thxnews · 11 months
G7 Foreign Ministers Unite for Global Peace
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  Official Statement by the G7 Members
We, the G7 Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the High Representative of the European Union, are more united than ever in the pursuit of international peace, security, and prosperity. In this Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, we further enhance our cooperation to collectively respond to recent global and regional issues, building on our commitments by our leaders at the G7 Hiroshima Summit. We remain steadfast in upholding and strengthening the free and open international order based on the rule of law, respecting the United Nations (UN) Charter. We reiterate our strong opposition to any unilateral attempts to change the peacefully established status of territories by force or coercion anywhere in the world. Such attempts undermine the rule of law, which protects all nations, especially the vulnerable, as well as global security and human dignity. We also commit to further building international solidarity beyond the G7 to advance global economic development and address broader global challenges, such as climate change, nuclear disarmament, economic resilience and economic security, and gender equality including the Women, Peace and Security agenda. We remain deeply concerned about foreign interference, information manipulation, and other hostile actions designed to undermine our democracies. We call on all countries to respect their obligations under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. We underscore the need to advance all of the Sustainable Development Goals to promote peace and prosperity for people and the planet, as reflected at the 2023 SDG Summit. We also take note of the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact. Our determination to meet our commitments on these issues is unwavering, and we will continue strengthening them towards the next year under the Italian Presidency.   Situation in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank We unequivocally condemn the terror attacks by Hamas and others across Israel that began on October 7, 2023, as well as ongoing missile attacks against Israel. We emphasize Israel’s right to defend itself and its people, in accordance with international law, as it seeks to prevent a recurrence. We call for the immediate release of all hostages without preconditions. We express our deepest sympathy and condolences to the victims of these attacks and their families, as well as all civilians, Palestinians, Israelis, and others, including our own citizens, who have died or been injured during this conflict. Israelis and Palestinians have an equal right to live in safety, dignity, and peace. We reject antisemitism and Islamophobia in any form in our own societies and anywhere in the world. We stress the need for urgent action to address the deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Gaza. All parties must allow unimpeded humanitarian support for civilians, including food, water, medical care, fuel, shelter, and access for humanitarian workers. We support humanitarian pauses and corridors to facilitate urgently needed assistance, civilian movement, and the release of hostages. Foreign nationals must also be allowed to continue to depart. We underscore the importance of protecting civilians and compliance with international law, in particular international humanitarian law. Since October 7, the G7 members have pledged an additional $500 million for the Palestinian people, including through the UN agencies and other humanitarian actors. We urge countries around the world to join us in this effort. We welcome the November 9 international conference in Paris on humanitarian issues. The rise in extremist settler violence committed against Palestinians is unacceptable, undermines security in the West Bank, and threatens prospects for a lasting peace. The G7 members, along with partners in the region, are working intensively to prevent the conflict from escalating further and spreading more widely. We are also working together, including by imposing sanctions or other measures, to deny Hamas the ability to raise and use funds to carry out atrocities. The G7 members are committed to working closely with partners to prepare sustainable long-term solutions for Gaza and a return to a broader peace process in line with the internationally agreed parameters. We underscore that a two-state solution, which envisions Israel and a viable Palestinian state living side by side in peace, security, and mutual recognition, remains the only path to a just, lasting, and secure peace.   Russia’s War of Aggression against Ukraine Our steadfast commitment to supporting Ukraine’s fight for its independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity will never waver. We continue to condemn in the strongest possible terms Russia’s ongoing aggression, and we commit to standing by Ukraine for as long as it takes while increasing economic pressure and imposing robust sanctions and other restrictions against Russia. A just and lasting peace cannot be realized without the immediate, complete, and unconditional withdrawal of Russia’s troops and military equipment from the internationally recognized territory of Ukraine. We continue to support Ukraine in further developing President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Peace Formula. We are increasing our efforts to help Ukraine meet its winter preparedness needs, including by continuing to provide critical energy assistance. Russia’s irresponsible nuclear rhetoric and its announced deployment of nuclear weapons in Belarus are unacceptable. Any use of chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons by Russia would be met with severe consequences. We deeply regret Russia’s decision to revoke its ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. We strongly support the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) continued presence and unfettered access at all of Ukraine’s civil nuclear sites. We will reinforce our coordination on sanctions to restrict Russia’s access to critical goods and technology. We will take further action to prevent the evasion and circumvention of our measures against Russia. We reiterate our call for third parties to immediately cease providing material support to Russia’s aggression, or face severe costs. In order to reduce the revenues that Russia extracts from its exports, we will accelerate our consultation on energy, metals, and all non-industrial diamonds, including those mined, processed, or produced in Russia. Russia must cease its aggression and must bear the legal consequences of all its internationally wrongful acts, including compensation for the damage caused to Ukraine. We are united in our determination to ensure full accountability. In light of the urgency of disrupting Russia’s attempts to destroy the Ukrainian economy and Russia’s continued failure to abide by its international law obligations, we are exploring all possible avenues to aid Ukraine, consistent with our respective legal systems and international law. We reaffirm that consistent with our respective legal systems, Russia’s sovereign assets in our jurisdictions will remain immobilized until Russia pays for the damage it has caused to Ukraine. We reiterate our commitment to holding those responsible to account consistent with international law, including by supporting the efforts of international mechanisms, such as the International Criminal Court. We recommit to supporting Ukraine’s immediate, medium, and long-term recovery and reconstruction in the face of Russia’s efforts to inflict immense suffering on the people of Ukraine. We are also working to involve our private sectors in the sustainable economic recovery of Ukraine. We welcome and underscore the significance of Ukraine itself continuing to implement domestic reform efforts, especially in the fields of anti-corruption, justice system reform, decentralization, and promotion of the rule of law, in line with the European path that Ukraine has embraced together with other partners, including Moldova, Georgia, as well as countries in the Western Balkans. We will continue to support the efforts of the Ukrainian government and people in these endeavors. We will each advance, in close coordination, our work with Ukraine on specific, bilateral, long-term security commitments and arrangements in line with the G7 Leaders’ Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine, which now has 31 signatories. We reaffirm our commitment to address the growing needs of vulnerable countries and populations impacted by Russia’s aggression. Russia’s weaponization of food has compounded economic vulnerabilities, exacerbated already dire humanitarian crises, and escalated global food insecurity and malnutrition worldwide. We deplore Russia’s systematic targeting of Ukrainian Black Sea Ports and civilian infrastructure and welcome steps by Ukraine to strengthen export routes free of Russian control. We continue to support fully the export of Ukrainian agriproducts, including through the EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes, Danube ports, and its humanitarian maritime corridor. We reaffirm our aim to limit Russia’s energy revenues and future extractive capabilities, building on the measures we have taken so far. We continue to reduce our reliance on Russian energy so that Russia is no longer able to weaponize its energy resources against us. We commit to working with nations around the world to enhance global food and energy security.   Indo-Pacific and the Region Together with regional partners, including ASEAN and its Member States, South Asian countries as well as the Pacific Island countries, we will continue our endeavors towards a free and open Indo-Pacific, which is inclusive, prosperous, secure, and based on the rule of law, and that protects shared principles. We reaffirm our unwavering support for ASEAN centrality and unity. We continue to promote cooperation in line with the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific and the Pacific Islands Forum’s 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent respectively. We reiterate our commitment to support sustainable, inclusive, resilient, and quality infrastructure in partner countries through the G7 Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment. We welcome Japan’s safe, transparent, and science-based process, including the continued monitoring of the situation, to responsibly manage the discharge of Advanced Liquid Processing System treated water in proactively coordinating with scientists and partners, particularly across the Indo-Pacific region, as well as with the IAEA. We acknowledge the reported monitoring results after each discharge to date, showing that the concentration of nuclides including tritium in seawater and marine products are far below internationally recognized standards. We strongly condemn North Korea’s continuing build-up of its unlawful weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and ballistic missile programs. We reiterate our call for the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and demand that North Korea abandon its nuclear weapons, existing nuclear programs, and any other WMD and ballistic missile programs in a complete, verifiable, and irreversible manner in accordance with all relevant UN Security Council resolutions (UNSCRs). We call on all UN Member States to fully and effectively implement all relevant UNSCRs and urge UNSC members to follow through on their commitments. In this context, we strongly condemn arms transfers from North Korea to Russia, which directly violate relevant UNSCRs. We urge Russia and North Korea to immediately cease all such activities. We deplore North Korea’s systematic human rights violations and its choice to prioritize its unlawful WMD and ballistic missile programs over the welfare of the people in North Korea. We also urge North Korea to resolve the abductions issue immediately.   China We stand prepared to build constructive and stable relations with China, recognizing the importance of engaging candidly and expressing our concerns directly to China. We act in our national interests. We acknowledge the need to work together with China on global challenges as well as areas of common interest and call on China to engage with us on these issues. Our policy approaches are not designed to harm China nor do we seek to thwart China’s economic progress and development. We are not decoupling or turning inwards. At the same time, we recognize that economic resilience requires de-risking and diversifying. With a view to enabling sustainable economic relations with China, and strengthening the international trading system, we will continue to push for a level playing field for our workers and companies. We will seek to address the challenges posed by China’s non-market policies and practices, which distort the global economy. We will counter malign practices, such as illegitimate technology transfer or data disclosure. We will foster resilience to economic coercion. We also recognize the necessity of protecting certain advanced technologies that could be used to threaten our national security without unduly limiting trade and investment. We call on China to act as a responsible member of the international community. In this regard, we welcome China’s participation in the Ukraine-led peace process. We further call on China not to assist Russia in its war against Ukraine, to press Russia to stop its military aggression, and to support a just and lasting peace in Ukraine. We underscore that China has a responsibility to uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter in its entirety. We remain seriously concerned about the situation in the East and South China Seas, strongly opposing any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion. We reemphasize the universal and unified character of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and reaffirm UNCLOS’s important role in setting out the legal framework that governs all activities in the oceans and the seas. We reiterate that the award rendered by the Arbitral Tribunal on July 12, 2016, is a significant milestone, which is legally binding upon the parties to those proceedings, and a useful basis for peacefully resolving disputes between the parties. We reaffirm the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as indispensable to security and prosperity in the international community and call for the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues. There is no change in the basic position of the G7 members on Taiwan, including stated one China policies. We reiterate our support for Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations, including the World Health Assembly and WHO technical meetings. We also remain concerned about the human rights situation in China, including in Xinjiang and Tibet. We further call on China to uphold its commitments under the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law, which enshrine rights and freedoms and a high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong. We call on China to act in accordance with its obligations under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and not to conduct interference activities, aimed at undermining the security and safety of our communities, the integrity of our democratic institutions, and our economic prosperity.   Central Asia and South Caucasus We remain resolved to support the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Central Asian countries. We welcome the intensification of regional cooperation and people-to-people links, which can boost the creation of more business opportunities and innovations. We renew our determination to strengthen cooperation with Central Asian countries to address regional challenges, including the global consequences of Russia’s war of aggression, and the destabilizing effect of the situation in Afghanistan, including the human rights violations by the Taliban, terrorism, water security, and climate change. Against the backdrop of growing geopolitical risk, the diversification and expansion of trade routes in Central Asian countries not only bring economic growth to the region but also have the potential to improve global supply chains, including energy security. In this regard, we recommit to fostering trade and energy links, sustainable connectivity, and transportation, including the Middle Corridor, and associated projects to enhance regional resilience. We also recommit to supporting socio-economic and political reform efforts in Central Asian countries. We are gravely concerned over the humanitarian consequences of the displacement of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh after the military operation conducted by Azerbaijan. We urge Azerbaijan to fully comply with its obligations under international humanitarian law and welcome international efforts to address urgent humanitarian needs for those who have been displaced. We underline our support for advancing a sustainable and lasting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan based on the principles of non-use of force, respect for sovereignty, the inviolability of borders, and territorial integrity.   Iran We call on Iran to refrain from providing support for Hamas and taking further actions that destabilize the Middle East, including support for Lebanese Hezbollah and other non-state actors, and to use its influence with those groups to de-escalate regional tensions. We remain determined that Iran must never develop a nuclear weapon and reiterate that Iran must cease its unabated escalation of its nuclear program, which has no credible civilian justification and brings it dangerously close to actual weapon-related activities. We call on Iran to fulfill its legal obligations and political commitments regarding nuclear non-proliferation with prompt action, including full and unconditional cooperation with the IAEA. We urge Iran to reverse the de-designations of the IAEA inspectors, which affects in a severe way the Agency’s ability to conduct effectively its inspections in Iran. A diplomatic solution remains the best way to resolve international concerns. We express our grave concern regarding Iran’s other destabilizing activities, such as the development of ballistic missile programs, including under the guise of space launch vehicles, transfer of missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and related technologies to state and non-state actors, as well as training and funding of non-state actors. Iran must stop supporting Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. Furthermore, we emphasize the importance of ensuring maritime security in the wider Gulf region’s waterways and call on Iran not to interfere with the lawful exercise of navigational rights and freedoms by all vessels. We also express deep concern over the deteriorating human rights situation in Iran, including for women, girls, and minority groups, and condemn the targeting of individuals outside of Iran, including journalists and dissidents.   Africa We remain steadfast in our commitment to deepening partnerships with African countries and regional and continental organizations. We welcome the African Union (AU) as a permanent member of the G20 as reflected in the G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration. We will continue to support stronger African representation in other international fora, including the UNSC. We welcome the role of the AU and Regional Economic Communities and Mechanisms in promoting Agenda 2063 and mediating disputes and conflict. Read the full article
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thxnews · 1 year
G7 Meeting Addresses Ukraine Conflict, Security
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G7 Strengthens Commitment to International Peace
High-Level Meeting Addresses Global Threats The G7 Foreign Ministers, representing Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the High Representative of the European Union, convened in New York today to reaffirm their unwavering unity in the face of threats to international peace and security. This crucial gathering emphasized their dedication to fortifying a free and open international order, founded on the principles of the rule of law and upholding the United Nations Charter as the cornerstone of global cooperation.  
A Stand Against Unilateral Actions
Resisting Coercion and Force Worldwide The G7 nations came together to express their strong opposition to any unilateral attempts aimed at altering established territorial statuses through the use of force or coercion, regardless of location. Moreover, they pledged to collaborate closely with all United Nations Member States to reinforce the roles of both the UN Secretary-General and the UN General Assembly. The ministers also reiterated their commitment to the reform of the UN Security Council and pledged their unwavering support for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They underlined their determination to advance all SDGs, promoting peace and prosperity while balancing the social, environmental, and economic aspects of sustainable development.  
Standing Firm Against Russia's Aggression in Ukraine
A Continuing Call for Peace More than a year and a half since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the G7 members remain steadfast in their commitment to support Ukraine. They condemned, in the strongest terms, Russia's war of aggression and its violation of international law, including the UN Charter. The ministers expressed their strong disapproval of the increasing attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, categorizing indiscriminate and deliberate assaults as war crimes. They demanded Russia's immediate, complete, and unconditional withdrawal of troops and military equipment from the internationally recognized territory of Ukraine.  
G7 Pledges Ongoing Support to Ukraine
Aid and Commitment to Security The G7 nations reaffirmed their dedication to providing security, financial, humanitarian, recovery, and reconstruction support to Ukraine. They also declared their intention to collaborate with Ukraine on specific, long-term bilateral security commitments. In addition, the G7 members pledged to assist in repairing and restoring Ukraine's civil and critical infrastructure and aiding its domestic reform efforts, particularly in the realms of anti-corruption, the justice system, and the promotion of the rule of law. They celebrated the participation of 29 countries and institutions in these endeavors and encouraged others to join this vital mission.  
Rejecting Illegitimate Claims and Supporting Peace Efforts
A Call for a Just and Lasting Peace The G7 countries unequivocally rejected Russia's staged "elections" in the illegally occupied territories of Ukraine. Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia oblasts, and Crimea remain integral parts of Ukraine, and the G7 members emphasized that they would never recognize Russia's illegitimate claims over sovereign Ukrainian territory. Furthermore, they reiterated their commitment to supporting concrete efforts for a just and lasting peace in Ukraine, including the development of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Peace Formula in alignment with international law.  
Condemning Russia's Threats and Actions
A Focus on Food Security Russia's prolonged war of aggression against Ukraine has not only resulted in loss of life and immense suffering but has also jeopardized global access to food and energy. The G7 members strongly condemned Russia's unwarranted and escalated attacks on Ukrainian ports and grain infrastructure in the Black Sea and the Danube. They called on Russia to cease endangering global food security and return to the international framework associated with the UN to resume grain exports from Ukraine. In addition, they reiterated their support for Ukraine's right to export grain and foodstuffs through various initiatives, including "the EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes" and its humanitarian maritime corridor. The G7 countries are actively collaborating with nations worldwide to enhance global food and energy security, with a focus on building resilience to withstand future shocks.  
Condemning Russia's Nuclear Threats and Actions
Urgent Concerns Over Nuclear Safety The G7 ministers expressed grave concerns over Russia's irresponsible nuclear rhetoric and its threat to deploy nuclear weapons in Belarus. They made it clear that any use of chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons by Russia would result in severe consequences. The members of the G7 voiced their concern about Russia's seizure and continued militarization of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and called on all nations to support the International Atomic Energy Agency's efforts to enhance nuclear safety and security in Ukraine.  
Commitment to Accountability and Sanctions
Pursuing Justice and Sanctions The G7 members reiterated their commitment to holding those responsible for the conflict accountable, consistent with international law, including by supporting the efforts of international mechanisms, such as the International Criminal Court. They also expressed support for exploring the creation of an internationalized tribunal based in Ukraine's judicial system to prosecute the crime of aggression against Ukraine. The G7 nations pledged to maintain and, where appropriate, expand robust sanctions and other restrictions against Russia. They urged third parties to halt any assistance to Russia's war of aggression or face severe consequences. The G7 countries also reaffirmed their commitment to coordinate efforts to prevent third parties from supplying lethal support, including weapons, to Russia.  
Engagement with China
Navigating Relations with a Global Power The G7 members not only reaffirmed but further stressed the importance of direct engagement with China, as they recognized the compelling need for cooperative efforts in addressing global challenges and common interests. This acknowledgment underscored their readiness to foster constructive and stable relations with China, urging China's active involvement in international forums dealing with various critical issues such as climate change, biodiversity crises, debt sustainability for vulnerable countries, global health, and macroeconomic stability. In addition to these imperatives, the G7 countries emphasized the paramount significance of economic resilience. They called for strategies involving de-risking and diversification where deemed necessary. Moreover, they emphasized the absolute necessity of ensuring a level playing field for their workers and companies in their economic interactions with China. Simultaneously, they urged China to adhere meticulously to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. Conclusively, the G7 members issued a stern call for China to abstain from activities aimed at undermining the security, safety, democratic institutions, and economic prosperity of their communities, thereby emphasizing the shared responsibility for global stability and cooperation.  
A United Stance on the South China Sea
Opposition to Unilateral Actions The G7 members expressed their deep concern regarding the situation in the East and South China Seas. They maintained a strong opposition to any unilateral endeavors aimed at altering the status quo through coercion or the use of force. In addition, they emphasized the universal and unified character of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), highlighting that UNCLOS serves as the overarching framework governing all activities conducted in the world's oceans and seas. Furthermore, the G7 countries reiterated their firm stance that China's expansive maritime claims in the South China Sea lack a legal basis. They unequivocally condemned China's actions, which include the militarization of the region and provocative behavior.  
A Call for Peace and Stability in the Taiwan Strait
Supporting Cross-Strait Resolution The G7 nations underscored the utmost importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait for the well-being of international security and prosperity. Consequently, they advocated for the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues and reiterated their unwavering support for Taiwan's substantial participation in international organizations. In alignment with their commitment to maintaining stability, the G7 members reaffirmed their adherence to their respective One China policies and their resolute stance regarding Taiwan.  
Addressing Human Rights and Regional Issues
Concerns Over Human Rights The G7 members expressed concern about human rights violations in China, particularly in Xinjiang and Tibet. They called on China to uphold its commitments under the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law, which protect rights, freedoms, and a high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong.  
Commitment to a Free and Open Indo-Pacific
Strengthening Regional Relations The G7 members reiterated their commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific region, based on the rule of law, inclusivity, prosperity, and the protection of fundamental freedoms and human rights. They emphasized their support for ASEAN centrality and unity, pledging to enhance cooperation with the ASEAN Member States in line with the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific. The G7 countries also affirmed their partnership with Pacific Island countries, supporting their priorities and needs as outlined in the Pacific Islands Forum's 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent. They underscored their commitment to sustainable, inclusive, resilient, and quality infrastructure in partner countries through the G7 Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII).  
Addressing North Korea's Provocations
A Unified Call for Denuclearization The G7 members strongly condemned North Korea's continued expansion of its unlawful nuclear and ballistic missile programs, as well as its escalation of destabilizing activities. They reaffirmed their unwavering commitment to the denuclearization of North Korea. Additionally, they issued a resounding call for North Korea to take immediate steps towards relinquishing its nuclear weapons, discontinuing existing nuclear programs, and terminating any endeavors related to weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs. This abandonment must occur in a manner that is complete, verifiable, and irreversible, aligning meticulously with all pertinent UN Security Council resolutions.   G7 Russia-North Korea Cooperation Concerns The G7 countries voiced grave concerns regarding Russia-North Korea cooperation, which carries the potential to violate UNSCRs and pose a significant threat to peace and security, not only in the Indo-Pacific region but also on a global scale. They emphasized the urgency of urging all UN Member States to diligently and comprehensively implement the relevant UNSCRs. Furthermore, they called upon UNSC members to uphold and fulfill their commitments in this critical matter. The G7 members also deplored North Korea's systematic human rights violations and called on North Korea to cooperate with the United Nations and comply with its international obligations regarding human rights.  
Concerns in the Sahel Region
Commitment to Peace and Stability The G7 members expressed concern about recent developments in the Sahel region. Furthermore, they strongly condemned the attempted military takeover in Niger and called for the immediate release of President Bazoum, while advocating for a return to constitutional order. Additionally, the G7 countries reaffirmed their unwavering commitment to fostering peace, stability, and good governance in the region. They underscored the pressing need to address the root causes of instability, including terrorism and irregular migration. As the G7 Foreign Ministers' meeting concludes, their unified stance on global challenges and their resolute commitment to international peace and security reverberate on the world stage. This underscores the paramount importance of collaboration in effectively addressing today's complex issues.   Sources: THX News & US Department of State. Read the full article
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