimes get a commission through purchases made through my links.
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kendinibil · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
Asıl gerçek nedir? Kendine ait olan mahrem midir ? Ya da mahrem olan ,ait olamayacak kadar ikilikten değil midir? Asıl korku nedir, asıl birliktelik nerededir? Sahip olmak mı, ait olmak mı, birlikte sıfır olmak mı ? Sözler, sesler çok mu şey anlatır, Yoksa sessizliğin bağırdığı kadar duyuramaz mı sesini? Kaç kilo çeker bir yalnızlık? Birbirine uyandığı anda iki kişi, Evrenin yaradılışı o an başlamaz mı? Büyük patlamadan kasıt bu değil midir? ... Hani bazı filmler vardır, bazı kitaplar vardır, bazı şarkılar vardır, bazı anlar vardır, durdurup herşeyi hüngür hüngür ağlarsınız... Hiçbir dilde tercümesi yoktur,anlamı yoktur, işte öyle... Maddeyi, vücudu, sesleri ve kelimeleri aşan bir film bu... Başrol oyuncularından birinin sesini hiç duymadığınız diğerinin ise tüm film boyunca sadece bir kez 'seni seviyorum' dediği bir film bu. Ancak öyle çok şey anlatıyorlar ki sessizce , Bu sebepten daha çok kanatıyorlar... Duygu öylesine doyuruyor ki, Sanki kahramanlar bir iki sözcük söyleseler büyü bozuluverecekmiş gibi ... Sessizliğin ustası Kim ki-Duk: “ gösterebileceğin hiçbirşeyi söyletme! “ derken “elzem olan farkına varmaktır “der bir bakıma. Filmi ancak izleyebildim... Ne kadar çok uzatırsam boşuna laf kalabalığı yapmış olurum, sarılıp kalbime uyuyasım var , dilerim izlersiniz, size de dokunursa inceden, o zaman yazın bana hem konuşalım hem ağlaşalım, sevgiler, iyi geceler 🌙⭐️ Yönetmen: Kim Ki-Duk Ülke: Güney Kore, Japonya Tür: Suç – Dram – Romantik Süre:88 dakika Dil:Korece Senaryo: Kim Ki-Duk Müzik: Slvian Görüntü Yönetmeni: Seong-back Jang Yapımcılar: Yong-bae Choi – Kim Ki-Duk – Youngjoo Suh Nam-ı Diğer: 3-Iron – 3-Iron – 3-Iron Firma: Kim Ki-Duk Film – Cineclick Asia Ödüller:7 ödül ve 6 adaylık #kimkiduk #binjip #3iron #natachaatlas #gafsa
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solplparty · 2 years ago
Us, Ourselves, and BTS 'We' Concept Film Full ver. https://youtu.be/0eX9zX7zyio Us, Ourselves, and BTS 'We' Concept Film Full ver. Artist & Creator : BTS Production : Artist Contents Studio (HYBE 360) Contents Creative : Bang Woo Jung Photo-Folio Creative : ​Kim Su Rin Contents Director : ​Jang Jeong In Contents Editor : Kim Hyun Young, Jeong Ji Won, Shin Hye Ri, Min Young Eun Camera : PLAY COMPANY corp. PD : Lee Ha Eun, Kim Seo Yul, Kim Ye Won Video Edit : Lee Ha Eun, Sunu Yun Jun, KIM Ye Lim Art Director : Lee Yun Jin Art Team leader : Kim Ji Hyun Art Team : Yoo Young Sun (st:ART) Flower stylist : Kim Hye Jin (bronzeblue) Visual Communication : Lee Seo Yeoun Hair : Han som (Bit&Boot), Choi Mu Jin Make-up : Kim Da Reum, Seo Yu Ri, Kim Seon Min Stylist : Very Office Artist Management : ​Lee Jung Min, Ahn Da Sol, Park Jun Tae, Lee Seung Byeong, Jeong Dae Seong, Jeong Tae Jin (BIGHIT MUSIC) Connect with BTS: https://ibighit.com/bts http://twitter.com/BTS_bighit http://twitter.com/BTS_twt http://www.facebook.com/bangtan.official https://www.youtube.com/user/BANGTANTV http://instagram.com/BTS.bighitofficial https://channels.vlive.tv/FE619 https://www.tiktok.com/@bts_official_bighit https://weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/94808190 https://www.weibo.com/BTSbighit https://www.weibo.com/BTSmembers http://btsblog.ibighit.com BANGTANTV
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mysageukinbio · 7 years ago
KBS Daeha Dramas (17/32)
Daeha: Literally ‘Great River’ dramas, described as such because of how long events take to happen in the show. Be sure to check out the #daeha tag for more of these!
Tears of the Dragon (November 24th, 1996 ~ May 31st, 1998)
Director: Kim Jae Hyeong, Writer: Lee Hwan Gyeong Episodes: 159, broadcast every Saturday and Sunday
Featuring: Kim Mu Saeng as Lee Seong Gye Yu Dong Geun as Lee Bang Won Choi Myeong Gil as Queen Wongyeong Kim Heung Gi as Jeong Do Jeon Lee Min Woo as Grand Prince Yangnyeong
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sexy-lee-min-woo · 7 years ago
Lee Min Woo Credits
Korean Music Copyright Association
Minwoo (W0512900) (LEE MIN WOO; M) 73 Copyrighted Songs
♥ Shinhwa - Free (Perfect Man, 2002) [FREE - 001000100239] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo
♥ Lee Min Woo - Intro (Un-Touch-Able, 2003) [INTRO - 001001073497] Written by Lee Min Woo, Eric, Kim Do Hyun; Composed by Lee Min Woo; Arranged by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - Punch (Un-Touch-Able, 2003) [PUNCH - 001001072519] Written by Kim Do Hyun; Composed by Lee Min Woo; Arranged by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - Sweet Girl (Un-Touch-Able, 2003) [SWEET GIRL - 001000101262] Written by Kim Do Hyun, Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kim Do Hyun; Arranged by Kim Do Hyun
♥ Shinhwa - U (Brand New, 2004) [U - 001001077291] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by M.A.R.S 1; Arranged by M.A.R.S 1 ♥ Shinhwa - Oh! (Brand New, 2004) [OH! - 001001077294] Written by Lee Min Woo, Sin Hye Sung; Composed by Lee Min Woo; Arranged by Lee Min Woo ♥ Shinhwa - All of My... (Brand New, 2004) [ALL OF MY... - 001001077296] Written by Lee Min Woo, Brian Kim; Composed by Lee Min Woo; Arranged by Lee Min Woo
♥ Jewelry - Superstar (2005) [SUPERSTAR - 001001082208] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Park Keun Tae; Arranged by Park June Ho, Park Sung Jun ♥ Lyn - Sunshine (Feat. Eric) (2005) [SUNSHINE - 001001087747;SUNSHINE - 001001085439] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo; Arranged by Lee Min Woo ♥ Shin Hye Sung ft Tsuyoshi Kusanagi - Sky (Let's Go to the Beach OST, 2005) [HA NEUL (YEONG WEON HAN SA RANG ) - 001001087609] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Hwang Seong Je ♥ Shinhwa - Oh! New Club-mix Ver. (SHINWHA SUMMER STORY 2005) [OH! NEW CLUB-MIX VER - 001001087409] Written by Lee Min Woo, Sin Hye Sung; Composed by Lee Min Woo; Arranged by Kim Do Hyun ♥ Lee Min Woo - Fighter (IInd Winds, 2005) [FIGHTER - 001001088153] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kim Do Hyun; Arranged by Kim Do Hyun ♥ Lee Min Woo - Mirage (IInd Winds, 2005) [SIN GI RU - 001001088154] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - Bump!!! (IInd Winds, 2005) [BUMP - 001001088151] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Tablo of Epik High - Let Me Love You (IInd Winds, 2005) [LET ME LOVE YOU - 001001088156] Written by Lee Min Woo, David Kim; Composed by Ryu Hyoung Sup; Arranged by Ryu Hyoung Sup ♥ Lee Min Woo - Sometimes (IInd Winds, 2005) [SOMETIMES - 001001088149] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Teddy Yoon; Arranged by Teddy Yoon ♥ Lee Min Woo - Battle (Jump! Jump!) (IInd Winds, 2005) [BATTLE - 001001088155] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - L.U.V. (IInd Winds, 2005) [L.U.V - 001001088157] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kim Do Hyun; Arranged by Kim Do Hyun
♥ Shinhwa - Paradise (State of the Art, 2006) [PARADISE - 001001099276; PARADISE(8TH ALBUM STATE OF THE ART - 001001111115] Written by Lee Min Woo, David Kim; Composed by Jang Jun Ho; Arranged by Jang Jun Ho
♥ Kim Dong Wan feat Eric Mun - My Love (2007) [MY LOVE(FEAT.E RIG ) - 001001119589] Written by Eric, Brian Kim; Composed by ; Arranged by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Eric - Showdown (Explore M, 2007) [SHOWDOWN - 001001120180] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Tablo - The 'M' Style (Explore M, 2007) [THE M STYLE - 001001120181] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - Boy Friend (Explore M, 2007) [BOY FRIEND - 001001120182] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Dyna-Mic - Stomp (Explore M, 2007) [STOMP - 001001120183] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - Pretty Woman (Explore M, 2007) [PRETTY WOMAN - 001001120188] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kim Ji Woong; Arranged by Kim Ji Woong ♥ Lee Min Woo - One Last Cry (Explore M, 2007) [ONE LAST CRY - 001001120189] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Jang Jun Ho; Arranged by Jang Jun Ho ♥ Lee Min Woo - L.O.V.E. (Explore M, 2007) [L.O.V.E - 001001120190] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kim Do Hyun ♥ Lee Min Woo - My Child (98/03/24) (Explore M, 2007) [MY CHILD - 001001120191] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - Explore 'M' (Explore M, 2007) [EXPLORE M - 001001124425] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Wonder Girls - Move (feat. Lee Min Woo) (2007) [MOVE - 001001123480] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo; Arranged by Lee Min Woo
♥ Lee Min Woo with C-Luv - Love is Two Beautiful Letters (The Sentimental Reason, 2008) [SA RANG I RAN YE PEUN DU GEUL JA - 001001131347] Written by Lee Min Woo, Kim Tae Wan; Composed by Kim Do Hyun; Arranged by Kim Do Hyun, Noneun Eorini ♥ Lee Min Woo - Back to the Funk — M's Life (The Sentimental Reason, 2008) [BACK TO THE FUNK-M'S LIFE - 001001131349] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by A.K ♥ Shinhwa - Run (Volume 9, 2008) [RUN - 001001134499] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Shinhwa - So In Love (Volume 9, 2008) [SO IN LOVE - 001001134502] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho; Arranged by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho ♥ Shinhwa - Destiny of Love (Volume 9 White Edition, 2008) [HEUN JEOG (DESTINY OF LOVE) - 001001139021] Written by Sin Hye Sung; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ V.O.S - Beautiful Life (2008) [BEAUTIFUL LIFE - 001001136527; BEAUTIFUL LIFE(CONCERT VER.) - 001001136536] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Roz; Arranged by Roz/Lee Sang Ho ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Mighty Mouth - I 'M' U (M Rizing, 2008) [I"M"U - 001001143070] Written by Lee Min Woo, Lee Hyun Do; Composed by Lee Min Woo, Lee Hyun Do; Arranged by Lee Hyun Do, Donnie Jang ♥ Lee Min Woo - Forgive (, ) [YONG SEO HAE - 001001143072] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho; Arranged by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Son Dam-bi - Hot! (M Rizing, 2008) [HOT - 001001143075] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho; Arranged by Lee Min Woo, Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho ♥ Lee Min Woo - Wonderful Life (M Rizing, 2008) [MEOS JIN IN SAING - 001001143077] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. BigTone - Masquerade (M Rizing, 2008) [GA MYEON MU DO HOI - 001001143078] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - Wink Show (M Rizing, 2008) [WING KHEU SYO - 001001143079] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho; Arranged by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Yubin of Wonder Girls - Honey Pickup (M Rizing, 2008) [HONEYKO SI GI - 001001143081] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho; Arranged by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho ♥ Lee Min Woo - Sad Song (M Rizing, 2008) [SAD SONG - 001001143082] Written by Lee Min Woo, Lee Young Jun; Composed by Lee Young Jun
♥ Lee Min Woo - Minnovation (Minnovation, 2009) [MINNOVATION - 007000005263] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - Love Me Ice Cream (Minnovation, 2009) [LOVE ME ICE CREAM - 007000005264] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Jong Suk, C Kim Ryan ♥ Lee Min Woo - Summer Time (Minnovation, 2009) [SUMMER TIME - 007000005265] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Young Jun; Arranged by Lee Young Jun ♥ Lee Min Woo - Masquerade [Outsidaz Club Remix] (Minnovation, 2009) [GA MYEON MU DO HOI (OUTSIDAZ CLUB REMIX) - 007000005267] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - The 'M' Style [BK Remix] (Minnovation, 2009) [THE M STYLE (BK REMIX) - 007000005268] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo
♥ Teen Top - Tell Me Why (2011) [TELL ME WHY - 100000201035] Written by Lee Min Woo, Melody9; Composed by Lee Min Woo, Melody9; Arranged by Lee Min Woo, Melody9
♥ Shinhwa - Venus (The Return, 2012) [VENUS - 100000267181] Written by Lee Min Woo, Andrew Jackson(PRS), Thompson Joshua, Roudette-Muschamp Gandalf Louis; Composed by Andrew Jackson(PRS), Thompson Joshua, Roudette-Muschamp Gandalf Louis ♥ Shinhwa - Red Carpet (The Return, 2012) [RED CARPET - 100000267103] Written by Lee Min Woo, Brian Kim; Composed by Lee Min Woo, Kim Do Hyun ♥ Shinhwa - Stay (The Return, 2012) [STAY - 100000267105] Written by Lee Min Woo, Melody9; Composed by Lee Min Woo, Melody9 ♥ Shinhwa - Be My Love (The Return, 2012) [BE MY LOVE - 100000267110] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Seo Jae Ha, Lee Renaud Eugene; Arranged by Lee Renaud Eugene ♥ 4Minute - Femme Fatale (2012) [FEMME FATALE - 100000291358] Written by Lee Min Woo, David Kim; Composed by Kim Do Hyun
♥ Shinhwa - That's Right (The Classic, 2013) [GEU RAI - 100000512400] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kim Do Hyun ♥ Shinhwa - New Me (The Classic, 2013) [NEW ME - 100000518434] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lim Kwang Wook, Andrew Choi ♥ Shinhwa - Hurricane (The Classic, 2013) [HURRICANE - 100000515914] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kim Young Hu, Waermoe Samuel Per Harry, Vadadi Robert Zsolt ♥ Shinhwa - I Gave You (The Classic, 2013) [I GAVE YOU - 100000512406] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Melody9
♥ Lee Min Woo - Love Supreme (M+Ten, 2014) [LOVE SUPREME - 100000608777] Written by Lee Min Woo, Brian Kim, Johanson Fred, Aberg Ingemar Rune Lennart, Olsson Stefan Douglas Hay, Adams Ben; Composed by Johansson Fredrik, Aberg Ingemar Rune Lennart, Olsson Stefan Douglas Hay, Adams Ben ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Eric - Taxi (M+Ten, 2014) [TAXI - 100000609563] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kim Ryan, Chris Golightly, Lee Anthony Jongsuk ♥ Lee Min Woo - Kiss It Away (M+Ten, 2014) [KISS IT AWAY - 100000614549] Written by Lee Min Woo, Brian Kim; Composed by Cantrall Alexander V, Hoeppner Jeffrey Scott, Audino Nicholas Valentino, Hughes Lewis Beresford, Dylan Solomon
♥ Shinhwa - Alright (We, 2015) [ALRIGHT - 100000850686] Written by Lee Min Woo, Gray, Casper, Chase Vincent Malone; Composed by Gray, Casper, Chase Vincent Malone ♥ Shinhwa - Give It 2 Me (We, 2015) [GIVE IT 2 ME - 100000845676] Written by Lee Min Woo, David Kim; Composed by Kim Do Hyun ♥ Shinhwa - I'm in Love (We, 2015) [I'M IN LOVE - 100000845678] Written by Lee Min Woo, Kim Tae Wan, David Kim, Won Young Heon, Dong Ne Hyeong; Composed by Kim Tae Wan, Won Young Heon, Dong Ne Hyeong ♥ Yeo Eun & Sophia Pae - Superstar (Jewelry cover) (King of Masked Singer, 2015) [SUPER STAR - 100001131067] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Park Keun Tae; Arranged by Phat Music1, Phat Music2, Phat Music3 ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Geragida - Breathe (, ) [SUM GYEOL (BREATHE) - 100001268358] Written by Lee Min Woo, Kim Do Hyun; Composed by Lee Min Woo, Sammy, Kim Do Hyun; Arranged by Kim Do Hyun
♥ Shinhwa - Like a Star (Unchanging, 2016) [BYEOL - 100001486239] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Yoo Jong Woon, Park Sang Jun ♥ Shinhwa - #Chocolat (Unchanging, 2016) [#CHOCOLAT - 100001486240] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Nicholas Kim, Joo-hyun Kim, Kim Do Hyun
♥ Shinhwa - Tonight (Unchanging, 2017) [TONIGHT - 100001504717] Written by Lee Min Woo, Brian Kim; Composed by Lee Min Woo, Chase, Lim Kwang Wook, Kim Ryan, Lee Anthony Jongsuk, Stone Sam
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