thxnews · 1 year
G7 Meeting Addresses Ukraine Conflict, Security
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G7 Strengthens Commitment to International Peace
High-Level Meeting Addresses Global Threats The G7 Foreign Ministers, representing Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the High Representative of the European Union, convened in New York today to reaffirm their unwavering unity in the face of threats to international peace and security. This crucial gathering emphasized their dedication to fortifying a free and open international order, founded on the principles of the rule of law and upholding the United Nations Charter as the cornerstone of global cooperation.  
A Stand Against Unilateral Actions
Resisting Coercion and Force Worldwide The G7 nations came together to express their strong opposition to any unilateral attempts aimed at altering established territorial statuses through the use of force or coercion, regardless of location. Moreover, they pledged to collaborate closely with all United Nations Member States to reinforce the roles of both the UN Secretary-General and the UN General Assembly. The ministers also reiterated their commitment to the reform of the UN Security Council and pledged their unwavering support for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They underlined their determination to advance all SDGs, promoting peace and prosperity while balancing the social, environmental, and economic aspects of sustainable development.  
Standing Firm Against Russia's Aggression in Ukraine
A Continuing Call for Peace More than a year and a half since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the G7 members remain steadfast in their commitment to support Ukraine. They condemned, in the strongest terms, Russia's war of aggression and its violation of international law, including the UN Charter. The ministers expressed their strong disapproval of the increasing attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, categorizing indiscriminate and deliberate assaults as war crimes. They demanded Russia's immediate, complete, and unconditional withdrawal of troops and military equipment from the internationally recognized territory of Ukraine.  
G7 Pledges Ongoing Support to Ukraine
Aid and Commitment to Security The G7 nations reaffirmed their dedication to providing security, financial, humanitarian, recovery, and reconstruction support to Ukraine. They also declared their intention to collaborate with Ukraine on specific, long-term bilateral security commitments. In addition, the G7 members pledged to assist in repairing and restoring Ukraine's civil and critical infrastructure and aiding its domestic reform efforts, particularly in the realms of anti-corruption, the justice system, and the promotion of the rule of law. They celebrated the participation of 29 countries and institutions in these endeavors and encouraged others to join this vital mission.  
Rejecting Illegitimate Claims and Supporting Peace Efforts
A Call for a Just and Lasting Peace The G7 countries unequivocally rejected Russia's staged "elections" in the illegally occupied territories of Ukraine. Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia oblasts, and Crimea remain integral parts of Ukraine, and the G7 members emphasized that they would never recognize Russia's illegitimate claims over sovereign Ukrainian territory. Furthermore, they reiterated their commitment to supporting concrete efforts for a just and lasting peace in Ukraine, including the development of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Peace Formula in alignment with international law.  
Condemning Russia's Threats and Actions
A Focus on Food Security Russia's prolonged war of aggression against Ukraine has not only resulted in loss of life and immense suffering but has also jeopardized global access to food and energy. The G7 members strongly condemned Russia's unwarranted and escalated attacks on Ukrainian ports and grain infrastructure in the Black Sea and the Danube. They called on Russia to cease endangering global food security and return to the international framework associated with the UN to resume grain exports from Ukraine. In addition, they reiterated their support for Ukraine's right to export grain and foodstuffs through various initiatives, including "the EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes" and its humanitarian maritime corridor. The G7 countries are actively collaborating with nations worldwide to enhance global food and energy security, with a focus on building resilience to withstand future shocks.  
Condemning Russia's Nuclear Threats and Actions
Urgent Concerns Over Nuclear Safety The G7 ministers expressed grave concerns over Russia's irresponsible nuclear rhetoric and its threat to deploy nuclear weapons in Belarus. They made it clear that any use of chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons by Russia would result in severe consequences. The members of the G7 voiced their concern about Russia's seizure and continued militarization of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and called on all nations to support the International Atomic Energy Agency's efforts to enhance nuclear safety and security in Ukraine.  
Commitment to Accountability and Sanctions
Pursuing Justice and Sanctions The G7 members reiterated their commitment to holding those responsible for the conflict accountable, consistent with international law, including by supporting the efforts of international mechanisms, such as the International Criminal Court. They also expressed support for exploring the creation of an internationalized tribunal based in Ukraine's judicial system to prosecute the crime of aggression against Ukraine. The G7 nations pledged to maintain and, where appropriate, expand robust sanctions and other restrictions against Russia. They urged third parties to halt any assistance to Russia's war of aggression or face severe consequences. The G7 countries also reaffirmed their commitment to coordinate efforts to prevent third parties from supplying lethal support, including weapons, to Russia.  
Engagement with China
Navigating Relations with a Global Power The G7 members not only reaffirmed but further stressed the importance of direct engagement with China, as they recognized the compelling need for cooperative efforts in addressing global challenges and common interests. This acknowledgment underscored their readiness to foster constructive and stable relations with China, urging China's active involvement in international forums dealing with various critical issues such as climate change, biodiversity crises, debt sustainability for vulnerable countries, global health, and macroeconomic stability. In addition to these imperatives, the G7 countries emphasized the paramount significance of economic resilience. They called for strategies involving de-risking and diversification where deemed necessary. Moreover, they emphasized the absolute necessity of ensuring a level playing field for their workers and companies in their economic interactions with China. Simultaneously, they urged China to adhere meticulously to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. Conclusively, the G7 members issued a stern call for China to abstain from activities aimed at undermining the security, safety, democratic institutions, and economic prosperity of their communities, thereby emphasizing the shared responsibility for global stability and cooperation.  
A United Stance on the South China Sea
Opposition to Unilateral Actions The G7 members expressed their deep concern regarding the situation in the East and South China Seas. They maintained a strong opposition to any unilateral endeavors aimed at altering the status quo through coercion or the use of force. In addition, they emphasized the universal and unified character of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), highlighting that UNCLOS serves as the overarching framework governing all activities conducted in the world's oceans and seas. Furthermore, the G7 countries reiterated their firm stance that China's expansive maritime claims in the South China Sea lack a legal basis. They unequivocally condemned China's actions, which include the militarization of the region and provocative behavior.  
A Call for Peace and Stability in the Taiwan Strait
Supporting Cross-Strait Resolution The G7 nations underscored the utmost importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait for the well-being of international security and prosperity. Consequently, they advocated for the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues and reiterated their unwavering support for Taiwan's substantial participation in international organizations. In alignment with their commitment to maintaining stability, the G7 members reaffirmed their adherence to their respective One China policies and their resolute stance regarding Taiwan.  
Addressing Human Rights and Regional Issues
Concerns Over Human Rights The G7 members expressed concern about human rights violations in China, particularly in Xinjiang and Tibet. They called on China to uphold its commitments under the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law, which protect rights, freedoms, and a high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong.  
Commitment to a Free and Open Indo-Pacific
Strengthening Regional Relations The G7 members reiterated their commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific region, based on the rule of law, inclusivity, prosperity, and the protection of fundamental freedoms and human rights. They emphasized their support for ASEAN centrality and unity, pledging to enhance cooperation with the ASEAN Member States in line with the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific. The G7 countries also affirmed their partnership with Pacific Island countries, supporting their priorities and needs as outlined in the Pacific Islands Forum's 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent. They underscored their commitment to sustainable, inclusive, resilient, and quality infrastructure in partner countries through the G7 Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII).  
Addressing North Korea's Provocations
A Unified Call for Denuclearization The G7 members strongly condemned North Korea's continued expansion of its unlawful nuclear and ballistic missile programs, as well as its escalation of destabilizing activities. They reaffirmed their unwavering commitment to the denuclearization of North Korea. Additionally, they issued a resounding call for North Korea to take immediate steps towards relinquishing its nuclear weapons, discontinuing existing nuclear programs, and terminating any endeavors related to weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs. This abandonment must occur in a manner that is complete, verifiable, and irreversible, aligning meticulously with all pertinent UN Security Council resolutions.   G7 Russia-North Korea Cooperation Concerns The G7 countries voiced grave concerns regarding Russia-North Korea cooperation, which carries the potential to violate UNSCRs and pose a significant threat to peace and security, not only in the Indo-Pacific region but also on a global scale. They emphasized the urgency of urging all UN Member States to diligently and comprehensively implement the relevant UNSCRs. Furthermore, they called upon UNSC members to uphold and fulfill their commitments in this critical matter. The G7 members also deplored North Korea's systematic human rights violations and called on North Korea to cooperate with the United Nations and comply with its international obligations regarding human rights.  
Concerns in the Sahel Region
Commitment to Peace and Stability The G7 members expressed concern about recent developments in the Sahel region. Furthermore, they strongly condemned the attempted military takeover in Niger and called for the immediate release of President Bazoum, while advocating for a return to constitutional order. Additionally, the G7 countries reaffirmed their unwavering commitment to fostering peace, stability, and good governance in the region. They underscored the pressing need to address the root causes of instability, including terrorism and irregular migration. As the G7 Foreign Ministers' meeting concludes, their unified stance on global challenges and their resolute commitment to international peace and security reverberate on the world stage. This underscores the paramount importance of collaboration in effectively addressing today's complex issues.   Sources: THX News & US Department of State. Read the full article
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White House Asks U.S. Agencies To Detail All China-related Funding
White House Asks U.S. Agencies To Detail All China-related Funding
WASHINGTON: The White House has asked U.S. government agencies for extensive details of any funding that seeks to counter China’s global influence and business practices, or supports Beijing, amid growing tensions between Washington and Beijing.
According to an Aug. 27 White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) document seen by Reuters, the OMB directed U.S. agencies to submit…
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fnewstoday · 5 years
US-China Relations - What's Next In This Wicked Game In 2020?
The agreement between the United States and China on the first phase of the trade transaction was a long-awaited event, but, it was won back, so it provided rather restrained support for quotations. The turnover in US-China relations entailed the trading on the exchanges of mainland China opened with growth in the main indexes. So, the Shanghai Composite - an indicator of the situation on the Shanghai Stock Exchange - at the opening rose 0.18% to 3095.73 points. The main indicator of business activity on the Shenzhen trading platform grew by 0.13% to 10986.65 points. Growth was also observed outside the PRC. In the green zone, the ASX 200 is growing at 0.6% and KOSPI added 0.26%. Economics previously wrote, the United States and China signed an agreement on the first part of a trade deal. Celestial Empire has committed itself to the purchase of American goods for more than $ 200 billion, and a quarter of this volume, as our portal has already noted, is energy. trade-conflict-between-the-US-and-China-slowed-economic-growth
Where will countries continue to compete with each other?
The worldwide tension for economic rule and control is unfolding in the US-China relations, struggling for the Arctic and Indian ocean regions, which could be the next mark in confrontation after the trade war, the South China Morning Post inform. Two years ago, China included the Arctic in its One Belt - One Way trade and infrastructure initiative, which aims to connect the countries of Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa, with a network of ports, roads, airports, pipelines, and other infrastructure projects. In 2018 Celestial Empire released the China’s Arctic Policy, a document that sets out as the One Belt - One Way initiative applies to the Arctic. As it is signed at the document, China intends to stimulate developers to create infrastructure lengthways the Arctic itineraries and motivate its navigation enterprises to conduct test flights throughout the sea. Transport itineraries will widen, so China will contribute to economic and public advancement. The paper emits that China has common interests with other the Arctic states. However, Washington is wary of Beijing’s ambitions and the possibility of turning Chinese trade and science projects into a security risk, SCMP notes. Then, US-China relations do not get better, even after signing trade agreements.
China set its sights on the Arctic
The US opposed China’s status as a subarctic country and accused Russia of aggression in the Arctic China is an important partner of Russia in the development of the Northern Sea Route In May 2019, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo opposed China's status as a subarctic country. He said that China’s recent actions have raised doubts about its intentions. Pompeo told representatives of the Arctic Council that Beijing calls itself a subarctic country. But the shortest distance between China and the Arctic is about 900 nautical Miles. There are only arctic and non-arctic countries. There are no other countries, he said. Pompeo consider that this is part of a well known scheme. Beijing is trying to develop critical infrastructure using Chinese money, Chinese companies and Chinese workers - in some cases, to ensure the continued presence of Chinese security forces," said Pompeo. The offer of US President Donald Trump to buy Greenland in August was perceived by some as related to these concerns. This happened after the Chinese state corporation China Communications Construction withdrew its application for the construction of two airports in the autonomous territory of Denmark, where the US Air Force base is located. Meanwhile, the key to success for China is cooperation with the Arctic countries, said Gao Tianming from Harbin University of Engineering in northeast China. The progress of the economical passage in the Arctic requires large-scale formation and rebuilding of infrastructure lengthwise, the whole itinerary from Iceland and Greenland in the West to Chukotka in the east to. He explained that in such a circumstances, the future building of the passage and China’s stance in the lead depend on the alacrity of the Nordic states and Russia to greet the contribution of China. Meanwhile, Russia welcomed Chinese investment, as Western sanctions have limited access to capital and technology, and the strengthening of diplomatic relations requires a more accommodating attitude towards Beijing’s Arctic aspirations.
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UN warns of trade war threat to global economy
In UN report to the annual meeting of world leaders in Davos, the UN expressed concern that trade tensions could act as a drag on economic growth, with detrimental consequences for sustainable development. The UN said that the trade conflict between the US and China slowed economic growth in 2019 to a minimum in a decade, and it is likely that a re-escalation of the conflict, financial turmoil, or aggravation of geopolitical tensions could undermine recovery this year. Although the first-phase deal significantly reduces tensions, it will not put an end to the trade war between the two largest economies in the world. US duties on Chinese imports worth $ 370 billion are still in force. In addition, the parties are likely to discuss more complex issues, including Chinese subsidies to state-owned companies and industrial policy, in negotiations on a second-phase deal. Although the easing of trade tension should help accelerate global GDP growth to about 2.5% this year from a 10-year low of 2.3% in 2019, the likelihood of a relapse is high, the UN warned. Failure to keep risks under control will mean that GDP growth in 2020 will slow to about 1.8%, which will have negative consequences for government efforts to achieve sustainable development goals. Antoniu Guterres, UN Secretary General said, that these risks can cause serious and long-term damage to development prospects. They also threaten to stimulate the further rise of policies focused on domestic needs, at a time when global cooperation is paramount. According to UN forecasts, US GDP growth will slow down from 2.2% in 2019 to 1.7% in 2020. A decrease in business confidence after a long trade conflict in US-China relations , as well as a weakening effect of tax cuts, will slow down the growth of the world's largest economy. The growth of China's economy, the second largest in the world, is expected to slow to about 6% this year compared to 6.1% in 2019. Economic growth in the EU is projected to remain relatively weak compared to previous years amid declining manufacturing output. GDP growth is expected to accelerate slightly from 1.4% in 2019 to 1.6% in 2020. Read the full article
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briefworldnews-blog · 6 years
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Should we be taking better notice of events in Asia and Russia? . With smiles and firm handshakes, North Korea and China showed that despite recent tensions, Pyongyang still has a powerful backer and Beijing will not be sidelined in discussions about the fate of its unpredictable neighbor. A key objective for Beijing is to reassert its relevance to the upcoming talks with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Donald Trump in the coming week. China has appeared increasingly shut out as its relations with the North deteriorated and Pyongyang reached out to Seoul and Washington. . What do you think? Comment bellow👇🏻 . ❣️Like for more news❣️ 🔻#briefnews 🔻 . . Follow @briefworldnews . Follow @briefworldnews . Follow @briefworldnews . Follow @briefworldnews . . Check our 🆕 Stories 👤 @briefworldnews👈🏻 --------- . Hit that ❤️ and like the work we do #briefnews 🔻Explore More🔻 . . . #realnews #realnewsgang #trendingnews #breakingnews #newsheadlines #todaynews #northkorea #chinarelations #internationalrelations #internationalnews #chinanorthkorea #southkorea #todaysnews #abc7news #cnnnews #cbcnews #60secclub #foxnews #1dnews . . Photo: AFP 🌐BriefWorldNews.com @briefworldnew (at Beijing, China)
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biedexcom · 4 years
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U.S. to announce charges in China-related computer intrusion campaigns, DOJ says#politics#announce #campaigns #charges #chinarelated #computer #doj #intrusion
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nbntv-blog · 6 years
U.S. officials to announce China-related enforcement on Monday
U.S. officials to announce China-related enforcement on Monday
FILE PHOTO: Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker speaks to state and local law enforcement on efforts to combat violent crime and the opioid crisis in Des Moines, Iowa, U.S., November 14, 2018. REUTERS/Scott Morgan/File Photo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen…
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recetasaludables · 5 years
O progresso chegou, trem que constrói os trilhos
O progresso chegou, trem que constrói os trilhos
#dietas, #ejercicios, #dietasnaturales, #ejerciciosencasa, #recetasaludables,
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Progresso #NovoBrasil Dê Like | Inscreva-se ☑ | Comente | Ative o sininho Não se esqueça de se inscrever no canal https://YouTube.com/chinarelliti … [adrotate banner=”14″] [irp]
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thxnews · 4 months
Austin Highlights China Military Communication
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At the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stressed the significance of U.S.-China military communication, regional security, and strong alliances. Austin’s remarks addressed the importance of preventing miscalculations, ensuring freedom of navigation, and reaffirming U.S. commitments to Indo-Pacific allies.   Dialogue with China Maintaining open lines of communication between the U.S. and China is critical to avoiding misunderstandings and miscalculations. Secretary Austin emphasized the need for direct military-to-military communication to prevent unintended conflicts. Highlighting plans to resume telephone conversations between theater commanders and establish a crisis-communications working group by the end of the year, Austin underscored the importance of transparency and dialogue. Recent Chinese military activity around the Taiwan Strait has raised concerns. Austin reiterated the U.S.'s adherence to its one China policy, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the Three Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances. The U.S. does not support Taiwan independence but maintains a vested interest in peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.  
Key Points in U.S.-China Relations
- Open Military Communication: Direct communication channels to prevent conflicts. - One China Policy: Commitment to Taiwan Relations Act and peace in the Taiwan Strait. - Regional Security: Addressing Chinese military activity and ensuring stability.  
South China Sea and Regional Security
In the South China Sea, the U.S. remains committed to conducting operations in accordance with international law, ensuring freedom of navigation. Austin criticized China's increasing provocative and destabilizing military actions near Taiwan. These activities threaten regional stability and violate international norms. Austin also addressed Russia’s war in Ukraine, highlighting China's support for Russia's defense industry. Additionally, he expressed concerns over North Korea's provocations, including recent missile launches and support for Russia's aggression in Ukraine.   Avoiding Conflict with China While tensions between the U.S. and China are rising, Austin stated that war with China is "neither imminent nor unavoidable." He emphasized the importance of dialogue to manage tensions and prevent conflicts. Austin assured that the U.S. would continue to protect the rights and access of its allies to exclusive economic zones in the East and South China Seas, in accordance with international law. Austin called for China to refrain from further destabilizing actions toward Taiwan and to engage in constructive dialogue. He reiterated the U.S. commitment to defending its interests and allies while avoiding unnecessary escalation.   U.S. Alliances and Partnerships Secretary Austin reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to its alliances and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region. He praised Philippine President Marcos for upholding sovereign rights under international law in potential confrontations with China in the South China Sea. Austin reassured that the U.S. stands by the Philippines as a treaty ally. Regarding Singapore, Austin highlighted its status as a "major security cooperation partner" and valued defense partner of the U.S. He commended Singapore's regional leadership and principled stance in supporting a rules-based order. Austin emphasized that the U.S. National Defense Strategy prioritizes collaboration with allies and partners to deter potential Chinese military aggression against Taiwan.  
Cooperation in Critical and Emerging Technologies
The U.S.-Singapore Critical and Emerging Technology Dialogue spotlighted several key areas of cooperation: Technology Area Collaborative Efforts Artificial Intelligence Launch of a joint AI governance group for safe innovation Quantum Computing Development of post-quantum cryptography methods and standards Biotechnology Advancing research in gene therapies and delivery systems Critical Infrastructure Promoting climate-resilient infrastructure and secure supply chains Digital Economy Developing a roadmap for digital economic cooperation Defense Innovation New MOU on defense innovation between the U.S. and Singapore   In his opening remarks, Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong emphasized the importance of fostering open, accessible, and secure tech ecosystems to leverage emerging technologies for solving global challenges. The dialogue aims to enhance bilateral cooperation across these key areas, strengthening the technological capabilities of both nations.   Key Points in Regional Security - South China Sea Operations: Commitment to international law and freedom of navigation. - Support for Allies: Reaffirming U.S. commitments to the Philippines and Singapore. - Technology Cooperation: Advancing AI, quantum computing, and biotechnology with Singapore.   Final Thoughts and Summary of U.S. Strategy Secretary Austin's remarks at the Shangri-La Dialogue highlighted the U.S. commitment to regional security, open communication with China, and support for allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific. By maintaining open lines of communication, ensuring freedom of navigation, and fostering technological cooperation, the U.S. aims to manage tensions and promote stability in the region. - Military Communication: Preventing conflicts through open dialogue with China. - Regional Security: Conducting operations and ensuring freedom of navigation. - Alliance Strengthening: Supporting Indo-Pacific allies and advancing technology cooperation.   Sources: THX News, US Embassy Singapore, ABC News, Broadband Breakfast & US Department of Defense. Read the full article
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thxnews · 9 months
UK Condemns Trial of Jimmy Lai in Hong Kong
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A Critical Perspective on Hong Kong's National Security Law
An Overview of the Case As the trial of British national Jimmy Lai commences in Hong Kong on December 18, the case has drawn significant international attention, especially from the United Kingdom. Lai, 76, has been detained since December 2020, facing charges of foreign collusion under the National Security Law and sedition, in addition to a fraud conviction. His British citizenship adds complexity to the case, as China, recognizing only Chinese nationality for those of Chinese heritage born in China, does not acknowledge his dual nationality.   Background of the National Security Law The National Security Law, imposed by Beijing on June 30, 2020, has been a point of contention, particularly between the UK and China. On July 2, 2020, the UK declared the law's imposition a breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration. Subsequently, on March 13, 2021, the UK acknowledged China's ongoing non-compliance with this declaration. In response, the UK has taken steps such as introducing a new immigration path for British Nationals (Overseas), suspending the extradition treaty and extending its arms embargo on China to include Hong Kong.   UK Foreign Office's Stance David Cameron, the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Secretary, has strongly criticized the National Security Law, labeling it a clear breach of international commitments by China. He expressed grave concerns over the politically motivated prosecution of Lai, underscoring the erosion of rights and freedoms in Hong Kong. Cameron emphasized Lai's role as a journalist and publisher, pointing out the attempts to silence his freedom of expression and association. He urged the Chinese authorities to repeal the law and called for the release of Lai.  
Analysis of the Situation
The trial of Jimmy Lai under the National Security Law highlights several critical issues. Firstly, it underscores the tension between China's legal system and the concept of dual nationality. Additionally, it raises questions about the freedom of the press and expression in Hong Kong. The UK's response reflects broader concerns about China's adherence to international agreements and the future of Hong Kong's autonomy.   Implications for UK-China Relations Consequently, the UK's stance on Lai's trial and the National Security Law could have significant implications for its diplomatic relations with China. Moreover, the UK's steadfast support for Lai and its firm condemnation of the law might lead to heightened tensions between the two nations. As a result, this strain could impact various aspects of their bilateral relationship, including trade and diplomatic exchanges. Furthermore, these developments could serve as a barometer for future interactions and policy decisions between the UK and China.  
Balancing International Relations and Human Rights
The trial of Jimmy Lai represents a delicate balance between international relations and the advocacy for human rights and freedoms. It challenges the global community to address these complex issues while maintaining diplomatic relations. As the trial progresses, it will continue to draw international attention and potentially influence the dynamics of global diplomacy.   Sources: THX News, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office & The Rt Hon Lord Cameron. Read the full article
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thxnews · 1 year
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thxnews · 1 year
Secretary Blinken Holds Constructive Talks with Chinese Foreign Minister in Beijing
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BEIJING — In a significant diplomatic engagement, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken engaged in candid and substantive discussions with People's Republic of China (PRC) State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang today. The high-level meeting emphasized the importance of maintaining open channels of communication to reduce the risk of misperception and miscalculation across a wide range of issues. During the talks, Secretary Blinken raised several pressing concerns while also acknowledging potential areas of cooperation on shared transnational challenges, aligning the interests of the United States and the PRC. Underscoring America's commitment to protecting the interests and values of its citizens, the Secretary reiterated the United States' dedication to collaborating with its allies and partners to advance a vision of a free, open world that upholds the international rules-based order. Both Secretary Blinken and State Councilor Qin recognized the significance of fostering people-to-people exchanges between the United States and China, highlighting the importance of understanding and collaboration. As a testament to the progress made during the meeting, Secretary Blinken extended an invitation to State Councilor Qin to visit Washington for further discussions. The officials agreed to coordinate a reciprocal visit at a mutually suitable time. Secretary Blinken's engagement with PRC officials in Beijing is set to continue on June 19, underlining the ongoing commitment of the United States to maintain an open and productive dialogue with China.   Sources: THX News & US Department of State.  Read the full article
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thxnews · 1 year
New Faces Joining The National Foundation for Australia-China Relations Board
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  Today Penny Wong has announced the appointment of Advisory Board members for the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations. The new Advisory Board brings together distinguished Australians with diverse perspectives and expertise across business, community, education, the arts, academia and national security. The Advisory Board will help guide the Foundation in its work to support governments, businesses, and communities build links and strengthen constructive engagement with China, consistent with our national interest. She is pleased to reappoint Ms Pru Bennett as Chair and make the following Advisory Board appointments: - Mr Rowan Callick OBE, author and journalist - Dr Yin Cao*, curator of Chinese Art, Art Gallery of New South Wales - Ms Wesa Chau, CEO, Cultural Intelligence - Mr Philip Chronican, Chair, National Australia Bank - Dr Courtney Fung*, Associate Professor, Macquarie University - Mr Douglas Gautier AM, CEO and Artistic Director, Adelaide Festival Centre - Ms Marina Go*, Non-Executive Director Transurban, Energy Australia and others - Dr Jade Little*, Chair, Australia-China Youth Dialogue - Professor Sharon Lewin* AO, Director, Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity - Professor Duncan Lewis* AO DSC CSC, former Secretary Department of Defence - Mr Richard McGregor*, Senior Fellow for East Asia, Lowy Institute - Professor Rory Medcalf AM, Head, ANU National Security College - Professor Brian Schmidt AC, Vice Chancellor, Australian National University - Ms Jan Adams AO PSM (ex officio), Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade   Penny Wong thanks outgoing Advisory Board members for their significant contributions and look forward to the Foundation's continued work across communities, business, education, health and science, climate change, culture and the arts. *Denotes a new appointment to the Advisory Board.   Sources: THX News, Minister for Foreign Affairs & Hon Penny Wong. Read the full article
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biedexcom · 4 years
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U.S. to announce charges in China-related computer intrusion campaigns, DOJ says#politics#announce #campaigns #charges #chinarelated #computer #doj #intrusion
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biedexcom · 4 years
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Exclusive: White House asks U.S. agencies to detail all China-related funding#economic_indicators#agencies #asks #chinarelated #detail #exclusive #funding #house #white
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biedexcom · 4 years
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Exclusive: White House asks U.S. agencies to detail all China-related funding#economic_indicators#agencies #asks #chinarelated #detail #exclusive #funding #house #white
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